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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Pertamina EP Achieved The Best CSR Indonesia Green Awards 2017

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina in the upstream oil and gas sector, again won the best CSR award at the 2017 Indonesia Green Award (IGA) annual event held by La Tofi School of CSR. The award was handed over by Inspector General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Imam Hendargo. Imam said the Ministry of Environment and Forestry appreciates the companies that have been running CSR activities towards the creation of the welfare of society, nation and state.

Creating an ongoing program initiative we believe will bring a story of change that will be enjoyed by all levels of society in this country, in accordance with the major theme of IGA 2017.

In this event, Pertamina EP won five or all categories held. First, Rescue Category of Water Resources by Filed Rantau, Milk Base Field, Field Subang and Lirik Field. Second, Category pioneered pollution prevention achieved by Field Rantau, Field Lirik and Field Subang. Third, the category developed Integrated Waste Management achieved by Field Rantau, Milk Field Base, Field Lirik, Field Jatibarang, Field Subang and Field Adera.

Fourth, the category saves energy and the use of EBT is achieved by Field Rantau, Field Lirik, Field Ramba, Field Field and Field Prabumulih. Fifth, the category developed biodiversity is achieved by Field Subang, Field Lirik and Milk Base.

Muhammad Baron, Public Relation Manager of Pertamina EP, said that the planning and implementation of the field through social mapping study is very important. Social mapping is one tool to obtain information both demographically and culturally. Through the social mapping of appropriate programs, on target and in accordance with the character of socio-cultural conditions of the various communities, considering the work area of Pertamina EP spread extensively throughout the archipelago, said Baron.

According to Baron, all Pertamina EP management is committed to always care in maintaining the environment and the welfare of the community, to bring smiles in the community is our pride as the upstream oil and gas industry.

IGA 2017 is an environmental award that awakens awareness of many parties in environmental conservation. In this 8th year, the IGA requires that the CSR program initiative is a story of change that explains what happened before and after the initiative of the CSR program.

This year's IGA, the award received a proposal and conducted a CSR initiative assessment of 170 programs from 31 national-scale companies, both state-owned and private, nine of them awarded the best CSR programs including Pertamina EP.


Pertamina EP Raih The Best CSR Indonesia Green Awards 2017

PT Pertamina EP anak usaha PT Pertamina di sektor hulu migas, kembali meraih penghargaan the best CSR dalam ajang tahunan Indonesia Green Award (IGA) 2017 yang diadakan oleh La Tofi School of CSR. Penghargaan diserahkan oleh Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Imam Hendargo. Imam mengatakan, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan mengapresiasi perusahaan yang telah menjalankan kegiatan CSR menuju terciptanya kesejahteraan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.

Menciptakan suatu inisiatif program yang berkelanjutan kami yakini akan membawa sebuah cerita perubahan yang nantinya dapat dinikmati seluruh lapisan masyarakat di negeri ini, hal ini sesuai dengan tema besar IGA 2017.

Dalam perhelatan ini, Pertamina EP menyabet lima atau seluruh kategori yang diadakan. Pertama, Kategori Penyelamatan Sumber Daya Air oleh Filed Rantau, Field Pangkalan Susu, Field Subang dan Field Lirik. Kedua, Kategori mempelopori pencegahan polusi diraih oleh Field Rantau, Field Lirik dan Field Subang. Ketiga, Kategori mengembangkan Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu diraih oleh Field Rantau, Field Pangkalan Susu, Field Lirik, Field Jatibarang, Field Subang dan Field Adera. 

Keempat, Kategori menghemat Energi dan penggunaan EBT diraih oleh Field Rantau, Field Lirik, Field Ramba, Field Subang dan Field Prabumulih. Kelima, Kategori mengembangkan keanekaragaman Hayati diraih oleh Field Subang, Field Lirik dan Pangkalan Susu.

