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Monday, March 6, 2017

Still Counting Private Investment in Oil Refinery

Still a few investors are interested in investing in the refinery project in Indonesia

Hope the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) can menggeber oil refinery project in the country is still not running smoothly. In fact, the government is hoping the arrival of the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud triggered more investment in oil refineries.

In fact, oil and gas (oil) Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Aramco does not disburse too large in Indonesia. For example in refinery development project or development refinefy mas ter plan (RDMP). Of the four projects Pertamina to offer, Saudi Aramco only interested in Cilacap refinery worth US $ 6 billion.

In fact, Pertamina and the government hopes, Saudi Arabian company is also interested in Dumai and Balongan refinery. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja IGN mentions, although Saudi Aramco already committed investment in Cilacap refinery, he claimed another project already began to be realized.

For example the construction of depots and an oil refinery in Batam by Sinopec Group from China, especially for the construction. depot. tor privately interested in working on the refinery project. Especially seteiah No Regulation (Candy) EMR Number 35 Year 2016 concerning the Development of Domestic Oil Refinery by privately owned companies. "There are some private sector to build the refinery," he said.

Actually, Chinese companies will build depots and refineries there with a total value of Rp 77.7 trillion. "If the refinery yet, we are still the data," he said.

Yet another refinery project still has been no progress. As the construction of the refinery Situbondo by Kreasindo Resources Indonesia, in partnership with the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIOC). According Wiratmaja, the refinery project is still in process. Pity he did not elaborate laniut stages of the process in question.

Please know, many private investors are interested in working on the refinery project. Especially after Minister Regulation No. 35 of 2016 on the Development of Domestic Oil Refinery By Private Enterprises. "There are some private sector to build the refinery," he said.

Fuel exporters dream

Understandably, Indonesia is again in need of a new field currently produces fuel oil (BBM) of approximately 800,000 barrels per day. In fact, the fuel needs of Indonesia reached 1.6 million barrels per day. In fact, in 2022-2023, the need to swell to 2.2 million barrels per day. 

    According Wiratmaja, yet many private investors who are interested in the refinery because the company needs more time to prepare everything as investors refinery. As a result, until now, the government has not issued a permit for the construction of new refineries. "No one has asked for permission (new refineries)," he said.

The government has issued 24 permits to build a refinery. But until now the only refinery in Bojonegoro Tri Wahana Universal owned by Tommy Suharto.

Seeing this situation, the government is not doing nothing. According to him, the government will continue to improve regulation and licensing in the refinery project. For example, the provision of incentives in the form of commercial license (trade) Fuel for investors who want to build a refinery in Indonesia. He hopes that these incentives could stimulate investor.

Through this incentive, he projected, later in the year 2023, Indonesia could become self-sufficient in fuel and oil exporting countries. "If we become an exporter of oil and petrochemicals," definitely cool, "

According to the Chief Coordinator Gas Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Ahmad Wijaya, the refinery investment, the most important is the availability of crude oil (crude). 

    Therefore, the government should really pay attention to the upstream industry (upstream) in order that the industry (midstream) and downstream (downstream) runs. "The government has not seen an important upstream industry. If the upstream industry is not serious, between and downstream industry is not growing," said Ahmad.


Swasta Masih Menghitung Investasi di Kilang Minyak

Masih sedikit investor yang tertarik berinvestasi di proyek kilang di Indonesia

Harapan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) bisa menggeber proyek kilang minyak di tanah air masih belum berjalan mulus. Padahal, pemerintah sangat berharap kedatangan Raja Arab Saudi, Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud memicu investasi lebih banyak di kilang minyak.

Kenyataannya, perusahaan minyak dan gas (migas) Arab Saudi, yakni Saudi Aramco tidak menggelontorkan dana terlalu besar di Indonesia. Misalnya di proyek pengembangan kilang atau refinefy development master plan (RDMP). Dari empat proyek yang Pertamina tawarkan, Saudi Aramco hanya tertarik di kilang Cilacap senilai US$ 6 miliar.

Padahal, Pertamina dan pemerintah berharap, perusahaan Arab Saudi ini juga tertarik di kilang Dumai dan Balongan. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja menyebutkan, meski Saudi Aramco sudah menyatakan komitmen investasi di kilang Cilacap, ia mengklaim proyek lain sudah ada yang mulai terealisasi.

Misalnya proyek pembangunan depo dan kilang minyak di Batam oleh Sinopec Group asal China, terutama untuk pembangunan. depo. tor swasta yang berminat menggarap proyek kilang. Terutama seteiah ada Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM Nomor 35 Tahun 2016 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri oleh Badan Usaha Swasta. "Ada beberapa pihak swasta yang ingin membangun kilang," katanya. 

Sebenarnya, perusahaan China ini akan membangun depo dan kilang minyak di sana dengan total nilai Rp 77,7 triliun. "Kalau yang kilang belum, masih kami data," katanya. 

    Namun proyek kilang lain masih belum ada perkembangan. Seperti pembangunan kilang Situbondo oleh Kreasindo Resources Indonesia, yang bermitra dengan National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIOC). Menurut Wiratmaja, proyek kilang tersebut masih dalam proses. Sayang ia tidak merinci lebih laniut tahapan proses yang dimaksud.

    Perlu di ketahui, banyak investor swasta yang berminat menggarap proyek kilang. Terutama setelah ada Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 35 Tahun 2016 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri Oleh Badan Usaha Swasta. "Ada beberapa pihak swasta yang ingin membangun kilang," katanya.

Mimpi eksportir BBM

    Maklum, Indonesia memang lagi membutuhkan kilang yang saat ini baru menghasilkan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sekitar 800.000 barel per hari. Padahal, kebutuhan BBM Indonesia mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari. Malah pada tahun 2022-2023, kebutuhannya membengkak menjadi 2,2 juta barel per hari. 

