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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Related Holding, Government Must Give Explanation to Parliament

Government asked to explain openly to the House of Representatives (DPR), in this case specifically the Commission VI, about the planned establishment of state-owned holding in the oil and gas sector. It is necessary to avoid negative perceptions and allegations regarding the plan.

"We hope that soon SOE Minister explain to Parliament as representatives of the people. It is not yet been submitted. In fact, if the SOE Minister explained openly, I am sure everyone can run well, given that the concept itself is also holding well, "said a member of House Commission VI Sidik Pangarso Bowo.

According to him, should the government be more pro-actively explain to the House. In addition, the government must also explain to the public more transparent. Not to make people guess that there are special agenda behind the formation of the holding, eg related to state-owned assets. 

    In this case Bowo pointed out that holding himself has done, including cement and fertilizer holding holding. And as a result, formation of a holding is indeed very positive. For that Bowo asserted, that the House of Representatives Commission VI in principle does not reject the establishment of state-owned holding, including Government Regulation 72 in 2016.

Parliament was to support the government, especially the holding is intended for the benefit of the nation. For this reason, the House would like to hear the explanation openly. Communication problems, according Bowo is very important. Especially developed at this time is, a concern if the holding is formed, then the House's monitoring function is lost. 

     Bowo himself argued, that the monitoring of the holding will not be lost. Because Parliament could still ask the holding concerned. Including, when it will sell the shares, which must be done with the approval of Parliament. We can accept the explanation of the Minister of Finance.

"But the explanation must also be delivered 'SOE Minister to Parliament. From there, we could swatch solution if there are obstacles, it's just the truth, "said Bowo. Bowo said Commission VI can understand, relevant SOE Holding urgency formation of oil and gas. Including that the holding could support the conversion of fossil fuels to gas, and efficiency through the establishment of a holding itself. 

     Previously, SOE Ministry explained that the establishment of state-owned holding Migas able to give effect does little to increase state revenues.

According to Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Metro and Tourism Ministry of SOEs, the most significant multiplier effect and the formation of the Oil and Gas Holding creates value creation that directly affect the income tax and dividend increase state. Industry revenue increase and will impact on tax revenue, Edwin said during a working meeting with Commission VI of the House some time ago.


Terkait Holding, Pemerintah Harus Beri Penjelasan ke DPR

Pemerintah diminta segera memberikan penjelasan secara terbuka kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), dalam hal ini khususnya Komisi VI, mengenai rencana pembentukan holding BUMN di sektor migas. Hal ini diperlukan untuk menghindari persepsi dan dugaan negatif mengenai rencana tersebut.

“Harapan kami, Menteri BUMN segera menjelaskan kepada DPR sebagai wakil rakyat. Ini yang belum pernah disampaikan. Padahal, jika Menteri BUMN menjelaskan dengan terbuka, saya yakin semua bisa berjalan baik, mengingat konsep holding sendiri juga baik,” kata anggota Komisi VI DPR Bowo Sidik Pangarso.

Menurut dia, harusnya, pemerintah bisa lebih pro aktif menjelaskan kepada DPR. Selain itu, pemerintah juga harus lebih transparan menjelaskan kepada publik. Jangan sampai membuat masyarakat menduga-duga bahwa ada agenda-agenda khusus di balik pembentukan holding, misal terkait aset BUMN. 

    Dalam hal ini Bowo mencontohkan bahwa holding sendiri pernah dilakukan, termasuk holding semen dan holding pupuk. Dan hasilnya, pembentukan holding tersebut memang sangat positif. Untuk itulah Bowo menegaskan, bahwa Komisi VI DPR pada prinsipnya tidak menolak pembentukan holding BUMN, termasuk Peraturan Pemerintah 72 tahun 2016. 

DPR justru mendukung pemerintah, terlebih holding memang ditujukan untuk kepentingan bangsa. Untuk itulah, maka DPR ingin mendengar penjelasan tersebut secara terbuka. Persoalan komunikasi, menurut Bowo memang sangat penting. Apalagi yang berkembang saat ini adalah, kekhawatiran jika holding dibentuk, maka fungsi pengawasan DPR menjadi hilang. 

    Bowo sendiri berpendapat, bahwa pengawasan terhadap holding tidak akan hilang. Karena DPR masih bisa bertanya kepada holding bersangkutan. Termasuk diantaranya, ketika akan menjual saham, yang harus dilakukan dengan persetujuan DPR. Kami bisa menerima penjelasan Menteri Keuangan. 

“Namun penjelasan itu juga harus disampaikan’ Menteri BUMN kepada DPR. Dari sana, kami bisa carikan solusi jika terdapat kendala, hanya itu sebenarnya,“ lanjut Bowo. Bowo mengatakan, Komisi VI bisa memahami, terkait urgensi pembentukan Holding BUMN migas. Termasuk diantaranya bahwa holding bisa mendukung upaya konversi bahan bakar fosil ke gas, serta efisiensi melalui pembentukan holding itu sendiri. 

   Sebelumnya, Kementerian BUMN menjelaskan bahwa pembentukan holding BUMN Migas mampu memberikan efek tidak sedikit terhadap peningkatan pendapatan negara. 

Menurut Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN, multiplier effect paling signifikan dan pembentukan Holding Migas adalah dapat menciptakan value creation yang langsung berpengaruh meningkatkan pendapatan pajak dan deviden negara. Pendapatan industri meningkat dan akan berimbas pada penerimaan pajak, kata Edwin saat rapat kerja dengan Komisi VI DPR beberapa waktu lalu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, March, 15, 2017

Oil and Gas Company Still undecided to Applying Gross Split

PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) plans to file an amendment to the contract for the result of gross split in ONWJ. This time for the results obtained using the scheme gross Pertamina split is 57.5% for oil, and 62.5% of gas.

