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Saturday, December 24, 2016

BLH (EA) Minta EMCL Pasang Penanda Arah Angin Pasca Terulangnya Bau Busuk

    Pasca munculnya bau busuk dari proyek migas Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Kecamatan Gayam Kabupaten Bojonegoro beberapa hari kemarin, Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) Bojonegoro melakukan pemantauan di lokasi tersebut. Kepala BLH, Elzadeba Agustina bersama sekretaris dan timnya juga sempat menanyai beberapa warga yang menjadi korban bau tidak sedap tersebut. "Kita ingin melihat langsung dan ingin mengetahui fakta sebenarnya," ujar Elza pada Kamis (22/12).

    Menurut Elza, kejadian pada 18 Desember lalu itu perlu dicermati dengan sikap netral dan bijak. Dari pemantauan yang dilakukannya itu, dia melihat beberapa hal yang harus diteliti lebih lanjut. Elza menilai alat yang ada sudah bagus dan berfungsi dengan baik. Namun dia menyarankan ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) untuk memasang penanda arah angin seperti Windshock. "Walaupun jarak dari flare EMCL ke sini hampir 2 km, tapi kita juga harus tahu arah anginnya ke mana, karena kan gas itu dibawa angin. Apalagi H2S itu massa jenisnya berat, belum tentu sampai ke sini," paparnya. Dalam,kesempatan tersebut, Elza didampingi beberapa stafnya.


BLH Ask EMCL Install Wind Direction Marker Recurrence After Foul Odor

    Post-emergence stench of oil and gas projects Banyu Urip, Cepu in the district of Bojonegoro Gayam last few days, the Environment Agency (BLH/EA) Bojonegoro monitoring at the site. Head of BLH, Elzadeba Agustina joint secretary and his team also had questioned several residents who were victims of the odor. "We wanted to see first hand and wanted to know the truth," said Elza on Thursday (22/12).

    According to Elza, the events of December 18 and then it needs to be observed by a neutral stance and wise. From monitoring what he does, he saw a few things that should be investigated further. Elza assess existing tools already good and functioning properly. However, he suggested ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) to install markers such as wind direction Windshock. "Although the distance from the flares EMCL here almost 2 km, but we also need to know the wind direction to an extent, because the gas was carried by the wind. Moreover, its density H2S was heavy, not necessarily to get here," he explained. Within, the occasion, Elza was accompanied by some of his staff.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Friday, Dec,23,2016

Optimistis Produksi Minyak Meningkat

    SKK Migas Jabanusa (Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara) optimistis produksi minyak di wilayah kerjanya yang sekarang ini rata-rata sekitar 200 ribu barel per hari akan meningkat pada 2017. “Kami optimistis produksi minyak akan bisa meningkat pada 2017,” kata Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa Ali Masyhar. Ia menyebutkan produksi minyak di wilayah kerjanya dalam dua tahun terakhir sekitar 200 ribu barel per hari dari sejumlah lapangan minyak, diantaranya, sekitar 180 ribu barel per hari dari lapangan sumur minyak Blok Cepu.

    Produksi minyak itu, menurut dia, dihasilkan dari 13 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKS) dari 28 KKKS di wilayah kerjanya di Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan peningkatan produksi minyak pada 2017 akan diperoleh dari produksi minyak Blok Cepu yang dikelola ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL). Sesuai rencana pihak EMCL seperti yang disampaikan dalam acara itu akan meningkatkan produksi minyak Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro yang sekarang sekitar 180 ribu bare] per hari menjadi berkisar 200 ribu-205 ribu barel per hari. “Peningkatan produksi minyak Blok Cepu akan menambah produksi minyak pada 2017. Belum lagi dari peningkatan produksi sejumlah lapangan minyak lainnya di wilayah kerja kami,” ucapnya.

    Menurut dia, peningkatan produksi minyak di wilayah kerjanya itu bisa terjadi karena dipengaruhi beberapa hal, antara lain, adanya temuan cadangan minyak baru. Selain juga adanya perawatan sumur minyak. Yang jelas, menurut dia, produksi minyak di Tanah Air akan terus ditingkatkan dengan melakukan pencarian potensi cadangan minyak baru untuk mengantisipasi meningkatnya kebutuhan minyak Nasional.

    Untuk itu, kata dia, Pemerintah akan kembali menawarkan kepada kontraktor untuk melakukan pencarian potensi cadangan migas di Tanah Air. Sesuai data, menurut dia, kebutuhan minyak secara Nasional mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari, tetapi produksi minyak Nasional hanya sekitar 800 ribu barel per hari.


Optimistic on Oil Production Increase

    SKK Migas Jabanusa (Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara) is optimistic that oil production in the areas they are now on average about 200 thousand barrels per day will increase in 2017. "We are optimistic we will be able to increase oil production by 2017," said Chief SKK Migas Jabanusa Ali Masyhar. He said oil production in the working area in the last two years about 200 thousand barrels per day from a number of oil fields, of which, approximately 180 thousand barrels per day of oil wells Cepu field.

    Oil production, according to him, resulted from 13 cooperation contracts (PSC) of 28 KKKS in working areas in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. He further explained the increase in oil production in 2017 will be obtained from the Cepu Block oil production managed by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL). EMCL parties according to plan as presented in the show will increase oil production at the Cepu block Bojonegoro are now about 180 thousand bare] per day to a range of 200 thousand to 205 thousand barrels per day. "Increased production of the Cepu Block oil will increase oil production in 2017. Not to mention the increase in the production of a number of other oil fields in the area of ​​our work," he said.

