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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Mitra Proyek Kilang Bontang Dipilih Akhir 2017

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menugasi PT Pertamina membangun fasilitas pengolahan minyak dan petrokimia di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur Penugasan ini menandakan perubahan dalam rencana awal proyek tersebut, yakni melalui skema kerja sama pemerintah dan badan usaha. Direktur Megaproyek dan Pengolahan Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi menargetkan penunjukan mitra pembangunan kilang Bontang bisa dipercepat pada akhir 2017. Pada Waktu yang sama, perusahaan juga menginginkan dokumen kelayakan keuangan (bankable feasibility study/BFS) bisa selesai.

    Menurut Rachmad, pembangunan kilang Bontang bisa lebih cepat karena lokasinya berdampingan dengan kilang LNG Bontang, yang dikelola PT Badak NGL. PT Badak adalah perusahaan yang berafiliasi dengan Pertamina. Di area tersebut sudah terdapat fasilitas pendukung seperti unit boiler, pembangkit listrik, serta tangki penyimpanan. Rencananya, lahan mulai disiapkan pada awal 2018. Adapun pekerjaan fisik baru dimulai pada 2019.

    Pertamina menargetkan kilang Bontang bisa beroperasi pada 2023. Nilai investasi kilang baru ini diperkirakan US$ 13-15 miliar. Penugasan kepada Pertamina tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri Energi Nomor 7935 K/10/MEM/2016. Kementerian meminta kilang memproduksi bensin minimal 60 ribu barel dan solar minimal 124 ribu barel per hari.

    Syarat minimal kapasitas kilang ditetapkan 300 ribu barel per hari dengan kualitas produk setara Euro IV. Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 146 Tahun 2015, skema penugasan mensyaratkan Pertamina menjadi penanggung jawab proyek. Perusahaan minyak milik negara ini harus menjamin pembangunan kilang selesai sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis dan komersial yang ditentukan pemerintah. Untuk itu, pemerintah memberi kebebasan bagi Pertamina untuk mencari mitra. Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, skema penugasan memungkinkan pengerjaan proyek bisa dilakukan dalam waktu 3,5 tahun. Kami harapkan kilang Bontang bisa lebih dipercepat seperti di Tuban.


Project Partners Selected Bontang Refinery End 2017

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources assigns PT Pertamina to build refineries and petrochemical plants in Bontang, East Kalimantan This assignment indicates a change in the initial plan of the project, through a cooperation scheme of government and business entities. Pertamina processing director Rachmat megaproject and Hardadi targeting development partners Bontang designation can be accelerated at the end of 2017. At the same time, the company also wants financial eligibility document (bankable feasibility study / BFS) can be completed.

    According to Rachmat, Bontang refinery development can be faster due to its location adjacent to the Bontang LNG plant, which is managed by PT Badak NGL. PT Badak is a company affiliated with Pertamina. In these areas there are already supporting facilities such as unit boilers, power plants, and storage tanks. The plan, the land began to be prepared at the beginning of 2018. As for the physical work began only in 2019.

    Pertamina is targeting the Bontang plant to be operational in 2023. The investment value of the new refinery is estimated at US $ 13-15 billion. Assignment to Pertamina stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Energy No. 7935 K / 10 / MEM / 2016. The Ministry requested the refinery to produce at least 60 thousand barrels of gasoline and diesel a minimum of 124 thousand barrels per day.

    The minimum requirements specified refining capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day with similar product quality Euro IV. Based on Presidential Regulation Number 146 Year 2015, Pertamina requires assignment scheme was in charge of the project. The state-owned oil company must guarantee refinery construction is completed in accordance with the requirements of the technical and commercial set by the government. To that end, the government gave freedom for Pertamina to find a partner. Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar said, the scheme allows the assignment of the project can be done within 3.5 years. We expect the Bontang plant could be accelerated like in Tuban.

Koran Tempo, Page-9, Saturday, Dec,17,2016

Dapat Penugasan, Pertamina Percepat Pembangunan Kilang Bontang

    PT Pertamina menyambut baik terbitnya Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 7935 K/10/MEM/ 2016 tentang penugasan kepada Pertamina dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian kilang minyak di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur. Dalam Kepmen ESDM tersebut, pemerintah juga menetapkan kapasitas kilang minyak sebesar 300.000 barel per hari (bph). Dari kapasitas tersebut, diharapkan dapat diproduksikan bensin minimal sebanyak 60.000 bph dan solar dengan dengan produksi minimal 124.000 bph dengan standar minimal Euro IV.

    Pertamina juga diberikan mandat untuk mengintegrasikan kilang BBM tersebut dengan peirokimia dan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunannya dapat bekerja sama dengan badan usaha lain. Adapun hasil produksi kilang tersebut diprioritaskan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Terkait dengan keputusan itu, Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro menyatakan kesiapan perseroan dalam melaksanakan penugasan tersebut. Pertamina optimistis dapat melakukan percepatan pembangunan Kilang Bontang.

    Pertamina optimistis dapat menyelesaikan proyek lebih cepat karena kami tidak memulai proyek tersebut dari nol. Dari skala 10, kami sudah ada di titik 5 atau 6,” kata Wianda. Sebelumnya, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, NGRR Bontang akan berdampingan dengan fasilitas Kilang LNG Bontang yang dioperasikan PT Badak NGL dan telah tersedia lahan yang akan menjadi lokasi kilang. Selain ketersediaan lahan yang sangat krusial, beberapa fasilitas dan infrastruktur pendukung operasi kilang LNG, seperti 21 unit boiler kualitas tinggi, pembangkit listrik, tangki penyimpanan, dan fasilitas umum lainnya dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pengoperasian kilang NGRR Bontang nantinya.

    Dari sisi lahan yang saat ini sangat krusial dalam pelaksanaan proyek, kami tidak perlu lagi melakukan pengadaan dan itu dapat menghemat Waktu. Beberapa fasilitas berkelas dunia yang sekarang digunakan untuk Kilang LNG Bontang juga dapat dukung proyek kilang BBM, sehingga pembangunan NGRR Bontang tidak perlu dimulai dari nol,” ujar Hardadi. Dengan penugasan ini, pemilihan mitra pembangunan kilang ditargetkan dipercepat menjadi akhir 2017. Pertamina juga segera mempersiapkan bankable feasibility study (BFS) yang juga ditarget selesai pada 2017. Apabila BFS selesai, Pertamina berharap awal 2018 penyiapan lahan sudah bisa dimulai sehingga pekerjaan fisik NGRR Bontang bisa dimulai tepat waktu pada akhir 2019 dan selesai pertengahan 2023.


