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Monday, February 13, 2017

Pertamina Ready to Support Gas Sector

PT Pertamina is ready to become an agent to stimulate the growth of gas consumption infrastructure and Indonesia. This statement was made Acting President Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani in Indogas Forum 2017 in Jakarta. Yenni is also Chairman of Indonesia Gas Society said that Indonesia is estimated to need investment of US $ 70 billion to US $ 80 billion for the construction of gas infrastructure as a whole by 2030.

Infrastructure is earmarked sustain domestic energy needs are growing at about 4% -5% per year. According to him, the role of natural gas for Indonesia's economic future will be quite prominent. It was mainly triggered by the growth of gas demand from electricity generation in line with the government program of 35 thousand megawatts, and also project Pertamina refineries.

The increase in demand also influenced additional capacity fertilizer factory as well as the transport sector. "The projects will increase the demand for gas and the next challenge is an attempt to meet the demand from upstream to downstream," says Yenni, Indonesia has a gas deficit of about 500 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The deficit is projected to further increase in 2030 to 4,000 MMSCFD.

Pertamina, said Yenni, as a pioneer of the gas business and LNG global scale today continues to develop gas infrastructure in the entire gas value chain. For instance, to develop upstream gas, setting up a revitalization plan Mahakam block, build a Floating Storage Regasification Unit, developing a gas pipeline, and securing LNG supplies from inside and outside the country. "This gas infrastructure investments are long-term investments. Thus, the necessary coordination at all levels of stakeholders, including ensuring the investment climate goes well, "said Yenni.

In the same occasion, Pertamina signed a sale and purchase of gas for supply of gas refueling stations (SPBGs) networks and household gas which is a government assignment to Pertamina Balikpapan. The gas supply sourced from Chevron Indonesia Company with a volume of 1.5 MMSCFD in force until 2018. The agreement was signed by Pertamina Gas Natural VP, and VP Commercial Wiko Migantoro Chevron Indonesia John White and witnessed by the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar. From the supply, 1 MMSCFD reserved SPBGs Mother Station Rapak Balikpapan and 0.5 MMSCFD for 3,849 household connections.


Pertamina Siap untuk Dukung Sektor Gas

PT Pertamina siap menjadi agen untuk memacu pertumbuhan infrastruktur dan konsumsi gas Indonesia. Demikian dikemukakan Plt Direktur Utama Pertamina Yenni Andayani dalam Forum Indogas 2017 di Jakarta. Yenni yang juga Chairman Indonesia Gas Society mengatakan Indonesia diperkirakan perlu investasi US$ 70 miliar- US$ 80 miliar untuk pembangunan infrastruktur gas secara menyeluruh hingga 2030.

Infrastruktur itu diperuntukkan menopang kebutuhan energi domestik yang tumbuh sekitar 4%-5% per tahun. Menurutnya, peran gas alam untuk ekonomi Indonesia ke depan akan cukup menonjol. Hal itu terutama dipicu pertumbuhan permintaan gas dari pembangkit listrik PLN seiring dengan program 35 ribu megawatt pemerintah, dan juga proyek kilang-kilang Pertamina. 

Kenaikan permintaan turut dipengaruhi penambahan kapasitas pabrik pupuk serta sektor transportasi. “Proyek-proyek tersebut meningkatkan permintaan gas dan tantangan selanjutnya adalah upaya untuk memenuhi permintaan dari hulu ke hilir,” kata Yenni, Indonesia sudah defisit gas sekitar 500 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Defisit diproyeksikan semakin bertambah pada 2030 hingga 4.000 mmscfd. 

Pertamina, lanjut Yenni, sebagai pionir bisnis gas dan LNG skala global saat ini terus mengembangkan infrastruktur gas di seluruh mata rantai bisnis gas. Umpama, mengembangkan gas hulu, menyiapkan rencana revitalisasi Blok Mahakam, membangun Floating Storage Regasification Unit, mengembangkan pipa gas, dan mengamankan pasokan LNG dari dalam dan luar negeri. “Investasi infrastruktur gas ini merupakan investasi jangka panjang. Maka itu, diperlukan koordinasi di segala lapisan stakeholder, termasuk memastikan iklim investasi berjalan baik,” lanjut Yenni.

Dalam kesempatan sama, Pertamina menandatangani jual beli gas untuk pasokan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas (SPBG) dan jaringan gas rumah tangga yang merupakan penugasan pemerintah kepada Pertamina di Balikpapan. Pasokan gas bersumber dari Chevron Indonesia Company dengan volume 1,5 mmscfd yang berlaku hingga 2018. Penandatanganan dilakukan VP Natural Gas Pertamina, Wiko Migantoro dan VP Commercial Chevron Indonesia John White dan disaksikan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar. Dari pasokan tersebut, 1 mmscfd diperuntukkan SPBG Mother Station Rapak Balikpapan dan 0,5 mmscfd bagi 3.849 sambungan rumah tangga.

 Media Indonesia, Page-19, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

Luhut Ask Pertamina Absorb Gas Pipeline Masela

Investment rate reached 14 percent.

Coordinating Minister maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government will ask Pertamina to absorb nearly half of the gas pipeline that will be produced in the Masela block. The volume of gas that will be taken by Pertamina, Luhut sure, could be agreed. "I understand it (the refinery capacity) 7.5 MTPA (metric tons per year) and 472 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day). Pertamina will purchase 200 of 474 MMSCFD, "said Luhut after meeting with Japanese Ambassador Yasuaki Tanizaki in his office.

Luhut confident with that capacity, the return on investment of 14 percent. This figure is still below demand Inpex Masela contractor, which reached 15 percent. But this is above the government estimate of 10 percent. He promised discussion of the revision of the development plan (plan of development) could begin. "Now we make everything transparent. So the time is run the same release. "

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Tahar Arcandra a scheme by 474 MMSCFD gas pipeline allows the petrochemical industry to grow. Currently, there is only one industry producing polyethylene and polypropylene, which is the raw material of plastic, namely PT Chandra Asri. "Thailand has seven," he said.

If most of the produced gas to LNG, he worried produce gas importer Indonesia would enjoy. Arcandra predicts that much gas actually enjoyed Japan. Inpex also asked to study the best location for the refinery. Two places that are currently considered feasible is Tanimbar Islands and the Aru Islands.

The government rejected the request Inpex propose the replacement of the production period of 10 years. The proposal for a moratorium born Masela until now not yet in production. In fact, the production contract has been signed since 2007. With a target in the development plan signed before 2019, gas production is just beginning 2026. The deadline is considered Inpex mepet to expiration on the contract in 2028.

If the moratorium is approved, the 2007-2017 production period Inpex considered void. The past 10 years and then be replaced, so the contract was extended to 2038. Arcandra Inpex says it can only approve the replacement of the production period of seven years. Thus, Inpex guaranteed contract extension until 2035. This agreement will be loaded through a contract amendment.

