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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Pertamina Submits Proposal to NIOC

Expansion to Iran

PT Pertamina submitted the proposal management and development of two oil fields in Iran, namely the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). Submission of the proposal is a follow up of the MoU (memorandum of understanding / MoU) signed by Pertamina with NIOC on August 8, 2016.

Under the agreement, Pertamina was given the opportunity to propose the development of two oil fields with estimated reserves of each of more than 1.5 billion barrels at the end of February 2017. The proposal was submitted to the Deputy on Engineering and Development NIOC Gholamreza Manoucherhri witnessed Economic Coordinating Minister Nasution Nasution, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh Namzar, Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar, as well as the Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran Octavino Alimudin.

"For about four months Pertamina conduct technical evaluation both field and has now completed the second field development proposal proposal to be submitted to the court NlOC," said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam.

According to him, Pertamina technical evaluation indicates that both the oil fields located in Bangestan, southern Iran, it has potential reserves of each of more than 1.5 billion barrels and potential of each production reached more than 200,000 bare-1 per day (bpd ).

"We are expecting this proposal became the foundation for both companies to negotiate directly in the management of these two great pitch," said Syamsu.

He said, Iran is a country with oil reserves 4th largest in the world with proven oil reserves of 157 billion barrels, or 9.3% of total proven reserves in the world. Iran also has the largest proven gas reserves in the world, which amounted to 1.200 trillion cubic feet, or 18.2% of total world reserves.

Iran plans to increase its oil production is currently at 3.4 million bpd to 4.7 million bpd within the next five years. To that end, Iran invited the international oil and gas companies to invest in the next few years either through bilateral or tender process.

Pertamina highly appreciated bilateral steps that have been taken by the government to the government of Iran to finally Pertamina had the opportunity to submit proposals this offer. "Both this field has a promising potential and in line with efforts Pertamina to continue to aggressively develop overseas upstream business. It is also as a strategic step in supporting efforts to strengthen national energy security, he said.


Ekspansi ke Iran

Pertamina Serahkan Proposal ke NIOC

PT Pertamina menyerahkan proposal pengelolaan dan pengembangan dua lapangan minyak di Iran, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri kepada National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). Penyerahan proposal tersebut merupakan tindak lanjut dari nota kesepahaman (memorandum of understanding/MOU) yang ditandatangani Pertamina dengan NIOC pada 8 Agustus 2016.

Berdasarkan kesepakatan tersebut, Pertamina diberi kesempatan mengajukan usulan pengembangan dua lapangan minyak dengan cadangan masing-masing diperkirakan lebih dari 1,5 miliar barel tersebut pada akhir Februari tahun 2017. Proposal tersebut diserahkan kepada Deputy on Engineering and Development NIOC Gholamreza Manoucherhri disaksikan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menteri Perminyakan Iran Bijan Namzar Zanganeh, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, serta Duta Besar RI untuk Republik Islam Iran Octavino Alimudin.

"Selama lebih kurang empat bulan Pertamina melakukan evaluasi teknis kedua lapangan dan kini telah menyelesaikan proposal usulan pengembangan lapangan kedua lapangan tersebut untuk disampaikan kepada NlOC,"kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam.

Menurut dia, evaluasi teknis Pertamina menunjukkan bahwa kedua lapangan minyak yang terletak di Bangestan, selatan Iran, itu memiliki potensi cadangan masing-masing lebih dari 1,5 miliar barel dan potensi produksi masing-masing mencapai lebih dari 200.000 bare-1 per hari (bph). 

"Kami sangat mengharapkan proposal ini menjadi landasan kedua perusahaan untuk dapat bernegosiasi langsung pada pengelolaan dua lapangan besar tersebut," ucap Syamsu.

Dia menyebut, Iran merupakan negara dengan cadangan minyak terbesar ke-4 di dunia dengan cadangan minyak terbukti sebesar 157 miliar barel atau 9,3% dari total cadangan terbukti di dunia. Iran juga memiliki cadangan gas terbukti terbesar di dunia, yakni sebesar 1.200 triliun kaki kubik atau 18,2% dari total cadangan dunia.

Iran berencana meningkatkan produksi minyaknya yang saat ini sebesar 3,4 juta bph menjadi 4,7 juta bph dalam kurun lima tahun ke depan. Untuk itu, Iran kemudian mengundang perusahaan migas internasional untuk berinvestasi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan baik melalui proses bilateral maupun tender.

Pertamina sangat mengapresiasi langkah-langkah bilateral yang telah ditempuh oleh pemerintah kepada pemerintah Iran hingga akhirnya Pertamina berkesempatan mengajukan proposal penawaran ini. "Kedua lapangan ini memiliki potensi yang menjanjikan dan sejalan dengan upaya Pertamina untuk terus agresif mengembangkan bisnis hulu ke luar negeri. Ini juga sebagai salah satu langkah strategis dalam mendukung upaya memperkuat ketahanan energi nasional, pungkasnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Prices Gas Industry in North Sumatra Start Ramps

Government realize its promise to lower gas prices for industry in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). The decline in gas prices are regulated through Keputuan Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number 434 K / 12 / MEM / 2017 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry in Medan and surrounding region.

Minister Ignatius Jonan signed on February 13, 2016 and then, a regulation was set:

First: the price of natural gas for industries in Medan and surrounding areas is calculated based on the upstream component of natural gas, distribution rates and the cost of natural gas distribution.

Second: Director General of Oil and Gas on behalf of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to evaluate the price of natural gas as referred to in the second pernytaan every year or at any time if necessary.

Third: the government sets the upstream gas price formula for gas from Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO purchased by PT Pertamina 6,95-1-1% Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Prices earlier reached US $ 7.85 per mmbtu.

