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Friday, December 16, 2016

Diskon Gas Tak Signifikan Bagi Petrokimia Gresik

    Diskon has gas yang diberikan pemerintah ke perusahaan pupuk tak berpengaruh signifikan ke, bisnis produsen pupuk PT Petrokimia Gresik. Alasannya, besar penurunan harga gas tidak signifikan. I Ketut Rusnaya, Direktur Operasional Petrokimia Gresik, bilang, penurunan harga gas yang diatur Peraturan Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 40/2016 tidaklah banyak. Jika harga semula US$ 6,28 per mmbtu, tahun depan turun menjadi USSR 6 per mmbtu. Kemudian, upah angkut gas yang semula US$ 0,84 turun menjadi US$ 0,5.

    Perbedaan harga yang paling besar memang ada di tarif angkut (toll fee), namun tak terlalu berpengaruh karena gas hanya dipakai untuk produksi pupuk urea,” kata Rusnaya. Asal tahu saja, 70% biaya produksi pupuk urea berasal dari gas. Setiap tahun, Petrokimia Gresik memproduksi 460.000 ton urea. Sampai November, Petrokimia Gresik sudah memproduksi 440.000 ton. “300.000 ton urea untuk pupuk subsidi, sisanya komersial,” ungkap Rusnaya. Jika digabung dengan produksi pupuk jenis lain, sampai November Petrokimia Gresik memproduksi 4,34 juta ton pupuk.

    Produksi terbesar adalah NPK sebanyak 2,5 juta ton, pupuk ZA sebanyak 790.000 ton, SP-36 sebanyak 500.000 ton dan Zk sebanyak 10.000 ton. Maka itu, penurunan harga gas hanya berpengaruh ke produksi urea saja. Tahun depan, Petrokimia Gresik menghitung kebutuhan pupuk nasional mencapai 13 juta ton. Dari total kebutuhan, pasokan saat ini baru 9,5 juta ton. Kekurangan produksi inilah yang kini sedang dikebut Petrokimia Gresik. Tahun ini kami target produksi pupuk 5,1 juta ton


Discount Gas PKG No Significant Share

    Discounts government has given gas to fertilizer companies do not have a significant effect to, the business of fertilizer producer PT Petrokimia Gresik. The reason, a large decrease in gas prices is not significant. I Ketut Rusnaya, Director of Operations PKG, said the decline in gas prices are regulated Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40/2016 are not many. If the original price of US $ 6.28 per mmbtu, next year dropped to 6 per mmbtu USSR. Then, the gas transport wages initially fell US $ 0.84 to US $ 0.5.

    The biggest price differences do exist in freight rates (toll fee), but to little effect as the gas is only used for the production of urea fertilizer, "said Rusnaya. Just so you know, 70% of the cost of urea production comes from gas. Every year, PKG producing 460,000 tons of urea. As of November, PKG is already producing 440,000 tons. "300,000 tons of urea for fertilizer subsidy, the rest is commercial," said Rusnaya. If combined with other types of fertilizer production, until November PKG producing 4.34 million tons of fertilizer.

    The largest production is 2.5 million tons NPK, ZA fertilizer as much as 790,000 tons, SP-36 Zk 500,000 tons and 10,000 tons. Thus, the decline in gas prices affects only to the production of urea alone. Next year, PKG calculate the national fertilizer needs to reach 13 million tons. Of the total demand, supply is currently only 9.5 million tonnes. Production shortage is now being accelerated PKG. This year our production target of 5.1 million tons of fertilizers

Kontan, Page-13, Friday, Dec,16,2016

ESDM lngin Revisi Aturan Cost Recovery Segera Terbit

    Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk segera merampungkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 79/2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan revisi PP No 79/2010 harus segera diselesaikan. "Dalam pekan-pekan ini, PP harus cepat keluar, agar eksplorasi naik," ungkapnya.

    Ia berharap, pembahasan final tentang revisi Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur tentang cost recovevy akan bisa digelar pada Senin (19/12) pekan depan. Sebab, menurutnya dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010 ini ada beberapa aturan peralihan yang masih menjadi perbedaan pendapat antara Kementerian Keuangan dan Kementerian ESDM. Arcandra berharap dengan revisi beleid ini, produksi rnigas bisa ditingkatkan. Apalagi bila Kementerian Keuangan ingin mengurangi penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) di sektor migas.

    Sebab, menurut Arcandra selama ini tantangan Kementerian ESDM adalah soal efisiensi hulu dan hilir. Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati menyatakan pemerintah sudah sejak lama membahas revisi PP No 79/ 2016. "Semua substansinya sudah dilihat sejak masa jabatan Pak Luhut. Lalu, ada beberapa item yang dibahas kembali oleh menteri ESDM sekarang, terutama pada pasal-pasal transisi.


EMR Wanted Revised Rules of Cast Recovery Immediately Publication

    The Government is committed to soon finalize the revision of Government Regulation (PP) No. 79/2010 on Fees and Operating Refundable Income Tax Treatment in the Field Upstream Oil and Gas. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the revision of Regulation No 79/2010 must be resolved. "In recent weeks, the PP had to get out, so the exploration upside," he said.

    He hoped that the final discussion on the revision of Government Regulation governing cost recovevy will be held on Monday (19/12) next week. Because, according to the revision of Government Regulation 79/2010 are some transitional rules are still a difference of opinion between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy. Arcandra hope with this policy revision, rnigas production can be increased. Moreover, when the Ministry of Finance wants to reduce non-tax revenues (non-tax) in the oil and gas sector.

    Because, according to this challenge Arcandra for the Ministry of Energy is about efficiency of upstream and downstream. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the government has long discussed the revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2016 "All substance has been seen since the tenure of Mr. Luhut. Then, there are some items were discussed again and Energy Minister now, especially in the transition clauses.

Kontan, Page-2, Friday, Dec,16,2016

ConocoPhillips Learn Corridor

    ConocoPhillips Indonesia still consider cooperation contract extension Corridor Block located in South Sumatra which will expire in 2023. Vice President Development and Relations ConocoPhillips Joang Iaksanto said, now that he focus on Block Coridor. Average oil production ready for sale or lifting until October reached 7263 barrels per day (bpd) and 809 MMSCFD gas.

     Previously, ConocoPhillips has released several work areas such as Block B South Jambi and recently sold a 40% participation in Block B South Natuna to PT Saka Energi, a subsidiary of PT PGN. Block Corridor has five oil field and gas field seven. Meanwhile, the majority of oil production comes from Supat Field, New Suban, and Rawa.