Inpex spokesman, Usman Slamet, said the company is waiting for the government's response regarding the proposed development of the project. Inpex last letter sent to the Ministry of Energy on January 6, 2017. "We continue to meet with the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK to discuss the conditions necessary in order to achieve economies of Eternal project a good project," he said.


Luhut Minta Pertamina Menyerap Gas Pipa Masela

Tingkat pengembalian investasi mencapai 14 persen.

Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan pemerintah bakal meminta PT Pertamina untuk menyerap hampir separuh gas pipa yang akan diproduksi di Blok Masela. Volume gas yang akan diambil Pertamina, Luhut yakin, bisa disepakati.   “Kalau tidak salah itu (kapasitas kilang) 7,5 MTPA (metrik ton per tahun) dan 472 MMSCFD (juta standar kubik per hari). Pertamina akan membeli 200 dari 474 MMSCFD,” ujar Luhut seusai bertemu Duta Besar Jepang Yasuaki Tanizaki di kantornya.

Luhut yakin dengan kapasitas itu, tingkat pengembalian investasi sebesar 14 persen. Angka ini masih di bawah permintaan Inpex, kontraktor Blok Masela, yang mencapai 15 persen. Tapi angka ini di atas taksiran pemerintah sebesar 10 persen. Dia berjanji pembahasan revisi rencana pengembangan (plan of development) bisa segera dimulai. “Sekarang kita buat semuanya transparan. Sehingga waktu dijalankan keluarnya sama.”

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengemukakan skema gas pipa 474 MMSCFD memungkinkan industri petrokimia untuk tumbuh. Saat ini, hanya ada satu industri penghasil polyethylene dan polypropylene, yang menjadi bahan baku plastik, yaitu PT Chandra Asri. “Thailand punya tujuh," kata dia.

Jika sebagian besar gas diproduksi untuk LNG, dia khawatir hasil bumi Indonesia justru dinikmati importir gas. Arcandra memprediksi gas sebanyak itu justru dinikmati Jepang. Inpex juga diminta mempelajari lokasi terbaik untuk kilang. Dua tempat yang saat ini dianggap layak adalah Kepulauan Tanimbar dan Kepulauan Aru.

Pemerintah menolak permintaan Inpex yang mengusulkan penggantian masa produksi selama 10 tahun. Usul moratorium lahir karena Blok Masela sampai sekarang belum berproduksi. Padahal, kontrak produksi sudah diteken sejak 2007. Dengan target rencana pengembangan di teken sebelum 2019, produksi gas diperkirakan baru mulai 2026. Tenggat ini dianggap Inpex mepet dengan masa kedaluwarsa kontrak pada 2028.

Jika moratorium disetujui, masa produksi Inpex pada 2007-2017 dianggap gugur. Masa tersebut kemudian diganti 10 tahun, sehingga kontrak Inpex diperpanjang sampai 2038. Arcandra mengatakan hanya bisa menyetujui penggantian masa produksi selama tujuh tahun. Dengan demikian, Inpex mendapat jaminan perpanjangan kontrak hingga 2035. Kesepakatan ini bakal dimuat melalui amendemen kontrak.

Juru bicara Inpex, Usman Slamet, mengatakan perusahaan menunggu jawaban pemerintah mengenai usul pengembangan proyek. Surat terakhir dikirim Inpex ke Kementerian Energi pada 6 Januari 2017.“Kami terus bertemu dengan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas untuk membahas kondisi yang dibutuhkan agar Proyek Abadi mencapai keekonomian proyek yang baik,”
kata dia.

Koran Tempo, Page-20, Wednesday, Feb, 8, 2017

Gas build infrastructure, Indonesia is worth US $ 70-80 M

Indonesia needs investment of up to US $ 70-80 billion to build an integrated gas infrastructure. The infrastructure development is required in order to meets the domestic energy needs growing 4-5% per year. Chairman of Indonesia Gas Society as well Acting Director of PT Pertamina Yenni Andayani say, increase in energy demand driven by growing middle class population and gross domestic product.

Indonesia's energy needs growth rates of 4-5% is higher than the global trend. "About 15% of energy needs will be supplied with gas, while the rest is supplied by petroleum, coal, and others," he said in the opening of the 2017 International Indonesia Indo Gas Gas Conference & Exhibition in Jakarta, Tuesday (7/2).

According to him, the role of natural gas for Indonesia's economic future will be quite significant. This was triggered by growing demand from PT PLN to Pnoyek 35 Thousand Megawatt (MW) and six Pertamina refinery project. In addition, growth will also be supported by additional capacity fertilizer plant and the transport sector. With the high demand for gas, the next challenge is how to meet the request from upstream to downstream. On the upstream side, Indonesia requires new investments in order to explore and develop new sources of gas.

On the downstream side, Indonesia must build infrastructure to drain gas supply to the end consumer. "To build gas infrastructure thoroughly Indonesia require new investments around US $ 70-80 billion," said Yenny. Count investing is a long-term need about 30 years.

Infrastructure development is confirmed not merely meet the needs of domestic gas. This step is necessary so that Indonesia is able to compete with other countries to become an investment destination. This requires the coordination of all stakeholders, incentives, competitive prices, and the investment climate in the country is good. "So an investment of $ 70-80 billion, also means creating thousands of jobs, fueling the growth of the industry, and also spur the growth of the GDP of Indonesia," he explained.

Pertamina as the pioneers of gas and LNG business on a global scale, has made efforts to develop gas infrastructure in the entire gas value chain. Pertamina continuously develop upstream gas, build gas infrastructure such as pipelines and LNG regasification facilities, and has secured LNG supply from within and outside the country. "Pertamina is ready to become an agent to stimulate the growth of infrastructure and consumption of gas in Indonesia," said Yenny.

Indonesia is a country with a fairly abundant gas resources. Since the 1970s, has become one of Pertamina LNG exporter in the world and is involved in the construction of infrastructure such as LNG world class LNG facilities in Arun, Bontang, and Donggi Senoro. In addition, Pertamina also has a network of gas transmission and distribution pipelines, as well as a large gas fields include the Mahakam block and Corridor.

Gas Sales

Pertamina signed a purchase agreement for the supply of gas filling stations Fuel Gas (SPBGs) and Domestic Gas Networks government assignment in London. The gas supply comes from fields suppliers, namely Chevron Indonesia Company with a volume of 1.5 MMSCFD in force until 2018. The agreement was signed by Pertamina Gas Natural VP, and VP Commercial Wiko Migantoro Chevron Indonesia John White and witnessed by Vice Minister Arcandra Tahar ,

From the supply, 1 MMSCFD reserved for SPBGs Mother Station Rapak Balikpapan and 0.5 MMSCFD intended for domestic gas network in Balikpapan. There are around 3,849 household connections that will get gas supply from the network operated by PT Pertagas Commerce.


