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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Industrial Gas Prices Down

Jokowi Rate Signal Open Taps lmpor

The government will continue the implementation of the reduction in industrial gas prices. Not only for three industrial sectors, namely steel, fertilizers and petrochemicals. Moreover, the government is reviewing all formula for private companies.

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto said, in a policy that has been released, a new gas price reduction facilities can be enjoyed SOEs. "Outside the SOE no one can. This is what we ask about the following after the proposed formulation of the price decline," he said.

Notes only, the decline in gas prices three industrial sectors namely petrochemicals, fertilizers and steel for the state-owned company set up in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources [EMR] No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Price For Specific Industries. This policy into effect 1 Januari 2017

Import Gas

To maintain sufficient gas supply industry, the government is now working on a plan to import gas. According to Airlangga, in the next two weeks, studies and calculations of industrial gas import plan would be completed. Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Pandjaitan added, plans for industrial gas imports will be formulated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry. "It would be formulated in two weeks and will be grouped. The President decided to import gas," he said.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Nasution said, efforts to suppress the price of gas industry is not easy. That's why there needs to be some new options, such as gas imports. But, said Nasution, this option is still studied in depth, especially concerning the origin or source of imported gas and the price. In addition, the determination of industry sectors eligible to use imported gas.

Capital Development

Notes only, in a closed meeting of the decline in industrial gas prices, President Jokowi asked the ministers to accelerate the realization of industrial gas price reduction for seven industry sectors corresponding Presidential Decree No. 40 / 2016. The president also asked his ministers carefully calculate the reduction in industrial gas prices in order to increase competitiveness and to create added value downstream industries. Jokowi said gas should be seen not solely a commodity, but also of development capital in order to strengthen the local industry in the competitive products on the world market.


Harga Gas Industri Turun

Jokowi Beri Sinyal Buka Keran lmpor

Pemerintah akan melanjutkan implementasi penurunan harga gas industri. Tidak hanya diperuntukkan bagi tiga sektor industri, yakni baja, pupuk dan petrokimia. Lebih dari itu, pemerintah mengkaji formula semua untuk perusahaan swasta. 

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, dalam kebijakan yang sudah dirilis, fasilitas penurunan harga gas baru bisa dinikmati perusahaan BUMN. "Di luar BUMN belum ada yang dapat. Ini yang kami minta disusulkan usulan soal formulasi penurunan harganya," katanya.

Notes only, the decline in gas prices three industrial sectors namely petrochemicals, fertilizers and steel for the state-owned company set up in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources [EMR] No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Price For Specific Industries. This policy is valid from January 1, 2017

Impor Gas 

Untuk menjaga ketersediaan pasokan gas industri, kini pemerintah sedang menyusun rencana impor gas. Menurut Airlangga, dalam dua pekan ke depan, kajian dan perhitungan rencana impor gas industri akan rampung. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Pandjaitan menambahkan, rencana impor gas untuk industri akan dirumuskan oleh Menteri ESDM dan Menteri Perindustrian. "Akan dirumuskan dalam dua minggu ini dan akan dikelompokkan. Oleh Presiden diputuskan untuk impor gas," katanya.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution bilang, upaya menekan harga gas industri memang tidak mudah. Makanya perlu ada beberapa opsi baru, seperti impor gas. Tapi, kata Darmin, opsi ini masih dikaji secara mendalam, terutama menyangkut asal atau sumber gas impor dan harganya. Selain itu, penentuan sektor industri yang berhak menggunakan gas impor.

Modal Pembangunan

Catatan saja, dalam rapat terbatas tentang penurunan harga gas industri, Presiden Jokowi meminta para menterinya mempercepat realisasi penurunan harga gas industri bagi tujuh sektor industri sesuai Peraturan Presiden No. 40/ 2016. Presiden juga meminta para menterinya menghitung cermat penurunan harga gas industri agar daya saing meningkat dan bisa ciptakan nilai tambah pada industri hilir. Jokowi mengatakan gas bumi harus dilihat bukan semata mata komoditas, tapi juga modal pembangunan demi memperkuat industri lokal di tengah persaingan produk di pasar dunia.

Surya, Page-2, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Pertamina Refinery Improve Operational Performance

PT Pertamina is committed to continuously improve refinery operations in anticipation of a decline in performance due to damage as occurred in Refinery Unit V Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

The decline in operating performance of the refinery due to a disturbance in the power plant. In fact, the Balikpapan refinery as very strategic because it is a supplier of fuel oil in Indonesia's second largest. "We will continue to improve the effectiveness of inspection that can be known in early before the appliance is damaged.

In principle, if we could press the number lost time, the better operating performance and production plant could be on target at the end of national Fuel supply more reliable, "said Director of Pertamina Processing Toharso.

He explained that there are five steps to improve refinery operations, including health, safety, security and environment (HSSE), reliability, efficiency, optimization and improvement of organizational and human resources development. The fifth aspect is very important to enhance the resilience of the supply of fuel.

In view of aspects of HSSE, the main focus is no occurrence of workplace accidents are fatal. In addition, Pertamina will be as active as possible to prevent pollution due to refinery operations. "Reliability refineries focused on achieving zero unplanned shutdown," he said. He gave an example, one of the efforts to achieve it, is done in a manner consistent and disciplined in refinery maintenance schedule, either partially or completely.

Then, the third aspect is the efficiency with its main focus reduce losses reach 50% working under realization in 2016. In addition, procurement of materials and equipment centrally refineries so as to lower the cost. Meanwhile, the fourth aspect is the optimization focused on improving the product yield valuable to 79% from the current 74%. Pertamina also targets reduction in operating costs of up to only USD 3 per barrel. "Examples such as refinery Kasim (Papua), the operation is usually only about 120 days a year. We want to improve. If the problem is a lack of crude, we will build the infrastructure that allows crude could go to meet the needs of feed stock Refinery Unit VII Kasim in Sorong," he said.

Then, the final aspect is the organization and development of Human Resources (HR). Organizational change in October 2016 through the establishment of processing directorate has given rise to the formation of human resources needs. Therefore, we will re-create new job opportunities for engineers to fill positions that will be left by workers who retire.


