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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Pertamina Soon ahold Tiung Blue

PT Perfomina EP Cepu, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), targets to control 90% stake in Gas Field Jambaran - Tiung Blue, Cepu in May 2017 with the completion of negotiations with ExxonMobil Cepu Limited.

Based on the Letter of Meriteri Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 9/13 / MEM / 2017 on January 3, 2017, the government commissioned the company to develop the full field-Tiung Jambaran Blue is part of Cepu and Pertamina EP working area.

In the project, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) acts as the operator and controls the shares of participation (participating interest / Pl) by 45%. Meanwhile, in Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited is the operator shareholding with the participation of PEPC 45%, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited 45% and local-owned enterprises (BUMN) 10%.

Director of PEPC Adriansyah said some parameters for Economic into the gas field development has been consistent, but the discussion of taxation issues and the participation share transfer value of 45% of the shares expected to be completed in May 2017. Through these activities are expected to soon finalizing the gas sales agreement (GSA ) in the second quarter / 2017.

Acceleration GSA settlement, expected to encourage the accelerated auction process design, procurement, and construction (EPC). As a result, the first gas production could begin in 2020. "There are a few more questions of interpretation of taxation. The talks will go ahead. May finished as JTB [Jambran-Tiung Blue should begin this year so on stream / in operation by 2020, "he said in a Media Gathering Directorate of Pertamina Hulu, Monday (10/4).

"Based on the Head of Agreement (HOA) signed in 2015, Pertamina is the main buyer of gas with a volume of 100 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek as buyers alternative absorb the gas as much as 85 MMSCFD. 

In the agreement, a clause who called Pertamina will become buyers when Pupuk Kujang alternative can not agree about the price of the set. However, Pupuk Kujang canceled to absorb the gas from Jambaran because the price offered was considered too expensive. the fertilizer plant wants gas price of US $ 7 per MMBtu.


Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Upstream Denie Tampubolon said the budget for the acquisition of management rights in Jambaran Field-Tiung Blue has been prepared. According to him, the cost of which issued it will not be as big as to buy shares of participation other work areas. Because the field that previously targeted start producing gas in 2019 was only part of the Cepu Block.

In 2016, Pertamina capital expenditures in the upstream sector amounted to US $ 1.8 billion, ie US $ 0.3 billion for overseas assets and US $ 1.5 billion for domestic assets. The company allocates capital for the acquisition of oil and gas field in this year's US $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion. "Ready. There would be great because the only part of the Cepu Block. "

Upstream Director Penamina Syamsu Alam said the cost for the master franchise-Tiung Jambaran Fields Blue has been prepared for such activities has been anticipated since the beginning of 2016. He said that the difference in the economic standards of the project is difficult to be equated.


Pertamina Segera Kuasai Tiung Biru

PT Perfomina EP Cepu, anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), menargetkan dapat menguasai 90% saham Lapangan Gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru, Blok Cepu pada Mei 2017 dengan selesainya negosiasi dengan ExxonMobil Cepu Limited.

Berdasarkan Surat dari Meriteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 9/13/MEM/ 2017 pada 3 Januari 2017, pemerintah menugaskan perseroan untuk mengembangkan secara penuh lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru yang merupakan bagian antara Blok Cepu dan wilayah kerja milik Pertamina EP. 

Pada proyek tersebut, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) berperan sebagai operator dan menguasai saham partisipasi (participating interest/Pl) sebesar 45%. Sementara itu, di Blok Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited menjadi operator dengan komposisi  kepemilikan saham partisipasi yakni PEPC 45%, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited 45 % dan badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) 10%. 

Direktur Utama PEPC Adriansyah mengatakan beberapa parameter ke ekonomian dalam pengembangan lapangan gas itu telah sejalan, tetapi pembahasan tentang masalah perpajakan pengalihan saham partisipasi dan nilai 45 % saham diharapkan bisa tuntas pada Mei 2017. Melalui kegiatan tersebut diharapkan bisa segera memfinalkan perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) pada kuartal II/2017.

Percepatan penyelesaian PJBG, diharapkan bisa mendorong proses percepatan lelang desain, pengadaan, dan konstruksi (EPC). Sebagai hasil, produksi gas pertama bisa dimulai pada 2020. “Ada beberapa lagi soal interpretasi perpajakan. Perundingan jalan terus. Mei selesai karena JTB [Jambran-Tiung Biru harus dimulai tahun ini supaya on stream/beroperasi 2020,” ujarnya dalam acara Media Gathering Direktorat Hulu Pertamina, Senin (10/4).  

"Berdasarkan Head of Agreement (HOA) yang diteken pada 2015, Pertamina menjadi pembeli utama gas dengan volume 100 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) dan PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek sebagai pembeli alternatif yang menyerap gas sebanyak 85 MMscfd. 

Pada perjanjian tersebut, terdapat klausul yang menyebut Pertamina akan menjadi pembeli altenatif bila Pupuk Kujang tidak bersepakat soal harga yang ditetapkan. Namun, Pupuk Kujang telah membatalkan untuk menyerap gas dari Jambaran karena harga yang ditawarkan dianggap terlalu mahal. Pabrik pupuk tersebut menginginkan harga jual gas US$ 7 per MMBtu.


Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie Tampubolon mengatakan, anggaran untuk akuisisi hak kelola di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru telah disiapkan. Menurutnya, biaya yang dikeluarkan itu tidak akan sebesar untuk membeli saham partisipasi wilayah kerja lain. Pasalnya, lapangan yang sebelumnya ditarget mulai menghasilkan gas pada 2019 itu hanya bagian dari Blok Cepu.

Pada 2016, realisasi belanja modal Pertamina di sektor hulu sebesar US$1,8 miliar yakni US$0,3 miliar untuk aset luar negeri dan US$1,5 miliar untuk aset domestik. Perseroan mengalokasikan modal untuk akuisisi lapangan migas pada tahun ini US$1 miliar-US$2 miliar. “Sudah siap. Tidak akan besar karena hanya
bagian dari Blok Cepu.”

