Saturday, December 24, 2016
Deadlock Over Masela May End
The long-drawn negotiations over the gas-rich Masela block may come to an end soon as the main sticking point has been resolved following a recent meeting in Japan. Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan told reporters that his two-day trip to Tokyo was fruitful as the two governments had apparently reached an agreement on the duration of the Masela block’s contract extension after it expires in 2028. Japan’s biggest energy developer Inpex Corp., which holds a 65 percent stake in the block, previously proposed a 10-year contract extension to make up for lost time resulting from prolonged negotiations and repeated plan of development (POD) revisions.
Although Luhut declined to disclose the number of years the two governments had agreed upon, he said Indonesia had rejected the proposed time frame. “In relation to Masela, although they asked for 10 years, we felt that seven years was much more realistic,” he said. Inpex and the world’s top liquefied natural gas (LNG) trader Royal Dutch Shell, which holds the remaining 35 percent stake in the block, were previously put in the spotlight after President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo decided in March that the project had to be developed as an onshore scheme, completely contrary to the initial offshore proposal, as it was believed this would create more benefits for both the country’s economy.
As a result, the companies were required to revise their POD once again before the end of this year. Inpex and Shell submitted the original POD for an offshore scheme in 2010, but the discovery of more extensive resources led the contractors to submit a modified one last year, adjusting the capacity of the floating LNG plant to 7.5 million tons per year, up from 2.5 million tons. With the current POD, the gas field was expected to start production by 2024. It is now forecast that the gas field will only begin operations in 2026, just two years shy of Inpex and Shell’s contract expiry The government also believes that the work on the Masela block, which is set to become Indonesia’s largest deep water project, will cost less than the previously estimated US$ 22 billion.
Inpex itself has requested a cost recovery worth $1.2 billion, which will be strongly considered by the government “following an audit”, according to Luhut. Furthermore, Luhut said the Japanese government had agreed that the gas produced from the Masela block would be distributed to local petrochemical and fertilizer industries. Located in Maluku Island in the eastern part of the archipelago, the gas-rich Masela block is estimated to be able to produce 1.2 mmscfd and 24,000 barrels of condensate per day for 24 years.
Inpex senior communications and relations manager Usman Slamet said the company was still in talks with the government over the issue to allow the development of the gas block to begin as soon as possible, adding that it believed the government would do its best for this project. Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) executive director Fabby Tumiwa said the 2026 operational start date was possible only if a POD and the final investment decision (FID) could be approved by the end of the year and by 2020 respectively. However, if the POD is postponed until 2017, and the FID post-poned to 2021 or 2022 then the operational start date could be two years after 2026,” he told the Post, adding that the renegotiation of the POD was highly dependent on the contract extension and the fiscal incentives being offered by the government.
Jakarta Post, Page-13, Saturday, Dec, 24, 2016
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Lifting Minyak 2017 Naik
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) akan menaikkan target lifting minyak 2017 menjadi 825.000 barel oil per day (bopd). Untuk mencapai target ini, SKK Migas meminta Pertamina EP mengoptimalkan produksi mereka. Taslim Z.Yunus, Kepala Humas SKK Migas berharap, Pertamina EP mampu memenuhi lifting migas dengan cara meningkatkan produksi lewat teknik electrical submersible pump (ESP) di beberapa lapangan migasnya.
Selain lapangan migas yang digarap Pertamina ER harapan peningkatan produksi berasal dari blok besar lain seperti blok yang dikelola Chevron. Dengan begitu, target lifting minyak 2017 bisa tercapai. Apalagi bila kontraktor mampu berproduksi lebih tinggi dari rencana kerja Work Program and Budget (WP&B). Dulu Total bisa lebih tinggi dari WP&B, Chevron juga begitu. Kami harap tahun depan produksinya lebih tinggi dari tahun ini," jelas Taslim. Tidak seluruh lapangan mengalami kenaikan produksi, salah satunya lapangan migas Banyu Urip milik ExxonMobil di Blok Cepu yang target produksinya sama dengan tahun ini sebesar 200.000 bopd. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public and Goverment Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia bilang, dalam WP&B tahun depan hanya disepakati produksi lapangan Banyu Urip sebesar 200,000 bopd.
2017 Oil Lifting Up
Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) will increase oil lifting target of 2017 to 825,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd). To achieve this target, SKK Migas asks Pertamina EP optimize their production. Taslim Z.Yunus, Head of Public Relations expect SKK Migas, Pertamina EP is able to meet the lifting of oil and gas by increasing production through the technique of electrical submersible pump (ESP) in some of its oil and gas field.In addition to oil and gas fields were tilled Pertamina ER expectancy increased production comes from large blocks such as blocks being managed by Chevron. By doing so, the oil lifting target in 2017 can be achieved. Moreover, if the contractor is able to produce a higher work plan Work Program and Budget (WP & B). It used to be higher than the total of the WP & B, Chevron, too. We hope next year production is higher than this year, "said Taslim. Not all courts increased production, one oil and gas field Banyu Urip ExxonMobil in the Cepu Block production targets together with the year of 200,000 bopd. Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public ExxonMobil Indonesia and Government Affairs said, the WP & B next year just agreed Banyu Urip field production of 200,000 bopd.
Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec, 24, 2016
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Produksi Minyak Membaik
Harga Rendah, Eksplorasi untuk Temukan Cadangan Sangat Minim
Produksi minyak siap jual atau lifting pada 2016 mencapai 821.800 barrel per hari, membaik dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang tidak mencapai target. Target yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2016 sebesar 820.000 barrel per hari. Namun, tingkat pengembalian cadangan minyak di Indonesia masih di bawah 50 persen. Dalam pemaparan kinerja hulu minyak dan gas bumi 2016 oleh Kepala Humas Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus, sejak 2007, produksi minyak siap jual selalu di bawah target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN.
Baru kali ini, produksi siap jual bisa lebih besar dari target ditetapkan dalam APBN. Sumbangan minyak dari Blok Cepu yang dikelola ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd sangat berarti bagi capaian lifting minyak tahun ini. Kontribusi penting minyak siap jual datang dari Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, yang tahun ini sumbangannya rata-rata 185.000 barrel per hari. Lainnya datang dari Blok Rokan oleh Chevron, Blok Mahakam yang dikelola Total, dan Blok Offshore Northwest Java oleh Pertamina Hulu Energi,” ujar Taslim.
