Friday, January 20, 2017
ONWJ block to lead gross split scheme
The maiden implementation of a gross-split sliding scale on the renewed Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) oil and gas field may boost the state’s coffers, but will cost state-owned oil and gas firm
Pertamina a chunk of cash. On Wednesday, the ONWJ block contract with Pertamina was renewed for a time frame of 20 years under the government brand new gross-split scheme, which will force the company to boost its efficiency programs as the state will no longer reimburse exploitation costs.
Under the previous cost-recovery scheme, investors were entitled to 15 percent of the profits of an oil project and 30 percent of a gas project, with the government scooping up the rest.
However, Pertamina will only be entitled to 57.5 percent of the oil profits and 62.5 percent of the gas profits under the new scheme. Although it seems that Pertamina will get a bigger slice of the cake, president director Dwi Soetjipto said its portion was not as substantial as it had initially sought as the company would have to bear the burden of all exploitation costs until 2037.
“We have discussed this in depth and it certainly is a challenge for operators to increase eificiency as a whole. Honestly, the split is still not enough, but we hope that we can cover it by increasing efficiency. At least 5 percent of the old costs must be covered by efhciencies,” he said during a press conference on Wednesday.
According to Ministerial Decree No. 8/2017 on gross split, contractors will not receive reimbursement from the government and the profit scheme will “slide” up and down depending on several factors. Some of the factors include the status of the Held, location, reservoir depth, reservoir type, amount of carbon dioxide, use of local industrial content and stage of production.
These variables will be added to or subtracted from the base calculation, which the new regulation has set at a minimum 43 percent for companies in oil projects and 48 percent in gas projects. Data from the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry show that ONWJ’s oil reserves stood at 309.8 million barrels and its gas reserves amounted to 1,114.9 billion cubic feet (bcf).
Its oil production last November amounted to 37,301 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and gas production totaled 158.2 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd). Investment in the ONWJ Held is expected to reach US$82.3.million in the first three years, while a total investment of $8.5 billion will be needed in the next two decades with a gross revenue of $14.8 billion.
Meanwhile, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said the new scheme was a breakthrough. “The contractors will be responsible for all costs, so the state budget is no longer burdened,” he said.
However, despite the government’s enthusiasm for the new gross-split scheme, ReforMiner Institute researcher Pri Agung Rakhmanto questioned whether investors would greet the new scheme with the same gusto. Pri Agung said the new scheme was more suitable for oil and gas Helds already in production, citing low risks compared to fields still in the exploration stage. “Investors may be interested in the new scheme, but there are always other factors apart from numbers that must be calculated,” he said.
Jakarta Post, Page-13, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
Ration Scheme Gross Split Lower State
The government and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) signed a cooperation contract (production sharing contract / PSC) Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) with a gross scheme split or for gross proceeds. With the scheme for the first time this is done, the results (split) for the state compared to the contractor fell to 42.5: 57.5 for oil and 37.5: 62.5 for gas. In the model contract Iama, the average for the results of 85:15 to 70:30 for oil and gas.
On the other hand, Pertamina is ready to maintain oil and gas production ONWJ by pumping an investment of US $ 8.5 billion during the contract period of 20 years into the future. Of these contracts, the state obtained a signature bonus of US $ 5 billion and receipts of US $ 5.7 billion during the contract period. In addition, the state also no longer bear the costs incurred to develop ONWJ.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan said that, in contrast to the previous contract, scheme gross split (into force of the new contract, including ONWJ, where the old contract terminated and signed a new contract. With this scheme, the cost becomes dependent contractor and does not burden the state budget, so that the result of increased rations contractor.
"To ONWJ, the results can already enter the variable split, part of the government with the contractor 37.5: 62.5 for gas and 42.5: 57.5 for oil," he said.
Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar admit, when compared with the cost recovery scheme, for the results to state cursory indeed down with a pattern of gross split. Previously, for the results to the state rather than the contractor is 85:15 to 70:30 for oil and gas. However, the results of the cost recovery scheme also impose costs to the government. Moreover, the average value of cost recovery every year to be borne by the state budget of approximately US $ 15 billion.
"It's as if the lower (parts of the country) because we divide the gross (gross income), in which the cost was on the side of the contractor. If the first, coat replaced in net income (net), "he said. Historically, he added, the results of the government ration system with cost recovery by an average of 45%. However, for gross this split, the government provides an additional split with the condition of oil and gas blocks. And with regard to variable reservoir conditions, locations, and infrastructure around the block of oil and gas, as well as the price of oil in the international market.
"It is expected that the state is not harmed, but if contractors efficiently then it could be more profitable," said Arcandra. Especially for ONWJ, Pertamina received additional split because some variables. PT Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto admit, split acquired the company for ONWJ is still lacking.
However, it will conduct efficiency to cover the shortfall for this result. "The calculation of cost must come down in order to split up 5% as production is maintained," he said. The same thing also disclosed upstream director Syamsu Alam. This scheme makes the contractor should have thought more mature so that investments are disbursed more effective and more efficient execution.
One of them in terms of risk-taking by the contractor, given the absence of cost recovery means that the contractor must bear the entire risk arising.
"It means that in the past might dare to take a big risk because 85% shared to the government. Now the risk is 100%. It's definitely different, "he explained. Spice Related Investment gross application of the split, the government is optimistic that the scheme will stimulate the national oil and gas investment. According jonan, with this scheme, which should be taken care licensing contractors will be cut significantly. During this time, the contractor could take months to years to complete licensing.
However, Jonan admit, there are other factors that determine the national oil and gas investment climate that is the price of crude oil. "If oil prices go down, certainly the passion investment to fall. That we could not get anything because the price of oil is determined by the global market. We only aids through regulation, "he explained.
Arcandra added, gross scheme has split anticipating fluctuations in oil prices in order to minimize the impact of falling prices as happened two years later. In this scheme, if oil prices are low, konntaktor will obtain a higher split. When the oil price at US $ 85 per barrel, then no additional split, and when oil prices exceed US $ 85 per barrel, the government split increases. "When prices go down investors by split incentives," he said.
