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Showing posts with label Sinopec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinopec. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2020

SKK Migas Strengthens Coordination


The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) continues to coordinate to ensure the transition to the Rokan Block takes place according to plan.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

"SKK Migas and CPI are currently coordinating to carry out field preparations. If the head of agreement is signed, activities can go ahead, ”said Susana Kurniasih, Plt. Head of SKK Migas Program and Communication Division.

Drilling in the Rokan Block by Chevron is confirmed to be still on schedule, namely November 2020. He said Chevron will use two rigs to drill the Rokan Block. Chevron is said to be able to increase the production of the Rokan Block working area to 5,000 barrels per day (bopd) from drilling 11 wells this year.

the Rokan working area (WK)

As of July 2020, oil production in the Rokan working area (WK) had fallen 170,000 bopd. For this reason, the process of transferring management of the Rokan Block must be smooth without causing the level of decline in production to continue to grow.

Sonita Purnomo

"As with any transition, there are a number of things that are being discussed so far, including options to support the state in optimizing production from this strategic asset," said Chevron's Corporate Communication Sonita Purnomo.

Dwi Soetjipto

Previously, the Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto explained that he was taking care of an environmental audit to transfer the management of the Rokan Block with Chevron. 

    Referring to the production sharing contract for the Rokan Block CA, Chevron does not have the obligation to reserve funds after mining. However, Chevron has committed to providing funds for the Abandonment Site Restoration or contaminated land.

In order for the transition process to run smoothly, PT Pertamina (Persero) was also asked to prepare for post-transition needs in the Rokan Block. Currently, Pertamina is also known to be preparing to procure a rig for drilling the Rokan Block which will be carried out in 2021. 

Fajriyah Usman

    VP Corporate Communication of Pertamina Fajriyah Usman explained, Pertamina has prepared rig procurement considering that Chevron has no more rig contracts since 2018 in the Rokan Block.

"For the Pertamina Hulu Rokan 2021 drilling, the preparation of drilling rigs is currently being processed through new procurement and Pertamina Group synergies," said Fajriyah Usman.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Monday, Sept 21, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WMIP Industrial Estate Supports the Entry of Oil and Gas Investment in Batam

PT Batam Sentralindo (PT BS) as the developer of the Westpoint Maritime Industrial Park (WMIP) industrial area, supports the efforts of the Indonesian government and the Riau Islands Provincial Government (Riau Islands) to make Batam an investment destination in the oil and gas sector. PT BS also opened itself to be able to cooperate with investors who will invest in Batam.

"We have built and developed the WMIP industrial area which has a strategic location in Batam. A portion of the 75-hectare WMIP area has also been leased by Sinopec Group for the construction of an oil depot with a capacity of 2.6 million m3, "said Senior Manager of PT Batam Sentralindo Paulus Khierawan.

Paulus explained the location of the WMIP industrial area is only about 4.8 km from the Straits of Melaka with a sea depth of 23-25 ​​meters. With its strategic location and competitive advantage, this industrial area can accommodate 300,000 DWT VLCC-Very Large Crude Carriers. In Accordance with Industrial Estate Business Licenses (IUKI) owned, the WMIP area can be developed up to 320 hectares.

"There is an area of ​​245 hectares that is being worked on for the expansion area at WMIP that can be used for the construction of oil refineries, downstream sectors such as petrochemicals, and also methanol plants that use feedstock from Natuna natural gas. As developers, we open ourselves to invite the entry of oil and gas investors to Batam which is also a Free Trade Zone and Free Port Zone (FTZ), "explained Paulus.

As one of the leading industrial estates in Batam, WMIP has received the status of Construction Direct Investment (KLIK) from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). 

    This KLIK status also proves that the WMIP area has fulfilled the infrastructure facilities and facilities standards set by BKPM. With the KLIK facility, the project's physical construction can be directly carried out simultaneously with the licensing process through the assistance of industrial estate management.

"As WMIP developers, we are always compliant and obedient to follow the applicable rules and regulations. The administrative order we always carry out is part of a commitment to provide legal certainty for investors who will invest in WMIP, "Paulus said.

Investor Daily,  Page-10, Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

PGN Targeting the International LNG Market Up to 34 Cargoes /Year

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk is developing a commitment to sell liquefied natural gas / LNG on the international market to 34 cargoes per year. Not only selling LNG, but PGN will also work on gas infrastructure projects in other countries.

PGN's Managing Director Gigih Prakoso revealed, with his ability in the field of LNG and gas infrastructure, his side began to develop the international LNG sales business. This is to optimize domestic and international LNG portfolios owned by Pertamina Group and PGN. Based on PGN data, there is at least a market potential of up to 34 cargoes per year that the company will work on.

"Namely Myanmar 9 cargoes per year for 5-7 years starting in 2021, the Philippines 18 cargoes per year for 2023-2043, China 6-7 cargoes per year, and Japan 1-2 cargoes and Europe 1-1 cargoes in 2020," said he was in a meeting with Commission VII of the House of Representatives.


So far, PGN has had a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with Sinopec, an oil and gas company from China, at the end of last year. Under this agreement, PGN will start shipping LNG to China starting this year around 6 cargoes. 

