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Showing posts with label Shell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shell. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Shell Finally sold 35% Participating Interest shares to Pertamina

Shell Deal with Pertamina

    The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif confirmed that the process of transferring Shell's Participating Interest (PI) shares to Pertamina of 35% in the Masela Block will be completed. 

    In fact, according to him, the release price for PI shares offered by Shell is now far below US$ 1 billion, unlike anything previously offered. Previously, Shell extorted the Indonesian government up to US$ 1.4 billion or around Rp. 21 trillion to sell a 35% participating interest to Pertamina.

    According to Arifin, the process of transferring Shell's 35% Participating Interest (PI) shares in the Masela Block will use an acquisition or business-to-business scheme, not through contract termination. 

    There is an option that the Indonesian government can terminate Shell's contract in the Masela Block if the company is still the troublemaker in the process of releasing the 35% Participating Interest (PI) shares.

the Masela Block project

    In the Plan of Development (PoD) document it is stated that if five years since the PoD was signed in 2019 then the Masela Block project has not made significant progress from SHELL, then this jumbo gas block can be returned to Indonesia, and it is proven that SHELL has not done anything for 5 years in the Abadi Masela Oil and Gas block. 

    The acquisition price of 35% SHELL shares is below US$ 1, which is only US$ 500 million or around Rp. 7.5 Trillion.

Inpex Corporation

    Arifin also said that Inpex Corporation from Japan as the operator would also revise the Masela Block development plan (PoD). 

    This is in line with the company's plan to include Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) facilities in the jumbo project.

"Otherwise, there will be less pressure on funding for this fossil energy project to become unattractive, except for renewable energy. 

    In order for this gas to become clean gas, a cost must be included. within Indonesia," said Arifin.

President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati

    Previously, President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said that currently, his party was finalizing the process of transferring the participating interest shares with Shell. 

    However, Nicke could not speak further because he was bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement/NDA or a confidentiality agreement.

       Nicke realizes that currently, the Indonesian people are looking forward to the development of the Masela Block. 

    Therefore, this Indonesian oil and gas company will be committed to immediately developing gas in the jumbo block.

"Of course, the people really hope that this gas giant block can be worked on immediately, so Pertamina's entry into it is our commitment to develop as soon as possible so that the gas in the Masela block can be monetized and generate state revenue and create a national economy," said Nicke.

    The Masela Block is a National Strategic Project (PSN) and is targeted to produce very large gas, namely 1,600 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or the equivalent of 9.5 million tonnes of LNG per year (MTPA) and 150 MMSCFD of pipeline gas, as well as 35,000 barrels oil per day (BOPD).

    Currently, the Masela Block is still being managed by Inpex Masela Ltd Japan which acts as the operator and holds a 65% participating interest, and 35% is owned by Shell which will soon belong to Pertamina.

This project is said to be "giant" because it is estimated to cost up to US$ 19.8 billion. 

    The manager of this block, Inpex, and the new partner, will later build a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) refinery on land, which was initially targeted to be operational in 2027. The latest progress, the operation of this project is estimated to be late to 2029 due to the actions of the SHELL zonk which did nothing for 5 years since the project was signed in 2019.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Minister EMR in Jakarta: sHELL ran away from the Masela Block Irresponsible

    The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif was very angry with the behavior of the British oil company sHELL. As of today, sHELL does not want to release its 35% participating interest (PI) shares in the Masela Block.

    sHELL has declared that it has run away from working on an oil and gas mining project in the Masela Block. With the PI not being released, the project has been stuck to this day and is very detrimental to Indonesia. 

    Even though Inpex Japan is very interested and able to work on this jumbo project.

    The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif was very angry with the behavior of the British oil company, sHELL. The reason is, to this day the company does not want to release its participating interest (PI) in the Masela Block.

    Arifin said that because of Shell's actions, Indonesia felt disadvantaged, because if the oil and gas mining project in the Masela Block was carried out, it would produce gas of 1,600 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or the equivalent of 9.5 million tonnes of LNG per year (MTPA) and pipeline gas of 150 MMSCFD, as well as 35,000 barrels of oil per day.