Direktur Hulu Penamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, biaya untuk menguasai hak kelola Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru telah disiapkan karena kegiatan tersebut telah diantisipasi sejak awal 2016. Dia menyebut bahwa perbedaan standar keekonomian dari proyek sulit untuk disamakan. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Speculators action Paint Rally

World crude oil prices were on trend rally, as the rampant speculative attack US mission to Syria. The price increase was also boosted by the cessation of production of the largest oil fields in Libya, as well as OPEC oil contract extension.

In trading on Monday (10/4) at 3:23 pm, the price of WTI oil contract in May 2017 is at US $ 52.66 per barrel rose 0.8% or 0.42 points. This is an increase since trading successive said on Tuesday (21/3). In the past month, prices have grown by 7.6%. Pipeline carrying crude oil ari Sharara, Libya, Zawiya refinery to halt operations on Sunday (9/4). This creates an immediate disruption to the export destination.

As is known, Libya has the largest crude oil reserves in Africa. Sharara, precisely in western Libya, every day to pump 200,000 barrels of oil per day, before the advent of disruption in Libyan oil pipeline. The National Oil Corp (NOC) North African production has just returned to the normal level of about 700,000 barrels per day. Oil producers stopped operating. Meanwhile, the US missile strikes into Syrian air base last week has pushed oil prices rose to above $ 52 per barrel.

Andy Wibowo Gunawan analyst at Mirae Asset Securities Indonesia, said that if given the track record of the history, the US attack on Syria is quite alarming and potentially develop into a war as happened in Iraq in 2003. According to him, the geopolitical conditions that sentiment booster crude oil prices. "The US attack soaring world oil prices," he said, Monday (10/4).

According to traders, as quoted by Reuters, oil prices were supported by strong demand and global political uncertainty following the attack by the US against the Syrian capital last weekend. Strong demand for oil and backgrounds filled with anxiety global conditions provide the balance of the Syrian air base, where suspected launch deadly chemical weapons last week. "The US cruise missile attack has led to a surge in crude oil prices," said Jeffrey Halley, senior market analyst at Oanda.

Syria is not a major crude oil production of the world. The country also has limited oil production. However, its location in the Middle East and its alliances with a number of top oil producers raised fears of widespread conflict could disrupt crude shipments. However, the continued increase in increase for 12 consecutive weeks into 672 rig, which was the highest level since August 2015. According to Goldman Sachs, the rig release of data showing that US oil production (year on year / yoy) to increase by 215,000 barrels per day in 2017.


Ibrahim, Director of PT Garuda Futures, said Syria's own influence on the oil market was not too big. Because even in the Middle East, the country was not included in the OPEC member. However, the factor of geopolitical tensions involving oil producers. Actually, geopolitical factors can not be a major foothold as rising commodity prices, as the US dollar continues to strengthen.

Therefore, future commodity prices will go back to the fundamentals of each. "If the speculation continues hoist factor in oil prices, then the US dollar also increased. So when oil prices plummeted major producing countries could experience a crisis. Because the US dollar has been strong due to positive fundamentals, while the oil does not have a solid foundation, "he said. He added that the US attack on the Syrian issue will not take place Iama. The reason, every country involved either directly or indirectly wants global political conditions are more stable.


Aksi Spekulan Warnai Reli

    Harga minyak mentah dunia sedang dalam tren reli, seiring maraknya aksi spekulatif dari serangan misi Amerika Serikat ke Suriah. Kenaikan harga juga didongkrak oleh terhentinya produksi ladang minyak terbesar di Libya, serta perpanjangan kontrak minyak OPEC.

Pada perdagangan Senin (10/4) pukul 3:23 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak Mei 2017 berada di posisi US$52,66 per barel naik 0,8% atau 0,42 poin. Ini merupakan kenaikan berturut-tutur sejak perdagangan selasa (21 /3). Dalam sebulan terakhir, harga telah tumbuh hingga 7,6%. Pipa yang membawa minyak mentah ari Sharara, Libya, ke kilang Zawiya berhenti beroperasi pada Minggu (9/4). Kondisi ini menciptakan gangguan kepada segara tujuan ekspor.

  Seperti diketahui, libya memiliki cadangan minyak mentah terbesar di Afrika. Sharara, tepatnya di Libya barat, setiap hari memompa 200.000 barel minyak per hari, sebelum munculnya gangguan pada pipa minyak Libya. The National oil Corp (NOC) produksi Afrika Utara baru saja kembali ke tingkat normal sekitar 700.000 barel per hari. Produsen minyak berhenti beroperasi. Adapun, serangan rudal AS ke pangkalan udara Suriah pada pekan lalu telah mendorong harga minyak naik ke atas US$52 per barel. 

Andy Wibowo Gunawan analis Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, mengatakan bila mengingat rekam jejak sejarah, serangan AS kepada Suriah cukup memprihatinkan dan berpotensi berkembang menjadi perang seperti yang terjadi di Irak pada 2003. Menurut dia, kondisi geopolitik itu menjadi sentimen pendongkrak harga minyak mentah. “Serangan AS membuat harga minyak dunia melonjak,” ungkapnya, Senin (10/4). 

Menurut para trader, seperti dikutip Reuters, harga minyak didukung oleh permintaan yang kuat serta ketidakpastian politik global menyusul serangan modal oleh AS terhadap Suriah pada akhir pekan lalu. Kuatnya permintaan atas minyak serta latar belakang kondisi global yang dipenuhi kegelisahan memberikan keseimbangan pangkalan udara Suriah, tempat yang diduga diluncurkannya senjata kimia mematikan pada pekan lalu. “Serangan rudal jelajah AS telah menyebabkan lonjakan pada harga minyak mentah,” ujar Jeffrey Halley, senior market analyst OANDA. 

