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Saturday, December 10, 2016

OPEC, Geopolitik Minyak, dan Bioenergi

    BENARKAH pasar minyak bumi akan kembali kepada keseimbangan pasca tercapainya kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi? Bukankah dalam kesepakatan-kesepakatan sebelumnya Negara-Negara Anggota Pengekspor Minyak alias OPEC cenderung melanggar pemberlakuan kuota? Apalagi, bagi sejumlah negara anggota, tendensi melemahnya harga minyak dalam jangka panjang sangat tidak menguntungkan di tengah kebutuhan mendapatkan devisa guna mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.  

    Namun, tampaknya, tidak ada opsi lain bagi OPEC selain memangkas produksi sebagai langkah nyata menstimulasi kembali mengerek harga minyak dunia yang dalam setahun terakhir terjerembap pada harga USD 80 per barel. Keputusan sidang ke-171 OPEC
di Vienna, Australia, (30/11) terkait pengendalian produksi minyak siap jual pada volume maksimal 32,5 juta barel dari produksi 2016 sebesar 33,7 juta barel per hari terhitung 1 Januari 2017 dengan target harga ke level USD 55-USD 60 per barel sementara memang bisa memuaskan harapan akan membaiknya harga.

    Sehari setelah kesepakatan, harga minyak West Texas Intermediate (WTI) pengiriman Januari memang langsung melonjak USD 1,28 ke posisi USD 50,72 per barel. Sedangkan harga kontrak minyak jenis ini melonjak 9,3 persen, suatu penguatan terbesar sejak Februari. Efektivitas Kesepakatan Arab Saudi menerima kesepakatan bahwa lran sebagai kasus khusus bisa meningkatkan produksi menjadi sekitar 3,9 juta barel per hari.

    Fleksibilitas berupa perlakuan khusus untuk keperluan recovery kondisi keuangan negara juga diberikan kepada Venezuela dan Libya sebagai langkah mengembalikan menurunya kepercayaan terhadap OPEC. Saudi yang menggenjot produksi minyaknya hingga rekor 2016 sudah bersedia mereduksi output-nya sebesar 486.000 barel menjadi 10,06 juta barel per hari. Iraq, produsen terbesar kedua OPEC, setuju pengurangan 210.000 barel dari tingkat produksi Oktober. Iran adalah satu-satunya anggota yang diperbolehkan untuk menaikkan produksi setelah mengklaim pertimbangan khusus atas sanksi sebelumnya.

    Pengalaman empiris menunjukkan, OPEC tidak berdaya mencegah jatuhnya harga minyak pada posisi paling mencemaskan sekalipun Sebanyak 97 juta barel per hari kebutuhan minyak dunia, OPEC hanya memasok sekitar 33 persen, sedangkan selebihnya berada di genggaman negara-negara non-OPEC. Tidak mengherankan bila OPEC juga mengharapkan kemungkinan terjadinya pengurangan produksi sekitar 600.000 barel oleh negara-negara non-OPEC.

Hingga 4/12/2015, cadangan minyak AS sebesar 485,9 juta barel. Angka tersebut belum pernah terlihat sejak 80 tahun lalu. Selama harga belum stabil di atas USD 40 per barel, minyak rawan tekanan. Di balik semua itu, konsekuensi kesepakatan potensial mendorong pengeboran minyak serpih (shale oil) AS yang lumpuh akibat fluktuasi harga minyak dua tahun terakhir. Biaya produksi minyak serpih diketahui terus turun gara-gara perkembangan teknologi.

    Minyak serpih adalah pesaing minyak bumi, berasal dari karbon yang terjerat di batuan serpih. Sumber minyak kelompok tersebut tersebar di AS. Untunglah, meski bukan anggota OPEC, Rusia sudah menyatakan dukungan dan bersedia memotong produksi 300.000 barel dari capaian produksi 11,2 juta per hari.  Walaupun dua kubu produsen bersatu, tetap saja tidak bisa menjadi penentu arah utama pergerakan harga.

    Goldman Sachs menduga, melalui kesepakatan Vienna, harga minyak WTI berpotensi terbang ke level USD 60 sebelum nanti bertahan di kisaran USD 50 per barel medio 2017. Analisis berbeda datang dari Morgan Stanley, yang menduga kenaikan harga minyak WTI sulit bertahan hingga pertengahan 2017 karena pengaruh eskalasi produksi di AS dan Asia. Diduga seirama dengan pengurangan produksi dari OPEC, AS dan negara Asia yang lain akan berlomba-lomba menggenjot produksinya dalam upaya mengembangkan pangsa pasar.

    Posisi Indonesia Indonesia sudah memutuskan pembekuan keanggotaan OPEC menyusul hasil sidang yang meminta pemotongan 5 persen produksi minyak nasional atau sekitar 37.000 barel per hari. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan menilai, pemangkasan sejumlah itu terlalu besar. Dalam RAPBN 2017 disepakati produksi minyak 2017 turun 5.000 ribu barel jika dibandingkan dengan pada 2016.

    Dengan demikian, pemotongan produksi minyak yang bisa diterima Indonesia hanya 5.000 barel per hari. Bila mengikuti angka pemangkasan arahan OPEC, Indonesia dikhawatirkan tidak bisa mengejar target pendapatan 2017. Padahal, kebutuhan penerimaan negara masih besar. Tidak hanya mempersulit upaya capaian setoran ke APBN, sebagai negara net importer minyak bumi (crude oil), pemotongan kapasitas produksi versi OPEC jelas tidak menguntungkan bagi perekonomian. Sebab, secara teoretis, pengurangan produksi mengakibatkan harga melonjak.

    Pihak Indonesia menilai, pembekuan sementara merupakan keputusan terbaik. Tidak hanya bagi Indonesia, tetapi juga untuk seluruh anggota OPEC. Keputusan pemotongan produksi total sebesar 1,2 juta barel per hari tetap masih bisa dijalankan. Sementara Indonesia tetap bisa mempertahankan kepentingan nasional dengan tidak terikat keputusan yang diambil. Apa pun yang terjadi, minyak telanjur menjadi komoditas panas, sangat dipengaruhi geopolitik. Harganya pun tidak menentu, pernah berada di posisi USD 147, tetapi juga pemah di bawah USD 50.

    Melihat arah dan tendensi ke depan, pengembangan energi bersih dan terbarukan menjadi urgen. Indonesia sudah menetapkan bahwa 2025 target bauran energi akan memperlihatkan komposisi 23 persen berasal dari energi terbarukan. Antara lain, diharapkan kapasitas pembangkit listrik energi baru terbarukan saat itu bisa mencapai 45 gigawatt. Sayangnya, hingga kini kebijakan terintegrasi ke arah pengembangan energi terbarukan tidak kunjung digulirkan. Padahal, alam Indonesia menyediakan keunggulan kompetitif bagi energi alternatif.