    Menurut Wiratmaja, masih belum banyaknya investor swasta yang tertarik di kilang minyak karena perusahaan tersebut masih perlu waktu mempersiapkan segala sesuatu sebagai  investor kilang minyak. Alhasil, hingga kini, pemerintah belum menerbitkan izin pembangunan kilang baru. "Belum ada yang minta izin (kilang baru)," tegasnya.

Pemerintah sudah mengeluarkan 24 izin pembangunan kilang. Namun hingga saat ini hanya kilang milik Tri Wahana Universal di Bojonegoro Milik Tommy Soeharto.

Melihat kondisi ini, pemerintah tidak berpangku tangan. Menurutnya, pemerintah akan terus memperbaiki aturan dan perizinan di proyek kilang. Misalnya pemberian insentif berupa izin niaga (perdagangan) BBM bagi investor yang mau membangun kilang di Indonesia. Ia berharap insentif ini bisa merangsang investor. 

Lewat insentif ini, ia proyeksikan, di tahun 2023 nanti, Indonesia bisa swasembada BBM dan menjadi negara eksportir BBM. "Kalau kita menjadi eksportir BBM dan petrokimia, "pasti keren," 

Menurut Ketua Koordinator Gas Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (Kadin) Ahmad Wijaya, dalam investasi kilang, yang paling penting adalah ketersediaan minyak mentah (crude). Untuk itu, pemerintah harus benar-benar memperhatikan industri hulu (upstream) agar industri antara (midstream) dan hilir (downstream ) berjalan. "Pemerintah belum melihat industri hulu penting. Kalau industri hulu tidak serius, industri antara dan hilir tidak tumbuh," kata Ahmad.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Pertamina Could Selling Avtur in Saudi Arabia

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja I Gusti Nyoman said the Saudi government to allow PT Pertamina sells aviation fuel at the airport of the country. The permit is one form of cooperation between the two countries in the oil and gas sector.

In addition to selling aviation fuel, Pertamina will also build a hospital. "The frequency of air flights from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia is high, particularly for the purpose of Umrah and Hajj. The market was to be targeted Pertamina, "said Wiratmaja, Sunday (5/3) in Jakarta. So far, the cooperation between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia over the increase in capacity and processing ability of refineries owned by Pertamina contained in Cilacap, Central Java.


Pertamina Bisa Jual Avtur di Arab Saudi

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, Pemerintah Arab Saudi mengizinkan PT Pertamina menjual avtur di bandar udara negara tersebut. Izin itu merupakan salah satu bentuk kerja sama kedua negara di sektor minyak dan gas bumi. 

Selain menjual avtur, Pertamina juga akan membangun sebuah rumah sakit. ”Frekuensi penerbangan pesawat dari Indonesia ke Arab Saudi terbilang tinggi, khususnya untuk tujuan umrah & ibadah haji. Pasar itu yang akan dibidik Pertamina,” kata Wiratmaja, Minggu (5/3) di Jakarta. Sejauh ini, kerja sama Indonesia dengan Arab Saudi menyangkut peningkatan kapasitas dan kemampuan pengolahan kilang milik Pertamina yang terdapat di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Governments Need to Follow Agreement

Oil Refinery

Director of Indonesian Resources Studies Marwan Coal hope the Government act quickly to follow up agreements made with Saudi Arabia's upstream oil and gas. Do not let the difficulties of the past repeat itself, which is only limited to a memorandum of understanding without the support of incentives for investors.

"I remember, in the past also similar to the current situation, ie after the signature of the MOU (memorandum of understanding) there was no follow-up. Finally, 10 years of rule that had not succeeded in realizing the construction of a single plant, "Marwan said on the sidelines of a discussion titled" Capturing Opportunities megaproject Refinery in Indonesia ", Sunday (5/3), in Jakarta

The government at the time, was not able to provide the desired incentives such as investors, such as giving up 20-year tax holiday or exemption from import duty. In fact, the government should be able to realize such incentives because other countries can give.

     In the end, the signed MOU does not continue on the realization of the project from both sides.

"I'm worried like that happen again. Once the MOU is completed, no follow up. Need a strong commitment from the government to be able to really want an investor is willing to build a refinery in Indonesia, "said Marwan.


Director General of Oil and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja said, Indonesia actually requires the construction of new refineries. In the future, the need for fuel oil (BBM) nationwide in 2023 ranged from 2 million to 2.3 million barrels per day. Currently, national fuel consumption ranges from 1.5 million to 1.6 million barrels per day.

"While the production capacity of oil refineries in the country is only 800,000 barrels per day and the rest from imports. In 2023 the refinery production capacity should reach at least 2 million barrels per day. Thus, Indonesia really needs to build new refineries in order not to depend on imports continuously, "said Wiratmaja.

About incentives, according Wiratmaja, the government is preparing a number of regulations, such as inserting a clause supporting industries upstream oil and gas sector in the revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas. To accelerate the construction of the refinery, the government has issued Presidential Regulation (Per-pres) No. 146 Year 2015 on the Implementation of the Development and Return of Oil Refinery in the Interior.

In perpres set on refinery construction scheme, both by enterprises and cooperation with government entities, as well as incentives for investors. Rules about the construction of the refinery by the private sector has also been published in the form of Regulation of the Minister No. 35 of 2016.

    Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Up-stream and Petrochemical Industry in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia Achmad Widjaja argues, upstream oil and gas industry really hope there are investors interested in building a refinery in Indonesia. Because the existence of the refinery can ensure the resilience of supply of fuel oil or its derivatives in the form of much-needed petrochemical industry.


Pemerintah Perlu Menindaklanjuti Kesepakatan

Direktur  Indonesian Resources Studies Marwan Batubara berharap Pemerintah bertindak cepat menindaklanjuti kesepakatan yang dibuat dengan Arab Saudi untuk sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Jangan sampai kesulitan di masa lalu terulang, yaitu hanya sebatas nota kesepahaman tanpa dukungan berupa pemberian insentif bagi investor.

