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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cadangan Minyak di Indonesia Rp 3,7 M BPOD

    Operator Lapangan Proyek Minyak dan Gas Bumi Banyuurip Blok Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) menggelar Lokakarya dan kunjungan lapangan yang bertajuk Pengelolaan Industri Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Indonesial Acara tersebut dibuka di ruang pertemuan andrawina 1 dan 2 Hotel Aston Bojonegoro. Senin (19/12).

    Lokakarya ini dibuka langsung oleh Bupati Bojonegoro, Suyoto. Hadir dalam acara tersebut jajaran managemen ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), perwakilan PT Pertamina Explorasi dan Produksi Cepu (PEPCL Instansi dan Dinas terkait yang ada di Bojonegoro Serta tamu undangan.

    Dalam sambutannya, Bupati dua periode ini banyak berpesan kepada peserta lokakarya. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini ada ekspektasi yang tinggi. Menurut, Senior Manager SKK Migas, A. Rinto Pudyantoro mengatakan, untuk ukuran kekayaan migas, didasarkan ukuran internasional dari cadangan migasnya. Dibandingkan dengan Venezuela yang memiliki sekitar 200 miliar, cadangan minyak di Indonesia tidak sampai 10 persen yakni, 3,7 milliar barrel oil per day (BPOD).

    Jika di Venezuela ngebor berharap keluar air, justru minyak yang keluar. Sedangkan di Indonesia, mengebor minyak yang keluar malah air,” ujarnya. Dari fakta tersebut, jika produksi di Indonesia saat ini 820 ribu BPOD, diprediksi minyak di Indonesia akan habis sekitar 10 tahun mendatang.

    Artinya, jika minyak habis, akan membuat Indonesia tergantung pada negara lain. Untuk rasio keberhasilan kegiatan migas di Indonesia hanya 40 %, sehingga rnembuat invest kurang begitu tertarik untuk investasi di negara ini. Menurutnya, ukuran yang dipakai oleh operator migas di Indonesia, salah satunya ExxonMobil untuk dilaporkan kepada SKK Migas ukurannya adalah proved dengan probably 90:10. Artinya, masih memiliki 10 persen potensi yang bisa digarap.  Ada undercover yang masih bisa dicari. Syaratnya seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, pemerintahan mari mengajak untuk investasi. Kemudian eksplorasi, eksplorasi dan eksplorasi.


Oil reserves in Indonesia Rp 3.7 M BPOD

    Operator Field Oil and Gas Project Banyuurip Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) held workshops and field trips, titled Management of Upstream Oil and Gas in Indonesial The event was opened in the meeting room Andrawina 1 and 2 Aston Bojonegoro. Monday (19/12).

    The workshop was opened by the Regent of Bojonegoro, Suyoto. Attending the event management ranks ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), representatives of PT Pertamina Exploration and Production Cepu (PEPCL Agency and related agencies in Bojonegoro well as invited guests.

    In his speech, the Regent of the two periods is plenty advised the workshop participants. It is hoped this activity there are high expectations. According, Senior Manager of SKK Migas, A. Rinto Pudyantoro say, to the size of the oil and gas wealth, based on the size of the international oil and gas reserves. Compared with Venezuela which has about 200 billion, the oil reserves in Indonesia less than 10 percent that is, 3.7 billion barrels of oil per day (BPOD).

    If in Venezuela ngebor expect out of water, instead of oil coming out. While in Indonesia, drill for oil coming out instead of water, "he said. From these facts, if production in Indonesia is currently 820 thousand BPOD, predicted oil would be depleted in Indonesia about 10 years.

    That is, if the oil runs out, would make Indonesia dependent on other countries. For the success ratio of oil and gas activities in Indonesia only 40%, so rnembuat invest less interested in investing in this country. According to him, the measures being taken by oil and gas operators in Indonesia, one of which ExxonMobil is to be reported to SKK Migas size is probably proved to 90:10. That is, it still has 10 percent of the potential that can be worked. No undercover that can still be sought. The condition of all Indonesian people, let's invite for government investment. Then exploration, exploration and exploration.

Bhirawa, Page-5,Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

Pertamina eyes deal with Saudi Aramco before year-end

    State-owned oil and gas giant Pertamina expects to strike gold on Dec. 22, when it is slated to host the CEOs of the world’s biggest crude oil producer, Saudi Aramco, in a bid to seal a joint venture agreement (JVA) for the upgrade of the Cilacap refinery in Central Java. The Cilacap project, which will cost a total of US$5.5 billion, is part of Pertamina’s Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) to upgrade four refineries. The other three are the Balikpapan refinery in East Kalimantan, the Dumai refinery in Riau and the Balongan refinery in West Java.

    The upgraded Cilacap refinery scheduled to resume operations in 2022, is expected to be able to produce 370,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd), up from the current 345,000 bopd. The upgrade will also increase the refiner'y’s capacity to produce petrochemicals, such as aromatics, to 600 kilotons per annum (KTPA) and polypropylene to 160 KTPA. “We’ve gone down a long road to realize the collaboration with Saudi Aramco and both parties have responded positively to the process.

    All of it will culminate on Dec. 22 when the CECS of the two companies will meet up in Indonesia,” Pertamina refinery director Raehmad Hardadi said recently. “Of course I don’t want to presage anything [...] but the meeting is expected to bring both parties to terms. Let’s hope for the best.” Previously in May the UK-based Amec Foster Wheeler Energy Limited was appointed to carry out the basic engineering design (BED) for the Cilacap refinery upgrade. The BED process is expected to be completed in March 2017, paving the way for Pertamina and Saudi Aramco to proceed with front-end engineering design (FEED) in 2018.

    Once the JVA is signed, Pertamina will hold a majority stake of 55 to 60 percent in the Cilacap refinery upgrade project. Rachmad is optimistic that all Pertamina refinery development plans would proceed as well as expected. He even said the company would be able to complete all the projects in 2023, two years ahead of the governments original target, so that it could produce at least 2 million bopd, double last year’s production of 1 million bopd. “We want to reach a state of energ sovereignty in 2023, when we no longer import oil and even could start exporting some excess commodities,” Rachmad said.

