Saturday, December 24, 2016
ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan Sulit Bahas Peraturan Pemerintah Cost Recovery
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan Kementerian Keuangan terus mematangkan pembahasan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No 79 tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Perpajakan Bagi Industri Hulu Migas. Kedua kementerian ini masih belum sepaham mengenai masa transisi yang akan diberlakukan dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No 79.
Menurut Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja, pertimbangan pemerintah memberlakukan masa transisi dikaji mulai dari penerbitan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi, terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 79, hingga nantinya muncul revisi PP 79 pada tahun 2017. Kementerian ESDM juga ingin revisi PP 79 hanya berlaku untuk kontrak baru.
Kementerian ESDM ingin kontrak yang ada dihormati, tidak berlaku mundur," terang Wiratmaja. Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan akan kembali melakukan Rapat Koordinasi (Rakor) di Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian untuk membahas hal tersebut secepatnya. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, beberapa poin-poin dalam revisi PP 79 telah disepakati adalah tidak mengatur assume and discharge, namun akan diberikan fasilitas fiskal dan non fiskal yang setara dengan assume and discharge. Lalu prinsip sharing the pain and sharing the gain, penyelesaian dispute perpajakan, dan kepastian hukum terhadap KKKS eksisting.
Energy and the Ministry of Finance's Difficult Discuss Government Regulation Cost Recovery
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Finance continues to finalize discussion of revision of Government Regulation No. 79 of 2010 on Costs and Operating Refundable Tax Treatment For Upstream Oil and Gas Industry. Both ministries are still not in agreement on a transition period that will be implemented in the revision of Government Regulation (PP) 79.
According to the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja, the government's discretion to impose a transitional period studied starting from the issuance of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas, issuance of Government Regulation (PP) 79, until a later appeared revision of Regulation 79 on in 2017 the Ministry of Energy also wants revision of Regulation 79 applies only to new contracts.
The Ministry of Energy wants existing contracts honored, not retroactive, "said Wiratmaja. The Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance will resume Coordination Meeting (Rakor) at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy to discuss the issue as soon as possible. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, several points in the revision PP 79 has been agreed is not set assume and discharge, but will be given the fiscal and non fiscal facilities equivalent to assume and discharge. Then the principle of sharing the pain and share the gain, the tax dispute settlement and legal certainty to the existing PSC.
Kontan, Page-14,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Pasar Domestik Sulit Menyerap Akibat Faktor Infrastruktur
Pasar domestik sulit menyerap produksi gas alam cair dari kilang milik PT Donggi Senoro LNG di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah. Gas alam cair yang diproduksi lebih banyak dijual ke luar negeri lantaran persoalan kesiapan infrastruktur di dalam negeri Pada 2015, PT Donggi Senoro LNG berhasil menjual gas alam cair (LNG) sebanyak 11 kargo. Sebanyak 10 kargo diekspor, sementara 1 kargo terjual di pasar dalam negeri.
Tahun ini, perusahaan berhasil menjual 40 kargo dengan pembagian 39 kargo untuk ekspor, dan 1 kargo dijual di dalam negeri. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan serapan pasar domestik lebih rendah ketimbang ekspor. Selain kami sudah berkontrak dengan pembeli dalam jangka panjang dan masalah harga jual, infrastruktur di dalam negeri belum siap menyerap gas,” kata Direktur Urusan Korporasi PT Donggi Senoro LNG Aditya Mandala.
Dengan serapan gas di kilang Donggi Senoro sebanyak 355 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD), LNG yang dihasilkan bisa mencapai 2,2 juta ton dalam setahun. Donggi Senoro LNG berpotensi kembali menjual LNG sebanyak 40 kargo pada 2017. Jepang dan Korea Selatan adalah pembeli utama. Kilang Donggi Senoro diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Agustus 2015. Kilang ini merupakan bagian dari megaproyek terintegrasi mulai dari hulu hingga hilir.
Nilai investasi pembangunan kilang Donggi Senoro adalah 2,8 miliar dollar AS. Kilang ini mendapat pasokan gas dari JOB Pertamina Tomori Sulawesi dan Pertamina EP Gas Matindok. Masalah minimnya infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri dibenarkan Kepala Hubungan Masyarakat Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus. Menurut dia, ketidaksiapan infrastruktur menyebabkan banyak gas yang tidak terserap atau dijual ke luar negeri.
Namun, pemerintah tetap mengutamakan pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan domestik. Tahun ini, pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan domestik sebesar 57 persen, sedangkan yang diekspor sebanyak 43 persen,” ujar Taslim. Dalam laman Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, untuk meningkatkan serapan LNG di dalam negeri, pemerintah berencana membangun sejumlah fasilitas.