Membangun Infrastruktur Gas, Indonesia Perlu US$ 70-80 M

Indonesia butuh investasi hingga US$ 70-80 miliar untuk membangun infrastruktur gas secara terintegrasi. Pembangunan infrastruktur diperlukan guna memenuni kebutuhan energi dalam negeri yang tumbuh 4-5% per tahun. Chairman Indonesia Gas Society sekaligus Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Yenni Andayani mengatakan, peningkatan kebutuhan energi didorong oleh pertumbuhan populasi kelas menengah dan produk domestik bruto.

Angka perturnbuhan kebutuhan energi Indonesia 4-5% ini lebih tinggi dibanding tren global. “Sekitar 15% kebutuhan energi tersebut dipasok dengan gas, sedangkan sisanya dipasok dengan minyak bumi, batubara, dan lainnya,” kata dia dalam pembukaan Indo Gas 2017 International Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition di Jakarta, Selasa (7/ 2).

Menurutnya, peran gas alam untuk ekonomi Indonesia ke depan akan cukup signifikan. Hal ini dipicu oleh pertumbuhan permintaan dari PT PLN untuk Pnoyek 35 Ribu Megawatt (MW) dan enam proyek kilang Pertamina. Selain itu, pertumbuhan juga akan didukung oleh penambahan kapasitas pabrik pupuk dan sektor transportasi. Dengan tingginya kebutuhan gas, tantangan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana memenuhi permintaan tersebut dari hulu ke hilir. Di sisi hulu, Indonesia membutuhkan investasi baru guna mengeksplorasi dan mengembangkan sumber-sumber gas baru. 

Di sisi hilir, Indonesia harus membangun infrastruktur gas untuk mengalirkan pasokan hingga konsumen akhir. “Untuk membangun infrastruktur gas secara menyeluruh Indonesia memerlukan investasi baru sekitar USS 70-80 miliar,” tutur Yenny. Hitungan investasi itu merupakan kebutuhan jangka panjang sekitar 30 tahun. 

Pembangunan infrastruktur ditegaskan bukan semata-mata memenuhi kebutuhan gas domestik. Langkah ini diperlukan agar Indonesia mampu berkompetisi dengan negara lain untuk menjadi negara tujuan investasi. Untuk itu, diperlukan koordinasi seluruh stakeholder, insentif, harga yang kompetitif, dan iklim investasi dalam negeri yang baik. “Jadi investasi USS 70-80 miliar tersebut juga berarti menciptakan ribuan lapangan kerja, memicu pertumbuhan industri, dan juga memacu pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia,” jelasnya.

Pertamina sebagai pioner bisnis gas dan LNG dalam skala global, telah melakukan upaya pengembangan infrastruktur gas di seluruh mata rantai bisnis gas. Pertamina secara terus menerus melakukan pengembangan gas hulu, membangun infrastruktur gas berupa pipa dan fasilitas regasifikasi LNG, serta telah mengamankan pasokan LNG dari dalam dan luar negeri. “Pertamina siap menjadi agen untuk memacu pertumbuhan infrastruktur dan konsumsi gas di Indonesia,” kata Yenny.

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan sumber gas yang cukup berlimpah. Sejak tahun 1970an, Pertamina telah menjadi salah satu exporter LNG di dunia dan terlibat dalam pembangunan infrastruktur LNG yang berkelas dunia seperti fasilitas LNG di Arun, Bontang, dan Donggi Senoro. Disamping itu, Pertamina juga telah memiliki jaringan pipa gas transmisi dan distribusi, serta lapangan-lapangan gas besar antara lain Blok Mahakam dan Corridor.

Jual Beli Gas

Pertamina menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas untuk pasokan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan bakar Gas (SPBG) dan Jaringan Gas Rumah Tangga penugasan pemerintah di Balikpapan. Pasokan gas bersumber dari lapangan-lapangan pemasok, yaitu Chevron Indonesia Company dengan volume sebesar 1,5 MMSCFD yang berlaku hingga 2018. Penandatanganan dilakukan oleh VP Natural Gas Pertamina, Wiko Migantoro dan VP Commercial Chevron Indonesia John White dan disaksikan oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Dari pasokan tersebut, 1 MMSCFD diperuntukkan bagi SPBG Mother Station Rapak Balikpapan dan 0,5 MMSCFD diperuntukkan bagi jaringan gas rumah tangga di Balikpapan. Ada sekitar 3.849 sambungan rumah tangga yang akan mendapatkan pasokan gas dari jaringan yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pertagas Niaga.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

Water Injection JOB-PPEJ save 2 Million Dollars

General Manager of Pertamina Petrochina Joint Operating Body (JOB PPEJ), Akbarsyah said it successfully save the country about USD 2 million US Dollars. Saving through Water injection process in the field Sukowati. JOB PPEJ now working to improve the way the pursuit of a target of zero gas flare at the facility Central Processing Area (CPA).

CPA for gas production from the field and Sukowati Mudi, Tuban Block. "At the initial stage and the rest of the flare gas in Mudi Field and Sukowati amount of about 3-4 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) can be reduced 0.8 MMSCFD of Mudi field," said Akbarsyah who was accompanied by the FOS [Field Operations Superintendent) Fauzy Achmad Mayanullah and Meri Iriyadi.

He revealed, amounted to 0.8 MMSCFD gas is now used as an additional supply of gas (feed gas) to PT Gasuma. Gasuma an exhaust gas buyer after JOB PPEJ can modify and install the connecting pipe (Jumper line) in a gas processing facility, which is on the separator PV ~ 9700 (Mudi) to gas scrubber PV-3700.

Amenities The pressure was able to be adjusted to the pressure separator without impacting the supply of gas that is held in the CPA Mudi. "After the 0.8 MMSCFD absorbed PT Gasuma, TDI entrained gas production (associated gas) from the driver's field already nothing is burned (flare) again. Furthermore, JOB PPEJ cooperate with PT Gasuma will make modifications and innovations again so that the exhaust gas (flare) remaining approximately 2 MMscfd could be zero as part of achieving the target of the green level in 2017, "said General Manager JOB PPEJ.

Akbarsyah admits is not easy to achieve zero gas flare. The main problem the rest of the exhaust gas that now exist have very low pressure, which is about 2 psi. Waste gas that is the residual gas is utilized JOB PPEJ comes from processed gas through the Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) in order to get a clean dry gas (dry gas) to fuel power generators internal


Water Injection JOB-PPEJ Hemat 2 Juta Dollar

General Manager Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina (JOB PPEJ), Akbarsyah mengatakan, pihaknya sukses menghemat pengeluaran negara sebesar USD 2 juta Dollar AS. Penghematan itu melalui proses Water injection di lapangan Sukowati. Kini JOB PPEJ berupaya meningkatkan dengan cara mengejar target zero gas flare di fasilitas Central Processing Area (CPA). 

CPA untuk produksi gas yang berasal dari Lapangan Mudi dan Sukowati, Blok Tuban. "Pada tahap awal dan sisa gas flare di Lapangan Mudi dan Sukowati yang besarnya sekitar 3-4 MMscfd (Juta kaki kubik per hari) sudah bisa dikurangi 0,8 MMscfd dari lapangan Mudi," kata Akbarsyah yang didampingi FOS [Field Operations Superintendent) Fauzy Achmad Mayanullah dan Meri Iriyadi.

