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Saturday, March 18, 2017

New Director of Pertamina: Fire Me if deviated

President Director of PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik newly appointed, Thursday (16/3), requested that he be reprimanded and even fired if it deviated from its task. He also called on the board of directors should be solid in the work. Elia Massa saw compactness Pertamina's board of directors will have an impact on the acceleration of the company's performance. "The Board of Directors must be compact and solid, because the required acceleration," Elijah said when met at the headquarters of PT Pertamina, Central Jakarta.

The appointment of Elia Massa became Managing Director of Pertamina decided after the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) conduct the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) for three hours on Thursday (16/3). Elijah became Managing Director of Pertamina per March 16, 2017. The appointment was in accordance with the letter bemomor SK-52 / MBU / 03/2017 concerning the appointment of the directors the company Pertamina.

According to Elia Massa, the key of solidity team at Pertamina as a whole is on the board of directors. He asked that no interest on the board. "I have no party affiliation, that commitment," he said.

Elijah "Massa said integrity is also important, so that there is transparency in the work. He joked if transparency is running, then the individual in Pertamina could sleep more comfortably. "Talk integrity, starting from my (CEO)," he said. Regarding integrity, from the board of directors must also be open. In addition, if there is one team having problems, then it's not just a matter of the team alone. "But the responsibility of the board 'he said.

When asked about the addition or reduction in the number of directors, Elia Massa said could not be determined now. He pointed out that it only requires three divisions, then why should there be more than three divisions. "Why are there six divisions, if the quickness of the three" he said. The Career and Achievements of Elia Elia started his career at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF), and then joined the Suez Group, which he left in 2001. At that time, he joined with PT Kiani Kertas and then joined PT Jababeka.

Elia known to be the Managing Director of PTPN (Holding) since April 2016. In the company, he restructured with PTPN cut the number of directors to a maximum of only three people. Prior to working at PTPN, Elia worked as President Direkur Elnusa since July 2011 to 2014.

Elia Massa Manik considered Elnusa successfully brought back into a healthy company, after the burglary cases of corporate funds in Bank Mega. Elia made a number of improvements in Elnusa, which at the time he entered had a negative operating cash flow amounted to Rp 200 billion. One example of improvements that have made is to refinance in Elnusa, and besides, she was also improvement of human resources there.

Previously, SOE Minister Rini Sumarno Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto uninstall and Deputy Managing Director Ahmad Bambang from office on February 3 last. Shareholders subsequently appointed Director of Gas and Renewable Energy Pertamina Yenni Andayani as acting chief executive for 30 days or until March 3, 2017, which is now the chief executive office. But Minister Rini extend the term of office Yenni for reasons yet to get the names of the best candidate to become CEO respectively.

Comments Soetjipto

The appointment of Elia Massa also received comments the former president director Dwi Soetjipto. What did he say? "President Joko Widodo has a clear vision for the development of Pertamina as stated in Nawacita / 9 Hope. He always provides guidance on the strategies and measurable detail in its implementation. This was reflected in the performance of Pertamina in 2015 to 2016, said Dwi.

President Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III them. "I believe through GMS, Rl Government has chosen the right person to lead Pertamina. Hopefully, Pertamina will be even better in the future, "said Dwi.

Appointment reasons Elia

So, what are the reasons on which the appointment of Elia so the president director of PT Pertamina? "The appointment of Mr. Elia Massa Manik more emphasis on the selection made by the Minister of State Enterprises and several ministers associated with the leadership he and the capabilities of the respective concerned in terms of building the company," said Billy Trihargo as deputy Line of Business Financial Services, Services Survey and Consulting SOE Ministry in SOE Ministry office in Jakarta.

Gatot explained that the appointment of Elia is based on a track record of performance, leadership, experience, and capabilities that are considered to meet the needs of the company. Especially the performance assessment of Elijah during his tenure Director of PT Nusantara III Pekerbunan. 

    During his tenure, Elijah make improvements and operational aspects, financial, engineering to human resources (HR). In addition, Elia also had helped build the Risk Culture Awareness or build cultural awareness and restructure loans Bank BNI when he served as Senior Vice President of Bank BNI.

Elia also successfully restructure the oil and gas services company (oil) PT Elnusa Tbk. This was done while serving as President and CEO Elnusa. The achievement of that is the appointment of Elia Massa solid basis Manik became Managing Director of Pertamina. Gatot hopes, with the new president director of Pertamina to run the further strengthening strategic role in the national energy sector.

"Especially in the achievement of the performance targets that have been implemented and the main programs, among others BBM One Price and Planned Refinery Project Investment and upstream development worth tens of billions of dollars in the next few years.


Dirut Baru Pertamina : Pecat Saya jika Melenceng

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik yang baru diangkat, Kamis (16/3), meminta agar dirinya ditegur bahkan dipecat jika sudah melenceng dari tugasnya. Dia juga menghimbau jajaran direksi harus solid dalam bekerja. Elia Massa melihat kekompakan jajaran direksi Pertamina akan berdampak pada akselerasi kinerja perusahaan itu. “Direksi harus kompak dan solid, karena dituntut melakukan akselerasi,” kata Elia saat ditemui di kantor pusat PT Pertamina, Jakarta Pusat.

Penunjukan Elia Massa menjadi Dirut Pertamina diputuskan setelah Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) melakukan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) selama tiga jam pada kamis (16/3). Elia menjadi Dirut Pertamina per 16 Maret 2017. Pengangkatannya sesuai dengan surat bemomor SK-52/MBU/03/2017 tentang pengangkatan anggota direksi perseroan Pertamina.

Menurut Elia Massa, kunci dari kesolidan tim di Pertamina secara keseluruhan ada di direksi. Dia meminta agar tidak ada kepentingan di jajaran direksi. “Saya tidak ada afiliasi partai, itulah komitmen,” ucapnya.

Elia “Massa menuturkan integritas juga penting, sehingga ada transparansi di dalam pekerjaan. Dia berkelakar jika transparansi berjalan, maka individu di Pertamina bisa tidur lebih nyaman. “Bicara integritas, dimulai dari saya (Dirut),” katanya. Mengenai integritas, mulai jajaran direksi juga harus terbuka. Selain itu, jika ada satu tim mengalami masalah, maka itu bukan hanya masalah tim itu saja. “Tapi tanggung jawab dari board’ ucapnya.

