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Saturday, January 21, 2017

2017, Pertamina Hulu Energi Invest Approximately US $ 1 Billion

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) plans to invest approximately US $ 1 billion this year. The fund will be used to boost oil production of 62 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 64 thousand barrels per day and gas of 780 MMSCFD to over 800 MMSCFD

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Mount Sardjono Hadi said, the amount of investment is still to be assessed again after signing Block Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) with gross profit sharing scheme (gross split). Because the planned investment of $ 1 billion is still assumes ONWJ contract with cost recovery scheme. "Investments depend on ONWJ, because he was quite big (investment) average of US $ 500 million. So half (investment) in ONWJ because he is the backbone of production, "he said.

He explained, in cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) long, PHE still has a partner in working ONWJ. When the gross PSC split contract is signed, this block is assigned 100% to Pertamina with the opportunity to release some of the participation rights of existing partners and must split 10% to the local government. "To ONWJ assumption in 2017, we still bear the 100% because there is no
partner, "he said.

With an investment of around US $ 1 billion in the Mountains is targeting an increase in oil and gas production. In the past year, the realization of PHE oil production totaled 62 thousand barrels per day and about 780 MMSCFD gas. While this year, oil production is targeted to increase to 64 thousand barrels per day and gas at over 800 MMSCFD. "Increased production mainly comes from ONWJ and West Madura Offshore block with POD (plan of development ) integrated," said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

Admittedly, oil and gas production from other assets PHE relatively stable. This is because most of the oil and gas run PHE an old field (mature). While some other block contract is almost up, like Block Ogan Ogan, Offshore North Sumatra, and Jambi Merang.

Some blocks are almost out of contract like Block Ogan Ogan, North Sumatra Offshore, and Tuban, has confirmed the government handed over its management to Pertamina. Until a new contract is planned to also use split gross signed, Mount admits he can not most of the investment in order to increase production assets. This means that there are some costs that must be considered first, because the contract expired in 2018. So in 2017, to block termination, will be maintained so that the production is not too down. It makes our investment control, unless the contract (new) signed today.

Contribution of 40%

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina estimate the contribution of oil production to the national oil production will increase to 30-40%, from the previous 24%. This follows the management exerts eight oil and gas blocks out of contract in 2018. Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said, giving a block out of contract by the government is to encourage the state-owned oil and gas company. Although most of these oil and gas blocks, including blocks of old (mature), is optimistic his side can still be managed economically.

Additional production from these blocks will be derived after 2018. With ditambahnya blocks that must be managed, the company contributes to the national oil production will increase. Now (the national oil production) the 825 thousand barrels per day (bpd), Pertamina (production) Domestic 220 thousand bpd. If it is added (8 blocks), added to 30-40% of the national oil production.

Until this, the contribution of oil production compared with the national oil production is only about 24%. While the state-owned oil and gas company most other ordinary countries contribute to 90% of the total production of the country. In fact, as the national oil company Petronas Malaysia, capable of contributing up to 54% of the total national production.

Related anticipation of increased investment of an additional eight oil and gas blocks, Nature calls, it still had to discuss the details of the cooperation contract production sharing contract / PSC) of the block with the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). He said he already submitted proposals for the development plan of the eight oil and gas block.

"But we still assume PSC her still as now (cost recovery scheme) to calculate its economic value. Later we shall see what (with gross schemes split), "he explained. Another thing that is also still to be discussed is the matter of the obligation to set aside funds post-mining (abandonment and site restoration / ASR). The reason, he added, ASR obligation blocks out of contract this must be borne by the new contractor, which means Pertamina.

This obligation would change the economics of oil and gas block count. "If yesterday ASR so cost recovery, the future might not be. It will be like what? There will inevitably lead to its economical impact, "said Alam.

       However, the government policy about eight oil and gas blocks is in line with the target set to take over the management of oil and gas blocks that the contract runs out. In fact, Pertamina expects to contribute up to 50% of the total national oil and gas production in 2025. Pertamina expects to boost its oil production to 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2025.

        Therefore, Pertamina must boost its oil and gas production to be increased by 8% per year. The increase in production is expected from one of them over the governance of oil and gas blocks out of contract in which the company is targeting an additional 450 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day.


2017, Pertamina Hulu Energi Investasi Sekitar US$ 1 Miliar

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) merencanakan investasi sekitar US$ 1 miliar pada tahun ini. Dana tersebut akan dipakai untuk menggenjot produksi minyak dari 62 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 64 ribu bph dan gas dari 780 mmscfd menjadi di atas 800 mmscfd

Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi menuturkan, besaran investasi tersebut masih akan dikaji lagi setelah penandatanganan Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) dengan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Pasalnya, rencana investasi USS 1 miliar tersebut masih mengasumsikan kontrak Blok ONWJ dengan skema cost recovery. “Investasi depend on ONWJ, karena dia cukup besar (investasinya) rata-rata US$ 500 juta. Jadi setengahnya (investasi) di ONWJ karena dia backbone produksi,” kata dia.

Dia menjelaskan, dalam kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) yang lama, PHE masih memiliki mitra dalam menggarap Blok ONWJ. Ketika kontrak PSC gross split diteken, blok ini ditugaskan 100% kepada Pertamina dengan kesempatan melepas sebagian hak partisipasinya kepada mitra eksisting dan wajib membagi 10% kepada pemerintah daerah setempat. “Untuk Blok ONWJ asumsinya di 2017 ini kami masih menanggung 100% karena belum ada
mitra,” ujarnya.

Dengan investasi di kisaran US$ 1 miliar tersebut, Gunung menargetkan adanya peningkatan produksi migas. Pada tahun lalu, realisasi produksi minyak PHE tercatat sebesar 62 ribu bph dan gas sekitar 780 mmscfd. Sementara pada tahun ini, produksi minyak ditargetkan naik menjadi 64 ribu bph dan gas di atas 800 mmscfd. “Peningkatan produksi utamanya berasal dari Blok ONWJ dan Blok West Madura Offshore dengan POD (plan ofdevelopment/rencana pengembangan) terintegrasi,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi. 

