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Friday, January 27, 2017

New Contract Oil and Gas Must Be More Attractive

The government is optimistic INVESTMENT AND GAS GETS BETTER

     The new oil and gas contracts with gross profit sharing scheme (gross split) should be more attractive than the old contract scheme refundable fee (cost recovery). Otherwise, investors will be reluctant to establish an employment contract same (production sharing Contra (PSC) to work on new oil and gas blocks in in the country.

     The lack of investors in the oil and gas could threaten national energy security for the target production (lifting) oil more difficult to achieve. Moreover, other countries offer very attractive incentives to attract oil and gas investors. Currently, the target of lifting in the state budget is often not achieved. This is expressed by the Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong, Master Plan Manager of Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Petroleum Ltd. Operations (ADCO) Ardy Muawin and Ryad Chairil Policy Center of the University of Indonesia (UI).

      On the other hand, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja contacted by Investor Daily optimistic that the domestic oil and gas investment, both upstream and downstream, will be better this year in line with the enforcement scheme of replacing the split gross cost recovery. "In the upstream sector, improvement of investment driven by the increase in crude oil prices and improved business processes. In the downstream, the investment will increase following a number of infrastructure projects are built and the issuance of regulations that provide opportunities for the private sector to participate in business, "he said.

     Starting in January 2017, the government changed the PSC on new oil and gas contracts. If used before cost recovery scheme is then applied in the new rules which split gross scheme. The provisions set forth in the Regulation of Minister No. 8 of 2017 concerning the Production Sharing Contract Gross Split. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina started a new round of the national oil and gas industry. PHE signed a gross scheme split with the government for the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ).

In the scheme of gross split, cost component is no longer a burden on the state, as in the cost recovery scheme, but rather a burden on investors and contractors. Thus, the country is free from the risks and have certainty. For example, when using a scheme of cost recovery, profit sharing for the state compared to investors of 85: 15 to 70:30 for oil and gas. However, the scheme exclude the cost to be reimbursed the state. For the results of new oil and gas projects is calculated after fees split between the state and investors.

Keep Economies

According to the IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong, industry stakeholders generally support the efficiency of oil and gas industry through the application of gross PSC split. "But the implementation of the scheme is not to degrade the economical oil and gas projects being lower than the project using a scheme of cost recovery, "he said.

Marjolijn explained that any appeal of the national oil and gas industry in the eyes of investors is still less attractive than other countries, including neighboring countries in Asean. For the sake of future improvements, Marjolijn said, the government needs to conduct a comprehensive review of the scheme gross PSC split, especially with regard to the implications for the development of deep-sea oil and gas project, off the beaten track, and that requires further dewatering stage (enhanced oil recovery / EOR). "Therefore, this is the region that want targeted Indonesia in the development of oil and gas in the future," he said.

Marjolijn added that the government also must compare the economics of the project with a gross scheme split against other countries. "Say've seen the economics are better, but whether it is competitive against other countries? What is unclear to us of which about taxation because this time there we follow the system of cost recovery, "he said.

Economies Factor 

According to the Master Plan Manager of ADCO Ardy Muawin, oil and gas blocks for auction participants is relatively minimal. For example, oil and gas blocks auction period 2016 demand little and just set one winner. As a result, the government will auction off oil and gas blocks through PSC split gross scheme (model PSC gross). Lack of interest in oil and gas blocks auction is highly influenced by the economics of oil and gas block. Therefore, Ardy Muawin warned, the government must be careful to apply skemagross split because its implementation is not as easy matter on paper. Model PSC gross that uses one type of direct division of gross pendaatan tends to produce win-lose situation.

Most of the world oil and gas business analyst, also believes that the current oil prices are low, the model PSC gross less attractive to investors. The use of direct distribution model with a gross income for a single outcome (single split) with optimum results difficult to achieve because of the dynamics of the oil and gas business has a high degree of uncertainty. Application of gross PSC for oil and gas contracts is actually the old concept that could potentially bring a series of new problems. He explained that the concept of gross PSC as if a god helper or a perfect solution to the problem of latent cost recovery. Yet, at the same time, this model also creates new problems are more fundamental
of the cost recovery issue "because the government no longer controls the daily operations and expenditure of the contractor. At the same time, ownership of oil and gas facility that is no longer the government's right because it was purchased from the contractor.

According Ardy Muawin government should offer alternative solutions that could better accommodate the desire of investors to have an incentive when oil prices are low. The solution also should be able to reduce the impact of cost recovery on the other hand, there remains the government control over oil and gas activities.

Ryad Chairil Policy Center of the University of Indonesia if the government is already conducting studies on gross ripe split in the auction of oil and gas this year. "A proper policy through careful study. Well, who did the study, the logic of academic anything until the number of the calculation of gross split? "He said. Thus, says Chairil, do not get the impression the new scheme was implemented in a hurry. You see, when it led to the loss, it would be a problem great when a change of regime power.

He admits, cost recovery scheme is still suitable to be applied in Indonesia. "If there is to be done, maybe kin proportions and supervision, "he said. Moreover, according to Chairil Ryad, oil and gas fields with large reserves have been hard to find in the country. There is oil and gas fields marginal. The situation is different with coal reserves in the country are still abundant, so government's bargaining position against the investor is still high.

"In the matter of marginal oil and gas fields, I agree with the deputy minister of Energy and Mineral Resources that we need technology. However, it is still a question of whether the scheme's gross split could make marginal oil and gas fields remain economically viable, "he said.

     He explained, in conditions of oil and gas reserves have been few and difficult location, only natural that investors need incentives. "Investors certainly take into account the security of the investment. I am concerned, investors will choose to invest in other countries that provide the potential for higher investment feasibility, "he said.

Nevertheless, Chairil said, all parties still need to wait for the response of investors at the auction oil and gas blocks opened. "We will know whether or not interesting to them. Also incentives what still needs to be given to investors, "he said.

Will be better

Director General of Oil and Gas MEMR I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja expect improved national oil and gas investment this year, though it is not predictable how much the increase in investment. He admitted, specialized in upstream oil and gas, improvement of investment is not solely driven application schema gross PSC split. Crude oil prices started
crawling up also assist the government's efforts to boost domestic oil and gas upstream investments. "Right (increase investment) because it also helped oil prices began to rise. One of the parameters of investment in the oil sector is the price of oil, then split and gross assisted revision of Government Regulation. (PP) No. 79 of 2010 on Operating Costs
which Refundable and Treatment of Income Tax in the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector, "he said.

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) targets the oil and gas investment this year to reach US $ 13 billion, higher than the prognosis of 2016 amounted to US $ 12.01 billion. Magnitude of oil and gas investment is only for existing oil and gas blocks in accordance commitments cooperation contract (PSC / PSC) in the work plan and budget (work plan and budget / WP & B).

However, the investment rate in 2017 was lower than a few years ago. In 2011-2014, investment upstream oil and gas continue to rise, even briefly hit US $ 18 billion. Details, upstream oil and gas investment in 2011 was US $ 14 billion, then increased in 2012 to US $ 17 billion, and reached US $ 18 billion in 2013 and 2014. Furthermore, investment declined to US $ 14 billion in 2015 as oil prices tumbled.


Wiratmaja said, through a gross scheme split, the government wants to improve Indonesia's competitiveness in the oil and gas attract investors. "We hope more competitive, more in the moment (rank). We're now at the end, "he stated.
According to him, skemagross split can improve the return on capital (internal rate of return / IRR) of oil and gas projects. That's because this scheme considering the location and condition of oil and gas field, the accumulated amount of production, and oil prices in determining the outcome ration oil and gas contractors. As a result, any marginal oil and gas fields can still be economical. "If there are additional marginal split its order IRR overtaken. We can the love of minimum IRR of 12%.

Scheme gross profit split will also make oil and gas companies will be even greater if they do efficiency. Wiratmaja also revealed an increase in investment has occurred in the downstream sector. It looks at many investments to build a refinery by PT Pertamina.

