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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Gas Supply PGN to the East Java More Reliable

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara this year get an extra supply of natural gas to East Java region of Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). This makes the company's gas supply for customers in East Java, the more reliable

PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya said gas supply from HCML started flowing in May 2017 with the volume gradually channeled 20 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) to reach more than 100 MMSCFD.

HCML with increasing supply of natural gas market needs in East Java. The supply of gas from a field HCML BD and will be distributed from the handover point from Semare stations to pipelines PGN has existed in Pasuruan.

"The gas supply from HCML will last for 20 years so that the supply of gas to PGN customers in East Java from Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Pasuruan until more reliable," says Danny.

According to him, the gas supply will encourage increased investment especially in East Java which is expected to boost economic growth to be better people. "With handalan to natural gas energy supply PGN, it will make investors happy to invest in East Java," he said.

He said that PGN is committed to continuously improve gas supply in the country. To achieve that, PGN also has a program PGN 360 ° Integrated Solution to ascertain and resolve all problems related to the utilization of natural gas customers.

"With PGN 360 ° Integrated not just rely on one source of gas fields, but the network of gas pipeline is integrated. The gas supply can be obtained from a variety of fields of natural gas, PGN also has a fleet of CNG to LNG trucking to supply natural gas in the unreached PGN's gas pipeline ".

Vice President Corporate Communications PGN Irwan Andri Atmanto said, in line with the increasingly good supply of natural gas in East Java PGN, the company also semakini aggressively develop natural gas infrastructure in the region.

One example PGN is currently building a natural gas distribution pipeline segment-Lamongan Gresik-Tuban along the 141 kilometer (km). "It has been PGN's commitment to continue to open areas of the new natural gas so that the use of domestic natural gas production is increasing, said lrwan.

PGN is currently already supplying gas to 1,652 large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers (hotels, restaurants, hospitals) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and 204,000 household customers. 

     PGN customers scattered in various areas, ranging from North Sumatra, Riau Islands, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Borneo, and Papua Sorong. Lodging in East Java, serves 27 170 PGN household customers, 209 commercial customers and 475 industrial customers.


Pasokan Gas PGN ke Jatim Semakin Handal

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara tahun  ini mendapatkan tambahan pasokan gas bumi untuk wilayah Jawa Timur dari Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). Hal ini membuat pasokan gas bagi pelanggan perseroan di Jawa Timur semakin handal

Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya mengatakan, pasokan gas dari HCML mulai mengalir pada Mei 2017 dengan volume yang disalurkan secara bertahap 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) hingga mencapai lebih dari 100 MMSCFD.

Pasokan dari HCML seiring meningkatnya kebutuhan pasar gas bumi di Jawa Timur. Adapun pasokan gas HCML berasal dari lapangan BD dan akan disalurkan dari titik serah dari Stasiun Semare ke jaringan pipa
PGN yang telah ada di Pasuruan.

“Pasokan gas dari HCML akan berlangsung selama 20 tahun sehingga pasokan gas untuk pelanggan PGN di Jawa Timur mulai dari Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, hingga Pasuruan semakin handal,” kata Danny

Menurut dia, pasokan gas tersebut akan mendorong peningkatan investasi khususnya Jawa Timur sehingga diharapkan akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. “Dengan ke handalan pasokan energi gas bumi PGN, tentu akan membuat investor senang berinvestasi di Jawa Timur,” katanya. 

Dia mengatakan bahwa PGN berkomitmen akan terus meningkatkan pasokan gas di dalam negeri. Untuk mewujudkan itu, PGN juga memiliki program PGN 360° Integrated Solution untuk memastikan dan menyelesaikan seluruh permasalahan pelanggan terkait pemanfaatan gas bumi. 

"Dengan PGN 360° Integrated tidak hanya bergantung pada satu sumber lapangan gas, namun jaringan infrastruktur pipa gas terintegrasi. Pasokan gas bisa didapat dari berbagai lapangan gas bumi. PGN juga memiliki armada CNG hingga LNG trucking yang dapat menyuplai gas bumi di wilayah yang belum terjangkau pipa gas bumi PGN".

Vice President Corporate Communication PGN Irwan Andri Atmanto mengatakan, sejalan dengan makin baiknya pasokan gas bumi PGN di Jawa Timur, perseroan juga semakini agresif mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi di wilayah tersebut. 

Salah satu contohnya PGN saat ini sedang membangun pipa distribusi gas bumi ruas Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban sepanjang 141 kilometer (km). “Telah menjadi komitmen PGN untuk terus membuka wilayah-wilayah pengguna gas bumi baru sehingga pemanfaatan produksi gas bumi dalam negeri semakin meningkat,  kata lrwan.

Saat ini PGN sudah memasok gas bumi ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial (hotel, restoran, rumah sakit) dan usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM), dan 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga.

     Pelanggan PGN tersebar di berbagai wilayah, mulai dari Sumatera Utara, Kepulauan Riau, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Utara, dan Sorong Papua. Khusus di wilayah Jawa Timur, PGN melayani 27.170 pelanggan rumah tangga, 209 pelanggan komersial, dan 475 pelanggan industri.

Koran Sindo,  Page-8, Monday, April, 17, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Perhutani Request Farmers Not Extend Permits

By the start of the gas project Jambaran Tiung Blue (JTB), Perhutani Forest Management Units (FMUs) Bojonegoro dissemination to smallholder land. Administrator Perhutani KPH Bojonegoro, East Java Regional Division Daniel Budi Cahyono said there are approximately 100 hectares of land that has been cultivated by farmers. The land included in the project area under cultivation JTB Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC).

To farmers, the forestry asking that they no longer apply for a license extension in order not to hamper the project can be started at any time. "It is feared that IPPKH (Permit leasing forest area) was published, later can disrupt the development process JTB gas field," he said.

Project Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) is still waiting for the sale and purchase price agreement at JTB gas production. No company is ready to buy gas production JTB project.

