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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Refinery Revitalization Wait What

The management of PT Pertamina must not underestimate the damage in refinery processing. No matter how small the problem, when in rapid succession at several places, the impact will be great. That is what is now happening, State-owned company was threatened with a loss of more than Rp 1 trillion for a number of refineries stopped operating simultaneously. It is hard to understand how the management of Pertamina seemed to let this error continues to occur.

Since December 2, 2016, at least ten times Pertamina stopped work several refineries processing crude oil into fuel hers. Refinery Refinery Unit V Balikpapan or in East Kalimantan has ceased operations three times. Refineries producing fuel oil in Indonesia's second largest. After Cilacap in Central Java-recorded twice the total dead alias total black out.

Pertamina board always quibble machines aging refineries. True, the Balikpapan refinery was built in 1948 for unit 1 and 1980 for unit 2. problem is, why the old refineries have left without rejuvenation. Other refineries is the same, the average age of 50 years. Operate the refinery as running old vintage cars. The machines refineries should get extra care. Care should also not be late, let alone stretch up to a year or more.

Pertamina should have been able to anticipate the breakdown of the old refinery. They can rejuvenate or caring for elderly without waiting for damaged parts first. Point is often forgotten Pertamina management. Refinery encouraged constantly and treatment are delayed for various reasons, for example because the price of oil is good. Now all had already become corrupted. Some refineries have stopped operating. Pertamina must think of solutions that do not burden the state, for example, decided to import fuel.

Pertamina should utilize existing resources. They must optimize production from other refineries to cover the shortage of supply. Pertamina actually make the road map (road map) to increase oil production. Among them a plan to revitalize a number of refineries (refinery development masterplan / RDMP), building new refineries, and increase the capacity of the refinery.

The refinery revitalization program should be implemented immediately. Pertamina could implement the plan in Cilacap, Balikpapan, Plaju, Balongan, and Dumai. If the program was seamless, oil production is projected to increase 150 percent. Cilacap refinery capacity, for example, will increase from the current 348 thousand to 400 thousand barrels per day. There is no reason to delay this revitalization project. This mega project should be encouraged to be realized. Too much is at stake if Pertamina did not immediately find a solution to this problem, Endurance Energy Indonesia is now in danger can turn into a real disaster.


Revitalisasi Kilang Tunggu Apa?

Manajemen PT Pertamina tak boleh menganggap remeh kerusakan di kilang pengolahannya. Sekecil apa pun masalah itu, bila terjadi secara beruntun di beberapa tempat, dampaknya akan menjadi besar. Hal itulah yang sekarang terjadi, Perusahaan Milik Negara itu terancam merugi lebih dari Rp 1 triliun karena sejumlah kilang berhenti beroperasi secara simultan. Sulit memahami bagaimana manajemen Pertamina terkesan membiarkan kesalahan ini terus terjadi. 

Sejak 2 Desember 2016, setidaknya sepuluh kali Pertamina menyetop kerja beberapa kilang pengolah minyak mentah menjadi bahan bakar minyak miliknya. Kilang Balikpapan atau Unit Refinery V di Kalimantan Timur telah berhenti beroperasi tiga kali. Kilang penghasil Bahan Bakar Minyak terbesar kedua di Indonesia ini. Setelah Kilang Cilacap di Jawa Tengah-tercatat dua kali mati total alias total black out. 

Direksi Pertamina selalu saja berdalih mesin-mesin kilang sudah uzur. Benar, Kilang Balikpapan memang dibangun pada 1948 untuk unit 1 dan pada 1980 untuk unit 2. Masalahnya, mengapa kilang-kilang tua ini dibiarkan tanpa peremajaan. Kilang-kilang lain pun sama saja, rata-rata berusia di atas 50 tahun. Mengoperasikan kilang tua seperti menjalankan mobil kuno. Mesin-mesin kilang itu harus mendapatkan perawatan ekstra. Perawatan juga tidak boleh telat, apalagi molor hingga setahun atau lebih.

Seharusnya Pertamina bisa mengantisipasi macetnya kilang-kilang tua itu. Mereka bisa meremajakan atau merawat onderdil tua tanpa menunggu rusak terlebih dulu. Poin inilah yang sering dilupakan manajemen Pertamina. Kilang digenjot terus-terusan dan perawatan ditunda dengan berbagai alasan, misalnya lantaran harga minyak sedang bagus. Kini semua sudah telanjur menjadi rusak. Beberapa kilang sudah berhenti beroperasi. Pertamina harus memikirkan solusi yang tak membebani negara, misalnya memutuskan mengimpor BBM. 

Pertamina semestinya memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada. Mereka harus mengoptimalkan produksi dari kilang-kilang lain untuk menutup kekurangan pasokan. Pertamina sebenarnya sudah membikin peta jalan (road map) untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak. Di antaranya rencana merevitalisasi sejumlah kilang (refinery development masterplan/RDMP), membangun kilang baru, dan meningkatkan kapasitas kilang.

Program revitalisasi kilang itu seharusnya segera diterapkan. Pertamina bisa menerapkan rencana tersebut pada Kilang Cilacap, Balikpapan, Plaju, Balongan, dan Dumai. Jika program itu mulus, produksi minyak diprediksi meningkat 150 persen. Kapasitas Kilang Cilacap, misalnya, akan meningkat dari saat ini 348 ribu menjadi 400 ribu barel per hari. Tidak ada alasan untuk menunda proyek revitalisasi ini. Megaproyek ini harus didorong agar segera terealisasi. Terlalu banyak yang harus dipertaruhkan bila Pertamina tidak segera mencari solusi atas masalah ini, Ketahanan energi Indonesia yang kini dalam ancaman bisa berubah menjadi petaka yang nyata.

Koran Tempo, Page-11, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

We Have Standard Operating

Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang charge of two important parts at once in the company of the state-owned oil and gas processing and marketing it. He also had to take care of consecutive blackout that could potentially harm the company's financial Rp 1 trillion more. Robby Irfany of Tempo interview number two at the Pertamina yesterday.

Really potential losses due to refinery disruptions During December 2016-January 2017 more than Rp 1 trillion? Calculated loss was not to see the potential for lost revenue. In no fee revenues. Count Processing Director Toharso, the potential loss of all 2016 US $ 70 million (about USD 900 billion).

It was in all the refineries? Yes. When not optimum, a negative margin. In 2015 and 2016 also. As Refinery Kasim, would however definitely negative, if only operates 15 thousand barrels per day. Capacity of 10 thousand barrels per day, but operations 9,000 barrels, it was 15 days. Not to mention the high cost of his travel.