Still for the refinery business, Wiratmaja also optimistic going to invest a lot of that with the publication of regulations opened up opportunities to build private refineries in the country. Remain very optimistic, there is construction at the refinery. Then there is a regulation that is expected to attract a lot of investment.

Pertamina plans to improve and increase the capacity of its three oil refineries. The investment value
these three projects each with US $ 4.5 billion for the Cilacap refinery, US $ 4.2-4.3 billion for Dumai Refinery and US $ 2.7 billion for Balongan refinery. Then, Pertamina is also building two new refineries with an estimated investment of each US $ 10-13 billion.

To boost investment refinery, Energy Minister Energy and Mineral Resources issued Decree No. 35 of 2016 on the Development of Domestic Oil Refinery by privately owned companies. This policy opens kesempakatan for private companies to build refineries. Not only that, to improve the economic viability, private companies can obtain tiskal and non-fiscal incentives. In addition to the refinery, the high interest in the utilization of liquefied natural gas / LNG is expected to boost investment downstream. "The utilization of LNG we also expect to attract investment," said Wiratmaja.

Kalla Group through its subsidiary, PT Bumi Sarana Migas (BSM), will build onshore LNG regasification terminal with a capacity of 4 million tons per year in Bojonegara, Banten. Construction of the project will begin this year and is targeted to be operational in early 2020. In addition Kalla Group, Pertamina will also add storage unit
and the floating (floating storage and regasification unit / FSRU) LNG has.



Kontrak Baru Migas Harus Lebih Atraktif

Kontrak baru migas melalui skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) harus lebih menarik dari kontrak lama menggunakan skema biaya yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery). Jika tidak, investor akan enggan menjalin kontrak kerja
sama (production sharing Contra (PSC) untuk menggarap blok-blok migas baru di Tanan Air.

Minimnya investor di blok migas bisa mengancam ketahanan energi nasional karena target produksi (lifting) migas makin sulit dicapai. Apalagi negara-negara lain menawarkan insentif yang sangat atraktif untuk menjaring investor migas. Saat ini saja, target lifting di APBN sering tak tercapai. Hal itu diungkapkan Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum
Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong, Master Plan Manager Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Petroleum Operations Ltd (ADCO) Ardy Muawin, dan Chairil Ryad dari Policy Center Universitas Indonesia (UI).

Di pihak lain, Dirjen Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja yang dihubungi Investor Daily optimistis investasi migas domestik, baik hulu maupun hilir, bakal lebih baik tahun ini sejalan dengan diberlakukannya skema gross split menggantikan cost recovery. “Di sektor hulu, perbaikan investasi didorong kenaikan harga minyak mentah dan perbaikan proses bisnis. Di hilir, investasi akan meningkat menyusul banyaknya proyek infrastruktur yang dibangun dan diterbitkannya regulasi yang memberikan peluang bagi swasta untuk ikut berbisnis,” ujar dia.

Mulai Januari 2017, pemerintah  mengubah PSC pada kontrak-kontrak baru migas. Jika yang digunakan sebelumnya adalah skema cost recovery maka yang diterapkan dalam aturan baru yaitu skema gross split. Ketentuan itu dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina mengawali babak baru industri migas nasional tersebut. PHE meneken skema gross split dengan pemerintah untuk Blok Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ).

Dalam skema gross split, komponen biaya tidak lagi menjadi beban negara, seperti dalam skema cost recovery, melainkan menjadi beban investor dan kontraktor. Dengan demikian, negara terbebas dari berbagai risiko dan lebih memiliki
kepastian. Sebagai contoh, ketika menggunakan skema cost recovery, bagi hasil untuk negara dibanding investor sebesar 85: 15 untuk minyak dan 70:30 untuk gas. Namun, skema tersebut memasukkan komponen biaya yang harus diganti negara. Bagi hasil itu baru dihitung setelah biaya proyek migas dibagi dua antara negara dan investor. 

Jaga Keekonomian

Menurut Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong, para pelaku industri secara umum mendukung adanya efisiensi industri migas melalui penerapan PSC gross split. “Tapi penerapan skema ini jangan sampai menurunkan keekonomian
proyek migas menjadi lebih rendah dari proyek yang menggunakan skema cost recovery,” kata dia.

Marjolijn menjelaskan, saat ini pun daya tarik industri migas nasional di mata investor masih kalah atraktif dibanding negara-negara lain, termasuk negara-negara tetangga di Asean. Demi perbaikan ke depan, kata Marjolijn, pemerintah perlu melakukan kajian komprehensif terhadap skema PSC gross split, terutama menyangkut dampaknya bagi pengembangan proyek migas laut dalam, terpencil, dan yang membutuhkan pengurasan tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/ EOR). “Sebab, wilayah inilah yang ingin disasar Indonesia dalam pengembangan migas ke depan,” tutur dia.

Marjolijn menambahkan, pemerintah juga mesti membandingkan keekonomian proyek dengan skema gross split terhadap negara-negara lain. “Katakanlah sudah dilihat keekonomiannya lebih bagus, tetapi apakah itu cukup kompetitif terhadap negara lain? Yang belum jelas bagi kami di antaranya soal perpajakan karena selama ini kan kami mengikuti sistem cost recovery,” papar dia.

Faktor Keekonomian

Menurut Master Plan Manager ADCO Ardy Muawin, peserta lelang blok migas selama ini tergolong minim. Contohnya lelang blok migas periode 2016 yang peminatnya sedikit dan hanya ditetapkan satu pemenang. Alhasil, pemerintah akan melelang ulang blok migas lewat PSC skema gross split (model PSC gross). Kurangnya peminat dalam lelang blok migas ini sangat dipengaruhi faktor keekonomian dari blok migas tersebut. Karena itu, Ardy Muawin mengingatkan, pemerintah harus berhati-hati menerapkan skemagross split karena implementasinya tidak semudah hitungan di atas kertas. Model PSC gross yang menggunakan satu jenis pembagian langsung dari pendaatan bruto cenderung menghasilkan situasi yang win-lose.

Sebagian besar analis bisnis migas dunia, juga berpendapat bahwa saat harga migas rendah, model PSC gross kurang menarik bagi investor. Penggunaan model pembagian langsung dari pendapatan bruto dengan bagi hasil tunggal (single split) dengan hasil yang optimum sulit tercapai karena dinamika usaha migas memiliki derajat ketidakpastian yang tinggi. Penerapan PSC gross untuk kontrak migas sebenarnya adalah konsep lama yang berpotensi memunculkan sederet masalah baru. Dia menjelaskan, konsep PSC gross seolah-olah menjadi dewa penolong atau solusi jitu terhadap masalah laten cost recovery. Padahal, pada saat yang sama, model ini juga memunculkan masalah baru yang lebih fundamental
dari masalah cost recovery “Sebab, pemerintah tidak lagi mengontrol operasi keseharian dan pengeluaran dari kontraktor. Pada saat bersamaan, kepemilikan dari fasilitas migas yang ada tidak lagi menjadi hak pemerintah karena dibeli dari bagian kontraktor.

Menurut Ardy Muawin, pemerintah mesti menawarkan solusi alternatif yang bisa lebih mengakomodasi keinginan investor demi mendapatkan insentif saat harga minyak rendah. Solusi itu pun mesti bisa mengurangi dampak cost recovery Di sisi lain, tetap ada kontrol pemerintah terhadap kegiatan migas. 

Chairil Ryad dari Policy Center Universitas Indonesia mempertanyakan apakah pemerintah sudah melakukan kajian matang tentang gross split dalam lelang migas tahun ini. “Sebuah kebijakan semestinya melalui kajian yang matang. Nah, siapa yang melakukan kajian itu, logika akademis-nya apa hingga muncul angka hitungan gross split?" kata dia. Dengan demikian, kata Chairil, jangan sampai muncul kesan skema baru itu diterapkan secara terburu-buru. Soalnya, bila memunculkan kerugian, akan jadi masalah besar ketika terjadi pergantian rezim kekuasaan.