The Government will get a share of 42.5% of the oil, and 37.5% of gas. Although the results have been greater, PHE ONWJ still feel less economical. For that PHE ONWJ want the government to add more splitnya. Just so you know, in ONWJ Pertamina gets contract extension from January 2017-January 2038.

The contract extension was changing from a production sharing contract (PSC) PSC gross cost recovery be split. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said it was still trying to evaluate the possibility of the implementation of efficiency programs. If there are still opportunities without reducing production efficiency in ONWJ, that Pertamina ONWJ not need additional split. "If there is no more chance of efficiency, but the economics did not make sure we will propose the addition of a split," he said.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) R. Mount Sardjono Hadi said, PHE ONWJ currently evaluating the economic value of the project ONWJ. The results of this evaluation will determine the pace PHE ONWJ to propose amendments to the contract in the field of oil and gas. The evaluation results are expected to go fast. Therefore, PHE ONWJ could soon submit a proposal to the government to improve the economic ONWJ. All depends on the final results of the evaluation, "said Mount.

In the evaluation, the PHE ONWJ is trying to compare between models of PSC cost recovery with gross split. Pertamina expects the economics of contract scheme for these results could be the same. "We hope to turn into gross split, the economics have not changed," said Mount.

Meanwhile, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy, Tunggal said the government  open if Pertamina wants to amend a contract which was signed on January 18, 2017. At that time, Pertamina agreed to split the gross scheme for the results differ by wearing PSC cost recovery. "It says not economical, yes, already submitted first (proposal), he said.

Pri Agung, Energy Observer, said figure gross revenue share split issued by the government was indeed most of the forward will not be economical. "Could not be determined in advance". He considered reasonable if PHE ONWJ called for the amendment, because the Minister Regulation No. 8/2017 was not true. "That is a matter of economy, the basis of the figures in the regulation is still questionable," he said. He suggested, that regulation was revised and put the transitional provisions, for PHE ONWJ already invested a contract basis PSC cost recovery, but suddenly in January 2017 were asked to wear cost recovery. "It should still be put on cost recovery a few years." Pri Agung advice.


Perusahaan Migas Bimbang Menerapkan Gross Split

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) berencana mengajukan amendemen kontrak bagi hasil gross split di Blok ONWJ. Saat ini bagi hasil yang diperoleh Pertamina dengan memakai skema gross split adalah 57,5% untuk minyak, dan 62,5% dari gas. 

Pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagian 42,5% dari minyak, dan 37,5% dari gas. Meski bagi hasil sudah lebih besar, PHE ONWJ masih merasa kurang ekonomis. Untuk itu PHE ONWJ ingin pemerintah menambah lagi splitnya. Asal tahu saja, di Blok ONWJ Pertamina mendapat perpanjangan kontrak dari Januari 2017-Januari 2038. 

Kontrak perpanjangan itu mengubah dari kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) cost recovery menjadi PSC gross split. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya masih mencoba melakukan evaluasi kemungkinan penerapan program-program efisiensi. Jika masih ada peluang efisiensi tanpa mengurangi produksi di ONWJ, kemungkinan Pertamina ONWJ tidak perlu tambahan split. "Kalau sudah tidak ada lagi peluang efisiensi, tapi keekonomiannya tidak masuk tentu kami akan mengajukan usulan penambahan split," ungkap dia. 

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, PHE ONWJ sedang mengevaluasi nilai keekonomian proyek ONWJ. Hasil evaluasi ini akan menentukan langkah PHE ONWJ untuk mengajukan amandemen kontrak di bidang migas. Hasil evaluasi diharapkan selesai cepat. Oleh karena itu, PHE ONWJ bisa segera mengajukan proposal ke pemerintah untuk memperbaiki keekonomian ONWJ. Semua tergantung hasil akhir evaluasi," kata Gunung. 

Dalam evaluasi itu, PHE ONWJ sedang mencoba membandingkan antara model PSC cost recovery dengan gross split. Pertamina mengharapkan keekonomian kedua skema kontrak bagi hasil tersebut bisa sama. "Kami berharap dengan berubah menjadi gross split, keekonomiannya tidak berubah," kata Gunung. 

Sementara itu, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal mengatakan pemerintah terbuka jika Pertamina ingin melakukan amandemen kontrak yang sudah diteken pada 18 Januari 2017. Saat itu Pertamina setuju menggunakan skema gross split yang bagi hasilnya berbeda dengan memakai PSC cost recovery. "Dikatakan tidak ekonomis, ya, sudah ajukan dulu (proposalnya), katanya.

Pri Agung, Pengamat Energi, mengatakan, angka bagi hasil gross split yang dikeluarkan pemerintah itu memang hampir sebagian besar ke depan pasti tidak menjadi ekonomis. "Tidak bisa ditentukan di depan". Dia menilai wajar jika PHE ONWJ meminta amandemen, karena Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8/2017 itu tidak benar. "Maksudnya dalam hitungan ekonomis itu, dasar angka-angka di Peraturan Menteri itu masih dipertanyakan," kata dia. 

     Dia menyarankan, agar Peraturan Menteri itu direvisi dan memasukkan ketentuan peralihan, sebab PHE ONWJ sudah melakukan investasi dengan dasar kontrak PSC COst Recovery, namun tiba-tiba pada Januari 2017 diminta memakai cost recovery. "Seharusnya masih tetap boleh memakai cost recovery beberapa tahun." saran Pri Agung. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 15, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pertamina and Total Agrees Transitional Mahakam Block

Together SKK Migas Pertamina, Total E & P Indonesie and Inpex Corportion has agreed Mahakam Bridging Agreement (BA) and funding agreement (FA). The deal was done in order to maintain continuity of production after the end of the Mahakam block contract with Total.

