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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

In order Cheap, Commerce Gas Margin will be Trimmed

Plan of the Ministry of Energy cut gas margin to 7% in the protest businessmen

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continue to enhance Minister Regulation on Gas Sales Price Earth in the Downstream Oil and Gas. One obstacle is the determination of margins player gas trading business. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja, say, the price of gas in the downstream with the price of gas in the upstream has a considerable difference. If the price of gas in the upper reaches of only US $ 6 per mmbtu, then the price of gas at the downstream up to the final consumer reach US $ 14 per mmbtu.

Thus, the government will set the arrangement of the selling price in the downstream through the Ministerial Regulation. The government will restrict gas trading margin of only 7% plus the cost of transportation of gas (toll fee). Whereas, before, the government will only allow gas trading actors get a 5% margin. Wiratmaja asserted, an increase of 2% for gas trading margin simply because the pressure of the gas downstream industry players. "The government should not make a decision because of pressure," he said. To be sure, the government has taken into account the margin of delimitation. "There should be a calculation basis," he said.

Secretary General of Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Eddy Asmanto states, barring a margin of 7% is still not in accordance with the request of the offender indnstri. Actually, the gas downstream industry players want the margin higher gas trading. "Based on these studies and information from field conditions, in fact we are asking for 10%, which we think is reasonable, but the government impose 7%," said Eddy

Nevertheless, Eddy hopes, limit trade margins not apply as the upper limit or lower limit. But rather applies to the weighted average price. Thus still allowing businesses to sell gas higher in a specific situation compared with the existing provisions.

However, when calculating the overall, average sales still do not exceed the provisions of the commercial margin of 7%. "If the prescribed 7% was the average price, we may still be able to receive. But if it is the maximum price, perhaps it is still burdensome for businesses," he said.

Margin should not be regulated

Eddy said, if indeed it is a margin of 7% on average, then the enterprises can still cross subsidies. So. they can still do a considerable investment and still be able to deliver gas to the number of consumers who are not too large. For example, with a margin of 7%, the price of gas to consumers amounting to US $ 8 per mmbtu. But apparently the absorption of local consumers is not up to US $ 8 per mmbtu. Then the gas trading businesses they can invest to deliver to consumers by absorption under US $ 8 per mmbtu. What is important on the other side there are industries that want to buy above the price of US $ 8 per mmbtu.

If there are industries that require gas and willing to accept gas prices at above US $ 8 per mmbtu, then the gas trader can still investment. On the other hand, the average margin was not over the limit set by the government. "So if averaged, enterprises not only enjoy a margin of 7%," said Eddy.

Eddy rate, the gas downstream industry players actually do not want to margin trade set-set by the government. For that he hoped that the arrangements made MEMR will not burden the industry. "The most extreme proposal is no need to set, leave it to the market competition. But the government wants no setting. We recommend setting it does not burden us.


Supaya Murah, Margin Niaga Gas akan Dipangkas

Rencana Kementerian ESDM memangkas margin gas menjadi 7% di protes pebisnis

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus menyempurnakan Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang Harga Jual gas Bumi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Salah satu  hambatan adalah penentuan margin pemain usaha niaga gas. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja, mengatakan, harga gas di hilir dengan harga gas di hulu memiliki perbedaan yang cukup jauh. Jika harga gas di hulu hanya US$ 6 per mmbtu, maka harga gas di hilir hingga sampai ke konsumen akhir mencapai US$ 14 per mmbtu.

Jadi, pemerintah akan mengatur penataan harga jual di hilir migas lewat Peraturan Menteri tersebut. Pemerintah akan membatasi margin niaga gas hanya sebesar 7% ditambah biaya angkut gas (toll fee). Padahal, sebelumnya, pemerintah hanya akan mengizinkan pelaku niaga gas mendapatkan margin 5%. Wiratmaja menegaskan, adanya kenaikan sebesar 2% untuk batas margin niaga gas hanya karena desakan para pemain industri gas hilir. "Pemerintah tidak boleh mengambil keputusan karena desakan," katanya. Yang pasti, pemerintah telah memperhitungkan penetapan batas margin tersebut. "Harus ada dasar perhitungannya," katanya. 

Sekretaris Jenderal Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Eddy Asmanto menyebutkan, pembatasan margin sebesar 7% masih belum sesuai dengan permintaan para pelaku indnstri. Sebenarnya, pelaku industri hilir gas menginginkan batas margin niaga gas lebih tinggi. "Berdasarkan kajian dan informasi dari kondisi lapangan, sebenarnya yang kami minta 10%, yang kami anggap wajar, tapi pemerintah memaksakan 7%,"kata Eddy 

Mekipun begitu, Eddy berharap, batas margin niaga tidak berlaku sebagai batas atas atau batas bawah. Melainkan berlaku untuk harga rata-rata tertimbang. Sehingga masih memungkinkan badan usaha untuk menjual gas lebih tinggi pada suatu keadaan tertentu dibandingkan dengan ketentuan yang ada.

Namun jika menghitung secara keseluruhan, penjualan rata-rata masih tidak melebihi dari ketentuan batas margin niaga sebesar 7%. "Kalau yang ditentukan 7% itu harga rata-rata, kami barangkali masih bisa terima. Tetapi kalau itu harga maksimum, barangkali itu masih memberatkan bagi pelaku usaha," katanya.

Margin jangan diatur

Eddy mengungkapkan, jika memang 7% itu merupakan margin rata-rata, maka badan usaha masih bisa melakukan subsidi silang. Sehingga. mereka masih bisa melakukan investasi yang cukup besar dan tetap bisa menyalurkan gas untuk jumlah konsumen yang tidak terlalu besar. Contohnya dengan margin 7%, harga gas ke konsumen sebesar US$ 8 per mmbtu. Namun ternyata daya serap konsumen setempat tidak sampai US$ 8 per mmbtu. Maka pelaku bisnis niaga gas masih bisa berinvestasi untuk menyalurkan ke konsumen dengan daya serap di bawah US$ 8 per mmbtu. Yang penting di sisi lain ada industri yang mau membeli di atas harga US$ 8 per mmbtu.

