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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Production Up, Oil Sales Not to Reach Target

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas noted that the first quarter of 2017, average oil production of 815 600 barrels per day (bpd). This figure already exceeds the target bit from the State Budget (APBN) in 2017 amounted to 815 000 bpd.

There are five operators who are able to contribute oil production significantly in the first quarter of 2017, namely Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, Pertamina EP, Total E & P Indonesie and Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ "The term is challenged 815 000 for Banyu Urip," said Secretary of SKK Migas, Budi Agustiono, Friday (7/4).

Unfortunately, the production target not balanced oil sales were only 787 800 bpd, or 96.7% of the target Lifting this year, namely 815 000 bpd. In contrast to the lifting gas in the first quarter of 2017, which actually exceeds the target. Until March 31, 2017, amounted to 6 503 MMSCFD gas Lifting or 101% of revenue this year, which amounted to 6,440 MMSCFD. Overall, the oil and gas lifting the first quarter of 2017 only 1,949 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from this year's target of 1,965 boepd.

Budi said, lifting the oil is different from oil production. Lifting of oil depends on the readiness of transport tankers PT Pertamina. We've asked Pertamina improve fleet, "he said.

Budi also mentioned the existence of constraints due to weather factors in the process of lifting the oil so that the ship can not dock or sail to transport oil. "The ship can not move closer to Lifting for rocking, so that the production of 1-day-2-day closed," said Budi. While the oil and gas investment until March 31, 2017 amounted to US $ 1.9 billion.

The details are as much as US $ 1.8 billion for the exploitation of oil and gas blocks and an estimated US $ 100 million oil and gas exploration blocks. Achievement of the investment only reached 14% of the target in 2017 of US $ 13.8 billion, consisting of exploitation investment of US $ 12.8 billion and exploration is expected to be US $ 800 million.

During the first quarter 2017, revenue from oil and gas upstream reach US $ 6.9 billion. Revenues in the first quarter-2017 has reached 32% of the target upstream oil and gas revenues in 2017 amounted to US $ 25.2 billion. The revenue is distributed to cost recovery of US $ 2.4 billion. While remaining as state revenues of US $ 3.4 billion, and the reception contractor US $ 1.1 billion.


Produksi Naik, Penjualan Minyak Belum Capai Target

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi mencatat, kuartal I-2017, rata-rata produksi minyak 815.600 barel per hari (bph). Angka ini sudah melebihi sedikit dari target Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017 sebesar 815.000 bph.

Ada lima operator yang mampu menyumbang produksi minyak yang cukup signifikan di kuartal I 2017, yaitu Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, Pertamina EP, Total E&P Indonesie dan Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ "Istilahnya ditantang 815.000 karena Banyu Urip,“ ujar Sekretaris SKK Migas, Budi Agustiono, Jumat (7/4).

Sayang, target produksi tidak di imbangi penjualan minyak yang hanya 787.800 bph atau 96,7% dari target Lifting tahun ini, yakni 815.000 bph. Berbeda dengan lifting gas di kuartal I-2017, yang justru melebih target. Hingga 31 Maret 2017, Lifting gas sebesar 6.503 mmscfd atau 101% dari target tahun ini, yang sebesar 6.440 mmscfd. Secara keseluruhan, lifting migas kuartal I-2017 hanya 1.949 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) dari target tahun ini sebesar 1.965 boepd.

Budi menyatakan, lifting minyak memang berbeda dari produksi minyak. Lifting minyak tergantung pada kesiapan transportasi kapal-kapal tanker PT Pertamina. Kami sudah meminta agar Pertamina memperbaiki armada," ungkap dia.

Budi juga menyebut adanya kendala karena faktor cuaca dalam proses Lifting minyak sehingga kapal tidak bisa merapat atau berlayar untuk mengangkut minyak. "Kapal untuk Lifting tidak bisa merapat karena goyang, sehingga produksi 1 hari-2 hari ditutup," jelas Budi. Sementara investasi migas hingga 31 Maret 2017 sebesar US$ 1,9 miliar.

Perinciannya sebanyak US$ 1,8 miliar untuk eksploitasi blok migas serta sebanyak US$ 100 juta eksplorasi blok migas. Pencapaian investasi itu baru mencapai 14% dari target 2017 sebesar US$ 13,8 miliar, yang terdiri dari investasi eksploitasi sebesar US$ 12,8 miliar dan eksplorasi diharapkan bisa US$ 800 juta.

Sepanjang kuartal I 2017, realisasi pendapatan dari hulu migas mencapai US$ 6,9 miliar. Pendapatan sepanjang kuartal I-2017 sudah mencapai 32% dari target pendapatan hulu migas tahun 2017 sebesar US$ 25,2 miliar. Pendapatan tersebut di distribusikan untuk cost recovery sebesar US$ 2,4 miliar. Sementara sisanya sebagai penerimaan negara sebesar US$ 3,4 miliar serta penerimaan kontraktor US$ 1,1 miliar.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

Gas Prices Down

Price 9.95 US Dollars per MMBTU As of February 1st, 2017

Industry in North Sumatra welcomed the government's move to lower gas prices began to be realized PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk in North Sumatra, Friday (7/4). The price of gas down from 12.22 dollars per million metric British thermal units to 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU per February 1st, 2017.

Industry players have received the decision letter and the gas bill was already adjusted. Similarly, Factory Manager PT Kedaung Industrial Terrain Sugianto after participating in the socialization of natural gas price PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk Area Medan in Medan, on Friday afternoon. The decrease is realized, as of February 1st, 2017 "Already seen in the evidence collection, already down costs," said Lewis.