Get Assignments, Pertamina Accelerate Bontang Refinery

    PT Pertamina welcome the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 7935 K / 10 / MEM / 2016 on assignment to Pertamina in the construction and operation of an oil refinery in Bontang, East Kalimantan. In the Energy and Mineral Resources Decree, the government also set a refining capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). Of that capacity, is expected to be produced a minimum of 60,000 bpd of gasoline and diesel fuel with a minimum production of 124,000 barrels per day with a minimum of Euro IV standards.

    Pertamina also given the mandate to integrate with peirokimia oil refineries and in the implementation of development can work together with other business entities. The results of the refinery production is prioritized to meet domestic demand. Related to that decision, Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro company expressed readiness in carrying out the assignment. Pertamina is optimistic it can accelerate the development of Bontang.

    Pertamina is optimistic it can finish projects more quickly because we did not start the project from scratch. On a scale of 10, we were already on the point of 5 or 6, "said Wianda. Earlier, the Director of Processing and Petrochemical megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said, NGRR Bontang facility will be adjacent to the Bontang LNG plant operated by PT Badak NGL and has available land that will be the location of the refinery. In addition to the availability of land are crucial, facilities and supporting infrastructure LNG plant operations, such as 21 units of high quality boiler, power plant, storage tanks, and other public facilities can be used to support the operation of the refinery NGRR Bontang later.

    In terms of land which today is very crucial in the implementation of the project, we no longer need to procure and it can save you time. Several world-class facility that is now used for the Bontang LNG plant can also support oil refinery project, so that the development NGRR Bontang not need to start from scratch, "said Hardadi. With this appointment, the selection of development partners refinery is targeted accelerated to the end of 2017. Pertamina also immediately prepare a bankable feasibility study (BFS), which is also targeted for completion in 2017. When the BFS is completed, Pertamina hopes early in 2018 as land preparation can be started so that the work can be physically NGRR Bontang started on time at the end of 2019 and completed mid-2023.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec,17,2016

Jonan Minta Pertamina Tingkatkan Efisiensi

    Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan meminta Pertamina meningkatkan efisiensi biaya. “Saya minta pada Pertamina agar semangat mandiri dan efisiensinya harus tinggi. Kalau tidak, kerjaannya gak ada,” kata Jonan. Jonan mengungkapkan pengalamannya saat berkunjung ke Iran. Menurut dia, produksi minyak Iran mencapai 3 juta barel per hari (bph), sementara konsumsi dalam negeri kurang dari 1 juta bph. Dari sisi pembangkitan listrik, pembangkit listiik bertenaga matahari tarifnya hanya US$ 2,42 sen hingga US$ 2,99 sen per kwh.

    Sedangkan di Indonesia untuk listrik dengan energi yang sama mencapai US$ 14 sen per kwh. Mereka bahkan sedang menyiapkan pembangkit baru dengan daya 5.000 MW dengan tarif lebih murah yakni US$ 2,25 sen per kwh,” jelas dia. PT Pertamina mendukung penuh upaya pengembangan serta pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan, termasuk menggalang partisipasi masyarakat di dalam diversifikasi dan konservasi energi. Salah satunya dengan mengadakan Pertamina d’Gil (Ide Gila).

    Sebuah kompetisi inovasi seputar ide bisnis dan terobosan produk serta teknologi seputar energi baru dan terbarukan. Kompetisi Pertamina d’Gil yang akan berlangsung hingga 5 Maret 2017 ini diharapkan mampu menggalang partisipasi dan antusiasme masyarakat untuk bersama-sama Pertamina menciptakan berbagai inovasi teknologi berbasis energi terbarukan. Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro menjelaskan, komitman Pertamina mencari sumber- sumber energi, termasuk energi baru dan terbarukan juga diwujudkan dengan mengajak keterlibatan masyarakat melalui kompetisi inovasi.

    Wianda menambahkan, Pertamina berkomitmen mengembangkan energi baru dan terbarukan di Indonesia sebagai alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi domestik di masa mendatang. Pertamina mempertimbangkan pula untuk masuk ke semua lini dari bisnis energi baru terbarukan, tidak sekadar menjadi offtaker melainkan bisa juga menjadi produsen di bisnis hulu energi baru dan terbarukan. Pertamina d’Gil (Ide Gila) merupakan ajang kompetisi yang diperuntukkan bagi pelajar, profesional (akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, pekerja), dan perusahaan yang mampu membuat konsep tentang energi baru dan terbarukan.

    Kompetisi akan terbagi dalam dua kategori tema, yaitu Ide Bisnis Inovatif dan Terobosan Produk & Teknologi. Peserta dapat mengirimkan ide-ide kreatifnya melalui, mulai 7 Desember 2016 hingga 5 Maret 2017. Seluruh ide akan dinilai oleh dewan juli seperti creative entreprerieur Yoris Sebastian dan pakar manajemen Rheinald Kasali.


Jonan Ask Pertamina Improve Efficiency

    Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan ask Pertamina to increase cost efficiency. "I asked the Pertamina that independent spirit and efficiency should be high. Otherwise, there is not his work, "said Jonan. Jonan his experience during a visit to Iran. According to him, Iran's oil production to reach 3 million barrels per day (bpd), while the domestic consumption of less than 1 million bpd. In terms of electricity generation, solar-powered generators listiik charge only $ 2.42 cents to US $ 2.99 cents per kwh.

    While in Indonesia for electricity with the same energy reached US $ 14 cents per kwh. They're even setting up a new plant with 5,000 MW power at a cheaper rate at US $ 2.25 cents per kwh, "he explained. PT Pertamina fully supports the efforts of the development and utilization of new and renewable energy, including raising public participation in energy diversification and conservation. One of them by holding Pertamina d'Gil (Crazy idea).

    A competition of innovation around business ideas and breakthrough products and technologies surrounding the new and renewable energy. Pertamina d'Gil competition which will run until March 5, 2017, is expected to raise the participation and enthusiasm of people to get together Pertamina create renewable energy-based technology innovation. Vice President Corporate Communications PT Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro explained, the commitment of Pertamina look for sources of energy, including new and renewable energy is also manifested by encouraging community engagement through innovation competition.

