Elia election based on the track record, performance, leadership, experience, and capabilities.
The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of the Company The company PT Pertamina on Thursday (16/3) decided to lift Elijah Massa Manik as the managing director of the company. Elia replaces Soetjipto stopping duty in early February 2017.
Appointment Elia stipulated by the Decree of the Minister of SOE No: SK-52 / MBU / 03/2017 submitted by Deputy for Financial Services, Surveying, and Consultants, Gatot Trihargo, and witnessed by Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng, in the office of the Ministry of SOEs , Jakarta.
Gatot said the election constituted Elijah track record, performance, leadership, experience, and capabilities that are considered to meet the needs of Pertamina. "Background membangggakan his track record," said Billy in a press conference at the Ministry of Enterprise, Jakarta, on Thursday (16/3).
According to Billy, Elijah track record in PTPN III makes it officially became the number one in Pertamina. Billy reveals how the role of Elijah during the period 2016 to March 2017 in Plantation Holding. Elijah, according to Gatot, carrying out various reform measures, both operational aspects PTPN, finance, technology and human resources. Proven until February 2017, PTPN III Holding earn achievements profit of Rp 193 billion from eight PTPN.
The Company has restructured debt PTPN Group amounting to Rp 9.9 trillion from Rp 15 trillion in total eight PTPN. During this period, PTPN III Holding obtain bank funding and to issue corporate guarantees for Medium Term Note (MTN) subsidiary to finance investments and working capital in subsidiaries that are not bankable amounting to Rp 5.3 trillion of the total requirement of Rp 7 trillion.
Settling by management Holding Perkebunan Nusantara had to restore the confidence of banking institutions. According to Billy, this is a good capital to continue to improve the performance of the entire subsidiary. Elia also be familiar in the oil and gas sector. On July 20 11 until May 2014, he is believed to be the president and CEO of PT Elnusa Tbk and successfully restructure the oil and gas services company from adverse conditions to be able to make a profit and increase market capitalization.
"Most important strengthen teamwork (Pertamina). We do not want another one, "said Billy. Substitution of this president, is expected to strengthen Pertamina. He explained that the government-owned company has the task of running a strategic role in the national energy sector.
"There are several major programs, among other things, the price of fuel, plans investment projects refineries and upstream development of tens of billions of dollars in the next few years," said the official who acts as the minister of state authority.
Commissioner of Pertamina, Mr. Abeng, said Pertamina needs a man like Elijah who is able to build a solid team work at Pertamina. "With the team 'solid work and establish communication with the commissioner, Elijah and Pertamina's board of directors can execute all programs positioned the company well," said Tanri.
Meanwhile, Elijah promised to form a solid team communication in Pertamina. According to him, the key is openness. "If there is a problem in the downstream, or upstream, that's the responsibility of all directors whose names total football (Total fighting)," said Elijah. A culture of transparency, according to him, need to be developed in Pertamina. Because, by doing so, each sector of each other know what was happening.
Elia understand Pertamina currently has a lot of familiar figure in the field of energy. The next task, namely, how to synergize the human resources reach the announced target. "Lock all the solidarity of communication," he said.
Elia also viewed companies milk the government has a tough task to realize the national energy independence. According to him, with the responsibilities of all parties, the expectations will be achieved. "Starting from myself. I no affiliation with the party. I am a professional. This company has been good, if I do not work properly, please reprimanded, if need be fired, "he said.
Elia argued in terms of the energy industry occupies a crucial post. Speaking about economic independence, the most important of the energy sector. He considered the key is in the arrangement of human resources. By doing so, Pertamina could be the executor of various government programs. "Pertamina must demonstrate service to the public within 100 days of real change, starting from the directors themselves.
Elia Resmi Menjadi Dirut Pertamina
Pemilihan Elia didasari rekam jejak, kinerja, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, dan kapabilitas.
Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Perusahaan Perseroan PT Pertamina pada Kamis (16/3) memutuskan mengangkat Elia Massa Manik sebagai direktur utama perusahaan tersebut. Elia menggantikan Dwi Soetjipto yang berhenti bertugas pada awal Februari 2017.
Pengangkatan Elia ditetapkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri BUMN No: SK-52/MBU/03/2017 yang diserahkan oleh Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Survei, dan Konsultan, Gatot Trihargo, dan disaksikan oleh Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng, di kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta.
Gatot mengatakan, pemilihan Elia didasari rekam jejak, kinerja, kepemimpinan, pengalaman, dan kapabilitas yang dianggap dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Pertamina. “Latar belakang rekam jejak beliau membangggakan,” kata Gatot dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kementerian BUMN, Jakarta, pada Kamis (16/3).