    Gas production contributed more than Suban Field, stopper, and that its capacity Paddle rise since July 2016. In Block Corridor, ConocoPhillips mastered participation shares 54%, Repsol 36%, and Pertamina 10%. Although the remaining seven years before the contract expires, Joang calls still reviewing whether it will perform the second contract extension. Because, for ten-year contract extension has been obtained in 2013. Referring to the Government Regulation No. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas, Time-term cooperation contract longer than 30 years to the deadline of exploration for six years.

    Meanwhile, oil and gas block contracts can be extended day for 20 years. Cooperation contract (PSC) can apply for a contract extension fastest ten-year or no later than two years before the contract expires. Based on data from Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), lifting gas Corridor Block in 2017 is targeted to rise to 840 MMSCFD of this year's target of 807 MMSCFD. In 2017, ConocoPhillips plans to drill one well and 225 well intervention activities. According to him, the target of lifting rises in accordance with government directives.

    However, it is not offset by the market's ability to absorb gases produced. That's the challenge in 2017. Actually we could have the capacity to meet the government, but there is a problem the buyer, especially in the country. In addition to the exploitation, it will conduct exploration activities in Block Kuala Kurun located in Central Kalimantan. ConocoPhillips has obtained a license from the local government to carry out the seismic activity and thus the activity targeted to begin in January 2017.

    He calls, activity in an area of ​​8209.96 sq km of it will last for six months. ConocoPhillips official website, the working area of ​​the cooperation contract signed on May 2015, the master ConocoPhillips participation shares 60% and Petronas 40%. 2D seismic exploration activities as a commitment of the first three years. "We have [block] exploration, seismic in Kuala Kurun, Central Kalimantan.

     License we are able, "he said. In its official statement, Upstream Research Analyst Alex Siouw Wood Mackenzie said working area out of contract will be the challenge of upstream oil and gas development in Indonesia in the next few years. As is known, there are 35 contracts that will expire until 2025. Some assets such as the Mahakam block, Corridor, and Jabung very important role as a contributor to the largest gas exports.


ConocoPhillips Kaji Corridor

     ConocoPhillips Indonesia masih mempertimbangkan perpanjangan kontrak kerja sama Blok Corridor yang berlokasi di Sumatra Selatan yang akan berakhir pada 2023. Vice President Development and Relations ConocoPhillips Joang Iaksanto mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya fokus di Blok Coridor. Rerata produksi minyak siap jual atau lifting hingga Oktober mencapai 7.263 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 809 MMscfd.

     Sebelumnya, ConocoPhillips telah melepas beberapa wilayah kerja seperti Blok B Jambi Selatan dan belum lama ini menjual 40% saham partisipasi di Blok B Natuna Selatan kepada PT Saka Energi, anak usaha PT PGN. Blok Corridor memiliki lima lapangan minyak dan tujuh lapangan gas. Sementara itu, produksi minyak mayoritas berasal dari Lapangan Supat, Suban Baru, dan Rawa.

    Produksi gas lebih banyak disumbang dari Lapangan Suban, Sumpal, dan Dayung yang kapasitasnya naik sejak Juli 2016. Di Blok Corridor, ConocoPhillips menguasai saham partisipasi 54%, Repsol 36%, dan Pertamina 10%. Kendati masih tersisa tujuh tahun sebelum masa kontrak berakhir, Joang menyebut masih melakukan kajian apakah akan melakukan perpanjangan kontrak yang kedua. Pasalnya, perpanjangan kontrak selama sepuluh tahun telah diperoleh pada 2013.

      Jika mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, jangka Waktu kontrak kerja sama paling lama 30 tahun dengan batas waktu eksplorasi selama enam tahun.

    Sementara itu, kontrak blok migas dapat diperpanjangan selama 20 tahun. Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak paling cepat sepuluh tahun atau paling lambat dua tahun sebelum masa kontrak berakhir. Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), lifting gas Blok Corridor pada 2017 ditarget naik menjadi 840 MMscfd dari target tahun ini 807 MMscfd. Pada 2017, ConocoPhillips berencana mengebor satu sumur dan intervensi sumur dengan 225 kegiatan. Menurutnya, target lifting naik sesuai dengan arahan pemerintah.

    Namun, hal tersebut tak diimbangi dengan kemampuan pasar menyerap gas yang dihasilkan. Hal itulah yang menjadi tantangan pada 2017. Sebenarnya kapasitas kami bisa untuk memenuhi pemerintah, tetapi kan ada masalah buyer terutama dalam negeri. Selain kegiatan eksploitasi, pihaknya akan melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi di Blok Kuala Kurun yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Tengah. ConocoPhillips telah memperoleh izin dari pemerintah daerah setempat untuk melaksanakan kegiatan seismic sehingga aktivitas ditargetkan dapat dimulai pada januari 2017.

    Dia menyebut, kegiatan di area seluas 8.209,96 km persegi itu akan berlangsung selama enam bulan. Dari laman resmi ConocoPhillips, pada wilayah kerja yang ditandatangani kontrak kerja samanya pada Mei 2015 itu, ConocoPhillips menguasai saham partisipasi 60% dan Petronas 40%. Kegiatan eksplorasi seperti seismik 2D menjadi komitmen pada tiga tahun pertama. “Kami ada [blok] eksplorasi, seismik di Kuala Kurun, Kalimantan Tengah. Ijinnya kami sudah dapat,” ujarnya.

     Dalam keterangan resminya, Analis Riset Hulu Wood Mackenzie Alex Siouw mengatakan, wilayah kerja yang habis masa kontraknya akan menjadi tantangan pengembangan hulu migas di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Seperti diketahui, terdapat 35 kontrak yang akan berakhir hingga 2025. Beberapa aset seperti Blok Mahakam, Corridor, dan Jabung sangat penting peranannya karena sebagai kontributor ekspor gas terbesar.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Harga Minyak Tetap Panas

    Pada perdagangan Kamis (15/12) pukul 17.18 WIB harga minyak WTI kontrak Januari 2017 berada di posisi US$ 51,25 per barel, naik 0,21 poin atau 0,41 %. Sementara minyak Brent kontrak Februari 2017 bertengger di US$ 54,4 per barel, meningkat 0,52 poin atau 0,96%. Dalam rapat OPEC di Wina, Austria, pada 30 November, organisasi memutuskan pemangkasan produksi sebesar 1,2 juta barel per hari menjadi 32,5 juta barel per hari mulai awal 2017. Selanjutnya pada 10 Desember, anggota OPEC dan negara produsen minyak non anggota mencapai kesepakatan menahan suplai untuk pertama kalinya sejak 2001.