Ketika ditanya soal penambahan atau pengurangan jumlah direktur, Elia Massa mengatakan tidak bisa ditetapkan sekarang. Dia mencontohkan kalau Pertamina hanya membutuhkan tiga divisi, maka mengapa harus ada lebih dari tiga divisi. “Mengapa ada enam divisi, kalau butuhnya tiga" tuturnya. Karier dan Prestasi Elia Elia memulai karier di PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF), dan kemudian bergabung dengan Suez Group yang dia tinggalkan pada 2001. Saat itu, dia bergabung dengan PT Kiani Kertas dan kemudian bergabung dengan PT Jababeka.

Elia diketahui menjadi Dirut PTPN (Holding) sejak April 2016. Di perusahaan itu, dia melakukan restrukturisasi dengan memangkas jumlah direksi PTPN menjadi maksimal hanya tiga orang.  Sebelum bekerja di PTPN, Elia bekerja sebagai Presiden Direkur PT Elnusa sejak Juli 2011 hingga 2014. 

Elia Massa Manik dianggap sukses membawa Elnusa kembali menjadi perusahaan yang sehat, setelah adanya kasus pembobolan dana perusahaan di Bank Mega. Elia melakukan sejumlah perbaikan di Elnusa, yang pada saat dia masuk memiliki operating cash flow yang negatif sebesar Rp 200 miliar. Salah satu contoh perbaikan yang dilakukannya adalah dengan melakukan refinancing di Elnusa, selain itu dia juga melakukan perbaikan sumber daya manusia disana. 

Sebelumnya, Menteri BUMN Rini Sumarno mencopot Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto dan Wakil  Direktur Utama Ahmad Bambang dari jabatannya pada 3 Februari lalu. Pemegang Saham kemudian menunjuk Direktur Gas dan Energi Baru Terbarukan Pertamina Yenni Andayani sebagai pelaksana tugas direktur utama selama 30 hari atau sampai 3 Maret 2017, yakni saat direktur utama dilantik. Namun Menteri Rini memperpanjang masa jabatan Yenni dengan alasan belum mendapatkan nama-nama calon terbaik untuk menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina. 

Komentar Dwi Soetjipto 

Penunjukan Elia Massa juga mendapat komentar mantan Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto. Apa katanya? “Presiden Joko Widodo memiliki visi yang jelas terhadap pengembangan Pertamina sebagaimana tertuang dalam Nawacita/9 Harapan. Beliau senantiasa memberikan arahan tentang strategi yang detail dan terukur dalam implementasi nya. Hal itu tergambar pada kinerja Pertamina 2015 hingga 2016, kata Dwi.

Dirut PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III tersebut. “Saya yakin melalui RUPS, Pemerintah Rl telah memilih orang yang tepat untuk memimpin Pertamina. Semoga Pertamina akan lebih baik lagi dimasa yang akan datang,” tutur Dwi. 

Alasan Penunjukan Elia 

Jadi, apa alasan yang menjadi dasar penunjukkan Elia jadi Dirut PT Pertamina? “Penunjukan Bapak Elia Massa Manik lebih ditekankan pada seleksi yang dilakukan oleh Menteri BUMN dan beberapa menteri terkait dengan leadership beliau dan kapabilitas yang bersangkutan bersangkutan dalam hal membangun perusahaan,” ujar Gatot Trihargo selaku deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Jasa Survei dan Konsultan Kementerian BUMN di Kantor Kementerian BUMN Jakarta.

Gatot menjelaskan, penunjukkan Elia didasarkan pada rekam jejak kinerja, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, dan kapabilitas yang dianggap dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perseroan. Terutama penilaian kinerja Elia selama menjabat Dirut PT Pekerbunan Nusantara III. 

    Selama menjabat, Elia melakukan perbaikan dan aspek operasional, finansial, teknologi hingga sumber daya manusia (SDM). Selain itu, Elia juga pernah membantu membangun Risk Culture Awareness atau kesadaran membangun budaya dan merestrukturasi pinjaman Bank BNI saat dirinya menjabat sebagai Senior Vice President Bank BNI. 

Elia juga berhasil merestrukturisasi perusahan jasa minyak dan gas (migas) PT Elnusa Tbk. Hal ini dilakukannya saat menjabat sebagai Presiden dan CEO Elnusa. Atas pencapaian itulah yang menjadi dasar kuat penunjukkan Elia Massa Manik menjadi Dirut Pertamina. Gatot berharap, dengan adanya Dirut baru semakin memperkuat Pertamina dalam menjalakan peran strategis di sektor energi nasional.

“Terutama dalam pencapaian target kinerja yang telah dicanangkan dan program-program utama, antara lain BBM Satu Harga dan Rencana Proyek lnvestasi Kilang dan pengembangan hulu yang bernilai puluhan miliar dolar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Price Return Escalates


Crude oil prices have strengthened in line with the reduced supply from the United States and OPEC. In trading on Thursday (16/3) at 17:55 pm, the price of WTI oil contract in April 2017 was US $ 49.19 per barrel, up 0.7% or 0.34 points. Throughout the year, the price fell 11.37%.

At the close of trading on Wednesday (15/3), the price of heating up 2.39%, or 1.14 points, to US $ 48.86 per barrel. Earlier the price was not passionate in seven consecutive sessions. Barnabas Gan, an economist at Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. (OCBC) in Singapore, delivering crude oil prices fueled by tightening supply from producer countries. Information on efforts to balance the market is still a major sentiment that drives the price.

US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Wednesday (14/3) reported that oil inventories Uncle Sam in the week ended on Friday (10/3) declined 237,000 barrels to 528.39 million barrels. This figure fell from the previous week to reach the highest level since the EIA shall record in August 1982.

Earlier on Friday (3/3), US weekly oil stocks rose for four consecutive weeks. That is, within the volume of supplies is always to break new records. As the same time, the level of US oil production rose 21,000 barrels to the 9.1 million barrels per day (bpd), which is the highest level since February 2016. Previously, in December 2016, the US consistently hold production at the level of 8.7 million bpd.

