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Saturday, March 4, 2017

EMR Setting Three rules Migas

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) seadng preparing to launch a number of new rules in the oil and gas sector. The rule is a matter of flare gas utilization, permission for supporting oil and gas, and the Domestic Component Level (DCL).

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja said, Indonesia does not have the facilities to take advantage of flare gas. Though Indonesia has enough gas flare, up to 200 MMSCFD. However, scattered in various oil and gas block with small volume, so that the gas to be burned.

To that end, the government will soon issue a special regulation for managing the utilization of flare gas. "With this flare gas regulation, we expect the volume will go down and there is a legal basis flare gas can be used with a reasonably economical price," said Wiratmaja,

This flare gas can be used by contractors, industry players to entrepreneur. The purchase procedure flare gas was being prepared by the government. Surely the government will open the data of all gas flares in Indonesia. For those industry players who are interested can bid openly (open bid).

However, if one gas flare was no interest, the government will make arrangements prices for the gas flare or assigned to certain parties to manage flare gas, so that the emission of flare gas is reduced

"We hope to soon rise and help reduce emissions," said Wiratmaja. In addition to issuing a regulation gas flare, the second, the government also soon release revisions to regulations Registration Certificate. The government will set up an extension of time to Registration Certificate supporting the oil and gas industry.

During this period of validity of the Certificate of Registered only three years. The Government will extend the validity period to six years. Registration Certificate publication time will be accelerated from 20 days to 5 days on condition that all the documents were already attached to the full.

Third, the government will also issue technical inspection regulation. With the regulation is expected to be an evaluation DCL, especially for contracts that still use cost recovery.

When regulation was published, before the approval of the Ministry of Energy will begin construction to check how their DCL. "Recently we provide construction approval. Of course there will be a new inspection we provide for an operating license," said 


ESDM Menyiapkan Tiga Aturan Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) seadng  bersiap meluncurkan sejumlah aturan baru di sektor minyak dan gas. Aturan tersebut adalah soal pemanfaatan gas suar, izin bagi penunjang migas, dan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN).

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, IGN Wiratmaja Puja bilang, Indonesia belum memiliki fasilitas untuk memanfaatkan gas Suar. Padahal Indonesia memiliki cukup banyak gas suar, hingga mencapai 200 mmscfd. Namun tersebar di berbagai blok migas dengan volume kecil, sehingga gas tersebut harus dibakar. 

Untuk itu, pemerintah akan segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri khusus untuk menata pemanfaatan gas suar. "Dengan Peraturan Menteri gas suar ini, kami berharap volume akan turun dan ada dasar hukum gas suar bisa dimanfaatkan dengan harga cukup ekonomis," ujar Wiratmaja,

Gas suar ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh kontraktor, pelaku industri hingga entrepreneur. Prosedur pembelian gas suar pun sedang disiapkan oleh pemerintah. Pastinya pemerintah akan membuka data seluruh gas suar di Indonesia. Bagi pelaku industri yang berminat bisa melakukan penawaran secara terbuka (open bid). 

Namun jika satu tempat gas suar tidak ada peminat, pemerintah akan membuat penataan harga untuk gas suar tersebut atau menugaskan ke pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mengelola gas suar, sehingga emisi dari gas suar berkurang

"Kami berharap segera terbit dan membantu mengurangi emisi," ujar Wiratmaja. Selain menerbitkan beleid gas suar, kedua, pemerintah juga segera merilis revisi peraturan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar. Pemerintah akan mengatur perpanjangan Waktu Surat Keterangan Terdaftar industri penunjang migas.

Selama ini masa berlaku Surat Keterangan Terdaftar hanya tiga tahun. Pemerintah akan memperpanjang masa berlaku menjadi enam tahun. Waktu penerbitan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar akan dipercepat dari 20 hari menjadi 5 hari dengan syarat seluruh dokumen sudah dilampirkan dengan lengkap.

Ketiga, pemerintah juga akan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri pemeriksaan teknis. Dengan Peraturan Menteri ini diharapkan akan ada evaluasi TKDN, terutama bagi kontrak yang masih memakai cost recovery.

Saat Peraturan Menteri terbit, sebelum persetujuan mulai konstruksi Kementerian ESDM akan mengecek bagaimana TKDN mereka. "Baru kami berikan persetujuan konstruksi. Tentu akan ada inspeksi baru yang kami berikan untuk izin beroperasi," ujar Wiratmaja.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 3, 2017

Chaotic The sacking and New Managing Director of Pertamina

The sacking directors of Pertamina cause problems. Pertamina President of the Federation of Trade Unions Unity (FSPPB) now have a voice. They suspect, there are consultants who play in providing input to the Commissioner and the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) for the position of Vice President Director of Pertamina in the organization. The indications are, after removal of the Managing Director and Vice President Director of Pertamina month ago, such a position is eliminated.

Ugan Gandar, President FSPPB says, Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Metro and Tourism Ministry of SOEs is also Commissioner of Pertamina Edwin Hidayat Abdullah was the person most responsible for monitoring the work of Pertamina. "He was very understanding. Before Commissioner (Mr. Abeng), Edwin is already here. Edwin is responsible for this performance," he said, in a release.

FSPPB now wants to meet Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner of Arcandra Tahar, and Commissioner Edwin Abdullah. "If you want more quickly meet with us, shared the reason for removal and can be accounted for, if necessary, we dismantle whom the consultants," threatened Ugan, (FSPPB) that had put the seal on the study door Arcandra, who is also the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Ugan Gandar have not answered who deserves served skipper Pertamina. Recently, it was rumored Arcandra also be the strongest candidate. Acting definite positions (Acting) President Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani extended the next 30 days because he was busy with the arrival of King Salman.


Kisruh Pencopotan dan Dirut Baru Pertamina

Pencopotan direksi Pertamina menimbulkan masalah. Presiden Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pertamina Bersatu (FSPPB) kini ikut bersuara. Mereka menduga, ada konsultan yang bermain dalam memberikan masukan ke Komisaris dan Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) agar posisi Wakil Direktur Utama ada dalam organisasi Pertamina. Indikasinya, setelah pencopotan Dirut dan Wadirut Pertamina sebulan lalu, posisi tersebut dihilangkan.