    Para produsen non OPEC sepakat memangkas suplai, baru hingga 558.000 barel per hari. Sebelumnya, OPEC menginginkan agar negara non anggota bisa memotong hingga 600.000 barel per hari; Namun, keputusan Federal Reserve mengerek suku bunga 25 basis poin membuat dolar AS melesat. Alhasil sentimen ini membuat proyeksi permintaan komoditas berdenominasi dolar AS melesu. Kemarin pada pukul 17.20 WIB, indeks dolar AS meningkat 0,76% atau 0,77 poin menuju 102,53. Ini menandakan angka sudah tumbuh 3,95% sepanjang tahun berjalan.
    Michael McCarthy, chief market strategist CMC Markets, mengatakan menguatnya dolar AS menjadi katalis jangka pendek agar investor melakukan aksi jual terhadap minyak. Padahal sentimen bullish masih menopang fundamental. Data US Energy Information Administration (EIA) yang dirilis Rabu (14/12) menunjukkan stok minyak mentah AS per Jumat (9/12) turun 2,56 juta barel menuju 483,19 juta barel. Sementara itu tingkat produksi naik sebesar 9.900 barel peg hari menjadi 8,79 juta barel per hari. “Ada reaksi awal untuk bullish setelah rilis data EIA, tetapi menguatnya dolar AS berpotensi mengubah itu.

    Perusahaan investasi Natixis dalam laporannya memaparkan, dalam jangka panjang faktor fundamental suplai dan permintaan akan menjadi tolak ukur utama harga minyak mentah. Rencana pengurangan produksi antara OPEC dan non organisasi bakal memegang peranan penting. Dengan asumsi Iran, Nigeria, dan Libya tetap memacu produksi, serta Indonesia membekukan keanggotaanya, total suplai baru OPEC pada Januari 2017 menjadi sebesar 33,03 juta barel per hari, Angka ini terkoreksi 1,16 juta barel per hari dari tingkat produksi Oktober 2016 sejumlah 33,83 juta barel per hari.

    Rerata total suplai minyak mentah pada 2017 ialah 97,42 juta barel per hari, naik 570.000 barel dari 2016 sebesar 86,85 juta barel per hari. Sementara tingkat permintaan di tahun depan tumbuh 1-,05 juta barel menuju 97,3 juta barel per hari dari sebelumnya 96,25 juta barel per hari. Surplus suplai tahun ini sebesar 600.000 barel per hari akan menipis ke 122.000 barel per hari, sehingga harga akan lebih baik," papar laporan, Rabu (14/12).

    Berdasarkan analisis fundamental Natixis, asumsi pengurangan produksi baru terasa pada pada kuartal ll/2017 karena triwulan pertama surplus suplai masih membayangi. Oleh karena itu, rerata harga tahun depan untuk WTI ialah US$62,8 per barel dan Brent US$64,5 per barel. Bertumbuhnya permintaan pada tahun depan juga ditunjang proyeksi perbaikan ekonomi global. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia diperkirakan meningkat 3% pada 2017 dan 3,3% pada 2018, dibandingkan 2018 yang 2,8%.

    Pertumbuhan permintaan paling tinggi berasal dari India. Konsumsi minyak Negeri Hindustan naik 11,6% yoy sepanjang 10 bulan penama 2016 karena ditopang penyerapan bensin 12,6% yoy dan bahan bakar diesel 5,7% yoy Dengan asumsi PDB India 2017 naik 0,1% menuju 7,6%, maka permintaan minyak juga meningkat 7% yoy atau 275.000 barel per hari. Sementara itu, PDB China tahun depan bakal stabil di level 6,7%, dan permintaan minyak tumbuh 2% yoy atau 208.000 barel per hari. Amerika Serikat diprediksi mencatatkan peningkatan PDB tertinggi, yakni 2,3% pada 2017 dari tahun sebelumnya 1,5 %. Konsumsi minyak naik 1% yoy atau 210.000 barel per hari.


Oil Prices Remain Hot

    In trading on Thursday (15/12) at 17:18 pm the price of WTI oil contract in January 2017 is at US $ 51.25 per barrel, up 0.21 points, or 0.41%. While Brent oil contract in February 2017 at US $ 54.4 per barrel, up 0.52 points, or 0.96%. In a meeting of OPEC in Vienna, Austria, on 30 November, the organization decided to cut production by 1.2 million barrels per day to 32.5 million barrels per day from the beginning of 2017. Furthermore, on December 10, members of OPEC and the oil producing countries non members reach withhold supply agreement for the first time since 2001.

    The non-OPEC producers agreed to cut the supply of new, up to 558,000 barrels per day. Earlier, OPEC wants non-members can be cut up to 600,000 barrels per day; However, the decision of the Federal Reserve hoisted interest rates 25 basis points to make the US dollar shot. As a result of this sentiment makes the projected demand for dollar-denominated commodities become slow. Yesterday at 17:20 GMT, the US dollar index gained 0.76% or 0.77 points towards 102.53. It signifies the number had grown to 3.95% throughout the year.

    Michael McCarthy, chief market strategist at CMC Markets, said strong US dollar to a short-term catalyst that investors were forced to sell the oil. Though the bullish sentiment still sustains fundamental. Data US Energy Information Administration (EIA) released on Wednesday (14/12) showed crude oil stockpiles per Friday (9/12) fell 2.56 million barrels to the 483.19 million barrels. While the rate of production increased by 9,900 barrels a day to peg at 8.79 million barrels per day. "There's the initial reaction to bullish after the release of the EIA data, but the strengthening of the US dollar has the potential to change that.

    Natixis investment company explained in its report, in the long term fundamentals of supply and demand will be the main benchmark crude oil prices. The planned reduction of production among OPEC and non organizations will play an important role. Assuming Iran, Nigeria, and Libya remain spur production, and Indonesia suspended its membership, total new supply of OPEC in January 2017 amounted to 33.03 million barrels per day, this figure declined 1.16 million barrels per day of production levels in October 2016 a number of 33.83 million barrels per day.

