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Monday, March 6, 2017

Government to Increase Impor LPG from Iran

Ministry of Energy asking price discount.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is exploring the addition of imported liquified petroleum gas (LPG) from Iran, next year. Procurement volume will be increased from currently approximately 600 thousand metric tons to 1 million tons of LPG.

"We are currently evaluate," said Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, told Tempo yesterday. Indonesia's efforts to lobby the additional volume of imports was accompanied by a demand for discount prices. Known, the value of LPG supply contract signed in May last year reached US $ 60 million. But the realization of new deliveries in the last year amounted to 88 thousand tons. The rest will be delivered this year.

Wiratmaja said the additional import aims to anticipate the surge in LPG consumption. The Ministry of Energy noted LPG subsidy spending rose an average of 13 percent each year.

Based on the State Budget (APBN) in 2017, the quota of subsidized LPG set of 7.09 million metric tons, an increase compared to last year's quota at 6.25 million metric tons. Increasing the quota granted in line with the policy division of 537 thousand packages of the prime LPG conversion program from kerosene.

Pertamina marketing director, Alexander predicts fund subsidy borne by the government this year increased. Therefore, assuming Crude Price Aramco, which is used as the benchmark price in the state budget, only US $ 300 per metric ton. And now prices have gone up slowly in the range of US $ 320 per metric ton. "The energy subsidy in the amount of LPG," said Iskandar.

Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar hope Iran can meet 10 percent of domestic LPG import requirement or about 700 thousand tons per year. Today, almost the entire supply of LPG imports from Saudi Arabia. "We expect a maximum of about 10 percent of the LPG import requirement."

Arcandra argued the government is also eyeing management cooperation two Iranian oil fields, the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. Two field holds the potential of up to 3 billion barrels of oil. That figure is equivalent to the entire Indonesia's proven oil reserves were 3.8 billion barrels.

If cooperation is realized, production from the two fields will reach 400 thousand barrels per day. The amount is equivalent to 37 percent of oil production the national average a year. According Arcandra, Iran responded positively to the plan.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam previous said oilfield management proposals already submitted in the last month. Syamsu said Pertamina has sent a team to Iran several times to start the preliminary technical studies for approximately four months. Another aspect in the review are technical issues and legal compliance.

"We hope this proposal became the foundation of both companies to negotiate on the management of both large field," said Syamsu.

Iran is the country with the fourth largest oil reserves in the world. The country has proven oil reserves of 157 billion barrels, or 9.3 percent of total proven reserves in the world. While the proven gas reserves, which is as much as 1,200 trillion cubic feet, is the largest in the world, or the equivalent of 18.2 percent of the total global gas reserves.

Iran is also committed to supply crude oil by 150 thousand barrels per day with an investment commitment of US $ 5 billion. But waiting for certainty of supply of oil refinery construction in Situbondo, East Java. Two companies, namely PT Kilanindo Golden Star and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), has signed a financial agreement


Pemerintah Naikkan Impor LPG dari Iran

Kementerian Energi meminta harga 

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sedang menjajaki penambahan impor liquified petroleum gas (LPG) dari Iran, tahun depan. Volume pengadaan akan ditambah dari saat ini sekitar 600 ribu metrik ton LPG menjadi 1 juta ton.

“Kami sedang mengevaluasinya,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, kepada Tempo, kemarin. Upaya Indonesia melobi tambahan volume impor itu disertai dengan permintaan diskon harga. Diketahui, nilai kontrak pengadaan LPG yang diteken pada Mei tahun lalu mencapai US$ 60 juta. Tapi realisasi pengiriman pada tahun lalu baru sebesar 88 ribu ton. Sisanya akan dikirimkan pada tahun ini. 

Wiratmaja mengatakan penambahan impor bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan konsumsi LPG. Kementerian Energi mencatat pengeluaran subsidi LPG naik rata-rata 13 persen setiap tahun.

Berdasarkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017, kuota LPG bersubsidi ditetapkan 7,09 juta metrik ton, atau naik dibanding jatah pada tahun lalu sebesar 6,25 juta metrik ton. Peningkatan kuota diberikan seiring dengan kebijakan pembagian 537 ribu paket perdana LPG dalam program konversi minyak tanah.

Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina, Iskandar memprediksi dana subsidi yang ditanggung pemerintah pada tahun ini bertambah besar. Sebab, asumsi Crude Price Aramco, yang digunakan sebagai patokan harga dalam APBN, hanya US$ 300 per metrik ton.  Padahal saat ini harga sudah naik secara perlahan di kisaran US$ 320 per metrik ton. “Subsidi energi besarnya di LPG,” kata Iskandar.

Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar berharap Iran bisa memenuhi 10 persen kebutuhan impor LPG domestik atau sekitar 700 ribu ton per tahun. Saat ini, hampir seluruh pasokan LPG impor berasal  dari Arab Saudi. “Kami berharap maksimal sekitar 10 persen dari kebutuhan impor LPG.”

Arcandra mengemukakan pemerintah juga mengincar kerja sama pengelolaan dua lapangan minyak Iran, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. Dua lapangan ini menyimpan potensi minyak hingga 3 miliar barel. Angka itu setara dengan cadangan minyak terbukti seluruh Indonesia yang mencapai 3,8 miliar barel.

Jika kerja sama terealisasi, produksi dari kedua lapangan itu akan mencapai 400 ribu barel per hari. Jumlah itu setara dengan 37 persen produksi minyak rata-rata nasional setahun. Menurut Arcandra, Iran menyambut positif rencana itu.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam sebelumnya mengatakan proposal pengelolaan ladang minyak sudah diajukan pada bulan lalu. Syamsu mengatakan Pertamina sudah mengirim tim ke Iran beberapa kali untuk memulai studi teknis pendahuluan selama kurang-lebih empat bulan. Aspek lain yang di tinjau adalah persoalan teknis dan kepatuhan hukum.