Jika masih ada industri yang memerlukan gas dan mau menerima harga gas di atas US$ 8 per mmbtu, maka trader gas masih bisa investasi. Di sisi lain, secara rata-rata margin tidak melewati batas yang ditetapkan pemerintah. "Sehingga kalau dirata-ratakan, badan usaha tidak hanya menikmati margin sebesar 7% itu," kata Eddy. 

Eddy menilai, para pelaku industri hilir gas sebenarnya tidak ingin margin niaga diatur-atur oleh pemerintah. Untuk itu dia berharap, pengaturan yang dilakukan Kementerian ESDM nantinya tidak memberatkan pelaku industri. "Usulan paling ekstrim adalah tidak usah diatur, serahkan saja pada kompetisi pasar. Tetapi pemerintah menginginkan ada pengaturan. Sebaiknya pengaturan itu tidak memberatkan kami.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 22, 2017

Pertamina’s Big Projects on Track

Despite recent infighting leading to a change of leadership, state-owned oil and gas giant Pertamina is upbeat its megaprojects both' in the upstream and downstream sectors can stay on track. Last Thursday the government officially appointed restructuring specialist Elia Massa Manik as the company’s new president director after the dismissal of its top executives Dwi Soetjipto and Ahmad Bambang earlier this month because of an escalating rivalry between the two.

Pertamina processing and petrochemical mega-project director Rachmad Hardadi said that under former acting boss Yenni Andayani, the firm managed to run its business as usual amid lingering uncertainties over its future leadership.

“During the one and a half month period, Mrs Yenni was very helpful. She threw out a lot of questions and listened to others carefully to accelerate the development of our mega-projects,” Rachmad recently told reporters. “Hopefully, the appointment of Mr. Massa can pave the way for these mega-projects to be developed at full speed.”

One of Elia’s first tasks after taking over the helm at Pertamina is to ensure the sustainable operation of the gas-rich Mahakam block in East Kalimantan during the transition period this year. Pertamina’s subsidiary PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) is set to take over the whole operation of Indonesia’s biggest gas producing block early next year from French oil and gas giant Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) and its Japanese partner Inpex.

Under bridging and funding agreements with TEPI and Inpex signed last Wednesday, the current operator will begin more  drilling activities to maintain output within the transition phase before the hand over.

In a change to Pertamina’s previous plan to drill 19 wells at the block, for which it prepared $190 million, TEPI might only work on six to eight wells this year, Pertaminajs upstream director Syamsu Alam said.  “Hopefully, we can drill more in 2018. We should prepare the sites First,” he said.

TEPI expects to generate 1,430 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) and produce 53,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the Mahakam block this year.

Pertamina, on the other hand, aims to produce a total of 690,000 barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) by the end of this year, up from 650,000 BOE last year. Other mega-projects in the pipeline include the upgrading of four existing refineries and the construction of two new facilities in a bid to boost its refined oil production capacity to 2.6 million bopd by 2030. 

This would constitute an increase of more than 200 percent from around 830,000 bopd at present. To fund such massive refinery upgrades and development, it has earmarked around $5 billion to $6 billion in its capital expenditure. Pertamina is slated to begin upgrading its refinery at Balik papan, East Kalimantan, in the first quarter and break ground on similar projects at another two refineries in Cilacap, Central Java, and Tuban, East Java, in the third quarter.

Another project worth $4.2 billion will be carried out at the Dumai refinery, which has a capacity of 175,000 bopd. The upgrade will allow output to increase to 300,000 bopd in 2023.

In addition to the capacity expansion, it is also planning a series of turnaround and maintenance Work at one of its refineries in Kalimantan and another refinery in Tuban, East Java, operated by its subsidiary Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama. 

Pertamina started in early March the turnaround and maintenance work at the Balikpapan refinery. The work is scheduled to be completed by mid-April. The company will begin similar work at the Tuban refinery in September.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Firm tipped to deal with red tape in oil, gas sector

     Lawmakers have proposed the establishment of a new state company to take over the function of  agencies responsible for dealing with the upstream and down- stream oil and gas businesses. Aimed at cutting red tape and facilitating business, the company will take over the roles of the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) and the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas).  

     The House of Representatives will include the establishment of the company in the revision of the 2001 Oil and Gas Law, which is expected to be passed this year. The deputy chairman of House Commission VII overseeing energy, Satya W. Yudha, said all 10 political party factions had agreed to include the establishment of the firm after months of heated debate.

“What we are now contemplating at Commission VII is creating a special company for the upstream  and downstream sectors. This is different to the previous ideas whereby there would be only one new special state-owned firm for the upstream sector,” he said.

     Negotiating upstream contracts and monitoring fuel distribution would also be part of the firm’s function, he said. Stakeholders in oil and gas businesses have waited for the revision for more than a decade as the current law is considered to restrict investment and has caused a raft of legal uncertainty.

     As deliberation of the revision, initiated by the House, has seen sluggish progress, the government has tried to patch holes in the law by issuing several new regulations in the hope of forging  confidence and legal certainty after the Constitutional Court dissolved the Upstream Oil and Gas Executive Agency (BP Migas) in 2012.

      SKK Migas was formed through a presidential decree following the court’s ruling to dissolve BP Migas as its existence was deemed unconstitutional. SKK Migas currently oversees oil and gas contractors’ work plans and budgets, which consist of exploitation and exploration activities.

     Satya remained tight-lipped on whether the proposed firm would be an oil and gas holding company that the State- Owned Enterprises (SOES) Ministry was currently trying to create. The holding company will consist of state-owned oil and gas giant PT Pertamina and state owned gas firm PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

“We will see. I have already said that we hope during our discussions that we will be able to come to a mutual agreement, this is all still in progress. Hopefully, it will not clash with state-owned firms,” he said.

     The Habibie Institute said there were several options the House could take to establish a special company for the upstream and downstream sectors. Senior institute researcher Zamroni Salim said it would be inefficient to create a new firm as the upcoming oil and gas holding company could be given more authority to do the same tasks.

"This means that if any international companies want to conduct drilling activities, they must deal with the oil and gas holding company. This also means that all profit-sharing contracts will be with the company” he said. Despite overwhelming optimism that the planned holding company will be given more authority the government is faces several obstacles that has prevented the holding company from being formed.

