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Showing posts with label Umum. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pertamina Manage Mahakam

The Decrease of Oil and Gas Production Strives 30 Percent Per Year

The management of the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan shifted from Total E&P Indonesie to PT Pertamina as of January 1, 2018. The transfer of large-scale oil and gas blocks poses Pertamina's challenge in managing the expired block of contracts. There are 38 oil and gas blocks in the country that will expire until 2026.

The transfer of management rights of the Mahakam block is done shortly before the turn of 2017 to 2018 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The rich gas block is managed by Total E&P Indonesia (TEPI) since 1967 and its contract expired as of December 31, 2017.

the Mahakam block

Mahakam block is returned Total E&P Indonesia to the Republic of Indonesia, in this case the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), and subsequently submitted to Pertamina.

"The management of this block is full of challenges in the form of complex field conditions and the age of old wells so that productivity drops dramatically. This is a good time for Pertamina to prove that we are capable of managing large blocks, "said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam, after receiving the right to manage the Mahakam block from SKK Migas on Monday (1/1) in Balik-

The peak of Mahakam Block gas production reached 2.8 billion standard cubic feet per day (BSCFD) in 2009. The peak oil production was 230,000 barrels per day in 1977. Currently, the remaining reserves of Mahakam Block gas are 4.9 trillion cubic feet ( TCF) and oil reserves of 57 million barrels.

The daily production of natural gas throughout 2017 recorded 1,286 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and oil of 51,700 barrels per day.

"Another challenge is how to maintain operating standards that have been applicable before, while still managed Total E&P Indonesia. If possible, the standard should be improved even better, "said Syamsu.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, a subsidiary of Pertamina, which manages Mahakam-Bambang Manumayoso, said the investment is set as much as 1.7 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 23 trillion for 2018. The investment has been spent throughout 2017 of 150 million US dollars 2 trillion), one of which is to drill 15 development wells.

"The rate of decline in oil and gas production in the Mahakam block reaches 51 percent per year. We will strive to reduce the rate to about 30 percent by the method of well work and drilling of development wells, "said Bambang.

Associated with the status of TEPI employees who were previously involved in the management of the Mahakam Block, according to Bambang, they are now employees of Pertamina. Total E&P Indonesia Total employee while managing Mahakam Block as many as 1,919 people. After being taken over by Pertamina, the number of employees who joined and remained in the block as many as 1885 people or about 98.23 percent who moved to Pertamina employees.

Not ready

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37 of 2016, oil and gas producing areas get a participation stake of 10 percent. The shares are granted to regional-owned enterprises (BUMD).

However, according to Assistant II for Economic Affairs and Development of East Kalimantan Province Ichwansyah, Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) is not fully prepared. Currently there is still talks between the Government of East Kalimantan Province and the Government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. So far, the region is already willing to take the 10 per cent participation right.

"There are many challenges (in the formation of BUMD) and we need the support of all parties, including the central government, so that this will be realized soon," said Ichwansyah.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi hopes East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Pemerinath of Kutai Kartanegara Regency to settle the issue of the shares of participation. Because, if the settlement is delayed longer, then the longer the area will get profit sharing from the Mahakam Block. However, this problem certainly will not interfere with the operation of the Mahakam Block.

"We are still waiting for the establishment of BUMD shareholders 10 percent later. There is no time limit when to be formed immediately BUMD. It's just that the regions themselves are losers if not immediately formed because it will delay their acceptance, "said Amien.


Meanwhile, Total E&P Indonesia has not yet found an agreement to engage in the management of the Mahakam Block. The government has signaled that Total E&P Indonesia can get 39 percent of management. If the share was taken, Pertamina controls 51 percent shares.

"The talks with Pertamina are still ongoing. Our target before the end of January is no decision, "said President and General Manager of Total E&P Indonesia Arividya Noviyanto.

Regarding the transfer of management, said Arividya, it believes Pertamina can maintain the oil and gas production performance of the Mahakam Block. The block known as the largest gas producer since the early 2000s has an important contribution to gas production in Indonesia. Gas from the Mahakam Block contributes 13 percent of Indonesia's total gas production.

The Mahakam Block cooperation contract was signed on 6 October 1966 for a period of 30 years. TEPI as operator with 65 percent share cooperating with Inpex Corporation (Japan) which owns 35 percent shares. In 1991, Total E&P Indonesia obtained a contract extension for 20 years until March 30, 2017 The Mahakam Contract incurred an additional period of nine months until December 31, 2017 due to a renewal of the liquefied natural gas sales contract.


Pertamina Kelola Mahakam

Laju Penurunan Produksi Migas Diupayakan 30 Persen Per Tahun

Pengelolaan Blok Mahakam di Kalimantan Timur beralih dari Total E&P Indonesie ke PT Pertamina per 1 Januari 2018. Pengalihan blok minyak dan gas bumi skala besar ini menjadi tantangan Pertamina dalam mengelola blok-blok yang habis masa kontraknya. Ada 38 blok minyak dan gas bumi di dalam negeri yang akan habis masa kontraknya hingga 2026.

Penyerahan hak kelola Blok Mahakam dilakukan beberapa saat sebelum detik-detik pergantian tahun 2017 ke 2018 di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Blok kaya gas bumi tersebut dikelola Total E&P Indonesia (TEPI) sejak 1967 dan habis kontraknya per 31 Desember 2017. 

Blok Mahakam dikembalikan Total E&P Indonesia ke negara Republik Indonesia, dalam hal ini Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), dan selanjutnya diserahkan kepada Pertamina.