    Average total crude oil supply in 2017 was 97.42 million barrels per day, up 570,000 barrels from 2016 amounted to 86.85 million barrels per day. While the level of demand in the next year to grow 1-, 05 million barrels to the 97.3 million barrels per day from the previous 96.25 million barrels per day. Surplus supply this year by 600,000 barrels per day will be thinned to 122,000 barrels per day, so the price will be better, "said the report, on Wednesday (14/12).

    Natixis is based on fundamental analysis, assuming a reduction in new production in the quarter was at ll / 2017 for the first quarter of the supply surplus is still looming. Therefore, next year the average price for WTI was US $ 62.8 per barrel and Brent US $ 64.5 per barrel. The growing demand in the next year also supported the projected global economic recovery. World economic growth is expected to rise 3% in 2017 and 3.3% in 2018, compared to 2018 of 2.8%.

    The highest growth in demand from India. State Hindustan Oil consumption rose 11.6% yoy during the 10 months of 2016 as sustained absorption renamer 12.6% yoy gasoline and diesel fuel by 5.7% yoy Assuming India's GDP rose 0.1% in 2017 towards 7.6%, then oil demand also increased by 7% yoy, or 275,000 barrels per day. Meanwhile, China's GDP next year will be steady at 6.7%, and demand for oil grew 2% yoy, or 208,000 barrels per day. United States is predicted to record the highest increase in GDP, ie 2.3% in 2017 from 1.5% the previous year. Oil consumption rise up 1% yoy, or 210,000 barrels per day.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Daerah Migas Dituntut Kreatif

    Pemerintah daerah tingkat II/kabupaten penghasil minyak dan gas Serta batu bara diminta untuk kreatif memanfaatkan dana bagi hasil untuk menghasilkan sumber pendapatan baru. Saran itu disampaikan oleh Perencana Utama Bidang Sumber Daya Alam Bappenas Hanan Nugroho, berkaitan dengan berlakunya UU No.23/ 2014 yang mengamanatkan pelimpahan kewenangan pengelolaan sumber daya alam.

    Hal Ini khususnya terkait dengan pertambangan dan kehutanan kepada pemerintah pusat dan provinsi. “Pasca transisi UU N023/2014, ada kekhawatiran akan berkurangnya sumbér pendapatan. Dulu kan perizinan masih di bawah pemerintah kota dan kabupaten. Itu bisa jadi pendapatan bagi daerah. Sekarang tidak lagi. Kendati demikian, dia mengatakan pemda masih bisa memanfaatkan pembagian dana bagi hasil yang diberikan sesuai kontribusi daerah masing-masing untuk menunjang pencarian sumber pendapatan baru dengan berbagai cara.

    Dia memberi contoh dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro yang banyak memanfaatkan dana bagi hasil migas dari produksi pengolahan minyak mentah di lapangan Banyu Urip dan Blok Cepu, untuk investasi di sektor penunjang sumber pendapatan daerah. Dana bagi hasil di Bojonegoro itu dimanfaatkan untuk pembangunan langsung infrastruktur. Ada yang untuk memberikan pendidikan gratis kepada masyarakat sekitar. Materi ajar disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kegiatan usaha setempat.

    Sebagian lagi di investasikan pada BPD,” ujarnya. Dia berharap pemerintah daerah tingkat II di Kalimantan Timur pun dapat mencontoh pola pemanfaatan DBH tersebut. Dia optimistis dengan cara yang demikian, perlahan-lahan ketergantungan terhadap DBH migas dan batu bara akan berkurang. Apalagi, Kalimanatn Timur masih memiliki sektor industri yang berpotensi sebagai sumber pendapatan baru. Hanya saja, penggarapannya belum dilakukan secara maksimal dan terarah.

    Beberapa sektor yang dinilai potensial adalah pariwisata, pertanian, dan perkebunan. Pemerintah Kota Balikpapan sendiri telah mencoba mengelola industri pada sektor non ekstraktif, seperti pengembangan perkebunan pepaya mini yang digadang-gadang menjadi komoditas perkebunan unggulan Kota Minyak itu.


Regional Oil and Gas Charged Creative

    The local government level II / district oil and gas well as coal are asked to creatively utilize the funds for the results to generate new sources of revenue. The suggestion was presented by Top Planner Bappenas for Natural Resources Hanan Nugroho, with regard to the enactment of Law No.23 / 2014, which mandates the delegation of authority to the management of natural resources.

    It's particularly related to the mining and forestry to the central government and the provinces. "After the transition of Law N023 / 2014, there are concerns about the reduction in sources of income. It used to be the licensing is still under city and county governments. That could be revenue for the region. Not anymore. Nevertheless, he said the government could still take advantage of the distribution of funds for the results provided in accordance with the contribution of each region to support finding new sources of revenue in various ways.

    He gave an example of the Government of Bojonegoro that heavily utilize funds for oil and gas revenue from the production of crude oil processing in Banyu Urip and Cepu, for investment in supporting local revenue sources. Funds for the results in Bojonegoro was used to direct the development of infrastructure. There are to provide free education to the surrounding community. Teaching materials tailored to the needs of local business activities.

    Partly invested in BPD, "he said. He hoped the second level governments in East Kalimantan can imitate the pattern of the DBH utilization. He is optimistic in this way, slowly DBH dependence on oil and coal will be reduced. Moreover, East Kalimanatn still have the industrial sector as a potential new source of revenue. Only, one priority has not performed optimally and focused.

    Some sectors that are considered potential are tourism, agriculture, and gardening. Balikpapan City Government itself has tried to manage non-extractive industry sector, such as mini papaya plantation development is predicted into the commodities featured in this the Oil City.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

RI to buy LPG from lran, team up on energy

    Indonesia is seeking to forge closer economic ties with Iran as it plans to import liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and cooperate in the energy sector. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and a number of business delegates during his two-day state visit to the Persian Gulf country. Both leaders expressed their commitment to taking bilateral relations to new heights by expanding economic cooperation, particularly in the energ sector. Indonesia agreed to purchase more than 500,000 metric tons of LPG from Iran in 2017. “The purchase agreement ensures that price eflicicncy can be achieved,” Jokowi said.