    According to him, the increase in oil production in the areas they can happen because influenced by several things, among others, the discovery of new oil reserves. As well as the maintenance of oil wells. What is clear, according to him, oil production in the country will be improved by doing a search of potential new oil reserves in anticipation of increasing national oil needs.

    To that end, he said, the government will offer to the contractor to conduct a search of potential oil and gas reserves in the country. According to the data, according to him, the need for national oil reached 1.6 million barrels per day, but the national oil production is only about 800 thousand barrels per day.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Friday, Dec,23,2016

Aramco Lepas Balongan & Dumai

    Saudi Aramco, perusahaan minyak milik Arab Saudi, melepas komitmen untuk bermitra dengan PT Pertamina  dalam proyek penambahan kapasitas atau revitalisasi Kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat dan Kilang Dumai di Riau. Direktur Megaproyek Kilang dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, kesepakatan atau head of agreement (HOA) dengan Aramco terkait proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dan Kilang Dumai tidak diperpanjang.

    Hardadi menyebut pihaknya harus melakukan kajian apakah akan melanjutkan proyek sendiri seperti pada Kilang Balikpapan atau mencari mitra baru. Dia menyebut beberapa faktor pertimbangan seperti waktu penyelesaian dan aspek finansial. “HoA antara Saudi Aramco untuk Balongan dan Dumai sudah berakhir 26 November 2016,” ujarnya usai jumpa pers pembentukan perusahaan patungan Pertamina dan Aramco dalam proyek Kilang Cilacap, Kamis (22/ 12).

    Pertamina meminta revitalisasi Kilang Balongan dan Dumai harus selesai pada September 2019. Dia menargetkan, penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan bisa diselesaikan pada akhir 2019 atau paling lambat pada pertengahan 2020 kendati rencana awal selesai pada 2023. Pasokan nafta ke Kilang Balongan berpotensi terganggu karena bahan baku itu diserap oleh Kilang Balikpapan. Oleh karena itu, proses penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan yang berlokasi di Indramayu itu harus cepat diselesaikan.

    Proyek peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dari 125.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 280.000 bph membutuhkan biaya sekitar US$2,7 miliar. Sementara itu, proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Dumai dari 175.000 bph menjadi 300.000 bph membutuhkan biaya US$4,2 miliar. Namun, Pertamina akan menghitung kembali nilai investasi yang dibutuhkan dalam proyek tersebut.

    Pada 2017, untuk kegiatan akusisi aset hulu di iuar negeri seperti di Iran dan Rusia juga proyek di sektor pengolahan seperti Kilang Balikpapan, Kilang Tuban, Kilang Baiongan, dan Kilang Tuban, perseroan sudah mengalokasikan belanja modal US$5 miliar-US$6 miliar. “Nanti kami lihat. Jadi gini, kalau ternyata Pertamina bisa run (bekerja) dengan our capability [kemampuan internal, tentu tidak perlu mencari partner (pengganti Aramcol)," katanya.

    Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Utama Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser mengatakan, pihaknya masih menaruh minat terhadap proyek Kilang Dumai dan Kilang Balongan. Namun, pihaknya perlu melakukan kajian terlebih dahulu yang diperkirakan tuntas pada 2017.  Menurutnya, Indonesia menjadi salah satu tujuan investasi di sektor pengolahan selain China dan Malaysia. “Kami akan melihat kemungkinan di Dumai dan Balongan,” katanya. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, pihaknya telah mengukuhkan kemitraan dengan Saudi Aramco untuk menambah kapasitas Kilang Cilacap dari 348.00 bph menjadi 400.000 bph.

    Pertamina dan Aramco menandatangani kesepakatan kerja sama untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan di proyek Kilang Cilacap. Setelah memperpanjang head of agreement (HOA) sebanyak dua kali, tutur Dwi, empat poin telah disepakati sejak akhir November 2016. Empat poin yang telah disepakati yakni terkait pasokan minyak mentah, kontrol manajemen, lifting, dan valuasi aset Kilang Cilacap. Dengan kesepakatan tersebut, pihaknya pun optimistis proyek bisa berjalan bahkan dipercepat.

    Untuk menyelesaikan proyek lebih cepat, pihaknya harus memulai persiapan iahan pada 2017 yang dilanjutkan dengan tahap pendefinisian proyek selama setahun.  Kemudian, kata Dwi, konstruksi fisik dilakukan pada 2019. “Awalnya proyek ini selesai 2022, tetapi dalam rapat terakhir, CEO Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser menantang tim dan commit untuk menyelesaikan di 2021,” ujarnya. Revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap butuh investasi US$ 5 miliar yang nantinya akan dibagi sesuai dengan kepemilikan saham. Pertamina menguasai 55% dan Aramco 15%. Pasokan minyak mentah akan didatangkan Aramco sebanyak 270.000 bph.

    Sisanya, yakni sekitar 130.000 bph akan dipasok Pertamina. Melalui proyek tersebut, Kilang Cilacap akan menghasilkan tambahan produk berupa gasolin (Premium, Pertalite, dan seri Pertamax) 80.000 bph, solar 60.000 bph dan avtur 40.000 bph dengan standar emisi Euro 5. Selain itu, unit produksi bahan bakar minyak pun akan terhubung dengan unit produksi pelumas dan petrokimia.


Revitalization of Refinery

Aramco Release Balongan & Dumai

    Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's oil company, took off the commitment to partner with PT Pertamina in capacity expansion or revitalization projects Balongan refinery in West Java and Dumai refinery in Riau. Director megaproject Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical Hardadi Rachmat said the agreement or heads of agreement (HOA) with associated Aramco refinery capacity expansion project Balongan and Dumai Refinery was not renewed.