Ugan Gandar, Presiden FSPPB bilang, Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN yang juga Komisaris Pertamina Edwin Hidayat Abdullah adalah orang yang paling bertanggungjawab memonitor kerja Pertamina. "Beliau sangat paham. Sebelum Komisaris Utama (Tanri Abeng), Edwin sudah di sini. Edwin yang bertanggung jawab atas kinerja ini," kata dia, dalam rilis.

FSPPB kini ingin bertemu Komisaris Utama, Wakil Komisaris Utama Arcandra Tahar, dan Komisaris Edwin Abdullah. "Kalau mau lebih cepat ketemu dengan kami, menyampaikan alasan pencopotan dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, kalau perlu kita bongkar siapa konsultannya," ancam Ugan, (FSPPB) yang sempat memasang segel di pintu ruang kerja Arcandra, yang juga Wakil Menteri ESDM.

Ugan Gandar belum menjawab siapa yang pantas menjabat nakhoda Pertamina. Baru-baru ini beredar kabar Arcandra juga menjadi kandidat terkuat. Yang pasti jabatan Pelaksana Tugas (plt) Dirut Pertamina Yenni Andayani diperpanjang 30 hari ke depan karena sibuk dengan kedatangan Raja Salman.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 3, 2017

Depressed prices US Oil Production

US oil production rose to 9.03 million barrels per day

Production of oil the United States (US) continues to rise. As a result, oil prices also depressed. Add to this, the US dollar exchange rate tends to rise due to political and economic sentiment this superpower. Thursday (2/3), at 17:19 pm, the price of WTI oil contracts April 2017 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange was down 0.92% compared to the previous day to US $ 53.38 per barrel.

Last week, oil prices trimmed 2.05%. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that US weekly oil stockpiles rose 520.2 million barrels. This is the highest weekly gain since 1982.

This means that an increase in supply by 41 million barrels since the start of 2017. "The increase in stocks is in line with reports of US oil production is growing," said Adil torch Wicaksono, Indonesia Smart Futures analyst.

US oil production last week reportedly rose 31,000 barrels to 9.03 million barrels per day. Impact, the supply at the largest US oil shipping port, Cushing, Oklahoma rose 495,000 barrels to 63.5 million barrels. US President's speech Donald Trump also raised hopes the US economy will be squirming in the future.

"This is supported speech several Fed officials were hawkish and expect the Fed rate hike could be implemented on the FOMC this month," said torch.

This makes the US dollar strengthened. As at 17:59 pm yesterday, the US dollar index rose 0.21% to 101.99 compared to the previous day. "Friday (3/3), the opportunity in oil prices back down still great, but it seems not to reach down to US $ 53.00 per barrel," the analysis torch.

Rithy SoeGee Futures analyst Nizar also said that US oil stocks data bring negative sentiment. The rise in oil prices above US $ 50 a barrel has pushed US producers to boost production. Baker Hughes Inc. data show, drilling rigs active US last week rose to 602 rigs, the highest since October 2015.

"The addition of US oil stocks inhibit the rise in prices, but do not drop." Nizar said. Understandably, OPEC cut oil production remains consistent. Technically, Nizar see the current price is below the moving average (MA) 10 and seek to achieve MA25. This indicates short-term correction. MACD rolling in the negative area 0.2. Stochastic fell to a 39 and RSI correction to 50.

Friday (3/3), Nizar predicts oil prices fell and moving between US $ 53.3 to US $ 54.3. The next week, prices moved between US $ 53-US $ 55 per barrel. Torch predict the price of oil today is moving in the range of US $ 53.20 to US $ 53.90 per barrel


Harga Tertekan Produksi Minyak AS

Produksi minyak Amerika Serikat naik menjadi 9,03 juta barel per hari

Produksi minyak Amerika Serikat (AS) terus naik. Alhasil, harga minyak pun tertekan. Tambah lagi, kurs dollar AS cenderung naik karena sentimen politik dan ekonomi negara adidaya ini. Kamis (2/3), pukul 17.19 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman April 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange turun 0,92% dibanding hari sebelumnya ke US$ 53,38 per barel.

Sepekan terakhir, harga minyak terpangkas 2,05%. Energy Information Administration (EIA) melaporkan, stok minyak mingguan AS naik 520,2 juta barel. Ini merupakan kenaikan mingguan tertinggi sejak 1982. 

Artinya terjadi kenaikan pasokan sebanyak 41 juta barel sejak awal 2017. “Kenaikan stok ini sejalan dengan laporan produksi minyak AS yang bertambah besar," tutur Suluh Adil Wicaksono, analis Cerdas Indonesia Berjangka.

Produksi minyak AS pekan lalu dilaporkan naik 31.000 barel menjadi 9,03 juta barel per hari. Imbasnya, pasokan di pelabuhan pengiriman minyak terbesar AS, Cushing, Oklahoma naik 495.000 barel menjadi 63,5 juta barel. Pidato Presiden AS Donald Trump juga menumbuhkan harapan ekonomi AS bakal menggeliat di masa depan.

"Hal ini didukung pidato beberapa pejabat The Fed yang hawkish dan mengharapkan kenaikan suku bunga The Fed bisa dilaksanakan pada FOMC bulan ini," imbuh Suluh.

Hal ini membuat dollar AS menguat. Per pukul 17.59 WIB kemarin, indeks dollar AS naik 0,21% ke 101,99 dibanding hari sebelumnya. "Jumat (3/3) ini peluang harga minyak kembali turun masih besar, tapi nampaknya belum akan mencapai ke bawah US$ 53,00 per barel," analisa Suluh. 

Analis SoeGee Futures Nizar Hilmy juga mengatakan, data stok minyak AS membawa sentimen negatif. Kenaikan harga minyak di atas level US$ 50 per barel telah mendorong produsen AS menggenjot produksi. Data Baker Hughes Inc menunjukkan, rig pengeboran minyak AS yang aktif pekan lalu naik jadi 602 rig, tertinggi sejak Oktober 2015. 