     The government has already issued Government ‘Regulation (PP) No. 72, which is a revision of a 2005 government regulation that stipulated the mechanism of state capital participation and administration for SOEs. The revision is supposed to act as a legal basis for the transfer of capital among SOES, but the House has since requested the government freeze its implementation as it would have an impact on the state budget.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

PGN Expands Gas Supply to Industrial

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara further expand the supply of gas to various regions. The gas delivery is not only done conventionally, through gas pipelines, but also in the form of compressed natural gas or compressed natural gas (CNG). One consumer who gets the supply PGN is a bread factory in Semarang, Central Java.

"PGN just supply natural gas to PT Nippon Indosari Corporindo. The plant produces bread with Sari Roti brand, "said Area Sales Head Semarang PGN Edy Sukamto through an official statement, yesterday (20/3)

For the initial stage, Nippon Indosari Corporindo PGN will use natural gas to the boiler equipment. Then in the next year gas will be used for equipment for the production of bread oven. "It is estimated that the consumption of natural gas in the bakery for the early stages of about 8,000 cubic meters (m3) per month. The next year because it will be used for natural gas-oven, estimated natural gas-consumption increased by about 30 thousand to 40 thousand m3 per month, "he explained.

Edy added PGN to supply gas to the Nippon Indosari Corporindo in the form of CNG. "They are, Natural Gas CNG, then by PGN transported to Wijaya Kusuma using CNG truck fleet so that industries in Semarang can immediately enjoy," he said.

Vice President Corporate Communications of PGN Atmanto Andri Irwan added, before using PGN natural gas, the plant uses liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) with a consumption of about 7000-10 thousand m3 per month. With fuel switching from LPG to natural gas CNG, Sari Roti bread factory in Semarang can save 50% fuel.


PGN Perluas Pasokan Gas ke Industri 

    PT Perusahaan Gas Negara semakin memperluas pasokan gas bumi ke berbagai daerah. Penyaluran gas tidak hanya dilakukan secara konvensional, yakni melalui jaringan pipa gas, tetapi juga dalam bentuk gas alam terkompresi atau compressed natural gas (CNG). Salah satu konsumen yang mendapat pasokan PGN ialah pabrik roti di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. 

“PGN baru saja memasok gas bumi ke PT Nippon Indosari Corporindo. Pabrik ini memproduksi roti dengan merek Sari Roti,” kata Sales Area Head Semarang PGN Edy Sukamto melalui keterangan resmi, kemarin (20/3)

     Untuk tahap awal, Nippon Indosari Corporindo akan menggunakan gas bumi PGN untuk peralatan boiler. Kemudian di tahun berikutnya gas bumi akan digunakan untuk peralatan oven untuk produksi roti. “Diperkirakan, konsumsi gas bumi di pabrik roti ini untuk tahap awal sekitar 8.000 meter kubik (m3) per bulan. Tahun selanjutnya karena gas buminya akan digunakan untuk oven, diperkirakan konsumsi gas buminya naik sekitar 30 ribu-40 ribu m3 per bulan,” jelasnya. 

     Edy menambahkan PGN memasok gas bumi ke Nippon Indosari Corporindo dalam bentuk CNG. “Gas bumi kami olah menjadi CNG, lalu oleh PGN diangkut ke Wijaya Kusuma menggunakan armada truk CNG sehingga industri-industri di Semarang bisa segera menikmati,” tuturnya.

    Vice President Corporate Communication of PGN Irwan Andri Atmanto menambahkan, sebelum menggunakan gas bumi PGN, pabrik ini memakai liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) dengan konsumsi sekitar 7.000-10 ribu m3 per bulan. Dengan mengganti bahan bakar dari LPG ke gas bumi CNG, pabrik roti Sari Roti di Semarang dapat menghemat pengeluaran bahan bakar 50%. 

 Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

German Companies Interested in Investing in Smelter and Gas

Two German companies have expressed a desire to invest in Indonesia. One company interested in cooperation with Indonesian state mining company to invest US $ 800 million (Rp 10.4 trillion) in the nickel smelter project. Meanwhile, the other companies in the field of gas sector enterprises not mention the amount of the investment value.

Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong said it gained during a working visit to several countries in Europe on March 15 to 22 last. Furthermore, Thomas delivered the visit was aimed at promoting Indonesia as one of the attractive investment destination for European companies. Not only that, a visit to Europe is also part of marketing efforts to support the achievement of this year's investment is targeted at the figure of Rp 678.8 trillion.

"The opportunity is utilized working visit to meet with German companies interested in investing in Indonesia," he said in an official statement, yesterday (20/3)

According to Thomas, the work done visit was also used to meet some fund managers and banks in Germany. "Germany is one of the important countries in Europe which is also a major contributor to investment in Indonesia," he explained.

Thomas added the Indonesian economy is relatively stable, coupled with solid macroeconomic fundamentals and supported the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is high, the main investment attractiveness for German companies. "Last year, FDI in Indonesia reached US $ 28.9 billion, up 8.4% compared with the previous year. Germany contributed US $ 133 million of the total value of the PDI, "he said.

BKPM also noted investment from Europe in the past five years to Indonesia reached US $ 13.3 billion, or equal to Rp 172.9 trillion. "Five of Europe's major investment into Indonesia is from the Netherlands, Britain, France, Luxembourg, and Germany," said Thomas.


Perusahaan Jerman Minati Investasi di Smelter dan Gas

Dua perusahaan asal Jerman telah menyatakan keinginan untuk menanamkan modal di Indonesia. Satu perusahaan berminat bekerja sama dengan BUMN pertambangan Indonesia untuk menanamkan modal US$ 800 juta (Rp 10,4 triliun) di proyek smelter nickel. Sementara itu, satu perusahaan lain di bidang usaha sektor gas belum menyebutkan besaran nilai investasi.

Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Thomas Lembong mengatakan hal itu diperolehnya saat kunjungan kerja ke beberapa negara di Eropa pada 15-22 Maret lalu. Lebih lanjut, Thomas menyampaikan kunjungan itu bertujuan mempromosikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu destinasi investasi yang atraktif bagi perusahaan Eropa. Tidak hanya itu, kunjungan ke Eropa juga merupakan bagian dari upaya pemasaran untuk mendukung pencapaian target investasi tahun ini yang ditargetkan pada angka Rp 678,8 triliun.