Muhammad Baron, Public Relation Manager Pertamina EP mengatakan kegiatan perencanaan dan implementasi lapangan melalui studi pemetaan sosial sangat penting. Pemetaan sosial (social mapping) merupakan salah satu alat untuk mendapatkan informasi baik secara demografi maupun kultural. Melalui pemetaan sosial program tepat guna, tepat sasaran dan sesuai karakter kondisi sosial budaya masyarakat yang beragam, mengingat wilayah kerja Pertamina EP terbentang luas sepanjang nusantara, kata Baron.

Menurut Baron, segenap manajemen Pertamina EP berkomitmen untuk senantiasa peduli dalam memelihara lingkungan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, menghadirkan senyum ditengah masyarakat adalah kebanggaan kami sebagai pelaku industri hulu migas.

IGA 2017 merupakan penghargaan lingkungan yang membangunkan kesadaran banyak pihak dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Pada tahun ke-8 ini, IGA mensyaratkan bahwa inisiatif program CSR merupakan sebuah cerita perubahan yang menjelaskan apa yang terjadi sebelum dan sesudah inisiatif program CSR tersebut. 

Tahun ini IGA, award menerima proposal dan melakukan penilaian inisiatif CSR sebanyak 170 program dari 31 perusahaan yang berskala nasional baik BUMN maupun swasta, sembilan perusahaan di antaranya meraih penghargaan the best CSR program termasuk Pertamina EP.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

Inpex Proposal Pre-FEED Masela Block Performed Two Stages

The government said the pre-FEED review for the Masela Block will be conducted in two phases for two schemes at once.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said it had met with Inpex Corporation as the operator of Abadi Field, Masela Block. Inpex called proposing the implementation of Pre-FEED done in two stages. As a result, meetings with Inpex are criteria that must be agreed upon and evaluated. This criterion will be a measure of whether the phase I study is sufficient or still needs to be continued to phase II.

Although conducted in two stages, it insisted Pre-FEED must have two locations and two capacities. Inpex must examine two options for the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) refinery, namely Aru and Yamdena Islands.

Then, the study should also be carried out for the LNG plant capacity scheme of 9.5 million tonnes per annum / MTPA plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd, and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Later if phase I we think not enough, continued phase two for both location and capacity scheme.

Pre-FEED aims to estimate the investment cost and project schedule. In addition, the capacity and location of the LNG plant, can only be confirmed through Pre-FEED implementation first. The government, Arcandra had said, wanted a comprehensive and balanced data from the two choices of location and capacity. Pre-FEED is targeted as soon as possible. The time may be six to nine months.

As regards the cost of Pre-FEED, prior to the disclosure of the government does not object to being included in the cost recovery. Because, although done for two locations and two capacities, the required cost is not too large. While the benefits obtained are quite significant, ie comprehensive data.

The Masela Block gas supply is directly channeled through the pipeline as the Ministry of Industry declares buyers from the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors. The plan of this fertilizer and petrochemical plant will be built close to the mouth of the gas well. The ESDM Ministry will begin discussing who these gas consumers are with the Ministry of Industry once Pre-FEED begins.

The government had targeted the final investment decision (FID) of the Masela Block to be implemented by 2019. Furthermore, the first gas production of the block is expected to flow in 2026.

At the end of March 2016 yesterday the government rejected the proposed revision of POD Block Masela proposed by Inpex. In the revised POD it masela with the development of floating LNG plant. Inpex was also asked to re-submit POD with the scheme according to the government's direction.

Furthermore, Inpex proposed five clauses to continue the construction of the Masela Block. Specifically, the addition of LNG refinery capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA, 10-year contract addition, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 15%, cost recovery during the exploration and licensing period from the government. So far, only a seven-year contract extension has been granted.


Inpex Usul Pre-FEED Blok Masela Dilakukan Dua Tahap

Pemerintah menyatakan kajian awal desain rinci (Pre-FEED) untuk Blok Masela akan dilakukan dalam dua fase untuk dua skema sekaligus.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya sudah bertemu dengan pihak Inpex Corporation sebagai operator Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Inpex disebutnya mengusulkan pelaksanaan Pre-FEED dilakukan dalam dua tahap.  Hasilnya, pertemuan dengan Inpex ada kriteria yang harus disepakati dan dievaluasi. Kritena ini akan dijadikan ukuran apakah kajian fase I sudah mencukupi atau masih butuh dilanjutkan ke fase II.