The participants welcomed the dissemination of this price reduction as a first step, although the industry still expect industrial gas prices can be the same throughout Indonesia, as the price premium that is now the same. If the same price, the competitiveness of North Sumatra will improve. Industry also welcomed the unanimous billing now 9.95 dollars per MMBTU. Previously, the bill is split between the toll fee and the value of the rupiah and gas prices in dollar value. "Now it is more palatable to his calculations," said Lewis.

Socialization was attended almost all industrial customers PGN which reached 45 companies. Head of Sales PGN Area Medan Saiful Hadi said the price adjustment will be made on the bill in March. Over payments in February will be included in the bill in March.

In a press release, PT PGN corporate secretary Heri Yusup said the decline was based on Presidential Regulation No. 40 of 2016 and Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 434 Year 2017. It reads, all business entities in the chain of distribution of natural gas from upstream to customers asked to reduce costs.

Three Sources

The gas supply Medan has been derived from upstream gas production supplied from three sources, namely Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu, PHE NSO, and Pase Tiangle. Gas up in Medan via transmission pipelines operated Arun Belawan PT Pertagas and transmission pipelines operated Pangkalan Susu-Wampu PGN up to the customer.

"The price of natural gas customers enjoy PGN, both in the field and throughout Indonesia, regulated by government regulation. Price adjustment is expected to be a stimulus for the economy and increase the competitiveness of the industry, "said Heri.

Saiful said the industry players responding positively to the price reduction. It is expected to increase the competitiveness of the industry in North Sumatra. Once there is a price reduction announcement a few months ago, the volume of gas consumed by the industry rose 30 percent.

According to Lewis, it was waiting for the evaluation of the company about the use of LNG Trucking costs 10.5 US dollars per MMBTU. "We will use Trucking 50-50 between LNG and pipeline gas, pending the possibility also exists Trucking LNG price drop," he said.

Gas Users Association chairman Johan Brien reminded Sumatra, although prices fell, the conversion of calories should not be dropped. Last calories into industry 22.649 cubic meters per MMBTU. While in the bill 25.654 cubic meters per MMBTU. If a low calorie, prices should go back to the initial price, ie 8.7 US dollars per MMBTU.


Harga Gas Turun

Harga 9,95 Dollar AS Per MMBTU Per 1 Februari 2017

Kalangan industri di Sumatera Utara menyambut baik langkah pemerintah menurunkan harga gas yang mulai direalisasikan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk di Sumatera Utara, Jumat (7/4). Harga gas turun dari 12,22 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit menjadi 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU per 1 Februari 2017.

Pelaku industri telah menerima surat keputusan itu dan tagihan gas pun sudah disesuaikan. Demikian Manager Pabrik PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto setelah mengikuti sosialisasi harga gas bumi PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk Area Medan di Medan, Jumat siang. Penurunan direalisasikan, per 1 Februari 2017 ”Sudah terlihat pada bukti penagihan, sudah turun harganya,” kata Sugianto.

Para peserta sosialisasi menyambut baik penurunan harga ini sebagai langkah awal, meskipun para pelaku industri masih mengharapkan harga gas industri bisa sama di seluruh Indonesia, seperti harga premium yang kini sama. Jika harga sama, daya saing Sumatera Utara akan membaik. Industri juga menyambut baik penagihan yang kini bulat 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU. Sebelumnya, tagihan di pisahkan antara toll fee dan nilai rupiah dan harga gas dalam nilai dollar. ”Sekarang lebih enak perhitungannya,” kata Sugianto.

Sosialisasi di hadiri hampir semua pelanggan industri PGN yang mencapai 45 perusahaan. Kepala Penjualan PGN Area Medan Saiful Hadi mengatakan, penyesuaian harga akan dilakukan pada tagihan bulan Maret. Kelebihan pembayaran pada bulan Februari akan dimasukkan ke dalam tagihan bulan Maret.

Dalam siaran persnya, Sekretaris Perusahaan PT PGN Heri Yusup menyatakan, penurunan itu berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 dan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 434 Tahun 2017. Bunyinya, seluruh badan usaha di mata rantai penyaluran gas bumi dari hulu sampai ke pelanggan diminta menurunkan biaya. 

Tiga Sumber

Pasokan gas di Medan selama ini berasal dari produksi gas di hulu yang dipasok dari tiga sumber, yakni Pertamina EP Pangkalan Susu, PHE NSO, dan Pase Tiangle. Gas sampai di Medan melalui pipa transmisi Arun-Belawan yang dioperasikan PT Pertagas, dan pipa transmisi Pangkalan Susu-Wampu dioperasikan PGN hingga ke pelanggan.

”Harga gas bumi yang dinikmati pelanggan PGN, baik di Medan maupun di seluruh Indonesia, diatur berdasarkan regulasi pemerintah. Penyesuaian harga diharapkan dapat menjadi stimulus perekonomian dan meningkatkan daya saing industri,” kata Heri.

Saiful mengatakan, para pelaku industri merespons positif penurunan harga. Hal itu diharapkan bisa menaikkan daya saing industri di Sumut. Setelah ada pengumuman penurunan harga beberapa bulan lalu, volume gas yang dikonsumsi industri naik 30 persen. 

Menurut Sugianto, pihaknya menunggu evaluasi perusahaan soal penggunaan LNG Trucking yang harganya 10,5 dollar AS per MMBTU. ”Kami masih akan menggunakan 50-50 antara LNG Trucking dan gas pipa, sambil menunggu kemungkinan juga ada penurunan harga pada LNG Trucking,” katanya.

Ketua Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengguna Gas Sumut Johan Brien mengingatkan, meskipun harga turun, konversi kalori tidak boleh turun. Terakhir kalori yang masuk ke industri 22,649 meter kubik per MMBTU. Sementara di tagihan 25,654 meter kubik per MMBTU. Jika kalori rendah, harga seharusnya kembali ke harga awal, yakni 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Kompas, Page-21, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

Bad weather, Lifting Target Missed

Oil production target is ready to sell (lifting) in the first quarter of 2017 was not achieved. Until the end of March, lifting amounted to 787 800 bpd or below the target of 815 thousand barrels per day in the 2017 state budget.

