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Friday, January 20, 2017

Pertamina Asked Buy Exxon Mobil in Jambaran

The government assigned PT Pertamina for the project unitization Jambaran Field and Blue Tiung Iantaran Assignment granted for this project that worked together with Exxon Mobil to be unending road. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said unitization Project Blue Jambaran-Tiung not being started because the standards used by Pertamina and Exxon Mobil to assess the economics of different projects. Thus, if this is not a solution found, then the project on the border of Central Java and East Java was never the way.

"The government sees what if the option is assigned by the government to Pertamina. Pertamina to develop and later Pertamina told to talk with Exxon Mobil to take PI (participating interest / PI) him in Jambaran-Tiung Blue, "he said.

However, this does not mean that Pertamina will purchase participation interest in Exxon Mobil Cepu Jambaran Courses are given in the block. Alam explained, participation rights to be taken from Exxon Mobil only in Jambaran Golf course. But the realization of this participation right purchase still has to be discussed with Exxon Mobil. "Actually what baseball can (take over the rights of participation), Exxon Mobil would stay what baseball, baseball what the price is right," he said.

Thus, if the purchase of participation rights to be realized, Pertamina was given permission by the government to work on solo projects Jambaran Field unitization-Tiung this Blue. This step may be done if the company is able to work on the project without a partner. "We are prepared to do yourself," added Alam.

However, he is not sure when the takeover occurred participation rights and the project starts. He said he would discuss the issue this divestiture by Exxon Mobil, parallel it completed the Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) for this project. Allocation of gas yesterday in part to fertilizer. We've sent a letter to Pertamina if we can just all so that we could be signing GSA.

Previously, although not receive any incentives from the government, Pertamina states continue to be working on Project Field unitization Jambaran-Tiung Blue. Although, President Director of PT Pertamina EP Cepu Adriansyah said ExxonMobil as partners, objected because the incentives to cover the lack of return on investment (internal rate of return / IRR) is needed.

He explained that, if given incentives by the government, then the IRR of the project could reach 16%. However, if no incentive then Jambaran project IRR-Tiung Blue only reach 12-13%. If Exxon does not participate in gas block this possibility exists, because Exxon somewhat mind if not given incentives so that the IRR is still below 16%.

PT Pertamina EP Cepu has set aside about US $ 100 million to continue construction projects Jambaran Field unitization and Tiung Blue. He admits, the budget for Jambaran-Tiung Blue are not too big. Because the activities carried out this year has not been a lot of construction activities. Activities conducted namely construction engineering (engineering), the preparation, and the release of a small portion of land required. "We still plan can kick off the project at the beginning of this year," said Ardiandyah.

He identifies, Project Blue Jambaran-Tiung must be a way for the economic value is not further eroded. Each delay the production schedule (on stream) one year IRR dropped calls resulted in a value of more than 2%. This is because the cooperation contract expires in 2035.

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs Erwin Maryoto Exxon Mobil said it had been told about the project assignment Jambaran Field unitization-Tiung Blue to Pertamina, including the matter of divestment participation rights. However, it has not started to talk about this with Pertamina. "We will discuss this important to find the best solution and beneficial for all parties," he said.

Previously, although not receive any incentives from the government, Pertamina states continue to be working on Project unitization Iapangan Jambaran-Tiung Blue. Although, President Director of PT Pertamina EP Cepu Adriansyah said ExxonMobil as partners, objected because the incentives to cover the lack of return on investment (internal rate of return / IRR) is needed.

He explained that, if given incentives by the government, then the IRR of the project could reach 16%. However, if no incentive then Jambaran project IRR-Tiung Blue only reach 12-13%. "If Exxon does not participate in gas block this possibility exists, because Exxon somewhat mind if not given incentives so that the IRR is still below 16%," he said.

Earlier, after the revision of the POD, the development of Project Blue Jambaran-Tiung uncertainty inhibited the absorption of gas. This is due to the absence of an agreement about the gas price with the buyer at the time, namely PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek. Finally, PT Pertamina decided to take the entire gas produced from the project Tiung Golf Blue-Jambaran could produce up to 320 MMSCFD gas.

However, the carbon dioxide content of 30%, the clean gas which can be used just about 180-185 MMSCFD. Initially, the gas production of 100 MMSCFD allocated to PT Pertamina, while the remaining 85 MMSCFD to PT Pupuk Kujang.


Pertamina Diminta Beli Saham Exxon Mobil di Jambaran

Pemerintah menugaskan PT Pertamina untuk mengerjakan proyek unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran dan Tiung Biru Penugasan diberikan Iantaran selama ini proyek yang digarap bersama Exxon Mobil itu tak kunjung jalan. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, Proyek Unitisasi Jambaran-Tiung Biru tidak kunjung dimulai lantaran standar yang dipakai Pertamina dan Exxon Mobil untuk menilai keekonomian proyek berbeda. Sehingga, jika hal ini tidak dicarikan solusi, maka proyek di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur itu tidak akan pernah jalan.

“Pemerintah melihat opsi bagaimana kalau ini ditugaskan oleh pemerintah ke Pertamina. Pertamina mengembangkan dan nanti Pertamina disuruh bicara dengan Exxon Mobil untuk mengambil PI (participating interest/ PI) dia di Jambaran-Tiung Biru,” kata dia.

Namun, hal ini bukan berarti Pertamina bakal membeli hak partisipasi Exxon Mobil di Blok Cepu mengingat Lapangan Jambaran berada di blok tersebut. Alam menjelaskan, hak partisipasi yang akan diambil dari Exxon Mobil hanya yang ada di Lapangan Jambaran saja. Tetapi realisasi pembelian hak partisipasi ini masih harus dibicarakan dengan Exxon Mobil. “Sebetulnya apa yang enggak bisa (ambil alih hak partisipasi), tinggal Exxon Mobil mau apa enggak, harganya cocok apa enggak,” papar dia.

Sehingga, jika pembelian hak partisipasi terealisasi, Pertamina diberi izin oleh pemerintah untuk menggarap sendirian Proyek Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru ini. Langkah ini boleh dilakukan jika memang perseroan sanggup mengerjakan proyek tersebut tanpa mitra. “Kami sanggup kerjakan sendiri ,” tambah Alam.

Meski demikian, pihaknya tidak bisa memastikan kapan pengambilalihan hak partisipasi terjadi dan proyek mulai di jalankan. Pihaknya akan membahas masalah divestasi ini dengan Exxon Mobil, paralel pihaknya merampungkan Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG) untuk proyek ini. Alokasi gas-nya kemarin sebagian ke pupuk. Kami sudah kirim surat kalau bisa ke Pertamina saja semua sehingga kami bisa signing PJBG.