Tahun ini ada penemuan cadangan migas baru di Lapangan Sidayu, Blok Pangkah, yang dioperasikan Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. Lapangan tersebut memiliki cadangan migas 300 juta barrel setara minyak dan merupakan penemuan besar setelah Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu. Lapangan Sidayu terletak di lepas pantai Laut Jawa, tepatnya di utara Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur. Bila pengajuan rencana pengembangan lapangan tahun depan, paling cepat lapangan tersebut bisa dikuras minyaknya pada 2019,” ujar Taslim.
Dari sisi tingkat pengembalian cadangan, kondisi di Indonesia belum memuaskan karena secara rata-rata hanya 35,8 persen. Tingkat pengembalian cadangan sebesar 35,8 persen, artinya dari setiap minyak dan gas yang dikuras di Indonesia, cadangan baru yang ditemukan hanya 35,8 persen. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan eksplorasi di Indonesia sepanjang 2016 yang berhasil menemukan cadangan minyak dan gas sebanyak tujuh sumur, sedangkan lima sumur pengeboran mengandung hidrokarbon. Adapun tujuh sumur pengeboran gagal menemukan cadangan.
Mengenai kondisi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia, menurut Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, saat ini belum begitu menggembirakan akibat faktor harga minyak yang rendah. SKK Migas mencatat, rata-rata harga minyak sepanjang 2016 adalah 39,15 dollar AS per barrel. Diperkirakan kondisi pada 2017 tidak akan jauh berbeda dengan kondisi di sepanjang 2016. Komaidi menambahkan, perusahaan tetap lebih banyak membelanjakan modalnya untuk kegiatan produksi daripada eksplorasi yang sangat berisiko. Apalagi, ongkos eksplorasi yang gagal sepenuhnya ditanggung perusahaan.
Sementara kegiatan perawatan sumur dan kerja ulang sumur masih ditanggung negara dalam perhitungan cost recovery. ”Tiadanya penemuan baru, saya kira wajar di tengah harga minyak yang rendah. Porsi investasi untuk eksplorasi kurang dari 10 persen, sedangkan sisanya dipakai untuk produksi,” kata Komaidi.
Improved Oil Production
Low price, Exploration for Discover Reserves Very SkimpyOil production ready for sale or lifting in 2016 reached 821.8 thousand barrels per day, improved compared with previous years which did not reach the target. Targets set in the State Budget in 2016 amounted to 820,000 barrels per day. However, the rate of return of oil reserves in Indonesia is still below 50 percent. In the presentation of the performance of the upstream oil and gas in 2016 by the Head of Public Relations Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Taslim Z Yunus, since 2007, oil production is ready to sell always below the target set in the budget.
Only this time, the production of ready to sell could be greater than the target set in the budget. Donations oil from the Cepu block managed by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd is very meaningful for oil lifting this year's achievements. An important contribution of oil ready for sale coming from Banyu Urip, Cepu, which this year is an average contribution of 185,000 barrels per day. Others came from Rokan Block by Chevron, Total managed on the block, and the Offshore Northwest Java by Pertamina Hulu Energi, "says Taslim.
This year there is the discovery of new oil and gas reserves in the Field Sidayu, Pangkah block, which is operated Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd. The field has gas reserves of 300 million barrels of oil equivalent and is a great invention after the Banyu Urip, Cepu. Sidayu field located off the coast of Java Sea, precisely in the north Gresik, East Java. If the submission of the field development plan next year, the fastest of the field can be drained of oil in 2019, "said Taslim.
In terms of the return on reserves, the conditions in Indonesia have not been satisfactory because on average only 35.8 percent. The return on reserves amounted to 35.8 per cent, meaning that of every oil and gas are depleted in Indonesia, new reserves are found only 35.8 percent. Overall, the exploration activities in Indonesia throughout 2016 managed to find oil and gas reserves as much as seven wells while drilling five wells containing hydrocarbons. The drilling of seven wells failed to find a backup.
On the condition of upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia, according to Executive Director ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, currently not so encouraging due to the low oil price factor. SKK Migas noted, the average oil price throughout 2016 was 39.15 dollars per barrel. It is estimated that in 2017 conditions will not be much different from the conditions in the whole 2016. Komaidi added, the company still spend more capital for production rather than exploration is very risky. Moreover, the cost of exploration that failed entirely borne by the company.
While maintenance activities wells and rework wells are still borne by the state in the calculation of cost recovery. "The lack of new discoveries, I think it's perfectly amid low oil prices. The investment for the exploration of less than 10 percent, while the rest is used for production, "said Komaidi.
Kompas, Page-17, Saturday, Dec, 24, 2016
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Lifting Migas Lampaui Target APBNP
Temukan Tujuh Ladang Baru
Meski harga minyak mentah dunia saat ini rendah, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) tidak mengendurkan produksi minyak dan gas (migas). Buktinya, SKK Migas mencatat, llfting minyak bumi hingga November lalu mencapai 822 ribu barel per hari (BOPD) dan gas 5.643 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Artjnya, minyak yang diserahkan KKKS ke titik pembagian (custody transprpoint) tersebut melampaui target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN Perubahan 2016 sebesar 820 ribu BOPD minyak dan 6.438 mmscfd gas.
Kepala Bagian Humas SKK Migas Taslim Z. Yunus mengungkapkan, kenaikan kontribusi signifikan diberikan Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu yang dikerjakan Exxon. Train B pada proyek Banyu Urip mulai berproduksi pada kapasitas penuh 185 ribu BOPD sejak Januari 2016]. Produksi migas tersebut berasal dari 67 wilayah kerja migas yang berproduksi. Sebagian besar lapangan migas di wilayah-wilayah kerja itu dikategorikan sebagai lapangan tua (mature field) dengan produksi yang terus menurun secara alamiah.