Diakuinya, produksi migas dari aset-aset lain PHE relatif stabil. Hal ini lantaran sebagian blok migas yang dikelola PHE merupakan lapangan tua (mature). Sementara beberapa blok lain kontraknya sudah hampir habis, seperti Blok Ogan Komering, North Sumatera Offshore, dan Jambi Merang.

Beberapa blok yang hampir habis kontrak seperti Blok Ogan Komering, North Sumatera Offshore, dan Tuban, telah dipastikan pemerintah diserahkan pengelolaannya kepada Pertamina. Sampai kontrak baru yang rencananya juga menggunakan gross split diteken, Gunung mengakui pihaknya tidak bisa kebanyakan investasi guna menaikkan produksi aset-aset. Artinya ada beberapa cost yang harus diperhitungkan dulu, karena kontrak habis tahun 2018. Jadi di 2017, untuk blok terminasi, akan dijaga agar produksi tidak terlalu turun. Jadinya investasinya kita kontrol, kecuali kontrak (barunya) diteken sekarang.

Kontribusi 40%

Sementara itu, PT Pertamina memperkirakan kontribusi produksi minyaknya terhadap produksi minyak nasional bakal naik menjadi 30-40%, dari sebelumnya sekitar 24%. Hal ini menyusul diberikannya pengelolaan delapan blok migas yang habis kontraknya pada 2018. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pemberian blok habis kontrak oleh pemerintah ini memang untuk mendorong perusahaan migas pelat merah itu. Meski kebanyakan blok migas ini termasuk blok tua (mature), pihaknya optimistis tetap dapat dikelola secara ekonomi.

Tambahan produksi dari blok-blok ini akan diperoleh perseroan setelah 2018. Dengan ditambahnya blok yang harus dikelola, kontribusi perseroan terhadap produksi minyak nasional akan meningkat. Sekarang (produksi minyak nasional) kan 825 ribu barel per hari (bph), Pertamina (produksi) domestik 220 ribu bph. Kalau tambah itu (8 blok), tambah menjadi 30-40% dari produksi minyak nasional.

Sampai ini, kontribusi produksi minyak Pertamina dibandingkan dengan produksi minyak nasional baru sekitar 24%. Sementara perusahaan migas pelat merah negara biasa lain kebanyakan berkontribusi sampai 90% dari total produksi negara tersebut. Bahkan, Petronas sebagai perusahaan migas nasional Malaysia, mampu berkontribusi sampai 54% dari total produksi nasional. 

Terkait antisipasi peningkatan investasi dari tambahan delapan blok migas ini, Alam menyebut, pihaknya masih harus membahas detail kontrak kerja sama production sharing contract/PSC) blok tersebut dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Pihaknya memang sudah memasukkan proposal rencana pengembangan delapan blok migas tersebut.

“Tetapi kami masih berasumsi PSC-nya masih seperti sekarang (skema cost recovery) untuk menghitung keekonomian-nya. Nanti kami harus lihat seperti apa (dengan skema gross split),” jelas dia. Hal lain yang juga masih akan dibahas adalah soal kewajiban menyisihkan dana pascatambang (abandonment and site restoration/ASR). Pasalnya, tambah dia, kewajiban ASR blok-blok habis kontrak ini harus ditanggung oleh kontraktor baru yang berarti Pertamina. 

Kewajiban ini bakal mengubah hitungan keekonomian blok migas tersebut. “Kalau kemarin ASR jadi cost recovery, ke depan mungkin tidak. Ini akan seperti apa?  Pasti akan mengakibatkan ada impact keekonomian-nya,” kata Alam.

       Namun, kebijakan pemerintah soal delapan blok migas ini sejalan dengan target Pertamina untuk mengambil alih pengelolaan blok-blok migas yang habis kontrak. Bahkan, Pertamina menargetkan dapat berkontribusi sampai 50% dari total produksi migas nasional pada 2025 nanti. Pertamina menargetkan dapat menggenjot produksi migas-nya menjadi 1,9 juta barel setara minyak per hari pada 2025. 

Untuk itu, Pertamina harus menggenjot produksi migas-nya agar naik 8% per tahun. Peningkatan produksi salah satunya diharapkan dari alih kelola blok migas habis kontrak dimana perseroan menargetkan tambahan 450 ribu barel setara minyak per hari.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan, 21, 2017

Cepu production to be boosted to 200 Thousand Barrels Per Day

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ignatius Jonan, said crude oil production Banyu Urip, Cepu, Bojonegoro District, will be increased from the current 180 thousand barrels per day to 200 thousand barrels per day. However, the increase in crude oil production was still awaiting the approval of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the Ministry of Environment. "Currently SKK Migas and ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) is preparing in order to EIA approval from the Ministry of Environment could be faster," he said during a visit in the oil and gas field Banyu Urip, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro.

According Jonan, the increase in crude oil production from Banyu Urip Cepu Block this could add to the national crude oil production. Currently, he said, the national crude oil production of about 815 thousand barrels per day. About 20 per cent of national crude oil production was obtained from crude oil production from Banyu Urip, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro. "If the government wanted to increase production this can be done the sooner the better, he said.

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Erwin Maryoto, adding, this time actually already done trials increased production of crude oil in Banyu Urip, Cepu, ie the range of 200 thousand to 203 thousand barrels per day. "We were asked by SKK Migas conducting trials with high production.

Crude oil production without new facilities could reach over 185 thousand barrels per day. Then, we also test production of 200 thousand barrels per day. According to Erwin, pending approval from the Ministry of Environment EIA, crude oil production in Banyu Urip, Cepu, tested this week raised. Already the trial and there was no problem.

SKK Migas head, Amien Sunaryadi, said the potential crude oil reserves Banyu Urip, Cepu, estimated to exceed the original estimate. Previous crude reserves Banyu Urip was about 450 million barrels per day. Currently being investigated reserve estimates of crude oil Banyu Urip was about 520 million barrels. In fact, there are probable reserves of crude oil Banyu Urip was approximately 729 million barrels.