For the pricing formula of gas purchased by PT PGN of PT Pertamina EP amounted to 6.82 + l% ICP. whereas the previous price of US $ 8.24 per mmbtu. While the pricing formula of gas purchased from Triangle Pase PGN Inc: ICP set 6,95+ 1% from the previous price reached US $ 7.85 per mmbtu.

For the cost of gas transmission through pipelines, the government set the rates of PHE NSO Arun - Belawan amounted to $ 1.88 per mscf, down from the previous price of $ 2.78 per mscf. Rates Pangkalan Susu - Wampu down from US $ 0.92 per mscf to US $ 0.8 per mscf. Rates of gas supply pipeline from Triangle Pase Inc. Arun - Belawan set at $ 1.88 per MMSCF. While the cost of PGN's gas distribution industry in North Sumatra amounting to US $ 0.9 per cubic meter, down from the previous $ 1.35 per cubic meter.

The chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users (FIPGB) Achmad Salim said, the current price for the industry in North Sumatra has been declining since the release of Decision of the Minister.

However, according to Salim, the industry players in North Sumatra is still hoping to get gas prices below $ 9 per mmbtu. "That I'm under US $ 9 per mmbtu, but the release of that much," he said.

Even so, he said the government's decision to reduce gas prices, especially the cost of transmission-distribution is good enough. During this time the price of transmission distribution in North Sumatra lerlalu high. Now the cost of distribution is limited transmission should not be more than US $ 1.8 per mmbtu.

"It's been a great struggle. Distiribusi-down transmission, used US $ 2.5 per mmbtu and now the cost of transmission distribution is set up," said Achmad.

With that provision, if the price of LNG is cheaper, then the price of gas for industry players in North Sumatra would also be cheaper. Moreover, industry players can also get the difference of the price of gas has been paid to Pertamina and PGN.

Because in the Minister of EMR 434 mention gas price reduction is valid as of February 1, 2017. While the new beleid signed on February 13, 2017. "It should be counted backwards, must be returned, is calculated," he said.


Harga Gas Industri di Sumut Mulai Landai

Pemerintah mewujudkan janjinya menurunkan harga gas bagi pelaku industri di Sumatra Utara (Sumut). Penurunan harga gas tersebut diatur melalui Keputuan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia Nomor 434 K/12/MEM/2017 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri di Wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya.

Ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pada 13 Februari 2016 lalu, beleid itu mengatur : 

Pertama : harga gas bumi untuk industri di wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya di hitung berdasarkan komponen harga gas bumi hulu, tarif penyaluran dan biaya distribusi gas bumi.

Kedua : Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi atas nama Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melakukan evaluasi terhadap harga gas bumi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pernytaan kedua setiap tahun atau sewaktu-waktu apabila diperlukan.

Ketiga : pemerintah menetapkan formula harga gas hulu untuk gas dari Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO yang dibeli PT Pertamina 6,95-1-1% Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Harga sebelumnya mencapai US$ 7,85 per mmbtu.

Untuk formula harga gas yang dibeli PT PGN dari PT Pertamina EP sebesar 6,82+l% ICP. sedangkan harga sebelumnya sebesar US$ 8,24 per mmbtu. Sementara formula harga gas yang dibeli PGN dari Triangle Pase Inc: ditetapkan 6,95+ 1% ICP dari harga sebelumnya mencapai US$ 7,85 per mmbtu.

Untuk biaya transmisi gas melalui pipa, pemerintah menetapkan tarif dari PHE NSO Arun - Belawan sebesar US$ 1,88 per mscf, turun dari harga sebelumnya US$ 2,78 per mscf. Tarif Pangkalan Susu - Wampu turun dari US$ 0,92 per mscf menjadi US$ 0,8 per mscf. Tarif penyaluran gas pipa dari Triangle Pase Inc Arun - Belawan ditetapkan sebesar US$ 1,88 per mmscf. Sementara biaya distribusi gas PGN bagi industri di Sumut sebesar US$ 0,9 per meter kubik, turun dari sebelumnya US$  1,35 per meter kubik.

Ketua umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Salim menyebutkan, saat ini harga untuk industri di Sumut sudah mengalami penurunan sejak keluarnya Keputusan Menteri ESDM.

Walaupun begitu, menurut Salim, para pelaku industri di Sumut masih berharap bisa mendapatkan harga gas di bawah US$ 9 per mmbtu. “Justru saya minta di bawah US$ 9 per mmbtu, tapi keluarnya segitu," katanya.

Biarpun begitu, dia menyatakan, keputusan pemerintah untuk menurunkan harga gas terutama biaya transmisi-distribusi sudah cukup baik. Selama ini harga distribusi transmisi di Sumatera Utara lerlalu tinggi. Sekarang biaya distribusi transmisi dibatasi tidak boleh lebih dari US$ 1,8 per mmbtu.

"Ini sudah satu perjuangan bagus. Distiribusi-transmisi turun, dulu US$ 2,5 per mmbtu dan sekarang biaya transmisi distribusi sudah diatur," kata Achmad.

Dengan ketetapan itu, jika harga LNG lebih murah, maka harga gas bagi pemain industri di Sumatera Utara juga akan lebih murah. Terlebih lagi, pelaku industri juga bisa mendapatkan selisih dari harga gas yang telah dibayarkan kepada Pertamina dan PGN.

Pasalnya dalam Keputusan Menteri ESDM No.434 menyebutkan penurunan harga gas memang berlaku per 1 Februari 2017. Sementara beleid tersebut baru ditandatangani pada 13 Februari 2017. "Harus dihitung mundur, mesti dikembalikan, dikalkulasi," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Exposure Project Bontang Refinery In follow 96 Corporations

PT Pertamina held a construction project to expose the Bontang plant, on Tuesday (28/2). Project expose it will follow the 95 prospective international partners to local companies.