Why refineries often broken? In the past the problem of unplanned shutdown-stop operating without a plan is not open at all. I was also surprised, this morning read Koran Tempo. Data is loaded it actually is not opened. But how ya know, a special December-January? Why did not know that before? It was great. Koran Tempo source means has specialized in Pertamina.

What causes disruption Balikpapan refinery? Electricity supply is interrupted from the power generator. That's because the steam pipe leak was known as black out. The solution imports of diesel sudden decision? Decision import diesel due to rising industrial demand. That meeting results optimization. We have operational standards. If Premium, we can be operating for 17 days, why can not solar? Because Premium is channeled to the General Fuel Filling Station, so every month the same.

Excess diesel oil stocks? First diesel was excessive because we were forced to seize the market. Once the rose industry, diesel oil drained again. Estimates of its 2 million barrels for three months.


Kami Punya Standar Operasional

Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang membawahkan dua bagian penting sekaligus di perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara itu pengolahan dan pemasaran. Ia pun harus mengurus pemadaman berturut-turut yang berpotensi merugikan keuangan perusahaan Rp 1 triliun lebih. Robby Irfany dari Tempo mewawancarai orang nomor dua di Pertamina itu kemarin.

       Benarkah potensi kerugian akibat gangguan kilang Selama Desember 2016-Januari 2017 lebih dari Rp 1 triliun? Menghitung kerugian itu bukan dengan melihat potensi pendapatan yang hilang. Dalam pendapatan ada biaya. Hitungan Direktur Pengolahan Toharso, potensi kerugian sepanjang 2016 US$ 70 juta (sekitar Rp 900 miliar).

       Itu di semua kilang? Iya. Ketika tidak optimum, margin-nya negatif. Pada 2015 dan 2016 juga ada. Seperti Kilang Kasim, mau bagaimanapun pasti negatif, kalau cuma beroperasi 15 ribu barel per hari. Kapasitas 10 ribu barel per hari, tapi operasi 9.000 barel, itu pun 15 hari. Belum lagi biaya perjalanan dinas-nya tinggi.

    Mengapa kilang sering rusak? Dulu masalah unplanned shutdown-stop beroperasi tanpa rencana tidak terbuka sama sekali. Saya juga kaget, tadi pagi baca Koran Tempo. Data yang dimuat itu sebetulnya tidak dibuka. Tapi kok ya tahu, khusus Desember - Januari? Kenapa tidak tahu yang sebelumnya? Itu yang hebat. Berarti Koran Tempo punya sumber khusus di dalam Pertamina.

     Apa penyebab gangguan Kilang Balikpapan? Pasokan listrik terganggu dari power generator. Hal itu karena pipa steam bocor Itu dikenal sebagai black out. Solusinya keputusan impor solar mendadak? Keputusan impor solar karena permintaan industri naik. Itu hasil rapat optimasi. Kami punya standar operasional. Kalau Premium, kami bisa operasi selama 17 hari, kenapa solar tidak bisa? Karena Premium disalurkan ke Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum, jadi tiap bulan sama.

     Stok solar berlebih? Dulu solar sempat berlebih karena kami paksa merebut pasar. Begitu industri naik, diesel oil terkuras lagi. Estimasi-nya 2 juta barel untuk tiga bulan.

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Commissioner Request Refinery die Pressured

The Board of Directors is targeting a reduction by half.

Commissioner of PT Pertamina asked directors of reducing the incidence of unplanned refinery outages, Throughout 2016, according to data from oil and gas companies of the country, happened 35 unplanned outage. This year, the commissioners asked for the number be reduced to a maximum of 18 cases. "The Commissioner has the instruments to suppress directors. So measurable results, "said Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng

This effort, according to Mr. Abeng, the same as the target of cutting losses of US $ 250 million in 2015 to US $ 90 million in 2016. Mr. Abeng respond to repeated its refinery outages throughout the last two months. Damage most often occurs in Balikpapan refinery or Refinery Unit V: three times in two months. On December 2, the refinery was extinguished completely because the generator was broken. Outages affect the operation of a number of units, such as crude oil refining facilities, crude distillation unit, and a hydrocracking unit. The new refinery is operating normally three weeks later, ie December 25, 2016. After that, the refinery has crashed several times.

On January 15, 2017, the refinery outages total return, also due to damage plants. This time, the cause leaking steam pipe. Some refinery facilities must also be turned off. The units are turned on and the new normal operations on January 21. Damage also occurred in Cilacap (Central Java) and Dumai (Riau). Balikpapan refinery as very strategic because it is the largest supplier of fuel oil a second, after the Cilacap refinery. The plant includes two units and is able to process crude oil by 260 thousand barrels per day. One of the main products are solar / diesel oil could reach 170 thousand barrels per day.

Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang expressed readiness to meet that target. Must come down every year, said Ahmad, who oversees the Director of Processing and Marketing Director. Ahmad stated Pertamina refineries old age. However, if observed properly, can be a good return. "Polished the old refinery, it could be nice.

Pertamina processing director Toharso explain freeze refinery operations are too often will hurt his directorate. He who occupies that position since its inception in December 2016, argued many activities during the refinery maintenance is not performed optimally. Another problem, according to Ahmad Bambang, many oil refineries rely on plants that also supplies power to the housing. Looking ahead how efforts to reduce and improve so that reliable operation and high efficiency levels.

Alternative solutions, Ahmad said Bambang, Pertamina will cooperate with PT PLN. With the supply of electricity, he hopes the refinery could efficiently. The important thing is there are two types of power resources so that, when the generator fails to operate, the refinery is not extinguished. Members Dito Ganindito DPR Energy Commission, assessing the disturbances in the old refinery is a normal thing, but it should not be too frequent.

Lost US $ 37.5 Million

On January 15, 2017, the operations of Balikpapan refinery halted because of power supply from the power plant outages. As a result of the incident, the refinery lost potential revenues of approximately US $ 37.5 million, or Rp 505.2 billion. After the shutdown, the refinery was able to produce the fuel because it takes time for recovery. During January 15 to 21 Premium refinery's production plummeted 28.5 percent, or only 114 thousand barrels in the seven days. 

Under normal conditions the average premium production in the same period of 160 thousand barrels. Production of solar / diesel oil also experienced the same thing, down 66.4 percent from the normal standard of 898 thousand barrels to 302 thousand barrels. The production of jet fuel decreased most dramatically after a total blackout. During the period of January 15 to 22 the production of aviation fuel dropped 94.8 percent from 95 thousand barrels to 5,000 barrels. The following statistics Balikpapan refinery production on 15 to 21 January 2017 (thousands of barrels per day)


Komisaris Minta Kilang Padam Ditekan

Direksi menargetkan pengurangan hingga separuhnya.