Suriah memang bukan produksi utama minyak mentah dunia. Negara ini pun telah membatasi produksi minyaknya. Namun, lokasinya yang terletak di Timur Tengah beserta aliansinya dengan sejumlah produsen teratas minyak menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang meluasnya konflik yang dapat mengganggu pengiriman minyak mentah. 

    Meski demikian, lanjutan peningkatan bertambah selama 12 pekan berturut-turut menjadi 672 rig, yang merupakan level tertinggi sejak Agustus 2015. Menurut Goldman Sachs, rilis data rig menunjukkan bahwa produksi minyak AS (year on year/yoy) dapat bertambah sebesar 215.000 barel per hari pada 2017.


Ibrahim, Direktur Utama PT Garuda Berjangka, mengungkapkan pengaruh Suriah sendiri terhadap pasar minyak sebenarnya tidak terlalu besar. Pasalnya meskipun berada di Timur Tengah, negara itu tidak masuk dalam anggota OPEC. Namun, faktor ketegangan geopolitik melibatkan  produsen minyak. Sebetulnya faktor geopolitik tidak bisa dijadikan pijakan utama sebagai kenaikan harga komoditas, karena dolar AS juga terus menguat. 

Oleh karena itu, nantinya harga komoditas akan kembali kepada fundamental masing-masing. “Jika faktor spekulasi terus mengerek harga minyak, kemudian dolar AS juga meningkat. Maka ketika harga minyak anjlok negara produsen utama bisa mengalami krisis. 

     Karena dolar AS sudah kuat karena fundamental positif, sedangkan minyak tidak punya dasar yang kuat,” paparnya. Dia menambahkan, masalah serangan AS terhadap Suriah tidak akan berlangsung Iama. Pasalnya, setiap negara yang terlibat baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menginginkan kondisi politik global yang lebih stabil. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

Pertamina Rely on Foreign Oil and Gas Blocks

PT Pertamina is committed to achieve the target production of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) in 2025. The target will be supported by intensifying the acquisition of oil and gas assets in and outside the country.

PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said the acquisition of assets from abroad (overseas) reliable-able to contribute 33% of the production target. He said Pertamina will undertake a strategy to manage blocks termination at next year which has been transferred from the government to Pertamina including oil and gas Sanga-Sanga block and Block OSes (Offshore South East Sumatra).

"In domestic, Pertamina also optimize the assets owned by the various projects, such as PHE WMO Integration Project, drilling projects Parang Nunukan, Randugunting drilling projects, optimization of EOR in old wells and others, "said Syamsu Alam in Cirebon, West Java.

He added that the asset optimization intended to increase oil and gas production for the target company's upstream sector reached. According Syamsu, overseas there are three blocks that have already been produced, namely Algeria, Iraq and Malaysia. In addition, Pertamina also has an additional two blocks that are already in production in Nigeria and Gabon.

While seven blocks in the exploratory stage, namely Namibia, Tanzania, Myanmar, France, Italy, Colombia, and Canada. 'So now we are grateful to Pertamina in 12 countries.

Steps taken by Pertamina can not be separated from efforts SOEs to contribute significantly in supporting the national economy. Indonesia, which is currently in the order of the 16 countries with the largest economies are expected to grow nearly continued economic giants of the world, such as China, America and India.

"With that kind of economic growth, of Indonesia needs the support of energy to the maximum. Nationally, the real national energy needs far more than enough," he said.

However, when the high consumption of oil and gas production in Indonesia it has continued to decline, in line with the increasing depletion of reserves at the disposal. Although Indonesia has 60 basins, Indonesia's oil reserves in the order of 26 world, about 4 billion barrels. The same thing with gas reserves of Indonesia at number 14 with reserves of 100 tcf.

"Step Pertamina manage overseas oil and gas blocks in the real to strengthen reserves and national production. Because of overseas oil and gas production in the results will be taken home to be processed in existing refineries in Indonesia to meet domestic fuel consumption.


Pertamina Andalkan Blok Migas Luar Negeri

PT Pertamina berkomitmen merealisasikan target produksi 1,9 juta barel oil equivalen per day (BOEPD) pada 2025. Target tersebut akan ditopang dengan menggencarkan akuisisi aset migas di dalam dan diluar negeri.

Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, akuisisi aset dari luar negeri (overseas) diandalkan-mampu menyumbang 33% target produksi tersebut. Menurut dia, Pertamina akan melakukan strategi untuk mengelola blok-blok terminasi pada tahun depan yang telah diserahkan dari pemerintah kepada Pertamina, termasuk Blok Migas Sanga-Sanga dan Blok OSES (Offshore South East Sumatera).

"Di domestik, Pertamina juga mengoptimalisasikan aset-aset yang dimiliki dengan berbagai proyek, seperti PHE WMO Integration Project, proyek pengeboran Parang Nunukan, proyek pengeboran Randugunting, optimalisasi EOR di sumur-sumur tua dan lainnya," ujar Syamsu Alam di Cirebon, Jawa Barat.

Dia menambahkan, optimalisasi aset tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan produksi migas agar target perusahaan disektor hulu tercapai. Menurut Syamsu, di luar negeri terdapat tiga blok yang telah berproduksi, yaitu Aljazair, Irak, dan Malaysia. Selain itu Pertamina juga memiliki tambahan dua blok yang sudah berproduksi di Nigeria dan Gabon.

Sementara tujuh blok yang dalam tahap eksplorasi, yakni Namibia, Tanzania, Myanmar, Prancis, Italia, Kolombia, dan Kanada. Jadi, sekarang kita bersyukur Pertamina ada di 12 negara.

