Trends in industrial gas consumption in North Sumatra continued to decline over the last 20 years. Before 2000, gas consumption reached more than 25 million MMBTU (million metric British thermal unit). That number continues to decline with the lack of gas supplies to Sumatra and the rising gas prices of 8.7 US dollars per MMBTU to about 14 US dollars per MMBTU in August 2015.
Although the price was lowered to 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU consumption continues to decline. Current consumption is only about 8.6 million MMBTU or about 35 percent.
Sales Area Head of PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi, admitted before the year 2000, the supply of gas remains above 25 million MMBTU. Since 2006, the number realization of customer gas usage continues to decline. The lowest number occurred in 2015 were only 6.35 million MMBTU. At that time, gas prices reached 14 dollars per MMBTU.
After the price increase, many industries to switch to using oil for fuel. However, the raw material gas industry, such as industrial gloves, ceramics and glassware, had no other choice. Dozens of companies lid and reduce production. In fact, gas is expected by the industry because it is clean.
Industry players expect the government to realize its promise to lower gas prices in North Sumatra that industry is not getting worse. If gas prices go down, the gas consumption will rise. 70,000 people affected by layoffs. Chairman of the Association of North Sumatra Gas Users Johan Brien said, since 2005, at least 70,000 employees have stopped working because of the gas crisis that occurred in North Sumatra.
Most industry players do not report layoffs (layoffs) which they did. Office workers also do not know unless layoffs problematic or enter into a labor court, because if reported, even complicated problem.
Nurbahagia, General Manager of PT Intan National Iron Industry in Medan, said that the bank is facing a labor court filed 43 employees. Layoffs had to be done for the company collapsed due to high gas prices and government rules on anti-dumping duties.
Johan said the government needs to look at the impact of gas prices on the whole industry. Industry in North Sumatra is slowly dying because not competitive. Industrial ceramics, glass, for instance, can not compete with goods coming from Java.
Until now, despite having published the Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016 which states the decline in prices per January 1, 2016, then appeared again Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 453K / 12 / MEM / 2017 dated February 13, 2017 stating decrease per February 1, 2017, through Sunday ( 12/3) industrial gas prices in North Sumatra was 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU
The price was much higher than the price of gas in East Java, for example, is 8 dollars per MMBTU or Malaysia-Singapore 4-5 dollars per MMBTU. Johan says, in various media has been delivered price of gas in Medan dropped to 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU
Recent declines occur if the price of gas back to the original, 8.7 US dollars per MMBTU. He also asked the Provincial Government of North Sumatra pushing gas prices down to the old prices, meanwhile, thousands of industry employees in Medan and Deli Serdang troubled by the bleak condition of the company due to high gas prices.
They expect the government to realize a decrease in prices in order to clear the fate of the workers. Plant Manager PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto, the company has already stopped two of the four engines on Monday, said it was hoped the company could re-grow.
"I have over 30 years of working here. We certainly hope the company can thrive and grow back," he said.
PT Kedaung Industrial is one of the companies that cut production due to the gas crisis. One machine has been turned off in 2015 when the gas crisis occurred in North Sumatra, another new one is off on December 29, 2016. The Company has downsized from 1,000 people to 800 people.
To reduce the energy costs of gas, which reached 40 percent of total production costs, the company uses fuel oil for burning waste products. However, waste oil making machine crusty. As a result, kilns collapsed. Companies lose twice.
Jumlah Pemakai Gas Terus Menurun
Tren konsumsi gas industri di Sumatera Utara terus menurun selama 20 tahun terakhir. Sebelum tahun 2000, konsumsi gas mencapai lebih dari 25 juta MMBTU (juta metrik british thermal unit). Angka itu terus merosot dengan minimnya pasokan gas ke Sumut dan naiknya harga gas dari 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU ke sekitar 14 dollar AS per MMBTU pada Agustus 2015.
Meski harga diturunkan menjadi 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU konsumsi terus menurun. Saat ini konsumsi hanya sekitar 8,6 juta MMBTU atau sekitar 35 persen.