”Pengelolaan blok ini penuh tantangan berupa kondisi lapangan yang kompleks dan usia sumur yang tua sehingga produktivitasnya menurun drastis. Ini menjadi saat yang tepat bagi Pertamina untuk membuktikan bahwa kami mampu mengelola blok besar,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, seusai acara penerimaan hak kelola Blok Mahakam dari SKK Migas, Senin (1/1) dini hari, di Balik-

Puncak produksi gas Blok Mahakam mencapai 2,8 miliar standar kaki kubik per hari (BSCFD) pada 2009. Adapun puncak produksi minyak sebesar 230.000 barrel per hari pada 1977. Saat ini, sisa cadangan terbukti gas Blok Mahakam sebanyak 4,9 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) dan cadangan minyak 57 juta barrel. 

Adapun produksi harian gas bumi sepanjang 2017 tercatat 1.286 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan minyak sebanyak 51.700 barrel per hari.

”Tantangan lainnya adalah bagaimana mempertahankan standar operasi yang sudah berlaku sebelumnya, saat masih dikelola Total E&P Indonesia. Kalau bisa, standarnya harus ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi,” ujar Syamsu.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia anak usaha Pertamina yang mengelola Mahakam-Bambang Manumayoso mengatakan, investasi yang disiapkan sebanyak 1,7 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 23 triliun untuk 2018. Adapun investasi yang sudah dibelanjakan sepanjang 2017 sebesar 150 juta dollar AS (setara Rp 2 triliun) yang salah satunya untuk pengeboran 15 sumur pengembangan.

”Laju penurunan produksi migas di Blok Mahakam mencapai 51 persen per tahun. Kami akan mengupayakan laju penurunannya menjadi sekitar 30 persen saja dengan metode kerja ulang sumur dan pengeboran sumur pengembangan,” ujar Bambang.

Terkait dengan status karyawan TEPI yang sebelumnya terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam, menurut Bambang, mereka kini menjadi karyawan Pertamina. Total karyawan Total E&P Indonesia saat mengelola Blok Mahakam sebanyak 1.919 orang. Setelah diambil alih Pertamina, jumlah karyawan yang bergabung dan tetap bekerja di blok tersebut sebanyak 1.885 orang atau sekitar 98,23 persen yang berpindah menjadi karyawan Pertamina. 

Belum siap

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 37 Tahun 2016, daerah penghasil migas mendapat saham partisipasi sebesar 10 persen. Saham itu diberikan kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD).

Namun, menurut Asisten II Bidang Perekonomian dan Pembangunan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Ichwansyah, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) belum sepenuhnya siap. Saat ini masih berlangsung pembicaraan antara Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Sejauh ini, daerah sudah bersedia mengambil hak partisipasi 10 persen tersebut.

”Banyak tantangannya (dalam pembentukan BUMD) dan kami butuh dukungan semua pihak, termasuk pemerintah pusat, agar ini segera terealisasi,” kata Ichwansyah.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi berharap Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Pemerinath Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara menyelesaikan persoalan saham partisipasi tersebut. Sebab, jika penyelesaiannya semakin lama tertunda, maka semakin lama pula daerah tersebut mendapatkan dana bagi hasil dari Blok Mahakam. Akan tetapi, masalah ini dipastikan tidak akan mengganggu operasi Blok Mahakam.

”Kami tetap menunggu kesiapan dibentuknya BUMD pemegang saham 10 persen nanti. Tidak ada batas waktu kapan harus segera dibentuk BUMD. Hanya saja, daerah sendiri yang merugi kalau tidak segera terbentuk karena akan menunda penerimaan mereka,” kata Amien.


Sementara itu, pihak Total E&P Indonesia  juga belum menemukan kesepakatan untuk terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok Mahakam. Pemerintah sudah memberi sinyal bahwa Total E&P Indonesia  bisa mendapat bagian pengelolaan sebanyak 39 persen. Jika bagian itu diambil, Pertamina menguasai saham 51 persen.

”Pembicaraan dengan Pertamina masih terus berlangsung. Target kami sebelum akhir Januari sudah ada keputusan,” kata President and General Manager Total E&P Indonesia Arividya Noviyanto.

Terkait alih kelola tersebut, kata Arividya, pihaknya percaya Pertamina dapat mempertahankan kinerja produksi migas Blok Mahakam. Blok yang dikenal sebagai penghasil gas terbesar sejak awal 2000-an tersebut memiliki kontribusi penting terhadap produksi gas di Indonesia. Gas dari Blok Mahakam berkontribusi 13 persen dari keseluruhan produksi gas Indonesia.

Kontrak kerja sama Blok Mahakam ditandatangani pada 6 Oktober 1966 untuk jangka 30 tahun. TEPI selaku operator dengan saham 65 persen menggandeng Inpex Corporation (Japan) yang menguasai saham 35 persen. Pada 1991, Total E&P Indonesia  memperoleh perpanjangan kontrak selama 20 tahun hingga 30 Maret 2017 Kontrak Mahakam mengalami tambahan waktu selama sembilan bulan hingga 31 Desember 2017 karena ada perpanjangan kontrak penjualan gas alam cair.

Kompas, Page-17, Tuesday, Jan 2, 2018

Production Target Down

The target of natural gas production from the Mahakam block in 2018 is 916 million cubic feet per day or Down by 32.65% compared to the realization as of November 2017.