On the other hand, the start of the gas field project JTB also have an impact on hotel occupancy in Bojonegoro. The occupancy rate of the previously deserted for many workers outside the city who finished the contract, now start again. Many oil and gas workers from outside the area coming in for a long time. "Aston and Seasons had begun receiving a PEPC employee. They are just a week later than Trya said Ali Salim, Sales Executive Fave Hotel.

Not only Fave, but also hotels Dewarna begin receiving the guests staying at the time about once weekly. It is delivered by the HRD Dewarna Bojonegoro, Ismi Nafila . "In one day the number of rooms occupied about 25-30 rooms, he said.


Perhutani Minta Petani Tidak Perpanjang Izin

Menjelang dimulainya proyek gas Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB), Perhutani Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Bojonegoro melakukan sosialisasi kepada para petani penggarap lahan. Administratur KPH Bojonegoro Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Timur Daniel Budi Cahyono mengatakan kurang lebih terdapat 100 hektare lahan yang selama ini digarap petani. Lahan tersebut masuk dalam kawasan proyek JTB yang digarap Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC).

Kepada para petani, Perhutani meminta agar mereka tidak lagi mengajukan perpanjangan izin agar tidak menghambat pengerjaan proyek yang bisa dimulai sewaktu-waktu. “Dikhawatirkan kalau IPPKH (Izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan) terbit, nanti dapat mengganggu proses pembangunan lapangan gas JTB ini," ujarnya. 

Proyek Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) saat ini masih menunggu kesepakatan harga jual beli hasil produksi gas di JTB. Belum ada perusahaan yang siap membeli gas produksi proyek JTB.

Di sisi lain, dimulainya proyek lapangan gas JTB juga berdampak pada okupansi hotel di Bojonegoro. Tingkat hunian yang sebelumnya sepi karena banyak pekerja luar kota yang selesai kontrak, kini mulai ramai kembali. Banyak para pekerja migas dari luar daerah yang berdatangan untuk jangka waktu lama. “Hotel Aston maupun Fave Hotel sudah mulai menerima tamu pegawai PEPC. Mereka paling lama hanya seminggu kata Trya Ali Salim, Sales Executive Fave Hotel.

Tidak hanya Hotel Fave, tetapi juga Hotel Dewarna mulai menerima tamu yang tinggal dengan waktu sekitar semingguan. Hal ini disampaikan oleh HRD Hotel Dewarna Bojonegoro, lsmi Nafila. “Dalam sehari jumlah kamar yang terisi sekitar 25-30 kamar, ujarnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-19, Monday, April, 17, 2017

Pertamina Dominate Stock Company Francis

Pertamina will gain access to exploration and production in 12 countries and four continents

PT Pertamina successfully completed the acquisition of shares in French oil and gas company, Maurel. & Prom. Effective as of February 1, 2017, a subsidiary of state-owned company, PT Pertamina EP International became the majority shareholder of Maurel & Prom. with 72.65% of shares

Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito still reluctant to mention the work program and the proposed acquisition of oil and gas field after the acquisition by PT Pertamina International EP. "While the first consolidation," he said.

Adiatma explained, Maurel & Prom has the character of a dynamic company and be able to develop a portfolio rapidly in many countries. While the national oil company, Pertamina is doing business with a long-term objective.

Pertamina wants to synergize these two powerful characters for the development of both. Especially after the acquisition, PT Pertamina EP International directly recorded to have access operations in 12 countries and four continents. Previously, PT Pertamina EP International operates only three countries, namely Malaysia, Algeria and Iraqis. Among the additional countries is an exploration and production assets of Maurel & Prom.

As for the asset; Maurel & Prom production is in Gabon, Tanzania and Nigeria. Exploration assets located in Namibia, Canada, Colombia, France, Italy, and Myanmar. Post-acquisition of Maurel & Prom, Pertamina also get additional oil production of 30-000 barrels per day, or barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

According Adiatma, since the beginning of 2014 until early 2017, its oil production from international assets have grown to 150,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day or equivalent barrels of oil per day (BOEPD) net-to-share.

Pertamina is targeting production of 650,000 BOEPD in 2025 from international operations. At home and abroad, Pertamina is targeting production could reach 1.9 million by 2025. BOEPD in the French company, Pertamina put three representatives as chairman and two members of the Board Of Directors of Maurel & Prom. as Chairman of the Board, Huddie Morrow and Mary R. Nellia as Members of the Board Maurel & Prom.

Field Acquisition

Even if successfully acquired Maurel & Prom, Pertamina continues to acquire oil and gas fields in other countries. So far the acquisition of oil and gas fields are still pending. Pertamina eyeing several oil and gas fields in the country outsider: two oil and gas fields in Russia, the Chayvo oil field and Russkoye field. Pertamina has submitted bid proposals for the two fields.

Other oil and gas field is a field AB Teymour and Mansouri in Iran. Pertamina has also submitted a proposal for two blocks.

Pertamina's upstream director Syamsu Alam said Pertamina proposal has been accepted by the Government of Iran. Even the Iranian government has made a visit to Indonesia to see the performance Pertamina upstream oil and gas operations.

"The main Deputy Director also to Indonesia met Deputy Minister, they see ONWJ like, want to see the fields Pertamina like, about our operations. And they're pretty impressed," he said.

In addition, Pertamina has been talking with local companies that will be invited to cooperate in the two blocks. It is a requirement of the Government of Iran for oil and gas companies that want to manage Iapangan oil and gas in Iran.

With these efforts, Alam said the company in a position to wait step of Iran, especially in relation to the form of the contract in that country. Until now, Iran does not yet issued form of cooperation in upstream oil and gas contracts.

Pertamina only hope, the acquisition of two oil and gas fields in Iran could be completed this year. "We have submitted proposals, they will be evaluated, there are three bidders. We hope this year there are closing," said Alam. Pertamina has set aside US $ 20 billion over 20 years of investment.


