Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Penurunan Harga Gas Akan Berlanjut
Pemerintah sedang membahas penetapan harga gas industri tahap kedua. Pada tahap lanjutan ini, fokusnya adalah gas sebagai energi, yang terjadi pada industri seperti oleochemical, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. “Ini kami dorong bersama agar bisa diberlakukan pada 2017,” kata Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian, Muhammad Khayam.
Ia menjelaskan bahwa penetapan harga gas sebelumnya yang diberlakukan bagi pabrik petrokimia, pupuk, dan baja merupakan tahap pertama, yang berfokus pada gas sebagai bahan baku. Regulasi mengenai hal itu dituangkan dalam bentuk Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu. Ketentuan itu memuat kebijakan penurunan harga gas bagi tiga industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2017.
Peraturan menteri itu terbit untuk menindaklanjuti Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Presiden Joko Widodo merninta agar harga gas bagi industri tidak boleh lebih dari US$ 6 per MMBTU. Tujuannya adalah agar industri dalam negeri kompetitif dan tumbuh lebih kencang. Khayam menambahkan bahwa penurunan harga gas untuk tiga jenis industri tersebut memang tidak menurunkan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP). “Karena mungkin tahun depan bisa US$ 6, US$ 7, US$ 8, mengikuti harga komoditasnya, bisa amonia, metanol, dan sebagainya.
Untuk ini, harga dengan basis formula memang lebih adil.” Namun penetapan harga bagi industri yang menggunakan gas sebagai energi, Khayam menilai, lebih relevan menggunakan konsep harga tetap. Apakah akan mengambil (PNBP)? Ini dalam pembahasan. Mungkin ada penurunan PNBP sedikit. Tapi kalau masuk akal, masih bisa ditoleransi,” kata dia. Khayam menambahkan, meski penetapan harga gas bagi empat jenis industri di tahap kedua dapat mengurangi PNBR kebijakan itu dapat merangsang investasi. “Industri tumbuh, investasi pun tumbuh. Makin kompetitif, harus berdampak ke pajak yang lebih tinggi.
Menurut anggota Komisi Energi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Kurtubi, penurunan harga gas pasti berdampak terhadap PNBP “Tapi kinerja industri diharapkan naik. Penerimaan dari pajak akan meningkat kalau kinerja industri membaik. Percuma kalau harga gas turun tapi kinerja tetap,” ujar dia. Ketua Koordinator Gas Industri Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia, Ahmad Wijaya, optimistis kebijakan harga gas industri bakal mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih tinggi.
Ia memperkirakan ekonomi tahun depan bakal tumbuh 7 persen dengan penurunan harga gas industri hingga maksimal US$ 6 per MMEBTU. Sebab, industri bisa tumbuh lebih kencang dengan harga gas yang murah. Bisa 7 persen, bukan lagi 5 persen. Yang menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi kan cuma satu, industri harus tumbuh. Khayam yakin penurunan harga gas akan berdampak signifikan. Sebab, menurut dia, kontribusi harga gas terhadap biaya produksi tiga industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja Iebih dari 70 persen. Yang didahulukan memang adalah sektor yang berdampak sangat signifikan,” kata dia.
Decrease Gas Prices Will Continue
The government is discussing the pricing of the second phase of industrial gases. At this advanced stage, the focus is on gas as an energy, which occurs in industries such as oleochemical, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves. "For this we push together to be enacted in 2017," said Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry, Muhammad Khayam.
He explained that the pricing of gas previously applied for petrochemical plants, fertilizer, and steel is the first phase, focusing on gas as feedstock. Regulation regarding it poured in the form of Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 Year 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific. Provisions contained a policy to reduce gas prices for the three fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel with effect from January 1, 2017.
The ministerial regulation was published to follow the Presidential Decree Number 40 Year 2016 Pricing Gas. President Joko Widodo merninta that the price of gas for the industry should not be more than US $ 6 per MMBTU. The goal is for the domestic industry competitive and grow faster. Khayam added that the decline in gas prices for the three types of the industry does not lower non-tax revenues (non-tax). "Because maybe next year could be $ 6, $ 7, $ 8, following the price of commodities, can be ammonia, methanol, and so forth.
For this, the base price is more equitable formula. "But pricing for industries that use gas as energy, Khayam rate, more relevant to use the concept of a fixed price. Whether to take (non-tax)? It is under discussion. Maybe there was a decrease in non-tax revenues a bit. But if it makes sense, it can still be tolerated, "he said. Khayam added, although pricing for the four types of industrial gas in the second stage can reduce PNBR the policy can stimulate investment. "The industry is growing, investment has grown. More competitive, it must have an impact to the higher tax.
According to members of the Energy Commission of the House of Representatives, Kurtubi, the decline in gas prices certainly have an impact on non-tax revenues "But the performance of the industry is expected to rise. Receipts from taxes will increase if the industry's performance improves. Useless if gas prices go down but performance remains, "he said. Chief Coordinator Gas Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia, Ahmad Wijaya, optimistic industrial gas pricing policy would boost economic growth higher.
He estimates that next year the economy will grow 7 percent decline in industrial gas prices up to a maximum of US $ 6 per MMEBTU. Therefore, the industry could grow much faster with cheap gas prices. Can 7 percent and not another 5 percent. That support the economic growth of just one, the industry should grow. Khayam sure drop in gas prices will have a significant impact. Because, according to him, the contribution of gas prices to the cost of production of three industrial fertilizers, petrochemicals, and steel exceeding 70 percent. The precedence is indeed a very significant impact on the sector, "he said.
Koran Tempo, Page- 17, Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Gross Split Sliding Scale Draws Mixed Opinions
The government’s intention to replace notorious cost recovery with a gross split sliding scale has been met with mixed views from the oil and gas industry. Cost recovery a reimbursement scheme for oil and gas companies’ exploration and exploitation activities was first established in 2010. Meanwhile, gross split sliding scales are only allowed for non-conventional oil and gas fields. Even so, they have yet to be implemented since a ministerial regulation was issued last year. Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arcandra Tahar said- a ministerial regulation allowing gross split sliding scales for conventional fields would be issued next year.
The new scheme will only be implemented for new contracts. The new scheme will be first implemented for the production sharing contract (PSC) of the Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) block. “The regulation will be issued early next year. Around January," Arcandra said. Cost recovery has been seen as ineficient with experts alleging that several companies marked up costs due to unattractive split ratios. The split ratio of government to contractor is 85:15 for oil and 70:30 for gas. According to a Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) reporte, contractors marked up cost recovery by Rp 3.9 trillion (US$ 293 million) last year by adding variables such as expatriation costs for foreign employees, thus reducing state revenue.
The government paid out $13.9 billion for oil and gas cost recovery, exceeding the $12.86 billion in non-tax revenues obtained from the sector. A gross split sliding scale is expected to incorporate a no-cost recovery mechanism, and the split in government will be increase in line with the volume of production. The ministry’s oil and gas director general IGN Wiratmaja Puja argued that implementing a gross split sliding scale would be more attractive to investors as it was simpler and more efficient, making contract negotiations much quicker.