Ia mengungkapkan, gas sebesar 0.8 MMscfd itu kini digunakan sebagai tambahan pasokan gas (feed gas) ke PT Gasuma. Gasuma merupakan pembeli gas buang setelah JOB PPEJ bisa memodifikasi dan memasang pipa penghubung (Jumper line) di sebuah fasilitas pemrosesan gas, yaitu dari separator PV~9700 (Mudi) ke gas scrubber PV-3700.

Fasilitas tersebut tekanannya sudah bisa untuk disesuaikan dengan tekanan separator tanpa berdampak kepada suplai gas yang selama ini berlangsung di CPA Mudi.  “Setelah yang 0,8 MMscfd bisa diserap PT Gasuma, gas ikutan yang tdi produksi (associated gas) dari lapangan mudi sudah tidak ada yang dibakar (flare) lagi. Selanjutnya, JOB PPEJ bekerja sama dengan PT Gasuma akan melakukan modifikasi dan inovasi lagi agar gas buang (flare) yang masih tersisa sekitar 2 MMscfd bisa menjadi zero sebagai bagian dari target pencapaian PROPER Hijau tahun 2017 ini," kata General Manager JOB PPEJ.

Akbarsyah mengakui tidak mudah untuk mencapai zero gas flare. Problem utamanya sisa gas buang yang kini ada punya tekanan sangat rendah, yakni sekitar 2 Psi. Gas buang yang ada itu adalah sisa gas yang dimanfaatkan JOB PPEJ berasal dari gas yang diproses melalui Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) guna mendapat gas kering bersih (dry gas) untuk bahan bakar generator pembangkit listrik internal

Surya, Page-4, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

Innovation Pertamina Petrochina Save State Money

Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) on the field Sragen, in the District of Soko keep clean better. This was evidenced already successfully save the country about USD 2 million US Dollars through innovation in the process of water injection in the field Sragen, Tuesday (7/2).

Petrochina Pertamina now it's back to make efforts to increase revenue by pursuing the target of zero gas flare at the facility Central Processing Area (CPA) for the production of gas originating and Mudi Field and Sukowati, Tuban Block. At this early stage, from the rest of the flare gas in Mudi Field and Sukowati amount of about 3- 4 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day), it can be reduced 0.8 MMSCFD of Mudi field.

0.8 MMSCFD gas is now used as an additional supply of gas (feed gas) to PT Gasuma, as a buyer of exhaust gas. Activities that after JOB PPEJ can modify and install the connecting pipe (jumper line) in one of the gas processing facility. Ie from the separator PV-9700 (Mudi) to gas scrubber PV-3700 already lowered the pressure to conform to the pressure separator without impacting the supply of gas that is held in the CPA Mudi.

General Manager JOB PPEJ Akbarsyah, accompanied by the FOS (Field Operations Superintendent) Achmad Fauzy Mayanullah and Meri Iriyadi, said that after the 0.8 MMSCFD absorbed PT Gasuma. Entrained gas produced (associated gas) from the driver's field already nothing is burned (flare) again. "Furthermore, in cooperation with PT JOB PPEJ Gasuma will make modifications and innovations again so that the exhaust gas (flare) remaining approximately 2 MMscfd could be zero as part of achieving the target of the green level in 2017, said Akbarsyah.

Akbarsyah admits is not easy to achieve zero gas flare. The main problem the rest of the exhaust gas that now exist have very low pressure, which is about 2 psi. Waste gas that is the residual gas is utilized JOB PPEJ comes from processed gas through the Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) in order to get a clean dry gas (dry gas) to fuel internal generators.

"It took a compressor that is capable of processing the exhaust gas pressure is only about 2 psi to then increase the pressure to about 65 psi, to be absorbed by Gasuma. Theoretically it could be done by providing the appropriate compressor, but potentially explosive impact on the SRU facility because there is a vacuum or suction effect of the compressor. This technical problem which we are now discussing with the technical team of Gasuma "he said.

Akbarsyah explained JOB PPEJ total gas production is now only around 16-17 MMSCFD, far away, was down compared to the year 2012 to 2014 could reach 30 MMSCFD even more. At the time of gas production peaked and PT Gasuma have not been able to absorb, JOB PPEJ using a tool called EHTF (Enclosed High Temperature Flare) to reduce the impact of exposure to heat and light generated in the current environment made the combustion flue gas. "At that time, oil production above 35,000 barrels per day. So gas production is also great. Now production is only about 12000-13000 barrels per day. So gas production also dropped dramatically.


Inovasi Pertamina Petrochina Hemat Uang Negara

Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) yang berada di lapangan Sukowati, di Kecamatan Soko terus berbenah lebih baik. Hal itu dibuktikan telah sukses menghemat pengeluaran negara sebesar USD 2 juta Dollar AS lewat inovasi dalam proses water injection di lapangan Sukowati, Selasa, (7/2).

Kini Pertamina Petrochina itu kembali melakukan upaya meningkatkan pendapatan dengan mengejar target zero gas flare di fasilitas Central Processing Area (CPA) untuk produksi gas yang berasal dan Lapangan Mudi dan Sukowati, Blok Tuban. Pada tahap awal ini, dari sisa gas flare di Lapangan Mudi dan Sukowati yang besarnya sekitar 3- 4 MMscfd (juta kaki kubik per hari), sudah bisa dikurangi 0,8 MMscfd dari lapangan Mudi. 

Gas sebesar 0,8 MMscfd itu kini digunakan sebagai tambahan pasokan gas (feed gas) ke PT Gasuma, selaku pembeli gas buang. Kegiatan itu setelah JOB PPEJ bisa memodifikasi dan memasang pipa penghubung (jumper line) di salah satu fasilitas pemrosesan gas. Yaitu dari separator PV-9700 (Mudi) ke gas scrubber PV-3700 yang sudah diturunkan tekanannya untuk disesuaikan dengan tekanan separator tanpa berdampak kepada suplai gas yang selama ini berlangsung di CPA Mudi. 

General Manager JOB PPEJ Akbarsyah, didampingi FOS (Field Operations Superintendent) Fauzy Achmad Mayanullah dan Meri Iriyadi, menyampaikan bahwa setelah yang 0,8 MMscfd bisa diserap PT Gasuma. Gas ikutan yang diproduksi (associated gas) dari lapangan mudi sudah tidak ada yang dibakar (flare) lagi.  “Selanjutnya, JOB PPEJ bekerjasama dengan PT Gasuma akan melakukan modifikasi dan inovasi lagi agar gas buang (flare) yang masih tersisa sekitar 2 MMscfd bisa menjadi zero sebagai bagian dari target pencapaian PROPER Hijau tahun 2017 ini, kata Akbarsyah.

