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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Auction 14 Gas Block Not Interesting

    Again, oil and gas blocks auction enthusiasts. Since then offered in May 2016 by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) there has been no winner for the entire auction 14 oil and gas blocks it. 14 auction of oil and gas working area 2016 consists of seven blocks, with direct offers and seven oil and gas blocks.

    Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja convey, bids related to conventional oil and gas blocks auction this year is not much. It is not encouraging as in previous years, "said Wiratmaja. Of the seven blocks with direct offers, there are three blocks that do not demand that Kasongan Sampit Block, Block Powerful, and block the West Hill.

    Kaimana rest that West Block, Block Onin, Ebuny Block, and Block Batu Gajah demand by contractors. While the auction of seven oil and gas blocks consisting of block South CPP, Suremana Block I, Block Oti, Block Manakarra Mamuju, SE Mandar Block, Block North Argunim and Kasuri Block II is still yet to be announced by the government.

    According Wiratmaja, lack of working area of ​​conventional oil and gas deals this year could be caused by the oil price that is less good. Also still uncertainty in the regulation of oil and gas. For that the Ministry of Energy is conducting a study in order to block the auction of conventional oil and gas can be more attractive to investors. Later we will re-auction, there will be a split gross regulation and the revision of PP 79. With that we expected even more attractive again.

    The ministerial regulation about the gross split is expected to be published in January 2017. The government is currently reviewing the draft terms these rules in order to provide the best results for both government and contractor cooperation contract (PSC). While the revision of Government Regulation (PP) 79 in 2010 is still being held up by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Finance. Both ministries are still different opinions about the transition period which will be enforced after the revision of Government Regulation No. 79.


Lelang 14 Blok Migas Sepi Peminat

    Lagi-lagi, lelang blok migas sepi peminat. Sejak ditawarkan pada Mei 2016 lalu oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) belum ada pemenang untuk seluruh lelang 14 blok migas itu. Lelang 14 Wilayah kerja migas tahun 2016 terdiri dari tujuh blok, dengan penawaran langsung dan tujuh blok migas reguler.

    Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja menyampaikan, penawaran yang masuk terkait lelang blok migas konvensional tahun ini tidak banyak. Memang tidak menggembirakan seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya," kata Wiratmaja. Dari tujuh blok dengan penawaran langsung, terdapat tiga blok yang tidak diminati yaitu Blok Kasongan Sampit, Blok Ampuh, dan Blok Bukit Barat.

    Sisanya yaitu Blok West Kaimana, Blok Onin, Blok Ebuny, dan Blok Batu Gajah diminati oleh kontraktor. Sedangkan lelang tujuh blok migas reguler yang terdiri dari Blok South CPP, Blok Suremana I, Blok Oti, Blok Manakarra Mamuju, Blok SE Mandar, Blok North Argunim dan Blok Kasuri II masih belum diumumkan oleh pemerintah.

    Menurut Wiratmaja, minimnya penawaran wilayah kerja migas konvensional tahun ini bisa disebabkan oleh harga minyak yang kurang bagus. Juga masih adanya ketidakpastian dalam regulasi di sektor migas. Untuk itu Kementerian ESDM tengah melakukan kajian agar lelang ulang blok migas konvensional bisa lebih atraktif bagi para investor. Nanti kami lelang ulang, nanti ada Peraturan Menteri gross split dan revisi PP 79. Dengan itu kami harapkan jadi lebih atraktif lagi.

    Peraturan menteri soal gross split diharapkan bisa terbit pada Januari 2017. Saat ini pemerintah tems mengkaji rancangan aturan ini agar bisa memberikan bagi hasil terbaik bagi pemerintah dan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Sementara revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 79 tahun 2010 masih terus dibahas oleh Kementerian ESDM dengan Kementerian Keuangan. Kedua kementerian masih berbeda pendapat soal masa transisi yang akan diberlakukan setelah revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec, 21, 2016

ESDM Segera Putuskan Soal Delapan Blok Migas

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan segera mengumumkan nasib wilayah kerja atau blok migas yang akan segera terminasi atau habis kontrak. Terdapat delapan blok migas yang akan habis kontrak pada tahun 2018. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratrnaja Puja mengungkapkan, sebelum tahun baru 2017 nanti, pemerintah akan memberikan keputusan terkait blok yang habis kontrak pada tahun 2018. "Segera akan diputuskan, delapan wilayah kerja tersebut," ujar Wiratmaja.

    Sayang, Wiratmaja tidak mau berbicara lebih detail terkait keputusan menteri tersebut, terutama mengenai pemberian seluruh blok migas yang habis kontrak kepada Pertamina.  Dari delapan blok migas itu, operatornya bukan Pertamina, Sebut saja Blok Attaka oleh Indonesia Petroleum Exp Ltd, Blok Sanga-Sanga dioperasikan oleh Virginia Indonesia Co Ltd dan Blok Southeast Sumatera oleh CNOOC SES Ltd, Blok Tengah oleh Total E&P lndonesie.