The Mahakam Block gas production target refers to the work plan and budget proposed by PT Pertamina as the new operator of offshore oil and gas blocks in East Kalimantan. Based on data from SKK Migas, the daily average gas production of Mahakam Block as of November 2017 reached 1.360 million cubic feet per day / MMscfd and condensate of 52,000 barrels per day (bpd).

The Mahakam Block

The target of condensate production in the Mahakam block this year is only 42,000 bpd, lower than the realization during 2017. The oil and gas production target this year is achieved by drilling 69 development wells, 132 reforestation wells, 5,623 wells and advanced development plan on five oil and gas fields in the Mahakam block. Previously, Pertamina targeted gas production of 1,100 MMScfd and 48,000 bph condensate.

In terms of activities, Pertamina previously planned to drill 55 development wells, 125 wells for re-operation, and maintenance of 5,500 wells.

Head of Program and Communications Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher said it was considering technical discussions on the side of reservoir capability and economy.

"I do not know the 1,100 [MMscfd]. The details are nearly 1,000 [MMscfd]. Already through technical discussion we also discuss the reservoir and economy, "he said

From Pertamina data, the Mahakam block gas production is estimated to increase to 1,207 MMscfd from the condition should be around 782 MMscfd by 2019. Gas production is also projected to rise in 2020 to 1,268 MMscfd from the condition of 551 MMscfd. Production rates in the range of 1,200 MMScfd will survive until 2022 when the real conditions, without the effort of adding the well drilling, ie 274 MMscfd.

Related to Mahakam oil and gas production plan in 2018, President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, a subsidiary of Pertamina managing the Mahakam block, Bambang Manumayoso did not respond when contacted.

The Mahakam Block cooperation contract operated by Pertamina replaces Total E & P Indonesie on Monday, January 1, 2018. Pertamina has signed a new cooperation contract for the management of the Mahakam block in 2015. The Government has set a time of 2 years to transition the operation of the Mahakam Block previously operated by Total France cooperated with Inpex Japan for 50 years.


Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that it has made efforts to maintain production of the Mahakam Block which contributes about 30% of national gas production. Until the end of the transition period, the company can complete 14 well drilling.

Although it has passed the peak production period in the period 2003-2009, the ability of the Mahakam Block to emit oil and gas is still maintained. Total oil and gas reserves remaining by 2016 amounted to 57 million barrels of oil and gas 4.9 trillion cubic feet.

However, from Working Meeting material with Commission VII in January 2016 using data from January 1, 2015, the proven reserve status for oil is 91, 37 million barrels of oil and gas 2.4 trillion cubic feet. Syamsu said, the company is optimistic to achieve oil and gas production target with a budget of US $ 1.7 billion and adjustment of 530 current contracts with third parties. Another thing that is also important is the transition of 98.23% of the workforce previously uniformed Total also runs smoothly.


Target Produksi Turun

Target produksi gas bumi dari Blok Mahakam pada 2018 sebesar 916 juta kaki kubik per hari atau Turun hingga 32,65% dibandingkan dengan realisasi per November 2017.

Target produksi gas bumi Blok Mahakam itu mengacu pada rencana kerja dan anggaran yang diajukan oleh PT Pertamina sebagai operator baru blok migas lepas pantai di Kalimantan Timur tersebut. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, rerata harian produksi gas Blok Mahakam per November 2017 mencapai 1.360 juta kaki kubik per hari/MMscfd dan kondensat 52.000 barel per hari (bph).

Target produksi kondensat di Blok Mahakam pada tahun ini hanya 42.000 bph, lebih rendah dari realisasi selama 2017. Target produksi minyak dan gas bumi pada tahun ini dicapai melalui pengeboran 69 sumur pengembangan, pengeboran ulang 132 sumur, 5.623 perbaikan sumur serta pengajuan rencana pengembangan lanjutan pada lima lapangan migas di Blok Mahakam. Sebelumnya, Pertamina menargetkan produksi gas sebesar 1.100 MMScfd dan kondensat 48.000 bph.

Dari sisi kegiatan, Pertamina sebelumnya berencana melakukan pengeboran 55 sumur pengembangan, 125 sumur kegiatan kerja ulang, dan perawatan 5.500 sumur.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan bahwa pihaknya mempertimbangkan pembahasan teknis dari sisi kemampuan reservoir dan keekonomian.

“Saya tidak tahu yang 1.100 [MMscfd]. Detailnya memang hampir 1.000 [MMscfd]. Sudah melalui pembahasan teknis kita juga membahas reservoir dan keekonomian," ujarnya 

Dari data Pertamina, produksi gas Blok Mahakam diperkirakan naik menjadi 1.207 MMscfd dari kondisi seharusnya sekitar 782 MMscfd pada 2019. Produksi gas juga diproyeksikan naik pada 2020 menjadi 1.268 MMscfd dari kondisi seharusnya 551 MMscfd. Angka produksi di kisaran 1.200 MMScfd akan tetap bertahan hingga 2022 saat kondisi sesungguhnya, tanpa upaya penambahan pengeboran sumur, yakni 274 MMscfd.

Terkait dengan rencana produksi migas Mahakam pada 2018, Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, anak usaha Pertamina yang mengelola Blok Mahakam, Bambang Manumayoso tidak memberikan respons ketika dihubungi. 