    By that time, Pertamina expects all of its refineries to have a Nelson Complexity Index (NCI) of more than 9, up from the current level of 5. The NCI measures the conversion capacity of a refinery to its distillation capacity. Moreover, by using state of the art technologies, Pertamina’s refineries are also expected to be able to process “sour” crude oil with sulfur content of 2 to 2.4 percent, compared Lo current refineries that are only able to process crude with less than 0.3 percent sulfur content. The oil is called “sour” when it has more than 0.5 percent sulfur level. As the impurities need to be removed before the oil is refined, oil with higher sulfur content will need a higher cost of processing, hence the higher-priced gasoline. “Therefore, if all of our refinery plans could happen, we won’t be Worried anymore about competing with other refineries across Asia because we’ll be using the newest technologies available,” Rachmad said.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Monday,Dec,19,2016

2017, Lifting Minyak Bakal Lampaui Target APBN

    Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan dan Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi bertekad lifting minyak bumi tahun depan mencapai 825 ribu barel per hari (bph). Angka minyak siap jual alias lifting itu lebih tinggi dari target yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017. Adapun target lifting minyak bumi dalam APBN tersebut hanya sebesar 815 ribu bph. Di APBN target lifing minyak 815 ribu bph. Kita janjian dengan SKK Migas 825 ribu bph. Tapi kata SKK Migas jangan 825 ribu bph, tapi 852 ribu bph,” kata Jonan.

    Jonan menuturkan, target 852 ribu bph itu hanya sebatas candaan saja. Tetapi dia bakal mengapresiasi jajaran SKK Migas bila candaan itu benar terwujud di 2017 nanti. Angka 852 ribu bph itu candaan. Tapi kalau dapatnya 852 ribu bph, maka Pak Amien dan kawan-kawan di SKK Migas hebat,” ujarnya. Amien menambahkan lifting 825 ribu bph merupakan target antara Menteri ESDM dengan SKK Migas.

    Oleh sebab itu tidak perlu penetapan dalam APBN Perubahan 2017. Dia menceritakan perjanjian internal itu dibicarakan sejak pekan lalu. Namun Amien enggan membeberkan upaya untuk mencapai 825 ribu bph tersebut. Dia hanya bilang segala upaya sedang dikaji guna merealisasikan target internal itu. Lebih lanjut Amien mengungkapkan, outlook lifting minyak hingga 17 Desember ini sekitar 821 ribu bph.

    Capaian ini melebihi target APBN Perubahan 2016 yang ditetapkan sebesar 820 ribu bph. Namun dia belum berani menyimpulkan Wing minyak tahun ini bakal melebihi target APBN Perubahan 2016. Pasalnya masih tersisa dua pekan lagi menuju akhir tahun. “Mudah-mudahan hingga 31 Desember tidak ada apa-apa,” ujarnya. Presiden Direktur Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjutak menuturkan, Lapangan Minas menyumbang 20% dari total produksi Chevron di Indonesia. “Di Lapangan Minas, kami terus mengoptimalkan program injeksi air (waterflood).

    Pada 2015, kami melanjutkan proyek percontohan yang menggunakan proses injeksi kimia untuk meningkatkan perolehan minyak mentah ringan di lapangan Minas dan sekitarnya,” tuturnya. Sementara Lapangan Duri, sebagai lapangan terbesar yang dioperasikan Chevron, disebutnya telah beroperasi menggunakan teknologi injeksi uap (steamflood) untuk meningkatkan produksi sejak 1985 dan menjadi salah satu pengembangan injeksi uap terbesar di dunia.

    Pada 2015, teknologi injeksi uap diterapkan untuk pengelolaan 77% lapangan-lapangan di Duri. Albert mengungkapkan, total produksi akumulasi Chevron sampai saat ini lebih dari 11 miliar barel minyak. Pihaknya terus berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan operasi migas secara selamat, efektif, efisien, dan andal agar dapat memenuhi komitmen produksi untuk mendukung target pemerintah.


2017, Lifting Oil Will Exceed Target Budget

    Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan and Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi determined to lifting oil next year will reach 825 thousand barrels per day (bpd). Figures ready to sell alias oil lifting was higher than the target set in the State Budget (APBN) 2017. The target of oil lifting in the state budget amounted to only 815 thousand bpd. In the Budget target of 815 thousand barrels of oil lifing. We make a pact with SKK 825 thousand bpd of oil and gas. But words do not SKK 825 thousand bpd of oil and gas, but 852 thousand bpd, "said Jonan.

    Jonan said that the target of 852 thousand barrels per day it is only a joke only. But he will appreciate the range of SKK Migas when the joke was materialized in 2017. Figures 852 thousand bpd was a joke. But if the failure by 852 thousand bpd, Pak Amien and his colleagues at SKK Migas great, "he said. Amien added lifting 825 thousand bpd was the target of the Minister with SKK Migas.

    Therefore it does not need fixing in Budget 2017. Amendment She told internal agreement had been discussed since last week. But Amien reluctant to reveal an attempt to reach the 825 thousand bpd. He just said every effort is being studied in order to realize the internal target. Furthermore Amien said the outlook for oil lifting until December 17 is approximately 821 thousand bpd.

    This achievement exceeds the target of the 2016 revised state budget is set at 820 thousand bpd. But he did not dare to conclude Wing oil this year will exceed the budget target in 2016. Changes Because the remaining two weeks towards the end of the year. "Hopefully until December 31, no nothing," he said. Chevron Pacific Indonesia president director Albert Simanjuntak said Minas Fields accounted for 20% of total production of Chevron in Indonesia. "In the Minas field, we continue to optimize water injection program (waterflood).

    In 2015, we continued a pilot project that uses chemical injection process to increase light crude oil recovery in the field Minas and surrounding areas, "he said. While the Duri Field, as the largest field operated by Chevron, calls have been operating using steam injection technology (steamflood) to increase production since 1985 and become one of the largest steam injection development in the world.

    In 2015, the steam injection technology applied to the management of 77% of the fields in Duri. Albert said Chevron's total production accumulated to date more than 11 billion barrels of oil. He said he remains committed to maintaining oil and gas operations safely, effectively, efficiently, and reliably in order to meet production commitments to support the government's target.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday,Dec,19,2016

Pertamina Energi Forum: Wujudkan Nawacita (9 Hope) Kemandirian Energi Pertamina Siapkan Lima Strategi Prioritas

    PT Pertamina sukses menggelar Pertamina Energi Forum (PEF) 2016, bertema Energy Security for Sustainable Economic Development and Environtment. Sesuai dengan temanya, ketahanan energi nasional dan berbagai langkah terobosan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan migas menjadi isu hangat yang dibahas oleh para narasumber dalam dan Iuar negeri yang berbicara pada forum tersebut.

    Forum ini benar- benar sukses menjadi ajang penyampaian pemikiran bagaimana kemandirian energi yang menjadi salah satu Nawacita (9 Harapan) pemerintahan Jokowi-JK dapat diwujudkan. Dalam ajang tersebut, Pertamina memaparkan kinerjanya selama tahun 2016 dengan jurus Iima strategi prioritas sebagai Iangkah menghadapi turunnya harga minyak dunia.Ketika membuka PEF 2016, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mengingatkan, saat ini masing~masing negara berusaha memastikan ketersediaan energi maupun ketahanan energinya.