Dia mengakui, skema cost recovery masih cocok diterapkan di Indonesia. “Kalau ada yang perlu dibenahi, mungkin proporsi dan pengawasannya," tutur dia. Apalagi, menurut Chairil Ryad, lapangan migas dengan cadangan besar sudah sulit ditemukan di Tanah Air. Yang ada adalah lapangan-lapangan migas marginal. Kondisi ini berbeda dengan cadangan batubara di dalam negeri yang masih melimpah, sehingga posisi tawar pemerintah terhadap investor masih tinggi.

“Dalam soal lapangan migas marginal, saya sependapat dengan wakil menteri ESDM bahwa kita butuh teknologi. Namun, masih jadi pertanyaan apakah skema gross split ini bisa membuat lapangan migas marjinal tetap ekonomis,” papar dia.

Dia menjelaskan, dalam kondisi cadangan migas yang sudah sedikit dan lokasi yang sulit, wajar bila investor membutuhkan insentif. “Investor pasti memperhitungkan keamanan investasinya. Saya khawatir, investor akan memilih berinvestasi di negara lain yang memberikan potensi kelayakan investasi lebih tinggi,” ucap dia.

Meski demikian, kata Chairil, semua pihak masih perlu menunggu respons investor saat lelang blok migas dibuka. “Kita akan tahu apakah menarik atau tidak bagi mereka. Juga insentif apa saja yang masih perlu diberikan kepada investor," ujar dia.

Akan Lebih Baik

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja berharap investasi migas nasional membaik tahun ini, walaupun belum dapat diprediksi seberapa besar peningkatan investasinya. Dia mengakui, khusus di hulu migas, perbaikan investasi tidak semata-mata didorong penerapan PSC skema gross split. Harga minyak mentah yang mulai merangkak naikjuga membantu upaya pemerintah menggenjot investasi hulu migas dalam negeri. “Betul (kenaikan investasi) karena dibantu juga harga minyak yang mulai naik. Salah satu parameter investasi di sektor minyak adalah harga minyak, kemudian dibantu gross split dan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah.(PP) No 79 Tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Migas," tutur dia.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menargetkan investasi migas tahun ini mencapai US$ 13 miliar, naik dibanding prognosa 2016 sebesar US$ 12,01 miliar. Besaran investasi migas ini hanya untuk blok migas eksisting sesuai komitmen kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS/PSC) dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (work plan and budget/WP&B). 

Namun, angka investasi 2017 masih lebih rendah dari beberapa tahun lalu. Pada 2011-2014, investasi hulu migas terus meningkat, bahkan sempat mencapai US$ 18 miliar. Rincinya, investasi hulu migas pada 2011 tercatat US$ 14 miliar, kemudian naik pada 2012 menjadi US$ 17 miliar, lalu mencapai US$ 18 miliar pada 2013 dan 2014. Selanjutnya investasi menurun hingga menjadi US$ 14 miliar pada 2015 seiring anjloknya harga minyak.

Daya Saing

Wiratmaja menuturkan, melalui skema gross split, pemerintah ingin memperbaiki daya saing Indonesia dalam menggaet investor migas. “Kami harap lebih kompetitif, lebih di saat (rankingnya). Kita kan sekarang di ujung,” tegas dia.

     Menurut dia, skema gross split dapat memperbaiki tingkat pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) proyek migas. Itu karena skema ini mempertimbangkan lokasi dan kondisi lapangan migas, jumlah akumulasi produksi, dan harga minyak dalam menetapkan bagi hasil jatah kontraktor migas. Alhasil, lapangan migas marginal pun masih tetap bisa ekonomis.
“Kalau marginal ada tambahan split-nya supaya IRR-nya terkejar. Kami kan kasih minimum dapat IRR 12%.

Skema gross split juga akan membuat keuntungan perusahaan migas bakal semakin besar jika mereka melakukan efisiensi. Wiratmaja juga mengungkapkan, peningkatan investasi pun terjadi di sektor hilir migas. Itu terlihat pada banyaknya rencana investasi pembangunan kilang oleh PT Pertamina.

Masih untuk bisnis kilang, Wiratmaja juga optimis bakal banyak yang berinvestasi dengan diterbitkannya regulasi yang membuka peluang swasta membangun kilang di dalam negeri. Tetap sangat optimistis, ada pembangunan di kilang. Kemudian ada regulasi yang diharapkan bisa menarik banyak investasi.

Pertamina berencana memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kapasitas tiga kilang minyak yang dimilikinya. Nilai investasi ketiga proyek ini masing-masing US$ 4,5 miliar untuk Kilang Cilacap, US$ 4,2-4,3 miliar untuk Kilang Dumai, dan US$ 2,7 miliar untuk Kilang Balongan. Kemudian, Pertamina juga tengah membangun dua kilang baru dengan perkiraan investasi masing-masing US$ 10-13 miliar.

Untuk mendongkrang investasi kilang, menteri ESDM menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 35 Tahun 2016 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri oleh Badan Usaha Swasta. Beleid ini membuka kesempakatan bagi perusahaan swasta untuk membangun kilang. Tak hanya itu, untuk meningkatkan kelayakan keekonomian, perusahaan swasta bisa memperoleh insentif tiskal dan non fiskal.  Selain kilang, tingginya minat pemanfaatan gas alam cair/LNG diharapkan mendongkrak investasi hilir migas. “Utilisasi LNG juga kami harapkan bisa menarik investasi," tegas Wiratmaja.  

Kalla Group melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Bumi Sarana Migas (BSM), akan membangun terminal regasifikasi LNG darat berkapasitas 4 juta ton per tahun di Bojonegara, Banten. Pembangunan proyek ini akan dimulai tahun ini dan ditargetkan dapat beroperasi pada awal 2020. Selain Kalla Group, Pertamina juga akan menambah unit penampungan dan regasifikasi terapung (floating storage and regasification unit/ FSRU) LNG yang dimiliknya.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Thursday, 26, Jan, 2017

Pertamina Interrupted DOUBLE LEADERSHIP

Authority chief executive trimmed. Alternates determine the decision of oil imports.

Dualism of leadership occurred at PT Pertamina, at the time of issue successive oil refinery belonging to the state company. The new structure of the company "share power" to the managing director and his deputy. Deputy Energy, Logistics and Tourism Region Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, said the new structure is needed to boost the company's performance. "In order for synergy. Marketing and production lines in the chain of control, "said Edwin, who is also a commissioner of Pertamina.

SOE Minister Rini Soemarno on October 20, 2016 establishes a new structure that provides the directors chair the vice president. Ahmad occupied Bambang, the post is responsible for leading and coordinating the marketing directorate, directorate of processing, as well as the deputy director of renewable energy. Vice is also authorized to take decisions fuel oil imports.

The number two was even authorized to appoint another director to take decisions when the managing director and his deputy is absent. In a previous statute, the authority of this matter held the chief executive. Some government officials said, Pertamina as led "solar twins".

Some of the company's policy was decided unilaterally by the vice president. "For example, 1.2 million barrels of diesel imports for January 2017 was decided in December;" said a source who knows well about the usual, import decision was decided three months earlier.

The amount is determined based on community needs and capacity of the refinery. In imports in January, according to the same source, the decision was taken suddenly by reason of the stock is reduced. Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) will also be incorporated into the authority of the vice-president. During this time, the unit procurement of fuel and crude oil imports that are directly under the chief executive.

Edwin dismissed the notion that the new structure creates a "solar twins". "The leader remains the main director, deputy chief operation officer only. Marketing and production in one control. "Edwin does not deny that the ISC will be placed under the control of the vice president. "We see that inline from upstream to downstream," he said.