Kontrak kerja sama Blok Mahakam yang dioperatori Pertamina, menggantikan Total E&P Indonesie mulai berlaku Senin, 1 Januari 2018. Pertamina telah menandatangani kontrak kerja sama baru untuk pengelolaan Blok Mahakam pada 2015. Pemerintah menetapkan waktu 2 tahun untuk melakukan transisi operasi Blok Mahakam yang sebelumnya dioperasikan oleh Total Perancis bekerja sama dengan Inpex Jepang selama 50 tahun.


Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah melakukan upaya untuk bisa mempertahankan produksi Blok Mahakam yang berkontribusi sekitar 30% dari produksi gas nasional. Hingga akhir masa transisi, perseroan bisa menyelesaikan 14 pengeboran sumur.

Meskipun telah melewati masa produksi puncak pada periode 2003-2009, kemampuan Blok Mahakam menyemburkan migas masih terjaga. Total cadangan migas yang tersisa per 2016 sebesar 57 juta barel minyak dan gas 4,9 triliun kaki kubik. 

Namun, dari materi Rapat Kerja dengan Komisi VII pada Januari 2016 yang menggunakan data 1 Januari 2015, status cadangan terbukti untuk minyak sebesar 91 ,37 juta barel minyak dan gas 2,4 triliun kaki kubik. Syamsu menuturkan, perseroan optimistis dapat mencapai target produksi migas dengan anggaran US$1,7 miliar dan penyesuaian 530 kontrak saat ini dengan pihak ketiga. Hal lain yang juga penting peralihan 98,23% tenaga kerja yang sebelumnya berseragam Total juga berjalan mulus.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-22, Tuesday, Jan 2, 2018

Contribute 30 Percent of Oil and Gas Production

PT Pertamina through PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam officially took over the right to manage the Working Area (WK) of Mahakam from Total E & P Indonesie (TEPI). This makes Pertamina a contributor of more than 30 percent of national oil and gas production in 2018.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said Pertamina is committed to maintaining the production of the Mahakam Working Area which passes the peak of reservoir production in the 2003-2009 period and controls operating costs.

"To date we have completed drilling 14 wells and will complete the 15th well in the next few days," he said.


Sumbang 30 Persen Produksi Migas

PT Pertamina melalui PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam resmi mengambil alih hak kelola Wilayah Kerja (WK) Mahakam dari Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI). Hal tersebut menjadikan Pertamina sebagai kontributor lebih dari 30 persen produksi minyak dan gas nasional pada 2018.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, Pertamina berkomitmen untuk tetap menjaga produksi Wilayah Kerja Mahakam yang melewati masa puncak produksi reservoir pada periode 2003-2009 dan mengontrol biaya operasi. 

"Sampai hari ini kami telah menyelesaikan pengeboran 14 sumur dan akan menyelesaikan sumur ke-15 dalam beberapa hari ke depan,” ujarnya.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, Jan 2, 2018

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Five Investors Interested in Auction 15 Oil and Gas Blocks

The application of a gross split scheme for oil and gas revenue sharing begins to get results. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims gross split has hooked oil and gas contractors at 15 oil and gas block auction closed Friday, Dec 29, 2017

At the auction, only five blocks of oil and gas contractors interest. The five blocks of interest are conventional blocks, namely the Andaman I Block, Andaman II Block, Merak-Lampung Block, Pekawai Block, West Wandena Block.

    For the Andaman I Block of interest Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) ltd, Andaman II Block is interested in Repsol Exploration SA, Energy Mega Persada Tbk (EMP), and Premier Gil Far East Ltf Consortium, Mubadala Petroleum & Kris Energy. 

     The Peacock-Lampung block is in demand by PT Tansri Madjid Energy, and the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena are interested in Saka Energy.

Furthermore, the contractors who bid the oil and gas blocks will negotiate with the government with a gross split scheme. If the contractor's proposal is not in accordance with the wishes of the government the contract is void.

Despite only five blocks of interest, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar confirmed the auction of oil and gas blocks with a gross split scheme this year was successful.

Arcandra does not agree if during this time many who call the auction of oil and gas blocks with gross split scheme less desirable investors.

"The proof is today alhamdulillah five blocks of interest, mostly international contractors," he said.

He also compared with the auction of oil and gas blocks in 2015 and 2016 which the result is nil because there is no signing a new contract. Whereas at that time the oil and gas revenue sharing system still uses cost recovery scheme.

"Let's see the year 2015 offered eight oil and gas blocks, which interest does not exist, 2016 offered 14 oil and gas blocks, also no one interested," said Arcandra.

However, looking at the statistics of oil and gas block offerings since 2001-2014 are always in demand. Even so, Arcandra still mention the auction of oil and gas blocks this year is pretty good. In fact, he is optimistic that there will be a new contract signing from the 2017 oil and gas block auction which is targeted to be signed by the end of March 2018.


Lima Investor Berminat dalam Lelang 15 Blok Migas

Penerapan skema gross split untuk bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi mulai mendapatkan hasil. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim gross split telah menggaet kontraktor migas pada lelang 15 blok migas yang ditutup Jumat, Dec 29, 2017

Pada lelang itu, hanya lima blok migas diminati kontraktor. Lima blok yang diminati itu adalah blok konvensional, yakni Blok Andaman I, Blok Andaman II, Blok Merak-Lampung, Blok Pekawai, Blok West Wandena. 

     Untuk Blok Andaman I diminati Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) ltd, Blok Andaman II diminati Repsol Exploration SA, Energy Mega Persada Tbk (EMP), dan Konsorisum Premier Gil Far East Ltf, Mubadala Petroleum & Kris Energy. Blok Merak-Lampung diminati oleh PT Tansri Madjid Energy, dan Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena diminati Saka Energy.