Eight EMR Soon Decide on Oil and Gas Blocks

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will soon announce the fate of the working area or the oil and gas blocks will soon be terminated or discharged contract. There are eight oil and gas blocks that will be out of contract in 2018. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratrnaja Puja IGN revealed, before the new year 2017, the government will issue a decision related to the block contract runs out in 2018. "There will soon be decided, eight the working area, "said Wiratmaja.

    Unfortunately, Wiratmaja not want to talk in more detail related to the minister's decision, particularly regarding the provision of the entire oil and gas block contract runs to Pertamina. Of the eight oil and gas block, the operator is not Pertamina, Call it Attaka by Indonesian Petroleum Blocks Exp Ltd., Sanga-Sanga operated by Virginia Indonesia Co. Ltd and Southeast Sumatra Block by CNOOC SES Ltd., Central Block by Total E & P lndonesie.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec,21,2016

Trial “Gross Split

    In front of many stakeholders in the oil and gas sector, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar is like a lecturer in a classroom. By scribbling a black marker on flipchart paper, he explained to the audience about the gross split or the distribution of oil and gas revenue based on gross production. This concept will replace the profit-sharing contract model with a cost recovery component or recoverable operating costs.

    Arcandra explained, for an oil and gas working area that has won a tender winner, the government and the contractor who won the tender agreed at the beginning about the amount of profit sharing. He divides it into three stages, namely base split (basic division), variable split (variable or division component), and progressive split (progressive profit sharing). The government has determined the base split as a benchmark.

    So far, in the concept of cost recovery, the oil profit-sharing model is known to be 85 percent for the state and 15 percent for contractors. Meanwhile, gas revenue sharing is 70 percent for the state and 30 percent for contractors. Arcandra illustrates the base split with 70:30, which is 70 percent of the state share and 30 percent for contractors. 

    After the base split is agreed upon, enter the variable split section. The components consist of the type of working area (conventional or unconventional), carbon dioxide content, sulfur content, local content usage, production stages (whether using water, steam, or chemical injection methods), and oil prices.

    If the type of work area is non-conventional, the government provides incentives in the form of additional profit sharing on a scale of 1 to 5 percent to contractors. Likewise, if the CO2 and H2S content are high, the percentage of local content is high, and if the chemical injection method is used to drain the oil, the contractor gets additional incentives for profit sharing. Especially if the price of oil is high, for example above 100 US dollars per barrel, the government will be enlarged.

    Furthermore, for the progressive split, the higher the oil and gas production, the contractor does not get incentives. Then, does the gross split concept guarantee that oil and gas production in Indonesia will increase? Could be, but not the only guarantor. This is Arcandra's explanation. The government plans to start implementing this concept in 2017.

    Currently being prepared for legal protection. However, the government emphasized that the production sharing contract with the cost recovery scheme will be maintained until the contract expires. The Gross split applies to new oil and gas contracts. Why was the profit-sharing contract abandoned? The concept of cost recovery is believed to create inefficiencies.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The calculations are also complicated. It is difficult for contractors to be expected to operate efficiently because they are guaranteed to be reimbursed by the state. The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that this year alone, the cost recovery figure was US$11.4 billion. Meanwhile, the state revenue is 9.29 billion US dollars and the contractor's share is 3.175 billion US dollars.

    It is true that the contractor's assets that have been paid for in cost recovery become state assets. However, the value of assets in the form of operational equipment will definitely decrease in value. According to Arcandra, the gross split with the above scheme has never been implemented in any country. Now, it's just a matter of proving whether this concept is the best for Indonesia. Let time test it.

Kompas, Page-17, Wednesday, Dec 21, 2016

PHE WMO Eksplorasi Sumur Baru

    Penurunan harga minyak dunia membuat PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) memangkas biaya operasional sekitar 40 persen. Meski demikian, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama SKK Migas itu tak mengendurkan kegiatan eksplorasi migasdi wilayah operasinya. General Manager PT PHE WMO Sri Budiyani menyampaikan, pihaknya hari ini berencana melakukan pengeboran sumur bam sebagai pengembangan proyek EPCI-1.
    Persiapan pengeboran telah dilakukan dengan pemasangan anjungan (platform) PHE-24 dan PHE-12 di 50 mil laut lepas pantai Bangkalan, Madura. Momen akhir tahun justru menjadi waktu yang kritis bagi kami karena targetnya Pebruari 2017 platform di sana sudah harus beroperasi. SKK Migas menargetkan produksi dari proyek EPC-1 sebanyak 1.000 barel minyak per hari (BOPD) pada Februari 2017, lantas ditingkatkan menjadi 2.900 BPOD pada Mei 2017.