Fasilitas tersebut berupa terminal penerima LNG (LNG receiving terminal). Sejumlah lokasi yang hendak dipilih terdapat di Jawa bagian barat, Jawa bagian timur, dan kawasan Indonesia bagian timur. Kalau tidak ada infrastruktur penerima gas, sampai kapan pun gas kita akan lebih banyak dijual ke luar negeri ketimbang diserap di dalam negeri,” ujar Agus Cahyono, mantan Direktur Pembinaan Program Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan kini menjabat sebagai Kepala Biro Perencanaan Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian ESDM.
Difficult Domestic Market Factors Absorbing Due Infrastructure
The domestic market is difficult to absorb the production of liquefied natural gas from refineries owned by PT Donggi Senoro LNG in Banggai, Central Sulawesi. Liquefied natural gas is produced more sold abroad because of the issue of readiness of the infrastructure in the country In 2015, PT Donggi Senoro LNG managed to sell liquefied natural gas (LNG) as many as 11 cargoes. A total of 10 cargoes exported, while one cargo sold in the domestic market.
This year, the company managed to sell 40 cargo division of 39 cargoes for export, and one cargo sold domestically. There are some things that cause the domestic market uptake is lower than it exports. In addition to our own contract with the buyer in the long term and the sale price, the infrastructure in the country is not ready to absorb the gas, "said Director of Corporate Affairs PT Donggi Senoro LNG Aditya Mandala.
With gas uptake in Donggi Senoro refinery as much as 355 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), the resulting LNG could reach 2.2 million tons a year. Donggi Senoro LNG has the potential to re-sell as many as 40 cargoes of LNG by 2017. Japan and South Korea are the main buyers. Donggi Senoro refinery inaugurated by President Joko Widodo August 2015. The plant is part of an integrated mega project from upstream to downstream.
The investment value Donggi Senoro refinery construction was 2.8 billion US dollars. This refinery receive gas supply from Pertamina JOB Tomori Sulawesi and Pertamina EP Gas Matindok. Problem lack of gas infrastructure in the country justified the Head of Public Relations Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus. According to him, the unpreparedness of infrastructure led to a lot of gas is not absorbed or sold abroad.
However, the government is prioritizing the supply of gas for domestic needs. This year, the supply of gas for domestic needs by 57 percent, while 43 percent are exported, "said Taslim. In-page Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, to increase the uptake of LNG in the country, the government plans to build a number of facilities.
The facilities in the form of LNG receiving terminal (LNG terminal). A number of sites to be selected are in the western part of Java, eastern Java and eastern Indonesia region. If there is no infrastructure gas receiving, until whenever our gas will be sold to foreign countries rather than absorbed in the country, "said Agus Cahyono, former Director of Program Development of Oil and Gas, and now serves as the Head of Planning Secretariat General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Kompas, Page-20,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Genjot Suplai Jaringan Gas
Lapindo Brantas Work Over Sumur Wunut
Enam truk kontainer melaju beriringan memecah ketenangan Desa Jiken, Tulangan, kemarin pagi (21 / 12). Truk-truk itu bermuatan alat berat. Yakni, crane dan backhoe. Beberapa truk tersebut kemudian memenuhi Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken seluas sekitar 2 hektare di RT 2, RW 2. Kedatangan alat-alat berat itu menandai peningkatan produksi atau work-over (WO) yang tengah dilakukan PT Lapindo Brantas Inc.
Kegiatan tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari rencana WO di Wunut 19 dan 4 yang tertunda Agustus lalu. Rencananya, PT Lapindo Brantas Inc melakukan WO Selama sebulan mendatang. Manajer Humas PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Arif Setyo Widodo mengungkapkan bahwa selama 10 hari ke depan pihaknya memasang peralatan di sekitar sumur tersebut. Mereka tengah melakukan persiapan sebelum memulai pengerjaan.
Mulai pemeriksaan sumur sampai sumber gas. Karena itu, mereka juga mendatangkan alat khusus untuk melakukan kalibrasi ulang terhadap Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken. Setelah proses itu rampung, pihaknya akan memulai Work Over. Alumnus Universitas 17 Agustus Surabaya tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kini Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken mengalami produksi- gas yang Nilainya kurang dari 1 Mmscfd (million standard cubic feet of gas per day) atau kurang dari 1 juta kubik per hari.