Langkah yang dilakukan Pertamina tidak lepas dari upaya perusahaan pelat merah ini untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam mendukung perekonomian nasional. Indonesia yang saat ini berada di urutan ke-16 negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar pun terus diperkirakan tumbuh mendekati raksasa-raksasa ekonomi dunia, seperti China, Amerika, dan India.

"Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi semacam itu, tentu Indonesia membutuhkan dukungan energi secara maksimal. Secara nasional, sesungguhnya kebutuhan energi nasional jauh lebih dari cukup,” kata dia.

Namun, di saat tingginya konsumsi justru produksi migas di Indonesia terus merosot, seiring makin menipisnya cadangan yang di miliki. Sekalipun Indonesia memiliki 60 cekungan, cadangan minyak Indonesia itu di urutan 26 dunia, sekitar 4 miliar barel. Hal yang sama dengan cadangan gas Indonesia di urutan ke 14 dengan cadangan 100 TCF.

”Langkah Pertamina mengelola blok migas di luar negeri sesungguhnya untuk memperkuat cadangan dan produksi nasional. Karena produksi migas di overseas itu hasilnya akan dibawa pulang untuk diolah di kilang-kilang yang ada di lndonesia untuk memenuhi konsumsi BBM domestik.

 Koran Sindo, Page-5, Monday, April, 10, 2017

SKK Migas Organize Data Vendor for DCL

Unit Special Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) will establish a database of local vendors and tender. Database which can be accessed via online has become one of the ways to improve the rate of domestic content (DCL) for the upstream oil and gas company.

Secretary Ariyanto SKK Migas Budi said, the role of local vendors is essential to increase local content and increase state revenues. He said there needs to be an accurate database in order to maximize the role of local vendors.

"We again woke integrated central database vendor. So, later the tender in there. We do not know the vendor who, disposable e-mail service all electronics. All electronic communication wear it shows transparency, "said Budi, last weekend.

Budi said the PTK 007, SKK Migas is mandated DCL high enough on upstream oil and gas business. He said the government had set a target of at least 35 per cent local content in the upstream oil and gas business. On the other hand, a lot of support upstream oil and gas industry or a local vendor that is already growing rapidly, even too many orders from foreign parties, but was not seen by the upstream oil and gas businesses.

Through online tenders and accurate database, Budi assess the cooperation between industry and businessmen supporting upstream oil and gas could be developed well. This can improve efficiency. upstream oil and gas business because it could put the brakes on import dependence.

Budi hope, with their wide-open spigot of government to these local vendors, the local vendors can also increase quality and improve standards to not lose competitiveness with foreign products. Budi said the realization of DCL until February 2017 has been noted that 46.17 percent or equivalent to 1,620 million US dollars. Meanwhile, in 2016 the realization of DCL recorded 55 percent.

"The realization of DCL did we notice since 2006. Since 2010 to 2016 was relatively rises. So this year we are targeting DCL could rise up to 55 percent, "said Budi.

Commercial and Production Director of PT Guna Nusa Fabrication Sirnatupang Ramli said that during the government simply enforce and issue regulations on DCL. However, safeguards and government socialization of the upstream oil and gas activities in order to support local vendors still need to be improved.

He said that during the import by PSC's dependence on goods support upstream oil and gas activity is still high. In fact, not a few local vendors who can produce intermediate goods, and can compete with foreigners.

Ramli said the government needs to improve socialization and affirmation of the PSC in order to use local vendors in meeting the needs of a means of supporting their oil and gas upstream activities. To date, there have been several PSC which are already asking DCL more than 35 percent. Some PSC even reach up to 55 percent local content.


SKK Migas Susun Data Vendor untuk TKDN

Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas) akan membentuk database vendor lokal dan tender. Database yang dapat diakses melalui daring tersebut menjadi salah satu cara untuk bisa meningkatkan tingkat kandungan dalam negeri (TKDN) bagi para perusahaan hulu migas.

Sekretaris SKK Migas Budi Ariyanto mengatakan, peran vendor lokal sangat penting untuk meningkatkan TKDN dan meningkatkan pendapatan negara. Ia mengatakan, perlu ada database yang akurat agar bisa memaksimalkan peran Vendor lokal.

“Kita lagi bangun central integrated database vendor. Jadi, nanti tender masuk ke situ. Kita tidak tahu vendor itu siapa, pelayanan pakai e-mail elektronik semua. Komunikasi semua pakai elektronik itu menunjukkan transparansi,” ujar Budi, akhir pekan lalu.

Budi mengatakan, dalam PTK 007, SKK Migas memang mengamanatkan TKDN yang cukup tinggi pada kerja hulu migas. Ia mengatakan, pemerintah memasang target TKDN minimal 35 persen pada kerja hulu migas. Di sisi lain, banyak industri penunjang hulu migas atau vendor lokal yang sebenarnya sudah berkembang pesat, bahkan terlalu banyak order dari pihak luar negeri, tetapi tidak terlihat oleh pengusaha hulu migas.

Melalui tender online dan database yang akurat, Budi menilai kerja sama antara industri penunjang dan pengusaha hulu migas bisa lebih terbangun dengan baik. Hal ini bisa meningkatkan efisiensi. kerja hulu migas karena bisa mengerem ketergantungan impor.

Budi berharap, dengan adanya keran yang terbuka lebar dari pemerintah untuk Vendor lokal ini, para vendor lokal juga bisa meningkatkan kualitas dan meningkatkan standar hingga tidak kalah saing dengan produk asing. Budi mengatakan, realisasi TKDN hingga Februari 2017 tercatat sudah 46,17 persen atau senilai 1,620 juta dolar AS. Sedangkan, pada 2016 realisasi TKDN tercatat 55 persen.

“Realisasi TKDN memang kita perhatikan sejak 2006. Sejak 2010 hingga 2016 memang relatif naik. Makanya tahun ini kita targetkan TKDN bisa naik hingga 55 persen,” ujar Budi.