    Yani, sapaan akrab Sri Budiyani, menyatakan, kegiatan eksplorasi terus dilakukan untuk mengimbangi penurunan alamiah produksi migas di blok WMO yang mencapai 50-60 persen per tahun. Lapangan minyak eks Kodeco itu sudah tua, jadi harus terus dieksplorasi agar biaya produksi tetap efisiensi terangnya. Pengeboran akan berlangsung dalam waktu sekitar 45 hari dan
akan langsung berproduksi.

    Tidak seperti sumur minyak yang biasanya dibor lalu ditinggal, platform PHE ini akan langsung beroperasi karena secara kemampuan fasilitas sudah terpenuhi,” ungkap Yani. Meski melakukan penghematan biaya operasi, PHE WMO berhasil melampaui target produksi migas pada tahun ini sebesar 106 persen. Jumlah produksi gas pada tahun ini mencapai 100 juta kaki kubik. Revenue kami pun meningkat dua kali lipat daripada tahun lalu, padahal tidak ada sumur baru yang beroperasi, tambah Yani. Salah satu konsumen PHE WMO adalah PT Pembangunan Jawa-Bali (PJB)


PHE WMO New Exploration Well

    The decline in world oil prices make PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) cut operating costs by about 40 percent. Nevertheless, cooperation contracts SKK Migas did not loosen exploration activities migasdi area of ​​operation. General Manager of PT PHE WMO Sri Budiyani convey, today it plans to drill wells as project development EPCI bam-1.

    Preparation of drilling has been done with the installation of the platform (platform) PHE 24 and PHE-12 at 50 nautical miles off the coast of Bangkalan, Madura. The moment of the end of the year would be a critical time for us as the target platform in February 2017 there had to be operated. SKK Migas targets production of EPC-1 project as much as 1,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) in February 2017, then increased to 2,900 BPOD in May 2017.

    Yani, greeting familiar Sri Budiyani, states, exploration activities continue to be made to offset the natural decline in oil production in the block of WMO, which reached 50-60 percent per year. Kodeco former oil fields are old, so should continue to be explored in order to keep production costs efficiencies explained. Drilling will take place in about 45 days and will be immediately productive.

    Unlike the oil wells are typically drilled and then left, PHE platform will directly operate because the ability of the facility have been met, "said Yani. Although perform operating cost savings, WMO surpassed oil and gas production target this year of 106 percent. Total gas production this year will reach 100 million cubic feet. Our revenue has increased twice as much as last year, when there was no new wells are in operation, Yani added. One consumer PHE WMO is PT Pembangunan Jawa-Bali (PJB)

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Wednesday, Dec,21,2016

Pertamina Cari Pengganti Aramco

    PT Pertamina akan mencari mitra baru dalam proyek-revitalisasi atau peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Dumai yang berlokasi di Riau. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, untuk proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Dumai, perseroan akan mencari mitra baru karena Saudi Aramco berkeberatan. Awalnya, Aramco berkomitmen menjadi mitra Penamina dalam proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Cilacap, Kilang Dumai, dan Kilang Balongan.

    Namun, Pertamina meminta agar perusahaan BUMN migas asal Arab Saudi itu mengerjakan proyek ketiga kilang itu secara bersamaan. Aramco tidak bersedia untuk mengerjakan proyek tiga kilang minyak itu secara bersamaan. Dwi akan menyampaikan pencarian mitra baru pada Kamis (22/12). Pembangunan kilang harus berjalan sesuai target sehingga ketiga proyek harus dikerjakan bersamaan.

    Hal itu untuk mengejar target kapasitas kilang di Tanah Air naik menjadi dua juta barel per hari (bph) pada 2023 dibandingkan dengan saat ini sekitar 950.000 bph. Untuk kilang Dumai akan cari mitra baru. Ini menjadi topik pembicaraan. Pimpinan Saudi Aramco akan datang Kamis [22/12]. Dalam pertemuan itu akan dibahas terkait dengan penandatanganan kesepakatan kerja sama untuk bermitra yang dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan perusahaan patungan.

    Pasalnya, proses tersebut menanti penyelesaian kajian kelayakan aspek perbankan (bankable feasibility study/BFS) yang akan menghitung aset Kilang Cilacap. Saudi Aramco akan menentukan sikapnya pada 31 Desember 2016 sesuai dengan perpanjangan head of agreement (HOA). Sementara, penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dari 125.000 bph menjadi 280.000 bph ditargetkan rampung pada 2023 dengan investasi US$ 2,7 miliar.