     While with other countries, PGN's Director of Business Strategy and Development Syahrial Muktar added, no binding agreement had been signed. So far, it has only received an initial commitment to supply LNG needs and build infrastructure in certain countries.

"For trading, we have made some initial commitments with several countries. We just talked about volume, about the price of adjusting existing developments, "he explained.

According to him, PGN focused on working on the LNG market in the Asian region, particularly Southeast Asia and South Asia. This is because LNG needs in this region are smaller in scale, both in terms of the volume and capacity of the required gas infrastructure. With the Arun LNG Terminal, he is optimistic that it can meet the needs of this small scale LNG.

"We made our location in Arun for the LNG Hub. Later we will bring [large LNG supplies] there, we transfer them to smaller vessels, then we will carry them for supply, "Syahrial said.

Specifically, in the Philippines, PGN will provide LNG supplies as well as build its infrastructure. Therefore, he projects that the LNG sales contract to the Philippines will be quite long. Originally, sales to the Philippines could begin in 2024 along with the completion of infrastructure development.

"There are stages. This year we have started the FID (final investment decision). We are currently working on the Joint Development Agreement, we cannot share the details, "he said.

Facilities to be worked on include LNG receiving, storing and regasification terminals. While the market potential in Myanmar, Europe, and Japan, PGN said he would only sell LNG. Syahrial added it was eyeing opportunities in Europe to optimize gas production from its oil and gas fields in the United States, namely the Fasken Field.

"For this year, the plan is up to 6 cargoes, some to China and Europe," he said.

However, he admitted that there would be a delay in the shipment of LNG to China following the Corona Virus.

Need support

Gigih added, his party expected the support of the government and the House of Representatives to support the monetization of the domestic gas field and optimize the LNG portfolio. He hopes PGN is supported to play a role in the LNG seller representative to market domestic gas. Then, the company also hopes to be trusted as a bidder for the auction of LNG spots for export destinations run by domestic oil and gas producers.

"Then, we hope to be supported by being able to run the domestic LNG business and international initiation as a global LNG player," he said.

Syahrial added the development of the LNG sales business will not collide with plans to open LNG imports. According to him, LNG imports can be done when prices in the spot market drop significantly so that they can be used to improve the domestic price structure.

"So it is not a long-term import, more to the spot, utilizing cheap external market conditions. But it is still the government that determines it, "he explained.

Cheniere Energy Inc.

Based on Investor Daily's notes, Pertamina had previously signed three LNG import contracts. Pertamina has signed a gas sale and purchases agreement (PJBG) with a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy Inc., Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company, to supply 0.76 million tons of LNG per year starting in 2019 for 20 years.

Pertamina has also contracted with Cheniere Energy with the same volume but started in 2018 with a duration of 20 years. Then, Pertamina has contracted with Woodside with a volume of around 0.6 million tons per year which could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year. Supply of 0.6 million tons per year began to be delivered in 2022-2034 and could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year in 2024-2038.

Finally, the company has ahead of agreement (HoA) with ExxonMobil to supply 1 million tons per year for 20 years starting in 2025. Pertamina has also signed a PJBG with Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd for 1 million tons per year.


PGN Incar Pasar LNG Internasional Hingga 34 Kargo/Tahun

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk tengah mengembangkan komitmen penjualan gas alam cair/LNG di pasar internasional hingga 34 kargo per tahun. Tidak hanya menjual LNG, PGN juga akan mengerjakan proyek infrastruktur gas di negara lain.

Direktur Utama PGN Gigih Prakoso mengungkapkan, dengan kemampunan di bidang LNG dan infrastruktur gas, pihaknya mulai mengembangkan bisnis penjualan LNG internasional. Hal ini untuk mengoptimalisasi portofolio LNG dalam negeri maupun internasional yang dimiliki Pertamina Group dan PGN. Berdasarkan data PGN, setidaknya terdapat potensi pasar hingga 34 kargo per tahun yang akan digarap perusahaan.

“Yakni Myanmar 9 kargo per tahun selama 5-7 tahun mulai 2021, Filipina 18 kargo per tahun untuk 2023-2043, Tiongkok 6-7 kargo per tahun, serta Jepang 1-2 kargo dan Eropa 1-1 kargo di 2020,” kata dia dalam rapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.

Sejauh ini, PGN telah memiliki perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan Sinopec, perusahaan migas asal Tiongkok, pada akhir tahun lalu. Berdasarkan kesepakatan ini, PGN akan mulai mengirimkan LNG ke Tiongkok mulai tahun ini sekitar 6 kargo. Sementara dengan negara lain, Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis PGN Syahrial Muktar menambahkan, belum ada perjanjian mengikat yang ditandatangani. Sejauh ini, pihaknya baru memperoleh komitmen awal untuk memasok kebutuhan LNG dan membangun infrastruktur di negara-negara tertentu.

“Untuk trading-nya, kami sudah ada beberapa komitmen awal dengan beberapa negara. Kami baru bicara volume, soal harga menyesuaikan perkembangan yang ada,” jelasnya.

Menurutnya, PGN fokus menggarap pasar LNG di region Asia, utamanya Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan. Hal ini lantaran kebutuhan LNG di wilayah ini lebih banyak dalam skala kecil, baik volume maupun kapasitas infrastruktur gas yang dibutuhkan. Dengan adanya Terminal LNG Arun, pihaknya optimis bisa memenuhi kebutuhan LNG skala kecil ini.

