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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

SKK Migas Supports Curbing Illegal Pertamina Drilling in the Work Area

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) to support the Government's plan Musi Banyuasin (Muba), South Sumatra closes around 27 oil wells in the region of PT Pertamina EP Field Asset 1 Ramba in Mangunjaya, District Babat Toman. Closure of wells mined illegally or illegally drilling on land owned by the state will be held the end of April 2017 with the involvement of the TNI / Polri and Pertamina.

Chief Representative of SKK Migas Region Southern Sumatra Tirat S lchtijar said PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba which is a cooperation contract (PSC) under the coordination and supervision of SKK Migas, has been coordinating with the Municipal Government of Muba related to the planned closure of oil wells appropriated by communities of Mangunjaya.

"So far, Pertamina is ready to support the Government of Muba District. Likewise, the security forces (TNI / Polri), coordination between them continue to run, "said Tirat.

According Tirat, drilling activity without a contract, let alone carried out on land owned by the state and had no management, the PSC is unlawful. Those involved in illegal drilling could be in prison with article 52 of Law N0 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas which the penalty is six years in prison and penalties of Rp 60 billion. "Drilling illegal actions also violate Article 98 Act No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Management of the Environment, "he said.

Acting Regent of Muba previous Yusnin promising controlling 27 oil wells in the working area and into assets Assets Pertamina EP 1 Field Ramba in Mangunjaya, managed Illegal miners, completed late April 2017.

At least 104 oil wells to be an asset Pertamina EP in Muba. A total of 81 wells are in the area Mangunjaya, Babat Toman and 23 wells in the area currently administered Keluang illegally society. Oil wells are in Keluang been controlled completely, while 27 wells in Mangunjaya not issued.

    Member of the DPR Energy Commission Ganinduto Dito said, local governments are required to curb the practice of illegal drilling. District Government should cooperate closely with the security forces and PSC. On the other hand, according to Dito, SKK Migas required to supervise the enforcement activities.

"If there is a game that involves local government officials or forces behind the illegal activity drilling this, take action. To that end, coordination among stakeholders needs to be improved. Drilling illegal practices danger to health, the environment, and also the safety of miners and surrounding communities, "he said.

Tirat admitted illegal mining activities in the state-owned assets is very dangerous for the health and safety and the safety of miners and surrounding communities. On the other hand, in the vicinity of many workers and illegal mining around marginalized population.

There was no illegal mining they still live in poverty. Therefore it is not true miners and communities around the well location to enjoy the sustenance of illegal mining activity in wells owned by Pertamina.

Daily Acting Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said the illegal oil drilling activities in the working area of Pertamina EP in addition to violating the law and environmental damage, also have a direct impact to the operators, workers and surrounding communities.


SKK Migas Dukung   Penertiban Illegal Drilling di Wilayah Kerja Pertamina

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mendukung rencana Pemerintah Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Muba), Sumatera Selatan menutup sekitar 27 sumur minyak di wilayah kerja PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba di Mangunjaya, Kecamatan Babat Toman. 

    Penutupan sumur yang ditambang secara ilegal atau illegal drilling di lahan milik negara itu akan dilaksanakan akhir April 2017 dengan melibatkan aparat TNI/Polri dan Pertamina.

Kepala Perwakilan SKK Migas Wilayah Sumatera Bagian Selatan Tirat S lchtijar mengatakan, PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba yang merupakan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) di bawah koodinasi dan supervisi SKK Migas, telah berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Muba terkait rencana penutupan sumur minyak yang diserobot oleh masyarakat di wilayah Mangunjaya.

“Sejauh ini Pertamina telah siap mendukung Pemerintah Kabupaten Muba. Demikian juga pihak keamanan (TNI/Polri), koordinasi di antara mereka terus berjalan," ujar Tirat.

Menurut Tirat, kegiatan pengeboran tanpa memiliki kontrak, apalagi dilakukan di lahan milik negara dan sudah ada pengelolanya, yaitu KKKS adalah tindakan melanggar hukum. Pelaku illegal drilling bisa di penjara dengan pasal 52 UU N0 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang ancaman hukumannya adalah penjara enam tahun dan sanksi berupa denda Rp 60 miliar. 

“Tindakan illegal drilling juga melanggar pasal 98 Undang-Undang No 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup," katanya.

Pelaksana Tugas Bupati Muba Yusnin sebelumnya menjanjikan penertiban 27 sumur minyak yang berada di wilayah kerja dan menjadi aset Pertamina EP Aset 1 Field Ramba di Mangunjaya, yang dikelola secara ilegal oleh para penambang, tuntas akhir April 2017.

Sedikitnya 104 sumur minyak yang menjadi aset Pertamina EP di Muba. Sebanyak 81 sumur berada di area Mangunjaya, Babat Toman dan 23 sumur di area Keluang yang saat ini dikelola masyarakat secara ilegal. Sumur minyak yang berada di Keluang berhasil ditertibkan seluruhnya, sedangkan 27 sumur di Mangunjaya belum ditertibkan.

Anggota Komisi Energi DPR Dito Ganinduto mengatakan, pemerintah daerah wajib melakukan penertiban praktik illegal drilling. Pemerintah Kabupaten  harus bekerja sama sama dengan aparat keamanan dan KKKS. Di sisi lain, menurut Dito, SKK Migas diwajibkan mengawasi kegiatan penertiban tersebut.

“Kalau ada permainan yang melibatkan oknum pemerintah daerah atau aparat dibalik kegiatan illegal drilling ini, segera ambil tindakan. Untuk itu, koordinasi di antara stakeholders perlu ditingkatkan. Praktik illegal drilling bahaya bagi kesehatan, lingkungan, dan juga keselamatan penambang dan masyarakat sekitar,” katanya.