Secretary of the Special Unit of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Budi Agustiono said the failure of lifting the achievement of targets due to bad weather that tankers of crude oil (crude) failed docked at FSO Rimang Crow. Because the container station overcapacity, ExxonMobil reduce oil production at the Cepu Block of 200 thousand bpd to 50 thousand barrels per day during the week.

"In addition to weather factors, cooperation contracts (PSC) constrained by a number of local regulations. For example, restrictions on crude deliveries by truck in the first 10 trucks to 5 trucks are disturbing the public," he said.

Although the achievement of lifting below the target, the realization of the national oil production by the end of March reached 815.6 thousand bpd. Therefore, Bob optimistic lifting the target set by the government in Budget 2017 can be achieved.

The positive sentiment derived from Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block in late March capable of producing 205.1 19 201 bpd or exceed targets. 1 55 bpd. Six oil and gas projects have also started production in the first quarter of this year.

However, production is still small because in the early stages onstream. The projects are Ario Damar-Sriwijaya (Tropik Energy Pandan), orioles Phase II (Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd.), Ridho (Odira EnergyKarang Court), Cikarang Tegal Pacing (Pertamina BP), PHE 12 (WMO), and CPP 2 (WMO).

In Phase II Kepodang no additional production. Therefore, the project was modified to maintain production facilities in order to remain at current levels. Outside of the six projects, there are two projects that are expected on-stream in April Namely, SKG Musi East and Nails Elephant operated by Pertamina EP production capacity SKG Musi East amounted to 150 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), while Paku Gajah 45 million cubic feet per day.

On the other hand, the realization of lifting gas until the end of March exceeded the target. The target is 6,440 MMSCFD, while the realization 6503 MMSCFD. Until the end of February, PSC production is already realizing drilling 19 development wells, 1 19 re-work activities, and 4,350 wells maintenance.


Cuaca Buruk, Target Lifting Meleset

Target produksi minyak siap jual (lifting) pada kuartal pertama 2017 tidak tercapai. Hingga akhir Maret, lifting sebesar 787.800 bph atau di bawah target 815 ribu bph di APBN 2017.

Sekretaris Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Budi Agustiono menyatakan, gagalnya pencapaian target lifting disebabkan faktor cuaca buruk sehingga kapal tanker pengangkut minyak mentah (crude) gagal merapat di FSO Gagak Rimang. Karena stasiun penampung kelebihan kapasitas, ExxonMobil mengurangi produksi minyak di Blok Cepu dari 200 ribu bph menjadi 50 ribu bph selama sepekan.

"Selain faktor cuaca, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) terkendala sejumlah peraturan daerah. Misalnya, pembatasan pengiriman crude dengan truk dari awalnya 10 truk menjadi 5 truk dengan alasan mengganggu masyarakat,” katanya.

Meski pencapaian lifting di bawah target, realisasi produksi minyak nasional pada akhir Maret mencapai 815.600 bph. Karena itu, Budi optimistis target lifting yang ditetapkan pemerintah dalam APBN 2017 bisa tercapai.

Sentimen positif didapatkan dari Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu yang pada akhir Maret mampu memproduksi 205.1 19 bph atau melebihi target 201 . 1 55 bph. Enam proyek migas juga mulai berproduksi pada kuartal pertama tahun ini. 

Meski demikian, produksinya masih kecil karena pada tahap awal onstream. Proyek-proyek itu adalah Ario Damar-Sriwijaya (Tropik Energi Pandan), Kepodang Phase II (Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd), Ridho (Odira Energy Karang Agung), Cikarang Tegal Pacing (Pertamina BP), PHE 12 (PHE WMO), dan CPP 2 (PHE WMO). 

Pada Kepodang Phase II tidak ada penambahan produksi. Sebab, proyek tersebut merupakan modifikasi fasilitas untuk mempertahankan produksi supaya tetap berada pada level saat ini. Di luar enam proyek itu, ada dua proyek yang diharapkan onstream pada April Yakni, SKG Musi Timur dan Paku Gajah yang dioperasikan Pertamina EP Kapasitas produksi SKG Musi Timur sebesar 150 juta kaki kubik per hari(mmscfd), sedangkan Paku Gajah 45 juta kaki kubik per hari.

Di sisi lain, realisasi lifting  gas sampai akhir Maret melebihi target. Targetnya 6.440 mmscfd, sedangkan realisasinya 6.503 mmscfd. Sampai akhir Februari, KKKS produksi sudah merealisasikan pengeboran 19 sumur pengembangan, 1 19 kegiatan kerja ulang, dan 4.350 perawatan sumur.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday, April, 8, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

Total stocks in the Mahakam block is not Changed

Total Group CEO Patrick Pouyanne visit to several government offices in Jakarta, yesterday. Operator company officials Mahakam block in East Kalimantan, met with the Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, and President Director of PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik. One of the agenda brought in his visit is to discuss the Mahakam block.

At these meetings, Patrick deliver total position related to an offer from the Indonesian government through Pertamina. In the largest gas blocks, the French oil and gas company has a participating interest (PI) alongside Inpex Corporation of 30% post-2017.

"Through the Mahakam block, Total has contributed to the development in Indonesia for 49 years, invested more than US $ 30 billion, provide training to thousands of citizens of Indonesia, apply high standards of corporate social responsibility to the community, in an effort to become a producer of oil and gas to Indonesia , "he said.

However, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Pertamina president director Elia Massa Manik said that the company still refuses Total and Inpex shareholding to 39%. It was responding to a statement Minister Ignasius Jonan ever opened an opportunity for the two carriers Mahakam block to have a stake greater than a predetermined.