    Wianda added, Pertamina is committed to develop new and renewable energy in Indonesia as an alternative to meet domestic energy needs in the future. Pertamina also consider to get into all lines of business of renewable energy, not just be a taker, but can also be a manufacturer in the upstream business of new and renewable energy. Pertamina d'Gil (Crazy idea) is a competition reserved for students, professionals (academics, researchers, practitioners, workers), and the company is able to make the concept of new and renewable energy.

    The competition will be divided into two theme categories, namely Business Idea Innovative and Breakthrough Products & Technology. Participants can submit their creative ideas through, beginning December 7, 2016 to March 5, 2017. The whole idea will be judged by a council of July as creative entreprerieur Yoris Sebastian and management experts Rheinald Kasali.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Dec,17,2016

Friday, December 16, 2016

Skema Gross Split Merugikan Kontraktor Kecil

    Skema bagi hasil bruto (gross split) yang akan diterapkan pemerintah bakal membuat kontraktor kecil babak belur Pasalnya, mereka hanya menguasai wilayah migas kecil dengan produksi yang tidak signifikan. “Apalagi yang tidak lengkap rantai bisnisnya,” ujar Ketua Umum Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Alfi Rusin. Alfi mengatakan kerugian bakal dialami kontraktor saat harga minyak seperti sekarang. Sebab, kontraktor hanya menyedot migas skala kecil dengan biaya pengeboran sarna dengan kontraktor lain.

    Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat terdapat 75 kontraktor dengan minyak siap jual (lifting) di bawah 11 ribu barel per hari. Semua perusahaan ini hanya menyumbang lifting sebesar 120 ribu barel per hari atau hanya separuh dari produksi Chevron Pacific Indonesia di Blok Rokan, Riau. Adapun untuk produksi gas, kontraktor ini hanya menyumbang lifting sebesar 1.299 mmscfd. Menurut Alfi, skema baru bakal sangat menguntungkan Pertamina.

    Sebab, Pertamina memiliki banyak anak usaha di industri penunjang migas seperti jasa pengeboran ataupun survei. Selama ini, perseroan tidak selalu bisa menunjuk langsung anak usahanya lantaran melarang skema tersebut pada proyek bernilai besar. Karena itulah, Alfi memprediksi, skema ini berpeluang membuat Pertamina lebih efisien. Sistem gross split juga dianggap Alfi berbahaya bagi ketahanan energi nasional.

    Musababnya, saat harga minyak rendah, kontraktor bakal mengerern aktivitas produksi yang tidak menguntungkan. Dalam sistem saat ini, penyedotan minyak masih bisa berjalan karena biaya kontraktor diganti cost recovery. Dia meminta pemerintah memberikan insentif lebih kepada kontraktor supaya aktivitas migas tetap berjalan sekalipun harga lesu. “Karena niatnya untuk menjadi lebih baik." Sebelumnya, anggota Dewan Energi Nasional, Andang Bachtiar, memperkirakan skema gross split bakal mengerem laju eksplorasi.

    Sebab, dalam sistem gross split, kontraktor menginginkan aktivitas yang keuntungannya sudah jelas. Sampai November, pengeboran eksplorasi hanya 39 sumun Padahal, target kontraktor mencapai 67 sumur. SKK Migas memprediksi hanya 43 sumur yang dibor di akhir 2016. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar berjanji memberikan insentif bagi kontraktor dalam sistem gross split. Pemanis diberikan melalui tambahan bagian hasil minyak. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi kontraktor yang memakai komponen produk lokal. Namun, kata dia, sekarang besaran bagi hasil dalam skema baru belum disepakati.


Gross schemes Split Adverse Small Contractors

    Scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) to be implemented by the government will make a small contractor battered reason, they only controlled a small region with oil and gas production is not significant. "Moreover incomplete business chain," said Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Petroleum Engineering (IATMI) Alfi Rusin. Alfi said the losses would be experienced by the contractor when the oil price as it is now. Therefore, contractors just suck small-scale oil and gas drilling at a cost equal to the other contractors.

    Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) noted that there are 75 contractors with oil ready for sale (lifting) under 11 thousand barrels per day. All of these companies only accounted for lifting of 120 thousand barrels per day, or only half of the production of Chevron Pacific Indonesia in Rokan Block, Riau. As for gas production, the contractor is only accounted for lifting at 1,299 MMSCFD. According Alfi, the new scheme will be very profitable for Pertamina.

    Therefore, Pertamina has many subsidiaries in the supporting industries such as oil and gas drilling services or surveys. During this time, the company can not always be pointed directly prohibit its subsidiary because these schemes the projects of great value. Therefore, Alfi predicts, is likely to make the scheme more efficient Pertamina. The system is also considered gross split Alfi dangerous for national energy security.

    Cause, when oil prices are low, the contractor will put the brakes on production activities that are not profitable. In the current system, the siphoning of oil is still able to walk because of the cost of the contractor replaced cost recovery. He asked the government to provide more incentives to the contractor so that oil and gas activity is still running despite sluggish price. "Because of its intention to become better." Earlier, members of the National Energy Board, Andang Bachtiar, estimated gross scheme split would slow the rate of exploration.

    Because, in the gross system is split, the contractor wanted activity whose benefits are clear. As of November, only 39 exploration drilling sumun In fact, the target of achieving 67 wells contractor. SKK Migas predicts only 43 wells drilled in late 2016. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar promised to provide incentives for contractors in the gross system split. Sweeteners provided through additional parts of oil products. This also applies to contractors who use local produce components. However, he said, now the amount of profit sharing in the new scheme has not been agreed upon.

Koran Tempo, Page-13, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Pertamina’s Plan Bad News for Asian Refiners

    State-owned energy giant Pertamina’s effort to upgrade existing refineries and develop new ones in the country is bad news for neighboring oil reflnery countries, despite increasing demand for gasoline across Asia. Global energy consultancy firm FACTS Global Energy chairman Fereidun Fesharaki said on Wednesday that Indonesia had been a major importer of refined oil products in Asia, providing bulky margins in the market. “If all Pertamina’s plans happen and Indonesia doesn’t import anymore and even starts exporting, I think the refiners in Asia will be very unhappy because they’re counting on Indonesian imports, which are the most important reason for the strong refinery margins in Asia today,” he said.

