Thursday, December 8, 2016
Januari, Harga Gas Lima Industri Turun US$ 1,5 MMBTU
Harga gas untuk lima industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja turun hingga US$ 1,5 per MMBTU mulai 1 Januari 2017. Hal ini sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Untuk Industri Tertentu yang baru saja diterbitkan oleh pemerintah. Direktur jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM l Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, penurunan harga gas ini diperoleh dengan mengubah formula harga gas yang berlaku. Jika sebelumnya harga gas dipatok tetap, kini harga gas dihitung dengan formula yang memasukkan pergerakan harga komoditas pupuk, amoniak, dan baja.
Namun, mengingat harga ketiga komoditas itu saat ini sangat rendah, harga gas yang dipakai adalah harga dasarnya. “Jadi yang berlaku adalah floor pricenya. Ada yang harga gasnya US$ 6 per MMBTU, US$ 5,8 per MMBTU, dan ada juga yang sekitar US$ 3 per MMBTU,” kata dia. Harga gas baru akan naik ketika harga urea, amoniak, dan baja naik. Diakui Wiratmaja, penggunaan formula ini berbeda dengan rencana awal. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri 40/2015, harga gas ditekan dengan mengurangi bagian negara dari penerimaan penjualan gas. Tetapi dengan menggunakan formula, penurunan harga gas ini ditanggung bersama oleh pemerintah dan produsen migas. Sehingga tidak ada pengurangan prosentase bagian negara. "Bukan pengurangan prosentase, tetapi secara nominal turun,” jelas dia.
Pasalnya, formula harga gas baru menyebabkan penerimaan dari penjualan gas bakal berkurang. Dalam penurunan harga gas kali ini, disebutnya, hanya PT Pertamina yang terkena dampaknya. Pasalnya, dari sepuluh kontrak penjualan gas ke industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja, blok migas yang menjadi sumbernya dikelola oleh Pertamina dan aifiliasinya. Dalam hal ini, Pertamina memang diminta untuk berkorban. “Setengahnya itu berkorban Pertamina melalui efisiensi. Pertamina sudah diajak diskusi,” kata Wiratmaja.
Tak hanya di hulu, penurunan harga gas juga diperoleh dari pemangkasan tarif pengangkutan gas bumi. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri 40/2016 ini, tarif yang dipangkas yakni untuk gas dari Kangean Energy Indonesia Limited ke PT Petrokimia Gresik melalui pipa East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) dan dari PT Pertamina EP ke PT Krakatau Steel melalui pipa Cilimaya-Cilegon. Kedua pipa ini milik PT.Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), anak usaha Pertamina. "Jadi yang berkorban industri midstream, hulu, sama pemerintah, sesuai formula saja. In sharing the pain, sharing the gain seperti yang dibilang Pak Menteri,” ujar Wiratmaja. Dalam Peraturan Menteri 40/ 2016, terdapat delapan industri yang dapat harga gas khusus.
Namun, harga gas untuk PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol lndustri, dan PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur masih sesuai dengan formula harga yang berlaku saat ini. Hal ini lantaran harga gas untuk ketiga industri ini masih cukup rendah, yakni sekitar US$ 2,85 per MMBTU sampai US$ 5,86 per MMBTU. Sementara untuk empat industri lain, formula harga gasnya diubah. Untuk PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, harga gas dari Pertamina EP turun dari US$ 6,62 per MMBTU menjadi US$ 6 per MMBTU dan dari Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) turun menjadi US$ 5,73 per MMBTU.
Selanjutnya harga gas untuk PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang dari Pertamina EP turun dari US$ 6,54-6,73 menjadi US$ 6 per MMBTU dan JOB PHE-Talisman dari US$ 6,56 menjadi US$ 6,48 per MMBTU. Selanjutnya, untuk PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, harga gas dari JOB PHE North Sumatera B dan North Sumatera Offshore turun dari US$ 7,54 menjadi US$ 6 per MMBTU. Harga gas untuk PT Petrokimia Gresik dari Kangean Energy Limited turun US$ 6,28 menjadi US$ 6 per Mmbtu. Terakhir, harga gas PT Krakatau Steel dan PT Pertamina EP turun dari US$ 7,35 menjadi US$ 6 per MMBTU.
Disinggung harga gas yang masih kisaran US$ 6 per MMBTU, Wiratmaja menyebut hal tersebut telah didiskusikan bersama dengan pembeli gasnya. Walaupun harga ini masih di atas permintaan Kementerian Perindustrian yang hanya sekitar US$ 4 per MMBTU. Dia optimis harga yang sudah ditetapkanakan diterima oleh industri bersangkutan lantaran sudah dibahas bersama. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, pihaknya akan memfasilitasi amendemen kontrak jual beli gas yang harganya harus disesuaikan ini.
Pasalnya, amendemen perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) juga diamanatkan oleh Peraturan Menteri 40/ 2016. “Yang selesai amendemen PJBG) baru tiga,” kata dia. Total terdapat sepuluh PJBG yang perlu diamendemen. Penurunan harga gas, lanjutnya, memang sedikit mengurangi penerimaan negara. Namun, industri hulu migas juga akan melakukan efisiensi biaya operasi agar harga gas bisa lebih rendah lagi. Efisiensi dilakukan pada proyek migas di masa mendatang, bukan yang sudah berjalan. “Salah satunya depresiasi proyek migas ditangguhkan,” jelas Amien.
Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro mengatakan, Pertamina mendukung upaya pemerintah menetapkan harga gas yang kompetitif bagi industri maupun konsumen akhir. Harga gas yang kompetitif diharapkan akan meningkatkan volume penyerapan gas sehingga utilisasi pipa-pipa transmisi dan distribusi dapat optimal. “Untuk beberapa area kerja (blok migas) yang menghasilkan gas, sudah kami buatkan skenario harga gas sesuai dengan aturan,” kata dia.
Furthermore, the price of gas to PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang from Pertamina EP down from US $ 6.54 to 6.73 to US $ 6 per MMBTU and PHE-JOB Talisman of US $ 6.56 to US $ 6.48 per MMBTU. Furthermore, to PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, the price of gas from PHE JOB North Sumatra and North Sumatra Offshore B fell from US $ 7.54 to US $ 6 per MMBTU. The price of gas to PT PKG from Kangean Energy Limited fell US $ 6.28 to US $ 6 per Mmbtu. Lastly, the price of gas to PT Krakatau Steel and PT Pertamina EP down from US $ 7.35 to US $ 6 per MMBTU.
