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Monday, March 13, 2017

Production Levels Must be Preserved

The government requested the production of the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan Kutai can be maintained during the transition from Total E & P Indonesie to Pertamina Hulu Mahakam on January 1, 2018.

"I'm still maintained production maintained its production capacity in order to remain good although many facilities are getting old. Later the government will make the regulation immediately so that production capacity does not go down," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan

He also asked the Mahakam Block Shares deals can reach a maximum of 39% to the existing contractor. Pertamina can carry out production operations together with the existing contractor Total E & P Indonesie and lnpex Corporation in the Mahakam block. The tender offer 39% greater than the previous 30%.

In addition, Jonan also asked the Pertamina Hulu Mahakam offers 10% the right to manage the Mahakam block to local governments. Conditions participating interest (rights management) 10% This is a form of partiality central government to the oil-producing region.

It is also part of the implementation of EMR Ministerial Regulation No. 37/2016 about offering a 10% participating interest in the oil and gas working areas. This rule was signed on November 25, 2016. If this scenario well, meaning that Pertamina will have a 51% management rights Mahakam block. While total joint lnpex as much as 39%, and 10% owned by local governments.

"I've been told by Total, please talk with Pertamina and SKK Migas, Pertamina could offer share down 39% maximum share, it may be, because 10% of its shares to local governments. Shares Pertamina to be the majority, while the clerks, I guess not replaced, "he said.

In addition to continually strive to maintain and even increase oil production. Jonan asking Local Government should be involved in oil and gas production costs strive for a more effective and efficient. "Oil and gas industry can not decide the selling price of goods such as gas or crude oil because it is based on the market. We encourage the use of more precise technology and reduce costs of unnecessary," said Jonan.

In addition, he also asked SKK Migas can help the approval process can be faster not have to wait up to two years. It encourages SKK Migas can work with local authorities to speed up the permit process.

"If there is a document that inefficient local government, then we know the love of his local government, a government regulation on the PI 10% of its local governments should help because local governments get 10%," he said.

The government also seeks to provide easiness or fiscal incentives that are willing to carry out exploration activities in oil prices average $ 50 per barrel. "Improving this exploration is important but risky. Sometimes when he is conducting exploration, drilling get a dry hole, lost money US $ 50-100 million and so it was a risk, so we own it tries how fiscal incentives can help, "he said. "

Similar SKK Migas Head Sunaryadi Amien said local governments should help the efficiency of upstream oil and gas industry. "Because if the process of rapid exploration, discovery faster, faster production, local governments get the money too fast," said Amien.


Tingkat Produksi Harus Dijaga

Pemerintah meminta produksi Blok Mahakam di Kutai Kalimantan Timur dapat dijaga selama masa transisi dari Total E&P Indonesie ke Pertamina Hulu Mahakam pada 1 Januari 2018.

"Saya minta produksi tetap dijaga dipertahankan kapasitas produksinya agar tetap baik walaupun banyak fasilitas yang sudah mulai tua. Nanti pemerintah akan membuat peraturan segera supaya kapasitas produksinya tidak turun," kata Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan 

Dia juga meminta penawaran Saham Blok Mahakam dapat mencapai maksimal 39% kepada kontraktor existing. Pertamina bisa melaksanakan kegiatan operasi produksi bersama-sama dengan kontraktor existing yakni Total E&P Indonesie dan lnpex Corporation di Blok Mahakam. Penawaran saham 39% lebih besar dari sebelumnya yakni sebesar 30%. 

Di samping itu, Jonan juga meminta kepada Pertamina Hulu Mahakam menawarkan 10% hak kelola Blok Mahakam kepada pemerintah daerah. Ketentuan participating interest (hak kelola) 10% ini merupakan bentuk keberpihakan pemerintah pusat kepada daerah penghasil migas.

Hal tersebut juga bagian dari penerapan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 37/ 2016 tentang penawaran participating interest 10% pada wilayah kerja migas. Aturan ini ditandatangani pada 25 November 2016. Jika skenario ini lancar, artinya Pertamina akan memiliki 51% hak kelola Blok Mahakam. Sedangkan Total bersama lnpex sebanyak 39%, dan 10% dimiliki pemerintah daerah.

"Saya sudah bilang dengan Total, silakan bicara dengan Pertamina dan SKK Migas. Pertamina bisa menawarkan share down 39% saham maksimum, itu boleh, karena 10% sahamnya ke pemerintah daerah. Saham Pertamina harus mayoritas, sementara para pegawai, saya kira tidak diganti," katanya.

Selain terus berupaya untuk mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan produksi migas. Jonan meminta Pemerintah Daerah harus dilibatkan dalam mengupayakan agar biaya produksi migas lebih efektif dan efisien.  "Industri migas tidak bisa menentukan sendiri harga jual barang seperti gas ataupun crude oil karena berdasarkan pasar. Kami mendorong penggunaan teknologi lebih tepat dan mengurangi biaya-biaya yang tidak perlu," kata Jonan. 

Selain itu, dia juga meminta SKK Migas dapat membantu proses izin dapat lebih cepat tidak perlu menunggu sampai dua tahun. Pihaknya mendorong SKK Migas dapat bekerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah dengan mempercepat proses izin. 

"Kalau ada dokumen pemerintah daerah yang tidak efisien, maka kami kasih tahu pemerintah daerah-nya. Peraturan Pemerintah tentang PI 10% itu pemerintah daerah-nya harus membantu karena pemerintah daerah mendapatkan 10%," kata dia.