"Still 30%. Earlier we were talking about that just that much. If Total and Inpex 39%, we get to how many? "Said Elijah.

PTPN III's former CEO said the company was appointed as the operator of Block Mahakam as of January 1, 2018. There is no discussion about changing the status of discussions with operators in total and the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.


Saham Total di Blok Mahakam tidak Berubah

CEO Total Group Patrick Pouyanne melawat ke beberapa kantor pemerintah di Jakarta, kemarin. Petinggi perusahaan operator Blok Mahakam di Kalimantan Timur tersebut menemui Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar, dan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik. Salah satu agenda yang dibawa dalam kunjungannya ialah mendiskusikan Blok Mahakam.

Pada pertemuan-pertemuan tersebut, Patrick menyampaikan posisi Total terkait dengan tawaran dari pemerintah Indonesia melalui Pertamina. Di blok gas terbesar itu, perusahaan migas asal Prancis tersebut memiliki participating interest (PI) bersama Inpex Corporation sebesar 30% pasca 2017.

“Melalui Blok Mahakam, Total telah berkontribusi dalam pembangunan di Indonesia selama 49 tahun, berinvestasi lebih dari US$30 miliar, memberikan training kepada ribuan warga Indonesia, menerapkan standar tinggi tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan kepada masyarakat, dalam upaya menjadi produsen minyak dan gas utama bagi Indonesia,” katanya.

Namun, di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Manik menjelaskan pihaknya tetap menolak kepemilikan saham Total dan Inpex menjadi 39%. Hal itu menanggapi pernyataan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan yang pernah membuka kesempatan kepada dua operator Blok Mahakam itu untuk memiliki saham lebih besar dari yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. 

“Masih 30%. Tadi kita bicarakan yang hanya segitu. Kalau Total and Inpex 39%, kita mendapat dapat berapa banyak?” kata Elia.

Mantan Dirut PTPN III itu mengatakan Pertamina ditunjuk menjadi operator Blok Mahakam per 1 Januari 2018. Tidak ada pembahasan tentang perubahan status operator dalam diskusi bersama Total dan Wakil Menteri ESDM tersebut.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Friday, April, 7, 2017

BPK detect Wastage in Energy Projects Happen project peculation in electricity and gas supply.

Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found problems in the construction of 10 thousand megawatt power plant and supply chain management of oil and gas. According to the CPC Chairman Harry Azhar Azis, the problem arises due to no proper planning and adequate internal control, either by PT PLN and the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas)

Especially for PLN, Harry, this issue raises the Rp 609.54 billion and US $ 78.69 million for the construction of Steam Power (power plant) "That does not provide benefits, said Harry. Harry added, also do not impose fines power plant construction work delays in the completion of Rp 704.87 billion and US $ 102.26 million

BPK, checking power development project of 10 thousand megawatts period 2006-2015, concludes PLN has not been able to plan appropriately and not able to ensure compliance with the provisions of the course of the project as well as the technical requirements specified. Harry said the case is gaining attention is the BPK power plant Tanjung Balai Karimun, Ambon power plant, power plant 2 West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok, Kalimantan Barat And Power Plant 2 stalled. There is also a power plant project in West Kalimantan 1 potentially abandoned.

As for SKK Migas, the CPC summed up the supply chain management and the procurement of goods / services by contractors Sama (PSC) is not supported by an adequate system of internal control and has not been implemented in accordance with the provisions.

BPK also found peculation Rp 3.63 billion due to the cost of the 4th EPC project review by an independent consultant as well as the potential price expensiveness for hire operations support worth US $ 41.89 million. To resolve the problem in SKK Migas, the CPC requested the Chairman of the Supervisory Commission SKK Migas provide a warning letter to the leadership to more carefully consider the provisions on procurement of goods and services.

BPK also asked the head of SKK Migas PSC warned leaders to submit periodic reports and does not charge a consultant to the operational costs. To the Board PLN, the CPC recommends to assess the planning, implementation, and operation of 10 thousand megawatt power plant project. Directors are also required to account for the additional costs for the entire power plant 10 thousand megawatts to its shareholders and penalize organizers and officials responsible activities are less careful.

Responding to the findings, a spokesman for the PLN, Made Suprateka, said it will conduct an assessment to evaluate the continuation of the stalled project. While SKK Migas said it would undertake remedial measures, such as reviewing the recording of data / information and wrote to the PSC's national capacity in order to fulfill the obligation to submit statements.

SKK Migas also suggested the appointment of a consultant in order to evaluate and the results are used as data for decision-making.


BPK Mendekteksi Pemborosan di Proyek Energi 

Terjadi pemborosan uang negara di proyek listrik dan suplai migas.

Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menemukan masalah dalam pembangunan pembangkit listrik 10 ribu megawatt serta pengelolaan rantai suplai minyak dan gas. Menurut Ketua BPK Harry Azhar Azis, masalah ini muncul akibat tidak ada perencanaan yang tepat dan pengendalian internal yang memadai, baik oleh PT PLN maupun Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas)

Khusus untuk PLN, Harry, masalah ini menimbulkan pengeluaran sebesar Rp 609,54 miliar dan US$ 78,69 juta untuk pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) “Yang tidak memberikan manfaat, kata Harry. Harry menambahkan, juga belum mengenakan denda keterlambatan penyelesaian pekerjaan pembangunan PLTU Sebesar Rp 704,87 miliar dan US$ 102,26 juta

BPK, yang memeriksa proyek percepatan pembangunan pembangkit listrik 10 ribu megawatt periode 2006-2015, menyimpulkan PLN belum mampu merencanakan secara tepat dan belum bisa menjamin kesesuaian jalannya proyek dengan ketentuan serta kebutuhan teknis yang ditetapkan. Harry mengatakan kasus yang mendapat perhatian BPK ialah pembangunan PLTU Tanjung Balai Karimun, PLTU Ambon, PLTU 2 Nusa Tenggara Barat di Lombok, Serta PLTU Kalimantan Barat 2 yang mangkrak. Ada juga proyek PLTU Kalimantan Barat 1 yang berpotensi terbengkalai. 