Sebelumnya, meski tidak memperoleh insentif dari pemerintah, Pertamina menyatakan tetap akan menggarap Proyek Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Meskipun, Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Cepu Adriansyah mengatakan, ExxonMobil selaku mitranya, keberatan lantaran insentif untuk menutupi kekurangan tingkat pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/ IRR) yang dibutuhkan.

Dia menjelaskan, jika diberi insentif oleh pemerintah, maka IRR dari proyek ini bisa mencapai 16%. Namun jika tanpa insentif maka IRR proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru hanya mencapai 12-13%. Kalau Exxon tidak berpartisipasi di blok gas ini kemungkinan ada, karena Exxon agak keberatan apabila tidak diberikan insentif sehingga IRR-nya masih dibawah 16%.

PT Pertamina EP Cepu telah menyiapkan dana sekitar US$ 100 juta untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan Proyek Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran dan Tiung Biru. Dia mengakui, anggaran untuk Jambaran-Tiung Biru memang belum terlalu besar. Pasalnya, kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahun ini belum banyak kegiatan konstruksi. Aktifitas yang dilakukan yakni pengerjaan rekayasa (engineering), persiapan, dan pembebasan sebagian kecil lahan yang dibutuhkan. “Kami masih merencanakan dapat melakukan kick off project pada awal tahun ini,” tutur Ardiandyah.

Dia menjelaskan, Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru harus segera jalan agar nilai keekonomian-nya tidak semakin tergerus. Setiap penundaan jadwal produksi (on stream) satu tahun disebutnya mengakibatkan IRR turun nilai lebih dari 2%. Hal ini lantaran kontrak kerja samanya berakhir pada 2035.

Vice President Public and Government Affair Exxon Mobil Erwin Maryoto menuturkan, pihaknya telah diberi tahu soal penugasan Proyek Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru kepada Pertamina, termasuk soal divestasi hak partisipasi. Meski demikian, pihaknya belum mulai membicarakan soal hal ini dengan Pertamina. “Kami yang penting akan membicarakan ini untuk mencari solusi yang terbaik dan menguntungkan bagi semua pihak,” kata dia.

Sebelumnya, meski tidak memperoleh insentif dari pemerintah, Pertamina menyatakan tetap akan menggarap Proyek Unitisasi Iapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Meskipun, Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Cepu Adriansyah mengatakan, ExxonMobil selaku mitranya, keberatan lantaran insentif untuk menutupi kekurangan tingkat pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) yang dibutuhkan.

Dia menjelaskan, jika diberi insentif oleh pemerintah, maka IRR dari proyek ini bisa mencapai 16%. Namun jika tanpa insentif maka IRR proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru hanya mencapai 12-13%. “Kalau Exxon tidak berpartisipasi di blok gas ini kemungkinan ada, karena Exxon agak keberatan apabila tidak diberikan insentif sehingga IRR-nya masih dibawah 16%,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, pasca revisi POD, pengembangan Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru terhambat ketidakpastian penyerapan gas. Hal ini lantaran tidak adanya kata sepakat soal harga gas dengan calon pembeli saat itu, yakni PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek. Akhirnya, PT Pertamina memutuskan untuk mengambil seluruh gas yang dihasilkan dari proyek   Lapangan Tiung Biru-Jambaran sebenarnya bisa menghasilkan gas hingga 320 mmscfd.

Namun dengan kandungan karbon dioksida sebesar 30%, gas bersih yang bisa digunakan hanya sekitar 180-185 mmscfd. Awalnya, produksi gas sebanyak 100 mmscfd dialokasikan untuk PT Pertamina, sementara sisanya 85 mmscfd untuk PT Pupuk Kujang.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

Gross Split Rate Certainty for State

Application of split or gross scheme for gross proceeds in the cooperation contract (production sharing contract / PSC) of oil and gas will not harm the state. This scheme makes the country avoid potential cost overruns oil and gas projects, so that revenues derived from oil and gas sector more certain and secure.

On the other hand, to ensure economies of oil and gas projects to investors, the government is providing an additional incentive for a yield of 5%. These incentives are given when the economics of oil and gas projects is still below a certain limit after the contract gross PSC split runs. Conversely, when the project economics of excess, the state can cut 5% revenue share. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, no one can ensure the realization of oil and gas revenues will be as targeted despite having applied PSC gross split.

However, through this scheme, the costs incurred for work on oil and gas projects will no longer be borne by the state budget. The full cost borne by investors. Thus, Indonesia earn a share (split) in the beginning, without truncated when inflated costs.

So, no, there is no loss to the state, who says the state will lose? he said. Starting in January 2017, the government changed the scheme of the production sharing contract (PSC) on new oil and gas contracts. If used before its scheme fees are refundable (cost recovery), then the new rules are applied in a gross scheme split.

The provisions set forth in the Regulation of Minister No. 8 of 2017 concerning the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, began a new round of the national oil and gas industry. PHE signed a gross scheme split with the government on Wednesday (18/1), to the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Arcandra Tahar explained, regarding the results of the country that impressed split down the scheme compared to gross cost recovery, it should be remembered that the component cost is no longer a burden on the state. When using the PSC cost recovery, profit sharing for the state compared to investors of 85:15 to 70:30 for the oil and gas, including the cost components that must be replaced state. For the result will be calculated after the cost of oil and gas projects be split between the state and investors. "It's as if the lower (parts of the country) because we divide the gross (gross income), in which the cost was on the side of the contractor. If in the past, cost was replaced in net income (net), "he said.

Arcandra revealed, it has ensured split ratio of gross schemes and cost recovery through calibration data on 10 oil and gas blocks that are considered representative. Based on a comparison was clearly visible portion of the investment costs that should be replaced (cost recovery) by the government in these blocks. As a result, cost recovery in the block can range from 12-44%, 20-50%, even 32-52%. The greater cost recovery the state revenue will fall.

Apart from the revenue side, Arcandra states, there are other positive impact of the scheme gross split. One of them, this scheme allows the acceleration of the time needed to work on oil and gas blocks to the production stage. During this time in Indonesia takes 15 years to produce oil and gas block. We hope the time for production can be trimmed at least 2-3 years.

About the impact of the gross scheme split to increase oil and gas production, Arcandra Tahar admitting it could not be ascertained. Moreover, no one can ascertain the contents and condition of oil and gas reserves in the earth. However, the scheme is expected to improve national oil and gas business.

"Step into production is still far away. Neat our expectations, the business can be more efficient, transparent, and the process is much simpler. If worse, this scheme can be replaced, because this man, "said Arcandra.

Less attractive

Meanwhile, investors assessed the gross split scheme offered by the government is still less attractive. Investor wants, although the scheme changed to gross split contract, for the results received at least equal to when using the cost recovery scheme. Investors also requested an additional incentive for exploration. In addition, there is uncertainty related to the implementation of the ease of business process promised by the government.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President of PT Ephindo Sammy Hamzah said non-conventional oil and gas investor proposes the implementation of the scheme gross split in oil and gas contracts in order to project more attractive. Therefore, Sammy said, it is very appreciated efforts of government then issued a ministerial regulation about gross split. Moreover, Regulation 38/2015 on Acceleration of Non-conventional Oil and Gas Concessions that allow non-conventional oil and gas contracts using a gross scheme split, never be applied.

