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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

DPR Want Police Investigate Illegal Oil Drilling Completed Actors in Muba

Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) in charge of energy and natural resources, requesting the Regional Police (Polda) South Sumatra investigate illegal drilling practices (illegal drilling) oils in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra. In addition to endangering the safety and security of the miners, illegal practice of drilling hundreds of oil wells in Muba also potentially harm the country because the drilling is done in the earth which is state-owned.

"The practice of illegal drilling should not be allowed to happen again, let alone to inflict casualties. Fortunately there was no loss of life, "said Chairman of Commission VII Gus Irawan Pasaribu.

On Wednesday (11/1) night last week there was an explosion at an oil well in Talang Saba Dusun III, Desa Tanjung Keputran, District Plaque High, Muba regency, South Sumatra. The blast occurred at night when workers are transferring oil into the drum.

At the same time appeared the explosion of pumps and cause a spark and then grabbed an oil drum. Lightning caused major fires and fire workers difficulty out of the flames. A total of 18 people suffered burns and were taken to a health center for first aid beehive Court, hereinafter referred to hospitals Sekayu Banyuasin.

Gus Irawan asked the local police to investigate the perpetrators behind the illegal drilling practices in Muba. Because the practice of drilling illegal endanger the safety of miners and ignore the environmental aspects it is not just happening in the oil wells on public land, but also on Iahan who are in the working area of ​​the contractor cooperation contract (PSC) Unit Special Upstream Oil and gas (SKK Migas).

"We asked (the police) investigate, who was playing behind him. The law must be enforced indiscriminately, "said Gus Irawan. Observers oil and gas Ibrahim Hashim said, the practice of illegal oil drilling in Muba longstanding. However, until now the law enforcement and local governments and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, has not provided effective action.

According to Ibrahim, Muba including one of the potential areas of oil although the amount is not large. Therefore, there is not optimized KKKS oil from the wells of the era decades ago for its production possibility minimalist so inefficient when do exploits. On the other hand, said Ibrahim, the presence of oil and even gas is also present in the soil or land assets owned privately by citizens.

According to Ibrahim, the drilling of oil wells on land owned by a private / public is very dangerous because of the practice of drilling conducted Iradisional and ignore the standard operating procedures of oil and gas drilling. In addition to safety hazards and safety for themselves miners, illegal drilling practices it is also harmful to health and the environment. "Who is responsible for the B3 waste from an illegal oil drilling practices," he said.

Meanwhile, Chief of Police of South Sumatra Inspector General (Police) Agung Budi Maryoto said related illegal act drilling triggered an explosion and caused 18 injuries in Talang Saba Dusun III, District Plaque Cleaner, Muba, it has fielded a joint consisting of police officers from the Directorate Special Crime, doctors, PT Pertamina EP and others to investigate the causes of the explosion of illegal wells.

"In addition to explosive event, we will investigate the activities related to the illegal well drilling. We will investigate this matter to its roots, anticipate that does not happen again and no casualties anymore, "he said. Police Commissioner David Irawan Shah, Director of the Special Criminal Police of South Sumatra, adding, South Sumatra Police immediately set suspect illegal oil explosion in Talang Sabah Dusun III


DPR Minta Polisi Usut Tuntas Pelaku Pengeboran Minyak Ilegal di Muba

Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) yang membidangi sektor energi dan sumber daya alam, meminta Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) Sumatera Selatan mengusut tuntas praktik pengeboran ilegal (illegal drilling) minyak di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Selain membahayakan keselamatan dan keamanan para penambang, praktik illegal drilling pada ratusan sumur minyak di Muba juga berpotensi merugikan negara karena pengeboran dilakukan di dalam perut bumi yang merupakan milik negara.

“Praktik illegal drilling tak boleh dibiarkan terjadi lagi, apalagi sampai menimbulkan korban. Untung tak ada korban nyawa,” ujar Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus Irawan Pasaribu.

Pada Rabu (11/1) malam pekan lalu terjadi ledakan pada sebuah sumur minyak di Talang Saba Dusun III, Desa Tanjung Keputran, Kecamatan Plakat Tinggi, Kabupaten Muba, Sumatera Selatan. Ledakan itu terjadi malam saat pekerja sedang memindahkan minyak ke dalam drum.

Pada saat bersamaan muncul ledakan dari mesin pompa dan menimbulkan percikan api lalu menyambar drum minyak. Sambaran api menyebabkan kebakaran besar dan para pekerja kesulitan ke luar dari kobaran api. Sebanyak 18 orang menderita luka bakar dan dibawa ke Puskesmas Pembantu Sialang Agung guna pertolongan pertama, selanjutnya dirujuk ke RSUD Sekayu Musi Banyuasin.

Gus Irawan meminta pihak kepolisian daerah untuk mengusut tuntas pelaku di belakang praktik pengeboran ilegal di Muba. Pasalnya, praktik pengeboran ilegal yang membahayakan keselamatan penambang dan mengabaikan aspek lingkungan itu bukan hanya terjadi pada sumur minyak di lahan masyarakat, tapi juga pada Iahan yang berada pada wilayah kerja milik kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKS) Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

“Kami minta (polisi) mengusut tuntas, siapa yang bermain di belakangnya. Hukum harus ditegakkan tanpa pandang bulu,” ujar Gus Irawan. Pengamat minyak dan gas bumi Ibrahim Hasyim mengatakan, praktik pengeboran minyak ilegal di Muba sudah lama berlangsung. Namun, hingga kini penegak hukum dan pemerintah daerah serta Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, belum memberikan tindakan yang efektif. 

Menurut Ibrahim, Muba termasuk salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi minyak kendati jumlahnya tidak besar. Karena itu, ada KKKS yang belum mengoptimalkan minyak dari sumur-sumur dari era puluhan tahun lalu karena produksinya kemungkinan minimalis sehingga tidak efisien bila dilakukan eksploitasi. Di sisi lain, lanjut Ibrahim, keberadaan minyak dan bahkan gas juga terdapat di dalam tanah yang aset atau lahannya dimiliki secara pribadi oleh warga masyarakat. 

Menurut Ibrahim, pengeboran sumur minyak di lahan milik pribadi/masyarakat sangat membahayakan karena praktik pengeboran dilakukan secara Iradisional dan mengabaikan prosedur operasi standar pengeboran migas. Selain bahaya keselamatan dan keamanan bagi diri penambang, praktik pengeboran ilegal itu juga membahayakan bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. “Siapa yang bertanggungjawab atas limbah B3 dari praktik pengeboran minyak ilegal itu,” katanya. 

Sementara itu, Kapolda Sumatera Selatan Inspektur Jenderal (Polisi) Agung Budi Maryoto mengatakan terkait aksi illegal drilling yang memicu ledakan dan menyebabkan 18 korban luka di Talang Saba Dusun III, Kecamatan Plakat Tingi, Muba, pihaknya telah menerjunkan gabungan yang terdiri atas kepolisian dari unsur Direktorat Kriminal Khusus, dokter, PT Pertamina EP dan lainnya untuk menyelidiki penyebab ledakan sumur ilegal tersebut.

“Selain peristiwa ledakan, kami pun akan menyelidiki terkait kegiatan pengeboran sumur ilegalnya tersebut. Ini pun akan kami selidiki hingga akarnya, antisipasi agar tidak terjadi lagi dan tidak memakan korban lagi,” ujarnya. Komisaris Besar Polisi Irawan David Syah, Direktur Kriminal Khusus Polda Sumsel, menambahkan, Polda Sumsel segera menetapkan tersangka meledaknya minyak ilegal di Talang Sabah Dusun III

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Pertamina Completes Land Issues and Licensing Tuban refinery

PT Pertamina has completed the issue of land and permits for the construction of refinery fuel oil (BBM) just in Tuban, East Java. Laying the first stone (ground breaking) refinery project that worked together with Rosneft Oil Company is targeted to be held in July this year.