Komisaris PT Pertamina meminta direksi mengurangi kasus pemadaman kilang tak terencana, Sepanjang 2016, menurut data perusahaan minyak dan gas negara itu, terjadi 35 pemadaman tak direncanakan. Tahun ini, komisaris meminta jumlahnya ditekan menjadi maksimum 18 kasus. “Komisaris punya instrumen untuk menekan direksi. Jadi terukur hasilnya," kata Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng

Upaya ini, menurut Tanri Abeng, sama seperti target memotong kerugian dari US$ 250 juta pada 2015 menjadi US$ 90 juta pada 2016. Tanri Abeng menanggapi berulang-nya pemadaman kilang sepanjang dua bulan terakhir. Kerusakan paling sering terjadi di kilang Balikpapan atau Unit Refinery V yakni tiga kali dalam dua bulan. Pada 2 Desember, kilang itu padam total karena pembangkitnya rusak. Pemadaman mempengaruhi pengoperasian sejumlah unit, seperti fasilitas penyulingan minyak mentah, crude distillation unit, dan hydrocracking unit. Kilang baru beroperasi normal tiga pekan kemudian, yakni 25 Desember 2016.  Setelah itu, kilang beberapa kali ngadat.

Pada 15 Januari 2017, kilang kembali padam total, juga akibat kerusakan pembangkit. Kali ini, penyebabnya pipa uap bocor. Beberapa fasilitas kilang pun harus dimatikan. Unit-unit dihidupkan dan baru beroperasi normal kembali pada 21 Januari. Kerusakan juga terjadi di Kilang Cilacap (Jawa Tengah) dan Dumai (Riau). Kilang Balikpapan tergolong sangat strategis karena merupakan penyuplai bahan bakar minyak terbesar kedua, Setelah Kilang Cilacap. Kilang ini meliputi dua unit dan mampu mengolah minyak mentah sebesar 260 ribu barel per hari. Salah satu produk utamanya adalah solar/diesel oil yang bisa mencapai 170 ribu barel per hari. 

Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang menyatakan siap memenuhi target itu. Harus turun tiap tahun, kata Ahmad, yang membawahi Direktur Pengolahan dan Direktur Pemasaran. Ahmad menyatakan kilang-kilang Pertamina berusia tua. Namun, jika diperhatikan dengan benar, bisa kembali bagus.“Kilang tua dipoles, bisa jadi bagus.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso menjelaskan penyetopan operasional kilang yang terlalu sering akan merugikan direktoratnya. Ia, yang menempati posisi itu sejak awal Desember 2016, berdalih banyak kegiatan perawatan kilang selama ini tak dilakukan optimal. Masalah lain, menurut Ahmad Bambang, banyak kilang Pertamina bergantung pada pembangkit yang juga memasok listrik ke perumahan. Ke depan bagaimana upaya mengurangi dan memperbaiki agar operasi andal dan tingkat efisiensi tinggi.

Solusi alternatifnya, kata Ahmad Bambang, Pertamina akan bekerja sama dengan PT PLN. Dengan pasokan listrik dari PLN, ia berharap kilang bisa efisien. Yang penting ada dua jenis sumber daya listrik sehingga, ketika genset gagal beroperasi, kilang tidak padam. Anggota Komisi Energi DPR Dito Ganindito, menilai gangguan pada kilang tua adalah hal biasa, tapi tidak boleh terlalu sering.

Hilang US$ 37,5 Juta

Pada 15 Januari 2017, kegiatan operasional Kilang Balikpapan terhenti akibat suplai listrik dari pembangkit padam. Akibat kejadian itu, kilang kehilangan potensi pendapatan sekitar US$ 37,5 juta atau Rp 505,2 miliar. Selepas shutdown, kilang tak mampu memproduksi BBM karena butuh waktu untuk pemulihan. Selama 15-21 Januari produksi Premium kilang ini turun drastis 28,5 persen atau hanya 114 ribu barel dalam tujuh hari. 

Dalam kondisi normal rata-rata produksi Premium dalam kurun yang sama sebanyak 160 ribu barel. Produksi solar/diesel oil juga mengalami hal yang sama atau turun 66,4 persen dari standar normal 898 ribu barel menjadi 302 ribu barel. Adapun produksi avtur menurun paling drastis selepas total blackout. Selama kurun 15-22 Januari produksi avtur melorot 94,8 persen dari 95 ribu barel menjadi 5.000 barel. Berikut ini statistik produksi Kilang Balikpapan pada 15-21 Januari 2017 (ribu barel per hari)

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pertamina Sudden Solar Imports

Continuous damaged refinery

Downstream Regulatory Agency considers oil imports was awkward because the stock is actually excessive.

PT Pertamina sudden import 1.2 million barrels of fuel oil (BBM) of diesel. The reason, among others, the extinction of a number of refineries belonging to oil and gas companies of the country throughout the past two months. Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang said imports suddenly disconnected because the stock had fallen to below 20 days from the normal 23 days. According to him, the stock fell due to strong demand from the mining industry because coal prices surged at the end of last year.

"The last three months estimate is too low. Turns marketing rose 2 million barrels more, "said Bambang, the director in charge of processing and marketing director of the company. Stock getting down after a sudden Balikpapan refinery outages on December 2. Refinery operations that produce 43 million tons of diesel last year was disrupted again on December 11 last. Refinery even stopped producing solar for more than 24 hours from January 15, 2017. The Ministry of Energy approved the proposal Pertamina imports. Director of the Downstream Oil and Gas, Setyorini Tri Hutami, said permission was also granted for imported gasoline. "Recommendations import approval for the next six months.

Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) questioned the decision of imported diesel by Pertamina. Therefore, based on the verification at the end of last year, the stock of diesel Pertamina is reportedly in excess. "He said over diesel; why, instead of import? "said Director of Fuel BPH Migas Ahmad Hendri.

Hendri said that Pertamina excess stocks of diesel by the end of the year because the obligations with vegetable raw materials (fatty acid methyl ester / FAME) by 20 percent. Policies issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since Early 2016

Some sources of the processing and marketing of oil also assume awkward decision of diesel imports. Usually imports was decided three months earlier. This time, the import of diesel for the new January downstream optimization decided at a meeting last December. This decision is contrary to the results of the meeting in October 2016, which among other things does not import diesel. Planning a quarterly look at the imported kind Iain, the Premium and Pertamax.

According to Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina, Daniel Purba, Pertamina increased imports two types of it as much as 3 million barrels that had been planned since October last year. Daniel reasoned scheduled Balongan refinery did not operate for 30 days this month for engine maintenance. January already we anticipate Daniel said.