Pertamina Menguasai Saham Perusahaan Francis

Pertamina akan mendapatkan akses produksi dan eksplorasi di 12 negara dan empat benua

PT Pertamina berhasil menuntaskan akuisisi saham perusahaan migas Prancis, Maurel.& Prom. Terhitung mulai 1 Februari 2017, anak perusahaan BUMN itu, PT Pertamina International EP menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas Maurel & Prom. dengan 72,65% saham 

Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito masih enggan menyebutkan program kerja dan rencana akuisisi lapangan migas pasca akuisisi oleh PT Pertamina International EP. "Sementara konsolidasi dulu," katanya.

Adiatma menjelaskan, Maurel & Prom memiliki karakter perusahaan yang dinamis dan mampu mengembangkan portofolio dengan cepat di berbagai negara. Sementara Pertamina adalah national oil company yang berbisnis secara objektif dengan jangka panjang.

Pertamina ingin melakukan sinergi kedua karakter kuat ini untuk pengembangan keduanya. Apalagi pasca akuisisi tersebut, PT Pertamina International EP langsung tercatat memiliki akses operasi di 12 negara dan empat benua. Sebelumnya PT Pertamina International EP hanya beroperasi tiga negara, yaitu Malaysia, Aljazair dan lrak. Tambahan negara tersebut di antaranya merupakan aset produksi dan eksplorasi Maurel & Prom. 

Adapun aset; produksi Maurel & Prom berada di Gabon, Tanzania dan Nigeria. Aset eksplorasi berada di Namibia, Kanada, Kolombia, Prancis, Italia, dan Myanmar. Pasca akuisisi Maurel & Prom, Pertamina juga mendapatkan tambahan produksi minyak sebesar 30-000 barel per hari atau barel oil per day (BOPD). 

Menurut Adiatma, sejak awal 2014 hingga awal 2017, produksi Pertamina dari aset internasional telah tumbuh hingga 150.000 barel setara minyak per hari atau barels of Oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) net-to-share.

Pertamina menargetkan produksi 650.000 BOEPD pada tahun 2025 dari operasi internasional. Di dalam dan luar negeri, Pertamina menargetkan produksi bisa mencapai 1,9 juta BOEPD pada tahun 2025. Di perusahaan Prancis itu, Pertamina menempatkan tiga perwakilan sebagai Chairman & dua anggota Board Of Directors Maurel & Prom. sebagai Chairman of the Board, Huddie Dewanto dan Maria R. Nellia sebagai Members of the Board Maurel & Prom.

Akuisisi Lapangan 

Biarpun berhasil mengakusisi Maurel & Prom, Pertamina terus berusaha mengakuisisi lapangan migas di negara lain. Sejauh ini akuisisi lapangan migas lain masih dalam proses. Pertamina mengincar beberapa lapangan migas di Iuar negeri yaitu dua lapangan migas di Rusia, yaitu lapangan migas Chayvo dan lapangan Russkoye. Pertamina telah mengirimkan proposal penawaran untuk kedua lapangan tersebut.

Lapangan migas lain adalah lapangan AB Teymour dan Mansouri di Iran. Pertamina juga telah mengirimkan proposal untuk dua lapangan tersebut. 

Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Syamsu Alam menyatakan, proposal Pertamina telah diterima oleh Pemerintah Iran. Bahkan Pemerintah Iran telah melakukan kunjungan ke Indonesia untuk melihat kinerja operasional hulu migas Pertamina. 

"Wakil Direktur utamanya juga ke Indonesia ketemu Wakil Menteri, mereka melihat ONWJ seperti apa, ingin melihat lapangan-lapangan Pertamina seperti apa, tentang operasi kita. Dan mereka cukup terkesan," katanya.

Selain itu, Pertamina telah bicara dengan perusahaan lokal yang nantinya akan di ajak bekerjasama di dua lapangan tersebut. Ini merupakan syarat dari Pemerintah Iran bagi perusahaan migas yang ingin mengelola Iapangan migas di Iran.

Dengan upaya tersebut, Alam mengatakan Pertamina dalam posisi menunggu langkah dari Iran, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan bentuk kontrak di negeri itu. Hingga saat ini Iran memang belum mengeluarkan bentuk kontrak kerjasama di hulu migas. 

Pertamina hanya berharap, proses akuisisi dua lapangan migas di Iran bisa rampung tahun ini. "Kami sudah memasukkan proposal, mereka akan mengevaluasi, ada tiga bidder. Kami berharap tahun ini ada closing," kata Alam. Pertamina telah menyiapkan dana US$ 20 miliar selama 20 tahun masa investasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, April, 17, 2017

Pertamina Dominate Stocks

Production Expected to Increase Significantly in 2025

PT Pertamina completed the acquisition of Maurel & Prom shares, oil and gas company headquartered in Paris, France, amounting to 72.65 percent. Thus, Pertamina became the majority shareholder of the company. Acquisitions are expected to meet the target of oil and gas production of 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from overseas assets in 2025.

According to Vice President of Corporate Communications of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito, originally, Pertamina operating in Iraq, Algeria, and Malaysia. Through mastery of Maurel & Prom shares, Pertamina have access to production operations in Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, as well as access to exploration in Namibia, Canada, Colombia, France, Italy, and Myanmar.

"In 2014-2017, Pertamina oil and gas production from the block overseas reached 150,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. We are targeting production to 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2025. It is part of the oil and gas production target of 1.9 million barrels per day from home and abroad in 2025, "said Adiatma.

Announcement prime Maurel & Prom share acquisition by Pertamina occurred in August 2016. At that time, Pertamina announced the acquisition of 24.53 percent of shares worth about 200 million euros, or around Rp 2.82 trillion. President Director of Pertamina then, Dwi Soetjipto, calling the acquisition of the reason is to enhance energy security, particularly oil and gas, in the country.