EIA estimates that US oil production in 2017 reached 9 million bpd, up dati last year amounted to 8.9 million bpd. Meanwhile, in the next year, production increased again towards 9.7 million bpd.

In addition, price data releases supported by OPEC. In a report titled Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR) in March 2017 on Tuesday (14/3), the organization announced the reduction of production in February 2017.

OPEC production volume in the second month down 139; 500 bpd to 31.95 million bpd, from January 2017 amounted to 32.09 million bpd. That is, the realization of the agreement onganisasi production cuts of 1.2 million bpd to 32.5 million bpd.

In total, OPEC and other crude oil producing countries such as Russia and Oman promised to cut the supply of new crude oil in January-June 2017 amounted to 1.8 million bpd.

"The market remains focused on efforts to balance the volume of supply and demand. Hot, drop in US stocks for the first time in 2017 succeeded in supporting prices. investors certainly expect prices to slowly climb higher, "he said, Thursday (16/3).

Olivier Jakob, analyst at Petromatrix consulting firm, delivered in addition to fundamental factors, crude oil prices rose by a weaker US dollar. Federal Reserve meeting expected results unsatisfactory investors, so the currency weakened.

Automatically, the price of US dollar-denominated commodities cheaper for buyers using other currencies. Volume also increased demand for commodities, including crude oil. However, he thinks the US dollar sentiment will only take effect shortly. Market movers greater need that is fundamental.

A weaker dollar will not take long for the effects of purchase, "he said. Citing data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), he said the global market deficit of 500,000 bpd of crude oil in the first half / 2017. These sentiments will support prices in conjunction with OPEC targeting factor cut production of 1, 2 million bpd in the first half of 2017.

Based on data from Bloomberg consensus, the average price of WTI oil in 2017 will increase to US $ 54.75 per barrel, from US $ 43.8 per barrel in 2016. In the last quarter of this year, prices are expected to rise to US $ 57 per barrel



Harga Kembali Memanas

Harga minyak mentah mengalami penguatan seiring dengan berkurangnya pasokan dari Amerika Serikat dan OPEC. Pada perdagangan Kamis (16/3) pukul 17:55 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak April 2017 berada di US$ 49,19 per barel, naik 0,7% atau 0,34 poin. Sepanjang tahun berjalan, harga melemah 11,37%.

Pada penutupan perdagangan Rabu (15/3), harga memanas 2,39% atau 1,14 poin menjadi US$ 48,86 per barel. Sebelumnya harga tidak bergairah dalam tujuh sesi berturut-turut. Barnabas Gan, ekonom Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. (OCBC) di Singapura, menyampaikan harga minyak mentah memanas akibat pengetatan suplai dari negara-negara produsen. Informasi mengenai upaya menyeimbangkan pasar masih menjadi sentimen utama yang menggerakkan harga.

     US Energy Information Administration (EIA) pada Rabu (14/3) melaporkan, persediaan minyak Paman Sam dalam sepekan yang berakhir Jumat (10/3) menurun 237.000 barel menjadi 528,39 juta barel. Angka ini jatuh dari pekan sebelumnya yang mencapai rekor tertinggi sejak EIA melakukan pencatatan pada Agustus 1982.

Sebelumnya pada Jumat (3/3), stok mingguan minyak AS mengalami kenaikan selama 4 pekan berturut-turut. Artinya, dalam tempo tersebut volume persediaan selalu memecahkan rekor baru. Adapun dalam waktu yang sama, tingkat produksi minyak AS naik 21.000 barel menuju 9,1 juta barel per hari (bph), yang menjadi level tertinggi sejak Februari 2016. Sebelumnya pada Desember 2016, AS konsisten menahan produksi di level 8,7 juta bph.

EIA memperkirakan produksi minyak AS pada 2017 mencapai 9 juta bph, naik dati tahun lalu sebesar 8,9 juta bph. Sementara itu pada tahun depan, produksi kembali meningkat menuju 9,7 juta bph.

Selain itu, harga ditopang oleh rilis data OPEC. Dalam laporan bertajuk Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR) Maret 2017 pada Selasa (14/3) , organisasi mengumumkan pengurangan produksi pada februari 2017. 

Volume produksi OPEC pada bulan kedua turun 139;500 bph menjadi 31,95 juta bph, dari Januari 2017 sebesar 32,09 juta bph. Artinya, onganisasi merealisasikan kesepakatan pemangkasan produksinya sebesar 1,2 juta bph menjadi 32,5 juta bph. 

    Secara total, OPEC dan negara produsen minyak mentah lain seperti Rusia dan Oman berjanji memotong suplai minyak mentah baru pada Januari-Juni 2017 sebesar 1,8 juta bph.

“Pasar masih fokus kepada upaya-upaya menyeimbangkan volume pasokan dan permintaan. Terkini, penurunan stok AS untuk pertama kalinya sepanjang 2017 berhasil menunjang harga. Investor tentunya mengharapkan harga perlahan naik lebih tinggi,” tuturnya, Kamis (16/3).

Olivier Jakob, analis perusahaan konsultan Petromatrix, menyampaikan di samping faktor fundamental, harga minyak mentah terangkat oleh pelemahan dolar AS. Hasil rapat Federal Reserve diperkirakan kurang memuaskan
investor, sehingga mata uang tersebut melemah.

Secara otomatis, harga komoditas berdenominasi dolar AS akan lebih murah bagi pembeli yang menggunakan mata uang lain. Volume permintaan komoditas pun mengalami peningkatan, termasuk minyak mentah. Namun demikian, sentimen dolar AS menurutnya hanya akan berpengaruh sesaat. Pasar butuh penggerak yang lebih besar yakni fundamental. 

Pelemahan dolar tidak akan membawa dampak panjang bagi pembelian,” ujarnya. Mengutip data International Energy Agency (IEA), dia menyebutkan pasar global akan mengalami defisit minyak mentah sebesar 500.000 bph pada semester I/2017. Sentimen tersebut akan menopang harga bersamaan dengan faktor OPEC yang menargetkan memangkas produksi 1 ,2 juta bph dalam paruh pertama 2017.