Pemerintah juga berupaya memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan atau insentif fiskal agar bersedia melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi di saat harga minyak rata-rata US$ 50 per barel. ”Meningkatkan eksplorasi ini penting sekali tapi mengandung risiko. Kadang kalau dia melakukan eksplorasi, pengeboran mendapatkan dry hole, kehilangan uang US$ 50-100 juta dan sebagainya itu risiko, makanya kami sendiri itu mencoba bagaimana insentif fiskal itu bisa membantu,” ujarnya. ”

Senada Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan pemerintah daerah harus membantu efisiensi industri hulu migas. ”Karena kalau proses eksplorasinya cepat, discovery cepat, produksi cepat, pemerintah daerah dapat uangnya juga cepat,” kata Amien.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Monday, March, 13, 2017

Mackenzie: Gross Split Scheme Prevent Oil and Gas Investment

The government version, many oil and gas companies want to wear a gross scheme split

Consulting and research institutions in the fields of energy, metals, and mining Wood Mackenzie published analysis that compares the production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery with gross schemes split.

Mackenzie highlighted four things on the Regulation of the Minister. No. 8/2017 on gross revenue share split in oil and gas. First, Mackenzie called the main difference between the PSC with gross PSC split. Second they evaluate exploration under the new policy gross split. Third, the application of gross split to block the extension of the case studies the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Fourth, the implications of the implementation of this new regulation.

From the conclusion of the fourth analysis of the issue, Ashima Taneja, Senior Research Manager South, Eastern Asia Upstream Oil and Gas Wood Mackenzie rate, gross PSC scheme actually split relatively negatively impacting the economics of upstream projects, when compared with the PSC cosit recovery scheme. Therefore, the cost will no longer be restored using a system of cost recovery.

Understandably, gross regime split eliminate cost recovery mechanism. This put pressure on the contractor to control costs by encouraging more quickly and efficiently in the upstream sector, "he said.

So that the contractor can earn revenue from oil and gas blocks are still in production, the contractor must reduce costs closely. "Even in the case of exploration, gross split system would deter investment, especially the working area with high costs and are in remote areas," said Ashima.

In order for Indonesian upstream oil and gas investment more attractive, Ashima that the Indonesian government could discuss the improvement of bureaucracy and regulations that impede that still interfere with upstream oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia.

"It is still unclear how the process is cumbersome and lengthy approval system will be improved, and if the new fiscal regime could actually improve efficiency," he said.

In addition, Ashima also questioned the idea that the greater the results for the contractor, so as to bring new investment interest. He is believed roformasi regulation could make operations more efficient upstream oil and gas.

Deputy Minister at the same initiators gross scheme PSC split, Arczandra Tahar claims with gross schemes split, there has been some of the existing oil and gas companies actually want to change the contract of PSC PSC gross cost revofuery be split. However Arcandra not answer the names of companies that are interested in using gross split it.


Mackenzie: Gross Split Halangi Investasi Migas

Versi pemerintah, banyak perusahaan migas ingin memakai skema gross split

Konsultan dan lembaga riset di bidang energi, logam, dan tambang Wood Mackenzie menerbitkan analisis yang membandingkan production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery dengan skema gross split. 

Mackenzie menyoroti empat hal pada Peraturan Menteri ESDM. No 8/2017 tentang gross split di bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi. Pertama, Mackenzie menyebut perbedaan utama antara PSC dengan PSC gross split. Kedua mereka mengevaluasi eksplorasi di bawah kebijakan baru gross split. Ketiga, penerapan gross split kepada blok perpanjangan dengan studi kasus Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Keempat, implikasi penerapan regulasi baru ini.

Dari kesimpulan analisis keempat masalah itu, Ashima Taneja, Senior Research Manager South, Eastern Asia Upstream Oil and Gas Wood Mackenzie menilai, skema PSC gross split justru relatif berdampak negatif bagi keekonomian proyek hulu, jika dibandingkan dengan skema PSC cosit recovery. Sebab, biaya yang dikeluarkan tidak lagi dikembalikan menggunakan sistem cost recovery.

Maklum, rezim gross split menghilangkan mekanisme cost recovery. Ini memberi tekanan pada kontraktor untuk mengendalikan biaya dengan mendorong lebih cepat dan efisien di sektor hulu," kata dia.

Agar kontraktor bisa meraih penghasilan dari blok migas yang masih berproduksi, kontraktor harus mengurangi biaya secara ketat. "Bahkan dalam kasus eksplorasi, sistem gross split akan menghalangi investasi, terutama wilayah kerja dengan biaya tinggi dan berada di area terpencil," kata Ashima.

Agar investasi hulu migas Indonesia lebih menarik, Ashima menyarankan agar pemerintah Indonesia bisa mendiskusikan perbaikan birokrasi dan regulasi yang menghambat yang selama ini masih mengganggu iklim investasi hulu migas Indonesia.

"Ini masih belum jelas bagaimana proses yang tidak praktis dan sistem persetujuan yang panjang akan diperbaiki, dan jika rezim fiskal baru benar-benar bisa meningkatkan efisiensi," ujarnya.

Selain itu, Ashima juga mempertanyakan, pendapat bahwa bagi hasil lebih besar bagi kontraktor, sehingga bisa membawa ketertarikan investasi baru. Ia lebih percaya roformasi regulasi bisa membuat operasi hulu migas menjadi lebih efisien.

Wakil Menteri ESDM sekaligus penggagas skema gross split PSC, Arczandra Tahar mengklaim dengan skema  gross split, telah ada beberapa perusahaan migas eksisting justru ingin mengubah kontrak dari PSC cost revofuery menjadi PSC gross split. Namun Arcandra tidak menjawab nama-nama perusahaan yang berminat menggunakan gross split itu. 

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March, 13, 2017

Industry President Bill Promises

Gas prices in North Sumatra Still Pegged 12.22 US Dollars per MMBTU

Among industrial users of gas in North Sumatra re-charge the realization of the promise of President Joko Widodo lower gas prices in North Sumatra. Until mid-March 2017, the price of gas for industry players in Medan remain pegged at a price of 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU.

Although it has been published Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016, which states the decline in prices per January 1, 2016, then came the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 453K / 12 / MEM / 2017 dated February 13, 2017, stating the fall in prices per February 1, 2017, but until Sunday (12/3) in industrial gas prices fixed Sumatra 12.22 US dollars per million metric british thermal unit (MMBTU).