Selain pengurangan laju penurunan produksi, KKKS melakukan eksplorasi atau pengembangan sumber cadangan baru. Pada Januari-November KKKS melakukan 10 survei seismik, 11 survei non-seismik, 36 pengeboran sumur eksplorasi, dan 3 re-entry sumur eksplorasi. Di antara pengeboran sumur eksplorasi, 20 kegiatan selesai dilakukan. Hasilnya, 7 sumur ditemukan migas (discovery), 7 sumur tidak ditemukan (dry), 5 sumur memiliki indikasi adanya hidrokarbon, dan 1 sumur dalam proses evaluasi.
Sumur-sumur yang menghasilkan penemuan adalah Bambu Besar (BBS)-4 (Pertamina EP), Tiung-3 (PetroChina International Jabung Ltd), Meliwis-1 (Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd), Lumbian-2 (Seleraya Merangin 2), AAL-4X (Santos Northwest Natuna BV), ABG-3 (Pertamina EP), dan Sidayu-4 (Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd).
Tahun ini SKK Migas juga menyetujui 28 rencana pengembangan lapangan. Baik dalam bentuk plan of development maupun plan of further the development (POFD). Pengembangan lapangan baru itu diharapkan menambah cadangan minyak 142,45 juta barel dan cadangan gas 0.645 TSCE. Pengembangan lapangan tersebut akan membutuhkan investasi USD 2,94 miliar dan diharapkan dapat menghasilkan penerimaan negara USD 6,85 miliar.
Lifting Gas Exceeds Target APBNP
Discover Seven New FieldAlthough crude oil prices are currently low, cooperation contracts (PSC) did not loosen the production of oil and gas (oil). The proof, SKK Migas noted, llfting petroleum until November, was 822 thousand barrels per day (BOPD) and 5,643 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). Artjnya, submitted KKKS oil to the point of sharing (custody transprpoint) exceeded the target set in the revised state budget in 2016 amounted to 820 thousand BOPD of oil and 6,438 MMSCFD of gas.
Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Z. Yunus revealed a significant increase in the contribution given Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block Exxon done. Train B at the Banyu Urip project began producing at full capacity of 185 thousand BOPD since January 2016]. Oil and gas production comes from 67 working areas of oil and gas production. Most of the oil fields in areas of work that is categorized as an old field (mature fields) with production continues to decline naturally.
In addition to a reduction in the rate of production decline, PSC exploration or development of new sources of reserves. In January-November PSC conduct seismic surveys 10, 11 non-seismic survey, drilling 36 exploration wells and three exploration wells re-entry. Among the drilling of exploration wells, 20 events completed. As a result, seven wells found oil and gas (discovery), 7 wells are not found (dry), 5 wells have indicated the presence of hydrocarbons, and one well in the evaluation process.
Wells resulted in discoveries is the Big Bamboo (BBS) -4 (Pertamina EP), Tiung-3 (PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.), Meliwis-1 (Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd), Lumbian-2 (Seleraya Merangin 2) , AAL-4X (Santos Northwest Natuna BV), ABG-3 (Pertamina EP), and Sidayu-4 (Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd).
This year 28 SKK Migas also approved field development plan. Either in the form of a development plan or the plan of further development (POFD). Development of new fields that are expected to add to 142.45 million barrels of oil reserves and gas reserves TSCE 0645. The field development will require an investment of USD 2.94 billion and is expected to generate revenues of USD 6.85 billion.
Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, Dec,24, 2016
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2017, Investment Target of US$ 13 Billion
Investment in the upstream oil and gas sector nationally is targeted to reach US$13 billion in 2017 or a 7% increase from the prognosis by the end of 2016 of US$ 12.015 billion.
Head of Public Relations, Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Taslim Yunus explained that his party is targeting investment entering Indonesia in the upstream oil and gas sector to reach US$13 billion.
Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas |
According to Taslim, the biggest investment will come from production activities which are targeted to contribute 75% to the total investment. The presentation is the same as the current one or this year's investment. The first production, then development, administration, and exploration," he said.
The development activity sector will contribute 10% of the investment target, administrative activities will account for 8% and finally, exploration will account for 7%. Taslim explained that in 2017, his party and the cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) had agreed on several work programs in the exploitation work area, namely the drilling of 223 new development wells, lower than the 245 KKKS proposed, and the drilling of 25 exploitation wells, lower than the KKKS proposal of 35 wells. For work over and well maintenance activities, there are 860 wells and 57,512 wells, respectively.
As for the 3D seismic survey activities, it was agreed that 2,795 km2 next year, this figure is higher than the PSC's proposal of 1,747 km2. Taslim said that until November 2016 the realization of investment in the upstream oil and gas sector was still at US$ 10.43 billion. This figure was supported by production activities of US$ 7.814 billion, well development activities of US$ 1.043 billion, administrative activities of US$ 839 million, exploration activities. worth US$732 million.
The low investment realization was due to the number of activities being carried out which were not as planned. In detail, the realization of exploration well drilling was recorded at 43 units from the target of 67 'units'. By the end of 2016 the investment could reach US$12,015 billion,” he said.
SKK Migas noted that oil and gas lifting production has exceeded the target set in the Revised State Budget, Revenue and Expenditure (APBN-P) 2016. In APBN-P, lifting is targeted at 820,000 barrels per day (bopd). for oil and 6,438 MMscfd for gas. The realization of lifting until last month reached 822,000 bopd for oil and 6,643 MMscfd for gas.
Taslim said that one of the significant contributors to the achievement of oil lifting was the Banyu Urip field, Cepu Block. Train B at the Banyu Urip Project has started production at full capacity of 185,000 bopd since January 2016," said Taslim.
Other largest oil lifting productions are the Rokan Block in Riau, Pertamina EP, the Mahakam Block, and the Offshore Nonwest Java (ONWJ) block. Meanwhile, the five biggest contributors to gas are the Mahakam Block, Berau, Pertamina EP, Corridor, and Senoro-Tolili.
The production comes from 67 oil and gas working areas that are already in production. Most of the oil and gas fields in these working areas have been categorized as mature fields with production that continues to decline naturally. The PSC working in this work area carries out three main programs to suppress the rate of natural production decline, namely drilling development wells, Work Over, and Well Service. These activities play a role in reducing the rate of decline in natural products and the old fields.