Crude oil production from Banyu Urip, Cepu, comes from 45 wells. Oil and gas fields Banyu Urip, Cepu, located diareal area of ​​450 hectares in the District Gayam, Bojonegoro. In addition to oil and gas fields Banyu Urip, Cepu, the EMCL is also developing oil and gas fields Kedung Keris is expected to produce 5,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

Support Refinery Mini

During his visit, Jonan also expressed support for the desire producing areas of oil and gas as Bojonegoro to establish a mini refinery. Government support if local governments want to build a refinery mini (mini refinery) to use their own money, "said Jonan.

According to him, the current government it takes a lot of crude oil refineries. He said, currently national crude oil consumption needs of about 1.6 million barrels per day. Meanwhile, the ability of crude oil refineries in Indonesia currently only about 800 thousand barrels per day.


Produksi Blok Cepu Akan Digenjot 200 Ribu Barel Per Hari

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Ignasius Jonan, mengatakan, produksi minyak mentah lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, akan dinaikkan dari saat ini 180 ribu barel per hari menjadi 200 ribu barel per hari. Namun, peningkatan produksi minyak mentah itu masih menunggu persetujuan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. “Saat ini SKK Migas dan ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) sedang mempersiapkan agar persetujuan Amdal dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup bisa lebih cepat," ujarnya saat berkunjung di lapangan migas Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro.

Menurut Jonan, peningkatan produksi minyak mentah dari lapangan Banyu Urip Blok Cepu ini bisa menambah produksi minyak mentah nasional. Saat ini, kata dia, produksi minyak mentah nasional sekitar 815 ribu barel per hari. Sekitar 20 persen produksi minyak mentah nasional itu diperoleh dari produksi minyak mentah dari lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro. “Kalau dari pemerintah inginnya peningkatan produksi ini bisa dilakukan lebih cepat lebih baik, ujarnya. 

Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Erwin Maryoto, menambahkan, saat ini sebenarnya sudah dilakukan ujicoba peningkatan produksi minyak mentah di lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, yakni dikisaran 200 ribu hingga 203 ribu barel per hari. “Kami diminta oleh SKK Migas melakukan ujicoba dengan produksi tinggi. 

Produksi minyak mentah tanpa fasilitas baru bisa mencapai di atas 185 ribu barel per hari. Kemudian, kami juga ujicoba produksi di atas 200 ribu barel per hari. Menurut Erwin, sambil menunggu persetujuan amdal dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, produksi minyak mentah di lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, dalam seminggu ini diuji coba dinaikkan. Sudah dilakukan percobaan dan tidak ada masalah.

Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi, mengatakan, potensi cadangan minyak mentah lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, diperkirakan melebihi perkiraan semula. Sebelumnya cadangan minyak mentah lapangan Banyu Urip sekitar 450 juta barel per hari. Saat ini sedang diteliti perkiraan cadangan minyak mentah lapangan Banyu Urip sekitar 520 juta barel. Bahkan, ada kemungkinan cadangan minyak mentah lapangan Banyu Urip sekitar 729 juta barel.

Produksi minyak mentah dari lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, berasal dari 45 sumur. Lapangan migas Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, berada diareal seluas 450 hektare di wilayah Kecamatan Gayam, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Selain lapangan migas Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, pihak EMCL juga sedang mengembangkan lapangan migas Kedung Keris yang diperkirakan bisa memproduksi minyak mentah sebesar 5.000 barel per hari.

Dukung Kilang Mini 

Dalam kunjungannya, Jonan juga menyatakan dukungan atas keinginan daerah penghasil minyak dan gas bumi seperti Kabupaten Bojonegoro untuk mendirikan kilang mini. Pemerintah mendukung kalau pemerintah daerah mau membangun kilang mini (mini refinery) pakai duit sendiri,” kata Jonan.

Menurutnya, saat ini pemerintah memang butuh banyak kilang pengolahan minyak mentah. Ia menyebutkan, saat ini kebutuhan konsumsi minyak mentah nasional sekitar 1,6 juta barel per hari. Sedangkan, kemampuan kilang pengolahan minyak mentah di Indonesia saat ini baru sekitar 800 ribu barel per hari.

Koran Sindo, Page-16, Saturday, Jan, 21, 2017

Oil and Gas Production Time Can Be Faster


Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar ensure future oil and gas production from exploration activities to be faster 2-3 years with the concept for the production of gross or gross split. The concept is considered more modest than the concept of revenue sharing with the component cost recovery or operating costs that can be replaced.

According Arcandra, since the era of the 2000s, the contractor takes 15-16 years from the quest for oil to the production stage using the concept for the results. With the time savings, operating costs can be much more efficient contractor.

"Time of 2-3 years who no longer needed it is time for the preparation of the FEED (front end engineering design / design basic planning) to EPC (engineering, procurement and construction / planning, procurement, and construction). They are free to arrange them without alternating seek approval SKK Migas on average takes 2-3 years, "said Arcandra.

Nevertheless, the concept of gross split can not guarantee that oil and gas production in the country will increase exploration activities rose, or make oil and gas investments in the country improves, certainly, further Arcandra, massive parts of the country in this concept more clearly. This concept can be improved. "Time will tell whether the split made a gross investment climate for the better and so on," said Arcandra.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja I Gusti Nyoman added that the central government has a lot to cut and merge a number of licensing. Currently, permits oil and gas sector in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources only six types, namely two permits in the upstream and four licenses in the downstream.

"The year before required 42 permits. In fact, in the past can be more than 100 licenses. Now only six permits, and it has a maximum or can not be summarized again. It's part of an effort accelerate and simplify the bureaucracy, "said Wiratmaja.

Executive Director of the economic value of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said, the concept of gross split should not lower the economic value of an oil and gas field when compared with the concept of cost recovery. Moreover, said Marjolijn, oil and gas investment climate amid sluggish in recent years. Investments in this sector also decreased with the drop in oil prices.