Pertamina Perbaiki Kinerja Operasional Kilang

PT Pertamina berkomitmen terus meningkatkan operasional kilang guna mengantisipasi penurunan kinerja akibat kerusakan seperti yang terjadi di Unit Refinery V Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.

Penurunan kinerja operasional kilang tersebut disebabkan adanya gangguan pada pembangkit listrik. Padahal, kilang Balikpapan tergolong sangat strategis karena merupakan penyuplai bahan bakar minyak terbesar kedua di Indonesia. "Kami akan terus meningkatkan efektivitas inspeksi sehingga dapat diketahui secara lebih dini sebelum alat rusak.

Pada prinsipnya, apabila kita bisa tekan angka kehilangan waktu, operasi kinerja kilang semakin baik dan produksi bisa sesuai target pada akhirnya pasokan Bahan Bakar Minyak nasional semakin handal,”ujar Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso.

Dia memaparkan, terdapat lima langkah perbaikan operasional kilang, di antaranya health, safety, security, and environment (HSSE), keandalan, efisiensi, optimasi dan perbaikan organisasi dan pengembangan SDM. Kelima aspek tersebut sangat penting untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pasokan BBM.

Di lihat dari aspek HSSE, fokus utama adalah tidak ada kejadian kecelakaan kerja secara fatal. Di samping itu, Pertamina akan seaktif mungkin mencegah terjadinya pencemaran akibat operasi kilang. "Keandalan kilang difokuskan pada upaya mencapai zero unplanned shutdown ," kata dia.  Dia mencontohkan, salah satu-upaya untuk mencapainya, dilakukan dengan cara konsisten dan disiplin pada jadwal pemeliharaan kilang, baik yang bersifat parsial maupun menyeluruh.

Kemudian, aspek ketiga adalah efisiensi dengan fokus utamanya mengurangi working losses mencapai 50% di bawah realisasi tahun 2016. Selain itu, pengadaan bahan maupun peralatan kilang secara terpusat sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya. Sementara, aspek keempat adalah optimasi fokus pada upaya peningkatan yield valuable product menjadi 79% dari saat ini sekitar 74%. Pertamina juga menargetkan penurunan biaya operasi hingga menjadi hanya USD 3 per barel. "Contoh seperti di Kilang Kasim (Papua), operasinya biasanya hanya sekitar 120 hari dalam setahun. Kami ingin tingkatkan. Apabila masalahnya ketiadaan crude, kami akan bangun infrastruktur yang memungkinkan crude bisa masuk memenuhi kebutuhan feed stock Refinery Unit VII Kasim di Sorong," katanya.

Kemudian, aspek terakhir adalah organisasi dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Perubahan organisasi pada Oktober 2016 melalui pembentukan direktorat pengolahan telah melahirkan kebutuhan formasi sumber daya manusia. Oleh karena itu, kami akan kembali membuka peluang kerja baru untuk mengisi posisi-posisi engineer yang akan ditinggalkan oleh pekerja yang memasuki usia pensiun.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Pertamina Caring Refinery Problems

PT Pertamina is experiencing serious problems in the operation of his six oil refineries. Over the past year, there have been 35 times the unplanned shutdown or cessation of production for the six refineries. Soetjipto, president director of Pertamina, said the company is state-owned oil and gas continues to seek efficient in running the business, so it got a refinery costs are lower than imports. This is done by optimizing the refinery. "But of course with its own dynamics, including the existing refineries" stop, it is not uncommon dalain business world, "he said.

What is clear, he continues to perform optimization and efficiency in the operation of a number of Pertamina oil refinery. "Maintenance was a priority measures to remedy it," he said.

Toharso, Pertamina processing director, added, over the past year have occurred unplanned shutdown or termination refinery without a plan. But unplanned shutdown was not included in the category of black out or completely inoperative. It only causes disturbances of production at the refinery, because there is a problem of one or two components in the refinery.

The disorder makes Pertamina losing potential profits. Last year, there were 120 days of disruptions at refineries. In other words, last year the refineries owned by Pertamina only 245 days to work optimally. Moreover, last week, Balikpapan refinery also experienced problems due to a pipeline leak, causing interference. As a result, the blackout had to be done during the day. Less is more in potential losses reach US $ 70 million. "Including loses because there is no gas flare thrown away, so no energy is wasted due to be set up again," he said.

Reflecting on the incident and earlier, according to Dwi, Pertamina will perform maintenance on the refineries of hers, especially those aged aging. Therefore, Pertamina plans to turn around or maintenance on five refineries. Currently being entered treatment is Balongan refinery, April will begin to turn around for the Balikpapan refinery and other refineries continued.


Pertamina Merawat Kilang Bermasalah

PT Pertamina sedang mengalami masalah serius dalam operasional enam kilang minyak miliknya. Sepanjang tahun lalu, telah terjadi 35 kali unplanned shutdown atau penghentian produksi untuk enam kilang. Dwi Soetjipto, Direktur Utama Pertamina, mengatakan perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara itu terus mengupayakan efisien dalam menjalankan roda bisnis, sehingga pihaknya mendapatkan biaya kilang yang lebih rendah dibandingkan impor. Hal ini dilakukan dengan optimalisasi kilang. "Tapi tentu dengan dinamika sendiri, termasuk ada kilang yang "stop, itu lazim terjadi dalain dunia usaha," kata dia.

Yang jelas, dirinya terus berupaya melakukan optimasi dan efisiensi di dalam pengoperasian sejumlah kilang minyak Pertamina. "Maintenance itu merupakan langkah prioritas untuk memperbaiki hal itu," katanya.

Toharso, Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina, menambahkan, sepanjang tahun lalu telah terjadi unplanned shutdown atau penghentian kilang minyak tanpa rencana. Namun unplanned shutdown itu bukan termasuk dalam kategori black out atau sepenuhnya tidak beroperasi. Hal itu hanya menyebabkan gangguan-gangguan terhadap produksi di kilang, karena ada masalah dari satu dua komponen yang ada di dalam kilang.