Touched gas prices are still around US $ 6 per MMBTU, Wiratmaja refers to this have been discussed together with the gas purchaser. Although the price is still at the request of the Ministry of Industry which was only about US $ 4 per MMBTU. He is optimistic that the price that has been accepted by the industry concerned ditetapkanakan because already discussed together. Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said it would facilitate the amendment of a gas sales contract that costs have to be adjusted.
Because the amendments gas sales agreement (GSA) is also mandated by Regulation 40/2016 "The complete amendment GSA) has three," he said. In total there are ten GSA needs to be amended. The decline in gas prices, he added, was slightly reduced state revenues. However, upstream oil and gas industry will also conduct operating cost efficiency in order to lower gas prices again. Efficiency is done in oil and gas projects in the future, not already running. "One of them suspended depreciation of oil and gas projects," said Amien.
Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro said Pertamina support government efforts to establish a competitive gas prices for industry and the end consumer. Competitive gas prices are expected to increase the volume of gas absorption so that the utilization of transmission pipes and distribution can be optimized. "For some of the work area (block oil and gas) that produce ga
January, Industrial Gas Five Prices Dropped $ 1.5 MMBTU
The price of gas for five fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell to $ 1.5 per MMBTU effective 1 January 2017. This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40 of 2016 on Gas Price For Industry Certain has just been published by the government. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral l Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja said the decline in gas prices is obtained by changing the gas pricing formula applicable. If before the price of gas remained pegged, now the price of gas is calculated by a formula that includes the movement of commodity prices of fertilizers, ammonia, and steel.
However, considering the price of the three commodities are currently very low, the price of gas used is essentially the price. "So the effect is pricenya floor. There is a gas price of US $ 6 per MMBTU, $ 5.8 per MMBTU, and some are around US $ 3 per MMBTU, "he said. The new gas price will rise when the price of urea, ammonia, and steel rose. Wiratmaja Admittedly, the use of this formula is different from the original plan. In accordance with Regulation 40/2015, the price of gas is pressed to reduce the state's share of gas sales revenue. But using the formula, the decline in gas prices is borne jointly by the government and oil and gas producer. So there is no reduction in the percentage of parts of the country. "Not reducing the percentage, but nominally down," he explained.
Because the new gas pricing formula led to earnings from the sale of gas will be reduced. In the drop in gas prices this time, he calls, only PT Pertamina affected. The reason, of ten contracts for gas sales to the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel, oil and gas blocks which became the source managed by Pertamina and aifiliasinya. In this case, Pertamina was asked to make sacrifices. "Half of it is sacrificed Pertamina through efficiency. Pertamina has been invited to the discussion, "said Wiratmaja.
Not only in the upstream, gas price reduction also cuts freight rates obtained from natural gas. The corresponding regulation 40/2016, which trimmed the rates for gas from Kangean Energy Indonesia Limited to PT PKG via pipeline East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) and of PT Pertamina EP PT Krakatau Steel through pipes Cilimaya-Cilegon. Both of these pipes belong PT.Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), a subsidiary of Pertamina. "So who sacrificed industry midstream, upstream, the same government, according to the formula alone. In sharing the pain, share the gain as practically Minister," said Wiratmaja. In Regulation 40/2016, there are eight industries that can be priced specialty gases.
However, the price of gas to PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industries, and PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur still in accordance with the pricing formula applicable today. This is because the price of gas for the third industry is still quite low, which is about US $ 2.85 per MMBTU to US $ 5.86 per MMBTU. As for the four other industry, the gas price formula was changed. For PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, the price of gas from Pertamina EP down from US $ 6.62 per MMBTU to $ 6 per MMBTU and from Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) fell to US $ 5.73 per MMBTU.
Investor Daily, Page-9,Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
Kuli Google Adsense, Admob, Android Developer, ternak tuyul online
2016 Oil Investment Realization is Estimated to Reach US $ 11.4 Billion
This investment is mostly used to finance oil and gas production activities, followed by development and exploration. In detail, the costs for the exploitation block are the US $ 10.3 billion and the exploration blocks are US $ 94 million. So the main component of expenditure is for production.
He explained that the investment realization was still below the target of US $ 12 billion because the number of several activities carried out had not been as planned. In detail, the realization of exploration well drilling was recorded at only 43 units of the target of 67 units and new development drilling wells of 223 wells out of the target of 245 wells.
Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas
"Until the end of the year, the possibility of realizing investment is the only US $ 11.4 billion," said Deputy of Financial Control of SKK Migas, Parulian Sihotang.
The decline in the number of oil and gas activities is the main cause. However, SKK Migas noted that there were 10 new oil and gas production facilities that could be completed in 2016.
In detail, Train-B Blok Cepu by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), onshore receiving facility (ORF) Bukit Tua Field by Petronas Carigali Ketapang 2 Limited,
Blogger Agus Purnomo in Petronas Carigali Ketapang
Donggi and Pondok Makmur by PT Pertamina EP Dayung Compression-2 by ConocoPhilips Grissik Ltd, IDD Bangka by Chevron Indonesia Company, North Duri Development Area 13 by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Karendan by Ophir Energy, KRA South by Star Energy Kakap Ltd, and Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 1 by Tropik Pandan Energy.
Although the investment is below the plan, SKK Migas is optimistic that it can achieve the oil and gas production and lifting targets in accordance with the 2016 Revised State Budget. Amien explained that as of 30 November, oil production was recorded at 833 thousand BPD and gas 7,966 mmscfd.
Meanwhile, the realization of oil lifting was 821.23 thousand BPD and gas 6,643 mmscfd. Based on this realization, SKK Migas estimates that the achievement by the end of the year will exceed the oil target of 820 thousand BPD and gas 6,438 mmscfd. In detail, the estimated oil production is 831.5 thousand BPD and gas 7,945 mmscfd.
Meanwhile, the outlook for lifting until the end of the year will be the same as the realization this November, namely 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day from the target of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.
"So from production and lifting, we are optimistic that what is set in the 2016 Revised State Budget will be achieved," said Amien.
This year, SKK Migas has approved 27 development plans / PODs as well as plans of future development / POFD. The entire POD and POFD are estimated to be able to increase oil and gas reserves by 204 million barrels of oil equivalent. From this POD there is also an oil and gas investment plan in the future of up to the US $ 2.85 billion.
"From a total of 27 POD and POFD, the government can receive the US $ 6.55 billion," he said.