    Hardadi call it shall be assessed whether to proceed with the project itself as the Balikpapan refinery or seek new partners. He calls some consideration factors such as turnaround time and financial aspects. "HoA between Saudi Aramco for Balongan and Dumai has ended 26 November 2016," he said after a press conference the formation of a joint venture and Aramco Pertamina in Cilacap refinery project, on Thursday (22/12).

    Pertamina asked revitalization Balongan and Dumai Refinery should be completed in September 2019. He targeted, Balongan refinery capacity additions could be completed by the end of 2019 or at the latest by mid 2020 although the initial plan was completed in 2023. The supply of naphtha to Balongan refinery feedstock could be disrupted because it is absorbed by Balikpapan refinery. Therefore, the process of adding capacity Balongan refinery located in Indramayu that must be resolved quickly.

    Project Balongan refinery capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 280,000 bpd to cost about US $ 2.7 billion. Meanwhile, the Dumai refinery capacity expansion project of 175,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd will cost US $ 4.2 billion. However, Pertamina will recalculate the value of the investment required in the project. In 2017, for the activities of acquisition of upstream assets in iuar country such as Iran and Russia as well as projects in the processing sector such as Balikpapan refinery, refinery Tuban, Refinery Baiongan, and refinery in Tuban, the company has allocated a capital expenditure of US $ 5 billion to US $ 6 billion. "We'll see. So Look, if it turns out Pertamina could run (work) with our capability [internal capabilities, certainly do not need to find a partner (replacement Aramcol), "he said.

    In the same occasion, Director of Saudi Aramco Nasser Amin said it was still interested in the project Dumai and Balongan Refinery Refinery. However, it needs to conduct a study first estimated to be completed in 2017. According to him, Indonesia has become one of the purposes of investment in the processing sector in addition to China and Malaysia. "We will look at the possibilities in Dumai and Balongan," he said. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said it has forged a partnership with Saudi Aramco to increase the capacity of 348.00 bpd Cilacap refinery to 400,000 bpd.

    Pertamina and Aramco signed a cooperation agreement to establish a joint venture in the Cilacap refinery project. After extending the head of agreement (HOA) twice, said Dwi, four points have been agreed upon since the end of November 2016. The four points that have been agreed which is related to the supply of crude oil, management control, lifting and asset valuation Cilacap refinery. With the agreement, the company was optimistic that the project could run even accelerated.

    To complete the project faster, it should begin preparations iahan in 2017, followed by the stage of defining the project for a year. Then, said Dwi, physical construction carried out in 2019. "Initially the project was completed in 2022, but in the last meeting, the CEO of Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser challenged the team and commit to completing in 2021," he said. Revitalisation of Cilacap need to invest US $ 5 billion which will be divided according to the ownership of shares. Pertamina Aramco accounts for 55% and 15%. The supply of crude oil would be imported as much as 270,000 bpd Aramco.

    The rest, which is about 130,000 bpd will be supplied by Pertamina. Through the project, the Cilacap refinery will produce additional products such as gasoline (Premium, Pertalite, and series Pertamax) 80,000 bpd, 60,000 bpd diesel and jet fuel 40,000 bpd with the emission standards Euro 5. In addition, the unit's fuel production will be connected to the unit production of lubricants and petrochemicals.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Dec,23,2016

SKK Migas Minta Masyarakat Jangan Bilang ‘Pokoknya’

    Kepala Perwakilan SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, berharap agar permasalah kompensasi warga Desa Rahayu, Kec Soko, Tuban, akibat dampak gas buang (Flare) Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) bisa diselesaikan tahun ini dan tidak sampai sulit sampai tahun depan. "Masih ada sembilan hari lagi, jadi harus segera diselesaikan dan dicarikan solusi terbaik. Jangan sampai tahun 2017 masalahnya belum selesai, nanti jadi malah tidak jelas,” kata Ali Masyhar

    SKK Migas akan berupaya mencarikan jalan keluar kompensasi dampak flare selama 12 bulan yang belum dibayar pihak JOB- PPEJ. Namun pihaknya meminta agar masyarakat bisa mengerti tentang regulasi yang dikeluarkan SKK Migas Pusat sehingga kedua belah pihak bisa menyelesaikan permasalan dengan baik, "Jadi masyarakat  jangan tidak mau tau, jangan ‘pokoknya’, kami juga akan membantu mencarikan solusi, tapi kedua belah pihak harus saling mengerti,” harap Ali Masyhar.

    Menurutnya, maunya masyarakat dengan acuan sejak 2009 yang mana pada saat itu puncak tertinggi produksi minyak yang mencapai 45 ribu barel per hari, dengan 'total gas yang dihasilkan JOB PPEJ mencapai 20 MMSCFD. Namun saat ini, tingkat produksi minyak JOB PPEJ hanya 10 ribu barel per hari, dan produksi gas tinggal 3 MMSCFD. "Gas buang flare JOB PPEJ saat ini sudah di bawah ambang batas.

    Hal ini berdasarkan hasil kajian tim dari Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya,”tuturnya. Sementara itu, Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, menyatakan, selama ini pihaknya sudah berjuang untuk warga Rahayu sampai ke humas pusat dan menteri ESDM dengan didampingi Komisi A, Komisi B, Komisi C DPRD Tuban, namun hasil finalnya hanya mendapat tali asih selama dua bulan.