Padahal, sumur tersebut minimal memproduksi 3 juta kubik per hari. Sejauh ini sumur tersebut belum pemah mendapat WO. Sumur Wunut 16 Jiken berdiameter sekitar 15 sentimeter. Lapindo mengebor sumur tersebut pada 2005. Meski kandungan gas pada sumur itu semakin menipis, Arif optimistis bisa memaksimalkan kerak atau sisa-sisa gas. Pada 2005 sebanyak 21 sumur di blok Wunut bisa mengeluarkan gas sekitar 250 juta kubik per hari.
Namun, kini sumur-sumur itu hanya bisa memproduksi kurang dari 10 juta kubik. Pria asal Mojokerto tersebut juga menuturkan bahwa upaya itu merupakan Salah satu tindakan memaksimalkan program jaringan gas (jargas) di Sidoarjo. Pihaknya menargetkan 100 ribu sambungan gas rumah. Namun, yang terealisasi sejauh ini baru 14.000 sambungan gas. Mayoritas konsumen gas tersebut terpusat di wilayah Waru.
Boosts Gas Supply Network
Lapindo Brantas Work Well Over Wunut
Six container truck drove alongside broke the peace of the village Jiken-Tulangan, yesterday morning (21/12). The trucks were loaded with heavy equipment. Namely, cranes and excavators. Some of the truck and then meet well Wunut 16 Jiken covering approximately 2 hectares in RT 2, RW 2. The arrival of the heavy equipment it marked increase in production or work-over (WO) are being conducted by PT Lapindo Brantas Inc.
The activity is a continuation of the plan in Wunut WO 19 and 4 were delayed last August. The plan, PT Lapindo Brantas Inc do WO During the next month. Public Relations Manager of PT Lapindo Brantas Inc Arif Setyo Widodo revealed that during the next 10 days it install equipment around the well. They are doing preparations before starting construction.
Start checking the wells until the source of the gas. Therefore, they also bring a special tool to re-calibrate the wells Wunut 16 Jiken. Once that process is completed, it will start a Work Over. August 17 Surabaya University alumnus explained that it was now well Wunut 16 Jiken experiencing gas production-value of less than 1 MMscfd (million standard cubic feet of gas per day) or less than 1 million cubic meters per day.
In fact, the well was producing a minimum of 3 million cubic feet per day. So far these wells had never gets WO. The well Wunut 16 Jiken diameter of about 15 centimeters. Lapindo drill wells in 2005. Although the content of the gas at the well was dwindling, Arif optimistic that we can maximize the crust or the remnants of gas. In 2005 as many as 21 wells in the block Wunut could issue approximately 250 million cubic feet of gas per day.
However, now these wells could only produce less than 10 million cubic meters. Men from Mojokerto also said that the effort is One of the actions to maximize the gas network program (jargas) in Sidoarjo. It targets 100 thousand connections gases. However, realized so far only 14,000 gas connections. The majority of gas consumers are concentrated clustered in Waru .
Jawa Pos, Page-36,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Mengaku hanya Bisa Berikan Tali Asih
Kepala SKK Migas Perwakilan Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar mengaku tidak bisa memberikan kompensasi dampak flare selama 12 bulan penuh sesuai permintaan warga Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, lantaran terbentur aturan. Ia meminta warga memahami bahwa perusahaan hanya bisa mengeluarkan anggaran kompensasi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.
Bukan semudah itu untuk mengeluarkan uang kompensasi, dan semua itu pasti ada dasarnya,” kata Ali Masyhar. Untuk menggantikan dana kompensasi itu, lanjut Ali Masyhar, SKK Migas sudah menyiapkan anggaran sebesar Rp 700 juta sebagai tali asih. Dana tersebut dihimpun dari biaya yang tidak terduga berasal dari proses operasional," papar Ali.
Saat ditanya nasib warga Desa Rahayu yang merasakan dampak flare selama berbulan-bulan, Ali kembali berkelit bahwa dampak flare sudah di bawah ambang batas sehingga tidak membahayakan warga. Ia mengklaim bahwa hal ini sesuai penelitian dari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). "Sudah beberapa tahun terakhir ini produksi minyak sumur-sumur JOB PPEJ telah menurun.
Jika dulu puncak produsi minyak di atas 40 ribu barel per hari, total gas yang dikeluarkan 20 MMSCFD. Tetapi, kini tingkat produksi telah menurun hingga di bawah 20 ribu per barel. Jadi produksi segitu cecara otomatis berada di bawah ambang batas,” dalihnya. Diberitakan sebelumnya, warga Desa Rahayu tetap ngotot meminta dana kompensasi. Sebab, menurut warga, dana tali asih yang dipersiapkan JOB PPEJ dan SKK Migas Jabanusa tak sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang diteken pada 2009 lalu terkait dana kompensasi.