However, according to him, there are several things that must be ensured in order to split the gross scheme attractive for investors. "We want to emphasize that for existing investors, its standard is that the government should offer better. Otherwise, they will not take. It's a matter of economics that must be discussed. This, indeed, be proven over time, "he said.

Another thing that should be ensured, is the role of the Working Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) to manage contracts with gross schemes split. Investors want to make sure whether the business process will be simple and the time required until the production phase will be shorter.

"We warned that the role of SKK Migas governmental spelled out in detail, how the approval of WP & B and POD. Therefore, this could be a bottleneck and polemics in the future development of the field, "he said.

Advisory Board Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI) Rovicky Dwi Putrohari also criticized the gross scheme split. Some of the incentives offered by the government split always considered linear with the scale of the project. "In fact, it could be the reality is different, such as investment costs to a depth of five meters of blocks may be larger than that has a depth of 50 meters," he said.

He added, there are few incentives that would lead to a split count the economic uncertainty, the price of oil. "Split will change because national oil price (ICP) is reviewed every month. How can commercial that change each month? Whether to continue to operate or not, should be considered, "he said.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Mount Sardjono Hadi said, as contractors who have signed the gross PSC split, this scheme is best for the nation. Although the split received 5% lower than the previous contract, it did not mind because it can be closed through efficiency.

However, according to the Mountain, it also has proposed an additional incentive on exploration and surface infrastructure (surface). If exploration spending a percentage of total expenditures, incentives can be split so, then the incentives matter the state of the surface facility. This is what we have proposed.

Arcandra confirms, investors who felt the split earned enough, you can submit it to the government. For results after inserting variable and progressive split split is still open to change. If from the commercial, there is room for negotiation about 5%. That, in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2017 8Tahun on Production Sharing Contracts Gross Split which became the basis for the gross split.

In this policy is mentioned, when calculating the commercialization of the field does not reach a certain economic value, the contractor received an additional split a maximum of 5%. By contrast, in the calculation of the commercialization of the field exceeds a certain economic value, the state may take an additional 5% split.


Gross Split Beri Kepastian untuk Negara

Penerapan skema gross split atau bagi hasil kotor dalam kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) migas tidak akan merugikan negara. Skema ini justru membuat negara terhindar dari potensi membengkaknya biaya proyek migas, sehingga penerimaan negara yang diperoleh dari sektor migas lebih pasti dan terjamin.

Di sisi lain, untuk menjamin keekonomian proyek migas bagi investor, pemerintah menyediakan tambahan insentif bagi hasil sebesar 5%. Insentif ini diberikan ketika keekonomian proyek migas masih di bawah batas tertentu setelah kontrak PSC gross split berjalan. Sebaliknya, ketika keekonomian proyek berlebih, negara dapat memotong bagi hasil 5%. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, tidak ada yang dapat memastikan realisasi penerimaan migas akan sesuai yang ditargetkan meski telah diterapkan PSC gross split.

Namun melalui skema ini, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menggarap proyek migas tidak lagi menjadi tanggungan APBN. Biaya sepenuhnya ditanggung investor. Dengan demikian, Indonesia memperoleh bagi hasil (split) di awal, tanpa terpangkas ketika biaya membengkak.

Jadi, tidak, tidak ada kerugian negara,  siapa bilang negara akan rugi? ujar dia. Mulai Januari 2017, pemerintah mengubah skema kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) pada kontrak-kontrak baru migas. Jika yang digunakan sebelum-nya adalah skema biaya yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery), maka yang diterapkan dalam aturan baru yaitu skema gross split. 

Ketentuan itu dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina, mengawali babak baru industri migas nasional tersebut. PHE menanda tangani skema gross split dengan pemerintah, Rabu (18/1), untuk Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan, perihal bagi hasil negara yang terkesan turun pada skema gross split dibandingkan cost recovery, harus di ingat bahwa komponen biaya tidak lagi menjadi beban negara. Ketika menggunakan PSC cost recovery, bagi hasil untuk negara dibanding investor sebesar 85:15 untuk minyak dan 70:30 untuk gas termasuk komponen biaya yang harus diganti negara. 

Bagi hasil itu akan dihitung setelah biaya proyek migas dibagi dua antara negara dan investor. “Sekarang seolah-olah lebih rendah (bagian negara) karena kami membagi gross (pendapatan kotor), di mana cost itu pada sisi kontraktor. Kalau dulu, cost digantikan di pendapatan bersih (net),” kata dia.

Arcandra mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah memastikan perbandingan skema gross split dan cost recovery melalui kalibrasi data pada 10 blok migas yang dianggap representatif. Berdasarkan perbandingan itu terlihat jelas porsi biaya investasi yang harus diganti (cost recovery) oleh pemerintah pada blok-blok tersebut. Hasilnya, cost recovery di satu blok bisa berkisar 12-44%, 20-50%, bahkan 32-52%. Semakin besar cost recovery maka penerimaan negara akan turun.

Selain dari sisi penerimaan negara, Arcandra menyatakan, terdapat dampak positif lain dari skema gross split. Salah satunya, skema ini memungkinkan percepatan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menggarap blok migas sampai tahap produksi. Selama ini di Indonesia dibutuhkan 15 tahun sampai satu blok menghasilkan migas. Kami berharap waktu untuk berproduksi at least bisa dipangkas 2-3 tahun.

Ihwal dampak penerapan skema gross split terhadap peningkatan produksi migas, Arcandra Tahar mengakui hal itu belum dapat dipastikan. Apalagi tidak ada yang dapat memastikan isi dan kondisi cadangan migas di dalam bumi. Meski demikian, skema ini diharapkan mampu memperbaiki bisnis migas nasional.

“Step ke produksi masih jauh. Rapi harapan kami, bisnis dapat lebih efisien, transparan, dan prosesnya lebih simpel. Kalau lebih jelek, skema ini bisa diganti, karena ini buatan manusia,” tutur Arcandra.

Kurang Menarik 

Sementara itu, investor menilai skema gross split yang ditawarkan pemerintah masih kurang menarik. Investor menginginkan, meski skema kontrak berganti menjadi gross split, bagi hasil yang diterima minimal sama dengan ketika memakai skema cost recovery. Investor juga meminta ada tambahan insentif untuk eksplorasi. Selain itu, terdapat ketidakpastian terkait pelaksanaan kemudahan proses bisnis yang dijanjikan pemerintah.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & President PT Ephindo Sammy Hamzah mengatakan, investor migas non-konvensional mengusulkan penerapan skema gross split dalam kontrak migas agar proyek lebih menarik. Karena itu, kata Sammy, pihaknya sangat mengapresiasi upaya pemerintah yang kemudian menerbitkan peraturan menteri soal gross split. Apalagi Peraturan Menteri 38/2015 tentang Percepatan Pengusahaan Migas Non-konvensional yang memungkinkan kontrak migas non-konvensional menggunakan skema gross split, tak kunjung dapat diterapkan.