Several international companies participating include: Rosneft, Aramco, PTT Thailand, Marubeni, to Mitsui. As for local companies that follow expose the project: Humpus, PT PP, Bakrie Corps, Wijaya Karya, to Tri Wahana owned by Tommy Suharto.

Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said that anyone has the potential to become a partner of Pertamina in Bontang. "Including investor role in the country," said Hardadi.

Pertamina also create opportunities for companies that had already become partners of Pertamina, namely Rosneft and Saudi Aramco.

Even so, the Senior Vice President of Business Development Directorate Pertamina Refining Iriawan Yulianto said there has been no specific talk on potential partners in Bontang. "If it is given the response from that we send there must be clarification and information, Iriawan said.


Ekspose Proyek Kilang Bontang Di ikuti 96 Korporasi

PT Pertamina menggelar project expose untuk pembangunan kilang Bontang, Selasa (28/2). Project expose itu akan di ikuti 95 calon mitra internasional hingga perusahaan lokal.

Beberapa perusahaan internasional yang ikut antara lain: Rosneft, Aramco, PTT Thailand, Marubeni, hingga Mitsui. Adapun perusahaan lokal yang mengikuti project expose tersebut: Humpus, PT PP,  Bakrie Corps, Wijaya Karya, hingga Tri Wahana milik Tommy Soeharto.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan siapapun berpotensi menjadi mitra Pertamina di Bontang. "Termasuk investor dalan negeri," kata Hardadi.

Pertamina juga membuka peluang bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang selama ini sudah menjadi mitra Pertamina yaitu Rosneft dan Saudi Aramco.

Biarpun begitu, Senior Vice President Business Development Refining Directorate Pertamina Iriawan Yulianto bilang belum ada pembicaraan khusus atas calon mitra di Bontang. "Kalau sudah berikan respon dari yang kami kirim tentu ada klarifikasi dan informasi, kata Iriawan.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Term Acting Managing Director of Pertamina Extended

The decision to choose Pertamina president in early March delayed pending the schedule of President Jokowi

Finally, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to extend the term of office Yenni Andayani Acting (Acting) President Director of PT Pertamina, which replaces Soetjipto. However, extension of tenure Yenni has not been decided in an official letter.

Rini Soemarno, Minister of State, said he had pocketed a lot of names to become CEO respectively. However, the determination can not be made within the next two days. Whereas on 3 March 2017 exactly one month Soetjipto removed. So there should be a substitute for the definitive Dwi. The reason, the President Jokowi week schedule is pretty solid. "The president is still busy, she'll be a guest, can be extended," said Rini at the State Palace Complex, Tuesday (28/2).

As is known, President Joko Widodo on March 1, 2017 to welcome the arrival of Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Saudi King brought a large entourage. Rini said today it is still reviewing several candidates Managing Director of Pertamina. Earlier, the General Meeting of Shareholders decided Pertamina early February dethroned Bambang Dwi Sutjipto and Ahmad from the main director's chair and the vice president.

The step after the BOC Pertamina recommend the removal of the two officials. Recommendations are given because there are problems in the leadership. Sahala Lumban Gaol, Commissioner of Pertamina revealed, until now there has been no government decision related to Managing Director of Pertamina. Even the time of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) has not been determined. "Tanya Pak Edwin Abdullah, he was Deputy Minister of SOEs. Commissioner pending," said Sahala, at Pertamina's headquarters.

According to Sahala, the names of candidates Managing Director of Pertamina already exists. Unfortunately, he armpits want to mention the names of the candidates, including the issues quickly circulated that Rachmat Hardadi as a strong candidate Managing Director of Pertamina. He also mentioned, unaware of the extension of the Task Executor (Plt) Director of Pertamina.

Meanwhile, Yenni reluctant to give an explanation about the extension of his position as the Acting Managing Director of Pertamina. Current events expose Bontang refinery project. No relation to the extension of the Acting Managing Director. My decision depends, "said Yenni, Tuesday (28/2).

Director of Mega Project Processing and Petrochemical Rachmat Hardadi also do not want to say much when asked about his chances as a substitute Soetjipto became captain in Pertamina. Including his involvement in the assessment Managing Director of Pertamina.

Hardadi also shut up about the issue itself as a strong candidate Managing Director of Pertamina. Besides Yenni and Hardadi, while the other internal candidates were strong enough, being the boss is Syamsu Alam Pertamina, Pertamina Upstream Director and former Director of Pertamina EP.


Masa Jabatan Pelaksana Tugas Dirut Pertamina Diperpanjang

Keputusan memilih Dirut Pertamina awal Maret ini ditunda menunggu jadwal Presiden Jokowi

Akhirnya, Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) memperpanjang masa jabatan Yenni Andayani Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama PT Pertamina, yang menggantikan Dwi Soetjipto. Meski demikian, perpanjangan masa jabatan Yenni tersebut belum diputuskan dalam surat resmi.

Rini Soemarno, Menteri BUMN, menyatakan, dirinya sudah mengantongi banyak nama untuk menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina. Namun demikian penetapan belum bisa dilakukan dalam satu dua hari ini. Padahal tanggal 3 Maret 2017 mendatang tepat sebulan Dwi Soetjipto dicopot. Sehingga harus ada pengganti Dwi yang definitif. Penyebabnya, jadwal Presiden Jokowi yang pekan ini cukup padat. "Presiden masih sibuk, sebentar lagi juga ada tamu,  bisa diperpanjang," kata Rini di Kompleks Istana Negara, Selasa (28/2).