"The agreement further strengthens the commitment of the parties to make the post-2017 transition of operatorship to Total Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) can run smoothly," said VP of Corporate Communications of Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro, in a written statement yesterday.

CMF began to enter the Mahakam block in 2017 with BA and FA. In bridging the provisions of the agreement is set of the operations carried Total, as operator that already exist in 2017 for the benefit of PHM. Funding agreement PHM arrange financing mechanisms on operations undertaken Total E & P Indonesie according to BA.

Wianda explain the approval of SKK Migas signed March 3, 2017, after the final draft of BA and PA sent on February 21, 2017. The draft was discussed PHM, Total and Inpex since mid-2016.

"The transition to the Mahakam block operatorship PHM will sustain production," he said. With the BA Total will conduct exploitation activities in 2017 for the benefit of CMF with the principle of no gain no loss with funding from the CMF. Meanwhile, funding from the CMF to the Total is set in PA, with PHM and Total will open a joint account in the name of joint.

On the other hand, Pertamina expects the Iranian government could decide the assignment of the management of two oil and gas blocks in Iran in 2017. By doing so, companies can operate quickly on Iranian territory this year.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam explained that the company has already submitted a proposal to the government of Iran in order to manage the two oil and gas blocks. At present, the management is awaiting a decision on the proposal is being submitted.

"I've sent a letter. We can not force. We wait. Explicitly, said Syamsu Alam, there had been a strong signal of the oil and gas blocks awarded to Pertamina hisa this year.


Pertamina-Total Sepakati Peralihan Blok Mahakam

VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina
Wianda Pusponegoro

SKK Migas Bersama Pertamina, Total E&P Indonesie dan Inpex Corportion telah menyepakati Mahakam Bridging Agreement (BA) dan funding agreement (FA). Kesepakatan itu dilakukan demi menjaga kesinambungan produksi Blok Mahakam pasca berakhirnya kontrak dengan Total.

“Persetujuan itu semakin memperkuat komitmen para pihak untuk menjadikan peralihan operatorship pasca-2017 dari Total kepada Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) dapat berjalan mulus dan lancar,” kata VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro, dalam keterangan tertulis kemarin.

PHM mulai masuk Blok Mahakam pada 2017 dengan adanya BA dan FA. Dalam ketentuan bridging agreement tersebut diatur tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total, sebagai operator yang sudah ada pada 2017 untuk kepentingan PHM. Funding agreement mengatur mekanisme pembiayaan PHM atas kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total E&P Indonesie  sesuai dengan BA.

Wianda menjelaskan persetujuan dari SKK Migas ditandatangani 3 Maret 2017, setelah final draft BA dan PA dikirim pada 21 Februari 2017. Draf itu telah dibahas PHM, Total, dan Inpex sejak pertengahan 2016.

“Peralihan operatorship Blok Mahakam ke PHM akan menjaga kesinambungan produksi,” katanya. Dengan BA tersebut, Total akan melakukan kegiatan eksploitasi pada 2017 untuk kepentingan PHM dengan prinsip no gain no loss dengan pendanaan dari PHM. Sementara itu, pendanaan dari PHM kepada Total diatur dalam PA, dengan PHM dan Total akan membuka joint account atas nama bersama.

Di sisi lain, Pertamina mengharapkan pemerintah Iran bisa memutuskan penugasan pengelolaan dua blok minyak dan gas yang ada di Iran pada 2017. Dengan begitu, perusahaan bisa beroperasi secara cepat di wilayah Iran pada tahun ini. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menerangkan perseroan sudah mengajukan proposal ke pemerintah Iran agar bisa mengelola dua blok migas. Pada saat ini manajemen sedang menunggu keputusan atas proposal yang sedang diajukan.

“Saya sudah kirim surat. Kami tidak bisa memaksa. Kami tunggu. Secara eksplisit, kata Syamsu Alam, memang sudah ada sinyal kuat blok migas tersebut hisa diberikan kepada Pertamina di tahun ini.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017

The second quarter, Pertamina Manage Mahakam block

PT Pertamina soon resume drilling in the Mahakam block from the second quarter of this year. This is to ensure that oil and gas production of oil and gas block in East Kalimantan is not dropped dramatically after the switch operator.

Drilling can be carried out after its Bridging signed Agreement (BA) and the Funding Agreement (FA) by Pertamina and operator of the Mahakam block at this time, the Total E & P Indonesie and Inpex Corporation. The agreement has also been approved by the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas).

"The goal started drilling, should begin immediately. Drilling soon, "said Senior Vice President of Business Development Denie Tampubolon Pertamina in Jakarta, Monday (13/3) Pertamina Hulu Mahakam began to enter into the Mahakam block in this year with the BA and FA's. The agreement bridging provisions governing the operations undertaken Total, as operator of the existing 2017 for the benefit of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Meanwhile, the funding agreement governing the financing mechanism for the activities of CMF Total operations performed in accordance with BA. Previously, Pertamina plans to drill 19 wells on this Block Mahakarn in 2017.

The investment is estimated at US $ 180 million. With so expected gas production from the Mahakam block can be maintained around 1,200 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD and condensate of about 20 thousand barrels per day (bpd) in 2018 to 2019. However, Denie not ascertain whether the drilling is going according to plan. "The number of wells that will be drilled later we're prepared," said Denie.