Adapun untuk SKK Migas, BPK menyimpulkan pengelolaan rantai suplai dan pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa oleh kontraktor kontrak kerja Sama (KKKS) belum didukung sistem pengendalian internal yang memadai serta belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan.

BPK pun menemukan pemborosan uang negara senilai Rp 3,63 miliar akibat biaya review proyek EPC-4 oleh konsultan independen serta potensi kemahalan harga atas sewa kapal penunjang operasi senilai US$ 41,89 juta. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah di SKK Migas, BPK meminta Ketua Komisi Pengawas SKK Migas memberikan surat peringatan kepada pimpinan untuk lebih cermat memperhatikan ketentuan mengenai pengadaan barang dan jasa. 

BPK juga rneminta Kepala SKK Migas memperingatkan pimpinan KKKS untuk menyampaikan laporan berkala serta tidak membebankan biaya konsultan ke dalam biaya operasional. Kepada Direksi PLN, BPK merekomendasikan untuk mengkaji perencanaan, pelaksanaan, serta operasi proyek PLTU 10 ribu megawatt. Direksi juga diminta mempertanggungjawabkan biaya tambahan untuk seluruh PLTU 10 ribu megawatt kepada pemegang saham serta memberi sanksi kepada para pelaksana kegiatan dan pejabat bertanggung jawab yang kurang cermat.

Menanggapi temuan BPK, juru bicara PLN, Made Suprateka, menyatakan akan melakukan assessment untuk mengevaluasi kelanjutan proyek yang mangkrak. Sedangkan SKK Migas menyatakan akan melakukan langkah-langkah perbaikan, seperti mengkaji pencatatan data/ informasi kapasitas nasional dan menyurati KKKS agar memenuhi kewajiban penyampaian Iaporan.

SKK Migas juga menyatakan penunjukan konsultan dalam rangka evaluasi dan hasilnya digunakan sebagai data untuk pengambilan keputusan.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Friday, April, 7, 2017

Petronas may use Shell site for LNG

Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Bhd. may be looking at building a US$27 billion liquefied natural gas export (LNG) terminal in northwestern Canada on the site of an abandoned Royal Dutch Shell Plc. energy project, according to the company’s chief executive officer.

While Petronas, as the state owned company is known, has yet to make a financial decision to move forward with its Pacific Northwest LNG project in British Columbia, Shell’s Ridley Island site “could be one of the options” for a location for the complex, chief executive officer Wan Zulkiliee Wan Ariffin said in an interview in Kuala Lumpur last Friday.

The Pacific Northwest LNG project won Canadian government approval in September following more than three years of regulatory reviews and strident opposition from environmentalists, scientists and indigenous communities. At the same time, the project’s facing economic headwinds with 18 gas export proposals in the province stalled by a global glut and plunging prices.

Shell said March 10 that it had dropped an LNG project on Ridley Island, acquired as part of its merger with BG Group. The island is next to the islet where Petronas proposed its own terminal. Petronas had already been looking at moving the project’s docking facilities to Ridley in a modification that would help to both quell local opposition and potentially save as much as $1 billion by eliminating the need for a bridge over a sensitive marine area.

Petronas is carrying out a “total review” before deciding whether to move forward with the LNG plant so that. “When We build the project, it will be a competitive LNG producer compared to the other North American producers,” Wan Zulkiflee said in an interview in Kuala Lumpur.

If built, Petronas’s terminal would be the largest private investment in British Columbia’s history. The sheer size ofthe project has turned it into a campaign issue ahead of a provincial poll in May. BC Premier Christy Clark has faced criticism for promises of LNG prosperity that have failed to materialize. Of the more than 20 projects the government once said were planned in the province, one smaller one is getting built. Her main opponent has pledged to find “a better place” for Petronas’ project if elected.

Petronas, which bought Progress Energy Resources Corp. for 5.2 billion Canadian dollar in 2012 to take control of gas fields that would supply the LNG export terminal, appears to be in no rush to make a final decision. “You know why? Because today; we are producing around half a billion standard cubic feet a day that we are selling into the domestic market,” said Wan Zulkiflee. “We are earning cash.”

No Objections

None of Petronas’ partners China Petrochemical Corp., Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Indian Oil Corp. and Brunei National Petroleum Co. have contested this slow approach, Wan Zulkiflee said.

“This is really what I would call a generational decision,” he said. “It will really shape how Petronaswill be as an LNG exporter in years to come.”

    Petronas is also undertaking a review of all its assets, Wan Zulkiflee said, adding that “if they don’t fit, then we will have to look at options on how to improve them or divest them.”

The company is the midst of completing an asset sale in Algeria, he said, without giving details. Non-oil and gas assets account less than 5 percent of the group’s total of 603.3 billion ringgit ($136 billion). he said.
Petronas may consider buying some shares in Saudi Aramco’s initial public offering if it’s invited, he said. “As of to date, we have not been invited. Anybody who invites us, we will look at it.”

Saudi Aramco’s first-time share sale, which could be the world’s biggest-ever IPO, will probably take place in the second half of 2018, according to chief executive officer Amin Nasser. The Middle Eastern government plans to list shares in Saudi Arabia and at least one foreign stock exchange that could include London, New York, Tokyo, Singapore or Hong Kong.