Akbarsyah mengakui tidak mudah untuk mencapai zero gas flare. Problem utamanya sisa gas buang yang kini ada punya tekanan sangat rendah, yakni sekitar 2 Psi. Gas buang yang ada itu adalah sisa gas yang dimanfaatkan JOB PPEJ berasal dari gas yang diproses melalui Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU) guna mendapat gas kering bersih (dry gas) untuk bahan bakar generator pembangkit listrik internal.

”Butuh kompresor yang mampu memproses gas buang yang tekanannya hanya sekitar 2 Psi untuk kemudian menaikkan tekanannya menjadi sekitar 65 Psi, agar bisa diserap oleh Gasuma. Secara teoritis hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan penyediaan kompresor yang tepat, tetapi berpotensi untuk menimbulkan dampak terhadap fasilitas SRU karena ada efek vakum atau hisap dari kompresor. Problem teknis ini yang sekarang sedang kami diskusikan bersama dengan tim teknis dari Gasuma” katanya.

Akbarsyah memaparkan total produksi gas JOB PPEJ kini hanya berkisar 16 - 17 MMscfd, jauh sangat turun dibanding tahun 2012-2014 yang bisa mencapai 30 MMscfd bahkan lebih. Pada saat produksi gas mencapai puncaknya dan PT Gasuma belum mampu menyerap, JOB PPEJ menggunakan alat bernama EHTF (Enclosed High Temperature Flare) untuk mengurangi dampak paparan panas dan cahaya yang ditimbulkan pada lingkungan saat dilakukan pembakaran gas buang tersebut. “Saat itu produksi minyak di atas 35.000 barel per hari. Jadi produksi gas-nya juga besar. Kini produksi minyak hanya sekitar 12.000 - 13.000 barel per hari. Jadi produksi gas juga turun drastis. 

Memorandum, Page-22, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

Cheap Gas Not Enjoyed Entire Industry

The government continues to evaluate the reduction in industrial gas prices. However, so far only three industry sectors are enjoying a decrease in gas prices, the fertilizer industry, steel, and petro-chemical. Whereas, pursuant to Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Pricing, set seven industry sectors are entitled to a decline in gas prices, the fertilizer industry, steel, petrochemicals, oleokima, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves.

Efforts to suppress the price of gas for the seven was considered very important industry to boost the competitiveness of the industry while encouraging more labor absorption by the domestic industry. "Currently only realized for the three industry first, the rest being evaluated. The evaluation concerns the contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) or the multiplier effect in the country," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, on the sidelines of Indonesia gas Society in 2017.

Arcandra said, to realize the price of cheap gas for industry, the government plans to allow the import of gas directly by the industry to the producers. Regulations related to gas imports, according to him, is being prepared by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In addition to allowing imports, the government also continues to accelerate the development of gas infrastructure. "Domestic demand continues to grow higher than the domestic supply. Because, in addition to allowing imports, we continue to accelerate the development of gas infrastructure, he said.

Secretary General of Chemical Industry Federation Adiputra Indonesia Ridwan said the decline in gas prices that has been enjoyed by most sectors of the industry still does not meet expectations. According to him, for the fertilizer industry, the price of gas is still above USD 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). In fact, it is expected gas prices could fall to $ 4 per MMBTU. "The decline in gas prices is also not evenly distributed for other industries. In fact, the decline in the price of gas needed to keep the product in the country capable of competitiveness, both domestically and for export abroad, "he said.

The same thing is said to Chairman of the Association of Food and Beverage Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman. Currently the price of gas for the food and beverage sector, according to him, is still quite expensive, ranging from USD 9-12 per MMBTU. "Actually, the price of gas has been around USD 6-9 per MMBTU, but taxable distribution costs. I wish the President was USD 6 already in place. It is yet to be realized," he said.

According to him, ideally in gas prices as a neighboring country if it wants the industry more competitive. In Singapore, industrial gas prices around USD 3-5 per MMBTU. Vice Chairman of the Indonesia Gas Society Djohari kusumah Angga said gas imports and infrastructure development is the key to accelerate the creation of a competitive gas prices. He projected that average gas consumption in the country for up to two years ahead rose 4-5%, or about 3000-3500 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or as much as 32 million tonnes of LNG per year. While in 2030 estimated domestic gas demand shot up to 10,000 MMSCFD.

While Indonesia Gas Society Chairman Andayani Yenni said, by 2030 Indonesia is estimated to require investment of USD 70-80 billion for the construction of gas infrastructure in order to meet domestic energy needs are growing at about 4-5% per year, the Acting Director of PT Pertamina said the increasing energy needs this is caused by the growing domestic middle class population and rising GDP. The growth rate, far higher than the growth in global energy consumption. Approximately 15% of energy consumption, according to him, will be supplied by gas.

While the rest is filled with petroleum, coal and other primary energy sources. As a country which has the gas resources are relatively abundant, the role of natural gas for the future economic ascertained quite prominent. The main gas demand growth will be driven by the needs of PT PLN power plants for a total capacity of about 14 GW, which is part of 35,000 MW program and project Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) at four refineries and two new grass root refinery owned by Pertamina.

In addition, growth will also be boosted by the addition of a fertilizer plant capacity and the transport sector. "Investing in gas infrastructure is a long-term investment for 30 years and to become an investment destination, Indonesia to compete with other countries. Therefore, the necessary coordination at all stakeholders, incentives, competitive prices, and ensure the investment climate in the country the good one.


Gas Murah Belum Dinikmati Seluruh Industri

Pemerintah masih terus melakukan evaluasi terhadap penurunan harga gas industri. Namun, sejauh ini baru tiga sektor industri saja yang menikmati penurunan harga gas, yaitu industri pupuk, baja, dan petro kimia. Padahal, berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, ditetapkan sebanyak tujuh sektor industri yang berhak menikmati penurunan harga gas, yakni industri pupuk, baja, petrokimia, oleokima, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Upaya menekan harga gas bagi ketujuh industri tersebut dinilai sangat penting untuk menggenjot daya saing industri sekaligus mendorong serapan lebih banyak tenaga kerja oleh industri di dalam negeri. "Saat ini baru direalisasikan untuk tiga industri dulu, selebihnya sedang dievaluasi. Evaluasi menyangkut kontribusi terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) atau multiplier effect di dalam negeri,"ujar Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, di sela acara Indonesia Gas Society 2017.

Arcandra mengatakan, untuk mewujudkan harga gas murah bagi industri, pemerintah berencana mengizinkan impor gas langsung oleh industri kepada produsen. Peraturan terkait impor gas ini, menurutnya, sedang disiapkan oleh Kementerian ESDM. Di samping mengizinkan impor, pemerintah juga terus berupaya mempercepat pembangunan infrastruktur gas. ”Permintaan domestik terus tumbuh lebih tinggi dari pasokan dalam negeri. Karena, selain mengizinkan impor, kami terus mempercepat pengembangan infrastruktur gas, ucapnya. 