OPEC, Oil Geopolitics, and Bioenergy

    TRUE petroleum market will return to balance production cut after reaching an agreement? Did not the previous agreements of the Member States of the Petroleum Exporting alias OPEC likely to violate the implementation of quotas? Moreover, the number of member countries, the tendency of weakening of oil prices in the long term is not very profitable in need foreign exchange to boost economic growth.

    But, apparently, there is no other option other than to OPEC cut production as a real step back hoist stimulate world oil prices plummeted in the last year at the price of USD 80 per barrel. Decision 171 session of OPEC
in Vienna, Australia, (30/11) relating to control of oil production is ready to sell at the maximum volume of 32.5 million barrels of production in 2016 of 33.7 million barrels per day as of January 1, 2017 with the target price to a level of USD 55-USD 60 per barrel while it can satisfy the expectations of better prices.

    The day after the deal, the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for January delivery was immediately jumped USD 1.28 to USD 50.72 per barrel position. While the contract price of crude jumped 9.3 per cent, a biggest gain since February. Effectiveness of Agreement Saudi Arabia to accept the deal that the Iranians as a special case could raise production to around 3.9 million barrels per day.

    Flexibility in the form of special treatment for the purposes of recovery of the country's financial condition is also given to Venezuela and Libya as a step to restore confidence in the decline in OPEC. Saudis to boost oil production to a record in 2016 had agreed to reduce its output by 486,000 barrels to 10.06 million barrels per day. Iraq, OPEC's second largest producer, agreed to a reduction of 210,000 barrels of production levels in October. Iran is the only member allowed to increase production after claiming a specific consideration of previous sanctions.

    Empirical experience shows, OPEC was powerless to prevent the fall in oil prices on the most worrisome position though total of 97 million barrels per day of oil demand, OPEC only supplies around 33 percent, while the rest is in the grip of the non-OPEC. Not surprisingly, OPEC also expects the possibility of reduction in production of about 600,000 barrels by the non-OPEC.

    Until 04/12/2015, US oil reserves amounted to 485.9 million barrels. The figure has not been seen since 80 years ago. As long as the price has not stabilized at above USD 40 per barrel, oil-prone pressure. Underneath it all, the consequences of a potential deal to encourage drilling for oil shale (shale oil) US crippled by fluctuations in oil prices the past two years. The production costs of shale oil is known to fall because of technological developments.

    Oil shale is a competitor of oil, derived from the carbon trapped in shale rock. The group dispersed oil resources in the US. Fortunately, although not a member of OPEC, Russia has expressed support and are willing to cut production by 300,000 barrels of production performance of 11.2 million per day. Although the two camps unite producers, it still can not be the main determinant of the direction of price movement.

    Goldman Sachs assumed, through the Vienna agreement, the price of WTI oil has the potential to fly to a level of USD 60 before later survive in the range of USD 50 per barrel in mid-2017, a different analysis came from Morgan Stanley, which assumed WTI oil price increases is difficult to survive until mid-2017 because of the influence of escalation production in the US and Asia. Allegedly in tune with production cuts from OPEC, the US and other Asian countries will be vying ramped in an effort to grow market share.

    Position of Indonesia Indonesia has decided freezing OPEC membership following a hearing requested cuts 5 percent of domestic oil production, or about 37,000 barrels per day. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan rate, trimming the number was too large. In the 2017 draft budget agreed in 2017 oil production fell to 5,000 thousand barrels compared to 2016.

    Thus, cutting oil production are acceptable Indonesia only 5,000 barrels per day. If you follow the direction of OPEC trimming figures, Indonesia is feared could not pursue revenue targets in 2017. In fact, state revenue needs are still great. Not only complicate efforts to achievement of the deposit to the state budget, as a net importer of petroleum (crude oil), OPEC cuts production capacity version is clearly not beneficial to the economy. Therefore, theoretically, reduced production resulted in soaring prices.

    Party Indonesia rate, the temporary suspension of the best decision. Not only for Indonesia, but also to all members of OPEC. The decision to cut output by a total of 1.2 million barrels per day can still be executed. While Indonesia still can maintain national interests are not bound by the decisions taken. Whatever happens, the oil already become a hot commodity, very influenced by geopolitics. The price was erratic, never been in the position of USD 147, but never below $ 50.

    See directions and tendencies in the future, the development of clean and renewable energy become urgent. Indonesia has set a 2025 target of the energy mix that would show the composition of 23 percent comes from renewable energy. Among other things, the expected capacity of new renewable energy power plants when it could reach 45 gigawatts. Unfortunately, until now integrated policies towards the development of renewable energy does not go in effect. In fact, the nature of Indonesia provide a competitive advantage for alternative energy.

Jawa Pos, Page-4,Friday,Dec,9,2016

Total Working on Pertamina Program

    PT Total E&P Indonesie, operator of the Mahakam Block, will start drilling oil and gas wells in the block starting in March 2017 which includes the PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) program, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina.

    Pertamina Hulu Mahakam will be the operator of the Mahakam Block starting January 1, 2018, replacing the Total E&P Indonesie. Next year will be a transition period for the management of the oil and gas block located in East Kalimantan.

    During the transition period, Pertamina began to invest in anticipating that oil and gas production in the block would not decline. Vice President Finance, General Services, HR & Communications of Total E&P Indonesie Arividya Noviyanto said, Total will drill nine wells, while 19 wells will be drilled on behalf of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) as the new operator of the block located in East Kalimantan.

    PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) will become the operator of the Mahakam Block starting January 1, 2018. Total will maintain activities in the Mahakam Block until October 2017 to maintain production stability in 2018 after the operator changes.

The Mahakam Block

    The oil and gas well drilling activity in early March was under the program of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, but Total E&P Indonesie was working on it. Gas production in the Mahakam Block this year is targeted to reach 1.43 billion cubic feet per day (BCFD) and 56,000 barrels per day (BPD) of oil and condensate. Currently, the realization of gas production reaches 1.67 BCFD and 64,000 bpd of oil and condensate.

    This achievement came from activities carried out in several fields such as Peciko 7B, Bekapai Phase 2 as well as Sisi Nubi ZB. According to him, the contribution from the field allows oil and gas production to be maintained until the end of this year with the realization of an investment of US$ 900 million. For next year's investment plan, he said the process of discussing the 2017 Work Program and Budget/WP&B has not been completed.

    The challenge for field development is the low price of oil which has not had a significant impact on the selling price of gas. The reason is, he said gas prices will usually show changes after three to six months of changes in oil prices. The transition period of management from Total to Pertamina and the age of the block which has reached 50 years is a challenge for operators.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    However, based on data on oil and gas production targets ready for sale or lifting in 2017 from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), the contribution of oil and condensate to Total E&P Indonesie Mahakam Block is 52,852 BPD and gas 1,164 MMscfd. Arividya admitted that Mahakam's oil and gas production could be affected by the shift of operators. However, he hopes that the target can be achieved even though next year's production activity in the Mahakam Block is lower than this year.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Dec 9, 2016.