The estimated gross revenue from oil and gas until December 31 will reach the US $ 23.98 billion. This figure includes a cost recovery of US $ 11.47 billion. Net revenue is US $ 12.5 billion, of which the contractor's share in the US $ 3.22 billion and the government is the US $ 9.29 billion.
"This is decreasing from last year," he said.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Dec 6, 2016
Kuli Google Adsense, Admob, Android Developer, ternak tuyul online
Pemberian Privilege untuk Untuk Pertamina Tak Langgar Konstitusi
Pemberian keistimewaan (privilege) kepada PT Pertamina khususnya di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi nasional tidak menyalahi konstitusi, karena perusahaan adalah badan usaha milik negara di sektor energi terintegrasi sebagai representasi negara. Apalagi dominasi pengelolaan hulu migas oleh Pertamina sebagai national oil company (NOC) saat ini masih rendah dibandingkan dengan NOC negara lain “Akan lebih bagus dalam revisi UU No 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang diinisiasi oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), Pertamina diberikan semua privilege, tapi tidak menjadikannya sebagai regulator,” ujar Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya Yudha. Saat ini, porsi Pertamina sekitar 20%, sementara negara lain seperti Brazil 81%,Aljazair 78%, Norwegia 58%, dan Malaysia 47%.
Sesuai putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No 36 Tahun 2012, terdapat 14 pasal UU No 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang inkonstitusional. Pertamina tidak berperan sebagai tuan di negara sendiri, sebagaimana berlaku bagi NOC negara lain yang porsi produksi domestiknya besar karena dominasi pengelolaan hulu migas oleh perseroan cukup rendah. Berlakunya UU No 22 Tahun 2001 membuat hak eksklusif BUMN mengelola migas dalam UU No 44 Prp/1960 dan UU No 8/ 1971 hilang. Pengelolaan migas beralih kepada kontraktor asing melalui Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BP Migas) yang Sekarang berganti nama menjadi SKK Migas.
Menurut Satya pentingnya memberikan keistimewaan kepada Pertamina sebagai NOC sehingga ke depannya Pertamina menjadi punya nilai lebih daripada saat ini. Contoh privilese yang diberikan antara lain setiap kontrak yang akan habis (expired) Pertamina diberikan first right of refusal. Bisa juga semua blok-blok yang bagus dibelikan ke Pertamina, sementara sisanya baru diberikan kepada kontraktor bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) dengan yang lain.“Banyak cara untuk menjadikan Pertamina besar,” katanya. DPR menurut Satya masih mendiskusikan revisi UU Migas. Salah satu klausul yang dimasukkan dalam revisi UU Migas adalah soal tata kelola sektor hulu migas. “Ada kelompok yang menginginkan Pertamina seperti Zaman dulu, operator sekaligus regulator. Kalau ini terjadi, kasihan Pertamina-nya,” kata Satya.
Anggota Dewan Energi Nasional Syamsir Abduh mendukung agar revisi UU Migas nanti dapat memperkuat posisi Pertamina sebagai NOC dan menjadikan Pertamina sebagai representasi negara dalarn penguasaan dan pengusahaan migas sehingga fungsi dan kewenangan SKK Migas diserahkan ke Pertamina. “Percepatan penyelesaian RUU Migas akan memberi solusi komprehensif untuk menjawab persoalan migas dari hulu ke hilir dalam upaya mendukung kedaulatan energi,” ujarnya. Menurut Syamsir, peraturan pengganti UU (perpu) dapat menjadi solusi atas kedudukan SKK Migas yang belum jelas, bahkan berpotensi ilegal dan tentunya bisa membahayakan kelangsungan pengelolaan migas di tanah air.
Dalam Revisi UU Migas, Pertamina diusulkan menggantikan SKK Migas menjadi regulator, pengawas dan operator kegiatan usaha hulu migas di Tanah Air. Kewenangan perumusan kebijakan dan strategi tetap berada di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Perubahan kelembagaan SKK Migas dinilai lebih sesuai dengan amanat UUD 1945 dan Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Sementara itu, mantan annggota Tim Refomasi Tata Kelola Migas Fahmy Radhi sebelumnya mengatakan revisi UU Migas harus memberikan privilege kepada Pertamina.
Keistimewaan yang diberikan kepada Pertamina itu meliputi pemberian hak utama dalam penawaran lahan migas yang baru (new black offered), hak utama untuk mengakuisisi partisipasi interest (existing contract), dan hak utama untuk mengelola lahan yang kontraknya sudah berakhir (expiring contract).
Granting Privilege for Pertamina Not To Violate Constitution
Granting privileges to PT Pertamina, especially in the upstream sector of the oil and of natural gas does not violate the constitution, because the company is state-owned enterprises in the energy sector is integrated as a representation of the state. Moreover, the dominance of the management of upstream oil and gas by Pertamina as the national oil company (NOC) is still low compared with the NOCs of other countries "would be great in the revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas initiated by the House of Representatives (DPR), Pertamina given all privileges, but did not make it as a regulator, "said House Commission VII member Satya Yudha. Currently, Pertamina portion of approximately 20%, while other countries such as Brazil 81%, Algeria 78%, Norway 58%, and Malaysia 47%.
Corresponding decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) No. 36 of 2012, there are 14 chapters of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas unconstitutional. Pertamina does not act as a master in his own country, as applicable to the NOC other countries large portion of domestic production due to the dominance of upstream oil and gas by the company's management is quite low. The enactment of Law No. 22 of 2001 made the exclusive right to manage state-owned enterprises in the oil and gas Law No. 44 Prp / 1960 and Law No. 8/1971 missing. Oil and gas management is transferred to foreign contractors through the Executive Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BP Migas) is now renamed SKK Migas.
According to Satya importance privileges for Pertamina as the NOC so that the front Pertamina to have more value than it currently is. Examples of privileges granted include any contracts that will expire (expired) Pertamina is given first right of refusal. Can also all the good blocks bought to Pertamina, while the remainder is given to the contractor for the results (production sharing contract / PSC) with the others. "There are many ways to make a big Pertamina," he said. DPR according to Satya still discussing a revision of the Oil and Gas Law. One of the clauses included in the revision of oil and gas law is a matter of governance of the upstream oil and gas sector. "There is a group that wants Pertamina like the old days, operator and regulator. If this happens, Pertamina sorry for her, "says Satya.