Sekretaris Jenderal Federasi Industri Kimia Indonesia Ridwan Adiputra mengatakan, penurunan harga gas yang telah dinikmati sebagian sektor industri masih belum sesuai harapan. Menurut dia, untuk industri pupuk, harga gas masih di atas USD 6 per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU). Padahal, harapannya harga gas bisa turun menjadi USD 4 per MMBTU. ”Penurunan harga gas juga belum merata untuk industri lainnya. Padahal, penurunan harga gas dibutuhkan supaya produk di dalam negeri mampu berdaya saing, baik di dalam negeri maupun untuk ekspor ke luar negeri,” katanya.

Hal senada dikatakan Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Seluruh Indonesia (Gapmmi) Adhi Lukman. Saat ini harga gas untuk sektor makanan dan minuman, menurutnya, masih cukup mahal, berkisar USD 9-12 per MMBTU. "Sebetulnya harga gas sudah sekitar USD 6-9 per MMBTU, namun kena biaya distribusi. Maunya Presiden itu USD 6 sudah di tempat. Ini yang belum terealisasi," ujarnya. 

Menurutnya, idealnya harga gas sama seperti negara tetangga jika ingin industri lebih berdaya saing. Di Singapura, harga gas industri sekitar USD 3-5 per MMBTU. Wakil Ketua Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga kusumah mengatakan, impor dan pembangunan infrastruktur gas menjadi kunci untuk mempercepat terciptanya harga gas yang kompetitif. Dia memproyeksikan rata-rata konsumsi gas di dalam negeri hingga dua tahun ke depan naik 4-5% atau sekitar 3.000-3.500 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau sebanyak 32 juta ton LNG per tahun. Sementara pada 2030 diperkirakan kebutuhan gas domestik melonjak hingga mencapai 10.000 MMSCFD. 

Sementara Chairman Indonesia Gas Society Yenni Andayani mengatakan, hingga 2030 Indonesia diperkirakan memerlukan investasi USD 70-80 miliar untuk pembangunan infrastruktur gas guna mencukupi kebutuhan energi domestik yang tumbuh sekitar 4-5% per tahun, Plt Direktur Utama PT Pertamina tersebut mengatakan, meningkatnya kebutuhan energi domestik ini disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan populasi kelas menengah dan meningkatnya PDB. Angka pertumbuhan tersebut, bahkan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi secara global. Sekitar 15% kebutuhan energi tersebut, menurutnya, akan dipasok oleh gas. 

Sementara sisanya dipenuhi dengan minyak bumi, batubara, dan sumber energi primer lainnya. Sebagai negara yang memiliki sumber gas yang cukup berlimpah, peran gas alam untuk ekonomi ke depan dipastikan cukup menonjol. Pertumbuhan permintaan gas utamanya akan dipicu oleh kebutuhan pembangkit listrik PT PLN untuk kapasitas total sekitar 14 GW yang merupakan bagian program 35.000 MW dan proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) pada empat kilang dan dua new grass root refinery milik Pertamina. 

Selain itu, pertumbuhan juga akan di dukung oleh penambahan kapasitas pabrik pupuk dan sektor transportasi. "Investasi infrastruktur gas merupakan investasi jangka panjang untuk 30-an tahun dan untuk menjadi tujuan investasi, Indonesia berkompetisi dengan negara lain. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan koordinasi yang baik di seluruh stake holder, insentif, harga yang kompetitif, dan memastikan iklim investasi dalam negeri yang baik.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

LNG imports Can Lower Gas Prices

The government's promise to lower gas prices for industry still seems to be difficult to realize. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 40/2016 on Gas Prices for Industry Specific fact not include the promised industry could enjoy a decrease in gas prices. The decline in gas prices can only be felt by the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel. While the price of gas for industrial ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves oleochemical still under study by the government.

Djohardi Angga Kusumah, Senior Vice President Gas and Power Gas Directorate of Pertamina, said the domestic gas price in the plant gate to consumers in West Java US $ 9 per mmbtu, in East Java reached US $ 7.6 per mmbtu. While in North Sumatra is still around US $ 12 per mmbtu.

While the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the spot market currently only about US $ 5 per mmbtu. "It's clear domestic price is higher than the price of LNG on the spot market, between US $ 5 per mmbtu compared to US $ 9 per mmbtu. If imports can be made neutral, but depends on the international market situation," said Djohardi, Tuesday (7/2). Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Association of Ceramic Industry Aneka Indonesia (Asaki), said the decline in the price of gas for the LNG import dependent, the government.

The price of gas and gas-related rules is a government authority. "The progress of the country, including the industry, strongly linked government efforts to manage energy, possessed or acquired," said Elisa. According to Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, the government continues to try to make gas prices more competitive. But the government also consider domestic gas supply.

lmpor will be opened if the domestic LNG supply is not sufficient to meet the domestic industry. "The rule is being discussed. In essence, we hope that we get a competitive gas prices. But we put that in, if the inside does not meet, we are opening up import and this takes time," said Arcandra, Tuesday (7/2).

The government also wants LNG imports when gas infrastructure, such as regasification facilities already built. "If the import of LNG, the infrastructure is built first. The development is needed annually. Well, how do I import LNG without infrastructure?" He said


Impor LNG Bisa Turunkan Harga Gas

Janji pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri nampaknya masih sulit terealisasi. Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas untuk Industri Tertentu nyatanya belum mencakup industri yang dijanjikan bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas. Penurunan harga gas baru bisa dirasakan oleh industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja. Sementara harga gas untuk industri keramik, kaca, oleochemical dan sarung tangan karet masih dalam kajian pemerintah.

Djohardi Angga Kusumah, Senior Vice President Direktorat Gas dan Power Gas Pertamina, mengatakan, harga gas domestik di plant gate untuk konsumen di Jawa Barat US$ 9 per mmbtu, di Jawa Timur mencapai US$ 7,6 per mmbtu. Sedangkan di Sumatra Utara masih sekitar US$ 12 per mmbtu. 

Sementara harga liquified natural gas (LNG) di pasar spot saat ini hanya sekitar US$ 5 per mmbtu. " Sudah jelas harga domestik lebih tinggi dibanding harga LNG di pasar spot, antara US$ 5 per mmbtu dibandingkan US$ 9 per mmbtu. Kalau impor bisa menjadikan netral, tapi tergantung situasi pasar internasional," ujar Djohardi, Selasa (7/2). Elisa Sinaga, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Aneka Industri Keramik Indonesia (Asaki), menyatakan, penurunan harga gas karena impor LNG itu tergantung, pemerintah. 

Harga gas dan aturan terkait gas merupakan kewenangan pemerintah. "Kemajuan negara termasuk industrinya, sangat terkait upaya pemerintah mengelola energi yang, dimiliki atau didapat," kata Elisa. Menurut Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, pemerintah terus berusaha membuat harga gas semakin kompetitif. Namun pemerintah juga memperhatikan pasokan gas dalam negeri.

lmpor akan dibuka jika suplai LNG domestik tidak mampu mencukupi kebutuhan industri dalam negeri. "Aturannya sedang kami bahas. Intinya, kami berusaha agar kita mendapatkan harga gas yang kompetitif. Tapi kami mengutamakan yang di dalam, kalau di dalam tidak memenuhi, kami membuka impor dan ini membutuhkan waktu," kata Arcandra, Selasa (7/2).