"We remain supportive of this concept. Just do not get the economic value of oil and gas projects will be lower when compared to the concept of cost recovery, "said Marjolijn. The Government has issued Decree No. 8 of 2017 Energy and Mineral Resources on the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split. This concept applies to new oil and gas contracts and contracts that have been terminated. As for the oil and gas contract extension result, contractors have two options, whether to use gross split or cost recovery.

Oil and gas contracts are still ongoing cost recovery will be respected until the end of his contract. Model gross split was first applied to the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) managed by full-PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ on Wednesday (18/1). With the model of the contract, part of the state is set at 47.5 percent and 52.5 percent for the contractor parts oil.

As for natural gas, the state's share of 37.5 percent, while the contractor 62.5 percent. Contract Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ on the force for 20 years or until January 17, 2037.


Masa Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bisa Lebih Cepat

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar menjamin masa produksi minyak dan gas bumi sejak kegiatan eksplorasi menjadi lebih cepat 2-3 tahun dengan konsep bagi hasil produksi bruto atau gross split. Konsep tersebut dinilai lebih sederhana dibanding konsep bagi hasil dengan komponen cost recovery atau biaya operasi yang dapat digantikan.

Menurut Arcandra, sejak era 2000-an, kontraktor butuh waktu 15-16 tahun sejak usaha pencarian minyak hingga tahap produksi dengan menggunakan konsep bagi hasil. Dengan adanya penghematan waktu, biaya operasi kontraktor bisa jauh lebih hemat.

”Waktu 2-3 tahun yang tidak diperlukan lagi itu adalah waktu untuk penyusunan FEED (front end engineering design /desain perencanaan dasar) hingga EPC (engineering, procurement and construction/perencanaan, pengadaan, dan konstruksi). Mereka bebas menyusunnya tanpa bolak-balik meminta persetujuan SKK Migas yang rata-rata butuh waktu 2-3 tahun,” ujar Arcandra.

Meski demikian, konsep gross split tidak bisa menjamin bahwa produksi migas dalam negeri akan meningkat, kegiatan eksplorasi naik, atau membuat  investasi migas dalam negeri membaik, yang pasti, lanjut Arcandra, besaran bagian negara dalam konsep ini lebih jelas. Konsep ini masih bisa diperbaiki. ”Waktu yang akan membuktikan apakah dengan gross split membuat iklim investasi menjadi lebih baik dan sebagainya,” ujar Arcandra.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja menambahkan, pemerintah pusat sudah banyak memangkas dan menggabungkan sejumlah perizinan. Saat ini, perizinan sektor migas di Kementerian ESDM hanya tinggal enam jenis, yaitu dua izin di bagian hulu dan empat izin di bagian hilir.

”Tahun sebelumnya dibutuhkan 42 izin. Bahkan, di masa lalu bisa lebih dari 100 izin. Sekarang hanya enam izin, dan itu sudah maksimal atau tidak bisa diringkas lagi. Ini bagian dari usaha mempercepat dan menyederhanakan birokrasi,” kata Wiratmaja.

Nilai keekonomian Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, konsep gross split sebaiknya tidak menurunkan nilai keekonomian sebuah lapangan migas apabila dibandingkan dengan konsep cost recovery. Apalagi, kata Marjolijn, iklim investasi migas tengah lesu dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Investasi di sektor ini juga menurun seiring dengan anjloknya harga minyak.

”Kami tetap mendukung konsep ini. Hanya saja, jangan sampai nilai keekonomian proyek migas menjadi lebih rendah saat dibandingkan dengan konsep cost recovery,” ucap Marjolijn. Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Konsep ini berlaku bagi kontrak migas baru dan kontrak yang sudah diterminasi. Adapun untuk kontrak migas hasil perpanjangan, kontraktor mempunyai dua pilihan, apakah menggunakan gross split atau cost recovery. 

Kontrak migas cost recovery yang masih berlangsung akan tetap dihormati sampai habis masa kontraknya. Model gross split pertama kali diterapkan untuk Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang dikelola penuh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ pada Rabu (18/1). Dengan model kontrak tersebut, bagian negara ditetapkan sebesar 47,5 persen dan bagian kontraktor 52,5 persen untuk minyak.

Adapun untuk gas bumi, bagian negara 37,5 persen, sedangkan bagian kontraktor 62,5 persen. Kontrak Pertamina Hulu Energi pada Blok ONWJ tersebut berlaku selama 20 tahun atau hingga 17 Januari 2037

Kompas, Page-17, Saturday, Jan, 21, 2017

Oil and Gas Production accelerated

Gross Split Scheme

The implementation of production sharing contracts (production sharing contract) with a gross scheme claimed split could make the field of oil and gas production two years ahead

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said the equal sharing contractors (PSC) takes a long time from the start sourcing and production of oil and gas. Because the shorter the time that should have gone for their approval process activities and costs ditubuh Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) when using the PSC cost recovery regime.

His ambitious expectations, he said, the time it takes the field since reserves are found to produce its first oil and gas can be realized within a period of five years as it did in the era of the '70s. However, the reality of her, he called the new limited time savings of two years. "At least, we can save two years but if saving 10 year may he said.

Wood Mackenzie, called the average time it takes for a pitch to produce oil or gas that is more than 15 years. In general, in Southeast Asia requires 12 years - 13 years. Meanwhile, the global time is actually shorter again which ranges from seven to eight years.

Earlier, Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan said that since the 1970s, the time spent to invest in upstream oil and gas tend to be longer. In that era, he explains, it takes only five years from exploration to produce oil and gas field. In addition, the length of time is not balanced with the cooperation contract.

The cooperation contract, he said, was only set 30 years. As a result, the time to monetize more limited. Moreover, the contract extension had to wait up to two years to get approval from the government. "Time to production is not decreasing actually increased."


In connection with the application of gross split, 'a number of the existing contractors working area which is out of contract still weighing whether to re-engage in the management of the working area for the shift from production contracts (PSC) gross cost recovery be split. President Director of PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan says it still can not decide whether to get involved in the management of the working area with a gross PSC split. The difference, he said, is there. However, such differences do not necessarily improve the economies of scale of the project.