Konsorsium Masih Negosiasi Kontrak

    Konsorsium kontraktor Blok East Natuna masih melakukan negosiasi dengan pemerintah terkait dengan klausul kontrak di blok minyak dan gas bumi tersebut. Blok East Natuna akan dikembangkan oleh konsorsium ExxonMobil, PTT EP Thailand, dan PT Pertamina. Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, ExxonMobile telah mengirimkan proposal kepada pemerintah yang berisi draf kontrak bagi hasil produksi Blok East Natuna pada bulan lalu.

    Draf kontrak tersebut telah memuat klausul yang memungkinkan pengembangan East Natuna sesuai dengan skala keekonomian. Erwin Maryoto mengatakan kami sudah duduk bersama-sama Pertamina, PTT, sama-sama kurang lebih tiga, empat minggu lalu mengusulkan kepada pemerintah PSC-nya secara umum. Kami serahkan kpada pemerintah dan sekarang dalam diskusi. Tawar menawar itu kan biasa. Menurutnya, dalam klausul itu belum dibahas pemegang saham dalam pengembangan blok tersebut.

    Beberapa poin  yang disinggung dalam kontrak itu di antaranya bagi hasil pemerintah dengan kontraktor yang belum mencapai kesepakatan. Sebelumnya, pemerintah menawarkan bagi hasil produksi minyak yaitu 60% untuk negara dan 40% untuk kontraktor Sementara itu, untuk pengembangan gas, pemerintah menawarkan bagi hasil 55:45 yakni 55% untuk pemerintah dan 45% kontraktor. Penawaran itu tidak disetujui konsorsium karena masih terdapat klausul kontrak yang dianggap belum cukup membuat proyek berjalan sesuai dengan skala keekonomian.

    Sejak ditemukan cadangan migas pada tahun 1970an di East Natuna, opsi bagi hasil negara 0% pernah diajukan. Artinya, hasil produksi dikuasai kontraktor dan pemerintah hanya dapat mengutip pajak yang timbul atas kegiatan tersebut karena faktor kesulitan pengembangan. Namun, pemerintah memilih untuk menunda pengembangan blok yang berlokasi di perairan Natuna itu.

    Presiden Joko Widodo meminta agar dimulai kegiatan di Natuna karena berkaitan dengan lokasi perbatasan yang strategis. Dengan demikian, pemerintah mendorong percepatan proses pembahasan mengenai kontrak kerja sama. Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya menginginkan kontrak bagi hasil East Natuna ditandatangani pada 14 November 2016. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa hal dalam klausul kontrak yang masih belum disepakati.

    Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Blok East Natuna menyimpan potensi gas 222 triliun kaki kubik (Tcf) dengan 46 Tcf di antaranya bisa diproduksi. Pasalnya, 72% komposisinya adalah karbondioksida. Dengan demikian, diperlukan teknologi pemisahan juga injeksi karbondioksida yang bisa memproduksi secara efisien. Di samping itu, terdapat struktur minyak yang diharapkan bisa dimulai terlebih dahulu kegiatannya.

    Model kontrak yang memungkinkan yakni penggunaan model kontrak umum yang digunakan pada wilayah kerja lain karena jelas secara legal dan masih memungkinkan ada percepatan kegiatan. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development PT Pertamina Denie S. Tampubolon mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengikuti arahan Wakil Menteri Arcandra Tahar untuk menandatangani kontrak.


Consortium Still Contract Negotiations

    East Natuna Block contractor consortium is still negotiating with the government related to the contract clause in oil and gas blocks them. East Natuna block will be developed by a consortium of ExxonMobil, Thailand's PTT EP and PT Pertamina. Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said Exxon has sent a proposal to the government containing a draft contract for the production of East Natuna Block in the last month.

    The draft contracts already contain clauses that allow the development of the East Natuna according to economies of scale. Erwin Maryoto say we've sat together Pertamina, PTT, together about three, four weeks ago proposed to the PSC of its government in general. We leave kpada government and is now in discussions. Bargaining it is normal. According to him, the clause had not been discussed shareholders in the development of the block.

    Some of the points mentioned in the contracts that include profit sharing with the government contractors who have not yet reached an agreement. Earlier, the government is offering for oil production that is 60% to 40% for the state and the contractor Meanwhile, for the development of gas, the government offered the 55:45 revenue share of 55% for the government and 45% contractors. His offer was not approved because there are a consortium of contract clause that is considered not enough to make the project go according to economies of scale.

    Since the discovery of oil and gas reserves in the 1970s in East Natuna, state revenue sharing options 0% ever filed. That is, the production controlled by the contractor and the government was only able to tax arising from the event due to the difficulty factor of development. However, the government chose to delay the development of the block, located in the Natuna waters.

    President Joko Widodo asked that commenced activities in Natuna because it relates to strategic border locations. Thus, the government encourages the acceleration of the process of discussion of the cooperation contract. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar says it wants East Natuna production sharing contract signed on 14 November 2016. However, there are still some things in the contract clause that still have not been agreed.

    Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, Block East Natuna gas saving potential of 222 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) to 46 Tcf of which could be produced. Because the composition is 72% carbon dioxide. Thus, the necessary injection of carbon dioxide separation technology also can produce efficiently. In addition, there is the structure of oil is expected to start its activities in advance.

    The model contract that allows the use of a common contract model used in other work areas for clear legally and still allow accelerating activity. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development of PT Pertamina Denie S. Tampubolon said it will follow the direction of the Deputy Minister Tahar Arcandra to sign the contract.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30,Friday,Dec,9,2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

Eni Rampungkan Kapal Produksi Lapangan Jangkrik

    ENI Muara Bakau BV akan segera mengoperasikan kapal untuk fasilitas produksi lepas pantai atau floating production unit (FPU) untuk memproduksi gas dan kondensat di Lapangan Iangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau, Selat Makassar. Hal itu bisa dilakukan setelah perusahaan asal Italia itu menyatukan top side module dengan badan kapal di Karimun, Kepulauan Riau. Managing Director Eni Muara Bakau BV Luca De Caro mengatakan penyatuan akan dilakukan dalam tiga bulan ini. Rencananya, FPU akan siap berlayar ke Lapangan Iangkrik akhir Maret 2017.

    Setelah di integrasikan, kami masih perlu penyatuan yang lebih teknis, pengecekan, dan uji coba.  Pihaknya menargetkan akhir Juli 2017 sudah memproduksi sekitar 40 mmscfd dan kondensat sebesar 4.100 bph. Produksi kita itu untuk selama 10 tahun. Pembelinya sudah ada dan 60% untuk domestik. Gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik akan dibeli PT Pertamina sebasar 270 mmscfd. Sisanya, sekitar 180 mmscfd akan di alokasikan untuk kebutuhan trading gas Eni. Investasi untuk proyek Lapangan Jangkrik totalnya sekitar US$ 4 miliar.

