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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Rosneft Test EIA study, Tuban regency Need Public Input

Development plans new mega oil refinery project PT. Pertamina in cooperation with Rosneft Oil Company of Russia, the Government of Tuban hope the public to provide feedback, suggestions and proposals are now starting to enter the test phase of the study of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Head of Environmental Office of Tuban, Moelyadi, SH said that we expected too pro-active community-related issues that will be tested EIA consultant until the issuance of a permit.

EIA studies are the main requirements before the process of land clearance and development locations as the preliminary work projects can be implemented and completed within six months, in line with the instructions of the President Joko Widodo during a working visit to Tuban on 28 November 2016 ago.

President Jokowi asked management Pertamina to be able to carry out ground breaking project New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) Tuban in early July 2017, therefore Pertamina and Rosneft on December 14, 2016 has also kick off for the EIA and the Environment and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA). Along with these conditions and as a further step after the kick off of EIA and ESIA, starting on Monday (09/01/2017) has announced the implementation of an integrated EIA for the construction and operation of the refinery in Tuban, at once inviting the public to submit comments, suggestions and feedback to the deadline until January 20, 2017.

The new integrated refinery fuel oil and Tuban Petrochemical is a crude oil refinery with capacity to process 300,000 barrels per day of feed. To support Pertamina-Rosneft refinery, to be built support facilities include a jetty, submarine pipelines, SPM (Single Point Mooring), crude oil storage tanks (tank farm), utilities and office complex.

Therefore, after permission EIA study is completed, will be carried out reclamation activities (arrangement of coastline) and the dredging vessel. Pertamina Refinery - Rosneft together with its supporting facilities occupy an area of ​​about 404 hectares located in the village of Remen, Mentoso, Rawasan, wadung and Kaliuntu, District Jenu, Tuban.

Meanwhile, Rifqi Muchlason Chairman of the District Youth Jenu when confirmation request to the District Government together with other stakeholders to immediately prepare anticipatory steps to create policies that are pro-community. All, including jobs for the citizens of ring 1 is also noteworthy, not soon raise the problem, "said Rifqi Muchlason


Rosneft Uji Studi Amdal, Pemkab Tuban Butuh Masukan Publik

Rencana pembangunan mega proyek kilang baru minyak PT. Pertamina bekerjasama dengan Rosneft Oil Company dari Rusia, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban berharap publik memberikan masukan, saran dan usulan yang saat ini mulai masuk dalam tahap uji studi analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal). Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Tuban, Moelyadi, SH  mengatakan kami harapkan masyarakat juga pro-aktif terkait masalah AMDAL yang akan diuji konsultan hingga dikeluarkannya ijin. 

Studi Amdal yang menjadi syarat utama sebelum proses pembersihan lahan dan pengembangan lokasi sebagai pekerjaan awal proyek dapat dilaksanakan dan diselesaikan dalam waktu enam bulan, sejalan dengan instruksi Presiden RI Joko Widodo pada saat melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Tuban pada 28 November 2016 lalu.

Presiden Jokowi meminta manajemen Pertamina untuk dapat melaksanakan ground breaking proyek New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) Tuban pada awal Juli 2017, oleh karenanya Pertamina dan Rosneft pada 14 Desember 2016 juga telah melakukan kick off untuk Amdal dan Environment and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA). Seiring dengan ketentuan tersebut dan sebagai langkah lanjutan pasca kick off Amdal dan ESIA, terhitung mulai Senin (09/01/2017) telah mengumumkan pelaksanaan Amdal terpadu untuk pembangunan dan pengoperasian kilang Tuban, sekaligus mengundang masyarakat untuk menyampaikan tanggapan, saran dan masukan hingga batas waktu sampai dengan 20 Januari 2017.

Kilang baru yang terintegrasi Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Petrokimia Tuban ini merupakan kilang yang mengolah minyak mentah dengan kapasitas feed 300.000 barel per hari. Untuk mendukung kilang Pertamina-Rosneft, akan dibangun fasilitas penunjang antara lain jetty, jalur pipa bawah laut, SPM (Single Point Mooring), tangki penyimpanan minyak mentah (tank farm), komplek utilitas dan perkantoran. 

Oleh karenanya, setelah ijin studi amdal selesai, akan dilakukan kegiatan reklamasi (penataan  garis pantai) dan pengerukan alur kapal. Kilang Pertamina - Rosneft beserta fasilitas penunjangnya menempati areal sekitar 404 hektare berlokasi di desa Remen, Mentoso, Rawasan, Wadung dan Kaliuntu, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban.

Sementara itu, Rifqi Muchlason Ketua Umum Karang Taruna Kecamatan Jenu ketika dikonfirmasi meminta kepada Pemkab bersama stakeholder lainnya untuk segera mempersiapkan langkah antisipatif guna membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang pro terhadap masyarakat. Semua, termasuk lapangan kerja untuk warga ring 1 juga perlu diperhatikan, agar kelak tidak menumbuhkan masalah," kata Rifqi Muchlason

Bhirawa, Page-8, Thursday, Jan,12, 2017

Looking for Buyers Gas

gas block development

Currently, Indonesia is still a surplus of natural gas. Nearly 50% of gas is exported. The surplus does not mean abundant production, but the industry in the country that have not been able to absorb all the gas production. In fact, many oil and gas contractor who suspended production because it has not found a buyer of gas. In contrast to petroleum, gas buyer must have already received assurance before it is produced. Gas that has been produced can not be stored in tanks in advance. Gas and oil and gas fields must obviously be absorbed by anyone with certainty the volume and duration.