Director of the Institute of Energy Iwa Garniwa declare import prices suddenly more expensive than if planned long ago, with the purchase in US dollars, he said. Imports will also weaken the rupiah.


Kilang rusak berturut-turut

Pertamina Mendadak Impor Solar

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak menganggap impor itu janggal karena stok sebenarnya berlebih.

PT Pertamina mendadak mengimpor 1,2 juta barel bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis solar. Penyebabnya, antara lain, padamnya sejumlah kilang milik perusahaan minyak dan gas negara itu sepanjang dua bulan terakhir. Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang menyatakan impor diputuskan mendadak karena stok merosot hingga di bawah 20 hari dari normalnya 23 hari. Menurut dia, stok turun akibat melonjak-nya permintaan dari industri pertambangan lantaran harga batu bara melonjak pada akhir tahun lalu.

“Tiga bulan terakhir estimasi terlalu rendah. Ternyata pemasarannya naik 2 juta barel Lebih,” ujar Bambang, yang membawahkan direktur pengolahan dan direktur pemasaran perusahaan itu. Stok semakin turun setelah Kilang Balikpapan mendadak padam pada 2 Desember. Operasi kilang yang menghasilkan 43 juta ton solar pada tahun lalu itu kembali terganggu pada 11 Desember lalu. Kilang bahkan berhenti memproduksi solar selama lebih dari 24 jam mulai 15 Januari 2017. Kementerian Energi menyetujui proposal impor Pertamina. Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Setyorini Tri Hutami, mengatakan izin juga diberikan untuk impor bensin. “Rekomendasi impor disetujui untuk enam bulan ke depan.

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) mempertanyakan keputusan impor solar oleh Pertamina. Sebab, berdasarkan verifikasi pada akhir tahun lalu, stok solar Pertamina justru dilaporkan berlebih. “Katanya over solar; kok, malah impor?” ujar Direktur Bahan Bakar Minyak BPH Migas Hendri Ahmad.

Hendri menuturkan bahwa Pertamina kelebihan stok solar pada akhir tahun karena kewajiban dengan bahan baku nabati (fatty acid methyl ester/FAME) sebesar 20 persen. Kebijakan dikeluarkan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sejak Awal 2016

Sejumlah sumber dari kalangan pengolahan dan pemasaran minyak juga menganggap janggal keputusan impor solar. Biasanya impor diputuskan tiga bulan sebelumnya. Kali ini, impor solar untuk Januari baru diputuskan pada rapat optimasi hilir Desember lalu. Keputusan ini bertentangan dengan hasil rapat pada Oktober 2016, yang antara lain tidak mengimpor solar.  Perencanaan tiga bulanan terlihat pada impor jenis Iain, yaitu Premium dan Pertamax. 

Menurut Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina, Daniel Purba, Pertamina menambah impor dua jenis itu sebanyak 3 juta barel yang sudah direncanakan sejak Oktober tahun lalu. Daniel beralasan Kilang Balongan dijadwalkan tidak beroperasi selama 30 hari pada bulan ini untuk perawatan mesin. Januari sudah kami antisipasi kata Daniel.

Direktur Lembaga Pengkajian Energi Iwa Garniwa menyatakan harga impor mendadak lebih mahal daripada jika direncanakan Jauh hari, dengan pembelian dalam dolar Amerika Serikat, kata dia. Impor juga akan melemahkan kurs rupiah.

Koran Tempo, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Gas policy hanging in balance

Indonesia’s gas market is a perfect example of how the law of supply and demand does not always work the way Economics 101 textbooks say it should. Despite the country’s abundant supply of gas, the government is mulling a plan to import the commodity in an attempt to quickly push down the country’s gas price, which is among the highest in the region.

    Speaking after a limited Cabinet meeting on Tuesday to discuss the government’s efforts to lower gas prices; Coordinating Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said such a move would see businesses immediately enjoying lower gas prices. “Yes, we are still trying to find a way to cut down prices, but it is not easy,” Darmin said. “This is why we are looking at other alternatives. However, we have to seriously study how [the gas] would be imported.”

At around USS9 per million metric British thermal units (mmbtu),.Indonesia’s average gas price is much higher than that of most of its regional peers. Gas in Malaysia and Singapore hovers at around US$ 4 per mmbtu. Business players have long voiced concern over the high gas prices, as they decrease the competitiveness of local manufacturing, a sector whose contribution to economic growth has gradually dwindled in the past decade.

The high gas prices in Indonesia are mostly attributable to a lack of infrastructure and a lengthy supply chain. The Mahakam energy field in East Kalimantan and the Tangguh field in West Papua, which jointly contribute half of Indonesia’s total gas production, for example, are located far from Java, where most of the country’s major manufacturing facilities are located. Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said gas imports would help end users get the most competitive price. “Industry [players] will deal directly with the state, or another company assigned to import gas. Many [countries] have already offered [gas] with extremely low prices, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar,” he said, without detailing the prices offered.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo previously instructed his Cabinet to cut end-user gas prices to below $6 per mmbtu for seven industrial sectors in order to develop the downstream sector and create a significant multiplier effect in the economy. However, only the petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries have been privy to the price cut starting Jan. 1, following the issuance of an Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree late last year.

While gas prices for the other Republic Indonesia plans to import gas despite domestic surplus Upstream oil and gas players unconvinced with the plan four industries  oleochemical, glass, ceramics and rubber gloves remain in limbo, the ministerial decree also only allows gas price cuts for state-owned companies in the petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries. In 2015, Indonesia produced 19.1 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG), 85 percent of which was shipped overseas with Japan, South Korea and China the top three export destinations.

The government’s plan to import gas has raised questions, as domestic supply is barely absorbed in the country. Data from the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) shows that only 39 of 64 LNG cargoes allocated for the domestic market were absorbed in 2015. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, the president director of Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of .state-owned energy firm Pertamina operating in the upstream oil sector, said the company’s bottom-line had decreased following the implementation of the new gas price in the petrochemical, steel and fertilizer industries. 

PHE plans to implement various internal efficiency measures to boost its production in order to reduce the “damage” caused by the new price. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil Indonesia, the local division of the US-based ExxonMobil Corporation, stated that it needed to make further calculations for the projected price. “Each gas field has a situation that is different from others, hence the difference in economical prices of gas produced at each field,” said ExxonMobil Indonesia’s vice president for public and government affairs, Erwin Maryoto.

Since taking office in 2014, President Jokowi has repeatedly used market interventions to quickly bring down prices of important commodities. ln 2015, the President forced state cement company PT Semen Indonesia to slash its prices, sending shock waves through the cement industry Last year, Jokowi demanded the application of one price for fuel sold in the remote province of Papua, causing losses of more than Rp 1.5 trillion (US$ 111 million) for state energy company Pertamina. 