    Untuk FPU sendiri memakan investasi US$ 3 miliar. Di kesempatan yang sama, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan FPU yang akan digunakan Eni merupakan hasil konstruksi kosorsium Saipem, Tripatra, Chiyoda, dan Hyundai Heavy Industries. Berat top side module itu sendiri sekitar 14.400 ton dan Kapalnya sekitar 24 ribu ton. Jadi, ini proses integrasi top side terbesar di dunia,” ucap Amien. Galangan kapal di Indonesia sudah cukup mumpuni dan bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri.

    Apalagi Saipem di Karimun ini merupakan yang terbesar di antara fabrication yard mereka di negara Iain. Artinya, fasilitas fabrication yard di Indonesia sudah kelas dunia. Hanya, dia menyayangkan industri di Indonesia banyak yang belum mampu memproduksi komponen-komponen untuk kebutuhan industri migas dan kelistrikan. Namun, untuk FPU seperti  Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN) masih sangat keciI, hanya 6%-7%.


Eni Completes Ship Production Field Jangkrik's

    ENI Muara Bakau BV will soon operate the vessel for offshore production facilities or floating production unit (FPU) to produce gas and condensate in the Field Iangkrik, Muara Bakau block, Makassar Strait. It can be done after the Italian company that brings together top side modules with the hull in Karimun, Riau Islands. Managing Director of Eni Muara Bakau BV Luca De Caro said the union will be done in three months. The plan, FPU will be ready to sail to the end of March 2017 Iangkrik Fields.

    Once integrated, we still need more technical unification, checking, and testing. It targets the end of July 2017 is already producing about 40 MMSCFD and condensate at 4,100 barrels per day. Our production was for over 10 years. The buyer is already there and 60% for domestic. Gas from the field will be purchased Crickets PT Pertamina sebasar 270 MMSCFD. The rest, about 180 MMSCFD will be allocated for the needs of Eni gas trading. Investment for Cricket Field project total about US $ 4 billion.

    For FPU itself takes an investment of US $ 3 billion. On the same occasion, the Head of SKK Migas said Amien Sunaryadi FPU to be used is the result of construction kosorsium Eni Saipem, Tripatra, Chiyoda, and Hyundai Heavy Industries. Heavy top side module itself is around 14,400 tons and His ship was about 24 thousand tons. So this process of integration of the top side in the world, "said Amien. Shipyard in Indonesia is quite capable and able to meet domestic demand.

    Moreover, Saipem Karimun is the largest among those in the fabrication yard Iain country. That is, the facilities fabrication yard in Indonesia is already world class. Only, he regretted industry in Indonesia, many are not able to produce components for industrial gas and electricity. However, for the FPU as content from local industry (DCL) is still very keciI, only 6% -7%.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Friday, Dec,9,2016

EMCL Keeps Hopes High Over Banyu Urip Output

    One of the country’s biggest oil producing fields, Banyu Urip in the ExxonMobil-operated Cepu block in East Java, may start increasing production next year. The local unit of the US oil and gas giant has proposed a production increase to 200,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the current 185,000 bpod in its 2017 work plan and budget draft, says ExxonMobil Indonesia vice president for public and government affairs Erwin Maryoto. Erwin claimed the draft submitted by ExXonMobil Indonesia’s subsidiary, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), had largely been accepted by the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) as long as it passed a reevaluation of its environmental impact analysis by the Environment and Forestry Ministry.

    Even so, the company was confident that it would pass with fiying colors since its own evaluation concluded that there was no need to construct new facilities to reach the target production. He added that it had obtained approval from its partners in the block, including Pertarnina EP Cepu (PEPC), a subsidiary of state-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina. This is not the first time EMCL has requested to push up its production rate to 200,000 bopd. Although SKK Migas allowed the company to start producing 185,000 bopd from 165,000 barrels originally listed in its 2016 work plan and budget, the oil and gas supervision body brushed off further hikes despite the country’s declining production rates.

    This rejection was based on geological issues. SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi also argued earlier that maintaining the present production rate would be more profitable for the government. At the current pace, Banyu Urip generates around 20 percent of all national crude output, and has produced upto 120 million barrels since it was first established in 2008 with total investment of US$ 4 billion. Based on the company’s estimate, it has contributed $ 44 billion to state coffers under the assumption of oil prices at $50 per barrel.

    Even though the original plan of development indicates that 450 million out of 1 billion barrels of crude reserves are recoverable, EMCL has since estimated that recoverable oil stands closer to 700 million barrels. This was why Erwin explained, the company was confident enough to propose a significant addition to production. SKK Migas could not be reached for comment on the issue. Any increase in Banyu Urip’s production could be a boon to Indonesia,where agingwells andlackofnew oil discoveries have caused shrinking domestic output of around 20 percent every year.

    The slow rising crude prices have not helped much either and next year’s ready-to-sell production target has been set at 815,000 bopd from 820,000 bpod this year, despite the government’s original proposal of 780,000 bopd. Despite EMCL’s enthusiasm to jack up production, other oil and gas companies remain wary about the seemingly rising prices.

    Total E&P Indonesia recently confirmed that it had proposed to cut its total production next year. Vice president for corporate communications Arividya Noviyanto said that, if approved, it would decrease oil and condensate production to 53,000 bopd from this year’s 64,000 bpod. The company has committed to invest $900 million in upstream oil and gas activities. “Oil prices will remain a challenge next year. [Domestically], the Mahakam block transition will also be. a challenge,” Noviyanto said, citing Pertamina’s impending takeover of the block in 2018.


EMCL Menjaga Berharap Tinggi Melalui Produksi Banyu Urip

    Salah satu bidang minyak terbesar di negara itu, Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu ExxonMobil dioperasikan di Jawa Timur, mungkin mulai meningkatkan produksi tahun depan. Unit lokal dari raksasa minyak dan gas AS telah mengusulkan kenaikan produksi 200.000 barel minyak per hari (bopd) dari saat ini 185.000 bpod di nya 2017 rencana kerja dan rancangan anggaran, kata wakil presiden ExxonMobil Indonesia untuk urusan publik dan pemerintah Erwin Maryoto. Erwin mengaku draft yang diajukan oleh anak perusahaan ExxonMobil di Indonesia, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), telah sebagian besar telah diterima oleh Minyak dan Gas Satuan Tugas Hulu Regulatory Khusus (SKK Migas) selama itu melewati evaluasi ulang analisis dampak lingkungan dengan Lingkungan dan Kementerian Kehutanan.

    Meski begitu, perusahaan itu yakin bahwa itu akan berlalu dengan warna fiying sejak evaluasi sendiri menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada kebutuhan untuk membangun fasilitas baru untuk mencapai target produksi. Dia menambahkan bahwa mereka telah memperoleh persetujuan dari mitranya di blok tersebut, termasuk Pertarnina EP Cepu (PEPC), anak perusahaan dari perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara Pertamina. Ini bukan pertama kalinya EMCL telah diminta untuk mendongkrak tingkat produksi 200.000 bopd. Meskipun SKK Migas memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mulai memproduksi 185.000 bopd dari 165.000 barel awalnya tercantum dalam rencana kerja 2016 dan anggaran, badan pengawasan minyak dan gas menepis kenaikan lebih lanjut meskipun penurunan tingkat produksi negara itu.