National Energy Board Member Abduh Siregar support that the revision of oil and gas law can strengthen their future Pertamina as the NOC and make Pertamina as a state representation dalarn mastery and exploitation of oil and gas so that the functions and authority of SKK Migas submitted to Pertamina. "Accelerating the completion of oil and gas bill will provide a comprehensive solution to address the issue of oil and gas from upstream to downstream in an effort to support energy sovereignty," he said. According to Siregar, regulation in lieu of law (perpu) can be a solution to SKK Migas position is not yet clear, and even potentially illegal and certainly could jeopardize the management of oil and gas in the country.
In the revised Law on Oil and Gas, Pertamina proposed replacing SKK Migas as a regulator, supervisor and operator upstream oil and gas activities in the country. The authority of the formulation of policies and strategies remain in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Institutional change SKK Migas assessed more in line with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and the Constitutional Court's decision. Meanwhile, former annggota Governance Reform Team Migas Fahmy Radhi said earlier revision of oil and gas law should give privilege to Pertamina.
Privileges granted to Pertamina include major entitlement in the offer of new oil and gas fields (new black offered), the primary right to acquire a participation interest (existing contract), and the primary right to manage land whose contract has expired (expiring contract).
Investor Daily, Page-9,Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
Kuli Google Adsense, Admob, Android Developer, ternak tuyul online
Industri Hulu Migas Prioritas Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
Pengoptimalan sumber daya alam minyak dan gas selalu menyimpan tantangan tersendiri bagi industri hulu minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya yang dilakukan agar potensi migas di Indonesia bisa dimanfaatkan secara optimal memerlukan dukungan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas dan kompeten. Sebagai Salah satu industri yang padat modal, sektor hulu migas tetap mengutamakan pemanfaatan tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia, Jumlah pekerja lokal di sektor strategis ini bahkan sudah jauh melampaui jumlah tenaga kerja asing (TKA).
Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), pada 2015 jumlah tenaga kerja asal Indonesia yang bekerja di Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) mencapai 31.742 pekerja atau sekitar 97persen dari total jumlah pekerja. Sedangkan jumlah tenaga kerja asing sebanyak 1.022 orang atau hanya berkisar 3 persen. Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, jumlah TKI di industri hulu migas mengalami kenaikan seiring bertambahnya kegiatan operasi yang dilaksanakan KKKS.
Sebaliknya, jumlah TKA yang bekerja di industri ini cenderung tidak mengalami penambahan meski banyak proyek besar yang sedang berlangsung. “Sektor hulu migas berkomitmen penuh untuk mengembangkan kapabilitas dan kapasitas nasional dalam bidang sumber daya manusia,” kata Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi. Menurut Amien, komitmen untuk memprioritaskan TKI tetap dipegang industri hulu migas pasca diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA).
Komitmen tersebut diwujudkan salah satunya masalah pembentukan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Hulu minyak dan gas (LSP Hulu Migas). Lembaga ini mewadahi kegiatan pengembangan sumber daya manusia di industri hulu minyak dan gas melalui program program sertifkasi kompetensi pekerja. Pemerintah sendiri mewajibkan pekerja sektor hulu minyak dan gas untuk memenuhi Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) seperti diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Nomor 05 Tahun 2015.
Dalam aturan tersebut, ada 35 jenis SKKNI yang Wajib dipenuhi oleh pekerja di industri hulu migas Amien mengatakan, selain kewajiban mengikuti sertifikasi, sumber daya Manusia di sektor hulu migas didorong untuk terus mengembangkan kompetensi yang dimiliki. keterlibatan pihak lain, seperti perguruan tinggi serta balai pendidikan dan pelatihan, turut dibutuhkan dalam mencetak tenaga kerja Indonesia yang profesional. “Sedini mungkin, sumber daya manusia yang ada di Indonesia harus disiapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja profesional dindustri hulu migas,” katanya.
Melalui berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pekerja, tenaga kerja lokal diharapkan bisa menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Kesempatan tersebut akan makin terbuka apabila investasi di Sektor hulu migas terus meningkat.
Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Labor Priority Indonesia
Optimization of natural resources of oil and gas have always save a challenge for the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia. Various efforts were made so that the potential oil and gas in Indonesia can be utilized optimally require human resources support qualified and competent. One of the industry as capital intensive upstream oil and gas sector while maintaining the utilization of Indonesian workers (TKI) in meeting the human resource needs, Number of local workers in strategic sectors, and it even has far exceeded the number of foreign workers (TKA).
Based on data from Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), in 2015 the number of workers from Indonesia who work in the Contractor of Cooperation Contract (PSC) reached 31 742 workers, or about 97persen of the total number of workers. While the number of foreign workers as many as 1,022 people or only about 3 percent. In the last 10 years, the number of migrant workers in the upstream oil and gas industry has increased with increasing operations conducted by KKKS.
In contrast, the number of foreign workers who work in this industry tend to be no increase in spite of many large projects are ongoing. "Upstream oil and gas sector is fully committed to develop national capabilities and capacities in the field of human resources," said Head of SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi. According to Amien, a commitment to prioritize migrant workers still held upstream oil and gas industry after the entry into force of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
The commitment is embodied one problem formation Professional Certification Institute Upstream Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Upstream LSP). These institutions facilitate the activities of human resource development in the upstream oil and gas industry through competency certification program workers. The government itself require workers upstream oil and gas to meet the Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKKNI) as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 05 of 2015.
In these rules, there are 35 types of SKKNI Mandatory filled by workers in the upstream oil and gas industry Amien said, in addition to the obligation to follow the certification, human resources in the upstream oil and gas sector are encouraged to continue to develop their competence. involvement of other parties, such as universities and centers of education and training, also required in print professional Indonesian workers. "As early as possible, the human resources that exist in Indonesia must be prepared to meet the needs of professionals in industry upstream oil and gas," he said.
Through various efforts to improve the competence of workers, the local labor force is expected to be able to host in their own country. The occasion will be more open when investments in upstream oil and gas sector continues to increase.
Koran Tempo, Page-3,Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
Kuli Google Adsense, Admob, Android Developer, ternak tuyul online
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Pemerintah Menolak Dua Permintaan Inpex
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) bersama Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman menolak dua dari lima permintaan Inpex Corporation terkait proyek Lapangan Aba di Blok Masela. Permintaan Inpex yang ditolak itu adalah moratorium 10 tahun. Moratorium atau penangguhan kontrak diminta lnpex, karena pemerintah mengubah desain proyek dari di laut menjadi di darat. Harapannya, dengan moratorium ini kontrak Inpex bisa diperpanjang dari yang sebelumnya akan berakhir tahun 2028 bertambah menjadi 2038.
Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyatakan pihaknya tidak akan memberikan moratorium kontrak kepada Inpex selama 10 tahun. Alasannya, karena sewaktu proyek ini di pindahkan dari ofshore menjadi offshore masih banyak komponen yang bisa dipakai. Jadi, tidak sebagian besar proyek berubah. “Kami akan memberikan (moratorium) tapi tidak 10 tahun, Hitungannya kurang jauh dari itu, lagi negosiasi," terangnya di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman. Arcandra masih belum mau memberikan detail berapa moratorium yang akan diberikan dan yang pantas diberikan ke Inpex. "Yang jelas kami menghitung atas dasar perhitungan yang masuk akal," ujarnya.
Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Panjaitan menegaskan, keputusan soal permintaan waktu moratorium kontrak 10 tahun kepada Inpex sudah dibuat dan tidak dikabulkan. Selain itu, kapasitas kilang LNG tetap 7,5 juta ton per tahun atau million tons pertahun. (MTPA). Jadi, tidak akan diubah menjadi 9,5 MTPA. "Jadi di petrochemical dan pupuk bisa sampai 9,5 MTPA, malah lebih. Jadi 9,5 bukan di LNG nya. LNG tetap 7,5 MTPA dan plus-plusnya tadi," ungkap Arcandra. Arcandra juga menanggapi permintaan lain yang sampai saat ini masih dibahas, yakni soal permintaan Inpex soal biaya eksplorasi US$ 1,6 miliar yang mestinya masuk cost recovery.
Dia menyatakan, pemerintah sedang menghitung besaran sunk cost atau biaya yang bisa dikembalikan ketika melakukan eksplorasi. Tapi, Tidak sampai segitu US$ 1,6 miliar. Janganlah, ini buat kepentingan bangsa, yang mana bisa di recovery mana yang tidak. Tidak bisa sepihak, harus diaudit, ujarnya. Sedangkan terkait permintaan Inpex mendapatkan tingkat pengembalian investasi atau internal rate of return (IRR) yang eknomis dan percepatan perizinan sejauh ini masih terus dibahas. Senior Communciation Manager Inpex Usman Selamet mengatakan sejauh ini pihaknya terus bertemu dengan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas membahas kondisi yang dibutuhkan agar proyek Abadi mencapai keekonomian proyek yang baik.
Pihaknya juga masih tetap optimistis bahwa pemerintah memahami dan memberikan keputusan terbaik terkait rencana pengembangan Iapangan gas Abadi di Blok Masala. Sehingga proyek dapat Segera dimulai. Sebagaimana keinginan kita semua, ungkap Usman.
Government Refuses Two Requests Inpex
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) together with the Coordinating Ministry for maritime rejected two out of five requests related projects Inpex Masela Courses in Aba. Inpex rejected the request is a moratorium of 10 years. Moratorium or suspension of the contract requested lnpex, because the government changed the design of the project in the sea into land. Hopefully, with this moratorium Inpex contract can be extended from the previous one will expire in 2028 increased to 2038.
Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said it would not give the contract to Inpex moratorium for 10 years. The reason is that when the project is on the move from ofshore be offshore are many components that can be used. So, do not most of the project changed. "We will give (the moratorium) but not 10 years, count less than that, the negotiations," he explained in the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for maritime. Arcandra still not willing to provide details of how the moratorium to be provided and which deserve to be given to Inpex. "The obviously we calculate on the basis of the calculation reasonable, "he said.
Coordinating Minister asserted maritime Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, a decision on the moratorium request 10-year contract to Inpex has been made and was not granted. In addition, the capacity of the LNG plant remains 7.5 million tonnes per year or a million tons per year. (MTPA). So it will not be changed to 9.5 MTPA. "So in the petrochemical and fertilizer can be up to 9.5 MTPA, even more. So 9.5 is not in its LNG. LNG remains 7.5 MTPA and a plus-plusnya before," said Arcandra. Arcandra also respond to other requests until now still being discussed, which is about the matter of the request Inpex exploration expenditures of US $ 1.6 billion that should go in cost recovery.
He said the government was calculating the amount of sunk costs or expenses that may be returned when exploration. But, not to much of US $ 1.6 billion. Do not, is for the interests of the nation, which can be recovered which are not. Can not be unilateral, should be audited, he said. While demand related Inpex get the return on investment or internal rate of return (IRR) is economical and acceleration of licensing is still being discussed so far. Inpex communciation Senior Manager Usman Slamet said so far it has continued to meet with the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK discuss the conditions necessary for the project to achieve the economics Abadi good project.
It also remains optimistic that the government understands and provides the best decisions related to the development plan Iapangan Abadi gas in Block Masala. So the project can soon begin. As we all desire, said Usman.
Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
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Investasi Hulu Migas Bisa US$ 12 Miliar
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi memproyeksikan, investasi hulu migas sepanjang 2016 bisa menyentuh angka US$ 12 miliar. Hingga November 2016 saja, investasi hulu migas mencapai US$ 10,43 miliar. Mayoritas investasi itu untuk kegiatan eksploitasi sebesar US$ 10,3 miliar dan eksplorasi sekitar US$ 94 juta. "Investasi eksplorasi memang sangat kecil. Biaya expenditure yang dikeluarkan adalah biaya produksi. Komponen utama expenditure untuk biaya produksi,“ terang Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi
Sejumlah biaya produksi itu digunakan untuk sejumlah program kerja. Hingga November, seismik dua dimensi (2D) baru 1.500 kilometer per- segi (km2). Padahal ditargetkan mencapai 11.126 km. Untuk seismik tiga dimensi (3D) ditargetkan 5.216 km2. Hingga Desember 2016 di- proyeksi mencapai 6.800 km2. Lalu target sumur eksplorasi sebanyak 67 sumur. Tapi di proyeksi, hingga akhir tahun hanya mencapai 43 sumur yang bisa dibor.
Selain kegiatan tersebut, kontraktor migas juga melakukan kegiatan sumur pengembangan, kerja ulang (work over), dan well service. Kegiatan itu untuk menahan penurunan produksi. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, diharapkan bisa meningkatkan produksi migas tahun ini. "Kalau tidak melakukan apa- apa ada penurunan 13,3%. Nah karena melakukan well service, work over dan pengeboran development maka produksi meningkat sehingga decline lebih kecil,“ kata Amien.