    Pertamina is looking to upgrade four of its existing facilities, namely the Cilacap refinery in Central Java, the Balikpapan refinery in East Kalimantan, the Dumai refinery in Riau and the Balongan refinery in West Java. It will also build several new refineries, including one in Bontang, East Kalimantan and another in Tuban, East Java. The development of the refineries is part of Pertamina’s plan to increase domestic oil production to 2.6 bopd by 2030 from the current 830,000 bopd.

    By then, it expects to have reduced imports by 70 percent to only 231,000 bopd. Fesharaki said the oil market in Asia, where Indonesia is among the major oil importers, was very significant to the world, as it represented more than half of the global oil demand. “lf you look at the world picture, Asian demand growth accounts for 65 to 70 percent of the global demand. So, whatever happens to Asia really represents the whole world picture,” he said. He also said that big Asian countries, including China and India, had stopped building refineries because of an excess of capacity.

    Hence, he estimated that there would be no new big refineries coming until 2019 or 2020 in the two countries. “For several years you have demand growth with no new supplies coming. So, the development of refineries looks good in this region,” he said. Aside from ramping up the capacity of refineries, Pertamina also plans to provide national oil reserves for 30 days in case of emergency situations. To meet such a target, it aims to allocate about US$4 billion to develop related infrastructure, such as oil storage facilities.

    Indonesia currently only has operational oil reserves under Pertamina that are touted to last for a maximum of 23 days, without any national crude and fuel buffer reserves. Many countries have such reserves set aside for emergency situations. For example, the United States has a fuel reserve for seven months and Japan has one for six months. Meanwhile, neighboring Southeast Asian country Myanmar has a reserve for four months, Thailand for 80 days and Vietnam for 47 days.

    Oil markets in Asia showed an unusual trend as oil demand grew fast because of lower prices, Fesharaki continued. For the last two years, global oil prices have been in freefall from about $110 per barrel of Brent crude in June 2014 to about $ 40 recently. “If you look at 2014, you see the demand growth was only half a million barrels per day and it has increased 100 percent in 2016,” he said.


Pertamina Rencana Berita Buruk untuk Pabrik gula Asia

    Upaya BUMN plat merah Pertamina untuk meng-upgrade kilang yang ada dan mengembangkan kilang yang baru di negeri ini adalah berita buruk bagi kilang minyak negara-negara tetangga , meskipun meningkatkan permintaan untuk bensin di seluruh Asia. Konsultan perusahaan FAKTA energi global , Ketua Global Energy Fereidun Fesharaki mengatakan pada hari Rabu bahwa Indonesia telah menjadi importir utama produk kilang minyak di Asia, menyediakan margin besar di pasar. "Jika rencana semua Pertamina terjadi dan Indonesia tidak mengimpor lagi dan bahkan mulai mengekspor, saya pikir penyuling di Asia akan sangat bahagia karena mereka mengandalkan impor Indonesia, yang merupakan alasan yang paling penting untuk margin kilang yang kuat di Asia hari ini, "katanya.

    Pertamina ingin meng-upgrade empat fasilitas yang ada, yaitu kilang Cilacap di Jawa Tengah, kilang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, kilang Dumai di Riau dan kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat. Hal ini juga akan membangun beberapa kilang baru, termasuk satu di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur dan satu lagi di Tuban, Jawa Timur. Pengembangan kilang merupakan bagian dari rencana Pertamina untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak dalam negeri menjadi 2,6 bopd pada tahun 2030 dari saat ini 830.000 bopd.

    Pada saat itu, mereka mengharapkan untuk mengurangi impor sebesar 70 persen menjadi hanya 231.000 bopd. Fesharaki mengatakan pasar minyak di Asia, di mana Indonesia merupakan salah satu importir minyak utama, sangat signifikan untuk dunia, karena mewakili lebih dari setengah dari permintaan minyak global. "Jika Anda melihat gambar dunia, pertumbuhan permintaan Asia menyumbang 65 sampai 70 persen dari permintaan global. Jadi, apapun yang terjadi ke Asia benar-benar mewakili gambaran dunia secara keseluruhan, "katanya. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa negara-negara Asia besar, termasuk China dan India, telah berhenti pembangunan kilang karena kelebihan kapasitas.

    Oleh karena itu, ia memperkirakan bahwa tidak akan ada kilang besar baru datang sampai 2019 atau 2020 di kedua negara. "Selama beberapa tahun Anda memiliki pertumbuhan permintaan tanpa pasokan baru datang. Jadi, pengembangan kilang terlihat baik di wilayah ini, "katanya. Selain ramping kapasitas kilang, Pertamina juga berencana untuk memberikan cadangan minyak nasional selama 30 hari dalam kasus situasi darurat. Untuk memenuhi target tersebut, bertujuan untuk mengalokasikan sekitar US $ 4 miliar untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur terkait, seperti fasilitas penyimpanan minyak.

    Indonesia saat ini hanya memiliki cadangan minyak operasional di bawah Pertamina yang disebut-sebut berlangsung selama maksimal 23 hari, tanpa cadangan minyak mentah dan penyangga BBM nasional. Banyak negara memiliki cadangan seperti disisihkan untuk situasi darurat. Misalnya, Amerika Serikat memiliki cadangan bahan bakar selama tujuh bulan dan Jepang memiliki satu selama enam bulan. Sementara itu, tetangga Tenggara negara Asia Myanmar memiliki cadangan selama empat bulan, Thailand selama 80 hari dan Vietnam selama 47 hari.

    pasar minyak di Asia menunjukkan trend yang tidak biasa karena permintaan minyak tumbuh cepat karena harga yang lebih rendah, Fesharaki terus. Selama dua tahun terakhir, harga minyak dunia telah di terjun bebas dari sekitar $ 110 per barel minyak mentah Brent pada bulan Juni 2014 untuk sekitar $ 40 baru-baru ini. "Jika Anda melihat 2014, Anda melihat pertumbuhan permintaan hanya setengah juta barel per hari dan itu telah meningkat 100 persen pada 2016," katanya.

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Pekan Depan, Pertamina Targetkan Bentuk JV Kilang Cilacap

    PT. Pertamina  berharap dapat meneken perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan Joint Venture/JV) dengan Saudi Aramco pada pekan depan. Pembentukan JV diperlukan untuk kelanjutan proyek perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Cilacap. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, direktur utama Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco dijadwalkan bertemu pada 22 Desember ini di Jakarta.