    Kilang Dumai ditargetkan bertambah kapasitasnya dari 175.000 bph menjadi 300.000 bph pada 2023 dengan investasi US$ 4,2 miliar. Joint Ventur (JV) agreement [kesepakatan membentuk perusahaan patungan] sudah pasti. Nungguin bankable feasibility study disusun nanti seperti apa. Kami kan juga akan valuasi aset existing seperti apa. Dia pun menargetkan pada 2018 konstruksi Kilang Cilacap dimulai.

    Padahal, berdasarkan rencana awal, Kilang Cilacap yang membutuhkan investasi US$ 4,5 miliar akan bertambah kapasitasnya dari 300.000 bph menjadi 370.000 bph pada 2018. Sebelumnya, Direktur Megaproyek Kilang dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, proyek penambahan kapasitas kilang harus berjalan secara paralel karena dapat memengaruhi kinerja masing-masing kilang.


Pertamina's Substitute Aramco

    PT Pertamina will seek new partners in the project-revitalization or improvement of Dumai refinery capacity is located in Riau. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said to Dumai refinery capacity expansion project, the company will look for new partners for Saudi Aramco objected. Initially, Aramco is committed to be a partner in the project Penamina Cilacap refinery capacity additions, Refinery Dumai and Balongan refinery.

    However, the state-owned company Pertamina requested that Saudi Arabia's oil and gas projects that simultaneously the three refineries. Aramco is not willing to work on the project three oil refineries simultaneously. Dwi will deliver search of new partners on Thursday (22/12). Construction of the refinery should be on target so that the three projects must be done simultaneously.

    It was to pursue the target of refining capacity in the country rose to two million barrels per day (bpd) in 2023 compared with currently around 950,000 bpd. Dumai refinery will be looking for new partners. It became a topic of conversation. Leaders Saudi Aramco will come Thursday [22/12]. During the meeting it will be discussed related to the signing of the cooperation agreement to partner, followed by the formation of a joint venture.

    Because the process is waiting for the completion of a feasibility study aspects of banking (bankable feasibility study / BFS) which will calculate the Cilacap refinery assets. Saudi Aramco will determine his attitude on December 31, 2016 in accordance with the extension of the head of agreement (HOA). Meanwhile, the addition of Balongan refinery capacity from 125,000 bpd to 280,000 bpd will be completed in 2023 with an investment of US $ 2.7 billion.

    Dumai refinery is targeted to increase its capacity from 175,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd in 2023 with an investment of US $ 4.2 billion. Joint Venture (JV) agreement [agreement to form a joint venture] for sure. Waiting bankable feasibility study compiled later like. We're also going to the valuation of existing assets like. He also targeting 2018 Cilacap Refinery construction begins.

    In fact, based on the initial plan, the Cilacap refinery which requires an investment of US $ 4.5 billion will increase capacity from 300,000 bpd to 370,000 bpd in 2018. Previously, Director megaproject Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical Hardadi Rachmat said, the project refinery capacity additions should be run in parallel for can affect the performance of each refinery.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Dec,21,2016

Proses Ditargetkan Rampung Kuartal I/2017

    Kementerian BUMN memperkirakan pembentukan sejumlah holding BUMN akan terlaksana pada Kuartal I/2017, atau mundur dari rencana semula yang dipatok pemerintah pada akhir 2016. Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mengatakan proses pembentukan holding BUMN saat ini dalam tahap administrasi dan dokumentasi. Rini mengatakan pihaknya telah berkomunikasi dengan sejumlah pemangku kepentingan.

    Menurutnya, pembentukan holding itu mendapatkan dukungan dari stakeholders yang telah ditemui. Rini mengatakan dua holding yang akan dibentuk pertama kali adalah holding BUMN minyak dan gas serta pertambangan, atau sesuai rencana awal. Setelah itu, holding lain akan menyusul yaitu sektor perbankan, perumahan, jalan tol dan konstruksi, Sena pangan. Sebagai gambaran, dalam holding BUMN minyak dan gas, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara akan berada di bawah PT Pertamina yang akan menjadi pemimpin holding.

     Anak usaha Pertamina di bidang gas, PT Pertagas, akan berada di bawah PGN. Salah satu manfaat holding BUMN energi yang ditekankan berulang kali oleh pemerintah adalah adanya penghematan investasi infrastruktur gas dengan target sebesar US$ 1,5 miliar. Menurut data pemerintah, latar belakang pembentukan holding itu antara lain kebutuhan energi Indonesia yang diperkirakan tumbuh tujuh kali pada 2050 hingga cadangan gas Indonesia yang belum mencukupi kebutuhan domestik dan geografis Indonesia.