Gangguan tersebut membuat Pertamina kehilangan potensi keuntungan. Tahun lalu, ada 120 hari gangguan di kilang. Dengan kata lain, tahun lalu kilang milik Pertamina hanya 245 hari bekerja secara optimal. Apalagi pekan lalu, Kilang Balikpapan juga mengalami masalah akibat kebocoran pipa, sehingga terjadi gangguan. Walhasil, terpaksa dilakukan blackout satu selama seharian penuh. Kurang lebih potensi kerugiannya mencapai US$ 70 juta. "Termasuk ada loses karena ada flare gas dibuang, jadi ada energi terbuang karena harus set up ulang," ujarnya.

Berkaca dari kejadian tersebut dan sebelumnya, menurut Dwi, Pertamina akan melakukan maintenance terhadap kilang-kilang miliknya, terutama yang berusia uzur. Oleh karena itu Pertamina akan melakukan turn around atau perawatan terhadap lima kilang. Saat ini yang sedang masuk perawatan adalah Kilang Balongan, bulan April akan mulai turn around untuk kilang Balikpapan dan berlanjut kilang lain.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Shifting the Cepu Block oil Chevron

Average lifting of oil during the first two weeks in 2017 amounted to 620 888 barrels per day (bopd). Has yet to reach the target set by the government, which is 820,000 barrels. Likewise lifting gas, on average, reached 3,623 mmscfd, far from the target of 6643 MMSCFD. The largest contribution comes from the oil lifting Mobil Cepu Ltd which became a contractor Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block. While the largest contribution came from Pertamina gas, which is a combination of Pertamina EP and Pertamina Hulu Energi.


Minyak Blok Cepu Menggeser Chevron

Rata-rata lifting minyak selama dua pekan pertama tahun 2017 ini sebesar 620.888 barel per hari (bopd). Masih belum mencapai target yang ditetapkan pemerintah, yaitu 820.000 barel. Demikian juga lifting gas, secara rata-rata baru mencapai 3.623 mmscfd, jauh dari target yaitu 6.643 mmscfd. Kontribusi terbesar lifting minyak berasal dari Mobil Cepu Ltd yang menjadi kontraktor Iapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu. Sedangkan kontribusi gas terbesar berasal dari Pertamina, yaitu gabungan Pertamina EP dan Pertamina Hulu Energi.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Note JK Environmental Contractors Adviced

Oil Spill

Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) called for businesses in the oil and gas sector more attention to the environmental consequences of causing harm to corporates also the surrounding community. According to him, are currently relies heavily on fossil energy industry and transportation. Therefore, businesses are expected to pay more attention to environmental impact. Compliance with environmental issues become one of the world's attention within the scope of business in addition to the human rights issue.

Operations in various countries, causing losses of up to trillions of rupiah in the case of oil spills. As an example, he mentioned the oil spill that occurred in Mexico. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) since 1975 to 2008, a total loss of 1,509 million euros with the volume of oil spills 625.7 71. The biggest disadvantage of Ships Arendal in Indramayu, West Java, with a volume of 150,000 barrels of oil spill and suffered a loss 282 million euros ,

"The company paid billions and even trillions for oil spill" he said in the Forum Oil Spill Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals.

Head of Sub Directorate of Environment and Safety Engineering of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Gusti S. Sidemen said, the whole issue has been resolved except the oil spill caused by the explosion of Montara oil wells that pollute the Timor Sea.

27,600 barrels of oil spills that have caused a loss of 128 million euros and damaging seaweed around these waters. Until now, he said, the government is still working to resolve problems that have occurred since eight years ago to trial in Australia


Tumpahan Minyak

JK Himbau Kontraktor Perhatikan Lingkungan

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla (JK) menghimbau agar pelaku usaha di sektor minyak dan gas bumi lebih memperhatikan dampak lingkungan karena menyebabkan kerugian bagi korporat juga masyarakat sekitar. Menurutnya, Saat ini energi fosil masih menjadi andalan sektor industri dan transportasi. Oleh karena itu, para pelaku usaha diharapkan lebih memperhatikan dampak lingkungan. Kepatuhan terhadap isu lingkungan menjadi salah satu perhatian dalam lingkup dunia usaha selain masalah hak asasi manusia. 

Operasi di berbagai negara, menimbulkan kerugian hingga triliunan rupiah dalam hal tumpahan minyak. Sebagai contoh, dia menyebut tumpahan minyak yang terjadi di Meksiko. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sejak 1975-2008, total kerugian 1.509 juta euro dengan volume tumpahan minyak 625.7 71. Kerugian terbesar dari Kapal Arendal di Indramayu, Jawa Barat dengan volume tumpahan minyak 150.000 barel dan mengalami kerugian 282 juta euro.

“Perusahaan membayar miliaran bahkan triliunan karena oil spill” ujarnya dalam acara Forum Penanggulangan Tumpahan Minyak dan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya Beracun.

Kepala Subdirektorat Keteknikan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Gusti S. Sidemen mengatakan, seluruh masalah tumpahan minyak telah terselesaikan kecuali yang disebabkan meledaknya sumur minyak Montara yang mencemari Laut Timor.

Tumpahan minyak 27.600 barel itu telah menimbulkan kerugian 128 juta euro dan merusak rumput laut di sekitar perairan tersebut. Hingga Saat ini, katanya, pemerintah masih berupaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi sejak delapan tahun silam ke pengadilan di Australia

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Impor BBM Plus 4.2 Million Barrels

PT Pertamina increased imports of fuel oil (BBM) 4.2 million barrels consists of 1.2 million barrels of diesel and 3 million barrels Premium and Pertamax to replace the incoming supply Balongan refinery maintenance schedule (turn around). Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel S. Purba said, care Balongan refinery with a capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) from January 23 to February 23, 2017. Therefore, the company must seek additional supply of diesel, Premium and Pertamax.

He explained that Pertamina is no longer importing diesel. However, to cover the supply of Balongan refinery, the company had to import 1.2 million barrels of diesel fuel. Meanwhile, imports Premium and Pertamax 3 million barrels. Daniel added that the impact of treatment refineries located in Indramayu, West Java, Company must maintain a balance stocks of fuel oil from 19 days to a range of 20-24 days.

During this time, Balongan refinery produces more Premium and Pertamax. Meanwhile, import additional diesel fuel is also influenced by rising demand in the country due to the improved performance of the mining sector following the strengthening of the price of coal. "That we balikin more stock. So there is no plan to import, suddenly we have to import, "he said.