    Sebagai negara dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi setelah India dan China, maka Indonesia menjadikan energi sebagai sektor strategis. Energi memang tidak Iagi dapat dianggap sebagai komoditas dagang belaka, tetapi juga penggerak ekonomi nasional. Rini Soemarno menyebut Nawacita Pemerintahan Jokowi-JK, ingin menciptakan kemandirian ekonomi dengan pencapaian kemandirian energi, untuk itu ketahanan energi menjadi urusan strategis yang harus dicapai.

    Tanpa ketahanan energi, maka berpotensi memunculkan dampak negatif di sektor ekonomi dan sosial. "Dalam upaya mencapai ketahanan energi, terdapat empat hal yang harus dipenuhi dan ditingkatkan yaitu ketersediaan, kemudahan, akses, harga terjangkau dan keberlanjutan pemanfaatan energi," kata Rini. Menurut Rini, ketahanan energi dapat terjadi apabila sinergi antara PT Pertamina dan BUMN Iain serta swasta terwujud.

    Di masa lalu, Indonesia mampu menjadi pemain yang diperhitungkan di sektor energi, namun kondisi tersebut sudah berubah bahkan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai net importir. Sehingga perlu Iangkah antisipasi menghadapi perubahan sektor energi dengan menyiapkan Iangkah-Iangkah strategis. Arahan dan himbauan Menteri BUMN ini, disambut Pertamina dengan tetap menetapkan lima Iangkah strategis yaitu; Pengembangan Sektor Hulu, Efisiensi di semua lini, Peningkatan Kapasitas Kilang dan Petrokimia, Pengembangan Infrastruktur dan Marketing Serta Perbaikan Struktur Keuangan.

    Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang mengungkapkan lima strategi itu untuk menyokong kemandirian energi sekaligus mewujudkan visi menjadi perusahaan energi keias dunia. Bambang menyebut, kondisi saat ini sektor migas masih mengalami kelesuan, indikasi itu terlihat dari penurunan harga minyak yang berlangsung selama 24 bulan terkahir terakhir dengan level penurunan mencapai 75 persen. "Indonesia masih memiliki sumber energi yang berlimpah, namun ketergantungan impor masih tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi domestik. Untuk itu, kita sudah siapkan lima langkah strategis," kata Bambang.

    Setidaknya, dalam Sembilan bulan pertama 2016 ini Pertamina sukses menaikkan produksi migas hingga 12.3% menjadi 646 ribu barel setara minyak per hari. Efisiensi Pertamina melalui Breakthrough Project 2016 dalam periode tersebut mencapai US$1,64 miliar atau setara dengan target setahun, baik dari pengadaan non minyak, minyak dan produk minyak, pembenahan tata kelola arus minyak, maupun berbagai inisiatif efisiensi-yang lahir dari masing-masing direktorat dan anak perusahaan.

    Dari pilar peningkatan kapasitas kilang Pertamina terus melakukan percepatan-percepatan proyek Refinery Development Master Plan dan New Grass Root Refinery untuk bisa mewujudkan RI swasembada BBM pada 2023. Dari sisi infrastruktur dan marketing, Pertamina tidak hentinya membangun infrastruktur migas: seperti pipa transmisi gas open access Arbel-KIM-KEK, Semarang-Gresik, Muara Karang-Muara Tawar, Porong-Grati dan beberapa titik jaringan gas penugasan pemerintah, pembangunan TBBM skala besar di R Sambu dan Tanjung Uban, dan beberapa proyek penambahan kapasitas tangka BBM di daerah-daerah terluar Kawasan Indonesia Timur.

    Dari sisi keuangan, rasanya Pertamina saat ini dalam kondisi terkuatnya sejak berdirinya perusahaan, dengan cash on hand relative tinggi, utang jangka pendek yang tersisa US$ 0,15 miliar. Peran Pemerintah Mendukung Investasi Migas Dari aspek kebijakan di sektor energi. Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menyatakan pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM telah memberikan berbagai insentif fiskal dan formula bagi hasil dalam kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas yang menarik.

    Salah satunya, dengan mengeluarkan PP 79 Tahun 2010, tentang biaya pemulihan, guna menarik minat investor. Terkait dengan PP tersebut, pemerintah juga telah melakukan penataan perizinan yang Iebih sederhana, transparan, dan cepat. ini diharapkan bisa tetap memberikan iklim yang sejuk untuk industri hulu migas di tengah penurunan tajam harga minyak mentah yang berdampak pada kelesuan industri migas secara global.

    Dari aspek hilir migas, Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hilir Migas Kementerian ESDM Setyorini Tri Hutami mengatakan pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menarik investor termasuk dengan mempermudah peraturan investasi di sektor hilir. Langkah ini untuk meningkatkan daya saing, sekaligus menarik investor. Kita permudah prosedur investasi jadi Iebih cepat dan mudah, dari sebelumnya 100 perizinan menjadi hanya 6 perizinan saja,” kata Setyorini.

    Selain penyederhanaan izin, langkah pemerintah juga didukung Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) yang turut serta dalam mengawasi tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dari hulu hingga hilir. Setidaknya dengan sinergi pengadaan sektor migas yang menggandeng KPK, telah menyelamatkan uang negara dari potensi korupsi di sektor ESDM. ”Dari tahun 2008 sampai saat ini, KPK telah berhasil menyelamatkan Rp 197 triliun dari potensi korupsi di sektor ESDM, Semestinya negara bisa untung Iebih banyak dari sektor ini jika menjalankan tata kelola usaha dengan baik, jelasnya.

    Berdasarkan data dari Citibank Indonesia, hingga semester I-2016, investasi di sektor hulu migas tercatat US$5,6S miliar, turun dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar USS 7,74 miliar. Penurunan nilai investasi tersebut, dipicu oleh penurunan harga minyak mentah. Penurunan investasi migas di tahun ini, merupakan kelanjutan dari penurunan yang terjadi di-tahun 2015. Tren penurunan harga tersebut, membuat investor menunda investasi dan mengakibatkan realisasi investasi hulu migas tahun ini lebih rendah.

    Karena itu berbagai kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah diharapkan bisa menarik lebih banyak investor dan investasi baru di bidang migas. Bagaimanapun kehadiran investor baik dari dalam maupun Iuar negeri sangat diperlukan untuk mendukung ketahanan energi indonesia.