Seperti diketahui, Presiden Joko Widodo pada 1 Maret 2017 menyambut kedatangan Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Raja Arab Saudi tersebut membawa rombongan besar. Rini mengatakan, hingga saat ini pihaknya juga masih meninjau beberapa calon Dirut Pertamina. Sebelumnya, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Pertamina awal bulan Februari memutuskan mencopot Dwi Sutjipto dan Ahmad Bambang dari kursi direktur utama dan wakil direktur utama.

Langkah tersebut setelah Dewan Komisaris Pertamina merekomendasikan pencopotan kedua petinggi tersebut. Rekomendasi diberikan karena ada masalah dalam kepemimpinan. Sahala Lumban Gaol, Komisaris Pertamina mengungkapkan, sampai saat ini belum ada keputusan pemerintah terkait Dirut Pertamina. Bahkan waktu pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) juga belum ditetapkan. "Tanya sama Pak Edwin Abdullah, dia Deputi Kementerian BUMN. Komisaris menunggu keputusan saja," kata Sahala, di kantor pusat Pertamina.

Menurut Sahala, nama-nama calon Dirut Pertamina sudah ada. Sayang, ia tiak mau menyebutkan nama-nama calon tersebut, termasuk isu yang cepat beredar bahwa Rachmat Hardadi sebagai kandidat kuat Dirut Pertamina. Dia juga menyebutkan, belum mengetahui mengenai perpanjangan masa Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama Pertamina. 

Sementara itu, Yenni enggan memberikan penjelasan soal perpanjangan jabatannya sebagai Plt Dirut Pertamina. Sekarang acara project expose Kilang Bontang. Tidak ada hubungan dengan perpanjangan Plt Dirut. Saya tergantung keputusan," kata Yenni, Selasa (28/2).

Direktur Mega Proyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmat Hardadi juga tidak mau berkomentar banyak ketika ditanya mengenai peluangnya sebagai pengganti Dwi Soetjipto menjadi nahkoda di Pertamina. Termasuk keterlibatan dirinya dalam assessment Dirut Pertamina. 

Hardadi juga tutup mulut soal isu dirinya sebagai kandidat kuat Dirut Pertamina. Selain Yenni dan Hardadi,  sedangkan kandidat internal lain yang cukup kuat, menjadi bos Pertamina adalah Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina dan juga mantan Direktur Utama Pertamina EP.  

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Jonan Inaugurated Officials EMR and SKK Migas

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan, Tuesday (28/02) will induct officers within the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK. There were 25 people who will be inducted, including: high leadership officials middle of two people, the high leadership of the main six people, officials and administrators two supervisors and eight officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, was SKK Migas as many as seven people.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources stated Ignatius Jonan, the Ministry of Energy is currently implementing transparency in the promotion, both at the intermediate, primary, administrator until the supervisor with the selection. The increase in structural officers must go through a written exam to avoid subjectivity. "This inauguration and refreshment for strengthening the organization, so that tasks can be in activities better and faster," he said in a release on Tuesday (28/2).

The official SKK Migas nothing from the environment ministry an official at SKK Migas. For example, Djoko Siswanto previously served as Director of Engineering and the Environment of Oil and Gas at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, and now the Control Deputy Procurement at SKK Migas. While for the six other official position remains. For example, M. I. Zikrullah remains SKK Migas Deputy Head.


Jonan Lantik Pejabat ESDM dan SKK Migas

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan, Selasa (28/02) akan melantik pejabat di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas. Ada 25 orang yang akan dilantik, diantaranya: pejabat pimpinan tinggi madya dua orang, pimpinan tinggi pratama enam orang, pejabat administrator dua orang dan pejabat pengawas delapan orang di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM, sedang SKK Migas sebanyak sebanyak tujuh orang. 

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyatakan, Kementerian ESDM saat ini menerapkan transparansi dalam promosi jabatan, baik di tingkat madya, pratama, administrator hingga pengawas dengan seleksi. Kenaikan pejabat struktural harus melalui ujian tertulis untuk menghindari subjektivitas. "Pelantikan ini untuk penguatan dan penyegaran organisasi, agar tugas dapat di kegiatan lebih baik dan cepat," tegasnya dalam rilis, Selasa (28/2).

Adapun pejabat SKK Migas ada yang dari lingkungan kementerian menjadi pejabat di SKK Migas. Misalnya, Djoko Siswanto sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi pada Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, dan kini menjadi Deputi Pengendalian Pengadaan pada SKK Migas. Sementara untuk enam pejabat lainnya posisinya tetap. Misalnya, M. I. Zikrullah masih tetap menjadi Wakil Kepala SKK Migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Pertamina Potentially Increased Production

PT Pertamina crude oil production is expected to grow as much as 400,000 barrels per day following the management plan for the two blocks of oil and gas in Iran. Pertamina has submitted two proposals the field development plan to the National Iranian Oil Company oil and gas belongs to Iran. Reserves in the two blocks is estimated at more than 1.5 billion barrels.

In August 2016, Pertamina to establish a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in Tehran, Iran. In the agreement, NIOC provides the opportunity for Pertamina to develop two wells in Iran, namely Ab Teymour and Mansouri. The oil fields are each expected potentially produce 200,000 barrels of oil per day.

"It took four months for us to evaluate the condition of the two field post signing of the MOU in Iran some time ago. Proposal own field development proposal we submitted to NIOC and we look forward to negotiate directly about the management of both fields, "said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam, Tuesday (28/2), in Jakarta.

If the cooperation continues and is successful, Pertarnina crude oil production is expected to rise sharply to around 700,000 barrels per day. Last year, oil production from blocks that exist within and abroad reached about 300,000 barrels per day. Abroad, so far Pertamina manage assets on Iraqis (Block West Qurna), Algeria (Fields Menzel Lejmat Nord), and six oil and gas blocks in Malaysia.

