Next year there are eight oil and gas blocks were submitted to Pertamina
PT Pertamina requires huge funds to work on the oil and gas upstream and downstream. One concern Pertamina is the overflow of two oil and gas blocks this year and eight oil and gas blocks to be managed next year. On the other hand, Pertamina also have to build a new refinery project in Tuban and also modernize old five refineries. Whereas Pertamina capital expenditure budget in 2017 was only US $ 6.6 billion. Meanwhile, Pertamina's 2016 capital expenditure of approximately US $ 5.3 billion.
Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto revealed, until now the new Pertamina plans to invest to block the Mahakam contract termination or discharged and the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), because it will be managed by Pertamina this year. "There are eight other again, of course we will see, because it will end in mid-2018 and so, if we could be investing this year as Mahakam or not," he said, Monday (30/1).
Even so Dwi ensure financial aspects of investing in oil and gas blocks termination is not too heavy, because the termination block has been producing. That they can directly get the result of the production. "If it can walk, what we pay today directly returned to the production, "he said.
He explained, in block temlinasi investment funds would come from a loan of 60% and 40% of equity capital. Unfortunately, Dwi does not mention investment funds eight oil and gas block. In terms of activities in the upstream oil and gas, Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam explained, if the operator of the existing oil and gas block termination does not perform investment activities related to the production, production in the block will decline at the end of the contract.
Therefore, Pertamina has prepared a program of activities in order to avoid a decline in production. Syamsu hope, SKK Migas could soon provide a legal umbrella for Pertamina in order to begin a transition to eight oil and gas blocks that contract runs out. "We at Pertamina as early as possible to prepare the programs quick result, quick win, adding wells or workover or anything. The key in the transition," said Syamsu.
Head of Public Relations of SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus said, SKK Migas will make efforts to accelerate the transition, which allow Pertamina to invest a year before the operator of the block, in the form of legal framework cooperation agreement between SKK Migas, Pertamina and the current operator. By doing so, the revised Guidelines Working Procedures eight blocks are no longer required. "No need for revision of the Code of Work, SKK Migas decision alone, the contracting SKK Migas, incumbents and new operators to come," said Taslim.
The second way, prepare the required permissions in transition operator in eight of the block. The third way, prepare the gross revenue share split contract as soon as possible, "So now again split its calculated grass, Pertamina order for faster entry," said Taslim.
Refineries also need to fund PT Pertamina also will not hold a majority stake some refinery modernization projects or so-called Refinery Development Master Plan Program (RDMP). Within Director megaproject Processing & Petrochemicals, Rachmad Hardadi six refinery project requires huge investment. "From a financial matter, Pertamina can only hold shares of 10% to 20%," said Hardadi, Monday (30/1).
Pertamina quite reasonable consideration. SOE, not just work on the downstream sector of the oil processing. Pertamina also needs significant capital to develop its upstream business in order to increase production of crude oil, gas business, as well purpose funds for marketing
Pertamina Harus Siapkan Dana Jumbo
Tahun depan ada delapan blok migas yang diserahkan ke Pertamina
PT Pertamina membutuhkan dana besar untuk menggarap proyek hulu migas dan hilir migas. Salah satu yang menjadi perhatian Pertamina adalah limpahan dua blok migas tahun ini dan delapan blok migas untuk dikelola tahun depan. Di sisi lain, Pertamina juga harus membangun proyek kilang baru di Tuban dan juga melakukan modernisasi lima kilang lama. Padahal anggaran belanja modal Pertamina tahun 2017 hanya sebesar US$ 6,6 miliar. Sedangkan tahun 2016 belanja modal Pertamina sekitar US$ 5,3 miliar.
Direktur Utama Pertamina, Dwi Soetjipto mengungkapkan, hingga saat ini Pertamina baru merencanakan investasi bagi blok terminasi atau habis kontrak Mahakam dan Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), karena akan dikelola Pertamina tahun ini. "Ada delapan lagi yang lain, tentu kami akan lihat, karena akan berakhir di pertengahan tahun 2018 dan sebagainya, apakah kami tahun ini bisa investasi seperti Mahakam atau tidak," katanya, Senin (30/ 1).
Biarpun begitu Dwi memastikan dari aspek finansial untuk melakukan investasi di blok migas terminasi tidaklah terlalu berat, karena blok terminasi telah berproduksi. Sehingga bisa langsung mendapatkan hasil dari produksi. "Kalau sudah bisa jalan, apa yang kami bayar hari ini langsung kembali dengan produksi itu," ungkapnya.
Dia menerangkan, dana investasi di blok temlinasi itu akan berasal dari pinjaman sebesar 60% dan modal sendiri 40%. Sayang, Dwi tidak menyebut dana investasi delapan blok migas tersebut. Dari sisi kegiatan di hulu migas, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menjelaskan, jika operator eksisting di blok migas terminasi ini tidak melakukan kegiatan investasi yang berkaitan dengan produksi, produksi di blok tersebut akan menurun di akhir kontrak.
Untuk itu, Pertamina telah menyiapkan program-program kegiatan agar tidak terjadi penurunan produksi. Syamsu berharap, SKK Migas bisa segera memberikan payung hukum bagi Pertamina agar bisa memulai masa transisi delapan blok migas yang habis kontrak itu. "Kami di Pertamina sedini mungkin menyiapkan program-program quick result, quick win, menambah sumur atau workover atau apapun. Kuncinya dalam transisi itu," kata Syamsu.
Kepala Humas SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus mengungkapkan, SKK Migas akan melakukan upaya mempercepat transisi, yaitu membolehkan berinvestasi setahun sebelum Pertamina menjadi operator di blok tersebut, Payung hukum berupa perjanjian kerja-sama antara SKK Migas, Pertamina dan operator saat ini. Dengan begitu, revisi Pedoman Tata Kerja delapan blok tersebut tidak lagi diperlukan. "Tidak perlu revisi Pedoman Tata Kerja, keputusan SKK Migas saja, yang berkontrak SKK Migas, operator lama dan operator baru datang," ujar Taslim.
Cara kedua, menyiapkan perizinan yang dibutuhkan dalam peralihan operator di delapan blok tersebut. Cara ketiga, menyiapkan kontrak bagi hasil gross split secepat mungkin, "Maka sekarang lagi dihitung grass split-nya, Supaya Pertamina lebih cepat masuk," ujar Taslim.
Kilang juga butuh dana PT Pertamina juga tidak akan menggenggam saham mayoritas beberapa proyek modernisasi kilang atau biasa disebut Refinery Development Master Plan Program (RDMP). Dalam hitungan Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan & Petrokimia, Rachmad Hardadi enam proyek kilang membutuhkan investasi sangat besar. "Dari hitungan finansial, Pertamina hanya bisa memegang saham 10%20%," kata Hardadi, Senin, (30/1).
Pertimbangan Pertamina cukup beralasan. BUMN ini, tidak hanya menggarap sektor hilir pengolahan minyak. Pertamina juga butuh modal yang tidak kecil untuk mengembangkan bisnis hulu agar produksi minyak mentah meningkat, bisnis gas, juga keperluan dana untuk marketing
Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Feb, 1, 2017