Tirat mengakui, kegiatan penambangan ilegal pada aset milik negara sangat membahayakan bagi kesehatan dan keamanan serta keselamatan penambang serta masyarakat sekitar. Di sisi lain, di sekitar lokasi penambangan ilegal banyak pekerja dan penduduk sekitar yang termarjinalkan. 

      Ada tidak ada penambangan liar mereka hidup tetap di garis kemiskinan. Karena itu, tidak benar penambang dan masyarakat sekitar lokasi sumur menikmati rezeki dari kegiatan penambangan ilegal di sumur milik Pertamina. 

Pelaksana Tugas Harian Direktur Utama PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, kegiatan pengeboran minyak ilegal pada wilayah kerja Pertamina EP selain melanggar ketentuan hukum dan merusak lingkungan, juga berdampak langsung ke para operator, pekerja, dan masyarakat sekitar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Pertamina EP Sure Reaches Target

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina shows a fairly positive performance during the first quarter 2017. The Company is optimistic to achieve the target of 2017 recorded until the end of March 2017, the level of PT Pertamina EP oil production reached 80 727 bopd or 95 percent of the target RKAP 2017 amounted to 85 thousand BOPD. For gas production, Pertamina EP reached 961.6 MMSCFD or 93 percent of the target RKAP 2017 amounted to 1,041 MMSCFD.

"Until the first quarter of this we thank God we can restrain the rate of natural production decline by 20 percent per year and maintain production levels in the range of 80 thousand BOPD and we are optimistic to meet the target in 2017 amounted to 85 thousand BOPD," said Nanang Abdul Manaf PTH President Director of PT Pertamina EP , in a discussion in Cirebon, Monday (10/4).

During the first three months of this, the dynamics of production from the field. Some courts also increased significantly with the efforts made to optimize production. "Some of the field has increased significantly among others Jatibarang Field, which is obtained from the repair wells or rework moving layer (KUPL) Well XA O9 in the field of offshore platform X-ray from the initial production rate in the range of 87 BOPD to 2781 BOPD, "said Nana.

In addition, the performance of Rantau Field also showed a positive trend. Field Overseas production increased from 2,100 BOPD in early 2017 to 2,831 BOPD in early April 2017 with the achievement of 127 per cent against the target. Increased production of 731 BOPD obtained from five wells repair work and one well drilling.

Furthermore, Nana added, the seismic performance also showed a positive trend. Until the end of March 2017, the realization of 2D seismic were run by PT Pertamina EP reaches 426 km or 48 percent of the target of 833 km. As for the 3D seismic, has been implemented 171 square kilometers or 26 percent of the target of 669 square kilometers.

"Our commitment, in addition to increasing the production, also to maintain the availability of energy reserves by searching new reserves with aggressive conduct seismic and exploration activities.

Hope we can find a large reserve potential or big fish so the upstream oil and gas industry more and more excited, "said Nana.

For exploration drilling activity itself, Nana said, PT Pertamina EP has completed drilling three exploration wells and drilling is underway on six other wells that have been initiated in this first quarter.

"God willing the target of exploration wells by 12 wells can we accomplish by the end of 2017," he asserted.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) is negotiating with ExxonMobil to take over the participation of developing-Tiung BIRU Jambaran (JTB) which is operated by PEPC. These negotiations are expected completed in May 2017 so that PEPC can immediately execute the full field development.

This is a follow-up letter Menreri EMR N0 g / 13 / MEM.M / 2017 dated 3 Januari 2017, which ordered Pertamina to develop a full and complete discussion JTB field with ExxonMobil in business to business (B-TOB).

"We have already signed an interim agreement in March 2017, the transition period has begun begins, "said Director of PEPC Adriansyah. After negotiations finished, expected in 2020 has been able to produce. JTB field development is currently under implementation of early EPC civil work (ECW).


Pertamina EP Yakin Capai Target

PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina menunjukkan kinerja yang cukup positif selama triwulan I-2017. Perseroan pun optimistis dapat mencapai target 2017. Tercatat hingga akhir Maret 2017, tingkat produksi minyak PT Pertamina EP mencapai 80.727 BOPD atau sebesar 95 persen dari target RKAP 2017 sebesar 85 ribu BOPD. Untuk produksi gas, PT Pertamina EP mencapai 961,6 MMSCFD atau sebesar 93 persen dari target RKAP 2017 sebesar 1.041 MMSCFD.

“Sampai triwulan I ini alhamdulillah kami dapat menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah sebesar 20 persen per tahun dan menjaga tingkat produksi di kisaran 80 ribu BOPD dan kami optimistis untuk memenuhi target 2017 sebesar 85 ribu BOPD,” kata Nanang Abdul Manaf PTH President Director PT Pertamina EP, dalam diskusi di Cirebon, Senin (10/4).

Selama kurun waktu tiga bulan pertama ini, terjadi dinamika produksi dari lapangan. Sejumlah lapangan pun mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan dengan berbagai upaya yang dilakukan untuk optimalisasi produksi. “Beberapa lapangan yang mengalami peningkatan signifikan antara lain adalah Jatibarang Field, yang didapatkan dari hasil reparasi sumur atau kerja ulang pindah lapisan (KUPL) Sumur XA O9 di lapangan lepas pantai platform X-ray dari awalnya tingkat produksi di kisaran 87 BOPD menjadi 2.781 BOPD,” kata Nanang.