"Penambahan stok minyak AS menghambat kenaikan harga, tetapi tidak menjatuhkan." kata Nizar. Maklum, OPEC masih konsisten memangkas produksi minyak. Secara teknikal, Nizar melihat harga saat ini berada di bawah moving average (MA) 10 dan berusaha mencapai MA25. Hal ini mengindikasikan koreksi jangka pendek. MACD bergulir di area negatif 0,2. Stochastic turun ke level 39 dan RSI koreksi ke 50.

Jumat (3/3), Nizar memprediksi harga minyak turun dan bergerak antara US$ 53,3-US$ 54,3. Sepekan ke depan, harga bergerak antara US$ 53-US$ 55 per barel. Suluh memprediksi harga minyak hari ini bergerak di kisaran di US$ 53,20-US$ 53,90 per barel

Kontan, Page-7, Friday, March, 3, 2017

Draft Already in Tables Jokowi

Draft Government Regulation No. 79/2010 on the Operating Costs and Treatment Refundable Income Tax in Sector Upstream Oil and Gas was at the desk of President Joko Widodo to be signed soon. The revision beleid players awaited oil and gas business. Because, since it was first published, businesses want to be a regulation is changed even revoked because it is considered as disincentives to invest.

Secretary to the Director of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Susyanto said the current draft revision of Government Regulation No. 77 were in the President's desk Joko. Widodo so soon be legalized. "I heard it already on the table RI-1," he said.

In the draft revision of PP 79/2010, several important points in the revision of a regulation that there are additional clauses for tax facilities for the exploration and exploitation activities.

In additional chapters mentioned that the contractor can obtain tax facilities arranged in six new chapters. In exploration, the contractor may be subject to levy duty exemption on imported goods, VAT and luxury sales pedestal acquisition of goods or services of a particular taxable imports of certain taxable goods.

In the draft revision of Government Regulation 79/2010, several important points in the revision of a regulation that there are additional clauses for tax facilities for the exploration and exploitation activities.

    Meanwhile, at the stage of exploitation, including processing activities, transportation, storage, and sale of products as a continuation of the upstream oil and gas, contractors also have facilities levy exemption of import duty and other tax items.

The condition is considered to be a sweetener when oil prices have not recovered. Because the upstream activities of oil and natural gas are currently subject to the tax, such as tax, income tax, VAT dau. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja reluctant to give a complete description of why a regulation is not immediately determined.

According to him, the draft revision has been completed by the Ministry of Energy last year. He calls since the chance of a joint press conference in September 2016 which was attended by Acting Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, the process can run smoothly because of the draft submitted no longer conflict with other beleid related taxation. However, until now such a regulation can not be applied.

"And we've had for a long time finished [draft] his. If odds [with other rules], no, "he said, Wednesday (1/3).

In addition to the revision of Government Regulation No.79 / 2010, the company was preparing a series of new regulations is also amendments to speed up administrative and support businesses of oil and gas sector.


Draf Sudah di Meja Jokowi

Draft Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79/2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi sudah berada di meja Presiden Joko Widodo untuk segera ditandatangani. Revisi beleid tersebut ditunggu para pemain usaha minyak dan gas. Pasalnya, sejak pertama kali terbit, pelaku usaha menginginkan agar beleid tersebut diubah bahkan dicabut karena dianggap sebagai disinsentif investasi.

Sekretaris Direktorat Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Susyanto mengatakan, saat ini draf revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 77 sudah berada di meja Presiden Joko. Widodo sehingga tidak lama lagi segera disahkan. “Saya mendengarnya sudah di meja RI-1,” ujarnya. 

Dalam draf revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 79 / 2010, beberapa poin penting dalam revisi beleid tersebut yakni terdapat tambahan pasal yang mengatur fasilitas perpajakan bagi kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

Dalam bab tambahan disebutkan bahwa kontraktor bisa mendapatkan fasilitas perpajakan yang diatur dalam enam pasal baru. Pada kegiatan eksplorasi, kontraktor bisa mendapatkan fasilitas berupa pembebasan pungutan bea masuk atas impor barang, PPN, dan PPnBM alas perolehan barang atau jasa kena pajak tertentu, impor barang kena pajak tertentu.

Selain itu, di masa eksplorasi pun kontraktor tidak dilakukan pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 atas impor barang dan pengurangan PBB 100% terutang yang tercantum dalam Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak Terutang (SPPT).

Sementara itu, pada tahap eksploitasi, termasuk kegiatan pengolahan, pengangkutan, penyimpanan, dan penjualan hasil produksi sebagai kelanjutan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, kontraktor juga mendapat fasilitas berupa pembebasan pungutan bea masuk atas impor barang dan perpajakan lainnya.

Kondisi tersebut dianggap akan menjadi pemanis saat harga minyak belum pulih. Pasalnya, kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi saat ini dikenakan pajak seperti, PBB, PPh, dau PPN. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja enggan memberi keterangan lengkap mengapa beleid tersebut tidak segera ditetapkan. 

Menurutnya, draf revisi telah diselesaikan oleh Kementerian ESDM tahun lalu. Dia menyebut sejak kesempatan konferensi pers bersama pada September 2016 yang dihadiri Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, proses bisa berjalan mulus karena dari draf yang diserahkan tidak lagi bertentangan dengan beleid lainnya terkait perpajakan. Namun, hingga kini beleid tersebut belum bisa diterapkan.

“Dan kami sudah lama sekali selesai [draf]-nya. Kalau bertentangan [dengan aturan lainnya], tidak,” katanya, Rabu (1 /3).

     Selain revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No.79/2010, pihaknya sedang menyusun sederet regulasi baru juga perubahannya untuk mempercepat administrasi dan mendukung kegiatan usaha sektor migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, March, 3, 2017

Compensation negotiations JOB PPEJ running hard

Outcome of negotiations on compensation by the Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) to citizens Rahayu Village, District Soko, Tuban for 5 hours in the pavilion local districts did not find a solution, Wednesday (1/3). The meeting in follow SKK Migas Jabanusa, Pimpian Forum Tuban regency, Forum Pimpian Kecamtan and along with residents in the pavilion Rahayu Village District of Soko. The discussion still surrounds the issue of compensation since 2016 ago.