Data from the Ministry of Energy, there are cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, which has not been absorbed in 2017 as much as 63 cargoes, 60 cargoes in 2018. However, in 2019, Indonesia is expected to be a deficit of gas. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia will supply shortage 27 LNG cargo in 2019. The cooperation contract (PSC) should be offered first to the domestic buyers. If there are no buyers in the country, the new PSC can get a recommendation from the Ministry of Energy to be sold abroad.

Actually, the premium buyers like Japan and South Korea is ready to absorb gas from Indonesia. However, the contractor must ensure that there is no domestic buyers who are interested. Some examples of such Kasuri block in Papua who can not be developed because of the gas that will be produced has not found a buyer. Similarly, the Field-Tiung Jambaran Blue, which until now has not got a buyer because the price is not appropriate.

Fertilizer industry, petrochemical and electrical current into three sectors which are expected to absorb the gas in the country. However, gas is often not absorbed because of the price factor despite the fact the supply is guaranteed in the long term.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja say, gas field development is currently facing several challenges. From the aspect of the downstream, gas has not been optimally utilized by petrochemicals. This is in accordance with the plan in the Ministry of Industry to make the Industrial Zone in Bintuni Bay, Papua.

Reflecting on this, the gas development project with such a large scale among the East Natuna various aspects including market certainty.


PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said the development of the East Natuna is very complex and a lot of challenges and the technological and commercial aspects. Field discovered since the 1970s it contains high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) is high and thus require special technology to process these gases are at risk of reducing the rate of return on investment.

We do not want to like a few examples of our gas field mainly until now we have developed, but can not be monetized [commercial] because the buyer is not clear. Plan to accelerate the signing of a cooperation contract to be carried out activities in the East Natuna could not be realized.

According to Alam, consortium and ExxonMobil, Thailand's PTT EP, and Pertamina was still waiting for the technology and market assessment completed by the end of 2017. In 2018, the consortium may submit a proposal to develop the field based on the results of such studies.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, Block East Natuna gas saving potential 222 trillion cubic feet (tcf) with only 46 tcf of gas in them can be produced. In addition, potential oil reserves of 15,000 barrels per day (bpd). Gas infrastructure such as pipelines in the country is also still limited so that utilization is not optimal.


Mencari Pembeli Gas

Saat ini, Indonesia masih surplus gas bumi. Hampir 50% gas masih diekspor. Surplus itu bukan berarti produksi berlimpah, tetapi industri di Tanah Air yang belum mampu menyerap seluruh produksi gas tersebut. Bahkan, banyak kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi yang menunda produksi karena belum mendapatkan pembeli gas. Berbeda dengan minyak bumi, gas harus sudah mendapatkan kepastian pembeli sebelum diproduksi. Gas yang telah diproduksi tak bisa disimpan dalam tangki terlebih dahulu. Gas dan lapangan migas harus jelas akan diserap oleh siapa dengan kepastian volume dan jangka waktunya.

Dari data Kementerian ESDM, masih terdapat kargo gas alam cair (LNG) yang belum terserap yakni pada 2017 sebanyak 63 kargo, 2018 sebanyak 60 kargo. Namun, pada 2019, Indonesia diperkirakan akan defisit gas. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Indonesia akan kekurangan pasokan LNG 27 kargo pada 2019. Para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) harus menawarkan terlebih dahulu kepada pembeli domestik. Bila tak ada pembeli dari dalam negeri, KKKS baru bisa mendapat rekomendasi dari Kementerian ESDM untuk dijual ke luar negeri.

Sebenarnya, pembeli premium seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan siap menyerap gas dari Indonesia. Namun, kontraktor harus memastikan bahwa tak ada pembeli dalam negeri yang berminat. Beberapa contoh seperti Blok Kasuri di Papua yang belum bisa dikembangkan karena gas yang akan diproduksi belum mendapatkan pembeli. Begitu pula dengan Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru yang hingga kini belum mendapat pembeli karena harga yang belum sesuai.

Industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan kelistrikan saat ini menjadi tiga sektor yang diharapkan bisa menyerap gas dalam negeri. Namun, gas kerap tak terserap karena faktor harga kendati sebenarnya pasokan nya terjamin dalam jangka panjang.

Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pengembangan lapangan gas saat ini menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Dari aspek hilir, gas belum optimal dimanfaatkan oleh petrokimia. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan rencana di Kementerian Perindustrian untuk membuat Kawasan Industri di Teluk Bintuni, Papua.

Berkaca pada hal tersebut, proyek pengembangan gas dengan skala besar seperti East Natuna menanti kepastian berbagai aspek termasuk pasar.


Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pengembangan East Natuna sangat kompleks dan banyak tantangan dan sisi teknologi dan aspek komersial. Lapangan yang ditemukan sejak 1970-an itu mengandung kadar karbon dioksida (CO2) yang tinggi sehingga membutuhkan teknologi khusus untuk mengolah gas tersebut yang berisiko mengurangi tingkat pengembalian investasi.