Jakarta Post, Page-16, Wednesday, Apr, 5, 2017

CNOOC Gas Supply to Power Plant Cilegon

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) to supply gas to Gas Steam Power Plant (power plant) Cilegon with a capacity of 740 megawatts (MW) of 80 billion British thermal units per day (BBTUD). Besides CNOOC, Cilegon power plant gas supplied from PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk sebesar30 BBTUD.

"The gas supply to power three turbine power plant with a capacity of 500 MW Cilegon. First, we get a supply of Clari CNOOC One of PGN. The price of gas to the power plant around USD6,7 per BBTUD Cilegon, "said General Manager of PT Indonesia Power UJ P Zuhdi Rahmanto Cilegon power plant.

According to him, the current capacity of electricity generated from the power plant of 660-665 MW Cilegon channeled to meet the needs of the industrial area in Banten. The electric power is channeled through
150 kilovolt transmission lines that interconnect connected to the Java-Bali electricity system.

"Our electricity production focus to meet the needs of industry in Banten. It is Indonesia Power gas plant only to meet electricity demand, especially in Banten, "he said.

In addition to the Cilegon power plant, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) also operates a number of plants mostly use coal fuel, among other things, plant listrick steam power (power plant) Labuhan, Suralaya and Lontar power plant. "In the performance efficiency of Cilegon power plant enough either due to gas, "he said.

Head of Gas Plant at CNOOC SES Ltd. Muhammad Salman said that the gas sale and purchase agreement (GSA) between PLN and CNOOC SES implemented since December 12, 2014 and will expire on September 5, 2018. For the first phase of gas supply of 50 BBTUD, followed by a second phase as many as 30 BBTUD, so that the overall total of 80 BBTUD.

"Gas piped from the field SES (South East Sumatra) through a subsea pipeline. Gas production Block SES currently at 120 MMSCPD, "he said. Related term contract GSA to be discharged, CNOOC SES claims remain to continue supply. However, it was still awaiting an order from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources ( EMR). "We're up to now not get referrals. However, based on the information still to be continued," he said.


CNOOC Pasok Gas ke PLTGU Cilegon

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) memasok gas ke Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap (PLTU) Cilegon yang berkapasitas 740 megawatt (MW) sebesar 80 miliar british thermal unit per hari (BBTUD). Selain CNOOC, gas PLTGU Cilegon juga dipasok dari PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk sebesar30 BBTUD.

”Pasokan gas untuk menggerakkan tiga turbin PLTGU Cilegon dengan kapasitas 500 MW. Pertama, kami mendapatkan pasokan clari CNOOC Satu lagi dari PGN. Harga gas sampai ke PLTGU Cilegon sekitar USD6,7 per BBTUD,” kata General Manager PT Indonesia Power UJ P PLTGU Cilegon Zuhdi Rahmanto.

Menurut dia, saat ini kapasitas listrik yang dihasilkan dari PLTGU Cilegon sebesar 660-665 MW dialirkan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan kawasan industri di Banten. Adapun daya listrik disalurkan melalui jalur transmisi 150 kilovolt yang secara interkoneksi terhubung dengan sistem kelistrikan Jawa-Bali.

”Produksi listrik kami fokuskan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Banten. lni merupakan pembangkit gas Indonesia Power satu-satunya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik, khususnya di Banten,” kata dia.

Di samping PLTGU Cilegon, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) ini juga mengoperasikan sejumlah pembangkit sebagian besar menggunakan bahan bakar batu bara, di antaranya, pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) Labuhan, PLTU Suralaya, dan PLTU Lontar. "Secara efisiensi kinerja PLTGU Cilegon cukup baik karena menggunakan gas,” ujarnya.

Head of Gas Plant at CNOOC SES Ltd Muhammad Salman mengatakan bahwa perjanjian jual-beli gas (PJBG) antara PLN dan CNOOC SES dilaksanakan sejak 12 Desember 2014 dan akan berakhir pada 5 September 2018. Untuk fase pertama pasokan gas sebesar 50 BBTUD, dilanjutkan fase kedua sebanyak 30 BBTUD, sehingga total keseluruhan 80 BBTUD.

”Gas disalurkan dari lapangan SES (South East Sumatera) melalui pipa bawah laut. Produksi gas Blok SES saat ini sebesar 120 MMSCPD,"katanya. Terkait masa kontrak PJBG yang akan habis, CNOOC SES mengaku tetap akan melanjutkan pasokan. Namun, pihaknya masih menunggu surat perintah dari Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). ”Kami sampai sekarang belum mendapatkan arahan. Tapi, berdasarkan informasi tetap akan dilanjutkan,” katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017

New Strategies Flow Pumping Oil Production

The Ministry of Energy will implement enhanced oi / recovery (EOR) in oil and gas fields

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is trying to boost national oil production. One way is to require Contractor Employment Contract (PSC) uses technology Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) or technology that could lift more oil out of the earth.

According to the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral are drafting rules on the use of EOR technology. Because, the maximum yield of the reservoir can be produced from the earth is only 30%. "There are still 70% that can not be taken. With EOR, we hope to be raised (reservoir) more," he said, Wednesday (6/4).

Because, if not done quickly put on the injection technology, oil production in Indonesia in 2024-2025 will only reach 300,000 barrels per day. Unfortunately, the results of the application of EOR technology can only be seen eight years later.

Thus, the government wants to accelerate the use of these technologies. If it can be in this year. According to data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, when the national oil exploration has been using EOR technology with chemicals, then Indonesia's oil production could reach 600,000 barrels of oil per day in 2032.

When not wearing this teknoIogi, then direct the national oil production dropped to 200,000 barrels per day. "We must immediately provide legal protection for doing so. If not, SKK Migas could be moved to a shop," said Wiratmaja.