Implementation of the scheme gross ONWJ split in the contract is based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral 8Tahun No. 2016 About the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split. This policy states, contract revenue share split gross requires ownership of natural resources remain in the hands of the government to the point of delivery, management control operations are in SKK Migas, as well as capital and risks are entirely borne by the contractor.
Regulation of the Minister mentions for baseline scores (base split) of oil by 57% for the state and 43% to the contractor. As for gas, the state quota of 52% and 48% contractors. In the contract finally signed, the base of this split will change based on the variable components and progressive. Variable components include block status, location, depth, up to the amount of local content. Progressive component consisting of oil prices and the cumulative amount of oil and gas production. Investment of US $ 8.5 M
Jonan said that, with the signing of this new contract, Pertamina holds 100% ownership rights of participation in the ONWJ. In the previous contract ended on 18 January last, the right of participation of these blocks 58.8% owned Pertamina, PT Energi Mega Persada 36.72%, and 5% Kufpec Indonesia.
"Now Pertamina assigned to manage the full production notes should not be dropped. In addition, Pertamina also welcome to invite partners who used to be able to continue to work with both B to B (business to business), "he said.
Dwi said, it is open if long-time partner ONWJ again participating interest (share down). But if the old partner is not interested, Pertamina also ready to partner with other oil and gas companies. Partnership is necessary because of the needs of the company's investment is even greater for a variety of projects, including the construction of the refinery. "Share down (ONWJ) is targeted to be 10% for local governments and about 25% to exsisting partners," he explained.
Oil reserves in ONWJ recorded was 309.8 million barrels and gas 1114.9 billion cubic feet. Under the new contract, Pertamina agreed to disburse the funds of US $ 82.3 million during the first three years and $ 8.5 billion during the contract period of 20 years to work on the potential ONWJ. In addition, the contract also mentions the gross receipts from ONWJ amounted to US $ 14.8 billion, US $ 5.7 billion of which is the state quota.
General Manager of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Irwansyah added, gross split scheme used in the contract will not change work plans and budgets agreed with SKK Migas. ONWJ oil and gas production in 2017 is targeted to be higher than last year. "Crude oil production in 2017, we are targeting 36 thousand barrels per day (bpd) and gas 172 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day / million cubic feet per day). Realized in 2016, 36 thousand barrels of oil and 164-165 MMSCFD gas, "he said.
Given 8 Blocks
In addition to the contract signed ONWJ, the government also commissioned the management of eight oil and gas blocks that will be out of contract in 2018 to Pertamina. According Jonan, as ONWJ, eighth contract will be terminated later this block will sign a new contract using gross scheme split.
Dwi said the eight blocks that are assigned to Pertamina Tuban Block, Ogan Ogan, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatra, Central, North Sumatra Offshore, East Kalimantan, and Attaka. Pertamina will perform more accurate calculations so as to have enough time to transfer in management. In addition, Pertamina is also ready to share down the ownership rights of participation with an existing partner.
Arcandra explained, kedepalan this block awarded to Pertamina because the government wants to strengthen the national oil company. Because the contribution of oil and gas production, Pertamina national oil and gas production compared to only about 24%. While the contribution of the national oil company of other countries the average was 90% of total oil and gas production of the country.
Privileged to Pertamina will reduce the chance of another oil company. Other companies may manage the block out of contract when Pertamina-are not interested or do not have the technology needed. In addition, another oil and gas company also still have a chance to manage other oil and gas blocks that are not block out of contract but the old block.
Observers economic and energy Hymn Mada University (UGM) Fahmi Radhi said, the amount of profit sharing (split) to the government in gross split mechanism is smaller than the PSC. However, gross split more flexible and beneficial for the country, because the more accurate the results are calculated. Moreover, during this often cost recovery is often misused. In the absence of cost recovery, all the risks and capital expenditure borne by the contractor, so that 'no longer a burden on the state budget.
However, Fahmi said, the question is whether this is convenient for the contractor? Moreover, gross split test is applied in Pertamina that in fact SOEs. "Pertamina as a state will certainly obey what the government requested," said Fahmi. Therefore, according to Fahmi, preferably during this transition, contractors must be given a choice whether to remain willing to use the old model or gross split.
At the time of low oil prices, the contractor would be count the pros and cons and compare with other countries. "In many countries generally apply the PSC mechanism. Even those many facilitates as a competitive advantage. Certainly investors will choose countries that provide the highest profit and the lowest risk, "said Fahmi.
The minister said that the mechanism of gross split draw, then the government should provide easiness for example in terms of the licensing process. The second proposal, governments are required to eliminate taxes that are a burden for investors, especially those which are imposed before the contractor enters the production stage (commercial). Meanwhile, Ignatius Tenny Wibowo of Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) said that the company has yet to learn the complete contents of the provisions of gross split.
Skema Gross Split Turunkan Jatah Negara
Pemerintah dan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) dengan skema gross split atau bagi hasil kotor. Dengan skema yang baru pertama kali dilakukan ini, bagi hasil (split) untuk negara dibanding kontraktor turun menjadi 42,5:57,5 untuk minyak dan 37,5:62,5 untuk gas. Dalam kontrak model Iama, rata-rata bagi hasil 85:15 untuk minyak dan 70:30 untuk gas.
Di sisi lain, Pertamina siap mempertahankan produksi migas Blok ONWJ dengan mengucurkan investasi sebesar US$ 8,5 miliar selama masa kontrak 20 tahun ke depan. Dari kontrak ini, negara memperoleh bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 5 miliar dan penerimaan US$ 5,7 miliar selama masa kontrak. Selain itu, negara juga tidak lagi menanggung biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mengembangkan Blok ONWJ .
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, berbeda dengan kontrak sebelumnya, skema gross split (di berlakukan bagi kontrak baru, termasuk Blok ONWJ, di mana kontrak lama diputus dan ditandatangani kontrak baru. Dengan skema ini, biaya yang dikeluarkan menjadi tanggungan kontraktor dan tidak membebani anggaran negara, sehingga bagi hasil jatah kontraktor meningkat.
“Untuk Blok ONWJ, bagi hasil sudah memasukkan variable split, bagian pemerintah dengan kontraktor yakni 37,5:62,5 untuk gas dan 42,5:57,5 untuk minyak,” kata dia.
Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengakui, jika dibandingkan dengan skema cost recovery, bagi hasil untuk negara sepintas memang turun dengan pola gross split. Sebelumnya, bagi hasil untuk negara dibanding kontraktor adalah 85:15 untuk minyak dan 70:30 untuk gas. Namun, bagi hasil dengan skema cost recovery juga membebankan biaya kepada pemerintah. Apalagi rata-rata nilai cost recovery setiap tahun yang harus ditanggung APBN mencapai sekitar US$ 15 miliar.
“Sekarang seolah-olah lebih rendah (bagian negara) karena kita membagi gross (pendapatan kotor), di mana cost itu pada sisi kontraktor. Kalau dulu, coat digantikan di pendapatan bersih (net),” kata dia. Secara historis, lanjutnya, bagi hasil jatah pemerintah dengan sistem cost recovery rata-rata sebesar 45%. Namun, untuk gross split ini, pemerintah memberikan tambahan split dengan melihat kondisi blok migas. Serta memperhatikan variabel kondisi reservoir, lokasi, dan infrastruktur di sekitar blok migas, Serta harga minyak di pasar internasional.
“Dengan demikian, diharapkan negara tidak dirugikan, tetapi kalau kontraktor efisien maka bisa lebih untung,” jelas Arcandra. Khusus untuk Blok ONWJ, Pertamina mendapat tambahan split lantaran beberapa variabel. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengakui, split yang diperoleh perseroan untuk Blok ONWJ sebenarnya masih kurang.
Namun, pihaknya akan melakukan efisiensi untuk menutup kekurangan bagi hasil ini. “Kalkulasinya cost harus turun agar seolah split naik 5% dengan produksi tetap dipertahankan,” kata dia. Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam. Skema ini membuat kontraktor harus berpikir lebih matang agar investasi yang dikucurkan lebih efektif dan eksekusinya lebih efisien.
Salah satunya dalam hal pengambilan risiko oleh kontraktor, mengingat tidak adanya cost recovery berarti kontraktor harus menanggung seluruh risiko yang timbul.
“Artinya kalau dulu mungkin berani mengambil risiko besar karena 85% di-share ke pemerintah. Sekarang kan risikonya 100%. Ini pasti beda,” paparnya. Gairahkan Investasi Terkait penerapan gross split, pemerintah optimistis skema ini akan menggairahkan investasi migas nasional. Menurut jonan, dengan skema ini, maka perizinan yang harus diurus kontraktor akan terpotong signifikan. Selama ini, kontraktor bisa menghabiskan waktu berbulan-bulan sampai bertahun-tahun untuk merampungkan perizinan.
Namun, Jonan mengakui, ada faktor lain yang menentukan iklim investasi migas nasional yakni harga minyak mentah. “Kalau harga minyak turun, pasti gairah investasi turun. Itu kita tidak bisa apa-apa karena harga minyak ditentukan oleh pasar global. Kita hanya bantu lewat regulasi," jelasnya.
Arcandra menambahkan, skema gross split telah mengantisipasi adanya fluktuasi harga minyak guna meminimalkan dampak anjloknya harga seperti yang terjadi dua tahun belakangan. Dalam skema ini, jika harga minyak rendah, konntaktor akan memperoleh split lebih tinggi. Ketika harga minyak US$ 85 per barel, maka tidak ada tambahan split, dan saat harga minyak melampaui US$ 85 per barel maka split pemerintah meningkat. “Pada saat harga turun investor diberi insentif split,” kata dia.
Penerapan skema gross split dalam kontrak Blok ONWJ ini berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8Tahun 2016 Tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Beleid ini menyatakan, kontrak bagi hasil gross split mensyaratkan kepemilikan sumber daya alam tetap di tangan pemerintah sampai pada titik penyerahan, pengendalian manajemen operasional berada pada SKK Migas, serta modal dan risiko seluruhnya ditanggung oleh kontraktor.
Peraturan Menteri ini menyebutkan bagi hasil dasar (base split) minyak bumi sebesar 57% untuk negara dan 43% untuk kontraktor. Sementara untuk gas, jatah negara 52% dan kontraktor 48%. Dalam kontrak yang akhirnya diteken, base split ini akan berubah berdasarkan komponen variabel dan progresif. Komponen variabel diantaranya status blok, lokasi, kedalaman, hingga besaran tingkat kandungan dalam negeri. Komponen progresif terdiri dari harga minyak dan jumlah kumulatif produksi migas. Investasi US$ 8,5 M
Jonan mengatakan, dengan ditekennya kontrak baru ini, Pertamina memegang 100% kepemilikan hak partisipasi di Blok ONWJ. Dalam kontrak sebelumnya yang berakhir pada 18 januari kemarin, hak partisipasi blok ini dimiliki Pertamina 58,8%, PT Energi Mega Persada 36,72%, dan Kufpec Indonesia 5%.
“Sekarang Pertamina ditugasi mengelola penuh dengan catatan produksi tidak boleh turun. Selain itu, Pertamina juga dipersilakan untuk mengajak mitra-mitra yang dulu untuk bisa meneruskan kerja sama dengan baik secara B to B (business to business),” kata dia.
Dwi menuturkan, pihaknya terbuka jika mitra lama di Blok ONWj berminat kembali berpartisipasi (share down). Tetapi seandainya mitra lama tidak berminat, Pertamina juga siap bermitra dengan perusahaan migas lainnya. Kemitraan diperlukan lantaran kebutuhan investasi perseroan semakin besar dengan adanya berbagai proyek yang dikerjakan, termasuk pembangunan kilang. “Share down (Blok ONWJ) ditargetkan bisa 10% untuk pemerintah daerah dan sekitar 25% ke mitra exsisting,” jelasnya.
Cadangan minyak di Blok ONWJ tercatat masih 309,8 juta barel dan gas 1.114,9 miliar kaki kubik. Dalam kontrak baru, Pertamina menyanggupi untuk mengucurkan dana sebesar US$ 82,3 juta selama tiga tahun pertama dan US$ 8,5 miliar sepanjang masa kontrak 20 tahun untuk menggarap potensi Blok ONWJ. Selain itu, kontrak juga menyebutkan penerimaan kotor dari Blok ONWJ sebesar US$ 14,8 miliar, US$ 5,7 miliar di antaranya merupakan jatah negara.