”Saya ingat, pada masa lalu juga situasinya mirip dengan sekarang, yaitu setelah tanda tangan MOU (nota kesepahaman) tak ada tindak lanjut. Akhirnya, 10 tahun pemerintahan yang dulu tidak berhasil mewujudkan pembangunan kilang satu pun," kata Marwan di sela-sela diskusi bertajuk ”Menangkap Peluang Megaproyek Kilang di Indonesia”, Minggu (5/3), di Jakarta.

Pemerintah saat itu, tidak mampu memberi insentif yang seperti diinginkan investor, misalnya pemberian tax holiday sampai 20 tahun atau pembebasan bea masuk. Padahal, pemerintah seharusnya bisa merealisasikan insentif semacam itu karena negara lain pun bisa memberikannya.

Ujung-ujungnya, MOU yang sudah ditandatangani tidak berlanjut pada realisasi proyek dari kedua pihak.

”Saya khawatirnya semacam itu terulang lagi. Setelah MOU selesai, tidak ada tindaklanjut. Perlu komitmen yang kuat dari pemerintah untuk bisa benar-benar menginginkan ada investor yang bersedia membangun kilang di Indonesia," ujar Marwan.


Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, Indonesia betul-betul membutuhkan pembangunan kilang baru. Di masa mendatang, kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) nasional pada 2023 berkisar 2 juta-2,3 juta barrel per hari. Saat ini, konsumsi BBM nasional berkisar 1,5 juta-1,6 juta barrel per hari.

”Sementara kapasitas produksi BBM kilang dalam negeri hanya 800.000 barrel per hari dan sisanya dari impor. Pada 2023 kapasitas produksi kilang setidaknya harus mencapai 2 juta barrel per hari. Jadi, Indonesia memang benar-benar perlu membangun kilang baru agar tidak bergantung pada impor terus-menerus,” kata Wiratmaja.

Soal insentif,  menurut Wiratmaja, pemerintah sedang menyiapkan sejumlah regulasi, seperti memasukkan klausul industri penunjang sektor hulu migas dalam revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Untuk mempercepat pembangunan kilang, pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden (Per-pres) Nomor 146 Tahun 2015 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan dan Pengembalian Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri.

Dalam perpres tersebut diatur mengenai skema pembangunan kilang, baik oleh badan usaha dan kerja sama badan usaha dengan pemerintah, serta insentif bagi investor. Aturan soal pembangunan kilang oleh swasta juga sudah diterbitkan berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 35 Tahun 2016.

Wakil Ketua Komite Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia pada Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia Achmad Widjaja berpendapat, industri hulu migas sangat berharap ada investor yang berminat membangun kilang di Indonesia. Pasalnya, keberadaan kilang dapat menjamin ketahanan pasokan bahan bakar minyak ataupun produk turunannya berupa petrokimia yang sangat dibutuhkan kalangan industri.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Saudi Not interested Balongan refinery-Balikpapan

Saudi Arabia through government company Saudi Aramco is committed role in the development of an oil refinery in Cilacap. Projects worth US $ 6 billion was considered the most strategic for crude oil from Saudi Arabia can be directly shipped without passing through the Strait of Malacca.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Wiratmaja Puja IGN stated, the government actually offers four refinery development project, namely, Dumai, Balongan, Balikpapan and Cilacap.

However, Aramco is only interested in the Cilacap refinery because the cost of the most efficient transport. In addition to location factors, the Cilacap refinery to process crude from Saudi Arabia, which has a sulfur content. Cilacap RDMP project is expected to boost the production capacity of 348 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 400 thousand bpd. Although Aramco is only interested in the Cilacap refinery, the government is offering to jointly develop refineries Iainnya to Saudi Arabia. However, until now, these investments is uncertain when it will continue.

If the entire refinery deals approved, the benefits are enormous. One of them, an increase of 10 thousand jobs which include 8 thousand to 10 thousand workers during construction and 1,000 workers when the plant operates.

Wiratmaja said the Ministry of Energy provides convenience to invest in Saudi Arabia in the Law on oil and gas as well as the ministerial decree on the construction of the refinery. Construction of the refinery is done to reduce the import of fuel oil as well as increasing the petrochemical industry in the country Emitter.


Saudi Tidak Berminat pada Kilang Balongan-Balikpapan

Arab Saudi melalui perusahaan pemerintah Saudi Aramco berkomitmen berperan dalam pengembangan kilang minyak di Cilacap. Proyek senilai US$ 6 miliar itu dinilai paling strategis karena minyak mentah dari Arab Saudi dapat langsung dikapalkan tanpa melewati Selat Malaka. 

Dirjen Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja menyatakan, pemerintah sebenarnya menawarkan empat proyek pengembangan kilang, Yakni, Dumai, Balongan, Balikpapan, dan Cilacap. 

Namun, Aramco hanya tertarik pada kilang Cilacap karena biaya transportasinya paling efisien. Selain faktor lokasi, kilang Cilacap dapat mengolah crude dari Arab Saudi yang memiliki kandungan sulfur. Proyek RDMP Cilacap diharapkan mendongkrak kapasitas produksi dari 348 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 400 ribu bph. Meski Aramco hanya berminat terhadap kilang Cilacap, pemerintah tetap menawarkan kerja sama pengembangan kilang-kilang Iainnya kepada Arab Saudi. Namun, hingga kini, investasi tersebut belum pasti kapan akan berlanjut. 

Jika seluruh penawaran kilang disetujui, manfaat yang diperoleh sangat besar. Salah satunya, bertambahnya 10 ribu lapangan kerja yang meliputi 8 ribu hingga 10 ribu tenaga kerja saat pembangunan dan 1.000 tenaga kerja saat kilang beroperasi. 