Dengan demikian SKK Migas memproyeksikan, hingga akhir tahun produksi minyak akan mencapai 831.500 barel per hari dan gas 7.945 mmscfd. Untuk lifting atau penjualan minyak yang dihitung di atas kapal, bisa 821.800 dan gas sebesar 6.643 mmscfd. "Kami optimistis, produksi dan lifting seperti yang ditetapkan di APBN tercapai," ujar Amien. Selain itu hingga 30 November 2016 sudah terdapat 27 plan of development (POD) dan plan off the development (POFD). Total investasi dari 27 POD dan POFD itu mencapai US$ 2,85 miliar.
Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Could US$ 12 billion
Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas projecting, along the upstream oil and gas investment in 2016 could touch the figure of US $ 12 billion. Up to November 2016 alone, upstream oil and gas investment reached US $ 10.43 billion. The majority of the investment is to exploit the activities of US $ 10.3 billion and exploration of approximately US $ 94 million. Exploration investment is very small indeed. Costs incurred expenditure is the cost of production. The main components of expenditure for the cost of production, "explained Head of SKK Migas Sunaryadi Amien.
Some production cost was used for a number of work programs. Until November, seismic two-dimensional (2D) new 1,500 square kilometers (km2). Though targeted to reach 11,126 km. For seismic three-dimensional (3D) the targeted 5,216 km2. Until December 2016 in the projection reaches 6,800 km2. Then the target of exploration wells by 67 wells. But in the projection, until the end of the year only reached 43 wells that can be drilled.
In addition to these activities, oil and gas contractors also perform activities of development wells, re-work (work-over), and well service. The activity was to restrain the decline in production. Through these activities, is expected to increase oil production this year. "If you do not do anything there was a decrease of 13.3%. Due to perform well service, drilling and development work over the production increased so that a smaller decline," said Amien. Thus SKK Migas projected that by year-end oil production will reach 831 500 barrels per day and 7945 MMSCFD gas.
For lifting or oil sales are calculated on the boat, gas amounted to 821 800 and 6 643 MMSCFD. "We are optimistic, production and lifting as specified in the state budget is reached," said Amien. In addition to 30 November 2016, there are 27 plan of development (POD) and the plan off the development (POFD). The total investment of 27 POD and POFD it reached US $ 2.85 billion.
Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,6,2016
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Penurunan Harga Gas Tak Memuaskan
Pemerintah akhirnya menurunkan harga gas industri. Lewat Peraturan Menteri Energi Surnber Daya dan Mineral (ESDM) No 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas untuk Industri Tertentu, harga gas untuk industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja turun mulai 1 Januari 2017. Tak hanya itu, tarif pengangkutan gas melalui pipa (toll fee) di ruas tertentu juga dipangkas. Hanya, berdasar lampiran aturan ini, penurunan harga gas ini nyatanya hanya berlaku bagi perusahaan yang berbahan baku gas saja, begitu juga penurunan tarif pipa.
Aturan yang diteken Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan 25 November ini berbeda dengan amanat Peraturan Presiden No. 40/ 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi yang diteken Mei 2016. Ada tujuh industri yang seharusnya bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas. Selain industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja, ada industri kaca, keramik, sarung angan serta oleochemical yang seharusnya juga menikmati penurunan harga gas. Turun rata-rata di kisaran US$ 1,5 per mmbtu, penurunan harga ini juga tak sesuai harapan tiga industri yang mendapat potongan harga gas.
Ambil contoh harga gas Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang dari JOB PHE-Talisman, harganya masih di atas US$ 6 per mmbtu. Harga gas industri ini turun menjadi US$ 6,48 per mmbtu dari harga semula US$ 6,56 per mmbtu. Menurut Direktur Produksi PT Pupuk Kujang Maryono, dengan harga dasar US$ 6 per mmbtu, produsen pupuk belum bisa bersaing dengan produsen pupuk lain di luar negeri. "Kami ingin harganya US$ 4 per mmbtu," katanya.
Penurunan harga gas pupuk saat ini tak jauh berbeda dengan realisasi harga gas yang dibayar Pupuk Kujang. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mencoba menjelaskan, penetapan harga gas untuk tiga industri itu seharusnya menggunakan formula harga. Namun, karena harga produk di tiga industri ini masih rendah, harga patokan gas memakai harga dasar (floor price). "Ada floor price-nya, tergantung harga produk," ungkapnya.
Kata Wiratmaja, dengan formula harga yang ditetapkan Menteri ESDM ini, pemerintah tak menanggung penurunan harga sendirian. Selain penerimaan pemerintah terpangkas, penerimaan kontraktor juga berkurang. Masalahnya, penurunan harga gas kali ini sesuai harapan pengusaha. Padahal, sejak awal tahun 2016, pemerintah menjanjikan penurunan harga gas agar industri lokal bisa bersaing. Beleid Menteri ESDM ini juga berbeda dengan Perpres 40/2016. "Kepastian penurunan harga gas untuk sektor lain harusnya juga mutlak berlaku tahun ini. Ini harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan Menteri ESDM, " tandas Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan.
Gas Price Decline Not Satisfactory
The government finally lowered the price of industrial gases. Through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Power Surnber (ESDM) No. 40/2016 on Gas Prices for Industry Specific, gas prices for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell from 1 January 2017. Not only that, the transport of gas through the pipeline tariff (toll fee) in certain segments also trimmed. Only, based on the annex to this rule, the decline in gas prices is in fact only applies to companies whose raw material gas only, as well as pipeline tariff reduction.
Rules were signed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Ignatius Jonan 25 November is different from the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 40/2016 Pricing Natural Gas, which was signed in May 2016. There were seven industries that should be able to enjoy a decrease in gas prices. In addition to the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel, there is glass industry, ceramics, fancy gloves and oleochemical that should also enjoy a reduction in gas prices. Fell on average in the range of US $ 1.5 per mmbtu, this price reduction is also not as expected the three industries which get discounted gas prices.
Take for example the price of gas Fertilizer Sriwidjaja Palembang from PHE JOB-Talisman, is still above US $ 6 per mmbtu. Industrial gas prices fell to US $ 6.48 per mmbtu from the original price of US $ 6.56 per mmbtu. According to the Production Director of PT Pupuk Kujang Maryono, with a base price of US $ 6 per mmbtu, fertilizer manufacturers can not compete with other fertilizer producers abroad. "We wanted it costs US $ 4 per mmbtu," he said.
The decline in gas prices of fertilizer at this time is not much different from the actual gas price paid Pupuk Kujang. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja tried to explain, the pricing of gas for the three industries it is supposed to use the price formula. However, since the prices of products in three industry is still low, the benchmark price of gas put on the base price (floor price). "There are its floor price, depending on the price of the product," he said.