“Kesempatan kunjungan kerja tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk bertemu dengan perusahaan-perusahaan Jerman yang berminat menanamkan modal di Indonesia,” ujarnya dalam keterangan resmi, kemarin (20/3)

Menurut Thomas, kunjungan kerja yang dilakukan juga dimanfaatkan untuk bertemu dengan beberapa pengelola dana dan perbankan di Jerman. “Jerman merupakan salah satu negara penting di Eropa yang juga merupakan kontributor utama investasi di Indonesia,” jelasnya.

Thomas menambahkan kondisi perekonomian Indonesia yang relatif stabil, ditambah dengan fundamen makro ekonomi yang solid dan didukung arus penanaman modal langsung (FDI) yang tinggi, merupakan daya tarik investasi utama bagi perusahaan Jerman. “Tahun lalu FDI yang masuk ke Indonesia mencapai US$ 28,9 miliar, naik 8,4% jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Jerman menyumbang US$ 133 juta dari total nilai PDI tersebut,” ungkapnya.

BKPM juga mencatat penanaman modal dari Eropa dalam lima tahun terakhir ini ke Indonesia mencapai US$13,3 miliar atau sama dengan Rp 172,9 triliun. “Lima besar investasi dari Eropa yang masuk ke Indonesia ialah dari Belanda, Inggris, Prancis, Luksemburg, dan Jerman,” kata Thomas.

 Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

KPK Guard megaproject Pertamina

Pertamina president director Elia Massa Manik also asked the Commission to escort the fuel policy of one price in order to run on time and are not abused.

     PT Pertamina holding the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in relation to a number of major project development plans that require a budget of up to US $ 30 billion to $ 40 billion. This was done in order that Pertamina mega project goes according to plan and to avoid abuse of authority and corruption.

"So, we will live in mega project that we will be a lot of consultation with a team from the Commission, as we face many obstacles because such projects require sizeable resources. So, starting from the system, ranging from procurement, "said Recruited PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik after meeting with leaders of KPK KPK building, Jakarta.

Elijah admitted it discussed at a meeting with the leadership of the Commission as a form of consultation about the new work plan which served as Managing Director of Pertamina. The meeting also aims to ensure measures can work in accordance with the rules and prevent abuse of authority.

"Moreover, we currently have a number of projects with large-scale projects such as the construction of new refineries were not playing games, namely up to US $ 30 billion to US $ 40 billion in the next five years," he added. A number of mega-projects include capacity building Pertamina refinery or refinery development master plan (RDMP) in Cilacap, Balikpapan, Balongan, and Dumai. Each project is estimated to cost US $ 4 billion to US $ 5 billion. Two plans new refinery in Tuban and Bontang each would cost up to US $ 12 billion-US $ 14 billion.

Elijah continued, the Commission also asked to oversee a number of policies. One of them is the price of fuel policy that requires input and oversight to run on time, and prevent irregularities. "Of course, in carrying the program as it should be with good project management and ontime. If we're late, losses could be huge. "

Finally, Elijah asked the Commission escort transparency on all fronts Pertamina. "With transparency, I hope to form a solidity that makes strong teamwork so it does not appear again suspicion."

Often hampered

KPK chairman Agus Rahardjo welcomed the new Pertamina chief visits. It shows good Elia committed to establishing good governance, transparency-building, as well as encouraging the prevention of corruption. "Our promise at the Commission along well intentioned, the goal for many people, it will be our guard," he said.

Agus also promised the Commission would help Pertamina to create professional performance. Admittedly, a number of institutions that have large projects are often hampered by bureaucracy and lack of transparency. "So, it may be worth remembering that the Commission related tasks. One of them, in addition to enforcement, as well as prevention.

If there is a mega project with great value, it's often bureaucratic obstacles, such as the regents if the governor does not want to be called, but if dipangil Commission, regents want to come, "he said.

That is why the Commission will help facilitate the flow of bureaucracy in Pertamina. "We help expedite the process, affairs, and maintain integrity. Hopefully, this assistance can accelerate Pertamina in pushing this nation so prosperous faster.


KPK Kawal MegaProyek Pertamina

Dirut Pertamina Elia Massa Manik juga meminta KPK mengawal kebijakan BBM satu harga agar berjalan tepat waktu dan tidak disalahgunakan. 

     PT Pertamina menggandeng Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) terkait dengan sejumlah rencana pembangunan proyek besar yang membutuhkan anggaran hingga US$30 miliar-US$ 40 miliar. Hal itu dilakukan agar megaproyek Pertamina berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan kewenangan dan korupsi.

“Jadi, nanti kita dalam menjalani megaproyek itu kita akan banyak berkonsultasi dengan tim dari KPK, saat kita menghadapi banyak hambatan karena proyek seperti itu memerlukan resources yang cukup besar. Jadi, mulai dari sistem, mulai dari pengadaan,” kata Direkrut Utama PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik seusai bertemu dengan pimpinan KPK di Gedung KPK, Jakarta.

Elia mengakui hal itu dibicarakan pada pertemuan dengan pimpinan KPK sebagai bentuk konsultasi seputar rencana kerjanya yang baru menjabat Dirut Pertamina. Pertemuan juga bertujuan memastikan langkah kerjanya bisa sesuai dengan aturan dan mencegah penyalahgunaan kewenangan.

“Apalagi kami saat ini ada sejumlah proyek dengan skala project besar seperti proyek pembangunan kilang yang tidak main-main, yaitu hingga US$30 miliar-US$40 miliar pada lima tahun ke depan,” tambahnya. Sejumlah megaproyek Pertamina antara lain peningkatan kapasitas kilang atau refinery development master plan (RDMP) di Cilacap, Balikpapan, Balongan, dan Dumai. Setiap proyek diperkirakan membutuhkan dana US$4 miliar-US$5 miliar. Dua rencana kilang baru di Tuban dan Bontang masing-masing butuh biaya hingga US$ 12 miliar-US$ 14 miliar.