Land issues and licensing is completed after Pertamina and East Java Provincial Government signed a memorandum of understanding land use assets of the Ministry of Environment and Forests in Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban. Thus, Tuban refinery project can run.

""We are certainly very grateful to the achievement of understanding between Pertamina and the Government of East Java Province. This MoU solve two major problems at once simultaneously, namely regarding land use and permitting both very important and a priority to expedite project implementation NGRR Tuban, "said Dwi

In the memorandum of understanding, East Java Provincial Government supports land use Ministry of Environment and Forestry for the construction of Tuban refinery. Although initially this land will be used for general harbor location. Not only that, the Government of East Java also provides the necessary permits for the construction of refineries, which permits the use of space and others in accordance with applicable regulations.

On the other hand, Pertamina will replace land Ministry of Environment and Forests covering an area of ​​60 hectares. Not only that, the company also will build the access road from the site to the national road network. "It will be done in conjunction with the use of land in Tanjung Awar-Awar," said Dwi.

At the time together, Pertamina and Rosneft work on environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the construction and operation of an integrated refinery Tuban. The EIA is a requirement for prior to the cleaning process of land and development project footprint as the preliminary work to do. Making EIA is scheduled for completion in six months so ground breaking Tuban refinery this can be done in July according to the direction of President Joko Widodo.

"To ensure the achievement of the targets set, need to be accelerated in the preparation of land to be used for the construction of refineries. Therefore the EIA work is crucial, "said Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Rachmad Hardadi.

To support these refineries, Pertamina and Rosneft will also build supporting facilities include a jetty, submarine pipelines, Single Point Mooring (SPM), crude oil storage tanks (tank farm), utility complexes, and office buildings. In addition, the company and partners are also reclaiming flattening or leveling coastline and carry out dredging ship. Tuban refinery along with its supporting facilities occupy an area of ​​about 404 hectares located in the village of Remen, Mentoso, Rawasan, wadung, and Kaliuntu in District Jenu, Tuban, East Java Province.

Earlier, after the formation of a joint venture (joint venture / JV), Pertamina and Rosneft respectively has paid US $ 200 million. Both are also conducting a bankable feasibility study (BFS), followed by setting the final investment decision (final investment decision / FID), the basic engineering design (basic engineering design / BED), and detailed design (front end engineering design / FEED).


Pertamina Rampungkan Masalah Lahan dan Perizinan Kilang Tuban

PT Pertamina telah merampungkan isu lahan dan perizinan untuk pembangunan kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur. Peletakan batu pertama (ground breaking) proyek kilang yang digarap bersama Rosneft Oil Company ini ditargetkan bisa dilakukan pada Juli tahun ini.

Masalah lahan dan perizinan ini selesai setelah Pertamina dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur meneken nota kesepahaman pemanfaatan lahan aset Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan di Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban. Sehingga, proyek Kilang Tuban dapat berjalan.

“Kami tentu sangat bersyukur dengan tercapainya kesepahaman antara Pertamina dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur ini. Nota kesepahaman ini memecahkan dua persoalan besar sekaligus secara simultan, yaitu mengenai pemanfaatan lahan dan perizinan yang kedua-duanya sangat penting dan prioritas untuk melancarkan pelaksanaan proyek NGRR Tuban,” kata Dwi 

Dalam nota kesepahaman itu, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur mendukung pemanfaatan lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk pembangunan Kilang Tuban. Walaupun awalnya lahan ini akan dipakai untuk lokasi pelabuhan umum. Tak hanya itu, Pemprov Jawa Timur juga memberikan izin-izin yang dibutuhkan untuk pengerjaan kilang, yakni izin pemanfaatan ruang dan lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

Di sisi lain, Pertamina akan mengganti lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan seluas 60 hektar itu. Tak hanya itu, perseroan juga akan membangunkan jalan akses dari lokasi menuju jaringan jalan nasional. “Ini akan dilakukan bersamaan dengan pemanfaatan lahan di Tanjung Awar-Awar itu,” ujar Dwi.

Pada saat bersama, Pertamina dan Rosneft mengerjakan analisis dampak lingkungan (Amdal) terpadu untuk pembangunan dan pengoperasian Kilang Tuban. Amdal menjadi syarat untuk sebelum proses pembersihan lahan dan pengembangan tapak sebagai pekerjaan awal proyek dapat dilakukan. Pembuatan Amdal ini ditargetkan selesai dalam enam bulan sehingga ground breaking Kilang Tuban dapat dilakukan pada Juli ini sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo.

“Untuk menjamin pencapaian target yang sudah ditetapkan, perlu dilakukan percepatan terhadap persiapan lahan yang akan digunakan untuk pembangunan kilang. Oleh karena itu pekerjaan AMDAL menjadi sangat krusial,” kata Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi.

Untuk mendukung kilang ini, Pertamina dan Rosneft juga akan membangun fasilitas penunjang antara lain jetty, jalur pipa bawah laut, Single Point Mooring (SPM), tangki penyimpanan minyak mentah (tank farm), komplek utilitas, dan perkantoran. Selain itu, perseroan dan mitra juga mereklamasi atau meratakan perataan garis pantai dan melaksanakan pengerukan alur kapal. Kilang Tuban beserta fasilitas penunjangnya menempati areal sekitar 404 hektar yang berlokasi di Desa Remen, Mentoso, Rawasan, Wadung, dan Kaliuntu di Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban, Provinsi Jawa Timur.

Sebelumnya, pasca pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture/JV), Pertamina dan Rosneft masing~masing telah menyetor USS 200 juta. Keduanya juga tengah melaksanakan bankable feasibility study (BFS), dilanjutkan dengan menetapkan keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/ FID) , desain teknik dasar (basic engineering design/BED), dan desain rinci (front end engineering design/FEED). 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Eight Companies Enjoy Cheap Gas

Two industrial sector will follow

Eight manufacturing companies get cheap gas from January 2017. They are PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM ), PT PKG (PG), and PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

The companies are engaged in the petrochemical industry, fertilizers, and steel. Cheap gas for the three industries it regulated ESDM 40/2016 which is the technical rules of Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing. Perpres a follow-up of the gas price reduction plan in Economic Policy Package III which was released in October 2015.

The initial stage, the new cheap gas can be enjoyed SOE. However, the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) is fighting a decline in gas prices can be obtained private as well as ceramics and glass industries. These two sectors have entered the industry a priority deserving decline in gas prices in the Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016, in addition to fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, and rubber gloves.

Based ESDM 40/2016, the three companies have been getting cheap gas prices with the old pricing scheme, so it does not need to be lowered again. They are Kaltim Parna Industri amounting to US $ 4.04 per million metric British thermal unit (mmbtu) at the factory door, Kaltim Methanol Industri US $ 3.11 per mmbtu, and Pupuk Kaltim US $ 2.85 to 4.04 per mmbtu from five suppliers.
Meanwhile, five gas companies get a price reduction. The price of gas to Pupuk Kujang of PT Pertamina EP down from US $ 6.62 to US $ 6 per mmbtu, fertilizer Sriwidjaja down from US $ 6,546,73 to $ 6 to 6.48 per mmbtu, PKG of US $ 6 21 to US $ 6 per mmbtu, and Krakatau Steel from US $ 7.35 to US $ 6 per mmbtu. This corresponds to the government's target intend to lower gas prices from an average of US $ 8 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per mmbtu.

