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Saturday, March 18, 2017

2016, Pertamina Record Earnings of US $ 3.15 M

PT Pertamina had a net profit audited amounted to US $ 3.15 billion in 2016, or 122% higher realization dibandlingkan 2015 recorded only US $ 1.42 billion. The profit was supported by the improved operating performance as well as efficiency and added value creation of the company through the Breakthrough Project 2016 program.

Pertamina Finance Director Arief Budiman said the increase is primarily driven by their Iaba efficiency. In the past year, the company managed to improve efficiency of up to US $ 2.67 billion through the Breakthrough Project 2016. This realization is higher than the target of US $ 2.13 billion.

However, the increase in profits is fundamentally due to the improved performance of the company. "As oil and gas production rose to 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day, the refinery yield to 77%, sales of products into 64.63 million kiloliters (KL), and the innovation of new products to gain new market share," he said in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (16/3).

In 2016, Pertamina posted a profit of $ 3.15 billion, up from previous years, at US $ 1.42 billion in 2015 and US $ 1.45 billion in 2014. Then, the company posted revenues of US $ 36.49 billion, down from the previous year's US $ 41.76 billion.

On the other hand, the cost of the company also declined to US $ 30.29 billion from US $ 37.84 billion in 2015. The company also recorded Ebitda margin continued to rise from 8.2% in 2014, became 12:28% in 2015, and reached 20, 73% on last year.

Financial performance is supported by an improved operating performance. Details, oil and gas production company Ialu year amounted to 650.01 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day consisting of 311 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd) and gas of 1.96 billion cubic feet per day / bcfd. While gas sales recorded 708.68 trillion British thermal units, or 130% of the target, as well as gas transportation 522.1 BSCF.

Next of processing, the higher the result of high-value products (yield valuable product) into 4.596 77.76% rise compared with the achievements of 2015. On the other hand, the production costs become lower oil refineries 97.196, down 63% compared to 2015 se-large 103 , 6%. Then the sales volume of 64.63 million kiloliters of oil products, up 2.8% and LPG also increased 63% to 12.09 million KL.

From a profit of $ 3.15 billion, 70% was obtained from the company's downstream business. It is also likely to lead to growth in October-December 2016 muIai slowed. The price of oil began to rise and stable in the range of US $ 55 per barrel. While Pertamina assigned not only seek profit, but also maintain the price of fuel oil (BBM) to remain stable society.

Therefore this year, the portion of earnings calls Pertamina will be more balanced than the upstream and downstream sectors. This is because with the improvement in crude oil prices, the company's upstream business will also be more stable. On the other hand, the downstream sector of business it will be stable, not bolted as early 2016.

This year, it will continue to improve efficiency to boost financial performance. But admittedly Arief, efficiency gains will not be as big as last year. "Base her increasingly thin. In 2017 from the bottom up (efficiency) US $ 1 billion, as oil prices began to stabilize," he said.

Important stages of processing and petrochemical mega-projects also reached on three mega-projects that have been carried out during 2016. It also represents a concrete form of commitment Pertamina refinery capacity expansion to 2 million bpd in 2023. The details, the signing of the Joint Venture Development Agreement for RDMP Cilacap with Saudi Aramco, completions Basic Engineering Design and topping off fasililas occupancy RDMP workers to Balikpapan, as well as the Framework Agreement that followed the agreement with the joint Venture Agreement together with Rosneft Oil Company for GRR Tuban.

"Pertamina has through 2016 quite well, however symptoms that appear in the fourth quarter 2016 still have to watch out throughout 2017 with a variety of precaution which was launched and mandated by our shareholders." Said President Director of Pertamina Elia Massa Manik.


2016, Pertamina Bukukan Laba US$ 3,15 M

PT Pertamina berhasil membukukan laba bersih yang telah di audit sebesar US$ 3,15 miliar pada 2016 atau lebih tinggi 122% dibandlingkan realisasi 2015 yang tercatat hanya US$ 1,42 miliar. Perolehan laba tersebut didukung oleh kinerja operasi yang meningkat serta efisiensi dan penciptaan nilai tambah perusahaan melalui program Breakthrough Project 2016. 

Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Arief Budiman mengatakan, peningkatan Iaba utamanya didorong oleh adanya efisiensi. Pada tahun lalu, perseroan berhasil melakukan efisiensi hingga US$ 2,67 miliar melalui Breakthrough Project 2016. Realisasi ini lebih tinggi dari target yang ditetapkan yakni US$ 2,13 miliar.

Namun, peningkatan laba secara fundamental disebabkan oleh membaiknya kinerja perusahaan. “Seperti produksi minyak dan gas naik menjadi 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari, yield kilang menjadi 77%, penjualan produk menjadi 64,63 juta kiloliter (KL), dan adanya inovasi-inovasi produk baru untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar baru,” kata dia dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Kamis (16/3).

Pada 2016, Pertamina membukukan laba US$ 3,15 miliar, naik dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya yakni US$ 1,42 miliar pada 2015 dan US$ 1,45 miliar pada 2014. Kemudian, perseroan mencatatkan pendapatan US$ 36,49 miliar, turun dari tahun sebelumnya US$ 41,76 miliar. 

Di sisi lain, biaya perseroan juga berkurang menjadi US$ 30,29 miliar dari US$ 37,84 miliar pada 2015. Ebitda Marjin perusahaan juga tercatat terus naik dari 8,2% pada 2014, menjadi 12.28% pada 2015, dan mencapai 20,73% pada tahun lalu.

Kinerja keuangan ini didukung oleh perbaikan kinerja operasi. Rincinya, produksi migas perseroan tahun Ialu sebesar 650,01  ribu barel setara minyak per hari terdiri dari minyak 311 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1,96 billion cubic feet per day/bcfd. Sementara penjualan gas tercatat 708,68 triliun british thermal unit atau 130% dari target, serta transportasi gas 522,1 bscf. 

Selanjutnya dari pengolahan, semakin tingginya hasil produk bernilai tinggi (yield valuable product) menjadi 77.76% naik 4,596 dibandingkan dengan capaian tahun 2015. Di sisi lain, biaya pokok produksi kilang Pertamina semakin rendah menjadi 97,196 atau turun 63% dibandingkan tahun 2015 se-besar 103,6%. Kemudian volume penjualan produk BBM 64,63 juta KL atau naik 2,8% dan LPG juga meningkat 63% menjadi 12,09 juta KL.