It causes fuel imports in 2017 up from its original projection of 8 million barrels per month to 11 million barrels per month. According to him, and the target fuel imports 8 million barrels per month in 2017 consists of Premium and Pertamax each of 4 million barrels per month. Daniel insists, despite fuel oil consumption this year is projected to rise 5%, imports will remain intact because domestic refinery capacity also rose.

The national oil refining capacity will be increased from 830,000 bpd to 900,000 bpd this year, assuming some refinery maintenance schedule. "Imports will be 50:50 or less, so if we are 8 million barrels per month, 4 million barrels per month PERTAMAX, 4 million barrels per month Premium," he said.

Pertamina processing director Toharso added, all refineries have a different maintenance schedule. The Company, he said, had anticipated the cessation of its refinery operations due to various factors such as routine maintenance and others that fuel supply is maintained


Impor BBM Ditambah 4,2 Juta Barel

PT Pertamina  menambah impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) 4,2 juta barel terdiri dari 1,2 juta barel solar dan 3 juta barel Premium dan Pertamax untuk menggantikan pasokan Kilang Balongan yang masuk jadwal perawatan (turn around). Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel S. Purba mengatakan, perawatan Kilang Balongan yang berkapasitas 125.000 barel per hari (bph) mulai 23 Januari-23 Februari 2017. Oleh karena itu, perseroan harus mencari tambahan suplai solar, Premium, dan Pertamax. 

Dia menjelaskan, Pertamina sudah tidak lagi mengimpor solar. Namun, untuk menutupi pasokan dari Kilang Balongan, perseroan harus impor solar 1,2 juta barel. Sementara itu, impor Premium dan Pertamax 3 juta barel. Daniel menambahkan, dampak dari perawatan kilang minyak yang berlokasi di Indramayu, Jawa Barat itu, perseroan harus menjaga keseimbangan stok bahan bakar minyak dari 19 hari menjadi kisaran 20-24 hari.

Selama ini, Kilang Balongan menghasilkan lebih banyak Premium dan Pertamax. Sementara itu, tambahan impor solar juga dipengaruhi naiknya permintaan di dalam negeri akibat meningkatnya kinerja sektor pertambangan menyusul penguatan harga batu bara. “Itu kita balikin lagi stoknya. Jadi memang tidak ada rencana impor, mendadak kita harus impor,” katanya.

Hal itu menyebabkan impor BBM pada 2017 naik dari proyeksi semula 8 juta barel per bulan menjadi 11 juta barel per bulan. Menurutnya, dan target impor BBM 8 juta barel per bulan pada 2017 terdiri dari Premium dan Pertamax masing-masing 4 juta barel per bulan. Daniel menegaskan, kendati konsumsi bahan bakar minyak pada tahun ini diproyeksi naik 5%, impor akan tetap terjaga karena kapasitas kilang dalam negeri juga naik.

Kapasitas kilang minyak nasional akan dinaikan dari 830.000 bph menjadi 900.000 bph pada tahun ini dengan asumsi beberapa jadwal perawatan kilang. “Impor akan jadi 50:50 kurang lebih, jadi kalau kita 8 juta barel per bulan, 4 juta barel per bulan Pertamax, 4 juta barel per bulan Premium,” katanya.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso menambahkan, semua kilang minyak memiliki jadwal perawatan berbeda-beda. Perseroan, katanya, telah mengantisipasi berhentinya operasi kilang karena berbagai faktor seperti perawatan rutin dan lainnya agar pasokan bahan bakar tetap terjaga

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Cracks Broker Closed

Industrial Gas Imports Opened

     The government set up the rules of imported gas for a number of manufacturing industries by closing the role of an intermediary or broker, in order to get a cheaper price.

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hananto said President Joko Widodo has been allowed to do in order to guarantee the supply of gas imports for the industry. Towards the end of last year, the government to realize the promise of cutting the price of gas for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell by US $ 1.5 to a maximum of US $ 6 per MMBtu began in 2017. Meanwhile, four other sectors and three additional sector has not been able to enjoy cheap gas.

Coordinating Minister for the maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ensure the rule will be completed within the next two weeks. "Lmpornya anyone else formulated by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry in two weeks," he said.

In detail, the Secretary of State Pramono Agung explained several countries have offered to Indonesian gas at very low prices. Those countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Qatar. Pramono said that the current average price of gas in the Middle East amounted to US $ 3 per MMBtu to US $ 3.5 per MMBtu. Coupled with the cost of transportation and others, the average gas price is only US $ 4.5 per MMBtu. The price was lower than the maximum industrial gas price of US $ 6 / MMBtu correspond Minister Regulation No.40 / 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Certain industries, with effect from January 1, 2017

"So the price of gas can be controlled, imports are only allowed for industries that require permits and it is enforced by the government. Not opened mang for the creation of an intermediary, "he said. According to him, President Joko Widodo has been assigned the Minister of Industry, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Menten Coordinator of Economic Affairs to make a list of the main industry is allowed to import gas. The President also sent three ministers to arrange gas import mechanism which did not leave the slightest loophole for intermediaries to be involved. Is direct, the state will oversee the process without involving a third party, "added Pramono.


Concerns about the intermediary, which caused the price of gas is expensive, it is a concern to industry players. Not to mention the matter of realization of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree NO. 4/2016. Chairman of the Association of Industrial Rubber Gloves Achmad Safiun assess gas import policy just because the supply in the country is actually sufficient. "If [be] imports, mafia more pleased. Now the price of gas can be expensive because of what? October 4 last, he promised two months implemented [limitation price of gas], but until now nothing is clear. I have reported to the Ombudsman, "he said.

Chairman of the Association of Sheet and Safety Glass Justin Gunawan assess the price of cheap gas could encourage industry to boost exports at the same time prevent the entry of imports. He compared the price of gas in Malaysia is only around US $ 5 per MMBtu. "The speed and decisiveness of government in ensuring price reduction is crucial.

In addition to restoring the existing industries, can also attract investment, "he said. Gas import plans also sparked criticism from some observers because the government considered inconsistent. Because the opening tap new import originally performed in 2019 in accordance with the projected increase in gas consumption in the country.