"Both courts in Iran have potential for a promising and in line with efforts to develop Pertamina upstream business overseas. This plan is in line with the strategy of increasing energy security in the country, "said Syamsu.


According to the lecturer at Trisakti University, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, with world oil prices, as now, the strategy of acquiring overseas oil fields in fairly precise. Generally, oil and gas companies hold their investments because of falling oil prices.

"At the time of low oil prices, not many companies are aggressively acquiring oil and gas blocks. Pertamina efforts made I think is right, "said Pri Agung He added that the move should be coupled with the application of the principles of accountability and transparency. Options to manage oil and gas blocks abroad must be accompanied by the calculation of the increase in oil and gas production to support national energy security.

Previously, Pertamina also cooperates with Iran in terms of buying and selling LPG. By the end of this year, Pertamina to import as much as 600,000 metric tons of LPG from Iran.


Produksi Pertamina Berpotensi Bertambah

Produksi minyak mentah PT Pertamina diperkirakan bertambah sebanyak 400.000 barrel per hari menyusul rencana pengelolaan dua blok minyak dan gas bumi di Iran. Pertamina telah menyerahkan proposal rencana pengembangan dua lapangan tersebut kepada National Iranian Oil Company perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi milik Iran. Cadangan di kedua blok tersebut diperkirakan lebih dari 1,5 miliar barrel.

Pada Agustus 2016, Pertamina menjalin nota kesepahaman (MOU) dengan National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) di Teheran, Iran. Dalam perjanjian itu, NIOC memberikan kesempatan kepada Pertamina untuk mengembangkan dua sumur di Iran, yaitu Ab Teymour dan Mansouri. Lapangan minyak itu masing-masing diperkirakan berpotensi menghasilkan 200.000 barrel minyak per hari. 

”Perlu waktu empat bulan bagi kami untuk mengevaluasi kondisi dua lapangan tersebut pasca- penandatanganan MOU di Iran beberapa waktu lalu. Proposal usulan pengembangan lapangan sudah kami serahkan ke NIOC dan kami berharap dapat segera bernegosiasi langsung mengenai pengelolaan kedua lapangan tersebut,” tutur Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, Selasa (28/2), di Jakarta.

Apabila kerja sama berlanjut dan berhasil, produksi minyak mentah Pertarnina diperkirakan meningkat tajam menjadi sekitar 700.000 barrel per hari. Tahun lalu, produksi minyak Pertamina dari blok-blok yang ada di dalam dan di luar negeri mencapai sekitar 300.000 barrel per hari. Di luar negeri, sejauh ini Pertamina mengelola aset-aset di lrak (Blok West Qurna), Aljazair (Lapangan Menzel Lejmat Nord), dan enam blok migas di Malaysia.

”Kedua lapangan di Iran tersebut memiliki potensi yang menjanjikan dan sejalan dengan upaya Pertamina mengembangkan bisnis hulu ke luar negeri. Rencana ini sudah sejalan dengan strategi meningkatkan ketahanan energi dalam negeri,” ujar Syamsu.


Menurut pengajar pada Universitas Trisakti, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, dengan harga minyak dunia seperti sekarang ini, strategi mengakuisisi lapangan minyak di luar negeri terbilang tepat. Umumnya, perusahaan migas menahan investasi mereka lantaran harga minyak jatuh. 

”Pada saat harga minyak rendah, tidak banyak perusahaan yang agresif mengakuisisi blok-blok migas. Upaya yang ditempuh Pertamina saya rasa sudah tepat,” kata Pri Agung Ia menambahkan, langkah itu harus dibarengi dengan penerapan prinsip akuntabilitas dan transparansi. Pilihan mengelola blok-blok migas di luar negeri harus disertai perhitungan terhadap peningkatan produksi migas yang dapat mendukung ketahanan energi nasional.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina juga menjalin kerja sama dengan Iran dalam hal jual beli elpiji. Hingga akhir tahun ini, Pertamina mengimpor elpiji sebanyak 600.000 metrik ton dari Iran.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

Jonan Do Refreshment Organization

Inauguration of Echelon II EMR

A total of 25 officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) inaugurated by Minister Ignatius Jonan on Tuesday (28/2). Officers were sworn in, among others, two high officials of middle leaders, six leaders of the main high, two officials administrator, and eight supervisory officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Meanwhile, seven others are from SKK Migas.

Jonan stressed the ministry is currently implementing a promotion of transparency both at the level of middle pratama, administrators and supervisors through the selection. Mentioned by him, all the increase in structural officers has made a written examination in order to avoid subjectivity. "This inauguration is meant to strengthen and refresh the organization so that tasks can be done better and faster," said Jonan in the inauguration ceremony at the Ministry of Energy on Tuesday (28/2).

Djoko Siswanto was previously a Director of Engineering and the Environment of Oil and Gas in the Oil and Gas Directorate General of the Ministry of Energy was sworn in as Deputy Procurement Control. The position did not exist in SKK Migas. In addition, there is the inauguration of the Deputy as well as some deputies in SKK Migas is mandated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 17/2017 on the Organization and Work Procedure SKK Migas.

Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Yunus said, this position is a solution to the procurement of goods and services, which could increase its capacity and take advantage of existing assets. The procurement process is also predicted to be faster.

He hoped that with the new structure in SKK Migas, the results achieved can be maximized. "We are oriented output, constrained efficient if there is no result, all the same," said Taslim after the inauguration.