Sales Area Head PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi, mengakui sebelum tahun 2000, pasokan gas masih di atas 25 juta MMBTU. Sejak 2006, angka realisasi pemakaian gas pelanggan terus menurun. Angka terendah terjadi pada 2015 yang hanya 6,35 juta MMBTU. Saat itu, harga gas mencapai 14 dollar AS per MMBTU.
Setelah kenaikan harga itu, banyak industri beralih menggunakan minyak untuk bahan bakar. Namun, industri yang berbahan baku gas, seperti industri sarung tangan, keramik, dan barang pecah belah, tidak memiliki pilihan lain. Belasan perusahaan tutup dan mengurangi produksi. Padahal, energi gas sangat diharapkan oleh industri karena bersih.
Para pelaku industri berharap pemerintah merealisasikan janjinya menurunkan harga gas supaya industri di Sumut tidak makin terpuruk. Jika harga gas turun, konsumsi gas akan naik. 70.000 orang terkena PHK. Ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Pengguna Gas Sumatera Utara Johan Brien mengatakan, sejak 2005, sedikitnya 70.000 karyawan telah berhenti bekerja karena krisis gas yang terjadi di Sumut.
Kebanyakan pelaku industri tidak melaporkan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) yang mereka lakukan. Dinas tenaga kerja juga tidak mengetahui kecuali PHK bermasalah atau masuk dalam pengadilan hubungan industrial, karena jika lapor, malah rumit masalahnya.
Nurbahagia, General Manager PT Intan Nasional Iron Industri di Medan, mengatakan saat ini pihaknya sedang menghadapi pengadilan hubungan industrial yang diajukan 43 karyawannya. PHK terpaksa dilakukan karena perusahaan terpuruk akibat harga gas yang tinggi dan aturan pemerintah tentang bea masuk anti dumping.
Johan mengatakan, pemerintah perlu melihat dampak harga gas pada industri secara keseluruhan. Industri di Sumut pelan-pelan mati karena tidak berdaya saing. Industri barang keramik, gelas, misalnya, tidak bisa bersaing dengan barang-barang yang masuk dari Jawa.
Hingga saat ini, meski telah terbit Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 yang menyatakan penurunan harga per 1 Januari 2016, kemudian muncul lagi Peraturan Menteri ESDM 453K/12/MEM/2017 tanggal 13 Februari 2017 yang menyatakan penurunan per 1 Februari 2017, hingga Minggu (12/3) harga gas industri di Sumut masih 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU
Harga itu jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga gas di Jawa Timur, misalnya, yang 8 dollar AS per MMBTU atau Malaysia-Singapura 4-5 dollar AS per MMBTU. Johan mengatakan, di berbagai media sudah disampaikan harga gas di Medan turun menjadi 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU
Penurunan baru terjadi jika harga gas kembali ke semula, 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU. Ia juga meminta Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara mendorong harga gas turun ke harga lama, Sementara itu, ribuan karyawan industri di Medan dan Deli Serdang resah dengan kondisi perusahaan yang suram akibat mahalnya harga gas.
Mereka berharap pemerintah segera merealisasikan penurunan harga agar nasib pekerja jelas. Manajer Pabrik PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto, yang perusahaannya sudah menghentikan dua dari empat mesinnya, Senin, mengatakan sangat berharap perusahaan bisa kembali bertumbuh.
"Saya sudah lebih dari 30 tahun bekerja di sini. Kami tentu berharap perusahaan bisa berkembang dan tumbuh kembali,” katanya.
PT Kedaung Industrial adalah salah satu perusahaan yang menurunkan produksinya akibat krisis gas. Satu mesin telah dimatikan pada 2015 saat krisis gas terjadi di Sumatera Utara, satu lagi baru dimatikan pada 29 Desember 2016. Perusahaan telah mengurangi karyawan dari 1.000 orang menjadi 800 orang.
Untuk mengurangi biaya energi gas yang mencapai 40 persen dari total biaya produksi, perusahaan menggunakan bahan bakar minyak limbah untuk membakar produknya. Namun, minyak limbah membuat mesin berkerak. Akibatnya, dapur pembakaran ambrol. Perusahaan merugi dua kali.
Kompas, Page-1, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017