Elia melanjutkan, KPK juga diminta mengawal sejumlah kebijakan. Salah satunya kebijakan BBM satu harga yang membutuhkan masukan dan pengawasan agar berjalan tepat waktu serta mencegah penyimpangan. “Tentunya dalam mengusung program seperti itu harus dengan project management yang baik dan ontime. Kalau kita terlambat, kerugiannya bisa besar.”

Terakhir, Elia meminta KPK mengawal transparansi di semua lini Pertamina. “Dengan transparansi, saya harap bisa membentuk soliditas yang membuat teamwork kuat sehingga tidak muncul lagi kecurigaan.”

Kerap terhambat

Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo menyambut baik kunjungan Dirut Pertamina yang baru. Itu menunjukkan Elia memiliki komitmen yang baik untuk menciptakan good governance, membangun transparansi, serta mendorong pencegahan korupsi. “Janji kami di KPK sepanjang tujuannya baik, tujuannya untuk rakyat banyak, itu akan kami kawal,” katanya.

Agus pun berjanji KPK akan membantu Pertamina untuk menciptakan kinerja profesional. Diakuinya, sejumlah lembaga yang memiliki proyek besar memang sering terhambat oleh faktor birokrasi yang berbelit dan tidak transparan. “jadi, mungkin perlu diingat terkait tugas KPK itu. Salah satunya, selain penindakan, juga pencegahan.

Kalau ada megaproyek dengan nilainya besar, sering ada hambatan birokrasi, seperti bupati kalau dipanggil gubernur tidak mau, tapi kalau dipangil KPK, bupati mau datang,” katanya. 

Itu sebabnya, KPK akan membantu memperlancar alur birokrasi di Pertamina. “Kami bantu memperlancar proses, urusan, dan menegakkan integritas. Semoga pendampingan ini bisa mempercepat akselerasi Pertamina dalam mendorong bangsa ini jadi sejahtera lebih cepat.

 Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Pertamina Oil and Gas Reserves Found in Border Malaysia

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina managed to find oil and gas reserves in the structure of Parang, Nunukan Block which is located on the border of Indonesia and Malaysia. President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Mount Sardjono Hadi said, monetization Nunukan Block, including quite difficult. Because, in addition located offshore, oil and gas production this block was not exactly great. Therefore, it focuses on immediate monetize this Nunukan Block. "To anticipate, we try to increase reserves by drilling wells Parang-1," he said.

Drilling of wells Parang-1, has acquired additional oil and gas reserves. According to data production flow test (DST), the well was capable of producing about 1,600 barrels of oil. Thus, this finding can increase the production of Nunukan Block, originally planned for 60 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD and 1,800 barrels per day (bpd).

"Parang-1 exploration well is part of Nunukan Block. We will comprehensively evaluated first, "said Gunung. He said he still wanted to make sure whether there should be delineation drilling (appraisal), assessment, and additional 3D seismic.

The plan, the development of Parang structure will be integrated with Badik Field and West Badik existing development plan (plan of development / POD) Nunukan Block which has been approved. However, it could not ascertain whether the POD structure of Parang and Field Badik-West Badik will be one.

"When POD Fields separate Parang, submission (POD) in 2020," said Mount. In POD approved Nunukan Block, Pertamina Hulu Energi said it would develop two fields at once in the block, namely Badik Field and West Badik.

The Company will drill eight wells and building three offshore platforms. In addition, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina will also build underwater pipelines and construction of onshore receiving facility on the island Bunyu. Looking ahead, the Mount has plans to integrate all the oil and gas blocks are managed by the company which is located in North Borneo.

Some oil and gas blocks are Block Simenggaris, Bunyu Block and East Ambalat Block. "To build Kaltara (North Borneo), we will integrate the development of Block Nunukan Block Simenggaris, Bunyu, and East Ambalat. But this is still a long time, "he said.

For Nunukan Block, Pertamina expects to start production (on stream) in 2019. The plan is to chase the target, Pertamina Hulu Energi plan can obtain a final investment decision / FID this year. Further construction engineering, procurement, and construction (engineering, procurement, and construction / EPC) targeted for completion within two years.


Pertamina Menemukan Cadangan Migas di Perbatasan Malaysia

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina berhasil menemukan cadangan migas di Struktur Parang, Blok Nunukan yang terletak di perbatasan Indonesia dan Malaysia. Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, monetisasi Blok Nunukan termasuk cukup sulit. Pasalnya, selain terletak di lepas pantai, produksi migas blok ini juga tidak bisa dibilang besar. Karenanya, pihaknya fokus untuk segera memonetisasi Blok Nunukan ini. “Untuk mensiasati, kami coba menambah cadangan dengan melakukan pemboran Sumur Parang-1,” kata dia.

Dari pemboran Sumur Parang-1, telah diperoleh tambahan cadangan migas. Sesuai data uji alir produksi (DST), sumur ini telah mampu menghasilkan minyak sekitar 1.600 barel. Sehingga, temuan ini dapat menambah produksi Blok Nunukan yang awalnya direncanakan sebesar 60 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd dan 1.800 barel per hari (bph).

“Sumur Eksplorasi Parang-1 merupakan bagian dari Blok Nunukan. Kami akan evaluasi dulu secara komprehensif,” kata Gunung. Pihaknya masih ingin memastikan apakah perlu ada pengeboran sumur delineasi (appraisal), kajian, dan tambahan seismik 3 Dimensi. 

Rencananya, pengembangan Struktur Parang ini akan di integrasikan dengan Lapangan Badik dan West Badik yang ada dalam rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ POD) Blok Nunukan yang telah disetujui. Namun, pihaknya tidak dapat memastikan apakah POD Struktur Parang dan Lapangan Badik-West Badik akan jadi satu. 

“Bila POD Lapangan Parang terpisah, submission (POD) di 2020,” kata Gunung. Dalam POD Blok Nunukan yang telah disetujui, Pertamina Hulu Energi menyebutkan akan mengembangkan dua lapangan sekaligus di blok tersebut, yakni Lapangan Badik dan West Badik. 

Perusahaan akan mengebor depalan sumur dan membangun tiga anjungan lepas pantai. Selain itu, anak usaha PT Pertamina itu juga akan membangun pipa bawah laut dan pembangunan fasilitas penerima darat di Pulau Bunyu. Ke depannya, Gunung memiliki rencana untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh blok migas yang dikelola perseroan yang terletak di Kalimantan Utara. 