Berdasarkan data konsensus Bloomberg, rerata harga minyak WTI pada 2017 akan meningkat menjadi US$ 54,75 per barel, dari US$ 43,8 per barel pada 2016. Pada kuartal terakhir tahun ini, harga diperkirakan meningkat ke posisi US$ 57 per barel

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Central Java Local Owned Enterprises Hold Foreign Investors for drilling Old Field

PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah, through its subsidiary PT Sarana GSS-GSS holding Trembul Energy Limited, Singapore in the operation of the Old Field Trembul, Talokwohmojo, Blora. Trembul field is the result of co-operation between GSS Means Trembul with Pertamina EP.

Bambang Mulyadi, President Director of PT Sarana GSS Trembul, said, according to plan, in the fourth quarter of this year the company will carry out the drilling of two wells. Therefore, it made preparations in parallel with the licensing taken care of, so that the process can be faster.

Of the two wells, is expected to produce 400 barrels of oil per day (bpd) to a depth of drilling at 1,000 meters. Trembul oil and gas field alone is estimated Having proved reserves of approximately 40.1 million barrels.

According to Bambang, the principle of the exploitation permit has been there since Monday (13/3). "Progress exploitation preparations until the first quarter of 2017 has been around 25%," he said.

According to him, all the formalities will be completed this month and all of the preparation process can be accelerated, including the surveying and procurement necessary. "Towards the fourth quarter we had completed the preparation of drilling, especially procurement activities rig, material or materials and labor. Everything is done in parallel. If the permissions are just waiting for an environmental permit, which is expected to be issued next week," he continued.


BUMD Jawa Tengah Gandeng Investor Asing Ngebor Lapangan Tua

PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah, melalui anak usahanya PT Sarana GSS Trembul menggandeng GSS Energy Limited, Singapura dalam pengoperasian Lapangan Tua Trembul, Talokwohmojo, Blora. Lapangan Trembul adalah hasil kerjasama operasi antara Sarana GSS Trembul dengan Pertamina EP.

Bambang Mulyadi, Presiden Direktur PT Sarana GSS Trembul, mengatakan, sesuai rencana, pada kuartal IV tahun ini perusahaan akan melakukan pengeboran dua sumur. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya melakukan persiapan secara paralel dengan perizinan yang diurus, sehingga prosesnya bisa lebih cepat. 

Dari dua sumur saja, diharapkan mampu menghasilkan minyak bumi mencapai 400 barel per hari (bph) dengan kedalaman pengeboran di 1.000 meter. Lapangan migas Trembul sendiri diperkirakan Memiliki cadangan terbukti sekitar 40,1 juta barel.

Menurut Bambang, izin prinsip eksploitasi sudah ada sejak hari Senin (13/3). "Progres persiapan eksploitasi sampai dengan kuartal I tahun 2017 sudah sekitar 25%," ujarnya.

Menurutnya, seluruh perizinan akan rampung pada bulan ini dan semua proses persiapan bisa dipercepat, termasuk melakukan survei dan procurement yang diperlukan. "Menuju kuartal IV kami harus selesaikan persiapan pengeboran, terutama kegiatan procurement rig, material atau bahan dan tenaga kerja. Semuanya dilakukan paralel. Kalau perizinan hanya menunggu izin lingkungan, yang diharapkan sudah dikeluarkan pekan depan,” lanjutnya. 

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Waiting burden on the shoulders Elia Massa


Heavy burden on my shoulders, "said President Director of PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik while answering questions vision of what will be the introduction when it became Pertamina-1 at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, on Thursday (16/3).

Elijah felt a heavy burden was on his shoulders with a new role as managing director. Because, at this time the energy sector still has to pass the challenge of dependence on fossil energy. However, this dependence, the more difficult when the oil reserves in the country continue to fall, while the potential consumption continues to rise. That will be the task of Elijah who had previously led the subsidiary of Pertamina, PT Elnusa Tbk.

State Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemamo representing the government as a shareholder through the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Pertamina issued a letter Number: SK-52 / MBU / 03/2017 on the Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT Pertamina. In the letter, it was decided to lift formally Elia Massa Manik as the President Director of Pertamina began March 16, 2017.

It weighs new task carried originate from a number of problems in the energy sector. Dependence on fossil energy consumption, plus the lack of ability of the country to meet the needs and national production are also not supported by adequate reserves is a challenge.

SOE duties as leader of the oil and gas sector was challenged should solve the problem. Based on data from the BP Statistical Review 2016, Indonesia's proven reserves of 5,000 million barrels at the end of 1995, continued to decline to 4.200 million barrels at the end of 2005 and to 3,600 million barrels at the end of 2015. By contrast, BP Statistical Review noted a trend of fuel consumption continues to increase ride.

In 2005, fuel consumption was at the level of 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd). Five years later in 2010, consumption rose to 1.4 million bpd and rise to 1.6 million bpd in 2015. In addition, Pertamina has a number of ambitious targets in the upstream and downstream sectors that will be achieved in 2025.

    In the upstream sector, Pertamina's ambition to invest US $ 146 billion for the development of the upstream sector of US $ 9 billion, renewable energy US $ 14 billion, $ 37 billion processing, and marketing of US $ 6 billion. Until 2025, Pertamina wants to reduce imports of fuel oil (BBM) as projected in 2025 consumption figures will rise from the current 1.6 million bpd to 2 million bpd over six refinery project.

On the other hand, the national refinery installed capacity is only around 900,000 bpd coming from old refineries that requires more care. To maintain security of supply refineries, Pertamina can not just rely on oil and gas production in the country continue to fall.

Pertamina is now only contributes about 24% of the national oil and gas production of 820,000 bpd that is derived from assets that have aged more drastic decline in production. Therefore, the company is seeking upstream assets in order to carry crude oil to Indonesia. After mastering the assets in Iraq, Malaysia, Algeria and Gabon and Nigeria, Pertamina is targeting oil and gas fields such as Ab-Teymour and Mansouri in Iran to reach 473,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd in 2025.

In the gas sector, the challenge of increasing gas prices and gas consumption should be resolved through the development of infrastructure such as gas pipelines and storage facilities and regasification of liquefied natural gas / LNG. Including, become a leader in state-owned holding oil and gas that will streamline the activities of the gas sector PT Pertamina Gas and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.