    Dalam pertemuan tersebut, keduanya akan membahas kelanjutan proyek upgrading Kilang Cilacap, termasuk apakah keduanya akan meneken perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan. “Kami tidak ingin mendahului apa yang akan diputuskan. Tetapi diharapkan bisa menandatangani kesepakatan (pembentukan JV). Tentu nanti ada diskusi apa yang ditawarkan lebih lanjut. Menurut dia, pembahasan kerja sama dengan Saudi Aramco sudah berlangsung cukup lama.

    Baik Saudi Aramco dan Pertamina sama-sama memiliki keinginan kuat untuk melanjutkan proyek Kilang Cilacap. Dalam diskusi, respon kedua pihak cukup bagus sehingga isi klausul-klausul perjanjian cukup komprehensif.  Sebelumnya, Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco telah memperpanjang head of agreement (HoA) yang menjadi dasar pembahasan proyek Kilang Cilacap. HOA diperpanjang dari berakhir pada 26 November menjadi 31 Desember.

    Dalam jangka waktu tersebut harus ada keputusan soal kerja sama keduanya. Sementara terkait klausul RDMP Kilang Balongan dan Dumai dikeluarkan dari HOA. Dia berpendapat, upgrading Kilang Balongan mendesak untuk dilakukan, Pasalnya, selama ini kilang tersebut mendapat ekses naphta dari Kilang Balikpapan. Namun, ekses ini sudah tidak akan ada lagi begitu upgrading Kilang Balikpapan selesai. Sehingga, Kilang Balongan seharusnya dibangun pada kesempatan pertama.

    Proyek RDMP Kilang Cilacap ditargetkan selesai pada 2022. Sementara Kilang Balongan dan Dumai pada 2023. Untuk mengejar target penyelesaian Kilang Balongan dan Dumai, kata Hardadi, kedua proyek harus mulai bergulir pada 2017. Proyek yang paling membutuhkan percepatan yakni Kilang Balongan. Kilang Dumai sudah ada tangki open access 600 ribu barel, feed kilang lewat tanker. Melihat itu, Dumai sudah cukup bagus track-nya, yang perlu di speed up adalah Balongan,” tuturnya.

    Nilai investasi ketiga proyek ini masing-masing USS 4,5 miliar untuk Kilang Cilacap, USS 4,2-4,3 miliar untuk Kilang Dumai, dan USS 2,7 miliar untuk Kilang Balongan. Setelah RDMP selesai, kapasitas ketiga kilang akan naik masing-masing menjadi 370 ribu bph dari 340 ribu bph untuk Kilang Cilacap, 300 ribu bph dari 175 ribu bph untuk Kilang Dumai, Serta 280 ribu bph dari 125 ribu bph untuk Kilang Balongan.


Next week, Pertamina Cilacap Form JV

    PT. Pertamina expects to sign an agreement for the establishment of a joint venture company Joint Venture / JV) with Saudi Aramco in the next week. Establishment of the JV is required for the continuation and improvement projects Cilacap refinery capacity. Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said the managing director of Pertamina and Saudi Aramco are scheduled to meet on December 22 in Jakarta.

    During the meeting, they will discuss the continuation of the Cilacap refinery upgrading project, including whether they will sign an agreement forming the joint venture. "We do not want to precede what will be decided. But is expected to sign an agreement (JV formation). Certainly there will be discussion of what is on offer further. According to him, discussion of cooperation with Saudi Aramco gone on long enough.

    Both Saudi Aramco and Pertamina have the same strong desire to continue the Cilacap refinery project. In the discussion, the two sides is pretty good response so that the contents of clauses of the agreement is comprehensive enough. Previously, Pertamina and Saudi Aramco has extended head of agreement (HoA), which became the basis of the discussion of the Cilacap refinery project. HOA extended from an end on November 26 to December 31.

    In that period there should be a decision on the cooperation of both. While the clause related RDMP Balongan and Dumai Refinery removed from the HOA. He argues, Balongan refinery upgrading urgent to do, reason for this refinery's got excess naphta from Balikpapan refinery. However, this excess is not going to exist anymore so upgrading Balikpapan refinery is completed. Thus, Balongan refinery should be built at the first opportunity.

    RDMP Cilacap refinery project is targeted for completion in 2022. While Balongan refinery and Dumai in 2023. To achieve the target completion Balongan refinery and Dumai, said Hardadi, both projects should start rolling in 2017. The projects most in need of acceleration that Balongan refinery. Dumai refinery was already a tank open access to 600 thousand barrels, refinery feed via tanker. Seeing that, Dumai good enough track of his, who needs to speed up is Balongan, "he said.

    The investment value of these three projects each USS 4.5 billion to Cilacap, USS 4.2-4.3 billion for Dumai refinery, and USS 2.7 billion for Balongan refinery. After RDMP finished, a third refinery capacity will rise respectively to 370 thousand barrels per day from 340 thousand bpd to Cilacap, 300 thousand barrels per day from 175 thousand bpd to Dumai refinery, as well as 280 thousand barrels per day from 125 thousand bpd for Balongan refinery.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Pertamina EP Boost Search New Oil and Gas Reserves

     The subsidiary of PT Pertamina, PT Pertamina EP, which is also a Contract of Work Contractor (KKKS) under the auspices of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has made another achievement.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas 

    The commitment shown by this Pertamina subsidiary to find new oil and gas reserves through exploration activities received the best performance award this year from SKK Migas. We are committed to finding and finding oil and gas reserves to support Indonesia's energy security.

     And we are grateful to receive an award from SKK Migas for the category of Best Land Survey, Best Exploration Drilling, and 2nd Place for Best Exploitation Drilling, "said Exploration and New Discovery Project Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf.

    Nanang emphasized that Pertamina EP will remain aggressive in seeking and finding oil and gas reserves because the discovery of exploration reserves guarantees energy security for the next few years.

    According to him, the essence of the upstream oil and gas business is the availability of oil and gas reserves which are then exploited so that the benefits can be felt for the community. Therefore, we will continue to increase exploration activities to areas that have not been explored and have oil and gas potential, as we did in Eastern Indonesia, specifically in Bintuni and other places, "said Nanang.

    Nanang said, this year's target for 3D land (Seismic) survey activities covering an area of ​​785 square kilometers (km). Pertamina EP, according to him, was able to realize up to 951 square kilometers or 121 percent above the target. The 2016 2D Seismic target is 941 km long, and Pertamina EP has succeeded in achieving 953 km or 101 percent above the target. Regarding exploration activities, the target for 2016 is to drill eight exploration wells.