General Manager PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Irwansyah menambahkan, skema gross split yang dipakai dalam kontrak tidak akan mengubah rencana kerja dan anggaran yang telah disepakati dengan SKK Migas. Produksi migas Blok ONWJ pada 2017 ditargetkan lebih tinggi dari tahun lalu. “Produksi minyak mentah pada 2017 kami targetkan 36 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan gas 172 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day/ juta kaki kubik per hari). Realisasi 2016, minyak 36 ribu bph dan gas 164-165 mmscfd," tuturnya.
Diberi 8 Blok
Selain meneken kontrak Blok ONWJ, pemerintah juga menugaskan pengelolaan delapan blok migas yang akan habis kontraknya pada 2018 kepada Pertamina. Menurut Jonan, sama seperti Blok ONWJ, kontrak kedelapan blok ini akan diputus kemudian akan di teken kontrak baru menggunakan skema gross split.
Dwi mengungkapkan, delapan blok yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina ini adalah Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatera, Tengah, North Sumatera Offshore, East Kalimantan, dan Attaka. Pertamina akan melakukan perhitungan yang lebih akurat sehingga memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk alih kelola. Selain itu, Pertamina juga siap melakukan share down kepemilikan hak partisipasi dengan mitra yang sudah ada.
Arcandra menjelaskan, kedepalan blok ini diberikan kepada Pertamina lantaran pemerintah ingin memperkuat perusahaan migas nasional. Pasalnya, kontribusi produksi migas Pertamina dibandingkan produksi migas nasional baru sekitar 24%. Sementara kontribusi perusahaan migas nasional negara-negara lain rata-rata mencapai 90% dari total produksi migas negara tersebut.
Keistimewaan kepada Pertamina tidak akan mengurangi kesempatan perusahaan migas lainnya. Perusahaan lain dapat mengelola blok habis kontrak ketika Pertamina-tidak berminat atau belum memiliki teknologi yang dibutuhkan. Selain itu, perusahaan migas lain juga masih mempunyai kesempatan mengelola blok migas lainnya yang bukan blok habis kontrak tapi merupakan blok tua.
Pengamat ekonomi dan energi Universitas Gajah Madah (UGM) Fahmi Radhi mengatakan, besaran bagi hasil (split) untuk pemerintah dalam mekanisme gross split memang lebih kecil dibanding PSC. Namun, gross split lebih fleksibel dan menguntungkan bagi negara, karena bagi hasil diperhitungkan lebih akurat. Apalagi selama ini tak jarang cost recovery sering diselewengkan. Dengan tidak adanya cost recovery, semua risiko dan capital expenditure ditanggung oleh kontraktor, sehingga 'tidak lagi menjadi beban APBN.
Namun, kata Fahmi, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah apakah ini nyaman bagi kontraktor? Apalagi, ujicoba gross split ini diterapkan di Pertamina yang notabene BUMN. “Pertamina sebagai BUMN pastinya akan nurutapa yang diminta pemerintah,” kata Fahmi. Oleh karena itu, menurut Fahmi, sebaiknya pada masa transisi ini kontraktor tetap diberikan pilihan apakah tetap mau menggunakan model lama atau gross split.
Di saat harga minyak rendah, kontraktor pasti akan sangat berhitung untung ruginya dan membandingkan dengan negara lain. “Di banyak negara umumnya menerapkan mekanisme PSC. Bahkan mereka banyak memberi kemudahan sebagai competitive advantage. Tentu investor akan memilih negara yang memberikan profit paling tinggi dan risiko paling rendah,” ujar Fahmi.
Menurut Fahmi, agar mekanisme gross split menarik, maka pemerintah harus memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan misalnya dalam hal proses perizinan. Usulan kedua, pemerintah diminta menghilangkan pajak-pajak yang memberatkan investor, terutama pajak yang dibebankan sebelum kontraktor memasuki tahap produksi (komersial). Sementara itu, Ignatius Tenny Wibowo dari Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) mengatakan bahwa saat ini pihaknya masih harus mempelajari isi lengkap mengenai ketentuan gross split.
Investor Daily, Page-1, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
This is the End of Regime Cost Recovery
Through the Regulation of the Minister of EMR N08 / 2017, the end of government cost recovery schemes
Adios regime operating cost recovery or cost recovery. Wednesday (18/1) the government released Regulation No. Minister 8/2017 on Production Sharing Contracts Gross Split. Valid from January 16, 2017, oil and gas production sharing contractors skyrocketed, but there is no replacement cost of operation.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources said Ignatius Jonan, with gross split, the government can reduce the burden on state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN). Operating costs are no longer charged to the state, but to the oil and gas contractors. Reflecting on 2016, actual cost recovery ceiling of US $ 8.4 billion, but swelled to US $ 11.4 billion. Without cost recovery undisturbed state budget again.
On the other hand, contractors benefit greatly if it can improve efficiency, said Jonan. With the publication of this rule, the government can encourage interest in upstream oil and gas investment. Investment licensing process does not have to wait a year or two years, as it needs the approval of SKK Migas, "he said.
In addition to cut licensing, investment inflows also pushed oil prices. Rules gross mentions split, when low oil prices, high production sharing contractors. According Jonan, if prices continue to rise, the greater the investment. If the price drops as the end of 2014 up to US $ 27 per barrel, passion down too. "We could not get anything, because oil prices are determined global market, we help of the regulations as directed by the President to make regulations that can make better investments, said Jonan.
Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar claims, wear simulation scheme using a split gross profit-sharing contract plus cost recovery had been performed on 10 oil and gas contractors.
"Through the scheme as if the split gross revenue share low state. However, when using the results of cost recovery for a country still cut cost recovery as well, so only 45%," he said.
Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto said gross scheme actually split a tough challenge for operators of oil and gas blocks. He gave the example of the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), if calculated in the rough for Pertamina results have been less. Pertamina will improve efficiency in order to cover the revenue shortfall should come, "he said.
