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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

March, the fate of Project Jambaran-Blue Tiung Specified

PT Pertamina and Exxon Mobil will determine the continuation of the project unitization Jambaran- Blue Tiung Field, and maximum March. Currently, both are finishing commercialization schemes are the obstacles to this project.

Jambaran- Blue Tiung Field

The unitization project Jambaran-Blue Tiung does not go the way because of the standards used by Pertamina and Exxon Mobil to assess the economics of different projects. Pertamina calculates the project is already economically on the return on capital (internal rate of return / IRR) below 16%, while Exxon Mobil wants above that level.

Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina D. Tampubolon said it and Exxon Mobil are still trying to finalize the commercialization scheme or the economics of the project as directed by the government. Exxon Mobil even bring the legal party from its headquarters in Houston, United States.

The solution to this problem is targeted to be available at the end of March in order to remain able to achieve the production target (on stream) in 2020. 

"If March is not finished, I'll be late. That we avoid. If such a solution is not found, we came back to the government, what next. Hopefully, see you.

    He explained that there are several options were still being considered.

First, Pertamina and Exxon Mobil will finalize commercialization differences and then work on this project together.

Second, implement schemes with sole risk, where Exxon Mobil did not come to invest, do not bear the risk, and do not get results from the development of Project Jambaran-Blue Tiung.

Third, using the farm-out scheme in which Pertamina bought shares of Exxon Mobil in Jambaran Gas Field. 

"But do not know which one fits, respectively pros (advantages) and cons (cons)," said D Tampubolon.

Scheme sole risk describes commonly used by oil and gas companies in exploring oil and gas blocks. However, in this scheme, Pertamina must bear its own investment and risk. While the stock purchase plan is even more complicated and takes a long time because of the need to remove the Jambaran field of cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) Cepu.

Recognized Denie, talks with Exxon Mobil have not been up to the discussion of this stock purchase plan. It also can not guarantee the use of schemes can accelerate the sole-risk project execution Jambaran-Tiung Blue. "In principle Exxon support (development Jambaran-Tiung Blue), then it is, he says let's find a scheme which could equally please. Not to know the scheme, "he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the problem of allocation of gas-Tiung Jambaran Blue, Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam states already been completed, He said he had received a letter of allocation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) that gas from the project was 100% for Pertamina. Exxon has also agreed with this allocation.

"It is indeed eager Exxon gas Pertamina taker her feel more secure because yes," he said. 

Ready to Fund

If you must work-Tiung Jambaran Project Blue itself, Alam admitted that it is ready. A subsidiary of Pertamina, which manages the project, PT Pertamina EP Cepu, had been conducting a study if it should undertake the project without a partner. However, the study did not proceed. Including if it should buy shares of Exxon Mobil, which is ready. 

"We have to do the farm if it is, of course, with a fair value," he said.

It wants, there must be certainty about Project Blue Jambaran-Tiung no later than this year as well. Because if not, the project will be delayed and the economic value of the project will go down. If there is a decision, it was a promising first gas production that can be realized in 2020 or as soon as later in 2019.

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC)

Earlier, President Director of Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Ardiansyah said Jambaran-Tiung Project Blue must be a way for the economic value is not further eroded. Any delay in the production schedule of the year IRR dropped calls resulted in more value and 2%.

This is because the cooperation contract expires in 2035. This year, Pertamina EP Cepu has set aside about US $ 100 million to continue construction projects Jambaran Field unitization-Tiung Blue. The budget is not too large because of the activities carried out this year have not been a lot of construction activities. Activities conducted namely construction engineering (engineering), the preparation, and the release of a small portion of land required.

Pertamina EP Cepu still plans can kick off the project earlier this year. Jambaran gas field-Blue Tiung can produce gas up to 320 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD). However, with a carbon dioxide content of 30%, the clean gas can be used for just about 180-185 MMSCFD.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Feb 13, 2017

Competition in the Upstream Oil and Gas More Strict

The government continues to seek a breakthrough in order to increase investment in the upstream sector of oil and gas. It was necessary given the competitive upstream oil and gas industry on a global level is more strict. "We compete with other countries to offer more attractive investment.

We compete with countries Vietnan, Myanmar, and Africa, "said Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmadja Puja during the discussion titled" Improving Upstream Oil and Gas Investments "in the Press Council in Jakarta.

According Wiratmadja, upstream oil and gas investment conditions in Africa more attractive for successfully modifying the system of production sharing contracts (Production Sharing Contract / PSC) is simpler not through the cumbersome regulation. The condition is also being applied in Indonesia.

Currently, the government began enforcing a scheme based on the contract for gross proceeds of gross production (gross split) for exploration and production in the upstream oil and replace the model for previous results with the return costs incurred investors have completely replaced the government or cost recovery.

With gross split permissions models are expected to be faster because it will cut its estimated time of 2-3 years from exploration to production. Previously from research to production can take up to 16 years. "We hope the scheme will be more attractive gross split apart in pushing world oil price hike," he said.

Wiratmadja explains, judging from the sequence upstream oil and gas investment, Indonesia ranks lowest in Southeast Asia. In fact, the potential reserves in Indonesia is still large. Only 30 hydrocarbon basins are utilized, while about 70 other hydrocarbon basins yet.

"We continue to explore how the upstream oil and gas investment more attractive. We hope that regulation and incentives could raise more investment.

Chairman of the Employers' Association of Indonesia (APINDO) ESDM Sector Sammy Hamzah assume split the difference between gross and cost recovery is not too much influence the decision to invest. It is more a concern of investors thinks is business certainty, which is also a disadvantage Indonesia compared with other countries. Weaknesses include a lengthy bureaucratic and easy to change.