SKK Migas Asks People do not say 'Anyway'

    Chief Representative of SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, hoping that problems compensate residents Rahayu Village, District Soko, Tuban, due to the impact of exhaust gas (Flare) Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB-PPEJ) could be completed this year and not to difficult to next year. "There are still nine days away, so it must be resolved, and the best solution. Do not until 2017 the problem is not yet completed, will be even unclear," said Ali Masyhar

    SKK Migas will find a way out compensation flare effect for 12 months unpaid JOB- PPEJ parties. However, it requested that the public can understand about the regulations issued by SKK Migas Centre so that both sides can resolve the problem lies with the good, "so people do not want to know, do not 'Anyway', we will help find a solution, but both sides must mutually understand, "Ali Masyhar hope.

    According to him, the public wants to benchmark since 2009 at which time the highest peak oil production reached 45 thousand barrels per day, with a 'total gas produced JOB PPEJ reached 20 MMSCFD. But this time, the level of oil production JOB PPEJ only 10 thousand barrels per day and gas production stayed 3 MMSCFD. "The exhaust gas flare JOB PPEJ is now below the threshold.

    It is based on the team's assessment of the Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, "he said. Meanwhile, Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, states, so far it has been struggling to citizens Rahayu to the public relations center and Energy Minister was accompanied by Committee A, B Commission, Parliament Commission C Tuban, but the final results just got gratia for two months.

Bhirawa, Page-6, Friday, Dec,23,2016

Pertamina Gandeng Saudi Aramco

     Akhirnya PT Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco menandatangani perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan gabungan atau joint venture untuk modernisasi kilang minyak, pada Kamis (22/ 12). Penandatanganan itu merupakan kelanjutan memorandum of understanding (MoU) yang ditandatangani pada Desember 2015 lalu. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto menjelaskan, dengan perjanjian pembentukan joint venture ini artinya sudah ada kejelasan terkait pembentukan perusahaan gabungan. Yakni, dengan komposisi saham Pertamina sebesar 55% dan Saudi Aramco sebesar 45%.

    Melalui penandatanganan ini juga, Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco menargetkan proyek modernisasi Kilang Cilacap bisa selesai tahun 2021 atau satu tahun lebih cepat dari target sebelumnya pada tahun 2022. CEO Saudi Aramco menantang tim berkomitmen menyelesaikan proyek ini pada tahun 2021," ujar Dwi. Chief Executive Officer Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser menambahkan, kedua perusahaan segera menyelesaikan proses basic engineering design (BED). "Dan saat ini kami menuju proses front end engineering design (FEED)," ujar Nasser.

    Agar bisa mencapai target penyelesaian proyek pada tahun 2021, kedua perusahaan sudah harus menyelesaikan bankable visibility study dan menyelesaikan basic engineering design. Dwi menargetkan ini bisa selesai pada akhir Februari 2017. Proses selanjutnya adalah FEED dan pembentukan perusahan gabungan. Proses FEED sendiri akan memakan waktu selama setahun. Selama mengerjakan FEED, kedua perusahaan juga akan mulai menyiapkan lahan yang akan digunakan untuk proyek modernisasi Kilang Cilacap. "Selama FEED juga dimulai persiapan lahan pada tahun 2017 untuk mengejar tahun 2021.

    Groundbreaking persiapan lahan juga sudah harus dilakukan pada tahun 2017," terang Dwi. Rachmad Hardadi, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan & Petrokimia Pertamina, menambahkan, tahun 2017 juga sudah harus mempersiapkan analisis dampak lingkungan (Amdal) yang memakan waktu sekitar enam hingga delapan bulan. Kemudian pada tahun 2018 sudah harus menyelesaikan proses persiapan lahan untuk dilakukan konstruksi pada tahun 2019 hingga tahun 2021.

    Jika nanti selesai dibangun, proyek modernisasi Cilacap yang menelan dana investasi sekitar US$ 5 miliar akan menghasilkan tambahan produksi berupa gasolin sebesar 80.000 barel per hari (bph), diesel sebesar 60.000 bph, avtur sebesar 40.000 bph dan produksi aromatik serta lubes oil dari hasil integrasi pabrik petrokimia.


Pertamina Cooperate with Saudi Aramco

    Finally PT Pertamina and Saudi Aramco signed an agreement forming a joint company or joint venture for modernization of the refinery, on Thursday (22/12). The signing is a continuation memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in December 2015 and then. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto explained, the agreement means that the formation of this joint venture is no clarity about the formation of the combined company. Namely, the composition of Pertamina shares of 55% and Saudi Aramco 45%.

    Through the signing of this also, Pertamina and Saudi Aramco targeting Cilacap refinery modernization project to be completed in 2021 or one year ahead of the previous target in 2022. CEO of Saudi Aramco challenged team is committed to complete this project in 2021, "said Dwi. Chief Executive Officer Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser added that the two companies soon complete the basic engineering design (BED). "And this time we headed to the front end engineering design (FEED)," said Nasser.

    In order to achieve the target project completion in 2021, the two companies already have to complete the bankable visibility study and completed the basic engineering design. Dwi targeting can be completed by the end of February 2017. The next process is the FEED and the formation of the combined company. FEED process itself will take as long as a year. During the FEED work, the two companies will also start preparing the land to be used for Cilacap Refinery modernization project. "During the FEED also begun site preparation in 2017 to pursue in 2021.

    Groundbreaking tillage also has to be done in 2017, "said Dwi. Rachmad Hardadi, Director megaproject Processing & Petrochemicals Pertamina, added in 2017 also have to prepare an environmental impact assessment (EIA), which takes about six to eight months. Then in 2018 should have completed the process of preparing the land for construction done in 2019 until 2021.