Pertamina Energy Forum: Towards Energy Independence Pertamina Prepare Nawacita (9 Hope) Five Strategies Priority

    PT Pertamina successfully held Pertamina Energy Forum (PEF) 2016, entitled Energy Security for Sustainable Economic Development and Environtment. In accordance with the theme, national energy security and the various breakthroughs that can be done to improve the performance of oil and gas companies became a hot issue discussed by the speakers in the country and Iuar who spoke at the forum.

    This forum became really successful delivery of the event thought to how energy independence is becoming one Nawacita (9 Hope) Jokowi-JK government can be realized. In such event, Pertamina presents its performance during 2016 with a stance Iima priority strategy as Iangkah face of falling oil prices dunia.Ketika open PEF 2016, SOE Minister Rini Soemarno remind, today respective countries try to ensure the availability of energy and energy security.

    As a country with the highest economic growth after India and China, Indonesia made energy as a strategic sector. Energy is not involvement can be considered as a mere commercial commodity, but also drive the national economy. Rini Soemarno call Nawacita Jokowi-JK administration, wants to create economic independence to the achievement of energy independence, to the energy security into a strategic affairs is to be achieved.

    Without energy security, the potential to cause a negative impact on the economic and social sectors. "In order to achieve energy security, there are four things that have to be met and improved is the availability, ease of access, affordable and sustainable energy use," said Rini. According to Rini, energy security can occur if the synergy between PT Pertamina and state-owned enterprises and private Iain realized.

    In the past, Indonesia is able to be a player to reckon with in the energy sector, but the conditions have changed even make Indonesia a net importer. Iangkah thus need to anticipate the changes in the energy sector by setting up strategic Iangkah-Iangkah. Tutorial and SOE Minister's appeal, welcomed Pertamina with a fixed set of five strategic Iangkah; Upstream Sector Development, Efficiency on all fronts, Capacity Refinery and Petrochemicals, Infrastructure Development and Marketing And Financial Structure Improvement.

    Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang revealed five that strategy to bolster energy independence at once realize the vision of becoming a world keias energy company. Bambang said, the current state of the oil and gas sector is still sluggish, the indication is evident from the decline in oil prices that took place during the last 24 months with a level last reached 75 percent decline. "Indonesia still has abundant energy source, but still high dependence on imports to meet domestic consumption needs. To that end, we've got five strategic move," said Bambang.

    At least, in the first nine months of 2016, Pertamina successfully raise oil production by 12.3% to 646 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. Pertamina efficiency through Project Breakthrough in 2016 in the period reached US $ 1.64 billion, or equivalent to the target year, both on the procurement of non-oil, oil and oil products, improvement of the governance of oil flow, as well as various efficiency initiatives-born of each directorate and its subsidiaries.

    Of the pillars of capacity building oil refineries continue velocities Refinery Project Development Master Plan and the New Grass Root RI Refinery to realize self-sufficiency in oil in 2023. In terms of infrastructure and marketing, Pertamina never cease building oil and gas infrastructure: such as open access gas transmission pipeline Arbel -Kim-KEK, Semarang-Gresik, Muara Karang-Muara Tawar, Porong-Grati and some point the government assignment gas networks, the construction of large-scale TBBM in R Sambu and Tanjung Uban, and some projects tangka fuel capacity additions in the outermost regions region Eastern Indonesia.

    On the financial side, it feels Pertamina is currently in its strongest state since the establishment of the company, with a relatively high cash on hand, short-term debt remaining US $ 0.15 billion. Role of Government Support for Oil and Gas Investment From the aspect of policy in the energy sector. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Siswanto Djoko said the government through the Ministry of Energy has provided various fiscal incentives and formulas for the results of the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas interest.

    One of them, by issuing PP 79 of 2010 concerning the recovery costs, in order to attract investors. Related to the PP, the government has also made arrangements permitting Iebih simple, transparent, and fast. This is expected to still provide a cool climate for upstream oil and gas industry amid a sharp decline in crude oil prices which have an impact on global oil and gas industry sluggishness.

From the aspect of the downstream oil and gas, Oil and Gas Downstream Business Development Director of the Ministry of Energy Setyorini Tri Hutami said the government has made various efforts to attract investors, including investment by easing regulations in the downstream sector. This step is to improve competitiveness while also attracting investors. We make it easy Iebih investment procedures so quickly and easily, from the previous 100 to 6 licensing licensing, "said Setyorini.

    Besides simplification of permits, the government's move was also supported by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which participated in overseeing good corporate governance from upstream to downstream. At least with the oil and gas sector procurement synergies which took KPK, has the potential to save the state of corruption in the ESDM sector. "From 2008 until today, the Commission has managed to save Rp 197 trillion of potential corruption in the ESDM sector, Supposedly Iebih many countries can profit from this sector if running with good corporate governance, he explained.

    Based on data from Citibank Indonesia, until the first half of 2016, investment in upstream oil and gas sector reached US $ 5,6S billion, down from the same period the previous year of US $ 7.74 billion. The decline in value of the investment, triggered by a drop in crude oil prices. The decline in oil and gas investment this year, a continuation of the decline that occurred in the years 2015. The downward trend in the price, making investors defer investment and lead to the realization of upstream oil and gas investment this year is lower.

    Because of the various policies introduced by the government is expected to attract more investors and new investments in oil and gas fields. However the presence of investors both local and foreign Iuar is necessary to support Indonesia's energy security.

Koran Sindo, Page-15, Monday, Dec,19,2016

Gross Split Schemes Oil and Gas Applicable Year 2017

     Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to make sure the rules on production of oil and natural gas gross wearing split scheme will be published in January 2017. Because he judged by the results it would be fairer to countries and also cooperation contract (PSC). As a note this split gross scheme replaces the old scheme of production sharing contract (PSC) in cooperation with the PSC.

    With the split portion of gross oil and gas production sharing contract from the very beginning, and the government does not have to bear the costs of removal of oil and gas alias cost recovery. The consequence of this system, the share of revenue received by the government is smaller because no longer bear the cost recovery. 

     For all costs will be borne by PSC. Ignatius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, assess, split gross scheme is made more concise than the PSC scheme. With gross PSC split could look for the most efficient cost alternatives for exploration production.

    With this scheme PSC can focus on increasing oil production rather than having to argue about the results. Additionally in order to spur production, gross split later in the scheme, the government will provide incentives for PSC. But with a note if they want to use the content from local industry (DCL), "For example the use of DCL at least 10% of the investment, the results can be added 1% to 2%.

    Onshore and offshore depending incentives, brown field greenfield same difference, we make simple, so that people do not find loopholes, he said. In addition, the government wants to set the details of the project signed a contract with the PSC. 

    For example, the establishment plan of development '(PoD) consists of a reserve agreed, when the construction period of construction, and investment. From here the government has simulated after production out whether the division is 60:40 or 70:30.