Selanjutnya para kontraktor yang mengajukan penawaran blok migas itu akan bernegosiasi dengan pemerintah dengan skema gross split. Jika proposal kontraktor tidak sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah kontrak batal.

Meskipun hanya lima blok yang diminati, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar menegaskan lelang blok migas dengan skema gross split tahun ini berhasil.

Arcandra tidak sepakat jika selama ini banyak yang menyebut lelang blok migas dengan skema gross split kurang diminati investor. 

"Buktinya hari ini alhamdulillah lima blok diminati, sebagian besar kontraktor internasional," katanya.

Dia pun membandingkan dengan lelang blok Migas pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 yang hasilnya nihil karena tidak ada penandatanganan kontrak baru. Padahal kala itu sistem bagi hasil migas masih menggunakan skema cost recovery. 

"Coba lihat tahun 2015 ditawarkan delapan blok migas, yang berminat tidak ada, 2016 ditawarkan 14 blok migas, juga tidak ada yang berminat ," kata Arcandra.

Namun, melihat statistik penawaran blok migas sejak 2001-2014 selalu diminati. Meski begitu, Arcandra tetap menyebut lelang blok migas tahun ini sudah cukup bagus. Bahkan dia optimistis akan ada penandatanganan kontrak baru dari lelang blok migas 2017 yang ditargetkan bisa dilakukan penandatanganan akhir Maret 2018.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

Four PGN Proposals Concerning Concept Holding Rejected

PGN wants to become a Sub Holding that will manage the gas business in an integrated manner

Discussion on the formation of Holding SOE Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) seems still difficult. Recently, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) sent a letter to the Director General of State Assets at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) which contains four points of the proposal.

But the government has officially rejected the letter. PGN letter numbered 013700.PEM / PR.06 / PDO2017 signed directly by PGN President Director, Jobi Triananda Hasjim. In that letter Jobi asked:

First, the PGN transformation in the holding serves as Sub Holding gas. PGN becomes an integrated natural gas business manager.

"This role will provide optimal management along the natural gas business chain, as well as provide maximum benefits for corporations and countries," said Jobi through the letter.

Secondly, with regard to the retention of state shares in PGN, PGN's management requested the state to retain Series B shares directly in PGN. The reason, so that PGN can get benefits as were in the first point. Because, according to Jobi, the concept of retention as a state-owned stock was once carried out on the establishment of holding state-owned plantations.

"The government maintains a series B share in each member of Holding State-owned Plantation," he explained.

Third, the institutional structure of the oil and gas holding is related to the legal review aspects of oil and gas holding. Therefore, Jobi asked the formation of Holding BUMN Migas also involving parties from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Fourth, the transformation of human resource management as a strategic asset of the company. In this regard, PGN proposes equality of workers with equal treatment and equality to workers of the holding group to contribute and work for the sake of the company's progress and the success of the holding establishment's ideals.

Responding to the circulation of the letter, Deputy Minister of Mining Business, Strategic Industries and Media Ministry of State Enterprises, Fajar Harry Sampumo confirmed, the letter given by PGN as of November 29 was revoked. In the sense that the proposal has been rejected by the government.

"The letter has been revoked. Regarding the series B shares, it is regulated in Government Regulation number 72/2016," he explained.

Unfortunately, Fajar has not been willing to give a detailed description of the extent to which the discussion of holding of this BUMN Migas. What is clear, the formation of this holding is still in accordance with the target given by the Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno in March 2017.

"If it can be faster in the first quarter of 2018," he said.

He added that what has not changed in the government discussion is a subsidiary. Pertamina is PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) which will be acquired by PGN. But until now Pertamina is still reluctant to release Pertagas to PGN.


Empat Usulan PGN Soal Konsep Holding Ditolak

PGN ingin menjadi Sub Holding yang akan mengelola bisnis gas secara terintegrasi

Pembahasan pembentukan Holding BUMN Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) nampak masih sulit. Baru-baru ini, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mengirimkan Surat kepada Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) yang berisikan empat poin usulan.

Namun pemerintah sudah resmi menolak Surat itu. Surat PGN bernomor 013700.PEM/PR.06/PDO2017 ditandatangani langsung oleh Direktur Utama PGN, Jobi Triananda Hasjim. Di Surat itu Jobi meminta :

Pertama, transformasi PGN dalam holding berperan sebagai Sub Holding gas. PGN menjadi pengelola bisnis gas bumi terintegrasi.

"Peran ini akan memberikan pengelolaan yang optimal sepanjang mata rantai bisnis gas bumi, serta memberikan benefit yang maksimal bagi korporasi dan negara," kata Jobi melalui surat itu.

Kedua, berkenaan dengan retensi saham negara pada PGN, manajemen PGN meminta negara tetap memiliki saham seri B secara langsung di PGN. Alasannya, supaya PGN bisa memperoleh benefit sebagai mana dalam poin pertama. Karena, menurut Jobi, konsep retensi sebagai saham milik negara pernah dilakukan pada pembentukan holding BUMN Perkebunan.

"Pemerintah mempertahankan saham seri B pada masing-masing anggota Holding BUMN Perkebunan," jelasnya.

Ketiga, struktur kelembagaan holding migas terkait dengan aspek kajian legal holding migas. Karena itu, Jobi meminta pembentukan Holding BUMN Migas juga melibatkan pihak dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).