Kita tidak ingin sampai seperti beberapa contoh lapangan gas kita terutama yang sampai sekarang sudah kita kembangkan, tetapi tidak bisa di monetisasi [dikomersialkan] karena buyer tidak jelas. Rencana percepatan penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama agar bisa dilakukan kegiatan di Natuna Timur pun tak bisa direalisasikan.

Menurut Alam, konsorsium yang terdiri dan ExxonMobil, PTT EP Thailand, dan Pertamina itu masih menanti kajian teknologi dan pasar yang selesai pada akhir 2017. Pada 2018, konsorsium bisa mengajukan proposal untuk mengembangkan lapangan berdasarkan hasil kajian tersebut.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Blok East Natuna menyimpan potensi gas bumi 222 trillion cubic feet (tcf) dengan hanya 46 tcf gas di antaranya yang bisa diproduksi. Selain itu, potensi cadangan minyak 15.000 barel per hari (bph). Infrastruktur gas seperti pipa di Tanah Air juga masih terbatas sehingga pemanfaatannya tidak optimal.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Jan,12, 2017

EMR Difficult to Get Winning Bidder Block

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) immediately announced the winner of the auction's working area (WK) conventional direct appointment in 2016. However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will only announce the winner of the auction is the only conventional oil and gas blocks direct appointment in 2016.

Director General of Oil and Gas IGN Wiratmaja Puja says, the winner of the auction of conventional oil and gas blocks direct appointment period of 2016 only one out of seven work areas are being auctioned. Demand there is some, but which escaped maybe one, "said Wiratmaja, without even mentioning the winning company.

However, of the seven bidding directly, in the process only in three areas of work, namely Block Ebuny, Onin Block and West Block Kaimana that much demand. The government will announce the winners of one of the block.

As for the work areas that are not successfully auctioned last year, will return auctioned this year. We see that now does not sell, we can auction again, said Wiratmaja. This meant Block Elephant Stone, Block Kasongan Sampit, Block Powerful and block the West Hill will be auctioned again this year.

Meanwhile, the auction of seven oil and gas blocks, namely Block South CPR Suremana I, Oti, Manakarra Mamuju, SE Mandar, North Argunim and Kasuri II is still in progress and has got the financial evaluation stage. Though the opening of the auction has been since April 2016 last.


ESDM Sulit Mendapatkan Pemenang Lelang Blok

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera mengumumkan pemenang lelang Wilayah kerja (WK) konvensional penunjukan langsung tahun 2016. Namun, Kementerian ESDM hanya akan mengumumkan satu-satunya pemenang lelang blok migas konvensional penunjukan langsung tahun 2016. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi IGN Wiratmaja Puja bilang, pemenang lelang blok migas konvensional penunjukan langsung periode tahun 2016 hanya satu dari tujuh Wilayah kerja yang dilelang. Peminatnya ada beberapa, tapi yang lolos mungkin satu," kata Wiratmaja, tanpa mau menyebutkan perusahaan pemenang. 

Namun dari tujuh lelang penawaran langsung, dalam prosesnya hanya di tiga wilayah kerja, yaitu Blok Ebuny, Blok Onin, dan Blok West Kaimana yang banyak peminatnya. Pemerintah akan mengumumkan pemenang salah satu dari blok tersebut.

Sementara untuk wilayah kerja yang tidak berhasil dilelang pada tahun lalu, akan kembali dilelang pada tahun ini. Kami lihat yang sekarang tidak laku, bisa kami lelang lagi, ucap Wiratmaja. lni berarti Blok Batu Gajah, Blok Kasongan Sampit, Blok Ampuh dan Blok Bukit Barat akan dilelang ulang pada tahun ini.

Sementara, lelang tujuh blok migas reguler, yakni Blok South CPR Suremana I, Oti, Manakarra Mamuju, SE Mandar, North Argunim dan Kasuri II saat ini masih dalam proses dan telah masuk tahapan evaluasi keuangan. Padahal pembukaan lelang sudah sejak April 2016 lalu.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan, 12, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Certainty charge of Cooperation

Three community of old wells filing management cooperation was fate hung. Until yesterday (10/1), there is no certainty of Pertamina. In fact, the three associations have put forward in the first half of last year.

In fact, it was reported earlier, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 this year will do a lot of reactivation of old wells in the area of ​​mining. Reactivation to increase oil production target. This year, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 is targeting oil production of up to 1,830 barrels per day (bpd). Increase over the 2016 average oil production of 1,600 barrels per day.

Chairman of the Society Sumber Rejeki Palapi said filing management of old wells in the district long enough Sambong delivered. However, today there is still no certainty as to the status of cooperation with Pertamina. Palapi wanted an assurance from Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 if there had been a change in the rules or it was given a letter of rejection of cooperation so that there is clarity.

There is no clarity of this, said Palapi, he and members of the association was hanged. As a result, until now the community has not been able to do production. Besides Society Source fortune, the other two namely the Society of Men Mataram District of Kedungtuban and the Society of the District Energy Sources Randublatung.

Responding to this, the Legal and Relations Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 Aryono Dwi Sigit said, has met with the community and deliver verbally concerned was still waiting for the process. He added that no reply from the central Pertamina Pertamina EP Asset forwarded to 4 which ensures the process is quite long, because it needs to be an evaluation of the internal.


