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Monday, February 27, 2017

Prices Gas Industry in Medan So Single Digit

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has issued a ministerial decree (Decree) related to the price of gas for industry in Medan and surrounding areas. Industrial gas prices in the region are now under double digits and in effect since February 1, 2017.

Quoted from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Decree N0 434 K / 12 / MEM / 201 it says natural gas prices for industry in Medan and surrounding areas are calculated based on the price component of the upstream natural gas, distribution rates, and cost of natural gas distribution. In the appendix of the ministerial regulation, there is a difference scheme for calculating gas upstream rates. Gas from PT Pertamina Hulu Energi North Sumatra Offshore (PHE NSO), for example, the original US $ 7.85 per mmbtu. As of February 1, the price dropped to US $ 6.95 + 1% ICP (Indonesian crude price).

Similarly, the price of gas PT Pertamina EP dropped to US $ 6.82 + 1% ICP from US $ 8.24 per mmbtu. Meanwhile, gas prices Triangle Pase Inc. to US $ 6.95 + 1% ICP from US $ 7.85 per mmbtu. The three also lowered rates distribution of natural gas through pipelines. Meanwhile, PT PGN also cut distribution costs of US $ 1.35 to US $ 0.9 per m3. "Director General of Oil and Gas on behalf of the Minister to evaluate the price of natural gas every year or at any time if necessary," declared Minister Ignatius Jonan in the signing of a regulation on the February 13.

According to the ministry, the gas pricing policy aimed to sustain the growth and competitiveness of the industry in Medan and surrounding areas. Earlier, in Indogas forum, the early months of Director General of Oil IGN Wiratmaja Puja said, after a long discussion, the price of gas in the North Sumatra region ready to be lowered from US $ 13.38 per mmbtu to US $ 9.95 per mmbtu. "Friends in PHE and Pertamina EP of descending again," he said.


Harga Gas Industri di Medan Jadi Satu Digit

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah mengeluarkan keputusan menteri (kepmen) terkait dengan harga gas untuk industri di Medan dan sekitarnya. Harga gas industri di wilayah tersebut kini di bawah dua digit dan berlaku sejak 1 Februari 2017. 

Dikutip dari laman Ditjen Migas, Keputusan Menteri ESDM N0 434 K/12/ MEM/201 itu menyebutkan harga gas bumi untuk industri di wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya dihitung berdasarkan komponen harga gas bumi hulu, tarif penyaluran, dan biaya distribusi gas bumi. Dalam lampiran peraturan menteri tersebut, ada perbedaan skema penghitungan untuk gas tarif hulu. Gas dari PT Pertamina Hulu Energi North Sumatra Offshore (PHE NSO), misalnya, semula US$ 7,85 per mmbtu. Per 1 Februari, harganya turun menjadi US$ 6,95+1% ICP (Indonesia crude price). 

Demikian pula harga gas dari PT Pertamina EP turun menjadi US$ 6,82+1% ICP dari semula US$ 8,24 per mmbtu. Sementara itu, harga gas Triangle Pase Inc menjadi US$ 6,95+1% ICP dari semula US$ 7,85 per mmbtu. Ketiganya juga menurunkan tarif penyaluran gas bumi melalui pipa. Sementara itu, PT PGN pun memangkas biaya distribusi dari US$ 1,35 menjadi US$ 0,9 per m3. “Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi atas nama Menteri ESDM melakukan evaluasi terhadap harga gas bumi tersebut setiap tahun atau sewaktu-waktu apabila diperlukan,” demikian pernyataan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dalam beleid yang ditekennya pada 13 Februari tersebut.

Menurut pihak kementerian, kebijakan harga gas tersebut ditujukan guna menjaga keberlangsungan pertumbuhan dan daya saing industri di wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya. Sebelumnya, dalam forum Indogas, awal bulan  Dirjen Migas IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, setelah melalui diskusi panjang, harga gas di wilayah Sumatra Utara siap diturunkan dari US$ 13,38 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 9,95 per mmbtu. “Teman-teman di PHE dan Pertamina EP berkenan turun lagi,” ujarnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

Mandatory Low LNG Price Far From Reality

The government’s mission to lower industrial gas prices has been considered economically unfeasible, especially for liquefied natural gas (LNG), which sees its price depending on global crude oil prices with lack of certainties in domestic demand.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has instructed his Cabinet to cut end-user gas prices to below US$ 6 per million British thermal units (mmbtu) for seven industrial sectors in a bid t strengthen the downstream segtor and create a significant multiplier effect in the economy.

However, the lower price policy has only been imposed on the petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries since Jan. 1, while gas prices for the other four industries oleochemical, glass, ceramics and rubber gloves are still in limbo. Sampe L. Purba, the gas commercialization division head at the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas), said the price mechanism for LNG in Indonesia was based on a longterm contract that took global crude oil prices into account. He explained that a contractor used to take about 10 to 14 percent of the global crude oil price to decide the gas price, depending on each contract’s commercial terms and the market balance by the time the negotiation took place, to measure the LNG price.

“Hence, when the crude oil price stands at approximately $ 50 per barrel, like today, the LNG price maybe about $5 per mmbtu, which is fine. But what will happen if the price touches $100 per barrel?” Sampe said recently. Following the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) decision to cut output by 1.2 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) in 2017, energy think tank Wood Mackenzie has predicted that the annual crude price average will stand between $ 53 to $ 58 per barrel. It may further increase to $ 60 to $ 65 per barrel by May if non-OPEC members meet their commitment to trim output by 558,000 bopd.

Moreover, Sampe said that 80 to 90 percent of domestic LNG production was allocated topthe electricity sector. Therefore, he said it was important for state owned electricity firm Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) to ensure the growth of LNG demand in its electricity procurement business plan (RUPTL). “In general, PLN has yet to use gas as the main energy source for electricity generation. Gas has just been used for peaker plants‘ that run only when the demand is at peak,” Sampe said. 

PLN has forecast that it will need about 2,000 billion British thermal units per day (bbtud) of natural gas supply by 2019, twice as much as today. Meanwhile, Sampe said the presence of traders and shippers as midstrearn players was crucial in the gas industry, especially considering that many gas producers did not have proper facilities to transport their gas nation Wide by themselves. Indonesia’s gas production reached about 7,883 bbtud throughout 2016, while demand for the country’s industrial sector amounted to 2,750 bbtud.

