The government is still waiting for the completion of the study Inpex Corporation conducts pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for the Masela block. Inpex Corporation is a company managing the construction of liquid gas plant natural gas / LNG Plant Masela. The government predicts the time it takes investors completed the pre-FEED for more than six months. The phase includes determining the location, the capacity of the refinery, to the development plan concerning the petrochemical industry. After the pre-FEED, FEED and the process continues to delivery of the Final Investment Decision / PID scheduled for 2019 so that the first gas production (on stream) can run in 2026. "We are waiting for them (Inpex) completed pre-FEED, from there it will be seen how the direction development. Pre-FEED as soon as possible, may be more than six month, "said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar Changes in development schemes liquefied natural gas originally known floating into land-based impacts on the addition of corporate capital spending and a project that is considered delayed. Therefore, Inpex has proposed several incentives to the government that sparked hard of debate. One of them is the increase in the refinery capacity of 7.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 9.5 MTPA plus gas production of 150 million cubic feet per day (MMSCED). Meanwhile, the scenario offered by the government is 7.5 MTPA plus 474 MMSCFD gas production. "Inpex want to 9.5 MTPA to be exported. Meanwhile, we have a scenario of 7.5 MTPA to advance downstream, "said Senior Arcandra Communication Manager Usman Slamet Inpex Corporation declined to comment further. "We asked for 10 years calculated from the first time the government approved for development in the sea in 2007 until 2017," said Usman IN INDONESIAN
Pemerintah Tunggu Hasil Kajian Inpex
Pemerintah masih menunggu Inpex Corporation melakukan penyelesaian kajian pre-Front End Engineering Design (FEED) untuk Blok Masela. Inpex Corporation merupakan perusahaan pengelola pembangunan kilang gas liquid natural gas/LNG Plant Blok Masela. Pemerintah memprediksi waktu yang dibutuhkan investor merampungkan pre-FEED lebih dari enam bulan. Fase tersebut mencakup penentuan lokasi, kapasitas kilang, hingga rencana pengembangan yang menyangkut industri petrokimia. Setelah pre-FEED, proses berlanjut ke FEED dan penyampaian Final Investment Decision/PID yang dijadwalkan 2019 sehingga produksi gas pertama (on stream) dapat berjalan pada 2026. “Kita tunggu mereka (Inpex) selesaikan pre-FEED, dari situ akan terlihat bagaimana arah pengembangannya. Pre-FEED as soon as possible, mungkin bisa lebih dari enam bulan,” ujar Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar Perubahan skema pengembangan kilang gas alam cair yang semula terapung menjadi berbasis darat diketahui berdampak terhadap penambahan belanja modal perusahaan dan masa pengerjaan proyek yang ditengarai molor. Maka dari itu, Inpex telah mengajukan beberapa insentif kepada pemerintah yang memantik perdebatan yang keras. Salah satunya mengenai peningkatan kapasitas kilang dari 7,5 juta ton per tahun (MTPA) menjadi 9,5 MTPA ditambah produksi gas 150 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCED). Adapun, skenario yang ditawarkan pemerintah ialah 7,5 MTPA ditambah produksi gas 474 MMSCFD. “Inpex ingin 9,5 MTPA agar bisa diekspor. Sedangkan, kita punya skenario 7,5 MTPA untuk memajukan hilirisasi,” ujar Arcandra Senior Communication Manager Inpex Corporation Usman Slamet enggan berkomentar lebih jauh. “Kami minta 10 tahun dihitung dari pertama kali pemerintah menyetujui untuk pengembangan di laut pada 2007 sampai 2017,” ujar Usman Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Several countries in the Middle East is committed to helping Indonesia to build infrastructure in the energy sector. Energy potential in every region in Indonesia is different. Therefore, the policy in the energy sector implemented by the government is to optimize this potential by inviting investors from oil-rich countries in the Middle East. It was made the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan to entrepreneurs and officials of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Qatar on the sidelines of the event Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week and World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi on Monday night (16/1) . "Indonesia wants to get cheap energy from domestic, Development costs are expensive, but we should strive to be more efficient and economical," said Jonan. Jonan exemplifies southern Sumatra and Kalimantan as a producer of coal. In both regions, the government build a coal-based power plants. Likewise, in the gas-producing areas in the development thrust of investors from the Middle East to participate in investing in renewable energy sector (EBT) as well as in other sectors. When he met with the Minister of Energy and Industry of Qatar Abdulla Mohammed Saleh Al-Sada, Jonan received project funding certainty steam gas power plant in North Sumatra berka- capacities 2 x 250 megawatts worth Rp 7 trillion. Moreover, Indonesia had a chance purchase direct LPG and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the oil and gas rich countries in the region, In a meeting with the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources of Saudi Arabia Khalid A. Al-Falih, Jonan ask for the application of the special price of oil imports from the country's petrodollars and ensure continuity RFCC Cilacap refinery project with an investment