"We appreciate the government has been trying to get a better oil and gas investment, including changing the profit-sharing scheme as a model gross split. However, the current urgent is to provide business certainty, especially investors awaited revision of oil and gas law, which is still unclear.

Sammy said the investment in upstream oil and gas are deterred because there is no legal certainty and investment in Indonesia after the exit of Law No. 22/2001 on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Law).

He hoped the oil and gas law should be revised so that oil and gas upstream investment is guaranteed. Rule derivatives can also accommodate the entire cross-sectoral. Member of House of Representatives Commission VII Kurtubi justifies sluggish upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia Iantaran lack of certainty on investments due to the revision of oil and gas law.

He said the oil and gas law will apply to special tax rules (lex specialist) to the upstream oil and gas investment. Because the upstream oil and gas tax issues make offenders think twice to invest in the country. "In the new oil and gas law, this tax no longer applies for investment in oil and gas is full of risk. It will get rid of, he said.


Persaingan di Hulu Migas Makin Ketat

Pemerintah terus mencari terobosan guna meningkatkan investasi di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Hal itu diperlukan mengingat persaingan industri hulu migas di tingkat global semakin ketat. “Kita bersaing dengan negara-negara lain dengan tawaran investasi yang lebih menarik. 

Kita bersaing dengan negara Vietnan, Myanmar, dan Afrika, " ujar Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmadja Puja saat diskusi bertajuk “Meningkatkan Investasi Hulu Migas” di Dewan Pers Jakarta.

Menurut Wiratmadja, kondisi investasi hulu migas di Afrika lebih menarik karena berhasil memodifikasi sistem kontrak bagi hasil (Production Sharing Contract / PSC) lebih simpel tidak melalui jalur regulasi yang berbelit. Kondisi itu juga sedang diterapkan di Indonesia.

Saat ini pemerintah mulai memberlakukan skema kontrak bagi hasil kotor berdasarkan produksi bruto (gross split) untuk eksplorasi dan produksi di hulu migas menggantikan model bagi hasil sebelumnya dengan pengembalian biaya yang dikeluarkan investor sepenuhnya diganti pemerintah atau cost recovery .

Dengan model gross split perizinan diharapkan akan lebih cepat karena ditaksir akan memangkas waktu 2-3 tahun mulai dari eksplorasi hingga produksi. Sebelumnya dari riset sampai produksi memerlukan waktu hingga mencapai 16 tahun. “Kami berharap dengan skema gross split akan lebih atraktif selain di dorong kenaikan harga minyak dunia," ucapnya.

Wiratmadja menjelaskan, dilihat dari urutan investasi hulu migas, Indonesia menempati peringkat terendah di Asia Tenggara. Padahal, potensi cadangan di Indonesia masih besar. Hanya 30 cekungan hidrokarbon yang dimanfaatkan, sedangkan sekitar 70 cekungan hidrokarbon lainnya belum.

“Kita terus mencari bagaimana investasi hulu migas lebih atraktif. Kita berharap regulasi dan insentif bisa menaikkan lagi investasi. 

Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Seluruh Indonesia (Apindo) Bidang ESDM Sammy Hamzah beranggapan perbedaan antara gross split dan cost recovery tidak terlalu banyak mempengaruhi keputusan melakukan investasi. Hal yang lebih menjadi perhatian investor menurutnya adalah kepastian usaha, yang juga menjadi kelemahan Indonesia dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Kelemahan itu antara lain birokrasi panjang dan yang mudah berubah.

"Kami mengapresiasi pemerintah telah berusaha agar investasi migas lebih baik, termasuk mengubah skema bagi hasil menjadi model gross split . Namun, saat ini yang mendesak adalah memberikan kepastian usaha terutama investor menunggu revisi Undang-Undang Migas yang saat ini masih belum jelas. 

Sammy mengatakan, investasi hulu migas menjadi tidak bergairah karena tidak ada kepastian hukum dan investasi di Indonesia setelah keluar Undang-Undang No 22/2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi (UU Migas). 

Dia berharap UU Migas segera direvisi agar investasi hulu migas lebih terjamin. Aturan turunannya juga dapat mengakomodir seluruh lintas sektoral. Anggota DPR Komisi VII Kurtubi membenarkan jika lesunya investasi hulu migas di lndonesia Iantaran tidak adanya kepastian investasi yang disebabkan revisi UU Migas. 

Dia mengatakan UU Migas akan menerapkan aturan pajak khusus (lex specialist) terhadap investasi hulu migas. Pasalnya, persoalan pajak usaha hulu migas membuat pelaku berpikir ulang untuk berinvestasi di dalam negeri. “Di UU Migas baru, pajak ini tidak lagi berlaku karena investasi di migas sudah penuh risiko. Itu akan kita hilangkan, katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Monday, Feb, 13, 2017

Selection of Pertamina president Proposed Open

Maryati Abdullah; National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, a civil society coalition for transparency and accountability in the extractive industries, proposes replacement director of PT Pertamina is done in a transparent manner by an independent selection committee.

The process for publicly dismissed the notion that the election office of directors of this company vulnerable intervention or political interests of certain groups. "Public trust SOE oil and gas should be nurtured, protected, and strengthened," said Maryati.

Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto and deputy president director Bambang Ahmad was dismissed from his post on February 3 last.


Pemilihan Dirut Pertamina Diusulkan Terbuka

Maryati Abdullah; Koordinator Nasional Publish What You Pay Indonesia, koalisi masyarakat sipil untuk transparansi dan akuntabilitas industri ekstraktif, mengusulkan pergantian direktur utama PT Pertamina dilakukan secara transparan oleh tim seleksi independen. 