    Penolakan ini didasarkan pada isu-isu geologi. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi juga berpendapat sebelumnya bahwa mempertahankan tingkat produksi saat ini akan lebih menguntungkan bagi pemerintah. Pada kecepatan saat, Banyu Urip menghasilkan sekitar 20 persen dari semua produksi minyak mentah nasional, dan telah menghasilkan upto 120 juta barel sejak pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 2008 dengan total investasi US $ 4 miliar. Berdasarkan perkiraan perusahaan, telah memberikan kontribusi $ 44000000000 untuk kas negara dengan asumsi harga minyak di $ 50 per barel.

    Meskipun rencana semula pembangunan menunjukkan bahwa 450 juta dari 1 miliar barel cadangan minyak mentah dapat dipulihkan, EMCL sejak memperkirakan bahwa minyak diperoleh berdiri lebih dekat dengan 700 juta barel. Ini adalah mengapa Erwin menjelaskan, perusahaan itu cukup percaya diri untuk mengusulkan penambahan yang signifikan produksi. SKK Migas tidak bisa dihubungi untuk mengomentari masalah ini. Setiap kenaikan produksi Banyu Urip bisa menjadi keuntungan untuk Indonesia, di mana agingwells dan kurangnya penemuan minyak baru telah menyebabkan menyusutnya output domestik sekitar 20 persen setiap tahun.

    Kenaikan harga minyak mentah yang lambat tidak membantu banyak baik dan target produksi siap jual tahun depan telah ditetapkan pada 815.000 bopd dari 820.000 bpod tahun ini, meskipun proposal asli pemerintah dari 780.000 bopd. Meskipun antusiasme EMCL untuk mendongkrak produksi, perusahaan minyak dan gas lainnya tetap waspada tentang tampaknya kenaikan harga.

    Total E & P Indonesia baru-baru ini menegaskan bahwa pihaknya telah mengusulkan untuk memotong total produksi tahun depan. Wakil presiden untuk komunikasi perusahaan Arividya Noviyanto mengatakan, jika disetujui, akan menurunkan produksi minyak dan kondensat untuk 53.000 bopd dari tahun ini 64.000 bpod. perusahaan telah berkomitmen untuk menginvestasikan $ 900 juta kegiatan hulu migas. "Harga minyak akan tetap tantangan tahun depan. [Dalam negeri], Mahakam blok transisi juga akan. tantangan, "kata Noviyanto, mengutip pengambilalihan yang akan datang Pertamina dari blok pada tahun 2018.

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Friday, Dec,9,2016

2017, Produksi Gas Blok Mahakam Turun 12,8%

    Total E&P Indonesia memperkirakan produksi gas Blok Mahakam pada tahun depan sekitar 1.430 mmscfd, turun 12,8% dari proyeksi tahun ini 1.640 mmscfd. Rendahnya proyeksi ini murni lantaran laju penurunan produksi Blok Mahakam. Vice President Humas Resources, Communication, and General Services Total E&P Indonesie Arividia Noviyanto mengatakan, proyeksi produksi gas tahun ini yang sebesar 1.640 mmscfd sebenarnya tidak diduga oleh pihaknya. Produksi di Lapangan Tunu misalnya, ternyata stabil dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama dari perkiraan Total.

    Sehingga, realisasi produksi tahun ini lebih bagus dari yang diprediksikan. Karenanya, proyeksi produksi tahun depan dibuat rendah. Rincinya, target produksi gas 1.430 mmscfd serta minyak dan kondensat 53 ribu bph. Target produksi minyak tersebut juga lebih rendah 17,1% dari proyeksi realisasi produksi sampai akhir 2016 yang sebesar 64 ribu bph. Untuk besaran investasi yang dikucurkan tahun depan, Arividia mengakui, bakal lebih rendah dari tahun ini. Namun untuk rincinya, dia mengaku belum bisa membeberkan lantaran masih dibahas dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

    Penurunan investasi terlihat dari berkurangnya jumlah rig yang dioperasi, yakni dua unit di tahun ini menjadi hanya satu unit pada 2017. Tetapi kalau termasuk investasi dari Pertamina (operator baru Blok Mahakam), tidak turun drastis,” ujar Arividia. Pada tahun ini, realisasi investasi di Blok Mahakam diperkirakan sekitar US$ 900 juta. Seperti diketahui, tahun depan merupakan tahun terakhir Total menjadi operator Blok Mahakam lantaran kontraknya selesai pada 31 Desember 2017.

    Guna menjaga agar produksi tidak terjun bebas, PT Pertamina selaku operator baru akan mengucurkan dana untuk pemboran sumur sejak dari 2017. Pertamina bakal menggelontorkan USS 180 juta untuk pemboran 19 sumur. Untuk rencana Total sendiri, Arividia menyebut bakal membor enam sumur. Selain itu, Total akan melakukan sekitar 7 ribu kegiatan well intervention, yakni work over 138 sumur dan well services 6.381 kegiatan. Dia menyebut berkurangnya kegiatan ini bukan lantaran peralihan operator ke Pertamina.

    Kalau drilling berkurang, bukan karena transisi. Tetapi karena harga, ada sumur yang kalau harga di bawah US$ 70 per barel, itu tidak dibor. Arividia menuturkan fluktuasi harga minyak masih menjadi tantangan industri migas pada tahun depan. Meski OPEC telah berkomitmen memangkas produksi dan harga minyak mulai merangkak naik, efeknya terhadap harga gas disebutnya baru akan terasa pada tiga hingga enam bulan lagi. Itupun masih tergantung pada kestabilan harga minyak.

    Sementara khusus Blok Mahakam, transisi operatorship kepada Pertamina menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Selama ini, Total telah berdiskusi secara intens dengan Pertamina. Meski demikian, transisi bukanlah hal yang mudah dilakukan. Pada masa transisi ini, Total akan membantu Pertamina melaksanakan pemboran 19 sumur yang direncanakan. Menurut dia, dari awal tahun hingga Maret 2017, Total akan menggarap pemboran sumur yang didanai sendiri.


2017, the Mahakam Block Gas Production Down 12.8%

    Total E & P Indonesia estimates Mahakam Block gas production in the next year around 1,430 MMSCFD, down 12.8% from this year's projected 1,640 MMSCFD. The low projection is purely due to the decline in the production of the Mahakam block. Vice President of Public Relations Resources, Communications, and General Services Total E & P Indonesie Arividia Noviyanto said projected gas production this year of 1,640 MMSCFD was not suspected by his side. Production at the Tunu field, for example, was stable in a period longer than the estimated total.

    Thus, the realization of this year's production is better than expected. Therefore, next year's production projections made low. Detailed, gas production target of 1,430 MMSCFD and condensate oil and 53 thousand bpd. The oil production target of 17.1% was also lower than projected realization of production until the end of 2016 which amounted to 64 thousand bpd. For the amount of investment being poured next year, Arividia admitted, would be lower than this year. But for details, he claimed not to disclose because they are discussed with the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas).