Pelantikan Pejabat Esselon II ESDM

Jonan Lakukan Penyegaran Organisasi

Sebanyak 25 pejabat di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dilantik oleh Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pada Selasa (28/2). Pejabat yang dilantik itu antara lain dua orang pejabat pimpinan tinggi madya, enam orang pimpinan tinggi utama, dua orang pejabat administrator, dan delapan orang pejabat pengawas di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM.  Sementara itu, tujuh orang lainnya berasal dari lingkungan SKK Migas. 

Jonan menekankan saat ini kementerian menerapkan transparansi promosi jabatan baik di tingkat madya pratama, administrator dan pengawas melalui seleksi. Disebutkan olehnya, seluruh kenaikan pejabat struktural telah melakukan ujian tertulis untuk menghindari subjektivitas. “Pelantikan ini dimaksudkan untuk penguatan dan penyegaran organisasi agar tugas dapat dikerjakan lebih baik dan lebih cepat,” kata Jonan dalam acara pelantikan di Kementerian ESDM, Selasa (28/2). 

Djoko Siswanto yang sebelumnya merupakan Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Ditjen Migas Kementerian ESDM dilantik menjadi Deputi Pengendalian Pengadaan. Jabatan tersebut sebelumnya tidak ada di SKK Migas. Selain itu, ada pengukuhan bagi Wakil Kepala serta beberapa Deputi di SKK Migas yang menjadi amanat dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 17/2017 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja SKK Migas.

Kepala Hubungan Masyarakat SKK Migas Taslim Yunus mengatakan, jabatan ini merupakan solusi dari pengadaan barang dan jasa, di mana dapat meningkatkan kapasitas nasional serta memanfaatkan aset yang ada. Adapun proses pengadaan juga diprediksi menjadi lebih cepat.

Dia berharap agar dengan adanya struktur baru dalam SKK Migas, hasil yang dicapai bisa maksimal. “Kami berorientasi pada output, dibikin efisien kalau tidak ada hasilnya, sama saja,” kata Taslim usai pelantikan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

The Government Review Stocks Bids Aramco

Director of Portfolio Strategy and Finance Ministry of Finance, Scenaider Siahaan, said the government has not yet confirmed the purchase of shares of the company Saudi Aramco of Saudi Arabia. The IPO shares will be offered openly to the public (initial public offering / IPO) during King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud visited Indonesia on March 1 to 9, 2017. "Not yet prepared, but no cooperation. Trade cooperation to import products from Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, "said Scenaider.

Earlier, the Saudi kingdom said it would sell a 5 percent stake Saudi Aramco to the public. In an interview with CNBC News, King Salman called the value of the shares of Saudi Aramco reach US $ 2 trillion. That is, the shares released approximately US $ 100 billion or Rp 1,383 trillion. This sale will beat the record for the largest IPO of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., which raised US $ 25 billion when the IPO.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia controls around 40 percent of global sukuk Indonesia. The Ministry of Finance will review the allocation of sukuk emissions, if the Saudi stock offerings suppress the purchase of Debt Securities. "If later reduced their demand, reduce global sukuk alone. Realistic, "said Scenaider. "Later we allocate, may raise to yen (samurai bonds), euros, or dollars".

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung states, in addition to offering shares, Aramco will invest in Indonesia with an investment of approximately US $ 10 billion. The company will build a refinery once the tank and distribution lines in Indonesia.

The government is also asking for exemption of double taxation. "Approved the two sides which will be prepared by the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy," said Pramono Agung.

Indonesia and Saudi Arabia will sign five agreements. The first is the promotion of the arts and cultural heritage. Second, the exchange of experts, including the health of Hajj and Umrah. Third, the promotion of moderate Islam through preaching and the exchange of scholars. Fourth, increase the frequency of flights from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia, Newsletter is combating crime, particularly cross-border crime prevention.


Pemerintah Tinjau Tawaran Saham Aramco

Direktur Strategi dan Portofolio Pembiayaan Kementerian Keuangan, Scenaider Siahaan, mengatakan pemerintah belum memastikan pembelian saham perusahaan Saudi Aramco milik Arab Saudi. Saham perdana tersebut akan ditawarkan secara terbuka ke publik (initial public offering/IPO) saat Raja Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud berkunjung ke Indonesia pada 1-9 Maret 2017. “Belum disiapkan, tapi ada kerja sama. Kerja sama perdagangan untuk ekspor produk Indonesia dan Arab Saudi,” kata Scenaider.

Sebelumnya, kerajaan Saudi menyatakan akan melepas 5 persen saham Saudi Aramco kepada publik. Dalam wawancara dengan CNBC News, Raja Salman menyebut nilai saham Saudi Aramco mencapai US$ 2 triliun. Artinya, saham yang dilepas sekitar US$ 100 miliar atau Rp 1.383 triliun. Penjualan ini akan mengalahkan rekor IPO terbesar Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, yang mengumpulkan US$ 25 miliar saat penawaran perdana.

Di sisi lain, Arab Saudi menguasai sekitar 40 persen global sukuk Indonesia. Kementerian Keuangan akan mereview kembali alokasi emisi sukuk, jika penawaran saham Arab menekan pembelian Surat Utang tersebut. “Kalau nanti permintaan mereka berkurang, kurangi saja global sukuk. Realistis,” kata Scenaider. “Nanti kami alokasikan, mungkin menaikkan ke yen (samurai bond), euro, atau dolar”.

Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung menyatakan, selain menawarkan saham, Aramco akan berinvestasi di Indonesia dengan nilai investasi sekitar US$ 10 miliar. Perusahaan tersebut akan membangun kilang sekaligus tangki dan jalur distribusi di Indonesia.

Pemerintah juga sedang meminta pembebasan pajak berganda. “Disetujui kedua belah pihak yang nanti disiapkan oleh Menteri Keuangan dan Menko Perekonomian,” kata Pramono Anung.