    Sementara itu, dalam holding BUMN tambang, PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium akan menjadi pemimpin holding, di mana PT Bukit Asam, PT Antam dan PT Timah menjadi anggota. Perusahaan tambang multinasional asal Amerika Serikat yang 9,36% sahamnya dimiliki oleh pemerintah, PT Freeport Indonesia, bakal dimasukkan ke dalam holding. Termasuk bagian, karena itu kan tambang,” kata Rini.


Targeted Process Completed First Quarter / 2017

    SOE Ministry estimates that the formation of a number of state-owned holding will be implemented in the first quarter / 2017, or retreat from the original plan set by the government in late 2016. SOE Minister Rini Soemarno said that the process of formation of state-owned holding currently under administration and documentation. Rini said it had communicated with a number of stakeholders.

    According to him, the formation of the holding gain the support of stakeholders that have been encountered. Rini said two holding to be formed first is a state-owned holding oil and gas as well as mining, or according to the original plan. After that, others will follow, namely holding the banking sector, housing, highways and construction, food Sena. As an illustration, the state-owned holding oil and gas, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara will be under PT Pertamina will be the leader holding.

    A subsidiary of Pertamina in the field of gas, PT Pertagas, will be below the PGN. One of the benefits of state-owned holding energy highlighted repeatedly by the government is the savings of gas infrastructure investment with a target of US $ 1.5 billion. According to government data, the background of the formation of the holding company include Indonesia's energy needs are expected to grow seven times in 2050 to Indonesia's gas reserves are insufficient domestic demand and geographical Indonesia.

    Meanwhile, the state-owned holding mine, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium will be the leader of a holding, in which PT Bukit Asam, PT Antam and PT Timah become a member. Multinational mining companies from the United States is 9.36% owned by the government, PT Freeport Indonesia, will be put into a holding. Including part, because it's mine, "said Rini.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-15, Wednesday, Dec,21,2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Skema Kontrak Hulu Migas Baru demi Efisiensi

    Efisiensi dan upaya meningkatkan daya saing akan menjadi arah pemerintah untuk menggeliatkan industri hulu migas nasional yang sempat terpukul imbas anjloknya harga minyak dunia. Upaya pembenahan iklim investasi hulu migas juga akan dituangkan dalam perbaruan skema kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) berbasis gross split, yakni pembagian produksi secara progresif tanpa mekanisme pengembalian biaya produksi (cost recovery).

    Terkait dengan kekhawatiran rendahnya serapan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN), Jonan menjamin kontrak baru itu akan membuat kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) berusaha efisien. “Mereka akan Cari komponen dari dalam negeri yang lebih murah,” jelasnya. Dalam skema PSC gross split, pemerintah memasukkan aspek serapan TKDN yang akan memengaruhi besaran bagi hasil (split).

    Bila investor ingin mendapatkan porsi bagi hasil yang lebih besar, komitmen penyerapan komponen lokal harus diwujudkan. Anggaplah KKKS tidak mau menggunakan local content, maka tidak dapat tambahan split. Kalau serapan 1%-10%, bisa tambah split 2%, serapan 10%-30%, dapat split 5%. Bila berani serap 50%, pemerintah bisa kasih tambahan split 10%,” imbuh.

    Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar. Pemerintah pun akan memasang rambu besaran base split yang menjadi kesepakatan awal antara pemerintah dan investor. Skema PSC gross split efektif berlaku begitu KKKS memenangi lelang kontrak Wilayah kerja (WK) baru. Pemerintah tentunya akan mempertimbangkan jenis lapangan dalam penentuan split. “Misalnya lapangan migas yang dikelola offshore, tambahan split-nya masih nol.

    Begitu laut dalam, bisa tambah 2%-4%. Lalu kita lihat juga Wilayah kerjanya konvensional atau nonkonvensional. Tidak ketinggalan aspek kandungan CO2 (karbon dioksida),” tutur Arcandra. Harga minyak pun menjadi penentu. Saat harga minyak di bawah US$ 50 per barel, KKKS akan mendapat tambahan split. Iika harganya di atas US$80 per barel, porsi pemerintah yang bertambah.


New Oil and Gas Upstream Contract scheme for the sake of efficiency

    Efficiency and efforts to improve competitiveness will be stretched towards the government for the national upstream oil and gas industry was hit the impact of the drop in world oil prices. Effort to revamp the upstream oil and gas investment climate will also be set forth in the contract renewal scheme for the results (PSC) based on gross split, the division of production progressively without a mechanism to recover the production costs (cost recovery).

    Concerns associated with low uptake domestic component level (DCL), Jonan ensure that the new contract will make cooperation contracts (PSC) seeks efficient. "They'll Find the components of domestic cheaper," he explained. In the scheme of gross PSC split, the government has included aspects that would affect the uptake DCL amount of profit sharing (split).