ReforMiner Institute researcher Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that although upstream gas prices abroad might be lower, there were still additional transportation and distribution costs to think about. “It would be better to conduct a complete calculation of the domestic economic situation,” he said.

Jakarta Post, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Not-Be disadvantaged SOE Holding Oil and Gas

Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) Pangarso Sidik Bowo asserted, the House did not deny the existence of Government Regulation No. 72/2016 Amendment to Government Regulation No. 44/2005 on Procedures for Capital Investments and stylist company State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and the Company Limited. PP is the basis of the formation of SOE Holding Migas. Parliament did not reject the Government Regulation number 72. In fact, we will always support the government, as long as it is for the interests of the nation.

According to him, what is important is the transparency and the purpose of establishing Holding of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Do not be, released PGN shares to private parties or foreigners without the knowledge of Parliament. Because it is a concern related to the existence of the government regulation. But Deputy State-Owned Enterprises Ministry of Energy, Transportation, Logistics, and Tourism Region Edwin Hidayat Abdullah said that there was no agenda.

According to Bowo, formation of a holding itself will not reduce the oversight function of Parliament. Because, in principle, Parliament can call anyone. Not only Pertamina, even calling the private sector can. For that we ask from the Government and the Ministry of SOEs, how the work plan if Pertamina and PGN merged. Bowo added, Commission VI also can understand explanation of PT Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto at the meeting, the urgency related to the formation of SOE Holding Migas. Including among other things, that the holding could support the conversion of fossil fuels to gas, and efficiency through the establishment of a holding itself. We can accept delivery Pak Dwi, that oil and gas can not be separated, because every drilling sure there is no gas. We can also understand that by pooling Pertamina and PGN, will create a more efficient and become cheaper. That's all we can accept.

Bowo added, during the formation of the Oil and Gas Holding SOE management does not change, does not change the financial and PGN will even increase revenue, then it will not be a problem. The difference is, with the holding, the PGN will be under Pertamina, that's all.

Related to Government Regulation (PP) 72/2016 itself, formerly the Ministry of SOEs also ensure that there is no sale of assets to the private sector. Because of the new regulations signed by the President Joko Widodo is still common. According to SOE Minister Rini Soemarno, it has not spell out in detail the contents of the Government Regulations. There will be a process. I will provide an explanation that is not wrong. The regulation for some things. For still holding government regulation per sector and it has not. Government regulations are more specific to be published in the near future, hopefully the process is quick.


Holding Tak Boleh Rugikan BUMN Migas

Anggota Komisi VI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Bowo Sidik Pangarso menegaskan, DPR tidak menolak keberadaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72/2016 Perubahan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 44/2005 tentang Tata Cara Penyertaan dan Penata usahaan Modal Negara pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Perseroan Terbatas. PP tersebut menjadi dasar tentang pembentukan Holding BUMN Migas. DPR bukan menolak Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 72. Bahkan, kami akan selalu support pemerintah, selama itu untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

Menurutnya, yang penting adalah transparansi dan tujuan pembentukan Holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Jangan sampai, saham PGN dilepaskan kepada pihak swasta atau asing tanpa sepengetahuan DPR. Sebab hal itu yang menjadi kekhawatiran terkait keberadaan Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut. Tetapi Deputi Kementerian BUMN Bidang Usaha Energi, Transportasi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Edwin Hidayat Abdullah mengatakan, bahwa tidak ada agenda itu.

Menurut Bowo, pembentukan holding itu sendiri tidak akan mengurangi fungsi pengawasan DPR. Karena pada prinsipnya, DPR bisa memanggil siapa saja. Tidak hanya Pertamina, bahkan memanggil pihak swasta pun bisa. Untuk itu yang kita minta dari Pemerintah dan Kementerian BUMN, bagaimana rencana kerja jika Pertamina dan PGN digabung. Bowo menambahkan, Komisi VI juga bisa memahami penjelasan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto pada rapat tersebut, terkait urgensi pembentukan Holding BUMN Migas. Termasuk di antaranya, bahwa holding bisa mendukung upaya konversi bahan bakar fosil ke gas, serta efisiensi melalui pembentukan holding itu  sendiri. Kita bisa menerima penyampaian Pak Dwi, bahwa minyak dan gas bumi memang tidak bisa dipisahkan, karena setiap pengeboran pasti di situ ada gas. Kita juga bisa memahami, bahwa dengan penyatuan Pertamina dan PGN tersebut, akan membuat lebih efisien dan menjadi lebih murah. Itu semua bisa kita terima.

Bowo menambahkan, selama pembentukan Holding BUMN Migas tidak mengubah manajemen, tidak mengubah keuangan dan bahkan akan meningkatkan pendapatan PGN, maka hal itu tidak menjadi masalah. Bedanya, dengan holding, maka PGN akan berada di bawah Pertamina, itu saja.

Terkait Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 72/2016 sendiri, sebelumnya Kementerian BUMN juga menjamin bahwa tidak ada penjualan aset kepada pihak swasta. Pasalnya, peraturan baru yang diteken Presiden Joko Widodo tersebut masih bersifat umum. Menurut Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, pihaknya belum secara detail menjabarkan isi Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut. Nanti ada prosesnya. Saya akan berikan penjelasan supaya tidak salah. Ini Peraturan Pemerintah untuk beberapa hal. Untuk Peraturan Pemerintah holding masih per sektor dan itu belum. Peraturan Pemerintah secara lebih spesifik akan diterbitkan dalam waktu dekat, mudah-mudahan prosesnya cepat.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Five Steps Prepare Pertamina Refinery Operations Increase

PT Pertamina launched five priority measures to improve the operational performance of the company's refineries. The move is expected to enhance the resilience of supply and a drop in imports of fuel oil (BBM). Pertamina processing director Toharso reveal five corrective measures include five aspects, namely the Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), Reliability, Efficiency, Optimization and improvement of Organization and Human Resources Development. "The five aspects are very important to enhance the resilience of the supply of fuel," said Toharso.

Toharso said aspects of HSSE main focus is no occurrence of workplace accidents that could lead to a fatality. In addition to fatalities, Pertamina will be as active as possible to prevent pollution due to refinery operations. Meanwhile, Reliability refineries focused on achieving zero unplanned shutdown. 

     He cited one of the efforts to achieve it, is done in a manner consistent and disciplined in refinery maintenance schedule either partial or generalized. We will also increase the effectiveness of inspections so that it can be seen in a timely fashion before the appliance is damaged. In principle, if we could press the number lost operating time, the better the performance and production of the refinery can be targeted and ultimately more reliable fuel supply nationwide.