Observers energy and Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto considers liquefied natural gas import option is not the solution to get a bargain price for the industry. He explained that the LNG price still must be added the cost of transportation and re-gasification. He said, the LNG cargo which arrived Hattush lining up re-gasification facilities for the number of regasification infrastructure in the country is still limited. Currently, there are only three regasification facilities are floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) Arun, Lampung FSRU, and FSRU in north Jakarta. "Who does it is definitely cheaper imports? Landed price here how? Definitely more than US $ 7, "he said.

According to him, the government should look at a more comprehensive economic framework in the oil and gas industry. lmpor LNG will suppress the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia. On the other hand, domestic production will be many more who do not teiserap with a flood of LNG from abroad. In fact, every year, he said, the government still has to ration domestic LNG cargo that has not been absorbed as from Bontang and Tangguh.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, uncommitted volume (not yet contracted) by 2017 as many as 63 LNG cargoes, and 2018 as many as 60 cargoes. This figure will rise in 2024 to 90 101 cargo and cargo in 2025 in line with increasing domestic demand while supply from the Abadi field, Masela not been inserted and supply and Tangguh has declined



Celah Broker Ditutup

    Pemerintah menyiapkan aturan main impor gas bagi sejumlah industri manufaktur dengan menutup peran perantara atau broker, demi mendapatkan harga lebih murah.

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hananto mengatakan Presiden Joko Widodo sudah mengizinkan untuk dilakukan impor gas guna menjamin suplai bagi industri. Menjelang akhir tahun lalu, pemerintah merealisasikan janji memotong harga gas bagi industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja yang turun hingga US$ 1,5 menjadi maksimal US$ 6 per MMBtu mulai 2017. Adapun, empat sektor lainnya dan tiga sektor tambahan belum dapat menikmati gas murah. 

Menteri Koordinator bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan memastikan aturan main akan diselesaikan dalam dua pekan ke depan. “lmpor-nya siapa saja lagi dirumuskan oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral serta Menteri Perindustrian dalam dua pekan ini,” ujarnya.

Secara rinci, Sekretaris Negara Pramono Anung menjelaskan beberapa negara sudah menawarkan gas kepada Indonesia dengan harga sangat rendah. Negara-negara itu, di antaranya Arab Saudi, Iran, dan Qatar. Pramono menuturkan saat ini rata-rata harga gas di Timur Tengah sebesar US$ 3 per MMBtu hingga US$3,5 per MMBtu. Ditambah dengan ongkos transportasi dan lain-lain, rata-rata harga jual gas hanya US$ 4,5 per MMBtu. Harga itu lebih rendah dari harga gas industri maksimal US$ 6/MMBtu sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.40/2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk industri Tertentu, yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2017

“Supaya harga gas bisa dikontrol, impor dibolehkan hanya untuk industri-industri yang memerlukan dan itu diberlakukan izin oleh pemerintah. Tidak dibuka mang untuk terciptanya perantara,” tegasnya. Menurutnya, Presiden Joko Widodo sudah menugaskan Menteri Perindustrian, Menteri ESDM, dan Menten Koordinator bidang Perekonomian untuk membuat daftar industri utama mana saja yang boleh mengimpor gas. Presiden juga menugaskan tiga menteri tersebut untuk menyusun mekanisme impor gas yang tidak memberikan celah sedikit pun bagi perantara untuk terlibat. Adalah direct, negara akan mengawasi proses tersebut tanpa melibatkan pihak ketiga,” tambah Pramono.


Kekhawatiran soal perantara, yang menyebabkan harga gas mahal, memang menjadi kekhawatiran pelaku industri. Belum lagi soal realisasi Peraturan Menteri ESDM NO. 4/2016. Ketua Umum Asosiasi Industri Sarung Tangan Karet Achmad Safiun menilai kebijakan impor gas hanya karena suplai dalam negeri sebetulnya mencukupi. “Kalau [boleh] impor, mafia lebih senang. Sekarang harga gas bisa mahal karena apa? 4 Oktober lalu, janjinya dua bulan diimplementasikan [batasan harga gas], tetapi sampai sekarang tidak ada yang jelas. Saya sudah lapor ke Ombudsman,” katanya. 

Ketua Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman Yustinus Gunawan menilai harga gas murah dapat mendorong industri menggenjot ekspor sekaligus menangkal masuknya impor. Dia membandingkan harga gas di Malaysia yang hanya sekitar US$ 5 per MMBtu. “Kecepatan dan ketegasan pemerintah dalam memastikan penurunan harga sangat krusial. 

Selain bisa memulihkan industri yang ada, juga bisa menarik investasi,” ujarnya. Rencana impor gas juga memantik kritik dari sejumlah pengamat karena pemerintah dianggap tak konsisten. Pasalnya, pembukaan keran impor sedianya baru dilakukan pada 2019 sesuai dengan proyeksi peningkatan konsumsi gas di dalam negeri.

Pengamat energi dan Universitas Trisakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto menganggap opsi impor gas alam cair bukanlah solusi untuk mendapatkan harga murah bagi industri. Dia menjelaskan harga beli LNG tetap harus ditambah biaya transportasi dan re-gasifikasi. Dia menyebut, kargo LNG yang tiba hatus mengantre diregasifikasi karena jumlah infrastruktur fasilitas re-gasifikasi di Tanah Air masih terbatas. Saat ini, hanya terdapat tiga fasilitas re-gasifikasi yaitu floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) Arun, FSRU Lampung, dan FSRU di sebelah utara Jakarta. “Memangnya impor sudah pasti lebih murah? Landed price di sini berapa? Pasti lebih dari US$ 7," katanya.

Menurutnya, pemerintah harus melihat lebih komprehensif kerangka ekonomi di industri migas. lmpor LNG akan menekan industri hulu migas di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, produksi domestik akan semakin banyak yang tak teiserap dengan membanjirnya LNG dari luar negeri. Bahkan, setiap tahun, katanya, pemerintah masih memiliki kargo LNG untuk jatah domestik yang belum terserap seperti dari Bontang dan Tangguh. 