Menurut Gatot, rekam jejak Elia di PTPN III membuat ia resmi menjadi orang nomor satu di Pertamina. Gatot mengungkapkan bagaimana peran Elia selama kurun waktu 2016 hingga Maret 2017 dalam Holding Perkebunan. Elia, menurut Gatot, melaksanakan berbagai langkah pembenahan, baik dari aspek operasional PTPN, keuangan, teknologi maupun sumber daya manusia. Terbukti hingga Februari 2017, PTPN III Holding memperoleh capaian laba sebesar Rp 193 miliar dari delapan PTPN.
Perseroan telah melakukan restrukturisasi utang PTPN Group sejumlah Rp 9,9 triliun dari total Rp 15 triliun di delapan PTPN. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, PTPN III Holding memperoleh dana perbankan serta menerbitkan corporate guarantee bagi Medium Term Note (MTN) anak perusahaan untuk membiayai investasi dan modal kerja pada anak perusahaan yang tidak bankable sejumlah Rp 5,3 triliun dari total kebutuhan sejumlah Rp 7 Triliun.
Pembenahan yang dilakukan manajemen Holding Perkebunan Nusantara telah mengembalikan kepercayaan lembaga perbankan. Menurut Gatot, hal ini menjadi modal yang baik untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja seluruh anak usaha. Elia juga sudah familier di sektor industri migas. Pada Juli 20 11 hingga Mei 2014, ia dipercaya sebagai president and CEO PT Elnusa Tbk serta berhasil merestrukturisasi perusahaan jasa migas tersebut dari kondisi merugi hingga mampu mencetak laba dan meningkatkan kapitalisasi pasar.
“Paling utama perkuat kerja sama tim (Pertamina). Kita tidak ingin yang lain,” ujar Gatot. Pergantian dirut ini, diharapkan memperkokoh Pertamina. Ia menerangkan, perusahaan milik pemerintah tersebut memiliki tugas menjalankan peran strategis di sektor energi nasional.
“Ada beberapa program utama, antara lain, BBM satu harga, rencana proyek investasi kilang, dan pengembangan hulu bernilai puluhan miliar dolar dalam beberapa tahun ke depan,” ujar pejabat yang bertindak selaku kuasa menteri BUMN tersebut.
Komisaris Utama Pertamina, Tanri Abeng, mengatakan, Pertamina membutuhkan sosok seperti Elia yang mampu membangun tim kerja yang solid di Pertamina. “Dengan team 'work yang solid dan membangun komunikasi dengan komisaris, Elia dan jajaran direksi Pertamina bisa mengeksekusi semua program strategis perusahaan dengan baik,” kata Tanri.
Sementara itu, Elia berjanji membentuk komunikasi tim yang solid dalam Pertamina. Menurut dia, kuncinya adalah keterbukaan. “Kalau ada masalah di hilir, atau hulu, tanggung jawab semua direksi itulah yang namanya total football (Total fighting),” kata Elia. Budaya transparansi, menurut dia, perlu dikembangkan di Pertamina. Sebab, dengan begitu, masing-masing sektor saling mengetahui apa yang terjadi.
Elia memahami Pertamina saat ini mempunyai banyak sosok yang paham dalam bidang energi. Tugas selanjutnya, yakni bagaimana menyinergikan sumber daya manusia tersebut mencapai target yang dicanangkan. “Kunci semua itu solidaritas komunikasi,” tuturnya.
Elia juga melihat perusahaan milk pemerintah itu memiliki tugas berat mewujudkan kemandirian energi nasional. Menurut dia, dengan tanggung jawab semua pihak, harapan tersebut bisa tercapai. “Dimulai dari diri saya sendiri. Saya tidak ada afiliasi dengan partai. Saya profesional. Ini perusahaan sudah bagus, kalau saya tidak bekerja dengan baik, silakan ditegur, bila perlu dipecat,” ujarnya.
Elia berpendapat dari sisi industri energi menempati pos krusial. Berbicara tentang kemandirian ekonomi, paling utama dari sektor energi. Ia menilai kuncinya ada pada penataan sumber daya manusia. Dengan begitu, Pertamina mampu menjadi eksekutor berbagai program pemerintah. “Pertamina harus menunjukkan pelayanan ke publik dalam 100 hari perubahan yang nyata, dimulai dari direksi sendiri.
Republika, Page-13, Friday, March, 17, 2017