The third aspect is efficiency through a few steps to the main focus of reducing losses by up to 50 percent working under realization in 2016. In addition to reducing the losses will also conduct the procurement of materials and equipment centrally refineries so as to lower the cost. The fourth aspect of optimization focused on improving the yield valuable product to 79 percent from the current 74 percent. In addition, Pertamina is also targeting a decrease in operating costs of up to only US $ 3 per barrel.


Pertamina Siapkan Lima Langkah Tingkatkan Operasi Kilang

PT Pertamina mencanangkan lima langkah prioritas untuk memperbaiki kinerja operasional kilang perusahaan. Langkah ini diharapkan meningkatkan ketahanan pasokan dan penurunan impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso mengungkapkan lima langkah perbaikan tersebut mencakup lima aspek, yaitu Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE), Keandalan, Efisiensi, Optimasi dan perbaikan Organisasi dan Pengembangan SDM. "Kelima aspek tersebut sangat penting untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pasokan BBM,” kata Toharso.

Toharso menuturkan dari aspek HSSE fokus utama adalah tidak ada kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menimbulkan fatality. Selain fatality, Pertamina akan seaktif mungkin untuk mencegah terjadinya pencemaran akibat operasi kilang. Adapun, Keandalan kilang difokuskan pada upaya mencapai zero unplanned shutdown. 

     Dia mencontohkan salah satu upaya untuk mencapainya, dilakukan dengan cara konsisten dan disiplin pada jadwal pemeliharaan kilang baik yang bersifat parsial maupun menyeluruh. Kami juga akan meningkatkan efektivitas inspeksi sehingga dapat diketahui secara lebih dini sebelum alat rusak. Pada prinsipnya apabila kita bisa tekan angka kehilangan waktu operasi, kinerja kilang semakin baik dan produksi bisa sesuai target dan pada akhirnya pasokan BBM nasional semakin andal.

Aspek ketiga adalah efisiensi melalui beberapa langkah dengan fokus utamanya mengurangi working losses hingga 50 persen dibawah realisasi tahun 2016. Selain mengurangi losses juga akan melakukan pengadaan bahan maupun peralatan kilang secara terpusat sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya. Aspek keempat optimasi yang fokus pada upaya peningkatan yield valuable product menjadi 79 persen dari saat ini sekitar 74 persen. Selain itu, Pertamina juga menargetkan penurunan biaya operasi hingga menjadi hanya US$ 3 per barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Pertamina Request Additional Split ONWJ

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi proposed increasing share of revenue (split) to new contracts Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). The reason is, there are costs that can not be depreciated (un depreciated cost) amounted to $ 453 million in the old contract is still wearing cost recovery scheme. President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Mount Sardjono Hadi said the contract ONWJ previously planned to be extended by the government and not be disconnected and then into a new contract with a gross scheme split. 

       So that the investment should be brought and had to be replaced during the life of the contract with the scheme cost recovery, can not be obtained by the company when the contract expires January 18 last. This fee is called later became undepreciated cost that reduces the economic ONWJ. No un depreciated cost that has not been solved $ 453 million. This included our proposals so that there is an additional split to us so un depreciated cost can be covered.

He explained, additional split is only one option to restore the economics of oil and gas blocks. However, this option is the easiest calls are given, although this option is still to be discussed with the government. If using an additional split, it should be ascertained whether the additional split in the first five years or 20 years into the future. This (additional split) to use discretion to make an additional 5%. However, he was reluctant to ascertain the exact number required additional split. Even on the top 5%, the government also opened space for the contract amendment.

The emergence of these un depreciated cost, can occur in other oil and gas blocks are terminated and replaced with a split contract gross scheme. It includes eight oil and gas blocks that have been declared assigned to Pertamina. However, he admitted that the amount of undepreciated cost will not be as big as in ONWJ.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar never mentioned the additional split for oil and gas companies. He said that investors feel the split earned enough, you can convey to the government. For results after inserting variable and progressive split split, is still open to change. If from the commercial, there is room for negotiation or less (additional) 5%.

This is in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation 8/2017 which became the basis for the gross split. In this policy is mentioned, when calculating the commercialization of the field does not reach a certain economic value, the contractor received an additional split a maximum of 5%. By contrast, in the calculation of the commercialization of the field exceeds to certain economies, the state may take an additional 5% split. The government noted the oil reserves in ONWJ recorded was 309.8 million barrels and gas 1.l14,9 billion cubic feet.

      Under the new contract, Pertamina agreed to provide funding of US $ 82.3 million during the first three years and $ 8.5 billion during the contract period of 20 years to work on the potential ONWJ. In addition, the contract also mentions the gross receipts from ONWJ amounted to US $ 14.8 billion in the country which is allotted US $ 5.7 billion.

General Manager of PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java Irwansyah added, gross split scheme used in the contract, will not change the work plan and budget (work plan and budget / WP & B) agreed with SKK Migas. ONWJ oil and gas production in 2017 is targeted to be higher than last year


Pertamina Minta Tambahan Split Blok ONWJ

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi mengusulkan tambahan porsi bagi hasil (split) untuk kontrak baru Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Pasalnya, terdapat biaya yang tidak dapat disusutkan (un depreciated cost) sebesar US$ 453 juta pada kontrak lama yang masih memakai skema cost recovery. Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, kontrak Blok ONWJ sebelumnya direncanakan bakal diperpanjang oleh pemerintah, bukan diputus kemudian menjadi kontrak baru dengan skema gross split. 

    Sehingga investasi yang seharusnya di bawa dan sudah diganti selama masa kontrak dengan skema cost recovery, belum dapat diperoleh perusahaan saat kontrak berakhir 18 Januari lalu. Biaya ini disebutnya kemudian menjadi undepreciated cost yang mengurangi keekonomian Blok ONWJ. Ada un depreciated cost yang belum solved US$ 453 juta. Ini dimasukkan usulan kami supaya ada tambahan split ke kami agar un depreciated cost ini bisa tercover.

Dia menjelaskan, tambahan split hanya Salah satu opsi untuk mengembalikan keekonomian blok migas. Namun, opsi ini disebutnya merupakan yang paling mudah diberikan, meski opsi ini masih harus dibahas dengan pemerintah. Jika menggunakan tambahan split, perlu dipastikan apakah tambahan split pada lima tahun pertama atau 20 tahun ke depan. Ini (tambahan split) yang dapat menggunakan diskresi untuk dapat tambahan 5%. Namun, dirinya enggan memastikan berapa pastinya tambahan split yang dibutuhkan. Kalaupun on top 5%, pemerintah juga membuka ruang untuk amendemen kontrak.