This is not the first time the government has made tweaks to improve the investment climate in the sobering oil and gas industry. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and the Finance Ministry are still working on revising Government Regulation No. 79/2010 on cost recovery and tax treatment for the upstream oil and gas industry. The impending regulation will include non-tax and tax incentives that are hoped to entice investors in the industry. However, some remain unconvinced that the changes would bring about significant results.
ReforMiner Institute executive director Komaidi Notonegoro said implementing a gross split sliding scale was not a sure-fire way to improve the investment climate in the industry. Although the new scheme could bring in more investment, Komaidi explained, it could also have the reverse effect as the contractors would be the sole risk-takers in the PSC. “If the cost structure isn’t efficient then there would be more costs. The contractors would be at a disadvantage as the government would turn ablind eye to it,” he said.
Meanwhile, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) president Christina Verchere said discussing the gross split sliding scale with the government was one of the organization’s priorities for next year.” “We will continue the detailed analysis and discussion for the implementation of the gross split sliding contract scheme for conventional oil and gas, and ensure that the scheme will be acceptable for investors,” the BP regional Asia-Pacific president said. The local unit of United States- based ExxonMobil has also expressed its willingness to discuss the possibility of using a gross split sliding scale in the PSC for the gas rich East Natuna block in Riau lslands, as long as the regulation has already been issued, said its vice president for public and government affairs, Erwin Maryoto.
Skala Gross Split Sliding digambarkan Menarik
Niat pemerintah untuk mengganti cost recovery terkenal dengan skala geser kotor perpecahan telah bertemu dengan campuran dilihat dari industri minyak dan gas. Cost recovery skema penggantian untuk kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 2010. Skala Sementara itu, gross perpecahan geser hanya diperbolehkan untuk ladang minyak dan gas non-konvensional. Meski begitu, mereka belum dilaksanakan sejak peraturan menteri dikeluarkan tahun lalu. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar bilang- peraturan menteri memungkinkan perpecahan gross skala geser untuk bidang konvensional akan dikeluarkan tahun depan.
Skema baru hanya akan diterapkan untuk kontrak baru. Skema baru akan diterapkan pertama kali untuk kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) blok. "Peraturan tersebut akan dikeluarkan awal tahun depan. Sekitar bulan Januari, "kata Arcandra. Cost recovery telah dilihat sebagai ineficient dengan para ahli menyatakan bahwa beberapa perusahaan mark up biaya karena rasio perpecahan tidak menarik. Rasio split pemerintah kepada kontraktor adalah 85:15 untuk minyak dan 70:30 untuk gas. Menurut ke Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Reporte, kontraktor ditandai cost recovery sebesar Rp 3,9 triliun (US $ 293.000.000) tahun lalu dengan menambahkan variabel seperti biaya pengusiran bagi karyawan asing, sehingga mengurangi penerimaan negara.
Pemerintah dibayarkan $ 13,9 Miliar untuk biaya minyak dan gas recovery, melebihi $ 12,86 Miliar pendapatan non-pajak yang diperoleh dari sektor ini. Sebuah skala perpecahan geser kotor diharapkan untuk menggabungkan mekanisme pemulihan tanpa biaya, dan perpecahan dalam pemerintahan akan meningkat seiring dengan volume produksi. minyak dan direktur gas kementerian umum IGN Wiratmaja Puja berpendapat bahwa menerapkan split geser skala kotor akan menjadi lebih menarik bagi investor seperti itu lebih sederhana dan lebih efisien, membuat negosiasi kontrak lebih cepat.
Ini bukan pertama kalinya pemerintah telah membuat tweak untuk meningkatkan iklim investasi di industri minyak dan gas serius. Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Kementerian Keuangan masih bekerja pada merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79/2010 tentang cost recovery dan perlakuan pajak untuk industri minyak dan gas hulu. Peraturan yang akan datang akan mencakup non-pajak dan insentif pajak yang diharapkan untuk menarik investor di industri. Namun, beberapa tetap tidak yakin bahwa perubahan akan membawa hasil yang signifikan.
Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan menerapkan skala perpecahan geser kotor bukanlah cara yang pasti-api untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi di industri. Meskipun skema baru bisa membawa lebih banyak investasi, Komaidi menjelaskan, bisa juga memiliki efek sebaliknya sebagai kontraktor akan menjadi satu-satunya risiko-taker dalam PSC. "Jika struktur biaya tidak efisien maka akan ada lebih banyak biaya. Para kontraktor akan dirugikan karena pemerintah akan mengubah mata ablind untuk itu, "katanya.
Sementara itu, Presiden Petroleum Association (IPA) Indonesia Christina Verchere mengatakan membahas perpecahan kotor skala geser dengan pemerintah adalah salah satu prioritas organisasi untuk tahun depan. "" Kami akan melanjutkan analisis rinci dan diskusi untuk pelaksanaan bruto kontrak perpecahan geser skema untuk minyak konvensional dan gas, dan memastikan bahwa skema tersebut akan diterima bagi investor, "kata Regional presiden BP di Asia-Pasifik. Unit lokal dari Inggris Negara bagian berdasarkan ExxonMobil juga telah menyatakan kesediaannya untuk mendiskusikan kemungkinan menggunakan split gross skala geser dalam PSC untuk gas yang kaya blok East Natuna di lslands Riau, selama peraturan tersebut sudah dikeluarkan, kata wakil presiden untuk urusan publik dan pemerintah, Erwin Maryoto.
Jakarta Post, Page- 13, Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Daerah Berhak Peroleh Hak Partisipasi Blok Migas 10%
Pemerintah daerah penghasil migas berhak memperoleh bak partisipasi (participating interest/PI) dalam blok migas di wilayahnya sebesar 10%. Tak hanya itu, pembiayaan atas kewajiban yang timbul dari kepemilikan hak partisipasi ini wajib ditanggung terlebih dahulu oleh perusahaan migas. Ketentuan tersebut berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 37 Tahun 2016 tentang Ketentuan Penawaran Participating Interest 10% Pada Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang ditetapkan akhir November lalu.
Peraturan Menteri ini menyatakan, sejak disetujuinya rencana pengembangan blok migas yang berlokasi di daratan dan atau perairan lepas pantai sampai dengan 12 mil laut, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) wajib menawarkan PI 10% kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD). Tak hanya itu, sesuai Pasal 12 Peraturan Menteri 37/ 2016, penawaran hak partisipasi 10% dilaksanakan melalui skema kerja sama antara badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) dengan KKKS. Skema kerja sama yang dimaksud adalah pembiayaan besaran kewajiban BUMD akan ditanggung oleh KKKS terlebih dahulu. Karenanya, kewajiban ini hanya dikenakan untuk kontrak migas baru.
Hanya untuk kontrak baru dan perpanjangan. Jadi KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama) bisa menghitung dengan baik skema keekonomiannya,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri 37/2016, besaran kewajiban BUMD atau perusahaan perseroan daerah dihitung secara proporsional dari biaya operasi yang dikeluarkan selama masa eksplorasi dan eksploitasi berdasarkan rencana kerja dan anggaran.
Selanjutnya, pengembalian terhadap pembiayaan tersebut diambil dari bagian BUMD atau perusahaan perseroan daerah dari hasil produksi migas sesuai kontrak kerja sama tanpa dikenakan bunga. Terkait hak partisipasi bagi daerah, Presiden Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere menyatakan, perusahaan migas juga ingin agar keberadaan blok migas di satu wilayah memiliki manfaat bagi masyarakat setempat Namun perubahan kepemilikan hak partisipasi, misal mengalihkan 10% kepada daerah, berpotensi mempengaruhi hitungan keekonomian proyek. Sementara itu, Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mendukung diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri 37/ 2016.