Can Give admitted only Gratification
SKK Migas Chief Representative Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar claims could not compensate the impact of flares during a full 12 months demand Rahayu village residents, District Soko, further due to the rules. He asked citizens to understand that the company can only issue a budget compensation in accordance with applicable regulations.
Not so easy to spend money compensation, and all of it was certainly no basis, "said Ali Masyhar. To replace the compensation fund, said Ali Masyhar, SKK Migas has prepared a budget of Rp 700 million as ex-gratia. The funds collected from unexpected expenses come from operational processes, "said Ali.
When asked about the fate of Rahayu village residents who feel the impact of flare for months, Ali returned dodged that flare effects already below the threshold so as not to endanger the citizens. He claims that this is according to research from the Institute of Technology (ITS). "It's been the last few years oil production wells JOB PPEJ has declined.
If the first peak oil produsi over 40 thousand barrels per day, a total of 20 MMSCFD gas released. But now the production rate has dropped to below 20 thousand per barrel. So much for cecara automatic production is below the threshold, "he argued. Reported earlier, villagers insisted Rahayu requesting compensation fund. Because, according to residents, funds gratia prepared JOB PPEJ and SKK Migas Jabanusa not in accordance with the agreement signed in 2009 related to the compensation fund.
Harian Bangsa, Page-9,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
PEPC Target Produksi Gas 2020
Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) menargetkan lapangan gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru (TBR) di Desa Bandungrejo, Kecamatan Ngasem, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, memproduksi gas sebesar 172 juta standar-kaki kubik pada 2020. Target kami gas Jambaran-TBR bisa berproduksi 2020 dengan pembeli PLN dan Petrokimia, “ kata Senior “Project Manager” Jambaran-Tiung Biru (TBR) PEPC Firman Arif, Rabu (21/12).
Hanya saja, pihaknya masih melakukan proses negosiasi terkait harga gas dengan pembeli dari PLN dan PT Petrokimia dengan negosiator Pemerintah. “Dua perusahaan pembeli gas dari BUMN sehingga negosiatornya Pemerintah,” ucapnya. Sesuai rencana, menurut dia, gas lapangan Jambaran-TBR akan diproduksikan sebesar 172 juta standar kaki kubik per hari dalam kurun waktu 2020-2035. “Gas Jambaran-TBR akan dimanfaatkan untuk listrik dan pupuk,” ucapnya.
Ia menyebutkan proyek pengembangan lapangan gas Jambaran-TBR di dalam “plant of development” (POD) akan menelan-biaya mencapai 2,5 miliar dolar Amerika Serikat. Menurut dia, pengeboran dua sumur gas akan dimulai pada 2018. Sekarang dalam proses persiapan untuk pondasi pengeboran yang akan selesai berkisar 2-3 bulan,” tandasnya. Pekerjaan pengembangan proyek lapangan gas Jambaran-TBR lainnya, lanjut Manajer Humas PPEC Abdul Malik, berupa pekerjaan pembangunan sipil dimulai 2016 lalu. Pekerjaan yang sudah berjalan, kata dia, pembangunan akses jalan, gedung perkantoran juga berbagai pekerjaan sipil lainnya termasuk pembangunan lapangan heli. Di dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan itu, menurut dia melibatkan sekitar 200 tenaga kerja.
PEPC 2020 Gas Production Target
Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) targeting gas field Jambaran-Tiung Blue (TBR) in the village of Bandungrejo, District Ngasem, Bojonegoro, East Java, producing gas by 172 million standard cubic-feet in 2020. Our target Jambaran gas-TBR can produce 2020 with buyers PLN and Petrochemicals, "said Senior" Project Manager "Jambaran-Tiung Blue (TBR) PEPC word Arif, on Wednesday (21/12).
Only, it's still in the process of negotiations related to gas prices with buyers from PLN and PT Petrochemical with government negotiators. "Two companies buyer of gas from SOEs so that government negotiators," he said. As planned, according to him, the gas field Jambaran-TBR is to be produced by 172 million standard cubic feet per day in the period 2020-2035. "Gas Jambaran-TBR will be utilized for electricity and fertilizer," he said.
He mentioned gas field development project Jambaran-TBR in the "plant of development" (POD) will swallow-cost reached 2.5 billion US dollars. According to him, the drilling of two gas wells will commence in 2018. Now in the process of preparation for foundation drilling will be completed around 2-3 months, "he said. Gas field project development work Jambaran-other TBR, said PR Manager PPEC Abdul Malik, in the form of civil construction work began in 2016 ago. Work is already under way, he said, the construction of access roads, office buildings as well as various other civil works including the construction of the helicopter field. In the performance of the work, according to him involves about 200 workers.