Beberapa blok migas ini adalah Blok Simenggaris, Blok Bunyu, dan Blok East Ambalat. “Untuk membangun Kaltara (Kalimantan Utara), kami akan integrasikan pengembangan Blok Nunukan dengan Blok Simenggaris, Bunyu, dan East Ambalat. Tetapi ini masih lama,” kata dia.

Untuk Blok Nunukan, Pertamina menargetkan dapat mulai produksi (on stream) pada 2019. Rencananya untuk mengejar target tersebut, Pertamina Hulu Energi merencanakan dapat memperoleh final investment decision/FID pada tahun ini. Selanjutnya pengerjaan rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi (engineering, procurement, and construction/ EPC) ditargetkan selesai dalam dua tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Steel Industry charge Industry Gas Prices Down

The increase in the steel industry in the last two years is stable. Every year at least an increase in national consumption is above 10%. That number may increase further if the government wants to lower the price of gas that are components of the steel industry's production costs.

Director PT Kencana Kepuh Arum, Henry Setiawan said, the presence of gas has a big share in the steel industry. During this time a great influence on the energy component of the cost of steel production. "Then the national steel industry is awaiting the government's promise that will lower natural gas prices since last year," said Henry.

He said growth in national steel production continues to grow each year. Needs in the country into one big potential market for the steel industry. It also continues to increase the need for national consumption each year.

The decline in gas prices, it will polish the performance of the steel industry until 2020. Moreover, some time ago the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) promised to provide incentives for the industry in the form of low gas prices in the range of USD 5 to USD 6 per MMBTU.

Progress steel industry also supported the government's efforts in building infrastructure in various regions. One of them is certain road construction using iron or steel. Furthermore, there is also a development of the port would need some equipment made of steel.

Even the steel industry also benefited from the development of the energy sector that is being promoted by the government. One of them is the construction of power plants with a capacity of up to 35 thousand megawatts (MW). "Not to mention the housing construction project that continues planned by the government. The roof of the house now largely been put on mild steel, "he said.

Henry also emphasized that the number of transition manufacture of lightweight steel roof of the house became extremely boost sales. Therefore, the steel industry Lapis Aluminum Zinc (BjLAS) continued to show an increase in national consumption continues to significantly above 10% more, "We are very optimistic to the future development of the steel industry. So if gas prices fall, this will be a breath of fresh air for us to increase the production of steel," he said.

Commerce Director Danny Praditya PGN said that until now it had to do the distribution of natural gas in Indonesia to 1,652 large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers, such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, Setra micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

In fact, the distribution pipe PGN East Java Surabaya already scattered along the 552 kilometer (km), along the 404 km in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan reach 199 km so that a total of 1,156 km over the previous year of about 996.15 km. Industrial customers also gave a positive response in the last year.

"PGN's gas pipeline infrastructure in East Java increased by 16% over the previous year. PGN gas pipelines nationwide total reach of more than 7278 km, this amount is equivalent to 80% of the downstream natural gas pipeline network throughout Indonesia, "he said.


Industri Baja Tagih Harga Gas Industri Turun

Peningkatan industri baja dalam dua tahun terakhir stabil. Setiap tahun setidaknya terjadi peningkatan konsumsi nasional di atas 10%. Jumlah itu bisa meningkat lagi jika pemerintah mau menurunkan harga gas yang menjadi komponen biaya produksi industri baja.

Direktur PT Kepuh Kencana Arum, Henry Setiawan menuturkan, keberadaan gas memiliki andil besar di industri baja. Selama ini komponen energi berpengaruh besar atas biaya produksi baja. “Maka industri baja nasional sedang menunggu janji pemerintah yang akan menurunkan harga gas bumi sejak tahun lalu," ujar Henry.

la mengatakan, pertumbuhan produksi baja nasional terus tumbuh tiap tahun. Kebutuhan di dalam negeri yang besar menjadi salah satu pasar potensial bagi industri baja. Pihaknya juga terus meningkatkan kebutuhan konsumsi nasional tiap tahunnya.

Penurunan harga gas, tentu akan memoles kinerja industri baja sampai tahun 2020 mendatang. Apalagi beberapa waktu lalu Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berjanji akan memberi insentif bagi industri berupa harga gas rendah di kisaran USD 5 sampai USD 6 per MMBTU.

Kemajuan industri baja juga didukung dengan upaya pemerintah dalam membangun infrastruktur di berbagai daerah. Salah satunya pembangunan jalan yang pasti menggunakan besi atau baja. Selanjutnya juga ada pengembangan pelabuhan tentu perlu beberapa peralatan berbahan baja.

Bahkan industri baja juga diuntungkan oleh pembangunan sektor energi yang sedang digalakkan pemerintah. Salah satunya pembangunan pembangkit listrik berkapasitas hingga 35 ribu megawatt (MW). “Belum lagi proyek pembangunan sejuta rumah yang terus direncanakan oleh pemerintah. Sekarang ini atap rumah sebagian besar sudah memakai baja ringan," katanya.

Henry juga menegaskan, banyaknya peralihan pembuatan atap rumah menjadi baja ringan sangat mendongkrak penjualan. Karena itu, industri Baja Lapis Alumunium Seng (BjLAS) tetap menunjukkan peningkatan konsumsi nasional yang terus signifikan di atas 10% lebih. "Kami sangat optimis ke depan perkembangan industri baja. Maka kalau harga gas turun, ini akan menjadi angin segar bagi kami untuk meningkatkan produksi baja," ungkapnya.

Director Commerce PGN Danny Praditya menuturkan, sampai saat ini pihaknya sudah melakukan sebaran gas bumi di seluruh Indonesia ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial, seperti hotel, restoran, rumah sakit, setra usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM).

Bahkan, pipa distribusi PGN di Jawa Timur sudah tersebar di Surabaya sepanjang 552 kilometer (km), di Sidoarjo sepanjang 404 km, dan Pasuruan mencapai 199 km sehingga total mencapai 1.156 km dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sekitar 996,15 km. Pelanggan industri juga memberikan respons positif dalam setahun terakhir ini.