Senior Vice President Business Development Up-stream Denie S Tampubolon added Pertamina, Pertamina is ready to allocate 30 million-40 million euros in the period of 3-5 years for financing owned oil and gas field exploration Maurel & Prom. From the field of production, this company produces 40,000 barrels of oil per day. The production number is likely to continue to grow as the field development plan of exploration results.

Maurel & Prom is listed on the Euronext stock exchange in Paris, France. The company's market capitalization of about 550 million euros. Proven reserves of oil and gas resources in the field controlled by Maurel & Prom is estimated at 250 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Increase production

The plan to acquire a number of overseas oil and gas blocks to be part of Pertamina policy to increase oil and gas production companies. Until 2030, Pertamina has allocated about 146 billion US dollars to invest upstream to downstream, including the construction of oil and gas infrastructure.

Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, say, the choice of acquiring a stake in oil and gas blocks overseas, fairly precise when referring to the upstream oil and gas investment conditions in Indonesia are not as good as a few decades ago.

However, Pertamina must maintain principles of accountability and transparency in the actions the company acquired oil and gas blocks overseas.

"There must be transparency and accountability for the company's decision to acquire oil and gas blocks overseas, What is gained from the acquisition, whether the backup increases or not, the public should know," said Pri Agung.

In 2014, Pertamina oil and gas production, amounted to 517 000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Production rose to 610,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2015 and rose again to 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2016. Pertamina oil and gas production target in 2025 was 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.


Pertamina Menguasai Saham

Produksi Diharapkan Meningkat Signifikan pada 2025

PT Pertamina menuntaskan akuisisi saham Maurel & Prom, perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang berkantor pusat di Paris, Perancis, sebesar 72,65 persen. Dengan demikian, Pertamina menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas perusahaan tersebut. Akuisisi diharapkan dapat memenuhi target produksi minyak dan gas bumi sebesar 650.000 barrel setara minyak per hari dari aset di luar negeri pada 2025. 

Menurut Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito, semula, Pertamina beroperasi di Irak, Aljazair, dan Malaysia. Lewat penguasaan saham Maurel & Prom, Pertamina memiliki akses operasi produksi di Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, serta akses eksplorasi di Namibia, Kanada, Kolombia, Perancis, Italia, dan Myanmar.

”Pada 2014-2017, produksi migas Pertamina dari blok di luar negeri mencapai 150.000 barrel setara minyak per hari. Kami menargetkan produksinya menjadi 650.000 barrel setara minyak per hari pada 2025. Hal itu merupakan bagian dari target produksi migas sebanyak 1,9 juta barrel per hari dari dalam dan luar negeri pada tahun 2025,” kata Adiatma.

Pengumuman perdana akuisisi saham Maurel & Prom oleh Pertamina terjadi pada Agustus 2016. Saat itu, Pertamina mengumumkan akuisisi sebesar 24,53 persen saham yang nilainya sekitar 200 juta euro atau sekitar Rp 2,82 triliun. Direktur Utama Pertamina saat itu, Dwi Soetjipto, menyebut alasan akuisisi adalah untuk meningkatkan ketahanan energi, khususnya migas, di dalam negeri. 

Senior Vice President Up-stream Business Development Pertamina Denie S Tampubolon menambahkan, Pertamina siap mengalokasikan dana 30 juta-40 juta euro dalam jangka 3-5 tahun untuk pembiayaan eksplorasi lapangan migas milik Maurel & Prom. Dari lapangan produksi, perusahaan ini menghasilkan 40.000 barrel minyak per hari. Angka produksi kemungkinan akan terus bertambah seiring rencana pengembangan lapangan hasil eksplorasi. 

Maurel & Prom terdaftar di bursa saham Euronext di Paris, Perancis. Nilai kapitalisasi pasar perusahaan itu sekitar 550 juta euro. Cadangan terbukti dan sumber daya migas di lapangan yang dikuasai Maurel & Prom diperkirakan mencapai 250 juta barrel setara minyak.

Tingkatkan produksi

Rencana akuisisi sejumlah blok migas di luar negeri menjadi bagian kebijakan Pertamina untuk meningkatkan produksi migas perusahaan tersebut. Sampai tahun 2030, Pertamina mengalokasikan dana sekitar 146 miliar dollar AS untuk investasi hulu sampai hilir, termasuk pembangunan infrastruktur migas. 

Pengajar pada Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, mengatakan, pilihan Pertamina mengakuisisi blok-blok migas di luar negeri, terbilang tepat jika mengacu pada kondisi investasi hulu migas di Indonesia yang tidak sebaik beberapa dekade lalu.

Meski demikian, Pertamina harus menjaga prinsip akuntabilitas dan transparansi dalam aksi perusahaan mengakuisisi blok-blok migas di luar negeri. 

”Harus ada transparansi dan akuntabilitas atas keputusan perusahaan mengakuisisi blok-blok migas di luar negeri, Apa yang didapat dari akuisisi tersebut, apakah cadangan bertambah atau tidak, publik harus tahu,” ujar Pri Agung.

Pada 2014, produksi migas Pertamina, tercatat sebesar 517.000 barrel setara minyak per hari. Produksi itu meningkat menjadi 610.000 barrel setara minyak per hari pada 2015 dan naik lagi menjadi 650.000 barrel setara minyak per hari pada 2016. Target produksi migas Pertamina pada 2025 adalah 1,9 juta barrel setara minyak per hari.

Kompas, Page-19, Monday, April, 17, 2017

Operation region Pertamina Grow

PT Pertamina to add the area of oil and gas operations abroad, namely to 12 countries after acquiring a 72.65% stake in the French oil company Maurel & Prom (M & P).

VP Corporate Communications of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito said the state-owned oil and gas sector now has access to operations in 12 countries spread over four continents. 

     Additional countries Among these production assets in Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, as well as exploration assets in Namibia, Canada and Colombia, France Italy, and Myanmar Pertamina is targeting oil and gas production in 2025 as much as 650,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) from operations abroad , of the total company's target of 1.9 million BOEPD.