According to SKK Migas, the  weighted average price of LNG in the upstream sector was at $ 4.36 per mmbtu, While other costs, including shipping, regasification and transmission, reached $4 to $ 6 per mmbtu. SKK Migas has also stated that Indonesia will need to spend at least $24.3 billion until 2030 to develop proper gas infrastructures across the archipelago, including pipelines, liquefaction and regasification facilities. “Indeed, We need massive, integrated infrastructures to boost wider gas utilization that could eventually pave the Way for lower gas prices,” said IGN Wiratmaja Puja, the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s director general of oil and gas.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

Jokowi to Welcome Saudi Arabia's King Salman, Investment

Indonesia is seeking closer ties with Saudi Arabia with plans for a special reception to welcome King Salman and his entourage to Jakarta for a state visit that is also expected to spur investment. Jakarta expects the visit may bring US$ 25 billion worth of investment from Saudi investors. The meeting is historic for both of the Muslim-majority countries. The last time a Saudi king visited Jakarta was 47 years ago, when Salman’s father, King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, arrived in 1970.

Salman will bring a huge entourage of around 1,500 people including investors, 10 ministers and 25 princes to accompany him during the state visit. Salman and his entourage will spend time in Jakarta from March 1 to 3 before flying to Bali for a holiday until March 9. The king will spend much of his time in Indonesia during his current tour of Asian countries.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo held a limited Cabinet meeting at the State Palace on Tuesday to discuss the special reception for King Salman on March 1, which will see the President welcoming a high-profile guest at the airport for the first time. 

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said Jokowi would also award Indonesia’s highest medal to King Salman when the two held a bilateral meeting at Bogor Palace on the same day. The honor is a symbol of appreciation from Indonesia after Jokowi received the King Abdul Aziz Medal from the king during a state visit to Saudi Arabia in November 2015. 

“This is the first time that the President will welcome King Salman at the airport. It is being done because when the President arrived in Saudi Arabia he was welcomed by King Salman at the door of the aircraft. This shows that the relationship between the two countries is very intimate,” Pramono said.

He added that during the state visit, Saudi Arabia would sign an investment agreement worth $ 6 billion between its oil company Aramco and Indonesia’s stateowned energy giant Pertamina for a refinery revitalization project in Cilacap, Central Java. Other energy projects set to be signed are worth $1 billion. 

“The President expects Saudi Arabia’s total investment to reach $ 25 billion [to be secured during the state visit] ,” Pramono said. Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) chairman Thomas Lembong said the kingdom would also invest in building lowcost housing in Indonesia. Indonesia and Saudi Arabia will aim to boost five sectors: cultural promotion, a health expert exchange to support the haj and umrah (minor haj) programs, the promotion of moderate Islam through cleric exchange, increased flights between the two countries and cooperation on transborder crime s.

“The President has also informed governors and regional administrations about Saudi Arabia’s interest in investing in tourism across the country,” Lembong said, adding that Indonesia was ready to welcome all investment that Saudi Arabia offered during the state visit.

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister AM Fachir said Indonesia hoped that King Salman’s decision to spend holiday in Bali would boost Indonesian tourism and attract tourists from the Middle East. “During the meeting Indonesia will also discuss efforts to intensify dialogue with Muslim countries. Other topics to be discussed are the protection of Indonesian citizens in Saudi Arabia, be it‘ those who reside there or those who are doing haj and umrah in Saudi Arabia,” Fachir said.  Fachir said Indonesia would also use the opportunity to lobby the kingdom to increase its haj quota, which is currently at 211,000. Indonesia is the biggest country of origin of pilgrims to the kingdom.

Jakarta Post, Page-2, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

Stimulating the Potential Gas, Tourism and Agriculture

Bojonegoro, one of the districts with a lot of oil and gas. Of course, the Bojonegoro district government Funds (DBH) of oil and gas amount large enough to support the construction.

Bojonegoro Regent, Suyoto manage DBH-oil endowment improve people's welfare. Kang Yoto, close calls have Suyoto improve various regulations in the management of oil and gas DBH, while providing a conducive investment climate for investors.

In this issue, for example, Kang Yoto make regulations regarding the spatial area of ​​oil and gas and agriculture and related regulations empowering local communities in 2011. Then in the second period kepemirnpinannya, he has had local regulations regarding the DBH to be used as an endowment fund.

"Endowment Fund serves to anticipate when DBH obtained Bojonegoro no longer sufficient to finance the construction or oil and gas potential in Bojonegoro has run out. Priority is now spur the potential for oil and gas, tourism and agriculture, "he explained.

Kang Yoto thinking about how endowment funds are also used for college scholarships for children in Bojonegoro. Related Resources endowment that is possible, which is a 100 percent profit participation shares (participating interest or PI) and DBH earned around Rp 1.4 trillion per year.

Assuming a 6 percent interest income Bojonegoro will acquire not less than USD 84 billion per year. "The focus of the endowment is only for the development of human qualities. We send specialists into sub-specialists, so that in the future she can provide the service.


Memacu Potensi Migas, Wisata dan Pertanian

Kabupaten Bojonegoro, salah satu kabupaten yang menyimpan banyak kandungan minyak dan gas. Tentu saja, pemerintah kabupaten Bojonegoro mendatang Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) migas jumlahnya yang cukup besar untuk mendukung pembangunan. 

Bupati Bojonegoro, Suyoto mengelola DBH migas menjadi dana abadi meningkatkan kemakmuran rakyat. Kang Yoto, panggilan akrab Suyoto telah membenahi berbagai regulasi dalam pengelolaan DBH migas, sekaligus memberikan iklim investasi yang kondusif bagi investor.

Pada masalah ini misalnya, Kang Yoto membuat Peraturan daerah mengenai ruang wilayah migas dan pertanian serta perda terkait pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal pada 2011. Kemudian di periode kedua kepemirnpinannya, ia telah memiliki Peraturan daerah mengenai DBH untuk dijadikan dana abadi.

“Dana Abadi berfungsi untuk mengantisipasi apabila DBH yang diperoleh Bojonegoro tidak lagi cukup untuk membiayai pembangunan atau potensi migas di Bojonegoro sudah habis. Prioritas kini memacu potensi migas, wisata dan pertanian,” urainya.

