Saudi Aramco, perusahaan minyak milik Arab Saudi, melepas komitmen untuk bermitra dengan PT Pertamina dalam proyek penambahan kapasitas atau revitalisasi Kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat dan Kilang Dumai di Riau. Direktur Megaproyek Kilang dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan, kesepakatan atau head of agreement (HOA) dengan Aramco terkait proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dan Kilang Dumai tidak diperpanjang.
Hardadi menyebut pihaknya harus melakukan kajian apakah akan melanjutkan proyek sendiri seperti pada Kilang Balikpapan atau mencari mitra baru. Dia menyebut beberapa faktor pertimbangan seperti waktu penyelesaian dan aspek finansial. “HoA antara Saudi Aramco untuk Balongan dan Dumai sudah berakhir 26 November 2016,” ujarnya usai jumpa pers pembentukan perusahaan patungan Pertamina dan Aramco dalam proyek Kilang Cilacap, Kamis (22/ 12).
Pertamina meminta revitalisasi Kilang Balongan dan Dumai harus selesai pada September 2019. Dia menargetkan, penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan bisa diselesaikan pada akhir 2019 atau paling lambat pada pertengahan 2020 kendati rencana awal selesai pada 2023. Pasokan nafta ke Kilang Balongan berpotensi terganggu karena bahan baku itu diserap oleh Kilang Balikpapan. Oleh karena itu, proses penambahan kapasitas Kilang Balongan yang berlokasi di Indramayu itu harus cepat diselesaikan.
Proyek peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Balongan dari 125.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 280.000 bph membutuhkan biaya sekitar US$2,7 miliar. Sementara itu, proyek penambahan kapasitas Kilang Dumai dari 175.000 bph menjadi 300.000 bph membutuhkan biaya US$4,2 miliar. Namun, Pertamina akan menghitung kembali nilai investasi yang dibutuhkan dalam proyek tersebut.
Pada 2017, untuk kegiatan akusisi aset hulu di iuar negeri seperti di Iran dan Rusia juga proyek di sektor pengolahan seperti Kilang Balikpapan, Kilang Tuban, Kilang Baiongan, dan Kilang Tuban, perseroan sudah mengalokasikan belanja modal US$5 miliar-US$6 miliar. “Nanti kami lihat. Jadi gini, kalau ternyata Pertamina bisa run (bekerja) dengan our capability [kemampuan internal, tentu tidak perlu mencari partner (pengganti Aramcol)," katanya.
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Utama Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser mengatakan, pihaknya masih menaruh minat terhadap proyek Kilang Dumai dan Kilang Balongan. Namun, pihaknya perlu melakukan kajian terlebih dahulu yang diperkirakan tuntas pada 2017. Menurutnya, Indonesia menjadi salah satu tujuan investasi di sektor pengolahan selain China dan Malaysia. “Kami akan melihat kemungkinan di Dumai dan Balongan,” katanya. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, pihaknya telah mengukuhkan kemitraan dengan Saudi Aramco untuk menambah kapasitas Kilang Cilacap dari 348.00 bph menjadi 400.000 bph.
Pertamina dan Aramco menandatangani kesepakatan kerja sama untuk membentuk perusahaan patungan di proyek Kilang Cilacap. Setelah memperpanjang head of agreement (HOA) sebanyak dua kali, tutur Dwi, empat poin telah disepakati sejak akhir November 2016. Empat poin yang telah disepakati yakni terkait pasokan minyak mentah, kontrol manajemen, lifting, dan valuasi aset Kilang Cilacap. Dengan kesepakatan tersebut, pihaknya pun optimistis proyek bisa berjalan bahkan dipercepat.
Untuk menyelesaikan proyek lebih cepat, pihaknya harus memulai persiapan iahan pada 2017 yang dilanjutkan dengan tahap pendefinisian proyek selama setahun. Kemudian, kata Dwi, konstruksi fisik dilakukan pada 2019. “Awalnya proyek ini selesai 2022, tetapi dalam rapat terakhir, CEO Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser menantang tim dan commit untuk menyelesaikan di 2021,” ujarnya. Revitalisasi Kilang Cilacap butuh investasi US$ 5 miliar yang nantinya akan dibagi sesuai dengan kepemilikan saham. Pertamina menguasai 55% dan Aramco 15%. Pasokan minyak mentah akan didatangkan Aramco sebanyak 270.000 bph.