“Kami berharap proposal ini menjadi landasan kedua perusahaan untuk bernegosiasi pada pengelolaan kedua lapangan besar itu,” kata Syamsu.

Iran merupakan negara dengan cadangan minyak terbesar keempat di dunia. Negeri itu memiliki cadangan minyak terbukti sebesar 157 miliar barel, atau 9,3 persen dari total cadangan terbukti di dunia. Sedangkan cadangan gas terbukti, yang sebanyak 1.200 triliun kaki kubik, adalah terbesar di dunia, atau setara 18,2 persen dari total cadangan gas global.

   Iran juga berkomitmen memasok minyak mentah hingga 150 ribu barel per hari dengan komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 5 miliar. Tapi pasokan menunggu kepastian pembangunan kilang minyak di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Dua perusahaan, yakni PT Kilanindo Golden Star dan National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), sudah meneken persetujuan finansial

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Aramco’s Rapid entry benefits selected companies

The participation of Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil company Aramco in the refinery and cracker project within the Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) has spillover benefits on companies that are already active in and around the 8,903-hectare development in Johor.

Acccording to analysts, these companies will include Dialog Group Bhd, Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd (PetChem) and Petronas Gas Bhd (PetGas).

“The companies benefit in various ways from potentially seeing higher demand for their products and services, and increased job fiows to enjoying lower risk and seeing less pressure on their capital expenditure [capex] requirement,” one analyst tells StarBizWeek.

“This is based on our expectations of increased business activities and investor interest, driven by the entry of Aramco into the massive project,” he adds. Over the week, Aramco signeda deal with Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) to invest US$7 billion for a 50 percent stake in Petronas’ Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) project, which is now under construction at the Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) within the PIPC development.

Notably Dialog, whose Pengerang Deepwater Terminal (PDT) is located just next to the PIC development, stands to gain the most.

For one thing, the Petronas-Aramco partnership could potentially result in higher demand for tank terminals and deepwater marine facilities in the PDT. The increased demand for these facilities will be to cater to the requirements of the Rapid refinery and other dovimstream petrochemical plants within the PIPC.

Further development of the PDT will also provide Dialog with more opportunities in areas such as engineering and procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC), fabrication, plant main-
tenance and catalyst handling services.

According to a source, the potential investments into tank terminals in the PDT include an expansion of the existing independent tank terminals owned by the Pengerang Independent Terminal (SPV1), by an additional one million cubic metres. 

The group also looks to benefit from the potential expansion of the dedicated tank terminal owned by Pengerang Terminals (Two) Sdn Bhd (SPV2), to be used by the Rapid refinery and petro-chemical plants, as well as the development of new tank terminals with deepwater jetty facilities capable of handling ultra and very large crude carriers.

In terms of EPCC, the source says, Dialog will benefit from the expansion works for the existing SPV 1 and SPV 2 as well as any new tank terminals to be built within the PDT.

“Dialog Group has successfully completed SPV 1 and the construction of SPV 2 is progressing within schedule. 

“The group may also benefit from potential EPCC works for selected portions of the petrochemical plants in PIPC,” the source explains.

According to the source, Dialog looks to reap the benefits of recurring income from its SPVs due to the increased usage or expansions.

“With the ongoing operations of SPV 1 and current construction of SPV 2, Dialog is now working towards securing new potential partners for future phases, which will include the development of more petroleum and petrochemical storage terminals,” he explains.

Meanwhile, Dialog’s plant maintenance and catalyst handling services division will also gain from the Petronas-Aramco partnership, when the works in the Rapid project and the petro-chemical plants come on stream, as it could lead to increased demand for the group’s technical services.

As it stands, Dialog still has another 243-ha of land within the PDT as well as 81-ha of land that can be reclaimed in the PIPC. The group also has sufficient land to support the presence of downstream oil and gas companies in PIPC, where its Sungai Rengit Industrial Estate has 320 acres of industrial park which can accommodate petroleum and chemical storage facilities and warehouses, petrochemical manufacturing industries, bottling and drumming plants and open year storages.

According to an industry source, Aramco’s involvement in the Rapid project, which has attracted worldwide attention, will likely draw more downstream oil and gas companies to set up operations in the PIPC.

On that note, some fabrication yards nearby could benefit. Amlnvestment Bank.Research points out that Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings Bhd (MMHE), which has a fabrication yard in Pasir Gudang, could be a likely candidate to gain through new job flows coming from the Pengerang development. 

However, another analyst is not so optimistic about MMHE’s potential benefit due to the stiff competition. amid an oversupply of fabrication yards in the area. At present, there are about eight fabrication yards around the Pengerang area and an industry source says jobs will likely be given to only a handful of them. Separately, Amlnvestment points out there could be prospects for some other companies such as Barakah Offshore Petroleum Bhd and Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd to secure some outsourced contract works.

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Monday, March, 6, 2017

2017, Turning Point National Oil Production

National oil production continues to fall every year since seven years ago. In 2010, the national oil production reached 942 thousand barrels per day (bpd). However, this number dropped to 898 thousand bpd in 2011, then 859 thousand bpd in 2012, and stagnant 786 thousand bpd in 2014 and 2015.

However, this condition changed in two years, when production Cepu reach the top. In 2016, oil production can propagate rose to 822 thousand bpd. In 2017, though only 815 thousand bpd target, the realization of production in the beginning of the year has reached 825.7 thousand bpd. Furthermore, oil production will be maintained in order to plateau at around 820 thousand barrels per day until 2020.

"With the support of all parties, we are optimistic that oil and gas production target in 2017 could be exceeded," said Head of Public Relations of SKK Migas Taslim Z Yunus.

Taslim optimism is not without basis. Along with crawling rising crude oil prices, domestic oil and gas investments also increased. National oil and gas investment had plummeted from US $ 20.3 billion in 2014 to US $ 12.01 billion in 2016 due to a significant cut in oil prices.