Dari laba US$ 3,15 miliar, sebanyak 70% diperoleh dari bisnis hilir perseroan. Hal ini jugalah yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan pada Oktober-Desember 2016 muIai melambat. Pasalnya, harga minyak mulai naik dan stabil di kisaran US$ 55 per barel. Sementara Pertamina ditugaskan tidak hanya mencari untung, tetapi juga mempertahankan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) ke masyarakat tetap stabil.

Karenanya pada tahun ini, porsi laba Pertamina disebutnya akan lebih seimbang dari sektor hulu dan hilir. Hal ini mengingat dengan membaiknya harga minyak mentah, bisnis hulu perseroan juga akan semakin stabil. Di sisi lain, bisnis sektor hilir justru akan stabil, tidak melesat seperti awal 2016.

Pada tahun ini, pihaknya akan terus melakukan efisiensi untuk mendongkrak kinerja keuangan. Namun diakui Arief, perolehan efisiensi tidak akan sebesar tahun lalu. "Base-nya semakin tipis. Di 2017 dari bottom up (efisiensi) US$ 1 miliar, karena harga minyak mulai stabil," ujar dia.

Tahapan penting megaproyek pengolahan dan petrokimia juga dicapai pada tiga megaproyek yang sudah dijalankan selama 2016. Hal ini juga merupakan bentuk konkret komitmen pengembangan kapasitas kilang Pertamina menjadi 2 juta bph pada 2023. 

    Rincinya, penandatanganan Joint Venture Development Agreement untuk RDMP Cilacap dengan Saudi Aramco, penuntasan Basic Engineering Design dan topping off fasililas hunian pekerja untuk RDMP Balikpapan, serta kesepakatan Framework Agreement yang dilanjutkan dengan Joint Venture Agreement bersama Rosneft Oil Company untuk GRR Tuban.

“Pertamina telah melalui tahun 2016 dengan cukup baik, Namun gejala yang muncul pada kuartal ke-empat 2016 masih tetap harus diwaspadai sepanjang tahun 2017 dengan berbagai langkah antisipasi yang sudah dicanangkan dan diamanatkan pemegang saham." kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Manik.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, March, 18, 2017

2016, PGN Achieves Net Profit of Rp 4 trillion

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) recorded a good performance throughout 2016. At current oil prices declined significantly as well as the exchange rate fluctuates, PGN can be booked net profit of Rp 4 trillion.

"We do everything necessary so that they can make a profit amid the current economic slowdown," said PGN corporate secretary Heri Yusup in Jakarta, Friday (17/3).

Throughout 2016, PGN recorded a net income of US $ 2,935 million. Meanwhile, operating profit in 2016 amounted to US $ 444 million, while EBITDA in 2016 amounted to US $ 807 million. While net income of US $ 304 million or Rp 4.04 trillion (the average exchange rate in 2016 amounted to USD 13 308 / US $).

During the period January-December 2016, PGN distribute natural gas amounted to 1,599 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), an increase over the same period last year at 1,591 MMSCFD. The details, along gas distribution volume in 2016 amounted to 803 MMSCFD, an increase over the same period last year of 802 MMSCFD and transmission or transport volume of 796 MMSCFD of natural gas, an increase over the same period last year amounted to 789 MMSCFD.

Heri said that, in line with government efforts to boost the national economy, PGN also optimistic that the company's performance will be better. Despite slowing economic conditions, PGN continue to develop natural gas infrastructure to expand the use of natural gas for the population.

"PGN will be more aggressively building a national natural gas infrastructure to enhance the utilization of national gas production," said Heri. In 2016, PGN gas pipeline infrastructure to grow along more than 252 km and now reaches more than 7278 km, equivalent to 80% of national downstream natural gas pipeline. "

Of the natural gas infrastructure, PGN distribute natural gas to more than 165 392 household customers; 1,929 customers SME sector, malls, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, eating houses and up to 1,652 large-scale manufacturing industries and power plants.

A number of projects have been completed in a timely manner as PGN gas pipeline project Kalisogo-Waru, East Java along 30 km. Then PGN also completed projects in Jetis-Ploso segment in the region of Jombang Mojokerto up to 27 km long. Also the road project Kejayan-Purwosari in Pasuruan along 15 km.

Besides in East Java, PGN also completed the natural gas pipeline infrastructure projects along the 18.3 km in Batam. Gas pipeline project that is in the business district of Batam This will supply gas to the Nagoya region, Lubuk Baja, and dating in Batam.

PGN is currently working on the gas distribution pipeline project Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi along 42 km, as well as some other gas infrastructure network development such as West Java along 43 km and in Surabaya along 23 km. In the near future PGN will also distribute natural gas to some flats in Jakarta.

"PGN continued commitment to develop and expand the national gas infrastructure, even in the current economic condition has not improved and the decline in world crude oil prices," said Heri.


2016, PGN Raih Laba Bersih Rp 4 Triliun

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) mencatatkan kinerja yang baik sepanjang 2016. Di saat harga minyak yang masih mengalami penurunan signifikan serta nilai tukar rupiah yang berfluktuasi, PGN dapat membukukan laba bersih Rp 4 triliun.

“Kami melakukan berbagai upaya yang diperlukan sehingga mampu mencetak laba di tengah kondisi perekonomian yang sedang mengalami perlambatan,” kata Sekretaris Perusahaan PGN Heri Yusup di Jakarta, Jumat (17/3).

Sepanjang 2016, PGN membukukan pendapatan bersih sebesar US$ 2.935 juta. Sedangkan laba operasi di 2016 sebesar US$ 444 juta, adapun EBITDA di tahun 2016 sebesar US$ 807 juta. Sementara laba bersih sebesar US$ 304 juta atau Rp 4,04 triliun (kurs rata-rata 2016 sebesar Rp 13.308/US$).