    Iran also expressed its commitment to investing in Indonesia by building an oil refinery in East Java and a 5,000-megawatt mobile power plant in an unspecified location. Both countries also explored the possibility of teaming up to operate two oil fields in Ab-Teymoura and Mansouri. Rouhani, who declared that Indonesia Was a strategic energy partner, said, “Iran is' ready to meet Indonesian needs for oil, gas and LPG, as well as other products of the industry” and later invited Jakarta to participate in Iran’s oil and gas industry. Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan, who accompanied Jokowi on his state visit, said the two blocks were “lucrative” and that state-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina would submit a preliminary proposal on how to develop the two onshore fields in February next year.

    Jonan said there was also a possibility for a share split with Lukoil - Russia’s second-biggest oil producer in the two oil fields. The cooperation between the two countries is being seen as a part of Iran’s attempt to breathe a new life into its energy industry which has been paralyzed by international sanctions. The sanctions were lifted in January after the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energ Agency, /stated that Iran had met all the requirements -agreed upon by six world powers.

    Iran has the world’s biggest natural gas reserves, which stand at 1,201.4 trillion cubic feet (34 trillion cubic meters), according to an estimate by BP Plc., as quoted by Bloomberg. Earlier in August, Pertamina and its Iranian counterpart, National Iran Oil Company (NIOC), signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to carry out a preliminary study on both fields. The NIOC previously agreed to supply Pertamina with a total volume of 600,000 metric tons of LPG for 2016 and 2017.

    The first shipment of LPG, which arrived in Indonesia on Oct. 13, marked the Hrst time Iran had supplied gas to the country. Jokovvi and Rouhani had also agreed to “immediately carry out efforts to increase two-waytrade” amid decreasing bilateral trade activities  between the two countries, said Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi. Bilateral trade between Indonesia and Iran amounted to US$273.1 million last year, down 39.1 percent from 2014, according to data from the Trade Ministry From January to September this year, trade slid by 16.1 percent annually to $178.1 million. Indonesia’s exports declined by 16.3 percent to $144.2 million, while imports shrank by 15.2 percent to $33.9 million.

    Around 60 businesspeople joined Jokowi on his visit to Iran, and they are set to meet with their counterparts on Thursday Indonesia and Iran also signed four MoUs on the electricity industry and renewable energy; mutual legal assistance; extradition cooperation; and incentives for investment. Jokowi’s trip to Iran was a reciprocal visit after Rouhani came to Jakarta in April last year for the 60" commemoration of the Asian-African Conference and joined a short bilateral meetingwith Jokowi on the sidelines of the event.  It was Jokowi’s first visit to Iran since taking office in 2014 and the first Indonesian presidential visit to Iran in eight years.

    The last Indonesian leader to visit Tehran Was Jokowi’s predecessor Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who visited former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2008. Jokowi spent his second day in Tehran in a series of meetings with Iranian officials, including separate sit-downs with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and`Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei.

Jakarta Post, Page-1, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

Pertamina Pacu Infrastruktur Energi

    PT Pertamina terus menambah infrastruktur dan fasilitas gas, khususnya terminal Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) dan unit penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (FSRU). Perusahaan energi pelat merah itu juga berperan penting dalam pengembangan dan pemakaian energi baru terbarukan (EBT) di Indonesia. “Kami siap menanamkan investasi di bisnis hulu EBT sebesar US$1,5 miliar hingga 2019, di luar panas bumi.

    Kami juga tengah membangun FSRU Cilacap berkapasitas 200 mmscfd,” ujar Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani. Hal itu bertujuan mengganti bahan bakar minyak (BBM) agar tetap sesuai target 2018. Di sektor transportasi, Pertamina menyediakan 56 unit SPBG termasuk mobile refueling unit (MRU) di Jabodetabek, Palembang, Semarang, dan Balikpapan. Dirjen EBT dan Konservasi Energi Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana meminta Pertamina untuk menjadi pemakai (offtaker) produk EBT dan menjadi pengembang panas bumi. “Itu akan memicu badan usaha lain mengembangkan EBT.

    Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina M Iskandar menyatakan sejumlah strategi dilakukan seperti pemerataan satu harga BBM di Indonesia Timur dan perbatasan, serta kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak untuk membangun kilang baru agar target produksi minyak 2 juta barel per hari di 2023 tercapai. “Terobosan dalam menyikapi perubahan perilaku pasar yang sangat dinamis, seperti meluncurkan produk alternatif seperti pertalite, pertamax turbo, dan bright gas 5,5 kg,” kata dia.

    Di sisi lain, anak usaha Pertamina, yakni PT Pertamina EP, ,tercatat sebagai perusahaan berkinerja terbaik 2016 dalam aktivitas eksplorasi. Pertamina EP juga menjuarai ajang ASEAN Risk Management 2016 yang diikuti 23 perusahaan. Penghargaan SKK Migas di kategori survei darat terbaik, pengeboran eksplorasi terbaik, dan peringkat kedua pengeboran eksploitasi terbaik memacu kami bekerja lebih keras mencari sumber migas baru,” ujar Exploration and New Discovery Project Director Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf, kemarin. Direktur Pengembangan Pertamina EP Herutama Trikoranto menambahkan, di ajang ASEAN Risk Management Award yang kali pertama diikuti, Pertamina EP jadi juara 1 kategori risk technology dan juara 3 kategori risk champion.


Pertamina Energy Infrastructure Accelerates

    PT Pertamina continues to add infrastructure and gas facilities, particularly terminals Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) units and floating storage and regasification (FSRU). The state-owned energy companies also play an important role in the development and use of new renewable energy (EBT) in Indonesia. "We are ready to invest in the upstream business EBT amounted to US $ 1.5 billion by 2019, out of the heat of the earth.

    We are also building capacity of 200 MMSCFD Cilacap FSRU, "said Director of Pertamina Gas Yenni Andayani. It aims to replace fuel oil (BBM) to stay on target in 2018. In the transportation sector, Pertamina provide 56 units SPBGs including mobile refueling unit (MRU) in Greater Jakarta, Palembang, Semarang and Balikpapan. EBT Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Conservation Dadan Kusdiana asked the company to become users (taker) EBT products and become a developer of geothermal. "It will lead to other business entities to develop renewable energy.

    Marketing Director of Pertamina M Iskandar said several strategies to do as equalization of the price of fuel in East Indonesia and the border, and cooperation with various parties to build new refineries that oil production target of 2 million barrels per day in 2023 reached. "The breakthrough in addressing behavior change very dynamic market, such as the launch alternative products such as pertalite, pertamax turbo, and a bright 5.5 kg of gas," he said.