Duta Masyarakat, Page-15,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Donggi-Senoro LNG Bidik 40 Kargo
PT Donggi-Senoro LNG, perusahaan penghasil gas alam cair, menargetkan dapat menghasilkan gas sebanyak 40 kargo atau setara dengan 2,2 juta ton per tahun pada 2017. Direktur Urusan Korporasi Donggi-Senoro LNG Aditya Mandala mengatakan, target produksi gas alam cair/LNG pada tahun depan tidak berbeda jauh dengan capaian pada tahun ini sekitar 40 kargo. Padahal, target produksi LNG perusahaan yang berlokasi di Sulawesi Tengah itu 36 kargo.
Saham Donggi-Senoro dimiliki oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 29%, PT Medco LNG lndonesia 11%, dan Sulawesi LNG Development Ltd. 59,9%. Menurutnya, seluruh gas yang diproduksi telah dikirim ke konsumen untuk jangka panjang. Dari 40 kargo, yang dihasilkan, 39 kargo di antaranya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen jangka panjang yang berasal dari Jepang dan Korea Selatan.
Sebenarnya, komitmen konsumen jangka panjang pada 2016 adalah 36 kargo, tetapi tiga kargo lainnya tidak dapat terserap di dalam negeri sehingga dijual di pasar spot. Hanya satu kargo LNG yang disalurkan ke PLTGU Muara Karang. Untuk 2017, kami masih ingin menargetkan dengan 40 kargo sesuai dengan produksi yang telah kita lampaui. Sejak beroperasi pada 2015, pihaknya telah mengirim 51 kargo LNG antara lain 11 kargo pada 2015 dan 40 kargo tahun ini.
Pada tahun depan, Donggi-Senoro memiliki komitmen untuk memenuhi konsumen jangka panjang sebanyak 31 kargo. Sisanya, katanya, bisa dijual untuk memenuhi kebutuhan domestik. Dia menambahkan, untuk kebutuhan pada kuartal I/2017, belum ada pasar domestik yang mau menyerap LNG Donggi. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya masih menawarkan kepada pembeli domestik seperti PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara PT Perusahaan Gas Negara dan pertamina.
Donggi-Senoro LNG Cargo Shutter 40
PT Donggi-Senoro LNG, liquefied natural gas producer, expects to produce as many as 40 cargoes of gas, equivalent to 2.2 million tonnes per year in 2017. Director of Corporate Affairs Donggi-Senoro LNG Aditya Mandala said the targeted production of liquefied natural gas / LNG in the next year does not vary much with the achievements of this year about 40 cargoes. In fact, LNG production target company located in Central Sulawesi was 36 cargoes.
Donggi-Senoro shares owned by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 29%, PT Medco LNG Indonesia 11%, and Sulawesi LNG Development Ltd. 59.9%. According to him, the whole gas produced has been delivered to customers for the long term. Of the 40 cargo, produced, 39 cargoes of them to meet the needs of long term customers from Japan and South Korea.
Actually, long-term customer commitments in 2016 is 36 cargoes, but three other cargo can not be absorbed in the country so sold on the spot market. Only one cargo of LNG supplied to the Muara Karang. For 2017, we still want to target with 40 cargoes in accordance with the production we have exceeded. Since its inception in 2015, it had sent 51 cargoes of LNG include 11 cargoes in 2015 and 40 cargoes this year.
In the next year, Donggi-Senoro has a commitment to meet the long-term consumer as much as 31 cargoes. The rest, he said, could be sold to domestic needs. He added, to the needs of the first quarter / 2017, there is no domestic market would absorb Donggi. Therefore, it is still offered to domestic buyers such as state electricity company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara and Pertamina.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Target 2017 Lebih Rendah
Pembangunan jaringan gas rumah tangga pada tahun depan hanya 60.000 sambungan rumah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun ini 88.915 rumah tangga. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pihaknya akan menggenjot pembangunan jaringan gas bumi bagi rumah tangga. Rencana pembangunan jaringan gas (jargas) tahun depan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan realisasi pada tahun ini 88.915 rumah tangga.
Pembangunan jaringan gas pada 2015 hanya 7.636 rumah tangga. Pemerintah telah mengusulkan jaringan gas pada 2017 sebanyak 100.000 sambungan rumah. Namun, usulan tersebut tak terkabul karena adanya pemangkasan anggaran yang menyebabkan pos kegiatan pembangunan jargas turut tergerus. Berdasarkan pagu Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017, pagu anggaran turun dari Rp 7,31 triliun menjadi Rp 7,02 triliun.