    If investors want to get a share of revenue greater absorption commitment of local components to be realized. Suppose KKKS not want to use local content, it can not be additional split. If the uptake of 1% -10%, can be added split 2%, uptake of 10% -30%, can be split 5%. When you dare to absorb 50%, the government can give an additional split of 10%, "he added.

    Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar. The government will put up signs for the amount of base split into an initial agreement between the government and investors. Scheme gross PSC PSC split becomes effective so won the tender for contract work Territory (WK) new. The Government will certainly consider the kind of courts in the determination of the split. "For example, offshore oil and gas field run, additional split her still zero.

    So the deep ocean, can add 2% -4%. Then we see also Regional conventional or non-conventional work. Do not miss the aspect of the content of CO2 (carbon dioxide), "said Arcandra. Oil prices also be decisive. When oil prices below $ 50 per barrel, the PSC will get an extra split. Iika prices above US $ 80 per barrel, the government increased the portion.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

Formula 'Gross Split' Masih Dikaji

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral masih mengkaji formula yang bakal diterapkan dalam skema bagi hasil bruto (gross split) kontrak minyak dan gas bumi. Kementerian berjanji skema ini bisa segera diterapkan. Pemerintah masih menyusun skema terbaik. Saat ini sedang dikaji simulasi yang terbaik untuk mendorong investasi migas tercapai,” ujar juru bicara Kementerian Energi, Sujatmiko. Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra mengatakan dalam skema baru akan ada tiga komponen bagi hasil.

    Pertama adalah base split atau pembagian hasil yang tetap. Kedua, variable split, pembagian hasil dalam komponen ini ditetapkan berdasarkan variabel penentu, seperti karakter geografis wilayah kerja, tingkat penggunaan produk lokal, ataupun kandungan karbon dioksida dalam cadangan migas. Komponen ketiga adalah progressive split paling yang besarannya berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kondisi tertentu.

    Faktor ini mirip dengan skema sliding scale yang diterapkan di wilayah kerja migas non-konvensional, yaitu shale gas dan gas metana batu bara. Arcandra mencontohkan kondisi harga minyak. Misalnya oil price di bawah US$ 30, maka si kontraktor nanti dapat 5 persen split. Bila seharga US$ 30-50, dapat 4 persen, US$ 80-100 dapat nol persen tambahan split-nya.  Jika di atas US$ 100-120, nah ini kebalikan, pemerintah mendapatkan 1 persen,” kata Arcandra.

    Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan menilai skema cost recovery sudah ditinggalkan banyak negara karena membuat industri migas tidak efisien. Tapi, Jonan menjamin biaya penggantian tetap ada hingga 25 tahun ke depan untuk menghargai kontrak yang sudah disepakati. “Yang existing tetap.” Menurut Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Amin Sunaryadi, cost recovery saat ini masih bisa dipangkas hingga 15 persen. Tapi sekarang dia tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena perjanjiannya sudah dibuat 5-6 tahun lalu.


Formula 'Gross Split' Still Assessed

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is still reviewing the formula that will be applied in the scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) of oil and gas contracts. The Ministry promised this scheme could be implemented immediately. The government is still preparing the best schemes. Currently being studied simulation best to encourage oil and gas investment is achieved, "said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Energy, Sujatmiko. Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra said the new scheme will have three components for the results.

    The first is the base of a split or division results were fixed. Second, variable split, division results in this component is determined based on the determining variables, such as the geographic characteristics of the working area, the level of use of local products, or the carbon dioxide content in the oil and gas reserves. The third component is the most progressive split the amount of which varies in accordance with certain conditions.

    This factor is similar to the sliding scale scheme that is applied in the region of non-conventional oil and gas, ie shale gas and coal bed methane. Arcandra exemplifies the condition of the oil price. Eg oil price below $ 30, then the contractor can later be 5 percent split. When at US $ 30-50, can be 4 percent, US $ 80-100 can be zero percent of its additional split. If it is above US $ 100-120, now is the opposite, the government gets 1 percent, "said Arcandra.

    Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan assess the cost recovery scheme was abandoned many countries as it makes oil and gas industry is not efficient. But, Jonan guarantee replacement costs remained there until 25 years into the future to reward the contract agreed. "The existing remains." According to the Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas Amin Sunaryadi, cost recovery is still able to cut up to 15 percent. But now he can not do anything because the deal was made 5-6 years ago.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

Pemerintah Naikkan Target Lifting Minyak

Melampaui asumsi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2017

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menyepakati penambahan produksi minyak siap jual (lifting) tahun depan menjadi 825 ribu barel per hari. Angka itu lebih tinggi dibanding asumsi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2017 yang sudah disetujui, yakni sebesar 815 ribu barel per hari. “Saya sudah janjian dengan Pak Amien (Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi/SKK Migas) lifting 825 ribu barel per hari. Lumayan, nambah 10 ribu,” ujar Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan.