Selain itu, kinerja Rantau Field juga menunjukkan tren positif. Produksi Rantau Field mengalami kenaikan dari 2.100 BOPD pada awal 2017 menjadi 2.831 BOPD pada awal April 2017 dengan pencapaian 127 persen terhadap target. Peningkatan produksi sebesar 731 BOPD didapatkan dari pekerjaan lima sumur reparasi dan satu sumur pengeboran. 

Lebih lanjut, Nanang menambahkan, kinerja seismik juga menunjukkan tren yang positif. Hingga akhir Maret 2017, realisasi seismik 2D yang dijalankan oleh PT Pertamina EP mencapai 426 km atau 48 persen dari target sebesar 833 km. Sementara untuk seismik 3D, sudah terlaksana 171 kilometer persegi atau 26 persen dari target sebesar 669 kilometer persegi.

“Komitmen kami, selain untuk meningkatkan produksi, juga untuk menjaga ketersediaan cadangan energi melalui pencarian cadangan-cadangan baru dengan agresif melakukan kegiatan seismik dan eksplorasi.

Harapan kami dapat menemukan potensi cadangan yang besar atau big fish sehingga industri hulu migas semakin bergairah,” ujar Nanang. 

Untuk kegiatan pengeboran eksplorasi sendiri, Nanang menyebutkan, PT Pertamina EP telah menyelesaikan pengeboran tiga sumur eksplorasi dan sedang berlangsung pengeboran untuk enam sumur lainnya yang telah dimulai dalam triwulan I ini.

“Insya Allah target sumur eksplorasi sebanyak 12 sumur dapat kami selesaikan hingga akhir tahun 2017,” katanya menegaskan.

Sementara, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) tengah bernegosiasi dengan ExxonMobil untuk mengambil alih partisipasi pengembangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) yang dioperasikan oleh PEPC. Negosiasi ini diharapkan tuntas pada Mei 2017 sehingga PEPC dapat segera mengeksekusi pengembangan lapangan tersebut secara penuh. 

Hal ini sebagai tindak lanjut Surat Menreri ESDM N0 g/13/MEM.M/ 2017 tertanggal 3 Januari 2017, yang memerintahkan Pertamina untuk mengembangkan secara penuh lapangan JTB dan menyelesaikan pembahasan dengan ExxonMobil secara business to business (B-toB).

“Kami sudah menandatangani interim agreement pada Maret 2017. Saat ini masa transisi sudah mulai dimulai,” kata Direktur Utama PEPC Adriansyah. Setelah negosiasi tuntas, diharapkan pada 2020 sudah dapat berproduksi. Saat ini pengembangan lapangan JTB sedang dalam pelaksanaan EPC early civil work (ECW).

Republika, Page-15, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Pertamina will Some Blocks Foreign Acquisitions

To realize the target production of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in 2025, PT Pertamina will intensify the acquisition of oil and gas assets at home and abroad. In fact, the acquisition of assets from abroad (overseas) relied upon to contribute 33% of the production target, PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said it would manage the termination blocks. Pertamina is preparing eight blocks termination management in 2018 have been submitted by the government to Pertamina, including Sanga Sanga.

Block in East Kalimantan was owned by BP East Kalimantan at 26.250 / 0, Lasmo Sanga-Sanga 26.25%, Virginia Indonesia Co. LLC 7.5%, the OPI-COIL Houston Inc. by 20%, Universe Gas 86 Oil company 4.37%, and Virginia International Co. LLC 15.63%

In the country, Pertamina also optimize the assets owned by berhagai projects, such as the WMO Integration Project, Nunukan Parang drilling projects, drilling projects Randugunting, also optimization of EOR in old wells and others. The asset optimization intended to increase oil and gas production for the target companies in the upstream sector is reached.

As for the three blocks that have already been produced, namely Algeria, Iraq and Malaysia, Pertamina now has an additional three blocks that are already in production in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Gabon.

"So now we are grateful to Pertamina in 12 countries," said Syamsu Alam. A number of steps Pertamina do not get out of the SOE attempts to make a significant contribution in supporting the national economy. Indonesia, which now includes countries with economic strength is rated 16 in 2050 is estimated to be the fourth-highest economy after China, USA, and India, with a GDP of US $ 15.432 billion.

With that kind of economic growth, Indonesia needs the support of energy to the maximum. In national energy needs today are much more than adequate. In 2015, the national energy production amounted to 354 million tons.


Pertamina akan Akuisisi Sejumlah Blok Luar Negeri  

Untuk merealisasikan target produksi 1,9 juta barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd) pada 2025, PT Pertamina akan menggencarkan akusisi aset migas di dalam dan di luar negeri. Bahkan, akuisisi aset dari luar negeri (overseas) diandalkan mampu menyumbang 33% target produksi tersebut, Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam menyatakan pihaknya akan mengelola blok-blok terminasi. Pertamina sedang menyiapkan pengelolaan delapan blok terminasi di 2018 yang telah diserahkan pemerintah kepada Pertamina, termasuk di dalamnya Blok Sanga Sanga.

Blok di Kalimantan Timur itu dimiliki BP East Kalimantan sebesar 26,250/0, Lasmo Sanga-Sanga 26,25%, Virginia Indonesia Co LLC 7,5%, OPI-COIL Houston Inc sebesar 20%, Universe Gas 86 Oil Company 4,37%, dan Virginia International Co LLC 15,63%

Di dalam negeri, Pertamina juga mengoptimalisasikan aset-aset yang dimiliki dengan berhagai proyek, seperti PHE WMO Integration Project, proyek pengeboran Parang Nunukan, proyek pengeboran Randugunting, juga optimalisasi EOR di sumur-sumur tua dan lainya. Optimalisasi aset tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan produksi migas agar target perusahaan di sektor hulu tercapai.