In mediation, the village head Rahayu, Sukisno said during kesepekatan since 2009 and, between the villages with no cancellation beIum company. During that time, the law still applies. That is, JOB PPEJ still be obliged to pay compensation to citizens.

He added, referring to the initial agreement compensation Since January 2016, JOB PPEJ must still pay to the affected residents. Because the results of research conducted by a team independent of Instirut Technology Surabaya (ITS) still makes people not trust. Although in the study results are below the threshold.

"JOB PPEJ will provide ex-gratia only two months, but we reject, and we ask kompesasi," he said. After mediation floating and not achieved a solution It takes almost 5 hours there is no meeting point of the two sides. Finally, make the village lower the tension compensation claims. "We have sent a request for compensation, to be paid seven months from January to July 2016," said Sukisno.

Answer the questions that citizens Rahayu said the head of SKK Migas jabanusa, Ali Masyhar said, it will make a payment of compensation, but matters of state assets should be used as a basis for accountability footing.

In response to the residents asked 7 months JOB PPEJ will ration the compensation to be 3 months. However, the answer seems to ignite the atmosphere becomes hot face rejection residents who attend hotter. Because the residents refused so the JOB PPEJ raised the ex-gratia to about 4 months, from January to April 2016. "If approved, two weeks after the administration finished, compensation can be liquid, he said.

However, the offer was not responded to by the people who attended that makes time that afternoon at 16.30 pm and still be a problem that complicated to 2 sides. Until finally, the Vice Regent of Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein took mediation as moderator and facilitator of local residents. He tried to negotiate compensation from 7 months to 4 months.

"We'll give you a week from now, we lock compensation 4 months. The Company (SKK Migas Jabanusa) filed a compensation of 6 months, which is half a year old, was brought to Jakarta," said the Vice Regent of Tuban.

Although the vice-regent request an increase, but the SKK Migas Jabanusa not dare affirm request of citizens. Because, the assumption that demand will not necessarily produce results if taken to Jakarta.


Perundingan Kompensasi JOB PPEJ Berjalan Susah

Hasil perundingan tentang kompensasi oleh Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) kepada warga Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kabupaten Tuban selama 5 jam di pendopo kecamatan setempat tidak menemukan solusi, Rabu (1/3). Pertemuan di ikuti SKK Migas Jabanusa, Forum Pimpian Daerah Kabupaten Tuban, Forum Pimpian Kecamtan dan beserta bersama warga Desa Rahayu di pendopo Kecamatan Soko. Adapun pembahasan masih seputar persoalan kompensasi sejak 2016 lalu.

Dalam mediasi itu, Kepala Desa Rahayu, Sukisno mengatakan, selama kesepekatan sejak 2009 lalu, antara pihak desa dengan perusahaan beIum ada pembatalan. Selama itu pula peraturan tersebut masih berlaku. Artinya, JOB PPEJ tetap berkewajiban membayar kompensasi kepada warga.

Ia menambahkan, merujuk perjanjian awal kompensasi Sejak januari 2016, JOB PPEJ harus tetap membayar kepada warga terdampak. Pasalnya, hasil penelitian yang dilakukan tim Independen dari Instirut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) tetap membuat warga tidak percaya. Meski dalam penelitian tersebut hasilnya dibawah ambang batas.

"JOB PPEJ akan memberi tali asih hanya dua bulan, tapi kami tolak, dan kami minta kompesasi saja," ujarnya. Setelah mediasi mengambang dan tidak dicapai solusi kurang lebih memakan waktu hampir 5 jam tidak ada titik temu dari kedua belah pihak. Akhirnya, membuat pihak desa menurunkan tensi tuntutan kompensasi. "Kami turunkan permintaan kompensasi, bisa dibayarkan 7 bulan terhitung Januari hingga Juli 2016," kata Sukisno.

Menjawab soal yang dikatakan warga Rahayu itu, Kepala SKK Migas jabanusa, Ali Masyhar mengatakan, tetap akan melakukan pembayaran kompensasi, tapi hal yang menyangkut aset negara harus menggunakan dasar sebagai pijakan pertanggung jawaban.

Untuk menanggapi warga meminta 7 bulan pihak JOB PPEJ akan menjatah kompensasi menjadi 3 bulan. Namun, jawaban itu memantik suasana menjadi panas nampak raut wajah penolakan warga yang hadir makin memanas. Karena warga menolak sehingga pihak JOB PPEJ menaikkan tali asih menjadi 4 bulan, mulai Januari hingga April 2016.  "Jika disetujui, 2 minggu setelah administrasi kelar, kompensasi bisa cair, tandasnya.

Tetapi, tawaran itu tidak direspons oleh warga yang hadir yang membuat waktu semakin sore pukul 16.30 WIB dan masih terjadi masalah yang rumit dari ke 2 belah pihak. Sampai akhirnya, Wakil Bupati Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein mengambil mediasi sebagai moderator dan fasilitator warga setempat. Ia mencoba menegosiasikan kompensasi dari 7 bulan menjadi 4 bulan.

"Kita beri waktu seminggu dari sekarang, kompensasi 4 bulan kita kunci. Perusahaan (SKK Migas Jabanusa) mengajukan kompensasi 6 bulan, yang setengah dari satu tahun, di bawa ke Jakarta,"kata Wakil Bupati Tuban.

Meskipun wakil bupati meminta menaikkan, tapi pihak SKK Migas Jabanusa tidak berani mengiyakan permintaan warga. Karena, asumsinya permintaan tersebut belum tentu akan membuahkan hasil jika dibawa ke Jakarta.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

Start Find Solutions

The process of negotiations between SKK Migas Jabanusa and Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina-PetroChina East Java on the impact of flare gas upstream operators that began to find a bright spot. What were the results? Indeed, there is no agreement in the final. However, SKK Migas Jabanusa and JOB PPEJ willing to increase the ex-gratia from 2 months to 4 months. On the other hand, the lower the tension Rahayu village residents claim of 12 months (one year / 12 months) to 6 months.