The Masela Block

    The Masela Block is being worked on by a Japanese company, namely Inpex Corporation as the operator with a 65 percent stake and the remaining 35 percent is held by Shell Upstream Overseas Services. Everything should be handed over to Japan because sHELL is just playing around and not being serious.

    Arifin continued, if by 2024 there is no activity in the Masela Block, then the government will take over the Abadi gas field development project. 

    This is based on the provisions in the Masela Block development plan or Plan of Development (PoD).

    The Masela block is an oil and gas mine located in the Aru Sea and has been explored since 1998. This project requires a very large capital expenditure (capex), estimated at US$ 20 billion. So it will be difficult if a single investor develops this block without a shareholder partner.

    The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said PT Pertamina (Persero) had now agreed to form a consortium to run the oil and gas project to replace sHELL.


    The Masela Block has been finalized with Petronas. So SKK Migas has discussed the deal with Petronas, if the price is right, give it immediately, this year it can be done," said Luhut.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Luhut also explained that there were no problems with the process of purchasing Shell's participating interest (PI), it's just that the price bidding process at the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) took a long time because Shell tried to extort Indonesia.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The government wants to accelerate the Masela Gas Project

    Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia summoned SKK Migas and Inpex Corporation in a closed Working Committee Meeting, Monday (December 12). One of the points discussed at the meeting was the acceleration of the Abadi Masela project.

the Abadi Masela project

    When met at the DPR Building, Inpex's management was reluctant to comment on the discussions at the meeting. The Council also cannot provide an overview regarding the preparations for the Masela project in the near term.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Deputy for Development Exploration and Management of the SKK Migas Work Area, Benny Lubiantara, gave a brief description. One of the discussions discussed in the Working Committee is how to speed up the Masela project so that it starts immediately.

"The head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said that this project is taking place in parallel, so there is no waiting for more, so activities will begin immediately in early 2023," said Benny Lubiantara.


    While waiting for Shell replacement, which is processing the sale of its 35% participating interest, Benny explained, a number of other activities in the Masela Block are still taking place in parallel. One of them includes Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies in the Plan of Development (PoD) plan.

"The study already exists, it must go forward," said Benny Lubiantara.

    Regarding the value of Shell's Participating Interest (PI) that is being bid by Pertamina, Benny could not comment. Benny said the PI valuation was based on a business-to-business (B2B) process between Shell and Pertamina.

    Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto hopes that in December 2022 the revision of the PoD which already includes the implementation of CCS/CCUS will be entered soon.

"Based on the results of a study regarding the CCS/CCUS facility that will be implemented in the Abadi Masela Block, it requires an investment of US$ 1.2 billion to US$ 1.3 billion," said Benny.

    Not long ago, BUMN/State-Owned Enterprise Deputy Minister Pahala Nugraha Mansury said that the due diligence process for Pertamina's takeover of Shell's 35% participating interest in the Masela Block could be completed in the first quarter of 2023. According to Nugraha Mansury, the due diligence process will be followed by the submission of a binding offer by Pertamina to be evaluated by Shell.

Kontan, Page-12, Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Petronas Interested in Working on the Masela Block

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) stated that a Malaysian oil and gas company, Petronas, expressed interest in working on the Masela Block, replacing Shell, which had left the largest gas project in Indonesia.


    Petronas is also interested in entering into cooperation with Pertamina in terms of replacing Shell if possible. This is the latest development regarding Shell," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto in a hearing with Commission VII.

The Masela Block

    Apart from Petronas, previously there were two companies that were known to be interested in replacing Shell in acquiring a 35% stake in the Masela Block, namely Pertamina and ExxonMobil. Dwi said Pertamina had opened the Masela Block data room this November. It is hoped that Pertamina can submit a Non-Binding Offer to Shell.


    The government is targeting that discussions on the acquisition of Shell's participating interest (PI) in the Masela Block by Pertamina can be completed this year. One of the main conditions for reaching an agreement is the certainty of PI's acquisition value. According to Dwi, Pertamina must find an agreement with Shell to get into the Masela project.