    As of December 2016, five wells had been completed or 63 percent of the target and one well was in the preparation stage for rig installation. Previously, Pertamina EP and PT Sarana GSS Trembul signed an operational cooperation agreement (KSO) for the Trembul Operation Area. The first three-year work program was valued at US $ 7.6 million, with the funds being used for drilling four wells and seismic acquisition activities.

    President Director of GSS Facility Trembul Bambang Mulyadi said the first well (SGT-01) is planned to start drilling in June 2017 and start production in August 2017. He added that Pertamina EP has the exclusive right to carry out oil and gas operations in the Trembul Operation Area from BP Migas ( now SKK Migas) based on Presidential Regulation Number 9 of 2013.

    Furthermore, Pertamina EP appointed PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah (BUMD owned by the Regional Government of Central Java) as the partner of choice to carry out oil and gas operations in the region, to carry out operations, PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah conducted a joint venture with GSS Energy Limited through a joint venture company PT Sarana GSS Trembul.

    The Trembul Oil and Gas Operation Area is located in Talokwohmojo Village, Ngawen District, Blora Regency, Central Java Province. The operating area covers 47.61 km2 which is located 15 km on the west side of Blora City. In the Trembul Operation Area, there are 24 wells drilled and exploited by NKPM. However, the area was closed in 1942, following the Japanese invasion in World War II. The Trembul area is estimated to have oil reserves of 40.1 million barrels. During 1917-1942, NKPM only took 307 thousand barrels, so there were still plenty of oil reserves left.

Republika, Page-14, Friday, Dec 16,2016

Substitusi Bahan Bakar Minyak Perlu Dipercepat

    Indonesia pernah menjadi negara produsen minyak yang cukup besar di dunia. Pada periode 1975-1995, produksi minyak Indonesia di atas 1 juta barel per hari. Bahkan, pernah menyentuh angka 1,6 juta barel per hari. Sebagaimana data yang dikeluarkan BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, dengan tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dalam negeri pada 1975-1985 yang di bawah 500 ribu barel per hari, Indonesia pun masuk ke dalam barisan negara surplus BBM.

    Namun, seiring pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, konsumsi BBM pun terus meningkat, Tingkat konsumsi pada 2004 sudah melonjak menjadi 1 juta barel per  hari. Sementara, produksinya terus menurun. Saat ini, kondisinya berbalik dengan tingkat konsumsi mencapai 1,5 juta barel per hari, sedangkan produksi minyak berada di kisaran angka 800 ribu barel per hari. Konsumsi BBM yang tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaannya menempatkan Indonesia dalam kondisi krisis energi.

    Ancaman krisis energi yang dihadapi Indonesia saat ini merupakan imbas tidak adanya penemuan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi baru. Karena itu, eksplorasi memegang peran kunci untuk meningkatkan cadangan migas nasional agar permasalahan krisis energi bisa dihindari dan Indonesia mampu mandiri dalam penyediaan energi. Fungsi strategis eksplorasi dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan cadangan migas sangat disadari oleh pemerintah maupun para pelaku di industri hulu migas.

    Pemerintah pun berupaya mendorong kegiatan eksplorasi dengan menyiapkan paket insentif fiskal untuk kegiatan eksplorasi hulu migas dan menyediakan pelayanan terpadu satu pintu untuk pengurusan perizinan. Pemerintah juga mendorong agar kegiatan eksplorasi migas tidak hanya dipusatkan di kawasan Indonesia bagian barat. Saat ini, 91 persen kegiatan ekspIorasi berada di Indonesia barat. Untuk itu, kegiatan eksplorasi perlu didorong ke wilayah Indonesia timur.

    Berbagai upaya tersebut diharapkan bisa mendongkrak jumlah eksplorasi di hulu migas yang saat ini masih rendah. Sayangnya, turunnya harga minyak dunia turut berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nilai investasi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi. Rendahnya jumlah eksplorasi juga disebabkan adanya perusahaan migas yang tidak merealisasikan komitmen eksplorasi meski sudah memenangi Ielang wilayah kerja (WK). Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi krisis BBM ini adalah dengan mendorong substitusi BBM ke gas. Substitusi BBM ke gas ini sudah sepatutnya segera dilakukan dan dipercepat pelaksanaannya.

    Menurut BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, saat ini Indonesia adalah produsen gas terbesar ke 10 di dunia dengan rata-rata produksi sebesar 73,4 miliar meter kubik per tahun. Adapun konsumsi gas Indonesia masuk ke urutan ke 25 di dunia dengan rata-rata konsumsi sebesar 38,4 miliar meter kubik per tahun. Indonesia juga disebut memiliki cadangan gas alam terbesar ketiga di wilayah Asia Pasifik (setelah Australia dan Cina), berkontribusi untuk 1,5 persen dari total cadangan gas dunia.

    Dengan produksi minyak nasional tak Iagi mencukupi kebutuhan dalam negeri, dan cadangannya pun juga tidak banyak Iagi, Sementara gas masih banyak, maka sudah sewajarnya kebijakan energi didorong untuk mengurangi konsumsi minyak dan menggantinya dengan energi alternatif salah satunya gas. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, dengan populasi penduduk dan kebutuhan terhadap migas yang terus meningkat, eksplorasi memang harus gencar dilakukan.

    Apalagi, Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN) menyebutkan pada 2025 kebutuhan migas Indonesia mencapai 3,5 juta barel setara minyak. Lalu, bagaimana upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut? "Kalau kita ingin meningkatkan produksi berarti kita harus mempunyai cadangan. Untuk mendapatkan cadangan, eksplorasi harus segera dilakukan. Eksplorasi artinya kita mengundang investor dari dalam maupun dari luar negeri kata Amien.

    Dia melanjutkan, dilihat dari sumber daya, Indonesia masih banyak memiliki wilayah yang belum diteliti kandungan sumber migasnya. Artinya, banyak daerah yang belum diketahui apakah di situ ada isinya atau tidak. "Karena itu harus ada eksplorasi," kata Amien. Sayangnya, menurut Amien, hulu migas untuk petroleum competitiveness belum begitu baik. Berdasarkan penelitian lembaga survei Global Petroleum Survey dari Frazer Institute pada 2015, disebutkan oahwa hal yang menjadikan investor tak tertarik investasi migas di Indonesia adalah regulasi dan inkonsistensi.