Wianda Pusponegoro

Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro explained, approval and SKK Migas signed March 3, 2017, after the final draft of BA and FA sent on February 21, 2017. The draft was discussed by PHM, Total E & P Indonesie and INPEX since mid 2016. "Transition operatorship of Block Mahakam to PHM will sustain production, "he said.

The BA, becomes the basis for Total to conduct mining this year for the benefit of CMF with the principle of "No gain no loss" where the funding from the CMF. As for Total funding from the CMF to set in FA, where FHM and Total will open a joint account in the name of joint.

Deputy Head of Oil and Gas Zikrullah SKK stated that he will continue to oversee the operations of Pertamina done by this total. Because, all activities Total has been completed. Thus, Pertamina must immediately begin to run his program.

However, he understands that the implementation of the program need preparation beforehand. The reason is, there needs to be mobilization of tools and materials. "Ideally direct means in accordance with the program," he said. Earlier, the government has commissioned the Mahakam block Pertamina to work 100%.

In the contract signed at the end of 2015, the company promises a signature bonus of US $ 41 million. In addition, state revenues and production bonuses include a $ 5 million of cumulative production of 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, amounted to US $ 4 million and a cumulative production of 750 million barrels of oil equivalent and US $ 4 million of cumulative production of 1.000 million barrels of oil equivalent.

As for the first three-year investment plan, Pertamina pledged funds amounting to US $ 75.3 million. The details sequentially to US $ 1.3 million, and US $ 33.5 million, and US $ 40.5 million.


Kuartal II, Pertamina Kelola Blok Mahakam

PT Pertamina segera melanjutkan pemboran sumur di Blok Mahakam mulai kuartal kedua tahun ini. Hal ini untuk menjaga agar produksi migas oli blok migas di Kalimantan Timur ini tidak turun drastis setelah berganti operator.

Pemboran sumur itu dapat dilakukan setelah diteken-nya Bridging Agreement (BA) dan Funding Agreement (FA) oleh Pertamina dan operator Blok Mahakam saat ini, yakni Total E&P Indonesie serta Inpex Corporation. Kesepakatan tersebut juga sudah disetujui oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

“Tujuannya mulai pengeboran, harus langsung dimulai. Pengeboran segera,” kata Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon di Jakarta, Senin (13/3) Pertamina Hulu Mahakam mulai masuk ke Blok Mahakam pada tahun ini dengan adanya BA dan FA ini. Ketentuan bridging agreement tersebut mengatur tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total, sebagai operator eksisting pada tahun 2017 untuk kepentingan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Adapun, funding agreement mengatur tentang mekanisme pembiayaan PHM atas kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total sesuai dengan BA. Sebelumnya, Pertamina berencana membor 19 sumur di Blok Mahakarn pada 2017 ini.

Investasi yang akan ditanamkan diperkirakan sebesar US$ 180 juta. Dengan begitu diharapkan produksi gas bumi dari Blok Mahakam dapat dipertahankan sekitar 1.200 million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd dan kondensat sekitar 20 ribu barel per hari (bph) pada 2018-2019. Namun, Denie tidak memastikan apakah pemboran sumur akan sesuai rencana ini. “jumlah sumurnya yang dibor nanti akan kami persiapkan,” kata Denie. 

Vice Presiden Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro menjelaskan, persetujuan dan SKK Migas ditandatangani 3 Maret 2017, setelah final draft BA dan FA dikirim tanggal 21 Februari 2017. Draft itu telah dibahas oleh PHM, Total E&P Indonesie dan INPEX sejak pertengahan 2016. “Peralihan operatorship Blok Mahakam ke PHM akan menjaga kesinambungan produksi,” kata dia.

BA tersebut, menjadi dasar bagi Total untuk melakukan kegiatan eksploitasi pada tahun ini untuk kepentingan PHM dengan prinsip “No gain no loss” di mana pendanaannya dari PHM. Sementara untuk pendanaan dari PHM kepada Total diatur dalam FA, di mana FHM dan Total akan membuka joint Account atas nama bersama.

Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Zikrullah menuturkan, pihaknya akan terus mengawal pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi Pertamina yang dilakukan oleh Total ini. Pasalnya, seluruh kegiatan Total sudah selesai dikerjakan. Sehingga, Pertamina harus segera mulai menjalankan program miliknya.

Meski demikian, dia memahami bahwa pelaksanaan program butuh persiapan terlebih dahulu. Pasalnya, perlu ada mobilisasi alat dan materialnya. “ldealnya langsung, maksudnya sesuai dengan programnya,” ujar dia. Sebelumnya, pemerintah telah menugaskan Pertamina untuk menggarap Blok Mahakam 100%. 

Dalam kontrak yang diteken pada akhir 2015, perseroan menjanjikan bonus tanda tangan US$ 41 juta. Selain itu juga penerimaan negara dan bonus produksi meliputi US$ 5 juta dari kumulatif produksi 500 juta barel setara minyak, sebesar US$ 4 juta dan kumulatif produksi 750 juta barel setara minyak, dan US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 1.000 juta barel setara minyak.

Sementara untuk rencana investasi tiga tahun pertama, Pertamina menjanjikan dana sebesar US$ 75,3 juta. Rinciannya secara berurutan US$ 1,3 juta, kemudian US$ 33,5 juta, dan US$ 40,5 juta.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017

This year, 10 oil and gas blocks Ready to Be Auctioned

The government plans to auction at least 10 oil and gas blocks this year. In this auction, the government offered oil and gas contracts with the scheme for hasi gross (gross split).

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Single said it was still reviewing the oil and gas blocks to be auctioned this year. Moreover, there is a possibility that some oil and gas blocks that did not sell at auction last year will be re-tendered in 2017's.