of Rp 80 trillion. "We also offer to be involved in the development of Saudi Aramco refinery Dumai, Riau, and Balongan," said jonan. PT Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto ask Al-Sada facilitate Pertamina to be able to import LPG and LNG from Qatar without intermediaries. "The need for our LPG increases. We can maximize the supply of the domestic first. However, if it is cheaper imported gas, opens the possibility of imports. Al-Sada also promised to send a team from Qatar Petroleum to discuss it all with Pertamina. Imports of LPG Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel Purba said that this year imports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Indonesia increased from 60% to 70% of the requirement. In 2016 the need of LPG in the country recorded 6.57 million tonnes and more than half, ie 4.37 million tonnes imported. "We are increasingly dependent on imports for consumption of LPG for domestic sources are limited. Today, most of the imports came from the Middle East, "said Daniel Purba in the event of LPG Indonesia Forum. Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang emphasized the continued increase in imports of LPG fueled increased consumption. In 2007 only 1 million tons. In 2016 to 7 million tons, up 700% Improvement was fairly reasonable for the government to direct people to switch to energy-saving and clean. IN INDONESIAN
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources requested operator Masela block in the Arafura Sea, Inpex, conduct pre Study of front-end engineering design (pre-FEED). The goal was to determine the best scheme so that gas can be immediately aspirated. "If necessary, Inpex tomorrow can start to study," said Arcandra Government and Inpex agreed on the Abadi field gas production reached 10.5 million tonnes million tonnes per year (metric tons per annual / MTPA) to refineries onshore. But the two sides have not agreed on development schemes since narrowed to two options. Two options that needs to be investigated for feasibility by the contractor first option, then aspirated gas is sold in liquid form (liquid natural gas) refineries with a capacity of 7.5 MTPA. The rest, 474 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or the equivalent of 3 million MTPA, channeled through a pipe or CNG (compressed natural gas). The second option is the development of a gas pipeline of 150 MMSCFD (1 MTPA). Most of the production is directed into the shape of 9.5 MTPA of LNG, Arcandra more inclined to choose the first scheme. Thus, the petrochemical industry is likely to grow. Currently, there is only one producer of polyethylene and polypropylene industry, raw material plastics factory, PT Chandra Asri. "Thailand has seven petrochemical industry, he said. He admitted least absorbent industry also affects the certainty of gas sales. That is a problem that must be solved Arcandra Inpex in the study. If most of the produced gas to LNG, he worried about the results of Indonesia's natural gas instead enjoyed by importers of gas. Arcandra predicts that much gas actually enjoyed Japan. Inpex also asked to assess the best location for the placement of the refinery. Two places that are currently considered feasible is Tanimbar Islands and the Aru Islands. The government rejected the request Inpex, which proposes the replacement of the production period of 10 years. Earlier, the Director of Upstream Oil and Gas, Single, said the moratorium proposal was born due to gas Masela until now has not been vacuumed. Though already in production contracts signed in 2007. With the target of the development plan could be signed before 2019, gas production began only in 2026. This deadline, according Tunggal, Inpex considered too close to the expiration time of the contract in 2028. If the moratorium is approved, the 2007-2017 production period Inpex considered a failure. The past 10 years and then be replaced, so that Inpex contract extended until 2038. Arcandra says it can only approve the replacement of the production period of seven years. Thus, Inpex guaranteed contract extension until 2035. This agreement will be loaded through a contract amendment. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to mention the grounds for granting such time. Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan promising legal certainty for the development of the Masela through the signing of a memorandum of understanding along with Inpex before the revision of the development plan was signed. Inpex spokesman, Usman Slamet, said the company actually waiting for an answer about the government's proposed development project. Last letter Inpex to the Ministry of Energy on January 6, 2017. "We continue to meet with the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK to discuss the conditions necessary for the project to achieve the economics Abadi good project," he said. Masela gas project is a strategic project because currently there are no new significant gas production. Rising demand make Indonesia threatened to 1,777 MMSCFD gas imports by 2019. IN INDONESIAN
Volume Gas Masela Disepakati