    The decline in investment seen from the reduced number of rigs operated, two units in this year to only one unit in 2017. But that included investment from Pertamina (the new operator of the Mahakam block), do not fall dramatically, "said Arividia. This year, the realization of investment in the Mahakam block is estimated at around US $ 900 million. As you know, next year is the last year Total is the operator of the Mahakam block because the contract was completed on December 31, 2017.

    In order to ensure that production is not in free fall, PT Pertamina as the operator will only disburse funds to drill wells since 2017. Pertamina will be poured from USS 180 million to drill 19 wells. For the total plan itself, Arividia call will drill six wells. In addition, Total has committed approximately 7 thousand well intervention activities, ie work over 138 wells and well services activities 6381. He calls this activity is not reduced because of the transition operator to Pertamina.

    If drilling is reduced, not because of the transition. But for the price, there are wells that prices below $ 70 per barrel, it was not drilled. Arividia said fluctuations in the price of oil remains a challenge for the oil and gas industry in the next year. Although OPEC has committed to cut production and oil prices started to creep up, the effect on the price of gas calls will only be felt in three to six months. Even then, it still depends on the stability of oil prices.

    While specific Mahakam block operatorship transition to Pertamina has been a challenge. During this time, Total has been discussed intensely with Pertamina. However, the transition is not an easy thing to do. In this transition period, Total will also support the carrying out drilling 19 wells planned. According to him, from the beginning of the year up to March 2017, Total will work on self-funded drilling.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec,9,2016

Santos Optimistis Ande-Ande Lumut On Stream 2018

    Santos Indonesia optimistis pegembangan Lapangan Ande-Ande Lumut, Blok North West Natuna dapat selesai tepat waktu pada 2011. Kini Santos tengah menggarap proyek ini. President and General Manager Santos Indonesia Tenny Wibowo mengatakan saat ini masih pada tahap teknikal. Kami masih usahakan dapat selesai sesuai target pada 2018. Menurut dia, pengembangan Lapangan Ande-Ande Lumut ini penuh tantangan. Salah satunya harga minyak yang masih cukup rendah.

    Hal ini mengingat ketika rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) lapangan tersebut disusun, asumsi harga minyak yang dipakai adalah sekitar US$ 80-100 per barel. Tenny pernah menyebut, pengembangan Lapangan Ande-Ande Lumut cukup rumit lantaran lokasinya di laut terbuka yang cukup jauh dari daratan dan berbatasan langsung dengan Malaysia. Hambatan lainnya adalah cuaca ekstrem yang dapat menghambat mobilisasi peralatan.

    Meski demikian, Santos tetap akan berupaya mengerjakan Lapangan Ande-Ande Lumut ini supaya selesai tepat waktu. Pemboran sumur diupayakan dapat dilakukan pada pertengahan 2018 setelah anjungan dan fasilitas penyimpanan dan bongkar muat terapung selesai. Lapangan ini ditargetkan akan bisa mulai berproduksi pada akhir 2018 sebesar 25 ribu bph. Lapangan Ande-Ande Lumut ditemukan pada April 2000 lalu dan dilanjutkan dengan pemboran sumur appraisal pada 2006.

    Rencana pengembangan yang akan dilakukan antara lain dengan memasang anjungan sumur lepas pantai (well-head platform) dan 1 unit fasilitas penyimpanan dan bongkar muat terapung. Dalam hal ini pengambilan minyak (offtake) akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tanker ulang-alik (shuttle). Sebelumnya, AWE memiliki hak partisipasi di blok ini sebesar 100%. Pasca pengalihan sebagian hak partisipasi, komposisi ‘kepemilikan blok ini yakni Santos 50% dan AWE Limited 50%. Menurut data AWE dalam laman resminya, hak partisipasi sebesar 50% di Blok North West Natuna itu dijual dengan harga USS 188 juta.

    Santos sendiri memiliki pengalaman dalam mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan proyek lapangan minyak dengan fasilitas produksi terapung. Santos telah berhasil mengembangkan Lapangan Fletcher Finucane di Australia lebih cepat dari jadwal dan di bawah anggaran yang ditetapkan (under budget).


Santos Optimistic Ande-Ande Lumut On Stream 2018

    Santos Indonesia is optimistic pegembangan Fields Ande-Ande Lumut, North West Natuna Block can be completed on time in 2011. Now Santos is working on this project. President and General Manager Tenny Wibowo said Santos Indonesia is still at the stage of technical. We still try to be completed on target in 2018. According to him, the development of Ande-Ande Lumut field is full of challenges. One of them is the price of oil is still quite low.

    This is because when the development plan (plan of development / POD) field is being developed, the oil price assumption used was approximately US $ 80-100 per barrel. Tenny never mentioned, the development of Ande-Ande Lumut field is quite complicated because of its location in the open sea is quite far from the mainland and is directly adjacent to Malaysia. Another obstacle is the extreme weather that may inhibit mobilization of equipment.

    However, Santos will still attempt to do Ande-Ande Lumut field in order to complete it on time. Strived to do well drilling in mid-2018 after the pavilion and storage facilities and loading and unloading the floating completion. This field is targeted to be able to start production by the end of 2018 amounted to 25 thousand bpd. Ande-Ande Lumut field discovered in April 2000 and continued with the drilling of an appraisal well in 2006.

    The development plan will be done among others by installing a wellhead platform offshore (well-head platform) and 1 unit of storage facilities and loading and unloading floating. In this case the oil extraction (offtake) will be done by using shuttle tankers (shuttle). Previously, AWE has a participating interest in this block amounted to 100%. Post-transfer of some rights of participation, composition 'ownership of this block that Santos Limited AWE 50% and 50%. According to data from AWE in its website by 50% participating interest in Block North West Natuna it is sold at a price of USS 188 million.

    Santos himself has experience in developing and operating oil field project with floating production facility. Santos has successfully developed the Fletcher Finucane Courses in Australia ahead of schedule and under budget set (under budget).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec,9,2016

Perusahaan Migas Minta Kebijakan Fiskal Indonesia Direformasi

    Harga minyak dunia yang rendah dalam dua tahun terakhir ini menyebabkan penurunan aktivitas eksplorasi dan eksploitasi industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Asosiasi Perusahaan Minyak Indonesia, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), menilai reformasi peraturan dan kebijakan fiskal di dalam negeri menjadi salah satu upaya yang dapat membangkitkan kembali industri migas di Indonesia.  Diperkirakan, harga minyak mentah dunia pada tahun-tahun mendatang tetap masih rendah. Kondisi ini perlu disikapi serius oleh para pemangku kepentingan dengan melakukan reformasi terhadap aturan terkait di industri migas sehingga menarik investor untuk datang ke Indonesia,” kata Ketua IPA Christina Verchere.