Meanwhile, to really add significant reserves, the only way is to explore and develop new reserves. For exploration activities, from January to November 2016, the contractor conducted 10 seismic surveys, 11 non-seismic surveys, 36 exploration wells drilling, and 3 exploration well re-entries. From the exploration well drilling carried out, 20 activities have been completed with the results that 7 oil and gas wells were found (discovery), 7 wells were not found (dry), 5 wells indicated the presence of hydrocarbons, and 1 well is still in the evaluation process.
The wells that resulted in the discovery were Blok Bambu Besar (BBS)-4 (Pertamina EP), Tiung-3 (PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.), Meliwis-1 (Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd), Lumbian-2 (Seleraya Merangin). 2), AAL-4X (Santos Northwest Natuna BV), ABG-3 (Pertamina EP), and Sidayu 4 (Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd).
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 24, 2016
Govt Finalizing Incentives to Boost Oil, Gas Exploration
The government is rushing to complete a regulation that will allow it to grant companies additional tax and non-tax incentives aimed at boosting oil and gas exploration. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s oil and gas director general, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, said the draft revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010 on cost recovery and taxation in the upstream oil and gas industry would be submitted at the end ofthe year and was expected to be issued next year.
The revised version will include both .tax and non-tax incentives, in a bid to revive the sluggish upstream sector. It will apply to both new contracts and existing ones, as long as the incentives do not violate any terms agreed upon in the contract, according to Wiratmaja. The terms and conditions in existing contracts will be respected and remain unchanged,” he said. The planned incentives will exempt oil and gas companies from paying import value added tax (VAT), import duties, domestic VAT and property tax and waive other taxes during the exploitation phase.
Meanwhile, the non-tax incentives are set to include clearer rules on investment credit and the domestic market obligation (DMO) holiday. The DMO is a requirement imposed on firms to allocate a certain amount of oil or gas output to meet domestic demand. The governments effort to increase exploration work appears to have a valid basis. By the end of November, only US$750 million of the industry’s $10.4 billion in total investment this year was put into exploration. Only 20 exploration wells have been drilled this year, with 11 more still ongoing.
Companies’ reluctance to engage in exploration stems from the steep drop in global crude prices in the past two years. According to Wood Mackenzie’s Asia Pacific research, global investment in exploration and production activities, in line with the price trend, will climb to $ 450 billion in 2017, up 3 percent from this year. In spite of this bright outlook, the energy consultancy predicts that Indonesia will not benefit from higher crude prices as well as bigger global investment due to the country’s notorious reputation for rampant red tape.
Confirming these estimates, Up-stream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) chief Amien Sunaryadi said the “approved number of exploration wells to be drilled next year will be less- than those proposed, because of the uncertain global outlook.” SKKMigas data show that only 25 exploration wells will be drilled next year, compared to the 35 initially proposed, while the country’s oil reserves will decrease by around 0.65 billion stock tank barrels a year due to aging existing wells.
Revising the government regulation is not the only means by which the government hopes to whet investors’ appetite. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is working on a ministerial regulation that would allow new oil and gas contracts to use a gross-split sliding scale instead of the current cost recovery system.
Unlike cost recovery, a gross-split scheme will not involve reimbursement from the government. The profit scheme will depend on several factors, including the type of technology used, the volume of production and global oil prices. However, Energyand Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan vehemently denied that the revision would reinstate the much-sought- after “assume and discharge” system, which had been replaced in 2010 by cost recovery - the reimbursement scheme for oil and gas production and exploration.
Responding with doubt, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (Kadin) deputy chairman for the oil and gas sector, Bobby Gafur Umar, said many oil and gas players were concerned about how the government would implement incentives in the system. “Minister Jonan is very clear in that. They [oil and gas contractors] have to be given incentives to increase their split. This is very interesting. However, we have to see the practicality, and this means that the plan of development has to be designed in such detail that we even know how much local content is used. However, even this is difficult,” he said.
Jakarta Post, Page-13, Friday, Dec,23, 2016
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Kapasitas Kilang Cilacap Ditingkatkan
Saudi Aramco juga mengincar proyek kilang Dumai dan Balongan.
PT Pertamina dan perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi Arab Saudi, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) membentuk perusahaan gabungan (joint venture) untuk mengembangkan proyek pembangunan peningkatan kapasitas kilang existing atau rejinery development master plan (RDMP) di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, pembentukan joint venture menandai adanya kerja sama lebih pasti antara Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco terkait pembangunan kilang. Ini juga tindak lanjut dari rencana kedua perusahaan sejak Desember 2014Setelah membentuk perusahaan gabungan, langkah berikutnya adalah mempersiapkan desain dasar kilang (Basic Enginering Desain/BED), yang ditargetkan selesai Februari tahun depan. Sedangkan, untuk studi kelayakan pembiayaan bank sudah diselesaikan. Nilai Investasi RDMP RU IV Cilacap sebesar lima miliar dolar AS atau sekitar Rp 65 triliun. Proyek ini ditargetkan selesai pada 2021 mendatang, lebih cepat dari rencana awal 2022. Kapasitas kilang Cilacap ditargetkan capai 400 ribu barel per hari (bph).
Perjanjian kerja sama tersebut mencakup kepemilikan saham, pengembangan, dan pengoperasian kilang Cilacap di Jawa Tengah. Dwi menyebutkan, Pertamina memiliki 55 persen saham di RDMP Cilacap sementara Saudi Aramco mendapatkan 45 persen. Selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dalam negeri, kerja sama Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco juga meningkatkan kompetensi kilang minyak di Indonesia untuk berkontribusi dalam peningkatan ketahanan energi.
Saudi Aramco mengapresiasi kerja sama dengan Pertamina. President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser rnenilai kerja sama ini memiliki prospek yang cerah dalam bisnis mereka. Ini mengingat Indonesia pasar yang bagus bagi para investor. “Ekonomi Indonesia terbesar di ASEAN, pasar yang baik untuk investasi. Ini langkah maju untuk kerja sama yg sudah terjalin,” kata Amin.