    The difference, PSC may appoint their own contractors Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC), including with the use of technology and equipment needed for production. More efficient. Jonan hopes with this new scheme, PSC can make efficiency because only focus on production. 

     He considered, when, with an average of 10% revenue share in the PSC, the contractor is less concerned in order to raise production, Sunaryadi Amin, head of SKK Migas added, with gross split, will offer blocks have been defined at the time of making POD.

    Therefore, the development plan of the block is no longer an option into the debate like a production scheme Block Masela. According to Amin, sharing also not standard, no simulation scheme which needs to be calculated in accordance economical field. 

     Safety, production, and other things will remain the domain SKK to oversee oil and gas, "he said. It's just when it will start a new scheme, Amin can not ensure, including on the block where the scheme will be applied premiere.

     Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), Marjolijn Wajong said it hoped that the implementation of the split gross scheme, it is better to use for a new contract. As for the old contract or its extension of the old contract expired and then it gets. 

     The new contract should KKKS get a choice whether to wear a scheme or gross PSC split. "The government will decide, but the current IPA was invited to discuss the split gross and doing analysis for the gross system of this split.


Skema Gross Split Migas Berlaku Tahun 2017    

       Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan peraturan tentang bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi memakai skema gross split akan diterbitkan Januari 2017. Sebab ia menilai dengan bagi hasil tersebut akan lebih adil untuk negara dan juga kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Sebagai Catatan skema gross split ini menggantikan skema lama production sharing contract (PSC) dalam kerjasama dengan KKKS.

    Dengan gross split porsi bagi hasil migas dilakukan sejak awal kontrak, dan pemerintah tidak harus menanggung ongkos pengangkatan minyak dan gas alias cost recovery. Konsekuensi dari sistem ini, porsi bagi hasil yang diterima pemerintah lebih kecil lantaran tidak lagi menanggung cost recovery. Sebab semua biaya akan ditanggung KKKS. 

      Ignasius Jonan, Menteri ESDM, menilai, skema gross split ini membuat lebih ringkas dibandingkan dengan skema PSC. Dengan gross split KKKS bisa mencari alternatif biaya paling efisien untuk eksplorasi produksinya.

    Dengan skema ini KKKS bisa fokus meningkatkan produksi minyak ketimbang harus berdebat soal bagi hasil. Selain itu agar bisa memacu produksi, dalam skema gross split nanti, pemerintah akan memberikan insentif bagi KKKS. Tapi dengan catatan jika mereka mau menggunakan Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN), "Misalnya penggunaan TKDN minimal 10% dari investasi, bagi hasilnya bisa ditambah 1%2%.

    Onshore dan offshore beda insentif, brownfield sama greenfield beda, kami bikin simpel, agar orang tidak cari celah, katanya. Selain itu, pemerintah ingin mengatur detil proyek meneken kontrak dengan KKKS. Contohnya penetapan plan of development '(PoD) terdiri dari cadangan yang disepakati, kapan dibangunnya jangka waktu pembangunan, dan investasinya. Dari sini pemerintah memiliki simulasi setelah produksi keluar apakah pembagiannya 60:40 atau 70:30.

    Bedanya, KKKS boleh menunjuk sendiri kontraktor Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC), termasuk dengan penggunaan teknologi dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi. Lebih efisien. Jonan berharap dengan skema baru ini, KKKS bisa melakukan efisiensi lantaran hanya fokus untuk produksi. 

     Ia menilai, saat, ini dengan rata-rata bagi hasil 10% dalam PSC, kontraktor kurang peduli untuk mengerek produksinya, Amin Sunaryadi, Kepala SKK Migas menambahkan, dengan gross split, nantinya penawaran blok sudah ditetapkan pada saat membuat POD.

    Karena itu, rencana  pengembangan blok bukan lagi menjadi pilihan yang menjadi perdebatan layaknya skema produksi Blok Masala. Menurut Amin, pembagian hasil juga tidak baku, ada skema simulasi yang perlu diperhitungkan secara keekonomian sesuai lapangan. 

     Keselamatan, produksi, dan hal lainnya akan tetap menjadi domain SKK migas untuk mengawasi," ungkap dia. Hanya saja kapan akan memulai skema baru ini, Amin belum bisa memastikan, termasuk di blok mana skema ini akan diterapkan perdana.

    Executive Director Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, pihaknya berharap bahwa penerapan skema gross split tersebut, lebih baik digunakan untuk kontrak baru. Sedangkan untuk kontrak lama sifatnya perpanjangan ataupun kontrak lama yang expired dan kemudian mendapat. kontrak baru sebaiknya KKKS mendapatkan pilihan apakah ingin memakai skema PSC atau gross split. 

"Pemerintah yang akan menentukan, tetapi saat ini IPA sedang diajak berdiskusi soal gross split ini dan sedang melakukan analisa untuk sistem gross split ini.

Kontan, Page-18, Monday, Dec,19,2016

Injection Chemicals Used To Raise Production

    PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to defend the use of chemical injection technology for drain oil in Minas Field, Siak District, Riau. Chemical injection method are considered promising Lmtuk increase oil production though still in the form of pilot projects. President Director of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Albert Simanjuntak said chemical injection method in Minas Golf is very promising, but the method is still being developed.

    Currently, depleted oil field water injection Minas use. The impact of rising oil production yet. However, it is technically very promising, "said Albert. Albert pointed out, CPI project at the Duri Field, Riau using methods of recovering oil with steam injection technology around 1980 which is an early stage of development. At that time, the Duri Field oil production of about 10,000 barrels per day. With the technology of steam injection, oil depletion Duri Field rose to 300,000 barrels per day in 1996.

    Minas condition at this time is like spines in 1980. Still in the early stages for chemical injection. Further efforts need to be like a thorn whose production continues to increase with steam injection, said Albert. Steam and chemical injection is an advanced technique to remove oil. With this technology, the rest of the oil that were previously difficult drained at the primary and secondary production phase can be lifted to the surface. Method 'chemical injection in Minas Field tested since the end of 2012.

    Minas field discovered in 1944 and began production in 1952. To date, the Minas field produce as much as 4.7 billion barrels of oil. Minas Field oil production right now is 40,000 barrels per day. Jonan said it was trying surpass the achievements Iifting oil (produski ready for sale) in 2017 amounted to 815 000 barrels per day. 2016 oil lifting target of 820,000 barrels per day.

    All oil field run by Chevron in Indonesia produces about 250,000 barrels of oil per day. Chevron contributed nearly 40 percent of total oil production in Indonesia. Next year, oil lifting target in the budget was 815 000 barrels per day. Had the realization be 825,000 barrels per day, it was nice, "said Jonan. Amien added that current oil Iifting is 821,000 barrels per day. If there are no extraordinary event until the end year, the target of lifting 820,000 barrels per day can be achieved.