Menagih Kepastian Kerja Sama

Tiga paguyuban sumur tua yang mengajukan kerja sama pengelolaan merasa nasibnya digantung. Hingga kemarin (10/1), belum ada kepastian dari Pertamina. Padahal, tiga paguyuban sudah mengajukan pada semester pertama tahun lalu.

Padahal, diberitakan sebelumnya, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu tahun ini akan banyak melakukan reaktivasi sumur tua di wilayah penambangannya. Reaktivasi untuk menambah target produksi minyak. Tahun ini Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu menargetkan produksi minyak hingga 1.830 barel per hari (bph). Naik dibandingkan 2016 produksi minyak rata-rata 1.600 barel per hari.

Ketua Paguyuban Sumber Rejeki Palapi mengatakan pengajuan pengelolaan sumur tua di Kecamatan Sambong sudah cukup lama disampaikan. Tetapi, saat ini masih belum ada kepastian untuk status kerja sama dengan Pertamina. Palapi menginginkan ada kepastian dari Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu jika memang sudah ada perubahan aturan atau pihaknya diberi surat penolakan kerja sama biar ada kejelasan.

Belum ada kejelasan ini, tutur Palapi, dia beserta anggota paguyuban merasa digantung. Akibatnya, sampai saat ini paguyuban belum bisa melakukan produksi. Selain Paguyuban Sumber Rejeki, dua lainnya yakni Paguyuban Putra Mataram Kecamatan Kedungtuban dan Paguyuban Sumber Energi Kecamatan Randublatung.

Menanggapi hal tersebut, Legal and Relations Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu Sigit Dwi Aryono mengatakan, telah menemui paguyuban dan menyampaikan secara lisan terkait masih menunggu prosesnya. Dia menambahkan, ada jawaban dari Pertamina pusat yang ditembuskan ke Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang memastikan prosesnya cukup lama, karena perlu evaluasi dari internal.

Radar Bojonegoro , Page- 30, Wednesday, Jan, 11, 2017

Two SOEs Will Work On Gas Networks

PT Pertamina and PT PGN back to get the assignment from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to build and operate a network of household gas this year. Assignment was contained in Decree (Decree) Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8086 K / 12 / MEM / 2016 and Decree No. 8087 K / 12 / MEM / 2016. The government has given the division, the area of ​​gas network project.

PGN will build and operation of the gas network in Musi Banyuasin, Bandar Lampung, Jakarta and Mojokerto. Meanwhile, Pertamina had to build and operate a gas network in Samarinda, Bontang, Pali district, Muara Enim, Pekanbaru and Mojokerto.

Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Alimuddin Baso said, it was giving the distribution network development area of ​​gas to Pertamina and PGN. But the number of channels to be adjusted by the conditions of households in the area that will be built gas network. His name's plan, will be adjusted to the field conditions during its implementation, "he said, Tuesday (10/1).

One of the factors that will determine the amount of the construction of gas networks is the certainty of a potential buyer. If not socialized to the community, the gas network can not be built in the region.

During this time the area that will be built gas networks surveyed in advance. But its implementation depends on the pitch, "said Alimuddin. Regional enthusiastic laneways build, but sometimes do not fit the consolidation in the area. The digits to the construction of a gas network is constantly changing, especially since the government decided to cut the budget. In 2017, the government is projecting the construction of gas networks around 56,000 channel household.

Alimuddin said, this year the number of channels of households ready to build a new gas networks reached about 52,000, as many as 5100 in Mojokerto, Lampung Banyuasin 10,200 and 6,000. Then the downstream Pematang 5300, Muara Enim 11,700, Mojokerto 5000, 11,500 Samarinda, Bontang Pekanbaru 8000 and 3200.


Dua BUMN Akan Garap Jaringan Gas

PT Pertamina dan PT PGN kembali mendapatkan penugasan dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan jaringan gas rumah tangga pada tahun ini. Penugasan itu tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri (Kepmen) ESDM RI Nomor 8086 K/12/MEM/2016 dan Kepmen No. 8087 K/12/MEM/2016. Pemerintah telah memberikan pembagian, wilayah proyek jaringan gas.

PGN akan membangun dan pengoperasian jaringan gas di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Bandar Lampung, DKI Jakarta dan Kota Mojokerto. Sementara itu Pertamina ditugaskan membangun dan mengoperasikan jaringan gas di Samarinda, Bontang, Kabupaten Pali, Kabupaten Muara Enim, Pekanbaru dan Kabupaten Mojokerto.

Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Migas Kementerian ESDM Alimuddin Baso bilang, pihaknya telah memberikan pembagian Wilayah pembangunan jaringan gas kepada Pertamina dan PGN. Tapi jumlah saluran rumah tangga akan disesuaikan kondisi di wilayah yang akan dibangun jaringan gas. Namanya rencana, akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan saat implementasi," ujarnya, Selasa (10/1).

Salah satu faktor yang akan menentukan jumlah pembangunan jaringan gas adalah kepastian calon pembeli. Jika belum tersosialisasi ke masyarakat, jaringan gas belum bisa dibangun di Wilayah tersebut.