SKK Migas head Jabanusa Ali Masyhar say, the abolition of the compensation policy flare impacts of operations JOB PPEJ in Rahayu village, District Soko as more and produced lower levels of production of this corporation. Simultaneously entrained gas burned in flares form also diminishing volume and pressure.

"Gas entrained-out volume is below 2 million cubic feet per day, so from the perspective of environmental impacts below the threshold," said Ali Masyhar.

Reality is based on a review conducted by an independent team from ITS Surabaya. Studies conducted since the ITS team since September 2015 to March 2016. The results of his study was released in July 2016.

"Earlier studies based their compensation policies, as well as an end to also be based on scientific studies which can be accounted for," said Ali Masyhar.

Independent assessment team ITS Surabaya, said FM JOB PPEJ Nusdi, not just involve JOB PPEJ and SKK Migas Jabanusa. Some skatekholders in Tuban. As the Environment Agency (BLH) Tuban, Rahayu Village Government, and other parties involved and coordinated.

FM manager JOB JOB PPEJ Nusdhi Septikaputra said PPEJ deliver correspondence about the impact assessment to BLH Tuban flare at 2 April 2015, February 15, 2015, June 29, 2015 and August, 2015.

While the government Rahayu Village, coordination and correspondence conducted on September 21, 2015 and December 22, 2015. "We also do not want their own wishes in this context," said the new Nusdhi served two months as FM JOB PPEJ.

Ali Masyhar delivered, the impact of flare compensation awarded SKK Migas and JOB PPEJ when the level of oil production from the field is managed by the corporation is quite high. At the peak of production in 2009, the level of oil lifting JOB PPEJ reached 40 thousand to 43 thousand barrels / day. Since late 2014 and early 2015, the oil production rate of JOB PPEJ under 15 thousand barrels per day. "Currently only about 10,500 barrels per day," said Ali Masyhar.

Therefore, the impact of flare caused also decreasing, from 20 million cubic feet per day to under 2 million cubic feet per day. "If you want reexamination, please" said Ali Masyhar.

Responding to this thorny issue, the Chairman of Parliament Tuban Miyadi proposed ex-gratia given for 6 months. Therefore, the release of the team's assessment Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) delivered in July 2016. Thus, within first 6 months of 2016 was seen no results of the study can be used as a handle objectively to stop awarding compensation flare effect that lasts seiak 2009 until the end of 2015. " If the object to mediation, using the positive law and filed a lawsuit to court. But, it should be remembered that step takes a long time, "Miyadi.

As of the end result a long meeting between all the parties still have not found a solution. SKK Migas Jabanusa has provided bids for the provision of ex-gratia for 4 months. Residents still want the offer increased provision of ex-gratia as much as 6 months.

"Actually, we wanted to finish this day with us give 4-month-gratia. But since this has not been agreed in consultation, then we will request this Rahayu village residents to SKK Migas in Jakarta, "said Ali.


Mulai Temukan Solusi 

Proses perundingan antara SKK Migas Jabanusa dan Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina-PetroChina East Java soal dampak flare operator hulu migas itu mulai menemukan titik terang. Apa hasilnya? Memang, belum ada kesepakatan secara final. Namun demikian, SKK Migas Jabanusa dan JOB PPEJ bersedia menaikkan tali asih dari 2 bulan menjadi 4 bulan. Di sisi lain, warga Desa Rahayu menurunkan tensi tuntutannya dari 12 bulan (setahun/12 bulan) menjadi 6 bulan.

Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa Ali Masyhar mengatakan, dihapuskannya kebijakan kompensasi dampak flare dari operasi JOB PPEJ di Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko seiring makin turunnya tingkat produksi yang dihasilkan korporasi ini.  Sekaligus gas ikutan yang terbakar dalam bentuk flare juga makin menurun volume dan tekanannya. 

“Gas ikutan yang-keluar volumenya di bawah 2 juta kaki kubik per hari, sehingga dari perspektif dampak lingkungan di bawah ambang batas,” tegas Ali Masyhar.

Realitas itu didasarkan pada review yang dilakukan tim independen dari ITS Surabaya. Kajian tim ITS itu dilakukan sejak sejak September 2015 sampai Maret 2016. Hasil kajiannya dirilis pada Juli 2016.

“Awal adanya kebijakan kompensasi didasarkan kajian, demikian pula ketika mengakhiri juga didasarkan pada kajian ilmiah yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan,” tegas Ali Masyhar. 

Kajian tim independen ITS Surabaya itu, tegas FM JOB PPEJ Nusdi, tidak sekadar melibatkan JOB PPEJ dan SKK Migas Jabanusa. Sejumlah skatekholders di Tuban. Seperti Badan Lingkungan Hidup (BLH) Tuban, Pemerintahan Desa Rahayu, dan pihak lainnya dilibatkan dan dikoordinasi. 

Manajer FM JOB PPEJ Nusdhi Septikaputra mengatakan JOB PPEJ menyampaikan korespondensi soal kajian dampak flare ini kepada BLH Tuban pada 2 April 2015, 15 Februari 2015, 29 Juni 2015 dan bulan Agustus 2015.

Sedangkan dengan pemerintah Desa Rahayu, koordinasi dan korespondensi dilakukan pada 21 September 2015 dan 22 Desember 2015. “Kami juga tidak mau seenaknya sendiri dalam konteks ini,” kata Nusdhi yang baru menjabat 2 bulan sebagai FM JOB PPEJ. 

Ali Masyhar menyampaikan, kompensasi dampak flare diberikan SKK Migas dan JOB PPEJ ketika tingkat produksi minyak dari lapangan yang dikelola korporasi ini cukup tinggi. Pada puncak produksi di tahun 2009, tingkat lifting minyak dari JOB PPEJ mencapai 40 ribu sampai 43 ribu barel/per hari. Sejak akhir 2014 dan awal 2015, tingkat produksi minyak dari JOB PPEJ di bawah 15 ribu barel per hari. “Saat ini hanya sekitar 10.500 barel per hari," tegas Ali Masyhar.