On the other hand, Assosiaciation of Industrial Aromatics, Olefin and Plastic Indonesia (Inaplas) asking price of gas as raw material (feedstock) petrochemical set at US $ 3 per mmbtu. This would trigger additional investment of US $ 5 billion. Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Upstream and Petrochemicals Sector Achmad Widjaja rate, a gas price of US $ 6 per mmbtu ideal for industrial needs. During this time, the price of gas sold to the industry average is quite high, amounting to US $ 8 per mmbtu.

If the price of gas has reached US $ 6 per mmbtu, industry competitiveness will be lifted. The positive impact of the decline in gas prices is to save production costs by 30%. Some of the industries that benefited from the decline in gas prices is the fertilizer, ceramics, glass and textiles, "he said. She also hoped that Pertamina and PT PGN PF can work together and establish a holding in the oil and gas sector. The goal is that the coordination of oil and gas in Indonesia could be elisien and smoothly.

Secretary General of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers Association (APPI) Dadang Heru Kodri said, for the price of gas purchased fertilizer industry reached US $ 8 per mmbtu and quite a burden. A gas price of US $ 6 per mmbtu can improve the competitiveness of the fertilizer industry. Contributions gas in the fertilizer industry reached 80%, so if the price is lowered, it will save the cost of production. On the other hand, gas prices apply from January 2017. The gas supply from PT Krakatau Steel Pertamina EP

"The price of gas down from US $ 7.35 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per MMBTU in Krakatau Steel factory. Invoice price will be mailed next month. But, if the price of HRC (hot rolled coil) reached US $ 557 per ton, the gas price increase of US $ 0.15 per mmbtu, "he said.

Director of Krakatau Steel Sukandar said, KS actually expect the gas price cut to US $ 3 per mmbtu. if it is met, the company is ready to operate again the sponge iron plant (sponge iron). This facility was closed in 2014 because of high gas prices and the slump in world steel prices. The sponge iron is the raw material billet and slab.

Krakatau Steel is building a new steel plant with blast furnace (Blast Furnace / BF). The plan, Krakatau Steel will revive billet and slab plant with a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year, after BF operation next March. As a result, imports of slab and billet can be trimmed. Foreign exchange could save around US $ 1 billion, assuming the slab and billet prices reached US $ 400 per ton.

Vice Chairman Inaplas Budi Susanto Sadiman asserted, the petrochemical industry is ready to add an investment of US $ 5 billion, if the price of gas for raw materials was at US $ 3 per mmbtu. The petrochemical industry targeting two locations, ie in the Masela Block (Maluku) and Bintuni (West Papua). "If the price of gas for feedstock US $ 6 per mmbtu, do not enter. But if US $ 3 per mmbtu, the investment could be executed, "said Budi.

According to him, the gas will be processed into methanol, then processed again into olefin products, namely propylene and ethylene. Furthermore, the two products were processed into plastic resins polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), plastic raw materials. The government, he said, had invited Inaplas to work on petrochemical project in the Masela. There are several interested companies, including PT Chandra Asn Petrochemical (CAP) Tbk. However, they are asking for gas price of US $ 3 per mmbtu and the government is willing to work on projects of gas to methanol conversion, because the investment is huge.

The methanol to olefin can tilled petrochemical companies. He said, from the Masela project, PP and PE industry capacity could increase 850 thousand tons per year. This amount could cut imports of plastic raw materials. The project Bintuni, additional capacity could reach 500 thousand tons. Last year, the need for plastic raw materials nationwide reached 4.5 million tons. Of that number, 2.3 million tons are supplied from the national industry, while the rest of the imports.

He predicts the demand of plastic raw materials reach 7-8 million tons per year in 2020. Therefore, the capacity of the petrochemical industry must immediately added. If the price of gas Masela and Bintuni already decided, the petrochemical industry will immediately conduct a feasibility study. Construction of the plant could be completed in two years, "he said. In addition to gas, he asserted, the petrochemical industry looking for alternative raw material for another, namely coal. The flow of production as gas, in which coal is converted into methanol, then processed again to olefins. The petrochemical industry China could use the technology to realize the project.

"The raw material alternative is necessary, because the oil could be depleted by 2040. In addition, during this time, the petrochemical industry to import more naphtha (oil derivatives) to produce olefins," he said.

Sector Supplement

On the other hand, the Minister of Industry (Industry) Airlangga Hartanto said the government was reviewing the decline in gas prices for industrial ceramics and glass. However, he was not sure when the discussion is finished. Both sectors are included in the priority sectors in Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016. There are seven sectors which received a reduction in gas prices, the fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves.

Chairman of the Association of Sheet and Safety Glass (AKLP) Justin Gunawan asserted, flat glass industry requested assurance decline in gas prices. This will have a significant effect on the production cost. If the production costs down, this industry can compete with the regional glass industry. "We have a new rival, namely Malaysia, because Chinese companies have a new factory there. This is potentially a serious rival in the regional market, "said Justin

Chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users Achmad Safiun asked the Ministry of Industry all out fight for cheaper energy prices for industries other than steel, petrochemicals, and fertilizers. Therefore, the main problem of the industry today is the high price of energy. Safiun asserted, employment will be minimal, if the industry stopped moving. Industries can move, if it's supported energy total. Today the industry is not excited, "said Safiun.

Last year, the industry's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) of about 19%. Safiun projecting these contributions could decline again, if there is no change in energy policy. If the global economy is not moving, Saiun rate, the government should be able to move the domestic economy to ensure the industry continues to move. He emphasized that the revenue from the industry is much larger than in gas revenues. It noted, revenues from gas only Rp 80 trillion, while assuming the industry's contribution to GDP is 19%, revenue from VAT reached Rp 287 trillion industry.

Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics Industry Ministry I Gusti Putu Suryawiryawan said it still prioritize the decline in gas prices could be felt industry-wide. In the first phase, a new gas price reduction applied to SOEs.

"To move the massive economic need through the industry. It was all agreed. That has not been agreed for the energy industry. Very funny industry requested so driving, but instead given high energy prices. It is our mission so that the energy can be cheap.


Dua Sektor Industri Bakal Menyusul

Delapan Perusahaan Nikmati Gas Murah

Delapan perusahaan manufaktur mendapatkan gas murah mulai Januari 2017. Mereka adalah PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), dan PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

Perusahaan-perusahaan itu bergerak di bidang industri petrokimia, pupuk, dan baja. Gas murah untuk tiga industri itu diatur Peraturan Menteri ESDM 40/2016 yang merupakan aturan teknis Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Perpres itu merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana penurunan harga gas dalam Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi III yang dirilis pada Oktober 2015.

Tahap awal, gas murah baru bisa dinikmati BUMN. Namun, Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) tengah memperjuangkan penurunan harga gas bisa didapat swasta serta industri keramik dan kaca. Dua sektor ini masuk industri prioritas yang layak menerima penurunan harga gas dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016, selain pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Berdasarkan Permen ESDM 40/2016, tiga perusahaan telah mendapatkan harga gas murah dengan skema harga lama, sehingga tidak perlu diturunkan lagi. Mereka adalah Kaltim Parna Industri sebesar US$ 4,04 per million metric british thermal unit (mmbtu) di pintu pabrik, Kaltim Methanol Industri US$ 3,11 per mmbtu, dan Pupuk Kaltim US$ 2,85-4,04 per mmbtu dari lima pemasok.
Sementara itu, lima perusahaan mendapatkan penurunan harga gas. Harga gas untuk Pupuk Kujang dari PT Pertamina EP turun dari US$ 6,62 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu, Pupuk Sriwidjaja turun dari US$ 6,546,73 menjadi US$ 6-6,48 per mmbtu, Petrokimia Gresik dari US$ 6,21 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu, dan Krakatau Steel dari US$ 7,35 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu. Ini sesuai dengan target pemerintah yang berniat  menurunkan harga gas dari rata-rata US$ 8 Per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu.