But this year, oil and gas investment is projected to rise slightly to US $ 13 billion. Increased investment means that the number of oil and gas exploration and production activities more and more. This year, the planned drilling development wells as many as 223 wells, re-work (work-over) 907 wells, well maintenance 57 512 wells, 40 seismic survey activities and exploration drilling 134 wells. This is to ensure the production target of 815 thousand bpd of oil and gas 6439.4 million standard cubic feetper day / MMSCFD.

This indicates the rate of decline in oil production can be suppressed. He explained that if there is no new activity, the decline in oil production this year is projected at 16.2%. To maintain the level of production, carried out activities such as drilling, maintenance and rework wells, as well as the optimization of facilities.

"With these efforts, the decline in oil production compared to 2016 can be reduced up to 2.8%," he said.

Not only that, SKK Migas also targets there are four new oil and gas projects that will come on stream this year. In the first quarter, there are two projects namely Fields Madura BD by Husky Oil and Field Cikarang Tegal Pacing by PT Pertamina EP The production of each project is the 5,980 bpd of oil and 100 MMSCFD in the Madura BD, as well as gas production 14 MMSCFD in Field Cikarang Tegal Pacing.

Furthermore, in the third-quarter 2017 Cricket Field project is planned to operate 200 bpd and 142 MMSCFD gas from the gas well as Cricket North East (Muara Bakau ENI) of 60 MMSCFD. Currently, production facilities, storage and offloading floating (floating production, storage, and offloading / FPSO) This project will be shipped from Karimun in March. "This March Karimun to sail away from East Kalimantan and is expected pfoduksinya July," he said.

In addition to these four projects, there will also be two other projects which began operations in 2017. Both of these projects should start production in the last year:

First, the Project Wasambo by Energy Equity Epic Sengkang with 80 MMSCFD gas produks planned to come on stream this year's first quarter. However, Taslim estimates the project will return back and will be on stream by year end. His next project is Matindok project done by Pertamina EP, Schedule on stream this project backwards from last year to the first quarter of 2017. The planned Matindok project will produce 65 MMSCFD gas and 800 bpd. Pertamina had called the project is late because of a problem in the execution of its gas processing facilities.

Not Down

Not content production is only growing up, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) wants to survive the oil production in the range of 820 thousand to 2020. In fact, based on projections, the national oil production will continue to fall to 670 thousand bpd in 2018, 610 thousand bpd in 2019, and reached only 550 thousand bpd by 2020. gas production is projected to be stable at around 6,500 mMSCFD.

To increase oil production to be higher involvement, according to Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, is a difficult thing to do in the near future. As it can take quite a long wait for a new project started producing oil. However, oil production will be controlled so as not to freefall to reduce the rate of production decline (decline rate). "In five years, (oil production) of 800 thousand barrels per day should not go down," he said.

To that end, the government made a short-term program to achieve these targets. The program includes three things, namely the identification of technology, organization of workshops (workshop), and program activities. The Government will ensure what technology should be used to be able to increase oil production, and then to introduce the technology to the oil and gas companies, and together determine what activities are needed.

"For that we need cooperation between the Ministry of Energy, SKK Migas, and Production Sharing Contractors (cooperation). KKKS executor, so we call, said Arcandra.

Related to oil and gas investment in the future, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja optimistic will improve starting this year. Crude oil prices started to creep up did help the government's efforts to boost domestic oil and gas upstream investments. However, the implementation of cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) also played a role.

With the gross split, Wiratmaja said, the government wants to improve Indonesia's competitiveness in the oil and gas attract investors. This scheme will be applied in the oil and gas auction this year. "We hope more competitive, more in the middle (rank). We are now almost at the end (ranking), "he said.

According to him, the scheme gross split can improve the return on capital (internal rate of return / IRR) of oil and gas projects. Because, considering the location and condition of oil and gas field, the accumulated amount of production, and oil prices in determining the outcome ration oil and gas contractors. Thus, any marginal oil and gas fields can still be economical.

"If the marginal, so there is an extra split its order IRR can be achieved. We can give KKKS minimum IRR of 12%, "said Wiratmaja. Scheme split also made a gross profit of oil and gas companies will be even greater if they do efficiency.


2017, Titik Balik Produksi Minyak Nasional

Produksi minyak nasional terus turun setiap tahunnya sejak tujuh tahun yang lalu. Pada 2010, produksi minyak nasional mencapai 942 ribu barel per hari (bph). Namun, angka ini terus turun menjadi 898 ribu bph pada 2011, kemudian 859 ribu bph pada 2012, dan stagnan 786 ribu bph pada 2014 dan 2015.

Namun, kondisi ini berubah dalam dua tahun ini, ketika produksi Blok Cepu mencapai puncak. Pada 2016, produksi minyak dapat merambat naik menjadi 822 ribu bph. Pada 2017, meski ditargetkan hanya 815 ribu bph, realisasi produksi di awal tahun telah mencapai 825,7 ribu bph. Selanjutnya, produksi minyak akan dipertahankan agar plato di kisaran 820 ribu bph sampai 2020.

“Dengan dukungan Semua pihak, kami optimis target produksi migas tahun 2017 dapat terlampaui,” kata Kepala Humas SKK Migas Taslim Z Yunus.

Optimisme Taslim ini bukan tanpa dasar. Seiring dengan merangkak naiknya harga minyak mentah, investasi migas nasional juga ikut meningkat. Investasi migas nasional sempat terjun bebas dari US$ 20,3 miliar pada 2014 menjadi US$ 12,01 miliar pada 2016 lantaran harga minyak terpangkas signifikan. 