Selama ini wilayah yang akan dibangun jaringan gas disurvei terlebih dahulu. Tapi implementasinya tergantung lapangan," kata Alimuddin. Daerah antusias utnuk membangun, tapi kadang tidak pas konsolidasi di daerah. Angka pembangunan jaringan gas memang terus berubah, terutama sejak pemerintah memutuskan melakukan pemotongan anggaran. Pada tahun 2017 ini pemerintah memproyeksi pembangunan jaringan gas sekitar 56.000 saluran rumah tangga.

Alimuddin bilang, tahun ini jumlah saluran rumah tangga yang siap dibangun jaringan gas baru mencapai sekitar 52.000, di Mojokerto sebanyak 5100, Lampung 10.200 dan Musi Banyuasin 6.000. Lalu Pematang hilir 5300, Muara Enim 11.700, Kota Mojokerto 5000, Samarinda 11.500, Bontang 8.000 dan Pekanbaru 3200.

Kontan, Page- 14, Wednesday, Jan, 11, 2017

Sustains High Demand of Natural Gas

Fuel strengthening natural gas prices are still not exhausted. Just look, Tuesday (10/1) at 15.30 pm, the price of natural gas delivery contract in January 2017 at the New York Mercantile Exchange shot 1.58% to US $ 3.15 per mmbtu, the increase was far higher price decline in a week to just 0 , 53%. Asia Tradepoint Futures analyst Andri Hardianto said natural gas prices could be dragged lower oil prices. But natural gas rebounded because market participants assess the natural gas fundamentals remain positive.

Transition power plants from coal to natural gas to one sentiment driving the pace of natural gas prices. In addition, rising prices for natural gas demand in winter is high. Energy Information Administration (EIA) calculates natural gas demand throughout the winter, up approximately 22% lower than a year before the cold season.

Until December 30, 2016, natural gas stockpiles United States (US) was down 364 billion cubic feet to 3.31 trillion cubic feet. In addition, the use of natural gas in Europe also increased. Russian natural gas company, Gazprom reported distribute natural gas to Europe and Turkey amounted to 179.3 billion cubic foot throughout the year 2016. This figure is greater than the distribution of gas in 2015 amounted to 158.63 billion cubic feet.

Although strengthened, Andri assess the price of natural gas is difficult to penetrate the US $ 4 mmbtu in the first quarter of 2017. Therefore, consumption in China is predicted to grow only 2.5%, lower than last year, amounting to 3.6%. Andri projections, natural gas will move in the range of US $ 3 to US $ 3.7 per mmbtu until the end of the first quarter of 2017. From the technical side, natural gas prices move above the moving average (MA) of 100, although still below the 200 MA.

Moving average convergence divergence indicator (MACD) is in the positive area, showing a trend to strengthen. Indicators stochastic rises above the level of 50, while the relative strength index (RSI) is engaged in the neutral 50 level range.

Today (11/1), Andri estimates of natural gas potentially strengthened and moved in the range of US $ 3.1-US $ 3.16 per mmbtu. Meanwhile, next week, the price is predicted to move between US $ 3.0-US $ 3.2 per mmbtu.


Permintaan Tinggi Topang Gas Alam

Bahan bakar penguatan harga gas alam masih belum habis. Tengok saja, Selasa (10/1) pukul 15.30 WIB, harga gas alam kontrak pengiriman Januari 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange melesat 1,58% jadi US$ 3,15 per mmbtu, Kenaikan tinggi tersebut memperkecil penurunan harga dalam sepekan menjadi tinggal 0,53%. Analis Asia Tradepoint Futures Andri Hardianto mengatakan, harga gas alam sempat ikut terseret penurunan harga minyak. Tapi gas alam kembali rebound lantaran pelaku pasar menilai fundamental gas alam masih positif.

Peralihan pembangkit listrik dari batubara ke gas alam menjadi salah satu sentimen pendorong laju harga gas alam. Di samping itu, harga naik karena permintaan gas alam di musim dingin tinggi. Energy Information Administration (EIA) menghitung permintaan gas alam sepanjang musim dingin ini naik sekitar 22% daripada musim dingin setahun sebelumnya.

Hingga 30 Desember 2016, stok gas alam Amerika Serikat (AS) tercatat turun 364 miliar kaki kubik menjadi 3,31 triliun kaki kubik. Selain itu, penggunaan gas alam di Eropa juga mengalami peningkatan. Perusahaan gas alam Rusia, Gazprom melaporkan telah menyalurkan gas alam ke Eropa dan Turki sebesar 179,3 miliar kaki kubik sepanjang tahun 2016. Angka tersebut lebih besar dibanding penyaluran gas di 2015, sebesar 158,63 miliar kaki kubik.

Meski menguat, Andri menilai harga gas alam sulit menembus US$ 4 mmbtu di kuartal I-2017. Sebab, konsumsi di China tahun ini diprediksi cuma tumbuh 2,5%, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu, sebesar 3,6%. Proyeksi Andri, gas alam akan bergerak pada kisaran US$ 3~US$ 3,7 per mmbtu hingga akhir kuartal I-2017. Dari sisi teknikal, harga gas alam bergerak di atas moving average (MA) 100, meski masih di bawah MA 200.

Indikator moving average convergence divergence (MACD) berada di area positif, menunjukkan tren menguat. lndikator stochastic naik di atas level 50, sementara relative strength index (RSI) bergerak netral di kisaran level 50.