Other challenges also await how the company's strategy to face the opportunities rising and falling crude oil prices. If oil prices fall, then there will be a gap to benefit more from the processing and downstream activities. Conversely, when oil prices go down, and downstream processing sector which has been a supporter of going down, but the upstream development moves upward. "The energy we are still dependent on fossil energy, oil reserves continue to decline, this is a challenge," said Elijah. He also mentioned will lead Pertamina by promoting transparency and eliminate conflicts of interest (vested interest).

can be shot

He was reluctant to say in which sectors are yet to implement both aspects. Apart from that, the application of these two aspects, he is convinced, the company's performance can be shot.

Within three months, the former Director of PTPN III holding it will map out what should be addressed in the body of 59-year-old company's. "We will see from its performance, we'll see more detail in the three months he said. After that, he will instill that points achievements in their respective business lines measured. 

    How, by comparing the efficiency and performance of the company with other companies located in the same line of business. According to him, it is important to do in order to excel in competition and the volatility of oil prices can not be controlled, but a significant impact on the company's performance.

"We have exploration costs how we compare with the others, whether it efficient?" On the first day become president director Elia has always stressed its position clear of political party affiliation. He believes his background from professionals could push the company's performance.

In fact, he expressed his commitment if its performance does not match the corridor, she was willing to remove the back office. "If I go wrong, can not when reprimanded, fired," he said.

In the same occasion, the Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng said the decision to appoint Elia shareholders is the best decision that should be respected. Massa Manik Elia began his career at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF). Afterward, alumni of Bandung Institute of Technology merged with Suez Group until 2001. His career in the Suez Group was then stopped, because Elijah anchored in PT Kiani Kertas and PT Jababeka.

In addition to the private sector, Elijah, who was born in Kabanjahe Karo, North Sumatra several times occupied important positions state-owned enterprises. Elijah became President Director of PT Elnusa and PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III (holding). 

     Interestingly, he says that is important is the transparency in the work. "That's correct. If there is openness, nothing was hidden, communication goes well, it will pass the name of team work between the board of directors no such thing as trust, mutual trust, he said.


Beban Menanti di Pundak Elia Massa

Beban di pundak saya berat ini,” ujar Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik saat menjawab pertanyaan visi apa saja yang akan dicanangkannya ketika menjadi Pertamina-1 di Kantor Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Kamis (16/3). 

Elia merasa beban berat berada di pundaknya dengan jabatan baru sebagai direktur utama. Pasalnya, saat ini sektor energi masih harus melewati tantangan berupa ketergantungan kepada energi fosil. Namun, ketergantungan tersebut, semakin sulit saat cadangan minyak di dalam negeri terus turun, sedangkan konsumsi berpotensi terus naik. Itulah yang akan menjadi tugas Elia yang sebelumnya pernah memimpin anak usaha Pertamina, PT Elnusa Tbk.

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Rini Soemamo yang mewakili pemerintah sebagai pemegang saham melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan PT Pertamina mengeluarkan surat Nomor: SK-52/MBU/03/2017 tentang Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi Perseroan PT Pertamina. Dalam surat tersebut, diputuskan mengangkat secara resmi Elia Massa Manik sebagai Direktur Utama Pertamina mulai 16 Maret 2017.

Beratnya tugas baru yang diemban berasal dari sejumlah permasalahan di sektor energi. Ketergantungan terhadap konsumsi energi fosil, ditambah rendahnya kemampuan dalam negeri memenuhi kebutuhan dan produksi nasional yang juga tidak didukung  dengan cadangan yang memadai menjadi tantangan tersendiri.

Tugasnya sebagai pemimpin BUMN sektor minyak dan gas bumi pun menantangnya harus menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Berdasarkan data BP Statistical Review 2016, cadangan terbukti Indonesia sebesar 5.000 juta barel pada akhir 1995, terus menurun ke 4.200 juta barel pada akhir 2005 dan menjadi 3.600 juta barel pada akhir 2015. Sebaliknya, BP Statistical Review mencatat tren konsumsi bahan bakar minyak yang terus meningkat naik. 

Pada 2005, konsumsi BBM berada di level 1,3 juta barel per hari (bph). Lima tahun kemudian yakni pada 2010, konsumsi naik ke level 1,4 juta bph dan naik ke 1,6 juta bph pada 2015. Di samping itu, Pertamina memiliki sejumlah target ambisius di sektor hulu hingga hilir yang akan dicapai pada 2025.

Di sektor hulu, Pertamina berambisi untuk berinvestasi sebesar US$ 146 miliar yakni untuk pengembangan sektor hulu US$ 9 miliar, energi baru terbarukan US$ 14 miliar, pengolahan US$ 37 miliar, dan pemasaran US$ 6 miliar. Hingga 2025 pun, Pertamina ingin menekan impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) karena diproyeksikan pada 2025 angka konsumsi akan naik dari posisi saat ini sebesar 1,6 juta bph menjadi sekitar 2 juta bph melalui enam proyek kilang. 

Di sisi lain, kapasitas terpasang kilang nasional hanya sekitar 900.000 bph yang berasal dari kilang-kilang tua yang membutuhkan perawatan lebih.  Untuk menjaga kepastian pasokan kilang, Pertamina tidak bisa begitu saja mengandalkan produksi migas dalam negeri yang terus turun.

Pertamina kini hanya berkontribusi sekitar 24% terhadap produksi migas nasional yakni 820.000 bph yang berasal dari  aset-aset berumur yang memiliki penurunan produksi lebih drastis. Oleh karena itu, perseroan mencari aset-aset hulu agar bisa membawa minyak mentah ke Indonesia. 

    Setelah menguasai aset di Irak, Malaysia, Aljazair, serta Gabon dan Nigeria, Pertamina masih membidik lapangan migas lainnya seperti Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran untuk mencapai 473.000 barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd pada 2025.

Di sektor gas, tantangan harga gas dan semakin tingginya konsumsi gas harus diselesaikan melalui pembangunan infrastruktur berupa jaringan pipa gas serta fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi liquefied natural gas/LNG. Termasuk, menjadi pemimpin dalam holding BUMN migas yang akan mengefisienkan kegiatan sektor gas PT Pertamina Gas dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, Tbk. 

Tantangan lainnya yang juga menanti bagaimana strategi perusahaan menghadapi peluang naik dan turunnya harga minyak mentah. Bila harga minyak turun, maka akan ada celah untuk mendapat keuntungan lebih dari kegiatan pengolahan dan hilir. 