Proses itu untuk menepis anggapan publik bahwa pemilihan jabatan direksi perusahaan ini rentan di intervensi kepentingan politik atau kelompok tertentu. ”Kepercayaan publik terhadap BUMN migas sebaiknya ditumbuhkan, dijaga, dan diperkuat,” ujar Maryati. 

Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil Dirut Pertamina Ahmad Bambang diberhentikan dari jabatannya pada 3 Februari lalu.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, Feb, 13, 2017

Swell Fuel Imports

PT Pertamina recognize the import of fuel oil (BBM) this year will rise following a routine maintenance throughout refineries managed by the company in turn. For example, Pertamina add fuel import about 4.2 million barrels, with details of the type Premium Pertamax 3 million barrels and 1.2 million barrels as a result of treatment Balongan refinery located in Indramayu, West Java.

Treatment plant with a capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) that will take place on January 23 to February 23, 2017. The Director of Pertamina Processing Toharso said, the company will perform refinery maintenance interchangeably throughout this year. If not treated, the engine plant will be problematic, causing shutdowns planned or unplanned shutdown.

"All refineries do maintenance, until Refinery Kasim in Sorong, Papua. All done on schedule, "he said.

The first treatment will be carried out in the refinery Balongan, West Java. The treatment has been ongoing since January 23, 2017 and will be completed by February 23. After Balongan refinery, the company begun treatment Balikpapan refinery that will begin in late February or early March and lasts for 34 days. Dumai Refinery Maintenance will be held in April, while the Cilacap refinery in the second half of this year.

Meanwhile, Kasim refinery maintenance will be done by the end of this year so hopefully by the end of 2017 the entire refinery had been repaired. "With a record of all the spare parts engine should be ready for use," he said. As a result of the refinery maintenance, Toharso admitted,
a decrease in oil production.

However, the decline will not be too significant, given the treatment is only done on a particular machine, not the entire plant stops operating. Pertamina has also calculated the impact of a decrease in oil production.

"If TA [turn around / maintenance routine refinery], the decline in oil production is planned. Few, probably around 3%, "he said. Moreover, refinery maintenance carried out alternately so that the production of fuel does not drop significantly. Once the treatment process is completed, the production of fuel from the refinery can be increased.


Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Daniel Purba explained, although there will be care of the entire refinery, the company also plans to increase the capacity of the refinery this year. This was done to maintain the balance of the decline in production
Fuel from refineries.

"Overall the increase in fuel imports is not significant." Daniel did not want to specify how much additional fuel imports this year as the impact of treatment throughout the oil refinery in the country.

Currently, the refinery capacity of Dumai, Riau 170,000 bpd, Plaju refinery, 118,000 bpd of South Sumatra, Cilacap, Central Java 348,000 bpd refinery in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 260,000 bpd refinery in Balongan, West Java 125,000 bpd, and refinery Kasim, West Papua 10,000 bpd.

Production of fuel from the entire refinery had not been able to close national requirements so that Pertamina was forced to still bring in and abroad. In the absence of treatment delays, Toharso hopes that will no longer happen refinery shutdowns are not planned on.

He acknowledged that last year had been 35 unplanned shutdown events throughout the refinery managed by Pertamina. One cause of refinery shutdowns are not planned for the postponement of maintenance activities.


Impor BBM Membengkak

PT Pertamina mengakui impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) pada tahun ini akan naik menyusul adanya perawatan rutin seluruh kilang minyak yang dikelola perseroan secara bergiliran. Sebagai contoh, Pertamina menambah impor BBM sekitar 4,2 juta barel dengan rincian untuk jenis Premium 3 juta barel dan Pertamax 1,2 juta barel sebagai dampak perawatan Kilang Balongan yang berlokasi di Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

Perawatan kilang yang berkapasitas 125.000 barel per hari (bph) itu akan berlangsung pada 23 Januari-23 Februari 2017. Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, perseroan akan melakukan perawatan kilang secara bergantian sepanjang tahun ini. Jika tidak dilakukan perawatan, mesin kilang akan bermasalah sehingga terjadi penghentian operasi yang tidak direncanakan atau unplanned shutdown.

“Semua kilang dilakukan perawatan, sampai Kilang Kasim di Sorong, Papua. Semua dilakukan sesuai jadwal,” katanya.

Perawatan pertama akan dilakukan di Kilang Balongan, Jawa Barat. Perawatan tersebut telah berlangsung sejak 23 Januari 2017 dan akan selesai pada 23 Februari. Setelah Kilang Balongan, perseroan mulai melakukan perawatan Kilang Balikpapan yang akan dimulai pada akhir Februari atau awal Maret dan berlangsung selama 34 hari. Perawatan Kilang Dumai bakal dilaksanakan pada April, sedangkan Kilang Cilacap pada semester kedua tahun ini.

Sementara itu, Kilang Kasim bakal dilakukan perawatan pada akhir tahun ini sehingga diharapkan pada akhir 2017 seluruh kilang sudah diperbaiki. “Dengan catatan semua spare part engine harus ready for use,” ujarnya. Sebagai dampak dari perawatan kilang tersebut, Toharso mengakui,
adanya penurunan produksi BBM.

Namun, penurunan itu tidak akan terlalu signifikan, mengingat perawatan hanya dilakukan pada satu mesin tertentu, bukan seluruh kilang berhenti beroperasi. Pertamina juga telah menghitung dampak penurunan produksi BBM.

“Kalau TA [turn around/perawatan rutin kilang], penurunan produksi BBM direncanakan. Sedikit saja, mungkin sekitar 3%,” katanya. Apalagi perawatan kilang dilakukan secara bergantian sehingga produksi BBM tidak turun signifikan. Setelah proses perawatan selesai, produksi BBM dari kilang tersebut bisa dinaikkan.


Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Daniel Purba menjelaskan, meskipun akan ada perawatan seluruh kilang, perseroan juga merencanakan peningkatan kapasitas kilang pada tahun ini. Hal itu dilakukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan penurunan produksi
BBM dari kilang.

“Overall kenaikan impor BBM tidak terlalu signifikan.” Daniel tidak mau merinci berapa tambahan impor BBM pada tahun ini sebagai dampak dari perawatan seluruh kilang minyak di Tanah Air.

Saat ini, kapasitas Kilang Dumai, Riau 170.000 bph, Kilang Plaju, Sumsel 118.000 bph, Kilang Cilacap, Jateng 348.000 bph, Kilang Balikpapan, Kaltim 260.000 bph, Kilang Balongan, Jawa Barat 125.000 bph, dan Kilang Kasim, Papua Barat 10.000 bph.

Produksi BBM dari seluruh kilang itu belum bisa menutup kebutuhan nasional sehingga Pertamina terpaksa masih mendatangkan dan luar negeri. Dengan tidak adanya penundaan perawatan, Toharso berharap agar tidak akan lagi terjadi penghentian operasi kilang yang tidak direncanakan pada. 

Dia mengakui, pada tahun lalu sempat terjadi 35 kejadian unplanned shutdown di seluruh kilang yang dikelola Pertamina.  Salah satu penyebab penghentian operasi kilang yang tidak direncanakan itu karena ditundanya kegiatan perawatan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Feb, 13, 2017

Treated six refineries, Pertamina Fuel Imports

PT Pertamina will perform routine maintenance for its entire refinery interchangeably throughout this year. Refinery shutdowns for maintenance, estimated to Make imported fuel oil (BBM) edged.

Pertamina processing director Toharso said it will no longer procrastinate maintenance (turn around) refinery. Because the maintenance schedule delays can cause the machine to refinery problems causing unplanned shutdowns Being planned (unplanned shutdown). Therefore, he would take care of refinery interchangeably throughout this year.

"All plant (hospitalization), until Refinery Kasim (Sorong, Papua). All done on schedule, "he said in a meeting with Commission VII of the House of Representatives, Thursday (9/2) night.

Currently, care for Balongan refinery in West Java has been ongoing since January 23 and will be completed by February 23. Next, turn around Balikpapan refinery conducted from late February or early March for 34 days.

Next, Pertamina will realize the Dumai refinery maintenance in April, the Cilacap refinery in the second half, and Kasim Refinery at the end of the year.

"So at the end of 2017, the refineries have been repaired, the records of all the spare parts engine must be ready for use," he said.

In the absence of treatment delays, Toharso hope will no longer happen unplanned shutdown at the refinery this year. Admittedly, in the past year, had an unplanned shutdown at 35 events throughout the refinery management. One cause of this unplanned shutdown due to the postponement of maintenance activities.

"Some occur due to refinery maintenance late. Usually do turn aroun, serviced large, do overhaul, maintenance retreat since pursued production. So it is not time yet repaired, already in trouble, " he said.

Impact, Pertamina lost US $ 70 million. He added, unplanned shutdown actually allowed to happen as long as not more than 3.6 days one year for one unit. If you exceed these limits, then the unplanned shutdown will cut fuel production at the refinery.

Each refinery itself has 12 units of machines, including machines crude oil distillation unit (CDU), residual catalytic cracking (RCC), and others. In the last year, admitted unplanned shutdown that occurred in Balikpapan exceed the limit of 3.6 days resulting in the increase of imports.

"Balikpapan refinery longest (shutdown) the beginning of December, can be up to 15 days," said Toharso.

For this year, in addition to the treatment schedule, it has set up a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of unplanned refinery shutdown. It will improve the reliability by improving the procurement of spare parts, which is accelerated and have good quality.

If the spare parts are ready, then the treatment can also be done more quickly. Then, it will ensure no workplace accidents and environmental pollution.

Imports Up

As a result of doing the treatment, Toharso admit their decreased production of fuel oil (BBM) from the refinery. However, this reduction will not be too signitikan planned, given the treatment is only done on a particular machine, not the entire plant stops operating. The magnitude of decline in oil production has also been computed.

"If the TA (turn around), decrease (production) BBM planned just a little, maybe 3%," he said. Moreover, care is taken in turn. So the decline in oil production in the refinery can be replaced by boosting production at other refineries. Then, once the treatment is completed, the refinery production also may be increased.

Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina
Daniel Purba also said the same thing. Although scheduled maintenance throughout the refinery, the company also plans to increase refinery capacity running this year. This step will be to balance the decrease in production of fuel from the refinery.

"So overall increase in imports (BBM) is not too signiikan," he said. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to specify how the amount of fuel in 2017's.

Currently, the capacity of each refinery is operated by Pertamina Refinery namely Dumai, Riau 170 thousand barrels per day (bpd), Plaju, Sumsel 118 thousand bpd, Cilacap, Central Java 348 thousand bpd, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 260 thousand bpd, Balongan, Jabar 125 thousand bpd, and Kasim, West Papua 10 thousand bpd. However,
production of fuel from the refinery's entire national needs can not be shut down so that Pertamina to import.


Enam Kilang Dirawat, Pertamina Impor BB

PT Pertamina akan melakukan perawatan rutin untuk seluruh kilang yang dimilikinya sepanjang tahun ini secara bergantian. Penghentian operasi kilang selama perawatan, diperkirakan akan Membuat impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) naik tipis.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, pihaknya tidak akan lagi menunda-nunda perawatan (turn around) kilang. Pasalnya, penundaan jadwal perawatan dapat menyebabkan mesin kilang bermasalah sehingga terjadi penghentian operasi tidak direncanakan encana (unplanned shutdown). Karenanya, pihaknya akan melakukan perawatan kilang secara bergantian sepanjang tahun ini.