    If you later completed, the modernization project Cilacap, which costs an investment of around US $ 5 billion will generate additional production in the form of gasoline amounted to 80,000 barrels per day (bpd), diesel by 60,000 bpd, aviation fuel of 40,000 bpd and the production of aromatics and lubes oil from the integration petrochemical plant.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,23,2016

Saudi Aramco Buka Peluang Kerjasama

    Saudi Aramco, perusahaan minyak dari Arab Saudi, siap bekerja sama dengan PT Pertamina di sektor pengolahan minyak di Indonesia. Hal itu ditandai dengan penandatanganan kerja sama patungan kedua perusahaan untuk proyek pengembangan kilang Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, milik Pertamina. Proyek tersebut dinamai program rencana induk pengembangan kilang (refinery development master plan/RDMP).

    Dengan program ini, kapasitas kilang Cilacap diperbesar dari 368.000 barrel per hari menjadi 400.000 barrel per hari. Selain itu, tingkat kompleksitas produk basil kilang dinaikkan dan bahan bakar minyak yang dihasilkan berstandar Euro V. Indonesia merupakan pasar yang penting bagi kami. Selain berpopulasi 250 juta jiwa, perekonomian Indonesia adalah yang terbesar di Asia Ténggara.

Kami siap bekerja sama dengan Pertamina dengan program pengembangan kilang mereka yang cukup ambisius,” ujar CEO Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser seusai penandatanganan kerjasama patungan. Dalam program rencana induk pengembangan kilang Pertamina, selain kilang Cilacap, Pertamina juga berencana menaikkan kapasitas dan kompleksitas kilang mereka yang ada di Dumai, Riau, dan Balongan di Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

    Apabila proyek di kilang Cilacap ditargetkan rampung pada 2021, proyek serupa di Dumai dan Balongan masing-masing dijadwalkan selesai pada 2023. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto menambahkan, setelah penandatanganan dokumen kerjasama patungan ini, kedua belah pihak segera merealisasikan pendirian perusahaan patungan. Porsi kepemilikan saham perusahaan patungan disepakati 55 persen milik Pertamina dan 45 persen milik Saudi Aramco.

    Nilai investasi proyek pengembangan kilang Cilacap ditaksir sekitar Rp 65 triliun. ”Awalnya proyek ini dijadwalkan selesai 2022. Akan tetapi, setelah ada pembicaraan dengan pihak Saudi Aramco, penyelesaian proyek dipercepat menjadi rampung pada 2021,” kata Dwi. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi menambahkan, proyek pengembangan kilang Cilacap diharapkan mampu menyerap tenaga kerja sebanyak 40.000 sampai 50.000 orang.

    Proyek ini diharapkan dapat merangsang tumbuhnya industri baru di Cilacap. Selain program pengembangan kilang, Pertamina juga ditugaskan pemerintah membangun kilang baru di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, dan Tuban, Jawa Timur. Pertamina menggandeng Rosneft, perusahaan minyak Rusia, untuk membangun kilang baru di Tuban dengan kapasitas 300.000 barrel per hari. Untuk kilang Bontang, Pertamina belum menemukan mitra untuk membangun. Sampai 2024, Pertamina menargetkan produksi kilang mereka mencapai 2 juta barrel per hari.


Saudi Aramco Open Cooperation Opportunities

    Saudi Aramco, the oil company of Saudi Arabia, prepared in cooperation with PT Pertamina in the oil processing sector in Indonesia. It was marked by the signing of the joint venture the two companies for refinery development project Cilacap, Central Java, owned by Pertamina. The project is named after the master plan for development program refineries (refinery development master plan / RDMP).

    With this program, enlarged Cilacap refinery capacity of 368 000 barrels per day to 400,000 barrels per day. In addition, the level of product complexity increased basil refineries and fuel oil produced standard Euro V. Indonesia is an important market for us. In addition to a population of 250 million people, Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia.

    We are ready to cooperate with Pertamina refinery development program with those ambitious enough, "said the CEO of Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser after the signing of the joint venture. In the master plan for development program Pertamina's refinery, in addition to the Cilacap refinery, Pertamina also plans to raise the capacity and complexity of their existing refinery in Dumai, Riau, and Balongan in Indramayu, West Java.

    If the project in Cilacap refinery is targeted for completion in 2021, a similar project in Dumai and Balongan each scheduled for completion in 2023. Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto added, after the signing of a joint cooperation document, the two sides immediately realize the joint venture. The proportionate share of joint stock company owned by Pertamina, 55 percent agreed and 45 percent-owned Saudi Aramco.

    The investment value of the Cilacap refinery development project estimated at around Rp 65 trillion. "Initially the project is scheduled for completion by 2022. However, after talks with Saudi Aramco, accelerated project completion be completed in 2021," said Dwi. Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat added, Cilacap refinery expansion project is expected to provide employment for 40,000 to 50,000 people.

    The project is expected to stimulate the growth of new industries in Cilacap. In addition to the refinery development program, Pertamina also assigned the government built a new refinery in Bontang, East Kalimantan, and Tuban, East Java. Pertamina cooperating with Rosneft, a Russian oil company, to build a new refinery in Tuban with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. For the Bontang plant, Pertamina has not found a partner to build. Until 2024, Pertamina is targeting their refinery production reached 2 million barrels per day.

Kompas, Page-17, Friday, Dec,23,2016

Pertamina Projected to be Upstream Industry’s Sole Contractor

    Pertamina is projected to become the sole contractor in the upstream oil and gas industry as part of the government’s efforts to boost cost eficiency. The state-owned petroleum giant would be prioritized in all oil and gas working areas in the upstream industry after contracts with all contractors expire in the future, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said recently, adding that the upcoming assignment was based on an instruction from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

    The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s Regulation No. 15/2015 already lays out several options. They include the options of Pertamina taking over the contracts, the government extending partnerships with existing contractors and Pertamina entering collaboration with the contractors themselves. As of November, there were 284 oil and gas working areas nationwide, down from 313 in January according to the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas).