The price was much higher than the prices in East Java, for example, is pegged 8 US dollars per MMBTU or Malaysia-Singapore 4-5 dollars per MMBTU. Industry requested immediate realization considering the decline in industry conditions increasingly depressed. Industry in North Sumatra increasingly competitive, inferior to similar industries of Java, let alone similar products from abroad.

Waste Oil

Compass watchlist PT Kedaung Industrial Medan, Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang, last weekend, the two production machines are not in operation. One machine was turned off in 2015 when the gas crisis occurred in North Sumatra, and another one is turned off on December 29, 2016. The atmosphere deserted factory, glass block production machine network and equipment began dusty.

In an effort to reduce the cost of gas energy, which reached 40 percent of total production costs, the company uses fuel oil to burn Iimbah products. However, the impact is bad, because it makes the engine crusty. As a result, kilns collapsed and the company lose money twice.

Two factories of the four existing factories eventually stopped operating. Employees who reach 1,000 people, to 800 people. "We are now waiting for the realization of the decline in gas prices was to reduce production costs," said Plant Manager PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto.

The increase in gas price to 12.22 dollars from 8.7 dollars per MMBTU in 2015 made glassware production costs rose 200 percent. While product prices can not be raised because similar products from Java to Sumatra entered at competitive rates.

Since January, in addition to using gas from PT PGN worth 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU, PT Kedaung also use gas supplied trucking Pertagas PT Niaga at a price of 10.5 US dollars per MMBTU. Companies claimed could save 1.72 US dollars per MMBTU. The total requirement Kedaung gas per day to 20,000 MMBTU


Steel industry conditions worse, because in addition to bear the burden of high energy costs, also should bear the fee of Anti-Dumping (BMAD). PT Intan National Iron Industry (PT inii), for example, after the price of gas went up, they switch to using oil. However, his condition is getting worse because BMAD policy.

To produce zinc coated steel (BjLS) with material cold rolled coil (CRC) in the country, the cost of the required production reached 16.152 million USD per ton. While currently producing BjLS of CRC imports (from India), the cost is only $ 14.113 million per tonne. It also must compete with products imported non-BMAD BjLS non-SNI outstanding in the field that cost Rp 12.6 million per ton.

"Better we trade any noisier than take care of the plant and its employees," said General Manager of PT inii, Nurbahagia. Since 2014, the company is only selling services.

PT Intan Suar Kartika, a manufacturer of nail, through the same thing. The Company reduced production. "If the CRC imports are allowed, we can promise to the state revenue of Rp 3.8 million per ton of our products," says Production Manager PT Intan Suar Kartika Sutrisno.

At present, the import duty nail Rp 30 million per one container (25 tons), or Rp 1.2 million per ton. That is where the money goes into unknown direction. Sales Area Head of PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi said it was still waiting for the realization of the price decrease. At present, counting the downturn in various sectors, especially in the upstream, still do. "Despite the minister's decision, there must be the details," said Saeful.

Saeful admit, it never gives a circular about the decline in gas prices last year, but was canceled again because there is no law provisions. "We just follow the steps of the government," said Hadi Saeful.

According Saeful, the decline in gas prices in North Sumatra walking difficult, because the industry in North Sumatra collapsed not only because of the gas. Many factors led to lower production industry. Plan a decrease in gas prices, according to Saeful, turned out to have an impact on the increase in the number of gas consumption. Last February, PGN gas consumption in North Sumatra reached 9 million MMBTU per month. After the government announced last fall in prices, the last two months increased gas consumption reached 30 percent.


Industri Tagih Janji Presiden

Harga Gas di Sumut Tetap Dipatok 12,22 Dollar AS Per MMBTU

Kalangan industri pengguna gas di Sumatera Utara kembali menagih realisasi janji Presiden Joko Widodo menurunkan harga gas di Sumatera Utara. Sampai pertengahan Maret 2017, harga gas untuk pelaku industri di Medan tetap dipatok dengan harga 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Meski telah terbit Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016, yang menyatakan penurunan harga per 1 Januari 2016, lalu muncul Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 453K/12/MEM/2017 tanggal 13 Februari 2017, yang menyatakan penurunan harga per 1 Februari 2017, tetapi hingga Minggu (12/3) harga gas industri di Sumut tetap 12,22 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU).

Harga itu jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga di Jawa Timur, misalnya yang dipatok 8 dollar AS per MMBTU atau Malaysia-Singapura 4-5 dollar AS per MMBTU. Kalangan industri meminta realisasi penurunan segera dilakukan mengingat kondisi industri semakin tertekan. Industri di Sumut semakin tidak memiliki daya saing, kalah dengan industri serupa dari Jawa, apalagi produk serupa dari luar negeri.

Minyak Limbah

Pantauan Kompas di PT Kedaung Industrial Medan, di Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang, akhir pekan lalu, dua mesin produksi tidak beroperasi. Satu mesin dimatikan pada tahun 2015 saat krisis gas terjadi di Sumut, dan satu lagi sudah dimatikan pada 29 Desember 2016. Suasana pabrik sunyi, jaringan mesin produksi block glass dan peralatan itu mulai berdebu.

Dalam upaya menekan biaya energi gas yang mencapai 40 persen total biaya produksi, perusahaan menggunakan bahan bakar minyak Iimbah untuk membakar produknya. Namun, dampaknya buruk, karena membuat mesin berkerak. Akibatnya, dapur pembakaran ambrol dan perusahaan merugi dua kali.

Dua pabrik dari empat pabrik yang ada akhirnya berhenti beroperasi. Karyawan yang mencapai 1.000 orang, menjadi 800 orang. ”Kami kini menunggu realisasi penurunan harga gas itu untuk mengurangi beban produksi,” kata Manager Pabrik PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto.

Kenaikan harga gas hingga 12,22 dollar AS dari 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU pada 2015 membuat biaya produksi barang pecah belah naik 200 persen. Sementara harga produk tidak bisa dinaikkan karena produk sejenis dari Jawa pun masuk ke Sumatera dengan harga yang bersaing.