Meanwhile, Saka manage one in eight work areas assigned to Pertamina after the contract expires in 2018. In the Sanga-Sanga compositions participation shares 26.25% owned by BP East Kalimantan, Lasmo Sanga-Sanga 26,2S%, Virginia International Co amounted to 18.62%, Upicol Houston Inc. 20% and Universe Gas & Oil Company Inc 4.37%.

In 2016, Saka buy shares of BP's participation through the BP East Kalimantan 26.25% in Sanga-Sanga. "Not to take a look. Can not answer right now. The difference was significant but not necessarily add to the economical, "
he said.

Previously, he said, with a working area Sanga-Sanga, he said, the parent company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) plans to build a transmission pipeline in Kalimantan. Because, in Kalimantan untapped gas infrastructure. "So the goal for building infrastructure. So we are not competing with others, PGN wake infra if there are sources of gas. "

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan said it commissioned the management of eight working area which is out of contract in 2018. The assignment is expected to maintain production. Noted, there are eight other work areas that will be using the scheme for gross split assigned to the 2018 block Pertamina Tuban, East Java (JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java), Block Ogan Ogan, South Sumatra (JOB Pertamina-Talisman), Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan (Indonesia Oil Company Virginia LIL / VICO); Block Southeast Sumatra, Lampung (CNOOC SES Ltd.); Blocks Offshore North Sumatra, Aceh (ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc.); Central Block, East Kalimantan (Total E & P Indonesie); Fast block Kalimantan, East Kalimantan (Chevron Indonesia Company) and blocks Attaka, East Kalimantan (Chevron).

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pertamina Soetjipto said it would offer to the existing contractor so that production can be maintained. When in the Offshore North West Java it set limits on the sale of participation shares or share down by 25%, on the other block it will adjust the composition of participation shares and the ability of the existing contractor. "For eight regions Keria, we see the position of shale before, "he said.

Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said that with an additional eight work areas will be out of contract, the company's production to domestic oil production could increase to around 30% to 40% from the current 24% of its production target ready for sale or lifting of around 220,000 barrels per day.


Skema Gross Split

Produksi Migas Terakselerasi

Penerapan kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract) dengan skema gross split diklaim bisa membuat lapangan minyak dan gas bumi berproduksi dua tahun lebih cepat

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengatakan saat ini kontraktor kontrak kerja sarna (KKKS) membutuhkan waktu yang panjang dari mulai pencarian sumber migas hingga produksi. Pasalnya, waktu yang seharusnya lebih singkat telah habis karena adanya prosés persetujuan kegiatan dan biaya ditubuh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) ketika menggunakan rezim PSC cost recovery. 

Harapan ambisius-nya, katanya, waktu yang dibutuhkan lapangan sejak ditemukan cadangan hingga menghasilkan migas pertamanya bisa terwujud dalam kurun waktu lima tahun seperti yang terjadi pada era 70-an. Namun, realitas-nya, dia menyebut penghematan waktu baru sebatas dua tahun. “Paling tidak, kita bisa hemat dua tahun tapi kalau hemat 10
tahun mungkin   ujarnya.

Wood Mackenzie, menyebut rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah lapangan menghasilkan minyak atau gas yakni lebih dari 15 tahun. Secara umum, di Asia Tenggara membutuhkan 12 tahun - 13 tahun. Sementara itu, secara global waktunya justru lebih singkat lagi yakni berkisar tujuh sampai delapan tahun.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan mengatakan sejak 1970-an, waktu yang dihabiskan untuk berinvestasi di hulu migas cenderung lebih panjang. Pada era itu, dia menjelaskan, hanya dibutuhkan waktu selama lima tahun dari waktu eksplorasi hingga lapangan menghasilkan minyak dan gas. Di samping itu, panjangnya waktu tidak di imbangi dengan masa kontrak kerja sama. 

Masa kontrak kerja sama, katanya, hanya ditetapkan 30 tahun. Alhasil, waktu untuk memonetisasi lebih terbatas. Terlebih, perpanjangan kontrak pun harus menanti hingga dua tahun untuk mendapat persetujuan dari pemerintah. “Time to production bukan menurun justru bertambah."


Berkaitan dengan penerapan gross split, sejumlah kontraktor eksisting dari wilayah kerja yang habis masa kontraknya masih menimbang apakah akan kembali terlibat dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja yang beralih dari kontrak bagi produksi (PSC) cost recovery menjadi gross split. Presdir PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan pihaknya masih belum bisa memutuskan apakah akan terlibat dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja dengan PSC gross split. Perbedaan, katanya, memang ada. Namun, perbedaan tersebut belum tentu bisa meningkatkan skala ekonomi proyek.

Adapun, Saka mengelola satu di antara delapan wilayah kerja yang ditugaskan kepada Pertamina setelah masa kontrak berakhir pada 2018. Pada Blok Sanga-Sanga komposisi saham partisipasi sebesar 26,25% dikuasai BP East Kalimantan, LASMO Sanga-Sanga 26,2S%, Virginia International Co sebesar 18,62%, Upicol Houston Inc 20% dan Universe Gas&Oil Company Inc 4,37%. 

Pada 2016, Saka membeli saham partisipasi BP melalui BP East Kalimantan sebesar 26,25% di Blok Sanga-Sanga. “Belum kita lihat. Belum bisa jawab sekarang. Perbedaannya signifikan tapi belum tentu bisa nambah keekonomian,” ujarnya. 

Sebelumnya, dia menyebut, dengan pengelolaan wilayah kerja Sanga-Sanga, katanya, induk usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) berencana membangun jaringan pipa transmisi di Kalimantan. Pasalnya, di Kalimantan belum tersentuh infrastruktur gas. “Jadi tujuannya untuk bangun infrastruktur. Jadi kita bukan berkompetisi dengan yang lain, PGN bangun infra kalau ada sumber gasnya.”