Meanwhile, Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said it could not give assurance about the effectiveness of the rule. Is it possible to bring in upstream oil and gas investment. "We see the market reaction when there is a tender block of oil and gas. According to him, the figures in the rules gross split does not stand alone, there must be something else that changed. It was the government's authority, they do not require the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) to agree. So it's a decision government, said Marjolijn.
Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017
New Terms For Gas Results
1. For the initial results (base split):
- Petroleum; 57% for the state and 43% for contractors
- Natural gas: 52% for the state and 48% for contractors
2. The variable component is:
Status Work Area
- Location Fields
- Depth Reservoir
- Type Reservoir
CO2 content
H2S content
The level of domestic component (DCL 30% -49% split correction contractor parts of 2%, 50% -69% 3% and 70% -100% and 4%).
3. Progressive Components are:
The price of oil. The evaluation is conducted every month by SKK Migas based on the calculation of Indonesian crude price (ICP).
Total cumulative production of oil and gas
4. For a field that does not reach a certain economic value, the minister may provide additional revenue share at most 5% to the contractor. Instead, the field exceeds a certain economic value, the minister may assign additional percentage revenue share at most 5% for the countries of the contractor.
5. The Contractor shall pay income tax in accordance with legislation
6. Operating costs already incurred the Contractor can be considered as an element of the income tax deduction Contractor.
7. The Contractor shall meet the needs of petroleum or natural gas for domestic needs by giving 25% of the production of oil and gas part of the Contractor. Price refers to the price of crude oil
Indonesia (ICP).
8. Control and supervision of the implementation of production sharing contracts gross split conducted SKK Migas
9. Cooperation contract that was signed before these regulations are established, shall remain in force until the expiration of the contract
Inilah Akhir Rezim Cost Recovery
Lewat Peraturan Menteri ESDM N08/2017, pemerintah akhiri skema cost recovery
Adios rezim pengembalian biaya operasi atau cost recovery. Rabu (18/1) pemerintah merilis Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Berlaku mulai 16 Januari 2017, bagi hasil migas kontraktor melejit, tapi tidak ada lagi biaya penggantian operasi.
Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, dengan gross split, pemerintah bisa mengurangi beban Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Biaya operasi tak lagi dibebankan ke negara, tapi ke kontraktor migas. Berkaca dari tahun 2016, pagu cost recovery sebenarnya US$ 8,4 miliar, tapi membengkak menjadi US$ 11,4 miliar. Tanpa cost recovery APBN tak terganggu lagi.
Di sisi lain, Kontraktor mendapatkan keuntungan besar jika bisa melakukan efisiensi, kata Jonan. Dengan terbitnya aturan ini, pemerintah bisa mendorong minat investasi hulu migas. Proses perizinan investasi tidak harus menunggu setahun atau dua tahun, karena perlu persetujuan SKK Migas,“ katanya.
Selain memangkas perizinan, masuknya investasi juga di dorong tingginya harga minyak. Aturan gross split ini menyebutkan, ketika harga minyak rendah, bagi hasil kontraktor tinggi. Menurut Jonan, jika harga naik terus, investasi semakin besar. Kalau harga turun seperti akhir tahun 2014 hingga sampai US$ 27 per barel, gairahnya turun juga. "Kita tidak bisa apa-apa, karena harga migas ditentukan pasar global, kami bantu dari regulasi sesuai arahan Presiden untuk membuat regulasi yang bisa membuat investasi semakin baik, kata Jonan.
Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengklaim, simulasi memakai skema gross split dengan memakai kontrak bagi hasil plus cost recovery sudah dilakukan terhadap 10 kontraktor migas.
"Melalui skema gross split seolah-olah bagi hasil negara rendah. Namun saat menggunakan cost recovery bagi hasil negara yang masih dipotong cost recovery juga, jadi hanya 45%," kata dia.
Direktur Utama Pertamina, Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, skema gross split sebenarnya tantangan yang cukup berat bagi operator blok migas. la memberi contoh Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), jika dihitung secara kasar bagi hasil Pertamina justru kurang. Pertamina akan melakukan efisiensi agar menutup kekurangan pendapatan yang seharusnya didapat," katanya.
Sementara itu, Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, pihaknya belum bisa memberi kepastian soal efektivitas aturan itu. Apakah bisa mendatangkan investasi hulu migas. "Kita lihat reaksi pasar saat ada tender blok migas. Menurutnya, angka-angka dalam aturan gross split tak berdiri sendiri, harus ada hal lain yang diubah. Itu kewenangan pemerintah, mereka tidak memerlukan Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) untuk menyepakati. Jadi itu keputusan pemerintah, kata Marjolijn.
Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017
Ketentuan Baru Bagi Hasil Migas
1. Bagi hasil awal (base split):
- Minyak bumi: 57% bagi negara dan 43% bagi kontraktor
- Gas bumi: 52% bagi negara dan 48% bagi kontraktor
2. Komponen variabel adalah:
Status Wilayah Kerja
- Lokasi Lapangan
- Kedalaman Reservoir
- Jenis Reservoir
Kandungan CO2
Kandungan H2S
Tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN 30%-49% koreksi split bagian kontraktor sebesar 2%, 50%-69% sebesar 3% dan 70%-100% sebessar 4%).
3. Komponen progresif adalah:
Harga minyak bumi. Evaluasi dilakukan setiap bulan oleh SKK Migas berdasarkan perhitungan harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP).
Jumlah kumulatif produksi minyak dan gas bumi
4. Untuk lapangan yang tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, menteri dapat memberikan tambahan bagi hasil paling banyak 5% kepada kontraktor. Sebaliknya, lapangan yang melebihi keekonomian tertentu, menteri dapat menetapkan tambahan persentase bagi hasil paling banyak 5% untuk negara dari kontraktor.
5. Kontraktor wajib membayar pajak penghasilan sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan
6. Biaya operasi yang telah dikeluarkan Kontraktor dapat diperhitungkan sebagai unsur pengurang pajak penghasilan Kontraktor.
7. Kontraktor wajib memenuhi kebutuhan minyak bumi dan atau gas bumi untuk keperluan dalam negeri dengan menyerahkan 25% dari hasil produksi Migas bagian Kontraktor. Harga mengacu pada harga minyak mentah
Indonesia (ICP).