Sejak Januari lalu, selain menggunakan gas dari PT PGN seharga 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU, PT Kedaung juga menggunakan gas trucking yang dipasok PT Pertagas Niaga dengan harga 10,5 dollar AS per MMBTU. Perusahaan mengaku bisa menghemat 1,72 dollar AS per MMBTU. Total kebutuhan gas Kedaung per hari mencapai 20.000 MMBTU

Lebih buruk

Kondisi industri baja lebih buruk lagi, karena selain menanggung beban biaya energi yang tinggi, juga harus menanggung Biaya Masuk Anti-Dumping (BMAD). PT Intan Nasional Iron Industri (PT INII), misalnya, setelah harga gas naik, mereka beralih menggunakan minyak. Namun, kondisinya semakin terpuruk karena kebijakan BMAD.

Untuk memproduksi baja lapis seng (BjLS) dengan bahan cold rolled coil (CRC) dalam negeri, biaya produksi yang dibutuhkan mencapai Rp 16,152 juta per ton. Sementara saat memproduksi BjLS dari CRC impor (dari India), biayanya hanya Rp 14,113 juta per ton. Pihaknya juga harus bersaing dengan produk BjLS impor non-BMAD non-SNI yang beredar di lapangan yang harganya Rp 12,6 juta per ton. 

”Lebih baik kami berdagang saja daripada ribut mengurus pabrik dan karyawan,” kata General Manager PT INII, Nurbahagia. Sejak 2014, perusahaan hanya menjual jasa. 

PT Intan Suar Kartika, produsen paku, mengalami hal yang sama. Perusahaan mengurangi produksi. ”Kalau CRC impor diperbolehkan, kami bisa menjanjikan pemasukan ke negara Rp 3,8 juta per ton produk kami,” kata Manajer Produksi PT Intan Suar Kartika Sutrisno.

Saat ini, bea masuk impor paku Rp 30 juta per satu kontainer (25 ton) atau Rp 1,2 juta per ton. Itu pun uangnya masuk ke mana tidak jelas arahnya. Sales Area Head PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi mengatakan, pihaknya masih menunggu realisasi penurunan harga itu. Saat ini, penghitungan penurunan di berbagai sektor, terutama di hulu, masih dilakukan. ”Meskipun sudah ada keputusan menteri, harus ada detailnya,” kata Saeful.

Saeful mengakui, pihaknya pernah memberikan surat edaran tentang penurunan harga gas pada tahun lalu, tetapi dibatalkan lagi karena belum ada ketetapan hukumnya. ”Kami hanya mengikuti langkah dari pemerintah,” kata Saeful Hadi.

Menurut Saeful, penurunan harga gas di Sumut berjalan sulit,  karena industri di Sumut terpuruk tidak hanya karena gas. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kalangan industri menurunkan produksinya. Rencana penurunan harga gas, menurut Saeful, ternyata berdampak pada kenaikan jumlah konsumsi gas. Februari lalu, konsumsi gas PGN di Sumut mencapai 9 juta MMBTU per bulan. Setelah pemerintah mengumumkan ada penurunan harga, dua bulan terakhir konsumsi gas meningkat mencapai 30 persen. 

Kompas, Page-22, Monday, March, 13, 2017

Green light for Total E & P Indonesie

Operator Mahakam block

Total E & P lndonesie chance to get back to managing the Mahakam block, after the government sent a signal opening the possibility. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan said that Total could again become carriers after 2017, when Pertamina was not interested.

Total could hold talks with Pertamina associated with it. Meanwhile, the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) will bridge the two sides.

"The total may be carriers. So I say, try to talk with the government later facilitated SKK Migas, if for example Total invite Pertamina into a joint operator. If Pertamina does not want to manage the Mahakam block, Total also can manage, but I guess a mix [joint operations], "he said on the sidelines of the visit in the Mahakam block, Friday (10/3).

Currently, Total E & P Indonesie operate the Mahakam block with a stake of participation of 50% and 50% lnpex. After 2017, PT Pertamina through PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam be the operator and own 90% of shares and 10% participation of the Regional Government of East Kalimantan.

SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi say if later Total interested in becoming operators return, the cooperation contract does not need to be amended. According to him, it depends on the talks carried out by Pertamina as the new contractor with Total as the existing contractor.

The opportunity for Total, he said, based on the desire to address concerns that the current conditions can not be achieved with the new contractor. Amien not answer directly possible reasons Total return operate the Mahakam block.

Meanwhile, President Director & General Manager of Total E & P Indonesie, Arividya Noviyanto said these opportunities should be discussed first with the headquarters. Problem share ownership opportunities for greater participation to 39%, Total will refer to the results of the economic study beforehand. "If the percentage, we will convey to the head office later discussed again, with the Minister ESDN and Pertamina," he said.

According to him, during the transition period has been discussed about the effort to maintain production, including human resources. Issues long-term contracts with buyers of gas until 2022, which should be guaranteed supply, discussed with Pertamina. "Although it is transferred, we also talk to it," he said. Until this news was revealed, Pertamina has not been answered.



Lampu Hijau untuk Total E&P Indonesie

Total E&P lndonesie berpeluang kembali mengelola Blok Mahakam, setelah pemerintah mengirim sinyal terbukanya kemungkinan tersebut. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan Total bisa saja kembali menjadi operator setelah 2017, bila Pertamina tidak berminat. 

Total bisa melakukan pembicaraan dengan Pertamina terkait dengan hal tersebut. Adapun, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) akan menjembatani kedua belah pihak. 

“Total boleh menjadi operator. Makanya saya bilang, coba bicara dengan pemerintah nanti difasilitasi SKK Migas, kalau misalnya Total mengajak Pertamina menjadi operator bersama. Kalau Pertamina tidak mau mengelola Blok Mahakam, Total yang mengelola juga bisa, tetapi saya kira campuran [operasi bersama],” ujarnya di sela-sela kunjungan di Blok Mahakam, Jumat (10/3).