Kang Yoto memikirkan bagaimana dana abadi tersebut juga dipergunakan untuk beasiswa perguruan tinggi bagi anak-anak di Bojonegoro. Terkait Sumber dana abadi yang dimungkinkan, yakni 100 persen keuntungan saham partisipasi (participating interest atau PI) dan DBH yang diperoleh sekitar Rp 1,4 triliun per tahun itu.

Dengan asumsi pendapatan bunga 6 persen Bojonegoro akan memperoleh tidak kurang dari Rp 84 miliar per tahun. “Fokus dana abadi ini hanya untuk pembangunan kualitas manusia. Kita menyekolahkan dokter spesialis yang menjadi sub-spesialis, supaya kedepan dia bisa memberikan layanan.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Tuesday, Feb, 22, 2017

FEED study Still Blocked

Development Masela

Study pre-defining the project or pre-front end engineering design (FEED) Abadi field, Masela to know what volume of gas piped can not be started.

Senior Manager of Communications & Relations Inpex Indonesia Usman Slamet said it is still talking with the government related to the continuation of development projects Abadi Field, the Masela block. He hoped that talks with the government to produce the best decision I could have made the project with gas reserves of 10.7 trillion cubic feet (tcf) can be developed. The target, pre FEED can be done early in January 2017.

"Thus, we can start a study of pre-defining the project or pre-front end engineering design [pre FEED]. Clearly, we continue to cooperate with the government to be able to realize the project, "he said.

Meanwhile, Inpex proposed that the project got the rates of return on capital (internal rate of return / IRR) of 15% is appropriate or when similar projects are developed with a floating refinery scheme / FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas).

     In addition, changing the scheme of FLNG into a refinery or ONLNG land (onshore liquefied petroleum gas) in March 2016 to make Inpex propose the replacement of the lost contract term that is used to conduct a study for 10 years as well as additional refining capacity to 9.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) and 150 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD gas pipeline.

Meanwhile, clarity on the matter before making preFEED. Unfortunately, the government wants to pre-FEED contractor in advance to see the possibility of gas production pipeline that is larger 474 MMSCFD and 7.5 mtpa of LNG. The government considers the opportunities additional volume of gas pipes will be used for the petrochemical industry, which is planned to be built on the same island with the location of the LNG plant.

The government also thinks the project can run with an IRR of 12% of the replacement contract period missing for seven years or less three years of the proposed investors.


Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the project should be advanced to the next process of the implementation of the pre-FEED. According to him, the government no longer has the views debated. All clauses negotiated, has been discussed, so that the contractor can begin its activities.

"Clauses negotiated seems already clear. The next step pre FEED. Government is already clear, " he said.

On a separate occasion, the Director of Upstream Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said there are companies that will absorb the gas from the Tangguh project in Bintuni Bay Train III operating in 2020, PT Pupuk Indonesia.

The ministry has proposed the allocation of three companies that will build the plant around the project to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Meanwhile, the company PT Pupuk Indonesia needs 240 MMSCFD gas, PT Kaltim Methanol Industries with 130 MMSCFD and PT Elsoro Multi Pratama needs 100 MMSCFD. PT Pupuk Indonesia will build a methanol plant, olefins and polyolefins.

Meanwhile, PT Kaltim Methanol and PT Elsoro Multi Pratama to build a methanol plant. Petrochemical plant construction is expected to cost US $ 3.9 billion to supply gas starting in 2024. He also prepared several other companies that are ready to absorb the gas. This was done, because the volume is relatively large to be absorbed and thus require many companies are prepared to take advantage Masela gas. "The volume of gas is great, so we set up several companies to utilize the gas," he said.


Pengembangan Blok Masela

Kajian FEED Masih Terganjal

     Kajian pra pendefinisian proyek atau pre front end engineering design (FEED) Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela untuk mengetahui berapa volume gas yang disalurkan melalui pipa belum bisa dimulai.

Senior Manager Communication & Relation Inpex Indonesia Usman Slamet mengatakan pihaknya masih berbicara dengan pemerintah terkait dengan kelanjutan proyek pengembangan Iapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Dia berharap agar pembicaraan dengan pemerintah segera membuahkan keputusan terbaik yang bisa membuat proyek dengan cadangan gas sebesar 10,7 trillion cubic feet (tcf) bisa dikembangkan. Targetnya, pre FEED bisa dilakukan awal Januari 2017.

“Dengan demikian, kami bisa memulai kajian pra pendefinisian proyek atau pre front end engineering design [pre FEED]. Yang jelas, kami terus bekerja sama dengan pemerintah untuk dapat mewujudkan proyek itu,” katanya.

Adapun, Inpex mengusulkan agar proyek mendapat angka pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) sebesar 15% sesuai atau setara ketika proyek dikembangkan dengan skema kilang terapung/FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas).

     Selain itu, pengubahan skema dari FLNG menjadi kilang darat atau ONLNG (onshore liquefied petroleum gas) pada Maret 2016 membuat Inpex mengusulkan penggantian masa kontrak yang hilang yang digunakan untuk melakukan kajian selama 10 tahun serta penambahan kapasitas kilang menjadi 9,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa) dan 150 million standard cubic feet per day/MMscfd gas pipa.

Adapun, kejelasan mengenai hal tersebut sebelum melakukan preFEED. Sayangnya, pemerintah menginginkan agar kontraktor melakukan pre-FEED terlebih dahulu untuk melihat kemungkinan produksi gas pipa yang lebih besar yakni 474 MMscfd dan LNG sebesar 7,5 mtpa. Pemerintah menganggap peluang penambahan volume gas pipa nantinya bisa dimanfaatkan bagi industri petrokimia yang rencananya akan dibangun di pulau yang sama dengan lokasi kilang LNG.

Pemerintah pun menilai proyek bisa berjalan dengan IRR sebesar 12% dari penggantian masa kontrak yang hilang selama tujuh tahun atau lebih rendah tiga tahun dari usulan investor.


Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar menuturkan proyek itu seharusnya bisa melaju ke proses berikutnya yakni pelaksanaan pre-FEED. Menurutnya, pemerintah tidak lagi memiliki pandangan-pandangan yang diperdebatkan. Semua klausul yang di negosiasikan, telah selesai dibahas, sehingga kontraktor bisa memulai kegiatannya.