8. Pengendalian dan pengawasan pelaksanaan kontrak bagi hasil gross split dilakukan SKK Migas
9. Kontrak kerjasama yang telah ditandatangani sebelum peraturan ini ditetapkan, dinyatakan tetap berlaku sampai berakhirnya masa kontrak
Kontan, Page-1, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
Official Applicable Gross Revenue Share
Eight Oil and Gas Blocks Submitted to Pertamina
The concept of gross revenue share based on the gross production of oil and gas or gross split came into force -on the Offshore North West Java which is managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java. Regulations regarding the scheme of the oil and natural gas models are already published. Signing the contract for the model results gross split the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) by the Head of the Special Working Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi with President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Beni Jaffilius Ibradi.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan, Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto, as well as the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja attended the event. With gross split models, part of the state is set at 47.5 percent and 52.5 percent for Pertamina's share of oil As for natural gas, the state's share of 37.5 percent, while 62.5 percent of Pertamina's share. Pertamina on ONWJ contract is valid for 20 years or until January 17, 2037.
"The rules regarding gross've split my sign, namely the Minister Regulation No. 8 of 2017 concerning the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split. This will apply to new oil and gas contracts and renewals. Kontrak bagi results for cost recovery scheme is respected until the end of his contract, "said Jonan.
With the concept of gross split, the projection part of the country until the contract is up as much as 5.7 billion US dollars of the total gross proceeds of which amounted to 14.8 billion US dollars. The value of the investment until the contract expires ONWJ estimated at 8.5 billion US dollars.
"I emphasize to Pertamina so that production is not interrupted or dropped. Because of this block are 'left entirely to Pertamina, please for other companies cooperating with notes stock portion of a 10 percent participation, "said Jonan.
Operating Efficiency
Dwi said that, with the adoption of gross split for the first time, he considered it a challenge for Pertamina. One way is to increase efficiency in terms of operation. She targets a similar cost efficiencies created by the addition of 5 percent revenue share.
"Handing ONWJ to Pertamina is expected to raise the contribution of oil and gas production, Pertamina is currently only 24 percent of the national oil and gas production," said Dwi.
Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakma, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, say, the concept of gross split should not be applied to all oil and gas contracts in Indonesia. This concept should be offered as a selection of One form of contracts.
We recommend that the concept of gross split applied selectively to the oil and gas blocks to attract investment and exploration. All can not be equated. Therefore, the figures for gross results in the split should be something that can be negotiated, not the direction of the government, "said Pri Agung.
Previously, the composition of ownership in ONWJ consists of PT PHE ONWJ amounted to 58.28 percent, Energi Mega Persada ONWJ Ltd with 36.72 percent, and KUFPEC Indonesia BV 5 percent. Futures on the ONWJ ended on January 18, 2017. Under the new contract was signed, the government is fully devolved management ONWJ to PT PHE ONWJ as 100 percent shareholder.
Oil production in ONWJ as much as 35,800 barrels per day and natural gas as much as 155 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The government also handed over the management of eight oil and gas blocks to Pertamina. The eighth is going to block the expiration of his contract this year and next year.
Bagi Hasil Kotor Resmi Berlaku
Delapan Blok Migas Diserahkan ke Pertamina
Konsep bagi hasil kotor berdasar produksi bruto minyak dan gas bumi atau gross split mulai berlaku -pada Blok Offshore North West Java yang dikelola PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java. Peraturan mengenai skema bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi model tersebut sudah diterbitkan. Penandatanganan kontrak bagi hasil model gross split Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) oleh Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi dengan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Beni Jaffilius Ibradi.
Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto, Serta Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja hadir dalam acara itu. Dengan model gross split, bagian negara ditetapkan sebesar 47,5 persen dan bagian Pertamina 52,5 persen untuk minyak Adapun untuk gas bumi, bagian negara sebesar 37,5 persen, sedangkan bagian Pertamina 62,5 persen. Kontrak Pertamina pada Blok ONWJ tersebut berlaku selama 20 tahun atau hingga 17 Januari 2037.
”Aturan mengenai gross split sudah saya tanda tangani, yaitu Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Ini akan berlaku bagi kontrak migas yang baru dan perpanjangan. Untuk kontrak bagi hasil skema cost recovery tetap dihormati sampai habis kontraknya,” ujar Jonan.
Dengan konsep gross split, proyeksi bagian negara hingga kontrak habis sebanyak 5,7 miliar dollar AS dari total hasil kotor yang sebesar 14,8 miliar dollar AS. Adapun nilai investasi hingga kontrak Blok ONWJ berakhir diperkirakan sebanyak 8,5 miliar dollar AS.
"I emphasize to Pertamina so that production is not interrupted or dropped. Because of this block are 'left entirely to Pertamina, please for other companies cooperating with notes stock portion of a 10 percent participation, "said Jonan.
Efisiensi Operasi
Dwi mengatakan, dengan penerapan gross split untuk pertama kali tersebut, ia menganggap hal itu sebagai tantangan bagi Pertamina. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam hal operasi. Ia menargetkan efisiensi yang diciptakan setara dengan penambahan bagi hasil 5 persen.
”Penyerahan Blok ONWJ kepada Pertamina diharapkan dapat menaikkan kontribusi produksi migas Pertamina yang saat ini baru 24 persen dari seluruh produksi migas nasional,” kata Dwi.
Pengajar di Universitas Trisakti, Jakma, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, mengatakan, konsep gross split sebaiknya tidak diberlakukan terhadap seluruh kontrak migas di Indonesia. Konsep ini sebaiknya ditawarkan sebagai Salah satu bentuk pilihan kontrak saja.
Sebaiknya konsep gross split diterapkan secara selektif terhadap blok migas untuk menarik minat investasi dan eksplorasi. Semua tidak bisa disamakan. Karena itu, angka-angka bagi hasil dalam gross split sebaiknya menjadi sesuatu yang bisa dinegosiasikan, bukan searah dari pemerintah,” kata Pri Agung.