“Semua kilang (dilakukan perawatan), sampai Kilang Kasim (Sorong, Papua). Semua dilakukan sesuai jadwal,” kata dia dalam rapat dengan Komisi VII DPR RI, Kamis (9/2) malam.

Saat ini, perawatan untuk Kilang Balongan, Jawa Barat telah berlangsung sejak 23 Januari dan akan selesai pada 23 Februari. Selanjutnya, turn around Kilang Balikpapan dilakukan mulai akhir Februari atau awal Maret selama 34 hari. 

Berikutnya, Pertamina akan merealisasikan perawatan Kilang Dumai pada April, Kilang Cilacap pada semester kedua, dan Kilang Kasim pada akhir tahun.

“Jadi pada akhir 2017 maka semua kilang sudah diperbaiki, dengan catatan semua spare part engine harus ready for use,” ujarnya.

Dengan tidak adanya penundaan perawatan, Toharso berharap tidak akan lagi terjadi unplanned shutdown kilang pada tahun ini. Diakuinya, pada tahun lalu, sempat terjadi 35 kejadian unplanned shutdown di seluruh kilang yang dikelolanya. Salah satu penyebab unplanned shutdown ini karena ditundanya kegiatan perawatan.

“Beberapa terjadi karena perawatan kilang terlambat. Biasanya dilakukan turn around, diservis besar, dilakukan overhaul, perawatan mundur karena dikejar
produksi. Sehingga belum waktunya diperbaiki, sudah bermasalah,"

Dampaknya, Pertamina merugi US$ 70 juta. Dia menambahkan, unplanned shutdown sebenarnya dibolehkan terjadi asal tidak lebih dari 3,6 hari dalam
satu tahun untuk satu unit mesin. Jika melebihi batasan tersebut, maka unplanned shutdown akan memangkas produksi BBM di kilang. 

Setiap kilang sendiri memiliki 12 unit mesin, diantaranya mesin crude oil distillation unit (CDU), residual catalytic cracking (RCC), dan lainnya. Pada tahun lalu, diakuinya unplanned shutdown yang terjadi di Balikpapan melebihi batas 3,6 hari sehingga terjadi penambahan impor.

“Kilang Balikpapan yang paling lama (shutdown) itu awal Desember, bisa sampai 15 hari,” kata Toharso.

Untuk tahun ini, selain perawatan sesuai jadwal, pihaknya telah menyiapkan sejumlah langkah untuk mencegah terjadinya unplanned shutdown kilang. Pihaknya akan meningkatkan keandalan dengan memperbaiki pengadaan spare part, yakni dipercepat dan dipilih yang kualitasnya bagus. 

Jika spare part siap, maka perawatan juga dapat dilakukan lebih cepat. Kemudian, pihaknya akan memastikan tidak ada kecelakaan kerja maupun pencemaran lingkungan. 

Impor Naik

Sebagai dampak dari dilakukannya perawatan, Toharso mengakui- adanya penurunan produksi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dari kilang. Namun, penurunan ini direncanakan tidak akan terlalu signitikan, mengingat perawatan hanya dilakukan pada satu mesin tertentu, bukan seluruh kilang berhenti beroperasi. Besarnya penurunan produksi BBM ini juga sudah dihitung sebelumnya.

“Kalau TA (turn around), penurunan (produksi) BBM direncanakan sedikit saja, mungkin sekitar 3%,” kata dia. Apalagi, perawatan dilakukan secara bergantian. Sehingga penurunan produksi BBM di satu kilang bisa diganti dengan menggenjot produksi di kilang lainnya.  Kemudian, begitu perawatan selesai, produksi kilang tersebut juga dapat dinaikkan. 

Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) Pertamina Daniel Purba juga mengatakan hal yang sama. Meski dijadwalkan perawatan di seluruh kilang, perseroan juga merencanakan peningkatan running capacity kilang pada tahun ini. Langkah ini akan menyeimbangkan penurunan produksi BBM dari kilang.

“Jadi overall kenaikan impornya (BBM) tidak terlalu signiikan,” ujar dia. Sayangnya, dia enggan merinci berapa besaran BBM pada 2017 ini.

Saat ini kapasitas masing-masing kilang yang dioperasikan Pertamina ini yakni Kilang Dumai, Riau 170 ribu barel per hari (bph) , Plaju, Sumsel 118 ribu bph, Cilacap, Jateng 348 ribu bph, Balikpapan, Kaltim 260 ribu bph, Balongan, Jabar 125 ribu bph, dan Kasim, Papua Barat 10 ribu bph. Namun, produksi BBM dari seluruh kilang ini belum bisa menutup kebutuhan nasional sehingga Pertamina terpaksa mengimpor

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Feb, 11, 2017

Train 3 Tangguh Start to Built

DEVELOPMENT Tangguh Train 3 Gas refinery in Bintuni, West Papua, has reached the stage of implementation. Expected in the third quarter or fourth quarter of this year, physical work has already begun. "Train 3 is scheduled to begin production in 2020. For the construction of the project takes about 7,000 workers. Train 3 development project will cost US $ 8 billion, "said Manager of BP Indonesia Dharmawan Samsu, in Bintuni, West Papua.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan support the construction of Tangguh Train 3 Gas refinery in Bintuni, West Papua. In addition it is important to add the national natural gas production, the construction of Train 3 could support the energy needs for the construction of 35 thousand MW of electricity.