“Klausul-klausul yang dinegosiasikan sepertinya sudah clear. Step selanjutnya pre FEED. Dari pemerintah sudah clear,”

Pada kesempatan terpisah, Direktur lndustri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan terdapat perusahaan yang juga akan menyerap gas dari proyek Tangguh Train III di Teluk Bintuni yang beroperasi pada 2020 yaitu PT Pupuk Indonesia.

Kementerian itu telah mengusulkan alokasi untuk tiga perusahaan yang akan membangun pabrik di sekitar proyek kepada Kementerian ESDM. Adapun, perusahaan tersebut yakni PT Pupuk Indonesia dengan kebutuhan gas 240 MMscfd, PT Kaltim Methanol lndustri dengan 130 MMscfd dan PT Elsoro Multi Pratama dengan kebutuhan 100 MMscfd. PT Pupuk Indonesia akan membangun pabrik metanol, olefin dan poliolefin. 

Sementara, PT Kaltim Methanol dan PT Elsoro Multi Pratama untuk membangun pabrik metanol. Pembangunan pabrik petrokimia diperkirakan membutuhkan biaya US$ 3,9 miliar dengan pasokan gas yang dimulai pada 2024. Dia pun mempersiapkan beberapa perusahaan lainnya yang siap menyerap gas tersebut. Hal itu dilakukan, karena volume yang harus diserap tergolong besar sehingga membutuhkan banyak perusahaan yang dipersiapkan untuk memanfaatkan gas Masela. “Volume gasnya besar, jadi kami siapkan beberapa perusahaan untuk memanfaatkan gasnya,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

Don't Dissolved Euphoria Moment

Arguably, the central government is executing its target for economic equality, especially for oil and gas producing regions of the earth. A blessing in the form of the release of Decree No. 37/2016.

In the regulation mentions participation shares (participating interest) on oil and gas blocks in certain areas by 10% shall be given to local owned enterprises (BUMN). No doubt, there has been a complaint from the region in the form of payment relief participation rights. The complaint was eventually heard and answered by such a regulation.

Enterprises are allowed to put the burden on the shoulders first operator of the block. Only when the working area is starting to produce oil and gas, the area can enjoy a little results. The trick, they (enterprises) can menyicil the load becomes longer though his time in the year when the results are plucked directly used to pay debts.

Producing region may have just celebrated the acquisition of 10% participation share it. However, do not forget that the result of the shareholding participation can not be regarded as a money shock. Spirit of the government to equalize the stalled economy is not limited to the ownership rights of participation. The area should be able to use these funds to build a strategic sector that directly influence local economic growth and encouraged.

In any case each work area have expiration respectively. That is, oil and gas in the bowels of the earth that could have stopped flowing at any time and stop getting income areas. Therefore, the area must be able to prepare not only for a good condition but also in even the worst conditions.

National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PYWP) Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah said the area which became the oil and gas production activities should take advantage of the circumstances when rolling in revenue. He said, although the area got a revenue-sharing (DBH) oil and gas sector is big enough, the problem of poverty can not be resolved. The key, Local Government establish the endowment fund derived from oil and gas revenues.

The funds are used to prepare the area when the working area in the region stopped producing oil and gas. The reason, of indicators of oil and gas producing local governments do not look like a human development index up to the poverty level.

"The capacity of regional spending it can not necessarily accept the peak production (peak production) with a revenue windfall (high income). He could have the option of endowment fund (endowment). Want saving alone or invested, "he said.

Chairman of the Association of Oil and Gas Producing Regions Faroek Awang said it was preparing enterprises to absorb a 10% participating interest on three areas of work that will be out of contract. The third block is the Central Block, Block East Kalimantan and Sanga-Sanga.

Inaugural occasion, said Awang who also served as governor of East Kalimantan, to absorb the participation shares 10% over the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan through public enterprises Migas PT Mandiri Pratama. "Already. This [BUMD his] Gas Mandiri Pratama for the Mahakam block, "he said.

According to him, the enterprises will continue programs to use the downstream sector as an example for the electricity sector, energy needs for households and industry. He did not deny the ability of oil and gas fields of energy supply will continue to decline. Therefore, it utilizes earnings and other sectors, such as oil palm.

"Revenue-sharing, reduced equalization funds. We tried out the oil and gas and coal development of new renewable energy, the development of the palm oil industry and so on corresponding potential of the region, "he said.

Suyoto Bojonegoro Regent said it had made preparations towards increased production Banyu Urip, Cepu in order not to face problems from both the technical and social aspects. From the aspect of the budget, it also has been preparing for when the additional production does not match the targets set. Meanwhile, in 2017 estimated that the allocation of funds for results (DBH) Bojonegoro oil received Rp 900 billion.

Learning of DBH in 2016, the realization and the target is not suitable for the production of peak Banyu Urip retreat and plan the end of 2015 and deterioration "in oil prices.

As a result, of the Rp 1.1 trillion, the realization of DBH is only about Rp 700 billion. He said he was already preparing for what activities should be suspended when the targeted smaller reception realization.

Meanwhile, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited as operator has a 45% share in Banyu Urip, PT Pertamina EP Cepu has 45%, as well as four regional-owned enterprises, namely PT Blora Patragas Hulu 2.18%, PT Petrogas Jatim
Top Cendana 2.24%, PT Asri Dharma Sejahtera 4.48% and PT Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu has 1.09%.

He also estimates that the new participation shares payment to be completed around 7 years since production first began. "This year, from Rp 1.1 trillion, just him [realized] Rp 700 billion. Do not just look at the plan, budget elasticity that we have got. "

He also is preparing a regulation to establish the endowment fund. Thus, profits and ownership participation also revenue sharing funds could be set aside to prepare the area when no longer receive the benefits of oil and gas. "We are also preparing a Local Regulation for the endowment so that our children can feel the results of the oil and gas sector," he said.


Jangan Terlarut Euforia Sesaat

Boleh dibilang, pemerintah pusat kini mengeksekusi targetnya untuk pemerataan ekonomi khususnya bagi daerah penghasil minyak dan gas bumi. Berkah itu berupa keluarnya Peraturan Menteri No. 37/2016.