Keempat, transformasi pengelolaan sumber daya manusia sebagai aset strategis perusahaan. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, PGN mengusulkan kesetaraan pekerja dengan perlakuan dan kesetaraan yang sama terhadap pekerja dari holding group untuk memberikan kontribusi dan karya demi kemajuan perusahaan dan keberhasilan cita-cita pembentukan holding tersebut.

Menanggapi tentang beredarnya surat itu, Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN, Fajar Harry Sampumo menegaskan, surat yang diberikan oleh PGN per tanggal 29 November itu sudah dicabut. Dalam artian usulan tersebut telah ditolak oleh pemerintah.

"Suratnya sudah dicabut. Mengenai saham seri B, sudah diatur di Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 72/2016," terangnya.

Namun Sayangnya, Fajar belum mau memberi penjelesan detail sejauh mana pembahasan holding BUMN Migas ini. Yang jelas, terbentuknya holding ini masih sesuai dengan target yang diberikan oleh Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno yaitu Maret 2017.

"Kalau bisa lebih cepat di Kuartal I-2018," katanya. 

Ia menambahkan, yang belum berubah dalam pembahasan pemerintah adalah anak usaha. Pertamina yaitu PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) yang akan diakuisisi oleh PGN. Namun hingga kini Pertamina masih enggan melepaskan Pertagas kepada PGN.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

New Profit Sharing Scheme Interesting to Investors

A revenue-sharing scheme based on gross production is an attraction for investors. The government's claims are based on five conventional oil and gas working areas under the profit-sharing scheme, which investors are interested in.

In fact, investors who have taken the work area auction documents that can not be used as a measure until the signing of the contract is done.

The five working areas are the Andaman I and II Blocks off the coast of northern Sumatra, the Merak-Lampung Block offshore and Lampung mainland, the Pekawai Block off the East Kalimantan coast, and the West Yamdena Block offshore and Maluku mainland.

With direct offers, bidders who have submitted documents are Mubadala Petroleum Ltd, Repsol Exploration, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk, PT Saka Energy Indonesia, and Premier Oil Far East Ltd consortium, Mubadala Petroleum Ltd, and Kris Energy

"If asked interestingly or not, with the interest of five out of seven working areas of oil and gas, then we say gross split scheme managed to attract investors," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, Friday (29/12) Jakarta.

Arcandra compares the auction of conventional and non-conventional oil and gas (coal methane and shale gas) metals in 2015 and 2016 that failed to attract investors.

At that time, the profit sharing scheme used still contains cost recovery component (an operating cost that can be recovered). By 2015 there are eight working areas on offer and by 2016 14 jobs are offered. The bid in two years did not win any winners.

"Remember, in 2015 and 2016 when offered still use cost recovery and none of which sell well. All over again
The Working Area will be offered again in 2018 using a gross split scheme and hopefully someone will be interested in managing the block, "said Arcandra.

As for regular auctions on the working area of the Tongkol Block offshore Natuna, East Tanimbar Block off the coast of Maluku, as well as the Mamberamo Block offshore and mainland Papua, none of the companies expressed interest. Similarly, the Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Working Area (coal methane gas), none of the companies interested in the Work Area are Raja and Bunga Emas in mainland South Sumatra.

"The possibility of non-conventional oil and gas working areas is not desirable because it still faces severe challenges, namely the low price of crude oil. In addition, the success ratio for this Work Area is low, "said Arcandra.

Not yet confirmed

Chairman of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Association Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that an oil and gas working area of interest or taken by its offer documents by investors cannot be used as a measure that the gross split scheme was successfully implemented. Because not yet certain companies that take the auction document realize its investment commitments for exploration to production.

"What we need now is a bona fide company or really committed to seek and produce oil and gas in Indonesia. Not just a company that is interested and won the auction, "said Pri Agung Rakhmanto.


Skema Bagi Hasil Baru Diminati Investor

Skema bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi bruto merupakan daya tarik bagi investor. Klaim pemerintah tersebut berdasarkan pada lima Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi konvensional dengan skema bagi hasil itu, yang diminati investor.

Padahal, investor yang telah mengambil dokumen lelang wilayah kerja itu belum dapat dijadikan ukuran hingga penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan.

Kelima wilayah kerja tersebut adalah Blok Andaman I dan II di lepas pantai Sumatera bagian utara, Blok Merak-Lampung di lepas pantai dan daratan Lampung, Blok Pekawai di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur, serta Blok West Yamdena di lepas pantai dan daratan Maluku.

Dengan penawaran langsung, peserta lelang yang sudah memasukkan dokumen adalah Mubadala Petroleum Ltd, Repsol Exploration, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk, PT Saka Energi Indonesia, serta konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd, Mubadala Petroleum Ltd, dan Kris Energy

”Kalau ditanya menarik atau tidak, dengan diminatinya lima dari tujuh wilayah kerja migas, maka kami katakan skema gross split berhasil menarik minat investor,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, Jumat (29/12), di Jakarta.

Arcandra membandingkan lelang vvilayah kerja migas konvensional dan non-konvensional (gas metan batubara dan minyak serpih) pada 2015 dan 2016 yang gagal menarik minat investor. Saat itu, skema bagi hasil yang digunakan masih memuat komponen cost recovery (biaya operasi yang dapat dipulihkan). Pada 2015 ada delapan wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan dan pada 2016 sebanyak 14 wilayah kerja ditawarkan. Penawaran dalam dua tahun itu tidak mendapatkan satu pun pemenang.