The auction will offer both conventional and non-conventional oil and gas blocks. "Conventional oil and gas Block No 10, could rise from the flood last year. I'll wait for the announcement at the IPA conference," he said in Jakarta, Monday (13/3).

In the past year, the government auctioned 17 oil and gas blocks, namely 14 oil and gas blocks of conventional and non-conventional three oil and gas blocks. Three non-conventional oil and gas blocks on offer namely, that the King and Bungamas CBM Block, and Block Shale Oil / Gas Batu Ampar. However, no company is interested in taking the third this block.

As for the 14 oil and gas blocks, offered through direct bidding and the regular auction. Seven blocks offered through direct bidding namely Block Ebuny Onin, West Kaimana, West Hill, Batu Gajah Two, Kasongan ampir, and Powerful. Furthermore, seven oil and gas blocks are auctioned regular CPR Oti South Block, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Manda; North Arguni, and Kasturi.

Proceeds from the auction block last year's conventional oil and gas are still at the stage of final evaluation. However, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja I Gusti Nyoman had revealed it had obtained a firm candidate for the auction winner through direct deals. "The success is only one conventional, it is also still being evaluated and will be announced in March," he said.

To attract investments in oil and gas blocks this year's auction, the government will offer a gross contractual scheme split. So different from the auction last year in which the profit sharing (split) can be offered by the company, this time can be negotiated is the signing bonus and not split it.

"If the (auction) new, which is 2017, should gross split. Inevitably, we offer gross split. Now produced its SOP, "said Son. According to Minister Regulation  8/2017 Minister about gross split, the preliminary results (base split) of oil is set at 57% for the state and 43% to the contractor. As for gas, the state quota of 52% and 48% contractors.

Base this split will change based on the variable components and progressive. Variable components include block status, location, depth, up to the amount of local content. Progressive component consists of oil prices and the cumulative amount of oil and gas production. Then, when the calculation of the commercialization of the field does not reach a certain economic value, the contractor received an additional split a maximum of 5%.

Conversely in the calculation of the commercialization of the field exceeds a certain economic value, then the state may take an additional 5% split. Split gross scheme aims to encourage exploration and exploitation business more effectively and quickly, and to encourage oil and gas contractors and oil and gas industries for more efficient support. So it is more able to deal with oil price fluctuations from time to time.

In addition, driving business process upstream oil and gas contractor (PSC) and SKK Migas become simpler and accountable. Thus, the system of procurement (procurement) bureaucratic and debates that took place during this time to be reduced


Tahun Ini, 10 Blok Migas Siap Dilelang

Pemerintah berencana melelang setidaknya 10 blok migas pada tahun ini. Dalam lelang kali ini, pemerintah menawarkan kontrak migas dengan skema bagi hasi kotor (gross split).

Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Tunggal mengatakan, pihaknya masih mengkaji blok-blok migas yang akan dilelang pada tahun ini. Apalagi, ada kemungkinan sebagian blok migas yang tidak laku pada lelang tahun lalu akan dilelang ulang pada 2017 ini.

Lelang akan menawarkan baik blok migas konvensional maupun nonkonvensional. "Blok migas konvensional ada 10, bisa bertambah dari limpahan tahun lalu. Nanti tunggu pengumumannya di IPA conference,” kata dia di Jakarta, Senin (13/3).

Pada tahun lalu, pemerintah melelang 17 blok migas, yakni 14 blok migas konvensional dan tiga blok migas nonkonvensional. Tiga blok migas non-konvensional yang ditawarkan yakni, yakni Blok CBM Raja dan Bungamas, serta Blok Shale Oil/ Gas Batu Ampar. Namun, tidak ada perusahaan yang berminat mengambil ketiga
blok ini.

Sementara untuk 14 blok migas, ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung dan lelang reguler. Tujuh blok yang ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung yakni Blok Ebuny Onin, West Kaimana, Bukit Barat, Batu Gajah Dua, Kasongan Ampir, dan Ampuh. Selanjutnya, tujuh blok migas yang dilelang reguler adalah Blok South CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Manda; North Arguni, dan Kasturi.

Hasil dari lelang blok migas konvensional tahun lalu ini masih pada tahap evaluasi akhir. Namun, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja sempat mengungkapkan, pihaknya sudah memperoleh satu perusahaan calon pemenang untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung. “Yang berhasil memang cuma satu yang konvensional, itu juga masih dievaluasi dan akan diumumkan Maret,” kata dia.

Untuk menarik investasi pada lelang blok migas tahun ini, pemerintah akan menawarkan skema kontrak gross split. Sehingga berbeda dengan lelang tahun lalu di mana bagi hasil (split) dapat ditawar oleh perusahaan, kali ini yang bisa ditawar adalah bonus tanda tangan dan bukan split-nya.

“Kalau yang (lelang) baru, yang 2017, harus gross split. Mau tidak mau, kami tawarkan gross split. Sekarang sedang disusun SOP-nya,” tutur Tunggal. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM 8/2017 soal gross split, bagi hasil awal (base split) minyak bumi ditetapkan sebesar 57% untuk negara dan 43% untuk kontraktor. Sementara untuk gas, jatah negara 52% dan kontraktor 48%. 

Base split ini akan berubah berdasarkan komponen variabel dan progresif. Komponen variabel diantaranya status blok, lokasi, kedalaman, hingga besaran tingkat kandungan dalam negeri. Komponen progresif terdiri dari harga minyak dan jumlah kumulatif produksi migas. Kemudian ketika perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan tidak mencapai keekonomian tertentu, kontraktor mendapat tambahan split maksimal 5%. 