In the rules being drafted, the government will regulate the amount of incentives for EOR PSC in order to be able to walk. The shape of the incentive itself is still under discussion. But one of the proposals, according to Wiratmaja, is in the form of profit sharing (split).

In addition, the government will include a requirement already using EOR technology for the PSC after it gets. Newer work area. This means, the government requires contractors to enter EOR in the business proposal. This condition has been carried out in Norway.

Later, this regulation directly applicable in existing oil fields. Although there are also oil fields are already using EOR. One is Minas Duri managed by Chevron. Not only that, the government will also require Pertamina wear and EOR technology in the field of oil and gas blocks that do need to be pumped more.

According, Syamsu Alam, Director of PT Pertamina Hulu, EOR methods can be effectively applied in the field or existing oil and gas blocks. Pertamina actually own Iapangan implementing EOR. For those who still exploratory stage or a new contract, he suggested, could be included in the planning EOR business development.


Strategi Baru Memompa Aliran Produksi Minyak

Kementerian ESDM akan menerapkan enhanced oi/ recovery (EOR) di lapangan migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang berupaya menggenjot produksi minyak nasional. Salah satu cara adalah mewajibkan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja (KKKS) memakai teknologi Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) atau teknologi yang bisa mengangkat lebih banyak minyak dari dalam bumi.

Menurut Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja, saat ini Kementerian ESDM sedang menyusun aturan mengenai penggunaan teknologi EOR. Karena, hasil maksimum reservoir yang bisa diproduksi dari dalam bumi hanya 30%. "Masih ada 70% yang belum bisa di ambil. Dengan EOR, kami berharap bisa terangkat (reservoir) lebih banyak lagi,” katanya, Rabu (6/4).

Sebab, bila tidak dilakukan dengan cepat memakai teknologi injeksi tersebut, produksi minyak Indonesia pada tahun 2024-2025 nanti hanya bisa mencapai 300.000 barel per hari. Celakanya, hasil dari penerapan teknologi EOR ini hanya bisa terlihat delapan tahun kemudian.

Maka, pemerintah ingin mempercepat penggunaan teknologi tersebut. Kalau bisa dalam tahun ini. Menurut data Ditjen Migas, bila dalam eksplorasi minyak nasional sudah memakai teknologi EOR dengan bahan kimia, maka produksi minyak Indonesia bisa mencapai 600.000 barel minyak per hari pada tahun 2032.

Bila tidak memakai teknoIogi ini, maka produksi minyak nasional langsung turun drastis menjadi 200.000 barel per hari. "Kami harus segera berikan perlindungan hukum untuk melaksanakan hal itu. Jika tidak, SKK Migas bisa pindah ke ruko," kata Wiratmaja. 

Dalam aturan yang sedang dirancang tersebut, pemerintah akan mengatur besaran insentif bagi KKKS supaya EOR bisa berjalan. Bentuk insentifnya sendiri masih dalam pembahasan. Namun salah satu usulan, menurut Wiratmaja, adalah berbentuk bagi hasil (split).

Selain itu, pemerintah akan memasukkan keharusan sudah memakai teknologi EOR bagi KKKS setelah mendapat. wilayah kerja yang anyar. Ini artinya, pemerintah mewajibkan kontraktor memasukkan EOR dalam proposal bisnisnya. Kondisi ini sudah dilakukan di Norwegia.

Nanti, peraturan ini langsung diberlakukan di lapangan minyak yang sudah ada. Meski ada juga lapangan minyak yang sudah memakai EOR. Salah satunya adalah Minas Duri yang dikelola oleh Chevron. Tidak hanya itu, pemerintah juga akan mewajibkan Pertamina memakai teknologi EOR di lapangan dan blok migas yang memang butuh dipompa lebih banyak.

Menurut, Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina, metode EOR bisa efektif diterapkan di lapangan atau blok migas yang sudah beroperasi. Pertamina sebenarnya sudah memiliki Iapangan yang menerapkan EOR. Bagi yang masih tahap eksplorasi atau kontrak baru, ia menyarankan, EOR bisa masuk dalam perencanaan pengembangan bisnis.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017

Portions Mahakam Block Not Changed

PT Pertamina still adhering to the initial scenario that the share of participating interest (PI) Mahakam block, Kutai, East Kalimantan for Total E & P lndonesie and lnpex Corporation as much as 30%. Therefore ", the management of Pertamina asked the two companies have sent a letter to the government, if interested in the offer.

 Ellia Massa Manik, President Director of Pertamina, said the results of his meeting with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan along with Total E & P management, there has been no significant agreement on the Participating lnterest. Therefore, Pertamina adhered to the original commitment that the PI portion of Total E & P and lnpex by 30%.

 Earlier, Minister of Jonan opportunities that Total E & P and lnpex get an offer of 39% stock portion. However, the plan is not accepted by Pertamina. "Our mandate still provide 30%," says Ellia in the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry after the talks, on Thursday (6/4).

 On results of negotiations, Ellia just said, Total E & P and lnpex again requested to make a letter, if still interested in co-manage the Mahakam with Pl 30%. "Our offer today to 30%. But it's up to them. They send letters to the government. It could be they do not agree or do not participate" says Ellia.

 While on drilling activities in the Mahakam block, will continue to run on August 2017's. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam mentioned, the target of 18 wells that will be drilling, just eight wells to be carried out by Total E & P.

"So this year drill eight wells from the initial 18, the Agreement with Total only eight in August. It was the drilling them, because we just go in January 1st, 2018," said Syamsu. However, when questioned at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, President and General Manager of Total E & P  Arividya Novianto, reluctant to leave a comment.