Wiratmaja mengatakan Kementerian ESDM memberikan kemudahan berinvestasi kepada Arab Saudi dalam Undang-Undang minyak dan gas serta peraturan menteri tentang pembangunan kilang. Pembangunan kilang dilakukan untuk mengurangi impor bahan bakar minyak serta meningkatkan industri petrokimia di daIam negeri.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Pertagas Complete 3 pipelines This Year


PT Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina will finalize the gas pipeline project three sections with a total length of 513 km this year. The third gas pipeline project that is a segment Grissik-Pusri along 176 km, Gresik-PKG along the 70 km, and the road Gresik-Semarang 267 km. Meanwhile, Pertagas has completed several transmission gas pipeline project in the past year along 225 km.

"The development of pipeline infrastructure projects is one of the five strategic priorities that proclaimed Pertamina," said Jekson Simanjuntak, External Communications Manager of Pertamina, in a discussion Pertamina-Energy and Mining Editors Society (E2S) in Bogor, Saturday (4/3) ,

Pertamina currently has five strategic priorities, namely the development of the upstream sector, efficiency in all lines, the development of refining capacity and petrochemical, oil and gas infrastructure development, and improvement of the company's financial structure.

For the development of pipeline infrastructure through Pertagas, Pertamina was working on three projects are targeted for completion this year. First, the gas pipeline project Grissik-Pusri along the 176 km will transport the gas to fertilizer plants and power plants. The project is targeted to be operational in the second quarter / 2017. The total capacity of the gas to be supplied 160 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

Second, the gas pipeline project Gresik-PKG along 70 km. Gas allocated 85 MMSCFD and operating in July 2017. Third, projects Semarang-Gresik gas pipeline with a capacity of 500 MMSCFD with power and industrial consumers. The project is projected to be completed quarter II / 2017.

Public Relations Manager Pertagas Ilwan Hatim said, Pertagas also strengthen the infrastructure by building storage facilities and regasification gas (floating storage regassification unit / FSRU) Cilacap targeted operation in May 2019. The facility was to supply gas for the Cilacap refinery. "For the city gas network, until now Pertagas has built 91 857 household connections spread across 13 cities. With the full support of the Director General of Oil and Gas, Pertagas will continue to build household gas. Targeted in 2019 for domestic gas network has reached 214 618 household connections.



Pertagas Tuntaskan 3 Jalur Pipa Tahun lni

PT Pertamina Gas, anak usaha PT Pertamina akan merampungkan proyek pipa transmisi gas tiga ruas dengan total panjang 513 km pada tahun ini. Ketiga proyek pipa gas itu adalah ruas Grissik-Pusri sepanjang 176 km, Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik sepanjang 70 km, dan ruas Gresik-Semarang 267 km. Sementara itu, Pertagas telah menyelesaikan beberapa proyek pipa gas transmisi pada tahun lalu sepanjang 225 km.

“Pengembangan proyek-proyek infrastruktur pipa merupakan salah satu dari lima prioritas strategis yang dicanangkan Pertamina,” ujar Jekson Simanjuntak, External Communication Manager Pertamina, dalam acara diskusi Pertamina-Energy and Mining Editor Society (E2S) di Bogor, Sabtu (4/3).

Pertamina saat ini memiliki lima prioritas strategis, yakni pengembangan sektor hulu, efisiensi di semua lini, pengembangan kapasitas kilang dan petrokimia, pengembangan infrastruktur migas, dan perbaikan struktur keuangan perseroan.

Untuk pengembangan infrastruktur pipa melalui Pertagas, Pertamina sedang menggarap tiga proyek yang ditargetkan tuntas sepanjang tahun ini. Pertama, proyek pipa gas Grissik-Pusri sepanjang 176 km akan mengalirkan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan pembangkit listrik. Proyek itu ditargetkan akan beroperasi pada kuartal II/2017. Total kapasitas gas yang akan dialirkan 160 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd).

Kedua, proyek pipa gas Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik sepanjang 70 km. Gas dialokasikan 85 MMscfd dan beroperasi pada Juli 2017. Ketiga, proyek pipa gas Gresik-Semarang berkapasitas 500 MMscfd dengan konsumen pembangkit listrik dan industri. Proyek itu diproyeksikan tuntas kuartal II/2017.

Manajer Humas Pertagas Hatim Ilwan mengatakan, Pertagas juga memperkuat infrastruktur dengan membangun fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi gas (floating storage regassification unit/FSRU) Cilacap yang ditargetkan beroperasi pada Mei 2019. Fasilitas itu memasok gas bagi Kilang Cilacap. “Untuk jaringan gas kota, sampai saat ini Pertagas telah membangun 91.857 sambungan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 kota. Dengan dukungan penuh dari Dirjen Migas, Pertagas akan terus membangun gas rumah tangga. Ditargetkan pada 2019 jaringan gas untuk rumah tangga sudah mencapai 214.618 sambungan rumah.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Private not Interested


Refinery Project

    Businessman not interested in building a private oil refinery in Indonesia, so there is no entry permit since the government issued a regulation by the private sector to build a refinery in November 2016. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources issued Regulation No. 35/2016 on the Development of the Private Oil Refinery.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Wiratmaja Puja IGN said of the 24 licenses issued, only one refinery built. In fact, through such a regulation, businesses get common commercial license to build public refueling stations (gas stations) and distribute the product. In addition, the product export permit also allowed when the domestic needs have been met.

Since a regulation on the construction of the refinery by the private sector was published, there has been no business operators who expressed interest in formally with the permits. "No one has asked for permission. No real Belun asked for permission to build an oil refinery, ".

According to him, until now the government is still in communication with private investors to build refineries. Similarly, the PT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia will build a refinery with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per han (bpd) in Situbondo, East Java.

The refinery is expected to start supplying crude oil from Iran, not yet apply for permission to the government. In fact, the developer of the refinery was also present in the entourage of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Nasution and Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar during a visit to Iran in late February 2017.