Direktur Komersil dan Produksi PT Guna Nusa Fabrication Ramli Sirnatupang mengatakan, selama ini pemerintah hanya memberlakukan dan mengeluarkan peraturan tentang TKDN. Namun, pengawalan dan sosialisasi pemerintah terhadap kegiatan hulu migas untuk bisa mendukung vendor lokal masih perlu ditingkatkan. 

Ia mengatakan, selama ini ketergantungan impor oleh KKKS terhadap barang-barang penunjang kegiatan hulu migas masih tinggi. Padahal, tidak sedikit vendor lokal yang sudah bisa memproduksi barang penunjang dan bisa bersaing dengan asing.

Ramli mengatakan, pemerintah perlu meningkatkan sosialisasi dan penegasan terhadap para KKKS untuk bisa menggunakan vendor lokal dalam memenuhi kebutuhan alat penunjang kegiatan hulu migas mereka. Untuk saat ini, sudah ada beberapa KKKS yang memang sudah meminta TKDN lebih dari 35 persen. Beberapa KKKS bahkan mencapai TKDN hingga 55 persen.

 Republika, Page-13, Monday, April, 10, 2017

Sharing Schemes Boost Local Components

The implementation of the scheme for the results of the gross production (gross split) of crude oil and natural gas will certainly increase the amount of domestic component level (DCL). This was due to the more DCL is used, the greater the revenue share received by the contractor.

"In addition to potentially get an extra split (for results) through a component variable split, investors will want to save on operating costs for cost recovery is no longer valid, especially for the working area (WK) new and termination," said Secretary of the Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Budi Agustyono

According to records SKK Migas, all commitments of procurement of goods and services conducted SKK Migas or upstream oil and gas investor or contractor cooperation contract (PSC) reached US $ 2,628 million as of March 2017. When the percentage, DCL absorption of 39.93%. The achievement was above the minimum threshold DCL uptake general obligation, namely 30%.

Added, although the gross-based PSC regime split approved work program and budget (WP & B) is no longer in the hands of SKK Migas, the agency was still doing the monitoring of goods and services. Procurement in the upstream oil and gas sector includes pipes, pumping unit, drilling mud, cement, chemical, lubricants, to fuel oil (BBM). Procurement of services includes, surveying, seismic and geology, drilling, FEED, EPC I, shipping, aircraft, until the building maintenance.

He added that gross regime increasingly split wide open space for contractors and state justice. That caused a split calculation is influenced by many factors, from the price of oil, the type of field, the cumulative production, until the uptake DCL.

Likewise, Commercial and Businesses Development Director of PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Ramli added Simatupang scheme based on gross PSC split could also extend upstream oil and gas projects for local contractors. By doing so, the national fabrication industry increasingly powerless.

"In the future there will be more (projects for local contractors). We greatly boosted gross split. Uptake DCL above 50%.


Skema Bagi Hasil Dongkrak Komponen Lokal

Penerapan skema bagi hasil dari produksi kotor (gross split) minyak mentah dan gas bumi dipastikan akan menaikkan besaran tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN). Hal itu disebabkan semakin banyak TKDN yang digunakan, akan semakin besar bagi hasil yang diterima kontraktor.

“Selain berpotensi mendapatkan tambahan split (bagi hasil) melalui komponen variable split, investor tentunya ingin menghemat biaya operasional karena cost recovery tidak lagi berlaku, terutama bagi wilayah kerja (WK) baru dan terminasi,” kata Sekretaris Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Budi Agustyono 

Menurut catatan SKK Migas, seluruh komitmen pengadaan barang dan jasa yang dilakukan SKK Migas ataupun investor hulu migas atau kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) mencapai US$2,628 juta per Maret 2017. Bila di persentase, penyerapan TKDN sebesar 39,93%. Pencapaian itu di atas ambang minimum kewajiban serapan TKDN secara umum, yakni 30%.

Ditambahkan, meski dalam rezim PSC berbasis gross split persetujuan work program and budget (WP&B) tidak lagi berada di tangan SKK Migas, lembaga itu tetap melakukan pengawasan terhadap barang dan jasa. Pengadaan barang di sektor hulu migas meliputi pipa, pumping unit, lumpur pengeboran, semen, kimia, pelumas, hingga bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Pengadaan jasa mencakup, jasa survei, seismik dan geologi, pengeboran, FEED, EPC I, perkapalan, pesawat udara, hingga perawatan gedung.

Dia menambahkan rezim gross split semakin membuka lebar ruang keadilan bagi kontraktor ataupun negara. Itu disebabkan penghitungan split dipengaruhi berbagai faktor, mulai harga minyak, jenis lapangan, kumulatif produksi, hingga serapan TKDN. 

Senada, Commercial and Businesses Development Director PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Ramli Simatupang menambahkan skema PSC berbasis gross split juga bisa memperluas proyek hulu migas bagi kontraktor lokal. Dengan begitu, industri fabrikasi nasional semakin berdaya. 

“Ke depannya akan lebih banyak (proyek bagi kontraktor lokal). Kita sangat dukung gross split. Serapan TKDN di atas 50%.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, April, 10, 2017

Balance between production and cost recovery a struggle

Meeting the government’s target of oil and gas production, which is essential to fulfill the country’s growing thirst for energy and minimize imports, is no easy feat given the limited budget and aging wells. The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) has approved 59,013 exploitation and exploration activities proposed by contractors for this year’s work plan and budget, which is intended to increase reserves and maintain production levels.

While only 7.7 percent of the approved exploitation and exploration activities have been conducted by the end of February, the government has shelled out US$2.4 billion - or 22.9 percent of the annual cost recovery budget in the first quarter ofthe year.

It is unlikely that the contractors will be able to check off all the activities, as the budget for cost recovery the government’s reimbursement scheme for exploration and exploitation activities has been cut in the 2017 state budget to $10.5 billion from the initially proposed $11.5 billion.