”Ingat, pada 2015 dan 2016 saat ditawarkan masih menggunakan cost recovery dan tidak ada satu pun yang laku. Nanti seluruh
Wilayah Kerja itu akan ditawarkan ulang pada 2018 menggunakan skema gross split dan semoga akan ada yang berminat mengelola blok tersebut,” ujar Arcandra.

Adapun untuk lelang reguler terhadap wilayah kerja Blok Tongkol di lepas pantai Natuna, Blok East Tanimbar di lepas pantai Maluku, serta Blok Mamberamo di lepas pantai dan daratan Papua, tidak satu pun perusahaan menyatakan minat. Begitu pula dengan Wilayah Kerja migas non-konvensional (gas metan batubara) tidak satu pun perusahaan yang tertarik Wilayah Kerja tersebut adalah Raja dan Bungamas di daratan Sumatera Selatan.

”Kemungkinan Wilayah Kerja migas non-konvensional tidak diminati karena masih menghadapi tantangan berat, yaitu harga minyak mentah yang masih rendah. Selain itu, rasio keberhasilan untuk Wilayah Kerja ini terbilang rendah,” ujar Arcandra.

Belum dipastikan 

Ketua I Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengatakan, sebuah Wilayah kerja migas yang diminati atau diambil dokumen penawarannya oleh investor belum dapat dijadikan ukuran bahwa skema gross split berhasil diterapkan. Sebab belum dapat dipastikan perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengambil dokumen lelang tersebut merealisasikan komitmen investasinya untuk eksplorasi sampai produksi.

”Yang kita butuhkan sekarang adalah perusahaan yang bonafide atau benar-benar mempunyai komitmen mencari dan memproduksi migas di Indonesia. Bukan sekadar perusahaan yang berminat dan memenangi lelang,” kata Pri Agung Rakhmanto.

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

Project Prioritize Local Workers

East Kalimantan Governor Awang Faroek Ishak ensured that the expansion project of PT Pertamina refinery in Balikpapan would require about 20,000-30,000 workers with priority on local human resources.

This certainty was stated directly by Awang after a meeting with the management of PT Pertamina and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in Jakarta recently.

"I reminded that the recruitment of the workforce to prioritize the people of East Kalimantan, the refinery should be built by local workers," Awang said on the official website of East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

The proposal, said the Governor, was welcomed by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution and Pertamina's management. Although prioritizing the workforce of East Kalimantan, the priority of the technical aspects of the expansion project of oil refineries requires the availability of skilled manpower according to the oil field.

Awang asked the younger generation of East Kalimantan to immediately attend training in a number of Training Center (BLK) in East Kalimantan.

"The Organization of Regional Organizations [OPD] scope of East Kalimantan Provincial Government includes BLK, and Polytechnic to jointly discuss the provision of qualified workers to support this big project," he said.

He asserted that the human resources in the area will not be outdone by the power from outside East Kalimantan.

"Please maximize this opportunity," he said.

Awang asked the younger generation of East Kalimantan to immediately attend training in a number of Training Center (BLK) in East Kalimantan.

"Now it cannot happen again," he said.

He added that this megaproject will be groundbreaking by President Joko Widodo in January 2018.

"God willing, President Jokowi is coming," he said.

In order to welcome the arrival of President Jokowi to East Kalimantan, on January 5, 2018 coordination meeting between representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Manpower, PT Pertamina, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Balikpapan City Government, Samarinda City Government, Bontang City Government and PPU .

For information, the Refinery Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) in Balikpapan, Pertamina has established PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) as the executor, and state-owned banks as a source of working capital financing. The Pertamina refinery expansion project in Balikpapan consists of two stages, each targeting to be completed by 2019 and 2021. This target is 22 months faster than the targeted previously.

Meanwhile, the capacity of the oil processing infrastructure is targeted to increase from 260,000 to 360,000 barrels per day. In addition to capacity, the fuel products from the refinery will also be upgraded from the original emission standard from Euro 2 to Euro 5.


Proyek Prioritaskan Tenaga Kerja Lokal

Gubernur Kalimantan Timur-Awang Faroek Ishak memastikan proyek perluasan kilang minyak PT Pertamina di Balikpapan akan membutuhkan sekitar 20,000-30.000 tenaga kerja dengan prioritas pada sumber daya manusia lokal.

Kepastian ini dinyatakan langsung oleh Awang seusai rapat bersama manajemen PT Pertamina dan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian di Jakarta baru-baru ini.

“Saya mengingatkan agar penerimaan tenaga kerja untuk megaproyek itu memprioritaskan warga Kalimantan Timur, kilang harus dibangun oleh tenaga lokal," ujar Awang di laman resmi Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.

Usulan itu, kata Gubernur, disambut baik Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Darmin Nasution dan manajemen Pertamina. Meskipun mengutamakan tenaga kerja Kalimantan Timur, prioritas dari aspek teknis dalam proyek perluasan pembangunan kilang minyak tersebut menuntut ketersediaan teriaga terampil sesuai dengan bidang perminyakan.

Awang meminta generasi muda Kalimantan Timur segera mengikuti pelatihan di sejumlah Balai latihan Kerja (BLK) di Kalimantan Timur.

“Organisasi Perangkat Daerah [OPD] lingkup Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur temasuk BLK, dan Politeknik untuk bersama-sama mendiskusikan penyediaan tenaga kerja berkualitas untuk mendukung proyek besar ini,” katanya.

Dia menegaskan dengan begitu SDM di daerah tidak akan kalah dengan tenaga dari luar Kalimantan Timur. 