Adapun dari tiga blok yang telah berproduksi, yaitu Aljazair, Irak, dan Malaysia, Pertamina kini memiliki tambahan tiga blok yang sudah berproduksi di Nigeria, Tanzania, dan Gabon.

“Jadi sekarang kita bersyukur Pertamina ada di 12 negara,” kata Syamsu Alam. Sejumlah langkah yang dilakukan Pertamina tidak lepas dari upaya BUMN tersebut untuk memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dalam mendukung perekonomian nasional. Indonesia yang kini termasuk negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi berperingkat 16, pada 2050 diperkirakan menjadi negara dengan perekonomian keempat tertinggi setelah Tiongkok, Amerika Serikat, dan India, dengan GDP US$15,432 miliar.

Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi semacam itu, Indonesia membutuhkan dukungan energi secara maksimal. Secara nasional kebutuhan energi saat ini jauh lebih dari cukup. Pada 2015 produksi energi nasional sebesar 354 juta ton.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Pertamina eyes overseas acquisitions

State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina seeks to acquire more overseas oil and gas blocks in a move to meet its sizeable production target by 2025. Pertamina’s upstream director Syamsu Alam said the foreign acquisitions would contribute around 33 percent to its overall production goal of 1.9 billion barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in the next eight years.

The company has set up a presence in twelve countries across the globe.  Two new foreign blocks in Gabon and Nigeria have commenced a eyes overseas acquisition Pertamina has operations in 12 countries Company to acquire more blocks in countries where it already has presence production, adding to existing blocks in Algeria, Iraq and Malaysia. 

Seven others located in Canada, Colombia, France, Italy, Myanmar, Namibia and Tanzania are still under exploration. The foreign acquisitions would be carried out in countries where Pertamina currently had operations, Syamsu said, adding that the company also planned to expand its production facilities in
Malaysia and Algeria.

“The reason for the expansion to foreign oil and gas blocks is to ultimately strengthen our reserves and boost production. Gas and oil produced overseas will be brought back to Indonesia for processing to fulfill domestic demand,” he said during a Pertamina event in Cirebon, West Java, on Sunday.

Syamsu reiterated that Indonesia would need to maximize output from its energy assets to support annual domestic economic growth of more than 5 percent. While Pertamina aims to strengthen its foothold abroad, it is also pushing its oil and gas output at home by taking over operations at eight blocks next year after the expiration of production contracts, including the Sanga-sanga Block in East Kalimantan and the Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) Block.

During the first quarter, Pertamina’s total oil production amounted to 318,000 barrels per day (bpd), while gas production settled at 1.9 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd), according to Pertamina’s upstream strategic planning and operations evaluation senior vice president Meidawati.

The oil rich Cepu Block in Central Java, which is operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, contributed a sizeable amount of 88,000 bpd of oil. Significant overseas production hubs, such as Algeria, Malaysia and Iraq, meanwhile, provided 87,000 bpd of oil and 266 mmscfd of natural gas.

Pertamina produced 312 bpd of oil and 338 boepd of gas in 2016, slightly higher than the 278 bpd and 328 boepd achieved in 2015. For this year, it aims to generate 334 bpd of oil and 359 boepd of gas, bringing the overall production of 693 boepd, up from last year’s 650 boped. Even so, Syamsu noted, the production rate was still below expectations, and Pertamina needed to implement efficiency measures to address the issue.

“Even though oil and gas consumption is still high in Indonesia, production rates are steadily falling, and our reserves are also thinning out. There needs to be a restructuring of energy prices as well as technological innovation in order to achieve cost efficiency on our part,” he said.

Data from Pertamina and the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry show that domestic oil demand could hit 1.6 million bpd by 2020. Pertamina’s revenue and profit from its upstream business reached highs of US$9.08 billion and $2.02 billion, respectively, in 2014, which was attributed to high global energy prices throughout that year. In 2016, its revenue fell to $6.27 billion, while its profit dropped to $980 million.

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Oil and Gas Production 2017 Could Exceed Target

A subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) which is engaged in upstream oil and gas industry, PT Pertamina EP, during the first kuartai 2017 showed positive achievements. Recorded until the end of March 2017, Pertamina EP oil production reached 80 727 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or 95 percent of the target RKAP 2017 amounted to 85 thousand BOPD.

To PT Pertamina EP Gas production reached 961.6 MMSCFD or 93 percent of the target RKAP 2017 amounted to 1,041 MMSCFD. "Until the first quarter of this Thank God we can restrain the rate of decline natural production by 20 percent per year and maintain production levels in the range of 80 thousand BOPD and we are optimistic to meet the target of 2017 amounted to 85 thousand BOPD, "said Nanang Abdul Manaf PTH President Director of PT Pertamina EP, in discussions in Cirebon, Monday (10/4 ).

During the first three months of this, the dynamics of production from the field. Some courts also increased significantly with the efforts made to optimize production.

"Some of the field has increased significantly among others Jatibarang Field, which repair results obtained from wells or Job Re-Move Layer (KUPL) XA 09 wells offshore platform in the field of initial production rate XRAY in the range of 87 BOPD to 2781 BOPD ", said Nana.

In addition, the performance of Rantau Field also rnenunjukkan positive trend, Rantau Field production has increased from 2,100 at the beginning of 2017 BOPD to 2831 BOPD rnenjadi in early April 2017 with the achievement of 127 per cent against the target. Increased production of 731 BOPD obtained from five wells repair work and one well drilling.