Selama periode Januari-Desember 2016, PGN menyalurkan gas bumi sebesar 1.599 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) , naik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 1.591 MMSCFD. Rinciannya, sepanjang 2016 volume gas distribusi sebesar 803 MMSCFD, naik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 802 MMSCFD dan volume transmisi atau pengangkutan gas bumi sebesar 796 MMSCFD, naik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 789 MMSCFD.

Heri mengatakan, sejalan dengan upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan perekonomian nasional, PGN optimistis kinerja perusahaan juga akan semakin baik. Meskipun kondisi perekonomian mengalami perlambatan, PGN tetap mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi untuk memperluas pemanfaatan gas bumi bagi masyarakat.

“PGN akan semakin agresif membangun infrastruktur gas bumi nasional untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan produksi gas nasional,” ungkap Heri. Pada 2016, infrastruktur pipa gas PGN bertambah sepanjang lebih dari 252 km dan saat ini mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km atau setara dengan 80% pipa gas bumi hilir nasional. ”

Dari infrastruktur gas bumi tersebut, PGN menyalurkan gas bumi ke lebih dari 165.392 pelanggan rumah tangga; 1.929 pelanggan sektor UMKM, mal, hotel, rumah sakit, restoran, hingga rumah makan serta 1.652 industri manufaktur berskala besar dan pembangkit listrik.

Sejumlah proyek yang telah diselesaikan PGN dengan tepat waktu seperti proyek pipa gas Kalisogo-Waru, Jawa Timur sepanjang 30 km. Kemudian PGN juga menyelesaikan proyek di ruas Jetis-Ploso di wilayah Mojokerto sampai Jombang sepanjang 27 km. Juga proyek ruas Kejayan-Purwosari di Pasuruan sepanjang 15 km.

Selain di Jawa Timur, PGN juga menyelesaikan proyek infrastruktur pipa gas bumi sepanjang 18,3 km di Batam. Proyek pipa gas yang berada di kawasan bisnis Batam ini akan menyalurkan gas bumi ke wilayah Nagoya, Lubuk Baja, dan Jodoh di Batam.

PGN saat ini sedang mengerjakan proyek pipa distribusi gas Muara Karang-Muara Bekasi sepanjang 42 km, serta beberapa pengembangan jaringan infrastruktur gas lainnya seperti di Jawa Barat sepanjang 43 km dan di Surabaya sepanjang 23 km. Dalam waktu dekat PGN juga akan menyalurkan gas bumi ke beberapa rumah susun di DKI Jakarta.

“PGN terus berkomitmen membangun dan memperluas infrastruktur gas nasional, walau di saat kondisi ekonomi yang belum membaik dan turunnya harga minyak mentah dunia,” kata Heri.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, March, 18, 2017

PGN Achieves Profit Rp 4 trillion

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk posted earnings performance in 2016 as many as 304 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp 4 trillion, with the exchange rate of Rp 13,308 per US dollar. As for the company's revenue by 2.9 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 38.6 trillion. 

     Throughout 2016, PGN distribute natural gas amounted to 1,599 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or increased compared to 2015 that as many as 1,591 MMSCFD. "Despite the sluggish economy, we remain committed to building gas infrastructure in the country. This effort as a form of support for domestic gas utilization, "said PGN corporate secretary Heri Yusup


PGN Raih Laba Rp 4 Triliun 

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk membukukan laba kinerja 2016 sebanyak 304 juta dollar AS atau setara Rp 4 triliun dengan nilai tukar Rp 13.308 per dollar AS. Adapun pendapatan perusahaan sebanyak 2,9 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 38,6 triliun. 

    Sepanjang 2016, PGN menyalurkan gas bumi sebesar 1.599 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau naik dibandingkan tahun 2015 yang sebanyak 1.591 MMSCFD. ”Kendati ekonomi sedang lesu, kami tetap berkomitmen membangun infrastruktur gas di dalam negeri. Upaya ini sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap pemanfaatan gas domestik,” kata Sekretaris Perusahaan PGN Heri Yusup

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, March, 18, 2017

Oil Still Flooded Asia


Policy Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC to cut oil production world apparently had little influence in Asia. Carrying supplies to the region is still very high.

Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts declared oil production cuts by OPEC members and non-members such as Russia, so far only a small effect into Asia. Because, during the three months of the policy was done, supplies to Asia rose to record highs. 

    The institution explained, as many as 714 million barrels of oil have been shipped to Asia this month. The number was up 3% since December 2016, or when the policy of cuts announced. Meanwhile, Asia is the biggest market and has the largest oil consumption growth in the world.

"Pruning will not succeed in making the world oil supply is absorbed more quickly and end the problem of excess supply, unless there is a drastic increase in demand," said Leonardo Maugeri, a senior partner at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, on Friday (17/3 )

Maugeri worry as the region's largest oil consumer in the world, the surplus supply will depress oil prices and burden the producer countries. Meanwhile, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), oil consumption in the Asia-Pacific region in 2017 is expected to reach 33.187 million barrels per day. The number increased from demand last year reached 33.030 million barrels per day.

Meanwhile, Thomson Reuters said, not only supplies from Russia and the Middle East are flooding Asia. Volume shipments also jumped from oil-producing countries in the Americas and Europe.

Rising supplies from the American region seen from the continued rise in US weekly oil reserves have continued to rise for four consecutive weekends until March 3. Before finally began to drop 237,000 barrels to 528.39 million barrels on March 10. As at the beginning of this month, the level of US oil production rose to 9.1 million barrels per day (bpd), which is the highest level since February 2016. In December 2016, the US consistently hold production at the level of 8.7 million bpd.

EIA estimates that US oil production in 2017 reached 9 million bpd, up from last year at 8.9 million bpd. In the next year, production is expected to increase again towards 9.7 million bpd. As a result of this phenomenon, more than 30 supertankers filled with oil still parked off the coast of Singapore and Malaysia, although the prices have increased.


Minyak Masih Membanjiri Asia

Kebijakan Organisasi Negara-Negara Pengekspor Minyak atau OPEC untuk memangkas produksi minyak dunia rupanya tidak terlalu berpengaruh di Asia. Pasokan ke kawasan itu tercatat masih sangat tinggi. 

Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts menyatakan pemangkasan produksi minyak oleh negara anggota OPEC dan non-anggota seperti Rusia, sejauh ini hanya berpengaruh kecil ke Asia. Pasalnya, selama tiga bulan kebijakan itu dilakukan, pasokan ke Asia justru naik ke rekor tertingginya. Lembaga itu memaparkan, sebanyak 714 juta barel minyak telah dikapalkan ke Asia pada bulan ini. Jumlah itu naik 3% sejak Desember 2016, atau ketika kebijakan pemangkasan diumumkan. Adapun, Asia adalah pasar terbesar dan memiliki pertumbuhan konsumsi minyak terbesar di dunia.

“Pemangkasan tidak akan berhasil membuat pasokan minyak dunia diserap lebih cepat dan mengakhiri persoalan kelebihan pasokan, kecuali jika ada peningkatan permintaan yang drastis,” kata Leonardo Maugeri, senior patner di Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Jumat (17/3)

Maugeri khawatir sebagai kawasan konsumen minyak terbesar di dunia, surplus pasokan akan menekan harga minyak dunia dan membebani negara produsen. Adapun, berdasarkan data US Energy Information Administration (EIA) , konsumsi minyak di kawasan Asia-Pasifik pada 2017 diperkirakan bakal mencapai 33,187 juta barel per hari. Jumlah itu meningkat dari permintaan tahun lalu yang mencapai 33,030 juta barel per hari.

Sementara itu, Thomson Reuters menyebutkan, bukan hanya pasokan dari Rusia dan Timur tengah saja yang membanjiri Asia. Volume pengiriman juga melonjak dari negara produsen minyak di kawasan Amerika dan Eropa.

Meningkatnya pasokan dari kawasan Amerika terlihat dari terus naiknya cadangan mingguan minyak AS terus mengalami kenaikan selama empat pekan berturut-turut hingga 3 Maret. Sebelum akhirnya mulai turun 237.000 barel menjadi 528,39 juta barel pada 10 Maret. Adapun pada awal bulan ini, tingkat produksi minyak AS naik menjadi 9,1 juta barel per hari (bph), yang menjadi level tertinggi sejak Febmari 2016. Pada Desember 2016, AS konsisten menahan produksi di level 8,7 juta bph.

EIA memperkirakan produksi minyak AS pada 2017 mencapai 9 juta bph, atau naik dari tahun lalu sebesar 8,9 juta bph. Pada tahun depan, produksi diperkirakan kembali meningkat menuju 9,7 juta bph. Akibat dari fenomena tersebut, lebih dari 30 supertanker yang terisi minyak bumi masih terparkir di lepas pantai Singapura dan Malaysia, meskipun harga telah meningkat.  Minyak mentah untuk pengiriman Januari 2018 pun hanya 70 sen dolar AS lebih mahal dan pengiriman untuk Mei 2017.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Saturday, March, 18, 2017

Elia Official to be Pertamina President

Elia election based on the track record, performance, leadership, experience, and capabilities.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of the Company The company PT Pertamina on Thursday (16/3) decided to lift Elijah Massa Manik as the managing director of the company. Elia replaces Soetjipto stopping duty in early February 2017.

Appointment Elia stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of SOE No: SK-52 / MBU / 03/2017 submitted by Deputy for Financial Services, Surveying, and Consultants, Gatot Trihargo, and witnessed by Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng, in the office of the Ministry of SOEs , Jakarta.

Gatot said the election constituted Elijah track record, performance, leadership, experience, and capabilities that are considered to meet the needs of Pertamina. "Background membangggakan his track record," said Billy in a press conference at the Ministry of Enterprise, Jakarta, on Thursday (16/3).

According to Billy, Elijah track record in PTPN III makes it officially became the number one in Pertamina. Billy reveals how the role of Elijah during the period 2016 to March 2017 in Plantation Holding. Elijah, according to Gatot, carrying out various reform measures, both operational aspects PTPN, finance, technology and human resources. Proven until February 2017, PTPN III Holding earn achievements profit of Rp 193 billion from eight PTPN.

The Company has restructured debt PTPN Group amounting to Rp 9.9 trillion from Rp 15 trillion in total eight PTPN. During this period, PTPN III Holding obtain bank funding and to issue corporate guarantees for Medium Term Note (MTN) subsidiary to finance investments and working capital in subsidiaries that are not bankable amounting to Rp 5.3 trillion of the total requirement of Rp 7 trillion.

Settling by management Holding Perkebunan Nusantara had to restore the confidence of banking institutions. According to Billy, this is a good capital to continue to improve the performance of the entire subsidiary. Elia also be familiar in the oil and gas sector. On July 20 11 until May 2014, he is believed to be the president and CEO of PT Elnusa Tbk and successfully restructure the oil and gas services company from adverse conditions to be able to make a profit and increase market capitalization.

"Most important strengthen teamwork (Pertamina). We do not want another one, "said Billy. Substitution of this president, is expected to strengthen Pertamina. He explained that the government-owned company has the task of running a strategic role in the national energy sector.

"There are several major programs, among other things, the price of fuel, plans investment projects refineries and upstream development of tens of billions of dollars in the next few years," said the official who acts as the minister of state authority.

Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng, said Pertamina needs a man like Elijah who is able to build a solid team work at Pertamina. "With the team 'solid work and establish communication with the commissioner, Elijah and Pertamina's board of directors can execute all programs positioned the company well," said Tanri.

Meanwhile, Elijah promised to form a solid team communication in Pertamina. According to him, the key is openness. "If there is a problem in the downstream, or upstream, that's the responsibility of all directors whose names total football (Total fighting)," said Elijah. A culture of transparency, according to him, need to be developed in Pertamina. Because, by doing so, each sector of each other know what was happening.

Elia understand Pertamina currently has a lot of familiar figure in the field of energy. The next task, namely, how to synergize the human resources reach the announced target. "Lock all the solidarity of communication," he said.

Elia also viewed companies milk the government has a tough task to realize the national energy independence. According to him, with the responsibilities of all parties, the expectations will be achieved. "Starting from myself. I no affiliation with the party. I am a professional. This company has been good, if I do not work properly, please reprimanded, if need be fired, "he said.