Karena itu, dampak flare yang ditimbulkan juga makin mengecil, dari 20 juta kaki kubik per hari menjadi di bawah 2 juta kaki kubik per hari. “Kalau mau diteliti ulang,  silahkan” kata Ali Masyhar.

Menyikapi persoalan pelik ini, Ketua DPRD Tuban Miyadi mengusulkan tali asih diberikan selama 6 bulan. Sebab, rilis hasil kajian tim Institut Teknologi Surabaya(ITS) disampaikan pada Juli 2016. Sehingga dalam tempo 6 bulan pertama 2016 dipandang belum ada hasil kajian yang bisa dijadikan pegangan secara obyektif untuk menghentikan pemberian kompensasi dampak flare yang berlangsung seiak 2009 sampai akhir 2015. “Jika keberatan dengan mediasi, menggunakan hukum positif dan itu mengajukan gugatan ke pengadilan. Tapi, harus di ingat langkah itu membutuhkan waktu lama,” Miyadi.

Adapun dari hasil akhir pertemuan panjang antara semua pihak tersebut masih belum menemukan solusi. SKK Migas Jabanusa telah memberikan tawaran untuk pemberian tali asih selama 4 bulan. Warga masih ingin tawaran tersebut dinaikkan pemberian tali asih sebanyak 6 bulan. 

“Sebenarnya kita ingin selesai hari ini juga dengan kita berikan 4 bulan tali asih. Tapi karena belum sepakat dalam musyawarah ini, maka kita akan mengajukan permintaan warga Desa Rahayu ini ke   SKK Migas di Jakarta," kata Ali.

Surabaya Pagi, Page-10, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

Pertamina Powered to Develop Iran Oil and Gas

PT Pertamina has officially submitted a proposal proposed development of two oil and gas fields in Iran, namely the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. Submission of the proposal made by Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam told Deputy on Engineering and Development National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Gholamreza Manoucherhri.

One of the agenda of the Indonesian delegation to visit Iran on February 24 until February 28, 2017 which discuss the continuation of the proposal. "Both this field has a promising potential and in line with Pertamina to continue aggressive efforts to develop upstream business overseas as a strategic step in supporting efforts to strengthen national energy security, "said Syamsu through a press release on Wednesday (1/3).

He explained that prior to submitting the proposal to NIOC, Pertamina has conducted a technical evaluation in these two oil and gas fields. The technical evaluation was done Pertamina revealed, both fields located in Bangestan, southern Iran, it has potential reserves of each field more than 1.5 billion barrels with production potential of each can reach more than 200 thousand barrels per day. "We are expecting this proposal became the foundation for both companies to negotiate directly in the management of these two great pitch," said Syamsu.

Government support Pertamina managing oil and gas field in Iran. "A big, for that we are trying to get it. Hence, the government strongly supports Pertamina entered into the field, "said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar when found in Jakarta. Arcandra continue, it has been conveyed to the local authorities that Pertamina is focused on increasing the supply of oil to the national needs.

"We have to say to the president, to minister perminyakannya, to his vice president, in all the meetings we convey our desire to manage the field," said the leader who is also the deputy commissioner of Pertamina's. The Iranian government's response was very positive, in the sense there is a similar desire to cooperate with Indonesia. "We'll see later. But, in all meetings, including with its ICT minister, the minister of communications they are becoming LO (liaison officer) to investment in Indonesia. We say also, if possible, Pertamina, which manages the field, "he said.

If cooperation is realized, Pertamina will partner with a local company. Target production reached 300 thousand barrels per day (CPD). "We'll see what the rules are. We'll see step by step, "said Arcandra. Besides discussing the potential for cooperation in the upstream oil and gas sector, the government is also exploring oil imports from Iran. Indonesia began to import oil from Iran to the Cilacap refinery. "The possibility exists for crude oil. We again test their oil, its compatibility with our refinery. Thus, commercial and technical evaluation, "said Arcandra.


Pertamina Didukung Kembangkan Migas Iran

PT Pertamina secara resmi telah menyerahkan proposal usulan pengembangan dua lapangan migas di Iran, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. Penyerahan proposal tersebut dilakukan oleh Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam kepada Deputy on Engineering and Development National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Gholamreza Manoucherhri. 

Salah satu agenda delegasi Indonesia yang berkunjung ke Iran pada 24 Februari hingga 28 Februari 2017 yaitu membahas kelanjutan proposal tersebut. “Kedua lapangan ini memiliki potensi yang menjanjikan dan sejalan dengan upaya Pertamina untuk terus agresif mengembangkan bisnis hulu ke luar negeri sebagai salah satu langkah strategis dalam mendukung upaya memperkuat ketahanan energi nasional,” kata Syamsu lewat siaran pers, Rabu (1/3).

Ia menerangkan, sebelum menyerahkan proposal ke NIOC, Pertamina telah melakukan evaluasi teknis di dua lapangan migas tersebut. Evaluasi teknis yang telah dilakukan Pertamina mengungkapkan, kedua lapangan yang terletak di Bangestan, selatan Iran, itu memiliki potensi cadangan masing-masing lapangan lebih dari 1,5 miliar barel dengan potensi produksi masing masing dapat mencapai lebih dari 200 ribu barel per hari. “Kami sangat mengharapkan proposal ini menjadi landasan kedua perusahaan untuk dapat bernegosiasi langsung pada pengelolaan dua lapangan besar tersebut,” tutur Syamsu. 

Pemerintah mendukung Pertamina mengelola lapangan minyak dan gas bumi di Iran. “Besar sekali, untuk itu kita berusaha untuk mendapatkannya. Makanya, pemerintah sangat mendukung Pertamina masuk ke lapangan itu,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar saat ditemui di Jakarta. Arcandra melanjutkan, pihaknya sudah menyampaikan ke pemerintah setempat bahwa Pertamina sedang berfokus menambah pasokan minyak untuk kebutuhan nasional.