Di sisi lain, Asosiasi Industri Aromatik, Olefin, dan Plastik Indonesia (Inaplas) meminta harga gas Sebagai bahan baku (feedstock) petrokimia dipatok US$ 3 per mmbtu. Hal ini bakal memicu tambahan investasi US$ 5 miliar. Wakil Ketua Komite Tetap Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Bidang Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia Achmad Widjaja menilai, harga gas sebesar US$ 6 per mmbtu ideal untuk kebutuhan industri. Selama ini, harga gas yang dijual ke industri rata-rata cukup tinggi, sebesar US$ 8 per mmbtu. 

Jika harga gas sudah mencapai US$ 6 per mmbtu, daya saing industri akan terangkat. Dampak positif dari penurunan harga gas adalah menghemat biaya produksi hingga 30%. Beberapa industri yang diuntungkan dari penurunan harga gas adalah pupuk, keramik, kaca dan tekstil,” ujar dia.  Dia juga berharap PF Pertamina dan PT PGN bisa bersinergi dan membentuk holding di sektor migas. Tujuannya agar koordinasi migas di Indonesia bisa lebih elisien dan lancar. 

Sekjen Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Indonesia (APPI) Dadang Heru Kodri mengatakan, selama ini harga gas yang dibeli industri pupuk mencapai US$ 8 per mmbtu dan cukup menjadi beban. Harga gas sebesar US$ 6 per mmbtu bisa meningkatkan daya saing industri pupuk. Kontribusi gas di industri pupuk mencapai 80%, sehingga jika harganya diturunkan, akan menghemat biaya produksi. Di pihak lain, harga gas baru berlaku mulai januari 2017. Pasokan gas Krakatau Steel berasal dari PT Pertamina EP

“Harga gas turun dari US$ 7,35 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu di pabrik Krakatau Steel . Invoice harga baru akan dikirim bulan depan. Tapi, jika harga HRC (hot rolled coil) mencapai US$ 557 per ton, harga gas bertambah US$ 0,15 per mmbtu,” kata dia.

Direktur Utama Krakatau Steel Sukandar menuturkan, KS sebenarnya berharap harga gas dipangkas menjadi US$ 3 per mmbtu. jika hal itu dipenuhi, perseroan siap mengoperasikan lagi pabrik besi spons (sponge iron). Fasilitas ini ditutup pada 2014 karena mahalnya harga gas dan anjloknya harga baja dunia. Besi spons adalah bahan baku billet dan slab. 

Krakatau Steel sedang membangun pabrik besi baru dengan sistem tanur tinggi (Blast Furnace/ BF). Rencananya, Krakatau Steel akan menghidupkan lagi pabrik billet dan slab berkapasitas 2,5 juta ton per tahun, setelah BF beroperasi Maret mendatang. Alhasil, impor slab dan billet bisa dipangkas. Devisa yang bisa dihemat sekitar US$ 1 miliar, dengan asumsi harga slab dan billet mencapai US$ 400 per ton.

Wakil Ketua Inaplas Budi Susanto Sadiman menegaskan, industri petrokimia siap menambah investasi sebesar US$ 5 miliar, jika harga gas untuk bahan baku berada di level US$ 3 per mmbtu. Industri petrokimia membidik dua lokasi, yakni di Blok Masela (Maluku) dan Bintuni (Papua Barat). “Kalau harga gas untuk bahan baku US$ 6 per mmbtu, tidak masuk. Tapi kalau US$ 3 per mmbtu, investasi bisa dieksekusi," ujar Budi.

Menurut dia, gas nantinya diolah menjadi metanol, kemudian diproses lagi menjadi produk olefin, yakni propilena dan etilena. Selanjutnya, dua produk itu diolah menjadi resin plastik polietilena (PE) dan polipropilena (PP), bahan baku plastik. Pemerintah, kata dia, sudah mengundang Inaplas untuk menggarap proyek petrokimia di Masela. Ada beberapa perusahaan yang tertarik, di antaranya PT Chandra Asn Petrochemical (CAP) Tbk. Namun, mereka meminta harga gas US$ 3 per mmbtu dan pemerintah mau menggarap proyek konversi gas ke metanol, karena investasinya besar. 

Adapun dari metanol ke olefin bisa digarap perusahaan petrokimia. Dia menuturkan, dari proyek Masela, kapasitas industri PP dan PE bisa bertambah 850 ribu ton per tahun. Jumlah ini bisa memangkas impor bahan baku plastik. Adapun dari proyek Bintuni, tambahan kapasitas bisa mencapai 500 ribu ton. Tahun lalu, kebutuhan bahan baku plastik nasional mencapai 4,5 juta ton. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 2,3 juta ton dipasok dari industri nasional, sedangkan sisanya dari impor.

Dia memprediksi kebutuhan bahan baku plastik mencapai 7-8 juta ton per tahun pada 2020. Oleh sebab itu, kapasitas industri petrokimia harus segera ditambah. Kalau harga gas Masela dan Bintuni sudah diputuskan, industri petrokimia akan langsung melakukan studi kelayakan. Pembangunan pabrik bisa selesai dalam dua tahun," ujar dia. Selain gas, dia menegaskan, industri petrokimia mencari alternatif bahan baku lain, yakni batubara. Alur produksinya sama seperti gas, di mana batubara diubah menjadi metanol, kemudian diproses lagi menjadi olefin. Industri petrokimia bisa menggunakan teknologi Tiongkok untuk merealisasikan proyek itu. 

“Bahan baku alternatif sangat diperlukan, karena minyak bisa habis pada 2040. Selain itu, selama ini, industri petrokimia lebih banyak mengimpor nafta (produk turunan minyak) untuk memproduksi olefin,” papar dia. 

Tambahan Sektor 

Di sisi lain, Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan, pemerintah tengah mengkaji penurunan harga gas untuk industri keramik dan kaca. Namun, dia belum bisa memastikan kapan pembahasan tersebut selesai. Kedua sektor ini termasuk dalam sektor prioritas dalam Perpres Nomor 40 Tahun 2016. Ada tujuh sektor yang menerima penurunan harga gas, yakni pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Ketua Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan menegaskan, industri kaca lembaran meminta kepastian penurunan harga gas. Hal ini akan berpengaruh signiFikan terhadap biaya produksi. Jika biaya produksi turun, industri ini bisa bersaing dengan industri kaca regional. “Kami punya saingan baru, yaitu Malaysia, karena perusahaan Tiongkok memiliki pabrik baru di sana. Ini yang berpotensi menjadi saingan berat di pasar regional,” kata Yustinus

Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun meminta Kementerian Perindustrian all out memperjuangkan harga energi murah untuk industri lain di luar baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk. Sebab, permasalahan utama industri saat ini adalah mahalnya harga energi. Safiun menegaskan, penyerapan tenaga kerja akan minim, jika industri berhenti bergerak. lndustri bisa bergerak, kalau energi murah didukung total. Saat ini industri tidak bergairah,” kata Safiun.