 At the meeting, also attended by the CEO of Total Patrick Pouyanne accompanied by President of Total E & P Arnaud Breuillac also the Senior Vice President of Total E & P. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar also reluctant to answer the results of discussions with Total E & P together with Pertamina about the Mahakam block. "Let me see, yes, the answer is," said Archandra, in his office, Thursday (6/4).


Porsi Blok Mahakam Belum Berubah

 PT Pertamina masih berpegang pada skenario awal bahwa porsi participating interest (PI) Blok Mahakam, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur untuk Total E & P lndonesie dan lnpex Corporation sebanyak 30%. Oleh karena “itu, manajemen Pertamina meminta kedua perusahaan tersebut mengirimkan surat kepada pemerintah, bila berminat dengan tawaran tersebut.

 Ellia Massa Manik, Direktur Utama Pertamina, menyatakan hasil pertemuan dengan Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan serta dengan manajemen Total E & P, belum ada kesepakatan signifikan tentang Participating lnterest tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Pertamina berpegang pada komitmen awal bahwa porsi PI Total E & P dan lnpex sebesar 30%.

 Sebelumnya, Menteri Jonan membuka peluang supaya Total E & P dan lnpex mendapatkan tawaran porsi saham sebesar 39%. Namun, rencana tersebut tidak diterima oleh Pertamina. "Mandat kami tetap memberikan 30%," kata Ellia di Kantor Kementerian ESDM usai melakukan perundingan, Kamis (6/4).

 Tentang hasil perundingan, Ellia hanya bilang, Total E & P dan lnpex kembali diminta membuat Surat, jika tetap berminat ikut mengelola Mahakam dengan Pl 30%. "Tawaran kami hari ini 30%. Tetapi terserah mereka. Mereka kirim surat ke pemerintah. Bisa jadi mereka tidak sepakat atau tidak ikut" kata Ellia. 

 Sementara tentang kegiatan drilling di Blok Mahakam, akan tetap berjalan pada Agustus 2017 ini. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menyebutkan, dari target 18 sumur yang akan dilakukan pengeboran, hanya delapan sumur yang akan dilakukan oleh Total E & P.

"Jadi tahun ini bor delapan sumur dari rencana awal 18, Perjanjian dengan Total hanya delapan di bulan Agustus. Itu yang drilling mereka, karena kita baru masuk 1 Januari 2018," kata Syamsu.  Namun, saat dimintai keterangan di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, President and General Manager Total E & P Arividya Novianto, enggan memberikan komentar. 

 Pada pertemuan tersebut, turut hadir pula CEO Total Patrick Pouyanne didampingi President of Total E & P Arnaud Breuillac juga Senior Vice President of Total E & P. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar juga enggan menjawab hasil pembahasan dengan Total E&P beserta Pertamina soal Blok Mahakam tersebut. "Nanti dulu, ya, jawabannya," kata Archandra, di kantornya, Kamis (6/4).

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017

Exxon Review Gross Split

ExxonMobil, the US oil and gas company, is considering implementing a scheme for gross proceeds or gross split in the working area of ​​oil and gas in the country.

"The point is what percentage are offered to investors and how much to the government. Depending on investment opportunities, many of which must be adapted to support investment, "said Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation Mark W. Albers when meeting Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Thursday (6/4).

Albers admits meeting with the Vice President to give a report about the development of the Banyu Urip field in Cepu, development of production and the contribution of Exxon and the investment climate in Indonesia. "And we talk about other business opportunities as well as the possibility to visit again in the future."

The government has implemented a split replace gross profit-sharing scheme that can be restored operating costs (cost recovery). The provisions set forth in the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017. The government started to offer our government and contractor respectively 57% and 43% for oil, while 52% and 48% for gas projects.

Part contractor could still grow further adapted to the challenges in the field through a variable for the results. Separately, Deputy Special Operation Control Unit The Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Muliawan said currently the Banyu Urip field is still waiting for the process of adding to the production of 200,000 barrels per day (bpd).

The addition of production requires the approval of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Meanwhile, for the development in Cepu through Jambaran Gas Field project-Tiung Blue is currently in the stage of looking for a contractor who did the design, procurement, and construction (EPC)


Exxon Review Gross Split

ExxonMobil, perusahaan migas asal AS, masih mempertimbangkan untuk menerapkan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi di Tanah Air.

“Intinya adalah berapa persen yang ditawarkan untuk investor dan berapa untuk pemerintah. Tergantung pada peluang investasi, banyak yang harus disesuaikan untuk mendukung investasi,” kata Senior Vice President ExxonMobil Corporation Mark W Albers saat menemui Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla, Kamis (6/4). 

Albers mengakui pertemuan dengan Wakil Presiden untuk memberikan laporan perihal perkembangan lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu, perkembangan produksi dan kontribusi Exxon dan iklim investasi di Indonesia. “Dan kita bicara tentang kesempatan bisnis lainnya serta kemungkinan untuk berkunjung lagi ke depannya.”

Pemerintah telah menerapkan gross split menggantikan skema bagi hasil biaya operasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery). Ketentuan itu dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017. Pemerintah memulai tawaran dengan bagian pemerintah dan kontraktor masing-masing 57% dan 43% untuk minyak, sedangkan 52% dan 48% untuk proyek gas. 

Bagian kontraktor selanjutnya masih bisa bertambah yang disesuaikan dengan tantangan di lapangan melalui variabel bagi hasil. Secara terpisah, Deputi Pengendalian Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Muliawan mengatakan, saat ini lapangan Banyu Urip masih menanti proses penambahan produksi menuju 200.000 barel per hari (bph).

Penambahan produksi membutuhkan persetujuan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Sementara itu, untuk pengembangan di Blok Cepu melalui proyek Lapangan Gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru saat ini dalam tahap mencari kontraktor yang melakukan desain, pengadaan, dan konstruksi (EPC)

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Apr, 7, 2017