    On the other hand, a subsidiary of Pertamina, PT Pertamina EP, recorded as the best performing companies in 2016 in exploration activity. Pertamina EP also won the event ASEAN Risk Management in 2016 followed by 23 companies. SKK Migas Award in the category of best land surveys, exploratory drilling is the best and second best exploitation drilling spur us to work harder looking for new sources of oil and gas, "said New Discovery Exploration and Project Director of Pertamina EP Nana Abdul Manaf, yesterday. Development Director of Pertamina EP Herutama Trikoranto added, in the event of ASEAN Risk Management Award is the first time that followed, Pertamina EP champion 1 risk technology category and 3rd place risk category champion.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

Pertamina-PGN sebagai Penyangga Ketahanan Energi

Diusulkan, Pertamina, PGN, dan SKK Migas digabungkan.

    PT Pertamina dan PT PGN didorong untuk menjadi tulang punggung ketahanan energi nasional. Anggota Komisi Energi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Harry Purnorno, berharap revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi memberi keberpihakan yang lebih kepada kedua perusahaan negara tersebut. Peran Pertamina dan PGN untuk menjaga ketahanan energi ini mutlak.

    Keduanya memiliki posisi sentral, khususnya di sektor migas. Untuk mewujudkan ketahanan energi, menurut Harry, negara harus memiliki cadangan energi-terutama migas yang mencukupi semua kebutuhan energi nasional. Kita belum memiliki ketahanan migas yang cukup, hanya untuk sekitar 30 hari. Hampir 60 persen kebutuhan migas juga impor. Menurut lembaga penelitian kebijakan publik di sektor migas, Agora Initiative, cadangan minyak bumi mengalami penurunan dalam 15 tahun terakhir Pada 2001, cadangan minyak mencapai 5,1 miliar barel.

    Pada 2015, tinggal 3,6 miliar barel. Produksi minyak bumi sepanjang 2001-2015 pun turun 50 persen. Harry menegaskan, Pertamina dan PGN harus berperan sentral dalam menjaga ketahanan energi. Sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN), keduanya mendapat penugasan untuk menyangga kebutuhan energi nasional. Pemain swasta hanya pelengkap, bukan pemegang peran utama. Saat ini, revisi Undang-Undang Migas sedang dibahas di Komisi Energi DPR. Menurut Harry, proses politik ini tidak mudah dilalui.

    Banyak pertimbangan yang semuanya harus di kaji mendalam Ia menyebutkan, hal yang menjadi perdebatan Dewan, salah satunya, adalah bentuk kelembagaan. Harry berharap Pertamina, PGN, dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi disatukan. Masalahnya, hal itu tidak mudah disetujui. Kami belum sepaham. Masih trauma, kalau Pertamina diberi kewenangan terlalu besar, akan terulang hal yang dulu. Kurtubi, mengatakan revisi UU Migas masih dalam tahap pembahasan pasal per pasal.

    Kuasa Pertambangan di tangan Pertamina. SKK Migas dihapus dan di gabung dengan Pertamina. Tapi ini belum disetujui. Menurut Harry, setelah Komisi Energi sepakat dengan draf awal, hasilnya akan dikirimkan ke Badan Legislatif DPR. Di sana akan diharmonisasi, keterkaitannya dengan undang-undang lain. Karena itu, masih butuh waktu lama.

    Harry mencontohkan terkait dengan rencana permerintah membentuk perusahaan induk (holding), salah satunya di sektor migas. “Kalau 'bicara kelembagaan, pasti ada kaitannya dengan undang-undang di sektor BUMN. Belum lagi undang-undang mengenai pajak, terkait gross split. Kurtubi, berharap, pada Januari mendatang, draf revisi UU Migas oleh Komisi Energi bisa difinalisasi.

Ia ingin revisi tersebut tidak mengulang kesalahan UU Migas saat ini, yang memiliki konsep“tiga kaki”. Saat ini, Pertamina diperlakukan sama seperti perusahaan migas lain. Hak pengusahaan Pertamina pun dipindahkan kepada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sebagai regulator dan SKK Migas sebagai pelaksana business right di sektor hulu migas.


Pertamina-PGN as Buffer Energy Security

Proposed, Pertamina, PGN, and SKK Migas combined.

    PT Pertamina and PT PGN encouraged to be the backbone of the national energy security. Energy Commission member House of Representatives, Harry Purnorno, hoping the revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas gives alignments over the two companies of the country. The role of Pertamina and PGN to maintain energy security is absolute.

    Both have a central position, particularly in the oil and gas sector. To realize energy security, according to Harry, the state must have a reserve of energy-particularly oil and gas which met all the needs of national energy. We do not yet have sufficient oil resistance, only for about 30 days. Nearly 60 percent of oil and gas is also imported. According to the research institute of public policy in the oil and gas sector, Agora Initiative, the petroleum reserves has decreased in the last 15 years In 2001, reserves reached 5.1 billion barrels of oil.

    In 2015, just 3.6 billion barrels. Production of petroleum throughout 2001-2015 was down 50 percent. Harry insists, Pertamina and PGN must be a central role in maintaining energy security. As a state-owned enterprise (SOE), both received the assignment to support the national energy needs. Private players only complementary, not holding a major role. At present, the revision of oil and gas law is being discussed in the House of Representatives Energy Commission. According to Harry, the political process is not easy to pass.

    Many considerations that everything should be in-depth review of He mentioned things that the Council debate, one of which, is the institutional form. Harry hopes Pertamina, PGN, and the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas together. Unfortunately, that was not easily approved. We do not agree. Still traumatized, if Pertamina is authorized too big, it will be repeated once. Kurtubi, said the revision of oil and gas law is still under discussion article by article.

    Mining Authority in the hands of Pertamina. SKK Migas removed and join with Pertamina. But this has not been approved. According to Harry, after the Energy Commission agreed with the initial draft, the results will be sent to the Legislature of the House of Representatives. There will be harmonized, its association with other legislation. Having said that, it still took a long time.

    Harry pointed out issues relating to the permerintah formed holding company (holding), one of them in the oil and gas sector. "If 'institutional talk, certainly nothing to do with legislation in the state-owned sector. Not to mention the laws regarding tax-related gross split. Kurtubi, hoping, in January, the revised draft oil and gas law by the Energy Commission can be finalized.