Tahun lalu, kontribusi industri terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) sekitar 19%. Safiun memproyeksikan kontribusi tersebut bisa menurun lagi, jika tidak ada perubahan kebijakan energi. Jika ekonomi global belum bergerak, Saiun menilai, pemerintah harus bisa menggerakan ekonomi domestik untuk memastikan industri terus bergerak. Dia menegaskan, pendapatan dari industri jauh lebih besar ketimbang pendapatan gas. Pihaknya mencatat, pemasukan dari gas hanya Rp 80 triliun, sedangkan dengan asumsi kontribusi industri terhadap PDB 19%, pemasukan dari PPN industri mencapai Rp 287 triliun. 

Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Elektronika Kemenperin I Gusti Putu Suryawiryawan mengatakan, pihaknya tetap memprioritaskan penurunan harga gas bisa dirasakan industri secara luas. Pada tahap pertama, penurunan harga gas baru diberlakukan untuk BUMN.

“Untuk menggerakkan ekonomi secara masif harus lewat industri. Memang itu semua sepakat. Yang belum disepakati energi untuk industri. Sangat lucu industri diminta jadi penggerak, tapi malah dikasih harga energi mahal. Ini yang menjadi misi kami agar energi bisa murah.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

DPR Want thoroughly investigated Illegal Oil Drilling

     House of Representatives Commission VII overseeing energy sector and demand for natural resources Police (Polda) South Sumatra to investigate the practice of illegal drilling (drilling illegal) of oil in Banyuasin, South Sumatra. In addition to endanger the safety and security of miners, illegal practices in the hundreds of oil wells is also detrimental to the country.

"The practice of illegal drilling should not happen again. Fortunately there were no casualties," said Commission Chairman Gus lrawan Pasaribu VLI Parliament. On Wednesday (11/1) night last week there was an explosion at an oil well in Talang Saba III Dusun, Desa Tanjung Keputran, District Plakat High, Muba regency, South Sumatra. The explosion occurred as workers were removing the oil into drums. A bolt of fire also caused a large fire which 18 people suffered burns and had to be hospitalized Sekayu in Banyuasin.

Gus Irawan asks local police to investigate the culprit behind the illegal drilling practices in Muba. Because illegal drilling practices endanger the safety of miners and ignore the environmental aspects not only in oil wells on public land, but also on the ground in the working area contractor cooperation contract (PSC) Special Unit for upstream oil and gas (SKK oil).

We asked (the police) to investigate, who was playing behind him. the law should be enforced indiscriminately, "said Gus lrawan. Observers oil and gas Ibrahim Hashim said, the practice of oil drilling illegal in Muba long. However, to date law enforcement and local government and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not been made effective law enforcement.

According to Ibrahim, Muba including one of the areas of potential oil although the numbers are besar.Karena, no PSC is not oil wells decades ago era for the production of at least the possibility that when the exploitation inefficient. The existence of oil and even gas also contains land that the land belongs to private citizens. However, the drilling of oil wells on private land it is also illegal. Government and local law enforcement officers must ensure order


DPR Minta Pengeboran Minyak Ilegal Diusut Tuntas

Komisi VII DPR yang membidangi sektor energi dan Sumber daya alam meminta Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) Sumatera Selatan mengusut tuntas praktik pengeboran ilegal (illegal drilling) minyak di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Selain membahayakan keselamatan dan keamanan penambang, praktik ilegal di ratusan sumur minyak itu juga merugikan negara.

”Praktik illegal drilling tak boleh dibiarkan terjadi lagi. Untung tak ada korban nyawa,”ujar Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus lrawan Pasaribu. Pada Rabu (11/1) malam pekan lalu terjadi ledakan di sebuah sumur minyak di Talang Saba Dusun III, Desa Tanjung Keputran, Kecamatan Plakat Tinggi, Kabupaten Muba, Sumatera Selatan. Ledakan itu terjadi saat pekerja sedang memindahkan minyak ke dalam drum. Sambaran api juga menyebabkan kebakaran besar sehingga 18 orang menderita luka bakar dan harus dirawat di RSUD Sekayu di Banyuasin.

Gus Irawan meminta pihak kepolisian daerah untuk mengusut tuntas pelaku di belakang praktik pengeboran ilegal di Muba. Pasalnya, praktik pengeboran ilegal yang membahayakan keselamatan penambang dan mengabaikan aspek lingkungan itu bukan hanya terjadi pada sumur minyak di lahan masyarakat, tapi juga pada lahan yang berada pada wilayah kerja milik kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKS) Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

Kami minta (polisi) mengusut tuntas, siapa yang bermain di belakangnya. Hukum harus ditegakkan tanpa pandang bulu,” tegas Gus lrawan. Pengamat minyak dan gas bumi Ibrahim Hasyim mengatakan, praktik pengeboran minyak ilegal di Muba sudah lama berlangsung. Namun, hingga kini penegak hukum dan pemerintah daerah serta Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) belum juga melakukan penindakan yang efektif.

Menurut Ibrahim, Muba termasuk salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi minyak kendati jumlahnya tidak besar.Karena itu, ada KKKS yang belum mengoptimalkan minyak dari sumur-sumur dari era puluhan tahun lalu karena produksinya kemungkinan minimal sehingga tidak efisien bila dilakukan eksploitasi. Keberadaan minyak dan bahkan gas juga terdapat ditanah yang lahannya dimiliki secara pribadi oleh warga masyarakat. Namun, pengeboran sumur minyak di lahan pribadi itu juga  ilegal. Pemerintah daerah dan aparat penegak hukum perlu menertibkannya

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Gross Split Effective Bussinessman Hesitate

Oil and Gas Contract

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ensure, Regulation of Minister of contract revenue share split gross scheme published on January 18. EMR hope, this scheme makes investors interested. In the final draft ministerial decree, the government set a base Split.

First: split before tax: on oil commodities 70% government and 30% for the contractor. Down from the previous 85% and 15% of government contractors. Gas, before tax 65% government, 35% of contractors. Previously 70% government, 30% of contractors. Director of Engineering and Mineral Resources Ministry of Oil and Gas Environmental Siswanto Djoko said, the decline in government revenue share for the contractor bears all the cost of oil and gas production. Previously we bear the cost, said Joko.

Second, if the basic split in cutting taxes. Oil to 57% government and 43% contractors. Government gas being 52% and 48% contractors. Part contractors will increase again if the non-conventional projects and the deep sea. If during the exploration, discovered non-conventional field with the content of CBM gas or shale plus up to 16%. If the deep sea to over 1,000 additional meters can be split up to 16% as well

According to him, the internal rate of return (IRR) contractor gross scheme split approximately 16%, similar to the IRR cost recovery. But in gross split contractor can save on licensing costs, "he said. Only the Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong gross claimed not to know the details of the split. We have not been explained by numbers. He asked the government to conduct a study before rule it out.

Chairman of the Division of Energy and Oil and Gas Chamber Bobby Gafur Umar said, the condition of each oil and gas field is different, exploration costs are also different. For investors upstream oil and gas, there is the economic value versus risk and legal certainty, he said. Executive Director Pri Agung Reforminer Rakhmanto say, gross excess bureaucracy and administration split just fast. Whatever the form of the contract, state revenues will be the same


Gross Split Berlaku Pengusaha Ragu

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang kontrak bagi hasil skema gross split terbit 18 Januari. ESDM berharap, skema ini membuat investor tertarik. Dalam draf final peraturan menteri itu, pemerintah menetapkan Split dasar. 

Pertama: split sebelum pajak: untuk komoditas minyak 70% pemerintah, dan 30% untuk kontraktor. Turun dari sebelumnya 85% pemerintah dan 15% kontraktor. Gas, sebelum pajak 65% pemerintah, 35% kontraktor. Sebelumnya 70% pemerintah, 30% kontraktor. Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto bilang, turunnya bagi hasil pemerintah karena kontraktor menanggung semua biaya produksi migas. Sebelumnya kita menanggung biaya, kata Joko.