Indonesia dan Arab Saudi akan meneken lima kesepakatan. Pertama adalah promosi seni dan warisan budaya. Kedua, pertukaran ahli, termasuk kesehatan haji dan umrah. Ketiga, promosi Islam moderat melalui dakwah dan pertukaran ulama. Keempat, meningkatkan frekuensi penerbangan dari Arab Saudi ke Indonesia, Terakhir adalah pemberantasan kejahatan, terutama penanggulangan kejahatan lintas batas.

Koran Tempo, Page-18, Tuesday, Feb, 28, 2017

SOE Must Be Priority business Oil and Gas

The government should have a presumption in favor of national interests by giving priority to state-owned enterprises to manage oil and gas assets in the country. "If state officials consider foreign nations so superior, it is the same as denying the capabilities of the nation itself. As a result, it will close chances and opportunities to the sons of the nation to work, because he prefers to foreign nations, "said the former member of the Governance Reform Team Migas Fahmy Radhi in Jakarta, Monday (27/2)

This was stated Fahmy respond to statements of state officials who doubt the ability of Pertamina in managing the Masela block. According to Fahmy, viewed from various aspects, Pertamina is very capable of managing oil and gas blocks, even including oil and gas exploration is a high risk. Both in terms of human resources (HR), technology, and capital.

Pertamina even have a good record. When they took over from Conoco Philips Madura block, two years later the block production increased dramatically. In fact, not only in the country, Pertamina also bepengalaman when it took over French oil and gas company; Maurel & Prom. And interestingly when working on wells or oil fields abroad, indirectly Pertamina also absorb the latest technology.

Fahmy compare Pertamina and Petronas. According to him, the Malaysian oil and gas company could be a world class player, because the Malaysian government gives confidence and the opportunity for Petronas to manage their oil and gas blocks.

The same thing was stated Coordinator of Indonesia Energy Watch (iew) Adnan Rarasina. According to him, doubted the ability of state-owned enterprises, it means dwarf their roles. As a result, this nation will never be the host in their own country for the management of the sector.

"Very strange. Other countries tried to make his NOC big and strong. But in Indonesia, it was castrated by his own officials. The President should evaluate such officials, "said Adnan. According to Adnan, in accordance with Article 33 UUD 1945, the government should restore sovereignty production branches that dominate the life of many. One of them, by giving greater confidence to state companies in managing oil and gas and gradually reduce the portion of the foreign contractors.

"It's not anti-foreign. But in such authorization, Pertamina can also cooperate with foreign partners, to remain under the control of Pertamina, "he said


BUMN Harus Jadi Prioritas Pengelola Migas

Pemerintah harus memiliki keberpihakan pada kepentingan nasional dengan memberi prioritas pada BUMN migas untuk mengelola aset migas di Tanah Air. “Jika pejabat negara menganggap bangsa asing sangat superior, hal itu sama dengan menafikan kemampuan yang dimiliki bangsa sendiri. Akibatnya, akan menutup peluang dan kesempatan kepada putra-putra bangsa untuk berkarya, karena lebih mengutamakan bangsa asing,” kata mantan anggota Tim Reformasi Tata Kelola Migas Fahmy Radhi di Jakarta, Senin (27/2)

Hal ini dikemukakan Fahmy menanggapi pernyataan pejabat negara yang meragukan kemampuan Pertamina dalam mengelola blok Masela. Menurut Fahmy, dilihat dari berbagai aspek, Pertamina sangat mampu mengelola blok migas, bahkan termasuk melakukan eksplorasi migas yang memiliki risiko tinggi. Baik dari segi sumber daya manusia (SDM), teknologi, maupun permodalan.

Pertamina bahkan memiliki prestasi yang baik. Ketika mereka mengambil alih Blok Madura dari Conoco Philips, dua tahun kemudian produksi blok tersebut meningkat drastis. Bahkan, tidak hanya di dalam negeri, Pertamina juga bepengalaman ketika mengambil alih perusahaan migas Prancis; Maurel & Prom. Dan yang menarik ketika menggarap sumur atau ladang minyak di luar negeri, secara tidak langsung Pertamina juga menyerap teknologi yang mutakhir.

Fahmy membandingkan Pertamina dengan Petronas. Menurutnya, perusahaan migas asal Malaysia tersebut bisa menjadi pemain kelas dunia, karena pemerintah Malaysia memberikan kepercayaan dan kesempatan kepada Petronas untuk mengelola blok migas mereka. 

Hal senada dikemukakan Koordinator Indonesia Energy Watch (IEW) Adnan Rarasina. Menurut dia, meragukan kemampuan BUMN, sama artinya mengerdilkan peran mereka. Akibatnya, bangsa ini tidak akan pernah menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri atas pengelolaan sektor tersebut.

“Sangat aneh. Negara lain berusaha menjadikannya NOC-nya besar dan kuat. Namun di Indonesia, justru dikebiri oleh pejabatnya sendiri. Presiden harus mengevaluasi pejabat seperti itu,” kata Adnan. Menurut Adnan, sesuai Pasal 33 UUD 1945, harusnya pemerintah mengembalikan kedaulatan cabang-cabang produksi yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak. Salah satunya, dengan memberikan kepercayaan yang lebih luas kepada BUMN dalam mengelola migas dan secara perlahan mengurangi porsi tersebut kepada kontraktor asing.

“Bukan berarti anti asing. Namun dalam penguasaan tersebut, Pertamina bisa juga menggandeng mitra luar negeri, dengan pengendalian tetap berada di bawah Pertamina,” katanya

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Feb, 28, 2017

Guarantee Beleid for Contractors be Prepared

Oil and Gas Block

The government is preparing a new regulation to provide assurance to the oil and gas contractors still benefit until the contract period ends in an oil and gas field. Currently, contractors tend to reduce activity at the time of their contracts will expire. It causes the production of oil and gas from the field was down. Secretary General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Susyanto said it was preparing a regulation to guarantee investment in an oil field contractor until the end of the contract period.