Meski dilakukan dalam dua tahap, pihaknya menegaskan Pre-FEED harus tetap terdapat dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas. Inpex harus mengkaji dua pilihan lokasi pembangunan kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG), yakni Pulau Aru dan Yamdena. 

Kemudian, kajian juga harus dilaksanakan untuk skema kapasitas kilang LNG 9,5 million ton per annum/ MTPA plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd, serta 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Nanti kalau fase I kami rasa belum cukup, lanjut fase dua untuk kedua lokasi dan skema kapasitas.

Pre-FEED bertujuan mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek. Selain itu kapasitas dan lokasi kilang LNG, hanya dapat dipastikan melalui pelaksanaan Pre-FEED terlebih dahulu. Pemerintah, Arcandra sempat mengungkapkan, menginginkan data yang komprehensif dan seimbang dari dua pilihan lokasi dan kapasitas itu. Pre-FEED ditargetkan sesegera mungkin. Waktunya mungkin enam sampai sembilan bulan.

Soal biaya Pre-FEED, sebelumnya diungkapkannya pemerintah tidak keberatan dimasukkan dalam biaya yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery). Pasalnya, meski dilakukan untuk dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas, biaya yang diperlukan tidak terlalu besar. Sementara manfaat yang diperoleh cukup signifikan, yakni data yang komprehensif.

Pasokan gas Blok Masela sebagian langsung dialirkan melalui pipa karena Kementerian Perindustrian menyatakan adanya pembeli dari sektor pupuk dan petrokimia. Rencananya pabrik pupuk dan petrokimia ini akan dibangun dekat dengan mulut sumur gas. Kementerian ESDM akan mulai membahas siapa konsumen gas ini dengan Kementerian Perindustrian begitu Pre-FEED dimulai.

Pemerintah sempat menargetkan agar keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/FID) Blok Masela dapat dilaksanakan pada 2019. Selanjutnya, produksi gas pertama blok ini diharapkan dapat mengalir pada 2026.

Pada akhir Maret 2016 kemarin pemerintah menolak usulan revisi POD Blok Masela yang diajukan Inpex. Dalam revisi POD itu masela dengan pengembangan kilang LNG terapung. Inpex pun diminta mengajukan kembali POD dengan skema sesuai arahan pemerintah. 

Selanjutnya, Inpex mengajukan lima klausul untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan Blok Masela. Rincinya, penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 MTPA menjadi 9,5 MTPA, penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, tingkat pengembalian modal (Internal Rate of Return/IRR) sebesar 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi dan perizinan dari pemerintah. Sejauh ini, baru perpanjangan kontrak yang diberikan, yakni 7 tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

Pertamina is obliged to return Investment Block Termination

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) continues to complete the discussion on the continuation of the management of eight oil and gas blocks that will expire or termination contract later in 2018. In the discussion, the government calculates the level of economy, the block that has been submitted to Pertamina.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja said the government held a meeting with Pertamina to discuss the terms and conditions of the 8 blocks.

The meeting also discussed Pertamina's new contractor obligation to return the investment that was spent by the existing contractor due to the government's assignment to prevent the decline of production. For example in the Sanga-Sanga Block and in East Kalimantan. We ask that contractors are now required to maintain production levels, so they must invest. The investment will later be replaced by Pertamina.

Existing contractors are required to keep production from falling. Wiratmaja called Pertamina obligation to replace this investment pursuant to Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 26 year 2017 about Investment Cost Reversion Mechanism on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.

Beleid is to provide certainty to the old contractor that the money they spend to maintain production will still be replaced by the government through Pertamina. Meanwhile, President Director of Pertamina Upstream Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi said, not sure how much money should be replaced by Pertamina. He mentioned the 8 block investment and economic value is still discussed together with the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.

Existing contractors are required to keep production from falling. Wiratmaja called Pertamina obligation to replace this investment pursuant to Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 26 year 2017 about Investment Cost Reversion Mechanism on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.