Timbulnya un depreciated cost ini, dapat terjadi pada blok migas lain yang diputus kontraknya dan digantikan dengan kontrak skema gross split. Ini termasuk delapan blok migas yang telah dinyatakan ditugaskan ke Pertamina. Hanya saja, diakuinya besaran undepreciated cost itu tidak akan sebesar di Blok ONWJ.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar pernah menyinggung soal tambahan split bagi perusahaan migas ini. Dia mengungkapkan, investor yang merasa split yang diperoleh masih kurang, dapat menyampaikan ke pemerintah. Bagi hasil setelah memasukkan variable split dan progressive split, masih terbuka untuk diubah. Kalau dari komersial, ada ruang untuk negosiasi kurang lebih (tambahan) 5%.

Hal ini sesuai dengan Pasal 7 Peraturan Menteri 8/2017 yang menjadi dasar penerapan gross split. Dalam beleid ini disebutkan, ketika perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, kontraktor mendapat tambahan split maksimal 5%. Sebaliknya, dalam perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan melebihi ke ekonomian tertentu, maka negara boleh mengambil tambahan split 5%. Pemerintah mencatat cadangan minyak di Blok ONWJ tercatat masih 309,8 juta barel dan gas 1.l14,9 miliar kaki kubik.

Dalam kontrak baru, Pertamina menyanggupi untuk memberikan dana sebesar US$ 82,3 juta selama tiga tahun pertama dan US$ 8,5 miliar sepanjang masa kontrak 20 tahun untuk menggarap potensi Blok ONWJ. Selain itu, kontrak juga menyebutkan penerimaan kotor dari Blok ONWJ sebesar US$ 14,8 miliar di mana yang merupakan jatah negara US$ 5,7 miliar. 

General Manager PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java Irwansyah menambahkan, skema gross split yang dipakai dalam kontrak, tidak akan mengubah rencana kerja dan anggaran (work plan and budget/WP&B) yang telah disepakati dengan SKK Migas. Produksi migas Blok ONWJ pada 2017 ini ditargetkan lebih tinggi dari tahun lalu

 Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Optimize Production of Gas for Domestic Industry

Gas production should be utilized as much as possible to support the national industry. In addition to the issue price, the gas supply must be provided so that the industry can produce. Therefore, the export policy of cheap gas in the long term should be reviewed and transferred to supply the needs of the national industry. On the other hand, the government should build gas infrastructure in order to use the gas in the country can be optimized. Chief Coordinator Gas Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja said, the price of gas worth US $ 6 per mmbtu is ideal for industrial and could increase the added value.

Another advantage is that production costs can be saved up to 30%. He said the gas business is not just about price, but the supply should be provided so that the industry can produce. Currently, the national gas supply industry not sufficient so that shortcomings must be imported.

Employers did not mind as long as the import is done the right way. The domestic industry that many gas need to be able to produce. He said, the government can increase gas production by increasing the development of the national central processing plant (CPP).

Currently, the CPP has been widely spread in several regions in Indonesia and the construction is done PT Pertamina. Proposed employers to boost gas production is to increase CPR. Achmad Widjaja said almost all types of industries require gas, so that domestic gas needs must be fulfilled. Based on data from Wood Mackenzie, the selling price of gas (LNG) in Indonesia is relatively more expensive than Singapore, Malaysia, and India. For the gas piped, prices in Indonesia are still more expensive than Malaysia and Vietnam, but cheaper than Singapore, the Philippines, and India.

Meanwhile, the government's plan opens the door for the gas imported industrial rated only be term solution short. Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Haryadi Sukamdani said, if the price of gas imports could provide a cheaper and improve competitiveness, the plan could be a solution. If gas imports to meet the expectations of the industry, it is very good, although in terms of strategic rather strange, because we also have gas. But, there may be a problem that makes the price so high

With gas imports, Haryadi rate, the industry has is the option to use gas from domestic or imported. Moreover, if one of them is much cheaper. This strategy should ideally only be done in the short term. As for the long term, according to Haryadi, the government should map out the problem of why the price of gas in the country is much more expensive. If the price of imported gas is cheaper, while good for increasing added value, go ahead. But for the long term, the strategy must be seen again. Should be met from within the country.

He added that gas distribution are also considered. This includes who will manage and create access to industrial customers. Thus, this strategy could be positive for the industry. "If we can reach more and cheaper industrial good" he said.

Less Infrastructure

Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) Ganinduto Dito said, the main problem of gas utilization in the country is the lack of gas infrastructure. Because the sources of gas to be away from the location of the consumer. Our gas reserves much but the infrastructure is lacking. Dito said, the government should begin the construction of the gas network so that the public can use. With the availability of infrastructure, the price of gas can be suppressed. In addition, he highlighted the price of gas is still high.

According to him, the price of gas can be reduced partly by reducing state revenues in the upstream and evaluate the toll fee on the use of pipe joint (open access). "Efficiency was the key," he said. Director of Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Coal expressed the same opinion. He considered gas Indonesia exported more gas because of inadequate infrastructure. Starting from the receiving terminal to the pipeline to consumers. Now they are exported for long-term contracts. Second, because we do not have adequate infrastructure to absorb.

Marwan said, the use of gas in the country has not supported the road map (roadmap). He calls when high world oil prices raised the idea to use cheaper gas. For example, gas for vehicles using converter kits. But when oil prices fell, as now, the ideas of gas utilization was missing. We did not have a clear roadmap about the use of gas.

Marwan criticized the scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) which was offered by the government. He argues, such a scheme is not attractive for investors to explore. Investors prefer the existing oil and gas field exploitation. The reason is there certainty about the backup and the return on investment. If exploration is reduced, then the oil and gas reserves are decreasing. Gross split should be reviewed.

Import Gas

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto said the government this year will be to tap natural gas imports to maintain the supply of natural gas needs for the domestic industry. The government is currently looking for skim right about the mechanism of import of natural gas from a number of countries. "Details still need to be discussed. But that has been allowed to import gas is carried out. It will be discussed how the mechanism, "said Airlangga limited cabinet meeting after work at the Presidential Office.

Meeting led by President Joko Widodo specifically discuss about the price of gas for industry as well as the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific. Present at the meeting were Coordinating Minister maritime Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, SOE Minister Rini Soemarno, Tahar Arcandra Deputy Minister and Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung. Airlangga said the government has yet to determine which countries that will be the source of natural gas imports. From where his future will be discussed. The supply depends on what will later be given sector. Later determined whether skim per sector or region.