Kedua, split dasar jika di potong pajak. Minyak menjadi 57% pemerintah dan kontraktor 43%. Sedang gas pemerintah 52% dan kontraktor 48%. Bagian kontraktor akan bertambah lagi jika mengerjakan proyek non-konvensional dan laut dalam. Jika saat eksplorasi, ditemukan lapangan non-konvensional dengan kandungan CBM atau shale gas ditambah sampai 16%. Jika di laut dalam hingga di atas 1.000 meter dapat tambahan split sampai 16% juga

Menurutnya, internal rate of return (IRR) kontraktor skema gross split sekitar 16%, hampir sama dengan IRR cost recovery. Tapi di gross split kontraktor bisa menghemat biaya perizinan,” kata dia. Hanya Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengaku belum mengetahui rincian gross split. Kami belum pernah diterangkan dengan angka itu. Ia minta pemerintah melakukan studi sebelum aturan itu keluar.

Ketua Umun Bidang Energi dan Migas Kadin Bobby Gafur Umar bilang, kondisi tiap lapangan migas beda, biaya eksplorasi juga beda. Bagi investor hulu migas, ada nilai keekonomian versus risiko dan kepastian hukum, ujarnya. Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Pri Agung Rakhmanto bilang, kelebihan gross split hanya birokrasi dan administrasi yang cepat. Apapun bentuk kontraknya, penerimaan negara akan sama

Kontan, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Gross Beleid Split Signed Soon


oil and gas production sharing scheme

 The government claims to be ready to apply production-sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) gross split for drafting a regulation governing the implementation of the contract for the gross proceeds of the already completed.

     Through the split gross scheme, the government and the contractor immediately divide their share. The government will earn a share of oil and gas and taxes from upstream activities without the operating costs and investment incurred contractors to produce oil and gas.

     As an illustration, a contractor awarded a contract oil and gas blocks A, the government requested the 40%, while the contractor 60%. Part contractor already includes the 60% of production costs incurred. Meanwhile, the sharing system of government cost recovery get parts 85%, while the contractor 15%. However, the government bears the cost of oil production.

     In general, application of the gross split will encourage businesses looking for the most cost efficient formula. Thus, it is likely to choose the services are also goods at low prices. These opportunities can be utilized supporting industries in the country to play a role for the use of DCL will be one of the variables that affect the result of the contractor.

     The draft Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) on gross split will organize relevant starting point for the result between the government and the contractor. At the starting point, for the development of oil, the government got a portion of 70% and 30% contractors. Meanwhile, the development of gas, the government got a portion of 65% and 13% after tax, for the development of oil turned into 57:43 and 52:48 gas development. Later, parts of the government and the contractor will change following several variables that influence such as locations, characters hydro carbon, to use local components.

     Each part can be changed following the oil price. Director of Engineering and the Environment Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said Djoko Siswanto, a tax of 13% is taken and the average contract exists which stands at around 12% to 14%. Already existing regulation [ministerial regulation], was passed into law.

     Previously, he said, businesses want to be when the project has not provide a return on capital, profit sharing larger contractors. However, the government considered, with the imposition of gross revenue share split, businesses can get a guarantee that the project will be faster in operation and projects provide benefits more quickly because the cut in the pre-audit is applied to the PSC cost recovery.

     Before the break event point [return on investment] they want to split him was great, but we've already counted, not too far away and with gnoss split could be savings, cost efficiency so the time can be more quickly onstream [operates] said.


     He believes the change will not greatly affect the fiscal aspects. Ministry of Finance, he said, gives approval and issuance of a regulation in the form of Regulation of the Minister of Finance is enough to accommodate such changes. Except, uiar Djoko, when applied to a pure split gross scheme. If you use pure gross split there must be government regulation are altered, but if there is any tax component [tax] just enough regulation.

     Therefore, on January 18, 2017, a new contract for the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) will be signed using the gross revenue share split. Because the contract with cost recovery model for the result ended on January 17, which will be managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi.

     ONWJ the contract expires tomorrow means the 18th [January] to be a new contract [PSC gross split, "he said. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources previously said Ignatius Jonan, upstream oil and gas industry is difficult to operate efficiently with the pattern of cost recovery scheme. Because, in this scheme, the cooperation contract (PSC) does not have to take into account the operating costs incurred because of all the costs associated with production will be reimbursed by the government.

     On the other hand, the national production rests on the working area of ​​the older age. Fields are mature, he said, cost more to produce oil each barelnya. Thus, the new contract and work areas that are out of contract will be applied to gross PSC split so that the government will not be charged for the management of upstream oil and gas operations which have been operating for more than 30 years.

     Data from the Ministry of Energy, the cost of oil production in 2015 of all contractors ranging from US $ 1.75 to US $ 37.99 per barrel of oil equivalent.


skema bagi hasil migas

Beleid Gross Split Segera Diteken

Pemerintah mengklaim siap menerapkan kontrak bagi hasil produksi (production sharing contract/PSC) gross split karena penyusunan draft beleid yang mengatur pemberlakuan kontrak bagi hasil kotor itu sudah selesai.

Melalui skema gross split, pemerintah dan kontraktor langsung membagi bagiannya masing-masing. Pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagi hasil migas dan pajak dari kegiatan hulu tanpa menanggung biaya operasi dan investasi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor untuk menghasilkan minyak dan gas.

Sebagai gambaran, kontraktor mendapatkan kontrak blok migas A, pemerintah meminta bagian 40%, sedangkan kontraktor 60%. Bagian kontraktor 60% itu sudah termasuk biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan. Sementara itu, sistem bagi hasil cost recovery pemerintah mendapatkan bagian 85 % , sedangkan kontraktor 15%. Namun, pemerintah menanggung biaya produksi minyak tersebut.

Secara umum, penerapan gross split akan mendorong pelaku usaha mencari formula biaya yang paling efisien. Dengan demikian, besar kemungkinan untuk memilih jasa juga barang dengan harga rendah. Peluang tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan industri penunjang di dalam negeri untuk turut berperan karena penggunaan TKDN akan menjadi salah satu variabel yang memengaruhi bagi hasil kontraktor.

Draf Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang gross split bakal mengatur terkait titik awal bagi hasil antara pemerintah dan kontraktor. Pada titik awal, untuk pengembangan minyak, pemerintah mendapat porsi 70% dan kontraktor 30%. Sementara itu, pengembangan gas, pemerintah mendapat porsi 65% dan setelah dipotong pajak 13%, untuk pengembangan minyak berubah menjadi 57:43 dan pengembangan gas 52:48. Setelahnya, bagian pemerintah dan kontraktor akan berubah mengikuti beberapa variabel yang mempengaruhi seperti lokasi, karakter hidro karbon, hingga penggunaan komponen lokal. 

Bagian masing-masing pun bisa berubah mengikuti harga minyak. Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, pajak 13% diambil dan rata-rata kontrak eksis yang berada di angka sekitar 12% hingga 14%. Sudah ada Peraturan Menteri [peraturan menteri], sudah diundangkan.

Sebelumnya, dia menyebut, pelaku usaha menginginkan agar ketika proyek belum memberikan pengembalian modal, bagi hasil kontraktor lebih besar. Namun, pemerintah menilai, dengan pemberlakuan bagi hasil gross split, pelaku usaha bisa mendapat jaminan bahwa proyek akan lebih cepat beroperasi dan proyek memberikan keuntungan lebih cepat karena terpangkasnya pra-audit yang diterapkan pada PSC cost recovery.