Namun, menurut dia, ada beberapa hal yang harus dipastikan agar skema gross split menarik bagi investor. “Kami ingin tekankan bahwa bagi investor eksisting, standart-nya adalah pemerintah harus menawarkan yang lebih baik. Kalau tidak, mereka tidak akan ambil. Ini soal keekonomian saja yang harus dibicarakan. Ini memang baru akan terbukti seiring dengan berjalannya waktu,” papar dia.

Hal lain yang harus dipastikan, adalah peran Satuan Kerja Kerja Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dalam mengelola kontrak dengan skema gross split. Investor ingin memastikan apakah benar proses bisnis akan lebih simpel dan waktu yang dibutuhkan sampai tahap produksi bakal lebih pendek.

“Kami mewanti-wanti pernerintah bahwa peran SKK Migas dijabarkan secara rinci, bagaimana persetujuan WP&B dan POD. Sebab, ini bisa menjadi hambatan dan polemik dalam pengembangan lapangan ke depan,” ucap dia.

Dewan Penasihat Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Rovicky Dwi Putrohari juga mengkritisi skema gross split. Beberapa insentif split yang ditawarkan pemerintah selalu dianggap linier dengan skala proyek. “Padahal, bisa jadi kenyataannya berbeda, seperti biaya investasi untuk blok kedalaman lima meter bisa jadi lebih besar dari yang memiliki kedalaman 50 meter,” tutur dia. 

Dia menambahkan, ada beberapa insentif split yang justru menimbulkan ketidakpastian hitungan keekonomian, yakni harga minyak. “Split akan berubah karena harga minyak nasional (ICP) ditinjau setiap bulan. Bagaimana bisa komersial kalau berubah tiap bulan? Apakah akan terus beroperasi atau tidak, ini harus dipikirkan,” kata dia.

Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Gunung Sardjono Hadi menyatakan, sebagai kontraktor yang telah meneken PSC gross split, skema ini merupakan yang terbaik bagi bangsa dan negara. Meski split yang diterima lebih rendah 5% dibandingkan kontrak sebelumnya, pihaknya tidak keberatan karena hal itu dapat ditutup melalui efisiensi.

Namun, menurut Gunung, pihaknya juga memiliki usulan insentif tambahan mengenai eksplorasi dan infrastruktur permukaan (surface). Kalau pengeluaran eksplorasi sekian persen dari total pengeluaran, dapat insentif split sekian, kemudian insentif soal keadaan surface facility. Ini yang kami usulkan.

Arcandra menegaskan, investor yang merasa split yang diperolehnya masih kurang, dapat menyampaikan-nya kepada pemerintah. Bagi hasil setelah memasukkan variable split dan progressive split masih terbuka untuk diubah. Kalau dari komersial, ada ruang untuk negosiasi kurang lebih 5%. Hal itu, sesuai Pasal 7 Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split yang menjadi dasar penerapan gross split. 

Dalam beleid ini disebutkan, ketika perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, kontraktor mendapat tambahan split maksimal 5%. Sebaliknya, dalam perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan melebihi keekonomian tertentu, negara boleh mengambil tambahan split 5%.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

Pertamina to Slide Exxon on Cepu

Tiung-Biru-Jambaran Field

The government requested that PT Pertamina bought shares belonging to ExxonMobil Cepu Limited participation of 45% in field-Tiung Jambaran Blue, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro so that the project could soon be developed. Blue Tiung gas production is constrained by the lack of buyers of gas from the oil and gas fields. In the field of oil and gas, Pertamina, through its subsidiary PT Pertamina EP Cepu acts as the operator and controls the shares 45% participation. Meanwhile, 10% of the shares controlled by four regionally owned enterprises (BUMD)

Under an agreement or a Head of Agreement (HoA) signed in 2015, Pertamina become major buyers of gas with a volume of 100 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek as an alternative purchaser which absorbs 85 MMSCFD.

In the agreement, a clause which calls Pertamina will become an alternative buyer when PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek not agree about the price specified. However, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek not buying gas because the price offered is considered too expensive. Fertilizer plant wants gas price of US $ 7 per MMBtu.

PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said standard, economies of scale field development can not be agreed upon between the contractor. Pertamina regard to the ratio of return on investment (internal rate of return / IRR) of 12% -13%, the project can proceed. However, Exxon assess new project can progress if it has a 16% IRR. Do not agree to these early, difficult to reach a common ground. Therefore, the government took the initiative to give the assignment to Pertamina so that the field could be developed. To add to the IRR, contractors can reduce costs, increase production also add part of contractors.

However, increased production and additional parts of the contractor requires a government permit. Earlier, the government does not want to provide incentives and desires that the investment costs can be reduced despite requires special technology to separate carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a challenge-Tiung Blue Jambaran development. The government sees what if this option is assigned by the government to Pertamina. Pertamina to develop and later Pertamina told to talk with Exxon to take PI [participating interest / stake] he [Exxon] Field Jambaran-Tiung Blue.

       Although Fields Jambaran-Tiung Blue becomes a part of the Cepu block, the purchase of shares of participation is only done on the project. However, he said, it depends on whether the contractor is pleased to sell its participation shares and the price offered is suitable. So Divest in the grounds of his course. Actually, what you can not, Exxon wants to sell his stock participation or not, the price is right or not?

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said it has not received official notification from the government.


Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru

Pertamina Akan Geser Exxon dari Cepu

Pemerintah meminta agar PT Pertamina membeli saham partisipasi milik ExxonMobil Cepu Limited 45% di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru, Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro agar proyek bisa segera dikembangkan. Produksi gas Tiung Biru terkendala oleh belum adanya pembeli gas dari lapangan migas tersebut. Pada lapangan minyak dan gas bumi tersebut, Pertamina melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina EP Cepu berperan sebagai operator dan menguasai saham partisipasi 45%. Sementara itu, 10% saham dikuasai empat badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD)

Berdasarkan kesepakatan atau Head of Agreement (HoA) yang di teken pada 2015, Pertamina menjadi pembeli utama gas dengan volume 100 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) dan PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek sebagai pembeli alternatif yang menyerap 85 MMscfd. 

Pada perjanjian tersebut, terdapat klausul yang menyebut Pertamina akan menjadi pembeli alternatif bila PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek tak setuju soal harga yang ditetapkan. Namun, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek tidak jadi membeli gas karena harga yang ditawarkan di anggap terlalu mahal. Pabrik pupuk menginginkan agar harga jual gas US$ 7 per MMBtu. 

Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan standar, skala ekonomi pengembangan lapangan antara kontraktor belum bisa disepakati. Pertamina menganggap dengan rasio pengembalian investasi (internal rate of return/ IRR) 12%-13%, proyek bisa dilanjutkan. Namun, Exxon menilai proyek baru bisa berlanjut jika memiliki IRR 16%. Ke tidak sepakat-an tersebut, sulit mencapai titik temu. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berinisiatif untuk memberi penugasan kepada Pertamina agar lapangan bisa dikembangkan. Untuk menambah IRR, kontraktor bisa mengurangi biaya, menambah produksi juga menambah bagian kontraktor. 

Namun, penambahan produksi dan penambahan bagian kontraktor memerlukan izin pemerintah. Sebelumnya, pemerintah tidak ingin memberikan insentif dan menginginkan agar biaya investasi bisa ditekan kendati membutuhkan teknologi khusus untuk memisahkan gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2) dan Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S) yang menjadi tantangan pengembangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Pemerintah melihat opsi bagaimana kalau ini ditugaskan oleh pemerintah ke Pertamina. Pertamina mengembangkan dan nanti Pertamina suruh bicara dengan Exxon untuk mengambil PI [participating interest/kepemilikan saham] dia [Exxon] di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru.

Kendati Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru menjadi bagian dari Blok Cepu, pembelian saham partisipasi hanya dilakukan pada proyek tersebut. Namun, menurutnya, hal itu tergantung apakah kontraktor berkenan menjual saham partisipasinya dan harga yang ditawarkan cocok. Jadi di divest di lapangan-nya saja. Sebetulnya apa yang tidak bisa, Exxon-nya mau jual saham partisipasinya apa tidak, harganya cocok apa tidak?

Vice President Public and Government Affair ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, pihaknya belum mendapat pemberitahuan secara resmi dari pemerintah. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017 

Saka Energy Must Remove the Sanga-Sanga

If Saka Energy wants to go back to the Sanga-Sanga, should buy more.

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT PGN, the possibility besal must give Sanga Sanga. Therefore, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan will give Sanga-Sanga, one of eight oil and gas blocks will be exhausted in 2018, to Pertamina.

In fact, November 2016 Saka Energi Indonesia to buy shares owned by BP East Kalimantan 26.25%. That is Saka Energi Indonesia will lose rights or lose its stake in Sanga-Sanga. Understandably, a 100% stake in oil and gas block will be given over to Pertamina.

When Saka want to partner again in Sanga-Sanga, then there must be a share purchase transaction there again. However, Director of Energy Saka Tumbur Parlindungan said Saka will not be deprived of the government's decision. For all risks have been calculated prior to a corporate action. "The price of oil goes up. At least, that's the advantage," said Tumbur,

He revealed, until now showing up production contract (PSC) ended in 2018, Saka Energy will still work in Sanga-Sanga. "We are part of the joint operators of the block until the PSC is over," said Tumbur. But he did not answer when asked if saka going back into Sanga-Sanga.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said, Pertamina opportunities for contractors to re-enter the Sanga-Sanga. However, Pertamina will remain the majority. Meanwhile, Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto said share down every field of employment termination eight regions will see the ability of partners to be included in the block to take over. As for the transfer of employees, Pertamina still requires labor. Understandably, Pertamina has limited employees. "So, we transfer those employees who are on the block. They are outsourcing there they control the area," said Dwi.

Associated with the process of the transition period, the Head of Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi explained, such as the Mahakam block, SKK Migas will keep the transition. He acknowledged that not all exactly the same field. "As ONWJ, from PHE to PHE. Some courts instead of Pertamina as the operator, but Pertamina has interest, so the transition to Pertamina will be maintained," said Amien.

Buy assets of ExxonMobil

In addition, the government has also decided to assign Pertamina operation Jambaran Fields Tiung Blue, Cepu Block in East Java. Because Pertamina EP Cepu and ExxonMobil have not also run the oil and gas projects. Therefore, ExxonMobil asking for an internal rate of return (IRR) reached about 16%. Moreover, buyers of gas there is also unclear.

For the record, the work plan or plan of development (POD) Fields Jambaran Blue Tiung been signed SKK Migas Chief since September 2015. Syamsu expect, with the assignment, the Blue Tiung Jambaran gas field could begin. During this time, according Syamsu, in the development field occur Jambaran Blue Tiung economical differences between Pertamina and ExxonMobil.

That is why in order to run the project, the government commissioned Pertamina to continue to develop the field. The trick to take over rights of participation in the field Jambaran Tiung Exxonmobil Blue. "We're going to buy, Exxonmobil shares as much as 45%. However, Pertamina could own, yes, the road itself, we can," said Syamsu.

He stated, if the decision can be taken this year, Pertamina will soon carry out a project of the Blue Tiung Jambaran. Related problems divestment project with Exxon, in parallel we are also talking about, its interest Exxonmobil we buy, "said Syamsu.

Erwin Maryoto, Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia, revealed that the company did not talk about it. So far, both Exxon and Pertamina EP Cepu was looking for a time to talk about it. "What is important for us to be talking about the search for a favorable solution," he said.


Saka Energi Harus Lepas Sanga-Sanga

Jika Saka Energi ingin masuk lagi ke Sanga-Sanga, harus membeli lagi.

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), kemungkinan besal harus merelakan Blok Sanga Sanga. Sebab, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan akan memberikan Blok Sanga-Sanga, satu dari delapan blok migas yang akan habis tahun 2018, kepada Pertamina. 

Padahal, November 2016 Saka Energi Indonesia membeli saham milik BP East Kalimantan sebesar 26,25%.  Artinya Saka Energi Indonesia akan kehilangan hak atau kehilangan sahamnya di Blok Sanga-Sanga. Maklum, 100% saham blok migas tersebut akan diberikan seluruhnya ke Pertamina.

Bila Saka ingin bermitra lagi di Sanga-Sanga, maka harus ada transaksi pembelian saham di sana lagi. Meski demikian, Direktur Utama Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, Saka tidak akan mendapatkan kerugian dengan keputusan pemerintah tersebut. Sebab semua risiko telah dihitung sebelum melakukan sebuah aksi korporasi tersebut. "Harga minyak naik. Paling tidak, itu keuntungannya, " kata Tumbur, 

Dia mengungkapkan, hingga saat ini sampai production showing contract (PSC) berakhir pada tahun 2018 nanti, Saka Energi masih akan bekerja dalam Blok Sanga-Sanga. "Kami bagian dari joint operator di blok tersebut sampai PSC berakhir," kata Tumbur. Namun dia tidak menjawab, ketika ditanya apakah saka akan kembali masuk ke Blok Sanga-Sanga.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam bilang, Pertamina membuka kesempatan bagi kontraktor untuk kembali masuk ke Blok Sanga-Sanga. Namun Pertamina akan tetap menjadi mayoritas. Sementara, Direktur Utama Pertamina, Dwi Soetjipto menyebutkan share down setiap lapangan dari delapan wilayah kerja terminasi akan melihat kemampuan mitra yang akan masuk dalam blok tersebut dalam mengambil alih. Sementara untuk pengalihan karyawan, Pertamina masih membutuhkan tenaga kerja. Maklum, Pertamina memiliki keterbatasan karyawan. "Maka, kami transfer karyawan-karyawan yang ada di blok tersebut. Mereka alih daya di situ mereka kuasai areanya," ucap Dwi.