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mengatakan pihaknya menugaskan pengelolaan delapan wilayah kerja yang habis masa kontraknya pada 2018. Penugasan tersebut diharapkan bisa mempertahankan produksi. Tercatat, terdapat delapan wilayah kerja lainnya yang akan menggunakan skema gross split karena ditugaskan kepada Pertamina yakni 2018 Blok Tuban, Jawa Timur (JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java), Blok Ogan Komering, Sumatera Selatan (JOB Pertamina-Talisman), Blok Sanga-Sanga, Kalimantan Timur (Virginia Indonesia Oil Company LIL/ VICO); Blok Southeast Sumatera, Lampung (CNOOC SES Limited); Blok North Sumatera Offshore, Aceh (ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc); Blok Tengah, Kalimantan Timur (Total E&P Indonesie) ; Blok Fast Kalimantan, Kalimantan Timur (Chevron Indonesia Company) dan Blok Attaka, Kalimantan Timur (Chevron).

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan pihaknya akan menawarkan kepada kontraktor eksisting agar produksi bisa terjaga. Bila pada Blok Offshore North West Java pihaknya menetapkan batas penjualan saham partisipasi atau share down sebesar 25%, pada blok lainnya pihaknya akan menyesuaikan dengan komposisi saham partisipasi dan kemampuan kontraktor eksisting. “Untuk delapan wilayah keria, kita lihat posisi shale yang sebelumnya,” katanya. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam mengatakan dengan tambahan delapan wilayah kerja yang akan habis masa kontraknya, produksi perseroan terhadap produksi minyak domestik bisa bertambah menjadi sekitar 30% hingga 40% dari posisi saat ini 24% dari target produksi siap jual atau lifting yakni sekitar 220.000 barel per hari. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Jan, 21, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Gross Split schemes not Satisfy Contractors

Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah appreciated government measures to seriously implement the new scheme of oil and gas production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) with gross split although not yet satisfactory overall contractor.

The new scheme is set out in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8, 2016 on Production Sharing Contracts Gross Split were released on Wednesday (18/1). Our appreciation of this moment there is gross split, "he said. Sammy explained gross scheme is proposed split of the contractors so that they can still reach the economical, especially for operations in the area of ​​non-conventional.

      However, he thinks the government should be able to give a better offer to contractors. According to CEO Ephindo it, there are still things that need to be discussed again in the new scheme, especially regarding economies of scale. For some exploration and new block, gross "split in the offer is not attractive."

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the idea of big government changed the PSC scheme departing from efforts to reform the investment climate upstream oil and gas from the realm of bureaucracy to stimulate the investment climate. The government also wants businesses (cooperation contract / PSC) more efficiently run the upstream oil and gas business for oil and gas operating costs / (cost recovery) returned the country continues to swell, is inversely proportional to the level of state revenue.

"This is our best effort. Our ideals that business processes more transparent and following pressing gap efficiency can be achieved. Indeed, there is no guarantee (production will rise), but this was his way is better, "said Arcandra. In 2016, the component cost recovery in the APBN-P 2016 "jumped to US $ 11.4 billion.

       Through the PSC scheme, gross split the country no longer worry about the cost recovery due to the cost borne by the contractor.


Skema Gross Split belum Puaskan Kontraktor

Direktur Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah mengapresiasi langkah pemerintah yang serius menerapkan skema baru kontrak bagi hasil migas (production sharing contract/ PSC) dengan gross split meski belum bisa memuaskan kontraktor secara keseluruhan.

Skema baru itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 8, Tahun 2016 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split yang dirilis pada Rabu (18/1). Kami apresiasi saat ini ada gross split,” katanya. Sammy menjelaskan skema gross split memang usulan para kontraktor agar mereka bisa tetap mencapai keekonomian, terutama untuk operasional di wilayah kerja non-konvensional. 

Namun, ia menilai pemerintah seharusnya bisa memberikan tawaran yang lebih baik kepada kontraktor.  Menurut CEO Ephindo itu, masih ada hal yang perlu dibahas kembali dalam skema baru itu, terutama mengenai skala keekonomian. Bagi beberapa usaha eksplorasi dan blok baru, gross” split yang di tawarkan tidak menarik.”

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan ide besar pemerintah mengubah skema PSC berangkat dari upaya mereformasi iklim investasi hulu migas dari ranah birokrasi untuk menggairahkan iklim investasi. Pemerintah juga ingin pelaku usaha (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama/ KKKS) lebih efisien menjalankan bisnis hulu migas karena beban biaya operasi migas/ (cost recovery) yang dikembalikan negara terus membengkak, berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat penerimaan negara.  

“Ini usaha terbaik kita. Cita-cita kita bahwa proses bisnis lebih transparan dan berikut menekan gap efisiensi bisa tercapai. Memang tidak ada jaminan (produksi akan naik), tapi ini arah-nya lebih baik,” ujar Arcandra. Pada 2016, komponen cost recovery dalam APBN-P 2016" melonjak hingga US$ 11,4 miliar.

Melalui skema PSC ,gross split negara tak lagi memusingkan cost recovery lantaran biaya ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh kontraktor.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

The acquisition of oil and gas field is getting crowded

The oil giant is eyeing assets in various countries.

Oil companies world abuzz for mergers and acquisitions, after the industry experienced a decline in the last year. This time, large companies choose to master wells for exploration and development of smaller oil reserves in order to hoist each.

Data from Reuters said, since November 2016, there were 11 mergers and acquisitions worth a total of US $ 31 billion average oil company disbursed US $ 500 million for each transaction and akuisisi.Yang sizeable merger is a transaction between British Petroleum (BP) and Kosmos Energy for US $ 1 billion in Mauritania and Senegal; BP and ENI worth US $ 375 million in oil field Zohr, Egypt; and the acquisition of Total on land owned by Statoil in Brazil.

As for the data research firm Energy Market Square mention, last December, the total value of the acquisition of oil and gas fields has tripled compared to the previous month. Transaction value equivalent to one quarter of last year. This condition coincides with the agreement of member countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting (OPEC) to cut production in order to hoist the price.