Proyek Kilang Minyak

Swasta Tidak Tertarik

Pengusaha belum tertarik membangun kilang minyak swasta di Indonesia, sehingga belum ada izin yang masuk sejak pemerintah mengeluarkan beleid pembangunan kilang oleh swasta pada November 2016. Kementerian ESDM mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 35/2016 tentang Pembangunan Kilang Minyak oleh Swasta.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, dari 24 izin yang dikeluarkan, hanya satu kilang yang dibangun. Padahal, melalui beleid tersebut, pelaku usaha mendapat izin niaga umum untuk membangun stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum (SPBU) dan mendistribusikan produk yang dihasilkan. Selain itu, izin ekspor produk juga diperkenankan bila kebutuhan dalam negeri telah terpenuhi.

Sejak beleid tentang pembangunan kilang oleh swasta itu terbit, belum ada pelaku usaha yang menyatakan minat secara resmi dengan mengurus izin. “Belum ada yang minta izin. Belun ada yang riil minta izin membangun kilang minyak,” .

Menurutnya, hingga saat ini pemerintah masih melakukan komunikasi dengan investor swasta untuk membangun kilang. Begitu pula dengan PT Kreasindo Resources Indonesia yang akan membangun kilang berkapasitas 300.000 barel per han (bph) di Situbondo, Jawa Timur.

Kilang yang akan mendapat pasokan minyak mentah dari Iran itu, belum mengajukan izin ke pemerintah. Padahal, pengembang kilang itu turut hadir bersama rombongan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution dan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar saat berkunjung ke Iran pada akhir Februari 2017.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, March, 6, 2017

The depth of the well ABP Approaching Peak.

Drilling wells White Albatros 01 (ABP-01) in the District Jamprong D688 Kenduruan depth approaching the peak. After going 'disturbance' at a depth of about 1,200 meters, is currently drilling continued to reach the top of the depth in accordance with the targets set. "Targeted drilling to a depth of 1,275 meters," said Field Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field, Agus Amperianto.

He said, when drilling into decline. Initially, the targeted depth of drilling to peak during the 58 days, starting from 20 December. However, because of the constraints faced by these, to date drilling is still in progress. "The problem that arises during drilling can be addressed. It will further drilling again, he said.

However, behind the disturbances which occurred, there is no indication of oil reserves in wells drilled in it. Because, when there bursts out of the well when it drilled partially in the form of gas bursts. Blowouts, according to him, indicated in the existing hydrocarbon wells.

   Only, whether hydrocarbons exist in the form of oil wells or gas yet to be proven. Because after blowouts, followed by a torrent of water. "After the next drilling target, do research on the material in the well. It was to ascertain whether or not the oil reserves in there," he said.

Just to note, when drilling is at a depth of about 1000 meters, some issues such as gas and water bursts occur. Therefore, the focus of work in the effort to cope with these bursts. For example, with patching a leaky pipe bursts or replacing lead pipes that burst so it appears bursts.

The drilling is performed to search for new oil sources. It is estimated that in the well there are millions of barrels of oil reserves. To prove and confirm the presence of oil, carried out exploration drilling. If it is found and oil can be produced, will resume drilling exploitation.


Sumur ABP Mendekati Kedalaman Puncak.

Pengeboran sumur Albatros Putih 01 (ABP-01) di D688 Jamprong Kecamatan Kenduruan mendekati kedalaman puncak. Usai terjadi ’gangguan' di kedalaman sekitar 1.200 meter, saat ini pengeboran dilanjutkan untuk mencapai puncak kedalaman sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan. "Target pemboran sampai kedalaman 1.275 meter,” ujar Field Manager Pertamina EP Field Cepu, Agus Amperianto.

Dia mengatakan, waktu pengeboran mengalami kemunduran. Semula, pengeboran sampai puncak kedalaman ditargetkan selama 58 hari, sejak 20 Desember lalu. Namun, karena kendala-kendala yang dihadapi tersebut, sampai saat ini pengeboran masih berlangsung. "Masalah yang muncul selama pengeboran sudah bisa diatasi. Akan lanjut pengeboran lagi, katanya.

Namun, di balik gangguan ang terjadi, ada indikasi terdapat cadangan minyak di dalam sumur yang dibor itu. Sebab, saat terjadi semburan dari dalam sumur ketika dibor sebagian semburan berupa gas. Semburan gas, menurut dia, mengindikasikan di dalam sumur itu ada hidrokarbon. 

    Hanya, apakah hidrokarbon yang ada dalam sumur itu berupa minyak atau gas masih harus dibuktikan. Karena setelah semburan gas, diikuti dengan semburan air. "Setelah nanti pemboran sesuai target, dilakukan penelitian dari material di dalam sumur. Itu untuk memastikan apakah ada cadangan minyak atau tidak di dalam sana,” kata dia.

Sekadar diketahui, saat pengeboran berada pada kedalaman sekitar 1000 meter,  beberapa persoalan seperti semburan gas dan air terjadi. Karena itu, fokus pekerjaan pada upaya menanggulangi semburan tersebut. Misalnya, dengan menambal pipa bocor yang menyebabkan semburan atau mengganti pipa yang pecah sehingga muncul semburan.

Pengeboran ini dilakukan untuk mencari sumber minyak baru. Diperkirakan di dalam sumur tersebut terdapat jutaan barel cadangan minyak. Untuk membuktikan dan memastikan keberadaan minyak, dilakukan pengeboran eksplorasi. Jika ditemukan dan minyak bisa diproduksi, akan dilanjutkan pengeboran eksploitasi.

Radar Bojonegoro, Page-4, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

Pertamina President Can of Internal and External

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises. (SOEs) to make sure, President Director of Pertamina should not be from internal sources or that are currently being served. The captain could be from outside Pertamina. Candidates from internal Pertamina upstream director Syamsu Alam, Acting Managing Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani, as well as Director of Processing and Petrokiinia Rachmad megaproject Hardadi.