Terkait dengan proses masa transisi, Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi menerangkan, seperti blok Mahakam, SKK Migas akan menjaga transisi. Ia mengakui tak semua lapangan sama persis. "Seperti ONWJ, dari PHE ke PHE. Beberapa lapangan bukan Pertamina sebagai operator, tapi Pertamina punya interest, Jadi, transisi ke Pertamina akan dijaga, " kata Amien.

Beli aset ExxonMobil

Selain itu, pemerintah akhirnya juga memutuskan menugaskan Pertamina dalam pengoperasian Lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru, Blok Cepu Jawa Timur. Pasalnya Pertamina EP Cepu dan ExxonMobil belum juga menjalankan proyek migas tersebut. Sebab, ExxonMobil meminta internal rate of return (IRR) mencapai sekitar 16%. Apalagi pembeli gas di sana juga belum jelas.

Sebagai catatan, rencana kerja atau plan of development (POD) Lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru sudah diteken Kepala SKK Migas sejak September 2015. Syamsu mengharapkan, dengan penugasan tersebut, Lapangan gas Jambaran Tiung Biru bisa segera dimulai. Selama ini menurut Syamsu, dalam pengembangan Lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru terjadi perbedaan keekonomian antara Pertamina dan ExxonMobil.

Itulah mengapa agar proyek bisa berjalan, pemerintah menugaskan Pertamina untuk tetap mengembangkan lapangan tersebut. Caranya mengambil alih hak partisipasi Exxonmobil di lapangan Jambaran Tiung Biru. "Kami akan beli, saham Exxonmobil sebanyak 45%. Kalau Pertamina sanggup sendiri, ya jalan sendiri, kita sanggup," ungkap Syamsu.

Dia menyatakan, jika keputusan tersebut bisa diambil tahun ini, Pertamina akan segera menjalankan proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru tersebut. Terkait masalah divestasi proyek itu dengan Exxon, kami secara paralel juga bicarakan, interest-nya Exxonmobil kita beli," ujar Syamsu.

Erwin Maryoto, Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia, mengungkapkan, pihaknya memang belum membicarakan masalah itu. Sejauh ini, baik Exxon dan Pertamina EP Cepu sedang mencari waktu untuk membicarakan hal tersebut. "Yang penting bagi kami akan membicarakan soal itu mencari solusi yang menguntungkan," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017 

Pertamina Signed contract extension ONWJ

    The Government, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), approved contractors gross revenue share split Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). With the signing of this contract extension, then Pertamina again entrusted by the government to manage the ONWJ block.

  The agreement was signed at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Head of Unit Special Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi and President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Beni Jaffilius Ibradi, witnessed by Minister Ignatius Jonan.

"Pertamina is ready to implement what the government policy. With the new scheme's gross split, Pertamina as a cooperation contract was challenged to manage the working area of ​​oil and gas efficiently, "said Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto.

  Dwi added that Pertamina can confidently manage ONWJ well and will make a positive contribution to the improvement of the national oil and gas production. In the production sharing contract gross ONWJ split, split the specified final scheme is for 475% of the government's oil and 52.5% of the contractor. Meanwhile, the distribution of gas that is 37.5% of the government and 62.5% of the contractor.

    By the end of 2016 PHE ONWJ production has reached the level of oil production of 35,800 barrels per day (bpd) and gas production by 155 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Production of oil and natural gas PHE ONWJ channeled entirely to the domestic demand.

     Since its development, the total investments made in the block ONWJ reached USD 13.8 billion. Since 2009 PT PHE ONWJ as ONWJ operator has issued a total investment of USD 3.9 billion. "This shows the strong commitment of Pertamina in support of national energy security," said Director of PHE Mount Sardjono.

     Since being taken over by Pertamina in 2009, ONWJ block production increased by nearly twice the figure to 40,000 bpd, some of achievements that have been achieved, among others, the successful completion of the project "Five Subsidence
Remediation "or removal of the bridge simultaneously at Five Fields, using the method of appointment of synchronized hydraulic jacking system.

     This was the first system in the world. In addition, the success was also achieved in the development of new fields GG timely and safe able to increase gas production by 20 MMSCFD.

  Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar emphasized that the scheme processing of oil and gas production sharing contract gross split which rules are officially published on Wednesday (18/1) through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 of 2016 concerning the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split, will not eliminate the control of the state as feared for some ,

"The issue of state sovereignty, the determination of the working area in the hands of the state," said Arcandra yesterday.

  The scheme will calculate your revenue share based on the gross production of oil and gas. There are three types of schemes are applied, namely Base Split (profit sharing basis), Variable Split, and Progressive Split. Base split is the basic division of forms of cooperation, while variable progressive split and split are factors addition to or deduction base split.


Pertamina Teken Pérpanjangan Kontrak Blok ONWJ

  Pemerintah, melalui Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), menyetujui kontraktor bagi hasil gross split Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Dengan ditandatanganinya perpanjangan kontrak ini, maka Pertamina kembali diberikan  kepercayaan oleh pemerintah untuk mengelola blok ONWJ .

  Penandatanganan dilakukan di Kantor Kementerian ESDM oleh Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi dan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) Beni Jaffilius Ibradi, disaksikan oleh Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan.

“Pertamina siap melaksanakan apa yang menjadi kebijakan pemerintah. Dengan skema baru gross split ini, Pertamina sebagai kontraktor kontrak kerja sama merasa tertantang untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas secara efisien," kata Direktur Utama  Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto.

  Dwi menambahkan, Pertamina percaya diri dapat mengelola Blok ONWJ dengan baik dan akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi peningkatan produksi migas nasional. Dalam kontrak bagi hasil gross split Blok ONWJ, skema final split yang ditetapkan adalah untuk minyak 475% bagian pemerintah dan 52,5% bagian kontraktor. Sedangkan, pembagian gas yaitu 37,5% bagian pemerintah dan 62,5% bagian kontraktor.

    Hingga akhir tahun 2016 produksi PHE ONWJ telah mencapai tingkat produksi minyak 35.800 barel per hari (bph) dan produksi  gas sebesar 155 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Produksi minyak dan gas bumi PHE ONWJ disalurkan seluruhnya untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri.