“Kita sampaikan ke presidennya, ke menteri perminyakannya, ke wakil presidennya, di semua pertemuan kita sampaikan keinginan kita untuk mengelola lapangan itu,” kata tokoh yang juga menjabat wakil komisaris utama Pertamina ini. Respons Pemerintah Iran sangat positif, dalam pengertian ada keinginan serupa untuk bekerja sama dengan Indonesia. “Kita lihat nantinya. Tapi, di semua pertemuannya, termasuk dengan menteri ICT-nya, itu menteri komunikasi mereka yang menjadi LO (liaison officer) untuk investasi di Indonesia. Kita sampaikan juga, kalau bisa, Pertamina yang mengelola lapangan tersebut,” katanya.

Jika kerja sama ini terealisasi, Pertamina akan berpartner dengan perusahaan lokal. Target produksinya mencapai 300 ribu barel per hari (BPH). “Nanti kita lihat peraturannya seperti apa. Kita lihat nanti step by step,” ujar Arcandra. Selain membahas potensi kerja sama di sektor hulu migas, pemerintah juga menjajaki impor minyak dari Iran. Indonesia mulai mengimpor minyak dari Iran untuk kilang Cilacap. “Kemungkinan ada untuk minyak mentah. Kita lagi tes minyak mereka, kecocokannya dengan kilang kita. Jadi, evaluasi secara komersial dan teknikal,” kata Arcandra.

Republika, Page-15, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

Arcandra Support Pertamina

DEPUTY Minister Arcandra Tahar fully supports PT Pertamina to manage two oilfields in Iran, namely Ab Field Teymour and Mansouri. Arcandra GOVERNMENT has told Iranians in order to obtain the right to manage Pertamina Field Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. "Two field was immense oil reserves. Therefore, we are trying to get from the government is very supportive of Pertamina entered manage the field," said Arcandra on the sidelines of Indonesia Mining Outlook.

Arcandra said Pertamina had submitted proposals to develop the two fields to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and welcomed the government Iranians


Arcandra Dukung Pertamina

WAKIL Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mendukung penuh PT Pertamina untuk mengelola dua lapangan minyak di Iran, yaitu Lapangan Ab Teymour dan Mansouri. Arcandra telah menyampaikan kepada pemerlntah lran agar Pertamina mendapatkan hak kelola di Lapangan Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. "Dua lapangan itu cadangan minyaknya besar sekali. Karena itu, kami berusaha untuk mendapatkannya dari pemerintah sangat mendukung Pertamina masuk mengelola lapangan tersebut," kata Arcandra di sela acara lndonesia Mining Outlook.

Arcandra mengatakan Pertamina sudah menyerahkan proposal pengembangan kedua lapangan itu kepada National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) dan disambut baik pemerintah lran

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

Block 15 Gas Not Practice

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reported, deals Work Area (WK) of oil and gas in the past year has not reap optimal results. Of the 17 blocks on offer, only three blocks of interest of the company. "This is our challenge. Revised regulation so that oil and gas investments become attractive, "said Director General of Oil and Gas I Gusti Nyornan Wiratmaja.

The 15 blocks that consist of 13 conventional oil and gas working area and two non-conventional Work Area. The Ministry has closed deals nonconventional Work Area. As for the conventional block, the offering period continues. Wiratmaja reluctant rnemberitahukan 13 blocks conventionally not been sold on the grounds of the offering period has not ended. As for non-conventional block that does not sell is a coal methane gas blocks and blocks of gas king ampar shale rock.

To block that has not been sold, the government will auction by offering better terms and conditions that attract investors. One of them, implement schemes for gross proceeds or gross split. He claimed the scheme could improve oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia. Later, it is considered in the auction is not the amount of profit-sharing, but the technical proposal and the amount of signature bonus. "If you use gross split, more efficient, more profit," said Wiratmaja.

Last year, the government registered offering conventional block South CPP in Riau, Suremana I, in the Makassar Strait, South East Mandar, off the coast of South Sulawesi, and North Arguni in West Papua. Also Kasuri II in West Papua, Manakarra Mamuju, in the Makassar Strait; and Oti offshore East Kalimantan. Area was offered through open auction scheme.

To excite deals next year, the government is preparing a revision of Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010 on the Operation Cost Refundable. This regulation is still being discussed in the Ministry Secretary of State to be proposed to the President. By revising the rules, gets kontraktror more legal and fiscal certainty.


15 Blok Migas Belum Laku

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melaporkan, penawaran Wilayah Kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi pada tahun lalu belum menuai hasil optimal. Dari 17 blok yang ditawarkan, hanya tiga blok yang diminati perusahaan. “Ini menjadi tantangan kami. Regulasi direvisi supaya investasi migas menjadi atraktif,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi I Gusti Nyornan Wiratmaja.

Ke-15 blok itu terdiri atas 13 Wilayah kerja migas konvensional dan dua Wilayah Kerja non-konvensional. Kementerian sudah menutup penawaran Wilayah Kerja nonkonvensional. Adapun untuk blok konvensional, masa penawaran masih berlanjut. Wiratmaja enggan rnemberitahukan 13 blok konvensional yang belum laku dengan alasan masa penawaran belum berakhir. Adapun blok non-konvensional yang tidak laku adalah blok gas metan batu bara raja dan blok gas serpih batu ampar.

Untuk blok yang belum laku, pemerintah akan melelang ulang dengan menawarkan syarat dan ketentuan yang lebih menarik investor. Salah satunya, menerapkan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Dia mengklaim skema ini bisa memperbaiki iklim investasi migas Indonesia. Nantinya, hal yang dipertimbangkan dalam lelang bukan besaran bagi hasil, melainkan proposal teknis dan besaran bonus tanda tangan. “Kalau pakai gross split, lebih efisien lebih dapat profit,” ujar Wiratmaja.

Tahun lalu, pemerintah tercatat menawarkan blok konvensional South CPP di Riau, Suremana I, di Selat Makassar, South East Mandar, di lepas pantai Sulawesi Selatan, serta North Arguni di Papua Barat. Juga Kasuri II di Papua Barat, Manakarra Mamuju, di Selat Makassar; dan Oti di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Area itu ditawarkan melalui skema lelang terbuka.

Untuk menggairahkan penawaran tahun depan, pemerintah menyiapkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 Tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan. Regulasi ini masih dibahas di Kementerian Sekretaris Negara untuk diusulkan kepada Presiden. Dengan merevisi aturan itu, kontraktror lebih mendapat kepastian hukum dan fiskal.