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, volume uncommitted (yang belum terkontrak) LNG pada 2017 sebanyak 63 kargo, dan 2018 sebanyak 60 kargo. Angka ini akan meningkat pada 2024 menjadi 90 kargo dan 101 kargo pada 2025 seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan domestik ketika pasokan dari Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela belum dimasukkan dan pasokan dan Tangguh telah mengalami penurunan

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Increase Capacity of Industrial Technology Task Force

Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) worked with the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Surabaya and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Tuban conduct capacity building activities Officer for Disaster Management Unit (Task PB) failure of industrial technology.

The event was followed by 60 people was held for three days from January 24 to 26. The first day was held briefing material and field practices in vertical rescue agency Basarnas Surabaya. On the second day, the practice field in the river water rescue Songa, Probolinggo. And the last day covered by the exercise participants at Mount Bromo.

Chief Executive BPBDs Ludiyono Tuban regency Joko said in his opening address activities, geographical, climatological and hydrological Tuban has the potential hazards are quite large. It is based on the results of disaster risk assessments conducted BNPB in 2013.

"The value of disaster risk index for Tuban achieve a score of 175. That value includes high-class disaster risks. Tuban ranks 145 out of 496 districts / cities in Indonesia is prone to disaster risks," he was accompanied by the Head of Prevention and Preparedness Disaster Preparedness Amperawanto Rizal.

According to him, in Tuban stood several national and even international companies engaged in the business of mining. Among these PPEJ JOB, PT TPPI, PT Semen Indonesia, PT Holchim, power plants and other Tanjung Awar Awar. In addition to the benefits of increased economic, need to be aware of the negative impact of production operations that pose potential hazards around the business location.

"Failure of the technology industry and the impact of one of the hazards caused by non-natural factors. It could be a failure of technology, modernization failed, epidemics and outbreaks of disease," he said.

He explained that the potential hazards can be minimized by increasing the understanding of the community around the site PPEJ JOB industry. This is so that they know what to do if an emergency occurs as a result of operating activities. Namely, provide competency training to the public on the potential hazards and establish Emergency Response Team (ERT) to communities Rahayu Village District of Soko, Tuban.

"The government is grateful to the company JOB PPEJ which has facilitated the implementation of a series of activities. Start socialization and establishment of disaster resilient village (Destana) on January 12, 2017 and simulations Table Top Exercise (TTX) January 17, 2017. Today is the third activity to increase the capacity of the Task Force PB failure of the technology industry. another company is expected to emulate the steps JOB PPEJ.

Staff Health Safety Environmental (HSE) JOB PPEJ Awali Hendra Putra added, capacity building task force PB industrial technological failures also followed from internal sources as many as 11 people. All 11 were made up of HSE staff and Public Relations JOB PPEJ. "We here are trained to rescue the victims, in case of emergency or failure of industrial technology in the enterprise and the community around the company.

He said the activity today is the third series of events, which previously have been done Destana formation and simulation TTX. This is a routine activity every year. But in previous years just exercise alone. From the review, it turns out we need his personal capacity development and debriefing. We dijuga trained to face the fire


Tingkatkan Kapasitas Satgas Teknologi Industri

Perusahaan Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) menggandeng Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas) Surabaya dan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Tuban mengadakan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas Satuan Petugas Penanggulangan Bencana (Satgas PB) kegagalan teknologi industri.

Acara yang di ikuti sebanyak 60 orang ini dilaksanakan selama tiga hari mulai 24-26 Januari. Hari pertama diadakan pembekalan materi dan praktik lapangan vertical rescue di kantor Basarnas Surabaya. Pada hari kedua, praktik lapangan water rescue di sungai Songa, Probolinggo. Dan hari terakhir ditutup dengan latihan fisik peserta di Gunung Bromo.

Kepala Pelaksana BPBD Kabupaten Tuban Joko Ludiyono dalam sambutan pembukaan kegiatan mengatakan, secara geografis, klimatologis dan hidrologis wilayah Tuban memiliki potensi ancaman bencana yang cukup besar. Ini berdasarkan hasil kajian risiko bencana yang dilakukan BNPB pada tahun 2013.

"Nilai indeks risiko bencana untuk Tuban mencapai skor 175. Nilai itu termasuk klas risiko bencana tinggi. Tuban menempati urutan 145 dari 496 kabupaten/kota se Indonesia yang rawan atas risiko bencana," katanya didampingi Kabid Pencegahan dan Kesiap siagaan Bencana Rizal Amperawanto.

Menurut dia, di Tuban berdiri beberapa perusahaan nasional bahkan Internasional yang bergerak di bidang usaha tambang. Di antaranya JOB PPEJ, PT TPPI, PT Semen Indonesia, PT Holchim, PLTU Tanjung Awar Awar dan lainnya. Selain manfaat peningkatan ekonomi, perlu diwaspadai dampak negatif dari kegiatan operasi produksi yang menimbulkan potensi ancaman bencana di sekitar lokasi usaha.

"Kegagalan teknologi dan dampak industri salah satu ancaman bencana yang diakibatkan faktor non alam. Bisa berupa gagal teknologi, gagal modernisasi, epidemi dan wabah penyakit," tuturnya.

Dia menjelaskan, potensi ancaman bencana itu bisa diminimalisir dengan meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat di sekitar lokasi industri JOB PPEJ. Ini agar mereka mengetahui harus berbuat apa, apabila terjadi kondisi darurat akibat kegiatan operasi. Yakni, memberikan pelatihan kompetensi kepada masyarakat atas potensi ancaman bencana dan membentuk Emergency Response Team (ERT) kepada masyarakat Desa Rahayu Kecamatan Soko, Tuban.

"Pemerintah berterima kasih kepada perusahaan JOB PPEJ yang telah memfasilitasi terselenggaranya serangkaian kegiatan. Mulai sosialisasi dan pembentukan desa tangguh bencana (Destana) pada 12 Januari 2017 dan simulasi Table Top Exercise (TTX) 17 Januari 2017. Hari ini adalah kegiatan ketiga untuk meningkatkan kapasitas Satgas PB kegagalan teknologi industri. Perusahaan lain diharap bisa meniru langkah JOB PPEJ. 