Beleid ini disebutnya akan mengoptimalkan keterlibatan daerah dalam bisnis migas, sekaligus memaksimalkan manfaat bisnis migas bagi daerah. Sehingga, diharapkan perusahaan migas lebih mudah berkoordinasi terkait kegiatan operasi di daerah tersebut. Soal biaya yang harus ditanggung perusahaan terlebih dahulu, diakuinya pasti akan mempengaruhi hitungan keekonomian proyek. Namun pengaruhnya tergantung pada skala pengembangan lapangan dan biaya investasinya. Tetapi prinsipnya kami siap untuk menjalankan (membiayai terlebih dahulu), ini bukan masalah berat atau ringan, karena tujuan Peraturan Menteri ini bagus," tutur Syamsu.
Lebih lanjut, Peraturan Menteri ini juga mengatur apakah pemerintah provinsi atau pemerintah kabupaten yang berhak memperoleh PI. Untuk blok migas dalam satu provinsi atau tidak sampai melebihi 4 mil dari garis pantai, diberikan kepada BUMD yang dibentuk dengan dikoordinasikan oleh gubernur melibatkan bupati. Sementara untuk blok migas berjarak 4-12 mil dari garis pantai, diberikan kepada BUMD yang pelaksanaannya dikoordinasikan Gubernur. Sementara jika lokasi blok migas mencakup lebih dari satu provinsi, maka penentuan kepemilikan PI berdasarkan kesepakatan antara gubernur bersangkutan.
Jika dalam tiga bulan tidak tercapai kesepakatan, maka Menteri ESDM yang akan menentukan PI setiap daerah. Peraturan Menteri 37/2016 juga merinci persyaratan BUMD yang berhak mendapat PI 10%. Rincinya, BUMD atau perusahaan daerah yang paling sedikit 99% sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah daerah dan sisa kepemilikan sahamnya terafiliasi seluruhnya dengan pemerintah daerah, statusnya disahkan melalui peraturan daerah, dan tidak melakukan kegiatan usaha selain pengelolaan hak partisipasi tersebut.
Sementara penawarannya, dimulai dengan dikirimkannya surat untuk penyiapan BUMD kepada gubernur oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dalam waktu 10 hari sejak diterimanya rencana pengembangan lapangan. Selanjutnya dalam satu tahun, jika berminat, gubernur wajib menyampaikan surat penunjukkan BUMD yang menerima penawaran PI ini. jika gubernur tidak mengirimkan surat ini, maka daerah dinyatakan tidak berminat dan penawaran PI dinyatakan tertutup.
Selanjutnya, hak partisipasi wajib ditawarkan kepada BUMN. jika BUMN menyampaikan pernyataan minat dan kesanggupan, kontraktor dan BUMN menindaklanjuti proses pengalihan PI 10% sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan dan kontrak kerja sama. Jika BUMN tidak memberikan pernyataan minat dan kesanggupan dalam jangka waktu paling lama 60 hari sejak tanggal penawaran PI 10%, maka penawaran dinyatakan tertutup.
Eligible areas Obtains Right to Participation Block Oil and Gas 10%
Oil producing local governments the right to obtain the participation tub (participating interest / PI) in the block of oil and gas in the region of 10%. Not only that, the financing of the obligations arising out of the ownership rights of participation shall be borne first by the oil and gas company. The provision is based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 37 Year 2016 on Special Provisions 10% Participating Interest In Working Area Oil and Gas set late last November.
Regulation of the Minister stated, since the approval of the development plan of the block located on land or offshore waters up to 12 nautical miles, cooperation contracts (PSC) shall offer to the PI 10% local owned enterprises (BUMD). Not only that, according to Article 12 Regulation 37/2016, offers a 10% participating interest held through a cooperation scheme between local owned enterprises (enterprises) with the PSC. Cooperation schemes in question is the amount of supply of financing enterprises will be borne by the PSC in advance. Therefore, this obligation only apply to new oil and gas contracts.
Only for new contracts and renewals. So the Production Sharing Contractors (cooperation) could count well its economic scheme, "said Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja. Appropriate regulation 37/2016, the amount of obligations of enterprises or regional liability company are calculated in proportion of the operating costs incurred during the period of exploration and exploitation based on the work plan and budget.
Furthermore, the return to the financing taken from part-owned companies or limited companies from the oil and gas production regions corresponding cooperation contract without interest. Regarding the right of participation for the region, President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere states, oil companies also want the presence of oil and gas blocks in the region have benefits for local people but the change of ownership rights of participation, for example, to divert 10% to the region, potentially affecting a matter of economics project. Meanwhile, PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam support the issuance of Ministerial Decree 37/2016.
This policy will be to optimize the involvement of local calls in the oil and gas business, while maximizing benefits for local oil and gas business. Thus, the oil company is expected to be easier to coordinate related activities operating in the area. Matter the cost to the company in advance, acknowledges it will definitely affect the economics of the project count. However, the effect depends on the scale field development and investment costs. But the principle we are ready to run (finance), and if this is not a problem of heavy or light, because the purpose of this regulation is good, "said Syamsu.
Furthermore, this regulation also set whether the provincial government or local governments eligible for the PI. For oil and gas blocks in one province or not to exceed 4 miles of coastline, is given to enterprises that formed coordinated by the governor involving regent. As for the oil and gas blocks within 4-12 miles of shoreline, is given to enterprises that implementation is coordinated governor. Meanwhile, if the location of oil and gas blocks covering more than one province, the PI ownership determination based on agreement between the governor concerned.
If within three months of no agreement is reached, then the Minister will determine PI each region. Ministerial Regulation 37/2016 also specifies the requirements of enterprises that are entitled to a 10% PI. Detailed, enterprises or local company that is at least 99% owned by the local government and the rest of its stake fully affiliated with the local government, the status of approved through local regulations, and does not conduct business activities other than the management of the participation rights.
While its offer, starting with a letter he sent to the governor to set up enterprises by the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) within 10 days of receipt of the field development plan. Furthermore, in one year, if interested, the governor is obliged to submit the letter of appointment enterprises that receive offers this PI. if the governor did not send this letter, then the region is declared not interested and deals PI declared closed.
Furthermore, participation rights shall be offered to the SOE. if SOEs submit expressions of interest and ability, and state contractors follow the transfer of 10% PI in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and cooperation contracts. If SOE no letter of intent and ability within a maximum period of 60 days from the date the offer PI 10%, then the offer is declared closed.
Investor Daily, Page- 9, Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Pertamina-Saudi Aramco Bangun Kilang Cilacap
PT Pertamina berencana menandatangani perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture agreement) dengan perusahaan minyak asal TimurTengah, Saudi Aramco. Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno mengatakan perjanjian tersebut merupakan upaya Pertamina dalam merevitalisasi kilang di Cilacap.
Perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan ini sendiri ditargetkan dapat terealisasi pada akhir Desember 2016. "Nanti porsi saham Aramco masih sama 45% dan selebihnya Pertamina, saya berharap mulai. 2017 pembangunan revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap sudah bisa dilakukan," kata Rini usai menghadiri HUT Ke-59 Pertamina di Teluk Penyu, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.
Rini menjelaskan, saat ini Pertamina terus mengembangkan residual fluid catalytic cracker (RFCC), kilang yang mengolah low sulfur waxy residue (LSWR) menjadi produk bernilai tinggi, yaitu gasoline oktan tinggi yang ramah lingkungan, peningkatan produksi LPG dan produk baru propilena. "Pengembangan RFCC memasuki finalisasi basic engineering design yang akan dilakukan oleh Aramco, akhir bulan ini rencananya final penandatanganan.
Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Sutjipto menambahkan, investasi pembentukan perusahaan patungan tersebut mencapai USD 5,5 miliar, sedangkan Saudi Aramco akan menyiapkan sebesar USD2,2 miliar. Setelah joint venture agreement, kita akan siapkan feasibility study, harapannya selesai di Januari-Februari, kemudian basic engineering design , dan diharapkan akhir 2017 sudah groundbreaking," ujar Dwi.
Proyek revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap merupakan salah satu dari empat kilang yang masuk dalam Refinery Development Masterplan (RDMP) yang tengah dijalankan Pertamina. Tiga kilang lainnya adalah Kilang Balikpapan di Kalimatan Timur, Kilang Dumaidi Riau, dan Kilang Balongan di Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Sementara, Kilang Plaju Sungai Gerong di Sumatera Selatan akan menjadi proyek selanjutnya.
Selain Kilang Cilacap, lanjut Dwi, Pertamina juga menggandeng Saudi Aramco dalam revitalisasi Kilang Dumai dan Balongan. Sementara untuk Kilang Balikpapan, Pertamina menggarapnya sendiri tanpa bermitra dengan perusahaan lain. Kilang Cilacap ditargetkan selesai 2022, sedangkan di Balikpapan selesai 2019 dan di Dumai pada 2021,"jelas dia.
Dia mengungkapkan, program pengembangan kilang merupakan upaya untuk menjamin ketahanan energi nasional. Konsumsi BBM saat ini mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari, sedangkan pasokan dari dalam negeri baru 900.000 barel per hari. Ketika proyek pengembangan mencapai tahap penyelesaian, kapasitas dari Kilang Cilacap akan meningkat menjadi 370.000 barel per hari dari saat ini sebesar 300.000 barel per hari.
Sementara, dalam rangka menyambut HUT PT Pertamina ke 59, perseroan menyelenggarakan program pemberdayaan dan pembersihan Pantai Kampung Nelayan di lima lokasi secara serentak. Sedikitnya 4.000 orang terlibat dalam aksi yang tersebar di beberapa titik. Kelima titik tersebut yaitu Pantai Kampung Bugis, Tanjung Uban (Kepulauan Riau), Pantai Mutiara Hijau, Balongan (Jawa Barat), Teluk Penyu, Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), Pantai Grand Watu Dodol, Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur), dan Kampung Atas Air, Balikpapan (KalimantanTimur).
Build-Saudi Aramco Pertamina Refinery in Cilacap
PT Pertamina plans to sign an agreement forming the joint venture (joint venture agreement) with the Middle East oil company, Saudi Aramco. Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno said the agreement was an attempt to revitalize Pertamina refinery in Cilacap.
Agreement itself forming this joint venture is targeted to be realized at the end of December 2016. "Later still the same portion Aramco shares of 45% and the rest Pertamina, I can expect to begin. 2017 construction Cilacap refinery revitalization can be done," Rini said after attending the 59th Anniversary Pertamina in Teluk Penyu, Cilacap, Central Java.
Rini explained that Pertamina continues to develop residual fluid catalytic cracker (RFCC), the refineries that process low sulfur waxy residue (LSWR) into high value products, high octane gasoline that is environmentally friendly, increase LPG production and new product propylene. "Development of RFCC entered the finalization basic engineering design will be undertaken by Aramco, the end of this month the signing of the final plans.
Pertamina President Director Dwi Sutjipto added, forming the joint venture investment reached USD 5.5 billion, while Saudi Aramco will be set up by $ 2.2 billion. After the joint venture agreement, we will prepare a feasibility study, it is expected completed in January-February, then the basic engineering design, and is expected to end in 2017 has been groundbreaking, "said Dwi.
The Cilacap refinery revitalization project is one of four refineries included in Refinery Development Masterplan (RDMP) that is being undertaken by Pertamina. Three other refinery is the refinery Balikpapan in East Kalimantan, Riau Dumaidi Refinery and Balongan refinery in Indramayu, West Java. Meanwhile, refinery Plaju Gerong River in South Sumatra will be the next project.
In addition to the Cilacap refinery, said Dwi, Pertamina also cooperates with Saudi Aramco in Dumai and Balongan refinery revitalization. As for the Balikpapan refinery, Pertamina work on its own without partnering with other companies. The Cilacap refinery is targeted for completion in 2022, while in London completed in 2019 and in Dumai in 2021, "he explained.
He said the refinery development program is an effort to ensure national energy security. Fuel consumption is now reaching 1.6 million barrels per day, whereas the new domestic supply of 900,000 barrels per day. When the development project reaches the stage of completion, the capacity of the Cilacap refinery will increase to 370,000 barrels per day from the current 300,000 barrels per day.
Meanwhile, to celebrate the 59th anniversary of PT Pertamina, the company organized a beach cleaning program and the empowerment of Kampung Nelayan in five locations simultaneously. At least 4,000 people were involved in the action are scattered at some point. These five points are Pantai Kampung Bugis, Tanjung Uban (Riau Islands), Pantai Mutiara Green, Balongan (West Java), Turtle Bay, Cilacap (Central Java), Watu Dodol Grand Beach, Banyuwangi (East Java), and Kampung Water, Balikpapan (East Kalimantan).
Koran Sindo, Page-19,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Tahun 2017, Produksi Mahakam Akan Turun
Produksi gas Blok Mahakam pada 2017 akan turun. Hal ini karena PT Total EP Indonesie (TEPI) hanya akan melakukan pemboran hingga kuartal I-2017 dan setelah itu akan diteruskan oleh manajemen PT Pertamina. Pada tahun ini, TEPI mengklaim telah memproduksi gas sebesar 1,64 billion cubic feet (BCF) untuk minyak menah, dan kondensat sebesar 64.000 barel per hari (bph). Sementara proyeksi produksi tahun 2017 hanya sebesar 1,43 BCF dan 53.000 bph.
Vice President Human Resources Total E&P Indonesie Arividya Novianto menyatakan, produksi tahun ini memang cukup bagus, terutama berasal dari lapangan Tunu yang produksi gasnya cukup stabil. Namun memang produksi Blok Mahakam tahun depan memang diproyeksi turun. Penyebabnya sumur migas di Blok Mahakam yang sudah tua sehingga produksinya cenderung turun. Di sisi lain, penurunan juga disebabkan berkurangnya pemboran sumur produksi di Blok Mahakam. Pada tahun depan hanya akan ada pemboran sebanyak 25 sumur.