“If the cost recovery has been cut, then we will also have to cut down on our activities. With the current state of oil prices, we will have to prioritize activities that can boost production, such as well maintenance and workovers,” SKKMigas secretary Budi Agustyono said recently.

To offset the cost recovery burden, the government recently announced a gross-split sliding scale, in which the profit split is determined from the get-go and the Will no longer reimburse any exploration or exploitation expenses, on new contracts.

Even as the government pins its hopes on the gross-split scheme, the cost recovery scheme is not going anywhere anytime soon, as there are still dozens of contracts operating under cost recovery that will not expire within the next decade.

This year’s state budget targets ready-to-sell production, also known as lifting, of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), comprising of 815,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 6,440 million metric standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd). While the gas lifting target has largely been met in the first quarter, oil lifting has fallen short of its target with only 787,800 bopd.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is working on a new regulation that may compel new contracts for existing fields to include proposals of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) activities to squeeze out every last drop of oil. Oil and gas director general IGN Wiratmaja Puja said the ministry was still evaluating the possible incentives it could offer contractors to increase their enthusiasm for EOR activities. He cited an increase in the profit split for the contractors as a possible incentive.

“We want [the contractors] to already have plans for future EOR activities in the field when they submit their proposals,” he said recently adding that EOR at 34 priority fields could help boost lifting to around 600,000 bopd by 2030. 

     Based on current conditions, many believe lndonesia’s oil reserves will be depleted in little over a decade if the country keeps its lifting rate above 800,000 bopd without any new discoveries. Furthermore, lifting could drop to below' 400,000 bopd within the next decade.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Monday, April, 10, 2017

Pertamina Oil and Gas Production 658 thousand BOEPD

PT Pertamina managed to record oil and gas production is higher than last year, which is about 658 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd until March, a slight increase of 1.7% when compared to the same period last year amounted to 647 thousand boepd.

The Company is optimistic to achieve this year's production target was set at 693 thousand boepd. Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operations Evaluation Meidawati say, both the realization of oil and gas production.

Meanwhile, each of which recorded rises until the first quarter of this year. Oil production of around 318 thousand barrels per day (bpd), up 3.9% from the same period last year 306 thousand bpd.

Then the gas production increased significantly by 10.5%, from around 1,781 million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD be 1,969 MMSCFD.

"As for the oil and gas production from January to March this year that 658 thousand boepd, an increase from January to March 2016 amounted to 647 thousand boepd," he said in a meeting with the media in Cirebon Sunday

He explained that the increase in production boosted by overseas assets and Cepu. In other countries, Pertamina has oil and gas blocks in Malaysia, Algeria, and Iraq.

Oil and gas production contribution of these assets until last March stood at 87 thousand barrels of oil and 266 MMSCFD. The realization was better than the same period last year, amounting to 85 thousand barrels of oil and 196 MMSCFD. "Then from the Cepu block in the amount of 88 thousand barrels per day, is already part of Pertamina (shares) 45%," he said.

However, realization of production through March is still below target. 658 thousand boepd of oil and gas production of new 94.94% of the target of 693 thousand boepd. Then each oil production was still 95.2% of the target of 334 thousand barrels per day and gas 94.66% of the target of 2,080 MMSCFD.

Meidawati optimistic that oil and gas production this year will be achieved. "Because now some ongoing work, such as drilling development, reactivation of wells, and others," he said. In addition, the Cepu block calls is still a mainstay for the realization of oil and gas production target in 2017.

Pertamina has allocated US $ 3.44 billion to fund a range of activities to achieve the target of 2017. In particular oil and gas production, Pertamina will drill 28 exploration wells and 129 development wells, 31 wells carry out the work, as well as running 5,000 jobs well maintenance.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said that the company targets oil and gas production continues to increase each year to reach 1.9 million boepd in 2025.

Increased production is obtained from the optimization of existing assets, acquisition of oil and gas blocks out of contract, and the acquisition of oil and gas assets in other countries. This step is necessary to close the gap and the need for national oil and gas production in coming years.

"Our Performance from 2008 to 2016, oil and gas production continues to grow. So we can prove that we can still grow, "he said. In the future, Pertamina is targeting oil and gas production grew 8% per year, while gas reserves grew 4.4% per year.

Financial contributions

While the financial side, Meidawati admitted upstream sector's contribution to the total profit of the company has decreased this year. In the past year, the upstream sector accounted for US $ 980 million or 31% from the realization of the company's profit of US $ 3.14 billion.

This year, upstream contribution decreased slightly to 30%, the detail of US $ 905 million of the total target profit of US $ 3.04 billion. "However, the amount of work actually done more this year," he said.

He says there are several factors that contribute to cut upstream of corporate profits. First, some seismic activity was postponed last year as oil prices plummeted, will be worked on this year.

Second, many oil and gas projects which commenced operations also raise the cost of care. Finally, the gas price reduction policy for certain sectors which are set by the government.

About the price of gas, there are some subsidiary of Pertamina affected by this policy. "Gas from PHE (Pertamina Hulu Energi) nothing to fertilizers and petrochemicals, it affects about 15%," he said.

    Oil and gas blocks under PHE affected by this pricing policy is the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), Offshore North Sumatra, North Sumatra Block B, and Ogan Ogan.

In addition, some blocks are managed by PT Pertamina EP To minimize the impact of this policy, it has several strategies. In particular, accelerate exploration findings into the production phase, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, as well as the use of appropriate technology.

"In addition, oil production therefore be encouraged because of the oil price is still pretty good," he said. Pertamina assumes an oil price this year will be in the range of US $ 45 per barrel. While the oil price has been above $ 50 per barrel.


Produksi Migas Pertamina 658 Ribu BOEPD    

PT Pertamina berhasil membukukan produksi minyak dan gas bumi lebih tinggi dari tahun lalu, yakni sekitar 658 ribu barel setara minyak per hari/boepd sampai Maret lalu atau naik tipis 1,7% jika dibandingkan realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 647 ribu boepd. 