Staf Health Safety Environmental (HSE) JOB PPEJ Hendra Awali Putra menambahkan, kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas Satgas PB kegagalan teknologi industri ini juga diikuti dari internal perusahaan sebanyak 11 orang. Ke-11 orang itu terdiri dari staf HSE dan Humas JOB PPEJ. "Kami di sini dilatih melakukan penyelamatan kepada korban, kalau terjadi keadaan darurat atau kegagalan teknologi industri di perusahaan dan masyarakat sekitar lokasi perusahaan.

Dia mengatakan, kegiatan pada hari ini merupakan rangkaian acara yang ketiga, di mana sebelumnya telah dilakukan pembentukan Destana dan simulasi TTX. Ini merupakan kegiatan rutin setiap tahun. Tapi tahun-tahun sebelumnya hanya latihan saja. Dari hasil review, ternyata kami butuh pengembangan kapasitas personal orangnya dan pembekalan. Kami dijuga dilatih menghadapi kebakaran.

Bhirawa, Page-8, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Legal Certainty Pull Oil and Gas Investors

Global investment in the upstream sector of the oil and gas this year, according to consulting firm Wood Mackenzie forecast Asia Pacific, will rise 3% over the past year, to $ 450 billion. The trigger, among others, to reduce costs and shift its capital allocation of large projects into smaller projects.

Indonesia should be able to capture that opportunity. However, according to MacKenzie, Indonesia would likely face at least two problems:

First, the lack of oil and gas exploration in Indonesia some time lately to lower perceptions about the outlook for oil and gas investment. "Based on studies MacKenzie, oil and gas investment attractiveness actually have high fiscal and prospects. However, if there is no improvement, the perception may decline, "said MacKenzie Asia Pacific Research Director Andrew Harwood in Singapore.

Second, regulatory uncertainty. "Regulation is subject to change and mismatch between the central and regional policies are just two examples of uncertainty," said Harwood to a number of leaders in the Indonesian media exposure was initiated by SKK Migas.

Therefore, MacKenzie submitted three recommendations relating to production sharing contract so that Indonesia can enjoy the increase in investment in upstream oil and gas sector.

First, reduce administrative and regulatory barriers for investors.
Second, give greater confidence to investors to explore efficiently.
Third, the key risks will determine whether the investor gets the desired results under the new revenue sharing system.

The price of gas

MacKenzie also conducted a study of gas prices in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the price of gas is determined agreement with a buyer or a fixed price. Meanwhile, other countries determine based on the price of oil. "The price of gas (piped gas) inside Indonesia relatively below the average price of gas in Asian countries," said Johan Top Hardi, upstream oil and gas analyst MacKenzie Asia Pacific.

However, according to him, Indonesia gas prices that are fixed price will be affected by the determination of gas prices in other countries. Moreover, in the future, Indonesia will be reduced gas and Indonesia will become a gas importer. Therefore, Indonesia must determine gas prices according to the price of oil.

Information SKK Migas said Indonesia now pricing scheme based on the price of oil. As for the fixed price scheme applies to long-term contracts.


Kepastian Hukum Tarik Investor Migas

Investasi global di sektor hulu minyak dan gas tahun ini, menurut prediksi perusahaan konsultan Wood Mackenzie Asia Pasifik, akan naik 3% ketimbang tahun lalu, menjadi US$ 450 miliar. Pemicunya, antara lain turunnya ongkos produksi serta beralih-nya alokasi kapital dari proyek-proyek besar ke proyek-proyek lebih kecil.

Indonesia mestinya bisa menangkap peluang itu. Namun, menurut MacKenzie, Indonesia justru akan menghadapi paling tidak dua persoalan :

Pertama, minimnya eksplorasi migas di Indonesia beberapa waktu belakangan ini bisa menurunkan persepsi tentang prospek investasi migas. “Berdasar studi MacKenzie, investasi migas sebetulnya punya daya tarik fiskal dan prospek tinggi. Namun, bila tidak ada perbaikan, persepsi tersebut bisa menurun,” kata Direktur Riset MacKenzie Asia Pasifik Andrew Harwood di Singapura.

Kedua, ketidakpastian regulasi. “Regulasi yang bisa berubah-ubah dan ketidak sesuaian kebijakan antara pusat-daerah merupakan dua contoh ketidakpastian itu,” ujar Harwood kepada sejumlah pemimpin media massa Indonesia dalam pemaparan yang digagas SKK Migas. 

Oleh karena itu, MacKenzie mengajukan tiga rekomendasi terkait dengan production sharing contract agar Indonesia bisa menikmati kenaikan investasi di sektor hulu migas. 

Pertama, mengurangi hambatan administrasi dan regulasi bagi investor. 
Kedua, memberi kepercayaan lebih besar kepada investor untuk eksplorasi secara efisien. 
Ketiga, risiko-risiko kunci akan menentukan apakah investor mendapat hasil yang diinginkan di bawah sistem bagi hasil yang baru. 

Harga gas 

MacKenzie juga melakukan studi harga gas di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, harga gas ditentukan kesepakatan dengan pembeli atau fixed price. Sementara itu, negara lain menentukan berdasarkan harga minyak. “Harga gas pipa (piped gas) dalam negeri Indonesia relatif di bawah rata-rata harga gas di negara-negara Asia,” kata Johan Hardi Utama, analis hulu migas MacKenzie Asia Pasifik.

Namun, menurutnya, harga gas Indonesia yang bersifat fixed price akan dipengaruhi penentuan harga gas negara lain. Apalagi, di masa depan, gas Indonesia akan berkurang dan Indonesia akan menjadi importir gas. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia mesti menentukan harga gas sesuai dengan harga minyak.

Informasi SKK Migas menyebutkan skema harga Indonesia kini sudah berdasarkan harga minyak. Adapun skema fixed price berlaku untuk kontrak jangka panjang.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Tuesday, Jan, 24, 2017

Government Open International Auctions

Mega Port Project Patimban

Contractors not necessarily a Japanese company.

The government will open an international tender (international competitive bidding / ICB) to determine the international port megaproject contractor Patimban in Subang, West Java. International auction held because of the cost of mega projects worth Rp 43 trillion, mostly budget of the foreign debt is untight loans (loans not tight). "The contractor does not have the company of lending," said Director General of Sea Transportation Ministry, Tonny Boediono.