Dampaknya, usulan membangun jaringan gas semula 69.200 Sambungan Rumah (SR) menjadi 56.432 SR. Realisasi jaringan gas pada tahun ini ada di enam daerah yakni Tarakan 21.000 SR, Surabaya 24.000 SR, Batam 4.000 SR, Prabumulih 32.000 SR, Cilegon 4.066 SR, dan Balikpapan 3.849 SR. Selama lima tahun, terhitung sejak 2015, pihaknya merencanakan untuk membangun jaringan gas hingga 1,3 juta rumah tangga. Menurutnya, program tersebut masih jauh bila harus menyentuh 65 juta rumah tangga.
Bila dibandingkan dengan Iran, katanya, jaringan gas nasional sangat minim. Iran telah menyambungkan jaringan gas ke 90% penduduk. Pemerintah, belum akan merevisi target pembangunan jaringan gas di Tanah Air kendati masih jauh dari target 1,3 juta rumah tangga.
Target 2017 Lower
Domestic gas network construction in the next year only 60,000 house connections is lower than the realization of this year 88 915 households. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja IGN said it will boost the development of the network of natural gas for households. Gas network development plan (jargas) next year is lower than the realization in the year 88 915 households.
Development of gas network in 2015 only 7636 households. The Government has proposed a gas network in 2017 as many as 100,000 residential connections. However, the proposal did not come true because of the budget cuts which led the post development activities jargas succession eroded. Based on the ceiling of the State Budget (APBN) in 2017, the budget ceiling down from Rp 7.31 trillion to Rp 7.02 trillion.
Impacts, proposals to build gas network was originally 69 200 House Connection (SR) into 56 432 SR. Realized gas network this year in six areas namely Tarakan SR 21,000, SR 24,000 Surabaya, Batam SR 4000, SR 32,000 Prabumulih, Cilegon 4066 SR and 3849 SR Balikpapan. For five years, starting in 2015, it planned to build a network of gas up to 1.3 million households. According to him, the program is still a long way when it should touch 65 million households.
When compared to Iran, he said, the national gas network was minimal. Iran has been connecting the gas network to 90% of the population. Government, will not revise the target to develop gas network in the country though still far from the target of 1.3 million households.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Tren Migas Riau Positif
Kinerja sektor minyak bumi di Riau terus menunjukkan peningkatan selama lima tahun terakhir meskipun harga minyak bumi sempat anjlok ke level terendah. Gubernur Riau Arsyadjuliandi Rachman mengatakan kinerja sektor migas Riau menunjukkan tren positif hingga tahun ini meski harga gas sempat jatuh ke level terendahnya. Sejumlah perusahaan, paparnya, juga belum mengeksplorasi dengan memaksimalkan sumur-sumur yang ada.
Berdasarkan data Pemprov Riau, dominasi sektor migas terhadap perekonomian daerah sesuai dengan produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) daerah itu tercatat mencapai 28,26% pada 2015. Pencapaian itu meningkat dari posisi tahun-tahun sebelumnya, yaitu dari 24,73% pada 2011, kemudian 25,46% pada 2012, meningkat 26,57% pada 2013, dan 27,53% pada 2014. Tahun ini, diprediksi akan menyentuh 29% meski pemerintah belum merilisnya secara resmi.
Riau merupakan daerah sentra minyak bumi dan gas dengan persentase 40% dari produksi migas nasional. Riau memiliki delapan blok migas dengan beberapa Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama dari beberapa perusahaan luar negeri dan dalam negeri, seperti PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, PT Pertamina, PT Energi Mega Persada dan perusahaan daerah seperti PT Bumi Siak Pusako dan PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau Langgak.
Pemprov Riau mencatat total produksi migas di Riau mencapai 133 juta barel per tahun. Andi Rachman mengatakan perusahaan migas di Riau harus memacu pencapaian produksi untuk mengejar target lifting yang ditetapkan oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Target lifting migas nasional meningkat 825.000 barrel per hari untuk tahun depan, meningkat dari tahun ini yang hanya 825.000 barel per hari Riau yang masih bergantung dengan minyak bumi tersebut harus mampu mengurangi ketergantungannya pada sektor tersebut.
Hal ini karena harga minyak masih fluktuatif dan masih bergantung pada pasar internasional. Riau harus mampu mengurangi ketergantungannya dengan sektor migas agar perekonomian membaik," kata Joko, Ekonom Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syatif Kasim II Riau. Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan tersebut, pemerintah bisa membangun industri hilir minyak bumi dengan memanfaatkan lahan kawasan industri. Riau saat ini mengembangkan kawasan tiga kawasan industri, kawasan industri Tanjung Buton, Kawasan Industri Dumai dan Kawasan Industri Kuala Enok. “Industri hilir, seperti pembangunan refinery oil tersebut bertujuan agar harga minyak tidak lagi bergantung pada permintaan luar negeri,” kata Joko.