Perseroan optimistis bisa mencapai target produksi tahun ini yang ditetapkan sebesar 693 ribu boepd. Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Meidawati mengatakan, baik realisasi produksi minyak maupun gas. 

   Sementara, masing-masing tercatat naik sampai kuartal pertama tahun ini. Produksi minyak yakni sekitar 318 ribu barel per hari (bph), naik 3,9% dari realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu 306 ribu bph. 

    Kemudian produksi gas naik signifikan sebesar 10,5%, yakni dari sekitar 1.781 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd menjadi 1.969 mmscfd.

“Sementara untuk produksi migas Januari-Maret tahun ini yakni 658 ribu boepd, naik dibandingkan dari Januari-Maret 2016 sebesar 647 ribu boepd,” kata dia dalam pertemuan dengan media di Cirebon, Minggu

Dia menjelaskan, kenaikan produksi di dukung oleh aset luar negeri dan Blok Cepu. Di negara lain, Pertamina memiliki blok migas di Malaysia, Aljazair, dan Irak. 

    Kontribusi produksi migas aset-aset ini sampai Maret lalu tercatat sebesar 87 ribu bph untuk minyak dan 266 mmscfd. Realisasi tersebut lebih baik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu, yaitu sebesar 85 ribu bph untuk minyak dan 196 mmscfd. “Kemudian dari Blok Cepu yaitu sebesar 88 ribu bph, ini sudah bagian Pertamina dengan (saham) 45%,” ujarnya.

Meski demikian, realisasi produksi sampai Maret ini masih di bawah target. Produksi migas 658 ribu boepd baru 94,94% dari target 693 ribu boepd. Kemudian masing-masing produksi minyak masih 95.2% dari target 334 ribu bph dan gas 94,66% dari target 2.080 mmscfd.

Meidawati optimistis target produksi migas tahun ini akan tercapai. “Karena saat ini beberapa pekerjaan sedang berlangsung, seperti pengeboran development, reaktivasi sumur, dan lainnya,” katanya. Selain itu, Blok Cepu disebutnya masih menjadi andalan untuk merealisasikan target produksi migas 2017.

Pertamina telah menganggarkan US$ 3,44 miliar untuk mendanai berbagai kegiatan untuk mencapai target produksi migas 2017. Rincinya, Pertamina akan mengebor 28 sumur eksplorasi dan 129 sumur pengembangan, melaksanakan kerja ulang 31 sumur, serta menjalankan 5.000 pekerjaan perawatan sumur.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, produksi migas perseroan ditargetkan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya hingga mencapai 1,9 juta boepd pada 2025. 

    Peningkatan produksi diperoleh dari optimasi aset eksisting, pengambilalihan blok migas habis kontrak, dan akuisisi aset migas di negara lain. Langkah ini diperlukan untuk memperkecil selisih produksi dan kebutuhan migas nasional di tahun-tahun mendatang.

“Performance kami dari 2008 sampai 2016, produksi migas terus tumbuh. Jadi kami bisa membuktikan bahwa kami masih bisa tumbuh," kata dia. Ke depan, Pertamina menargetkan produksi migas tumbuh 8% per tahun, sementara cadangan gas bertambah 4,4% per tahun.

Kontribusi Finansial

Sementara dari sisi finansial, Meidawati mengakui, kontribusi sektor hulu terhadap total laba perseroan justru menurun pada tahun ini. Pada tahun lalu, sektor hulu tercatat menyumbang US$ 980 juta atau 31% dari realisasi laba perseroan US$ 3,14 miliar. 

Sementara tahun ini kontribusi hulu turun tipis jadi 30%, rincinya sebesar US$ 905 juta dari target total laba US$ 3,04 miliar. “Namun, secara jumlah pekerjaan sebenarnya yang dilakukan tahun ini lebih banyak,” ujar dia.

Dia menyebutkan ada beberapa faktor yang memangkas kontribusi hulu terhadap laba perusahaan. Pertama, beberapa kegiatan seismik yang ditunda tahun lalu karena harga minyak turun drastis, akan digarap tahun ini. 

Kedua, banyak proyek migas yang mulai beroperasi turut menaikkan biaya perawatan. Terakhir, adanya kebijakan penurunan harga gas untuk sektor tertentu yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

Soal harga gas, beberapa anak usaha Pertamina ada yang terkena imbas kebijakan ini. “Gas dari PHE (Pertamina Hulu Energi) ada yang ke pupuk dan petrokimia, ini berdampak sekitar 15%,” tutur dia. 

    Blok migas di bawah PHE yang terkena dampak kebijakan harga ini adalah Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), North Sumatera Offshore, North Sumatera Block B, dan Ogan Komering. 

Selain itu juga beberapa blok yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP Untuk meminimalisir imbas kebijakan ini, pihaknya punya beberapa strategi. Rincinya, mempercepat temuan eksplorasi masuk ke fase produksi, efisiensi dan efektivitas biaya, serta menggunakan teknologi tepat guna.

“Selain itu, makanya produksi minyak digenjot karena harga minyak masih cukup bagus,” ujar dia. Pertamina mengasumsikan harga minyak tahun ini akan di kisaran US$ 45 per barel. Sementara realisasi harga minyak sudah di atas US$ 50 per barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, April, 10, 2017

Arrears 40 Oil and Gas Contractors Reach US $ 350 Million

Oil and Gas SKK 40 PSC's having trouble finding it because untracked continuing involvement in Indonesia. SKK Migas said that the total arrears originally reached about US $ 400 million and only managed to collect $ 50 million of them.

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) has noted that to date there are 40 cooperation contracts (PSC), which has not paid a bonus of signatures (signature bonus) and the certainty of commitment (firm commitment).