Sebaliknya dalam perhitungan komersialisasi lapangan melebihi keekonomian tertentu, maka negara boleh mengambil tambahan split 5%. Skema gross split bertujuan untuk mendorong usaha eksplorasi dan eksploitasi yang lebih efektif dan cepat, serta mendorong para kontraktor migas dan industri penunjang migas untuk lebih efisien. Sehingga lebih mampu menghadapi gejolak harga minyak dari waktu ke waktu.

Selain itu, mendorong bisnis proses kontraktor hulu migas (KKKS) dan SKK Migas menjadi lebih sederhana dan akuntabel. Dengan demikian, sistem pengadaan (procurement) yang birokratis dan perdebatan yang terjadi selama ini menjadi berkurang. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017

Total Auxiliary drilling to Pertamina

Mahakam block transition

PT Total E & P Indonesie, the operator of the Mahakam block long, it could begin drilling for PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam which will become the new operator of the block starting early 2018. In order to keep the production of oil and gas in the Mahakam, production activities must be maintained. On the other hand, Pertamina starts off as a new operator to start early in 2018 so need help Total to drill a few wells.

To set the Mahakam management transition period, Pertamina, along with Total and Inpex signed Mahakam Bridging Agreement and the Funding Agreement. The agreement was signed to strengthen the commitment to maintain oil and gas production on the Mahakam block in transition operator.

Conditions bridging agreement governing the operations undertaken Total, as operator time in 2017 for the benefit of Pertamina. Meanwhile, deal financing (funding agreement) regulates the methods for financing activities
Total done.

Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon said the company immediately conduct drilling after signing the agreement. He did not mention the time of the commencement of drilling oil and gas wells funded by Pertamina. In fact, drilling six wells conducted by Total has been completed. According to him, drilling 19 wells are expected to be realized in the near future.

The annual production of the working area of ​​Mahakam today that 1,635 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas and 63,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). The Mahakam block is the first production in 1974. Production comes from the Mahakam block Gas Field Peciko, Tunu, Tambora, Sisi Nubi, and South Mahakam. "As soon begin drilling. Soon there could be three days, "he said after attending the signing of the transitional operation of the Mahakam block, Monday (13/3).

Deputy Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Zikrullah said Pertamina-funded activities initiated in the second quarter / 2017. He explained that the drilling activities conducted continued without pause. However, he called the activity requires preparation. Any tax-related issues, no longer a barrier. Zikrullah added, the method of cooperation in the upstream sector has accommodated activity Total and Pertamina.

Thus, there is no imposition of value added tax (VAT) in addition to the activities in the Mahakam block. "It's just that no additional VAT. Yesterday there was a VAT. " '

Related option rights holders operator management by Total after 2017, Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam, said he understands the government's desire to maintain production Mahakam block. According to him, the odds Total remains the operator block, disclosed Minister Ignatius Jonan is something new that has not been discussed "Yes, he is only in the Mahakam, I do not know. All of a sudden, "said Alam.


Total Bantu Ngebor untuk Pertamina

Peralihan Blok Mahakam

PT Total E&P Indonesie, operator lama Blok Mahakam, bisa memulai kegiatan pengeboran untuk PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam yang akan menjadi operator baru blok tersebut mulai awal 2018. Untuk menjaga produksi minyak dan gas bumi di Mahakam, kegiatan produksi harus tetap dijaga. Di sisi lain, Pertamina mulai aktif sebagai operator baru mulai awal 2018 sehingga butuh bantuan Total untuk mengebor beberapa sumur minyak. 

Untuk mengatur masa peralihan pengelolaan Mahakam, Pertamina bersama dengan Total dan Inpex menandatangani Mahakam Bridging Agreement dan Funding Agreement. Kesepakatan tersebut ditandatangani untuk memperkuat komitmen menjaga produksi migas di Blok Mahakam dalam masa peralihan operator.

Ketentuan bridging agreement mengatur tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total, sebagai operator lama pada 2017 untuk kepentingan Pertamina. Sementara itu, kesepakatan pembiayaan (funding agreement) mengatur tentang cara pembiayaan kegiatan yang
dilakukan Total. 

Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon mengatakan, perseroan segera melakukan pengeboran setelah penandatanganan kesepakatan. Dia tidak menyebut waktu dimulainya pengeboran sumur migas yang didanai Pertamina. Padahal, pengeboran enam sumur yang dilakukan oleh Total sudah selesai. Menurutnya, pengeboran 19 sumur diharapkan bisa terealisasi dalam waktu dekat.

Produksi tahunan wilayah kerja Mahakam saat ini yakni 1.635 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) gas dan minyak bumi 63.000 barel per hari (bph). Blok Mahakam berproduksi pertama kali pada 1974. Produksi Blok Mahakam berasal dari Lapangan Gas Peciko, Tunu, Tambora, Sisi Nubi, dan South Mahakam. “Segera dimulai pengeboran. Segera di situ bisa 3 hari,” ujarnya usai menghadiri penandatanganan kesepakatan peralihan pengoperasian Blok Mahakam, Senin (13/3).

Wakil Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Zikrullah mengatakan, kegiatan yang didanai Pertamina dimulai pada kuartal II/2017. Dia menjelaskan, kegiatan pengeboran dilakukan bersambung tanpa jeda. Namun, dia menyebut kegiatan memerlukan persiapan. Masalah terkait perpajakan pun, tidak lagi menjadi hambatan. Zikrullah menambahkan, metode kerja sama di sektor hulu telah mengakomodasi kegiatan Total dan Pertamina. 

Dengan demikian, tidak ada pengenaan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) tambahan terhadap kegiatan di Blok Mahakam. “Hanya saja tidak ada PPN tambahan. Kemarin ada PPN.”'