    He wanted the revision is not to repeat the mistake this time oil and gas law, which has the concept of "three legs". Currently, Pertamina is treated the same as other oil and gas companies. Pertamina concession was transferred to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as a regulator and SKK Migas as implementers of business right in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

Pertamina Kejar Komitmen Saudi Aramco

    PT Pertamina akan bertemu dengan Saudi Aramco, raksasa minyak asal Arab Saudi, untuk membicarakan kelanjutan kerja sama revitalisasi kilang minyak. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, Rachmad Hardadi, mengatakan pertemuan pada 22 Desember itu akan membicarakan komitmen Aramco dalam proyek tersebut. “So far situasinya baik," kata dia. Pertamina sudah menagih janji Saudi Aramco untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture) untuk proyek perbaikan kilang Cilacap, Jawa Tengan, sejak pertengahan tahun lalu.

    Namun Aramco tidak kunjung memberi kepastian mengenai komitmennya. Padahal perjanjian awal atau head of agreement proyek tersebut sudah diperpanjang hingga akhir Desember lantaran kedaluwarsa sejak November lalu. Rachmad memastikan Aramco tetap memegang 45 persen Saham dari perusahaan patungan untuk proyek tersebut. Pertamina juga tetap 55 persen. Pertamina menargetkan revitalisasi kilang Cilacap rampung pada 2022. Kapasitas kilang tersebut bakal meningkat dari 300 ribu barel per hari menjadi 370 ribu bph.

    Kualitas produk kilang juga ditingkatkan hingga 9 Nelson Complexity Index. Proyek yang masuk refinery development master plan Pertamina ini bakal memakan biaya sekitar US$ 5,5 Miliar. Sikap Aramco yang mengambang membuat target Pertamina melaksanakan basic engineering design kilang Cilacap molor. Akhirnya proses penyusunan dokumen teknis akhir (front end engineering design) belum tentu terlaksana pada 2017. Meski begitu, Rachmad optimistis revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap masih bisa, dilaksanakan tepat waktu. “Saudi Aramco memiliki kemauan, yang kuat. Pertamina juga.

    Pemerintah selalu memantau ini dari pekan ke pekan. Selain kilang Cilacap, Aramco memiliki dua komitmen revitalisasi kilang lainnya, yakni di Balongan, Jawa Barat, dan kilang Dumai, Riau. Rencana itu tertuang dalam perjanjian pendahuluan yang ditanda tangani bersama Pertamina pada Desember 2014 dan berakhir pada November 2016. Sampai saat ini Pertamina menunggu Aramco guna mengikat kesepakatan lanjutan dalam head of agreement. Rachmad berharap Aramco segera menunjukkan komitmen positif untuk melanjutkan kerja sama di kilang Balongan. Sebab, kilang ini bakal memproduksi naphtha yang menjadi bahan baku Premium.

    Saat ini pasokan naphtha kilang Balongan berasal dari Balikpapan. “Bulan depan harusnya dimulai. Investasinya juga sudah kami revisi menjadi US$ 2,7 miliar” katanya. Rachmad mengatakan pembangunan kilang bersama mitra membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4-5 tahun. Jika membangun sendiri, waktunya mencapai 6-7 tahun. Sebelumnya, Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan lambatnya keputusan Aramco terjadi lantaran keuangan mereka sedang menyusut.

    Dia bahkan menyebut perusahaan itu berniat menurunkan porsi sahamnya di proyek Cilacap dari 45 persen menjadi 30 persen. Luhut meminta Pertamina bersiap jika akhirnya Aramco mundur dari kongsi bisnis ini. Kami sedang mengejar komitmen mereka. Aramco agak lambat prosesnya. Kapasitas terpasang seluruh kilang Pertamina saat ini berjumlah 820 ribu barel per hari atau 81,78 persen dari kapasitas total sebesar 1,043 juta bph. Sedangkan kebutuhan minyak Indonesia tercatat sebesar 1,57 juta bph. Revitalisasi dua kilang, yakni Balikpapan dan Cilacap, sudah dimulai. Apabila proyek revitalisasi rampung, kapasitas keempat kilang akan naik dari 820 ribu bph menjadi 1.61 juta bph pada 2025.


Pertamina Pursue Commitment Saudi Aramco

    PT Pertamina will meet with Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabian oil giant, to discuss the continuation of cooperation revitalization of the oil refinery. Processing and Petrochemical megaproject Director of Pertamina, Rachmad Hardadi, said the meeting on December 22, it will discuss Aramco's commitment in the project. "So far the situation is good," he said. Pertamina already claim the promise Saudi Aramco to form a joint venture (JV) for the Cilacap refinery upgrading project, the Middle Java, since the middle of last year.

    But Aramco does not go to give certainty about the commitment. Whereas the initial agreement or the head of the project agreement has been extended until the end of December due to expire since last November. Rachmad ensure Aramco still holds 45 percent of shares of the joint venture for the project. Pertamina also keep 55 percent. Pertamina's Cilacap refinery revitalization targeting completion in 2022. The capacity of the refinery will increase from 300 thousand barrels per day to 370 thousand bpd.

    The quality of refined products also increased to 9 Nelson Complexity Index. Projects included Pertamina refinery's development master plan would cost about $ 5.5 billion. Aramco floating attitude makes the target set carry out basic engineering design Cilacap refinery delayed. Finally, the process of preparation of a technical document end (front end engineering design) is not necessarily implemented in 2017. Even so, Rachmad optimistic revitalization Cilacap refinery can still be, implemented on time. "Saudi Aramco has willpower, strong. Pertamina also.

    The government is always watching this from week to week. In addition to the Cilacap refinery, Aramco has two other refineries revitalization commitments, namely in Balongan, West Java, and refineries Dumai, Riau. The plan was contained in the preliminary agreement signed together with Pertamina in December 2014 and ended in November 2016. Until now, Pertamina wait Aramco continued to binding agreements in the head of agreement. Rachmad hope Aramco soon showed a positive commitment to continue working at the Balongan refinery. Therefore, the refinery will produce naphtha into raw materials Premium.

    Currently the supply of naphtha derived from Balikpapan Balongan refinery. "Next month should begin. The investment is also our revision to US $ 2.7 billion, "he said. Rachmat said the construction of the refinery with the partner takes about 4-5 years. If you build it yourself, time to reach 6-7 years. Earlier, Coordinating Minister maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the latest decision of Aramco happen because their finances are shrinking.