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

Investment splashy Saudi Arabia

The visit of King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud to Indonesia welcomed the bells-and whistles. The king mentioned will invest US $ 25 billion, or around Rp 334 trillion. Funds will be disbursed to various fields, including oil and gas sector. Overwhelming response was reasonable. After 47 years, this is the first time Saudi King to visit our country. This trip could be opening a new round of cooperation 'between the two countries and strengthen diplomatic relations. But too optimistic disbursement of investment affairs of Saudi Arabia is not a wise attitude.

Experience shows investment realization Saudi Arabia does not always go smoothly. A number of the memorandum of understanding of investment projects, such as construction of the Balongan refinery in Indramayu, Java, West and Dumai refinery in Riau, in limbo. Saudi Arabian oil company, Aramco, not being disbursed. The project finally managed entirely by Pertamina without foreign investors.

The investment figure for Saudi Arabia is also small. During 2011-2016, Saudi Arabia investment of only US $ 34.3 million or 0.02 percent of total foreign investment in Indonesia. The investment value in Indonesia the country ranks only 57th. Throughout 2016 Saudi Arabia realized investment was only US $ 900 thousand for 44 projects. The figure is far below the investment realization of other Middle Eastern countries, such as Kuwait, which reached US $ 3.6 million.

The five largest investors are Singapore (US $ 2.9 billion), Japan (US $ 1.6 billion), Hong Kong (US $ 500 million), China (US $ 500 million) and the Netherlands (US $ 300 million ). Humanitarian aid during the government of Saudi Arabia is also not smooth. Crane unfortunate victims in the Haram in 2015 until now have not received compensation.

In that incident, 12 members of the Indonesian pilgrims died and 42 were injured. The Saudi government had promised compensation of 1 million riyals, or USD 3.8 billion for all the families of the victims died and 500 thousand riyals, or USD 1.9 billion for the wounded.

That is why, plans massive investment Saudi Arabia should be addressed critically. Moreover, the country is experiencing economic difficulties. The drop in world oil prices since 2014 hit the economy of Saudi Arabia. The oil country had a deficit of US $ 89 billion last year. Whereas 80 percent of their income comes from oil exports. Saudi Arabia's investment plans to a number of Asian countries, including Indonesia, should be seen as the country's efforts to get new revenue sources beyond oil.

The Indonesian government must still take advantage of the opportunity. If Saudi Arabia cooperates serious economic and disburse funds, the government needs to be prepared. But people have to realize also that the investment plan mentioned in official visit will not all be realized.


Heboh Investasi Arab Saudi

Lawatan Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud ke Indonesia disambut gegap-gempita. Sang raja disebut-sebut akan menanam investasi senilai US$ 25 miliar atau sekitar Rp 334 triliun. Dana itu akan dikucurkan ke berbagai bidang, termasuk sektor minyak dan gas. Sambutan yang luar biasa itu wajar. Setelah 47 tahun, Baru kali ini Raja Arab Saudi berkunjung ke negara kita. Lawatan ini bisa membukan babak baru kerja sama 'kedua negara dan mempererat hubungan diplomatik. Tapi terlalu optimistis ihwal kucuran investasi dari Arab Saudi bukanlah sikap yang bijak. 

Pengalaman menunjukkan realisasi investasi Arab Saudi tidak selalu berjalan lancar. Sejumlah nota kesepahaman proyek investasi, seperti pembangunan kilang Balongan di Indramayu, Jawa, Barat  dan kilang Dumai di Riau, terkatung-katung. Perusahaan minyak Arab Saudi, Aramco, tidak kunjung mengucurkan dana. Proyek tersebut akhirnya dikelola sepenuhnya oleh Pertamina tanpa investor asing.

Angka investasi Arab Saudi selama ini juga kecil. Selama 2011-2016, investasi Arab Saudi hanya US$ 34,3 juta atau 0,02 persen dari total investasi asing di Indonesia. Nilai investasi negara itu di Indonesia hanya berada di urutan ke-57. Sepanjang 2016 realisasi investasi Arab Saudi hanya US$ 900 ribu untuk 44 proyek. Angka itu jauh di bawah realisasi investasi negara Timur Tengah lainnya, seperti Kuwait, yang mencapai US$ 3,6 juta.

Adapun lima investor terbesar adalah Singapura (sebesar US$ 2,9 miliar), Jepang (US$ 1,6 miliar), Hong Kong (US$ 500 juta), Cina (US$ 500 juta), dan Belanda (US$ 300 juta). Bantuan kemanusiaan pemerintah Arab Saudi selama ini juga tidak berjalan mulus. Korban musibah crane di Masjidil Haram pada 2015 hingga kini belum mendapat santunan.

Dalam insiden itu, 12 anggota jemaah Indonesia meninggal dan 42 orang cedera. Pemerintah Arab Saudi sempat menjanjikan santunan sebesar 1 juta riyal atau Rp 3.8 miliar bagi semua keluarga korban meninggal serta 500 ribu riyal atau Rp 1,9 miliar untuk korban luka.

Itu sebabnya, rencana investasi besar-besaran Arab Saudi mesti ditanggapi secara kritis. Apalagi negara ini sedang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi. Anjloknya harga minyak dunia sejak 2014 memukul perekonomian Arab Saudi. Negeri minyak itu mengalami defisit US$ 89 miliar tahun lalu. Padahal 80 persen pendapatan mereka berasal dari ekspor minyak. Rencana investasi Arab Saudi ke sejumlah negara Asia, termasuk Indonesia, harus dilihat sebagai upaya negara itu mendapatkan sumber pendapatan baru di luar minyak.

Pemerintah Indonesia harus tetap memanfaatkan peluang itu. Kalau Arab Saudi serius menjalin kerja sama ekonomi dan mengucurkan banyak dana, pemerintah perlu menyiapkan diri. Tapi masyarakat harus menyadari pula bahwa rencana investasi yang disebutkan dalam lawatan resmi  belum tentu semuanya bisa direalisasi.

Koran Tempo, Page-11, Thursday, March, 2, 2017