“Infrastruktur pipa gas PGN di Jawa Timur meningkat 16% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Secara nasional pipa gas PGN total mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km, jumlah ini setara dengan 80% jaringan pipa gas bumi hilir di seluruh Indonesia," katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-9, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Parliament already Specify Seven Points Discussion

Revised Oil and Gas Law

Completion of the revision of Law 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas seems still far from expectations. Although now back in the national legislation program (prolegnas) in 2017, the Parliament still can not ensure the completion of the revision of the draft rules.

According to Satya W Yudha, Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, the revised draft oil and gas law is still being held up. It had prepared seven points still under discussion with the included Special Enterprises (BUK).

When finished, could easily lead to the Legislative Body (Baleg). Now this process of DPR will be submitted to the Legislative Body. From the Legislation Council for synchronization. "Then the Working Committee (Panja) or Special Committee (Committee). It was decided a new plenary form of legislation by the government," he said after the bill without making sure when this can be done.

The seven points are ready to enter discussions with is, first, related to the upstream sector governance. For example, with regard to the upstream sector implementing agencies, shape, structure, tasks and forms of authority holder of mining rights.

Secondly, with regard to the form of contracts, such as contract type used, the term of the contract, the profit-sharing scheme, the country's sovereignty, as well as clauses that can provide legal certainty.

As for today, has emerged regulation that states should use split gross scheme. "Well, this shall have no translation either as an option or an obligation," he said.

Third, the privilege PT Pertamina and domestic companies in managing oil and gas blocks. Later there will be a format that paved the way for a national company to manage oil and gas blocks. Fourth, privileges for local government.

Fifth, with regard to health, safety and environmental aspects. Sixth, the petroleum fund that already has a deal in the rate of commission VII. "We hope that the petroleum fund could come back as income in the oil and gas sector," he explained.

Seventh, the issue of downstream sector policy, pricing, privatization and market domestic obligations, the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Teguh Pamudji itself is ready to be consulted to discuss the rule.

"Finally, right of initiative in the House. But that draft were immediately sent to the government for consideration," he said.

Revisi UU Migas

DPR Sudah Tentukan Tujuh Poin Pembahasan

Penyelesaian revisi Undang-Undang 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi nampaknya masih jauh dari harapan. Meski sudah kembali masuk ke program legislasi nasional (prolegnas) 2017, DPR masih belum bisa memastikan penyelesaian rancangan aturan revisi tersebut.

    Menurut Satya W Yudha, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR, draf revisi UU Migas masih terus dibahas. Pihaknya sudah menyiapkan tujuh poin yang masih tahap pembahasan bersama termasuk Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK).

Apabila selesai, bisa berlanjut ke Badan Legislasi (Baleg). Sekarang ini prosesnya dari DPR akan diserahkan ke Badan Legislasi. Dari Badan Legislasi untuk sinkronisasi. "Kemudian dibentuk Panitia Kerja (Panja) atau Panitia Khusus (Pansus). Diputuskan paripurna baru berbentuk undang-undang oleh pemerintah," katanya tanpa memastikan kapan RUU Migas ini bisa selesai.

Adapun tujuh poin yang siap masuk pembahasan bersama adalah, pertama, terkait tata kelola sektor hulu. Misalnya, berkaitan dengan institusi pelaksana sektor hulu, bentuk, struktur, tugas dan bentuk kewenangan pemegang kuasa pertambangan.

Kedua, berkaitan dengan bentuk kontrak, misalnya jenis kontrak yang dipakai, jangka waktu kontrak, skema bagi hasil, kedaulatan negara, serta klausul yang dapat memberikan kepastian hukum.

Adapun saat ini, sudah muncul Peraturan Menteri yang menyatakan harus menggunakan skema gross split. "Nah, ini nanti harus ada penjabaran apakah sebagai opsi atau kewajiban,“ katanya.

Ketiga, privilege PT Pertamina dan perusahaan domestik dalam mengelola blok migas. Nanti akan ada satu format yang melancarkan jalan bagi perusahaan nasional mengelola blok migas. Keempat, privilege untuk pemerintah daerah. 

Kelima, berkaitan dengan kesehatan, keselamatan kerja dan aspek lingkungan. Keenam, petroleum fund yang sudah memiliki kesepakatan di tingkat komisi VII DPR. "Kami berharap, petroleum fund bisa kembali menjadi penghasilan di sektor migas," jelasnya.

Ketujuh, soal kebijakan sektor hilir, harga, privatisasi dan kewajiban pemenuhan pasar dalam negeri, Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Teguh Pamudji sendiri sudah siap untuk diajak musyawarah membahas aturan tersebut.

"Terakhir, hak inisiatifnya ada di DPR. Tapi memang draf segera dikirim ke pemerintah untuk dibahas," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

Revised Law Being Solution

Revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas can be a solution when the sector upstream investment in Indonesia was slow. Currently, exploration activities and discoveries minimal lethargy. Regulation is one factor that hampers.

"Why this law needs to be revised? Indonesia has become a net importer of oil. The current situation of the legislation issue is not relevant to current conditions, with a number of oil reserves continue to decline at a time when consumption continues to rise, "said Zamroni Salim, a senior researcher of The Habibie Center, in a discussion titled" Guarding Revised Oil and Gas Law ", Monday (20/3), in Jakarta.

Zamroni compares the Law No. 8/1971 on the Company Mining and Oil and Gas Country by Law No. 22/2001. According to him, the government has a large role in the management of oil and gas sector, while Pertamina when it functions as a regulator. In Law No. 22/2001, Pertamina's role is not much different from other oil and gas companies, namely as oil and gas contractors in Indonesia. "

"Revision-law of oil and gas should be offered an opportunity for SOE or SOE Special that will be formed later to be responsible in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields. In addition, the results of the revision should accommodate non-conventional oil and gas sector (such as the shale oil and gas) and renewable energy as an energy diversification efforts, "said Zamroni.

Other sources, Andang Bachtiar from the National Energy Board, added, oil and gas as non-renewable fossil energy will be needed in the future. Despite the vigorous development of renewable energy, oil and gas still plays an important role in the energy mix.

"Unfortunately, in the past three years a number of work areas of oil and gas offered by the government is very low demand. Rates of return on reserves is small, less than 50 percent. Why? It's certainly something was not right, "said Andang.