That trend was continued in the first quarter of this year. In the midst of his flagging oil prices, large companies choose to control assets "half finished" than dealing with exploration contracts are costly and risky. One of them who had mastered Total assets of Tullow Oil in Uganda worth US $ 900 million. Exxon and Noble Energy also completed transactions valued at US $ 10 billion to the control wells in the Permian Basin, one of the largest oil and gas fields in the United States.

According to the Chief Executive of Premier Oil, Tony Durrant, the average oil and gas company is looking for loopholes to re-accumulate assets. Moreover, the average field experience penurnman oil reserves of up to 10 percent per year. Expectations came true when the players were met with mediocre oil and gas operators who are in debt. "After a long wait, now they like sharpening a pencil," he said.

Co-Manager of Guinness Global Oil and Gas Exploration Trust, Sachin Oza, said the opportunity to acquire bigger if the projected increase in oil prices is really happening and significant value this year. According to him, the oil companies had only one choice to be able to hoist the performance but still save on capital expenditure of up to three years. "Instead of spending five years of development, there is only one choice. Just buy a ready-made, "he said.

Now, the "seller" and "buyer" amid strong race. The vendor intentionally wasting time by prolonging the negotiations, hoping the transaction will be realized when oil prices are at high levels. Instead, the buyers bid over backwards and seeks a merger acquisition before oil prices began to skyrocket. 

        Analysts from Morgan Stanley, Martijn Rats, said the average transaction occurs when oil prices are at $ 60-65 per barrel. Still well below the long-term forecast


Akuisisi Ladang Migas Semakin Ramai

Raksasa minyak mengincar aset di berbagai negara.

Perusahaan minyak dunia beramai-ramai melakukan merger dan akuisisi, setelah industri ini mengalami kelesuan dalam setahun terakhir. Kali ini, perusahaan besar memilih menguasai sumur-sumur eksplorasi dan pengembangan yang lebih kecil guna mengerek cadangan minyak masing-masing.

Data dari Reuters menyebutkan, sejak November 2016, ada 11 merger dan akuisisi senilai total US$ 31 miliar Rata-rata perusahaan minyak mengucurkan dana US$ 500 juta untuk setiap transaksi merger dan akuisisi.Yang cukup besar adalah transaksi antara British Petroleum (BP) dan Kosmos Energy senilai US$ 1 miliar di Mauritania dan Senegal; BP dengan ENI senilai US$ 375 juta di ladang minyak Zohr, Mesir; serta akuisisi Total atas ladang milik Statoil di Brasil.

Adapun data firma riset Energy Market Square menyebutkan, Desember lalu, total nilai akuisisi ladang-ladang migas melonjak tiga kali lipat dibanding bulan sebelumnya. Nilainya setara dengan transaksi satu kuartal tahun lalu. Kondisi ini bertepatan dengan kesepakatan negara-negara anggota Organisasi Eksportir Minyak (OPEC) untuk memangkas produksi demi mengerek harga.

Tren itu pun berlanjut pada kuartal I tahun ini. Di tengah lesu-nya harga minyak, perusahaan-perusahaan besar memilih untuk menguasai aset “separuh jadi”  daripada menangani kontrak eksplorasi yang membutuhkan biaya besar dan berisiko tinggi. Salah satunya Total yang berhasil menguasai aset Tullow Oil di Uganda senilai US$ 900 juta. ExxonMobile dan Noble Energy juga menyelesaikan transaksi senilai US$ 10 miliar untuk penguasaan sumur di Permian Basin, salah satu ladang migas terbesar di Amerika Serikat.

Menurut Kepala Eksekutif Premier Oil, Tony Durrant, rata-rata perusahaan migas tengah mencari celah untuk kembali menumpuk aset. Apalagi rata-rata ladang mengalami penurnman cadangan minyak hingga 10 persen per tahun. Harapan terwujud saat para pemain besar bertemu dengan operator-operator migas medioker yang tengah terlilit utang. “Setelah lama menunggu, kini mereka seperti mengasah pensil,” kata dia.

Co-Manager Guinness Global Oil and Gas Exploration Trust, Sachin Oza, mengatakan peluang untuk mengakuisisi bertambah besar jika proyeksi kenaikan harga minyak benar-benar terjadi dan nilainya signifikan tahun ini. Menurut dia, perusahaan minyak hanya punya satu pilihan agar bisa mengerek kinerja tapi tetap menghemat belanja modal hingga tiga tahun ke depan. “Daripada menghabiskan lima tahun pengembangan, hanya ada satu pilihan. Beli saja yang sudah jadi,” ujarnya.

Kini, para “penjual’ dan “pembeli” tengah adu kuat. Para penjual sengaja membuang-buang waktu dengan memperpanjang negosiasi, berharap transaksi akan terwujud saat harga minyak berada di level tinggi. Sebaliknya, para pembeli menawar sekuat tenaga dan berupaya mewujudkan merger akuisisi sebelum harga minyak mulai meroket. 

       Analis dari Morgan Stanley, Martijn Rats, menyatakan rata-rata transaksi terjadi saat harga minyak berada di level US$ 60-65 per barel. Masih jauh di bawah harga perkiraan jangka panjang

Koran Tempo, Page-18, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017

West Java Stocks Ready to Take ONWJ

Aher promised to facilitate all licensing

West Java Provincial Government will take a 10 percent share of participation (participating interest) Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan will process immediately offer the Ministry of Energy to the local governments. "That took West Java and district / city concerned. Leader of West Java since its greatest percentage of his, "he said.

According to Aher, greeting Ahmad Heryawan provincial government has formed a government-owned enterprise PT Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar, to take participation shares ONWJ. The company is 100 percent owned by the provincial government. "The terms are met, one of which all the shares controlled by the regional government. We have met ".

Aher said that the value of 10 percent of the participation of more than Rp 1 trillion. But, he assured, PT Pertamina as a contractor ONWJ will provide loan funds. Later, the payment will be repaid by cutting a part for acceptable results area.