Saat ini, Total E & P Indonesie mengoperasikan Blok Mahakam dengan kepemilikan saham partisipasi sebesar 50% dan lnpex 50%. Setelah 2017, PT Pertamina melalui PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam menjadi operator serta menguasai 90% saham partisipasi dan 10% Pemerintah Daerah Kalimantan Timur.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan bila nantinya Total berminat menjadi operator kembali, kontrak kerja sama tidak perlu diamendemen. Menurutnya, hal itu tergantung pada pembicaraan yang dilakukan Pertamina sebagai kontraktor baru dengan Total sebagai kontraktor eksisting. 

Terbukanya peluang bagi Total, menurutnya, didasari oleh keinginan untuk menjawab kekhawatiran bahwa kondisi saat ini tidak bisa tercapai dengan adanya kontraktor baru. Amien tidak menjawab secara langsung alasan kemungkinan Total kembali mengoperasikan Blok Mahakam. 

Sementara itu, President Director & General Manager Total E & P Indonesie, Arividya Noviyanto mengatakan peluang ini harus dibicarakan terlebih dahulu dengan kantor pusat. Soal peluang kepemilikan saham partisipasi yang lebih besar menjadi 39%, Total akan merujuk pada hasil kajian keekonomian terlebih dahulu. “Kalau masalah persentasenya, akan kami sampaikan ke head office nanti diskusikan lagi, dengan Menteri ESDN dan Pertamina,” katanya.

Menurutnya, selama masa transisi sudah dibahas mengenai upaya mempertahankan produksi, termasuk juga sumber daya manusia. Masalah kontrak jangka panjang dengan pembeli gas hingga 2022 yang harus dijamin pasokannya, dibahas dengan Pertamina. “Walaupun ditransfer, kami juga bicara itu,” katanya. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, pihak Pertamina belum menjawab.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Monday, March, 13, 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Investors still in ‘wait and see’ mode on gross split scheme

The appetite for Indonesia’s oil and gas assets remains thin despite the introduction of a new scheme to boost investor interest earlier this year, as global crude prices are yet to recover from their two-year slump.

The gross-split scheme is expected to help counter the current low oil prices through a mechanism with which the profit distribution between the government and contractors with a production-sharing contract (PSC) will slide up and down according to specific factors. These include an extra 5 percent for the contractor share whenever the Indonesian crude price (ICP) remains between US$40 to $55 per barrel.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is prepping several conventional and unconventional oil and gas fields to be put up for auction this year under the new gross-split sliding scale in hopes that it will compensate for the lack of bids from investors in the past few years.

However, investors remain uncertain about the feasibility of the gross-split scheme and are apparently adopting a “wait and see” attitude while the Offshore North-west Java (ONWJ) progresses. The ONWJ is set to be the first oil and gas field whose contract will be renewed under the new mechanism. Indonesia Petroleum Association executive director Mariolijn Wajong said oil and gas players would be taking into account global crude prices when considering whether to bid on the fields in the upcoming tender.

“The continuously low oil prices have increased competition in determining who will get investments because there is a shortage of capital across the globe. We hope that the blocks on offer will be able to compete with investments abroad,” she recently told The Jakarta Post. “We’ll just have to wait and see the results.” 

Global crude oil prices hit an all-year low on Friday with West Texas Intermediate (WTI) trading at $49.63 per barrel, while fellow benchmark Brent also traded at $52.50. Many analysts had been optimistic that crude oil prices might eventually hit $55 per barrel this year after OPEC announced last November that its members would cut production by about 1.2 million barrels of oil per day (bopd), while non-members of the oil cartel would slash output by around 600,000 bopd. 

However, Fitch Ratings has predicted that the recovery in US drilling activity will drive up shale oil production in the second half of 2017, offsetting some of the oil price gains in . January and February. Consequently the average oil price for the rest of the year may be lower than in the first two months, which hovered between $53 and $57 per barrel.

Despite the government’s optimism about the effectiveness of the gross-split scheme in luring investors in times of low crude prices, some business players are doubtful. The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) energy and mineral resources chairman, Sammy Hamzah, said the new scheme raised questions about sunk costs of production fields that previously could be reimbursed through the current cost recovery scheme. 

Although the new gross-split scheme allowed the energy and mineral resources minister to reward an additional 5 percent to contractors based on his discretion, it would not be enough, Sammy said.

“For example, my company [Ephindo Energy Private Ltd.] has seven PSCs for coal bed methane [CBM] fields. What will happen to the sunk costs? Will they just disappear or will they be carried over to the new contract, and in what form‘?” he said. “One of my contracts has sunk costs up to $ 30 million, which means it is unlikely that the 5 percent will cover it, 'especially since CBM has low rates of production.”

Investors would likely be more enthusiastic if they were given an option to sign new contracts under the gross-split scheme or cost recovery, which would also enable the government to test out its new method, he added.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Saturday, March, 11, 2017

Jonan Visit the Mahakam Block Jump

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan reviewing the site "South Processing Unit" one of the Mahakam Block field in Anggana, Kertanegara Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan.

Region of the block, will be visited include South Processing Unit (SPU), Field Bekapai and Gas Terminal Senipah. The Mahakam block is the largest gas producer in Indonesia which is equipped with a terminal Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), in addition to LNG, and LNG Donggi Senoro. Contributions Mahakam gas block in the total national gas production by about 20 percent, followed by about 17 per cent of the Tangguh project.

Block run by the Contractor of Cooperation Contract (PSC) Total E & P Indonesie and Inpex Corporation will end its contract on December 31, 2017.

Currently the Mahakam block in stages over the management of the existing contractor to the new contractor, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Cooperation Contract (KKS) was signed between the Mahakam block SKK Migas and PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dated December 29, 2015 and will be effective on January 1, 2018.

"The transition process from the Mahakam block Total and Inpex to Pertamina is an example of governance over oil and gas blocks which runs quite smoothly. Has been well prepared so that the continuity of operations of oil and gas is maintained at the turn of the operator, "said Ignatius Jonan.