    Penambahan itu juga jauh lebih tinggi ketimbang kesepakatan SKK Migas dengan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sebesar 808,4 ribu barel per hari. Jonan berpesan agar pelaku industri hulu migas lebih efisien. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi enggan menjelaskan detail rencana penambahan lifting. Menurut dia, meski tidak mudah, kenaikan lifting masih bisa diusahakan. Amien menjelaskan, aktivitas produksi tahun depan bakal mencakup pengeboran pengembangan di 223 sumur aktivitas kerja ulang sebanyak 860 sumur serta perawatan sumur sebanyak 57.512 kegiatan.

    Selain itu, survei seismik 2D bakal berlangsung di lahan seluas 3.080 kilometer; survei seismik 3D seluas 2.795 kilometer persegi, dan pengeboran eksplorasi di 25 sumur. Tahun depan, lifting bakal ditopang oleh wilayah kerja utama, seperti Blok Rokan di Riau yang dikelola Chevron Pacific Indonesia sebesar 228 ribu barel per hari, ExxonMobil yang mengelola Blok Cepu di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur sebesar 200 ribu barel per hari, Serta Pertamina EP (seluruh Indonesia) sebesar 84 ribu barel per hari. “Tantangan 2017 bertambah. Ini masih kurang 17 ribu barel per hari,” ujar Amien.

    Tapi SKK Migas yakin realisasi lifting bisa melampaui target dalam APBN. Tahun ini, lifting migas mencapai 831 ribu barel per hari, lebih tinggi dibanding asumsi APBN Perubahan 2016 sebesar 820 ribu. Pencapaian lifting 2016 ditopang oleh delapan dari sepuluh proyek migas yang rampung tahun ini. Di antaranya fasilitas puncak produksi Blok Cepu sebesar 185 ribu barel per hari, produksi lapangan Bukit Tua oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang sebesar 20 ribu barel per hari, serta proyek Pertamina EP di Lapangan Pondok Makmur dan Lapangan Donggi.

    Proyek lainnya adalah Dayung Compression 2 oleh ConocoPhillips di Blok Grissik, proyek gas laut dalam Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Lapangan Bangka. Sedangkan proyek Ario Damar oleh Ophir Energ bakal beroperasi beberapa hari lagi. Biaya pengganti operasi (cost recovery) yang akan dibayar tahun ini mencapai US$ 11,4   Angka ini lebih tinggi dibanding batas yang dipatok APBN-P 2016 sebesar US$ 8,4. Amien mengatakan kelebihan terjadi lantaran SKK Migas tidak bisa mengawasi transaksi yang terjadi antara vendor dan subvendor audit kami tidak melacak sampai ke situ.

Juru bicara ExxonMobil, Erwin Maryoto, siap membantu menaikkan lifting. Masalahnya, penambahan produksi Exxon pada tahun depan masih menunggu persetujuan revisi amdal. Saat ini, seluruh fasilitas untuk penambahan produksi menjadi 200 ribu barel per hari sudah siap. Perusahaan tidak perlu menambah modal, melainkan hanya menaikkan biaya operasional. Produksi naik, pasti biayanya naik.


Government to Increase Oil Lifting Target

Assuming exceeded State Budget 2017

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources agreed to increase oil production ready for sale (lifting) next year to 825 thousand barrels per day. That figure is higher than the assumption of the State Budget 2017 has been approved, which amounted to 815 thousand barrels per day. "I have an appointment with Mr. Amien (Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas / SKK Migas) lifting 825 thousand barrels per day. Passable, add 10 thousand, "said Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan.

    The addition was also much higher than SKK Migas deal with cooperation contracts (PSC) amounted to 808.4 thousand barrels per day. Jonan advised that the upstream oil and gas industry more efficient. SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi reluctant to explain the details of the plan to increase lifting. According to him, though not easy, the increase in lifting is still workable. Amien explained, next year's production activity will include the drilling of 223 development wells in the work activities as much as 860 wells and well maintenance activities as much as 57 512.

    In addition, 2D seismic survey will take place in an area of ​​3,080 kilometers; 3D seismic survey covering an area of ​​2,795 square kilometers, and exploration drilling in 25 wells. Next year, the lifting will be supported by the working area of ​​the main, such as Block Rokan in Riau being managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia amounting to 228 thousand barrels per day, ExxonMobil managing Cepu block on the border of Central Java and East Java amounted to 200 thousand barrels per day, as well as Pertamina EP (throughout Indonesia) amounted to 84 thousand barrels per day. "The challenge in 2017 is increased. This is still less than 17 thousand barrels per day, "said Amien.