Hari ini (11/1), Andri memperkirakan gas alam berpotensi menguat dan bergerak di rentang US$ 3,1-US$ 3,16 per mmbtu. Sedangkan sepekan ke depan, harga diprediksi bergerak antara US$ 3,0-US$ 3,2 per mmbtu.

Kontan, Page- 5, Wednesday, Jan, 11, 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Target 1,830 Barrels Per Day

Reactivation through the Old Wells

Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 this year will be a lot of reactivation of old wells in the area of ​​mining. Reactivation of old wells aimed at adding to the oil production target. Because, in 2017, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 is targeting oil production of up to 1,830 barrels per day (bpd). Field Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 Amperiyanto Agus said, the production target this year is bigger than the oil production during 2016. Therefore, oil production during 2016 only produce an average of 1,600 barrels per day.

In order to meet the production target, it did a lot of effort. One of them, for this year it would reactivate old wells. We will actively carry out the re-activation in some structures of old oil wells. Currently, the process of re-activation of old wells in the survey process any location to be activated. As is the case in the region Kedinding. In some wells to be activated already given marker..

In addition to the Kedinding region, they said Agus, there are also some old wells that will be re-activation. Namely, Banyuasin region, Caluk, and Ngrayong. In the first half of 2017 we are targeting there are 15 wells to be reactivated. Hopefully, from 15 wells that will be activated will later meet production targets this year. As for the incoming wells in the area is not active.

Miners can apply for management cooperation through the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises). This is in accordance with the directives Minister Regulation No 1 of 2008.


Targetkan 1.830 Barel Per Hari

Melalui Reaktivasi Sumur Tua

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu tahun ini akan banyak melakukan reaktivasi sumur tua di wilayah Penambangannya. Reaktivasi sumur tua bertujuan menambali target produksi minyak. Sebab, pada 2017 ini Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu menargetkan produksi minyak hingga 1.830 barel per hari (bph). Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu Agus Amperiyanto mengatakan, target produksi pada tahun ini lebih besar dari pada produksi minyak selama 2016. Sebab, produksi minyak selama 2016 hanya menghasilkan rata-rata 1.600 barel per hari.

Demi memenuhi target produksi minyak tersebut, pihaknya melakukan banyak upaya. Salah satunya, selama tahun ini pihaknya akan mengaktifkan kembali sumur-sumur tua. Kita akan aktif melakukan re-aktivasi di beberapa struktur sumur minyak tua. Saat ini, proses reaktivasi sumur tua dalam proses survei lokasi mana saja yang akan diaktifkan. Seperti halnya di wilayah Kedinding. Di beberapa sumur yang akan diaktivasi sudah diberikan penanda.

Selain di wilayah Kedinding, masih kata Agus, juga ada beberapa sumur tua yang akan dilakukan reaktivasi. Yakni, wilayah Banyuasin, Caluk, dan Ngrayong. Pada semester satu 2017 ini kami targetkan ada 15 sumur yang akan direaktivasi. Diharapkan, dari 15 sumur yang akan diaktifkan ini nantinya akan memenuhi target produksi pada tahun ini. Sedangkan untuk sumur yang masuk di wilayah tidak aktif.

Para penambang bisa mengajukan kerja sama pengelolaan melalui Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). Ini sesuai dengan arahan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 1 Tahun 2008.

Radar Bojonegoro, Page-34, Tuesday, Jan, 10, 2017

Incentives Impex Continues Negotiated

The government claims Inpex Corp. has agreed to offer incentives. Thus the project Abadi field, Masela Sea Arafuru ready to run. Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan explain, orally Inpex has expressed willingness to accept the offer of the Government of Indonesia.

The agreement is expected to be officially announced during the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Abe Sinzho to homeland on January 15, 2017. Unofficial agreed, verbally roughly so. In writing we are still waiting, "he said, during a press conference, at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for maritime, on Monday (9/1). Luhut said Inpex has agreed renewal term management contract for 7 years, from the initial request, which is 10 years old. and increasing the capacity liquefied natural gas (LNG), including the addition of production to the needs of industries as well as payment of the claimed sunk cost Inpex, which is about US $ 1.2 billion.

Of course, before having to go through the audit process by the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) first. Seven years we've been the final, and with additional capacity of 7.5 MTPA plus 474 MMSCFD.

According Luhut, in additional production capacity Abadi gas field, the government is also to ensure the absorption of production and the Ministry of Industry confirmed manage the gas that is readily absorbed. There are three factories to be built. Of which are owned by PT Pupuk Indonesia Tbk (SMGR), Kaltim Methanol Industri / Sojilz and Elsoro Multi Pratama. There is a take off, we talked to the Ministry of Industry, someone has to take.

In the management of downstream gas Masela, the government allocated approximately US $ 9 billion. The money to build the petrochemical industry and fertilizer industry. As for the construction of LNG facilities, the government through the Ministry of Energy calculated the funding requirement of between US $ 15 billion - $ 16 billion. The figure is actually shrinking of the estimated initial investment of US $ 22 Billion.

Senior Communication Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet said it was still talking with the government continue. We hope, in the near future there are decisions that support this project


Insentif Impex Masih Terus Dinegosiasi

Pemerintah mengklaim, Inpex Corp telah menyepakati penawaran insentif. Dengan demikian proyek Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela di Laut Arafuru siap berjalan. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menjelaskan, secara lisan Inpex sudah menyatakan kesediaan menerima tawaran Pemerintah Indonesia.