Saudi Aramco juga mengincar proyek milik Pertamina lainnya. Setelah Cilacap, Saudi Aramco ingin bekerja sama dalam pengembangan Kilang Dumai di Riau, dan Kilang Balongan di Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Amin berharap banyak nilai yang didapatkan dari kilang Balongan dan Dumai. Amin mengatakan, pihaknya tertarik untuk terus berinvestasi di Indonesia. Saat ini, kapasitas
kilang Saudi Aramco mencapai 5,8 juta bph. Saudi Aramco berencana menambah kapasitas hingga 10 juta bph.
Sebelumnya, Pertamina dan PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) menandatangani kontrak site development dan new jetty construction untuk proyek RDMP Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan pada Kamis (1/12). Penandatanganan dilakukan oleh Direktur Mega-proyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi dan Direktur Operasi II Wika Bambang Pramujo. WIKA terpilih sebagai pelaksana proyek setelah melalui proses tender Pertamina. Proyek ini untuk mendukung persiapan pembangunan Kilang RDMP RU V Balikpapan yang ditargetkan tuntas dalam 12 bulan terhitung sejak ditandatanganinya kontrak.
The Cilacap refinery capacity Enhanced
Saudi Aramco is also eyeing Dumai and Balongan refinery project.PT Pertamina and oil and gas companies of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) to form joint ventures (JV) to develop the project development capacity of existing refineries or rejinery development master plan (RDMP) in Cilacap, Central Java. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said the establishment of the joint venture marks a more definite cooperation between Pertamina and Saudi Aramco development related refineries. It is also a follow-up of the second plan the company since December 2014
After forming the combined company, the next step is to prepare the basic design of the refinery (Basic Enginering Design / BED), which is targeted for completion in February next year. Meanwhile, bank financing for a feasibility study has been completed. Investment Value RDMP RU IV Cilacap five billion dollars or about Rp 65 trillion. The project is targeted for completion in the upcoming 2021, faster than the initial plan of 2022. The Cilacap refinery capacity is targeted to reach 400 thousand barrels per day (bpd).
The cooperation agreement includes the ownership, development, and operation of the refinery in Cilacap in Central Java. Dwi said, Pertamina has a 55 percent stake in Cilacap RDMP while Saudi Aramco get 45 percent. In addition to meeting domestic energy needs, cooperation Pertamina and Saudi Aramco also improve the competence of an oil refinery in Indonesia to contribute to the improvement of energy security.
Saudi Aramco appreciates cooperation with Pertamina. President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser assess this cooperation has a promising future in their business. Indonesia is considering the good market for investors. "The Indonesian economy in ASEAN, a good market for investment. This is a step forward for the cooperation that already exists, "said Amin.
Saudi Aramco is also eyeing other projects owned by Pertamina. After Cilacap, Saudi Aramco want to cooperate in the development of Dumai refinery in Riau, and Balongan refinery in Indramayu, West Java. Amin expect much value obtained from the Balongan refinery and Dumai. Amin said it is keen to continue to invest in Indonesia. Currently, Saudi Aramco refinery's capacity to 5.8 million bpd. Saudi Aramco plans to increase capacity to 10 million bpd.
Previously, Pertamina and PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) signed a new contract jetty site development and construction for the project RDMP Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan on Thursday (1/12). The signing was done by the Director of Mega-projects Processing and Petrochemical Rachmad Hardadi Pertamina and Director of Operations II Wika Bambang Pramujo. WIKA was selected as project manager after going through the bidding process Pertamina. The project is to support the preparation of the construction of refineries RDMP RU V Balikpapan is expected to be completed within 12 months from the signing of the contract.
Republika, Page-13- Friday, Dec, 23, 2016
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Upgrading Kilang Dumai dan Balongan Dikaji Lagi
PT Pertamina memutuskan akan mengevaluasi kembali rencana peningkatan kapasitas dan kompleksitas Kilang Dumai dan Balongan. Hal ini lantaran Pertamina akan mengubah skenario upgrading-nya. Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, pihaknya akan melihat kembali rencana upgrading kilang dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak nasional dan urgensi dari perbaikan kilang itu sendiri. Pihaknya mempertimbangkan akan mengubah skenario pengembangan Kilang Dumai dan Balongan.
Pada perpanjangan perjanjian pokok dengan Saudi Aramco pada November lalu, kedua kilang ini disebutnya sudah dikeluarkan dari pembahasan. Awalnya, Pertamina memang menggandeng Saudi Aramco untuk menggarap upgrading Kilang Dumai dan Balongan, namun diskusi belum berlangsung. Menurut Dwi, upgrading Kilang Balongan termasuk sangat mendesak untuk dilakukan. Selama ini Kilang Balongan mendapatkan pasokan naphta dari Kilang Balikpapan,
Namun begitu upgrading Kilang Balikpapan selesai pada 2019, tidak ada lagi pasokan naphta yang dapat dikirim. Padahal, pasokan naphta dari Kilang Balikpapan mencapai 40% dari total kebutuhan. Untuk Kilang Dumai, upgrading belum terlalu mendesak. Pertamina baru saja merampungkan proyek tangki baru di Kilang Dumai. Tambahan fasilitas ini memungkinkan Kilang Dumai mendapat pasokan minyak mentah dari sumber mana saja. “Maka desain upgrading bisa berubah," ujar Dwi. Dwi belum dapat memastikan apakah Pertamina akan menggandeng mitra untuk menggarap upgrading kedua kilang ini. Jika diputuskan bekerja sama dengan mitra, Saudi Aramco tetap akan menjadi salah satu opsi. "Tetapi siapapun calon partner akan diajak bicara,” kata dia.
President dan CEO Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser menyatakan, pihaknya sangat berminat terlibat dalam proyek upgrading Kilang Dumai dan Balongan. Meski demikian, pihaknya akan melihat hasil desain dasar (basic engineering design/ BED) Kilang Cilacap terlebih dahulu, untuk melihat kemungkinan apakah proyek Kilang Cilacap, Dumai, dan Balongan dapat diintegrasikan.
Awalnya, setelah upgrading, kapasitas Kilang Dumai akan naik dari 140 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 300 ribu bph. Sementara
kapasitas Kilang Balongan ditargetkan meningkat dari 100 ribu bph menjadi 350 ribu bph.