President Director Dwi Soetjipto declined to comment on the particulars of new structures. "As long as it was decided in the articles of association in a general meeting of shareholders, it could be," he said. While Ahmad Bambang said the new structure to make them more transparent.



Wewenang direktur utama dipangkas. Wakilnya menentukan keputusan impor minyak.

Dualisme kepemimpinan terjadi di PT Pertamina, di saat masalah yang berturutan di kilang minyak milik perusahaan negara itu. Struktur baru perusahaan “membagi kekuasaan” kepada direktur utama dan wakilnya. Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik dan Kawasan Pariwisata Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, menyatakan struktur baru dibutuhkan untuk menggenjot kinerja perseroan. “Supaya sinergi. Pemasaran dan lini produksi dalam satu rantai kendali,” kata Edwin, yang juga merupakan komisaris Pertamina.

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno pada 20 Oktober 2016 menetapkan struktur baru direksi yang menyediakan kursi wakil direktur utama. Ditempati Ahmad Bambang, pos ini bertugas memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan direktorat pemasaran, direktorat pengolahan, serta deputi direktur energi baru terbarukan. Wakil juga berwenang mengambil keputusan impor bahan bakar minyak.

Orang nomor dua itu bahkan berwenang menunjuk direktur lain untuk mengambil keputusan jika direktur utama dan wakilnya berhalangan. Dalam anggaran dasar sebelumnya, kewenangan soal ini dipegang direktur utama.
Sejumlah pejabat pemerintahan mengungkapkan, Pertamina seperti dipimpin “matahari kembar”.

Beberapa kebijakan perusahaan diputuskan secara sepihak oleh wakil direktur utama. “Misalnya impor solar 1,2 juta barel untuk Januari 2017 yang diputuskan pada Desember;” ujar seorang sumber yang mengetahui betul soal lazimnya, keputusan impor diputuskan tiga bulan sebelumnya.

Jumlahnya ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat dan kapasitas kilang. Dalam impor Januari, menurut sumber yang sama, keputusan diambil mendadak dengan alasan stok berkurang. Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) juga
akan disatukan ke dalam kewenangan Wakil direktur utama. Selama ini, unit pengadaan BBM dan minyak mentah impor itu berada langsung di bawah direktur utama. 

Edwin menepis anggapan bahwa struktur baru menciptakan “matahari kembar”. “Pemimpin tetap direktur utama, wakil cuma chief operation officer. Pemasaran dan produksi dalam satu kendali.” Edwin tidak menampik bahwa ISC nantinya akan ditempatkan di bawah kendali wakil direktur utama. “Kami melihatnya supaya inline dari hulu ke hilir," kata dia.

Direktur Utama Dwi Soetjipto enggan berkomentar ihwal struktur baru. “Selama itu diputuskan dalam anggaran dasar dalam rapat umum pemegang saham, bisa saja,” ujarnya. Sedangkan Ahmad Bambang menyatakan struktur baru membuat kinerja perusahaan lebih transparan.

KoranTempo, Page-1, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

Cheaper gas touted to boost clean energy output


The government will issue soon a regulation that allows power plants located at wellheads to enjoy lower gas prices in hopes of boosting electricity procurement from the cleaner fossil fuel. The regulation, which will be issued in the form of an energy and mineral resources ministerial decree, is in the finalization stage, the ministry’s oil and gas business guidance director, Budiyantono, said. “We are finalizing the decree on the wellhead gas-fired power plants. We hope this [regulation] will be able to lighten the load if the source [of gas] is far away from the user,” said Budiyantono.

The ministry, Budiyantono continued, had previously decided to set the price of wellhead gas at 8 percent of the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP), lower than that of piped gas, which is pegged at 11.5 percent of the ICP. Based on December’s ICP of US$51.09 per barrel, gas prices for wellhead power plants would cost $4.08 per million British thermal units (mmbtu), whereas piped gas would cost $5.87 per mmbtu.

According to state-owned electricity firm PLN’s 2016-2025 electricity procurement business plan (RUPTL), electricity procured from gas is expected to make up 24.3 percent of the national energy mix. This percentage could increase to around 29.4 percent if PLN is incapable of procuring 25 percent of all electricity from new and renewable energy sources.

Furthermore, PLN data shows that 15,141 megawatt (MW) of electricity had been procured from gas-fired power plants by last November, making up 28.03 percent ofthe total national electricity capacity. PLN corporate planning director Nicke Widyawati said the firm planned to include the construction of wellhead gas fired power plants in this year’s RUPTL to decrease electricity supply costs and increase efficiency of electricity rates. “We hope that by building power plants close to the energy source, the electricity supply costs can also be slashed,” she said.

This is not the first time the government has sought to increase efficiency by encouraging more power plant development close to the energy source. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry issued last year a ministerial decree that allowed the price of coal to be negotiated business-to-business between mining and electricity companies, as opposed to the fixed pricing mechanism implemented before. 

The government also recently mulled over the option of importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to cut gas prices, which remain one of the highest in the region. The high gas prices in Indonesia are mostly attributable to a lack of infrastructure and a lengthy supply chain. Nicke said so long as there were regulations allowing PLN to import gas, then it would strongly consider doing so in order to slash costs. “We still hope to prioritize domestic supply, but it all comes down to the regulations and also whether we get a good price. If the domestic gas does not have a good price then we’ll just buy it from abroad,” she said. 

Although Indonesia is touted to have a large supply of natural gas, domestic production is barely absorbed into the country due to the high prices. Data from the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK-Migas) shows that only 39 of 64 LNG cargoes allocated for the domestic market were absorbed in 2015.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Pertamina fuel lmpor This Month Increase

PT Pertamina claimed disruption unplanned shutdown at six refineries make this company must perform additional imports of fuel oil (BBM) of premium, diesel and pertamax. This lmpor in order to maintain the existing supply. Daniel Purba, Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina, said that currently only enough diesel stocks for 20 days, so that Pertamina should import. 

     So far, the volume of imported still appropriate assumptions maximum and minimum limits. If you later need anymore, Pertamina will seek oil in the spot market. So far there has not been done. "The additional imports was due to refinery shutdown, if in January alone we imported 1.2 million barrels of diesel. As for Premium and Pertamax, enhancements only three million barrels. It costs about US $ 60 per barrel so the additional purchase of approximately US $ 180 million.

Needs of diesel oil per month reached 113 million barrels. Premium whereas around 15 million barrels per month, and the consumption of Pertamax 1.8 million barrels per month. Bambang Ahmad, Vice President Director of Pertamina, said this year it would reduce dependence on imported aviation fuel as much as 60% of total imports. Currently, the needs of aviation fuel nationally was 12,400 kiloliters (KL) per day. Pertamina can only supply by 9540 KL per day. Of that total imports of as much as 2,860 kilo liters. While production in 1900 could Balongan KL per day.


Bulan Ini lmpor BBM Pertamina Bertambah

PT Pertamina mengaku gangguan unplanned Shutdown pada enam kilang minyak membuat perusahaan ini harus melakukan tambahan impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis premium, solar, dan pertamax. lmpor ini agar bisa menjaga pasokan yang ada. Daniel Purba, Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina, menyatakan, saat ini stok solar hanya cukup untuk 20 hari, sehingga Pertamina harus impor. 

     Sejauh ini, volume yang didatangkan masih sesuai asumsi batas maksimal dan minimal. Jika nanti dibutuhkan lagi, Pertamina akan mencari minyak di pasar spot. Sejauh ini memang belum dilakukan. "Tambahan impor itu karena Kilang shutdown, kalau di bulan Januari ini saja kami mengimpor 1,2 juta barel solar. Sedangkan untuk Premium dan Pertamax, tambahannya saja tiga juta barel. Harganya sekitar US$ 60 per barel jadi tambahan pembelian sekitar US$ 180 juta.