Kesepakatan tersebut diharapkan bisa resmi diumumkan saat kunjungan Perdana Menteri Jepang Sinzho Abe ke tanah air pada 15 Januari 2017 mendatang. Unofficial menyatakan setuju, secara lisan kira-kira begitu. Secara tertulis kita masih tunggu," katanya, saat konfrensi pers, di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, pada Senin (9/ 1). Luhut bilang, Inpex sudah menyetujui masa perpanjangan kontrak pengelolaan selama 7 tahun, dari permintaan awal, yakni 10 tahun. Serta penambahan kapasitas kilang gas alam cair (LNG), termasuk penambahan produksi untuk kebutuhan lndustri serta pembayaran sunk cost sebesar yang diklaim Inpex, yakni sekitar US$ 1,2 miliar.

Tentu saja sebelumnya harus melalui proses audit oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) terlebih dulu. Tujuh tahun kami sudah final, lalu tambahan kapasitas produksi 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd.

Menurut Luhut, dalam penambahan kapasitas produksi gas di Lapangan Abadi, pemerintah juga memastikan penyerapan hasil produksi dan Kementerian Perindustrian dipastikan mengelola gas yang siap diserap. Ada tiga pabrik yang akan dibangun. Di antaranya milik PT Pupuk Indonesia Tbk (SMGR), Kaltim Methanol Industri/Sojilz dan Elsoro Multi Pratama. Ada yang off take, kita bicara ke Kementerian Perindustrian, harus ada yang ambil.

Dalam pengelolaan hilir gas Masela, pemerintah mengalokasikan dana sekitar US$ 9 miliar. Uang itu untuk membangun industri petrokimia dan industri pupuk. Sementara untuk pembangunan fasilitas LNG, pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM mengkalkulasikan kebutuhan dana antara US$ 15 miliar - US$ 16 miliar. Angka tersebut sebenarnya menyusut dari perkiraan investasi awal, sebesar US$ 22 Miliar.

Senior Communication Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet mengatakan, pihaknya masih bicara terus dengan pemerintah. Kami berharap, dalam waktu dekat ada keputusan yang mendukung proyek ini

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 10, 2017

So ONWJ Block First Take Gross Split

Desire Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) immediately apply the gross scheme split in new oil and gas contracts will be realized. One of the new contract were confirmed using gross schematic block split is a new contract Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja said that the management is left to the oil and gas block Pertamina 90% and the remaining 10% is given as a participating Interest to the government-owned enterprises in West Java. The new contract ONWJ has decided to use the scheme gross split.

Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Whereas until now the rules regarding the production sharing contracts with gross schemes split has not been published. While the new contract ONWJ should soon be signed, at least before the contract expires ONWJ ie on January 17, 2017. To that end, the government will soon issue regulations on gross Minister split. The rule was finalizing, "said Wiratmaja.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam explained that Pertamina is ready with whatever scheme will be selected by the government in ONWJ, whether it is a gross scheme split or keep the production sharing contract cost recovery. Pertamina is ready with a scheme which will be selected by the government, he said


ONWJ Jadi Blok Pertama yang Memakai Gross Split

Keinginan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera mengaplikasikan skema gross split di kontrak-kontrak migas baru bakal segera terwujud. Salah satu kontrak baru yang dipastikan menggunakan skema gross split adalah kontrak baru blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pengelolaan blok migas tersebut diserahkan kepada Pertamina sebesar 90% dan 10% sisanya diberikan sebagai participating Interest kepada BUMD milik Pemda Jawa Barat. Kontrak baru Blok ONWJ telah memutuskan menggunakan skema gross split.

Kantor Kementerian ESDM. Padahal hingga saat ini aturan mengenai kontrak bagi hasil dengan skema gross split belum terbit. Sementara kontrak baru Blok ONWJ harus segera ditandatangani, paling lambat sebelum kontrak Blok ONWJ berakhir yaitu pada 17 Januari 2017 mendatang. Untuk itu, pemerintah akan segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang gross split. Aturannya sedang dalam finalisasi," kata Wiratmaja.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menjelaskan, Pertamina siap dengan skema apapun yang akan dipilih oleh pemerintah di Blok ONWJ, apakah itu skema gross split atau tetap menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil cost recovery. Pertamina siap dengan skema yang akan dipilih oleh pemerintah, kata dia

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 10, 2017

Oil Not Free from oversupply Issues

Iran has the potential to increase production to 3.8 million barrels per day

In the middle of a deal cut production by oil-exporting countries (OPEC), still no indication of a flood of supply in the market. Understandably, non-OPEC countries such as Iran but to increase oil production. This makes oil prices depressed. According to Bloomberg, Monday (9/1) at 15:26 pm, the price of WTI oil contracts in February 2017 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell 0.54% to US $ 53.70 per barrel compared to the previous day.

But last week, oil prices still rose 2.62%. Nana Wahyudi, Finex Futures analyst, said the price correction caused by market concerns to Iran increased exports. Not long ago Iran to sell 13 million barrels of oil in tankers at sea.