Injeksi Kimia Digunakan Untuk Naikkan Produksi

PT Chevron Pasific Indonesia mempertahankan penggunaan teknologi injeksi kimia untuk menguras minyak di Lapangan Minas, Kabupaten Siak, Riau. Metode injeksi kimia dinilai menjanjikan Lmtuk menaikkan produksi minyak kendati masih dalam bentuk proyek percontohan. Presiden Direktur PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Albert Simanjuntak mengatakan, metode injeksi kimia di Lapangan Minas sangat menjanjikan, tetapi metode tersebut masih terus dikembangkan.

    Saat ini, pengurasan minyak di Lapangan Minas menggunakan injeksi air. Dampak kenaikan produksi minyak belum ada. Namun, secara teknis sangat menjanjikan,” ujar Albert. Albert mencontohkan, proyek CPI di Lapangan Duri, Riau menggunakan metode pengurasan minyak dengan teknologi injeksi uap sekitar tahun 1980 yang merupakan tahap awal pengembangan. Saat itu, produksi minyak Lapangan Duri sekitar 10.000 barrel per hari. Dengan teknologi injeksi uap, pengurasan minyak Lapangan Duri naik menjadi 300.000 barrel per hari pada 1996.

    Kondisi Minas saat ini ibarat Duri pada 1980. Masih pada tahap awal untuk injeksi kimianya. Perlu usaha lebih lanjut agar seperti Duri yang produksinya terus meningkat dengan injeksi uap, kata Albert. Injeksi uap dan kimia merupakan teknik lanjutan untuk mengangkat minyak. Dengan teknologi ini, sisa minyak yang sebelumnya sulit dikuras pada fase produksi primer dan sekunder dapat terangkat ke permukaan. Metode 'injeksi kimia di Lapangan Minas diuji cobakan sejak akhir 2012.

    Lapangan Minas ditemukan pada 1944 dan mulai berproduksi pada 1952. Sampai saat ini, Lapangan Minas menghasilkan minyak sebanyak 4,7 miliar barrel. Produksi minyak Lapangan Minas sekarang adalah 40.000 barrel per hari. Jonan mengatakan, pihaknya berusaha melampaui capaian Iifting minyak (produski siap jual) tahun 2017 yang sebesar 815.000 barrel per hari. Target lifting minyak tahun 2016 sebesar 820.000 barrel per hari.

    Semua lapangan minyak yang dikelola oleh Chevron di Indonesia menghasilkan minyak sekitar 250.000 barrel per hari. Kontribusi Chevron hampir sebesar 40 persen dari total produksi minyak di Indonesia. Tahun depan, target lifting minyak dalam APBN adalah 815.000 barrel per hari. Seandainya realisasi menjadi 825.000 barrel per hari, itu bagus,” ujar Jonan. Amien menambahkan, Iifting minyak saat ini adalah 821.000 barrel per hari. Apabila tidak ada kejadian luar biasa sampai akhir tahun, target lifting 820.000 barrel per hari bisa dicapai.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, Dec,19,2016

Saka Ngebor 6 Sumur di Texas

    PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN),  melanjutkan pengeboran gas di Blok Fasken, Texas, Amerika Serikat bermitra dengan Swift Energy. Presiden Direktur Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, kenaikan harga gas serpih atau shale gas menjadi momentum perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan pengeboran di Blok Fasken. Dia menjelaskan, Saka Energi berencana mengebor enam sumur migas pada tahun depan di Blok Faskenf 6.

    Sejak pertengahan 2014, Saka Energi dan Swift Energy membentuk perusahaan patungan yang melakukan kegiatan pengeboran enam sumur. Produksi gas oleh perusahaan patungan itu mencapai 150 MMscfd. Menurutnya, dengan tambahan enam sumur baru pada 2017, produksi ditargetkan naik menjadi sekitar 190 MMscfd hingga 200 MMscfd. Tumbur menyebut, biaya pengeboran untuk setiap sumur migas diperkirakan sebesar US$1,5 juta-US$1,7 juta dengan kedalaman 17.000 kaki. “Seiring dengan peningkatan harga gas, kami telah melakukan enam pengeboran shale gas dan akan dilanjutkan dengan additional '[penambahan] enam well [sumur] di awal 2017,” ujarnya saat.

    Pada Lapangan tersebut, Saka menguasai saham partisipasi sebesar 36% dan Swift Energy 64%. Swift bertindak sebagai operator di Lapangan Shale, Blok Fasken. Pada akhir 2014, cadangan shale gas di lapangan migas yang berlokasi di selatan Texas itu mencapai 64 juta barel setara minyak (MMboe). Tumbur berharap agar dengan penambahan kegiatan pengeboran pada 2017, Saka Energi bisa mendapat tambahan produksi gas 72 MMscfd sesuai dengan saham partisipasi yang dimiliki.

    Untuk kegiatan di dalam negeri pada 2017, Saka Energi akan fokus pada pengeboran eksplorasi di Blok South Sesulu, Kalimantan Timur yang sebelumnya ditunda karena proses pengadaan. Selain itu, dia menuturkan, perusahaan akan melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan pengembangan di Blok Pangkah, Jawa Timur dan Blok Wokam II, Papua yang ketiganya dikuasai Saka 100%. Sesuai dengan program kerja dan anggaran 2017, produksi migas Saka Energi naik dari 35.000 barel setara minyak per han (BOEPD) menjadi sekitar 60.000 BOEPD. Program kerja dan anggaran dari kontraktor migas diserahkan kepada SKK Migas yang berisi tentang rencana kegiatan dan produksi.


Saka Drilling 6 Wells in Texas

    PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), continued gas drilling in Block Fasken, Texas, United States partnered with Swift Energy. President Saka Energy Tumbur Parlindungan said the price increases shale gas or shale gas into the company's momentum to increase drilling activities in Block Fasken. He explained, Saka Energy plans to drill six oil wells next year in Block Faskenf 6.

    Since mid-2014, Saka Swift Energy and Energy formed a joint venture company which is conducting the drilling of six wells. Gas production by joint ventures that reach 150 MMSCFD. According to him, with the addition of six new wells in 2017, production is targeted to increase to around 190 MMSCFD to 200 MMSCFD. Tumbur calls, the costs of drilling for oil and gas wells each estimated at US $ 1.5 million to US $ 1.7 million with a depth of 17,000 feet. "Along with the increase in gas prices, we have conducted six shale gas drilling and will be followed by additional '[the addition of] six well [wells] in early 2017," he said at the time.