    According to Dwi, Shell already has a minimum value base that must be prepared by Pertamina. This value is the total funds that have been spent by the company while being Inpex's partner in Masela.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"Pertamina is negotiating with Shell. SKK Migas monitors and provides direction so that Shell sells at moderate prices. To keep the project going. We wrote to Shell to support the divestment. Around US$1.4 billion has been spent by Shell," Dwi said.

Inpex Corporation

    Meanwhile, for Pertamina, there is ExxonMobil which was also offered by Inpex to conduct the study. SKK Migas said Dwi hopes that there will be opportunities for cooperation between Pertamina and ExxonMobil to open again, instead of the scent of competition. However, it all comes back to the management of each company whether to continue the collaboration as it has been in the Cepu block.

"If all this time ExxonMobil is also conducting studies, it could be a potential collaboration with Pertamina. But we'll see now that each study has its results, whether we want to continue or not," said Dwi.

IDD Project

    Meanwhile, Dwi also stated that the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project is expected to start running in early 2023, due to the certainty that the replacement operator for PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia will be completed by the end of this year.


“Chevron has decided to leave the IDD project. Now there is a potential replacement. IDD could run next year," said Dwi.

    According to information, an Italian oil and gas company, ENI, is rumored to be controlling 62% of Chevron Pacific Indonesia's (CPI) participating interest in the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Gas Project. The IDD project has the potential to produce up to 844 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd) and 27,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD). The plan is for the project to be targeted onstream in the fourth quarter of 2027.

Investor Daily, Page-4, Thursday, Nov 17, 2022

Petronas Becomes Pertamina's New Competitor in the Masela Block

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said that a new competitor in the takeover of Shell Upstream Overseas Ltd.'s 35% stake has decided to leave the Masela Block.

    The presence of Petronas has increased the number of potential investors in the Masela Block. Because, previously, Pertamina-INA-Medco and ExxonMobil were reportedly interested in taking over Shell shares. Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman revealed that Petronas has just expressed its interest in replacing Shell in the Masela Block.

the Masela Block

"After someone made an offer, Petronas was interested in joining, but we are currently studying it. We will discuss this," said Fatar.

    Currently, Petronas is only waiting for the government's commitment. However, SKK Migas cannot confirm whether Petronas will enter with partners or alone. What is certain, "Petronas has expressed its interest in investing in this LNG project with a capacity of 9.5 million tons per year," said Fajar.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    SKK Migas previously targeted Pertamina to submit an offer to Shell for the acquisition of a 35% stake in the Masela Block this November.

    Until now, the filing of this interest has not been carried out. Pertamina's consortium is currently still being evaluated with various options.

    Potential replacement investors for Shell in the Masela Block must invest around US$ 1.4 billion if they are interested in taking over shell shares. The amount of this investment does not include the funding requirement of US$ 6.3 billion for the first five years of development as capital expenditure.

    In addition, with the addition of the Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) project to the Masela project, there is a potential for additional investment of around US$ 1.2 billion to US$ 1.4 billion.

    Fatar emphasized that learning from Shell's release in the Masela Project, SKK Migas is prepared to strengthen the existing provisions in the future oil and gas block Plan of Development (PoD).

    Fatar revealed that SKK Migas felt like it had been lied to by Shell leaving the Masela Block. Moreover, "When the POD, we provide incentives, but the conditions are poor. For example, until the commercial production is not allowed to leave the Masela Block," said Fatar.

    The Masela Block project is the first very large-scale project in Indonesia. This also makes the government happy. But unfortunately in the terms and conditions of the contract, there is no protection for the project so that investors don't just run away.

    So, in the future, SKK Migas is targeting regulations to provide protection so that investors do not leave the project until the commercial production stage. This provision applies to projects that receive incentives. As a result of Shell's escape, the construction and development of the Masela Block was delayed. Moreover, the release of management shares or Shell's participating interest requires approximately 18 months for a 35% stake in the Masela Block.

Kontan, Page-12, Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Ukraine Crisis Turns Into Energy War


    The Ukrainian crisis, which was actually a cooperative relationship between the United States and Russia, turned into an energy war. After being subjected to a barrage of economic sanctions, Russia is now retaliating.