Arcandra memiliki skema pengembangan gas pipa.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral meminta operator Blok Masela di Laut Arafura, Inpex, melakukan Studi pre front-end engineering design (pre-FEED). Tujuannya adalah mengetahui skema terbaik supaya gas bisa segera disedot. “Kalau perlu, besok Inpex sudah bisa memulai studi,” ujar Arcandra Pemerintah dan Inpex menyepakati produksi gas Lapangan Abadi tersebut mencapai 10,5 juta ton juta ton per tahun (metrik ton per annual/MTPA) dengan kilang darat. Namun kedua belah pihak belum menyepakati skema pengembangannya karena mengerucut pada dua opsi. Dua pilihan itulah yang perlu dikaji kelayakannya oleh kontraktor Opsi pertama, gas disedot lalu dijual dalam bentuk cair (liquid natural gas) di kilang berkapasitas 7,5 MTPA. Sisanya, 474 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau setara 3 juta MTPA, disalurkan melalui pipa atau CNG (compressed natural gas). Adapun opsi kedua adalah pengembangan gas pipa sebesar 150 MMSCFD (1 MTPA). Sebagian besar produksi diarahkan ke dalam bentuk LNG sebanyak 9,5 MTPA, Arcandra lebih condong memilih skema pertama. Dengan demikian, industri petrokimia lebih berpeluang untuk tumbuh. Saat ini, hanya ada satu industri penghasil polietilen dan polipropilen, bahan baku pabrik plastik, yaitu PT Chandra Asri. “Thailand punya tujuh industri petrokimia, ujarnya. Ia mengakui sedikitnya industri penyerap juga mempengaruhi kepastian penjualan gas. Itulah masalah yang menurut Arcandra harus dipecahkan Inpex dalam studi. Jika sebagian besar gas diproduksi untuk LNG, ia khawatir hasil gas bumi Indonesia justru dinikmati oleh importir gas. Arcandra memprediksi gas sebanyak itu justru dinikmati Jepang. Inpex juga diminta mengkaji lokasi terbaik untuk penempatan kilang. Dua tempat yang saat ini dianggap layak adalah Kepulauan Tanimbar dan Kepulauan Aru. Pemerintah menolak permintaan Inpex, yang mengusulkan penggantian masa produksi selama 10 tahun. Sebelumnya, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Tunggal, mengatakan usul moratorium lahir karena gas Blok Masela sampai sekarang belum disedot. Padahal kontrak produksi sudah di teken pada 2007. Dengan target rencana pengembangan bisa diteken sebelum 2019, produksi gas baru dimulai pada 2026. Tenggat ini, menurut Tunggal, dianggap Inpex terlalu dekat dengan masa kedaluwarsa kontrak pada 2028. Jika moratorium disetujui, masa produksi Inpex pada 2007-2017 dianggap gagal. Masa tersebut kemudian diganti 10 tahun, sehingga kontrak Inpex diperpanjang sampai 2038. Arcandra mengatakan hanya bisa menyetujui penggantian masa produksi selama tujuh tahun. Dengan demikian, Inpex mendapat jaminan perpanjangan kontrak hingga 2035. Kesepakatan ini bakal dimuat melalui amendemen kontrak. Sayangnya, ia enggan menyebutkan alasan pemberian waktu tersebut. Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan menjanjikan kepastian hukum bagi pengembangan Masela melalui penandatanganan memorandum of understanding bersama Inpex sebelum revisi rencana pengembangan diteken. Juru bicara Inpex, Usman Slamet, mengatakan perusahaan justru sedang menunggu jawaban pemerintah soal usul pengembangan proyek ini. Surat terakhir Inpex kepada Kementerian Energi pada 6 Januari 2017. “Kami terus bertemu dengan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas untuk membahas kondisi yang dibutuhkan agar proyek Abadi mencapai keekonomian proyek yang baik,” katanya. Proyek gas Masela merupakan proyek strategis karena saat ini tidak ada produksi gas baru yang signifikan. Permintaan yang terus naik membuat Indonesia terancam mengimpor gas hingga 1.777 MMSCFD pada 2019. Koran Tempo, Page-13, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
New Contract ONWJ Block PT Pertamina recorded imports of liquefied petroleum gas / LPG this year will reach more than 5 million metric tons, up 13.12% from last year's 4.42 million metric tons. Therefore, Pertamina will import LPG from the United States. Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang said, the problem of supply is a key issue of the company's LPG business. Because the national needs continue to rise each year and the domestic supply continues to decrease, so that the dependence on imports is also increasing. "Of the 7 million tonnes of needs, imported LPG is already more than 65%. The tendency is the share of imports will rise from year to year. It should be solved jointly, "he said. Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba added that last year, imports of LPG was recorded at 66.3% of consumption. This year, Indonesia is increasingly reliant on imports to the volume that has exceeded 70%. "Import of LPG this year about 5 million metric tons, of the total estimated consumption of about 7 million metric tons," he said. With the high dependency on imports, he explained, LPG import contracts made for the medium term of about one year to make it more stable. Volume of LPG with the model contract reached 90% of total imports. While the rest, ie approximately 10%, Pertamina will buy from the spot market. So from 10 cargoes of LPG were imported each month, about 1-2 cargoes from the spot market. This is to anticipate the domestic production of LPG and downs. If it's big enough domestic production, we do not take the spot, "said Daniel. Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Setyorini Tri Hutami said the government's policy is to give energy to people, Even to meet the needs to be imported. Therefore, the government continues to encourage the use of LPG as a cleaner. Except in East Indonesia, conversion to LPG already covers almost the entire area. Number of shared starter pack has reached 57 million. "So indeed LPG consumption continues to rise each year," he said. The government recorded a growth of LPG consumption reached 13% per year. In 2012, the total consumption of LPG recorded only 5 million tonnes. This figure continues to rise to 5.6 million tons in 2013, 6.09 million tons in 2014, 6.37 million tons in 2015, and touched 6.67 million tons last year. LPG imports also continue to increase following the consumption, which amounted to 2.58 million tons in 2012, 3.22 million tons in 2013, 3.7 million tons in 2014, 4 million in 2015, and 4.42 million tons last year. As in the Asia-Pacific market, imports of LPG call Daniel, most of the countries of the Middle East. However, with the operation of the Panama Canal connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic, LPG from the United States will begin to flood the Asia-Pacific market. It also will try to import LPG from the United States. "Cargo-LPG cargo from the United States is expected to more attractive so that could be a competitor sources that exist for this," he said. Daniel explained, the price of LPG from the United States more cheap predictable because using a different benchmark. During this time the price of LPG in the Asia Pacific region refers to the CP Aramco, while in the US the price of LPG based at Mont Belvieu. In the past when there was no Panama Canal, LPG imports from the United States is not economical because the cost of transportation is high enough. "LPG is very cheap and the United States competed with that of the Middle East though it was plus freight (freight) 30-day trip," he explained. Renewable energy With the reduction in the supply of LPG, the government began to look for other energy stead. One of them is by conducting a study of young converts coal into dimethyl ether is low in calories of the same nature with LPG. "It is certain that this modification (dimethyl ether) can be used in the household," he said. He said he would continue the conversion to LPG while looking for another energy that can replace LPG. Ahmad Bambang added, dimethyl ether is worth so renewables because Indonesia has the potential of young low-calorie coal is quite large. In addition, dimethyl substitute for LPG but with a cheaper price 20%. In addition, dimethyl ether has also been used as fuel for heavy trucks in the United States. "Now being studied everything, including about the technology. If the technology to change the existing one. IN INDONESIAN Kontrak Baru Blok ONWJ
Pertamina Impor LPG 5 Juta Ton
PT Pertamina mencatat impor gas minyak cair/LPG tahun ini bakal mencapai lebih dari 5 juta metrik ton, naik 13,12% dari realisasi tahun lalu 4,42 juta metrik ton. Untuk itu, Pertamina bakal mengimpor LPG dari Amerika Serikat. Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang mengatakan, masalah pasokan merupakan isu utama dari bisnis LPG perseroan. Pasalnya, kebutuhan nasional terus naik setiap tahunnya dan pasokan dalam negeri terus berkurang, sehingga ketergantungan impor juga terus meningkat. “Dari 7 juta ton kebutuhan, impor LPG sudah lebih dari 65%. Kecenderungannya porsi impor akan naik dari tahun ke tahun. Ini harus dipecahkan bersama-sama,” kata dia. Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba menambahkan, pada tahun lalu, impor LPG tercatat sebesar 66,3% dari konsumsi. Pada tahun ini, Indonesia semakin bergantung pada impor dengan volumen yang sudah melebihi 70%. “Impor LPG tahun ini sekitar 5 juta metrik ton, dari total perkiraan konsumsi sekitar 7 juta metrik ton,” ujar dia. Dengan tingginya ketergantungan impor, jelas dia, kontrak impor LPG dibuat untuk jangka menengah sekitar satu tahunan agar lebih stabil. Volume LPG dengan kontrak model ini mencapai 90% dari total impor. Sementara sisanya, yakni sekitar 10%, Pertamina akan membeli dari pasar spot. Sehingga dari 10 kargo LPG yang di impor setiap bulannya, sekitar 1-2 kargo dari pasar spot. Ini untuk mengantisipasi produksi LPG dalam negeri yang naik turun. Kalau memang produksi dalam negeri cukup besar, kami tidak ambil spot,” kata Daniel. Direktur Pembinaan Hilir Migas Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Setyorini Tri Hutami mengatakan, kebijakan pemerintah adalah memberikan energi yang lebih baik bagi masyarakat, Walaupun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan harus dari impor. Karenanya, pemerintah terus mendorong pemanfaatan LPG karena lebih bersih. Kecuali di Indonesia Timur, konversi ke LPG sudah mencakup hampir seluruh daerah. Jumlah paket perdana yang dibagikan telah mencapai 57 juta. “Sehingga memang konsumsi LPG terus naik setiap tahunnya,” kata dia. Pemerintah mencatat pertumbuhan konsumsi LPG mencapai 13% per tahun. Pada 2012, total konsumsi LPG tercatat hanya 5 juta ton. Angka ini terus naik menjadi 5,6 juta ton pada 2013, 6,09 juta ton pada 2014, 6,37 juta ton pada 2015, dan menyentuh 6,67 juta ton pada tahun lalu. Impor LPG juga terus meningkat mengikuti konsumsi, yakni sebesar 2,58 juta ton pada 2012, 3,22 juta ton pada 2013, 3,7 juta ton pada 2014, 4 juta pada 2015, dan 4,42 juta ton pada tahun lalu. Seperti di Pasar Asia Pasifik, impor LPG sebut Daniel, sebagian besar dari negara-negara Timur Tengah. Namun dengan mulai beroperasinya Terusan Panama yang menghubungkan Samudera Pasifik dan Atlantik, LPG dari Amerika Serikat bakal mulai membanjiri Pasar Asia Pasifik. Pihaknya juga akan mencoba impor LPG dari Amerika Serikat. “Kargo-kargo LPG dari Amerika Serikat ini diharapkan lebih menarik sehingga bisa menjadi kompetitor sumber-sumber yang ada selama ini,” kata dia. Daniel memaparkan, harga LPG dari Amerika Serikat diprediksi lebih murah lantaran menggunakan patokan yang berbeda. Selama ini harga LPG di Asia Pasifik mengacu pada CP Aramco, sementara di Amerika Serikat harga LPG berpatokan pada Mont Belvieu. Dulu saat belum ada Terusan Panama, impor LPG dari Amerika Serikat tidak ekonomis lantaran biaya transportasi cukup tinggi. “LPG Amerika Serikat sangat murah dan berkompetisi