Namun pada tahun ini, investasi migas diproyeksi naik tipis menjadi US$ 13 miliar. Peningkatan investasi berarti jumlah kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi migas semakin banyak. Pada tahun ini, direncanakan kegiatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan sebanyak 223 sumur, kerja ulang (work over) 907 sumur, perawatan sumur 57.512 sumur, survei seismik 40 kegiatan, dan pengeboran eksplorasi 134 sumur. Hal ini guna memastikan target produksi minyak 815 ribu bph dan gas 6.439,4 million standard cubic feetper day/mmscfd.

Hal ini menandakan laju penurunan produksi minyak dapat ditekan. Dia menjelaskan, apabila tidak ada kegiatan baru, penurunan produksi minyak tahun ini diproyeksikan sebesar 16,2%. Untuk menjaga tingkat produksi, dilakukan kegiatan seperti pengeboran, perawatan, dan kerja ulang sumur, serta optimasi fasilitas.

“Dengan upaya tersebut, penurunan produksi minyak dibanding tahun 2016 dapat ditekan hingga menjadi 2,8%,” ujarnya. 

Tidak hanya itu, SKK Migas juga menargetkan terdapat empat proyek migas baru yang akan on stream tahun ini. Pada kuartal pertama ini, terdapat dua proyek yakni Lapangan Madura BD oleh Husky Oil dan Lapangan Cikarang Tegal Pacing oleh PT Pertamina EP Besar produksi masing-masing proyek ini yakni 5.980 bph minyak dan 100 mmscfd di Madura BD, serta produksi gas 14 mmscfd di Lapangan Cikarang Tegal Pacing.

Selanjutnya, pada kuartal-III 2017 direncanakan beroperasi proyek Lapangan Jangkrik 200 bph dan gas 142 mmscfd Serta gas dari Jangkrik North East (ENI Muara Bakau) sebesar 60 MMscfd. Saat ini, fasilitas produksi, penampungan, dan bongkar muat terapung (floating production, storage, and offloading/FPSO) proyek ini akan dikapalkan dari Karimun pada Maret nanti. “Maret ini sail away dari Karimun ke Kalimantan Timur dan diharapkan pfoduksinya Juli nanti,” tuturnya.

Selain empat proyek ini, juga akan ada dua proyek lain yang mulai operasi pada 2017. Kedua proyek ini seharusnya mulai produksi pada tahun lalu :

Pertama, Proyek Wasambo oleh Energy Equity Epic Sengkang dengan produks gas 80 mmscfd direncanakan on stream kuartal pertama tahun ini. Namun, Taslim memperkirakan proyek ini akan kembali mundur dan baru dapat on stream akhir tahun. Proyek berikutnya adalah Proyek Matindok yang dikerjakan oleh Pertamina EP, Jadwal on stream proyek ini mundur dari tahun lalu menjadi kuartal pertama 2017. Proyek Matindok direncanakan akan menghasilkan gas 65 mmscfd dan 800 bph. Pertamina sempat menyebut proyek terlambat karena ada masalah dalam pengerjaan fasilitas pemrosesan gasnya.

Tidak Turun

Tidak puas produksi minyak hanya tumbuh ke atas, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menginginkan produksi minyak bertahan di kisaran 820 ribu sampai 2020. Padahal, berdasarkan proyeksi, produksi minyak nasional akan terus turun menjadi 670 ribu bph pada 2018, 610 ribu bph pada 2019, dan mencapai hanya 550 ribu bph pada 2020. Sementara produksi gas diproyeksikan akan stabil di kisaran 6.500 mmscfd.

Menaikkan produksi minyak menjadi lebih tinggi Iagi, menurut Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, adalah hal yang sulit dilakukan dalam waktu dekat. Pasalnya, butuh waktu cukup lama menunggu proyek baru mulai memproduksi minyak. Namun, produksi minyak akan bisa di kendalikan agar tidak terjun bebas dengan menekan laju penurunan produksi (decline rate). “Dalam lima tahun ini, (produksi minyak) 800 ribu bph tidak boleh turun," kata dia. 

Untuk itu, pemerintah membuat program jangka pendek untuk mencapai target tersebut. Program ini mencakup tiga hal, yakni identifikasi teknologi, penyelenggaraan loka karya (workshop), dan program kegiatan. Pemerintah akan memastikan teknologi apa yang harus dipakai untuk dapat menaikkan produksi minyak, kemudian memperkenalkan teknologi itu kepada perusahaan migas, dan bersama-sama menentukan kegiatan apa saja yang diperlukan.

“Untuk itu perlu kerja sama Kementerian ESDM, SKK Migas, dan KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama). Eksekutor KKKS, jadi kami panggil, kata Arcandra.

Terkait investasi migas ke depannya, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja optimis akan membaik mulai tahun ini. Harga minyak mentah yang mulai merangkak naik memang membantu upaya pemerintah menggenjot investasi hulu migas dalam negeri. Namun, penerapan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) juga ikut berperan. 

Dengan adanya gross split, Wiratmaja menuturkan, pemerintah ingin memperbaiki daya saing Indonesia dalam menggaet investor migas. Skema ini akan diterapkan dalam lelang migas pada tahun ini. “Kami harap lebih kompetitif, lebih di tengah (rankingnya). Kita sekarang hampir di ujung (ranking) ,” ujarnya.

Menurutnya, skema gross split dapat memperbaiki tingkat pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) proyek migas. Pasalnya, mempertimbangkan lokasi dan kondisi lapangan migas, jumlah akumulasi produksi, dan harga minyak dalam menetapkan bagi hasil jatah kontraktor migas. Sehingga, lapangan migas marjinal pun masih tetap bisa ekonomis.

“Kalau marjinal, makanya ada tambahan split-nya supaya IRR-nya dapat dicapai. Kami memberi minimum KKKS dapat IRR 12%,” kata Wiratmaja. Skema gross split juga membuat keuntungan perusahaan migas akan semakin besar jika mereka melakukan efisiensi.

 Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Pertamina’s CEO Selection Continues

The next person to head oil and gas giant Pertamina could be an internal figure or someone from outside the company, State Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno has said. Rini said the ministry had proposed candidates to the President, but no decision had been made. “Please be patient. We will definitely announce [the names],” Rini told a press briefing in jakarta on Friday, Tribunnewscom reported.

Several people reportedly made it onto the governments short list, namely Pertamina upstream director Syamsu Alam, acting president director Yenni Andayani, processing and petrochemical megaproject director Rachmad Hardadi, commissioner Edwin Hidayat Abdullah and vice president commissioner Arcandra Tahar, who is also deputy energy and mineral resources minister.

Meanwhile, non-Pertamina figures include state-owned plantation PT PTPN Holding CEO Elia Massa Manik, state electricity firm PLN president director Sofyan Basir and State-Owned Enterprises Ministry expert staff member Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

Rachmad and Arcandra refused to comment on the matter. The government dismissed Pertamina president director Dwi Soetjipto and deputy Ahmad Bambang in February following months of conflict and assigned Yenni to be the acting president director. lt should have appointed the new CEO after a 30-day period, which elapsed on Friday, However, the government has decided to postpone the appointment for another 30 days and prolong Yenni’s tenure.

”[The tenure] has been prolonged because there has been no decision by the board of commissioners [on the new CEO] yet,” commissioner Edwin said.

 Jakarta Post, Page-14, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Auctions Oil and Gas Blocks Non-conventional Not attractive to investors

Auction nonconventional oil and gas blocks, both coal methane gas (coal bed methane / CBM) and oil / gas superficial (shale oil / gas) in the past year did not attract investors. As a result, the development of these three blocks can not be done.

In the past year, the government auctioned three non-conventional oil and gas blocks, namely King and Bungamas CBM Block, and Block Shale Oil / Gas Batu Ampar. These three blocks offered and October 31, 2016 until February 27, 2017.

"Of the three oil and gas blocks are auctioned, no interest," said Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja in Jakarta.

To block Raja and Batu Ampar, said from the beginning there is no oil and gas companies who are interested. But for Block Bunga Mas, is still interested in the company, namely PT Mantra Energy Services. Unfortunately, the documents submitted by the company was not complete and therefore disqualified and not proceed further assessment.

Oil and gas blocks auction we are not interested in this challenge. Hence the various regulations into our future revision (in order) to be interesting, "said Wiratmaja. As for conventional oil and gas block auction, is currently in the process of final evaluation. In the past year, the government offered 14 oil and gas blocks through direct deals and the regular auction.

Seven blocks offered through direct bidding namely Block Ebuny, Onin, West Kaimana, West Hill, Batu Gajah Two, Kasongan ampir, and Powerful. Furthermore, seven oil and gas blocks are auctioned regular CPR Oti South Block, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, and Kasuri II.

Wiratmaja admit, it has been awarded one company the potential winner for the auction through direct deals. However, it has not announced it because it still offers the oil and gas contract scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) to the company. Thus, the announcement of the winner had to be postponed, it is given the auction opened with an open bid contract offer split and sliding scale. "The success is only one conventional, it is also still being evaluated and will be announced in March," he said.

To attract investments in oil and gas blocks this year's auction, the government will offer a gross contractual scheme split; So different from the auction last year in which the profit sharing (split) can be offered by the company, this time can be negotiated is the signing bonus and not split it. "Work Area Auction conventional and non-conventional first half of 2017 is being prepared now. All documents will be offered in gross split, "said Wiratmaja.

Split gross scheme aims to encourage exploration and exploitation business more effectively and quickly, and to encourage oil and gas contractors and oil and gas industries for more efficient support. So it is more able to deal with oil price fluctuations from time to time.

In addition, driving business process upstream oil and gas contractor (PSC) and SKK Migas become simpler and accountable. Thus, the system of procurement (procurement) bureaucratic and debates that took place during this time to be reduced.


Lelang Blok Migas Non-konvensional Tidak diminati Investor

Lelang blok migas nonkonvensional, baik gas methana batubara (coal bed methane/CBM) maupun minyak/gas dangkal (shale oil/ gas) pada tahun lalu tidak diminati oleh para investor. Alhasil, pengembangan tiga blok ini belum dapat dilakukan.

Pada tahun lalu, pemerintah melelang tiga blok migas non-konvensional, yakni Blok CBM Raja dan Bungamas, serta Blok Shale Oil/ Gas Batu Ampar. Ketiga blok ini ditawarkan dan 31 Oktober 2016 sampai 27 Februari 2017.

“Dari tiga blok migas yang dilelang, tidak ada yang berminat," kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja di Jakarta.

Untuk Blok Raja dan Batu Ampar, dikatakannya sejak awal tidak ada perusahaan migas yang berminat. Namun untuk Blok Bunga Mas, masih diminati satu perusahaan, yakni PT Mantra Energi Services. Sayangnya, dokumen yang dikirimkan oleh perusahaan ini tidak lengkap sehingga dinyatakan gugur dan tidak dilanjutkan penilaian lebih lanjut.

Lelang blok migas kita tidak diminati ini menjadi tantangan. Makanya berbagai regulasi ke depan kami revisi (agar) menjadi menarik,” tutur Wiratmaja. Sementara untuk lelang blok migas konvensional, saat ini masih dalam proses evaluasi akhir. Pada tahun lalu, pemerintah menawarkan 14 blok migas melalui penawaran langsung dan lelang reguler.  

Tujuh blok yang ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung yakni Blok Ebuny, Onin, West Kaimana, Bukit Barat, Batu Gajah Dua, Kasongan Ampir, dan Ampuh. Selanjutnya, tujuh blok migas yang dilelang reguler adalah Blok South CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, dan Kasuri II. 