    The Ukrainian crisis that took place with dozens of economic sanctions from Western countries on Russia developed into an "energy war". The United States stops energy imports from Russia. In return, Russia will also retaliate for its energy exports to America and Europe.

    President of the United States (US) Joe Biden in Washington DC, Tuesday (8 March 2022) UTC time or Wednesday (9 March) West Indonesia time, announced the termination of all imports of oil, gas, and coal from Russia to his country. This he called as part of pressure for Russia to stop attacks on Ukraine. Similar moves are being planned by two UK-based oil giants, BP and Shell.

“We banned all imports of Russian oil, gas, and energy. This means Russian oil is no longer welcome at US ports," Biden said.


    The move immediately responded to Russian President Vladimir Putin by banning the export and import of raw materials and a number of other goods. In Moscow, Putin issued a decree banning the export and import of raw materials to ensure the safety and sustainability of the industry in Russia. The policy is temporarily implemented until December 31, 2022.

Government and parliament

    Russia will soon decide on commodities that are on the banned list. Moscow ensures there will be no ban on private consumption. The prohibition only applies to industrial consumption. 

Alexander Novak

    Before the decree was announced, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak announced that Russia had the right to deliver gas to Europe. However, he said the termination would be detrimental to all parties.

    Previously, the Ukrainian crisis had raised oil prices above 100 US dollars per barrel. However, with the announcement from Washington and Moscow, world oil prices skyrocketed. The price of Brent crude oil had reached the price level of 130.38 US dollars per barrel.

    Meanwhile, West Texas Intermediate oil price reached 125.58 US dollars per barrel.

    The increase in oil prices always raises the prices of other global commodities. This is also what is currently happening. For example, nickel and tin are widely owned by Indonesia the price rose more than 4 percent. The metal price increase was also noted in palladium, very important in the semiconductor industry. As much as 40 percent of the world's supply comes from Russia.

Fatih Birol

    Oil prices were discussed at an energy conference in Paris. Executive Director of the Energy Agency (IEA) Fatih Birol said the IEA could release more international sugar oil stocks creating fuel prices. The IEA represents 31 industrialized countries. Russia is not included.

    The Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, said the increase in oil prices would further depress the balance of the national oil and gas trade. This is because Indonesia is an importer of clean oil and national energy consumption for oil and gas reaches 51 percent. 

    In the end, the oil and gas trade balance deficit will get bigger. In fact, additional foreign exchange earnings from rising commodity prices. Komaidi is worried that he will not be able to cover the need for additional foreign exchange to finance oil and gas imports.

    As an illustration, the need for foreign exchange for imports of oil and gas can reach around 49.27 billion US dollars assuming an oil price of 120 US dollars per barrel. The needs consist of imports of oil and fuel products worth 44.04 billion US dollars and LPG imports worth 5.23 billion US dollars.

"With such an illustration, foreign exchange needs for oil and gas imports could reach almost 35 percent of Indonesia's current foreign exchange reserves, which are recorded at around US$ 141 billion," he said.

    In fiscal matters, Komaidi is of the opinion that every increase in the oil price of 1 US dollar per barrel will increase oil and gas revenues in the 2022 State Budget (APBN) by around Rp. 3 trillion. However, when the price of oil increases, it will also increase the need for additional subsidies and compensation for oil and gas in larger amounts.

    Furthermore, he added, rising prices triggered by geopolitical conflicts and wars now confirm that even in a transition era, energy, security of oil and gas supply are major issues that cannot be ignored.

    Separately, the Institute for Essential Service Reform (IESR) Transformation Program Manager, Deon Arinaldo, said that when gas supplies from Russia were hampered, European countries would start thinking about not focusing on energy commodities. Indonesia can make an energy transition. However, the challenge for Indonesia is to attract new and renewable energy investments into the country.

“There are many business/industry players who are willing to invest in renewable energy, they just need how the government can facilitate it. It is time for the energy transition to be seen as a strategy for development and economic growth," he said.