“Kami jadikan lokasi kami di Arun untuk LNG Hub. Nanti kami bawa [pasokan LNG] besar ke sana, kami pindahkan ke kapal lebih kecil baru kami bawa untuk suplai,” kata Syahrial.

Khusus di Filipina, PGN akan menyediakan pasokan LNG sekaligus membangun inrastrukturnya. Karenanya, pihaknya memproyeksikan kontrak penjualan LNG ke Filipina ini bakal cukup lama. Sedianya, penjualan ke Filipina bisa dimulai pada 2024 bersamaan selesainya pembangunan infrastruktur.

“Ini ada tahapan. Tahun ini sudah mulai FID-nya (final investment decision) kami sedang mengerjakan Joint Development Agreement-nya, belum bisa share detailnya,” ungkapnya.

Fasilitas yang akan dikerjakan meliputi terminal penerimaan, penyimpanan, dan regasifikasi LNG. Sementara potensi pasar di Myanmar, Eropa dan Jepang, PGN disebutnya hanya akan menjual LNG saja. Syahrial menambahkan, pihaknya mengincar peluang di Eropa guna mengoptimalkan produksi gas dari lapangan migasnya di Amerika Serikat, yakni Lapangan Fasken.

“Untuk tahun ini, rencananya sampai dengan 6 kargo, ada yang ke Tiongkok dan Eropa,” tutur dia.

Namun, diakuinya kemungkinan akan ada penundaan pengiriman LNG ke Tiongkok menyusul menyebarkan Virus Korona.

Butuh Dukungan

Gigih menambahkan, pihaknya mengharapkan adanya dukungan pemerintah dan DPR untuk mendukung monetisasi lapangan gas domesik dan melakukan optimalisasi portofolio LNG. Pihaknya berharap PGN didukung untuk berperan dalam LNG seller representantive untuk memasarkan gas domestik. Kemudian, perusahaan juga berharap dipercaya sebagai bidder untuk lelang spot LNG tujuan ekspor yang dijalankan oleh produsen migas dalam negeri.

“Kemudian, kami berharap didukung bisa menjalankan bisnis LNG domestik dan inisiasi internasional sebagai global LNG player,” tutur dia.

Syahrial menambahkan, pengembangan bisnis penjualan LNG tidak akan bertabrakan dengan rencana membuka impor LNG. Menurutnya, impor LNG dapat dilakukan ketika harga di pasar spot turun signifikan, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki struktur harga di dalam negeri.

“Jadi bukan impor jangka panjang, lebih ke spot, memanfaatkan kondisi pasar luar yang murah. Tetapi itu tetap pemerintah yang tentukan,” jelas dia.

Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, Pertamina sebelumnya telah meneken tiga kontrak impor LNG. Pertamina telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan anak usaha Cheniere Energy Inc yakni Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company untuk memasok 0,76 juta ton per tahun LNG mulai 2019 selama 20 tahun. 

Pertamina juga sudah berkontrak dengan Cheniere Energy dengan volume yang sama namun dimulai pada 2018 dengan durasi 20 tahun. Kemudian, Pertamina telah berkontrak dengan Woodside dengan volume sekitar 0,6 juta ton per tahun yang bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun. Pasokan 0,6 juta ton per tahun mulai dikirim 2022-2034 dan bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun pada 2024-2038. 

Terakhir, perseroan memiliki kesepakatan (head of agreement/HoA) dengan ExxonMobil untuk pasokan sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun selama 20 tahun mulai 2025. Pertamina juga telah meneken PJBG dengan Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd sebesar 1 juta ton per tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

Ask Sinopec to Immediately Build Oil Depot, Riau Islands Governor Surati President Jokowi

Acting Governor of Riau Islands (Kepri) Isdianto continues to encourage the development of an oil storage depot (Batam storage) in Batam, Riau Islands to be realized immediately. For this reason, Isdianto also sent a letter to the central government to support the project which has been delayed since 2012. 

the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

    In his letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dated January 7, 2020, Isdianto said that the construction of the oil depot in the Westpoint Maritime Industrial Park area would encourage job creation and have a positive impact on the economy in the Riau Islands Province, particularly in the city of Batam.

"We hope that the construction of the oil depot which has been delayed can be realized soon. The company has also obtained permits in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and is one of the Direct Investment Construction Areas (KLIK) that has been determined by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), "Isdianto said in his letter.

As is known, the construction of this oil depot reaches the US $ 841 million or around Rp. 11.77 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,000 / US $). The owner of the oil depot development project is PT West Point Terminal (WPT), a joint venture company between PT Mas Capital Trust and Sinomart KTS Development Limited.

Sinomart, which controls 95 percent of shares in WPT, is a subsidiary of Sinopec, a Chinese state-owned company. Isdianto hopes with the acceleration of oil depot development in Batam can increase investor confidence in the investment climate in Batam and will attract other global investors. Moreover, Batam is one of the parameters of investment in Indonesia.

"The realization of the construction of an oil depot owned by investors such as Sinopec from China will have a wide impact on the interests of other investors. We ask Sinopec to immediately build an abandoned oil depot since 2012, "Isdianto stressed.