Pemerintah juga menginginkan impor LNG ketika infrastruktur gas, seperti fasilitas regasifikasi sudah terbangun. "Kalau impor LNG, infrastruktur dibangun dulu. Pembangunan ini perlu tahunan. Nah, bagaimana cara impor LNG tanpa infrastruktur? " katanya

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

Realization Import Requires Time

Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Interior Not Fully Prepared

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said, it takes time to realize the import of gas by the industry. Because the natural gas infrastructure is limited so that imports can not be realized. Import policy is expected to increase the competitiveness of the industry in Indonesia. Arcandra gas infrastructure in question is and the floating storage unit (FSRU) which are currently very limited.

In Indonesia, there are only two FSRU operation, namely FSRU West Java, Lampung FSRU, as well as a floating regasification unit (FRU) Benoa in Bali. "Imported gas will take time. Why? This, right, import, so the form of LNG (liquefied natural gas). Thus, the infrastructure must be built first. To build it would take many years, "said Arcandra after opening the International Indonesia Gas Conference and Exhibition 2012 Tuesday (7/2), in Jakarta.

Arcandra denied this gas import policy because the Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40 Year 2016 on. Pricing of Natural Gas can not be fully realized. Of the seven industry sectors are entitled to enjoy the fall in prices, three new industrial sector enjoyed, namely steel, petrochemicals, and fertilizers.

Senior Vice President Gas and Power at PT Pertamina Djohardi Angga Kusumah said pemrintah decision to allow the industry to import gas directly not just because of the price factor. However, in the future, Indonesia overshadowed gas deficit in the country. In 2030, the deficit of gas in Indonesia estimated 3000-3500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). "In 2019, Indonesia is estimated to be around 500 MMSCFD gas deficit. There is an imbalance between the needs of supply. Moreover, on average, domestic gas demand to grow by about 5 percent per year, "said Djohardi.


Regarding the price, Djohardi not deny, international gas prices are currently cheap because the supply of gas is abundant in the market. For the gas futures market, prices range from seven dollars per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU) and 5 dollars per MMBTU for the cash market (spot). The price of gas for the domestic industry about 8-12 dollars per MMBTU.

Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, said the LNG import policy did not necessarily make the price of gas for industry to become cheaper. Therefore, the price would follow the prevailing price in the international market. With oil prices at around 50 dollars per barrel, LNG prices are up at the port (landed price) in the Asia Pacific region to around 8 dollars per MMBTU "with imported LNG-matter, the Presidential Decree 40/2016 does not mean that would be more easily realized , Wherever, gas prices are so affected by many factors, such as volume, source of supply, infrastructure, or the policy of a country. Moreover, if you buy them in a small volume, "said Pri Agung.


Realisasi Impor Butuh Waktu 

lnfrastruktur Gas Bumi di Dalam Negeri Belum Sepenuhnya Siap

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, perlu waktu untuk merealisasikan impor gas oleh industri. Pasalnya, infrastruktur gas bumi terbatas sehingga impor tidak bisa segera direalisasikan. Kebijakan impor diharapkan bisa menaikkan daya saing industri di Indonesia. Infrastruktur gas yang dimaksud Arcandra adalah unit penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (FSRU) yang saat ini jumlahnya sangat terbatas. 

Di Indonesia, baru ada dua FSRU yang beroperasi, yaitu FSRU Jawa Barat, FSRU Lampung, serta satu unit regasifikasi terapung (FRU) Benoa di Bali. ”Impor gas perlu waktu. Kenapa? Ini, kan, impor, jadi berupa LNG (gas alam cair). Maka, infrastruktur harus dibangun terlebih dahulu. Untuk membangunnya perlu waktu bertahun-tahun,” kata Arcandra seusai membuka International Indonesia Gas Conference and Exhibition 2012 Selasa (7/2), di Jakarta. 

Arcandra membantah kebijakan impor gas ini lantaran Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang. Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi tak bisa direalisasikan sepenuhnya. Dari tujuh sektor industri yang berhak menikmati penurunan harga, baru tiga sektor industri yang menikmati, yaitu baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk.

Senior Vice President Gas and Power pada PT Pertamina Djohardi Angga Kusumah mengatakan, keputusan pemrintah memperbolehkan industri mengimpor gas secara langsung bukan hanya karena faktor harga. Namun, di masa mendatang, Indonesia dibayangi defisit gas di dalam negeri. Pada 2030, defisit gas di Indonesia diperkirakan 3.000-3.500 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). ”Pada 2019, Indonesia diperkirakan bakal defisit gas sekitar 500 MMSCFD. Ada ketidakseimbangan antara kebutuhan dengan pasokan. Apalagi, secara rata-rata, permintaan gas di dalam negeri tumbuh sekitar 5 persen per tahun,” ujar Djohardi. 


Mengenai harga, Djohardi tak memungkiri, harga gas internasional saat ini sedang murah lantaran pasokan gas yang melimpah di pasaran. Untuk pasar gas berjangka, harganya berkisar 7 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU) dan 5 dollar AS per MMBTU untuk pasar tunai (spot). Adapun harga gas untuk industri di dalam negeri sekitar 8-12 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Pengajar pada Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, mengatakan, kebijakan impor LNG belum tentu membuat harga gas bagi industri menjadi lebih murah. Sebab, harga tersebut akan mengikuti harga yang berlaku di pasar internasional. Dengan harga minyak di kisaran 50 dollar AS per barrel, harga LNG yang sampai di pelabuhan (landed price) di kawasan Asia Pasifik menjadi sekitar 8 dollar AS per MMBTU ”Dengan impor LNG-pun, Peraturan Presiden 40/2016 bukan berarti bakal lebih mudah direalisasikan. Di mana pun, harga gas sangat dipengaruhi banyak faktor, seperti volume, sumber pasokan, infrastruktur, atau kebijakan sebuah negara. Apalagi, kalau membelinya dalam volume kecil,” kata Pri Agung. 

Kompas, Page-20, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017

After the plant, now Rota Industry

After opening the taps of imported liquefied natural gas or LNG for power generation, the government gave permission for some industries to optimize gas from abroad.

In fact, today Indonesia become an exporter of liquefied natural gas liquefied natural gas / LNG. Approximately 50% of LNG is exported. However, the LNG exports has contracted long term. On the other hand, the price of gas in the country is relatively high when compared with prices in the global market. The government has opened import LNG to PT PLN and private Iistiik developer for generator fuel. Import it to the requirements when the price of LNG in the country of more than 11% of Indonesian crude price (ICP).