     Sebaliknya, saat harga minyak turun, sektor pengolahan dan hilir yang selama ini menjadi pendukung akan turun, namun pengembangan hulu meningkat naik. “Energi kita masih bergantung dengan energi fosil, cadangan minyak kita terus menurun, ini satu tantangan,” kata Elia. Dia pun menyebut akan memimpin Pertamina dengan mengedepankan aspek transparansi dan menghilangkan konflik kepentingan (vested interest). 


Dia pun enggan menyebut di sektor mana yang belum menerapkan kedua aspek tersebut. Terlepas dari itu, penerapan kedua aspek itu, dia meyakini, kinerja perseroan bisa melesat.

Dalam kurun 3 bulan, mantan Direktur PTPN III holding itu akan memetakan apa saja yang harus dibenahi pada tubuh perusahaan yang berusia 59 tahun itu. “Kami akan lihat dari kinerjanya, kami akan lihat lebih detail dalam tiga bulan katanya. Setelah itu, dia akan menanamkan agar poin-poin capaian di masing-masing lini usaha terukur. Caranya, dengan membandingkan efisiensi dan kinerja perseroan dengan perusahaan lainnya yang berada di lini usaha yang sama. 

     Menurutnya, hal itu penting dilakukan agar bisa unggul di tengah persaingan usaha dan volatilitas harga minyak yang tidak bisa dikendalikan namun memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap kinerja perseroan.

“Kami punya eksplorasi cost berapa, kami bandingkan dengan yang lain, apakah sudah efisien?” Di hari pertamanya menjadi Dirut Pertamina, Elia selalu menekankan posisinya yang bersih dari afiliasi partai politik. Dia meyakini latar belakangnya dari kalangan profesional bisa mendorong kinerja perseroan. 

     Bahkan, dia menyatakan komitmennya bila kinerjanya tidak sesuai koridor, dia rela melepas kembali jabatannya. “Kalau saya melenceng, tidak bisa bila ditegur, dipecat saja," katanya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng mengatakan keputusan pemegang saham menunjuk Elia merupakan keputusan terbaik yang harus dihargai. Elia Massa Manik mengawali karir di PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF). Setelah itu, alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung ini bergabung dengan Suez Group hingga 2001. Karirnya di Suez Group pun lantas terhenti, karena Elia berlabuh di PT Kiani Kertas dan PT Jababeka. 

Selain sektor swasta, Elia yang lahir di Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara beberapa kali menduduki jabatan penting badan usaha milik negara. Elia pernah menjadi Presiden Direktur PT Elnusa dan PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) Ill (holding). 

    Yang menarik, dia mengatakan yang penting ada keterbukaan dalam bekerja. “Itu yang benar. Kalau ada keterbukaan, tidak ada yang disembunyikan, komunikasi berjalan dengan baik, akan terjadilah yang namanya team work antara para direksi ada yang namanya trust, saling percaya, katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Depletion of Oil Field Pangkalan Susu Starting soon

Pertamina predicted oil production can be increased up to 700 percent.

PT Pertamina EP plans to start oil drain program (enhanced oil recovery / EOR) phase I at the Field Pangkalan Susu, Langkat, North Sumatra, this year.

Companies using EOR methods to restrain the rate of natural production decline, which reached 25 percent per year. "Based on reservoir simulation, production is expected to peak Gebang structure can be achieved in the year 2018 amounted to 450 barrels of oil per day," said the daily task of implementing the President Director of Pertamina EP Nana Abdul Manaf.

Pertamina EP has tested the feasibility of the project from December 2011 to October 2016. Once declared eligible, the drain program enters the stage of water-flooding. At that stage, the company fills oil wells with water to obtain the remaining oil in the oil wells and the water is then pumped out of the wells. This suction is called hydraulic fracturing.

Pertamina believe this technology will mine Pangkalan Susu production by 111 barrels per day, an increase from earlier that only 20 barrels per day. Production is increasing as the depletion of oil enter the preparation phase in February 2017 amounted to 210 barrels per day, or 700 per cent of the acquisition prior to the trial.

Nanang optimistic that this year's oil production could result draining stands at 205 barrels per day. "For 2017 the production of structures targeted Gebang 205 barrels per day."

Pertamina is the only company that still using EOR methods to increase production. Another contractor, Chevron and Medco E & P did not because the method was considered uneconomical.

Earlier, President of Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak quibble EOR project in Minas Field, Block Rokan, Riau, economical if oil prices were in the range of US $ 80 per barrel. He explained technically EOR projects that use the injection method has been field-tested surfactant substances. As a result, production increased by 17-22 percent in one pattern in Minas Field.

The trials did not continue because there is no certainty about the contract extension Chevron in Block Rokan, after the contract expires in 2021. In fact, based on the Chevron deal with SKK Migas, the project could be initiated in early 2017. Peak production planned to occur in 2023, with an additional volume of 100 thousand barrels of oil per day. 

    Similarly, Operations Director Medco Ronald Gunawan said Medco EOR project stopped since 2014 due to lower oil prices. Medco uses electrical technology EOR polymer and surfactant substances.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, said draining is necessary because most of the oil fields in Indonesia are old. "The year 2018 should be initiated. 2019 should be full of new technologies developed since production began to fall.


Pengurasan Minyak Lapangan Pangkalan Susu Segera Dimulai

Pertamina meramalkan produksi minyak bisa meningkat hingga 700 persen.

PT Pertamina EP berencana memulai program pengurasan minyak (enhanced oil recovery/ EOR) tahap I di Lapangan Pangkalan Susu, Langkat, Sumatera Utara, tahun ini. 

Perusahaan menggunakan metode EOR untuk menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah yang mencapai 25 persen per tahun. “Berdasarkan simulasi reservoir, diharapkan puncak produksi struktur Gebang dapat tercapai di tahun 2018 sebesar 450 barel minyak per hari,” ujar pelaksana tugas harian Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf.

Pertamina EP telah menguji coba kelayakan proyek sejak Desember 2011 hingga Oktober 2016. Setelah dinyatakan layak, program pengurasan memasuki tahap water-flooding. Pada tahap itu, perusahaan mengisi sumur minyak dengan air untuk memperoleh sisa minyak di dalam sumur Minyak dan air kemudian dipompa ke luar sumur. Penyedotan ini disebut hydraulic fracturing.