TEPI hanya akan melakukan pemboran sebanyak enam sumur yang akan dikerjakan sepanjang kuartal I-2017. Yang punya Total EP di kerjakan sampai awal Maret. Dimulai dari Januari, Rig-nya tidak putus, kami tetap maintaince rig itu," kata Arividya. Sisanya sebanyak 19 sumur pemborannya akan dibiayai oleh Pertamina selaku operator Blok Mahakam yang baru. Kendati yang melakukan pemboran adalah TEPI dari Maret hingga akhir tahun 2017. Total- EP hanya akan investasi US$ 990 juta tahun depan di Mahakam.
Selain melakukan pemboran sumur produksi, Total EP juga akan melakukan well intervention. Dengan adanya masa transisi pengalihan operator di Blok Mahakam dari TEPI ke Pertamina, TEPI pun tidak akan membiayai kegiatan well intervention hingga akhir tahun 2017. Untuk well intervention, Total kerjakan sampai bulan Oktober, sisanya Pertamina karena untuk produksi 2018," ujarnya.
Lantaran hanya melakukan enam pemboran, maka kata Arividya, Total EP hanya akan mengeluarkan dana US$ 900 juta atau lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan tahun ini yang bisa US$ 2,5 miliar. Vice President Comorate Communication PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro mengatakan, pihaknya akan sesuaikan dan buatkan rencana sesuai kebutuhan. Untuk tahap awal kami akan eksekusi dulu 19 sumur pada 2017. Sebelumnya, Pertamina memang bersiap investasi US$ 1,5 miliar tahun depan.
2017, Mahakam Production Will Decline
Mahakam Block gas production in 2017 will go down. This is because PT Total E & P Indonesie (TEPI) only will drill up to the first quarter of 2017 and thereafter will be forwarded by the management of PT Pertamina. This year, TEPIS claim has been producing gas by 1.64 billion cubic feet (BCF) for menah oil and condensate amounted to 64,000 barrels per day (bpd). While the projected production in 2017 amounted to only 1.43 BCF and 53,000 bpd.
Vice President Human Resources Total E & P Indonesie Arividya Novianto said that this year's production is quite good, especially coming from the Tunu field gas production is quite stable. But it is the Mahakam block production next year is projected to fall. The cause of oil and gas wells in the block, is old so the production tends to fall. On the other hand, a decrease was also due to reduced drilling production wells in the Mahakam block. In the next year there will only be the drilling of 25 wells.
TEPI only will drill six wells that will be done during the first quarter-2017. Which has Total EP was done until early March. Starting from January, Rig its not broke, we remain maintaince rig it, "said Arividya. The remaining 19 wells drilling will be financed by Pertamina as the operator of the block, new. Although the drilling is TEPI from March until the end of 2017. Total - EP will only be investing US $ 990 million next year in Mahakam.
In addition to the drilling of production wells, Total EP will also perform well intervention. With the transfer of carriers in the transition period from the Mahakam block to Pertamina TEPI, TEPI will not pay for well intervention activities by the end of 2017. For well intervention, Total working until October, the rest Pertamina due for production in 2018, "he said.
Because only do six drilling, the word Arividya, Total EP will only spent US $ 900 million or smaller than this year which could be US $ 2.5 billion. Vice President Comorate Communication PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro said it would adjust and then make a plan as needed. For the first phase we will execute first 19 wells in 2017. Previously, Pertamina is preparing to invest US $ 1.5 billion next year.
Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Gas Masela for Three Company Not the End
Although the Ministry of Industry (Kemprin) has proposed to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on the location of gas Masela, in fact, Minister ESDM not say 100% yes to this request.
the Masela Gas Block
In fact, the Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar admitted that he had approved the allocation Masela gas to three companies namely PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (KMI), and Multi Pratama Elsoro, as proposed by the Ministry of Industry
Three companies that obtain gas supply 474 MMSCFD of Abadi field, Masela. According to the Director-General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, the allocation of gas from Masela until now still being discussed with the Ministry of Energy Inpex Corporation.
Inpex Corporation
"Because most of the gas will be used for downstream industries such as petrochemicals and fertilizers. We are still discussing the increase in LNG capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA.
Nonetheless, Wiratmaja targeting gas allocation decisions can be taken later this year.
"We are still discussions detail, it takes time and patience because of different views," he said.
To be sure, wanted the allocation of gas from the Masela absorbed by domestic ith this way the public can benefit. Separately Director General of Chemical, Textile, and Miscellaneous. The Ministry of Industry Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono said consideration recommends the allocation of gas to three companies because they expressed an interest to invest in fertilizer plants and petrochemical Maluku.
In addition, the allocation of gas Masela also is determined ahead of time so that not all of the Masela gas converted to LNG for export. We ask for 50% of gas from the block or around 600 MMSCFD Masala domestic absorbed.
PT Humpuss Intermodal Transport Tbk
Theo Lekatompessy, President Director of PT Humpuss Intermodal Transport Tbk as a company that has a share in Kaltim Methanol Industry justify the allocation request, gas from this government because they have gas contracts during the 20 years ending in 2018.
Only, Yusri Usman reminded Energy Observer, Inpex has the authority to decide the buyers are a credible and profitable investment. While Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex, Usman Slamet, does not say much about the allocation of this gas. He says it is still focusing and concentrating on the development of the Abadi field Masela block.
Kontan, Page-14,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Inpex Corporation
Dilema Turunkan Harga Gas Industri Keramik dan Kaca
Setelah menyelesaikan perhitungan penurunan harga gas untuk industri baja, petrokimia dan pupuk, pemerintah akan melanjutkan penurunan harga gas untuk industri keramik dan kaca. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandla Tahar menyatakan, pemerintah menghadapi dilema dalam perhitungan penurunan harga gas untuk kedua sektor industri tersebut. Dilema terutama terkait dengan efek berganda dari kebijakan penurunan harga gas di kedua sektor industri.
Menurutnya, berdasar perhitungan Kementerian ESDM, dampak berganda penurunan harga gas untuk kedua sektor industri tersebut kecil, jauh jika dibandingkan dengan pupuk, kaca, dan petrokimia. "Dari sisi revenue, untuk tiga yang sudah diputuskan dampaknya ke peningkatan revenue bisa 30% lebih; yang dua ini di bawah itu," katanya di Kantor Menko Perekonomian. Untuk itu, Arcandra berjanji akan menghitung lagi dengan melihat sisi penghematan di industri hulu migas. "Setelah itu baru lihat Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP), bisa dikurangi apa tidak," katanya.
Selain lima sektor industri di atas, Kementerian Perindustrian mengusulkan total 11 sektor industri untuk bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas. Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto berharap, sektor penerima penurunan harga gas kembali ditambah. Paling tidak sesuai dengan Perpres yang sejak April lalu sudah keluar.
Dilemma Lower Gas Prices Industrial Ceramics and Glass
After completing the calculation of gas price reduction for the steel industry, the petrochemical and fertilizer, the government will continue to decline in gas prices for industrial ceramics and glass. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandla Tahar said the government faced a dilemma in the calculation of gas price reduction for both the industrial sector. Dilemma primarily associated with a multiplier effect of the policy to reduce gas prices in the industrial sector.