    During the January to November period, those areas produced a total of 833 million barrels of oil per day (mbopd) and 7.9 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) of gas. Contracts for 35 working areas will end in the period of 2017 to 2026, including contracts of French oil and gas giant Total E&P Indonesie that operates the gas-rich Mahakam block in East Kalimantan and US- based energy giant Chevron Pacific Indonesia that operates the Rokan block in Riau Islands.

    Total E&P’s contract will expire in 2017, while that of Chevron’s will expire in 2021. “We hope Pertamina can further reduce the production costs after it takes over all of those areas. Other wise, there is no point of giving them such an assignment,” Jonan said, adding that Pertamina would still be able to form partnerships with foreign investors in the process. The government is also putting high hopes on Pertamina tightening its belt if the plan materializes. “Since you cannot manage the selling price of oil, you have to manage the cost wisely,” Jonan said.

    Hadi lsmoyo, the secretary-general of the Indonesian Association for Petroleum Engineers (IATMI), said the government’s instruction to Pertamina was in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, which mandates state control over all natural resources in the country. “Private contractors can still join tenders for new working areas in future. lt doesn’t mean that we will close all of the opportunities for them,” he said.

    On the other hand, the plan will force Pertamina to improve its Financial performance, considering the number of working areas it might take charge of in the future. “Pertamina will be flooded with oil and gas blocks. Hence, it needs a big amount of funds to manage all of it efficiently, including from global financial institutions. On the upside, though, existing working areas that have started producing oil and gas are relatively easy to manage compared to new ones,” Hadi went on.

    Pertamina data show the company more than doubled year-on-year net profit to more than US$3 billion from January to November amid low global oil prices. It attributed the positive performance to efliciency measures worth up to $1.8 billion, including the renegotiation of contracts and operational cost cuts. At the same time, its overall short term loans decreased to $140 million from $4.98 billion in the same period last year.

Jakarta Pos, Page-15,Thursday, Dec,22,2016

Kinerja Kilang LNG Donggi Senoro Lampaui Target

    Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) mencatat kinerja produksi kilang gas alam cair (LNG) pada tahun ini melampaui target. Hingga akhir Desember 2016, kilang yang berlokasi di Desa Uso, Kecamatan Batui, Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah tersebut, diproyeksikan mampu memproduksi LNG sebesar 2,2 juta ton dari rencana 2 juta ton. Kinerja tahun 2016 ini sungguh menggembirakan, baik dari sisi produksi maupun keselamatan. Ada penambahan produksi dengan masuknya pasokan gas dari CPP Donggi.

    Selain itu kilang bisa beroperasi normal sepanjang tahun ini dengan catatan keselamatan kerja yang baik,” jelas Direktur Urusan Korporasi Aditya Mandala. Kilang DSLNG mendapat pasokan gas dari JOB Pertamina Tomori Sulawesi dan Pertamina EP Pengembangan Gas Matindok. Terhitung sejak April 2016, pasokan gas dari Central Processing Plant (CPP) Donggi-milik Pertamina EP mulai mengalir sehingga volume gas rata-rata yang diolah di Kilang DSLNG menjadi 355 MMSCFD dari rencana 335 MMSCFD.

    Di sisi keselamatan, kilang membukukan 20 juta jam kerja aman tanpa kecelakaan sehingga berhasil menerima penghargaan Patra Karya Nirbhaya Utama dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Sedangkan dari sisi pengelolaan lingkungan, DSLNG berhasil memperoleh Peringkat Biru dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Aditya menambahkan bahwa kilang LNG Donggi Senoro dapat menjaga kestabilan operasi di tengah situasi harga minyak yang menurun dan suplai LNG yang berlebih.

    Dalam periode Januari-November 2016, kilang berhasil mengirimkan satu kargo ke konsumen domestik di saat kondisi suplai produsen LNG domestik yang berlebih. Kinerja operasi yang mumpuni juga diikuti dengan keberlanjutan program sosial kemasyarakatan di berbagai bidang antara lain pendidikan. pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, kesehatan, dan lingkungan hidup, Di sektor pendidikan, DSLNG meneruskan kerja sama dengan Balai Latihan Kerja Palu untuk program keterampilan vokasi pengelasan hingga mendapat sertifikasi nasional.

    DSLNG juga membantu masyarakat yang putus sekolah di sekitar area kilang untuk mendapatkan ijazah Sekolah Menengah melalui kejar paket B dan C. Di sektor pemberdayaan ekonomi, DSLNG mendorong penguatan kelompok simpan pinjam di tiga kecamatan dengan total jumlah simpanan mencapai Rp 400 juta. Aditya mengemukakan bahwa perusahaan menaruh perhatian penting pada peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat. “Dengan penguatan kapasitas, sumber daya lokal bisa maju dan berkembang melalui kemarnpuan yang dimiliki.

    Sebagai contoh, mereka yang telah mengikuti latihan vokasional tidak hanya bisa bersaing di industri konstruksi, mereka juga bisa membuka usaha mandiri.  Komitmen penguatan kapasitas local juga dilakukan kepada berbagai usaha bisnis setempat. Berbagai usaha penunjang seperti kontraktor penyedia transportasi, kontraktor sipil, penyedia tenaga keria, mendapat kesempatan menjadi rekanan. Melalui berbagai program CSR, di tahun 2016, DSLNG berhasil memperoleh penghargaan Bronze dalam ajang Global CSR Summit and Award.