    But sure realization lifting SKK Migas could exceed the target in the state budget. This year, oil and gas lifting reaches 831 thousand barrels per day, higher than the 2016 revised state budget assumption of 820 thousand. Lifting the achievement of 2016 is supported by eight of the top ten oil and gas projects were completed this year. Among these facilities Cepu peak production of 185 thousand barrels per day, production Bukit Tua field by Petronas Carigali Ketapang by 20 thousand barrels per day, as well as Pertamina EP project in Pondok Makmur and Donggi Field.

    Another project is a Compression Paddle 2 by ConocoPhillips in Block Grissik, marine gas project in Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Field Bangka. While Ario Damar project by Energ Ophir will operate a few more days. Operating replacement costs (cost recovery) which will be paid this year to reach US $ 11.4 figure is higher than the limit set APBN-P 2016 amounted to US $ 8.4. Amien said excess occurs because SKK Migas can not monitor transactions that take place between the vendor and the audit subvendor we do not keep track of that.

    ExxonMobil spokesman Erwin Maryoto, ready to help raise lifting. The problem is, the addition of Exxon's production in the next year are still pending revision of EIA. Currently, the entire facility to increase production to 200 thousand barrels per day is ready. Companies do not need to raise capital, but only increase operating costs. Production increases, the cost is definitely rising.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

Holding Migas dan Tambang Rampung Awal 2017

    Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Rini Soemarno mengatakan pembentukan perusahaan induk (holding) BUMN pada sektor minyak dan gas Serta sektor pertambangan akan selesai pada kuartal pertama tahun depart “Ini lagi jalan dan lagi proses. Alhamdulillah, semua Stakeholder mendukung. Saya berharap insya Allah akan selesai pada kuartal pertama tahun depan,” ujar Rini.

    Menurut Rini, pembentukan holding seharusnya rampung pada akhir 2016. Saat ini, proses administrasi dan dokumentasi sedang dilakukan. “Saya melihat prosesnya yang cukup panjang, jadi akan selesai pada kuartal pertama (2017). Selain sektor migas dan pertambangan, Rini menargetkan pembentukan perusahaan induk BUMN sektor perumahan dapat selesai pada Waktu yang sama.

    Semoga holding peruninas juga akan selesai tahun depan pada kuartal pertama,” kata dia. Rencananya, perusahaan induk di sektor migas akan menyatukan dua perusahaan besar, yaitu PT Pertamina  dan PT PGN. Dalam hal ini, Pertamina akan menjadi induk. Adapun perusahaan induk pada sektor pertambangan akan menyatukan empat perusahaan, yakni PT Inalum, PT Bukit Asam, PT Timah, dan PT Aneka Tambang.

    Di sektor ini,Inalum menjadi perusahaan induk. Rini sebelumnya mengatakan pembentuk induk dapat memperkuat permodalan tanpa membebani Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara. Deputi Bidang Usaha Konstruksi dan Sarana dan Prasarana Perhubungan Kementerian BUMN, Pontas Tambunan, sebelumnya mengatakan Kementerian BUMN juga akan membentuk holding BUMN sektor maritim pada tahun depan. Saat ini, pembentukan itu baru masuk tahap diskusi konsep dan benchmarking. Adapun sosialisasi ke lingkup internal masing-masing BUMN maritim dan pembahasan lintas sektor belum dimulai.


Holding Oil, Gas and Mining Completed Early 2017

    State Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno said the formation of the holding company (holding) state enterprises in the oil and gas sector As well as the mining sector will be completed in the first quarter depart "It's another way, and again the process. Alhamdulillah, all Stakeholder support. I hope, God willing, will be completed in the first quarter of next year, "said Rini.

    According to Rini, formation of a holding should be completed by the end of 2016. Currently, the administrative process and documentation is being carried out. "I see the process is quite long, so it will be completed in the first quarter (2017). In addition to oil and gas and mining sectors, Rini is targeting the establishment of the parent company SOE housing sector can be completed at the same time.

    Hopefully holding peruninas also be completed next year in the first quarter, "he said. The plan, the parent company in the oil and gas sector will unite two great companies, namely PT Pertamina and PT PGN. In this case, Pertamina will be the parent. The parent company in the mining sector will bring together four companies, namely PT Inalum, PT Bukit Asam, PT Timah and PT Aneka Tambang.

    In this sector, Inalum became the parent company. Rini had earlier said stem-forming can strengthen the capital without burdening the State Budget. Deputy of Construction and Transportation Infrastructures Ministry of SOEs, Pontas Tambunan, said the SOE Ministry will also establish a state-owned holding of the maritime sector in the next year. At present, the formation of a new entry discussion stage concept and benchmarking. As for dissemination to the internal sphere of each SOE maritime and cross-sector discussion has not started yet.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016