Upgrading keduanya ditargetkan dapat selesai pada 2023. Perkiraan awal kebutuhan investasi kedua kilang ini masing-masing US$ 4,2-4,3 miliar untuk Kilang Dumai dan US$ 2,7 miliar untuk Kilang Balongan. Sementara itu, Pertamina makin agresif melakukan ekspansi untuk mendapat ladang-ladang minyak di luar negeri. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai upaya mengamankan pasokan bagi kebutuhan kilang-kilang perseroan di masa datang. Selain dua proyek pembangunan kilang baru, yakni kilang Tuban dan Bontang, Pertamina juga menggarap proyek revitalisasi (refinery development master plan/ RDMP) empat kilang, Balikpapan, Cilacap, Balongan dan Dumai. Proyek kilang yang membutuhkan investasi hingga US$ 36,79 miliar ditargetkan tuntas pada 2023.
Pengamat ketahanan energi dan staf pengajar Geoekonomi Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional (Lemhanas) Dirgo Purbo mengatakan, biaya pembangunan kilang tidak bisa dilihat hanya satu aspek saja fisik, tapi juga harus memasukan biaya sumber ladang minyaknya. Setelah tuntasnya proyek-proyek kilang, kebutuhan minyak mentah Pertamina akan meningkat signifikan seiring bertambahnya kapasitas kilang. Untuk dua kilang baru saja, Pertamina akan memiliki kapasitas produksi 600 ribu barel per hari (bph). Selain itu ada tambahan 415 ribu barel per hari (bph) untuk kilang-kilang yang telah direvitalisasi.
Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan Pertamina guna memastikan pasokan minyak mentah untuk kilang adalah dengan ekspansi pengelolaan ladang migas di luar negeri. Saat ini Pertamina fokus untuk bisa mendapat hak pengelolaan dua ladang minyak dan gas, Ab-Teymoura dan Mansouri di Iran. Perseroan menargetkan awal tahun depan sudah ada tindak lanjut terkait rencana tersebut. Februari kami masukkan proposal, kemudian yang diminta mereka adalah Pertamina harus bisa menunjukkan kemampuan technical, dan finansialnya menarik,” kata Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina.
Jika proposal diterima, Pertamina menargetkan bisa menjadi operator di dua blok yang memiliki jumlah total cadangan sekitar 3 miliar barel tersebut. Skema kerja sama yang diusung nantinya berupa service contract sehingga Pertamina akan mendapatkan bagian dari minyak dan gas yang diproduksi. Kami bisa dapat entitlement-nya. Seperti di Irak juga kan service contract, per barel dapatnya sekian,” ungkap Syamsu. Sementara itu, Ketua Komite Tetap Hulu Minyak dan Gas, Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Firlie Ganinduto, mengatakan proyek kilang-kilang besar positif untuk memenuhi ketahanan energi nasional. “Namun harus dicermati juga bahwa Indonesia akan menjadi negara importir crude oil lebih besar,” kata dia.
Menurut Dirgo, Pertamina harus memiliki tim intelijen petroleum untuk mencari sumber minyak yang dapat memasok minyak mentah minimal delapan tahun dengan kapasitas volume yang konstan. Arab Saudi dan Iran, merupakan dua negara yang masih bisa diajak kerja sama untuk mendapatkan alokasi impor minyak guna memenuhi kebutuhan kilang jangka panjang. Persoalan yang mendasar itu harus dapat jaminan pasokan terlebih dahulu. Jadi nanti mendapatkan minyaknya tidak berdasarkan spot charter basis, tapi jaminan pasokan jangka panjang. Kalau ini sudah ada saya rasa tidak ada lagi resistensi,” katanya.
Dirgo menambahkan untuk merealisasikan proyek-proyek kilang, pemerintah bisa memberikan dukungan antara lain dengan memberikan pembebasan pajak penghasilan dalam periode tertentu (tax holiday) dan melakukan oil diplomacy di negara-negara yang mempunyai kapasitas ekstra. Selain itu, membentuk tim petroleum intelligent agar Pertamina dapat melakukan strategi farm in yang tepat,” kata dia.
Menurut Dirgo, pembiayaan pembangunan kilang tidak akan menjadi masalah bagi Pertamina, karena bisa dilakukan melalui pihak ketiga yang tentunya mendapat back up dari pemerintah. Sumber pembiayaan bisa dari mana saja yang penling harus lebih berpihak kepada kepentingan nasional.
Dumai and Balongan Refinery Upgrading to Assess Longer
PT Pertamina decided to reevaluate the planned increase in capacity and complexity Dumai and Balongan refinery. This is because Pertamina will change its scenario upgrading. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto said it will look back at the refinery upgrading plan with the needs of national fuel and urgency of repairs refinery itself. He said he would consider changing the development scenario Dumai and Balongan refinery.On the extension of the principal agreement with Saudi Aramco last November, the two refineries have called already excluded from the discussion. Initially, Pertamina is cooperating with Saudi Aramco to work on upgrading refinery Dumai and Balongan, but the discussion is not taking place. According to Dwi, upgrading refinery Balongan included are urgently required. During this time Balongan refinery naphtha obtain supplies from Balikpapan refinery,
Nevertheless upgrading Balikpapan refinery was completed in 2019, no further supply of naphtha that can be sent. In fact, the supply of naphtha from Balikpapan refinery reached 40% of total needs. For Dumai refinery, upgrading is not too urgent. Pertamina has just completed a new tank project in Dumai Refinery. This facility enables additional Dumai Refinery supply of crude oil received from any source. "So the design of upgrading can change," said Dwi. Dwi has not been able to verify whether Pertamina will invite partners to work on upgrading the refinery this. If it is decided to work with partners, Saudi Aramco will continue to be an option. "But whoever prospective partner will be invited talk, "he said.
President and CEO of Saudi Aramco Amin Nasser said his company is very interested in engaging in a refinery upgrading project Dumai and Balongan. Nevertheless, it would see the results of the basic design (basic engineering design / BED) Cilacap refinery in advance, to see whether the possibility of Cilacap refinery project, Dumai and Balongan can be integrated.