According to him, based on the calculation of the Ministry of Energy, the impact of multiple gas price reduction for both the industrial sector is small, far behind when compared with fertilizer, glass, and petrochemical. "In terms of revenue, for the three has been decided impact on the increase in revenue can be 30% more; the two at the bottom of it," he said at the office of Coordinating Minister for Economy. To that end, Arcandra promised to calculate again by looking at the savings in the upstream oil and gas industry. "After that, a new view Non Tax Revenue (non-tax), can be reduced or not," he said.
In addition to the above five industrial sectors, the Ministry of Industry proposed a total of 11 industrial sectors to be able to enjoy a decrease in gas prices. Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto hope, sector receiver back plus gas price reduction. At least according to this regulation has been out since last April.
Kontan, Page-7,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Adding Oil from Banyu Urip
Named Banyu Urip because the water contains bubbles. Banyu Urip means living water because the water is bubbling, ”said ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Field Public and Government Affairs Manager Rexy Mawardijaya during a visit to Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro. Banyu Urip is actually a small sub-district in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province which later became the name of one of the oil fields which in 2017 will produce 200,000 barrels per day (BPD).
The oil production target for next year comes from 45 wells which are divided into three groups, namely Well Pad A, B, and C as well as a central processing facility / CPF covering an area of 800 hectares. Through efforts to increase production to the maximum, the oil and gas fields contributed 24% of the ready-to-sell production target or national oil lifting in 2017 of 815,000 BPD.
To reach the Banyu Urip field location, it is necessary to travel 110 kilometers west of Surabaya. By using the train from Pasar Turi Station to Bojonegoro Station, you will be presented with a view of a stretch of rice fields on the right and left. Likewise, on the trip from Bojonegoro Station to Gayam District, which still shows the activities of farmers in the fields.
The fertile soil there is not only rich in humus but also has a layer of oil under it. Since the discovery of around 450 million barrels of oil reserves in 2005, the region has not only produced agribusiness-based products, but also crude oil.
Behind the expanse of rice fields, a tall tower can be seen with flames burning from oil production activities in the Banyu Urip field, Cepu Block. The Banyu Urip field started producing its first oil in 2009 with a volume of 20,000 BPD and could fully produce up to 165,000 BPD this year.
In fact, next year, oil production from the oil field will be increased to 200,000 BPD. Although production only increased by 15,000 BPD from the current production position of 185,000 BPD, upstream oil and gas business activities face a classic problem, namely rejection from local residents.
It is not an easy matter to develop oil sources in the middle of settlements and rice fields. In 2015, several facilities in the vicinity of the operation site were damaged because local residents feared that increased activity towards peak production would disrupt their homes and fields.
In fact, in August 2016, the local subcontractor closed the road access for vehicles to the Banyu Urip field due to differences in work schedules. Rexy said, his party coordinates with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and related parties to reduce risks from social, economic, and environmental aspects as a result of the planned increase in production.
"EMCL is coordinating with SKK Migas and related parties for plans to increase production including mitigating social, economic, and environmental aspects," he said.
If the maximum production of 200,000 BPD is reached, Bojonegoro Regency will become the region with the largest revenue sharing fund (DBH) after Riau Province because it is the location with the second highest oil production in Indonesia.
Regent of Bojonegoro Suyoto said that the preparation for additional production was not facing problems from both technical and social aspects. Previously, he said the rejection from local residents was due to the smell of gas which caused several people to fall unconscious after inhaling the gas.
The emergence of this gas is an indicator of technical aspects unpreparedness. He admitted it needs continuous efforts to foster good communication with residents. Moreover, there are around 18,000 residents, the majority of whom work as farmers from seven villages located close to the Banyu Urip field. For example, he cited humanist approaches such as increasing job opportunities and better livelihoods with the project.
"There is no problem whatsoever technically, from a social point of view it doesn't exist either," he said.
Meanwhile, from the budget aspect, his party has also prepared if the additional production does not meet the target set. In 2017, it is estimated that the allocation of oil and gas revenue sharing (DBH) received by Bojonegoro Regency is IDR 900 billion. Learning from DBH in 2016, the realization and target of oil production from Banyu Urip were not appropriate because peak production shifted backward from the original plan at the end of 2015 to the beginning of this year.
In addition, the DBH revenue was also affected by the decline in oil prices. As a result, from the Rp 1.1 trillion budget, the realization of the DBH was only around Rp 700 billion. His party has also prepared what activities should be postponed if the targeted revenue is smaller.
"This year, from Rp 1.1 trillion, only Rp 700 billion has been realized. Don't just look at the plan, we must have the elasticity of the budget.
Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said that his party is focused on efforts to encourage additional Banyu Urip production.
According to him, EMCL can increase current production with existing facilities, but from the aspect of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA/Amdal), it does not allow production to exceed the 185,000 BPD point because it is feared that it will have a higher environmental impact.
Currently, the revision of the Environmental Impact Analysis is still in process at the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment. The Amdal revision is expected to be approved by the end of December 2016 so that the process of adding production will begin in early 2017. According to him, there is no need for new facilities and investments to boost production.
As is known, the addition of Banyu Urip production previously did not receive the blessing of SKK Migas in the 2016 revised work program and budget / WP & B program because it considered the reasons for the sustainability of the peak production. Production of 165,000 BPD is considered to be more secure than 205,000 BPD. In terms of economies of scale, with peak production of 165,000 BPD, the government will receive a present value of US $ 82 million higher than the peak production scenario of 205,000 BPD.
In addition, additional production requires additional costs, revision of Amdal, and the loss of the EPCL contractor's guarantee for the production facility if the crude oil is producing more than 185,000 BPD. However, to increase the production only increased operating costs by the US $ 2 million. According to Erwin, SKK Migas' records are of concern. However, the main concern so that it can be resolved immediately is Amdal approval.
Meanwhile, to get around the addition of products, his party will increase the frequency of shipments and will not build a new pipeline that flows oil to the delivery point in the floating storage and offloading facility / FSO of the Gagak Rimang Tanker Ship.
ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) as the operator owns 45% of the Banyu Urip field, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 45%, and four Regional Owned Enterprises, namely PT Blora Patragas Hulu 2.18%, PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana 2.24%, PT Asri Dana Sejahtera 4.48%, and PT Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu owns 1.09%.
Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain of PT Pertamina Daniel Purba said that his company will accommodate the production of the domestic portion of the oil from the Banyu Urip Field. Even though in mid-2016, the company had exported Banyu Urip crude oil due to oversupply and was testing crude oil, he said that this time the oil supply would be purchased by all refineries except for the Kasim Refinery, Papua.
"Now all refineries, except the Kasim Refinery can process Banyu Urip oil," he said.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Dec 13,2016
Skema Gross Split Permudah Investor
Sistem bagi hasil kotor atau gross split dalam pengelolaan produksi minyak dan gas bumi akan semakin mempermudah gerak investor hulu migas di tengah rendahnya harga komoditas tersebut. Dalam kontrak bagi hasil produksi dengan skema gross split, pendapatan dari penjualan minyak langsung dibagi antara pemerintah dan kontraktor. Pemerintah mendapat bagian ditambah pajak dari kontraktor. Skema tersebut seperti yang berlaku pada sektor pertambangan yakni pemerintah mendapat pajak dan royalti. Saat ini, kontrak pengelolaan migas lebih banyak menggunakan model cost recovery atau biaya operasi yang dibayar negara kepada kontraktor.