The Riau Islands Governor's letter was also addressed to a number of ministers in the advanced cabinet. Among them is the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Coordinating Minister for the economy and the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). 

     Syamsul Bahrum, secretary of the investment acceleration of the regional government of the Riau Islands confirmed the existence of a letter sent by the Governor of Riau Islands to President Jokowi.

According to him, the letter related to the request of central government support was part of the Riau Islands government's effort to complete abandoned investment projects. The Riau Islands government hopes that the support of the president and the central government will encourage investors like Sinopec to immediately implement their investment plans. Moreover, the position of Batam as an investment destination and investment success parameters in Indonesia.

"President Jokowi's support is very important considering that this investment also involves foreign investors. The development of investment in Batam will also be very positive for the national economy, "he said.


Minta Sinopec Segera Bangun Depo Minyak, Gubernur Kepulauan Riau Surati Presiden Jokowi

Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) Isdianto terus mendorong pembangunan depo minyak (oil storage) di Batam, Kepulauan Riau agar segera terwujud. Untuk itu, Isdianto pun mengirimkan surat kepada pemerintah pusat agar mendukung proyek yang sudah tertunda sejak tahun 2012 tersebut. 

    Dalam suratnya kepada Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tertanggal 7 Januari 2020 itu, Isdianto menyampaikan bahwa pembangunan depo minyak di kawasan Westpoint Maritime Industrial Park itu akan mendorong terciptanya lapangan kerja serta memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, khususnya di kota Batam.

“Kami mengharapkan kiranya pembangunan depo minyak yang telah tertunda tersebut dapat segera direalisasikan. Pihak perusahaan juga telah memperoleh izin-izin sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dan merupakan salah satu Kawasan langsung Investasi Konstruksi (KLIK) yang telah ditetapkan oleh Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM),” ujar Isdianto dalam suratnya.

Seperti diketahui, pembangunan depo minyak ini nilainya mencapai US$ 841 juta atau sekitar Rp 11,77 triliun (kurs Rp 14.000/US$). Pemilik proyek pembangunan depo minyak adalah PT West Point Terminal (WPT), perusahaan joint venture antara PT Mas Capital Trust dan Sinomart KTS Development Limited. 

Sinomart yang menguasai 95 persen saham di WPT, merupakan anak usaha dari Sinopec, perusahaan BUMN berasal Tiongkok. Isdianto berharap dengan percepatan pembangunan depo minyak di Batam dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan investor terhadap iklim investasi di Batam dan akan menarik investor global lainnya. Apalagi Batam adalah salah satu parameter investasi di Indonesia.

“Realisasi pembangunan depo minyak milik investor seperti Sinopec dari Tiongkok itu akan berdampak luas terhadap minat investor lainnya. Kami minta Sinopec segera untuk membangun Depo minyak yg terlantar sejak 2012 “ tegas Isdianto.

Surat Gubernur Kepri ini juga ditujukan ke sejumlah menteri di kabinet maju. Diantaranya Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Menteri Koordinator perekonomian dan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM). Syamsul Bahrum, sekretaris percepatan investasi pemerintah daerah Kepri membenarkan adanya surat yang dikirimkan Gubernur Kepri kepada Presiden Jokowi itu. 

Menurutnya, surat terkait permintaan dukungan pemerintah pusat itu merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah Kepri untuk menyelesaikan proyek-proyek investasi yang terbengkalai. Pemerintah Kepri berharap dukungan presiden dan pemerintah pusat akan mendorong investor seperti Sinopec untuk segera menjalankan rencana investasinya. Apalagi posisi Batam sebagai salah satu wilayah tujuan investasi dan parameter keberhasilan investasi di Indonesia.

“Dukungan Presiden Jokowi sangat penting mengingat investasi ini juga melibatkan investor asing. Berkembangnya investasi di Batam tentu juga akan sangat positif bagi ekonomi nasional,” ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 11, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PGN Increases Penetration of the LNG Market in China

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk plans to increase the market share of liquefied natural gas / LNG in China. This is because China's gas demand is recorded to be very large.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)

PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Syahrial Muktar said China's LNG needs are very large because of the country's government policy that encourages the use of gas to replace coal. Thus, China's gas demand is projected to continue to increase. This gas need will be met by imports.

"If China needs a lot. They import up to 50 metric tons, that can be up to 1,000 cargoes a year in total, "he said in Jakarta.

PGN starts selling its LNG to China next year. This follows PGN and Sinopec Corp having signed a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG). Under this agreement, PGN will supply six LNG cargoes to Sinopec starting in early January 2020. According to Syahrial, LNG sales to China have the potential to be extended. However, it will still negotiate with Sinopec first. However, China does need large amounts of gas, especially during winter.

"It still has the potential to add [sales], because, until the midterm of five years, they are very interested. They expressed their desire to [extend the contract], "he said.

In the meantime, PGN will export six cargoes of LNG to China. The LNG shipment will be carried out in January, February and March 2020. In the future, the company targets to sell LNG to other companies in China besides Sinopec. Thus, LNG sales to China can be significant.

"There are [besides Sinopec], I will convey later. It could be [up to dozens of cargo], "said Syahrial.