    Christina mengatakan, upaya pemerintah menarik banyak investasi masuk ke dalam negeri sudah terlihat. Banyaknya perubahan peraturan terkait
menurutnya menj adi indikasi, tetapi disisi berbeda, masih banyak tantangan dari para pemangku kepentingan lainnya yang memiliki kepentingan berbeda. Christina mengakui, IPA dan Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan banyak diskusi dan pertemuan untuk membahas mengenai reformasi peraturan dan kebij akan iiskal sepanjang 2016.

    Beberapa hal yang menjadi diskusi antara IPA dan Pemerintah Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2016, di antaranya Revisi PP 79 Tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Kemudian, Focus Group Discusion (FGD) terkait tata kelola gas, pengembangan lapangan laut dalam, penyederhanaan perizinan, implementasi Peraturan Menteri ESDM 38 Tahun 2015 tentang Percepatan Pengusahaan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Non-Konvensional, serta masukan untuk draf UU Migas yang baru.

    Sebelumnya, Wakil Ketua Umum Kadin Bidang Migas Bobby Gafur Umar mendesak pemerintah dan DPR segera menyelesaikan revisi UU Minyak dan Gas. Ia menilai ketidakpastian landasan hukum membuat iklim bisnis menjadi mati. Bobby menjelaskan, revisi UU Migas sudah digodok sejak 2001. Ia mengatakan, pembahasan terlalu berlarut-larut dan tidak ada kepastian kapan akan selesai.  Ia menilai iklim bisnis memerlukan langkah konkret bagaimana langkah pemerintah, maka perlu adanya reformasi kebijakan.

    Bobby mengatakan, jika pembahasan revisi UU Migas tak segera diketok palu, aturan yang ada sangat tidak mengakomodasi iklim bisnis yang terus berkembang. Ia menambahkan, perlu ada langkah tegas dari pemerintah agar bisnis bisa terus jalan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara membaik. Harus ada langkah reformasi kebijakan agar industri bisa jalan lagi, kata Bobby.


Oil and Gas Company Request lndonesian reformed Fiscal Policy

    World oil prices were low in the past two years have led to a decrease in the activity of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas (oil). Association of Oil Companies Indonesia, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), assessing the regulatory reform and fiscal policy in the country became one of the efforts to revive the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. It is estimated that, world crude oil prices in the coming years remain still low. This condition needs to be seriously addressed by all stakeholders to reform the related rules in the oil and gas industry so as to attract investors to come to Indonesia, "said Chairman of the IPA Christina Verchere.
    Christina said, the government's efforts attract a lot of investment into the country is already visible. The number of regulatory changes relatedsed adi according to indications, but a different hand, there are still many challenges from other stakeholders who have different interests. Christina admits, IPA and the Indonesian Government has done a lot of discussions and meetings to discuss regulatory reform and will kebij iiskal throughout 2016.

    Some of the things that became a discussion between the IPA and the Government of Indonesia during the period of 2016, including the revision of Regulation 79 of 2010 on Costs and Operating Refundable Income Tax Treatment in the Field Upstream Oil and Gas. Then, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on governance gas, deepwater field development, simplification of licensing, implementation of the Regulation of Minister 38 Year 2015 on Accelerating the Exploitation of Oil and Gas of Non-Conventional, as well as inputs for a new draft Oil and Gas Law.

    Earlier, Vice Chairman of Kadin Migas Bobby Gafur Umar urged the government and parliament to complete the revision of the Oil and Gas Law. He considered the uncertainty of the legal foundation to make the business climate becomes dead. Bobby explained, the revision of oil and gas law has been brewing since 2001. He said that the discussion was too protracted and it is uncertain when it will be completed. He assesses the business climate requires concrete measures how the government measures, the need for policy reform.

    Bobby said, if the deliberations on the Oil and Gas Law does not immediately diketok hammer, the existing rules so do not accommodate evolving business climate. He added that there should be a firm step from the government so that the business can continue the road and improve the country's economic growth. There should be a policy reform measures that the industry could walk again, Bobby said.

Republika, Page-15, Thursday, Dec,8,2016

lnvestasi Migas Butuh Stabilitas

    Dampak fluktuasi harga minyak hingga titik terendah dalam dua tahun terakhir membuat investasi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di dalam negeri tidak bergairah. Kepastian aturan yang mendukung iklim usaha di samping tawaran beragam insentif diyakini bisa membangkitkan gairah kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi. Dengan begitu, kontribusi terhadap penerimaan negara dan cadangan migas nasional dapat maksimal. Presiden Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere mengatakan reformasi peraturan dan kebijakan fiskal dinilai penting untuk membangkitkan gairah investasi di industri ekstraktif.

    Saat ini, Indonesia berada di urutan 15 terbawah dari 120 negara lokasi investasi migas. Kendati demikian, sambungnya, upaya pemerintah merevisi beragam aturan untuk menarik minat investor patut diapresiasi. Namun, masih ada tarik-menarik di antara pemangku kepentingan. Kami ingin ada komitmen dari pusat hingga daerah agar formula perbaikan iklim investasi migas itu satu arah. Apalagi kita ingin melanjutkan pengembangan laut dalam (deep water) dan implementasi enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

    Investor pun berharap stabilitas aturan yang telah ada tetap terjaga. Jangan sampai perubahan itu dilakukan di tengah jalan. Karena kami
harus membuat penghitungan di awal, supaya tidak mengganggu bisnis, kata Direktur IPA Tenny Wibowo . Salah satunya terkait rencana perubahan kontrak bagi hasil tanpa hiaya pengganti produksi (cost recovery) ‘gross split sliding scale’ untuk wilayah kerja (WK) migas konvensional. Sebelumnya skema bagi hasil secara progresif itu sudah diterapkan lebih dulu di WK migas nonkonvensional. “Skema itu dapat meng-akselerasi kegiatan lapangan migas.

    Namun, kalau semua diserahkan ke Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), perlu dibicarakan bagaimana penyerapan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN), penerapan untuk PSC yang sudah jalan hingga split kalau sudah produksi,” tuturnya. Pasalnya, perhitungan biaya produksi lapangan migas berbasis darat (on shore), lepas pantai (off shore) hingga lapangan tua (mature field) berbeda.


Oil and Gas Investments Need Stability

    The impact of oil price fluctuations to the lowest point in the last two years made investments oil and gas (oil) in the country is not excited. Certainty rules in favor of the business climate in addition offer a variety of incentives are believed to arouse exploration and production activities. By doing so, contribute to state revenue and domestic oil and gas reserves can be maximized. President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere said regulatory reform and fiscal policies considered important to excite the investment in extractive industries.