Terkait opsi pemegang hak pengelolaan operator oleh Total setelah 2017, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya memahami keinginan pemerintah untuk mempertahankan produksi Blok Mahakam. Menurutnya, peluang Total tetap menjadi operator Blok Mahakam yang diungkapkan Menteri Ignasius Jonan merupakan hal baru yang belum pernah dibicarakan “Ya, hanya beliau di Mahakam, saya juga tidak tahu. Secara tiba-tiba," kata Alam. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017

Total Fixed Can Manage Mahakam

Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) has approved the transition of the management of the Mahakam block Total E & P Indonesia - Inpex Corporation to Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM). The transition period is characterized by bridging cooperation agreement and the funding agreement.

Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro stated, one of the agreements bridging agreement is the implementation of the exploration activities undertaken existing operator.

This year, Total E & P Indonesia to drill six wells in the Mahakam block. Meanwhile, PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) to drill 19 wells. Operating funds held upstream oil and gas activities Total and Inpex in Mahakam provided by PT. PHM in accordance with the funding agreement and the principle of no gain no loss (without the imposition of additional fees).

"The transition to the Mahakam block operatorship PHM do to maintain continuity of production in the Mahakam block," said Wianda.

Earlier, Minister Ignatius Jonan expect Total to continue to invest in Indonesia in partnership working together Mahakam block Pertamina after his contract expires on December 31, 2017. The portion of partisipating interest offered to the French operator it reached 39 percent.

With such cooperation, hoping Jonan gas production from the Mahakam block is not reduced and no job cuts. However, Total reportedly not yet responded to the offer. The Mahakam block is an area of ​​2738.51 kilometers is very strategic because becoming the largest producer of natural gas in Indonesia.

Gas production reached 1,635 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 63 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd). Jonan said that Pertamina is required to sell 10 percent of its stake in the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan provincial government. Minister accordance with the Regulation No. 37 Year 2016, freeing the operator can block the acquisition cost and amortized by the East Kalimantan provincial government for oil and gas.


Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina 
Wianda Pusponegoro

Total Tetap Bisa Kelola Mahakam

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Migas (SKK Migas) telah menyetujui transisi pengelolaan Blok Mahakam dari Total E&P Indonesia - Inpex Corporation ke Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM). Masa transisi ditandai dengan kerja sama bridging agreement dan funding agreement. 

Vice Presiden Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro menyatakan, salah satu kesepakatan bridging agreement adalah pelaksanaan kegiatan eksplorasi yang dilaksanakan operator existing.

Tahun ini Total E&P Indonesia akan mengebor enam sumur di Blok Mahakam. Sementara itu, PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) mengebor 19 sumur. Dana operasi kegiatan hulu migas yang dilaksanakan Total dan Inpex di Mahakam disediakan PT. PHM sesuai dengan funding agreement dan prinsip no gain no loss (tanpa pengenaan biaya tambahan). 

"Peralihan operatorship Blok Mahakam ke PHM dilakukan untuk menjaga kesinambungan produksi di Blok Mahakam," kata Wianda.

Sebelumnya, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan berharap Total melanjutkan investasinya di Indonesia dengan bermitra menggarap Blok Mahakam bersama Pertamina setelah kontraknya berakhir pada 31 Desember 2017. Porsi partisipating interest yang ditawarkan untuk operator asal Perancis itu mencapai 39 persen.

Dengan kerja sama tersebut, Jonan berharap produksi gas dari Blok Mahakam tidak berkurang serta tidak ada pengurangan pekerja. Meski demikian, Total dikabarkan belum merespons tawaran itu. Blok Mahakam seluas 2.738,51 kilometer tersebut sangat strategis lantaran menjadi penghasil gas alam terbesar di Indonesia.

Produksi gas mencapai 1.635 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) serta minyak bumi 63 ribu barel per hari (bph). Jonan menyampaikan bahwa Pertamina diwajibkan menjual 10 persen kepemilikannya di Blok Mahakam kepada Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 37 Tahun 2016, operator blok dapat membebaskan biaya akuisisi dan diangsur Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan bagi hasil migas.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017

EMR Offer 39% Stake Mahakam to Total

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jonan quibble offer these shares to maintain production Mahakam Block

Not wanting to get off oil and gas production, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will give additional shares to PT Total EP lndonesie and Inpex Corp. in Block-Mahakam. If earlier, the two companies are receiving a share of 30% stake, is now added 9% to 39%. The 10% will be given to the local government (local government).

By doing so, Pertamina will have a 51% stake in the Mahakam block with PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Not only the provision of stock. EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan also provide an opportunity for Total EP remain the operator. According Jonan, he had said to Total EP in order to discuss with Pertamina and SKK Migas.

"Pertamina could offer share down 39% maximum share, it may be because 10% of its shares to local governments. Pertamina to be the majority. Total can bargain, willing to joint operator or operators continued Total and so on. Employees also I guess not changed," said Jonan.

According to information, the background of rising stocks Total and Inpex because the government feared Mahakam production will go down. Therefore, the working proposal to SKK Migas, Pertamina only will drill 19 wells.