On the other hand, by starting to manage the LNG business from Oil and Gas Holding, PGN was also tasked with jointly finding LNG buyers from domestic production that were not purchased on the domestic market. One of them is gas production from the Bontang LNG Plant following the end of the LNG sales contract to a buyer in Japan (Western Buyer). According to Syahrial, the LNG sales negotiation is still ongoing. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to say who the prospective buyers.

"Later, the Western Buyer, we are with Pertamina, while the supply approach will be extended if needed," he said.

He also must discuss the sale of LNG with the government and SKK Migas. The same thing was expressed by Pertamina's Corporate Marketing Director Basuki Trikora Putra. Bontang LNG marketing after the expiration of the Western Buyer contract will be conducted with PGN. This is because Pertamina is still in a transition period to shift the LNG business to PGN. The Chinese market is considered very attractive to market its LNG portfolio.

"It's open for us to explore it [China's LNG market]," he said.

However, he emphasized that the sale of Bontang LNG was still being explored, including to other countries in East Asia. It also did not rule out the possibility of contract extension if agreed upon together.

Transition period

Basuki revealed Pertamina's LNG business would later be transferred to PGN. This includes the entire LNG supply portfolio owned by the company to be submitted to PGN, both domestically and abroad. Unfortunately, he did not specify when the transfer of the LNG business would be completely completed.

"In this transition period, we are still coordinating internally with PGN, to later be handed over [the LNG business]. So the language of transition is not yet cut off, "he said.

Previously, regarding the supply of LNG sold to China, Syahrial revealed that it was not always from domestic sources. PGN can also send LNG supplies from overseas sources. Therefore, business expansion abroad will not disrupt the domestic gas supply.

"PGN can help sell LNG portfolio owned by Pertamina and carry out PGN's role as a gas sub-holding," he said.

Based on Investor Daily's notes, Pertamina had previously signed three LNG import contracts. Pertamina has signed a PJBG with its subsidiary Cheniere Energy Inc., Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company, to supply 0.76 million tons of LNG per year starting in 2019 for 20 years. Pertamina has also contracted with Cheniere Energy with the same volume but started in 2018 with a duration of 20 years.

Then, Pertamina has contracted with Woodside with a volume of around 0.6 million tons per year which can be increased to 1.1 million tons per year. Supply of 0.6 million tons per year began to be delivered in 2022-2034 and could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year in 2024-2038. The company also has a head of agreement (HoA) with ExxonMobil to supply 1 million tons per year for 20 years starting in 2025. Pertamina has also signed a PJBG with Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd for 1 million tons per year.

In addition to China, PGN has previously submitted a Letter of Intent to Philippine entities to explore LNG commercialization cooperation in the Philippines. PGN has sent a Letter of Intent (LoI) and is now at the discussion stage to be finalized.


PGN Tingkatkan Penetrasi Pasar LNG di Tiongkok

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk berencana meningkatkan pangsa pasar gas alam cair/LNG di Tiongkok. Hal ini lantaran kebutuhan gas Tiongkok tercatat sangat besar.

Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis PGN Syahrial Muktar menuturkan, kebutuhan LNG Tiongkok sangat besar karena kebijakan pemerintah negara tersebut yang mendorong pemakaian gas menggantikan batu bara. Sehingga, kebutuhan gas Tiongkok diproyeksikan akan terus meningkat. Kebutuhan gas ini akan dipenuhi dengan impor.

“Kalau Tiongkok butuh banyak sekali. Mereka impor sampai 50 metrik ton, itu bisa sampai 1.000 kargo setahun totalnya,” kata dia di Jakarta.

PGN mulai menjual LNG miliknya ke Tiongkok pada tahun depan. Hal ini menyusul PGN dan Sinopec Corp telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG). Berdasarkan perjanjian ini, PGN akan memasok enam kargo LNG ke Sinopec mulai awal Januari 2020. Menurut Syahrial, penjualan LNG ke Tiongkok ini berpotensi diperpanjang. Namun, pihaknya masih akan negosiasi dengan Sinopec terlebih dahulu. Akan tetapi, Tiongkok memang membutuhkan gas dalam jumlah besar, apalagi ketika musim dingin.

“Masih berpotensi tambah [penjualan], karena sampai midterm lima tahun, mereka sangat berminat. Mereka menyatakan berkeinginan untuk itu [memperpanjang kontrak],” ujarnya.

Untuk sementara ini PGN akan mengekspor LNG sebanyak enam kargo ke Tiongkok. Pengapalan LNG ini akan dilakukan pada Januari, Februari, dan Maret 2020. Ke depannya, pihaknya menargetkan juga akan menjual LNG ke perusahaan lain di Tiongkok selain Sinopec. Sehingga, penjualan LNG ke Tiongkok bisa signifikan.

“Ada [selain Sinopec], nanti saya sampaikan. Bisa sekali [sampai puluhan kargo],” tutur Syahrial. 

Di sisi lain, dengan mulai mengelola bisnis LNG dari Holding Migas, PGN juga ditugaskan untuk bersama-sama mencari pembeli LNG dari produksi dalam negeri yang tidak dibeli di pasar domestik. Salah satunya produksi gas dari Kilang LNG Bontang menyusul akan berakhirnya kontrak penjualan LNG ke pembeli di Jepang (Western Buyer). Menurut Syahrial, negosiasi penjualan LNG ini masih berlangsung. Sayangnya, dia enggan menyebut siapa calon pembelinya. 