Elia argued in terms of the energy industry occupies a crucial post. Speaking about economic independence, the most important of the energy sector. He considered the key is in the arrangement of human resources. By doing so, Pertamina could be the executor of various government programs. "Pertamina must demonstrate service to the public within 100 days of real change, starting from the directors themselves.


Elia Resmi Menjadi Dirut Pertamina

Pemilihan Elia didasari rekam jejak, kinerja, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, dan kapabilitas.

Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Perusahaan Perseroan PT Pertamina pada Kamis (16/3) memutuskan mengangkat Elia Massa Manik sebagai direktur utama perusahaan tersebut. Elia menggantikan Dwi Soetjipto yang berhenti bertugas pada awal Februari 2017.

Pengangkatan Elia ditetapkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri BUMN No: SK-52/MBU/03/2017 yang diserahkan oleh Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Survei, dan Konsultan, Gatot Trihargo, dan disaksikan oleh Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng, di kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta. 

Gatot mengatakan, pemilihan Elia didasari rekam jejak, kinerja, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, dan kapabilitas yang dianggap dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Pertamina. “Latar belakang rekam jejak beliau membangggakan,” kata Gatot dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta, pada Kamis (16/3).

Menurut Gatot, rekam jejak Elia di PTPN III membuat ia resmi menjadi orang nomor satu di Pertamina. Gatot mengungkapkan bagaimana peran Elia selama kurun waktu 2016 hingga Maret 2017 dalam Holding Perkebunan. Elia, menurut Gatot, melaksanakan berbagai langkah pembenahan, baik dari aspek operasional PTPN, keuangan, teknologi maupun sumber daya manusia. Terbukti hingga Februari 2017, PTPN III Holding memperoleh capaian laba sebesar Rp 193 miliar dari delapan PTPN.

Perseroan telah melakukan restrukturisasi utang PTPN Group sejumlah Rp 9,9 triliun dari total Rp 15 triliun di delapan PTPN. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, PTPN III Holding memperoleh dana perbankan serta menerbitkan corporate guarantee bagi Medium Term Note (MTN) anak perusahaan untuk membiayai investasi dan modal kerja pada anak perusahaan yang tidak bankable sejumlah Rp 5,3 triliun dari total kebutuhan sejumlah Rp 7 Triliun.

Pembenahan yang dilakukan manajemen Holding Perkebunan Nusantara telah mengembalikan kepercayaan lembaga perbankan. Menurut Gatot, hal ini menjadi modal yang baik untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja seluruh anak usaha. Elia juga sudah familier di sektor industri migas. Pada Juli 20 11 hingga Mei 2014, ia dipercaya sebagai president and CEO PT Elnusa Tbk serta berhasil merestrukturisasi perusahaan jasa migas tersebut dari kondisi merugi hingga mampu mencetak laba dan meningkatkan kapitalisasi pasar.

“Paling utama perkuat kerja sama tim (Pertamina). Kita tidak ingin yang lain,” ujar Gatot. Pergantian dirut ini, diharapkan memperkokoh Pertamina. Ia menerangkan, perusahaan milik pemerintah tersebut memiliki tugas menjalankan peran strategis di sektor energi nasional.

“Ada beberapa program utama, antara lain, BBM satu harga, rencana proyek investasi kilang, dan pengembangan hulu bernilai puluhan miliar dolar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan,” ujar pejabat yang bertindak selaku kuasa menteri BUMN tersebut. 

Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng, mengatakan, Pertamina membutuhkan sosok seperti Elia yang mampu membangun tim kerja yang solid di Pertamina. “Dengan team 'work yang solid dan membangun komunikasi dengan komisaris, Elia dan jajaran direksi Pertamina bisa mengeksekusi semua program strategis perusahaan dengan baik,” kata Tanri.

Sementara itu, Elia berjanji membentuk komunikasi tim yang solid dalam Pertamina. Menurut dia, kuncinya adalah keterbukaan. “Kalau ada masalah di hilir, atau hulu, tanggung jawab semua direksi itulah yang namanya total football (Total fighting),” kata Elia. Budaya transparansi, menurut dia, perlu dikembangkan di Pertamina. Sebab, dengan begitu, masing-masing sektor saling mengetahui apa yang terjadi.

Elia memahami Pertamina saat ini mempunyai banyak sosok yang paham dalam bidang energi. Tugas selanjutnya, yakni bagaimana menyinergikan sumber daya manusia tersebut mencapai target yang dicanangkan. “Kunci semua itu solidaritas komunikasi,” tuturnya.

Elia juga melihat perusahaan milk pemerintah itu memiliki tugas berat mewujudkan kemandirian energi nasional. Menurut dia, dengan tanggung jawab semua pihak, harapan tersebut bisa tercapai. “Dimulai dari diri saya sendiri. Saya tidak ada afiliasi dengan partai. Saya profesional. Ini perusahaan sudah bagus, kalau saya tidak bekerja dengan baik, silakan ditegur, bila perlu dipecat,” ujarnya.

Elia berpendapat dari sisi industri energi menempati pos krusial. Berbicara tentang kemandirian ekonomi, paling utama dari sektor energi. Ia menilai kuncinya ada pada penataan sumber daya manusia. Dengan begitu, Pertamina mampu menjadi eksekutor berbagai program pemerintah. “Pertamina harus menunjukkan pelayanan ke publik dalam 100 hari perubahan yang nyata, dimulai dari direksi sendiri.

Republika, Page-13, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Gross Split scheme too costly for ONWJ

Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of state-owned energy giant Pertamina, is seeking a revision to the new production-sharing scheme in the Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) oil and gas field, which it regards as uneconomical. Starting from Jan. 18, the ONWJ block contract has been using a gross-split scheme following its renewal for a 20 year-period.

Under the new model, PHE has borne sizeable up-front costs, expected to be compensated for through efficiency measures, as they cannot be reimbursed by the government as was the case in the previous, cost-recovery, system. In return, it can secure a greater amount of oil and gas output from production.

PHE president director R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi said it was preparing an assessment report about the new scheme’s application, set to be submitted to the government, in order to allow a change in the production sharing. “Our target is to finish the evaluation before the end of the first half of the year and then hand the report to Pertamina. Later, Pertamina will submit it to the government,” Gunung said on Wednesday.

