Industrial Gas Imports Opened
The government set up the rules of imported gas for a number of manufacturing industries by closing the role of an intermediary or broker, in order to get a cheaper price.
Minister of Industry Airlangga Hananto said President Joko Widodo has been allowed to do in order to guarantee the supply of gas imports for the industry. Towards the end of last year, the government to realize the promise of cutting the price of gas for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell by US $ 1.5 to a maximum of US $ 6 per MMBtu began in 2017. Meanwhile, four other sectors and three additional sector has not been able to enjoy cheap gas.
Coordinating Minister for the maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ensure the rule will be completed within the next two weeks. "Lmpornya anyone else formulated by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry in two weeks," he said.
In detail, the Secretary of State Pramono Agung explained several countries have offered to Indonesian gas at very low prices. Those countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Qatar. Pramono said that the current average price of gas in the Middle East amounted to US $ 3 per MMBtu to US $ 3.5 per MMBtu. Coupled with the cost of transportation and others, the average gas price is only US $ 4.5 per MMBtu. The price was lower than the maximum industrial gas price of US $ 6 / MMBtu correspond Minister Regulation No.40 / 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Certain industries, with effect from January 1, 2017
"So the price of gas can be controlled, imports are only allowed for industries that require permits and it is enforced by the government. Not opened mang for the creation of an intermediary, "he said. According to him, President Joko Widodo has been assigned the Minister of Industry, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Menten Coordinator of Economic Affairs to make a list of the main industry is allowed to import gas. The President also sent three ministers to arrange gas import mechanism which did not leave the slightest loophole for intermediaries to be involved. Is direct, the state will oversee the process without involving a third party, "added Pramono.
Concerns about the intermediary, which caused the price of gas is expensive, it is a concern to industry players. Not to mention the matter of realization of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree NO. 4/2016. Chairman of the Association of Industrial Rubber Gloves Achmad Safiun assess gas import policy just because the supply in the country is actually sufficient. "If [be] imports, mafia more pleased. Now the price of gas can be expensive because of what? October 4 last, he promised two months implemented [limitation price of gas], but until now nothing is clear. I have reported to the Ombudsman, "he said.
Chairman of the Association of Sheet and Safety Glass Justin Gunawan assess the price of cheap gas could encourage industry to boost exports at the same time prevent the entry of imports. He compared the price of gas in Malaysia is only around US $ 5 per MMBtu. "The speed and decisiveness of government in ensuring price reduction is crucial.
In addition to restoring the existing industries, can also attract investment, "he said. Gas import plans also sparked criticism from some observers because the government considered inconsistent. Because the opening tap new import originally performed in 2019 in accordance with the projected increase in gas consumption in the country.
Observers energy and Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto considers liquefied natural gas import option is not the solution to get a bargain price for the industry. He explained that the LNG price still must be added the cost of transportation and re-gasification. He said, the LNG cargo which arrived Hattush lining up re-gasification facilities for the number of regasification infrastructure in the country is still limited. Currently, there are only three regasification facilities are floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) Arun, Lampung FSRU, and FSRU in north Jakarta. "Who does it is definitely cheaper imports? Landed price here how? Definitely more than US $ 7, "he said.
According to him, the government should look at a more comprehensive economic framework in the oil and gas industry. lmpor LNG will suppress the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia. On the other hand, domestic production will be many more who do not teiserap with a flood of LNG from abroad. In fact, every year, he said, the government still has to ration domestic LNG cargo that has not been absorbed as from Bontang and Tangguh.
Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, uncommitted volume (not yet contracted) by 2017 as many as 63 LNG cargoes, and 2018 as many as 60 cargoes. This figure will rise in 2024 to 90 101 cargo and cargo in 2025 in line with increasing domestic demand while supply from the Abadi field, Masela not been inserted and supply and Tangguh has declined
Celah Broker Ditutup
Pemerintah menyiapkan aturan main impor gas bagi sejumlah industri manufaktur dengan menutup peran perantara atau broker, demi mendapatkan harga lebih murah.
Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hananto mengatakan Presiden Joko Widodo sudah mengizinkan untuk dilakukan impor gas guna menjamin suplai bagi industri. Menjelang akhir tahun lalu, pemerintah merealisasikan janji memotong harga gas bagi industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja yang turun hingga US$ 1,5 menjadi maksimal US$ 6 per MMBtu mulai 2017. Adapun, empat sektor lainnya dan tiga sektor tambahan belum dapat menikmati gas murah.