“Nanti yang Western Buyer, kami bersama dengan Pertamina, sedang approach suplai kalau memang butuh diperpanjang lagi,” ujarnya. 

Pihaknya juga harus membahas penjualan LNG ini dengan pemerintah dan SKK Migas. Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan oleh Direktur Pemasaran Korporat Pertamina Basuki Trikora Putra. Pemasaran LNG Bontang pasca berakhirnya kontrak Western Buyer akan dilakukan bersama PGN. Hal ini lantaran Pertamina masih dalam masa transisi mengalihkan bisnis LNG ke PGN. Pasar Tiongkok dinilainya sangat menarik untuk memasarkan portofolio LNG yang dimiliki. 

“Terbuka-lah untuk kami jajaki itu [pasar LNG Tiongkok],” tuturnya. 

Namun, penjualan LNG Bontang ini ditegaskannya masih dalam penjajakan, termasuk ke negara lain di Asia Timur. Pihaknya juga tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya perpanjangan kontrak jika disepakati bersama.

Masa Transisi

Basuki mengungkapkan, nantinya bisnis LNG milik Pertamina akan dialihkan ke PGN. Hal ini termasuk seluruh portofolio pasokan LNG yang dimiliki perseroan akan diserahkan ke PGN, baik yang ada di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Sayangnya, dia tidak merinci kapan pengalihan bisnis LNG rampung seluruhnya.

“Dalam masa transisi ini, kami masih berkoordinasi internal dengan PGN, untuk nanti diserah [bisnis LNG]. Jadi bahasanya masa transisi, belum cut off,” kata dia.

Sebelumnya, terkait pasokan LNG yang dijual ke Tiongkok, Syahrial mengungkapkan bahwa tidak selalu dari sumber dalam negeri. PGN juga dapat mengirimkan pasokan LNG ini dari sumber di luar negeri. Sehingga, ekspansi bisnis ke luar negeri ini tidak akan mengganggu pasokan gas di dalam negeri.

“PGN dapat membantu penjualan protofolio LNG yang dimiliki Pertamina dan menjalankan peran PGN sebagai sub holding gas,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, Pertamina sebelumnya telah menandatangani tiga kontrak impor LNG. Pertamina telah menandatangani PJBG dengan anak usaha Cheniere Energy Inc yakni Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company untuk memasok 0,76 juta ton per tahun LNG mulai 2019 selama 20 tahun. Pertamina juga sudah berkontrak dengan Cheniere Energy dengan volume yang sama namun dimulai pada 2018 dengan durasi 20 tahun. 

Kemudian, Pertamina telah berkontrak dengan Woodside dengan volume sekitar 0,6 juta ton per tahun yang bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun. Pasokan 0,6 juta ton per tahun mulai dikirim 2022-2034 dan bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun pada 2024-2038. 

    Perseroan juga memiliki kesepakatan (head of agreement/HoA) dengan ExxonMobil untuk pasokan sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun selama 20 tahun mulai 2025. Pertamina juga telah menandatangani PJBG dengan Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd sebesar 1 juta ton per tahun.

Selain Tiongkok, PGN sebelumnya telah menyampaikan Letter of Intent kepada entitas Filipina untuk menjajaki kerja sama komersialisasi LNG di Filipina. PGN telah mengirimkan Letter of Intent (LoI) dan kini pada tahap diskusi untuk dapat difinalisasi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Dec 2,  2019

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

PGN Expands LNG Business to China

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk continues to expand its liquefied natural gas (LNG) business overseas, this time to China. PGN will supply LNG to the Chinese state-owned oil and gas company, Sinopec Corp, from 2020.

PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development Syahrial Muktar said, to realize the LNG supply, PGN and Sinopec had signed a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG). Under this agreement, PGN will sell LNG to Sinopec starting next year.

"Sinopec requests for 2020 a minimum of [supply] 6 cargoes. The first cargo was requested [sent] early January 2020, "he said.

He explained, PGN entered China because the country has great potential for various business opportunities, one of which is energy. Based on energy needs to support economic growth in China, energy imports are inevitable. China needs global energy sources to fill the gap between energy production and increasing consumption. 


     Moreover, Sinopec is one of the biggest energy companies in China. He said he hoped the signing of the PJBG could be the beginning of future collaboration with the Chinese national oil and gas company.

"Hopefully, we can further explore the potential of LNG sales and the development of LNG infrastructure with this opportunity, starting from the terminal, small-scale, bunkers, and so on," said Syahrial.

Regarding LNG supplies sold to China, it is not always from domestic sources. PGN can also send LNG supplies from overseas sources. Therefore, business expansion abroad will not disrupt domestic gas supply.

"PGN can help sell LNG portfolio owned by Pertamina and carry out PGN's role as a gas sub-holding," he said.

Based on Investor Daily's notes, Pertamina had previously signed three LNG import contracts. Pertamina has signed a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with its subsidiary Cheniere Energy Inc., the Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company, to supply 0.76 million tons of LNG per year starting in 2019 for 20 years. Pertamina has also contracted with Cheniere Energy with the same volume but started in 2018 with a duration of 20 years.