dengan yang dari Timur Tengah meski sudah ditambah freight (ongkos angkut) perjalanan 30 hari,” jelasnya. Energi Pengganti Dengan semakin berkurangnya pasokan LPG, pemerintah mulai mencari energi lain sebagai penggantinya. Salah satunya yakni dengan melakukan kajian mengubah batubara muda rendah kalori menjadi dimetil eter yang sifatnya sama dengan LPG. “Perlu modifikasi tertentu agar ini (dimetil eter) bisa dipakai di rumah tangga,” kata dia. Pihaknya tetap akan melanjutkan konversi ke LPG sembari mencari energi lain yang dapat menggantikan LPG. Ahmad Bambang menambahkan, dimetil eter ini layak jadi energi pengganti lantaran Indonesia memiliki potensi batubara muda rendah kalori yang cukup besar. Selain itu, dimetil dapat menggantikan fungsi LPG namun dengan harga yang lebih murah 20%. Selain itu, dimetil eter ini juga sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar truk-truk besar di Amerika Serikat. “Sekarang sedang dikaji semuanya, termasuk soal teknologinya. Kalau teknologinya untuk mengubah sendiri sudah ada. Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Post-break points sustainment contract for Masela for seven years, the government has not taken any other decision. Points increasing production capacity proposed by Inpex Corporation and Shell Indonesia, still floating. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, the government scenario was Masela LNG production capacity of 7.5 mtpa fixed and petrochemical capacity to 474 MMSCFD gas. If Inpex scenario, the production capacity of 9.5 mtpa LNG and petrochemical gas to 150 MMSCFD. Indeed, total production from both scenarios is the same, ie approximately 10.3 mtpa. The difference is, the scenario the government aims to develop the downstream sector. Hence, gas for the petrochemical industry is larger, ie 474 MMSCFD. Allocation of gas was also considering the request of the Ministry of Industry. Instead, Inpex want greater LNG production capacity, which is 9.5 mtpa. Inpex destination in order to export LNG to Japan, the country of origin. Different points of interest that make the determination Masela production capacity is still difficult. "Now we are different interests, we need petrochemicals that can produce polyethylene, polypropylene," said Arcandra, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources In fact, this time Indonesia has only one petrochemical companies, namely PT Chandra Asri Petro-chemical Tbk. While neighboring countries such as Thailand, already has seven petrochemical companies. IN INDONESIAN
Blok Masela Macet di Penambahan Kapasitas
Pasca memutuskan poin penambahan masa kontrak untuk Blok Masela selama tujuh tahun, pemerintah belum mengambil keputusan lain. Poin penambahan kapasitas produksi yang diajukan oleh Inpex Corporation dan Shell Indonesia, masih mengambang. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, skenario pemerintah adalah kapasitas produksi LNG Blok Masela tetap 7,5 mtpa dan kapasitas gas untuk petrokimia 474 mmscfd. Kalau skenario Inpex, kapasitas produksi LNG 9,5 mtpa dan gas untuk petrokimia 150 mmscfd. Sejatinya, total produksi dari kedua skenario itu sebenarnya sama, yaitu sekitar 10,3 mtpa. Bedanya adalah, skenario pemerintah bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sektor hilir. Makanya, gas untuk industri petrokimia lebih besar yaitu 474 mmscfd. Alokasi gas itu juga mempertimbangkan permintaan Kementerian Perindustrian. Sebaliknya, Inpex ingin kapasitas produksi LNG lebih besar, yaitu 9,5 mtpa. Tujuan Inpex agar bisa mengekspor LNG ke Jepang, negara asalnya. Beda kepentingan tersebut membikin poin penetapan kapasitas produksi Blok Masela masih susah. "Sekarang kami beda kepentingan, kita butuh petrokimia yang bisa hasilkan polietilena, polipropilena," ujar Arcandra, di Kantor Kementerian ESDM Pada kenyataannya, saat ini Indonesia hanya memiliki satu perusahaan petrokimia, yaitu PT Chandra Asri Petro-chemical Tbk. Sementara negara tetangga seperti Thailand, sudah memiliki tujuh perusahaan petrokimia. Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) together with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Tuban, held a disaster-related failure simulation technology Industry, on Tuesday (17/1 /), in Rahayu village, District Soko. The activity in order to increase the capacity of community and village government (Pemdes) around the company in anticipation of the failure of the industry. In addition, these activities also strengthen our Rahayu Village as a Disaster Resilient Village Failure of Industrial Technology. "This activity is a follow-up of the simulation we hold between JOB PPEJ and BPBDs said Joko Ludiono, Chief BPBDs Tuban. According to him, the implementation of the simulation is emphasized capacity building of the community, the village government (Pemdes), and several other related parties. So with the activities that will be good communication and speed of information can be smoothly. Furthermore, can reduce and minimize the risk of casualties if there is a catastrophic failure of the industry. "For this time our point of emphasis for increased capacity. It's a disaster risk reduction efforts for the society, said Joko. Meanwhile, when the simulation is described how the reporting process and coordination between the parties involved in the event of a catastrophic failure in the company's industrial technology. After the last report, the BPBDs directly coordinate with relevant agencies. Such as coordination with the village authorities, Police, Military Command, to the health center. It was to do the first step through the communication channel Handy talky (HT) owned radio BPBDs Tuban. IN INDONESIAN