Since 2014-2017, the production of oil and gas Pertamina of international assets had grown to 150,000 BOEPD (profit sharing net / net to share).

"It is also in an apparent effort towards security and energy independence of Indonesia," he said. Adiatma explained, Maurel & Prom (M & P) has the character of oil and gas exploration and production company that is dynamic and able to develop the portfolio rapidly in many countries.

Pertamina has placed three executives as Chairman and member of the Board of Directors of M & P. As explained Adiatma formalities Pertamina three executives have been approved by a meeting of directors of Maurel & Prom in Paris on 10 April 2017.

These three stones placed executives are Aussie B. Gauthier, as Chairman of the Board. Two others are Huddie Morrow and Mary R. Nellia, as Members of the Board Maurel & Prom. Aussie Gautama since 2015 as Senior Principal Advisor E & P in the CEO Office Pertamina. Aussie Gautama position in the M & P now replaces Jean Francois Hénin.


Wilayah Operasi Pertamina Bertambah

PT Pertamina menambah wilayah operasi minyak dan gas bumi di luar negeri yaitu menjadi 12 negara setelah mengakuisisi 72,65% saham perusahaan minyak asal Prancis Maurel & Prom (M&P).

VP Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito mengatakan, perusahaan milik negara sektor minyak dan gas bumi itu kini memiliki akses operasi di 12 negara yang tersebar di empat benua. 

     Tambahan negara tersebut di antaranya aset produksi di Gabon, Tanzania, Nigeria, serta aset eksplorasi di Namibia, Kanada dan Kolombia, Prancis Italia, dan Myanmar Pertamina menargetkan produksi migas pada 2025 sebanyak 650.000 barel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD) dari operasi di luar negeri, dari total target perseroan 1,9 juta BOEPD.

    Sejak 2014-2017, produksi migas Pertamina dari aset internasional telah tumbuh hingga 150.000 BOEPD (bagi hasil bersih/net to share).

“Ini juga dalam upaya nyata menuju ketahanan dan kemandirian energi Indonesia,” katanya. Adiatma menjelaskan, Maurel & Prom (M&P) memiliki karakter perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi migas yang dinamis dan mampu mengembangkan portfolio dengan cepat di berbagai negara.

Pertamina telah menempatkan tiga eksekutif sebagai Chairman & anggota Board of Directors M&P. Sebagaimana dijelaskan Adiatma, formalitas tiga eksekutif Pertamina ini telah disetujui melalui rapat direksi Maurel & Prom di Paris pada 10 April 2017.

Ketiga eksekutif yang batu ditempatkan tersebut adalah Aussie B. Gautama, sebagai Chairman of the Board. Dua lainya adalah Huddie Dewanto dan Maria R. Nellia, sebagai Members of the Board Maurel & Prom. Aussie Gautama sejak 2015 sebagai Senior Principal Advisor E&P di CEO Office Pertamina. Posisi Aussie Gautama di M&P saat ini menggantikan Jean Frangois Hénin.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, April, 17, 2017

SKK Migas Exploration promise Aids Affected Regions

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) will assist in the exploration of the affected area. SKK Migas head Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar said this when opening a media workshop and the Communication Forum for Upstream Oil Industry Public Relations (FKKIHM) SKK Migas-PSC Jabanusa Period 1 2017, in Sumenep, Tuesday (11/4) then. 

"In principle, SKK Migas should be useful directly to the surrounding areas affected. That symbiotic mutualism, mutual benefit, "said Ali Masyhar in the presence of Vice Regent Sumenep, Ahmad Pauzi and famous humanists of Madura, KH Zawawi Imron.

Not only the provision of CSR which has been running as it should, SKK Migas help promote the desire to put up banners to Sumenep Travel visit to the offices of SKK Migas. This is in line with the wishes of Sumenep regency, which is to promote the 2018 Travel lord.

From a series of events and a media workshop jointly FKKIHM PSC Jabanusa SKK Migas, all personnel were invited to visit leading tourist in the island of Gili Labak Sumenep. SKK Migas has seen the media have a very important role in introducing each program.

"With this media, information about the upstream oil and gas can be known by the people in Indonesia, even to the international level," said Ali Masyhar.

He also said that any oil and gas company should always work with the media, so that each activity can actually received and acknowledged by the public, whether affected communities from oil and gas activities and wider community.


SKK Migas janji Bantu Daerah Terdampak Eksplorasi

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) akan membantu daerah terdampak dalam eksplorasi. Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar mengatakan hal ini, ketika membuka lokakarya media dan Forum Komunikasi Kehumasan Industri Hulu Minyak (FKKIHM) SKK Migas-KKKS Jabanusa Periode 1 tahun 2017, di Sumenep, Selasa (11/4) lalu. 

“Prinsipnya, SKK Migas harus bermafaat langsung bagi daerah sekitarnya yang terdampak. Yaitu simbiosis mutualisme, saling menguntungkan,” ujar Ali Masyhar di hadapan Wakil Bupati Sumenep, Ahmad Pauzi dan budayawan terkenal dari Madura, KH D Zawawi Imron

Tidak hanya pemberian CSR yang selama ini sudah berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, SKK Migas membantu mempromosikan keinginan itu dengan memasang spanduk kunjungan Wisata ke Sumenep itu ke kantor-kantor SKK Migas. Ini sejalan dengan keinginan Pemkab Sumenep, yaitu mempromosikan tahun junjungan Wisata tahun 2018. 

Dari rangkaian acara lokakarya media dan FKKIHM SKK Migas bersama KKKS Jabanusa, semua personel di ajak kunjungan ke wisata unggulan di Sumenep yakni Pulau Gili Labak. SKK Migas sendiri memandang media memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mengenalkan setiap program. 

“Dengan media ini, informasi tentang hulu minyak dan gas bisa diketahui oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, bahkan ke tingkat internasional,” kata Ali Masyhar.