Sebelumnya, susunan kepemilikan saham pada Blok ONWJ terdiri dari PT PHE ONWJ sebesar 58,28 persen, Energi Mega Persada ONWJ Ltd 36,72 persen, dan KUFPEC Indonesia BV 5 persen. Kontrak pada Blok ONWJ berakhir pada 18 Januari 2017. Dalam kontrak baru yang ditandatangani tersebut, pemerintah menyerahkan sepenuhnya pengelolaan Blok ONWJ kepada PT PHE ONWJ sebagai pemilik saham 100 persen.
Produksi minyak di Blok ONWJ sebanyak 35.800 barrel per hari dan gas bumi sebanyak 155 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Pemerintah juga menyerahkan pengelolaan delapan blok migas kepada Pertamina. Kedelapan blok tersebut bakal habis masa berlaku kontraknya tahun ini dan tahun depan.
Kompas, Page-19, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
Pertamina Manage Full Block ONWJ
First Use Scheme Gross Split
The Ministry of Energy and Pertamina yesterday (18/1) signed production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) Offshore Northwest lava (ONWJ). The contract duration of 20 years is the first contract using the gross method split in lieu of a method of cost recovery. EMR Minister Ignasius Jonan said the cooperation contract (PSC), which want to extend the management of oil and gas blocks can choose the method of cost recovery (doubling of operating expenses) and gross split
Jonan admitted, no doubt from a number of parties about the lack of state authority when applying the method of gross PSC split. "But, with the new scheme, the costs are the responsibility of the contractor to no longer burden the state budget. The government just received a clean according to the percentage share details.
The government also provides special terms to Pertamina to maintain production levels ONWJ, even expected to continue to rise. Pertamina had the right look for partners to manage ONWJ. "Pertamina welcome to share down or take back its partners who used to work together," said Jonan.
Prior to termination of the contract, Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ manage with 58.28 percent participating interest. Mitra Energi Mega Persada Pertamina is ONWJ [36.72 percent] and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (5 percent). Share down Pertamina partners will be limited to a maximum of 25 percent. Pertamina also required to submit a 10 percent participating interest to local owned enterprises (BUMN), West Java. The state-owned oil companies are also obliged to run a firm commitment (firm commitment) in the form of an investment of USD 82.3 million within the next three years.
During the contract period 20 tahim, state revenue is estimated at USD 5.7 billion. We believe we can manage ONWJ well and will make a positive contribution to the improvement of the national oil and gas production, "said Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto. Until the end of 2016, PHE ONWJ production has reached the level of oil production of 35.8 thousand barrels per day (bpd) and gas production of 155 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD)
Pertamina Kelola Penuh Blok ONWI
Pertama Gunakan Skema Gross Split
Kementerian ESDM dan PertaMina kemarin (18/ 1) menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ). Kontrak berdurasi 20 tahun tersebut adalah kontrak pertama yang menggunakan metode gross split sebagai pengganti dari metode cost recovery. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengungkapkan, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang hendak memperpanjang pengelolaan blok migas dapat memilih metode cost recovery (penggandaan biaya operasional) maupun gross split.
Jonan mengakui, ada keraguan dari sejumlah pihak tentang kurangnya kewenangan negara bila menerapkan metode PSC gross split. "Tapi, dengan skema baru, biaya menjadi tanggung jawab kontraktor sehingga tidak lagi membebani APBN. Pemerintah hanya terima bersih sesuai dengan persentase pembagian jelasnya.
Pemerintah juga memberikan syarat khusus kepada Pertamina untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi Blok ONWJ, bahkan diharapkan terus naik. Pertamina pun berhak mencari mitra untuk mengelola Blok ONWJ. ”Pertamina dipersilakan share down atau ajak kembali mitranya yang dulu pernah bekerja sama,” tutur Jonan.
Sebelum terminasi kontrak, Pertamina Hulu Energi mengelola Blok ONWJ dengan hak partisipasi 58,28 persen. Mitra Pertamina adalah Energi Mega Persada ONWJ [36,72 persen] dan Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (5 persen). Share down mitra Pertamina akan dibatasi maksimal 25 persen. Pertamina juga diwajibkan menyerahkan 10 persen hak partisipasi kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) Jawa Barat. Perusahaan minyak pelat merah itu pun wajib menjalankan komitmen pasti (firm commitment) berupa investasi USD 82,3 juta dalam waktu tiga tahun mendatang.
Selama masa kontrak 20 tahim, penerimaan negara diperkirakan mencapai USD 5,7 miliar. Kami percaya bisa mengelola Blok ONWJ dengan baik dan bakal memberikan kontribusi positif bagi peningkatan produksi migas nasional,” kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto. Hingga akhir 2016, produksi PHE ONWJ telah mencapai tingkat produksi minyak 35,8 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan produksi gas 155 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd)
Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
Part Country distention
The share of the state in oil and gas exploration with grass pattern split increased following the signing of new contracts Offshore North West Java block.
In the production sharing contract gross telsebut first split, oil split final scheme specified parts of the government 42.5% and 57.5% contractors. For gas, the government's share of 37.5% and 62.5% contractors. For comparison, the cost recovery scheme, based on data from the Ministry of Energy, total revenue and ONWJ oil production by 2015 as many as 24 137 barrels with a value of US $ 1.087 billion. The government gets revenue 437.92 million, or 40.2%, while the contractor US $ 90.11 million or 8.3%.
However, the government must issue production costs refunded (cost recovery) US $ 559.40 million, or 51.5% so that the contractor plus production costs to 59.8%. The Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources approved the split of gross production sharing contract oil and gas blocks located in the Java Sea in the north a thousand islands through northern waters of Cirebon with a total area of 8,300 Km2
The agreement was signed on Wednesday (18/1), the Office of Energy and Mineral Kemementerian by SKK Migas Head Amien Direkur Sunaryadi and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Beni Jaffilius Ibradi witnessed by Minister Ignatius Jonan. Jonan targets the production of the block is not decreased.
In a sign tanganinya new contract on ONWJ require that the company maintain oil production at approximately 36,000 bare-per-day (bpd) and gas 172 million standard cubicfeet per day / MMscfd gas in 2017. In addition to a commitment to maintain production, the company must pay a signature bonus of US $ 5 million and investments during the first three years of US $ 82.3 million. Noted, 309.8 million barrels of oil reserves and 1114.9 billion cubic feet / bcf of gas. Pertamina submitted to the condition that the production should not be dropped, then Pertamina welcome to share down or take back its partners who used to work together, "he said.