Pertamina-Petrochina Gelar Simulasi Bencana Industri
Perusahaan Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) bersama dengan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Tuban, menggelar simulasi terkait Bencana Kegagalan Teknologi Industri, Selasa (17/1/), di Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko. Kegiatan tersebut dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dan pemerintah desa (Pemdes) di sekitar perusahaan dalam antisipasi kegagalan industri. Selain itu, kegiatan tersebut juga di kukuhkan Desa Rahayu sebagai Desa Tangguh Bencana Kegagalan Teknologi Industri. “Kegiatan ini tindak lanjut dari simulasi yang kita selenggarakan antara JOB PPEJ dan BPBD kata Joko Ludiono, Kepala BPBD Tuban. Menurutnya, pelaksanaan simulasi tersebut lebih ditekankan peningkatan kapasitas warga masyarakat, pemerintah desa (Pemdes), dan beberapa pihak terkait lainnya. Sehingga dengan adanya kegiatan itu akan terjalin komunikasi yang baik serta kecepatan informasi bisa lancar. Selanjutnya bisa mengurangi dan meminimalisir resiko terjadinya korban jika ada bencana kegagalan industri itu. “Untuk kali ini kita titik beratkan untuk peningkatan kapasitas. Ini sebagai upaya pengurangan resiko bencana bagi masyarakat, kata Joko. Sementara itu, saat simulasi digambarkan bagaimana proses pelaporan dan koordinasi antar pihak terkait jika terjadi bencana kegagalan teknologi industri di perusahaan itu. Setelah ada laporan, pihak BPBD langsung melakukan koordinasi dengan instansi terkait. Seperti koordinasi dengan pihak desa, Polsek, Komando Rayon Militer, hingga Puskesmas. Hal itu untuk melakukan langkah awal melalui saluran komunikasi Handy Talky (HT) radio milik BPBD Tuban. Memorandum, Page-22, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Residents who entered the ring first company Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) by simulation to anticipate catastrophic failure of the industry, on Tuesday (17/1). The simulation in collaboration with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Tuban. BPBD head Tuban, Ludiono Joko said, the simulation is done to increase the capacity of community and village government (Pemdes) around the company in anticipation of the failure of the industry. "At the same time as we strengthen our Rahayu Village Disaster Resilient Village Failure of Industrial Technology," said Joko. From these simulations, Joko hopes when if a time of disaster due to the failure of technology, people can immediately coordinate with the village (Pemdes), Chairman of the District Council (Muspika) and other agencies in the District of Soko. This coordination speeds can minimize the risk of casualties. IN INDONESIAN
Warga Ring 1 Diberi Simulasi Bencana Kegagalan Industri
Warga yang masuk wilayah ring 1 perusahaan Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) diberi simulasi untuk mengantisipasi bencana kegagalan industri, Selasa (17/1). Simulasi tersebut bekerja sama dengan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Tuban. Kepala BPBD Tuban, Joko Ludiono mengatakan, simulasi ini dilakukan guna meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dan pemerintah desa (Pemdes) di sekitar perusahaan dalam mengantisipasi kegagalan industri. "Sekaligus kita kukuhkan Desa Rahayu sebagai Desa Tangguh Bencana Kegagalan Teknologi Industri," kata Joko. Dari simulasi ini, Joko berharap apabila jika suatu saat terjadi bencana akibat kegagalan teknologi, masyarakat dapat segera koordinasi dengan pemerintah desa (Pemdes), Musyawarah Pimpinan Kecamatan (Muspika) dan instansi lainnya yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Soko. Kecepatan koordinasi ini bisa meminimalisir risiko terjadinya korban. Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Potential and reserves of oil and gas in Indonesia is still large. Lots of potential oil and gas reserves that have not been explored despite some oil and gas wells which have already started production. "We have a target of 12% oil and gas production, both international and domestic operations. The expectation of 1.9 million barrels in 2025, "said Vice President Corporate Communications Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/01/2017). For international oil and gas production, Wianda explain the composition of nearly 38% of overall production. "International composition may reach 38%. We've got a target acquisition of oil and gas blocks have to keep running. We are the reviews of two blocks in Iran and two blocks in Russia, "said Wianda. The effect of the acquisition, Wianda expect oil and gas production can be increased. So the production of 12% can be easily realized. "Hopefully in the near future can already delivered some portion of shares, and we hope that 30 thousand barrels per block in abroad IN INDONESIAN
Pertamina Targetkan Produksi Naik 12%
Potensi dan cadangan minyak dan gas (migas) di Indonesia masih besar. Banyak potensi cadangan migas yang belum di eksplorasi meski ada beberapa sumur migas yang sudah mulai produksi. PT Pertamina menargetkan produksi minyak dan gas (migas) sebesar 12%. Target tersebut dijelaskan tak terbatas sekedar produksi domestik. “Kita punya target 12% produksi migas, baik internasional operation maupun domestik. Harapannya 1,9 juta barel di 2025,” kata Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro di Jakarta, Selasa (17/1/2017). Untuk produksi migas internasional, Wianda menjelaskan komposisinya hampir mencapai 38% dari total produksi keseluruhan. “Internasional komposisinya bisa mencapai 38%. Kita punya target akuisisi blok migas harus tetap dijalankan. Kita sedang review dua blok di Iran dan dua blok di Rusia,” ujar Wianda. Dengan dilakukannya akuisisi tersebut, Wianda berharap produksi migas dapat semakin ditingkatkan. Sehingga produksi 12% dapat dengan mudah direalisasikan. “Harapannya dalam waktu dekat sudah bisa disampaikan beberapa porsi saham, dan kita harap 30 ribu barel di setiap blok di luar negeri Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