Kompas, Page-1, Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

SKK Migas Expects Onstream Schedule to Match POD

    The Abadi gas field project in the Masela Block is delayed in production in 2030. Meanwhile, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities or SKK Migas still hopes that the onstream schedule will match the development plan.

Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) asked Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell as the operator of the Masela Block to carry out the Masela Block Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) investment in accordance with the approved Plant of Development (PoD). The Masela Block LNG project is agreed to be completed and start production by the end of 2027.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The Deputy of Operations for the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), Julius Wiratno stated that his party continues to push for the project to be completed in accordance with the approved PoD. SKK Migas also said that it had not yet received a revision proposal from Inpex.


"SKK Migas to this day continues to push for implementation according to the approved PoD, for immediate production as soon as possible. We have not received a revision proposal from Inpex at all and we are still fighting for acceleration efforts," said Julius.

    Julius emphasized that the government through SKK Migas is still encouraging Inpex's investment in Masela, this must be realized immediately. Because some preparatory work has been and is being started, such as the approval of the Environmental and Impact Analysis (AMDAL), metocean surveys, and land acquisition.

Takayuki Ueda

    Previously, Inpex CEO, Takayuki Ueda explained, that Inpex is conducting comprehensive size studies such as the introduction of carbon capture, utilization, and storage facilities, known as CCUS.

the Masela Block LNG

    The CCUS installation is intended to make the Masela Block LNG project more environmentally friendly, but the project could be delayed until 2030.

"SKK Migas has asked Inpex to immediately revise the POD, if that is what is desired, for us the planning team, in particular, can immediately conduct a review and evaluation," explained Julius.

    As is known, currently Inpex Masela Ltd and Shell as the operator of the Masela Block are revising the PoD of the oil and gas working area that is included in the National Strategic Project (PSN). The PoD revision relates to the inclusion of CCUS. This is done so that the assets of the Masela Block in this case the Masela LNG can be said to be competitive because it has green energy requirements.

    The majority of Masela Block's participating shares are 65 percent owned by Inpex Masela. The rest is owned by Shell. But Shell has said it will leave the block. However, the plan failed to materialize because there were no investors who wanted to buy Shell shares.

    In addition to the Masela Block, SKK Migas also hopes that the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project located in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, can be completed immediately and start production in the fourth quarter of 2025. The IDD project is a development project for five deep-sea gas fields that are carried out in an integrated manner to meet the gas needs of the domestic market and the Bontang LNG Plant. The IDD project has production reaching 844 MMscfd for natural gas and 27,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

the IDD project Chevron

    In the IDD project, Chevron acts as the operator. The company controls 62% of the participating interest or interest (PI). The rest is controlled by ENI with a 20% stake and Sinopec Group 18%. However, the continuation of this mega project is still uncertain. Because, since 2020, Chevron declares to discontinue the IDD project.


"For this IDD project, the update now is that the operator Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) is still looking for a replacement operator," said Julius.


    On the other hand, the government has targeted oil lifting of 1 million BOPD and gas of 12 BSCFD by 2030. However, this target is impossible to achieve without new large-scale oil and gas projects. Previously, the government through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas together with SKK Migas and cooperation contract contractors [KKKS] had identified the planned production profile of each KKKS and it was known that total oil production would reach 1 million BOPD in 2030.

    The government has also prepared several strategies to increase production, namely routine work programs such as infill drilling/step out in existing fields, and workover/well service. In addition, acceleration of the transformation of resources into production is also carried out, by accelerating new PoDs and pending PODs.

    An energy and oil economist from Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that without a new large-scale oil and gas project the oil lifting target of 1 million bopd would not be possible to achieve.

"To achieve the oil and gas production target of 12 MMscfd and 1 million BOPD, there needs to be a new project on a large scale," said Pri Agung.

    According to him, efforts to increase the production of existing oil and gas fields are not sufficient to achieve the government's ambitious targets.

“If it's EOR, we need EOR on a large-scale oil and gas field. The current EOR has just been done on a small scale. EOR and other efforts can only stop the rate of decline in production in existing fields so that it doesn't decline further," he explained.