Pertamina yakin teknologi ini akan menambang produksi Pangkalan Susu sebesar 111 barel per hari, atau meningkat dari sebelumnya yang hanya 20 barel per hari. Produksi semakin bertambah ketika pengurasan minyak memasuki tahap persiapan pada Februari 2017 sebesar 210 barel per hari, atau sebesar 700 persen dari perolehan sebelum uji coba.

Nanang optimistis tahun ini produksi minyak hasil pengurasan bisa bertahan pada angka 205 barel per hari. “Untuk 2017 produksi dari struktur Gebang ditargetkan 205 barel per hari.”

Pertamina adalah satu satunya perusahaan yang masih menggunakan metode EOR untuk menambah produksi. Kontraktor lain, Chevron dan Medco E&P tidak melakukannya karena metode itu dianggap tidak ekonomis.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak berdalih proyek EOR di Lapangan Minas, Blok Rokan, Riau, ekonomis jika harga minyak berada di kisaran US$ 80 per barel. Ia menjelaskan secara teknis proyek EOR yang menggunakan metode injeksi zat surfaktan sudah diuji lapangan. Hasilnya, produksi meningkat 17-22 persen di satu pola di Lapangan Minas.

Uji coba tidak berlanjut karena belum ada kepastian soal perpanjangan kontrak Chevron di Blok Rokan, setelah kontrak berakhir pada 2021. Padahal, berdasarkan kesepakatan Chevron dengan SKK Migas, proyek bisa diinisiasi pada awal 2017. Puncak produksi direncanakan terjadi pada 2023, dengan volume tambahan 100 ribu barel minyak per hari. 

    Senada, Direktur Operasi Medco Ronald Gunawan mengatakan proyek EOR Medco berhenti sejak 2014 karena harga minyak turun. Medco menggunakan teknologi electrical EOR dan zat surfaktan polimer.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, mengatakan pengurasan diperlukan karena sebagian besar lapangan minyak di Indonesia sudah tua .“Tahun 2018 harus dimulai. Tahun 2019 harus full teknologi baru dikembangkan karena produksi mulai turun.

 Koran Tempo, Page-20, Thursday, March, 16, 2017

New Directors Pertamina Need to Prioritize Internal Consolidation

Commissioner of PT Pertamina, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, hoping that the new Director of Pertamina can perform internal consolidation. '' His first task of consolidation since yesterday there is no chief executive. Keep compactness and maintain the performance already achieved last year, "said Edwin, at Pertamina's headquarters yesterday.

He asserted Pertamina's new skipper will be decided in a general meeting of shareholders (AGM) today (16/3) in the new structure later, Edwin said. The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises will remove the post of vice-president, formerly held Ahmad Bambang.

According to him, this position is regarded as "Trouble maker" dualism of leadership that hinder the performance of Pertamina. For these reasons, remove Ahmad Bambang basis of his position and Soetjipto of major directorships at the AGM Pertamina, February 3 last.

Edwin said Pertamina had a tough task, namely to revitalize four refineries and build two new refineries. Budget needs at US $ 48 billion or Rp 641.2 trillion.

Without good management, according to him, it would be difficult mega project completed on time. "You can imagine, management is not solid will be difficult task as heavy as that," said Edwin. He is now also served as Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Regions and Tourism Ministry of SOEs.

SOE Minister Rini Soemarno hope Pertamina's performance shines under the leadership of new chief executive. He targeted Pertamina could enter the top three world best company in 2022. "At least the top three in five years by implementing the strategy, innovation, and uphold good governance."

Rini assess the performance Pertamina boast, either because they were able to save and achieve significant gains. Rini also praised the awards Pertamina in the Asia-Pacific Quality Organization Conference 22nd, Event Centre-Rotorua, New Zealand, on 21 to 22 November 2016. The award is special awards, namely Best Impact on Productivity, Best Presentation and Overall Champion.


Direksi Baru Pertamina Perlu Prioritaskan Konsolidasi Internal

Komisaris PT Pertamina, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, berharap Direktur Utama Pertamina yang baru bisa melakukan konsolidasi internal. “'Tugas pertamanya konsolidasi karena kemarin tidak ada direktur utama. Jaga kekompakan dan pertahankan kinerja yang sudah dicapai tahun lalu,”ucap Edwin, di kantor pusat Pertamina, kemarin.

Ia menegaskan nakhoda baru Pertamina itu akan diputuskan dalam rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS), hari ini (16/3) dalam struktur baru nanti, kata Edwin. Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara akan menghapus jabatan Wakil direktur utama, yang sebelumnya dijabat Ahmad Bambang.

Menurut dia, jabatan ini dianggap sebagai "Trouble maker" dualisme kepemimpinan yang menghambat kinerja Pertamina. Alasan inilah yang dijadikan dasar mencopot Ahmad Bambang dari posisinya serta Dwi Soetjipto dari jabatan direktur utama dalam RUPS Pertamina, 3 Februari lalu.

Edwin mengatakan Pertamina memiliki tugas berat, yakni merevitalisasi empat kilang dan membangun dua kilang baru. Kebutuhan anggarannya mencapai US$ 48 miliar atau Rp 641,2 triliun. 

Tanpa manajemen yang baik, menurut dia, megaproyek itu akan sulit rampung tepat waktu. “Bisa dibayangkan, manajemen yang tidak solid akan sulit mengerjakan tugas seberat itu,”ujar Edwin. Ia kini juga menjabat Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan, dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN.

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno berharap kinerja Pertamina bersinar di bawah kepemimpinan direktur utama yang baru. Ia menargetkan Pertamina bisa masuk tiga besar perusahaan terbaik dunia pada 2022. “Minimal top three dalam lima tahun dengan menerapkan strategi, inovasi, dan menegakkan good governance.” 

Rini menilai kinerja Pertamina membanggakan, salah satunya karena mampu menghemat dan meraih keuntungan yang signifikan. Rini juga memuji penghargaan yang diraih Pertamina dalam Asia-Pacific Quality Organization Conference ke-22, Event Centre-Rotorua, New Zealand, pada 21-22 November 2016. Penghargaan itu adalah special awards, yakni Best Impact on Productivity, Best Presentation, dan Overall Champion.