Initially, after upgrading, Dumai refinery capacity will rise from 140 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 300 thousand bpd. While
Balongan refinery capacity is expected to increase from 100 thousand bpd to 350 thousand bpd.
Upgrading both targeted to be completed in 2023. Initial estimates of the investment needs of each refinery is US $ 4.2-4.3 billion for Dumai Refinery and US $ 2.7 billion for Balongan refinery. Meanwhile, Pertamina even more aggressive expansion to get the oil fields abroad. This is done in an effort to secure the supply for the needs of the company's refineries in the future. In addition to the two new refineries projects, namely Tuban refinery and Bontang, Pertamina is also working on revitalization projects (refinery development master plan / RDMP) four refineries, Balikpapan, Cilacap, Balongan and Dumai. Refinery project which requires an investment of up to US $ 36.79 billion expected to be completed in 2023.
Observers energy security and the teaching staff geoekonomi Institute of National Defense (Defense) Dirgo Purbo said the refinery construction costs can not be seen only one aspect of physical, but also must include the cost source of oil fields. After the completion of projects of refineries, Pertamina's crude oil needs will rise significantly with increasing refinery capacity. For just two refineries, Pertamina will have a production capacity of 600 thousand barrels per day (bpd). In addition there are an additional 415 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to refineries that have been revitalized.
One of the efforts carried out by Pertamina in order to ensure the supply of crude oil to the refinery expansion is the management of oil and gas fields abroad. Currently, Pertamina can get the right focus for the management of two oil and gas fields, Ab-Teymoura and Mansouri in Iran. The Company is targeting the start of next year has been no follow-up related to the plan. February we put in a proposal, then requested they are Pertamina should be able to demonstrate technical capability and financial interest, "said Syamsu Alam, Upstream Director of Pertamina.
If the proposal is accepted, Pertamina is targeting to become the operator in two blocks that have total reserves of about 3 billion barrels of it. Cooperation schemes promoted later in the form of service contract so that Pertamina will get a share of the oil and gas produced. We can get her entitlement. As in Iraq is also the service contract, barrel failure by so many, "said Syamsu. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Upstream Oil and Gas, Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Firlie Ganinduto, said the project were positive refineries to meet national energy security. "But it must be observed also that Indonesia would become a larger importer of crude oil," he said.
According Dirgo, Pertamina must have the intelligence team petroleum to find the source of the oil that can supply crude oil at least eight years with a constant volume capacity. Saudi Arabia and Iran are the two countries that they can deal with the allocation of oil imports in order to meet long-term needs of the refinery. The fundamental issue that must be able to guarantee supply in advance. So later get the oil is not based on the spot charter basis, but the long-term supply guarantees. If this has been there I think there is no more resistance, "he said.
Dirgo add to realize projects of refineries, the government can provide support include provision of the income tax exemption for a certain period (tax holiday) and doing oil diplomacy in countries that have extra capacity. In addition, petroleum intelligent form teams that Pertamina can farm in the proper strategy, "he said.
According Dirgo, financing the construction of the refinery will not be a problem for Pertamina, because it can be done through a third party that would get back up from the government. Financing sources can be from anywhere penling to be more aligned to national interests.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec, 23, 2016
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Pertamina Tak Kabulkan Tuntutan Warga Rahayu
Pencairan Dana Kompensasi Dampak Flare
Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) hingga kini belum mampu mengabulkan tuntutan warga, terkait pembayaran dana kompensasi 12 bulan, meski sudah 24 kali menggelar pertemuan guna mencari solusi dari konflik dampak flare buat warga Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kamis (22/12).Alasannya, JOB Pertamina merasa kesulitan mengeluarkan dana itu karena tidak ada dasar dalam pencairan dana untuk warga tersebut. “Kita tidak bisa mencairkan dana kompensasi, karena saat ini tidak ada dampak dari flare dan itu hasil penelitian sejak 2015” kata, Field Admin Superintendent (PAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.
Menurut Akbar, untuk mencari solusi itu diantaranya pertemuan dengan perangkat desa, warga, anggota DPRD Tuban, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban, dan SKK Migas. Namun, hingga kini belum ada titik temu. “Solusinya bukan untuk membayar kompensasi, tetapi warga diberikan bantuan tali asih selama dua bulan, tetapi warga masih menolak terang Akbar. Ditambahkan Akbar, tuntutan warga belum bisa dipenuhi karena pemberian kompensasi tersebut belum ada aturannya.
Selain itu, diberikan kompensasi jika flare menimbulkan dampak. “Hasil penelitian tidak menimbulkan dampak. Tetapi warga masih belum bisa menerima, dan terus menuntut untuk diberikan kompensasi.” tambah Akbar menerangkan. Perwakilan SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, mengatakan, pihaknya tetap akan mencarikan jalan terbaik antara JOB PPEJ dengan warga Desa Rahayu.
Diharapkan kedua belah pihak dapat menerima jalan keluar tersebut. ”JOB tidak bisa mengeluarkan kompensasi itu jika tidak ada aturan hukumnya. Jika tetap dikeluarkan pasti akan ada masalah hukum dikemudian hari.” tegasnya. Ali Masyhar merasa yakin permasalahan itu bisa terselesaikan pada 2016 ini. Sehingga, persoalan bisa jelas dan tidak ada yang dirugikan. “Kita meminta agar warga tidak menggunakan kata "inti nya" dalam mencari solusi” ungkap Ali Masyhar.
Impact of Flare Compensation Disbursements
Pertamina not grant Demands Citizens Rahayu
Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) has not yet been able to fulfill the demands of citizens, related to the payment of compensation of 12 months, though it was 24 times, held a meeting to seek a solution of the conflict impact flare for residents Rahayu Village, District Soko, Thursday (22 / 12).
The reason, JOB Pertamina find it difficult to spend it because there is no basis in the disbursement of funds for these residents. "We can not withdraw the funds for compensation, because currently there is no impact of the flare and the results of the study since 2015" Field Admin Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, said.