    Pri Agung is of the view that this 1 million BOPD is not worthy of being called a target because there is no clarity on the details of the work program. For example, from which field the production target was produced.

    The Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro also said the same thing. According to him, without finding large reserves, the target of 1 million BOPD is just wishful thinking.

"To be able to reach 1 million BOPD, it is calculated that additional production from large-scale oil and gas fields or the majority is generated from large-scale investments made by major International Oil Companies [IOCs]," said Komaidi.

Jambaran Tiung Biru in Central Java

    Currently, Indonesia has four giant oil and gas projects, namely, Jambaran Tiung Biru in Central Java, the Abadi Field in the Masela Block in the Arafura Sea, IDD in the Kutai Basin in East Kalimantan, and Tangguh Train 3 in Papua. Unfortunately, these projects are expected to be completed longer than the target set. The reason is, recently, the foreign oil and gas giant that manages this mega project has stated that it will leave Indonesia.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Pertamina is back in the Fortune Global 500

    PT Pertamina (Persero) re-registered its name as the only Indonesian company to be included in the 2021 Fortune Global 500 list. With a company revenue value of US$ 41.47 billion in the 2020 financial year, Pertamina is in position 287.

"We would like to thank all stakeholders because Pertamina's achievements cannot be separated from the positive support from various parties, both the directors, the board of commissioners and all Pertamina Group employees, as well as shareholders, the government, and the community. This is also an international recognition that Pertamina is equal to other world-class companies," said Pertamina's President Director, Nicke Widyawati.

Nicke Widyawati

    Nicke said, in the challenges of the pandemic since last year, Pertamina faced a triple shock so that it suffered a significant decline in revenue. However, with innovations and business breakthroughs carried out in all business lines and the ongoing organizational transformation, Pertamina was able to increase the company's revenue to US$ 41.47 billion and make a profit of US$ 1.05 billion in 2020. As a BUMN, Pertamina is also consistent. 

    Ensure the supply of energy for the country through various programs, including One Price Fuel, Conversion of Oil to Gas for Fishermen and Farmers, construction of Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution Networks, as well as other downstream infrastructure.

    Through the achievement of Pertamina's operational and financial performance, the total government revenue in 2020 contributed by Pertamina almost reached Rp 200 trillion, namely through tax payments, dividends, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) worth Rp 126.7 trillion, as well as state revenues from oil. The State Shares of Crude and Condensate (MMKBN) from Pertamina's oil and gas blocks amounted to Rp 73.1 trillion.

    With an energy ecosystem that continues from upstream to downstream, Pertamina maintains the survival of 1.2 million direct workers and the multiplier effect on around 20 million workers indirectly. Pertamina's support for the wider community for the recovery of the pandemic also continues to be felt. 

    Starting from the construction of several Covid-19 hospitals, transportation assistance for oxygen distribution, to Pertamina's attention to more than 13,000 MSMEs affected by the pandemic to be able to survive and even upgrade to class.

“The challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic are not light. In addition to strengthening steps to achieve the target market value of US$ 100 billion by 2024, all levels of management and employees remain focused on providing services to the community. We are optimistic that it will continue to grow and continue to provide the widest possible benefits for the community and the country,” said Nicke.

    The Fortune Global 500 ranking is an annual event conducted by Fortune magazine since 1955. The main benchmark is the amount of revenue, including consolidated gross revenue. Other indicators are shareholder equity participation, market capitalization, profits, number of employees, and since 1990 the company's country of origin indicator has also been considered in the Fortune Global 500. Several names of international oil companies are also listed in the 2021 Fortune Global 500 ranking.

    Although financially managed to achieve significant revenues, the company suffered losses. Among them are BP (ranked 18), Royal Dutch Shell (19), ExxonMobil (23), Chevron (75), and Petronas (277). Below Pertamina's ranking, Repsol is in position 381, while from other industries there are Coca-Cola (370), Tesla (392), and Danone (454).

Erick Thohir

Erick: The Form of Hard Work

    Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir considered Pertamina's entry into Fortune's list of the world's 500 largest companies as a form of hard work from all elements of the company.