Dalam regulasi itu menyebutkan saham partisipasi (participating interest) atas blok migas di daerah tertentu sebesar 10% wajib diberikan kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD). Tidak dipungkiri, selama ini ada keluhan dari daerah penghasil yakni berupa keringanan pembayaran hak partisipasi. Keluhan itu akhirnya didengar dan terjawab melalui beleid tersebut.

BUMD diperbolehkan menaruh bebannya terlebih dahulu di pundak operator blok tersebut. Barulah ketika wilayah kerja tersebut mulai menghasilkan migas, daerah bisa menikmati sedikit hasilnya. Caranya, mereka (BUMD) bisa menyicil beban tersebut meskipun masanya menjadi lebih panjang bila di tahun tersebut hasil yang dipetik langsung digunakan untuk membayar utang.

Daerah penghasil boleh saja merayakan perolehan saham partisipasi sebesar 10% itu. Namun, jangan lupa bahwa hasil dari kepemilikan saham partisipasi tak bisa dianggap sebagai uang kaget. Semangat pemerintah untuk memeratakan perekonomian tidak terhenti sebatas pada kepemilikan hak partisipasi. Daerah harus bisa memanfaatkan dana tersebut untuk membangun sektor strategis yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap terdorongnya pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah. 

Bagaimana pun juga setiap wilayah kerja memiliki masa kadaluarsanya masing-masing. Artinya, minyak dan gas yang di dalam perut bumi itu bisa saja berhenti mengalir sewaktu-waktu dan daerah berhenti mendapat pemasukan. Oleh karena itu, daerah harus bisa mempersiapkan diri tidak saja untuk kondisi baik tapi juga pada kondisi terburuk sekalipun. 

Koordinator Nasional Publish What You Pay (PYWP) Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah mengatakan daerah yang menjadi tempat kegiatan produksi migas harus memanfaatkan keadaan ketika bergelimang pendapatan. Dia menyebut, meskipun daerah mendapat dana bagi hasil (DBH) sektor migas yang cukup besar, masalah kemiskinan belum bisa terselesaikan. Kuncinya, Pemerintah Daerah membentuk dana abadi yang diambil dari pendapatan sektor migas.

Dana tersebut digunakan untuk mempersiapkan daerah jika wilayah kerja di daerahnya berhenti menghasilkan migas. Pasalnya, indikator capaian pemerintah daerah penghasil migas belum terlihat seperti indeks pembangunan manusia hingga tingkat kemiskinan.

“Kapasitas belanja daerah itu tidak bisa serta merta menerima peak production (produksi puncak) dengan revenue windfall (pendapatan tinggi). Dia bisa punya pilihan untuk endowment fund (dana abadi). Mau nabung saja atau di investasikan," katanya.

Ketua Asosiasi Daerah Penghasil Migas Awang Faroek mengatakan pihaknya sedang menyiapkan BUMD untuk menyerap hak partisipasi 10% atas tiga wilayah kerja yang akan habis masa kontraknya. Ketiga blok itu adalah Blok Tengah, Blok East Kalimantan dan Blok Sanga-Sanga.

Kesempatan perdananya, ujar Awang yang juga menjabat sebagai gubernur Kalimantan Timur itu, untuk menyerap saham partisipasi 10% atas Blok Mahakam melalui BUMD Kalimantan Timur yakni PT Migas Mandiri Pratama. “Sudah. Ini [BUMD-nya] Migas Mandiri Pratama untuk Blok Mahakam," katanya.

Menurutnya, BUMD itu akan meneruskan program-program pemanfaatan ke sektor hilir sebagai contoh untuk sektor ketenagalistrikan, pemenuhan energi bagi rumah tangga dan industri.  Dia tak memungkiri kemampuan lapangan migas menyediakan energi akan terus menurun. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya memanfaatkan pendapatan dan sektor lainnya, seperti kelapa sawit.

“Dana bagi hasil, dana perimbangan berkurang. Kita berusaha di luar migas dan batubara pengembangan energi baru terbarukan, pengembangan industri kelapa sawit dan sebagainya sesuai potensi daerah," katanya.

Bupati Bojonegoro Suyoto mengatakan pihaknya telah melakukan persiapan menuju penambahan produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu agar tidak menghadapi masalah baik dari aspek teknis dan sosial. Dari aspek anggaran, pihaknya pun telah mempersiapkan bila penambahan produksi tidak sesuai target yang ditetapkan. Adapun, pada 2017 diperkirakan alokasi dana bagi hasil (DBH) migas yang diterima Kabupaten Bojonegoro sebesar Rp 900 miliar.

     Belajar dari DBH pada 2016, realisasi dan target tidak sesuai karena produksi puncak Banyu Urip mundur dan rencana yakni akhir 2015 serta merosotnya" harga minyak.

     Akibatnya, dari pagu Rp 1,1 triliun, realisasi DBH hanya sekitar Rp 700 miliar. Pihaknya pun telah mempersiapkan kegiatan apa saja yang harus ditunda bila penerimaan yang ditarget lebih kecil realisasinya. 

Adapun, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited sebagai operator memiliki 45% saham Lapangan Banyu Urip, PT Pertamina EP Cepu Memiliki 45%, serta empat Badan Usaha Milik Daerah, yaitu PT Blora Patragas Hulu 2,18%, PT Petrogas Jatim
Utama Cendana 2,24%, PT Asri Darma Sejahtera 4,48% dan PT Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu memiliki 1,09%.

Dia pun memperkirakan pembayaran saham partisipasi baru bisa selesai sekitar 7 tahun sejak produksi pertama dimulai. “Tahun ini, dari Rp 1,1 triliun, tahunya cuma [terealisasi] Rp 700 miliar.  Jangan cuma lihat rencananya, kekenyalan anggaran itu harus kita punya."

Dia pun sedang mempersiapkan beleid untuk membentuk dana abadi. Dengan demikian, keuntungan yang diperoleh dan kepemilikan saham partisipasi juga dana bagi hasil bisa disisihkan untuk mempersiapkan daerah ketika tidak lagi menerima manfaat migas. “Kami juga sedang siapkan Peraturan Daerah untuk dana abadi agar anak-cucu kita bisa merasakan hasil dari sektor migas,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Feb, 21, 2017

Cracked soil away from the Bojonegoro Oil Operations

     Bojonegoro Regency plans to move the four heads of household with 11 people on the ground Perhutani.

Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4, Central Java, stating the location of cracked ground in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan, Bojonegoro, who entered the working area far from the location of the oil operations. "None of our operating activities in the area (the location of cracked ground), while the two existing oil wells located far away, "said Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4, Central Java, Agus Amperiyanto, Saturday (18/2).

He was speaking after receiving the results of geodetic survey (mapping) conducted Tim 4 Field Asset Pertamina EP Cepu, Central Java, on the location of cracked ground in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan, Friday (17/2). From the results of geodetic surveys, according to him, the location of active wells operation (KSO) Kw.55 nearby, within 966 meters (straight line) to the southeast. One more DDG.P1 oil wells within 1,360 meters (straight line) to the northwest of the scene. "The land is cracked and decreased consists of valleys, slopes and hills beneath which there is a river, "he explained.

Still according the geodetic survey results, he said, the local soil in some sort of loose soil / porous, thereby potentially decrease of ground fault / syncline bottom. Moreover, on top of it there is a load (number of homes) supported by weather conditions often rains. He estimated the vast reduction / crack in the local area of ​​about 7.5 hectares with a height of elevation of the mouth of the river about 20 and located at an altitude of 186 meters above sea level. "Land area of ​​the case of almost 1 meter underground decline will lead to a roar, also pounding due to noise caused by ground cracks of the house foundation and plants," he explained.

According to the calculation, according to him, the decline in soil at local locations could happen for a long time. "We expect people to remain calm and vigilant, because far from the location of the operation," he added.

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo, said that as many as four families (KK) consisting of 11 people, who occupied the seven houses will be relocated. "Relocation is done because of the location-owned land was prone to landslides aftershocks," he added.

No casualties in the incident also cracked ground subsidence which preceded the explosion in the village of Wonocolo, District Kedewan, on Thursday (16/2). But as many as 11 people (4 families) who inhabit the seven houses on the ground cracked in the local site were evacuated to a safe place with a distance of 1 kilometer from the scene, even the houses should be demolished.

Meanwhile, the Government Kabupatcn Bojonegoro planning to move four families with 11 people to Perhutani land for land owned by the victim in the village Wonocolo, District Kedewan prone to landslides aftershocks. "Expert Team Human Resource Development Centre Migas Cepu, recommend the location of settlements on land cracked up to be emptied as prone to landslides aftershocks," said Chief BPBD Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo. Moreover, based on the testimony of local residents landslides have happened some time ago.

Therefore, according to him, the government district and village governments will immediately relocate residents to use the system Perhutani land swap with the crack-owned land. "The district government will provide compensation for the cost of relocating residents of the village government budget is supported by post disaster response," he said.

According to him, The Social Welfare Office also will conduct training for the victims of cracked ground, because the agricultural land they have broken also affected in the event of cracked ground in the local village. "Threatened the residents can not work because of his farm damaged by landslides. Pemerinath district will monitor the health of residents affected as many as 11 people, of whom there were elderly and pregnant women," he said.

Furthermore, he explained, the Expert Team of Human Resource Development Centre Migas Cepu who conducted the research with a team BPBDs last day, also recommend the cracked ground in that location must be in the content of clay. The goal is that the soil becomes dense, so that rainwater does not seep into the soil in an attempt to avoid subsequent landslides.


Tanah Retak Bojonegoro jauh dari Operasi Minyak

     Pemkab Bojonegoro berencana  memindahkan empat Kepala Keluarga dengan 11 orang ke tanah Perhutani.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, menyatakan lokasi tanah retak di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, yang masuk wilayah kerjanya jauh dari lokasi operasi minyak. "Tidak ada kegiatan operasi kita di daerah tersebut (lokasi tanah retak), sedangkan dua sumur minyak yang ada lokasinya jauh," kata Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, Agus Amperiyanto, Sabtu (18/2).

la menyampaikan hal itu setelah menerima hasil survei geodetik (pemetaan) yang dilakukan Tim Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, di lokasi tanah retak di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Jumat (17/ 2). Dari hasil survei geodetik, menurut dia, lokasi sumur aktif kerja sama operasi (KSO) terdekat Kw.55, berjarak 966 meter (garis lurus) ke arah tenggara. Satu sumur minyak lainnya DDG.P1 berjarak 1.360 meter (garis lurus) ke arah barat laut dari lokasi kejadian. "Tanah yang retak dan mengalami penurunan terdiri dari lembah, lereng dan perbukitan yang di bawahnya ada sungai," jelas dia.

Masih sesuai hasil survei geodetik, kata dia, tanah di lokasi setempat semacam tanah lepas/berpori, sehingga berpotensi terjadi penurunan tanah dari patahan/sinklin bagian bawah. Apalagi, di atasnya ada beban (sejumlah rumah warga) didukung dengan kondisi cuaca yang sering turun hujan. Ia memperkirakan luas penurunan/retakan di kawasan setempat sekitar 7,5 hektare dengan ketinggian elevasi dari bibir sungai sekitar 20 dan berada di ketinggian 186 meter dari permukaan air laut. "Tanah seluas itu apabila terjadi penurunan tanah hampir 1 meter akan menimbulkan suara gemuruh, juga dentuman akibat bunyi yang ditimbulkan dari retakan tanah dari pondasi rumah maupun tanaman," paparnya.

Sesuai perhitungan, menurut dia, terjadinya penurunan tanah di lokasi setempat bisa terjadi dalam kurun waktu lama. "Kami harapkan masyarakat tetap tenang dan waspada, sebab jauh dari lokasi operasi," ucapnya menambahkan.

Kepala Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo, sebelumnya menjelaskan sebanyak 4 kepala keluarga (KK) yang terdiri dari 11 orang, yang menempati tujuh rumah akan direlokasi. "Relokasi dilakukan karena lokasi tanah milik warga itu rawan terjadi longsor susulan," katanya menambahkan.

Tidak ada korban orang dalam kejadian tanah retak juga ambles yang didahului ledakan di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, pada Kamis (16/2). Namun sebanyak 11 orang (4 KK) yang menghuni tujuh rumah di atas tanah retak di lokasi setempat dievakuasi ke tempat yang aman dengan jarak 1 kilometer dari lokasi kejadian, bahkan rumah warga harus dibongkar. 