There is also a Commissioner of Pertamina Edwin Hidayat Abdullah and Deputy Commissioner of Pertamina Arcandra Tahar. While the names are circulated from outside Pertamina is PTPN Holding CEO Elia Massa Manik, president director of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Sofyan Basil ", and Special Staff SOE Minister Budi G. Sadikin.

SOE Minister Rini Soemarno said decisions on Pertamina president has not been taken by the government, although a number of names mentioned candidate has been submitted to the president. "Patience alone. It must be announced," said Rini, during a press conference in the Old City, Jakarta, Friday (3/3).

Asked about any candidate Managing Director of Pertamina, Rini had no comment. Both internally and externally Pertamina chance to become president of the company. "Could be internal, external can," said Rini.

As is known, should the Minister of SOE announces new Director of Pertamina on Friday (3/3). Tahar Arcandra do not even know if he is a strong candidate. For the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and promised to announce a new Managing Director after 30 days removal Soetjipto as Director Pertaniina and Ahmad Bambang as vice president director of Pertamina. Rini reluctant to answer the following AGM-related schedule.

But certainly, the announcement of a new president of Pertamina postponed the next 30 days and make sure the post of Acting Yenni Andayani extended. "Extended because there is no decision of the board of directors," said Edwin.

But the name Arcandra fluttering be a strong candidate Director of Pertamina. Arcandra who is also Deputy Minister in fact he did not know about the strong candidates on the new Pertamina president. "I was already battered reported. I do not know, he said.

Arcandra could not answer because the new home of a tour Iran, so do not know the latest developments regarding the candidate the president of Pertamina. He also revealed that his office as Commissioner of Pertamina has been sealed by Pertamina Workers Union, "And what, commissioner, just sealed my office?" he said

If the name Arcandra flying as a candidate from among the external, internal name that appears Rachmat. But just like Arcandra, Rachmad reluctant to provide answers to your chances of becoming a substitute Soetjipto, recused himself from the assessment included Managing Director of Pertamina. "I can not talk, might still jetlag. Let's wait "said Hardadi.


Dirut Pertamina Bisa dari Internal dan Eksternal

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara. (BUMN) memastikan, Direktur Utama Pertamina tidak harus dari internal perusahaan atau yang saat ini sedang menjabat. Sang nakhoda bisa juga dari luar Pertamina. Kandidat dari internal adalah Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam, Plt Dirut Pertamina Yenni Andayani, Serta Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokiinia Rachmad Hardadi. 

Ada pula Komisaris Pertamina Edwin Hidayat Abdullah dan Wakil Komisaris Utama Pertamina Arcandra Tahar.  Sementara nama-nama yang beredar dari luar Pertamina adalah CEO PTPN Holding Elia Massa Manik, Dirut PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Sofyan Basil", dan Staf Khusus Menteri BUMN Budi G. Sadikin.

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno bilang keputusan mengenai Dirut Pertamina memang belum diambil oleh pemerintah, biarpun sejumlah nama-nama kandidat disebutkan telah diserahkan kepada presiden. "Sabar saja. Pasti kami umumkan," ujar Rini, saat konferensi pers di Kota Tua, Jakarta Jumat (3/3).

Ditanya mengenai siapa saja kandidat Dirut Pertamina,  Rini tidak mau berkomentar. Baik internal maupun eksternal Pertamina berpeluang menjadi dirut perseroan. "Bisa internal, bisa eksternal," kata Rini.

Seperti diketahui, seharusnya Menteri BUMN mengumumkan Direktur Utama Pertamina yang baru pada hari Jumat (3/3).  Arcandra Tahar malah tidak mengetahui kalau dia kandidat kuat. Sebab pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) lalu berjanji akan mengumumkan Dirut baru setelah 30 hari pencopotan Dwi Soetjipto sebagai Direktur Utama Pertaniina dan Ahmad Bambang sebagai Wadirut Pertamina. Rini enggan menjawab terkait jadwal RUPS berikut.

Namun yang pasti, pengumuman dirut baru Pertamina diundur 30 hari ke depan dan memastikan jabatan Plt Yenni Andayani diperpanjang. “Diperpanjang karena belum ada keputusan dari dewan komisaris," ujar Edwin.

Namun nama Arcandra berkibar menjadi kandidat kuat Direktur Utama Pertamina. Arcandra yang juga Wakil Menteri ESDM justru mengaku tidak tahu mengenai kandidat kuat tentang dirut Pertamina yang baru. "Saya itu sudah babak belur diberitakan. Saya juga tidak tahu, katanya.

Arcandra tak bisa menjawab karena baru pulang dari lawatan Iran, sehingga tidak mengetahui perkembangan terbaru mengenai kandidat dirut Pertamina. Dia juga mengungkapkan, ruang kantornya sebagai Komisaris Pertamina telah disegel oleh Serikat Pekerja Pertamina, "Terus bagaimana, komisaris, kantor saya saja disegel?" katanya

Kalau nama Arcandra berkibar sebagai calon dari kalangan eksternal, dari internal nama Rachmad yang muncul. Tapi sama seperti Arcandra, Rachmad enggan memberikan jawaban terkait peluangnya menjadi pengganti Dwi Soetjipto, Termasuk keterlibatan dirinya dalam assessment Dirut Pertamina. “Saya tidak bisa bicara, Mungkin masih jetlag. Kita tunggu saja" kata Hardadi.  

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

Government Ready To Fix Some Rules

The government is trying to improve a number of rules in the upstream sector of the oil and gas related work areas little interest in the auction of oil and gas. The improvements are expected to encourage the return of upstream investment in the sector.

     Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, one of the rules are being repaired is Government Regulation (PP) No. 35 of 2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas. In addition, some of the rules at the ministerial level that supports the stimulation of upstream oil and gas investment will also be published.

"We will improve policies, one of which the Government Regulation No. 35/2004. Then, a new ministerial decree which will also be published, which is about setting up the required fee, ready fix a number of rules to increase production before the contract expires, "said Arcandra.