Yet every year, Total EP drilled in the Mahakam block up to 100 wells that gas production is not down. Moreover, Total EP also took care of 8,500 old wells in the Mahakam so that production is maintained. Special Staff Communication Unit MEMR Djuraid Hadi explained, though contract share down 30% to Total EP and lnpex been signed, there is still opportunity in business to business, so stake Total EP and Inpex be 39%. To be sure, "The government's target, the production should not be dropped," said Hadi

He suggested that PT Pertamina discuss the operator to SKK Migas. The government will not regulate such detail. "Please talk SKK Migas and Pertamina. The important thing is the government's target, the production should not be dropped, including in transition now,"

In response, PT Pertamina still relied on the decision of the previous government, which only gives 30% share down to Total EP and Inpex. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said he did not hear directly Jonan statement. "But the company still refers to the decision that there is no associated operatorship and participating interest (PI). Minister also said please talk with Pertamina" said Syamsu

President and General Manager of Total EP lndonesie Arividya Novianto, declined to comment related to the addition of the stock portion. Discussion related to these shares has not been implemented. "I have not replied, it means yet," said Novianto.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Corporate Services Inpex Corporation revealed Nico Muhyiddin, Inpex will follow related Total share equity. Inpex-Total and Pertamina new talks after signing a bridging agreement and funding agreement.

Bridging Funding agreement and the new agreement just signed by the three parties on Monday (13/3) afternoon. "We have discussed it after these signatures. Starting next week," said Nico.

In this agreement also confirmed the position of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam in order to start getting into the Mahakam block in 2017 or the year of transition. In the provision of bridging agreement that regulate the operations are carried out, as operators existing in 2017 for the benefit of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Meanwhile, funding agreement governing the financing mechanism PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam on the operations of PT Total EP Indonesie 2017, according bridging agreement ,

Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina explained, related to the number of wells drilled will still put a third party. "Pertamina can invest for the drilling," he said. Previous Pertamina is ready to drill 19 wells this year with an investment of around US $ 1.5 billion.


ESDM Tawarkan 39% Saham Mahakam ke Total

Menteri ESDM Jonan berdalih tawaran saham tersebut untuk menjaga produksi Blok Mahakam

Tidak ingin produksi migas turun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan memberikan saham tambahan bagi PT Total EP lndonesie dan Inpex Corp di Blok-Mahakam. Jika sebelumnya, kedua perusahaan ini hanya mendapatkan porsi saham 30%, kini ditambah 9% menjadi 39%. Adapun 10% akan diberikan ke pemerintah daerah (pemda).

Dengan begitu, Pertamina akan memiliki 51% saham di Blok Mahakam melalui PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Bukan hanya pemberian saham. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan juga memberikan peluang bagi Total EP tetap menjadi operator. Menurut Jonan, ia sudah mengatakan ke Total EP agar membicarakan dengan Pertamina dan SKK Migas.

"Pertamina bisa menawarkan share down 39% saham maksimum, itu boleh karena 10% sahamnya ke pemerintah daerah. Pertamina harus mayoritas. Total bisa menawar, mau operator bersama atau operator dilanjutkan Total dan sebagainya. Pegawai juga saya kira tidak diganti," kata Jonan.

Menurut informasi, latar belakang naiknya saham Total dan Inpex karena pemerintah takut produksi Mahakam akan turun. Sebab, dalam proposal kerja ke SKK Migas, Pertamina hanya akan mengebor 19 sumur.

Padahal setiap tahun, Total EP mengebor di Blok Mahakam hingga 100 sumur agar produksi gas tidak turun. Apalagi, Total EP juga merawat 8.500 sumur tua di Mahakam agar produksi terjaga. Staf Khusus Bidang Komunikasi Kementerian ESDM Hadi Djuraid menerangkan, meski kontrak share down 30% kepada Total EP dan lnpex sudah diteken, masih ada kesempatan secara business to business, agar saham Total EP dan Inpex bisa 39%.  Yang pasti, "Target pemerintah, produksi tidak boleh turun," ungkap Hadi

Dia menyarankan agar PT Pertamina membicarakan soal operator ke SKK Migas. Pemerintah tidak akan mengatur sedetail itu. "Silahkan bicarakan SKK Migas dan dengan Pertamina. Yang penting target pemerintah adalah, produksi tidak boleh turun, termasuk dalam masa transisi sekarang,"

Menanggapi hal tersebut, PT Pertamina masih berpatokan pada putusan pemerintah sebelumnya, yang hanya memberikan 30% share down kepada Total EP dan Inpex. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengaku tidak mendengar langsung statement Jonan. "Tapi Pertamina tetap mengacu keputusan yang ada terkait operatorship maupun participating interest (Pl). Menteri  ESDM juga menyampaikan silakan dibicarakan dengan Pertamina " kata Syamsu

Presiden dan General Manager PT Total EP lndonesie Arividya Novianto, enggan berkomentar terkait penambahan porsi saham tersebut. Pembicaraan terkait saham tersebut belum dilaksanakan. "Saya belum jawab, berarti belum," kata Novianto.

Sementara, Vice President Corporate Service Inpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin mengungkapkan, Inpex akan mengikuti langkah Total terkait share saham. Inpex-Total dan Pertamina baru melakukan pembicaraan setelah meneken bridging agreement dan funding agreement.

Bridging agreement dan Funding agreement baru saja ditandatangani ketiga pihak pada Senin (13/3) sore. "Kami baru diskusikan itu setelah tandatangan ini. Mulai pekan depan," kata Nico.

Dalam perjanjian ini juga mengukuhkan posisi PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam agar mulai masuk ke Blok Mahakam pada 2017 ini atau tahun transisi. Di dalam ketentuan bridging agreement itu mengatur pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan , sebagai operator eksisting pada tahun 2017 untuk kepentingan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Adapun, funding agreement mengatur tentang mekanisme pembiayaan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam atas kegiatan operasi PT Total EP Indonesie tahun 2017, sesuai bridging agreement.

Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina menjelaskan, terkait jumlah sumur yang dibor masih akan disiapkan ketiga pihak. "Pertamina sudah bisa berinvestasi untuk pemboran," kata dia. Sebelumnya Pertamina siap mengebor 19 sumur tahun ini dengan investasi sekitar US$ 1,5 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017