Contract Offshore North West Java or ONWJ ended on this day will be extended through new schemes gross split. Transition and contracts for production (production sharing contract / PSC) PSC gross cost recovery be split on the block operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ in accordance with the government's desire for cost efficiency of production. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, in 2015, contributed ONWJ oil and gas production ready for sale or lifting 24 137 barrels of oil equivalent per day / BOEPD. Contractors get the results of US $ 90.1 million and the government gets a share of US $ 437.9 million, and the cost recovery of US $ 559.4 million of gross sales of $ 1.1 billion. Through the split gross scheme, the government and the contractor immediately divide their share. The government will get the basil oil and a tax on upstream activities without the operating costs and investment incurred contractors to produce oil and gas. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan could not provide an explanation. However, he confirmed, the new contract will use the scheme gross ONWJ split. In addition to operating costs related to the calculation, the block will end his contract on this day should be adjusted in order to remain profitable activities undertaken by both parties. Currently, the profit sharing between the government and the contractors for development of oil and gas amounted 85:15 70:30 which has been in effect since January 19, 1997. For comparison the results would be if after switching the contract, the work area can still be developed according to economies of scale. Because, referring to the oil lifting target on the work plan and budget (work plan and budget / WP & B) 2017, ONWJ will produce oil to 36,500 barrels per day (bpd) and perform a number of activities such as drilling of five wells, reworking of six wells, and treatment as many as 233 wells activities. Director of Engineering and the Environment of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Siswanto Djoko said, today, Wednesday (18/1), the government began calculating oil stocks last ONWJ. He explained that the Directorate General of Oil and Gas is conducting the preparation of a new contract offshore oil and gas blocks in the northern coast of West Java. The final decision is in the hands of Minister Ignatius Jonan to respond to the proposed terms and conditions (terms and conditions) in the new contract. Economic Value He made sure, for the results (split) and the calculation of investment (net present value / NPV) refers to the current value has been adjusted so that development work area that is older than 30 years and it still meets economics. However, he was reluctant to say how the proposed split and NPV predetermined because it is still awaiting approval from the Minister. "The final decision is in the hands of the minister Ignatius Jonan. In essence, economical more than less or equal to the PSC that now, "he said From the data PHE ONWJ, on the block there are 312 production wells from a total of 1,062 wells. The cumulative production on December 31, 2015 totaled 1302.8 3446.9 BCF MMBO oil and gas. Currently, ONWJ supply gas to PT PLN, Pupuk Kujang, Balongan refinery, gas and fuel needs. President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Mount Sardjono Hadi said, the possibility of signing a new contract at ONWJ will be done today. "Not yet signed a new contract ONWJ. Maybe today. However, the new contract signing ONWJ have to wait Regulation Scheme Minister of Gross Revenue Share Split, as the legal basis IN INDONESIAN
Skema Gross Split Perdana
Kontrak Blok Offshore North West Java atau ONWJ yang berakhir pada hari ini akan diperpanjang melalui skema baru gross split. Peralihan dan kontrak bagi produksi (production sharing contract/PSC) cost recovery menjadi PSC gross split pada blok yang dioperasikan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah untuk efisiensi biaya produksi. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, pada 2015, ONWJ memberikan kontribusi produksi migas siap jual atau lifting 24.137 barrel oil equivalent per day/BOEPD. Kontraktor mendapat bagi hasil US$90,1 juta dan pemerintah mendapatkan bagian sebesar US$437,9 juta, dan cost recovery US$ 559,4 juta dari penjualan kotor sebesar US$1,1 miliar. Melalui skema gross split, pemerintah dan kontraktor langsung membagi bagiannya masing-masing. Pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagi basil migas dan pajak dari kegiatan hulu tanpa menanggung biaya operasi dan investasi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor untuk menghasilkan minyak dan gas. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan belum dapat memberikan penjelasan. Namun, dia memastikan, kontrak baru ONWJ akan menggunakan skema gross split. Selain terkait perhitungan biaya operasi, blok yang akan berakhir masa kontraknya pada hari ini harus mengalami penyesuaian agar kegiatan yang dilakukan tetap menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Saat ini, bagi hasil antara pemerintah dengan kontraktor untuk pengembangan minyak sebesar 85:15 dan gas 70:30 yang sudah berlaku sejak 19 Januari 1997. Bagi hasil itu akan menjadi pembanding apakah setelah beralih kontrak, wilayah kerja tetap bisa dikembangkan sesuai skala ekonomi. Pasalnya, mengacu pada target lifting minyak pada rencana kerja dan anggaran (work plan & budget/WP&B) 2017, ONWJ akan menghasilkan minyak 36.500 barel per hari (bph) dan melakukan sejumlah kegiatan seperti pengeboran lima sumur, kerja ulang atas enam sumur, dan perawatan sumur sebanyak 233 kegiatan. Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, hari ini, Rabu (18/1), pemerintah mulai melakukan penghitungan stok minyak terakhir di Blok ONWJ. Dia menjelaskan, Ditjen Migas masih melakukan penyusunan kontrak baru blok migas lepas pantai di pantai utara Jawa Barat tersebut. Keputusan terakhir berada di tangan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan untuk merespons usulan syarat dan ketentuan (term and condition) dalam kontrak yang baru. NILAI KEEKONOMIAN Dia memastikan, bagi hasil (split) dan perhitungan investasi (net present value/NPV) mengacu pada nilai saat ini telah mengalami penyesuaian sehingga pengembangan wilayah kerja yang berumur lebih dan 30 tahun itu tetap memenuhi keekonomian. Namun, dia enggan menyebut berapa usulan split dan NPV yang telah ditetapkan karena masih menanti persetujuan dari Menteri ESDM. “Keputusan terakhir ada di tangan Pak Menteri Ignasius Jonan. Intinya, keekonomiannya lebih kurang atau sama dengan PSC yang sekarang,” ujarnya Dari data PHE ONWJ, pada blok tersebut terdapat 312 sumur produksi dari jumlah total 1.062 sumur. Produksi kumulatif pada 31 Desember 2015 tercatat sebesar 1.302,8 MMBO minyak dan 3.446,9 BCF gas. Saat ini, ONWJ menyuplai gas kepada PT PLN, Pupuk Kujang, Kilang Balongan, dan kebutuhan bahan bakar gas. Presdir PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, kemungkinan penandatanganan kontrak baru di Blok ONWJ akan dilakukan hari ini. “Belum ditandatangani kontrak baru ONWJ. Mungkin hari ini. Namun, penandatanganan kontrak baru ONWJ harus menunggu Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Skema Bagi Hasil Gross Split, sebagai landasan hukum Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017
State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina and Russia’s Rosneft oil company are getting closer to starting the construction of the Tuban oil refinery in East Java after the former wrapped up the much-needed land-use agreement for the project with the East Java provincial administration. The memorandum of understanding (MoU), signed on Monday, has granted Pertamina permission from the local government to access a 60-hectare plot of land in Tanjung Jenu, Tuban regency owned by the Environment and Forestry Ministry, which had previously given a similar approval. “This MoU solves two problems at once - that on the use of land owned by the Environment and Forestry Ministry; the other related to [local government] permits. Both are extremely important to ensure the smooth development of the Tuban refinery,” Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto said in a statement. Pertamina and Rosneft signed a joint venture agreement last year to build the Tuban refinery Pertamina’s first new oil refinery to be built in the past two decades. Through the agreement, it was established that Pertamina will have the controlling stake of 55 percent while Rosneft will hold the remaining 45 percent. The Tuban refinery is expected to be completed in 2021 with a processing capacity of 300,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd). Though a final investment decision has not been reached, it is estimated the project will cost between US$12 million and $14 million. The MoU also mentioned that the East Java provincial administration will help Pertamina in obtaining several permits needed to build the refinery, including the public space permit. In exchange, Pertamina will provide a 60-ha plot of land as compensation for the area that they will use to build the refinery The area was originally earmarked for the construction ofa port. The Tuban refinery along with the Bontang refinery in East Kalimantan, is part of Pertamina’s plan to boost national production to 2.3 million bopd by 2025 from the current 1 million bopd. Furthermore, four existing refineries will receive a facelift under Pertamina’s ambitious plan. According to Pertamina’s grand scheme, production capacity is expected to further increase to 2.6 million bopd by 2030. At present, the country’s refineries are only capable of producing around 830,000 bopd, a little over half of the current refined fuel demand, due to age. Even so, there have been a few speed bumps in Pertamina’s ambitious plans to boost its refined oil production, including the absence of a joint venture agreement with Saudi Aramco, although the latter had signed a head of agreement (HOA) over the Cilacap refinery upgrade in Central Java more than a year ago. Moreover, despite the expected , boost in oil production, Pertamina still expects to see a small deficit of 231,000 bopd - comprising only gasoline - even if those projects are completed on time. However, ReforMiner Institute executive director Komaidi Notonegoro said the government has already shown it is being proactive by issuing a ministerial decree that allows private companies to build their own refineries. “Private refineries could fill up the small deficit Pertamina is expected to experience in 2030 Jakarta Post, Page-15, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017