According Andang, a number of things, such as convoluted regulations, incentives required investor not being given, as well as systems for results that are not attractive to investors, the cause of discovery of new reserves in Indonesia is very minimal.

In fact, there are oil resources as much as 99.96 billion barrels in 40 basins scattered across Indonesia that could potentially be proven reserves.

"Unfortunately, when they want to develop, for the results given by the government is not economically viable for investors. That has made investors unwilling to develop these resources into proven reserves, "said Andang.

Consequently, these resources are only stored forever in the bowels of the earth and can not be used, In fact, the proven reserves of crude oil in Indonesia about 3 billion barrels remaining to be discharged in the next few years if no new reserves are found

Vice Chairman of Commission VII Satya Widya Yudha, adding, it agreed on the need to improve the Law No. 22/2001 on the current situation in the Indonesian upstream oil and gas are not excited. Moreover, Indonesia is increasingly dependent on imports of oil and gas. Number of articles of the law is no longer appropriate to the current situation

"It is still a law revision by parliament. However, with the present situation, the government should actively prepare draft revisions to advise the House, "says Satya.

Moreover, the improvement of Law No. 22/2001 should be able to describe the climate of investment in upstream oil and gas in Indonesia become more attractive. Ease of doing business in a number of surveys upstream oil and gas sector, Indonesia's position can not be said to be good, even being in the row-down.

"As the complexity of regulations and bureaucratic system causes delays in a number of permits and project decision-making. It is not very good for the interests of national energy security, "says Satya. The stages of the revision of Law No. 22/2001 is still in the discussion of the level of Commission VII and targeted to be completed this year.


Revisi Undang-undang Menjadi Solusi

Revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dapat menjadi solusi di saat investasi hulu sektor tersebut di Indonesia yang sedang lesu. Saat ini, kegiatan eksplorasi lesu dan penemuan cadangan minim. Regulasi menjadi salah satu faktor yang menghambat.

”Mengapa undang-undang ini perlu direvisi? Indonesia telah menjadi negara pengimpor minyak. Situasi saat undang-undang tersebut terbit sudah tidak relevan dengan kondisi sekarang, dengan angka cadangan minyak yang terus merosot di saat konsumsi yang terus naik,” ujar Zamroni Salim, peneliti senior dari The Habibie Center, dalam diskusi bertajuk ”Mengawal Revisi UU Migas”, Senin (20/3), di Jakarta.

Zamroni membandingkan UU No 8/1971 tentang Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara dengan UU No 22/2001. Menurut dia, pemerintah punya peran besar dalam pengelolaan sektor migas, sedangkan Pertamina saat itu lebih berfungsi sebagai regulator. Pada UU No 22/2001, peran Pertamina tidak jauh beda dengan perusahaan migas lain, yaitu sebagai kontraktor migas di Indonesia. ”

”Revisi-UU migas harus bisa memberi kesempatan kepada BUMN atau BUMN Khusus yang akan dibentuk nanti untuk bertanggung jawab dalam eksplorasi dan eksploitasi lapangan migas. Selain itu, hasil revisi tersebut sebaiknya mengakomodasi sektor migas nonkonvensional (seperti minyak dan gas serpih) dan energi terbarukan sebagai sebuah upaya diversifikasi energi,” kata Zamroni.

Narasumber lain, Andang Bachtiar dari Dewan Energi Nasional, menambahkan, migas sebagai energi fosil yang tidak terbarukan tetap akan diperlukan di masa mendatang. Meskipun energi terbarukan gencar dikembangkan, migas tetap berperan penting dalam bauran energi.

”Sayangnya, dalam tiga tahun terakhir sejumlah Wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah sangat rendah peminatnya. Angka pengembalian cadangan pun kecil, kurang dari 50 persen. Kenapa? Ini pasti ada yang tidak benar,” ujar Andang. 

Menurut Andang, sejumlah hal, seperti regulasi yang berbelit, insentif yang dibutuhkan investor tidak kunjung diberikan, serta sistem bagi hasil yang tidak menarik bagi investor, menjadi penyebab penemuan cadangan baru di Indonesia sangat minim.

    Padahal, ada sumber daya minyak sebanyak 99,96 miliar barrel yang tersebar dalam 40 cekungan di seluruh Indonesia yang berpotensi menjadi cadangan terbukti. 

”Sayangnya, saat hendak dikembangkan, bagi hasil yang diberikan pemerintah tidak bernilai ekonomis bagi investor. Itu yang membuat investor tidak mau mengembangkan sumber daya tersebut menjadi cadangan terbukti,” kata Andang.

    Akibatnya, sumber daya tersebut selamanya hanya tersimpan di perut bumi dan tidak bisa dimanfaatkan, Padahal, cadangan terbukti minyak mentah di Indonesia tersisa sekitar 3 miliar barrel yang akan habis dalam beberapa tahun mendatang jika tidak ditemukan cadangan baru

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha, menambahkan, pihaknya sepakat mengenai perlunya perbaikan UU No 22/2001 di saat situasi hulu migas di Indonesia yang tidak bergairah. Apalagi, Indonesia kini semakin bergantung pada impor minyak maupun gas. Sejumlah pasal dalam UU tersebut pun tidak lagi sesuai dengan situasi saat ini

”Memang revisi UU ini masih menjadi inisiatif DPR. Namun, dengan situasi sekarang, pemerintah sebaiknya terlibat aktif menyusun rancangan-revisi untuk memberi masukan kepada DPR,” ujar Satya.

     Selain itu, perbaikan UU No 22/2001 harus mampu menggambarkan iklim investasi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia menjadi lebih menarik. Dalam sejumlah survei kemudahan berbisnis sektor hulu migas, posisi Indonesia tidak bisa dikatakan baik, bahkan berada di barisan-bawah.

”Begitu kompleksnya peraturan perundangan dan sistem birokrasi menyebabkan tertundanya sejumlah izin maupun pengambilan keputusan proyek. Ini sangat tidak bagus bagi kepentingan ketahanan energi nasional,” ujar Satya. Adapun tahapan revisi UU No 22/2001 saat ini masih dalam pembahasan tingkat Komisi VII dan ditargetkan tahun ini bisa selesai. 

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017