President Director of PT Pertamina Soetjipto admitted the company must do a minimum of 5% efficiency so that the development of the working area run in accordance with the economic scale of the split that has been assigned to a manager ONWJ during the next 20 years (until 2037).
Another way that will be done, the company will offer the shares (share down) to the existing contractor to re-engage in the management of the block, such as PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk., A unit of the Bakrie Group with ownership limit the maximum participation of 25%. "Split [for hasill still lacking, but we still try to cover with efficiency. There are things that could be improved on certain aspects that arise, but it and split it there is 5% which should be covered with efficiency, "said Dwi.
PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam added application gross PSC split makes the company should be more careful. Pasahlya, now all of the risks arising from upstream activities are the responsibility of the contractor, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ, a subsidiary of Pertamina.
According to him, with a gross imposition split, the contractor should bear a greater risk when compared with the implementation of cost recovery PSC governments to bear the risk. This, he said, which gives space to be a challenge. If in the past we may dare to take the risk is big because 80% of the share also to the government. If now its 100% risk-investors. Vice Chairman of Commission VII Satya W Yudha hope with the new scheme the contractor demanded more careful in running the upstream activities of oil and gas. Make contractors more prudent and cautious. If now, the important thing SKK Migas give approval, has been that losses are both, he said.
Chairman of the Energy and Mineral Resources inclusive Contractors Indonesia Employers Association (Apindo) Sammy Hamzah said the increased risk of development must be balanced with the compensation awarded to develop an oil and gas field. On the other hand, application of the gross split had been awaited by businesses, especially the developing area of oil and gas non-conventional.
Bagian Negara Membesar
Porsi bagi hasil negara dalam eksplorasi migas dengan pola grass split meningkat menyusul ditandatanganinya kontrak baru blok Offshore North West Java.
Dalam kontrak bagi hasil gross split yang pertama telsebut, skema final split minyak bagian pemerintah ditetapkan 42,5 % dan kontraktor 57,5 %. Untuk gas, bagian pemerintah 37,5% dan kontraktor 62,5%. Sebagai pembanding, dengan skema cost recovery, berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, total pendapatan dan produksi minyak Blok ONWJ pada 2015 sebanyak 24.137 barel dengan nilai US$1,087 miliar. Pemerintah mendapatkan pendapatan 437,92 juta atau 40,2%, sedangkan kontraktor US$ 90,11 juta atau 8,3%.
Namun, pemerintah harus mengeluarkan biaya produksi yang dikembalikan (cost recovery) US$ 559,40 juta atau 51,5 % sehingga bagian kontraktor ditambah biaya produksi menjadi 59,8%. Pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM menyetujui kontrak bagi hasil gross split blok migas yang terletak di laut Jawa di utara kepulauan seribu sampai perairan utara cirebon dengan total luas 8.300 Km2
Penandatanganan dilakukan Rabu (18/1), di Kantor Kemementerian ESDM oleh Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi dan Direkur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Beni Jaffilius Ibradi disaksikan oleh Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan. Jonan menargetkan produksi blok tersebut tak mengalami penurunan.
Di tanda tanganinya kontrak baru atas ONWJ mengharuskan perseroan tetap menjaga produksi minyak di angka 36.000 bare per hari (bpd) dan gas 172 million standard cubicfeet per day/MMscfd gas pada 2017. Selain komitmen mempertahankan produksi, perseroan harus membayar bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$5 juta dan investasi selama tiga tahun pertama yakni US$ 82,3 juta. Tercatat, cadangan minyak 309,8 juta barel dan 1.114,9 billion cubic feet/bcf gas. Diserahkan ke Pertamina dengan syarat, produksi tidak boleh turun, kemudian Pertamina dipersilahkan share down atau ajak kembali mitranya yang dulu kerja bersama,” katanya.
Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengakui perseroan harus melakukan efisiensi minimal 5% agar pengembangan wilayah kerja berjalan sesuai dengan skala ekonomi dari split yang telah ditetapkan untuk pengelola ONWJ selama 20 tahun ke depan (hingga 2037).
Cara lain yang akan di lakukan, perseroan akan menawarkan saham (share down) kepada kontraktor eksis untuk kembali terlibat dalam pengelolaan blok itu, seperti PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk., unit usaha Grup Bakrie dengan batas kepemilikan saham partisipasi maksimal 25%. “Split [bagi hasill masih kurang, tetapi kami masih upayakan untuk tutup dengan efisiensi. Ada hal-hal yang bisa diperbaiki dari aspek tertentu yang muncul, tetapi dan split itu ada 5% yang harus ditutup dengan efisiensi,” kata Dwi.
Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam menambahkan penerapan PSC gross split membuat perseroan harus lebih berhati-hati. Pasahlya, kini seluruh risiko yang timbul atas kegiatan usaha hulu menjadi tanggung jawab kontraktor yakni PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ, anak perusahaan Pertamina.
Menurutnya, dengan pemberlakuan gross split, kontraktor harus menanggung risiko yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan penerapan PSC cost recovery pemerintah untuk turut menanggung risiko. Hal tersebut, katanya, yang memberi ruang kepada menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Kalau dulu mungkin kami berani mengambil risikonya lebih gede karena 80% di share juga ke government. Kalau sekarang risk-nya 100% investor. Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya W Yudha berharap dengan skema baru kontraktor dituntut semakin hati-hati dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Membuat kontraktor lebih prudent dan hati-hati. Kalau sekarang, yang penting SKK Migas memberikan approval, sudah kalau rugi ditanggung berdua, katanya.
Ketua Bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Asosiasi Pengusaha In Kontraktor Indonesia (Apindo) Sammy Hamzah mengatakan bertambahnya risiko pengembangan harus di imbangi dengan kompensasi yang diberikan untuk mengembangkan suatu lapangan migas. Di sisi lain, penerapan gross split sudah ditunggu oleh pelaku usaha khususnya yang mengembangkan wilayah kerja minyak dan gas non-konvensional.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
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