With the gross-split scheme, which aims to ease pressure on the state budget, the profit split between the government and contractors will “slide” up and down depending on the block’s variables, including the location of the field and reservoir depth, and a progressive split that refers to global oil prices. Contractors, for instance, can obtain a larger portion of production when the conditions of exploration are difficult and while oil prices are high.

The base split for oil production will be at least 43 percent, while for gas production, it will be 48 percent at the minimum. The rest will be given to the government. Gunung expressed PHE’s objection to the scheme, pointing to the exclusion of exploration from the calculation of costs. “Exploration is not included within the variable split. [...] We want to propose including exploration activities in the variable split so that we can get another incentive,” he said.

Another objection pertains to various production costs amounting to US$450 million from the previous ONWJ operation before the contract’s extension. These costs were formerly covered in the cost-recovery scheme and could be reimbursed by the government. With the gross-split mechanism, compensation for such costs would be unclear, Gunung said. PHE has also found it hard to bear on its own the value-added tax (VAT) and property tax (PBB) covered in the old scheme. Moreover, volatility in global crude oil prices has forced PHE to tighten its belt.

The Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) averaged at around $39 per barrel in 2016, down from $49 per barrel in 2015. PHE, however, managed to carry out a number of efficiency measures last year, such as postponing most of its 2D and 3D seismic survey activities, enabling it to save around $431.2 million.

Even with those moves, the firm’s net profits still decreased by 6.4 percent to $191 million in the past year.  Indonesian Resources Studies (IRESS) has previously voiced its concerns over the lack of incentives for exploration activities under the gross-split scheme. 

All contractors are profit oriented. Hence, they may be reluctant to invest in exploration activities that have big risks with uncertain results,” said IRESS executive director Marwan Batubara. It would then be natural to see the country’s reserve replacement ratio (RRR) in oil and gas fall from previous years, he said.

For instance, the RRR  the measurement of the operating performance of oil and gas exploration and production firms  for oil stood at 139 percent in 2015, but had averaged only 53 percent in the past decade, according to the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas). Other data also show that insufficient attention has been paid to exploration.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration invested $ 10.43 billion in the upstream oil and gas industry from January to November 2016, but only 7 percent went to exploration activities.

Statistics from SKK Migas also reveal that Indonesia’s oil and gas working areas gradually fell by 19.5 percent from 2012 to 284 areas in 2016. The same bleak picture is also found in oil reserves as they dropped slightly to 3.6 billion stock 'tank barrels at the end of 2015, from 3.62 billion in 2014, as a result of a lack of discoveries within the past decade.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Friday, March, 17, 2017

New CEO to sweep Pertamina

Restructuring specialist Elia Massa Manik, 52, faces the biggest challenge of his career as he takes the helm of state-owned oil and gas giant Pertamina, which has frequently fallen victim to political intervention and rent seeking practices by those close to power.

Probably due to his lack of faith in the company’s internal executives, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has appointed relative outsider Elia to lead Pertamina after infighting forced the ouster of the company’s president director, Dwi Soetjipto, in February. 

Dwi, former CEO of state cement company PT Semen Indonesia and also a reform specialist, became entangled in an irreconcilable dispute with several of Pertamina’s career executives who had the backing of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Rini Soemarno. 

Given the infighting that has wracked Pertamina, Elia has to, as a priority draw up policies to get all parties in the dispute to bury the hatchet and build a culture of transparency and good governance.

“Give me some time to learn, then, I promise there will be transparency, which is going to be the foundation for the development of the company’s culture,” Elia said after Pertamina’s general shareholder meeting at the SOE Ministry on Thursday.

“I want everything to be transparent. If there’s a problem in the downstream, for instance, it’s going to be the responsibility of all in the management team.” Born in Medan, North Sumatra, Elia received his bachelor’s degree from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1988 and master’s degree from the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines in 1992.

Since then, Elia has worked at various companies, including consumer goods giant PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, venture capital firm PT Nura Kapital, energy company PT Benakat Oil, paper producer PT Kertas Basuki Rahmat Indonesia, property company PT Jababeka, oil services company PT Elnusa, venture capital company GMT Kapital Asia, state lender Bank Negara Indonesia and state plantation holding company PTPN III.

But it was his assignment as CEO of Elnusa, Pertamina’s publicly listed subsidiary, and PTPN that earned him his credentials as a corporate turnaround specialist. Under his leadership between 2011 and 2014, Elia took Elnusa back into profitability and he did it again  for PTPN when he led the company employing more than 132,000 workers from April 2016 until he took over as Pertamina CEO.

“To build a solid team, we should have no vested interests in management. This certainly has to start with myself” Elia said. “I have no affiliation to any political parties. I am always professional. {...}’ve told the shareholders that if I can’t contribute or if l deviate, just tire me.”

A source at the Presidential Palace said that apart from Elia’s track record, his appointment also boded well for the Presidents key confidants; Rini and Coordinating Maritime Minister Luhut Pandjaitan. Elia has previously worked for companies belonging to Rini and Luhut. 

It was a discord between Rini and Dwi that actually triggered the infighting in Pertamina. Dwi and his deputy Ahmad Bambang were dismissed over concerns about their lack of teamwork and escalating conflict after Rini promoted Ahmad as deputy and gave him authority similar to that of the president director.

With the company skippered by two captains, what ensued was a breakdown in management. The intervention came amid demands by the President for Pertamina to provide transportation subsidies in order to sell fuel in remote Papua at the same price as in Java, and to sell gas at a loss to help priority industries boost their competitiveness.

Pertamina has estimated that the demands could result in losses of more than Rp 1 trillion (US$ 75 million) annually The policies were enforced as Pertamina faced its biggest gamble in the upstream business: taking over management of the Mahakam Block from a local unit of French Total SA, starting later this year, and the construction of several key refineries at a cost of billions of dollars.

Energy management observer Fahmy Radhi of Yogyakarta based Gadjah Mada University, said reuniting the divided parties was urgently required for the company to be able to punch above its weight.