    He even named the companies that intend to decrease the portion of its stake in Cilacap project from 45 percent to 30 percent. Luhut asked Pertamina ready should finally Aramco joint venture withdraw from this business. We are currently pursuing their commitments. Aramco rather slow process. The installed capacity throughout the oil refineries currently amounts to 820 thousand barrels per day, or 81.78 percent of the total capacity of 1.043 million bpd. While oil demand Indonesia stood at 1.57 million bpd. Revitalization of the two refineries, namely Balikpapan and Cilacap, has already begun. If the revitalization project is completed, the fourth refinery capacity will increase from 820 thousand bpd to 1.61 million bpd in 2025.

Koran Tempo, Page-13, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

Presiden Jokowi Akan Wujudkan Kerja Sama Migas dengan Iran

    Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) akan mengkonkretkan kerja sama antara Republik Indonesia - Republik Islam Iran oli sektor minyak dan gas (migas) selama kunjungan kenegaraan di Teheran, Iran, pada Rabu (14/12). Presiden Jokowi didampingi Menko Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, dan Kepala Badan Koordinasi dan Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Thomas Trikasih Lembong akan menggelar pertemuan dengan sejumlah pemimpin perusahaan setingkat Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Iran dan Indonesia untuk mewujudkan kerja sama tersebut. “Kunjungan Presiden bersama jajaran menteri adalah dalam rangka mewujudkan kerja sama di bidang migas.

    Di bidang migas inilah yang akan menjadi prioritas kerja sama dengan Iran,” kata Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Retno Marsudi. Menurut Menlu, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan telah menjajaki pertemuan dengan jajaran pimpinan perusahaan MAPNA Group dan The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). MAPNA Group adalah konglomerasi perusahaan industri bergerak di bidang kelistrikan, energi dan transportasi, pabrikan peralatan boiler, turbin uap dan gas, generator listrik dan peralatan terkait lainnya, serta investor.

    Sementara itu, NIOC adalah produsen minyak dan gas nomor tiga terbesar di dunia. Impor minyak mentah atau LPG akan dibicarakan serta kerja sama teknis di bidang gas turbin antara MAPNA dan PLN. Ada juga kemungkinan dibuka counter trade (barter) Indonesia-Iran,” kata Jonan. Selama berada di Teheran, Presiden Jokowi akan menyaksikan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding) di bidang mutual legal assistance, Ekstradisi, Kelistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan.

    Kepala Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin menyebutkan pada Hari ke dua kunjungan di Teheran, Iran, Rabu (14/12) Presiden Joko Widodo mengawali rangkaian kunjungan kenegaraannya dengan melakukan pertemuan dengan Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani, Ketua Parlemen Iran Ali Larijani, dan Supreme Leader (Pemimpin Agung) Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei. Pada pagi hari, bertempat di Istana Jomhouri, Sa’dabad, Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani akan menyambut Presiden Jokowi yang diawali dengan Upacara Penghormatan.

    Dalam kesempatan itu, kedua pemimpin akan melakukan pertemuan bilateral, penandatanganan nota-nota kesepahaman, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pernyataan pers bersama dan diakhiri dengan Jamuan Santap Siang Kenegaraan. Adapun nota-nota kesepahaman yang rencananya akan ditandatangani antara lain MOU mengenai Ekstradisi di pihak Pemerintah Indonesia ditandatangani oleh Menteri Luar Negeri, Mutual Legal Asisstance ditandatangani oleh Menteri Luar Negeri, MOU Kerja sama Kelistrikan ditandatangani oleh Menteri ESDM, MOU Kerja sama Investasi ditandangani oleh Kepala BKPM.

    Siang harinya, Presiden Jokowi melakukan pertemuan dengan Ketua Parlemen Iran Ali Larijani di Gedung Parlemen Iran, dan dengan Supreme Leader (Pemimpin Agung) Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei di Kantor Supreme Leader. Sebelum kembali bertolak ke Tanah Air pada malam nanti, Presiden juga akan menghadiri acara Ramah Tamah dan Santap Malam bersama masyarakat Indonesia di Hotel Espinas Palace, Teheran.


President Jokowi Will Realize Oil and Gas Cooperation with Iran

    President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will concretize the cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia - The Islamic Republic of Iran oil sector of oil and gas (oil) during a state visit in Tehran, Iran, on Wednesday (14/12). President Jokowi accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Nasution, Minister Ignatius Jonan, and Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Trikasih Lembong will hold a meeting with the leaders level company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Iran and Indonesia to achieve such cooperation. "The visit of the President and ministers are to realize the cooperation in the field of oil and gas.

    In the field of oil and gas is what will be the priorities of cooperation with Iran, "said Foreign Minister (FM) Retno Marsudi. According to the Minister, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has been exploring Ignatius Jonan meeting with the senior leaders of the company MAPNA Group and The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). MAPNA Group is a conglomerate of companies engaged in the electricity industry, energy and transport, the manufacturer of boilers, steam and gas turbines, electric generators and other related equipment, as well as investors.

    Meanwhile, NIOC is a manufacturer of oil and gas in the world's third-largest. Imports of crude oil or LPG will be discussed as well as technical cooperation in the field of gas turbines between MAPNA and the PLN. There is also the possibility of opening the counter trade (barter) Indonesia-Iran, "said Jonan. During his stay in Tehran, President Jokowi will witness the signing of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) in the field of mutual legal assistance, Extradition, Electricity and Renewable Energy.

    Press Bureau Chief, Media and Information of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin mentioned on Day two visits in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday (14/12) President Joko Widodo begins the series of his state visit by meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, and the Supreme leader (the Supreme leader) Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei. In the morning, at the Palace Jomhouri, Sa'dabad, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will welcome President Jokowi beginning with Reverence ceremony.

    On that occasion, the two leaders will hold a bilateral meeting, a memorandum-signing of a memorandum of understanding, followed by a joint press statement and end with a luncheon State. The memorandum-memorandum of understanding which will be signed among others MOU on Extradition on the part of the Government of Indonesia was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mutual Legal Assistance signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the MOU Cooperation Electrical signed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, MOU Cooperation Investment signed by the Head of BKPM ,

    Later in the day, President Jokowi had a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Iran's Parliament, and the Supreme Leader (the Supreme Leader) Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei in the Office of the Supreme Leader. Before heading to the country back on tonight, the President will also attend the event warm-hearted and Bite Night with the people of Indonesia at the Hotel Espinas Palace, Tehran.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec,15,2016