Wiratmaja said, with a set price formula Minister, the government does not bear the price reductions alone. In addition to government revenue was cut, the reception contractor is also reduced. The problem is, the decline in gas prices this time according the expectations of employers. In fact, since the beginning of 2016, the government promised that the gas price decline of local industry can compete. Beleid Minister is also different from the regulation 40/2016. "Certainty drop in the price of gas to other sectors should also absolute effect this year. This should be complied with and implemented the Minister of Energy," said Chairman and Safety Sheet Glass Association (AKLP) Justin Gunawan.
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Upstream Oil and Gas Investigation Realization Declines
Upstream oil and gas investment this year is lower than last year's US $ 12.05 billion. The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) projects that upstream oil and gas investment by the end of this year will only reach the US $ 11.4 billion. Meanwhile, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment from January to November 2016 reached the US $ 10.43 billion.
SKK Migas Deputy for Financial Control, Parulian Sihotang, said that this year's upstream oil and gas investment target will not be achieved because it is still affected by low oil prices. Cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) have reduced their activities this year.
The investment realization was dominated by production activities which reached US $ 10.3 billion, while exploration activities were the only US $ 309 million. SKK Migas noted that there are ten new oil and gas production facilities that could be completed this year.
The blocks include Train-B Block Cepu (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited EMCL), onshore receiving facility (ORF) Bukit Tua Field (Petronas Carigali Ketapang 2 Limited), Donggi and Pondok Makmur (PT Pertamina EP), Dayung Compression-2 (ConocoPhilips Grissik Ltd.), and IDD Bangka (Chevron Indonesia) In addition, the North Duri Development Area 13 (PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia), Karendan (Ophir Energy), KRA South (Star Energy Kakap Ltd.), and Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase-1 (Tropical Pandan Energy).
Oil and gas investment this year is low because several activities carried out by contractors are also still below target. The realization of exploration well drilling was only 43 units of the target of 67 units and development wells were only 223 wells of the target of 245 wells.
"At least US $ 11.4 billion will reduce activities due to prices," he said.
Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said that next year's investment cannot be estimated because he is waiting for the 2017 work plan and budget / WP & B preparation process.
SKK Migas is optimistic that this year's oil and gas production target is ready to sell or lifting at 821,800 barrels per day (BPD) of oil and gas 6,643 MMscfd.
"There is a decrease of 13.3% if you do nothing. 2016 is great for maintaining its declining, ”he said.
This year, SKK Migas has approved 27 plans of development / PoD and plans of future development / POFD. The entire POD and POFD are estimated to be able to increase oil and gas reserves by 204 million barrels of oil equivalent.
From the POD there is also an oil and gas investment plan of up to the US $ 2.85 billion. Amien added that the gross revenue from oil and gas as of December 31 was the US $ 23.98 billion. This figure includes a cost recovery of US $ 11.47 billion, thus a net income of US $ 12.5 billion.
The revenue sharing for contractors is US $ 3.22 billion and the government is the US $ 9.29 billion. The 2017 lifting production target, which is 815,000 bpd of oil and 6,440 MMscfd of gas, will be borne by ten large contractors.
Contractors supporting oil lifting are Chevron Pacific Indonesia (Block Rokan) 228,908 bpd, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited EMCL (Cepu Block) 200,000 bpd, PT Pertamina EP (spread in Indonesia) 84,214 bpd, Total E&P Indonesie (Mahakam Block) 52,852 bpd.
Lifting was supported by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java Limited (Block ONWJ) 36,500 bpd, CNOOC SES Limited (Blok South East Sumatra) 31,398 bpd, Chevron Indonesia Company (Blok East Kalimantan) 17,700 bpd, ConocoPhilips (Blok B South Natuna) 17,400 BPD, Petronas Carigali Ketapang Limited (Ketapang Block) 15,631 BPD and PetroChina International Jabung Limited (Blok Jabung) 14,400 BPD.
Bisnis Indonesia,Page-30,Tuesday,Dec,6,2016
Total E&P
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Monday, December 5, 2016
IPA Minta Assume and Discharge Diberlakukan Kembali
Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) meminta pemerintah untuk kembali memberlakukan prinsip assume and discharge dalam kontrak migas. Pasalnya, assume and discharge dapat memberikan kepastian bisnis bagi perusahaan migas. Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, prinsip assume and discharge memberikan kepastian hitungan keekonomian proyek migas bagi investor. Jika prinsip ini diberlakukan, maka keekonomian proyek migas tidak akan berubah lantaran tidak bakal terkena imbas jika ada regulasi perpajakan baru. Menurut dia, Indonesia harus bersanding dengan negara-negara lain jika ingin menggaet investor untuk menggarap potensi migas yang ada.
Pasalnya, perusahaan minyak dan gas internasional pasti akan menanamkan modalnya di negara yang memberikan hitungan keekonomian Iebih baik. Marjolijn mengatakan jadi kami minta pemerintah untuk bandingkan dengan tempat lain. Jangan hanya melihat apa yang baik buat saya, tetapi ini cukup menarik tidak. Karena memang harus menarik, kecuali kalau dalam negeri bisa mandiri. Karenanya jika pemerintah tidak dapat memasukkan prinsip assume and discharge dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No 79 Tahun 2010 soal cost recovery atau biaya investasi yang dapat dikembalikan, IPA meminta klausul itu masuk dalam revisi Undang-Undang Migas.
Meski tidak bisa dengan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010, kalau ada Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas yang baru, tolonglah supaya assume and discharge dimasukkan lagi,” ujarnya. Terkait usulan IPA untuk revisi Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas, kata Marjolijn, pihaknya akan melihat terlebih dahulu draft yang disusun oleh Komisi VII DPR RI. Namun yang jelas, IPA pasti akan mengusulkan diberlakukannya prinsip assume and discharge. Hal lain yang diminta IPA agar bisnis hulu migas Iebih bergairah adalah penyederhanaan perizinan, Menurut Marjolijn, pihaknya dapat menghabiskan waktu dari bulanan hingga tahunan untuk merampungkan perizinan proyek migas.
Hal ini lantaran jumlah izin dan dokumen pelengkapnya sangat banyak. Kalau perizinan cepatkan bisa cepat produksi dan uang cepat kembali. Tetapi kalau perizinan lama, uang berhenti, itu pengaruhi keekonomian,” jelas dia. Selain itu, IPA juga meminta pemerintah memberikan kepastian hukum.