Sementara itu, Pemerintah Kabupatcn Bojonegoro berencana memindahkan empat KK dengan 11 orang ke tanah Perhutani karena tanah milik korban di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan rawan terjadi longsor susulan. "Tim Ahli Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Migas Cepu, merekomendasikan lokasi permukiman di atas tanah retak harus dikosongkan karena rawan terjadi longsor susulan," kata Kepala BPBD Bojonegoro Andik Sudjarwo. Apalagi, berdasarkan keterangan warga setempat longsor sudah pernah terjadi beberapa waktu lalu. 

Karena itu, menurut dia, pemerintah kabupaten dan pemerintah desa akan segera merelokasi warga ke tanah Perhutani menggunakan sistem tukar guling dengan tanah milik warga yang retak. "Pemerintah kabupaten akan memberikan santunan untuk biaya relokasi warga didukung anggaran pemerintah desa melalui pos tanggap bencana," ujarnya.

Menurutnya, Dinas Sosial setempat juga akan melakukan pelatihan bagi warga korban tanah retak, karena tanah pertanian yang mereka miliki juga rusak terkena dampak dalam kejadian tanah retak di desa setempat. "warga terancam tidak bisa bekerja karena tanah pertaniannya rusak akibat terkena longsoran tanah. Pemerinath kabupaten akan melakukan pemantauan kesehatan warga terdampak sebanyak 11 orang, di antaranya ada yang lanjut usia dan sedang hamil," katanya.

Lebih lanjut ia menjelaskan, Tim Ahli Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Migas Cepu yang melakukan penelitian dengan tim BPBD sehari lalu, juga merekomendasikan tanah retak di lokasi itu harus segera di isi tanah lempung. Tujuannya agar tanah menjadi padat, sehingga air hujan tidak meresap ke dalam tanah sebagai usaha menghindari longsor susulan.

Republika, Page-21, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017

DPR Want to Form Special Body Oil and Gas

House of Representatives proposed the establishment of a special business entity (BUK) of oil and gas. The filing revealed in the discussion process of the revision of the Law on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Law) in internal Commission VII. Member of Commission VII Kurtubi revealed, in this period, policy changes will be made referring to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which essentially prohibits the government-run national oil and not allowed the government to make the signing of the contract with the investor. "The revised law is in fact already done by the Parliament earlier, but did not produce results," he said.

In that decision, the Court also decided the price of fuel should not be left to the market and the oil and gas industry should not be split between the upstream and downstream. In order not to violate this decision, the management of oil and gas should not be from the government, the management of business entities should a business entity. He admitted his side had agreed later manager of oil and gas is no longer BP Migas, no SKK Migas, but handed over to the state company. "We called a special business entity (BUK) oil and gas, and this point has been agreed."

Currently, Kurtubi admitted, the board is still discussing in the Commission's internal VII of whom later holding that particular business entity. "BUK who later defined it, we call it, for example PT Pertamina plus SKK Migas. We recommend this particular business entity former Pertamina assets, if any, or if there is oil and gas assets of SKK, "he said.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII Satya Widya Yudha added, later, at the BUK parent there will be a supervisory board, which may be chaired by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and could consisted of the Minister of Finance and others. It is intended to be implemented good governance were clean.

"The regulator remains in the Ministry of Energy. Thus, the EMR still have the right to manage jumiah of reserves and business prospects of reserves that can be capitalized, "he said.

Satya also thinks the formation of oil and gas BUK does not conflict with the establishment of the holding company (holding) SOE energy sector. According to him, the spirit and the BUK-oil state-owned holding the same, namely to promote national oil and gas industry.


DPR Ingin Bentuk Badan Khusus Migas

DPR mengajukan pembentukan badan usaha khusus (BUK) migas. Pengajuan tersebut terungkap dalam proses pembahasan revisi Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas (UU Migas) di internal Komisi VII. Anggota Komisi VII Kurtubi mengungkapkan, pada periode ini, perubahan kebijakan yang akan dilakukan mengacu ke keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang intinya melarang migas nasional dikelola pemerintah dan tidak diperbolehkan pemerintah untuk melakukan penandatanganan kontrak dengan investor. “Revisi UU Migas ini sebenarnya sudah dikerjakan oleh DPR periode sebelumnya, tapi memang belum membuahkan hasil,” ujarnya.

Dalam putusan itu, MK juga memutuskan harga BBM tidak boleh diserahkan kepada pasar dan industri migas tidak boleh dipecah antara hulu dan hilir. Agar tidak melanggar putusan tersebut, pengelola migas tidak boleh dari pemerintah, pengelola entitas bisnis harus badan usaha. Ia mengakui pihaknya sepakat nanti pengelola migas bukan lagi BP Migas, tidak SKK Migas, melainkan diserahkan kepada perusahaan negara. “Kami sebut badan usaha khusus (BUK) migas, dan poin ini sudah disepakati.”

Saat ini, Kurtubi mengakui, dewan masih membahas dalam internal Komisi VII tentang siapa nanti induk badan usaha khusus itu. “BUK itu siapa nanti didefinisikan, kami sebut saja misalnya PT Pertamina plus SKK Migas. Kami sarankan badan usaha khusus ini bekas aset Pertamina kalau ada, atau aset SKK migas kalau ada,” ujarnya.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha menambahkan, nantinya, pada induk BUK tersebut akan ada dewan pengawas, yang mungkin akan diketuai Menteri ESDM, dan beranggotakan bisa dari Menteri Keuangan dan lainnya. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan agar bisa terlaksana good governance yang  bersih.

“Regulator tetap berada dalam Kementerian ESDM. Jadi, ESDM masih punya hak untuk kelola jumiah dari cadangan-cadangan dan prospek bisnis dari cadangan-cadangan yang bisa dikapitalisasi,” katanya.

Satya pun menilai pembentukan BUK migas tidak bertentangan dengan pembentukan perusahaan induk (holding) BUMN bidang energi. Menurutnya, semangat holding BUMN dan BUK migas sama, yakni memajukan industri migas nasional.

Media Indonesia,page-17, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017

Central Sulawesi Charge Participatory Rights of Oil and Gas

Governor of Central Sulawesi Banggai Regent Longki Fjanggola and Herwin Yatim met Minister Ignatius Jonan for the rights of participation of the management of oil and gas for Central Sulawesi.