In the transition period over the Mahakam block management, SKK Migas and Pertamina Hulu has signed amendments Mahakam PSC in October 2016. The amendment became the basis for Pertamina to be able to invest early for drilling activities Mahakam block in order to maintain the level of oil and gas production Mahakam block.

In 2017 is planned to be carried out as many as 6 wells drilling by Total E & P Indonesie and 19 wells by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. It is important to ensure the level of oil and gas production Mahakam block. While oil prices are still around 50 dollars a barrel, oil and gas production should be maintained and even improved. 2016 ago, the first time in 10 years, the national oil lifting higher than targeted in the budget Lifting approximately 829 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd), while the target in the state budget amounted to 820 thousand bpd, said Jonan.

During the visit the Minister also mentioned the importance of efficiency and technology in the management of oil and gas blocks, because the price of oil over an element out of control PSC. The more efficient the operations of oil and gas, then the contribution of all stakeholders will increase. This is a Government priority.

"Moreover Mahakam block is a block that is old, so it takes its production technology in order to stay awake," said Jonan. "The transition process from the Mahakam block Total and Inpex to Pertamina, has been well prepared since 2015. Production should be maintained and the operation must be efficient. For that cost should not rise and production should not be dropped, "added Ignatius Jonan.


Jonan Tinjau Langsung Blok Mahakam

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan meninjau lokasi “South Processing Unit” salah satu lapangan Blok Mahakam di Anggana, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara, Kalimantan Timur.

Wilayah Blok Mahakam yang akan dikunjungi meliputi South Processing Unit (SPU), Lapangan Bekapai dan Terminal Gas Senipah. Blok Mahakam merupakan produsen gas terbesar Indonesia yang dilengkapi dengan terminal Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), selain LNG Tangguh, dan LNG Donggi Senoro. Kontribusi gas Blok Mahakam dalam total produksi gas nasional sekitar 20 persen, disusul Proyek Tangguh sekitar 17 persen.

Blok yang dikelola oleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Total E & P Indonesie dan Inpex Corporation akan berakhir kontraknya pada 31 Desember 2017.

Saat ini blok Mahakam dalam tahap alih kelola dari kontraktor eksisting kepada kontraktor baru yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS) Blok Mahakam telah ditandatangani antara SKK Migas dengan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam tanggal 29 Desember 2015 dan akan berlaku efektif pada tanggal 1 Januari 2018. 

“Proses transisi Blok Mahakam dari Total dan Inpex kepada Pertamina merupakan contoh alih kelola blok migas yang berjalan cukup mulus. Telah dipersiapkan dengan baik sehingga keberlangsungan operasi migas tetap terjaga di saat pergantian operator,” kata Ignasius Jonan.

Dalam masa transisi alih kelola blok Mahakam, SKK Migas dan Pertamina Hulu Mahakam telah menandatangi amendemen KKKS pada bulan Oktober 2016. Amendemen tersebut menjadi dasar bagi Pertamina untuk dapat berinvestasi lebih awal untuk kegiatan pengeboran blok Mahakam dalam rangka menjaga tingkat produksi Migas Blok Mahakam.

Pada tahun 2017 rencananya akan dilakukan pengeboran sebanyak 6 sumur oleh Total E & P Indonesie dan 19 sumur oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Penting untuk memastikan tingkat produksi migas Blok Mahakam. Disaat harga minyak yang masih sekitar 50 dolar AS per barel, produksi migas harus tetap dijaga bahkan ditingkatkan. Tahun 2016 lalu, pertama kalinya dalam 10 tahun terakhir, lifting minyak nasional lebih tinggi dari yang ditargetkan dalam APBN Lifting minyak sekitar 829 ribu barrel per day (bpd), sedangkan target dalam APBN sebesar 820 ribu bpd, kata Jonan.

Dalam kunjungan ini Menteri ESDM juga mengungkapkan pentingnya efisiensi dan teknologi dalam pengelolaan blok migas, karena harga jual migas lebih merupakan unsur di luar kendali KKKS. Semakin efisien kegiatan operasi migas, maka kontribusi bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan akan meningkat. Hal ini menjadi prioritas Pemerintah.

“Apalagi blok Mahakam ini merupakan blok yang sudah tua, sehingga dibutuhkan teknologi agar produksi nya tetap terjaga,” ujar Jonan. “Proses transisi Blok Mahakam dari Total dan Inpex kepada Pertamina, telah dipersiapkan dengan baik sejak 2015. Produksi harus dipertahankan dan operasi harus efisien. Untuk itu biaya tidak boleh naik dan hasil produksi tidak boleh turun,” tambah Ignasius Jonan.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, March, 11, 2017

Fuel Price Can Still Be Hold

The government still could not raise fuel prices despite the trend of rising world oil prices. If fuel prices rise, inflation is expected to reach 5 percent this year.

Executive Director of the Institute Komaidi ReforMiner Notonegoro said, although there is a trend in world oil prices rise, the amount is insignificant. Moreover, the rupiah against the US dollar in recent times relatively stable. With these assumptions, the potential rise in the price of fuel oil (BBM) is quite small.

"If it should be increased because oil prices are rising, that increase should be distributed in time or not in the near future," said Komaidi

Referring to the Bloomberg page on Friday afternoon (10/3), the price of Brent crude pegged to 52.32 dollars per barrel and WTI 49.48 dollars per barrel. The price was not much different in the same period last year when the government lowered fuel prices on the first April 2016.

When the premium price dropped from Rp 6,950 to Rp 6,450 per liter and diesel prices down from Rp 5,650 to Rp 5,150 per liter.

Fueling Inflation

Meanwhile, Chief Representative of Bank Indonesia East Java province Difi Ahmad Johansyah said, if the government raised fuel prices in the next 1-2 months time, inflation could rise. Moreover, the increase in the cost of motor vehicle tax and electricity tariff increases became the biggest contributor to inflation in January 2017.