Dalam model cost recovery pendapatan dari penjualan minyak dihitung kemudian dikurangi pajak penghasilan (PPh), first tranche petroleum (FTP) atau volume yang diambil pemerintah setiap tahun kalender sesuai kesepakatan, dan biaya operasi. Selanjutnya, keuntungan dari produksi minyak dibagi antara pemerintah dan kontraktor berdasarkan ketentuan dan syarat dalam kontrak. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, industri hulu migas nasional membutuhkan perubahan paradigma dalam hal pengelolaan sumber daya alam tak terbarukan tersebut.
Pasalnya, harga komoditas ditentukan oleh mekanisme pasar dunia yang membutuhkan penekanan biaya dan harga pokok produksi agar bisa bertahan. Industri migas di Tanah Air perlu perlahan mengubah paradigma dalam pengelolaan bisnis karena harga migas ditentukan oleh mekanisme pasar dunia maka yang harus dikelola dengan baik adalah biaya-biaya dan harga pokok produksinya yang harus main lama makin efisien. Model bagi hasil kotor, katanya, bertujuan agar proses birokrasi yang panjang dapat dipangkas. Skema itu juga untuk mempercepat laju investasi sektor hulu migas.
Hal itu, katanya, sesuai dengan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo agar birokrasi tak menghambat minat berinvestasi. Jonan menegaskan, penerapan skema gross split pada kontrak baru dan kontrak-kontrak yang akan habis masa berlakunya tidak akan mengubah komitmen pemerintah untuk mendorong penggunaan konten lokal. Dalam penerapannya nanti, menurut Jonan, terdapat lima alasan yang menguatkan skema gross split tak akan menghilangkan peran kendali pemerintah.
Pertama, penentuan wilayah kerja menjadi kuasa pemerintah. Kedua, penetapan kapasitas produksi dan produksi siap jual atau lifting dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Ketiga, bagi hasil ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Keempat, tingkat kandungan dalam negeri (TKDN) akan menjadi variabel yang dipersyaratkan dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja. Kelima, penggunaan tenaga kerja nasional juga akan menjadi prioritas dalam negosiasi besaran bagi hasil pemerintah dengan kontraktor.
Pengamat energi dari Universitas Trisakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengatakan, ada sisi positif dan negatif dalam penerapan kontrak bagi hasil dengan skema gmss split. Skema itu, katanya, dapat menyederhanakan birokrasi dan mendorong kontraktor dan penyedia jasa lebih efisien. Pasalnya, biaya operasi menjadi variabel pengurang pendapatan yang dihitung sendiri oleh masing-masing kontraktor bukan menjadi beban pemerintah seperti pada kontrak bagi hasil dengan skema cost recovery.
Pri menuturkan, sisi negatif skema gross 'split yakni aspek pengawasan cenderung lebih longgar, pemerintah tidak dapat terlibat dalam aspek manajerial dan operasi, dan minimnya aspek perlindungan tenaga kerja. Dalam hal berapa yang akan diterima pemerintah atau kontraktor bisa sama saja, tergantung dari angka persentase yang digunakan dan insentif-insentif lain apa yang diterapkan.
Sebelumnya, President Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere mengatakan, pemangkasan birokrasi akan membantu proses bisnis yang lebih baik. Dia mengakui skema cost recovery sangat kompleks. Namun, dia menyebut penerapan kontrak bagi hasil gross split mungkin akan membawa dampak positif juga bisa membawa dampak negatif kepada suatu wilayah kerja tergantung syarat fiskal yang ditawarkan pemerintah.
Sementara itu, Anggota Kornisi VII DPR Satya W Yudha meminta agar pemerintah mengkaji lebih lanjut sebelum skema gross split diterapkan. Intervensi pemerintah, katanya, secara drastis berkurang dan hal tersebut dianggap tak sesuai dengan semangat Pasal 33 UUD 1945. Di gross split ada cost recovery. Diprediksi lebih awal dan dihitung di depan. Kita mau pilih mana kita melanggar UUD 1945 Pasal 33 atau lebih cepat
Gross Split Simplifies Investor Scheme
The system is dirty or gross revenue share split in the management of oil and gas production will further facilitate the movement of upstream oil and gas investors amid low commodity prices. In a production sharing contract with the scheme split gross revenues from oil sales be instantly shared between the government and the contractor. The government got the part of the contractor plus tax. The scheme as it applies to the mining sector that the government gets the taxes and royalties. Currently, oil and gas management contract more use of cost recovery models or operating costs paid to the contractor state.
In the model of cost recovery revenue from oil sales is calculated after deducting income tax (income tax), First Tranche Petroleum (FTP) or the volume taken by the government of each calendar year according to the agreement, and operating costs. Furthermore, profits from oil production is shared between the government and the contractor under the terms and conditions of the contract. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan said the national oil and gas upstream industry requires a paradigm shift in the management of non-renewable natural resources such.
The price of commodities is determined by the world market mechanism that requires emphasis on cost and cost of production in order to survive. Oil and gas industry in the country need to slowly change the paradigm in the management of the business because the price of oil is determined by the world market mechanism that must be managed properly are those costs and the cost of production should be playing more and more efficient. Models of the gross proceeds, he said, aims to be a long bureaucratic process that can be trimmed. The scheme was also to accelerate the pace of upstream oil and gas investment.
That, he says, in accordance with the directives of the President Joko Widodo so that bureaucracy does not hinder the interest to invest. Jonan assert, the implementation of the scheme gross split on new contracts and contracts that expire will not change the government's commitment to encourage the use of local content. In the application later, according to Jonan, there are five reasons that strengthen gross scheme split will not eliminate the role of government control.
First, the determination of the working area into the power of the government. Second, the establishment of production capacity and production ready for sale or lifting is done by the government. Third, the result set by the government. Fourth, the level of domestic content (DCL) will be a variable that is required in the working area. Fifth, the use of national manpower will also be a priority in the negotiations with the government the amount of profit sharing contractors.
Observers energy from Trisakti University Rakhmanto Pri Agung said, there are pros and cons in the application of the production sharing contract with the scheme GMSS split. The scheme, he said, can simplify the bureaucracy and encourage contractors and service providers more efficient. Because the operating costs into variable income deduction is calculated solely by each contractor is not a burden on the government as in the production sharing contracts with cost recovery scheme.
Pri said, the negative side of gross scheme 'split which aspects tend to be more lax oversight, the government can not get involved in the managerial aspects and operations, and the lack of labor protection aspects. In terms of how that will be received by the government or contractor can be the same, depending on the percentage figures are used and what other incentives are applied.
Earlier, President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere said the reduction of red tape will help businesses better process. He acknowledges cost recovery scheme is very complex. However, he mentioned the implementation of production sharing contracts gross split will probably have a positive impact also could have negative impacts on a work area depends on the fiscal terms offered by the government.