However, the industrial sector will be given permission to import LNG it should contribute significantly to the gross domestic product (gross domestic / GDP) of Indonesia. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it will issue a regulation that would open up the import of gas for industry in order to reduce the price of gas that foster competitiveness.

However, there are several requirements that must be met in the industry to ship liquefied natural gas / LNG from overseas. According to him, the industry must contribute to the GDP of Indonesia. LNG imports is intended that the production cost of industrial sector in the country down, so that industry revenue contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) will rise. "The industry is the contribution to GDP, for example, contributed Rp 10 trillion, and there we see how the component gas per one MMSCFD, how much money is generated," he said during the 8th International-Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition 2017, Tuesday (7/2 ).

Arcandra added that it hoped would lead to a multiplier effect for the derivatives industry. According to him, when in the Ministry of Energy is studying LNG import rules for the industrial sector. He stressed that the rules were made to get the price of gas more competitive so that the industry can increase competitiveness. "However, fixed priority [domestic gas] is in, if the inside does not meet the terms of import will be opened."

Another factor, he said, about the readiness of the gas infrastructure is the reason for the limitation of gas imports. Because the infrastructure that is currently not able to meet the overall gas import quotas. "If the LNG import infrastructure is built first, so get in," he said.

According to him, the government plans to build gas storage regasification facilities and floating (floating storage and regasification unit / FSRU) in the next few years. However, it has not been able to determine how long it takes to prepare the gas infrastructure as a whole.


Vice Chairman of Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga Kusumah said, the price of gas in the country, especially when it reached the consumer yet competitive. LNG prices in the country for long-term contracts currently around US $ 7 per MMBtu at the consumer level. He called in West Java in consumer gas prices at $ 9 per MMBtu, in East Java to US $ 7.6 per MMBtu, and in North Sumatra worth about US $ 12 per MMBtu. Meanwhile, the price of LNG on the spot market is only US $ 5 per MMBtu. "It's clear domestic prices compared with spot LNG is higher," he said.

He emphasized that import options can raise the price of gas in the country more competitive. However, in addition to price reasons, gas imports must be done considering the demand in the country continues to rise. Based on the calculation of the gas demand in 2030 is estimated at 10 000 MMSCFD, whereas domestic supply provided only 6,000 MMSCFD so that the deficit of 4,000 MMSCFD or equivalent to 32 tons of LNG.

Fact President of Global Energy (FGE), consulting companies engaged in the energy field, Jeff Brown said, the gas demand in Indonesia is indeed continues to climb, especially to meet the needs of the power plant. "It is estimated that the portion of LNG in the supply of gas to rise and 25% in 2015 to 65% in 2025.


Setelah Pembangkit, Kini Giliran Industri

Setelah membuka keran impor gas alam cair atau LNG untuk pembangkit listrik, pemerintah segera memberikan izin bagi sekitar industri untuk mengoptimalkan gas dari luar negeri.

Padahal, saat ini Indonesia menjadi eksportir gas alam cair liquefied natural gas/LNG. Sekitar 50% LNG diekspor. Namun, ekspor LNG tersebut telah terikat kontrak jangka panjang. Di sisi lain, harga gas di Tanah Air relatif tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan harga di pasar global. Pemerintah telah membuka impor LNG kepada PT PLN dan pengembang Iistiik swasta untuk bahan bakar pembangkit. Impor itu dengan persyaratan ketika harga LNG di dalam negeri lebih dari 11% harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP).

Namun, sektor industri yang akan diberikan izin impor LNG itu harus memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap produk domestik bruto (gross domestic bruto/GDP) Indonesia. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengeluarkan aturan yang akan membuka impor gas bagi industri guna menekan harga gas sehingga menumbuhkan daya saing.

Namun, ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi industri untuk dapat mengapalkan liquefied natural gas/LNG dari luar negeri. Menurutnya, industri tersebut harus berkontribusi terhadap GDP Indonesia. Impor LNG itu bertujuan agar komponen biaya produksi sektor industri di Tanah Air turun, sehingga kontribusi pendapatan industri terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) akan naik. “Industri tersebut berapa kontribusi ke GDP, misalnya kontribusi Rp10 triliun, dan di situ berapa komponen gas kita lihat per satu MMscfd, berapa rupiah yang dihasilkan,” katanya dalam acara The-8th International Indonesia Gas Conference & Exhibition 2017, Selasa (7/2). 

Arcandra menambahkan, hal itu diharapkan bakal menimbulkan efek berganda bagi industri turunannya. Menurutnya, saat in Kementerian ESDM sedang mempelajari aturan impor LNG untuk sektor industri. Dia menekankan aturan tersebut dibuat untuk mendapatkan harga gas yang lebih kompetitif sehingga daya saing industri dapat meningkat. “Namun, tetap mengutamakan [gas domestik] yang di dalam, kalau di dalam tidak memenuhi akan dibuka term impor.”

Faktor lain, katanya, soal kesiapan infrastruktur gas yang menjadi alasan dibatasinya impor gas. Pasalnya, infrastuktur yang ada saat ini belum mampu memenuhi kuota impor gas secara keseluruhan. “Kalau impor LNG infrastruktur dibangun dulu, supaya bisa masuk," katanya. 

Menurutnya, pemerintah berencana membangun fasilitas regasifikasi dan penampungan gas terapung (floating storage and regasification unit/FSRU) dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Namun, pihaknya belum dapat menentukan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiapkan infrastruktur gas secara menyeluruh.


Vice Chairman Indonesia Gas Society Djohari Angga Kusumah mengatakan, harga gas di dalam negeri terutama ketika sampai di konsumen belum kompetitif. Harga LNG dalam negeri untuk kontrak jangka panjang saat ini berkisar US$ 7 per MMBtu di tingkat konsumen. Dia menyebut di Jawa Barat harga gas di konsumen US$ 9 per MMBtu, di Jawa Timur US$ 7,6 per MMBtu, dan di Sumatra Utara harganya mencapai US$ 12 per MMBtu. Sementara itu, harga LNG di pasar spot hanya US$ 5 per MMBtu. “Sudah jelas harga domestik dibandingkan dengan spot LNG lebih tinggi,” katanya.

Dia menegaskan, opsi impor dapat menjadikan harga gas dalam negeri lebih kompetitif. Namun, selain alasan harga, impor gas harus dilakukan mengingat kebutuhan di dalam negeri terus meningkat. Berdasarkan perhitungan kebutuhan gas pada 2030 diperkirakan mencapai 10.000 MMscfd, sedangkan pasokan dalam negeri yang tersedia hanya 6.000 MMscfd sehingga defisit 4.000 MMscfd atau setara dengan 32 ton LNG.

President of Fact Global Energy (FGE), perusahaan konsultasi yang bergerak di bidang energi, Jeff Brown mengatakan, kebutuhan gas di Indonesia memang terus merangkak naik terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik. “Diperkirakan porsi LNG pada suplai gas meningkat dan 25% pada 2015 menjadi 65% pada 2025.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, 8, Feb, 2017