Sebelum break event point [balik modal] mereka ingin split dia itu besar, tapi kita kan sudah hitung, tidak terlampau jauh dan dengan gnoss split bisa ada penghematan,  efisiensi biaya jadi waktunya bisa lebih cepat onstream [beroperasi]   katanya. 


Dia menilai, perubahan tersebut tidak akan berpengaruh besar terhadap aspek fiskal. Kementerian Keuangan, katanya, memberikan restu dan penerbitan beleid dalam bentuk Peraturan Menteri Keuangan cukup mengakomodasi perubahan tersebut. Kecuali, uiar Djoko, bila yang diterapkan merupakan skema gross split murni. Kalau pakai pure gross split mesti ada Peraturan Pemerintah yang diubah, tetapi kalau masih ada komponen tax [pajak,] cukup Peraturan Menteri saja.

Oleh karena itu, pada 18 Januari 2017, kontrak baru untuk Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) akan diteken menggunakan bagi hasil gross split. Pasalnya, kontrak dengan model bagi hasil cost recovery berakhir pada 17 Januari yang nantinya akan dikelola PT Pertamina Hulu Energi.

ONWJ besok kan kontraknya habis berarti tanggal 18 [Januari] harus kontrak baru [PSC gross split,” katanya. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan sebelumnya mengatakan, industri hulu migas sulit untuk beroperasi secara efisien dengan pola skema cost recovery. Pasalnya, pada skema tersebut, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) tidak perlu memperhitungkan biaya operasi yang dikeluarkan karena semua biaya yang terkait dengan produksi akan diganti pemerintah.

Di sisi lain, saat ini produksi nasional bertumpu pada wilayah kerja yang semakin tua usianya. Lapangan-lapangan yang mature, katanya, membutuhkan biaya lebih banyak untuk menghasilkan minyak tiap barelnya. Dengan demikian, pada kontrak baru dan wilayah kerja yang habis masa kontraknya akan diterapkan PSC gross split agar pemerintah tak dibebankan biaya operasi atas pengelolaan hulu migas yang telah beroperasi lebih dari 30 tahun.

Dari data Kementerian ESDM, biaya produksi minyak pada 2015 dari seluruh kontraktor berkisar US$ 1,75-US$ 37,99 per barel setara minyak. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

Signing Wait Government Offer

PT Pertamina is still waiting for terms and conditions offered in the scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) for oil and gas contracts the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) new. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said, in accordance with the direction of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), a new contract ONWJ will use the gross scheme split.

Related to the new contract signing when considering the old contract expired on January 17, his office could not confirm it. On the other hand, the rules concerning the details of the scheme's gross split until now has not been published. However, Alam optimistic ONWJ signing of the contract will not be breaking the law.

We are ready for any mechanism to be decided by the government. Regarding the legal basis, I think the government is unlikely to decide something without any legal basis, he said. Related new contract ONWJ, Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Upstream Denie Tampubolon added, now being compiled with government.

He said he wants a new contract can be signed before the old contract was completed on 17 January. "It should be before 17 January," he said. As to the details of the scheme gross split, Denie admitted could not talk much. It also can not say whether the scheme's gross split would be more profitable for the company or not. Because, Pertamina also do not know the terms and conditions of this contract with the scheme.

We are still waiting for its terms are set by the government, "said Denie. Previously, Denie had said, the company does not matter the type of contract oil and gas which will be used. For Pertamina, the commercial calculations of ONWJ that matters. He hoped no effect and the use of the scheme's gross split on commercial calculations required. "We wants no influence, not to change the (commercial) production continues uninterrupted. So contractual talk about, which is important not interfere with continued investment and production, "said Denie.

Split different scheme for calculating gross profit-sharing government rations and the contractor. If using a cost recovery scheme, a new split were divided after the acceptance cut First Tranche Petroleum (FTP), income taxes, and the cost recovery or cost-refundable. As for gross split, divided according to the reception immediately split the government and the contractor.

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar added, gross schemes split the government arranges provide certainty for the results count. Because the determination of the result will be determined by certain variables, where more and more difficult oil and gas fields are developed, the greater the revenue-sharing oil and gas contractors. Determination of the split will be carried out in three stages, before the exploration, after being discovered oil and gas reserves, and after production.


Penandatanganan Tunggu Tawaran Pemerintah

PT Pertamina masih menunggu terms and condition yang ditawarkan dalam skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) untuk kontrak migas Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang baru. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, sesuai dengan arahan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), kontrak baru Blok ONWJ akan menggunakan skema gross split. 

Terkait kapan penandatangan kontrak baru mengingat kontrak lama berakhir pada 17 januari ini, pihaknya tidak dapat memastikannya. Di sisi lain, peraturan mengenai rincian skema gross split ini sampai sekarang belum juga diterbitkan. Meski demikian, Alam optimis penandatanganan kontrak Blok ONWJ tidak akan melanggar hukum. 

Kami siap mekanisme apapun yang diputuskan pemerintah. Mengenai dasar hukum, saya kira pemerintah tidak mungkin memutuskan sesuatu tanpa ada dasar hukumnya, kata dia. Terkait kontrak baru Blok ONWJ, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon menambahkan, kini sedang disusun bersama pemerintah. 

Pihaknya menginginkan agar kontrak baru ini dapat ditanda tangani sebelum kontrak lama selesai pada 17 Januari ini. “Harus sebelum 17 januari,” ujarnya. Sementara soal rincian skema gross split, Denie mengaku belum bisa bicara banyak. Pihaknya juga belum dapat menyatakan apakah skema gross split ini akan lebih menguntungkan bagi perseroan atau tidak. Pasalnya, Pertamina juga belum mengetahui terms and condition kontrak dengan skema ini.

Kami masih menunggu terms-nya ditetapkan oleh pemerintah,” tutur Denie. Sebelumnya, Denie sempat menuturkan, perseroan tidak masalah jenis kontrak migas mana yang akan dipakai. Bagi Pertamina, hitungan komersial dari Blok ONWJ lah yang penting. Dia berharap tidak ada pengaruh dan penggunaan skema gross split ini terhadap hitungan komersial yang dibutuhkan. “Kami maunya tidak ada pengaruh, jangan sampai mengubah (komersial) terus produksi terganggu. Jadi kontraktual bisa dibicarakan, yang penting tidak mengganggu kelangsungan investasi dan produksi,” kata Denie.

Skema gross split berbeda untuk penghitungan bagi hasil jatah pemerintah dan kontraktor. Jika menggunakan skema cost recovery, split baru dibagi setelah penerimaan dipotong first tranche petroleum (FTP), pajak penghasilan, dan cost recovery atau biaya yang dapat dikembalikan. Sementara untuk gross split, penerimaan langsung dibagi sesuai split pemerintah dan kontraktor.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menambahkan, skema gross split yang disusun pemerintah memberikan kepastian hitungan bagi hasil. Pasalnya, penentuan bagi hasil akan ditentukan oleh variabel-variabel tertentu, di mana semakin sulit blok migas dikembangkan, semakin besar bagi hasil kontraktor migas. Penentuan split akan dilakukan pada tiga tahap, sebelum eksplorasi, sesudah ditemukan cadangan migas, dan setelah produksi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Jan, 16, 2017

Government Encourages Gas Infrastructure West Java

The government is encouraging the development of gas infrastructure in West Java (Jabar) who is currently an imbalance between demand and supply. West Java is one of the areas with the highest levels of gas demand, such as East Java and East Kalimantan.

Rapid industrial growth makes the demand for gas in these areas is very high. To that end, we will continue to encourage the development of infrastructure, "said Director General of Oil and Gas' Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) IGN Wiratmaja Puja. According Wiratmaja, industrial growth is rapid necessarily have to be balanced with infrastructure development. Industries that increased gas needs among which are Pupuk Kujang.