Furthermore, Nana adds, Seismic performance also showed a positive trend. Until the end of March 2017, the realization of 2D Seismic run by PT Periamina EP reached 426 kilometers (km), or 48 percent of the target of 833 km, and for 3D seismic has been implemented 171 square kilometers or 26
percent of the target of 669 square kilometers.

"Our commitment, in addition to increasing the production also to maintain sufficient energy reserves; through seeking new reserves with aggressive conduct seismic and exploration activities. Hope we can find a large reserve potential or Big Fish so that the upstream oil and gas industry more excited, "said Nana.


Produksi Migas Bisa Lampaui Target 2017

Anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) yang bergerak di industri hulu migas, PT Pertamina EP, selama kuartai I 2017 menunjukkan kinerja yang cukup positif. Tercatat hingga akhir Maret 2017, tingkat produksi minyak Pertamina EP mencapai 80.727 barel minyak per hari (BOPD) atau sebesar 95 persen dari target RKAP 2017 sebesar 85 ribu BOPD.

Untuk produksi Gas PT Pertamina EP mencapai 961,6 MMSCFD atau sebesar 93 persen dari target RKAP 2017 sebesar 1.041 MMSCFD. “Sampai kuartal satu ini Alhamdulillah kami dapat menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah sebesar 20 persen per tahun dan menjaga tingkat produksi pada kisaran 80 ribu BOPD dan kami optimistis untuk memenuhi target 2017 sebesar 85 ribu BOPD," kata Nanang Abdul Manaf PTH President Director PT Pertamina EP, dalam diskusi di Cirebon, Senin (10/4).

Selama kurun waktu tiga bulan pertama ini, terjadi dinamika produksi dari lapangan. Sejumlah lapangan pun mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan dengan berbagai upaya yang dilakukan untuk optimalisasi produksi.

“Beberapa lapangan yang mengalami peningkatan signifikan antara lain adalah Jatibarang Field, yang didapatkan dari hasil reparasi sumur atau Kerja Ulang Pindah Lapisan (KUPL) Sumur XA 09 di lapangan lepas pantai Platform XRay dari awalnya tingkat produksi di kisaran 87 BOPD menjadi 2.781 BOPD”, kata Nanang.

Selain itu, kinerja Rantau Field juga rnenunjukkan tren positif, produksi Rantau Field mengalami kenaikan dari 2.100 BOPD pada awal tahun 2017 rnenjadi 2.831 BOPD pada awal April 2017 dengan pencapaian 127 persen terhadap target. Peningkatan produksi sebesar 731 BOPD didapatkan dari pekerjaan lima sumur reparasi dan satu sumur pemboran.

Lebih lanjut, Nanang menambahkan, kinerja Seismik juga menunjukkan tren yang positif. Hingga akhir Maret 2017, realisasi Seismik 2D yang dijalankan oleh PT Periamina EP mencapai 426 kilometer (km), atau 48 persen dari target sebesar 833 km, dan untuk seismik 3D sudah terlaksana 171 kilometer persegi atau 26 persen dari target sebesar 669 kilometer persegi. 

“Komitmen kami, selain untuk meningkatkan produksi juga untuk menjaga ketersediaan cadangan energi; melalui pencarian cadangan-cadangan baru dengan agresif melakukan kegiatan seismic dan eksplorasi. Harapan kami dapat menemukan potensi cadangan yang besar atau Big Fish sehingga industri hulu migas semakin bergairah," kata Nanang.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Gross Split will go into the Oil and Gas Law Revision.

Until now, the revision of the Law on Mineral and Gas remains uncertain. But the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claimed to have had a proposal to insert into the Law.

One of them split gross scheme. "When it started, we will post a gross rules split into law," said Minister Ignasius Jonan, Sunday (9/4).

According to him, with a gross scheme split, all systems in the upstream oil and gas business can be run transparently. "We make the system. Everything is transparent," said Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar.

He explained that the poor management of oil and gas industry during this time was not able to answer determination split in the production sharing contract alias production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery scheme. In addition, the scheme cost recovery can not predict business risk in terms of time. Meanwhile, the gross changes in the rules on split stipulated in Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8 Year 2017.

Split gross scheme applied in Indonesia is the only one in the world. "Gross split exists in the world with another form. But the split is based on business risks only exist in Indonesia. In America by Royalty and tax. Taxes fixed royalty of its negotiations,"


Gross Split AKan Masuk ke dalam Revisi UU Migas.

Hingga saat ini, revisi Undang-Undang Mineral dan Gas masih terkatung-katung. Namun pemerintah melalui Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengaku telah memiliki usulan untuk di masukkan ke dalam UU tersebut. 

Salah satunya skema gross split. "Kalau sudah mulai, kita akan memasukkan aturan gross split ke dalam undang-undang," ujar Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, Minggu (9/4).

Menurut dia, dengan skema gross split, semua sistem bisnis di hulu migas bisa berjalan secara transparan. "Kami membikin sistem. Semuanya transparan," kata Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Ia menjelaskan, kelemahan manajemen industri migas selama ini adalah belum mampu menjawab penentuan split dalam kontrak bagi hasil alias procluction sharing contract (PSC) skema cost recovery. Selain itu, skema cost
recovery tidak bisa memprediksi risiko bisnis dari segi waktu. Adapun, perubahan aturan tentang gross split diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8 Tahun 2017.