Wiratmaja mengakui, pihaknya sudah memperoleh satu perusahaan calon pemenang untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung. Namun, pihaknya belum mengumumkannya karena masih menawarkan kontrak migas skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) kepada perusahaan tersebut. Sehingga, pengumuman pemenang terpaksa ditunda, hal ini mengingat lelang dibuka dengan tawaran kontrak open bid split dan sliding scale. “Yang berhasil memang cuma satu yang konvensional, itu juga masih dievaluasi dan akan diumumkan Maret,” kata dia.

Untuk menarik investasi pada lelang blok migas tahun ini, pemerintah akan menawarkan skema kontrak gross split; Sehingga berbeda dengan lelang tahun lalu di mana bagi hasil (split) dapat ditawar oleh perusahaan, kali ini yang bisa ditawar adalah bonus tanda tangan dan bukan split-nya. “Lelang Wilayah Kerja konvensional dan non-konvensional semester 1 tahun 2017 sedang  dipersiapkan sekarang. Semua dokumennya akan ditawarkan dalam gross split,” kata Wiratmaja.

Skema gross split bertujuan untuk mendorong usaha eksplorasi dan eksploitasi yang lebih efektif dan cepat, serta mendorong para kontraktor migas dan industri penunjang migas untuk lebih efisien. Sehingga lebih mampu menghadapi gejolak harga minyak dari waktu ke waktu.

Selain itu, mendorong bisnis proses kontraktor hulu migas (KKKS) dan SKK Migas menjadi lebih sederhana dan akuntabel. Dengan demikian, sistem pengadaan (procurement) yang birokratis dan perdebatan yang terjadi selama ini menjadi berkurang.

 Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Saudi Aramco Push in Refinery Invest in Indonesia

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will pursue cooperation investment in the energy sector with Saudi Arabia, especially the development of refinery fuel oil (BBM).

It was in connection with a number of MoU (memorandum of understanding / MoU) agreed in conjunction with the visit of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud in Indonesia.

"The presence of Saudi Arabia gives legitimacy investment in Indonesia needs to be followed. We expect a number of investments in the energy sector, especially the development of the refinery can be realized so that we have a value-added," said Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmadja Puja during the discussion titled " capturing Investment Opportunities Coming King of Saudi refinery regard to the Indonesian Press Council, Jakarta.

He said, there is a commitment to jointly develop a refinery with Saudi Arabia's national oil company, Saudi Aramco is the need to follow up, in addition to the development of an oil refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, worth US $ 6 billion or equivalent to Rp 80.2 trillion with PT Pertamina.

"For investment Saudi Aramco refinery in Cilacap was clear and the process is already Iama. Furthermore, the need to follow up is the development of refineries that have not cooperated or worked on their own,". According to him, the construction of the refinery must be realized to reduce fuel imports and to create added value in the country. He said he called the current national fuel demand reached 1.6 million barrels per day, while the real capacity in the country is only able to accommodate oil by 800,000 barrels per day.

Though fuel demand is expected to increase significantly in 2022 reached 2.22 million barrels per day. He also mentioned the construction of the refinery is not solely sufficient fuel needs, but also will be integrated with the supporting industries, namely petrochemicals. He said he realized the challenge of attracting investment is not easy because in addition to plant capital intensive high risk and may also be required to invest ease.

However, Indonesia has so far benefited from the economic and political stability so that it becomes an important asset in terms of attracting investment. "So, it is not wrong if one of them is Saudi Arabia see Indonesia for economic and political stability are relatively stable. In terms of licenses, anyone downstream investment we indirectly provide commercial license," he said.

In addition to cooperation refinery, Saudi Arabia also offers Pertamina trade in Saudi Arabia. Pertamina was given the opportunity to sell products avturnya at King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah. Not only that, Pertamina also offered to build a hospital in Saudi Arabia considering the number of pilgrims and Umrah from Indonesia. "We were given the opportunity to sell aviation fuel in Jeddah. Alasarmya for Indonesian people who umrah and hajj there very much. In addition, also given the opportunity to build a hospital pertamina there".

On the same occasion, Chief Coordinator Gas Industry Chamber Ahmad Wijaya think Saudi Arabia should give reciprocal investment in Indonesia. Because, so far Pertamina to buy products imported LPG from Saudi Aramco. "Pertamina has been already bought the product LPG from Saudi Aramco. Now in return, what should be given to Indonesia,".

He also encouraged the cooperation memorandum of government to government (G to G) between the Government of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia actionable be business to business (B to B) so that the processing plant can actually be realized.

He also hoped the refinery not only increase the supply of fuel, but also must produce supporting industry to produce value added in the country.


Saudi Aramco di Dorong Investasikan Kilang di Indonesia

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral akan menindaklanjuti kerja sama investasi di sektor energi dengan Arab Saudi terutama pengembangan kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM).

Hal itu sehubungan dengan sejumlah penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (memorandum of understanding /MOU) yang disepakati bersamaan dengan kunjungan Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdulaziz al- Saud di Indonesia.

"Kehadiran Arab Saudi memberikan legitimasi investasi di Indonesia perlu ditindaklanjuti. Kami harapkan sejumlah investasi di sektor energi, terutama pengembangan kilang dapat terealisasi sehingga kami punya nilai tambah," ujar Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmadja Puja saat diskusi bertajuk "Menangkap Peluang Investasi Kilang Sehubungan Kedatangan Raja Arab ke Indonesia di Dewan Pers, Jakarta.

Dia mengatakan, terdapat komitmen kerja sama pengembangan kilang dengan perusahaan minyak nasional Arab Saudi, yaitu Saudi Aramco yang perlu ditindaklanjuti, selain pengembangan kilang minyak di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, senilai US$ 6 miliar atau setara Rp 80,2 triliun dengan PT Pertamina.