     Sejak dikembangkan, total investasi yang telah dikeluarkan di blok ONWJ mencapai USD 13,8 miliar. Sejak 2009 PT PHE ONWJ sebagai operator Blok ONWJ telah mengeluarkan total investasi sebesar USD 3,9 miliar. "Ini menunjukkan komitmen kuat Pertamina dalam mendukung ketahanan energi nasional,” kata  Direktur Utama PHE Gunung Sardjono.

     Sejak diambil alih oleh Pertamina pada 2009, produksi blok ONWJ meningkat hingga hampir dua kali  ke angka 40.000 bph,  Beberapa prestasi membanggakan yang pernah diraih antara lain keberhasilan menyelesaikan proyek “Lima Subsidence  Remediation" atau pengangkatan anjungan secara simultan di Lapangan Lima, dengan menggunakan metode pengangkatan synchronized hydraulic jacking system. 

     Sistem ini baru pertama kali di dunia. Selain itu, keberhasilan juga dicapai dalam pengembangan lapangan baru GG secara tepat waktu dan aman yang mampu menambah produksi gas sebesar 20 MMSCFD.

  Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menegaskan, skema pengolahan migas dengan kontrak bagi hasil gross split yang aturannya resmi diterbitkan Rabu (18/ 1) melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split, tidak akan menghilangkan kendali negara sebagaimana dikhawatirkan berbagai pihak.

“Soal kedaulatan negara, penentuan wilayah kerja ada di tangan negara,”tegas Arcandra kemarin.

  Skema tersebut akan menghitung pembagian hasil berdasarkan hasil produksi bruto migas. Ada tiga jenis skema yang diaplikasikan, yakni Base Split (bagi hasil dasar), Variable Split, dan Progressive Split. Base split adalah pembagian dasar dari bentuk  kerja sama, sedangkan variable split dan progressive split adalah faktor-faktor penambah atau pengurang base split.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

Gross schemes Split Effective

        Official government assigned PT Pertamina to manage a contract extension with the full participation rights of the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) the production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) was ended January 18, 2017

Pertamina was the first company to use the new scheme based on gross split. "The government has assigned PT Pertamina, which was sent to Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), to manage the working area ONWJ," said Minister Ignatius Jonan.

Jonan precondition to Pertamina that the amount of production in ONWJ should not be decreased. With gross revenue sharing scheme split produces gas division at the government as much as 37.5%, while the cooperation contract (PSC) of 62.50%. Later on oil, governments get a share of 42.5% and 57.5% PSC. Jonan also invited Pertamina to bring back the first partners interested to continue their cooperation with both B to B.

The scheme is a gross split that was first performed. This management is not a contract extension Work Area (WK). Jonan also explains the presence of gross splits, cost recovery or operating costs will be borne by PSC so that it will not burden the state budget.

"Gross split is actually beneficial in terms of government and PSC also more profitable, efficient which is important," he said.

Pertamina appreciate assignment from the government even though the amount of split obtained in ONWJ PSC is not for the split in the previous contract at the time of contracting earn a share 85% oil and 70% gas. However, Pertamina looked at these conditions is a challenge for efficiency. "Split is still lacking. From the split was about 5%, which should be closed efficiency, clearly a challenge for our operations, "said Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto.

Observers energy of Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto doubted renewal scheme will raise investment interest. "It is probably true to facilitate the licensing, but does not excite (investment). The scheme is more suitable for mature fields (parents) because of the risk it is definitely like what, "said Pri.


Skema Gross Split Berlaku

        Pemerintah resmi menugasi PT Pertamina mengelola perpanjangan kontrak dengan hak partisipasi penuh dari Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC)-nya berakhir 18 Januari 2017 

Pertamina menjadi perusahaan pertama yang menggunakan skema baru berbasis gross split. “Pemerintah telah menugasi PT Pertamina, yang diturunkan kepada Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) , untuk mengelola wilayah kerja ONWJ,” kata Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan.

Jonan memberikan syarat kepada Pertamina bahwa jumlah produksi di ONWJ tidak boleh menurun. Pembagian hasil dengan skema gross split menghasilkan pembagian gas pada pemerintah sebanyak 37,5%, sedangkan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) sebanyak 62,50%. Kemudian untuk minyak, pemerintah mendapatkan pembagian 42,5% dan KKKS 57,5%. Jonan juga mempersilakan Pertamina untuk mengajak kembali mitra-mitra yang dulu berminat untuk meneruskan kerja sama mereka dengan baik secara B to B.

Skema itu merupakan gross split yang pertama kali dilakukan. Pengelolaan ini bukan perpanjangan kontrak Wilayah Kerja (WK). Jonan juga menjelaskan dengan adanya gross split, cost recovery atau biaya operasional akan ditanggung KKKS sehingga tidak akan membebani APBN.

“Gross split ini justru menguntungkan dari segi pemerintah dan KKKS juga lebih untung, yang penting efisien,” kata dia.

Pertamina mengapresiasi penugasan dari pemerintah meski besaran split yang diperoleh dalam PSC ONWJ tidak sebesar split dalam kontrak sebelumnya di saat kontraktor memperoleh bagi hasil minyak 85% dan gas 70%. Namun, Pertamina memandang kondisi tersebut menjadi tantangan untuk melakukan efisiensi. “Split memang masih kurang. Dari split itu sekitar 5% yang harus ditutup efisiensi, jelas menjadi tantangan operasi bagi kami,” ujar Direktur Utama Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto.

Pengamat energi dari Reforminer Institute Pri Agung Rakhmanto menyangsikan pembaruan skema akan menaikkan gairah investasi. “Mungkin benar untuk memudahkan perizinan, tapi tidak menggairahkan (investasi). Skema itu lebih cocok untuk lapangan-lapangan mature (tua) karena risiko sudah jelas seperti apa,” kata Pri.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017

Non-public enterprises Sell Shares Participating Interest

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources prohibit Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) or limited liability company belonging to the area to transfer or sell the rights of ownership (participating interest or PI) that has been gained over a working area of ​​oil and gas. When rules are violated, the government will impose sanctions. Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy, Susyanto, said the sanctions were intended can be mild to severe. "It could be a written warning. Can also suspension, freezing PI, or the rights contained in the contract is not awarded, up to revocation PI, "he said.

Susyanto explained, based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral NorNor 37 2016, owned by the local government got deals PI of 10 percent in oil and gas working areas. When the energy minister agreed, they then must hold themselves such ownership "We hope, with this restriction became more apparent."

Minister Regulation number 37 Year 2016 that apply to oil and gas contractors who will develop the field with initial production. "Based on that provision, the contractor shall offer a PI of 10 percent to the public enterprises, since the approval of a development plan document / POD first," said Susyanto.

Oil and gas fields that may be offered to only those within the area of ​​the province or regency / city. "Could be on land or at sea up to a maximum of 12 nautical miles. Susyanto added, oil and gas field is located in a provincial land or water 0-4 miles will be awarded to the enterprises that are coordinated by the Governor, with the involvement of the Regent or Mayor. When you are in the waters 4-12 miles, submitted to the provincial enterprises coordinated by the Governor.