“Silakan maksimalkan kesempatan ini,” ungkapnya.

Awang tidak menampik jika secara umum, pembangunan proyek strategis cenderung menggunakan jasa tenaga-tenaga dari luar daerah. 

“Sekarang ini tidak boleh terjadi lagi," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan, megaproyek ini akan di groundbreaking oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada Januari 2018. 

"lnsya Allah Presiden Jokowi akan datang," katanya.

Dalam rangka menyambut kedatangan Presiden Jokowi ke Kalimantan Timur, maka pada 5 Januari 2018 akan diselenggarakan rapat koordinasi antar perwakilan Kementerian Perekonomian, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja, PT Pertamina, Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Pemerintah kota Balikpapan, Pemerintah kota Samarinda, Pemerintah kota Bontang, dan PPU.

Sebagai informasi, Proyek Refinery Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) di Balikpapan, Pertamina sudah menetapkan PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) sebagai pelaksana, dan bank-bank BUMN sebagai sumber pembiayaan modal kerja. Proyek perluasan kilang Pertamina di Balikpapan terdiri dari dua tahap, yang masing-masing ditarget rampung pada 2019 dan 2021. Target ini lebih cepat 22 bulan dibandingkan dengan yang ditargetkan sebelumnya.

Adapun, kapasitas infrastruktur pengolahan minyak itu ditarget bertambah, dari semula 260.000 menjadi 360.000 barel per hari. Selain kapasitas, produk BBM dari kilang tersebut juga akan di upgrade standar emisinya dari yang semula masih Euro 2 menjadi Euro 5.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-11, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Expected Increasingly Passionate

The government has issued seven incentives for the upstream oil and gas sector. The incentives are contained in Government Regulation No. 53/2017 concerning tax treatment on upstream oil and gas business activities with profit sharing contracts of gross split.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the incentives will apply during the exploration period until the start of production. He hopes the existence of such incentives can stimulate upstream oil and gas investment.

"We hope that next year's auction of oil and gas blocks can be more attractive because of the scheme for gross split, plus the tax regulation," said Arcandra to reporters in Jakarta.

Incentives provided through Government Regulation (PP) no. 53/2017, inter alia, import duty-free, non-resident tax (VAT), and sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM) are not subject to the acquisition and use of oil and gas operations and services.

In addition, Article 22 income tax (PPh) is also not subject to imports of oil and gas operations, 100% reduction in land and building tax (PBB) and utilization of oil and gas joint assets not subject to VAT.

Government Regulation No. 53/2017 also extends the withholding of income tax from 5 years to 10 years and does not impose VAT in indirect costs of head office.

"If the previous regulation Government Regulation no. 27/2017 states that such incentives apply only during the exploration period. The current Government Regulation is valid until the first production oil comes out, "said Arcandra.

He claims the seven incentives are in accordance with the aspirations of the contractors of the cooperation contract (KKKS). Therefore, he expects more and more oil and gas blocks to be auctioned. 

     According to Arcandra, next year, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will re-open the auction of oil and gas blocks that were previously unsold during 2015-2017. In addition, there will be new oil and gas blocks to be offered starting January 2018.

"This is in accordance with the proposed KKKS requesting tax relief from exploration to exploitation," he said.


Indutri Hulu Migas Diharapkankan Semakin Bergairah

Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan tujuh insentif untuk sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Insentif tersebut ada didalam  Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 53/2017 tentang perlakuan perpajakan pada kegiatan usaha hulu migas dengan kontrak bagi hasil gross split.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan insentif tersebut akan berlaku selama masa eksplorasi hingga dimulainya produksi. Ia berharap keberadaan insentif tersebut bisa menggairahkan investasi hulu migas.

“Kita berharap lelang blok migas tahun depan bisa lebih menarik karena skema bagi hasil gross split, ditambah peraturan perpajakan ini,” ucap Arcandra kepada wartawan di Jakarta.

Insentif yang diberikan lewat Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 53/2017, antara lain, bebas bea masuk impor, pajak pertambahan nliai (PPN), dan pajak penjualan atas barang mewah (PPnBM) tidak dikenai terhadap perolehan dan pemanfaatan barang dan jasa operasi migas. 

Selain itu, pajak penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 22 juga tidak dikenai terhadap impor barang operasi migas, pengurangan pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB) sebanyak 100% dan pemanfaatan aset bersama migas tidak kena PPN.

Peraturan Pemerintah No 53/2017 juga memperpanjang penangguhan PPh dari 5 tahun menjadi 10 tahun dan tidak mengenakan PPN dalam biaya tidak langsung kantor pusat. 

“Kalau aturan sebelumnya Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27/2017 menyatakan insentif tersebut hanya berlaku selama masa eksplorasi. Peraturan Pemerintah yang sekarang berlaku sampai minyak produksi pertama keluar,” kata Arcandra.

Ia mengklaim tujuh insentif tersebut sudah sesuai dengan aspirasi para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Karena itu, ia berharap makin banyak blok migas yang laku dilelang. 

     Menurut Arcandra, pada tahun depan, Kementerian ESDM akan membuka kembali lelang blok migas yang sebelumnya tidak laku selama 2015-2017. Selain itu, akan ada blok migas baru yang akan ditawarkan mulai Januari 2018. 

“Ini sesuai dengan usulan KKKS yang meminta keringanan pajak mulai eksplorasi sampai dengan eksploitasi,” ujarnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Saturday, Dec 30, 2017