According to Tony, the government will hold a tender contractor megaproject after Japan and Indonesia signed a loan agreement. The agreement is targeted to be done in June-July 2017. A little retreat from the original target of May 2017, "said Tonny. However, for port operators, the government appointed PT Pelindo II. Tonny explained, it requires the appointment of a Presidential Regulation as a condition for acceleration without passing Ielang. "This month will be no determination about the operator," said Tonny. Furthermore, Pelindo II will work closely with national private companies and private Japanese became Patimban designated operator through "Beauty Contest".

Director of Ports Ministry of Transportation, Mauritz Sibarani, said while the auction is opened internationally, companies participating auction will be cooperating with local partners. According Mauritz, the provision will be discussed in detail in the document of the loan agreement. "It will be a joint operation or a form of cooperation in other forms," ​​said Mauritz.

Senior representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency for Indonesia, Hiromichi Muraoka, said did not know where the private company interested venture with operator Pelindo II became Patimban. However, according to Muraoka, Japanese companies need to be sure of the detailed provisions in the loan agreement between Japan and Indonesia. "If it is possible many of our companies show interest, they do not know the provisions of the concession," says Muraoka.

Mid-January, the Coordinating Minister maritime Luhut Panjaitan said that one of the major Japanese companies, Mitsubishi, interested in becoming operators Patimban. Based on the information, Mitsubishi will enter into Patimban through its subsidiary, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line).

According Muraoka, today Japan is still waiting for the completion of the project's environmental permit Patimban. After that, Japan requires a formal request for a loan of Indonesia. "Otherwise, we can not conclude the loan agreement," says Muraoka.

Environmental permit is one of the most important issues that concern the Japanese in the development process Patimban. Previously, the port megaproject Cilamaya in Karawang, which will initially be financed by Japan, were canceled due to PT Pertamina protest. Cilamaya project site is considered to threaten the existence of gas pipelines Off Shore North West Java. "Must avoid such a thing," says Muraoka.

Executing tasks Subang Regent, Imas Aryumningsih, said it had published the Spatial Plan (RTRW) for Patimban district level. Documents that have long existed, when Piers Patimban which was originally built for the national level. "Now it will draw up a buffer zone RTRW for Patimban international ports," says Imas.


Mega Proyek Pelabuhan Patimban

Pemerintah Buka Lelang Internasional

Kontraktor tak mesti perusahaan asal Jepang.

Pemerintah akan membuka lelang internasional (international competitive bidding/ICB) untuk menentukan kontraktor megaproyek pelabuhan internasional Patimban di Subang, Jawa Barat. Lelang internasional digelar karena biaya mega proyek senilai Rp 43 triliun yang sebagian besar anggarannya dari utang luar negeri tersebut bersifat untight Loan (pinjaman tidak ketat). “Kontraktor-nya tidak harus perusahaan dari negara pemberi pinjaman,” kata Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan, Tonny Boediono.

Menurut Tonny, pemerintah akan membuka lelang kontraktor megaproyek setelah Jepang dan Indonesia menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman. Perjanjian itu ditargetkan terlaksana pada Juni-Juli 2017. Agak mundur dari target semula Mei 2017 ,” kata Tonny. Namun, untuk operator pelabuhan, pemerintah menunjuk PT Pelindo II. Tonny menerangkan, penunjukan itu memerlukan Peraturan Presiden sebagai syarat percepatan tanpa lewat Ielang. “Bulan ini akan ada penentuan soal operator-nya,” kata Tonny. Selanjutnya, Pelindo II akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan swasta nasional dan swasta Jepang menjadi operator Patimban yang ditunjuk melalui "Beauty Contest".

Direktur Kepelabuhanan Kementerian Perhubungan, Mauritz Sibarani, mengatakan, kendati lelang dibuka secara internasional, perusahaan-perusahaan yang ikut lelang akan menggandeng mitra lokal. Menurut Mauritz, ketentuan tersebut akan dibahas secara rinci dalam dokumen perjanjian pinjaman. “Nanti bentuknya bisa joint operation atau kerja sama dalam bentuk lain,” kata Mauritz.

Perwakilan senior Japan International Cooperation Agency untuk Indonesia, Hiromichi Muraoka, mengatakan tidak tahu perusahaan swasta mana yang tertarik berkongsi dengan Pelindo II menjadi operator Patimban. Namun, menurut Muraoka, perusahaan Jepang perlu mengetahui pasti ketentuan rinci dalam perjanjian pinjaman antara Jepang dan Indonesia. “Jika mungkin banyak perusahaan kami menunjukkan minat, mereka belum tahu ketentuan konsesinya,” kata Muraoka.

Pertengahan Januari ini, Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Panjaitan mengatakan salah satu perusahaan besar Jepang, Mitsubishi, berminat menjadi operator Patimban. Berdasarkan informasi, Mitsubishi bakal masuk ke Patimban melalui anak usahanya, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line).

Menurut Muraoka, saat ini Jepang masih menunggu selesainya izin lingkungan proyek Patimban. Setelah itu, Jepang memerlukan permintaan resmi pinjaman dari Indonesia. “Kalau tidak, kita tidak bisa menyimpulkan perjanjian pinjaman,” ujar Muraoka.

Izin lingkungan merupakan salah satu isu terpenting yang dikhawatirkan Jepang dalam proses pembangunan Patimban. Sebelumnya, megaproyek pelabuhan Cilamaya di Karawang, yang awalnya akan dibiayai Jepang, dibatalkan lantaran PT Pertamina memprotes. Lokasi proyek Cilamaya dianggap mengancam keberadaan jaringan pipa gas Off Shore North West Java. “Harus menghindari hal seperti itu,” kata Muraoka.

Pelaksana tugas Bupati Subang, Imas Aryumningsih, mengatakan telah menerbitkan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) tingkat kabupaten untuk Patimban. Dokumen itu sudah lama ada, ketika Pelabuhan Patimban yang awalnya untuk tingkat nasional dibangun. “Sekarang akan menyusun RTRW untuk kawasan penyangga pelabuhan internasional Patimban,” kata Imas.

Koran Tempo, Page-13, Tuesday, Jan, 24, 2017