Skema gross split yang diterapkan di Indonesia adalah satu-satunya di dunia. "Gross split ini ada di dunia dengan bentuk lain. Tapi yang split berdasarkan risiko-risiko bisnis hanya ada di Indonesia. Di Amerika berdasarkan Royalty and tax. Pajak fixed, royalti negosiasi," 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Pertamina Focus Asset Acquisition in Iran and Russia

PT Pertamina began intensively to finalize the proposed acquisition of assets, both inside and outside the country. SOE has also been set aside about US $ 20 billion for the next 20 years plans. 

     PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said his company is currently negotiating to acquire assets focused in two states, namely Iran and Russia. "We also are evaluating for other countries geopolitically possible for us to get in, "he said, during a visit to Pertamina Hulu Field Jatibarang, Monday (10/4).

Expansion related to Iran, Syamsu optimistic will win the tender to acquire two blocks in the country, namely the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. At present, these two places are also being contested by Lukoil of Russia and Maersk of Denmark.

Syamsu admitted to Pertamina is the first company to submit a proposal to Iran. Technically, the proposal is describe in detail about the plan of development, investment plans and production plans.

Moreover, Joko Widodo President's visit to Iran some time ago that also explicitly said that the desire to have activities and assets to the President of Iran. This can strengthen the potential of Pertamina get the auction. As for assets in Russia, Pertamina is eyeing the block there with a production capacity of approximately 170,000 barrels per day (bpd).


Pertamina Fokus Akuisisi Aset di Iran dan Rusia

PT Pertamina mulai gencar mematangkan rencana akuisisi aset, baik di dalam dan di luar negeri. BUMN tersebut juga sudah menyiapkan dana sekitar US$ 20 miliar untuk rencana 20 tahun ke depan. 

     Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya sedang fokus bernegosiasi untuk mengakuisisi aset di dua negara, yaitu Iran dan Rusia. "Kami juga sedang melakukan evaluasi untuk negara-negara lain yang secara geopolitik memungkinkan untuk kita masuk,” katanya, dalam kunjungan ke Pertamina Hulu Field Jatibarang, Senin (10/4). 

Terkait ekspansi ke Iran, Syamsu mengaku optimistis akan memenangkan tender dalam mendapatkan dua blok di negeri itu, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. Saat ini,  dua tempat tersebut juga sedang diperebutkan oleh Lukoil dari Rusia dan Maersk dari Denmark. 

    Syamsu mengaku, Pertamina merupakan perusahaan pertama yang mengajukan proposal kepada Iran. Secara teknikal, proposal tersebut sudah menjabarkan secara detail mengenai plan of development, rencana investasi, dan rencana produksi.

Selain itu, kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo beberapa waktu lalu ke Iran yang juga secara eksplisit mengatakan keinginan memiliki aktivitas maupun aset kepada Presiden Iran. Hal ini dapat menguatkan potensi Pertamina mendapatkan lelang tersebut. Sedangkan untuk aset di Rusia, Pertamina mengincar blok di sana dengan kapasitas produksi sekitar 170.000 barel per hari (bph).

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

The US attack inciting Oil Prices

Crude oil prices even stronger among the concerns of geopolitical conflict that swept the Middle East. Black gold price rising trend of increasingly uncontrollable as OPEC efforts to limit the production of citing Bloomberg. Monday (10/4) at 16:40 pm. WTI oil price delivery contract in May 2016 in New York Mercantile Exchange rose 0.78% to US $ 52.65 per barrel compared to the previous day.

Within a week, oil prices rose 4.8%. PT SoeGee Futures analyst, Nizar Hilmy said the oil price increase is supported by market concerns about geopolitical conditions in the Middle East. This followed a missile attack the United States (US) against the Syrian military base.

US military bases storm after allegations Syria Bashar al-Assad's government to attack civilians with poisonous gas. "Market participants are surprised by the action of the US intervention in Syria, given President Donald Trump had said it would not interfere in the Middle East conflict," said Nizar. Market participants worry escalated after the US attack, both the scope and the levels of violence, which could lead to a world war. "The conflict in the Middle East will disrupt oil distribution so as to support higher prices," said Nizar.

However, this price hike of oil can be retained following the addition of US drilling activity. Baker Hughes Inc. data show Uncle Sam drilling rigs increased in the 12 last week to its highest level since August 2015 to 672 rigs. Goldmand Sachs estimates that US oil production this year will increase to 9 million barrels per day.

The increase in US production could disrupt the plan to limit production of oil producing countries who are members of OPEC. Some OPEC members favor the extension of restrictions on production until the second half of 2017. The official verdict will be announced in late May.

US exports

Deddy Yusuf Siregar, PT Asia Tradepoint Futures analyst, said OPEC plans that helped lift oil prices. Another driving force: the prediction of the consulting firm Wood Mackenzie on US oil exports this year will reach 1 million barrels per day, or higher than before only 798 000 barrels per day. "If the US production offset by export growth, then the price will be maintained at above US $ 50," said Deddy.

According to Deddy, the US has an interest to be a stable oil price. Therefore, the economical price for US oil production in the range of US $ 40 per barrel. He also predicted that oil prices will move in the range of US $ 50 - US $ 55 until the end of the year. And, Deddy stated US weekly oil reserve release of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) will be one of the drivers of this week's price.

Nizar added, market participants will listen to release its April monthly production data. On the other hand, the signal oil demand from China will be visible from the country's economic data releases of the Great Wall. "The condition of geopolitics in the Middle East also still support the strengthening of the price if it does not show signs of let up," said Nizar.