Optimalkan Produksi Gas untuk Industri Dalam Negeri

Produksi gas harus dimanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya untuk mendukung industri nasional. Selain masalah harga, pasokan gas harus tersedia agar industri bisa berproduksi. Karena itu, kebijakan ekspor gas dengan harga murah dalam jangka panjang mesti dikaji ulang dan dialihkan untuk memasok kebutuhan industri nasional. Di sisi lain, pemerintah harus membangun infrastruktur gas agar pemanfaatan gas di dalam negeri bisa optimal. Ketua Koordinator Gas Industri Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja mengatakan, harga gas senilai US$ 6 per mmbtu cukup ideal untuk industri dan bisa meningkatkan nilai tambah. 

Keuntungan lain adalah biaya produksi bisa dihemat hingga 30%. Dia mengatakan, urusan gas bukan hanya masalah harga, melainkan pasokan-nya harus tersedia agar industri bisa berproduksi. Saat ini, suplai gas nasional belum mencukupi kebutuhan industri sehingga kekurangannya harus di impor. 

Pengusaha tidak keberatan dengan impor asalkan dilakukan dengan cara yang benar. Industri dalam negeri butuh gas yang banyak agar mampu berproduksi. Dia menuturkan, pemerintah bisa meningkatkan produksi gas nasional dengan menambah pembangunan central processing plant (CPP).

Saat ini, CPP sudah banyak tersebar di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia dan pembangunannya dilakukan PT Pertamina. Usulan pengusaha untuk meningkatkan produksi gas adalah menambah CPR. Achmad Widjaja menjelaskan, hampir semua jenis industri membutuhkan gas, sehingga kebutuhan gas dalam negeri wajib dipenuhi. Berdasarkan data Wood Mackenzie, harga jual gas (LNG) di Indonesia relatif lebih mahal dibanding dengan Singapura, Malaysia, dan India. Untuk gas yang disalurkan lewat pipa, harga di Indonesia juga masih lebih mahal dari Malaysia dan Vietnam, tapi lebih murah dari Singapura, Filipina, dan India.

Sementara itu, rencana pemerintah membuka pintu impor gas untuk industri dinilai hanya menjadi solusi jangka pendek. Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Haryadi Sukamdani mengatakan, jika dengan impor bisa memberikan harga gas yang lebih murah dan meningkatkan daya saing, rencana tersebut bisa menjadi solusi. Kalau impor gas bisa memenuhi ekspektasi industri, itu baik sekali, walaupun dari sisi strategis-nya agak aneh, karena kita juga punya gas. Tapi, mungkin ada masalah yang membuat harganya jadi tinggi.

Dengan impor gas, Haryadi menilai, industri memiliki pilihan mau menggunakan gas dari dalam negeri atau impor. Apalagi, jika salah satunya jauh lebih murah. Strategi ini idealnya hanya dilakukan untuk jangka pendek. Adapun untuk jangka panjang, menurut Haryadi, pemerintah harus memetakan masalah kenapa harga gas dalam negeri jauh lebih mahal. Kalau harga gas impor lebih murah, sedangkan bagus untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah, silakan saja. Tetapi untuk jangka panjang, harus dilihat lagi strateginya. Harusnya bisa dipenuhi dari dalam negeri.

Dia menambahkan, distribusi gas juga diperhatikan. Ini mencakup siapa yang akan mengelola dan membuat akses menuju pelanggan industri. Dengan begitu, strategi ini bisa berdampak positif bagi industri. “Kalau bisa menjangkau lebih banyak industri dan harganya lebih murah bagus” kata dia.

Kurang Infrastruktur

Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Dito Ganinduto mengatakan, masalah utama pemanfaatan gas di dalam negeri adalah minimnya infrastruktur gas. Pasalnya, sumber-sumber gas berada jauh dari lokasi konsumen. Cadangan gas kita banyak tapi infrastruktur-nya kurang. Dito menuturkan, pemerintah sebaiknya memulai pembangunan jaringan gas agar masyarakat luas bisa memanfaatkannya. Dengan tersedianya infrastruktur maka harga gas bisa ditekan. Selain itu, dia menyoroti harga gas yang masih tinggi.

Menurut dia, harga gas bisa ditekan antara lain dengan mengurangi pendapatan negara di sisi hulu dan mengevaluasi toll fee dari pemakaian pipa bersama (open access). “Efisiensi itu kunci utamanya,” katanya. Direktur Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara menyampaikan pendapat yang sama. Dia menilai gas Indonesia lebih banyak diekspor lantaran belum memadainya infrastruktur gas. Mulai dari terminal penerima hingga jaringan pipa ke konsumen. Sekarang masih banyak diekspor karena kontrak jangka panjang. Kedua, karena kita sendiri tidak punya infrastruktur yang memadai untuk menyerap.

Marwan menuturkan, pemanfaatan gas di dalam negeri belum ditunjang dengan peta jalan (roadmap). Dia menyebut ketika harga minyak dunia tinggi timbul ide untuk pemakaian gas yang lebih murah. Sebagai contoh gas untuk kendaraan dengan memakai konverter kit. Namun ketika harga minyak melemah seperti sekarang ini, ide-ide pemanfaatan gas itu hilang. Kita tidak punya roadmap yang jelas soal penggunaan gas.

Marwan mengkritisi skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) yang mulai ditawarkan pemerintah. Dia berpendapat, skema tersebut tidak menarik bagi investor untuk melakukan eksplorasi. Investor lebih memilih lapangan migas yang sudah eksploitasi. Pasalnya sudah ada kepastian mengenai cadangan dan tingkat pengembalian investasi. Kalau eksplorasi berkurang, maka cadangan migas pun menurun. Gross split sebaiknya ditinjau kembali.

Impor Gas

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, pemerintah pada tahun ini akan membuka kran impor gas bumi untuk menjaga ketersediaan pasokan kebutuhan gas bumi bagi industri dalam negeri. Saat ini pemerintah sedang mencari skim yang tepat tentang mekanisme impor gas bumi dari sejumlah negara. “Detail-nya masih perlu dibahas. Tapi yang sudah diizinkan adalah dilakukan impor gas. Nanti akan dibahas bagaimana mekanisme-nya,” kata Airlangga usai rapat terbatas kabinet kerja di Kantor  Kepresidenan.

Rapat yang dipimpin Presiden Joko Widodo khusus membahas tentang harga gas bumi untuk industri serta pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 40 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu. Hadir dalam rapat itu Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, dan Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung. Airlangga mengatakan, pemerintah sampai saat ini belum menentukan negara-negara mana saja yang akan dijadikan sumber impor gas bumi. Dari mana-nya nanti akan kita bicarakan. Suplainya tergantung nanti sektor apa yang akan diberikan. Nanti ditentukan apakah skimnya per sektor atau wilayah.

 Investor Daily, Page-1, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017