"We recommend that (oil prices) should not be increased because there are two components that rose last month, namely the motor tax and electricity tariffs. Moreover, the price of chili which ranks third contributor to inflation is still high and a burden on society, "said Difi.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Lana Soelistianingsih, say, inflation is projected to rise to 5-per cent if fuel prices increased. In fact, the national inflation rate in February 2017 was recorded at 3.83 percent.

"The assumption is that if the world oil prices touched 60 dollars per barrel, inflation could reach 5.32 percent to 5.53 percent," said Lana.


Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak Masih Bisa Ditahan

Pemerintah masih bisa tidak menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak walaupun ada tren kenaikan harga minyak dunia. Jika harga bahan bakar minyak naik, inflasi diperkirakan bisa mencapai 5 persen pada tahun ini.

Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, meskipun ada kecenderungan harga minyak dunia naik, besarannya tidak terlalu signifikan. Apalagi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS dalam beberapa waktu terakhir relatif stabil. Dengan asumsi tersebut, potensi kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) cukup kecil.

”Bila memang harus dinaikkan karena harga minyak dunia sedang naik, kenaikan itu sebaiknya bisa di distribusikan waktunya atau tidak dilakukan dalam waktu dekat,” kata Komaidi

Mengacu pada laman Bloomberg pada Jumat sore (10/3), harga minyak jenis Brent dipatok 52,32 dollar AS per barrel dan WTI 49,48 dollar AS per barrel. Harga tersebut tidak jauh berbeda pada periode sama tahun lalu saat pemerintah menurunkan harga BBM pada I April 2016.

    Saat itu harga premium turun dari Rp 6.950 menjadi Rp 6.450 per liter dan harga solar turun dari Rp 5.650 menjadi Rp 5.150 per liter. 

Memicu inflasi

Sementara itu, Kepala Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Timur Difi Ahmad Johansyah mengatakan, apabila pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM dalam Waktu 1-2 bulan ke depan, inflasi bisa naik. Apalagi, kenaikan biaya pajak kendaraan bermotor dan kenaikan tarif listrik menjadi penyumbang inflasi terbesar pada Januari 2017.

”Sebaiknya (harga BBM) jangan dinaikkan karena sudah ada dua komponen yang naik bulan lalu, yakni pajak motor dan tarif listrik. Terlebih lagi harga cabai rawit yang menempati urutan ketiga penyumbang inflasi masih tinggi dan membebani masyarakat,” ujar Difi.

Pengajar pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, Lana Soelistianingsih, mengatakan, inflasi berpotensi naik menjadi 5-persen apabila harga BBM dinaikkan. Padahal, angka inflasi nasional pada Februari 2017 tercatat sebesar 3,83 persen.

”Asumsinya, apabila harga minyak dunia menyentuh 60 dollar AS per barrel, inflasi bisa mencapai 5,32 persen hingga 5,53 persen,” kata Lana.

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, March, 11, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Deep Sea Gas Project constrained Oil Prices

Development Gendalo-Gehem compiled when the crude oil price of US $ 100 per barrel.

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) said that until now Chevron Indonesia Company has not deposited revision project development plans deep-sea gas (Indonesia deepwater development / IDD) phase 2. 

Indonesia deepwater development / IDD

  According to a spokesman SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, Gendalo and Gehem field development in the Makassar Strait restrained by the price of oil is still low. "Economies are still marginal projects," said Taslim.


Chevron has filed a document in the development plan (the plan of development / POD) Gendalo-Gehem the end of 2015. However, SKK Migas return it because it is considered incomplete. 

SKK Migas

    Planning Control Deputy SKK Migas, Sutadiwiria Gunawan, said the revision POD for IDD also contains changes in production schedules or onstream and investment value. Therefore, IDD project documents have been prepared assuming oil prices of US $ 100 per barrel. In fact, the current world oil prices in the Brent market is the only US $ 53.11 per barrel.

As for the trade market West Texas Intermediate crude oil priced at the US $ 50.28 per barrel. "They still use the old benchmark oil price at the US $ 100 per barrel," said Gunawan.

Gunawan said the production schedule Gendalo-Gehem field to postpone to 2023. To improve the economics of the project, Chevron asked for incentives in the form of investment loans above 100 percent. But the government refused. Moreover, the investment value of the project is not expected until IDD US $ 10 billion. 

 Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, confirmed the existence of the incentive request. Currently, Wiratmaja said, it is still being discussed along with Chevron and SKK Migas. "While intensively discussed."

The Ministry of Energy noted Gendalo and Gehem field production is expected to reach 1.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 47 thousand barrels of condensate per day. The IDD project phase I in the Bangka field has been producing since the end of August last year. Wednesday, Chevron meets with Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice Presidential Office, Jakarta. 

   Vice President Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, Sianipar Yanto, said Chevron will continue to increase the number of production and reduce operating costs. "We want to continue the good cooperation with the government.


Proyek Gas Laut Dalam Terkendala Harga Minyak

Pengembangan Gendalo-Gehem disusun saat harga minyak mentah US$ 100 per barel.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan sampai kini Chevron Indonesia Company belum menyetorkan revisi rencana pengembangan proyek gas laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/ IDD) tahap 2. Menurut juru bicara SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, pengembangan lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem di Selat Makassar tertahan oleh harga minyak yang masih rendah.  “Keekonomian proyek masih marginal,” ujar Taslim.

Chevron telah mengajukan dokumen rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) Gendalo-Gehem pada akhir 2015. Namun SKK Migas mengembalikannya karena dinilai kurang lengkap. 

Deputi Pengendalian Perencanaan SKK Migas, Gunawan Sutadiwiria, mengatakan revisi POD untuk IDD juga berisi perubahan jadwal produksi atau onstream dan nilai investasi. Sebab, dokumen proyek IDD disusun dengan asumsi harga minyak US$ 100 per barel. Padahal, saat ini harga minyak dunia di pasar Brent hanya US$ 53,11 per barel.