Meanwhile, Member of way of commission VII Satya W Yudha asked the government to examine further before the split gross scheme is applied. Government intervention, he said, is drastically reduced and it is considered to be against the spirit of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution in gross split there is cost recovery. Predicted early and counted at the front. We want to choose where we violate the 1945 Constitution Article 33 or faster
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
Harga Minyak Terus Memanas
Pada perdagangan Senin (12/12) pukul 16:58 WIB harga minyak WTI kontrak Januari 2017 berada di posisi US$ 53,89 per barel, naik 2,39 poin atau 4,64%. Sementara minyak Brent kontrak Februari 2017 bertengger di US$ 56,73 per barel, meningkat 2,4 poin atau 4,42%. Dalam rapat OPEC di Wina, Austria, pada 30 November, organisasi memutuskan pemangkasan produksi sebesar 1,2 juta barel per hari menjadi 32,5 juta barel per hari mulai awal 2017.
Pasar menyambut baik rencana ini sehingga melejitkan harga. Arab Saudi memotong sekitar 486.000 barel per hari sebagai upaya mengakhiri surplus pasar. Pada Oktober 2016, pentolan OPEC itu menghasilkan 10,63 juta barel per. hari. Selanjutnya pada 10 Desember. anggota OPEC dan negara produsen minyak non anggota mencapai kesepakatan menahan suplai untuk pertama kalinya sejak 2001. Pengurangan produksi ini bertujuan mengendalikan kelebihan pasokan di pasar sekaligus menstabilkan harga minyak. Para produsen non OPEC sepakat memangkas suplai baru hingga 558.000 barel per hari. Sebelumnya, OPEC menginginkan agar negara non anggota bisa memotong hingga 600.000 barel per hari.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., dalam risetnya memaparkan penandatanganan kesepakatan Setelah proses perdebatan hampir setahun antara OPEC dan negara non anggota seperti Rusia berhasil mengerek harga. Kini, pasar akan berfokus kepada kepatuhan terhadap perjanjian tersebut. “Kami percaya tindakan OPEC dan non OPEC memangkas produksi diperlukan untuk mendukung kenaikan harga minyak secara berkelanjutan,” papar Goldman. Goldman mengestimasi bila kesepakatan terealisasi, maka harga minyak WTI mencapai US$ 55 per barel pada semester I/2017.
Perkiraan ini mencerminkan adanya pemotongan produksi sebesar 1 juta-1,6 juta barel per hari secara global. Sebetulnya, harga bisa saja menembus level US$60 per barel. Namun, masih ada proyeksi tingginya harga dapat menggoda negara produsen untuk kembali memacu suplai, khususnya Amerika Serikat. US Energy Information Administration (EIA) dalam laporan proyeksinya memaparkan rerata produksi minyak AS pada, 2016 menjadi 8,86 juta barel per hari, dibandingkan dengan riset periode November sebesar 8,84 juta barel per hari. Sementara pada 2017, proyeksi dinaikkan menuju 8,78 juta barel per hari dari sebelumnya 8,73 juta barel per hari.
Sementara kesepakatan pembatasan produksi membuat rerata harga minyak WTI pada 2.016 sebesar US$ 43 per barel menjadi US$ 52 per barel pada 2017. Sepanjang November, rerata harga WTI ialah US$ 45,76 per barel. Perusahaan manajemen aset AB Bernstein menyampaikan kesepakatan pemotongan produksi rata-rata sekitar 1,76 juta barel per hari, telah melibatkan 24 negara. Mereka menghasilkan 52,6 juta barel per hari atau 54% pasokan global.
Setelah pemangkasan produksi dilakukan pada awal 2017, secara bertahap pasar minyak akan mengalami defisit dari surplus sebelumnya. Defisit pasar akan bergerak menuju 800.000 barel per hari pada paruh pertama tahun depan. Wahyu Tribowo Laksono, Analis Central Capital Futures, mengatakan kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi antara OPEC dan negara produsen minyak lainnya setelah 15 tahun berhasil membuat reli harga.
Dalam jangka pendek, harga mengalami tren bullish. Dalam jangka menengah, harga minyak mentah akan bergerak dalam kisaran US$ 50-US$ 60 per barel. Adapun dalam jangka pendek level US$ 55 dan US$55 per barel menjadi target berikutnya. Meski berpeluang mengalami reli panjang, harga minyak akan tersandung oleh pengerekan suku bunga Federal Reserve pada 14 Desember. Pasalnya, kenaikan dolar AS dapat menekan permintaan minyak, sehingga komoditas ini mengalami sentimen negatif.
Oil Prices Continue to Flare
In trading on Monday (12/12) at 16:58 pm the price of WTI oil contract in January 2017 is at US $ 53.89 per barrel, up 2.39 points, or 4.64%. While Brent oil contract in February 2017 at US $ 56.73 per barrel, up 2.4 points or 4.42%. In a meeting of OPEC in Vienna, Austria, on 30 November, the organization decided to cut production by 1.2 million barrels per day to 32.5 million barrels per day from the beginning of 2017.
The market welcomed this plan that bolsters the price. Saudi Arabia cut about 486,000 barrels per day in an effort to end the surplus market. In October 2016, the OPEC frontman produce 10.63 million barrels. day. Furthermore, on December 10. OPEC member and non-member oil producing countries reached an agreement withhold supply for the first time since 2001. The reduction is aimed at curbing excess supply in the market at the same time stabilize oil prices. The non-OPEC producers agreed to cut the supply of new up to 558,000 barrels per day. Earlier, OPEC wants non-members can be cut up to 600,000 barrels per day.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., in a research report describing the signing of the agreement After nearly a year of debate between OPEC and non-member countries such as Russia managed to hoist the price. Now, the market will focus on compliance with the agreement. "We believe the actions of OPEC and non-OPEC production cut is needed to support a sustained rise in oil prices," said Goldman. Goldman estimates that if the deal is realized, then the WTI oil price of $ 55 per barrel in the first half / 2017.
This estimate reflects a reduction of production by 1 million to 1.6 million barrels per day globally. Actually, the price could reach the level of US $ 60 per barrel. However, there are still projected high prices may tempt producers to re-stimulate the supply, especially the United States. US Energy Information Administration (EIA) in a report describing the average forecast of US oil production in, 2016 be 8.86 million barrels per day, compared to the research period of November amounted to 8.84 million barrels per day. While in 2017, the projection was raised to the 8.78 million barrels per day from the previous 8.73 million barrels per day.
While an agreement restriction of production to make the average WTI oil price in 2016 of US $ 43 per barrel to US $ 52 per barrel in 2017. Throughout November, the average price of WTI was US $ 45.76 per barrel. AB asset management firm Bernstein expressed agreement to cut output by an average of about 1.76 million barrels per day, has involved 24 countries. They produced 52.6 million barrels per day or 54% of global supply.
After trimming production in early 2017, gradually the oil market will be in deficit from previous surpluses. Will move toward a market deficit of 800,000 barrels per day in the first half of next year. Tribowo Wahyu Laksono, Central Capital Futures analyst, said the production cuts agreement between OPEC and other oil producing countries after 15 years managed to make the price rally.
In the short term, prices experienced a bullish trend. In the medium term, crude oil prices will move in the range of US $ 50-US $ 60 per barrel. As for the short-term level of US $ 55 and US $ 55 per barrel to the next target. Although the chance of experiencing a long rally, oil prices will be tripped by pengerekan Federal Reserve interest rate on 14 December. Because the rise in the US dollar may depress demand for oil, so that these commodities experienced a negative sentiment.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16,Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
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