Ia juga mengatakan, setiap Perusahaan Migas harus selalu bekerjasama dengan media, sehingga setiap kegiatannya benar-benar dapat diterima dan diketahui oleh masyarakat, baik masyarakat terdampak dari kegiatan migasnya maupun masyarakat luas. 

Harian Bangsa, Page-10, Saturday, April, 15, 2017

Gas supplied Husky, PGN More Reliable

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) this year get an extra supply of natural gas to East Java region of Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). This makes the supply of gas to PGN customers more reliable.

PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya said gas supplies from HCML started flowing in May 2017 with the volume distributed in stages from 20 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) to more than 100 MMSCPD. Increased supply of HCML to do as the level of market needs natural gas in East Java.

HCML gas supply comes from BD field and will be distributed from the handover point from Semare stations to the existing pipeline network PGN in Pasuruan. "The gas supply from HCML will last for 20 years, so the supply of gas to PGN customers ranging from Surabaya in East Java, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Mojokerto until more reliable," says Danny.

Danny said, with the reliability of energy supplies of natural gas, will encourage more investors are interested and like to invest in East Java. Which is expected to drive economic growth into a better society.

"With the reliability of energy supplies PGN gas, it will make investors happy to invest in East Java," says Danny. He added that the reliability of natural gas supply to customers to be one of the main focus PGN. To materialize the right reliability of PGN has a PGN program 360 ° Integrated Solution.

With a 360 ° program Integrated Solution PGN, PGN ensure and resolve all problems related to the utilization of natural gas customers. "In PGN 360 ° Integrated Solution for instance in terms of gas supply, PGN is not just rely on one source of the gas field, with a network infrastructure integrated gas pipeline, the gas supply can be obtained from various natural gas field.

PGN also has a fleet of CNG to the trucking LNG to supply natural gas in regions unreached PGN gas pipeline, "said Danny.

     Vice President Corporate Communications PGN, Irwan Andri Atmanto added, increasingly tough line PGN gas supply in East Java, PGN also aggressively promoting natural gas infrastructure in the region. One example, PGN is currently building a natural gas distribution pipeline segment-Lamongan Gresik-Tuban along the 141 kilometer (km).

"It has been PGN's commitment to continue to open the area of natural gas users new territory, so that the use of domestic natural gas production is increasing," said Irwan.

PGN currently has 1,652 supply natural gas to large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers (hotels, restaurants, hospitals) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and 204,000 household customers. PGN customers scattered in various areas ranging from North Sumatra, Islands, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Borneo and Papua Sorong.

Lodging in East Java region, serving 27 170 PGN household customers, 209 commercial customers and 475 industrial customers. "Gas pipeline built and operated PGN currently more than 7,200 km, equivalent to 80 percent of the pipeline gas downstream throughout Indonesia. 

    In addition to the gas pipeline, PGN also operates two Floating Storage Regasification Unit (PSRU), 11 SPBGs, and 5 mobile refueling unit (MRU). the cost of gas infrastructure development is done PGN without relying on the state budget, "concluded lrwan.


Dipasok Gas Husky, PGN Semakin Handal

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) tahun ini mendapatkan tambahan pasokan gas bumi untuk wilayah Jatim dari Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). Hal ini membuat pasokan gas ke pelanggan PGN semakin handal. 

Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya mengungkapkan, pasokan gas dari HCML mulai mengalir pada Mei 2017 dengan volume yang disalurkan secara bertahap mulai 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) hingga lebih dari 100 MMSCFD. Peningkatan pasokan dari HCML dapat dilakukan seiring tingkat kebutuhan pasar gas bumi di Jatim. 

Pasokan gas HCML berasal dari lapangan BD dan akan disalurkan dari titik serah dari Stasiun Semare ke jaringan pipa eksisting PGN di Pasuruan. “Pasokan gas dari HCML akan berlangsung selama 20 tahun, sehingga pasokan gas untuk pelanggan PGN di Jatim mulai dari Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto hingga Pasuruan semakin handal," kata Danny.

Danny mengatakan, dengan kehandalan pasokan energi gas bumi tersebut, akan mendorong investor makin berminat dan betah berinvestasi di Jatim. Sehingga diharapkan akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat menjadi lebih baik.

 "Dengan kehandalan pasokan energi gas bumi PGN, tentu akan membuat investor senang berinvestasi di Jatim," ujar Danny. la menambahkan, keandalan pasokan gas bumi ke pelanggan menjadi salah satu fokus utama PGN. Untuk mewujud kan kehandalan pasokan tersebut PGN memiliki program PGN 360° Integrated Solution. 

Dengan program PGN 360° Integrated Solution, PGN memastikan dan menyelesaikan seluruh permasalahan pelanggan terkait pemanfaatan gas bumi. "Dalam PGN 360° Integrated Solution misalnya dalam hal pasokan gas, PGN tidak hanya bergantung pada satu sumber lapangan gas, dengan jaringan infrastruktur pipa gas yang terintegrasi, pasokan gas bisa didapat dari berbagai lapangan gas bumi.

PGN juga memiliki armada CNG hingga  LNG trucking yang dapat mensuplai gas bumi di wilayah yang belum terjangkau pipa gas bumi PGN," kata Danny. 

Vice President Corporate Communication PGN, Irwan Andri Atmanto menambahkan, sejalan makin  tangguhnya pasokan gas bumi PGN di jawa Timur, PGN juga semakin agresif mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi di wilayah tersebut. Salah satu contohnya, PGN saat ini sedang membangun pipa distribusi gas bumi ruas Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban sepanjang 141 kilometer (km). 

"Telah menjadi komitmen PGN untuk terus membuka wilayah wilayah pengguna gas bumi baru, sehingga pemanfaatan produksi gas bumi dalam negeri semakin meningkat," ujar Irwan. 

Saat ini PGN telah memasok gas bumi ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial (hotel, restoran, rumah sakit) dan usaha kecil menengah (UKM), dan 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. Pelanggan PGN tersebar di berbagai wilayah mulai dari Sumatera Utara, Kepulauan, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, jawa Tengah, jawa Timur, Kalimantan Utara dan Sorong Papua. 