Dia menuturkan, bisnis migas merupakan bisnis jangka panjang. Karenanya apa yang telah disepakati oleh perusahaan migas dan pemerintah dalam kontrak minyak dan gas, sebaiknya tidak ada perubahan regulasi.
Sementara itu, terkait revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No 79/ 2010, IPA masih menunggu pemerintah. Marjolijn menjelaskan, pembahasan soal PP 79/2010 antara pemerintah dan IPA telah selesaj. Saat ini, pemerintah masih membahas revisi beleid ini secara internal. Dalam PP 79 ini, seperti telah dikatakannya, tidak ada prinsip assume and discharge. Namun, pemerintah menjanjikan pembebasan pajak bagi perusahaan migas yang masih pada tahap melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi di wilayah kerjanya.
Sementara jika blok migas sudah tahap produksi, tetap dikenai pajak. Kalau sudah produksi, yang harus minta untuk dipertimbangkan (dibe-
baskan pajaknya) ,” jelas Marjolijn. PP 79/2010 perlu direvisi lantaran menjadi penghambatan investasi minyak dan gas nasional. Jika tidak dicarikan
solusi, beleid ini bakal membuat kegiatan hulu migas terus berkurang yang tercermin dari terus menurunnya produksi minyak dari 800 ribu
barel per hari (bph) pada tahun ini dan diprediksi menjadi 400 ribu bph pada 2020. Penurunan ini bukan hanya lantaran sumur minyak dan gas yang sudah tua, tetapi juga tidak adanya kegiatan eksplorasi.
Ask IPA Assume and Discharge Enforced Return
Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) has asked the government to re-enact the principle assume and discharge the oil and gas contracts. The reason, assume and discharge can provide business certainty for oil and gas companies. IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong say, assume and discharge principle a matter of economics provide certainty for investors of oil and gas projects. If this principle is applied, then the economics of oil and gas projects will not be changed because the impact would not be affected if there is a new tax regulation. According to him, Indonesia must be coupled with other countries if it is to attract investors to the potential of existing oil and gas.
Because the international oil and gas companies would have to invest in a country that provides a count of Iebih good economics. Marjolijn say so we ask the government to compare with other places. Do not just look at what is good for me, but this is not interesting enough. Because it should be interesting, unless the country can be independent. Therefore, if the government can not incorporate the principle assume and discharge the revision of Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010 on cost recovery or cost of investment that can be restored, IPA requested revision clause was included in the oil and gas law.
Although not able to revision of Government Regulation 79/2010, if there is the Law on Oil and Gas new, so please assume and discharge entered again, "he said. IPA proposal related to the revision of the Law on Oil and Gas, said Marjolijn, it would see the first draft prepared by the Commission VII of the House of Representatives. But clearly, the IPA will definitely propose the implementation of the principle assume and discharge. Another thing IPA requested that upstream oil and gas business is a passionate Iebih simplification of licensing, according Marjolijn, it can take from monthly to yearly to finalize the licensing of oil and gas projects.
This is because the number of permits and accompanying documentation very much. If licensing cepatkan production can be fast and quick money back. But if the old licensing, the buck stops, it affects the economics, "he explained. In addition, the IPA also asked the government to provide legal certainty. He said, the oil and gas business is a long term business. Therefore what has been agreed upon by the oil companies and the government in the oil and gas contracts, there should be no change in the regulation.
Meanwhile, related to the revision of Government Regulation (PP) No. 79/2010, IPA is still waiting for the government. Marjolijn explained, discussions of PP 79/2010 between the government and the IPA have selesaj. Currently, the government is still discussing the revision of this policy internally. In PP 79, as has been said, there is no principle assume and discharge. However, the government has promised tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are still at the stage of exploration activities in the work areas.
Meanwhile, if the oil and gas blocks has been the production stage, still taxed. If it's production, which should be asked to consider (dibe-
liberated taxes), "said Marjolijn. PP 79/2010 need to be revised due to inhibition of the national oil and gas investments. If not resolved
solution, this policy will make the upstream oil and gas activity continues to decrease, as reflected in the continued decline in oil production of 800 thousand barrels per day (bpd) this year and is predicted to be 400 thousand bpd in 2020. This decrease is not only because of oil and gas wells are old, but also the lack of exploration activity.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Dec,5,2016
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Keputusan RI di OPEC Berdampak Positif
Pemerintah belum bisa memastikan sampai kapan Indonesia membekukan keanggotaannya dalam Organisasi Negara-Negara Pengekspor Minyak (OPEC). “Belum tahu. Saya konsultasi dulu dengan Presiden,” ujar Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Ionan di Geopark Batur di Bali. Jonan pun enggan menyebut aspek-aspek yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan lama waktu Indonesia menjadi anggota nonaktif OPEC. Dalam Sidang ke-171 OPEC di Wina, Austria, Rabu (30/11), Indonesia memutuskan untuk membekukan keanggotaan sementara Waktu (temporary suspend).
Sebelumnya Indonesia pernah melakukan hal serupa pada 2008. Pembekuan keanggotaan Indonesia untuk kedua kalinya, tidak Iepas dari keputusan OPEC memangkas produksi minyak mentah sebesar 1,2 juta barel per hari (bph) di luar kondensat. Indonesia diminta memotong produksi sekitar 5% atau setara 37 ribu bph. Jonan kembali menekankan bila tetap menjadi anggota aktif OPEC, Indonesia berpotensi kehilangan penerimaan negara sebesar US$ 2 juta per hari. Meski mereka (OPEC) potong produksi, kita enggak perlu.
Decision Repubik of Indonesia in OPEC Positive Impact
The government could not confirm until when Indonesia freeze its membership in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). "Not know. My first consultation with the President, "said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Ionan in Geopark Batur in Bali. Jonan was reluctant to mention the aspects to be considered in determining the length of time off Indonesia became a member of OPEC. In the 171 th Session of OPEC in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday (30/11), Indonesia decided to suspend the membership while Time (temporary suspend).
Indonesia previously been doing similar things in 2008. Freezing the membership Indonesia for the second time, can not be separated from the OPEC decision to cut crude production by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) of condensate outside. Indonesia asked to cut production by about 5% or the equivalent of 37 thousand bpd. Jonan re-emphasized when remains an active member of OPEC, Indonesia has the potential loss of state revenues of US $ 2 million per day. Although they (OPEC) cut production, we do not need to cut production.
Media Indonesia, Page-13, Monday, Dec,5,2016
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