During a visit to the location of the refinery gas, Jonan assess BP's refinery operations that Indonesia is run to a high standard and could be a blueprint for a similar development elsewhere.

With good operating efficiency can result in cost so that their economic benefits can be optimized. Jonan support the construction of Train 3 performed more quickly because it will add production of 3.8 million tonnes of LNG per year. Current production from the two refineries around 7.6 million tonnes.

The Ministry has set 75% of the production will be destined to supply national electricity generation. In fact, some will be allocated for the fertilizer plant planned to be built in the Bay. Jonan also underlines the importance for the construction of oil refineries around the region as expected Bupati Bintuni.

To the ranks of BP, Minister hopes to do the development of more inclusive so that the benefits can be felt directly by the people around.

Therefore, the BP should pay attention to the problem by providing opportunities and training to the people of Papua. This was done cautiously because 51% of Bintuni is a newcomer.


Train 3 Tangguh  Mulai Dibangun

PEMBANGUNAN Train 3 Kilang Gas Tangguh di Bintuni, Papua Barat, sudah mencapai tahap pelaksanaan. Diharapkan pada kuartal 3 atau kuartal 4 tahun ini, pengerjaan fisik sudah dimulai. “Train 3 dijadwalkan mulai berproduksi pada 2020. Untuk pembangunan proyek dibutuhkan sekitar 7.000 tenaga kerja. Proyek pembangunan Train 3 akan menelan biaya US$ 8 miliar,” kata Manager BP Indonesia Dharmawan Samsu, di Bintuni, Papua Barat.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mendukung pembangunan Train 3 Kilang Gas Tangguh di Bintuni, Papua Barat. Selain penting untuk menambahkan produksi gas alam nasional, pembangunan Train 3 bisa mendukung kebutuhan energi untuk pembangunan listrik 35 ribu MW. 

Dalam kunjungan ke lokasi kilang gas, Jonan menilai operasi kilang yang dilakukan BP Indonesia dijalankan dengan standar yang tinggi dan bisa menjadi cetak biru bagi pembangunan serupa di tempat lain.

Dengan pengoperasian yang baik bisa dihasilkan efisiensi dalam biaya sehingga manfaat ekonominya bisa optimal. Jonan mendukung pembangunan Train 3 dilakukan lebih cepat karena akan menambah produksi 3,8 juta ton LNG setiap tahun. Sekarang produksi dari dua kilang sekitar 7,6 juta ton.

Kementerian sudah menetapkan 75% dari produksi akan diperuntukkan memasok kebutuhan pembangkit listrik nasional. Bahkan, sebagian lagi akan dialokasikan untuk pabrik pupuk yang rencananya dibangun di Teluk Bintuni. Jonan juga menggaris bawahi pentingnya kilang minyak bagi pembangunan wilayah sekitar seperti diharapkan Bupati Bintuni.

Kepada jajaran BP, Menteri ESDM berharap dilakukan pembangunan yang lebih inklusif sehingga manfaatnya bisa dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat sekitar.

Oleh karena itu, pihak BP harus memperhatikan masalah tersebut dengan memberikan kesempatan dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat Papua. Hal itu dilakukan secara berhati-hati karena 51% warga Bintuni merupakan pendatang.

Media Indonesia, Page-14, Saturday, Feb, 11, 2017

PHE WMO Start to Take advantage of condensate

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Kodeco eo. Ltd. (Kodeco), PT Mandiri West Madura (MMB) and PT Pertamina EP (PEP) started to deliver gas which it processes to Pertagas, while the processed gas derivatives in the form of condensate is returned to WMO later by WMO sold to other companies. Gas processed which can later be processed into LPG is already starting to be delivered to PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) on January 27, 2017.

While the separation of gas condensate was processed, purchased by PT Pertamina-Petro chemical (Petchem) to be distributed (8/2) marked the first condensate from the delivery trucks to Petchem PHE WMO.

The first delivery truck was witnessed by President General Manager (GM) Pertamina Upstream Energy West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Sri Budiyani. According to Sri Budiyani, sales of these two products has actually been in the planning since 2012, but only realized this year. The hope is able to help meet the raw material of LPG (LPG) in the country because 50 percent is supplied from the outside.

While condensate will be managed by a subsidiary Petchem, Harindo Men Group will be sold to factories for raw materials thinner, paint, glue, plastic pellets and steel cleaners.

"During these two ingredients we stream directly granted to buyers of gas we like to plant Jawa Bali (PJB) and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). But now there is value added, "said Sri Budiyani, Wednesday (02/08/2017).

This system is said to condensate sales arranged through the purchasing by Purchase Agreement Condensate (PJBK). With the number 850 Barrel of Day (BOD), however, this figure will continue to change in accordance with the production of condensate per day.

"As of today (Wednesday, 02/08) alone account instead of 900 BOD because our production also rose, there will be 6 to 8 trucks of Petchem that will transport condensate per day," said Sri Budiyani.

Sri Budiyani as General Manager WMO explained that Madura Condensate is channeled into Petchem is part returned to the upstream sector by Pertagas based Processed Gas Sales Agreement (PJBGT). The Sellers through WMO has gained ICP Provisional Determination Letter from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on 30 December 2016 and to Provisional ICP Condensate Madura.

So for the early stages of the Sellers agreed to sign PJBK for a period of 1 (one) year, where after a period of 1 (one) year Petchem still have the opportunity to purchase the condensate Madura.

Ir Bimo Prakoso, President Director Harindo Putra Group said it cooperated with PT Pertamina to distribute condensate, Pertamina's upstream industry to companies that produce Thinner hinga plastic pellets. Currently more condensate supplied to factories and paint thinner in Jakarta, Bogor (Buitenzorg) Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi and Surabaya to Semarang.