    On the field, Saka master the participation shares of 36% and 64% Swift Energy. Swift acted as an operator in Shale Field, Block Fasken. At the end of 2014, reserves of shale gas in oil and gas fields located in south Texas it reached 64 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe). Tumbur hoped that with additional drilling activity in 2017, Saka Energy can get extra 72 MMSCFD gas production in accordance with the shares owned participation.

    For activities in the country in 2017, Saka Energy will focus on exploration drilling in Block South Sesulu, East Kalimantan, which previously was postponed due to the procurement process. In addition, he said, the company will conduct exploration and development activities in Block Pangkah, East Java and Block Wokam II, Papua third Saka controlled 100%. In accordance with the work program and budget, 2017, Saka Energy oil and gas production rose 35,000 barrels of oil equivalent per han (BOEPD) to about 60,000 BOEPD. The work program and budget from oil and gas contractor submitted to SKK Migas containing about planned activities and production.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Dec,19,2016

Realisasi Lifting Melebihi Target

    Rerata praduksi minyak mentah siap jual atau lifting hingga akhir tahun ini diharapkan dapat mencapai target 820.000 barel per hari karena hingga 17 Desember sudah menyentuh 821.000 barel per hari. Target lifting minyak dalam APBN Perubahan 2016 sebanyak 820.000 per hari (bph) diturunkan dari target awal dalam APBN 2016 sebanyak 830.000 bph. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, realisasi lifting minyak mencapai 821.000 bph. Dia berharap agar rerata produksi minyak harian hingga akhir tahun ini sesuai dengan target dalam APBN-P 2016.

    SKK Migas menargetkan lifting minyak pada tahun depan 825.000 bph lebih tinggi dari target dalam APBN 2017 sebesar 815.000 bph. Target 825.000 bph itu ditetapkan oleh internal SKK Migas dengan Kementerian ESDM. Menurutnya, target lifting pada 2017 yang lebih tinggi dari APBN 2017 itu disepakati setelah melakukan beberapa pembahasan. Namun, dia enggan merinci apa saja upaya yang akan dilakukan guna mencapai target internal yang lebih tinggi tersebut. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengaku, pihaknya telah sepakat untuk mendorong lifting minyak pada tahun depan 825.000 bph.

    Kami punya kesepakatan sendiri dengan Kepala SKK Migas. Sebelumnya, Komisi VII DPR dan pemerintah telah menyepakati target lifting minyak dalam APBN 2017 sebesar 815.000 bph, sedangkan gas 1.150 juta setara minyak per hari. Kementerian ESDM sempat mengusulkan target lifting daIam Rancangan APBN 2017 sebesar 780.000 bph dan gas 1.150 BOEPD dengan tambahan produksi dari Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu. PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia menargetkan produksi minyak siap jual pada tahun depan mencapai 330.000 bph atau 40% dari target lifting nasional.

    Presiden Direktur Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak menjelaskan, perusahaan minyak asal Amerika Serikat itu terus berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan tingkat keselamatan dalam kegiatan operasi minyak dan gas bumi, efektif, efisien, dan andal. Hal itu bertujuan agar dapat memenuhi komitmen produksi untuk mendukung target pemerintah. “Kami juga berkomitmen untuk terus menerapkan terobosan dan teknologi lanjutan guna memaksimalkan perolehan minyak dan mempertahankan angka produksi dari lapangan marginal yang penting bagi penyediaan energi Indonesia. CPI mengoperasikan dua lapangan migas utama Duri dan Minas.


Lifting Realization Exceed Target

    Average crude oil praduksi ready for sale or lifting until the end of this year is expected to reach the target of 820,000 barrels per day for up to December 17 has touched 821,000 barrels per day. Oil lifting target in the 2016 revised state budget as much as 820,000 per day (bpd) derived from the initial target in the Budget 2016 as much as 830,000 bpd. Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Sunaryadi Amien said, the realization of oil lifting up to 821,000 bpd. He hoped that the average daily oil production by the end of this year in accordance with the target in the APBN-P 2016.

    SKK Migas targets the oil lifting at 825,000 bpd next year is higher than the target in the state budget in 2017 amounted to 815 000 bpd. The target was 825,000 bpd set by the internal SKK Migas with the Ministry of Energy. According to him, lifting target in 2017 is higher than the budget 2017 it was agreed after some discussion. However, he declined to specify any measures to be taken in order to achieve internal targets such higher. EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan admitted, it has been agreed to boost oil lifting at 825,000 bpd next year.

    We got a deal alone with the Head of SKK Migas. Previously, the Commission VII of the House and the government have agreed on oil lifting target in the state budget in 2017 amounted to 815 000 bpd, while gas 1,150 million oil equivalent per day. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had proposed lifting the target Emitter Draft State Budget 2017 amounted to 780,000 bpd and 1,150 BOEPD with an additional gas production from Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block. PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is targeting oil production ready for sale in the next year reached 330,000 bpd, or 40% of the national target of lifting.

    Chevron Pacific Indonesia president director Albert Simanjuntak explained, oil companies from the United States remains committed to maintaining the level of safety in the operation of oil and gas, effectively, efficiently, and reliably. It aims to be able to meet production commitments to support the government's target. "We are also committed to continue implementing breakthroughs and advanced technology to maximize oil recovery and maintain production figures from marginal fields which are important for energy supply Indonesia. CPI operates two major oil fields Duri and Minas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Dec,19,2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Pertamina Mendapat Proyek Kilang Baru

    Pemerintah telah menugaskan pembangunan new grass root refinery (NGRR) atau kilang minyak di Bontang kepada PT Pertamina Penugasan dilakukan lewat Keputusan Menteri-Energi Suinber Daya Mineral (ESDM) bernomor 7935 K/10/MEM/2016 yang diteken 9 Desember lalu. Arcandra Tahar, Wakil Menteri ESDM, bilang, penugasan kepada Pertamina bertujuan mempercepat pembangunan kilang minyak di Bontang. Pasalnya, jika tetap memakai skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU), proses komersialisasi memakan waktu lama. "Kalau penugasan, paling hanya enam sampai delapan bulan, jadi lebih cepat. Ini juga sesuai arahan presiden," kata Arcandra.

    Di sisi lain, Arcandra yakin, Pertamina tidak kesulitan dalam hal pendanaan. Dengan menggunakan skema penugasan, Pertarnina bisa menjalin mitra dengan investor. Dalaln mencari investor, Pertamina juga tak perlu menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas. "Pertamina bisa terlibat semampunya dan bisa bekerjasama dengan investor, bisa investor menguasai antara 70%-80% dan Pertamina hanya antara 20%-30%, tidak harus menjadi mayoritas," jelas Arcandara. Untuk penugasan ini, PT Pertamina telah mengambil ancang-ancang. Wianda Pusponegoro, Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina, menyatakan, Pertamina sudah melakukan persiapan. “Kami berupaya semaksimal mungkin merealisasikan proyek sehingga sesuai target pemerintah,” kata Wianda.