Beleid is to provide certainty to the old contractor that the money they spend to maintain production will still be replaced by the government through Pertamina. Meanwhile, President Director of Pertamina Upstream Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi said, not sure how much money should be replaced by Pertamina. He mentioned that the 8 blocks of investment and economic value are still discussed together with the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.


Pertamina Wajib Kembalikan Investasi Blok Terminasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (KESDM) terus menyelesaikan pembahasan atas kelanjutan pengelolaan delapan blok migas yang akan habis masa kontraknya atau terminasi pada 2018 nanti. Dalam  pembahasan itu pemetintah menghitung tingkat keekonomian, blok yang telah diserahkan kepada Pertamina.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pemerintah melakukan rapat dengan Pertamina untuk yang membahas term and conditions dari 8 blok  tersebut.

Pertemuan tersebut juga membahas kewajiban kontraktor baru yaitu Pertamina untuk mengembalikan investasi yang telah dikeluarkan oleh kontraktor yang eksisiting karena penugasan dari pemerintah untuk mencegah penurunan produksi. Misalnya pada Blok Sanga-Sanga maupun di East Kalimantan. Kami minta kontraktor sekarang wajib menjaga tingkat produksi, sehingga mereka harus investasi. Investasi itu nanti harus diganti oleh Pertamina.

Kontraktor eksisting wajib menjaga produksi agar tidak turun. Wiratmaja menyebut kewajiban kepada Pertamina untuk mengganti investasi ini berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 26 tahun 2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya Investasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. 

Beleid ini agar memberikan kepastian kepada kontraktor lama bahwa duit yang mereka keluarkan untuk mempertahankan produksi tetap akan diganti oleh pemerintah lewat Pertamina. Sementara itu, Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, belum bisa memastikan berapa dana yang harus diganti oleh Pertamina. Ia menyebut nilai pengembalian investasi dan ke-ekonomian 8 blok masih dibahas bersama dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. 

Kontraktor eksisting wajib menjaga produksi agar tidak turun. Wiratmaja menyebut kewajiban kepada Pertamina untuk mengganti investasi ini berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 26 tahun 2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya Investasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. 

Beleid ini agar memberikan kepastian kepada kontraktor lama bahwa uang yang mereka keluarkan untuk  mempertahankan produksi tetap akan diganti oleh pemerintah lewat Pertamina. 

      Sementara itu, Presiden  Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, belum bisa memastikan berapa dana yang  harus diganti oleh Pertamina. Ia menyebut nilai pengembalian investasi dan keekonomian 8 blok masih dibahas  bersama dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

ESDM Ask Inpex Speeding

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has summoned the management of Inpex Corporation on Friday (5/5). As a result of the meeting, the government allowed Inpex to undertake two phases or defining phases of the project, commonly called pre-end design engineering (Pre FEED) at Abadi Square, Masela Block.

For the record, this process includes defining the goals, objectives and success factors of a project. According to Vice Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar, Inpex Corp will still have to perform Pre-FEED for two capacity options and two location options. They suggested to the government to use phase 1 and phase 2, we will see it.

The former ESDM Minister reminded that Inpex specifies the criteria of each phase. In addition, the government provides leeway if this contractor feels inadequate with phase one, can proceed to phase two. The government hopes that in the two pre-FEED phases, Inpex can finish within six months to nine months ahead.

The meeting between the government and Inpex is a slow progress of the project in Abadi Square, Masela Block. Previously, the government was upset because the contractor had not completed the Pre FEED despite having been assigned by the government since six months ago. 

    Even the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan expressed his disappointment and declared not to hesitate to cancel the Inpex contract if it had not yet started working on a project previously designed offshore to the mainland.


ESDM Minta Inpex Ngebut

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah memanggil manajemen Inpex Corporation pada Jumat (5/5). Hasil pertemuan, pemerintah membolehkan Inpex untuk melakukan dua tahapan atau fase pendefinisian proyek, biasa disebut pre front end engineering design (Pre FEED) di Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela.