"I am optimistic that Pertamina's performance can be even better. And the frame for Pertamina is to compete with competitors at the world level. Because Pertamina has all the requirements, both quality and capability, to support it as one of the world's big companies," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

    Erick views the world's recognition of Pertamina's existence as evidence of ongoing organizational reforms. One of the changes that he considered important as implementing the company's core values ​​that we're trustworthy, competent, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative. So far, Pertamina has never lacked qualified resources.

“But resources without the appropriate value will certainly not be in line with performance. We certainly strive together, so that values ​​that uphold good corporate governance can be the basis. With that, I'm sure performance will follow. Because the results will not betray the process," said Erick Thohir.

    He also highlighted Pertamina's performance from a business and non-business perspective in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world. In the midst of a pandemic that affected the slowdown in the business sector, Pertamina was still able to become one of the driving forces of the economy. Not only that, but Pertamina also plays an active role in efforts to recover from the pandemic from a health perspective.

"Not only performance from the business side, in the current pandemic era we can see the central role of Pertamina through several business lines to support public health. Starting from hospitals, hotels which have been converted as places of isolation and rest for health workers, to actively participating in ensuring the availability of oxygen, "said Erick Thohir.

    Erick hopes that all positive performances, both on the business and non-business sides, can continue to be improved. As a business-oriented company as well as providing services to the public, Pertamina should not be satisfied.

“Our benchmark must be high. So it's not enough just to be in the top 500, we can do even better. Our dream is that Pertamina can become the 50 largest companies in the world and our other SOEs will also enter the top 500," said Erick Thohir.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Wednesday, Aug 4, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

To be efficient, the government must help Pertamina

    The government should be able to help PT Pertamina (Persero) to get a contract to purchase crude oil directly from the National oil company/NOC of another country. Direct import contracts are considered more efficient because they can cut the cost of procuring crude oil.

PT Pertamina (Persero)

    The Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, said that purchasing crude oil directly from NOCs of other countries would cut the supply chain of crude oil. This will have an impact on cheaper procurement costs, so it is positive for Pertamina, the government, and the community as consumers of fuel oil (BBM).

the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

    Pertamina's move to buy crude oil directly from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is considered very positive. However, the company needs to be more aggressive in obtaining long-term direct purchase contracts to secure domestic fuel supplies.

“Generally there is state intervention. The agreement will generally be accompanied by bilateral cooperation in the same sector or other sectors," he said.

    Pertamina is not the first time buying Nigerian crude oil. Previously, for the 2017-2020 period, oil imports from Nigeria reached 30% of the company's total imports. This Nigerian oil belongs to the sweet crude category which is in accordance with the company's refinery specifications.

    However, this crude oil is usually marketed in the international market by International Oil Companies (IOCs) with participating interest (PI) in the oil and gas blocks in the country, such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, Total, and BP. Thus, this is the first time Pertamina has conducted a direct purchase contract with NNPC. In obtaining this contract, Pertamina must compete with 500 companies that register.

    According to Komaidi, the state usually helps its national companies to obtain similar agreements. He gave an example, the United States government does not even hesitate to intervene directly to help business entities originating from their country, even though they are not state-owned enterprises.

"Especially if this is Pertamina, which is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN)," he asserted.

    Currently, Pertamina seems to be left to do it alone. Whereas on the other hand, the government assigns and demands a very large tax contribution and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the company. 

    Regarding the crude oil import contract with NNPC, Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Indonesia Refinery Ifki Sukarya said the volume will adjust to the development of refinery supply and demand in the coming year. This purchase contract is one of the efforts to ensure a sufficient supply of crude oil at the refinery.

"The estimated volume of crude oil supply from NNPC is currently around 900,000 barrels per quarter," said Ifki.

    Previously, KPI's Vice President of Feedstock & Inventory Management, Sani Dinar Saifuddin, said that Nigeria is Pertamina's largest source of crude oil imports. Meanwhile, the largest oil import is the type of Arabian Light Crude from Saudi Arabia's national oil company, namely Saudi Aramco.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Friday, July 23, 2021