Kebutuhan solar per bulan mencapai 113 juta barel. Sedangkan Premium sekitar 15 juta barel per bulan, dan konsumsi Pertamax 1,8 juta barel per bulan. Ahmad Bambang, Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina mengatakan, tahun ini pihaknya akan mengurangi ketergantungan impor avtur sebanyak 60% dari total impor. Saat ini kebutuhan avtur secara nasional sebesar 12.400 kiloliter (KL) per hari. Pertamina baru bisa menyuplai sebesar 9.540 KL per hari. Dari jumlah itu impor sebanyak 2.860 kilo liter. Sedangkan Produksi di Balongan bisa 1.900 KL per hari.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

EMR Prepare LNG Plant Import Rules

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara ready to import LNG if the price is cheaper than domestic

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in the near future will release the rules of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy to accommodate the import of LNG, or liquefied natural gas specifically for the needs of power plants. Understandably so far many gas stations are difficult to obtain gas supply.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja admitted, there is currently no detailed rules governing the import of LNG. So the government will soon issue regulations LNG imports. The rules on the import of LNG for power generation. While the LNG import rules for industry to be published after this. "(For industry) there has been no detailed rules, then we are prepared," said Wiratmaja.

Wiratmaja stated, in a regulation import of LNG plants, the government will regulate the conditions for business entities are allowed to import LNG. One is a business entity shall have the LNG facility. That's because it requires LNG storage, regasification need, so being discussed is to obtain import licenses should have such facilities. Thus, energy security can ride. In Korea, Japan, China, which has allowed import storage and regasification facility.

In addition, such a regulation would also set criteria and LNG price formula which may be imported into Indonesia. One of the conditions, the price of LNG imports to be cheaper than domestic LNG. "There should be more expensive. If we turn the more expensive the industry in other countries," he said.

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) today it is preparing to import LNG. Regulation of the Minister of the LNG imports would legalize PLN steps to import LNG. But Director of Planning PLN Nicke Widyawati explained, the state-owned enterprises will import LNG if it gets cheaper price than domestic. This step is done as a form of efficiency that PLN could reduce the cost of primary production.

PLN has also conducted market sounding looking for import of LNG for power generation. Even if allowed to import LNG, Nicke said PLN, they will prioritize domestic supply of LNG. But again, the problem is how to secure the rule for power plants. "How do we get the good price. So if it turns out in the existing domestic gas, but the price is not good, we buy it outside," said Nicke.

I Made Suprateka, Head of Corporate Communications of PT PLN, adding now the composition of the gas for generating few or sekitar20%. So far the composition of coal still dominates 50% of the entire plant.

He said LNG imports specifically for generating very nice. Meaning can see from the various dimensions. The price of gas will be cheaper and compete with gas from Tangguh and hopefully be inexpensive and gas needs could be met.

He suggested the use of gas for power is very good, because the pollution is low. Especially with the import options then PLN will benefit if you want to replace the plants are inefficient, such as diesel generators. Gas needs in 2016 amounted to 51.18 cargoes. Whereas in 2017 the gas demand of 56.63 plants cargo (cargo = 1 137 700 cubic meters).


ESDM Siapkan Aturan Impor LNG Pembangkit

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara siap mengimpor LNG jika harganya lebih murah dari domestik

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dalam waktu dekat bakal merilis aturan berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM untuk mengakomodasi impor LNG atau gas alam cair khusus untuk kebutuhan pembangkit listrik. Maklum sejauh ini banyak pembangkit gas yang sulit mendapatkan pasokan gas.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengaku, saat ini belum ada aturan yang secara detail mengatur impor LNG. Sehingga pemerintah segera menerbitkan aturan impor LNG. Aturan itu khusus untuk impor LNG bagi pembangkit listrik. Sedangkan aturan impor LNG untuk kebutuhan industri akan terbit setelah ini. "(Untuk industri) belum ada detail aturannya, nanti kami siapkan," kata Wiratmaja.

Wiratmaja menyatakan, dalam beleid impor LNG pembangkit tersebut pemerintah akan mengatur syarat bagi badan usaha yang boleh melakukan impor LNG. Salah satunya adalah badan usaha tersebut wajib memiliki fasilitas LNG. Itu karena LNG membutuhkan storage, butuh regasifikasi, makanya sedang dibahas yang mendapat izin impor harus memiliki fasilitas tersebut. Jadi, ketahanan energi bisa naik. Di Korea, Jepang, China, yang boleh impor yang punya storage dan regasification facility.

Selain itu, beleid tersebut juga akan mengatur kriteria dan formula harga LNG yang boleh diimpor ke Indonesia. Salah satu syaratnya, harga LNG impor harus lebih murah dibandingkan LNG domestik. "Tidak boleh yang lebih mahal. Kalau lebih mahal kita menghidupkan industri di negara lain, “ katanya.

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) saat ini memang sedang bersiap mengimpor LNG. Peraturan Menteri tentang impor LNG tersebut akan melegalkan langkah PLN mengimpor LNG. Namun Direktur Perencanaan PLN Nicke Widyawati menerangkan, BUMN tersebut hanya akan mengimpor LNG jika mendapat harga lebih murah dibandingkan domestik. Langkah ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk efisiensi agar PLN bisa menekan biaya produksi utama.

PLN juga telah melakukan market sounding mencari impor LNG untuk pembangkit listrik. Biarpun boleh melakukan impor LNG, Nicke bilang PLN, masih akan memprioritaskan pasokan LNG dari domestik. Tapi kembali lagi, masalah aturan itu adalah bagaimana mengamankan untuk pembangkit. "Bagaimana kami mendapatkan harga yang paling bagus. Jadi kalau ternyata di domestik ada gas, tapi harganya kurang bagus, kami beli di luar," kata Nicke.

I Made Suprateka, Kepala Satuan Komunikasi Korporat PT PLN, menambahkan sekarang komposisi penggunaan gas bagi pembangkit tidak banyak atau sekitar20%. Sejauh ini komposisi batubara masih mendominasi mencapai 50% dari seluruh pembangkit.

Dia bilang, impor LNG khusus untuk pembangkit sangat bagus. Artinya bisa melihat dari berbagai dimensi. Harga gas akan lebih murah dan bersaing dengan gas dari Kilang Tangguh dan syukur-syukur bisa dapat murah dan kebutuhan gas bisa terpenuhi.

Dia menilai, pemakaian gas untuk pembangkit sangat baik, karena polusi-nya rendah. Apalagi dengan adanya opsi impor maka PLN akan diuntungkan jika ingin mengganti pembangkit-pembangkit yang tidak efisien, seperti pembangkit diesel. Kebutuhan gas pada tahun 2016 sebesar 51,18 kargo. Sedangkan tahun 2017 kebutuhan gas pembangkit sebesar 56,63 kargo (1 kargo = 137.700 meter kubik). 

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

Industry Need Certainty Realization Decrease

Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Hulu and Petrochemical Industry at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja said that the industry needs the assurance related to the realization of the decline in gas prices has not yet been completed. Of the seven industry groups are entitled to a reduction in gas prices, "a new three groups who have got a price reduction, namely fertilizers, steel, and petrochemicals." We need certainty. Because, with not realization of a decrease in gas prices, the budget planning gas prices still on about 10 US dollars per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit). The sales volume unchanged, while production costs are also fixed. Consequently, there was a loss of profits because the price of gas can not be lowered.

Achmad estimates, the slow realization of the decline in gas prices Bagl seven industry groups lies in the calculation of state revenue due to a decrease in gas prices lowered. However, according to him, the government should not worry excessively due to the decline in prices could cause a double effect to the downstream sector. Industry more passionate and tax payments will also increase. "Moreover, increased state revenue through tax amnesty program. However, I believe that the realization of the price reduction could happen in the first quarter of this year, "said Achmad.

Meanwhile, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja can not explain the cause of the slow realization of price reduction. He is not authorized to explain it. Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpes) No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing, seven industry sectors are entitled to reduced prices, namely fertilizers, steel, petrochemicals, oleochemicals, glass, ceramics, and rubber gloves. 