Positive Trends in Oil and Gas Riau
Performance of the petroleum sector in Riau continues to show improvement over the last five years even though the price of oil tumbled to its lowest level. Riau Governor Arsyadjuliandi Rachman said the performance of the oil and gas sector Riau showed a positive trend so far this year despite gas prices had fallen to its lowest level. A number of companies, he said, also has not been explored by maximizing existing wells.
Based on data from the Riau provincial government, the dominance of oil and gas sector to the regional economy in accordance with the regional gross domestic product (GDP) of the region reached 28.26% in 2015. The achievement was increased from the position of previous years, ie from 24.73% in 2011, then 25.46% in 2012, an increase of 26.57% in 2013 and 27.53% in 2014. this year, predicted to reach 29% even though the government has yet to officially release it.
Riau is the central areas of oil and gas with a percentage of 40% of the national oil and gas production. Riau has eight oil and gas blocks with multiple Sharing Contractor of several companies overseas and domestic, such as PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, PT Pertamina, PT Energi Mega Persada and regional companies such as PT Bumi Siak Pusako and PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau Langgak.
Riau provincial government noted in Riau total oil and gas production reached 133 million barrels per year. Andi Rachman said the oil and gas company in Riau should foster the achievement of lifting production to achieve the target set by the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas. National oil lifting target increased by 825,000 barrels per day for the next year, up from this year only 825,000 barrels per day of Riau are still dependent on petroleum should be able to reduce its dependence on the sector.
This is because oil prices are still fluctuating and dependent on the international market. Riau should be able to reduce dependence on oil and gas sector so that the economy is improving, "said Joko, an economist at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syatif Kasim II Riau. To reduce this dependence, the government can build downstream industries of petroleum by making use of industrial land, Riau is currently developing the region three industrial areas, industrial areas Tanjung Buton industrial area industrial area Dumai and Kuala Enok. "downstream industries, such as construction of oil refinery is intended that oil prices are no longer dependent on foreign demand," said Joko.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-8,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Pertamina EP Menduga Kebocoran Pipa Minyak Sabotase
Pertamina EP Asset Field 4 Cepu, Jawa Tengah, menduga kebocoran pipa minyak milik PT Geo Cepu Indonesia (GCI) di Desa Kawengan, Kecamatan Kedawan, Kab Bojonegoro, Jatim, disebabkan unsur sabotase. "Sesuai laporan yang kami terima dari pihak GCI bahwa bocornya pipa minyak diduga ada unsur sabotase,” kata Manajer Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, Agus Amperiyanto. Dari foto pipa minyak yang bocor itu, menurut dia, kebocoran pipa distribusi minyak mentah milik PT GCI di trunkline Kawengan, Kee Kedewan, menggambarkan ada bekas digergaji.
Kebocoran pipa diketahui Senin (19/12) sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB. Menurut dia, setelah diketahui ada pipa minyak bocor, personal GCI langsung melakukan penanganan penghentian pemompaan minyak sekaligus melakukan pengangkatan minyak yang tumpah. Terjadinya kebocoran pipa distribusi minyak mentah milik GCI, jelas ada unsur kesengajaan, karena faktor adanya penertiban penambangan sumur minyak tua,” katanya menegaskan.
Sebelumnya, kata dia, Pertamina EP Asset Field, 4 Cepu, telah melakukan pengambilalihan sejumlah sumur minyak yang dikelola warga untuk kemudian dikelola PT GCI berdasarkan Kontrak Sama Operasi (KSO), Pihak GCI juga sudah melaporkan kejadian itu kepada polisi. Camat Kedewan, Bojonegoro Muchtarom menjelaskan kebocoran pipa minyak milik PT GCI itu mengakibatkan sawah warga seluas 2 hektare terkena tumpahan minyak. Di area sawah tersebut terdapat tanaman padi dengan usia sekitar 10 hari. Sampai sekarang ini masih ada petugas di lapangan yang melakukan pembersihan minyak yang tumpah di sawah,” ucapnya.
Dari hasil koordinasi dengan GCI, perbaikan pipa minyak yang bocor membutuhkan waktu sekitar lima hari. Kami juga meminta GCI memberikan kompensasi kepada warga yang sawahnya terkena tumpahan minyak, tetapi masih belum ada jawaban.