The total value of arrears reached US $ 350 million, or equivalent to Rp 4.66 trillion. SKK Migas originally called the total arrears reached about US $ 400 million, and only managed to collect $ 50 million of them. Secretary Agustiono SKK Migas Budi explained that two types of deposit payment was supposed to be done 30 days after they won the bid an oil and gas block.

According to Budi, SKK Migas difficulty of tracing the whereabouts of 40 PSC. The agency claims to have repeatedly tried to contact and seek their existence, either by writing them as well as through announcements via mass media. "Already many times we will announce in the newspapers, we find the address but could not find," said Budi usai exposure to the performance of the upstream oil the first quarter of 2017, Friday (7/4).

Moreover, this time they will no longer be the operator, because the government has decided to contract them. Unfortunately, SKK Migas did not want to open up the names of the PSC are still in arrears. But clearly, SKK Migas has been collaborating with the Indonesian Embassy to contact the delinquent contractor. Among them is the Indonesian embassy in Canada and Mexico.

No authority

SKK Migas, said Budi, lamented the problem of arrears by the contractor's obligations. Moreover, this agency was not able to do anything because the task of SKK Migas only as an implementing agency. According to Budi, during SKK Migas not the institution conducting oil and gas block auction, the winning bidder or approved of the block.

"We were blamed for the 40 commitments. Why not pay? It's a contract that was recently the first year not to do seismic risk exists in the country," said Budi. In fact, if SKK Migas could make a decision, then they are not only able to prevent their arrears, but also can increase the production of oil and gas.

To that end, SKK Migas was already submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in order in the revised Act new Oil and Gas, Oil and Gas SKK can be an institution that can make a decision. "We have conveyed somehow made what is not in the Ministry, the agency wanted to go all out, all decisions in this institution, would shape Special Business Entity or the State Owned Enterprises Special or SOE, the important thing was one to increase the production of" Budi said.

IGN Wiratmaja Puja Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said, billing remains the task of SKK Migas. "In discussing the government to be talking SKK Migas for the business. Domain to SKK oil and gas business," he said.

Executive Director of the Indonesia Petroleum 'Association (IPA) Marjjolijn Wajong revealed similar situation with Wiratmaja. "The issue of arrears, because all the existing rules," he said.


Tunggakan 40 Kontraktor Migas Mencapai US$ 350 Juta

SKK Migas merasa kesulitan mencari 40 KKKS itu karena tidak terlacak Iagi di Indonesia. SKK Migas menyebutkan total tunggakan semula mencapai sekitar US$ 400 juta dan baru berhasil menagih sebesar US$ 50 juta diantaranya.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat, hingga saat ini ada 40 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang belum membayar bonus tanda-tangan (signature bonus) dan komitmen kepastian (firm commitment).

Total nilai tunggakan mencapai US$ 350 juta, atau setara dengan Rp 4,66 triliun. SKK Migas menyebut total tunggakan semula mencapai sekitar US$ 400 juta, dan hanya berhasil menagih sebesar US$ 50 juta diantaranya. Sekretaris SKK Migas Budi Agustiono menjelaskan, pembayaran dua jenis setoran itu mestinya dilakukan 30 hari setelah mereka memenangkan tender suatu blok migas.

Menurut Budi, SKK Migas kesulitan melacak keberadaan 40 KKKS tersebut. Instansi ini mengklaim sudah berulangkali mencoba menghubungi dan mencari keberadaan mereka, baik dengan menyurati mereka maupun melalui pengumuman lewat media massa. "Sudah berkali-kali kami umumkan di koran, kami cari alamatnya tapi tidak ketemu," kata Budi usai paparan kinerja hulu migas kuartal I-2017, Jumat (7/4).

Selain itu, saat ini mereka tidak lagi menjadi operator, karena pemerintah sudah memutuskan kontrak mereka. Sayangnya, SKK Migas tidak mau membuka nama-nama KKKS yang masih menunggak itu. Namun yang jelas, SKK Migas telah bekerjasama dengan sejumlah Kedutaan Besar Indonesia untuk menghubungi kontraktor penunggak itu. Di antaranya adalah Kedutaan besar Indonesia di Kanada dan Meksiko.

Tidak punya wewenang 

SKK Migas, kata Budi, menyesalkan masalah tunggakan kewajiban oleh kontraktor ini. Apalagi instansi ini merasa tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena tugas SKK Migas hanya sebagai badan pelaksana. Menurut Budi, selama ini SKK Migas bukan lembaga yang melakukan lelang blok migas, ataupun menyetujui pemenang lelang blok tersebut. 

"Kami yang disalahkan atas 40 komitmen. Kenapa belum bayar? Ini kontrak yang baru-baru tahun pertama tidak lakukan seismik, risiko ada pada negara," kata Budi. Padahal, Jika SKK Migas bisa membuat keputusan, maka mereka tidak hanya bisa mencegah adanya tunggakan, tapi juga bisa meningkatkan produksi migas. 

Untuk itu, SKK Migas pun sudah mengajukan ke Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) agar dalam revisi Undang-Undang Migas yang baru, SKK Migas bisa menjadi lembaga yang bisa membuat keputusan. "Kami sudah sampaikan entah di buat apa tidak di Kementerian, inginnya lembaga ini all out, semua keputusan di lembaga ini, mau bentuknya Badan Usaha Khusus atau Badan Usaha Milik Negara Khusus atau BUMN, yang penting itu satu untuk tingkatkan produksi" ujar Budi.

IGN Wiratmaja Puja Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM mengatakan, penagihan tetap jadi tugas SKK Migas. "Di diskusikan ke pemerintah yang boleh bicara SKK Migas karena itu bisnis. Domain bisnis ke SKK Migas," ujarnya.

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum "Association (IPA) Marjjolijn Wajong menyatakan hal senada dengan Wiratmaja. "Soal tunggakan, sebab semua sudah ada aturannya," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, April, 10, 2017