Demand for industrial gases in Bandung also thinks quite a lot, but can not be entirely due to the lack of infrastructure. In addition, the industrial development in the eastern part of West Java also create increased demand. "Because in Bandung has been no sign of gas, we encourage PT Pertamina and PT PGN make a pipe to Bandung. Currently the construction of infrastructure to Bandung feasibility study is being carried out.

In order to meet the gas demand in the eastern part of West Java, the Ministry of Energy is also promoting development of Muara Tawar pipeline, Muara Karang, towards Tegalgede. He said Pertamina and PGN is currently building the pipeline. For a while, the gas supply to some areas is done by using a tube in the form of CNG. To increase supply, we also encourage PHE ONWJ increase production.

Wiratmaja delivered, the number of gas demand bodes encouraging. Because, unlike with fuel oil (BBM) which partly to imports, gas is generated entirely from within the country so they can save foreign exchange. Gas is also environmentally friendly and cheaper than fuel. Data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral shows that high market growth led to an increase in the gas deficit.

In 2013 the deficit on the balance of gas in West Java has reached 635 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The deficit is expected to continue to increase, it becomes 1,450 MMSCFD in 2020 and 2,009 MMSCFD in 2025. Member of the National Energy Board Rinaldi Dalimi support the efforts of Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to encourage the development of gas infrastructure. According to him, if the industry demand is high, then the infrastructure had to be added.

However, it should be seen first whether the industry is in the same location as the source of gas or not. If at a nearby location, of course it takes only increasing the number of gas supply. But if distant, would not want to be with the addition of infrastructure


Pemerintah Dorong lnfrastruktur Gas Jabar

Pemerintah mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur gas di Jawa Barat (Jabar) yang saat ini mengalami ketidakseimbangan antara permintaan dan suplai. Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu daerah dengan tingkat permintaan gas paling tinggi, seperti Jawa Timur, dan Kalimantan Timur.

Pertumbuhan industri yang pesat menjadikan permintaan gas di daerah tersebut sangat tinggi. Untuk itu, kami akan terus mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur," kata Dirjen Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja. Menurut Wiratmaja, pertumbuhan industri yang pesat tentu harus di imbangi dengan pembangunan infrastruktur. Industri yang mengalami peningkatan kebutuhan gas di antaranya adalah Pupuk Kujang. 

Permintaan gas untuk industri di Bandung pun menurutnya cukup banyak, namun belum bisa dipenuhi seluruhnya karena ketiadaan infrastruktur. Selain itu, perkembangan industri di Jawa Barat bagian timur juga membuat permintaan meningkat. ”Karena di Bandung belum ada gas masuk, kita mendorong agar PT Pertamina dan PT PGN membuat pipa ke Bandung. Saat ini pembangunan infrastruktur ke Bandung sedang dilakukan feasibility study. 

Demi memenuhi kebutuhan gas di Jawa Barat bagian timur, Kementerian ESDM juga mendorong pembangunan pipa dari Muara Tawar, Muara Karang, menuju Tegalgede. Dia mengatakan, Pertamina dan PGN saat ini sedang membangun pipa tersebut. Untuk sementara, pasokan gas ke beberapa daerah dilakukan dengan mempergunakan tabung dalam bentuk CNG. Untuk meningkatkan suplai, kita juga mendorong ONWJ PHE meningkatkan produksi. 

Wiratmaja menyampaikan, banyaknya permintaan gas menjadi pertanda menggembirakan. Sebab, berbeda dengan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang sebagian harus impor, gas seluruhnya dihasilkan dari dalam negeri sehingga bisa menghemat devisa. Gas juga ramah lingkungan dan harganya lebih murah dibandingkan BBM. Data Kementerian ESDM menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan pasar yang tinggi menyebabkan peningkatan defisit gas. 

Pada 2013 defisit untuk neraca gas di Jabar sudah mencapai 635 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Defisit tersebut diperkirakan terus meningkat, menjadi 1.450 MMSCFD pada 2020 dan 2.009 MMSCFD pada 2025. Anggota Dewan Energi Nasional Rinaldy Dalimi mendukung upaya Ditjen Migas Kementerian ESDM mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur gas. Menurut dia, jika permintaan industri sudah tinggi maka infrastruktur memang harus ditambah. 

Namun, perlu dilihat dahulu apakah industri berada di lokasi yang sama dengan sumber gas atau tidak. Jika di lokasi yang dekat, tentu yang dibutuhkan hanya penambahan jumlah pasokan gas. Tetapi kalau jauh, mau tidak mau harus dengan penambahan infrastruktur

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Monday, Jan, 16, 2017

Perdana Karya Shooting Four New Contracts

This year PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk (PKPK) targeting four new contracts with a total value of Rp 84 billion. Currently coded PKPK shares in the Indonesia Stock Exchange is working on two projects. Namely, a project of Total EP for the working Tatun Well Connection Package D which will expire on July 14, 2017, and the project and Santos Energy.

This year the company was aiming for Vico Indonesia owned oil and gas projects, such as construction of the drilling location construction services. Perdana Karya Perkasa also targeted projects owned by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III related to site preparation and a passenger terminal in Batulicin Batulicin way into the preparation stage II. 

        In addition, the issuer is also eyeing PT Berau Coal project, which will build a bailey bridge in his exploration area. PKPK, the entire project is targeted can be obtained this year. We are now indeed more in oil and gas construction services, hopefully (can be four contracts), depending on the client as well, Untung said Haryono, Director of Administration and Finance.

With the addition of the contract, PKPK revenue target of Rp 50 billion and net profit of Rp 3.05 billion. As a result, starting from the first and second quarters of this year PKPK will follow the auction / tender the project targeted. PKPK must pursue the project, considering the rest of the company's revenue comes from oil and gas construction services support than the general construction.


Perdana Karya Membidik Empat Kontrak Baru

Tahun ini PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk (PKPK) membidik empat kontrak baru dengan total nilai Rp 84 miliar. Saat ini emiten berkode saham PKPK di Bursa Efek Indonesia itu sedang mengerjakan dua proyek. Yakni, proyek dari Total EP untuk pengerjaan Tatun Well Connection Package D yang akan berakhir pada 14 Juli 2017, dan proyek dan Santos Energy.

Tahun ini perusahaan itu membidik proyek migas milik Vico Indonesia, berupa pembangunan drilling location construction services. Perdana Karya Perkasa juga menyasar proyek-proyek milik PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III terkait penyiapan lahan untuk terminal penumpang di Batulicin dan persiapan jalan masuk ke Batulicin tahap II. 

     Selain itu, emiten ini juga melirik proyek milik PT Berau Coal, yang akan membangun jembatan bailey di area eksplorasi miliknya. PKPK, seluruh proyek yang dibidik tersebut bisa diperoleh pada tahun ini. Kami sekarang memang lebih banyak di jasa konstruksi migas, mudah-mudahan (dapat empat kontrak), tergantung dari klien juga, kata Untung Haryono, Direktur Administrasi dan Keuangan.

Dengan tambahan kontrak itu, PKPK menargetkan pendapatan Rp 50 miliar dan laba bersih Rp 3,05 miliar. Alhasil, mulai dari kuartal I dan II tahun ini PKPK akan mengikuti lelang/tender proyek yang dibidik tersebut. PKPK memang harus mengejar proyek tersebut, mengingat seluruh pendapatan perusahaan berasal dari jasa konstruksi penunjang migas dibanding konstruksi umum.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan, 16, 2017