    Perusahaan juga meneruskan kemitraan strategis dengan pemerintah yaitu dengan Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi untuk program dukungan Desa Mandiri dan Kementerian Pertanian melalui Badan Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian. Dengan kinerja yang baik di 2016, DSLNG tetap mengantisipasi berbagai langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan kinerja di tahun 2017. Hal ini tidak lepas dari dukungan yang baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah. Kilang LNG Donggi Senoro telah memasuki tahap operasional sejak Juni 2015 dan pengiriman kargo LNG telah dilakukan sejak 2 Agustus 2015 untuk pasar domestik maupun internasional.


Donggi Senoro LNG Plant Performance Exceeds Target

    Limited Liability Company (PT) Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) recorded performance of the refinery production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) this year exceeded the target. Until the end of December 2016, the refinery located in the Village Uso, Batui Banggai, Central Sulawesi, the LNG is projected to produce 2.2 million tons of the planned 2 million tonnes. Performance in 2016 is quite encouraging, both in terms of production and safety. There is the additional production with the inclusion of the CPP Donggi gas supply.

    Besides the refinery to operate normally throughout the year with a good safety record, "explained the Director of Corporate Affairs Aditya Mandala. Refinery DSLNG receive gas supply from Pertamina JOB Tomori Sulawesi and Pertamina EP Matindok Gas Development. As from April 2016, the supply of gas from Central Processing Plant (CPP) Donggi-owned by Pertamina EP began to flow so that the average volume of gas processed at the refinery DSLNG MMSCFD to 355 MMSCFD of 335 plans.

    On the safety side, the refinery posted 20 million safe work hours without an accident so successfully received awards Patra Karya Utama Nirbhaya of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In terms of environmental management, DSLNG managed to obtain Blue Rating of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Aditya adds that the Donggi Senoro can maintain stable operation in the midst of declining oil prices and excess supply of LNG.

    In the period January-November 2016, the refinery successfully deliver the cargo to domestic consumers at a time when the domestic supply situation of excess LNG producers. That qualified operating performance was also followed by the sustainability of social programs in various fields such as education. economic empowerment, health, and the environment, In the education sector, DSLNG continue cooperation with the Training Center Palu to program the welding vocational skills to obtain national certification.

    DSLNG also help people who drop out of school around the refinery area to get a high school diploma through the Packet B and C. In the sector of economic empowerment, DSLNG boost the savings groups in three districts with a total amount of deposits reached USD 400 million. Aditya argued that companies pay important attention on improving community capacity. "By strengthening the capacity of local resources for progress and development through kemarnpuan owned.

    For example, those who have followed vocational training not only could compete in the construction industry, they are also able to open an independent business. Commitment to strengthen local capacity was also made to various local businesses. Various supporting businesses such as contracting transportation providers, civil contractors, Keria power provider, got the opportunity to become a partner. Through various CSR programs, in 2016, DSLNG successfully awarded the Bronze in the event the Global CSR Summit and Award.

    The Company also continued strategic partnership with the government, namely the Ministry of Rural, Rural Development and Transmigration for Independent Village support program and the Ministry of Agriculture through the Agency for Agricultural Technology Application. With a good performance in 2016, DSLNG continue to anticipate the various steps required to maintain performance in 2017. This is not out of good support from the central government and local governments. Donggi Senoro has entered the operational phase since June 2015 and delivery of LNG cargo has been carried out since August 2, 2015 for domestic and international markets.

Investor Daily, Page-9,Thursday, Dec,22,2016

Able to Generate 9 Million Barrel

     Operator of the oil project in the Cepu Block in the Bojonegoro region. Exxon-Mobil, Cepu Limited (EMCL) began working on the Kedung Keris well site, with around 9 million barrels of oil in the well, EMCL Rexy Mawardijaya's Public Relations revealed that the Kedung Keris Plan of Development (POD) had been approved by the Special Oil and Oil Working Unit Natural Gas (SKK Migas) since June 2016 and an analysis of environmental impacts (Amdal) has been completed.

Exxon-Mobil, Cepu Limited (EMCL)

    Currently we are building roads and pipelines along the 15 kilometers of wellpads Kedung Keris to the central production facility in Banyu Urip, "said Rexy. 

Rexy Mawardijaya

   He added that at the time of future production. tread the well can produce about 5,000 barrels of oil per day. 

the Cepu Block

    Increase the amount of oil by the oil production at the Cepu Block. Now we are still focusing on increasing oil production on the Banyu Urip (already producing 185 thousand barrels of oil per day since March 2016). Next year to add more and Keris Kedung field, "he said.

    Meanwhile. Rexy also revealed, Keris Kedung development investments estimated cost of 100 million US dollars. Of the investment. when the oil is already diperoduksi. the government will receive 713 million dollars (assuming an oil price of 40 US dollar per barrel. If the oil price of 60 dollars, then the government will receive 1,171 million US dollars. 

     Region Cepu block which covers three areas, namely, Bojonegoro, Tuban and Blora has the potential Tread oil and gas wells. among these wells that have been drilled footprint wellpads Banyu Urip (oil), Kedung Keris (oil). Jambaran-Tiung Biru (gas), Cendana (gas) dan Gianti (gas).

    Special projects in Banyu Urip, said Rexy, the EMCL has produced 120 million barrels of oil, the investment value of 4 billion US dollars. During production, the country has received a revenue of 44 billion US dollars. 

     oil price assumption of 50 dollars per barrel, "he explained. Representative of SKK Migas Java Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Ali Mashar said, domestic oil production is 820 thousand barrels per day, while consumption of 1.6 million barrels per day.