“Its better for him to keep the current board of directors, embrace and ask them to work together to ensure unity It is easier for Elia to unite the people there because he is an outsider,” Fahmy said

Jakarta Post, Page-1, Friday, March, 17, 2017

Pertamina profit RP. 42 Trillion

GMS Raising Elijah Massa Manik Become Director

PT Pertamina had net profit of 3.15 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 42 trillion for the whole year 2016. The achievement of the performance is higher than the acquisition in 2015 were only 1.42 billion US dollars, or
around Rp 18.9 trillion.

This statement was made Pertamina Finance Director Arif Budiman in a press conference after the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of Pertamina in Jakarta, Thursday (16/3). Marketing innovation will be key in the future. Pertamina posted revenue of 36.49 billion US dollars, or about Rp 486.6 trillion.

Revenues declined since 2014 that as many as 70 billion US dollars, and in 2015 that as many as 41.76 billion US dollars. World oil prices slumped into a major cause of declining revenues.

"In addition, the efficiency becomes the largest cantilever, where throughout 2016 totaled 2.67 billion US dollars. This year, the efficiency target of 1 billion dollars for an estimated price of oil is relatively stable, "said Arif.

On the production side, along the 2016 Pertamina produces oil and natural gas amounted to 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). The achievement was better than 2015 and only 610,000 BOEPD. In 2025, the company targets oil and gas production of 1.85 million BOEPD.

Pertamina Gas Director Yenni Andayani added, innovation and marketing will play an important role for the company's performance in the coming years. Pertamina has launched three new product types were able to get the attention of consumers, namely fuel types pertalite (RON 90), dexlite (diesel), and LPG measuring 5.5 kilograms were sold under the brand Bright Gas.

"Pertamina is also committed to build two new refineries and increase the capacity of four existing refineries, capital needed to reach 34 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 453 trillion until 2024 to come," said Yenni.

The new Managing Director

In the AGM, the shareholders decided to appoint and Elia Massa Manik became CEO respectively. Elijah, who previously served as Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara Holding to that position was vacant and filled Yenni Andayani as acting since 3 February.

Elia said the first duty as President Director of Pertamina is managing human resources inside the company. According to him, the challenge of Pertamina becoming increasingly heavier. Superior human resources is the key to win the competition.

"I'll be professional. Transparency will be one key to managing this company. I will start from myself. If I stray, I will resign. If need be fired, "said Elia

Deputy of Financial Services, Survey Services, and Consulting SOE Ministry Gatot Trihargo that shareholders assess Elia with all of its track record of competence and ability to become Managing Director of PT Pertamina.

Elia proven track record. In the period 2011-2014, Elijah became President Director of PT Elnusa Tbk and successfully restructure the company. In addition, Elia has also been included in the leadership ranks of BNI and help restructure the loans at state banks.


Laba Pertamina RP. 42 Triliun

RUPS Mengangkat Elia Massa Manik Jadi Direktur Utama

PT Pertamina meraih laba bersih 3,15 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 42 triliun untuk kinerja sepanjang tahun 2016. Pencapaian tersebut lebih tinggi daripada perolehan tahun 2015 yang hanya 1,42 miliar dollar AS atau
sekitar Rp 18,9 triliun.

Demikian dikemukakan Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Arif Budiman dalam konferensi pers seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Pertamina di Jakarta, Kamis (16/3). Inovasi pemasaran akan menjadi kunci perusahaan di masa mendatang. Pertamina membukukan pendapatan 36,49 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 486,6 triliun.

Pendapatan menurun sejak tahun 2014 yang sebanyak 70 miliar dollar AS, dan di tahun 2015 yang sebanyak 41,76 miliar dollar AS. Harga minyak dunia yang merosot menjadi penyebab utama menurunnya pendapatan perusahaan.

”Selain itu, efisiensi menjadi penopang terbesar, di mana sepanjang tahun 2016 tercatat sebanyak 2,67 miliar dollar AS. Tahun ini, target efisiensi sebesar 1 miliar dollar AS karena diperkirakan harga minyak relatif sudah stabil,” kata Arif.

Dari sisi produksi, sepanjang 2016 Pertamina menghasilkan minyak dan gas bumi sebesar 650.000 barrel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Capaian itu lebih baik daripada 2015 yang hanya 610.000 BOEPD. Tahun 2025, perusahaan menargetkan produksi migas sebanyak 1,85 juta BOEPD.

Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani menambahkan, inovasi dan pemasaran akan berperan penting bagi kinerja perusahaan di tahun-tahun mendatang. Pertamina telah meluncurkan tiga jenis produk baru yang mampu mendapatkan perhatian konsumen, yaitu BBM jenis pertalite (RON 90), dexlite (solar), dan elpiji berukuran 5,5 kilogram yang dijual dengan merek Bright Gas.

”Pertamina juga berkomitmen membangun dua kilang baru dan meningkatkan kapasitas empat kilang yang ada, Modal yang dibutuhkan mencapai 34 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 453 triliun hingga 2024 mendatang,” ujar Yenni.

Dirut baru

Dalam RUPS, pemegang saham memutuskan menunjuk dan mengangkat Elia Massa Manik menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina. Elia yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Perkebunan Nusantara Holding menduduki jabatan yang sempat kosong dan diisi Yenni Andayani sebagai pelaksana tugas sejak 3 Februari lalu.

Elia mengatakan, tugas pertama sebagai Direktur Utama Pertamina adalah menata sumber daya manusia di tubuh perusahaan. Menurut dia, tantangan Pertamina kian lama semakin lebih berat. Sumber daya manusia yang unggul adalah kunci memenangi persaingan.

”Saya akan bersikap profesional. Transparansi akan menjadi salah satu kunci mengelola perusahaan ini. Saya akan memulai dari diri saya sendiri. Kalau saya melenceng, saya akan mundur. Bila perlu dipecat,” ujar Elia

Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Jasa Survei, dan Konsultan Kementerian BUMN Gatot Trihargo mengatakan, pemegang saham menilai Elia dengan semua rekam jejaknya memiliki kompetensi dan kemampuan menjadi Dirut PT Pertamina.