    Bagi investor, kedua hal itu bisa dipahami. Investor tetap didera kekhawatiran kendati sudah menandatangani kontrak. Alasannya, kerap kali regulasi kontrak tersebut tidak konsisten dalam pelaksanaannya. Hal senada juga diungkapkan Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere. Menurut Christina, salah satu kendala besar yang dihadapi para pelaku industri hulu migas adalah adanya regulasi yang tidak pasti dan fiskal yang tidak kompetitif.

    Panjangnya mata rantai birokrasi, anjloknya harga minyak dunia dan rentang waktu yang Iama dalam memproduksi juga menjadi tantangan sendiri," kata Christina. Oleh sebab itu, ia berharap agar ada reformasi birokrasi dan regulasi dalam pengelolaan minyak dan gas di masa mendatang. ”Reformasi birokrasi tidak hanya di pemerintah pusat tetapi juga di daerah, katanya sembari menambahkan agar ada regulasi tentang insentif. Peneliti dari Wood Mackenzie Herman Huang, dalam makalahnya tentang /ndonesias Upstream Oil and Gas : Current Global Comparative Overview, mengamini bahwa turunnya produksi minyak di Tanah Air lebih disebabkan oleh kurangnya investasi, karena iklim yang kurang kompetitif.


Fuel substitution should be Accelerated

    Indonesia was the country considerable oil producer in the world. In the period 1975-1995, Indonesia's oil production above 1 million barrels per day. In fact, never touch the figure of 1.6 million barrels per day. As the data released BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, with the level of consumption of fuel oil (BBM) in the country in 1975-1985 were below the 500 thousand barrels per day, Indonesia went into the ranks of the state surplus fuel.

    However, as the national economic growth, fuel consumption continues to rise, consumption levels in 2004 had jumped to 1 million barrels per day. Meanwhile, production continues to decline. Currently, the condition is turned to the level of consumption reached 1.5 million barrels per day, while oil production is in the range of 800 thousand barrels per day. Fuel consumption is not comparable with the availability to put Indonesia in a state of energy crisis.

    The threat of an energy crisis facing Indonesia today is a result not of the discovery of oil and gas reserves recently. Therefore, exploration played a key role to increase national oil reserves so that the problems can be avoided energy crisis and Indonesia were able to self-sufficient in energy supply. Strategic role in the exploration of oil and gas reserves to maintain and improve the highly recognized by government as well as the actors in the upstream oil and gas industry.

    The government also seeks to encourage exploration activities by preparing a package of fiscal incentives for upstream oil and gas exploration activities and provide a one stop service for business licensing. The government also pushed for oil and gas exploration activities are not only concentrated in the western part of Indonesia. Currently, 91 percent ekspIorasi activity is in western Indonesia. To that end, the exploration activities need to be encouraged to eastern Indonesia.

    Various efforts are expected to boost the number of upstream oil and gas exploration, which is still low. Unfortunately, the decline in world oil prices helped influence on impairment of investments for exploration activities. The low number of exploration is also due to oil and gas companies do not realize the exploration commitments despite having won Ielang working area (WK). One effort that can be done to address the fuel crisis is to encourage the substitution of fuel oil to gas. Fuel substitution to this gas has been duly immediate and accelerated implementation.

    According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015, today Indonesia is the 10th largest gas producer in the world with an average production of 73.4 billion cubic meters per year. As for gas consumption Indonesia entered into the order to 25 in the world with an average consumption of 38.4 billion cubic meters per year. Indonesia is also called has the third largest natural gas reserves in the Asia Pacific region (after Australia and China), contributing to 1.5 percent of total world gas reserves.

    With domestic oil production is not sufficient involvement in the country, and reserves was also not a lot of involvement, while gas is still a lot, it is only logical energy policy is driven to reduce oil consumption and alternative energy to replace it with one gas. Head of the Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Sunaryadi Amien said, with the population and the need for oil and gas continues to increase, the exploration had to be intensively conducted.

    Moreover, the National Energy Council (DEN) mentioned in 2025, Indonesian oil and gas needs to reach 3.5 million barrels of oil equivalent. Then, how efforts to meet these needs? "If we want to increase production means we have to have a backup. To get back up, exploration should be done immediately. Exploration means we invite investors from within and outside the country said Amien.

    He continued, views of resources, Indonesia still has many areas that have not studied the content of its oil and gas resources. That is, many areas are not yet known whether there are contents or not. "Therefore there should be explored," said Amien. Unfortunately, according to Amien, upstream oil and gas to petroleum competitiveness has not been so good. Based on the survey research institute Global Petroleum Survey of Frazer Institute in 2015, mentioned the readers what makes investors are not interested in oil and gas investment in Indonesia is that the regulation and inconsistencies.

    For investors, two things can be understood. Investors remain plagued by concerns despite already signed a contract. The reason, the contract regulations often inconsistent in its implementation. It also expressed President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere. According to Christina, one of the major obstacles facing the upstream oil and gas industry is the uncertain regulatory and fiscal uncompetitive.

    The length of the chain of bureaucracy, the drop in oil prices and timescales Iama in producing also a challenge in itself, "says Christina. Therefore, he hoped that no reform of the bureaucracy and regulations in the management of oil and gas in the future." Bureaucratic reform is not only in central government but also in the area, he said, adding that there are regulations on incentives. Researchers from Wood Mackenzie Herman Huang, in his treatise on / ndonesias Upstream oil and Gas: Current Global Comparative Overview, agrees that the decline in oil production in the country is due by lack of investment, because the climate is less competitive.

Koran Sindo, Page-17, Friday, Dec,16,2016

Pangkas Ekspor Gas, Dongkrak Konsumsi Lokal

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan terus berusaha mengurangi ekspor gas. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, salah satu caranya dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan gas domestik sebagai sumber energi. Dengan begitu, secara bertahap, ada peningkatan gas untuk domestik dibandingkan dengan ekspor.

    Menurutnya, saat ini, konsumsi gas domestik baru mencapai sekitar 60% dari total kebutuhan. Pada tahun 2019 ditargetkan menjadi 64%. Peningkatan tidak terlalu banyak, tapi pada akhirnya tahun 2030 ekspor gas 0%,ujar dia, Kamis (15/12). Harapan pemerintah, efek lanjutkan atas gas untuk domestik akan dirasakan masyarakat.