    Dalam hitungan Wianda, Pertamina bisa merampungkan kilang lebih cepat. “Jika skala 10, saat ini kami saat ini sudah berada di titik 5 atau 6," terang Wianda. Rachmad Hardadi, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, menambahkan, proyek kilang minyak di Bontang bisa dilakukan, karena Pertamina sudah memiliki lahan. “Sehingga proyek tidak perlu dimulai dari nol,” ujar Hardadi. Pertamina menargetkan pemilihan mitra pembangunan kilang minyak Bontang kelar akhir 2017. Sehingga proyek fisik bisa digarap mulai akhir tahun 2019 dan rampung pertengahan tahun 2023.


Pertamina Got a New Refinery Project

     The Government has commissioned the construction of new grass root refinery (NGRR) or an oil refinery in Bontang to PT Pertamina Assignment done Ministerial decision-Suinber Energy Mineral Resources (ESDM) numbered 7935 K / 10 / MEM / 2016, signed December 9 last. Arcandra Tahar, Vice-Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, said assignment to Pertamina aims to accelerate the construction of oil refinery in Bontang. Because, if it remained on Cooperation between the Government scheme Enterprises (KPBU), the commercialization process takes a long time. "If the assignment, most only six to eight months, so more quickly. It also fits a presidential directive," said Arcandra.

     On the other hand, Arcandra sure, Pertamina had no trouble in terms of funding. By using the assignment scheme, Pertarnina can establish partner with investors. In search of investors, Pertamina also do not need to become the majority shareholder. "Pertamina could engage his best and can cooperate with the investor, the investor could be controlled between 70% -80% and it only between 20% -30%, there must be a majority," said Arcandara. For this assignment, PT Pertamina has taken square off. Wianda Pusponegoro, Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina, said Pertamina already made preparations. "We try as much as possible to realize the project so that it meets the government's target," said Wianda.

     Within Wianda, Pertamina refineries could be completed more quickly. "If the scale of 10, this time we are now at the point 5 or 6," said Wianda. Rachmad Hardadi, Director megaproject Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina, added that the project refinery in Bontang can be done, because Pertamina own land. "So the project does not have to start from scratch, "said Hardadi. Pertamina is targeting the selection of development partners Bontang refinery finished in late 2017. So the physical project can be worked starting in late 2019 and be completed mid-2023.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec,17,2016

Pertamina Boleh Ajak Mitra

    PT Pertamina diperbolehkan memiliki saham minoritas dalam proyek Kilang Bontang yang telah diubah skema pembangunannya dan kerja sama badan usaha menjadi penugasan. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan aspek finansial tak lagi menjadi hambatan. Pertamina, katanya, bisa melibatkan mitra dan menguasai saham sesuai kemampuan untuk menggarap proyek senilai US$13 miliar itu. Artinya, dengan skema penugasan itu, Pertamina tak diwajibkan menguasai semua sallam pada proyek tersebut.

    Seperti halnya dalam proyek Kilang Tuban, Pertamina menguasai 55 % dan 'Rosneft menguasai 45 % “Bisa investornya [menguasai] 70%, 80%, Pertaminanya 20%, seperti itu lah. Not necessary mereka [Peramina] harus mayoritas,” ujarnya. Perubahan skema, kata Arcandra, bertujuan mempercepat proses pembangunan. Pembangunan fisik kilang membutuhkan waktu empat tahun hingga lima tahun. Dia menyebut apabila menggunakan skema kerja sama badan usaha, membutuhkan waktu 24 bulan untuk sampai ke tahap komersialisasi.

    Sementara, dengan penugasan hanya diperlukan waktu maksimum delapan bulan. “Kalau melihat kebutuhan kita, memang sebaiknya ini adalah penugasan dan ini sesuai dengan arahan Presiden,” katanya. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan perseroan menargetkan bisa mendapatkan mitra pada akhir 2017. Dengan demikian, pengerjaan fisik bisa dimulai pada 2019 dan rampung pada 2023 karena bankable feasibility study (BFS) yang dipersiapkan bersamaan dengan proses pencarian mitra.

    Melalui Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No.7935 K/10/MEM/2016, skema pembangunan Kilang Bontang dialihkan kepada Pertamina. Terdapat beberapa poin keputusan, antara lain Pertamina melaksanakan pembangunan dan mengoperasikan kilang berkapasitas 300.000 barel per hari. Kilang juga menghasilkan gasolin minimal 60.000 bph dengan spesifikasi setara Euro IV serta solar dengan produksi minimal 124.000 bph setara Euro IV. Adapun, pembiayaan dilakukan korporasi. PT Pertamina juga dapat melaksanakan pembangunan kilang dengan mengintegrasikan proses produksi petrokimia dan bekerja sama dengan badan usaha lain.


Pertamina May Invite Partners

PT Pertamina allowed to own a minority stake in the project Bontang the amended scheme of development and cooperation of enterprises into the assignment. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the financial aspect no longer a barrier. Pertamina, he said, could involve partners and controls the shares according to the ability to work on projects worth US $ 13 billion of it. That is, with the assignment scheme, Pertamina is not required to master all sallam on the project.

Just as in Tuban refinery project, Pertamina controlled 55% and 'Rosneft dominates 45% "Could investor [master] 70%, 80%, Pertaminanya 20%, as it was. Not Necessary them [Peramina] will have a majority, "he said. Schema changes, said Arcandra, aims to accelerate the development process. Physical construction of the refinery took four years to five years. He calls when using a scheme of cooperation of business entities, took 24 months to get to the stage of commercialization.

Meanwhile, with the assignment only takes a maximum of eight months. "If you look at our needs, it should have an assignment and is in accordance with the directives of the President," he said. Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said the company expects to get a partner by the end of 2017. Thus, the physical construction could begin in 2019 and completed in 2023 because of a bankable feasibility study (BFS) which was prepared in conjunction with partner search process.

Through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No.7935 K / 10 / MEM / 2016 development schemes Bontang transferred to Pertamina. There are several decision points, such as Pertamina carry out the construction and operate the refinery capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. Refineries also produce a minimum of 60,000 bpd gasoline with similar specifications as well as the Euro IV diesel with minimal production of Euro IV equivalent of 124,000 bpd. Meanwhile, financing corporations do. PT Pertamina also can carry refinery construction by integrating petrochemical production processes and cooperate with other business entities.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Saturday, Dec,17,2016