Khusus di wilayah Jatim, PGN melayani 27.170 pelanggan rumah tangga, 209 pelanggan komersial, dan 475 pelanggan industri. "Pipa gas yang dibangun dan dioperasikan PGN saat ini lebih dari 7.200 km, ini setara dengan 80 persen pipa gas bumi hilir seluruh Indonesia. 

     Selain pipa gas, PGN juga mengoperasikan dua Floating Storage Regasification Unit (PSRU), 11 SPBG, dan 5 mobile refueling unit (MRU). Biaya pembangunan infrastruktur gas tersebut dilakukan PGN tanpa mengandalkan APBN," tutup lrwan.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, April, 15, 2017

PGN to supply of Husky, Stock More Abundant

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) this year get an extra supply of natural gas to East Java region of Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). This makes the supply of gas to PGN customers more reliable.

Commercial Director of PGN, Danny Praditya said gas supplies from HCML started flowing in May 2017 with the volume distributed in stages from 20 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) to over 100 MMSCFD. Increased supply of HCML to do as the level of market needs natural gas in East Java.

HCML gas supply comes from BD field and will be distributed from the handover point in Semare stations to the existing pipeline network PGN in Pasuruan. "The gas supply from HCML will last for 20 years, so the supply of gas to PGN customers in East Java from Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Mojokerto until more reliable," says Danny.

Danny said, with the reliability of energy supplies of natural gas, will encourage more investors are interested and like to invest in East Java. Which is expected to drive economic growth into a better society.

"With the reliability of energy supplies PGN gas, it will make investors cheerfully invest in East Java," says Danny.

He added again, the reliability of natural gas supply to customers to be one of the main focus PGN. To realize the reliability of the supply programs PGN PGN 360 ° Integrated Solution. With a 360 ° program Integrated Solution PGN, PGN ensure and resolve all problems related to the utilization of natural gas customers.

"In PGN 360 ° Integrated Solution for instance in terms of gas supply, PGN is not just rely on one source of the gas field, with a network infrastructure integrated gas pipeline, the gas supply can be from various fields of natural gas. PGN also has a fleet of CNG to the trucking LNG to supply natural gas in regions unreached PGN gas pipeline, "said Danny.

Vice President Corporate Communications PGN, Irwan Andri Atmanto added, more in line of robust supply of natural gas in East Java PGN, PGN also aggressively promoting natural gas infrastructure in the region. One example, PGN is currently building a natural gas distribution pipeline segment-Lamongan Gresik-Tuban along the 141 kilometer (km).

"It has been PGN's commitment to continue to open areas of the new natural gas users, so that the use of domestic natural gas production is increasing," said Irwan. PGN currently has 1,652 supply natural gas to large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers (hotels, restaurants, hospitals) and the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and 204,000 household customers.

PGN customers scattered in various areas ranging from North Sumatra, Riau Islands, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Central Java, East Java, North Borneo and Papua Sorong. Lodging in East Java, serves 27 170 PGN household customers, 209 commercial customers and 475 industrial customers.


PGN Dapat Pasokan dari Husky, Stok Semakin Melimpah 

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) tahun ini mendapatkan tambahan pasokan gas bumi untuk wilayah Jawa Timur dari Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). Hal ini membuat pasokan gas ke pelanggan PGN semakin handal. 

Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya mengungkapkan, pasokan gas dari HCML mulai mengalir pada Mei 2017 dengan volume yang disalurkan secara bertahap mulai 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) hingga lebih dari 100 MMSCFD. Peningkatan pasokan dari HCML dapat dilakukan seiring tingkat kebutuhan pasar gas bumi di Jawa Timur. 

Pasokan gas HCML berasal dari lapangan BD dan akan disalurkan dari titik serah di Stasiun Semare ke jaringan pipa eksisting PGN di Pasuruan. “Pasokan gas dari HCML akan berlangsung selama 20 tahun, sehingga pasokan gas untuk pelanggan PGN di Jawa Timur mulai dari Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto hingga Pasuruan semakin handal,” kata Danny. 

Danny mengatakan, dengan kehandalan pasokan energi gas bumi tersebut, akan mendorong investor makin berminat dan betah berinvestasi di Jawa Timur. Sehingga diharapkan akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. 

“Dengan kehandalan pasokan energi gas bumi PGN, tentu akan membuat investor seriang berinvestasi di Jawa Timur,” kata Danny. 

Ia menambahkan lagi, kehandalan pasokan gas bumi ke pelanggan menjadi salah satu fokus utama PGN. Untuk mewujudkan kehandalan pasokan tersebut PGN memiliki program PGN 360° Integrated Solution. Dengan program PGN 360° Integrated Solution, PGN memastikan dan menyelesaikan seluruh permasalahan pelanggan terkait pemanfaatan gas bumi. 

“Dalam PGN 360° Integrated Solution misalnya dalam hal pasokan gas, PGN tidak hanya bergantung pada satu sumber lapangan gas, dengan jaringan infrastruktur pipa gas yang terintegrasi, pasokan gas bisa di dapat dari berbagai lapangan gas bumi. PGN juga memiliki armada CNG hingga LNG trucking yang dapat mensuplai gas bumi di wilayah yang belum terjangkau pipa gas bumi PGN,” jelas Danny. 

Vice President Corporate Communication PGN, Irwan Andri Atmanto menambahkan, sejalan makin handalnya pasokan gas bumi PGN di Jawa Timur, PGN juga semakin agresif mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi di wilayah tersebut. Salah satu contohnya, PGN saat ini sedang membangun pipa distribusi gas bumi ruas Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban sepanjang 141 kilometer (Km). 

“Telah menjadi komitmen PGN untuk terus membuka wilayah-wilayah pengguna gas bumi baru, sehingga pemanfaatan produksi gas bumi dalam negeri semakin meningkat,” ujar Irwan. Saat ini PGN telah memasok gas bumi ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial (hotel, restoran, rumah sakit) dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM), dan 204.000 pelanggan rumah tangga. 