"Untuk investasi Saudi Aramco di kilang Cilacap sudah jelas dan prosesnya memang sudah Iama. Selanjutnya yang perlu ditindaklanjuti ialah pengembangan kilang yang belum dikerjasamakan atau digarap sendiri,".  Menurut dia, pembangunan kilang harus diwujudkan guna mengurangi impor BBM serta menciptakan nilai tambah di dalam negeri. Pihaknya menyebut kebutuhan BBM nasional saat ini mencapai 1,6 juta barel per hari, sedangkan kapasitas secara nyata di dalam negeri hanya sanggup menampung minyak sebesar 800.000 barel per hari. 

Padahal kebutuhan BBM pada 2022 diperkirakan meningkat signifikan mencapai 2,22 juta barel per hari. Dia juga menyebut pembangunan kilang tidak hanya semata-mata mencukupi kebutuhan BBM, tapi juga akan di integrasikan dengan industri penunjang yaitu petrokimia. Pihaknya menyadari tantangan menarik investasi kilang tidaklah mudah karena  selain padat modal juga berisiko tinggi sehingga diperlukan kemudahan berinvestasi.

Namun, sejauh ini Indonesia diuntungkan dengan stabilitas ekonomi dan politik sehingga menjadi modal penting dalam hal menarik investasi. "Jadi, tidak salah jika salah satunya Arab Saudi melihat Indonesia karena stabilitas ekonomi dan politik relatif stabil. Dari sisi izin, siapa pun yang investasi dihilir kami Iangsung berikan izin niaga," ujarnya. 

Selain kerja sama kilang, Arab Saudi juga menawarkan Pertamina berniaga di Arab Saudi. Pertamina diberi kesempatan menjual produk avturnya di Bandara Internasional King Abdul Aziz di Jeddah. Tidak hanya itu, Pertamina juga ditawari membangun rumah sakit di Arab Saudi mengingat banyaknya jamaah haji dan umrah dari Indonesia. "Kami memang diberikan kesempatan menjual avtur di Jeddah. Alasarmya karena masyarakat Indonesia yang umrah dan haji di sana sangat banyak. Selain itu, juga diberikan kesempatan membangun rumah sakit pertamina disana".

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Ketua Koordinator Gas Industri Kadin Ahmad Wijaya beranggapan sudah seharusnya Arab Saudi memberikan timbal balik investasi di Indonesia. Pasalnya, sejauh ini Pertamina membeli produk impor elpiji dari Saudi Aramco. "Pertamina selama ini sudah membeli produk LPG dari Saudi Aramco. Sekarang timbal baliknya apa yang harus diberikan kepada Indonesia,”.

Dia juga mendorong kerja sama nota kesepahaman government to government (G to G) antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Kerajaan Arab Saudi dapat ditindaklanjuti menjadi business to business (B to B) sehingga pembangunan kilang benar-benar dapat direalisasikan.

Dia juga berharap kilang tidak hanya meningkatkan pasokan BBM, tetapi juga harus menghasilkan industri penunjang untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah di dalam negeri.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Working Pertamina Gas Pipeline 513 Km

After completing the transmission gas pipeline construction along the 225 km in 2016, PT Pertamina, through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), will be completed three similar projects this year along 513 km.

"The development of pipeline infrastructure projects is one of the five strategic priorities that proclaimed Pertamina," said External Communications Manager of Pertamina Jekson Simanjuntak in Buitenzorg.

Pertamina currently has five strategic priorities, namely the development of the upstream sector, efficiency in all lines, refineries and petrochemical capacity building, infrastructure development, and improvement of financial structure.

For the development of pipeline infrastructure through Pertagas, Pertamina is currently working on three projects are targeted for completion this year. First, the gas pipeline project Gresik-Pusri along 176 km. This pipeline will transport the gas to fertilizer plants and power plants, and is targeted to be onstream in the second quarter / 2017 total gas capacity of 160 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

Second, the gas pipeline looping projects Gresik-PKG along 70 km. Gas is allocated as much as 85 MMSCFD and onstream in July 2017. Third, the gas pipeline project with a capacity of 500 mmscd Gresik- Semarang with power and industrial consumers. The project is projected due to Quarter III / 2017.

Public Relations Manager Pertagas Ilwan Hatim said, Pertagas also strengthen the infrastructure by building Regassification Floating Storage Unit (FSRU) will be targeted Cilacap onstream in May 2019. The FSRU will be built to supply gas to Rifenery Cilacap Unit VI. "For city gas, until now, Pertagas has built 91 857 household connections spread across 13 cities.

With the full support of the Director General of Oil and Gas, Pertagas will continue to build household gas. Targeted in 2019 for domestic gas network has reached 214 618 house connections. "Hatim explained that the success of the company completed the three projects will further extend the gas pipeline transmission." In a relatively young age, Pertagas has recorded a remarkable performance.

    We will continue to increase the portion of gas pipeline transmission so it could be closer gas on a consistent "he said. In 2016, the company has completed three projects, namely the project of gas pipeline transmission and open access Belawan-KIM SEZ. This project will carry gas in two areas, namely KKIK and KEK Sei Mangkei. Belawan-KIK pipe segment along 11.8 km. While Belawan-KEK Sei Mangkei along 125 km.

Then, the transmission pipeline project and open access to the Porong-RoW 56 km long pipeline. This pipeline will transport the gas to power plants owned subsidiary of PT PLN, PT Indonesia Power Grati. Then, the gas pipeline project and open access-Muara Karang Muara Tawar along 32km. This gas pipeline will transport the gas to a power plant and industrial Tawar in West Java. "Everything's open access transmission pipelines and pipeline with a total length of 225 km. The total investment of USD 287 million.


Pertamina Garap Pipa Gas 513 Km

Setelah merampungkan pembangunan infrastruktur pipa gas transmisi sepanjang 225 km pada 2016, PT Pertamina melalui anak usahanya, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), akan merampungkan tiga proyek sejenis tahun ini sepanjang 513 km.

"Pengembangan proyek-proyek infrastruktur pipa merupakan salah satu dari lima prioritas strategis yang dicanangkan Pertamina," kata External Communication Manager Pertamina Jekson Simanjuntak di Buitenzorg.