And if it were on land or water border provinces, the handover by agreement between the Governor. The Ministry of Energy gave a maximum period of three months for the governor to make a deal. If they fail to agree, the Minister of Energy will set the amount each province PI PI division will be based on the existence of reservoirs of oil and gas reserves in each area. A local government enterprises gets his ownership rights over oil and gas fields should simplify and speed up the issuing of licenses in the area.


BUMD Dilarang Jual Saham Participating Interest

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melarang Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) atau perseroan terbatas milik daerah untuk mengalihkan atau menjual hak kepemilikan (participating interest atau PI) yang telah diperolehnya atas suatu Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas. Bila aturan itu dilanggar, pemerintah akan menjatuhkan sanksi. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi, Susyanto, mengatakan sanksi yang dimaksud bisa ringan hingga berat. “Bisa berupa teguran tertulis. Bisa juga penangguhan, pembekuan PI, atau hak-hak yang ada di kontrak tidak diberikan, hingga pencabutan PI,” ujar dia .

Susyanto menjelaskan, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nornor 37 Tahun 2016, perusahaan milik pemerintah daerah mendapat penawaran PI sebesar 10 persen di wilayah kerja migas. Bila menteri energi menyetujuinya, selanjutnya perusahaan harus memegang sendiri kepemilikan tersebut  “Kami harap, dengan adanya batasan ini menjadi lebih jelas."

Peraturan Menteri Nomor 37 Tahun 2016 itu berlaku bagi kontraktor migas yang akan mengembangkan lapangan dengan produksi perdana. “Berdasarkan ketentuan itu, kontraktor wajib menawarkan PI sebesar 10 persen kepada BUMD, sejak disetujuinya dokumen plan of development/POD pertama," tutur Susyanto. 

Lapangan migas yang boleh ditawarkan kepada daerah hanya yang berada wilayah provinsi atau kabupaten/kota tersebut. “Bisa di darat dan atau di laut hingga maksimal 12 mil laut. Susyanto menambahkan, lapangan migas yang berada di daratan suatu provinsi atau perairan 0-4 mil akan diberikan kepada satu BUMD yang dikoordinasikan oleh Gubernur, dengan melibatkan Bupati atau Wali Kota. Bila berada di perairan 4-12 mil, diserahkan kepada BUMD provinsi yang dikoordinasikan oleh Gubernur. 

Dan jika berada di daratan atau perairan perbatasan provinsi, penyerahannya melalui kesepakatan antar Gubernur. Kementerian Energi memberi waktu maksimal tiga bulan bagi Gubernur untuk membuat kesepakatan. Jika gagal bersepakat, Menteri Energi yang akan menetapkan besaran PI masing-masing provinsi Pembagian PI akan didasarkan pada keberadaan reservoir cadangan migas di masing-masing wilayah. Pemerintah daerah yang BUMD-nya mendapat hak kepemilikan atas lapangan migas harus mempermudah dan mempercepat proses penerbitan perizinan di daerah.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017

Section Governments in ONWJ Down

The government officially give 100 per cent ownership of the Offshore North West Java or ONWJ to PT Pertamina. Production sharing contract signed between both parties in Jakarta, yesterday.

"We assign Pertamina manage these work areas, on condition that production may not decline and disturbed," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan after signing.

ONWJ well as a work area using the first management contract for gross proceeds (gross split production sharing contract). The new scheme was set up in the Ministry of Energy No. 8 of 2016, which was signed on January 13 last Jonan.

Suctioning oil and gas in the area of work had been done since the Independent Indonesian American Company contracting with the government in 1966 ago. Management then switched to Pertamina since 2009. Because of relatively weak oil and gas fields.

Jonan agree on oil revenue to Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ subsidiary of Pertamina amounted to 57.5 percent and 62.5 percent gas section. The government only take part of oil and gas by 42.5 percent to 37.5 percent. This figure is far less than the previous contract, in which part of government to 85 percent of oil and gas as much as 65 percent.

The government promised additional revenue by 2.5 percent if oil prices reach US $ 85 per barrel. Conversely, if the price on top of that, the revenue share of 2.5 percent would be acceptable state.

       Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar said the government received the results are final, with no replacement cut operational costs (cost recovery). In the old contract, the amount of the average cost of replacement would make oil and gas portion of the government is reduced to 45 percent. "Based on studies of the contract in 10 areas of work. (portion of the countries) could be 40 percent. "

He assured split gross scheme will not harm the contractor. Instead, the contract could make the company's revenue to grow if its operations efficiently.


Bagian Hasil Pemerintah di Blok ONWJ Anjlok

Pemerintah secara resmi memberikan 100 persen kepemilikan Blok Offshore North West Java atau ONWJ kepada PT Pertamina. Kontrak bagi hasil ditanda-tangani kedua pihak di Jakarta, kemarin.

“Kami tugaskan Pertamina mengelola wilayah kerja ini, dengan syarat produksi tidak boleh menurun dan terganggu,” ujar Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan seusai penandatanganan.

Blok ONWJ sekaligus menjadi wilayah kerja pertama yang pengelolaannya menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split production sharing contract). Skema baru itu diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 yang diteken Jonan pada 13 Januari lalu.

Penyedotan minyak dan gas di wilayah kerja itu sudah dilakukan sejak Independent Indonesia American Company berkontrak dengan pemerintah pada 1966 silam. Pengelolaan kemudian beralih ke Pertamina sejak 2009. Karena tergolong ladang migas uzur. 

        Jonan menyepakati bagi hasil minyak untuk Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ anak usaha Pertamina sebesar 57,5 persen dan bagian gas sebesar 62,5 persen. Pemerintah hanya mengambil bagian minyak 42,5 persen dan gas sebesar 37,5 persen. Angka ini jauh lebih sedikit dibanding kontrak sebelumnya, di mana bagian minyak pemerintah mencapai 85 persen dan gas sebanyak 65 persen.

Pemerintah menjanjikan tambahan bagi hasil sebesar 2,5 persen jika harga minyak mencapai US$ 85 per barel. Sebaliknya, jika harga di atas itu, bagi hasil sebesar 2,5 persen bakal diterima negara.

       Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bagi hasil yang diterima pemerintah itu bersifat final, tanpa dipotong biaya pengganti operasional (cost recovery). Dalam kontrak lama, besaran biaya pengganti rata-rata justru membuat porsi migas pemerintah berkurang sampai 45 persen. “Berdasarkan studi dari kontrak di 10 wilayah kerja. (Bagian negara) bisa 40 persen.”

Dia meyakinkan skema gross split tidak akan merugikan kontraktor. Justru, kontrak tersebut bisa membuat pendapatan perusahaan bertambah jika kegiatan operasionalnya efisien.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017