At the auction work areas of non-conventional oil and gas in 2016, of the three areas of work offered, none are in the interest of investors. The working area is the third Regional Coal Methane Gas (GMB) Batu Ampar in East Kalimantan as well as the King and GMB GMB Bunga Mas in South Sumatra.

Separately, Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said investors desperately need the ease of investing in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia is sluggish. Policies that burden for investors can lose the interest of investors to do business. "Any policy issued should have gone through exhaustive studies and are not issued in a hurry," said Marjolijn.

At the beginning of this year, the government issued Decree No. 8/2017 about EMR Sharing Contract Gross Split. This concept is the concept of profit sharing based on gross production. However, a number of people called this concept remains to be seen, whether it is better than the results of the component model for cost recovery or operating costs that can be replaced.


Meanwhile, responding to sealing his office as Vice President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Arcandra declined to comment. He claimed to know nothing about the sealing. According to him, not only his office sealed. However, workspaces other commissioners participated sealed.

"I just returned from iran. I do not know about that, "he said.

On Wednesday (1/3), the Federation of Workers Trade Unions Unity (FSPBB) sealing the workspace commissioners at Pertamina's headquarters in Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur, Central Jakarta. Circulating information, sealing it related to the removal of directors of Pertamina. 

     Additional information, FSPBB referred to disagree with foreign capital participation in the development program Pertamina refinery in Cilacap, Central Java. In this program, Pertamina took Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's oil and gas company. As of Friday, at 20:00, the president did not respond to questions FSPBB Noviandri Compass, either via text message or phone.


Pemerintah Siap Memperbaiki Sejumlah Aturan

Pemerintah berupaya memperbaiki sejumlah aturan  di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi terkait sedikit peminat lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi. Perbaikan tersebut diharapkan dapat menggairahkan kembali investasi hulu di sektor tersebut.

     Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, salah satu peraturan yang sedang diperbaiki adalah Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 35 Tahun 2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Selain itu, beberapa peraturan di tingkat menteri yang mendukung bergairahnya investasi hulu migas juga akan diterbitkan.

”Kami akan memperbaiki sejumlah kebijakan, salah satunya Peraturan Pemerintah No 35/2004. Lalu, peraturan menteri yang baru juga akan diterbitkan, yaitu tentang pengaturan biaya yang diperlukan, siap memperbaiki sejumlah aturan untuk meningkatkan produksi sebelum kontrak berakhir,” kata Arcandra.

Pada lelang Wilayah kerja migas non-konvensional pada 2016, dari tiga wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan, tidak satu pun yang di minati investor. Ketiga Wilayah kerja tersebut adalah Wilayah Gas Metan Batubara (GMB) Batu Ampar di Kalimantan Timur serta GMB Raja dan GMB Bunga Mas di Sumatera Selatan. 

     Secara terpisah, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, investor sangat membutuhkan kemudahan berinvestasi di tengah sektor hulu migas di Indonesia yang lesu.  Kebijakan-kebijakan yang memberatkan investor bisa menurunkan minat para investor tersebut untuk berbisnis. ”Setiap kebijakan yang diterbitkan sebaiknya telah melalui kajian yang lengkap dan tidak dikeluarkan dengan tergesa-gesa,” kata Marjolijn.

Pada awal tahun ini, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. Konsep ini adalah konsep bagi hasil berdasar produksi bruto. Namun, sejumlah kalangan menyebut konsep ini masih perlu dibuktikan, apakah lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model bagi hasil dengan komponen cost recovery atau biaya operasi yang dapat digantikan.


Sementara itu, merespons penyegelan ruang kerjanya selaku Wakil Komisaris Utama PT Pertamina Arcandra menolak berkomentar. Ia mengaku tak tahu-menahu soal penyegelan tersebut. Menurut dia, tidak hanya ruang kerjanya yang disegel. Namun, ruang kerja komisaris yang lain turut disegel.

”Saya baru pulang dari iran. Saya tidak tahu soal itu," katanya.

Pada Rabu (1/3), Federasi  Serikat Pekerja Pekerja Bersatu (FSPBB) menyegel ruang kerja komisaris di kantor pusat Pertamina di Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta Pusat. Beredar informasi, penyegelan itu terkait pencopotan direksi Pertamina. 

     Informasi lain, FSPBB disebut tidak setuju dengan penyertaan modal asing dalam program pengembangan kilang Pertamina di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Dalam program ini, Pertamina menggandeng Saudi Aramco, perusahaan migas Arab Saudi. Hingga Jumat, pukul 20.00, Presiden FSPBB Noviandri tidak merespons pertanyaan Kompas, baik melalui pesan singkat maupun telepon.

Kompas, Page-20, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

BUMD Gresik Migas Dying

Regent Requested Pressure PGN

Conditions Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) PT Gresik Migas (GM) is dying and on the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, the allocation of gas from PT Pertamina has been discontinued as from March 2016 ago.

"Currently, GM is still not operating normally from the previous business. We suffered a loss of Rp 3.5 billion in 2006 as the main source of income stalled. But, there is little revenue from leased buildings, "said Managing Director (CEO) GM, Bukhari in a hearing with Commission B DPRD Gresik, Friday (3/3).

Explained, after PT Pertamina stop the supply of gas, GM still sells gas from PetroChina JOB allocation through Lengowangi wells. However, revenue is still very small. "The result is around 100 million per month." To suppress the greater the losses, GM is doing step by rationalizing employees for efficiency.

"It is not comfortable, but we will seek a major source of GM recover". Initially, GM gets a total of 17 MMBTU gas. But the Minister only allocates only 5 MMBTU. Nonetheless, GM rations can search to other parties if it is able to sell it. "Because of our performance is considered unsatisfactory, then mid-March only allotted 5 MMBTU. So, if you have the market, we are allowed to sell 17 MMBTU, "he explained. However, the main problem is the price of gas is pegged just a difference of US $ 0.5.