According to Ben, increasing infrastructure project in the country to make an increase in raw materials for the paint thinner condensate has increased dramatically.

Fortunately, the condensate is an ingredient that should not be exported so it is guaranteed by the state availability for upstream oil and gas industry continues to produce maximum.

"The need for condensate annually increased, especially for plastic resin industry need a lot more. We look forward to improvements in the upstream oil and gas production will increasingly make the supply of condensate to be more secure, "said Bimo


PHE WMO Mulai Manfaatkan Kondensatnya

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Kodeco Energy eo. Ltd. ( Kodeco), PT Mandiri Madura Barat (MMB) dan PT Pertamina EP (PEP) mulai menyalurkan gas yang diprosesnya kepada Pertagas, sedangkan turunan gas terproses berupa kondensatnya dikembalikan ke PHE WMO yang kemudian oleh PHE WMO dijual kepada perusahaan lain. Gas terproses yang nantinya bisa diolah menjadi elpiji sudah mulai disalurkan ke PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) pada 27 Januari 2017.

Sedangkan kondensat hasil pemisahan gas terproses itu, yang dibeli oleh PT Pertamina-Petro chemical (Petchem) dan mulai disalurkan (8/2) yang ditandai dengan pengiriman truk kondensat pertama dari PHE WMO kepada Petchem. 

Pengiriman truk pertama itu disaksikan langsung oleh President General Manager (GM) Pertamina Hulu Energy West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), Sri Budiyani. Menurut Sri Budiyani, penjualan kedua produk ini sebenarnya sudah di planning sejak 2012 lalu, namun baru terealisasi tahun ini. Harapannya mampu membantu memenuhi bahan baku elpiji (LPG) dalam negeri sebab 50 persennya masih dipasok dari luar.

Sedangkan kondensat yang nantinya akan dikelola oleh anak perusahaan Petchem, Harindo Putra Group akan dijual ke pabrik-pabrik untuk bahan baku thinner, cat, lem, biji plastik serta pembersih baja.

“Selama ini kedua bahan ini langsung kami alirkan begitu saja ke pembeli gas kami seperti ke Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) maupun PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). Namun kini ada nilai tambahnya,” kata Sri Budiyani, Rabu (8/2/2017).

Dikatakan untuk kondensat  ini tata jual belinya diatur melalui berdasarkan Perjanjian Jual Beli Kondensat (PJBK). Dengan jumlah 850 Barrel of Day (BOD), Namun, angka ini akan terus berubah sesuai dengan produksi kondensat setiap harinya.

“Seperti hari (Rabu 8/2) saja jumlahnya malah 900 BOD karena produksi kami juga naik, nanti akan ada 6 sampai 8 truk dari Petchem yang akan mengangkut kondensat setiap harinya,” kata Sri Budiyani.

Sri Budiyani sebagai General Manager PHE WMO menjelaskan bahwa Kondensat Madura yang dialirkan ke Petchem merupakan bagian yang di kembalikan ke sektor hulu oleh Pertagas berdasarkan Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas Terproses (PJBGT). Pihak Penjual melalui PHE WMO telah mendapatkan Surat Penetapan Provisional ICP dari Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral pada tanggal 30 Desember 2016 yang lalu untuk Provisional ICP Kondensat Madura.

Sehingga untuk tahap awal Pihak Penjual sepakat untuk menanda tangani PJBK untuk jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun, dimana setelah jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun tersebut Petchem tetap mempunyai kesempatan untuk membeli Kondensat Madura tersebut.

Ir Bimo Prakoso, President Director Harindo Putra Group mengatakan pihaknya bekerjasama dengan PT Pertamina untuk mendistribusikan kondensat industri hulu Pertamina kepada perusahaan yang memproduksi Thinner hinga biji plastik. Saat ini kondensat lebih banyak disalurkan ke pabrik thinner dan cat yang ada di Jakarta, Bogor (Buitenzorg) Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi dan Surabaya hingga Semarang.

Menurut Bimo, meningkatnya pengerjaan proyek infrastruktur di Tanah Air membuat peningkatan bahan baku untuk thinner yakni kondensat pun meningkat drastis.

Beruntungnya, kondensat merupakan bahan yang tidak boleh di ekspor sehingga di jamin oleh negara ketersediaannya selama industri hulu migas terus berproduksi maksimal.

“Kebutuhan kondensat setiap tahun meningkat, apalagi untuk industri biji plastik butuh lebih banyak lagi. Kami berharap dengan semakin baiknya produksi hulu migas akan semakin membuat pasokan kondensat akan lebih terjamin lagi,” kata Bimo.

Surabaya Pagi, Page-10, Saturday, Feb, 11, 2017

Pertamina: Targeting Iran & Russia

PT Pertamina will complete the process on proposals Final bids for AB Teymour and Mansouri field in Iran. In fact, Pertamina also sent the bid proposal on two grounds in Russia. Pertamina expectations, there is no certainty in the first quarter of 2017 on some of the deals.

Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said the finalization of the proposal for the block deals, Pertamina will do a workshop with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) on Saturday (11/2) in February in Iran.

Pertamina submission of bid proposals can be accelerated. "So February 11 our team to Iran to hold a joint workshop to Finalize porposal NIOC. Target proposal in late February, but perhaps we can be faster," said Syamsu Alam.

Syamsu said, Pertamina enter bid proposal ahead of the two competitors who are also interested in getting the right to manage in the field AB Teymour and Mansouri. "We understand that there are two competitors that also make a bid. We've been first to submit offers.