Sisanya, yakni sekitar 130.000 bph akan dipasok Pertamina. Melalui proyek tersebut, Kilang Cilacap akan menghasilkan tambahan produk berupa gasolin (Premium, Pertalite, dan seri Pertamax) 80.000 bph, solar 60.000 bph dan avtur 40.000 bph dengan standar emisi Euro 5. Selain itu, unit produksi bahan bakar minyak pun akan terhubung dengan unit produksi pelumas dan petrokimia.
Revitalization of Refinery
Aramco Release Balongan & Dumai
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's oil company, took off the commitment to partner with PT Pertamina in capacity expansion or revitalization projects Balongan refinery in West Java and Dumai refinery in Riau. Director megaproject Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical Hardadi Rachmat said the agreement or heads of agreement (HOA) with associated Aramco refinery capacity expansion project Balongan and Dumai Refinery was not renewed.
Hardadi call it shall be assessed whether to proceed with the project itself as the Balikpapan refinery or seek new partners. He calls some consideration factors such as turnaround time and financial aspects. "HoA between Saudi Aramco for Balongan and Dumai has ended 26 November 2016," he said after a press conference the formation of a joint venture and Aramco Pertamina in Cilacap refinery project, on Thursday (22/12).
Pertamina asked revitalization Balongan and Dumai Refinery should be completed in September 2019. He targeted, Balongan refinery capacity additions could be completed by the end of 2019 or at the latest by mid 2020 although the initial plan was completed in 2023. The supply of naphtha to Balongan refinery feedstock could be disrupted because it is absorbed by Balikpapan refinery. Therefore, the process of adding capacity Balongan refinery located in Indramayu that must be resolved quickly.
Project Balongan refinery capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 280,000 bpd to cost about US $ 2.7 billion. Meanwhile, the Dumai refinery capacity expansion project of 175,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd will cost US $ 4.2 billion. However, Pertamina will recalculate the value of the investment required in the project. In 2017, for the activities of acquisition of upstream assets in iuar country such as Iran and Russia as well as projects in the processing sector such as Balikpapan refinery, refinery Tuban, Refinery Baiongan, and refinery in Tuban, the company has allocated a capital expenditure of US $ 5 billion to US $ 6 billion. "We'll see. So Look, if it turns out Pertamina could run (work) with our capability [internal capabilities, certainly do not need to find a partner (replacement Aramcol), "he said.
In the same occasion, Director of Saudi Aramco Nasser Amin said it was still interested in the project Dumai and Balongan Refinery Refinery. However, it needs to conduct a study first estimated to be completed in 2017. According to him, Indonesia has become one of the purposes of investment in the processing sector in addition to China and Malaysia. "We will look at the possibilities in Dumai and Balongan," he said. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said it has forged a partnership with Saudi Aramco to increase the capacity of 348.00 bpd Cilacap refinery to 400,000 bpd.
Pertamina and Aramco signed a cooperation agreement to establish a joint venture in the Cilacap refinery project. After extending the head of agreement (HOA) twice, said Dwi, four points have been agreed upon since the end of November 2016. The four points that have been agreed which is related to the supply of crude oil, management control, lifting and asset valuation Cilacap refinery. With the agreement, the company was optimistic that the project could run even accelerated.
To complete the project faster, it should begin preparations iahan in 2017, followed by the stage of defining the project for a year. Then, said Dwi, physical construction carried out in 2019. "Initially the project was completed in 2022, but in the last meeting, the CEO of Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser challenged the team and commit to completing in 2021," he said. Revitalisation of Cilacap need to invest US $ 5 billion which will be divided according to the ownership of shares. Pertamina Aramco accounts for 55% and 15%. The supply of crude oil would be imported as much as 270,000 bpd Aramco.
The rest, which is about 130,000 bpd will be supplied by Pertamina. Through the project, the Cilacap refinery will produce additional products such as gasoline (Premium, Pertalite, and series Pertamax) 80,000 bpd, 60,000 bpd diesel and jet fuel 40,000 bpd with the emission standards Euro 5. In addition, the unit's fuel production will be connected to the unit production of lubricants and petrochemicals.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Dec,23,2016