 Koran Tempo, Page-4, Thursday, March, 16, 2017

Elia Experienced Financial Healthy Elnusa

Former Commissioner of PT Elnusa Tbk, Waluyo, Elia Massa Manik know a person who can restore the condition of the company from a loss into a profit. Elia entered candidat Elnusa directors in 2011, when a subsidiary of Pertamina was buffeted by the embezzlement of money by a member of its board. She escaped into a major director in the decision of the general meeting of shareholders at that time.

According to Waluyo, the cold hand of Elijah was in the second year, when Elnusa revenue of Rp 4.777 trillion and profit of Rp 135.597 billion. Despite the increase in income is not too high compared to previous years, Waluyo and commissioners then assess Elia has more capabilities.

"He was able to turn around (turn things around) quickly," said Waluyo.

Waluyo, who served as Commissioner of Elnusa in 2010, said that, before entering Elnusa, Elijah name is not so familiar in the energy business. However, experience or professional capabilities in the energy sector is not absolutely necessary for the lead Pertamina. "In 2011, when there will be a change of directors, we saw several candidates. We chose Elia because we believe he is able to do turn around, "said Waluyo.

In line with Waluyo, Special Staff of the Minister for State Owned Enterprises Budi Gunadi Sadikin declared Elia is a professional who has a good performance. The indicators, after the exit of Elnusa in 2014, Elia re-occupy important positions in state companies. In the middle of last year, State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno appointed to occupy the seat President Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III or PTPN Holding.

The first step Elijah as boss PTPN is to improve efficiency by trimming the number of members of the board of directors an average of five to three. The number of commissioners in all the plantation companies also reduced from 62 people to 41 people. Elia entered PTPN Holding as the company which has 13 state-owned enterprises such plantations loss of Rp 615 billion. In fact, revenue has reached Rp 37 trillion. "Only five PTPN the profit," he said at the time.

Elia also felt the cold hand Employees Union chairman PTPN I, Adi Yusfan. According to him, since last January, they no longer have a received a salary. "Previously, the wages they should receive every 5th always late transferred to the middle of the month," said Adi.

Now, Elia will lead Pertamina, which was recently hit by the problem of dualism of leadership. This case led to Soetjipto bounced out of the chair and chief executive Ahmad Bambang also down from the post of Deputy Director.

Vice-Chairman of the Commission on State-Owned Enterprises House of Representatives, Inas Nasrullah Zubir, giving another view. According to him, when he became boss of PTPN, Elijah feat not too bright. "The issue of what in PTPN he finish? That there is even adds to the debt, "said Inas.


Elia Berpengalaman Menyehatkan Keuangan Elnusa

Mantan Komisaris Utama PT Elnusa Tbk, Waluyo, mengenal Elia Massa Manik sebagai orang yang mampu memulihkan kondisi perusahaan dari rugi menjadi untung. Elia masuk candidat direksi Elnusa pada 2011, saat anak usaha Pertamina itu diterpa kasus penggelapan uang oleh seorang anggota direksinya. Ia lolos menjadi direktur utama dalam keputusan rapat umum pemegang saham saat itu.

Menurut Waluyo, tangan dingin Elia baru terasa pada tahun kedua, saat Elnusa meraup pendapatan Rp 4,777 triliun dan laba Rp 135,597 miliar. Meski kenaikan pendapatan tersebut tidak terlampau tinggi dibanding pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Waluyo dan jajaran komisaris saat itu menilai Elia mempunyai kemampuan lebih.

“Dia mampu turn around (membalikkan keadaan) dengan cepat,” kata Waluyo.

Waluyo, yang menjabat Komisaris Utama Elnusa pada 2010, menuturkan, sebelum masuk Elnusa, nama Elia tidak begitu familier dalam bisnis energi. Namun, pengalaman atau kemampuan profesional di sektor energi tidak mutlak diperlukan buat memimpin Pertamina. “Pada 2011, saat akan ada pergantian direksi, kami melihat beberapa kandidat. Kami memilih Elia karena kami yakin ia mampu melakukan turn around,” kata Waluyo.

Senada dengan Waluyo, Staf Khusus Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Budi Gunadi Sadikin menyatakan Elia adalah seorang profesional yang memiliki kinerja baik. Indikatornya, setelah keluar dari Elnusa pada 2014, Elia kembali menempati posisi penting di perusahaan negara. Pada pertengahan tahun lalu, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno menunjuknya untuk menduduki kursi Direktur Utama PT Perkebunan Nusantara III atau PTPN Holding.

Langkah pertama Elia sebagai bos PTPN adalah melakukan efisiensi dengan memangkas jumlah anggota direksi dari rata-rata lima orang menjadi tiga orang. Jumlah komisaris di seluruh perusahaan perkebunan juga dikurangi dari 62 orang menjadi 41 orang. Elia masuk PTPN Holding saat perusahaan yang membawahkan 13 BUMN perkebunan tersebut merugi Rp 615 Miliar. Padahal, pendapatannya mencapai Rp 37  Triliun. “Hanya lima PTPN yang untung," kata dia saat itu.

Tangan dingin Elia juga dirasakan Ketua Serikat Karyawan PTPN I, Adi Yusfan. Menurut dia, sejak Januari lalu, mereka tidak lagi telat menerima gaji. “Sebelumnya, upah yang seharusnya diterima setiap tanggal 5 selalu terlambat ditransfer hingga pertengahan bulan,” kata Adi.

Kini, Elia akan memimpin Pertamina, yang baru saja dihantam masalah dualisme kepemimpinan. Perkara ini menyebabkan Dwi Soetjipto terpental dari kursi direktur utama dan Ahmad Bambang juga turun dari jabatan Wakil Direktur Utama.

Wakil Ketua Komisi Badan Usaha Milik Negara Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Inas Nasrullah Zubir, memberi pandangan lain. Menurut dia, saat menjadi bos PTPN, prestasi Elia tidak terlalu bersinar. “Persoalan apa di PTPN yang dia selesaikan? Yang ada malah menambah utang,” kata Inas. 

 Koran Tempo, Page-4, Thursday, March, 16, 2017