"We are given a price of $ 7.5. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has only 3-year contract until 2018. We trouble our negotiations with prospective buyers. Who can afford to buy only PGN (State Gas Company) because it has a pipe connected to our pipeline ". Previously, the gas network which buy gas to GM already closing the deal because they failed to absorb the gas from GM.

"The difficulty we are more due to PGN oversupply. In addition, the price we offer diurutan 5. So, our price is expensive. But, PGN still trying to get us to absorb gas. If by PGN fails, we ask for the intervention of the regent with other considerations as they do activities here. It's critical condition. In fact, we are with WMO has been closed, ".

Explained, the purchase price of gas GM to PHE WMHO of US $ 7.73. While potential buyers are able to buy only the PGN. "If the industry is able to buy at US $ 7.6 to 7.7 for Traffic consumer purchasing power disconnected".

Bukhari only wish to Tuban block which will be managed by PT Pertamina. Therefore, there is a rule of the Minister if the area gets participation interest (PI). "We expect GM recover soon. And during this time, we are living on savings that exist ".

In response to the exposure of GM, a member of Commission B DPRD Gresik, Zulfan Hashim said shareholders should lobby to Jakarta to seek a solution. "We also need to talk with the commissioners and shareholders," he said.

Other members of Commission B, Fakih Usman asserted that GM per December 31, 2016 loss of 3.5 billion and waiting for a possible follow PI in Tuban block, then the GM was very critical condition. "The thing to look for solutions, how looking operating expense GM until 2018". Meanwhile, Secretary of Commission B, Asroin Widyana ask GM provides financial data belonging to the local government for the years 2015 and 2016. "So, we can compare".


BUMD Gresik Migas Sekarat

Bupati Diminta Pressure PGN

Kondisi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) PT Gresik Migas (GM) sedang sekarat dan diambang kebangkrutan. Sebab, alokasi gas dari PT Pertamina sudah dihentikan terhitung sejak Maret 2016 silam. 

“Saat ini, GM masih belum beroperasi secara normal dari bisnis sebelumnya. Kita mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp 3,5 miliar pada tahun 2006 karena sumber pendapatan utama terhenti. Tapi, ada pendapatan kecil dari gedung yang disewakan,” ujar Direktur Utama (Dirut) GM, Bukhari dalam hearing dengan Komisi B DPRD Gresik, Jumat (3/3). 

Di jelaskan, setelah PT Pertamina menghentikan pasokan gas, GM masih menjual gas dari alokasi JOB Petrochina melalui sumur Lengowangi. Tetapi, pendapatannya masih sangat kecil. “Hasilnya sekitar 100 juta per bulan". Untuk menekan kerugian yang semakin besar, GM melakukan langkah dengan melakukan rasionalisasi pegawai untuk efisiensi. 

“Memang tidak nyaman, tapi kita akan berupaya sumber utama dari GM kembali pulih”. Awalnya, GM mendapat jatah gas sebanyak 17 MMBTU. Tetapi Menteri ESDM hanya memberikan jatah hanya 5 MMBTU. Meskipun demikian, jatah GM dapat mencari ke pihak lain apabila mampu menjualnya. “Karena kinerja kita dianggap tidak memuaskan, maka pertengahan Maret hanya diberi jatah 5 MMBTU. Jadi, kalau memiliki pasar, kita diperbolehkan menjual 17 MMBTU,” jelasnya. Hanya saja, masalah utama adalah harga gas yang dipatok hanya selisih US$ 0,5.

“Kita diberi harga US$ 7,5. Menteri ESDM hanya memberi kontrak 3 tahun sampai 2018. Kita kesulitan negoisasi dengan calon buyers kita. Yang mampu beli hanya PGN (Perusahan Gas Negara) karena memiliki pipa yang terhubung dengan pipa kita”. Sebelumnya,  Jaringan gas yang membeli gas ke GM sudah tutup buku perjanjiannya karena mereka gagal menyerap gas dari GM.

“Kesulitan kita lainnya karena PGN oversupply. Selain itu, harga yang kita tawarkan diurutan ke 5. Jadi, harga kita termasuk mahal. Tapi, PGN tetap berupaya agar bisa menyerap gas kita. Kalau dengan PGN gagal, kita minta campur tangan bupati dengan pertimbangan lain karena mereka melakukan aktifitasnya disini. Ini kondisi kritis. Padahal, kita dengan PHE WMO sudah closed,” .

Dijelaskan, harga beli gas GM ke PHE WMHO sebesar US$ 7,73. Sedangkan pembeli potensial yang mampu beli hanya PGN. “Kalau industri mampu membeli di US$ 7,6 - 7,7 karena kemapuan daya beli konsumen tidak nyambung".

Bukhari hanya berharap dengan blok Tuban yang rencananya akan dikelola oleh PT Pertamina. Sebab, ada aturan dari Menteri ESDM kalau daerah mendapat partisipasi interest (PI). “Kita berharap GM segera pulih. Dan selama ini, kita hidup dari tabungan yang ada”. 

Menanggapi pemaparan dari GM, anggota Komisi B DPRD Gresik, Zulfan Hasyim menyatakan, pemegang saham harus melobi ke Jakarta untuk mencari solusi. “Kami juga perlu ngobrol dengan komisaris dan pemegang saham,” ujarnya.

Anggota Komisi B lainnya, Fakih Usman menegaskan kalau GM per 31 Desember 2016 rugi 3,5 miliar dan menunggu kemungkinan ikut PI di blok Tuban, maka kondisi GM sangat kritis. “Yang harus dicari solusi, bagimana mencari beban operasional GM sampai 2018”. Sedangkan Sekretaris Komisi B, Asroin Widyana meminta GM memberikan data keuangan milik pemerintah daerah tersebut untuk tahun 2015 dan 2016. “Sehingga, kami bisa membandingkan”. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-12, Saturday, March, 4, 2017