Adapun dalam perdagangan pasar West Texas Intermediate, minyak mentah dibanderol dengan harga US$ 50,28 per barel. “Mereka masih pakai acuan harga minyak lama, yakni US$ 100 per barel," ujar Gunawan.

Gunawan mengatakan jadwal produksi lapangan Gendalo-Gehem dimundurkan menjadi 2023. Untuk memperbaiki keekonomian proyek, Chevron meminta insentif berupa kredit investasi di atas 100 persen. Namun pemerintah menolak. Apalagi, nilai investasi proyek IDD diperkirakan tidak sampai US$ 10 miliar. 

 Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, membenarkan adanya permintaan insentif tersebut. Saat ini, ujar Wiratmaja, hal itu masih dibahas bersama Chevron dan SKK Migas. “Sedang intensif didiskusikan.”

Kementerian Energi mencatat produksi Lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem diperkirakan mencapai 1,1 miliar kaki kubik gas alam dan 47 ribu barel kondensat per hari. Adapun proyek IDD tahap I di lapangan Bangka sudah berproduksi sejak akhir Agustus tahun lalu. Rabu lalu, Chevron menemui Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla di kantor Wakil Presiden, Jakarta. 

  Vice President Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, Yanto Sianipar, mengatakan Chevron terus berusaha meningkatkan angka produksi dan mengurangi biaya operasinya. “Kami ingin meneruskan kerja sama yang baik dengan pemerintah.

Koran Tempo, Page-20, Friday, March 10, 2017

Construction of Tangguh Train III to Start

Tangguh Train III Refinery Project is finally ready to walk. The capacity of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the refinery to 3.8 million tonnes per year. This means that BP will have three LNG plants with a total capacity of 11.4 million tons per year.

Head of Country BP Indonesia Samsu Darmawan revealed, the Tangguh Train III had the land preparation stage. "The process we've cleared the land, but slowly. Hopefully smoothly," said Darmawan, Tuesday (8/3).

To facilitate land preparation, Darmawan said, BP Indonesia continued to socialize with stakeholders around the Work Area of ​​the Tangguh. BP is targeting, site preparation can be completed by the end of this year. Thus, the construction of Tangguh Train III could begin in the third quarter or fourth quarter of 2017. "Rig of its recently come around October," he said.

BP targets first gas production from the Tangguh Train III can be achieved by the year 2020. Thus the construction of Tangguh Train III takes about two years. "If the first gas in 2020, during that period was the construction project. We expect all of the land is ready for the end of the year, before the end of the year we have started construction," he said.

At the end of 2017, BP Indonesia also targets can start drilling Train III. So that it can meet the gas sales commitments to customers, both domestically and abroad.

"What is clear our commitment to Train III shall be the volume required. There is also a commitment of fertilizers. It is also that we are focused," said Darmawan. That is why, at the end of this year had already started drilling

BP Indonesia must submit commitments gas from Tangguh Train III to the electricity needs of the people of Papua is 20 million cubic feet. If in 2019 in Papua electrical infrastructure has been built, but the Tangguh Train III still can not produce, then BP will meet the gas from Tangguh Tangguh Train Train I and II.

Darmawan said, it did maintenance rotating Tangguh Tangguh Train Train I and II in order to achieve stable production. This year BP will carry out checks and maintenance routines for the Tangguh LNG Train II


Proyek Train III Tangguh Mulai Berjalan

Proyek Kilang Train III Tangguh akhirnya siap berjalan. Kapasitas liquefied natural gas (LNG) di kilang tersebut mencapai 3,8 juta ton per tahun. Artinya BP akan memiliki tiga kilang LNG dengan kapasitas total 11,4 juta ton per tahun. 

Head of Country BP Indonesia Darmawan Samsu mengungkapkan, saat ini proyek Tangguh Train III sudah tahap persiapan lahan. "Prosesnya, kami sudah membuka lahan, tapi pelan-pelan. Mudah-mudahan lancar,“ kata Dharmawan, Selasa (8/3).

Untuk memperlancar persiapan lahan, Dharmawan bilang, BP Indonesia terus melakukan sosialisasi dengan pemangku kepentingan di sekitar Wilayah Kerja Tangguh. BP menargetkan, persiapan lahan bisa selesai pada akhir tahun ini. Dengan begitu, proses konstruksi proyek Tangguh Train III bisa dimulai pada kuartal III atau kuartal IV 2017. "Rig-nya baru datang sekitar bulan Oktober," ujarnya.

BP menargetkan, produksi gas pertama kali dari Tangguh Train III bisa tercapai pada tahun 2020. Dengan begitu proses konstruksi proyek Tangguh Train III memakan waktu sekitar dua tahun. "Jika first gas tahun 2020, selama periode itu adalah proyek konstruksi. Kami harapkan semua lahan sudah siap akhir tahun, sebelum akhir tahun kami sudah mulai konstruksi," katanya.

Pada akhir tahun 2017, BP Indonesia juga menargetkan sudah bisa memulai kegiatan pengeboran Train III. Sehingga bisa memenuhi komitmen penjualan gas kepada konsumen, baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

"Yang jelas komitmen kami untuk Train III haruslah volume yang dibutuhkan. Ada juga komitmen pupuk. Itu juga yang kami sedang fokuskan," kata Dharmawan. Itu sebabnya, pada akhir tahun ini sudah mulai melakukan pengeboran

BP Indonesia memang harus menyerahkan komitmen gas dari Tangguh Train III untuk kebutuhan listrik masyarakat Papua sebesar 20 juta kaki kubik. Jika pada tahun 2019 infrastruktur listrik di Papua sudah dibangun, tapi proyek Tangguh Train III masih belum bisa berproduksi, maka BP akan memenuhi gas tersebut dari Tangguh Train I dan Tangguh Train II.

Dharmawan bilang, pihaknya melakukan pemeliharaan bergilir di Tangguh Train I dan Tangguh Train II agar bisa mencapai produksi yang stabil. Tahun ini BP akan melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan rutin untuk Tangguh LNG Train II

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 10, 2017