Tuesday (11/4), Deddy projected that oil prices will rise in the range of US $ 51.6 to US $ 53.15 per barrel and US $ 51.2-US35 53,3 week. Average projection Nizar, oil on Tuesday (11/4) will move US $ 52-US $ 54 and US $ 51-US $ 55 a week.


Serangan AS Menyulut  Harga Minyak

Harga minyak mentah semakin kokoh di antara kekhawatiran konflik geopolitik yang melanda Timur Tengah. Tren kenaikan harga emas hitam semakin terkendali seiring upaya OPEC membatasi produksi mengutip Bloomberg. Senin (10/4) pukul 16.40 WIB. Harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman Mei 2016 di New York Mercantile Exchange menguat 0.78% ke level US$ 52,65 per barel dibanding sehari sebelumnya. 

Dalam sepekan, harga minyak naik 4,8%. Analis PT SoeGee Futures, Nizar Hilmy mengatakan, kenaikan harga minyak didukung oleh kekhawatiran pasar terhadap kondisi geopolitik di Timur Tengah. Hal ini menyusul serangan rudal Amerika Serikat (AS) terhadap pangkalan militer Suriah. 

AS menggempur pangkalan militer Suriah setelah ada dugaan Pemerintahan Bashar al-Assad menyerang warga sipil dengan gas beracun. "Pelaku pasar kaget dengan aksi intervensi AS di Suriah, mengingat Presiden Donald Trump sempat menyatakan tidak akan ikut campur pada konflik Timur Tengah," kata Nizar. 

     Pelaku pasar cemas terjadi eskalasi pasca serangan AS,  baik lingkup maupun kadar kekerasan, yang bisa berujung ke perang dunia.  "Konflik di Timur Tengah akan mengganggu distribusi minyak sehingga mendukung kenaikan harga," kata Nizar.

Tapi, penguatan harga ini minyak bisa tertahan menyusul penambahan aktivitas pengeboran AS. Data Baker Hughes inc menunjukkan rig pengeboran negeri Paman Sam bertambah dalam 12 pekan terakhir ke level tertinggi sejak Agustus 2015 menjadi 672 rig. Goldmand Sachs memperkirakan, produksi minyak AS tahun ini akan meningkat jadi 9 juta barel per hari. 

Kenaikan produksi AS bisa mengganggu rencana pembatasan produksi dari negara produsen minyak yang tergabung dalam OPEC. Beberapa anggota OPEC mendukung perpanjangan pembatasan produksi hingga semester II 2017. Putusan resminya akan diumumkan akhir Mei. 

Ekspor AS 

Deddy Yusuf Siregar, Analis PT Asia Tradepoint Futures, bilang, rencana OPEC itu turut mengangkat harga minyak. Pendorong lain: prediksi biro konsultan Wood Mackenzie terhadap ekspor minyak AS tahun ini akan mencapai 1 juta barel per hari, atau lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya hanya 798.000 barel per hari. "Bila produksi AS diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan ekspor, maka harga masih akan bertahan di atas US$ 50" kata Deddy.

Menurut Deddy, AS memiliki kepentingan untuk menjadi harga minyak stabil. Sebab, harga ekonomis bagi produksi minyak AS di kisaran US$ 40 per barel. Ia pun memprediksikan harga minyak akan bergerak di kisaran US$50 - US$55 hingga akhir tahun. Dan, Deddy menyatakan rilis cadangan minyak mingguan AS dari Energy Information Administration (EIA) akan menjadi salah satu penggerak harga pekan ini. 

Nizar menambahkan, pelaku pasar akan menyimak rilis data produksi bulanan OPEC. Di sisi lain, sinyal permintaan minyak terutama dari China akan terlihat dari rilis data ekonomi negeri tembok rakSasa. "Kondisi geopolitik di Timur Tengah juga masih mendukung penguatan harga jika belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda reda," ujar Nizar.

Hari selasa (11/4), Deddy memproyeksikan, harga minyak akan menguat di kisaran US$ 51,6-US$ 53,15 per barel dan di US$ 51,2-US35 53,3 dalam sepekan. Sedang proyeksi Nizar, minyak hari selasa (11/4) akan bergerak US$ 52-US$ 54 serta US$ 51-US$ 55 sepekan.

Kontan, Page-4, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

Pertamina Aims Blocks Terminations

Pertamina seeks to boost oil and gas production to support national growth, Pertamina is targeting oil production reached 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in 2025. Efforts were made Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Syamsu Alam with the acquisition of oil and gas assets in domestic and foreign. Pertamina has oil and gas fields in 12 countries.

The acquisition of overseas oil and gas fields accounted for 33 percent of oil production targets. Three blocks that have long production overseas are in Algeria, Iraq, and Malaysia. While the three new blocks which began production are in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Gabon. In the country, Pertamina seeks to increase production by targeting additional concession blocks out of contract (termination).

Next year, eight blocks of termination has been given by the government to Pertamina, including Sanga-Sanga and Block OSes. Pertamina also seeks to increase the productivity of all its assets. Among these, the WMO integration project, Parang drilling project Nunukan, Randugunting drilling projects, and optimization of oil content in old wells.


Pertamina Incar Blok-Blok Terminasi

Pertamina berupaya memacu produksi minyak dan gas untuk mendukung pertumbuhan nasional, Pertamina menargetkan produksi minyak mencapai 1,9 juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) pada 2025. Upaya itu dilakukan Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero) Syamsu Alam dengan melakukan akuisisi aset migas di dalam dan luar negeri. Pertamina telah memiliki ladang migas di 12 negara. 