Pertamina : Incar Iran & Rusia

PT Pertamina akan menyelesaikan proses Final atas proposal penawaran pembelian lapangan AB Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran. Bahkan, Pertamina juga sudah mengirimkan proposal penawaran atas dua lapangan di Rusia. Harapan Pertamina, ada kepastian di kuartal I-2017 atas beberapa penawaran itu. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam bilang untuk finalisasi proposal penawaran lapangan tersebut, Pertamina akan melakukan workshop dengan National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) pada hari Sabtu (11/2) Februari di Iran.

Pertamina pengajuan proposal penawaran bisa dipercepat. "Jadi tanggal 11 Februari tim kami ke Iran untuk mengadakan workshop bersama NIOC untuk Finalisasi porposal. Target proposal akhir Februari, tetapi mungkin kami bisa lebih cepat," kata Syamsu Alam.

Syamsu bilang, Pertamina memasukan proposal penawaran terlebih dahulu daripada dua kompetitor yang juga tertarik mendapatkan hak kelola di lapangan AB Teymour dan Mansouri. "Setahu kami, ada dua kompetitor yang juga melakukan bid. Kami sudah lebih dulu memasukkan penawaran.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Feb, 11, 2017

PLN Get 75 Percent Tangguh Gas Unit 3

About 75 percent of the gas from the Tangguh LNG Plant Unit-3 in Bintuni Bay, West Papua, is allocated to power plants owned by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. Project Unit 3 is still in progress is expected to be finished in 2020 with a capacity of 3.5 million tons per year.

Overall, the total capacity of the refinery Unit 1 to 3 reached 11.4 million tons per year. "In all business processes of Tangguh refinery should involve the local community so that they benefit directly," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan on the sidelines of a working visit to the project site. Gas from Tangguh is also allocated for fertilizer and petrochemical industries.


PLN Dapat 75 Persen Gas Tangguh Unit 3

Sekitar 75 persen gas dari Kilang LNG Tangguh Unit-3 di Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat, dialokasikan untuk pembangkit listrik milik PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. Proyek Unit 3 yang masih berlangsung ini diperkirakan selesai pada 2020 dengan kapasitas 3,5 juta ton per tahun.

Secara keseluruhan, kapasitas total kilang Unit 1 hingga 3 mencapai 11,4 juta ton per tahun. ”Dalam seluruh proses bisnis kilang Tangguh ini harus melibatkan masyarakat sekitar agar mereka mendapat manfaat langsung,” kata Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan di sela-sela kunjungan kerja ke lokasi proyek. Gas dari Tangguh juga dialokasikan untuk industri pupuk dan petrokimia.

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, Feb, 11, 2017

Oil production at the Beginning of the Year Exceeds Target

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) recorded average oil production from January 1-February 4, 2017 amounted to 825 thousand barrels per day.  That figure exceeded the target of lifting (oil ready for sale) in the State Budget in 2017 amounted to 815 thousand barrels per day.

Unfortunately, SKK Migas reluctant to say the achievement of the lifting of the amount of production at the beginning of this year. "With the support of all parties, we are optimistic that oil and gas production target in 2017 could be exceeded, "said a spokeswoman for SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus.

As for the beginning of the year gas production reached 7.8 million standard cubic feet per day, equivalent to 1,398 thousand barrels of oil per day. That figure exceeded the target of lifting in the state budget in 2017 amounted to 1,275 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. SKK Migas reported, until January, drilling development wells had reached 223 activities.

As for reworking wells to be realized in 45 wells, or about 5 percent of this year's target of 907 wells Then, treatment wells (well service) until the end of January 1257 conducted in the well of the plan in 2017 as many as 57 512 wells.

According Taslim, drilling development wells and treatment needs to be done in accordance with the plan. For, without such activity, the rate of decline in oil production could reach 16.2 percent. "SKK Migas and the PSC continues to coordinate to optimize the realization of activities and minimize unplanned shutdown," said Taslim.


Produksi Minyak pada Awal Tahun Lampaui Target 

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat produksi minyak rata-rata sejak 1 Januari-4 Februari 2017 sebesar 825 ribu barel per hari. Angka itu melampaui target lifting (minyak siap jual) dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara 2017 sebesar 815 ribu barel per hari. 

Sayangnya, SKK Migas enggan menyebutkan berapa pencapaian lifting dari besaran produksi pada awal tahun ini. “Dengan dukungan semua pihak, kami optimistis target produksi migas pada 2017 dapat terlampaui,” ujar juru bicara SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus.

Adapun produksi gas awal tahun mencapai 7,8 juta standar kaki kubik per hari atau setara 1.398 ribu barel minyak per hari. Angka itu melampaui target lifting dalam APBN 2017 sebesar 1.275 ribu barel setara minyak per hari. SKK Migas melaporkan, hingga Januari, pengeboran sumur pengembangan sudah mencapai 223 kegiatan.

    Sedangkan untuk sumur kerja ulang terealisasi di 45 sumur atau sekitar 5 persen dari target tahun ini sebesar 907 sumur Lalu, perawatan sumur (well service) sampai akhir Januari dilakukan di 1.257 sumur dari rencana 2017 sebanyak 57.512 sumur.

Menurut Taslim, kegiatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan dan perawatan perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan rencana. Sebab, tanpa aktivitas tersebut, laju penurunan produksi minyak bisa mencapai 16,2 persen.“SKK Migas dan kontraktor KKS terus berkoordinasi untuk mengoptimalkan realisasi kegiatan dan meminimalkan terjadinya unplanned shutdown,” kata Taslim.

Koran Tempo, Page-2, Friday, Feb, 10, 2017