Pelanggan PGN tersebar di berbagai wilayah mulai dari Sumatera Utara, kepulauan Riau, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Utara dan Sorong Papua. Khusus di wilayah Jawa Timur, PGN melayani 27.170 pelanggan rumah tangga, 209 pelanggan komersial, dan 475 pelanggan industri. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Saturday, April, 15, 2017

Exxon Donate 206 Thousand Barrels per Day

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) is currently in the production stage peak reached 206 thousand barrels of oil per day. EMCL maximal production could boost the overall total oil production in East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara oil production in this region has not decreased drastically compared to other regions.

Head of Unit Special Representative of the Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Jabanusa Ali Masyhar said EMCL currently being experienced an increase in oil production in the 200 thousand to 206 thousand barrels per day.

"We are currently testing period. Technically still customize whether the existing facilities could be used to increase production without having to add more facilities, "he said during a media workshop SKK Migas - Period I Jabanusa PSC 2017 in Sumenep, Tuesday (11/4) then.

He added, initially EMCL just launched a production peak in the number of 185 thousand barrels of oil per day. "It was backed up more than expected. EMCL oil production continues to rise gradually, "said Ali.

In mid-2015 past, EMCL oil production only reached 80 thousand barrels per day. This figure then rose significantly in early 2016, with oil production by 165 thousand barrels per day. Then, this figure rose again to 185 thousand barrels per day in early 2017. Until the peak could reach 206 thousand barrels per day.

However, due to poor weather conditions make EMCL should put the brakes on production for the container station overcapacity "At the FSO vessel Rimang Crow, Tuban indeed bad weather and heavy rain. So it can not be docked freighter to take the oil from there to the tank vessel FSO wells in full Rimang Crow, "Ali said.

In fact, of the 206 thousand EMCL production of 200 thousand barrels per day were sent to Crow Rimang, in FSO EMCL. The remainder, amounting to 6 thousand were sent to the Refinery Tri Wahana Universal (TWU). "EMCL a major foothold in the oil and gas production Jabanusa. When all of the major oil wells in Indonesia decreased EMCL actually still go up, "said Ali.

Until March 2017 Jabanusa realization of oil production reached 230 thousand barrels per day to 240 thousand barrels per day. Besides EMCL, Jabanusa also rely JOB-PPEJ with oil production of 10 to 14 thousand barrels per day. Realization of the national oil production until the end of March was 815 600 thousand barrels per day. Target National lifting reached 815 thousand barrels per day in Budget 2017. One of the positive contribution derived from Banyu Urip field in the Cepu Block in late March able to produce 205 119 bpd or exceed the target of 201 155 bpd.


Exxon Sumbang 206 Ribu Barrel per Hari

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) saat ini sedang  memasuki tahap produksi puncak mencapai 206 ribu barel minyak perhari. Berproduksinya EMCL secara maksimal mampu mendongkrak keseluruhan total produksi minyak di Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara sehingga produksi minyak di kawasan ini tidak menurun secara drastis dibandingkan daerah lain. 

Kepala Perwakilan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Jabanusa Ali Masyhar mengatakan saat ini EMCL sedang mengalami kenaikan produksi minyak di angka 200 ribu hingga 206 ribu barel per hari. 

“Saat ini sedang masa uji coba. Secara teknis masih menyesuaikan apakah fasilitas yang ada bisa digunakan untuk menaikkan produksi tanpa harus menambah fasilitas lagi,” katanya saat Lokakarya Media SKK Migas - KKKS Jabanusa Periode I  2017 di Sumenep, Selasa (11/4) lalu. 

Dia menambahkan, awalnya EMCL hanya mencanangkan produksi puncak di angka 185 ribu barel minyak per hari. “Ternyata cadangannya lebih banyak dari yang diperkirakan. Produksi minyak EMCL pun terus mengalami kenaikan secara bertahap,” kata Ali. 

Di pertengahan tahun 2015 silam, produksi minyak EMCL hanya mencapai 80 ribu barel perhari. Angka ini kemudian naik signifikan pada awal 2016 dengan produksi minyak sebesar 165 ribu barel perhari. Kemudian, angka ini naik lagi menjadi 185 ribu barel perhari di awal 2017. Hingga puncaknya bisa mencapai 206 ribu barel perhari. 

Hanya saja, karena kondisi cuaca yang buruk membuat EMCL harus mengerem produksi karena stasiun penampung kelebihan kapasitas “Pada Kapal FSO Gagak Rimang, Tuban memang Cuaca buruk dan hujan besar. Sehingga kapal pengangkut tidak bisa merapat untuk mengambil minyak dari sana sehingga tangki sumur di Kapal FSO Gagak Rimang penuh,” ujar Ali.

Padahal, dari 206 ribu produksi EMCL sebanyak 200 ribu bph dikirim ke Gagak Rimang, di FSO EMCL. Sisanya, sebesar 6 ribu dikirim ke Kilang Tri Wahana Universal (TWU). “EMCL merupakan tumpuan utama produksi migas di Jabanusa. Saat semua sumur utama minyak di Indonesia mengalami penurunan justru EMCL masih bisa naik,” Kata Ali. 

Sampai Maret 2017 realisasi produksi minyak di Jabanusa mencapai 230 ribu barel perhari hingga 240 ribu barel perhari. Selain EMCL, Jabanusa juga mengandalkan JOB-PPEJ dengan produksi minyak 10 hingga 14 ribu barel per hari. Realisasi produksi minyak nasional sampai akhir Maret mencapai 815.600 ribu barel perhari. Target lifting nasional mencapai 815 ribu barel perhari di APBN 2017. Salah satu kontribusi positif berasal dari Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu yang pada akhir Maret mampu memproduksi 205.119 bph atau melebihi target 201.155 bph. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Saturday, April, 15, 2017