"Most of the reception to pay the loan, some go to the provincial government until the loan is paid off," he said. Currently, the government of West Java waited offer officially. He explained that the Oil and Gas Upstream is prepared to take participation shares ONWJ. Government of West Java has fulfilled its obligations capital basis, in accordance with Regulation (Perda) Formation of Oil and Gas Upstream enterprises PT Jawa Barat. Several areas in West Java who has the right to entrust the management stock participation stake to West Java.

"Some of them are entrusted to West Java because it has not got enterprises. But in the future you want to take, no problem, we open all the options, "said Aher. Aher promised to simplify the licensing of oil and gas projects in West Java, such as the request of the Ministry of Energy. "West Java is no licensing issues. Precisely when there is a problem, report it to us who make trouble, "he asserted.

President Director of PT Oil and Gas Upstream Begin Troys Jabar said it received confirmation from the Ministry of Energy and the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). The company will continue the processes that have been taken to obtain the participation shares, and does not need to start from scratch. "We are just completing a document that does not exist. Average in-review process involvement, "he said.

Begin adding, PT Oil & Gas Upstream loans Jabar also received assurance from Pertamina. Its value, US $ 30 million for a 10 percent stake ONWJ participation. "Would you lend contractor in Pertamina, without interest." Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar wait for certainty about his need not bear the signature bonus upon signing the agreement later working area. Of the bonus to be paid to the government amounting to US $ 5 million, enterprises must prepare about US $ 500 thousand. We are waiting for direction Pertamina. "

According to Begin, there are four areas that are interested in obtaining shares ONWJ participation, namely Bekasi, Karawang, Subang and Indramayu. PT Oil and Gas Upstream Jabar West Java Governor awaiting instructions to set up a subsidiary with four of the region. "The portion of shares adjusted for PI-sharing agreements," he said.

Begin said that Jakarta has also offered to join since last year. But until now there has been no answer. If someday Jakarta ready, we will engage in the subsidiary.


Jawa Barat Siap Ambil Saham Blok ONWJ

Aher berjanji mempermudah semua perizinan

Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat akan mengambil 10 persen saham partisipasi (participating interest) Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan akan memproses secepatnya tawaran Kementerian Energi kepada pemerintah daerah itu. “Yang mengambil Jawa Barat dan kabupaten/kota terkait. Leader-nya Jawa Barat karena paling besar persentase-nya,” kata dia.

Menurut Aher, sapaan Ahmad Heryawan pemerintah provinsi telah membentuk BUMD, yakni PT Migas Hulu Jabar, untuk mengambil Saham partisipasi Blok ONWJ. Perusahaan itu 100 persen sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah provinsi. “Syarat-syarat sudah terpenuhi, salah satunya seluruh saham dikuasai Pemerintah Daerah. Kami sudah sesuai".

Aher mengatakan nilai 10 persen saham partisipasi itu lebih dari Rp 1 triliun. Tapi, ia meyakinkan, PT Pertamina sebagai kontraktor Blok ONWJ akan memberikan dana pinjaman. Nanti, pembayaran akan dicicil dengan memotong sebagian bagi hasil yang diterima daerah.

“Sebagian penerimaan untuk bayar pinjaman, sebagian masuk ke pemprov sampai pinjaman lunas," ia menambahkan. Saat ini, pemerintah Jawa Barat menunggu penawaran secara resmi. Ia menjelaskan, Migas Hulu memang disiapkan untuk mengambil saham partisipasi ONWJ. Pemerintah Jawa Barat telah memenuhi kewajiban modal dasar, sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Pembentukan BUMD PT Migas Hulu Jawa Barat. Beberapa daerah di Jawa Barat yang punya hak mendapatkan saham partisipasi menitipkan pengelolaan sahamnya kepada Jawa Barat.

“Sebagian ada yang menitipkan ke Jawa Barat karena belum punya BUMD. Tapi ke depan mau diambil, tidak masalah, kami membuka semua opsi,” kata Aher.  Aher berjanji mempermudah perizinan proyek migas di Jawa Barat itu, seperti permintaan Kementerian Energi. “Jawa Barat tidak ada persoalan perizinan. Justru kalau ada masalah, laporkan kepada kami siapa yang bikin masalah," dia menegaskan.

Direktur Utama PT Migas Hulu Jabar Begin Troys mengatakan sudah mendapat kepastian dari Kementerian Energi dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas). Perusahaan akan meneruskan proses yang sudah ditempuh untuk memperoleh saham partisipasi, dan tidak perlu memulai dari awal. “Kami hanya melengkapi dokumen yang belum ada. Sedang di-review Iagi prosesnya," kata dia.

Begin menambahkan, PT Migas Hulu Jabar juga mendapat kepastian pinjaman dari Pertamina. Nilainya, US$ 30 juta untuk 10 persen saham partisipasi Blok ONWJ. "Akan di pinjami kontraktor Pertamina, tanpa bunga." Migas Hulu Jabar menunggu kepastian soal perlu tidak-nya ikut menanggung signature bonus saat penandatanganan perjanjian pengelolaan wilayah kerja nanti. Dari bonus yang harus disetorkan kepada pemerintah sebesar US$ 5 juta, BUMD harus menyiapkan sekitar US$ 500 ribu. Kami menunggu arahan Pertamina.” 

Menurut Begin, ada empat daerah yang berminat mendapatkan saham partisipasi ONWJ, yakni Kabupaten Bekasi, Karawang, Subang, dan Indramayu. PT Migas Hulu Jabar menunggu instruksi Gubernur Jawa Barat untuk membentuk anak perusahaan bersama empat daerah itu.“Porsi sahamnya disesuaikan dengan kesepakatan pembagian PI,” kata dia.

Begin mengatakan DKI Jakarta juga ditawari bergabung sejak setahun lalu. Namun hingga kini belum ada jawaban. Kalau suatu saat Jakarta ready, kami akan libatkan dalam anak perusahaan itu.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Friday, Jan, 20, 2017