Pertamina saat ini memiliki lima prioritas strategis, yakni pengembangan sektor hulu, efisiensi di semua lini, pengembangan kapasitas kilang dan petrokimia, pengembangan infrastruktur, dan perbaikan struktur keuangan.

Untuk pengembangan infrastruktur pipa melalui Pertagas, Pertamina sedang mengerjakan tiga proyek yang ditargetkan tuntas sepanjang tahun ini. Pertama, proyek pipa gas Gresik-Pusri sepanjang 176 km. Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan pembangkit listrik dan ditargetkan akan onstream pada kuartal II/ 2017. Total kapasitas gas sebanyak 160 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd).

Kedua, proyek pipa gas looping Gresik-Petrokimia Gresik sepanjang 70 km. Gas dialokasikan sebanyak 85 mmscfd dan onstream pada Juli 2017. Ketiga , proyek pipa gas Gresik- Semarang berkapasitas 500 mmscd dengan konsumen pembangkit listrik dan industri. Proyek ini diproyeksikan tuntas kuarta lll/2017.

Manajer Humas Pertagas Hatim Ilwan mengatakan, Pertagas juga memperkuat infrastruktur dengan membangun Floating Storage Regassification Unit (FSRU) Cilacap ditargetkan bakal onstream pada Mei 2019. FSRU ini nantinya di bangun untuk memasok gas untuk Rifenery Unit VI Cilacap. "Untuk city gas, sampai saat ini, Pertagas telah membangun 91.857 sambungan rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 kota.

Dengan dukungan penuh Dirjen Migas, Pertagas akan terus membangun gas rumah tangga. Ditargetkan pada 2019 jaringan gas untuk rumah tangga sudah mencapai 214.618 sambungan rumah". Hatim menjelaskan, keberhasilan perusahaan menyelesaikan ketiga proyek tersebut akan semakin memperpanjang pipa gas transmisi. ”Dalam usia yang terbilang muda, Pertagas telah mencatat kinerja yang luar biasa. 

Kami akan terus memperbesar porsi pipa gas transmisi sehingga bisa semakin mendekatkan gas pada konsisten" katanya. Pada 2016, perusahaan telah menyelesaikan tiga proyek, yakni proyek pipa gas transmisi dan open acces Belawan-KIM KEK. Proyek ini akan mengalirkan gas pada dua kawasan, yakni KKIK dan KEK Sei Mangkei. Ruas pipa Belawan-KIK sepanjang 11,8 km. Sementara Belawan-KEK Sei Mangkei sepanjang 125 km.

Kemudian, proyek pipa transmisi dan open acces Porong-Grati dengan panjang pipa 56 km. Pipa ini akan mengalirkan gas untuk pembangkit listrik milik anak usaha PT PLN, yakni PT Indonesia Power Grati. Lalu, proyek pipa gas dan open acces Muara Karang-Muara Tawar sepanjang 32km. Pipa gas ini akan mengalirkan gas ke PLTG Tawar dan industri di Jawa Barat. "Semuanya pipa transmisi dan open acces dengan total panjang pipa mencapai 225 km. Total investasi senilai USD 287 juta.

Koran Sindo, Page-9, Monday, March, 6, 2017

Jonan: Oil Prices Make Auctions Work Areas not Interested

The past two years, the auction oil and gas area is quiet enthusiasts. In 2015, none of the applicants on eight areas of work offered by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). As for the last 2016 years, the possibility of only one auction enthusiasts in 14 work areas are offered. 

     The government schedule the announcement of winners of working area in 2016. EMR Ministry accused, auction enthusiasts deserted the cause is the weakening in world oil prices. "If oil prices remain below US$ 50 a barrel as some time ago, certainly not in demand" said Minister Ignatius Jonan, Thursday (2/3).

Therefore, the government attempted to compensate for this condition with a plan to revise the rules. One of them is the revision of Government Regulation (PP) No., 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas.

The government's revised plan for exploration of imported goods will only be owned by the government, if successful exploration activities. However, if the exploration activities fail, imported goods become the property of the contractor. "However, the contractor subject to import duties," said Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar.

In addition to PP 35/2004, the Ministry of Energy will publish a new ministerial regulation on incentive costs required to increase production before the contract expires. The government also plans to revise PP 79/2010


Jonan: Harga Minyak Bikin Lelang Wilayah Kerja Sepi

Dua tahun terakhir, lelang Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas sepi peminat. Tahun 2015, tak ada satu pun peminat atas delapan wilayah kerja yang ditawarkan oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Adapun tahun 2016 lalu, kemungkinan hanya ada satu peminat lelang pada  14 Wilayah kerja yang disodorkan. 

     Pemerintah menjadwal pengumuman pemenang lelang Wilayah kerja tahun 2016 pada bulan. Kementerian ESDM menuding, penyebab peminat lelang sepi adalah melemahnya harga minyak dunia. "Kalau harga minyak masih di bawah US$ 50 per barel seperti beberapa waktu lalu, pasti tidak diminati" kata Menteri ESDM Ignasius  Jonan, Kamis (2/3). 

Karena itu, pemerintah berupaya mengimbangi kondisi itu dengan rencana merevisi aturan. Salah satunya adalah revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No., 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. 

Rencana revisi pemerintah yakni barang impor untuk eksplorasi hanya akan menjadi milik pemerintah, jika kegiatan eksplorasi berhasil. Namun jika kegiatan eksplorasi gagal, barang impor menjadi milik kontraktor. "Hanya saja, kontraktor dikenakan beban bea masuk," tutur Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar. 

Selain PP 35/2004, Kementerian ESDM akan menerbitkan peraturan menteri baru mengenai insentif biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan produksi sebelum kontrak berakhir. Pemerintah juga berencana merevisi PP No. 79/2010

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March, 6, 2017