    Currently, Indonesia is in the order of the bottom 15 of 120 countries the location of oil and gas investment. Nevertheless, he added, the government's efforts to revise a variety of rules to attract investors should be appreciated. However, there is still the attraction between stakeholders. We want a commitment from central to local formulas that oil and gas investment climate improvements in one direction. Moreover, we want to continue the development of the deep sea (deep water) and the implementation of enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

    Investors were hoping the stability of existing rules is maintained. Do not let the change was made in the middle of the road. because we
must make a calculation in the beginning, so as not to interfere with business, said Director of IPA Tenny Wibowo. One of them is related to the plan to change the production sharing contract without replacement hiaya production (cost recovery) 'gross split sliding scale' for the working area (WK) conventional oil and gas. Previous schemes for results progressively it has been applied first in non-conventional oil and gas WK. "The scheme may have accelerated oil and gas field activities.

    However, if it is up to the Contractor of Cooperation Contract (PSC), to discuss how the absorption rate of the domestic component (DCL), the application for the PSC already split when it's the way to production, "he said. Because the calculation of production cost land-based oil and gas fields (on shore), offshore (off shore) to the old field (mature fields) are different.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Thursday, Dec,8,2016

Proper Tekan Imbas Negatif di Bisnis Ekstraktif

    Bisnis eksploitasi sumber daya alam (ekstraktif) di sektor energi membawa risiko adanya perubahan bentang alam dan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Karena itu, menjalankan bisnis yang selaras dengan upaya pelestarian lingkungan bukan sekadar kepatuhan terhadap aturan. Lebih jauh, hal itu merupakan upaya untuk menciptakan kemakmuran yang berkelanjutan bagi generasi mendatang. Pembuktian kinerja perusahaan itu bisa terukur dengan perolehan program penilaian peringkat kinerja perusahaan dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup (Proper-LH).

    Untuk tahun ini, misalnya, BUMN energi PT Pertamina mampu meraih 7 proper emas dan 71 proper hijau. Unit usaha di bawah Pertamina mendominasi perolehan proper emas dari total 12 yang diberikan pemerintah pada tahun. Untuk perolehan proper hijau, unit usaha di bawah Pertamina meraih 71 penghargaan dari total 172 perusahaan. “Tujuh proper emas itu membanggakan bagi kami karena Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan hanya memberikan 12 proper emas dari total 2.217 peserta Proper 2015 -2016.

    Ini pengakuan hasil nyata green action Pertamina untuk kelestarian lingkungan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar wilayah operasi perusahaan,” kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto seusai menerima penyerahan proper yang dilakukan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla yang didampingi Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya Bakar di Istana Wakil Presiden. Survei seismik 2 dimensi untuk eksplorasi migas dilakukan PHE di Iepas pantai Karawang, Subang, dan Indramyu dengan panjang Iintasan 2.990 km.

    Dwi menyebut tahun ini total peserta unit maupun anak usaha Pertamina meningkat, dari 160 menjadi 165 peserta. Tujuh proper emas masing-masing diraih Refinery Unit Vi Balongan, Jawa Barat; PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (WMO), Jawa Timur; Badak NGL, Kalimantan Timur; JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, Jambi; PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Rantau, Aceh; Marketing Operation Region IV TBBM Rewulu, DIY; dan PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang, Jawa Barat.

    Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengapresasi capaian Pertamina yang meningkat dari 6 proper emas tahun lalu menjadi 7 dan diikuti proper hijau yang naik lebih dari 50%. “Saya ucapkan terima kasih 12 perusahaan yang mencapai proper emas, khususnya ada 7 dari Pertamina. Saya ucapkan selamat untuk Pertamina. Tiga penghargaan proper emas lainnya juga diperoleh BUMN, sedangkan dua lainnya oleh swasta. Artinya, ternyata BUMN, khususnya Pertamina, lebih disiplin daripada swasta,” kata Jusuf Kalla. Siti Nurbaya menyebut proper ini, yang dikembangkan sejak 2002, bertujuan mendorong tingkat ketaatan dan inovasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi.

    PHE incar cadangan baru Anak perusahaan Pertamina, yakni PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), mendapatkan kepercayaan pengelolaan dua blok migas, yaitu Blok Ahar dan Blok Anggursi. Keduanya merupakan wilayah kerja migas lepas pantai (offshore) di pesisir Kabupaten Karawang, Kabupaten Subang, dan Kabupaten Indramayu, dengan total panjang lintasan 2.990 km. Kami tengah menggelar survei seismik 2 dimensi dengan kapal canggih yang dikerjakan seluruhnya oleh anak bangsa di atas 12 mil pesisir pantai, kata Corporate Secretary PHE, Edy Sunaedi dalam keterangan resminya.


Proper Business Press The fallout Negatives in the Extractive

    Business exploitation of natural resources (extractive) in the energy sector carries a risk of changes in the landscape and impact on the environment. Therefore, running a business that is in harmony with environmental conservation is not just compliance with the rules. Furthermore, it is an attempt to create a sustainable prosperity for future generations. Proof of the company's performance can be measured by the acquisition program performance rating of companies in environmental management (Proper-LH).

    For this year, for example, state-owned PT Pertamina energy capable of winning 7 gold and 71 proper proper green. The business unit under Pertamina dominate proper recovery of gold from a total of 12 given by the government in the year. For proper acquisition of the green, a business unit under Pertamina won 71 awards out of a total of 172 companies. "Seven gold property proper for us as the Ministry of Environment and Forests gave 12 proper only gold of the total 2,217 participants Proper 2015 -2016.

    This recognition of the results of a real green action Pertamina to environmental sustainability and well-being of communities in which the company's operations, "said Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto after receiving delivery of proper that made Vice President Jusuf Kalla, who was accompanied by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar at the Vice President , 2-dimensional seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration conducted in Iepas beach PHE Karawang, Subang and Indramyu with a length of 2,990 km Iintasan.

    Dwi call this year a total participant unit or subsidiary of Pertamina increased, from 160 to 165 participants. Proper seven gold each won Refinery Unit Vi Balongan, West Java; PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (WMO), East Java; Badak NGL, East Kalimantan; JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, Jambi; PT Pertamina EP Field Rantau Asset 1, Aceh; Marketing Operation Region IV TBBM Rewulu, DIY; and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Kamojang Area, West Java.

    Vice President Jusuf Kalla mengapresasi Pertamina increased the achievements of last year's gold-proper 6 to 7 and followed proper green rose more than 50%. "I thank the 12 companies that achieve proper gold, in particular there are 7 of Pertamina. I offer my congratulations to Pertamina. Three other gold awards were also obtained proper state-owned enterprises, while the other two by the private sector. That is, it turns out SOEs, especially Pertamina, more disciplined than the private sector, "Kalla said. Siti Nurbaya proper call, developed since 2002, aims to boost the level of compliance and innovation in the management of natural resources and community development around the site.

    PHE seek new reserves Pertamina's subsidiary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), gain the trust management of two oil and gas blocks, namely Block Ahar and Block Anggursi. Both the offshore oil and gas working areas (offshore) in the coastal district of Karawang, Subang regency, and Indramayu district, with the total length of 2,990 km. We are hosting a two-dimensional seismic survey with advanced ship that executed entirely by the children of the nation over the 12-mile coast, said Corporate Secretary PHE, Edy Sunaedi in his official statement.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Thursday, Dec,8,2016