According to Akbar, to find solutions that include meetings with village officials, residents, board members of House of Representatives Tuban, Tuban regency government, and SKK Migas. However, until now there has been no meeting point. "The solution is not to pay compensation, but residents are given ex-gratia assistance for two months, but residents still refuse bright Akbar. Akbar added, the demands of citizens can not be met due to the provision of such compensation is not no rules.
In addition, the compensation if the flare impacts. "The results are not having an effect. But residents still can not accept, and continued to demand to be compensated, "added Akbar explained. Representative SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, said it still will find the best path between JOB PPEJ with Rahayu village residents.
It is hoped both sides can accept the way out. "JOB could not get the compensation that if there is no rule of law. If you still would have incurred no legal problems in the future. "He said. Ali Masyhar feel confident that the problems could be resolved in 2016. Thus, the issue could be clear and no one harmed. "We ask that residents do not use the word" its essence "in finding solution." Said Ali Masyhar.
Memorandum, Page-7, Friday, Dec,23,2016
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Akhirnya, Revisi Aturan Cost Recovery Tuntas
Pemerintah tak memasukkan prinsip assume and discharge dalam revisi PP No 79/2010
Pemerintah akhirnya menuntaskan perubahan Peraturan Pemerinlah (PP) No 79/2010, PP yang mengatur tentang biaya pengembalian usaha (cost recovery) dan pajak hulu migas ini, hanya berlaku bagi kontrak migas baru yang ditandatangani setelah revisi beleid tersebut ditandatangani presiden.
Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya. Mineral (ESDM), mengungkapkan keputusan tersebut untuk menghormati keberadaan kontrak yang telah berjalan sebelum PP N0 79/2010 direvisi ataupun sebelum berlaku. "Jadi, kalau kontrak yang lama itu menyebutkan apa, ya sudah, kita ikut saja dan sebagainya," tandas Jona. Sejumlah pelaku usaha menilai draf revisi PP No 79/2010 yang diajukan Kementerian ESDM dan Kementerian Keuangan tersebut bukan merupakan insentif.
Justru sebaliknya sebagai disinsentif. Sebab, pembebasan pajak pada masa eksplorasi hanya menyasar pajak-pajak pusat. Misalnya pungutan PPN impor, bea masuk, PPN dalam negeri Serta Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB). Sementara pajak lain, seperti yang diberlakukan daerah atau lokasi ladang minyak yang dikelola tetap menjadi tanggung jawab kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS).
Menurutnya, prinsip membebaskan kontraktor dari berbagai macam pungutan dan paiak (assume and discharge) yang selama ini diminta oleh para kontraktor migas agar masuk dalam revisi PP No 79/2010, tak memiliki dasar. Sebab, Undang-Undang No 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) tidak mencantumkannya. Karena itulah dibentuk BP Migas, yang saat ini menjadi SKK Migas. "Makanya, ada SKK Migas dan sebagainya itu," tandas Jonan.
Menurut mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu, pemerintah berharap para pelaku usaha bisa meningkatkan investasi mereka untuk meningkatkan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi ke depan, revisi beleid ini. Sehingga ditemukan cadangan migas baru, untuk menambal cadangan yang terus menipis. “Amandemen PP 79 itu supaya ada peraturan terkait insentif untuk kontraktor agar berminat melakukan eksplorasi.
Seperti penemuan ladang-ladang minyak, gas baru dan sebagainya," tegasnya. Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja menegaskan, keputusan pemerintah ini untuk menghormati kontrak migas yang telah ditandatangani yang sudah berlandaskan hukum pasti. Karena itu, revisi beleid terbaru hanya menyasar kontrak-kontrak baru nanti. Proses finalisasi ditargetkan rampung sebelum tahun 2017. “Akhir tahun ini naik ke Menko Perekonomian, terus ke Kementerian Sekretariat Negara. Dalam seminggu kedepan kita finalisasi," ujarnya.
Sementara, Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association Sammy Hamzah sebelumnya meminta prinsip assume and discharge mestinya bisa masuk dalam PP 79/2010. Sammy tidak menjawab terkait sudah diputuskannya revisi PP No 79/2010 tersebut.
Finally, the Revised Rules of Cost Recovery Completed
The government does not incorporate the principle assume and discharge the revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010The government finally completed the change Pemerinlah Regulation (PP) No. 79/2010, which regulates the PP business recovery cost (cost recovery) and upstream oil and gas tax, this applies only to new oil and gas contract signed after the revision of a regulation signed by the president.
Ignatius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Resources. Mineral (EMR), revealed the existence of the decision to honor the contracts that have been running before PP N0 79/2010 revised or before it takes effect. "So if the old contract that says what, it's gone, and so we went along," said Jona. Some businesses assess the draft revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010 proposed the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance is not an incentive.
Quite the contrary as a disincentive. Therefore, the tax exemption on the exploration period to only target central taxes. For example levy import VAT, customs duties, VAT in the country As well as land and building tax (PBB). While other taxes, such as those adopted regional or location-run oil fields remain the responsibility of the contractor cooperation contract (PSC).
According to him, the principle of freeing the contractor of various charges and paiak (assume and discharge) that had been requested by the oil and gas contractors to be included in the revision of Regulation No 79/2010, it has no basis. Therefore, Act No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) does not include them. Because that was formed BP Migas, which is currently a SKK Migas. "Hence, there is SKK Migas and so it was," said Jonan.
According to the former Minister of Transportation, the government hopes that the businesses can leverage their investment to boost exploration and exploitation in the future, this policy revision. Thus discovered a new oil and gas reserves, to patch up that continue to diminish. "Amendment 79 PP was that no regulations related to incentives for the contractor to be interested in exploring.
Such as the discovery of oil fields, new gas and so on, "he said. Director General of Oil and Gas MEMR I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja asserted, the government's decision to honor gas contracts that have been signed already based legal certainty. Therefore, the revision of a regulation the most just targeting new contracts later. The process finalization will be completed before 2017. "later this year rose to CMEA, continue to the Ministry of the Secretariat of State. In the next week we are finalizing," he said.
Meanwhile, Director of the Indonesia Petroleum Association previously asked Sammy Hamzah assume and discharge principle should be included in PP 79/2010. Sammy has decided not to answer related to the revision of the Regulation No. 79/2010.
Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Dec,23,2016
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