    Makanya, tekad Arcandra adalah memperpanjang rantai pengolahan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan mineral atau minyak bumi atau gas untuk tujuan kebutuhan domestik. Kalau kami lihat selama ini migas hanya digunakan atau diprogramkan untuk pemasukan dalam hal pajak maupun PNBP Ke depannya, kami akan merencanakan gas nantinya tidak hanya sebagai penggerak ekonomi tapi juga diharapkan untuk membangun kawasan dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi masih sedikit," pungkas Arcandra.

    Dia menyebut proyeksi produksi gas bumi pada tahun depan masih berkisar 1.150 boepd. Sementara produksi minyak ditargetkan Capai 815.000 barel per hari. Kemudian kami harapkan penggunaan gas bumi di dalam negeri pada 2017 sekitar 62%, batubara sekitar 29%.


Crop Gas Exports, Boost Local Consumption

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will continue to reduce the export of gas. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said, one way to maximize the use of domestic gas as an energy source. By doing so, gradually, there is an increase compared to the domestic gas for export.

    According to him, at present, domestic gas consumption is only around 60% of total demand. In the year 2019 is targeted to be 64%. The rise is not too much, but in the end 2030 gas exports 0%, he said, Thursday (15/12). Hope the government, continue over the effects of domestic gas will be felt by the public.

    Hence, determination Arcandra is to extend the processing chain of activities related to mineral or oil or gas for the purpose of domestic needs. If we see during the oil is only used or programmed for income taxes and non-tax revenues in the future, we will plan the gas will not only as an economic driver but is also expected to develop an area where economic growth is still small, "said Arcandra.

    He called natural gas production projections for next year are still around 1,150 boepd. While oil production is targeted to Reach 815 000 barrels per day. Then we expect the use of natural gas in the country in 2017 around 62%, coal 29%.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,16,2016

ESDM dan Kemkeu Belum Sepakat Soal Pajak KKKS

Revisi PP 79/2010 soal cost recovery akan mengakomodir ketentuan kontrak gross split

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) belum juga menerbitkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 79 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakukan Perpajakan Bagi Indusitri Hulu Migas. Alasannya karena Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) belum sependapat dengan ESDM.

     Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengungkapkan, revisi PP 79 memang belum terbit, lantaran belum  ada kesepakatan antara Kementerian ESDM dengan Kementerian Keuangan.

    Kedua kementerian itu masih berbeda pendapat soal peraturan peralihan yang akan dituangkan dalam PP 79. Sangat, signifikan karena akan menentukan apakah PP 79 tahun 2010 berdampak baik kepada investor atau malah hanya sekadar Peraturan Pemerintah yang tidak banyak benefit, kata Arcandra. Peraturan peralihan belum diputuskan, karena melihat dampak terhadap kontrak blok migas yang sudah ada. Arcandra menginginkan, perbedaan pendapat di Peraturan Pemerintah 79 segera diselesaikan.

    Saya berharap, terbitnya bulan lalu, tapi pelik masalahnya, di peraturan peralihan," imbuhnya. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan beserta Wamen ESDM dijadwalkan bertemu Menteri  Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati, pada Senin (18/12) awal pekan depan. Pertemuan tersebut diharapkan bisa mendapatkan solusi terbaik terkait masa peralihan yang akan dituangkan dalam revisi PP 79. Dengan begitu, revisi PP 79 bisa segera terbit, seperti harapan dari pelaku usaha hulu migas. Sehingga dampaknya bisa memicu investasi di hulu migas semakin meningkat .

    Dan pada akhirnya bisa menaikkan produksi migas. Pemerintah sendiri terus menampung aspirasi masyarakat terkait revisi PP. Arcandra mengaku beberapa kali pihaknya sudah berbicara beberapa kali dengan Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), ini akan di Launching secepatnya. Namun, Ada kendala teknis yang harus kami selesaikan sebelum kami launching," tandasnya.

    Asal tahu saja, berdasarkan kalkulasi dari tim Kementerian Keuangan dengan berubahnya PP 79 fasilitas insentif nilai keekonomian proyek akan meningkat yaitu internal rate of return (IRR) akan meningkat dari 11,59 jadi 15,16%. Sementara itu, Direktur IPA Sammy Hamzah mengungkapkan, Sebenarnya apa yang diminta IPA sudah cukup jelas, yaitu membebaskan kontraktor dari berbagai macam pungutan dan pajak (assume and discharge). Tapi sepertinya belum ada kesepakatan ESDM dan Kemenkeu. Dia menilai, dengan revisi PP 79 akan bersinggungan dengan kontrak gross split. Ada beberapa pasal di PP 79/2010, harus perlu mengakomodir.


EMR and Ministry of Finance Not Agree to Tax Problem KKKS

Revision PP 79/2010 on cost recovery will accommodate gross contract provisions split

   Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not yet published a revision of Government Regulation (PP) No. 79 of the Operating Costs and Treat Refundable Tax For Indusitri Upstream Oil and Gas. The reason is because the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has not agreed with the EMR.

     Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the revised Regulation 79 does not rise, because there is no agreement between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Finance.

    Both the ministry was still different opinions about the transitional rules that will be poured in PP 79. It is significant, because it will determine whether the PP 79 in 2010 impacted either to investors or even just a government regulation which is not much benefit, said Arcandra. Regulation of the transition has not been decided, because of the impact of the contract of the existing oil and gas blocks. Arcandra want, dissent in Government Regulation 79 be resolved.

    I hope that the publication of last month, but the complicated thing is, in the transition rules, "he added. Minister Ignatius Jonan along with Vice Minister of EMR is scheduled to meet Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, on Monday (18/12) early next week. The meeting is expected to get a solution Related best transition period that will be included in the revised PP 79. By doing so, the revision of PP 79 could be forthcoming, as the expectations of the upstream oil and gas businesses. so that the impact could trigger investment in upstream oil and gas is increasing.

    And could eventually increase oil and gas production. The government itself continues to meet the aspirations of the public related to the revision of PP. Arcandra admitted several times it had spoken several times with the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), this will be launching soon. However, There is a technical problem that we have to resolve before we launch, "he said.

    Just so you know, based on the calculations of the Ministry of Finance with the team changing facilities PP 79 incentives would increase the economic value of the project that is the internal rate of return (IRR) will increase from 15.16% 11.59 so. Meanwhile, Director of the IPA Sammy Hamzah said, actually what prompted IPA is quite clear, namely freeing contractors of various charges and taxes (assume and discharge). But it seems there is no agreement of Energy and the Ministry of Finance. He added, with a revised PP 79 will intersect with gross contract split. There are several chapters in PP 79/2010, should the need to accommodate.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,16,2016