Countries not involved in the deal that OPEC production cuts also intend, to increase production from 3.7 million barrels per day in October 2016 to 3.8, million barrel in the month of January. Iran's attitude made the market worried.

Deddy Yusuf Siregar, Asia Tradepoint Futures analyst, adding, among oil-producing countries that are not involved in the deal cutback in production, such as Libya and Nigeria, Iran is most likely to increase production. Even Iran can be driven daily production to 4 million barrels per day. If that happens will disrupt the stability of oil prices. In fact, last weekend, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait sure going to start cutting production. Saudi Arabia cut production by 486,000 barrels per day.

Kuwait also reduce the production of 2.89 barrels per day to 2.7 million barrels per day. Not only that, the United States (US) also increase the number of rigs. According to Baker Hughes Inc., the US has added more than 100 rigs since late September. The movement of the dollar movements of crude oil prices this week will also be influenced by the statement the US central bank officials. The plan, on Thursday (19/1) night in America, the Fed Governor Janet Yellen will issue a statement ahead of the meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

If Yellen alluded to rising interest rates, then the US dollar will strengthen. Meanwhile, commodity prices will be depressed. Deddy added, market participants are also awaiting the inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump on January 20 next. After the official inauguration will only be known direction of US policy. Ahead of the inauguration, the possibility of oil prices will be in the range of US $ 52-US $ 55 per barrel.

From the technical side, Deddy see rolling oil above the moving average (MA) 50, MA 100 and MA 200. Stochastic at level 51, level 59 in the RSI and MACD in positive area level 1.1. Technical indicators indicate strengthening price. Today (10/1), Deddy projection, oil prices rose limited at US $ 54.47 ~ US $ 52.80 per barrel. Nana predict, oil prices today rose at ~ US $ 52.70 US $ 54.69 and move in the range of US $ 51-US $ 56 per barrel next week


Minyak Belum Bebas dari Isu Oversupply

Iran berpotensi menaikkan produksi menjadi 3,8 juta  barel per hari

Di tengah kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi oleh negara-negara pengekspor minyak (OPEC), masih ada indikasi banjir pasokan di pasar. Maklum, negara non OPEC seperti Iran tetap menaikkan produksi minyak. Hal tersebut membuat harga minyak tertekan. Mengutip Bloomberg, Senin (9/1) pukul 15.26 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman Februari 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange terkoreksi 0,54% ke US$ 53,70 per barel dibanding hari sebelumnya.

Namun sepekan terakhir, harga minyak masih menguat 2,62%. Nanang Wahyudi, analis Finex Berjangka, mengatakan, koreksi harga terjadi akibat kekhawatiran pasar terhadap peningkatan ekspor Iran. Belum lama ini Iran menjual 13 juta barel minyak pada kapal tanker di laut.

Negara yang tidak terlibat dalam kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi OPEC itu juga berniat ,meningkatkan produksi dari 3,7 juta barel per hari di Oktober 2016 menjadi 3,8 ,juta per barel di bulan Januari ini. Sikap Iran ini membuat pasar khawatir.

Deddy Yusuf Siregar, analis Asia Tradepoint Futures, menambahkan, di antara negara penghasil minyak yang tidak terlibat dalam kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi, seperti Libia dan Nigeria, Iran memang paling berpotensi menaikkan produksi. Bahkan produksi harian Iran bisa dipacu hingga 4 juta barel per hari. Kalau itu terjadi akan mengganggu stabilitas harga minyak. Padahal akhir pekan lalu, Arab Saudi dan Kuwait memastikan akan mulai memangkas produksi. Arab Saudi memangkas produksi 486.000 barel per hari.

Kuwait juga mengurangi produksi dari 2,89 barel per hari menjadi 2,7 juta barel per hari. Tak hanya itu, Amerika Serikat (AS) juga menambah jumlah rig. Menurut Baker Hughes Inc, AS telah menambah lebih dari 100 rig sejak akhir September kemarin. Pergerakan dollar Pergerakan harga minyak mentah pekan ini juga akan dipengaruhi pernyataan pejabat bank sentral AS. Rencananya, Kamis (19/1) malam di Amerika, Gubernur The Fed Janet Yellen akan mengeluarkan pernyataan jelang pertemuan Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Jika Yellen menyinggung kenaikan suku bunga, maka dollar AS bakal menguat. Sedangkan harga komoditas akan tertekan. Deddy menambahkan, pelaku pasar juga menunggu pelantikan Presiden AS terpilih Donald Trump pada 20 Januari nanti. Setelah resmi dilantik baru akan diketahui arah kebijakan AS. Menjelang pelantikan, kemungkinan harga minyak akan berada di kisaran US$ 52-US$ 55 per barel.

Dari sisi teknikal, Deddy melihat minyak bergulir di atas moving average (MA) 50, MA 100 dan MA 200. Stochastic di level 51, RSI di level 59 dan MACD di area positif level 1,1. Indikator teknikal mengindikasikan penguatan harga. Hari ini (10/1), proyeksi Deddy, harga minyak menguat terbatas di US$ 54,47~US$ 52,80 per barel. Nanang memprediksi, harga minyak hari ini menguat di US$ 52,70~US$ 54,69 dan bergerak di kisaran US$ 51-US$ 56 per barel sepekan ke depan

Kontan, Page-7, Tuesday, Jan, 10, 2017