Pertamina EP suspect Leaks Oil Pipeline Sabotage
Pertamina EP Cepu Asset Field 4, Central Java, suspected leak oil pipe owned by PT Geo Cepu Indonesia (GCI) in the village of Kawengan, District Kedawan, Regency Bojonegoro, East Java, due to the element of sabotage. "According to the reports we receive from the GCI that leaking oil pipeline allegedly no element of sabotage," said Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Central Java, Agus Amperiyanto. From the photo oil pipeline leak, according to him, leaking distribution pipes crude PT GCI in trunkline Kawengan, Kee Kedewan, characterize the former sawed.
Pipeline leak is known on Monday (19/12) at around 07.00 pm. According to him, having known no leaking oil pipelines, personal GCI directly handling the cessation of pumping oil at the same time making the appointments oil spill. Leakage of crude oil distribution pipelines belonging to GCI, obviously no intention, because of the presence of old oil wells mining policing, "he asserted.
Previously, he said, Pertamina EP Field Asset, 4 Cepu, has conducted a number of oil well takeover residents managed to then managed by PT GCI under the Contract for Joint Operation (KSO), GCI Party had also reported the incident to the police. Camat Kedewan, Bojonegoro Muchtarom explain leak oil pipeline owned by PT GCI it resulted in a 2-hectare paddy residents affected by the oil spill. The rice fields are in the area of rice plants with the age of about 10 days. Until now there are still officers in the field who do the cleaning up oil spilled in the fields, "he said.
From the results of coordination with GCI, repair leaky oil pipeline takes about five days. We also ask for GCI provides compensation to citizens whose fields affected by the oil spill, but still no answer.
Bhirawa, Page-7,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Greater Efficiency Expected From New Scheme
The implementation of a gross split sliding scale in future oil and gas production sharing contracts (PSC) is expected to lead to greater efficiency and more uses of domestic services and products. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry plans to replace the current reimbursement scheme for oil and gas companies’ exploration and exploitation activities dubbed cost recovery -in 2017. It considers the cost recovery scheme inefficient, with experts claiming that several companies have marked up costs due to the unattractive split ratios.
According to the current scheme, in an oil project, a company’s portion is set at 15 percent and the rest is dedicated for the government, while in a gas project, the company has 'the right for a 30 percent portion with the remaining 70 percent belonging to the government. On the other hand, a gross-split scheme will incorporate a “no-cost recovery” mechanism, forcing companies to become more efficient amid continuously sluggish global oil prices. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said recently that without the cost recovery scheme, companies would have to calculate in details their own operational costs as the government would no longer reimburse their upstream activities.
This may lead to higher uses of domestic upstream services and products due to its cheaper prices and due to incentives offered by the government. “If companies use a certain percentage of local industrial content, for example 30 percent, the split [for contractors] may increase by 4 percent. This is a more concrete action [toward realizing the local content requirement],” Jonan said, adding that companies currently resorted to using local content because ofthe imposed regulation.
In addition to the base split that will be decided by the government, the gross split scheme will also consist of variable and progressive splits, which will affect the amount of returns received by both the government and companies. “A base split, for example, could be something like 70:30 and will be agreed upon in the beginning. After that, we will have a variable split, which involves factors such as location,” said Energy and Mineral Resources deputy minister Arcandra Tahar. Location-wise, an onshore field will not lead to higher split portions for companies. However, a deep-water field may result in companies’ portions increasing to around 4 percent, he said.
Other factors will play a role as well in the variable split, including the types of technology used, the amount of carbon dioxide, the amount of hydrogen sulnde and also the amount of local content used in the Held’s development. Meanwhile, unlike the base and variable split, the progressive split will “slide” depending on the production volume and global oil prices. “When oil prices fall, we will give a larger incentive to the contractors. However, if oil prices rise, the contractors have to give the split back to the government based on thescale we have implemented,” Arcandra, a long-time oil and gas player, said.
The new scheme will be first implemented in the production-sharing contract (PSC) of the Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) block. However, data from the ministry show there will still be around 50 existing PSC, which will remain under the cost recovery scheme for the next 25 years. Energy and mining research group Wood Mackenzie stated that a gross-split scheme can help reduce some of the bureaucratic delays and overhead costs that many investors associate with such a bureaucracy “More details are required to do a thorough comparison with the current PSC model, but we could infer that projects that required high levels of investment per barrel for example oil fields, EOR [enhanced oil recovery] projects, deep-water or projects in remote areas , would require very high levels of contractor shares to make the economics work,” Wood Mackenzie upstream oil and gas analyst John Utama.
Jakarta Post, Page-15, Wednesday, Dec,20,2016
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