During the meeting conducted on the weekend, unveiling the Governor Longki investment growth mineral mining, oil and gas Sultengi Longki said that the oil and gas sector can mengdongkrak regional economic growth and provide jobs.

Even so Longki still urged the Ministry of Energy supports the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Government of Banggai to get a 10 percent participatory rights of a number of oil and gas mining companies operating in Banggai district. "Thank God, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources are very appreciative to all statements and the proposal of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Government of Banggai," said Longki.

Governor of Central Sulawesi, Longki Fjanggola also reported the development of curbing the problem of Mining Permit based on the coordination and supervision of the Corruption Eradication Commission. In particular, Longki convey about the land overlapping the former necking PT Vale Indonesia, the issue of land PT Citra Palu Minerals and PT Sulawesi Mining Investment. "The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources from the beginning supported our efforts to curb the Mining Business License (IUP) which overlaps it. Although we later reap a lawsuit from several companies, "he said.

He added that the Minister of Jonan pay attention to the statements of the block Tiaka problems that have not been operating until now. "On the issue of our request on participatory rights of 10 percent of oil and gas mining company,
namely Block Matindok, Senoro and Tiaka, God willing, in the not too distant future will be met, said former Regent Parigi Moutong these two periods.


Sulawesi Tengah Tagih Hak Partisipatif Migas

Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Longki Fjanggola dan Bupati Banggai Herwin Yatim menemui Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan untuk memperjuangkan hak partisipasi pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi bagi Sulawesi Tengah.

Pada pertemun yang dilakukan akhir pekan lalu, Gubernur Longki memaparkan kondisi pertumbuhan investasi pertambangan mineral, minyak dan gas Sultengi Longki menyampaikan bahwa sektor migas dapat mengdongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dan menyediakan lapangan kerja.

Meski begitu Longki tetap mendesak agar Kementerian ESDM mendukung Pemprov Sulawesi Tengah dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai untuk mendapatkan hak partisipatif sebesar 10 persen dari sejumlah perusahaan pertambangan migas yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Banggai. “Alhamdulilah, Menteri ESDM sangat apresiatif atas semua Iaporan dan usulan dari Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Banggai,” kata Longki.

Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Longki Fjanggola pun melaporkan perkembangan masalah penertiban Izin Usaha Pertambangan berdasarkan koordinasi dan supervisi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Secara khusus, Longki menyampaikan soal masalah tumpang tindih lahan bekas penciutan PT Vale Indonesia, soal lahan PT Citra Palu Mineral dan PT Sulawesi Mining Investment.  “Kementerian ESDM sejak awal mendukung upaya kita menertibkan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) yang tumpang tindih itu. Meski kita kemudian menuai gugatan dari beberapa perusahaan,” kata dia.

Ia menambahkan Menteri Jonan memberi perhatian atas Iaporan masalah blok Tiaka yang belum beroperasi hingga kini. “Terkait masalah permintaan kita atas hak partisipatif sebesar 10 persen dari perusahaan pertambangan minyak dan gas, yakni Blok Matindok, Blok Senoro dan Tiaka, insya Allah dalam waktu tidak lama lagi akan dipenuhi, kata Mantan Bupati Parigi Moutong dua periode ini.

Investor Daily Page-9, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017


Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) on Friday (17/2) and then awarded the Occupational Health and Safety (K3). Award presented Fath Huda regents were received Safety Inspector JOB PPEJ Fuad Fanani in Tuban regency government office grounds.

JOB PPEJ received the award for the achievement of 10,933,337 employees working hours without any occupational accidents and zero accident. Fuad said the company engaged in oil and gas operators are most at risk of workplace accidents. To minimize this, the company has a standard operating procedure (SOP). "If the SOP has been applied, not only to minimize but can also be a zero-accident," he stated.

In addition to SOP, JOB also have a principle of management plan do check action (PDCA). That is, plan to plan programs to support workplace safety. Do implement the program. Check evaluating the program was run and then repaired. And, action to implement the entire program.

Fuad thanked all employees JOB PPEJ. According to him, the award could return achieved thanks to the discipline of all employees in keeping the SOP and management principles. Regent in his speech urged all companies in Tuban to continue to improve socialization and increase K-3 program. "I ask all the companies and the communities in Tuban civilize K3," he said. Added regent, the company's achievements in Tuban are awarded zero accident or zero-accident also increased.


JOB PPEJ Raih Penghargaan K3

Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) Jumat (17/2) lalu meraih penghargaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3). Penghargaan yang diserahkan bupati Fathul Huda tersebut diterima Safety Inspector JOB PPEJ Fuad Fanani di halaman kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban.

JOB PPEJ mendapat penghargaan tersebut karena pencapaian 10.933.337 jam kerja karyawan tanpa kecelakaan kerja atau zero accident. Fuad mengatakan, perusahaannya yang bergerak di bidang operator minyak dan gas paling berisiko kecelakaan kerja. Untuk meminimalisasi hal tersebut, perusahaannya mempunyai standard operating procedure (SOP). "Jika SOP sudah diterapkan, tidak hanya meminimalisir namun juga bisa nihil kecelakaan,” tegas dia.

Selain SOP, JOB juga memiliki prinsip manajemen plan do check action (PDCA). Artinya, plan merencanakan program-program untuk menunjang keselamatan kerja. Do menerapkan program tersebut. Check mengevaluasi program yang sudah dijalankan dan kemudian diperbaiki. Dan, action melaksanakan seluruh program.

Fuad mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh karyawan JOB PPEJ. Menurut dia, penghargaan tersebut bisa kembali diraih berkat kedisiplinan seluruh karyawan dalam menaati SOP dan prinsip manajemen. Bupati dalam sambutannya meminta seluruh perusahaan di Tuban untuk terus meningkatkan sosialisasi sekaligus peningkatan program K-3. "Saya minta semua perusahaan dan elemen masyarakat di Tuban membudayakan K3," kata dia. Ditambahkan bupati, prestasi perusahaan di Tuban yang mendapat penghargaan zero accident atau nihil kecelakaan kerja juga meningkat.

Radar Bojonegoro, Page-14, Monday, Feb, 20, 2017