Then, Pertamina has contracted with Woodside with a volume of around 0.6 million tons per year which can be increased to 1.1 million tons per year. Supply of 0.6 million tons per year began to be delivered in 2022-2034 and could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year in 2024-2038. Finally, the company has an agreement (head of agreement / HoA) with ExxonMobil to supply as much as 1 million tons per year for 20 years starting in 2025.

In addition to China, PGN has previously submitted a Letter of Intent to Philippine entities to explore LNG commercialization cooperation in the Philippines. PGN's Managing Director Gigih Prakoso briefly explained, to work on the gas business in the Philippines, the company will hold partners, from local Filipinos and from global LNG players. He explained, this cooperation was important to divide the investment burden and business risk.

"In the Philippines, PGN has sent a Letter of Intent (LoI) and is now at the stage of discussion to be finalized," he said.

LNG business

Syahrial explained, Pertamina's LNG business has now been handled by PGN as Subholding Gas.

"For the development of the new LNG business, both molecular and infrastructure, PGN has handled it," he said.

    According to him, PGN got the task of Pertamina is to manage the end-to-end LNG business in full since the middle of this year. This began with the initiative and development of new domestic and global LNG businesses. PGN also received a mandate from the government and shareholders to manage and integrate the gas and LNG business in Indonesia from midstream to downstream to achieve the most optimal value to all stakeholders. PGN will not stop serving energy needs in the form of commodities.

"We have reviewed the opportunity to take part and develop the gas and LNG infrastructure along the value chain, ranging from ownership of liquefaction, regasification, ships, energy regeneration or transmission infrastructure, pipelines and city gas facilities," Syarial said.

To supply domestic natural gas needs for all sectors, currently the PGN Group has provided gas or LNG in various markets, not only as energy and industry, but also for commercial, retail and household use. PGN seeks to ensure that gas supply flows for 24 hours by initiating the LNG business two years ago, one of which is by operating a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). This is to anticipate risks and technical problems in the gas well.

As happened recently in Central Sumatra and East Java, PGN replaced the gas supply with LNG from the LNG terminal in Lampung, so that the gas supply through the South Sumatra West Java (SSWJ) pipeline remained stable. Thus, PGN customers, who are mostly industrial sectors, can still obtain gas supply to meet their energy needs.

In addition to anticipating increased natural gas growth and maintaining gas supply security in East Java, PGN is building an LNG Terminal in Lamong Bay, Surabaya. The construction of an LNG terminal with a capacity of 40 billion British thermal units per day (billion British thermal units per day / BBTUD), which is divided into three phases, is targeted to operate by the end of this year and be completed in 2023.

Then, according to plan, PGN will build a number of new infrastructure, including 528 km transmission pipelines and 500 km distribution, until 2024. PGN will also build seven LNG filling stations for ships, five FSRUs, 3.59 million household connections, and 17 LNG facilities.

This is to achieve the portion of gas in the energy mix of 2024. The reason is to optimize the utilization of domestic natural gas, gas infrastructure is a necessity. As a sub-oil and gas holding, currently PGN's total gas pipeline network is more than 10,000 kilometers. PGN also operates two FSRUs, one LNG Regasification Terminal, 64 gas refueling stations (SPBG) and four mobile refueling units (MRU).


PGN Ekspansi Bisnis LNG ke Tiongkok

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk terus memperluas bisnis gas alam cairnya (liquefied natural gas/LNG) ke luar negeri, kali ini ke Tiongkok. PGN akan memasok LNG ke perusahaan migas milik pemerintah Tiongkok, Sinopec Corp, mulai 2020. 

Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis PGN Syahrial Muktar mengatakan, untuk merealisasikan pasokan LNG ini, PGN dan Sinopec telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG). Berdasarkan perjanjian ini, PGN akan menjual LNG ke Sinopec mulai tahun depan.

“Sinopec request untuk tahun 2020 minimal [pasokan] 6 cargo. Kargo pertama diminta [dikirim] awal Januari 2020,” kata dia.

Dia menjelaskan, PGN masuk ke Tiongkok karena negara tersebut memiliki potensi besar untuk berbagai peluang bisnis, salah satunya energi. Berdasarkan kebutuhan energi untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi di Tiongkok, impor energi tidak dapat terelakkan. 

    Tiongkok membutuhkan sumber energi global untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara produksi energi dengan konsumsi yang meningkat.  Apalagi, Sinopec merupakan salah satu perusahaan energi terbesar di Tiongkok. Pihaknya berharap penandatanganan PJBG bisa menjadi awal kolaborasi ke depan dengan perusahaan migas nasional Tiongkok itu. 

“Harapannya, kami bisa mengeksplorasi potensi penjualan LNG dan pengembangan infrastruktur LNG secara lebih jauh dengan kesempatan ini, dari mulai terminal, skala-skala kecil, bungker, dan sebagainya,” tutur Syahrial.

Terkait pasokan LNG yang dijual ke Tiongkok, tidak selalu dari sumber dalam negeri. PGN juga dapat mengirimkan pasokan LNG ini dari sumber di luar negeri. Sehingga, ekspansi bisnis ke luar negeri ini tidak akan mengganggu pasokan gas di dalam negeri.