Akuisisi ladang migas overseas tersebut menyumbang 33 persen target produksi minyak Pertamina. Tiga blok overseas yang telah lama berproduksi berada di Aljazair,  Iraq, dan Malaysia. Sedangkan tiga blok baru yang mulai berproduksi berada di Nigeria, Tanzania, dan Gabon. Di dalam negeri, Pertamina berupaya meningkatkan tambahan produksi dengan mengincar konsesi di blok-blok yang habis kontrak (terminasi). 

Tahun depan, delapan blok terminasi yang telah diserahkan pemerintah kepada Pertamina, termasuk Blok Sanga-Sanga dan Blok OSES. Pertamina juga berupaya meningkatkan produktivitas seluruh aset yang dimiliki. Di antaranya, PHE WMO integration project, proyek pengeboran Parang Nunukan, proyek pengeboran Randugunting, dan optimalisasi kandungan minyak di sumur-sumur tua.

Jawa Pos, Page-3, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017

The acquisition 2 Blocks of the Russian Oil and Gas, Completed This Year

PT Pertamina is targeting the acquisition of blocks of oil and gas in Russia was completed this year. Senior Vice President Business Development Pertamina Upstream Denie S Tampubolon said the acquisition process towards the final stage of the discussion of commercial issues.

As part of the deal with Rosneft, the Russian company in Tuban refinery construction project, Pertamina is entitled to evaluate the two oil and gas fields belonging to the company in Russia. 

     According to official information, in a memorandum of understanding both oil and gas company, Pertamina could acquire a controlling stake of 20% participation (field The Northern Tip of Chayvo and 37.5% in the Russkoye field. Of these activities, Pertamina expects to receive 35,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd ) and oil and gas reserves of 200 million barrels of oil equivalent from Russia.

Therefore, Pertamina will enter in two blocks of oil and gas production in Russia with a stake in each block approximately 10% -15%. "Financial transactions should this year, whether agreed or not because it was signed [under discussion] commercial," he said yesterday (10/4). Denie explained, and the technical aspects, there are factors supporting the acquisition of oil and gas block.

Rosneft will build a gas pipeline East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) so that the production of these blocks can be connected with East Asian countries. "So the oil will be in Asia." He said that the search for new oil and gas working areas in the drill company located in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia such as Thailand and Vietnam.

The reason is, there is still potential for development. However, he said, the company did not close the acquisition in another region which allows additional volumes of oil that can be processed to meet the needs of fuel oil (BBM) in the country.

In the search for new oil and gas blocks, some factors such as geopolitics, oil and gas reserves, and fiscal requirements into consideration. Iran, for example, have the appeal of the oil and gas reserves, but from the geopolitical aspects has its own challenges. Therefore, the process to follow the field, including two deals Ab Teymour and Mansouri Iran resumed.

Proposals are committed development of the project was submitted in February 2017. "We have already submitted proposals to the development plan of the National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]. We are in a waiting position of Iran for discussions on the proposal, "he said.


Akuisisi 2 Blok Migas Rusia, Rampung Tahun Ini  

PT Pertamina menargetkan akuisisi blok minyak dan gas bumi di Rusia selesai tahun ini. Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Denie S Tampubolon mengatakan, proses akuisisi menjelang tahap akhir yakni pembahasan masalah komersial. 

Sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dengan Rosneft, perusahaan asal Rusia dalam proyek pembangunan Kilang Tuban, Pertamina berhak melakukan evaluasi terhadap dua lapangan migas milik perusahaan itu di Rusia. 

      Berdasarkan keterangan resmi, dalam nota kesepahaman kedua perusahaan migas ini, Pertamina bisa menguasai saham partisipasi 20% (lapangan The Northern Tip of Chayvo dan 37,5% di Lapangan Russkoye. Dari kegiatan tersebut, Pertamina menargetkan bisa mendapat minyak 35.000 barel per hari (bph) dan cadangan migas 200 juta barel setara minyak dari Rusia. 

Untuk itu, Pertamina akan masuk di dua blok migas produksi di Rusia dengan kepemilikan saham di masing-masing blok sekitar 10%-15%. “Transaksi finansial harus tahun ini, apakah sepakat atau tidak karena sudah masuk [tahap pembahasan] komersial," ujarnya, Senin (10/4). Denie menjelaskan, dan aspek teknik, terdapat faktor pendukung akusisi blok migas tersebut. 

Rosneft akan membangun pipa gas East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) sehingga produksi di lapangan tersebut bisa terhubung dengan negara di Asia Timur. “Jadi minyaknya akan ada di kawasan Asia.” Dia menyebutkan bahwa pencarian wilayah kerja migas baru yang di incar perseroan berlokasi di Afrika, Timur Tengah, dan Asia seperti Thailand dan Vietnam. 

Alasannya, masih terdapat potensi pengembangan. Namun, katanya, perseroan tidak menutup akuisisi di wilayah lain yang memungkinkan tambahan volume minyak yang bisa diolah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di dalam negeri. 

Dalam mencari blok migas baru, beberapa faktor seperti geopolitik, cadangan migas, dan syarat-syarat fiskal menjadi pertimbangan. Iran misalnya, memiliki daya tarik dari sisi cadangan migas, tetapi dari aspek geopolitik memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Oleh karena itu, proses untuk mengikuti penawaran dua lapangan yakni Ab Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran dilanjutkan. 

Proposal yang menyatakan komitmen pengembangan lapangan tersebut telah disampaikan pada Februari 2017. “Kami juga sudah menyerahkan proposal rencana pengembangan ke National Iranian Oil Company [NIOC]. Kami dalam posisi menunggu dari Iran untuk pembahasan tentang proposal itu,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, April, 11, 2017