Rekam jejak Elia sudah teruji. Pada periode 2011-2014, Elia pernah menjadi Presiden Direktur PT Elnusa Tbk dan berhasil merestrukturisasi perusahaan tersebut. Selain itu, Elia juga pernah masuk dalam jajaran pimpinan BNI dan membantu restrukturisasi pinjaman pada bank BUMN tersebut.

Kompas, Page-18, Friday, March, 17, 2017

US oil reserves Down, Oil Prices Go Up

However, price increases threatened Saudi production increase 

Energy Information Administration (EIA) United States (US) made a surprise announcement on Wednesday (15/3) and the US Time. Data and research institutes in the US energy sector announced oil stocks. The US in the week ending on March 10 slipped 200,000 barrels.

This makes re-warmed world oil prices. Understandably, this is the first decline in 10 weeks. "In addition the US dollar even weaker after the Fed raised interest rates," said Putu Agus Pransuamitra, analyst at Monex Investindo Futures, Thursday (16/3).

As you know, yesterday the US dollar index eroded 0.01% at 100.73 on Thursday (16/3) at 517.13 pm, the price of WTI oil contracts April 2017 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose 1.06% to US $ 49.38 per barrel. As a result, after being depressed, oil prices ended last week up 0.20%.

EIA also noted that gasoline stocks in Uncle Sam also fell by 3.06 million barrels to 246.3 million barrels, the lowest level since January 2017. "This means that gasoline demand increased and this makes the price of WTI oil will go up," the analysts added SoeGee Futures Nizar Hilmy.

If it could surpass US $ 50 per barrel, Nizar predict the short-term trend will be bullish WTI oil. The position is the strongest resistance level today.

Reduced production

Factors global oil production is still a major catalyst in the WTI oil price. After US oil stockpiles reduced, market participants expect oil production cut OPEC members and Russia continues. In January 2017, OPEC has managed to cut its production by up to 90% of the target set. However, it has not been able to restore oil prices to US $ 55 per barrel. Putu counting, if the US oil reserves continue to fall until the end of the first quarter, new price moves to $ 52 per barrel.

In addition to fear of US production, some oil-producing countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq, reportedly intends to raise its production back. Even the production of Saudi Arabia in February has reached over 10 million barrels per day.

An increase in production could be a negative sentiment. "Moreover, both the country's largest oil producer," said Putu. Technically, Putu see WTI oil price is still moving below the moving average (MA) 50 and MA 100, but it is above the MA line 200. Then indicators relative strength index ( RSI) still rose to the level 37 and the stochastic moves up in level 44. The moving average convergence divergence indicator (MACD) is still in the negative area 1.1.

Therefore, Putu estimate today oil prices still rose to the range of movement US $ 48.75-US $ 50.30 per barrel. Nizar predicts oil prices are still up in the next week and move in the range of US $ 50-US $ 53 per barrel.


Cadangan minyak AS Turun, Harga Minyak Kembali Naik

Tapi, kenaikan harga terancam naiknya produksi Arab

Energy Information Administration (EIA) Amerika Serikat (AS) membuat pengumuman mengejutkan, Rabu (15/3) lalu Waktu AS. Lembaga riset dan data bidang energi di AS ini mengumumkan stok minyak. AS di pekan yang berakhir pada 10 Maret merosot 200.000 barel.

Hal ini membuat harga minyak dunia kembali menghangat. Maklum, ini merupakan penurunan pertama dalam 10 pekan. “Kemudian ditambah lagi dollar AS malah melemah setelah The Fed menaikkan suku bunga,” kata Putu Agus Pransuamitra, Analis Monex Investindo Futures, kamis (16/3). 

Seperti diketahui, kemarin indeks dollar AS terkikis 0,01% ke level 100,73 Kamis (16/3) pukul 517.13 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman April 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange naik 1,06% menjadi US$ 49,38 per barel. Alhasil, setelah sempat tertekan, sepekan terakhir harga minyak akhirnya naik 0,20%. 

EIA juga mencatat, stok bensin di Negeri Paman Sam juga terkoreksi 3,06 juta barel menjadi 246,3 juta barel, atau level terendahnya sejak Januari 2017. "Artinya permintaan bensin meningkat dan ini membuat harga minyak WTI akan ikut terdongkrak," tambah analis SoeGee Futures Nizar Hilmy.

Jika bisa menembus US$ 50 per barel, Nizar memprediksi tren jangka pendek minyak WTI akan bullish. Posisi tersebut merupakan level resistence terkuat saat ini.

Mengurangi produksi

Faktor produksi minyak global masih jadi katalis utama pada harga minyak WTI. Setelah stok minyak di AS berkurang, pelaku pasar berharap pemangkasan produksi minyak anggota OPEC dan Rusia terus berlangsung. 

     Pada Januari 2017, OPEC telah berhasil memotong produksinya hingga 90% dari target yang dipatok. Namun, hal tersebut belum mampu mengembalikan harga minyak ke US$ 55 per barel. Putu menghitung, jika cadangan minyak AS terus turun hingga akhir kuartal I, harga baru bergerak ke US$ 52 per barel.

Selain ketakutan akan produksi AS, beberapa negara penghasil minyak, seperti Arab Saudi dan Irak, dikabarkan berniat kembali menaikkan produksinya. Bahkan produksi Arab Saudi di bulan Februari sudah mencapai di atas 10 juta barel per hari. 

Adanya peningkatan produksi ini bisa jadi sentimen negatif. "Apalagi keduanya merupakan negara penghasil minyak terbesar,” ujar Putu. Secara teknikal, Putu melihat harga minyak WTI masih bergerak di bawah garis moving average (MA) 50 dan MA 100, tetapi sudah berada diatas garis MA 200. 

     Kemudian indikator relative strength indeks (RSI) masih menguat ke level 37 dan stochastic bergerak naik di level 44. Sedangkan indikator moving average convergence divergence (MACD) masih berada di area negatif 1,1.

Karena itu, Putu memperkirakan hari ini harga minyak masih menguat dengan rentang pergerakan US$ 48,75-US$ 50,30 per barel. Nizar memprediksi harga minyak masih naik dalam sepekan depan dan bergerak di kisaran US$ 50 -US$ 53 per barel. 

Kontan, Page-7, Friday, March, 17, 2017