     On average, the price was lowered to less than 6 dollars per MMBTU Referring to the Presidential Decree, the price reduction is effective as of January 1, 2016. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources've simulated the decline in gas prices on the upstream side to reduce a portion of state revenues. In addition, the efficiency will also be applied to chart the transport of gas, both for distribution and transmission.

If the components of non-tax revenues (non-tax) is removed, the state could potentially lose revenue of Rp 7 trillion per year. If non-tax revenues and the Income Tax (VAT) is removed, the potential for the missing parts of the country reached Rp 16.5 trillion per year. A number of the states, the actual decline in the price of gas in the country is not easy to implement because of the field conditions different gas sources and affect the cost of natural gas production.

lmpor gas

On Tuesday, President Joko Widodo to charge actual decline in prices of natural gas for industry in a limited cabinet meeting at the Presidential Office. In a meeting attended by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry Ignatius Jonan Airlangga Hartanto, the President asked to recalculate the price of gas for industry. Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung Wibowo said the sale of natural gas for industry with the lowest price of US $ 4 per MMBTU However, the average price of gas for the industry amounted to 6 US dollars per MMBTU

The figure is considered not in accordance with the expectations of the President "Therefore, the government gives space to the industry to be able to import gas directly at a lower price. The government will control the import directly. lmpor only given to certain industrial groups and are not allowed through intermediaries, "said Pramono.


Industri Perlu Kepastian Realisasi Penurunan

Wakil Ketua Komite Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia pada Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja mengatakan bahwa industri butuh kepastian terkait realisasi penurunan harga gas yang hingga kini belum tuntas. Dari tujuh kelompok industri yang berhak mendapat penurunan harga gas, "baru tiga kelompok yang sudah mendapat penurunan harga, yaitu pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. ”Kami perlu kepastian. Sebab, dengan belum terealisasinya penurunan harga gas ini, perencanaan anggaran harga gas masih di sekitar 10 dollar AS per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit). Volume penjualan tidak berubah, sedangkan ongkos produksi juga tetap. Akibatnya, terjadi kehilangan keuntungan lantaran harga gas belum dapat diturunkan.

Achmad memperkirakan, lambannya realisasi penurunan harga gas bagl tujuh kelompok industri tersebut terletak pada perhitungan penurunan penerimaan negara akibat harga gas diturunkan. Namun, menurut dia, sebaiknya pemerintah tidak perlu cemas berlebihan karena penurunan harga bisa menimbulkan efek ganda hingga ke sektor hilir. Industri makin bergairah dan pembayaran pajak juga bakal bertambah. ”Apalagi, pendapatan negara bertambah lewat program pengampunan pajak. Namun, saya percaya bahwa realisasi penurunan harga bisa terjadi pada kuartal pertama tahun ini,” kata Achmad.

Sementara itu, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja belum dapat menjelaskan penyebab lambannya realisasi penurunan harga. Ia merasa tidak berwenang untuk menjelaskan hal tersebut. Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpes) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, ada tujuh sektor industri yang berhak mendapat penurunan harga, yaitu pupuk, baja, petrokimia, oleokimia, kaca, keramik, dan sarung tangan karet. 

     Secara rata-rata, harga diturunkan menjadi kurang dari 6 dollar AS per MMBTU Mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden itu, penurunan harga berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2016. Kementerian ESDM pernah membuat simulasi penurunan harga gas di bagian hulu dengan mengurangi bagian penerimaan negara. Selain itu, efisiensi juga akan diterapkan untuk bagan pengangkutan gas, baik untuk distribusi maupun transmisi. 

Apabila komponen penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) dihapus, negara berpotensi kehilangan pendapatan Rp 7 triliun per tahun. Jika PNBP dan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) dihapus, potensi bagian negara yang hilang mencapai Rp 16,5 triliun per tahun. Sejumlah kalangan menyatakan, realisasi penurunan harga gas di dalam negeri tidak mudah diterapkan lantaran kondisi lapangan sumber gas berbeda-beda dan berpengaruh terhadap biaya produksi gas bumi. 

lmpor gas 

Pada Selasa, Presiden Joko Widodo menagih realisasi penurunan harga gas bumi untuk industri dalam rapat terbatas di Kantor Presiden. Dalam rapat yang dihadiri Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dan Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto itu, Presiden meminta menghitung kembali harga gas untuk industri. Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung Wibowo menyebutkan, gas bumi untuk industri dijual dengan harga paling rendah 4 dollar AS per MMBTU Namun, rata-rata harga gas untuk industri sebesar 6 dollar AS per MMBTU

Angka tersebut dinilai belum sesuai dengan harapan Presiden ”Karena itu, pemerintah memberikan ruang kepada industri untuk bisa mengimpor gas secara langsung dengan harga yang lebih rendah. Pemerintah akan mengontrol langsung impor tersebut. lmpor hanya diberikan kepada kelompok industri tertentu dan tidak diperbolehkan dilakukan melalui perantara,” kata Pramono.

Kompas, Page-19, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

Importers Must Have Facilities Reqasifikasi


The government will set the terms imposition of import of liquefied natural gas or liquefied natural gas / LNG to meet the needs of surrounding gas and electricity industries.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja said, until now there has not been a regulation governing the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG). To meet the needs of industrial gas and electricity sectors, the Ministry of Energy to prepare a regulation and its application requirements. He explained that the price of imported LNG should be cheaper than the domestic supply when it reached the hands of consumers. In addition, enterprises are allowed to import should contribute to build gas infrastructure such as regasification facilities (floating storage regasification unit / FSRU) that currently there are only three units namely FSRU Arun, Lampung FSRU and FSRU north Jakarta.

It was like Japan, South Korea, and China. Contributions importer of LNG in the infrastructure development will increase national energy security for imported gas is stored and counted as state reserves. LNG was needed storage [storage tank], need regasification. We again discussed the fact that to obtain import licenses should have a facility.

The government is encouraging the private sector to build the lislrik near gas wells as well as mine-mouth power plant mainly marginal gas field. Director General of Oil and Gas Development Program Budiantono said several gas fields such as Nunukan Block and Block Simenggaris can not be developed because of its location far from markets and small volume. In addition, he was named one of the gas field in Prabumulih, South Sumatra has not maximum utilization when near these locations there are 4,000 heads of families who have not been electricity in his house.

the economic price

For the development of the field needs to be recalculated its economic and determine the price for the gas produced can be absorbed. The selling price of gas ranging from 8% to 11.5% of the price of crude oil Indonesia (Indonesian crude price / ICP). "For gas pipelines 11.8% of ICP."

Until 2025, the estimated gas needs of the company reached 3,000 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD). Based Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL), additional gas-based power plants from 2016 to 2025 as many as 23 186 megawatts (MW), which consists of a gas power plant (power plant) and the 4,271 MW power plant gas and steam (power plant) 18 915 MW

Earlier, Chairman of the Association of Industrial Rubber Gloves Achmad Safiun rate, LNG import options just an escape. Because the gas supply in the country is still insufficient to meet the needs of the industry.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, LNG are yet to find a buyer (contract) in 2017 as many as 63 cargoes, up to 60 cargoes in 2018. In fact, LNG has not contracted in 2024 reached 90 101 freight and cargo in 2025 in line with increasing domestic demand while the supply of Abadi field, Masela not been inserted and supply from Tangguh has decreased.