According to him, the government wants the production is not disrupted, despite the change of operator also change cooperation contract used. With the existence of such a regulation, according to him, there are contractors who got a return on investment that activity does not decrease even though the contract will expire.

In 2018, eight regions will switch contract labor and cost recovery scheme for the results to dirty or gross revenue share split. In fact, four work areas are also changing operator. Until 2025, contract will expire 30 working area for more than 30 years old.

Transfer contract scheme and operators who do add to the risk of a decline in production. In addition, the national production relies on old field such as Block Rokan, Riau which will expire in 2022 and the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan. "Investment undertaken contractors are expected to continue even if the contract will not be extended," he said.

Currently, it is still in the review option investment returns and contractors exist in a particular work area. Possible replacement investment by the new contractor, is still being discussed. Especially the impact on the economic field and detail calculation. For new contractor who will manage the block, implementation of gross split led to uncertainty and risks in production because the cost is no longer replaced by schemes of cost recovery.

In the scheme of gross revenue share split, the contractor must be able to carry out activities to benefit more efficiently. On the other hand, the general management of the old field require a greater cost to maintain production. Therefore, the number of wells that are not enabled can only increase if the development costs do not correspond economics.

Through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017 on Contracts Gross Split, the government set a revenue sharing basis for government and contractor 57:43 to 52:48 for the structure of oil and gas. Part contractors can still be changed depending on the field conditions, the price of oil, and cumulative production. The Government was keeping the economic field by the ratio of return on investment (internal rate of return / IRR) of 12% minimum.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources is entitled to part of up to 5% if certain courts give less than 12% IRR. "Later, the investment would be replaced by a new investor. This problem still we review and discuss the possibilities, "he said.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar expects that oil production could last up to five years into the future. In fact, about 30 of the 80 work areas that exist today were over 30 years old so it has a more drastic decline in production.


Beleid Jaminan Kontraktor Disiapkan

Pemerintah sedang menyusun regulasi baru untuk memberikan jaminan kepada kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi tetap mendapatkan keuntungan hingga masa kontrak di suatu lapangan migas berakhir. Saat ini, kontraktor cenderung mengurangi kegiatan pada saat masa kontrak lapangan migas akan berakhir. Hal itu menyebabkan produksi minyak dan gas dari lapangan itu turun. Sekretaris Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Susyanto mengatakan, pihaknya sedang menyiapkan beleid untuk menjamin investasi kontraktor di suatu lapangan migas hingga berakhir masa kontrak.

Menurutnya, pemerintah menginginkan agar produksi tidak terganggu, meskipun terjadi perubahan operator juga perubahan kontrak kerja sama yang digunakan. Dengan adanya beleid tersebut, menurutnya, kontraktor yang ada mendapat pengembalian investasi agar kegiatan tidak berkurang meskipun kontrak akan berakhir.

Pada 2018, delapan wilayah kerja akan beralih kontrak dan skema bagi hasil cost recovery ke bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Bahkan, empat wilayah kerja juga berganti operator. Hingga 2025, kontrak 30 wilayah kerja akan berakhir karena berusia lebih dari 30 tahun. 

Transfer skema kontrak dan operator yang dilakukan menambah risiko penurunan produksi. Di samping itu, produksi nasional bertumpu pada lapangan tua seperti Blok Rokan, Riau yang akan berakhir pada 2022 dan Blok Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur. “lnvestasi yang dilakukan kontraktor diharapkan terus dilakukan walaupun nantinya kontrak tersebut tidak diperpanjang,” ujarnya.

Saat ini, masih di tinjau opsi pengembalian investasi dan kontraktor eksis di wilayah kerja tertentu. Kemungkinan penggantian investasi oleh kontraktor baru, masih dibahas. Terutama dampak terhadap keekonomian lapangan dan detail perhitungannya. Bagi kontraktor baru yang akan mengelola blok tersebut, penerapan gross split menimbulkan ketidakpastian dan adanya risiko pada kegiatan produksi karena biaya yang dikeluarkan tidak lagi diganti melalui skema cost recovery. 

Dalam skema bagi hasil gross split, kontraktor harus bisa menjalankan kegiatan dengan efisien untuk mendapat keuntungan lebih. Di sisi lain, secara umum pengelolaan lapangan tua membutuhkan biaya yang lebih besar untuk mempertahankan produksi. Oleh karena itu, jumlah sumur-sumur yang tidak diaktifkan bisa saja bertambah bila biaya pengembangannya tidak sesuai keekonomian.

Melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Gross Split, pemerintah menetapkan bagi hasil dasar bagi pemerintah dan kontraktor 57:43 untuk struktur minyak dan 52:48 untuk gas. Bagian kontraktor pun masih bisa berubah tergantung kondisi lapangan, harga minyak, dan produksi kumulatif. Pemerintah pun menjaga keekonomian lapangan dengan rasio pengembalian investasi (internal rate of return/ IRR) minimum 12%. 

Menteri ESDM berhak memberikan bagian hingga 5% bila lapangan tertentu memberikan IRR kurang dari 12%. “Nantinya investasi tersebut akan diganti oleh investor baru. Masalah ini masih kami tinjau dan bahas kemungkinannya,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengharapkan agar produksi minyak saat ini bisa bertahan hingga  lima tahun ke depan. Padahal, sekitar 30 dari 80 wilayah kerja yang ada saat ini berumur di atas 30 tahun sehingga memiliki penurunan produksi yang lebih drastis.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Feb, 28, 2017