Mampu Hasilkan 9 Juta Barrel

     Operator proyek minyak di Blok Cepu wilayah Bojonegoro. Exxon-Mobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) mulai menggarap lapak sumur Kedung Keris. Di tapak sumur tersebut, terdapat kandungan minyak sekitar 9 juta barrel. Humas EMCL Rexy Mawardijaya mengungkapkan Plan of Development (POD) Kedung Keris sudah disetujui pihak Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) sejak Juni 2016 dan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) sudah selesai.

    Saat ini kami sedang membangun jalan dan pipa sepanjang 15 kilometer dari tapak sumur Kedung Keris ke central production facility di Lapangan Banyu Urip,” ujar Rexy. Ia menambahkan, pada saat produksi nantinya. tapak sumur tersebut bisa menghasilkan minyak bumi sekitar 5.000 barrel per hari. 

    Minyak sebesar itu menambah jumlah produksi minyak di Blok Cepu. Sekarang kami memang masih fokus meningkatkan produksi minyak di Lapangan Banyu Urip (sudah memproduksi minyak 185 ribu barrel per hari sejak Maret 2016). Tahun depan menambah lagi dan lapangan Kedung Keris,” katanya.

    Sementara itu. Rexy juga mengungkapkan, investasi pembangunan di Kedung Keris diperkirakan menelan dana sebesar 100 juta dollar Amerika. Dari investasi itu. pada saat minyak sudah diperoduksi. pemerintah akan menerima 713 juta dollar (asumsi harga minyak 40 dollar amerika per barrel. Apabila harga minyak 60 dollar, maka pemerintah akan menerima 1.171 juta dolar Amerika. 

      Kawasan Blok Cepu yang meliputi tiga daerah, yakni, Bojonegoro, Tuban,  dan Blora memiliki potensi Tapak sumur minyak dan gas bumi. Di antaranya tapak sumur yang sudah dibor tapak sumur Banyu Urip (minyak), Kedung Keris (minyak). Jambaran-Tiung Biru (gas), Cendana (gas) dan Gianti (gas).

    Khusus proyek di Lapangan Banyu Urip, kata Rexy, pihak EMCL telah memproduksi minyak sebesar 120 juta barrel, nilai investasinya 4 miliar dollar Amerika. Selama produksi itu, negara telah menerima pemasukan sebesar 44 miliar dolar Amerika. asumsinya harga minyak 50 dollar per barrel," terangnya. 

     Kepala Perwakilan SKK Migas jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Ali Mashar mengatakan, produksi minyak nasional 820 ribu barrel per hari, sedangkan kebutuhan konsumsi 1,6 juta barrel per hari.
Surya, Page-4,Thursday, Dec 22, 2016

Produksi Minyak Sumur Kedung Keris Capai 5.000 Barel per Hari

    Operator lapangan minyak dan gas Bumi (migas) Banyuurip Blok Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) mulai menggarap tapak sumur Kedung Keris di Kecamatan Kalitidu, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Di tapak sumur Kedung Keris itu diperkirakan terdapat kandungan minyak mentah sebesar 9 juta barel. Juru Bicara EMCL Rexy Mawardijaya mengungkapkan, plan of development (POD) atau rencana pengembangan sumur Kedung Keris sudah disetujui pihak satuan kerja khusus minyak dan gas bumi (SKK Migas) sejak Juni 2016 dan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) sudah selesai.

    Saat ini, kami sedang membangun jalan dan pipa sepanjang 15 kilometer dari tapak sumur Kedung Keris ke CPF (central production facility) di Lapangan Banyuurip,” ujar Rexy. Ia menambahkan, pada saat produksi nantinya tapak sumur tersebut bisa menghasilkan minyak bumi sekitar 5.000 barel per hari. Minyak sebesar itu menambah jumlah produksi minyak di kawasan Blok Cepu. “Sekarang kami memang masih fokus meningkatkan produksi minyak di Lapangan Banyuurip (sudah memproduksi minyak 185.000 barel per hari sejak Maret 2016), tahun depan menambah lagi dari lapangan Kedung Keris, katanya.

    Sementara itu, Kepala Perwakilan SKK Migas jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara  Ali Mashar mengatakan, produksi minyak nasional sebesar 820.000 barel per hari, sedangkan kebutuhan konsumsi sekitar 1,6 juta barel per hari. Terbesar produksi minyak dilakukan Cevron di Pekanbaru yang menghasilkan sekitar 300.000 barel per hari atau 40% dari kebutuhan minyak nasional.


Oil Well Production Kedung Keris Reaches 5,000 Barrels per Day

    Oil and gas field operators Earth (oil) Banyuurip Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) began working wellpads Kedung Keris in District Kalitidu, Bojonegoro. In wellpads Kedung Keris it is estimated that crude oil content of 9 million barrels. Spokesman EMCL Rexy Mawardijaya revealed plan of development (POD) or a development plan Kedung Keris wells already approved by a special unit of oil and gas (SKK Migas) since June 2016 and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been completed.

    Currently, we are building roads and pipelines along the 15 kilometers of wellpads Kedung Keris to CPF (central production facility) in the Field Banyuurip, "said Rexy. He added that at the time of the production will tread the well can produce about 5,000 barrels of oil per day. Increase the amount of oil by the oil production in the Cepu Block. "Now we are still focusing on increasing oil production in the Field Banyuurip (already producing 185,000 barrels of oil per day since March 2016), the next year to add more than Kedung field Keris, he said.

    Meanwhile, Chief Representative of SKK Migas Java Bali and Nusa Tenggara Ali Mashar said national oil production by 820,000 barrels per day, while the consumption needs of about 1.6 million barrels per day. Chevron's largest oil production is done in Pekanbaru which produces about 300,000 barrels per day or 40% of the nation's oil demand.

Koran Sindo, Page-6,Thursday, Dec,22,2016