Importir Wajib Punya Fasilitas Reqasifikasi


 Pemerintah akan menetapkan syarat pemberlakuan impor gas alam cair atau liquefied natural gas/LNG untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas sekitar ketenagalistrikan dan industri.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, hingga saat ini belum terdapat beleid yang mengatur pelaksanaan impor gas alam cair (LNG). Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas sektor kelistrikan dan industri, Kementerian ESDM menyiapkan beleid beserta syarat penerapannya. Dia menjelaskan, harga LNG impor harus lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pasokan domestik ketika sampai di tangan konsumen. Selain itu, badan usaha yang diperkenankan untuk melakukan impor harus berkontribusi untuk membangun infrastruktur gas seperti fasilitas regasifikasi (floating storage regasification unit/ FSRU) yang saat ini hanya terdapat tiga unit yaitu FSRU Arun, FSRU Lampung dan FSRU sebelah utara Jakarta.

Hal itu seperti yang dilakukan Jepang, Korea Selatan, dan China. Kontribusi importir LNG dalam pembangunan infrastruktur bakal meningkatkan ketahanan energi nasional karena gas yang diimpor disimpan dan dihitung sebagai cadangan negara. LNG itu butuh storage [tangki penyimpanan], butuh regasifikasi. Kita lagi membahas sebenarnya yang mendapat izin impor harus punya facility. 

Pemerintah mendorong swasta untuk membangun pembangkit lislrik dekat dengan sumur gas seperti halnya PLTU mulut tambang terutama lapangan gas marginal.  Direktur Pembinaan Program Ditjen Migas Budiantono mengatakan, beberapa lapangan gas seperti Blok Nunukan dan Blok Simenggaris belum bisa dikembangkan karena lokasinya yang jauh dari pasar dan volumenya kecil. Selain itu, dia pun menyebut salah satu lapangan gas di Prabumulih, Sumatra Selatan belum maksimum pemanfaatannya padahal di dekat lokasi tersebut terdapat 4.000 kepala keluarga yang belum teraliri listrik di rumahnya.


Untuk mengembangkan lapangan tersebut perlu dihitung kembali keekonomiannya dan menentukan harga agar gas yang dihasilkan bisa terserap. Harga jual gas berkisar antara 8% hingga 11,5%  dari harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesian crude price/ICP). “Untuk gas pipa 11,8% dari ICP.”

Hingga 2025, perkiraan kebutuhan gas perseroan mencapai 3.000 miliar British thermal unit per hari (BBTUD). Berdasarkan Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL), tambahan pembangkit listrik berbasis gas dari 2016-2025 sebanyak 23.186 megawatt (MW) yang terdiri dari pembangkit listrik tenaga gas (PLTG) 4.271 MW dan pembangkit listrik tenaga gas dan uap (PLTGU) 18.915 MW 

Sebelumnya, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Industri Sarung Tangan Karet Achmad Safiun menilai, opsi impor LNG hanya pelarian. Pasalnya, suplai gas dalam negeri masih mencukupi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, LNG yang belum mendapatkan pembeli (kontrak) pada 2017 sebanyak 63 kargo, naik menjadi 60 kargo pada 2018. Bahkan, LNG yang belum terkontrak pada 2024 mencapai 90 kargo dan 101 kargo pada 2025 seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan domestik ketika pasokan dari Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela belum dimasukkan dan pasokan dari Kilang Tangguh telah mengalami penurunan. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

Indonesia will import gas

The government will issue a scheme to import natural gas. This scheme is run to maintain the supply of gas needs to remain stable for the industry. Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto said the government had agreed to find a scheme to import natural gas industry needs. "Permission has been done is import gas. Later, we will discuss again, "Airlangga said after attending a meeting of the Limited (Ratas) Gas Prices for Industry.

Airlangga said, imported gas is not because Indonesia does not have the gas to be distributed, but because a considerable distance from the source of gas to industrial making companies that require gas as a raw material is often difficulty of getting supplies. This makes the gas prices could soar. Therefore, be prepared scheme of gas imports. Gas import source itself is still not determined to be from any country. The amount still must be calculated dependent on the needs of the industry. Therefore, the effect of industrial sites and industrial sectors will get a share of gas imports is still to be discussed jointly by the K / L. "Essentially, from this meeting we are more concerned for import mechanism (gas)," said Airlangga.

Price reduction

Closed meeting Gas Prices for Industry conducted as a follow-up to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40 in 2016. So far, the new regulation provides price reductions for the three industrial sectors, namely fertilizers, steel, and petrochemicals. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will still formulating the price of gas to three industrial sectors that have gained a decrease in gas prices in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation. Airlangga said, not all industries in the three sectors get a price reduction. "Its just getting SOE course, outside the SOE no one can. It is proposed that we ask, "said Airlangga.

Airlangga said, in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that the decline in gas prices is not the price of the system, but using a formula. That is, no calculations were performed industrial users of gas and gas-producing industry in determining the price. With this scheme, each company will have different formulations. The gas price calculation formula which should be completed by the company assisted by the Ministry of Energy, so there is a detailed calculation of each company to get a price reduction of the gas.

Meanwhile, four other industrial sectors, namely oleochemical, glass, ceramics, rubber gloves and still can not pin down the decline. Nevertheless, the government still do the calculations for the four sectors. The government is still desirous that all industries that use natural gas as a raw material or supporting material production can get a price reduction.

Before the closed meeting, the President Joko Widodo warned that natural gas should be seen not only as a commodity, but as a development capital that could strengthen national industry and boost the competitiveness of industrial products in the world market. To that end, he asked the price of gas to be calculated and in the calculations again in order to concrete impact. "Not only on increasing the competitiveness of our products, but also have a real impact on the creation of added value for the development of downstream industries," said Jokowi when opening the meeting is limited


Indonesia akan Impor Gas

Pemerintah akan mengeluarkan skema untuk mengimpor gas bumi. Skema ini dijalankan untuk menjaga pasokan kebutuhan gas tetap stabil bagi industri. Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, pemerintah telah menyetujui untuk mencari skema impor gas bumi guna kebutuhan industri. “Izin yang sudah dilakukan adalah impor gas. Nanti, akan kita bahas lagi,” kata Airlangga usai menghadiri Rapat Terbatas (Ratas) Harga Gas untuk Industri.

Airlangga menjelaskan, impor gas ini bukan karena Indonesia tidak memiliki gas untuk disalurkan, melainkan karena jarak yang cukup jauh dari sumber gas menuju industri membuat perusahaan yang membutuhkan gas sebagai bahan baku sering kesulitan mendapatkan suplai. Hal tersebut membuat harga gas bisa melambung. Untuk itu, perlu disiapkan skema impor gas. Sumber impor gas sendiri masih belum ditentukan akan dari negara mana. Jumlahnya pun masih harus di hitung bergantung dengan kebutuhan industri. Sebab, pengaruh tempat industri dan sektor industri yang akan mendapatkan jatah impor gas ini masih akan dibahas bersama oleh K/L. “Intinya, dari rapat ini kita lebih banyak mengatur untuk mekanisme impor (gas),” kata Airlangga.

Penurunan  harga

Ratas Harga Gas untuk Industri dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No 40 tahun 2016. Sejauh ini, Peraturan Menteri tersebut baru memberikan penurunan harga untuk tiga sektor industri, yakni pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. Kementerian ESDM masih akan memformulasikan harga gas untuk tiga sektor industri yang telah mendapatkan penurunan harga gas sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri tersebut. Airlangga mengatakan, belum semua industri di tiga sektor tersebut mendapatkan penurunan harga. “Yang baru saja mendapatkan BUMN saja, di luar BUMN belum ada yang dapat. Ini yang kita minta diusulkan,” kata Airlangga.

Airlangga menjelaskan, dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM disebutkan bahwa penurunan harga gas bukan sistem satu harga, melainkan menggunakan formula. Artinya, ada hitung-hitungan yang dilakukan industri pengguna gas dan industri penghasil gas dalam menentukan harga. Dengan skema ini, setiap perusahaan akan memiliki formulasi yang berbeda. Formula penghitungan harga gas ini yang harus diselesaikan oleh perusahaan dibantu oleh Kementerian ESDM, sehingga terdapat detil perhitungan masing-masing perusahaan untuk mendapatkan penurunan harga gas tersebut.