Menteri Koordinator bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan memastikan aturan main akan diselesaikan dalam dua pekan ke depan. “lmpor-nya siapa saja lagi dirumuskan oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral serta Menteri Perindustrian dalam dua pekan ini,” ujarnya.
Secara rinci, Sekretaris Negara Pramono Anung menjelaskan beberapa negara sudah menawarkan gas kepada Indonesia dengan harga sangat rendah. Negara-negara itu, di antaranya Arab Saudi, Iran, dan Qatar. Pramono menuturkan saat ini rata-rata harga gas di Timur Tengah sebesar US$ 3 per MMBtu hingga US$3,5 per MMBtu. Ditambah dengan ongkos transportasi dan lain-lain, rata-rata harga jual gas hanya US$ 4,5 per MMBtu. Harga itu lebih rendah dari harga gas industri maksimal US$ 6/MMBtu sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.40/2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk industri Tertentu, yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2017
“Supaya harga gas bisa dikontrol, impor dibolehkan hanya untuk industri-industri yang memerlukan dan itu diberlakukan izin oleh pemerintah. Tidak dibuka mang untuk terciptanya perantara,” tegasnya. Menurutnya, Presiden Joko Widodo sudah menugaskan Menteri Perindustrian, Menteri ESDM, dan Menten Koordinator bidang Perekonomian untuk membuat daftar industri utama mana saja yang boleh mengimpor gas. Presiden juga menugaskan tiga menteri tersebut untuk menyusun mekanisme impor gas yang tidak memberikan celah sedikit pun bagi perantara untuk terlibat. Adalah direct, negara akan mengawasi proses tersebut tanpa melibatkan pihak ketiga,” tambah Pramono.
Kekhawatiran soal perantara, yang menyebabkan harga gas mahal, memang menjadi kekhawatiran pelaku industri. Belum lagi soal realisasi Peraturan Menteri ESDM NO. 4/2016. Ketua Umum Asosiasi Industri Sarung Tangan Karet Achmad Safiun menilai kebijakan impor gas hanya karena suplai dalam negeri sebetulnya mencukupi. “Kalau [boleh] impor, mafia lebih senang. Sekarang harga gas bisa mahal karena apa? 4 Oktober lalu, janjinya dua bulan diimplementasikan [batasan harga gas], tetapi sampai sekarang tidak ada yang jelas. Saya sudah lapor ke Ombudsman,” katanya.
Ketua Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman Yustinus Gunawan menilai harga gas murah dapat mendorong industri menggenjot ekspor sekaligus menangkal masuknya impor. Dia membandingkan harga gas di Malaysia yang hanya sekitar US$ 5 per MMBtu. “Kecepatan dan ketegasan pemerintah dalam memastikan penurunan harga sangat krusial.
Selain bisa memulihkan industri yang ada, juga bisa menarik investasi,” ujarnya. Rencana impor gas juga memantik kritik dari sejumlah pengamat karena pemerintah dianggap tak konsisten. Pasalnya, pembukaan keran impor sedianya baru dilakukan pada 2019 sesuai dengan proyeksi peningkatan konsumsi gas di dalam negeri.
Pengamat energi dan Universitas Trisakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto menganggap opsi impor gas alam cair bukanlah solusi untuk mendapatkan harga murah bagi industri. Dia menjelaskan harga beli LNG tetap harus ditambah biaya transportasi dan re-gasifikasi. Dia menyebut, kargo LNG yang tiba hatus mengantre diregasifikasi karena jumlah infrastruktur fasilitas re-gasifikasi di Tanah Air masih terbatas. Saat ini, hanya terdapat tiga fasilitas re-gasifikasi yaitu floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) Arun, FSRU Lampung, dan FSRU di sebelah utara Jakarta. “Memangnya impor sudah pasti lebih murah? Landed price di sini berapa? Pasti lebih dari US$ 7," katanya.
Menurutnya, pemerintah harus melihat lebih komprehensif kerangka ekonomi di industri migas. lmpor LNG akan menekan industri hulu migas di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, produksi domestik akan semakin banyak yang tak teiserap dengan membanjirnya LNG dari luar negeri. Bahkan, setiap tahun, katanya, pemerintah masih memiliki kargo LNG untuk jatah domestik yang belum terserap seperti dari Bontang dan Tangguh.
Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, volume uncommitted (yang belum terkontrak) LNG pada 2017 sebanyak 63 kargo, dan 2018 sebanyak 60 kargo. Angka ini akan meningkat pada 2024 menjadi 90 kargo dan 101 kargo pada 2025 seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan domestik ketika pasokan dari Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela belum dimasukkan dan pasokan dan Tangguh telah mengalami penurunan
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017