“PGN dapat membantu penjualan protofolio LNG yang dimiliki Pertamina dan menjalankan peran PGN sebagai sub holding gas,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, Pertamina sebelumnya telah meneken tiga kontrak impor LNG. Pertamina telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan anak usaha Cheniere Energy Inc yakni Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company untuk memasok 0,76 juta ton per tahun LNG mulai 2019 selama 20 tahun. Pertamina juga sudah berkontrak dengan Cheniere Energy dengan volume yang sama namun dimulai pada 2018 dengan durasi 20 tahun.

Kemudian, Pertamina telah berkontrak dengan Woodside dengan volume sekitar 0,6 juta ton per tahun yang bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun. Pasokan 0,6 juta ton per tahun mulai dikirim 2022-2034 dan bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun pada 2024-2038. Terakhir, perseroan memiliki kesepakatan (head of agreement/HoA) dengan ExxonMobil untuk pasokan sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun selama 20 tahun mulai 2025.

Selain Tiongkok, PGN sebelumnya telah menyampaikan Letter of Intent kepada entitas Filipina untuk menjajaki kerja sama komersialisasi LNG di Filipina. Direktur Utama PGN Gigih Prakoso sempat menjelaskan, untuk mengerjakan bisnis gas di Filipina, perusahaan akan menggandeng mitra, dari lokal Filipina maupun dari pemain LNG global. Dijelaskannya, kerja sama ini penting untuk membagi beban investasi dan risiko bisnis. 

“Di Filipina, PGN telah mengirimkan Letter of Intent (LoI) dan kini pada tahap diskusi untuk dapat difinalisasi,” kata dia.

Bisnis LNG

Syahrial menjelaskan, bisnis LNG Pertamina kini telah ditangani oleh PGN sebagai Subholding Gas. 

“Untuk pengembangan bisnis LNG yang baru, baik molekul maupun Infrastruktur, sudah di-handle PGN,” tuturnya.

     Menurutnya, PGN mendapat tugas dari Pertamina untuk mengelola bisnis LNG end-to-end secara penuh sejak pertengahan tahun ini. Hal ini dimulai dengan inisiatif dan pengembangan bisnis baru bisnis LNG baik domestik maupun global. PGN juga menerima mandat dari pemerintah dan pemegang saham untuk mengelola dan mengintegrasi bisnis gas dan LNG d Indonesia dari midstream ke downstream untuk mencapai nilai paling optimal kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan. PGN tidak akan berhenti untuk melayani kebutuhan energi dalam bentuk komoditas saja.

“Kami sudah meninjau kesempatan untuk mengambil peran dan mengembangkan infrastruktur gas dan LNG sepanjang rantai nilai, mulai dari kepemilikan bidang likuifaksi, regasifikasi, kapal, regenerasi energi atau transmisi infrastruktur, saluran pipa dan fasilitas gas kota,” kata Syarial.

Untuk memasok kebutuhan gas bumi domestik bagi seluruh sektor, saat ini PGN Grup telah menyediakan gas atau LNG pada berbagai pasar, tidak hanya sebagai energi dan industri, tetapi juga untuk komersial, ritel, dan rumah tangga. PGN berupaya menjamin agar pasokan gas mengalir selama 24 jam dengan menginisiasi bisnis LNG sejak dua tahun lalu, salah satunya dengan mengoperasikan unit penampungan dan regasifikasi terapung (floating storage and regasification unit/FSRU). Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi risiko-risiko dan gangguan-gangguan teknis di sumur gas.

Seperti yang terjadi baru-baru ini di Sumatera Tengah dan Jawa Timur, PGN mengganti pasokan gas dengan LNG dari terminal LNG di Lampung, sehingga membuat pasokan gas melalui pipa South Sumatera West Java (SSWJ) tetap stabil. Sehingga, para pelanggan PGN yang sebagian besar merupakan sektor industri tetap dapat memperoleh pasokan gas guna memenuhi kebutuhan energinya. 

Selain itu untuk mengantisipasi peningkatan pertumbuhan gas bumi dan menjaga ketahanan pasokan gas di Jawa Timur, PGN sedang membangun Terminal LNG di Teluk Lamong, Surabaya. Pembangunan Terminal LNG berkapasitas 40 miliar british thermal unit per hari (billion british thermal unit per day/ BBTUD) yang terbagi dalam tiga fase itu ditargetkan beroperasi pada akhir tahun ini dan rampung seluruhnya pada 2023. 

Kemudian, sesuai rencana, PGN akan membangun sejumlah infrastruktur baru, di antaranya jaringan pipa transmisi 528 km dan distribusi 500 km, hingga 2024. PGN juga akan membangun tujuh LNG filling station untuk kapal, lima FSRU, 3,59 juta sambungan rumah tangga, dan 17 fasilitas LNG.

Hal ini untuk mencapai porsi gas dalam bauran energi 2024. Pasalnya, untuk optimalisasi pemanfaatan gas bumi domestik, infrastruktur gas adalah keniscayaan. Sebagai sub holding migas, saat ini total jaringan pipa gas PGN lebih dari 10.000 kilometer. PGN juga mengoperasikan dua FSRU, satu Terminal Regasifikasi LNG, 64 stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas (SPBG) dan empat mobile refueling unit (MRU).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019