Sementara itu, untuk empat sektor industri lain, yakni oleochemical, kaca, keramik, dan sarung tangan karet masih belum bisa dijabarkan penurunannya. Meski demikian, pemerintah tetap melakukan perhitungan untuk empat sektor tersebut. Pemerintah masih berkeinginan agar semua industri yang menggunakan gas bumi sebagai bahan baku atau bahan penunjang produksi bisa mendapatkan penurunan harga.

Sebelum rapat terbatas, Presiden Joko Widodo mengingatkan bahwa gas bumi harus dilihat bukan hanya sebagai komoditas, melainkan sebagai modal pembangunan yang bisa memperkuat industri nasional dan mendorong daya saing produk-produk industri di pasaran dunia. Untuk itu, ia meminta harga gas agar dihitung dan di kalkulasi lagi supaya bisa konkret dampaknya. “Bukan hanya pada peningkatan daya saing pada produk kita, tapi juga berdampak nyata pada penciptaan nilai tambah bagi pengembangan industri hilir,” kata Jokowi saat membuka rapat terbatas

Republika, Page-13, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Import Direct access Gas Industries

The government allowed the industry directly import gas in an effort to ensure the gas supply for the industry in the country as well as boosting competitiveness in an era of global competition. "It has been allowed to do the import of gas, will be discussed how its mechanism," said Industry Minister Airlangga Hartanto after a limited cabinet meeting on gas prices for industry-led President Jokowi at the Presidential Office.

In the closed meeting, discussed primarily on the regulation of imported gas at a time when there are certain sectors that are allowed to import gas directly or on a per territory. He promised imports would ensure the availability of gas for the industry. Not decrease, but rather ensuring supplies to the industry.

Airlangga said, from some sectors that have not ter-new gas price of accommodation, three of which are already allowed to import gas, the steel industry, the petrochemical and fertilizer. It's because it uses a formula, each of which must detail. Company per the company, "he said. After the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung said the President wants the industry more competitive and competitive then given a room for the industry to be able to import gas directly at lower prices. Because in the Middle East lower gas prices, but not the creation of open space, middlemen or intermediaries.

During this time the price of gas in Indonesia average of around US $ 6 per mmbtu (million British thermal unit) and the President has issued Presidential Regulation No. 40 Year 2016 concerning the pricing of natural gas that gas prices in the country could be under US $ 6 per mmbtu , Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Textile Association Benny Sutrisno states that gas price reduction is very urgent for the business world. Currently gradual decline in gas prices is only enjoyed by the fertilizer industry, steel, and petrochemicals. "Other industries such as textiles and food and beverages still waiting," he said


Industri Diizinkan Impor Langsung Gas

Pemerintah mengizinkan industri secara langsung melakukan impor gas sebagai upaya untuk menjamin pasokan gas bagi dunia industri di Tanah Air sekaligus mendongkrak daya saing di era kompetisi global. “Sudah diizinkan dilakukan impor gas,  nanti akan dibahas bagaimana mekanisme-nya,” kata Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto setelah rapat terbatas tentang harga gas untuk industri yang dipimpin Presiden Jokowi di Kantor Presiden.

Dalam rapat terbatas tersebut, dibahas terutama mengenai regulasi impor gas di saat ada sektor-sektor tertentu yang diperbolehkan melakukan impor gas secara langsung ataupun secara per wilayah. Dia berjanji impor akan menjamin ketersediaan gas bagi industri. Bukan menurunkan, melainkan menjamin suplai kepada industri.

Airlangga mengatakan, dari beberapa sektor yang belum ter-akomodasi harga gas baru, tiga yang sudah diizinkan untuk melakukan impor gas, yakni industri baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk. Ini kan karena menggunakan formula, masing-masing harus detail. Perusahaan per perusahaan. Setelah rapat tersebut, Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung mengatakan Presiden ingin industri lebih kompetitif dan berdaya saing maka diberikan ruang untuk industri agar bisa impor gas secara langsung dengan harga yang lebih rendah. Karena di Timur Tengah harga gas lebih rendah, tapi tidak dibuka ruang terciptanya middleman atau perantara. 

Selama ini harga gas di Indonesia rata-rata berkisar US$ 6 per mmbtu (million British thermal unit) dan Presiden telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang penetapan harga gas bumi agar harga gas di Tanah Air bisa di bawah US$ 6 per mmbtu. Ketua Dewan Pembina Asosiasi Pertekstilan Benny Sutrisno menyatakan penurunan harga gas itu sangat urgent bagi dunia usaha. Saat ini penurunan harga gas secara bertahap hanya dinikmati industri pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. “Industri lain seperti tekstil dan makanan minuman masih menunggu,” kata dia 

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

Government Open Opportunities Imports Gas Industries

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto allow the import of gas because not all industry sectors to feel the energy of falling commodity prices. Of the seven areas of the industry, said Airlangga, there are four that have not felt the decline in gas prices. However, Airlangga continued, mechanism or gas import regulations are still to be discussed. Similarly, the country of origin of imported gas. "To be sure, the import volume of gas is determined by the needs of the industrial sector or region, he said at the Presidential Palace

Airlangga denied that gas imports referred aimed at accelerating the price declines. "To ensure the supply to the industry," he said. When opening the meeting is limited regarding industrial gas prices, President Joko Widodo said that until now only three sectors feel the price decline. Three sectors that are fertilizer, steel, and petrochemicals. The decline in gas prices for oleochemicals, glass, ceramics and rubber gloves have not been accommodated. Jokowi also request a report from the Minister of Industry and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the implementation of the Presidential Decree Number 40 Year 2016 Pricing Gas.

Jokowi also said that the gas price should be concrete impact not only on increasing the competitiveness of the product, but also the creation of added value for the downstream industries. "I asked about the price of gas it really counted," said Jokowi. "Is there any constraints on the field, especially on the seven industry defined as the decline in gas prices."

In a meeting on October 4, President Jokowi said the gas industry is a capital development that can strengthen national industry. At that time, Jokowi asked that industrial gas prices could be below US $ 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). In fact, the price is still US $ 11 per MMBTU.


Pemerintah Buka Peluang Impor Gas Industri

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartanto mengizinkan impor gas karena belum semua sektor industri merasakan penurunan harga komoditas energi tersebut. Dari tujuh bidang industri, kata Airlangga, masih ada empat yang belum merasakan penurunan harga gas. Namun, Airlangga melanjutkan, mekanisme atau regulasi impor gas tersebut masih akan dibahas. Demikian pula dengan negara asal gas impor. “Yang pasti, volume impor gas ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan sektor industri atau wilayah, kata dia di Istana Kepresidenan

Airlangga membantah jika impor gas disebut bertujuan mempercepat penurunan harga. “Untuk menjamin suplai kepada industri,” katanya. Saat membuka rapat terbatas mengenai harga gas industri, Presiden Joko Widodo mengatakan hingga kini baru tiga sektor yang merasakan penurunan harga. Tiga sektor itu adalah pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. Adapun penurunan harga gas untuk oleochemical, kaca, keramik, dan sarung tangan karet belum terakomodasi. Jokowi pun meminta laporan dari Menteri Perindustrian serta Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengenai pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.

Jokowi juga mengatakan harga gas mesti berdampak konkret bukan hanya pada peningkatan daya saing produk, tapi juga penciptaan nilai tambah bagi industri hilir. “Saya minta soal harga gas ini betul-betul dihitung,” kata Jokowi. “Apakah ada kendala-kendala di lapangan, terutama pada tujuh bidang industri yang ditetapkan sebagai pengguna penurunan harga gas.”

Dalam rapat pada 4 Oktober lalu, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan gas bumi merupakan modal pembangunan yang bisa memperkuat industri nasional. Saat itu, Jokowi meminta agar harga gas industri bisa di bawah US$ 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). Kenyataannya, harga masih US$ 11 per MMBTU.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017