Sebagai catatan, proses ini meliputi pendefinisian sasaran, tujuan dan faktor-faktor kesuksesan dari suatu proyek. Menurut Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, nantinya Inpex Corp tetap harus melakukan Pre-FEED untuk dua opsi kapasitas maupun dua opsi lokasi. Mereka menyarankan ke pemerintah agar memakai fase 1 dan fase 2, kami akan melihatnya. 

Mantan Menteri ESDM ini mengingatkan agar Inpex memperinci kriteria dari masing-masing fase tersebut. Selain itu, pemerintah memberikan kelonggaran jika kontraktor ini merasa tidak cukup dengan fase satu, bisa melanjutkannya ke fase dua. Pemerintah berharap pada dua fase Pre-FEED, Inpex bisa menyelesaikan dalam waktu enam bulan hingga sembilan bulan ke depan.

Pertemuan antara pemerintah dengan Inpex ini merupakan perkembangan proyek yang tergolong lambat di Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. Sebelumnya pemerintah kesal lantaran kontraktor ini tidak kunjung menyelesaikan Pre FEED meskipun telah mendapat penugasan dari pemerintah sejak enam bulan lalu. 

     Bahkan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyampaikan kekesalanya dan menyatakan tidak segan untuk membatalkan kontrak Inpex jika masih belum memulai mengerjakan proyek yang sebelumnya dirancang di lepas pantai menjadi ke daratan.  

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

Make sure the Well Treatment Does Not Disturb Gas Distribution

Petroleum and Gas Field Operators Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu ensures well maintenance activities will not disturb the distribution of city gas. The operator plans to take care of CPP Block Gundih. The plan to care for the well will be done for 20 days.

This is done so that maintenance activities based on risk inspection (RBI / Risk Base Inspection) for continuity of CPP operation can be maintained well. Nevertheless the operator remains committed to meet the amount of gas supply of 50 MMSCFD to Indonesia Power through PT. SPP.

Although it is in a state of shutdown, the supply of gas for the needs of this community we keep the continuity with support on the part of PGN, "said General Manager of Pertamina Asset W, Didik Susilo.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 management has also held a ceremony with residents around drilling at Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Block in Sumber Village, Kradenan Sub-district, Blora Regency. The event was attended by representatives of residents in six villages around the site, ie from Sumber Village, Wado, Pulo, Temulus, Sumberejo, and Curse Village.

In addition to inviting residents, about 150 orphans, also muspika and community leaders also attended. According to Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, in addition to thanksgiving, the event is also to maintain good relations and positive relationship with the local community. We also provide compensation to 150 orphans living in the vicinity of the CPP operation area, as well as security and security training and security agenda for the surrounding community.


Pastikan Perawatan Sumur Tak Ganggu Penyaluran Gas

Operator Lapangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu memastikan kegiatan perawatan sumur tidak akan menggangu penyaluran city gas. Operator berencana melakukan perawatan CPP Blok Gundih. Rencananya perawatan sumur itu akan dilakukan selama 20 hari. 

Hal itu dilakukan agar kegiatan pemeliharaan berdasarkan inspeksi resiko (RBI/Risk Base Inspection) untuk kelangsungan operasi CPP dapat terjaga dengan baik. Meskipun demikian pihak operator tetap komitmen memenuhi jumlah pasokan gas 50 MMSCFD kepada Indonesia Power melalui pipa PT. SPP.

      Meskipun sedang dalam keadaan shutdown, pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan masyarakat ini tetap kami jaga kelangsungannya dengan support dipihak PGN," kata General Manajer Pertamina Asset W, Didik Susilo.

Manajemen Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga sudah menggelar syukuran dengan warga sekitar pengeboran di Central Processing Plant (CPP) Blok Gundih di Desa Sumber, Kecamatan Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora. Kegiatan itu dihadiri perwakilan warga yang ada di enam desa sekitar lokasi, yakni dari Desa Sumber, Wado, Pulo,Temulus, Sumberejo, dan Desa Kutukan. 

Selain mengundang warga, sekitar 150 anak yatim piatu, juga muspika dan tokoh masyarakat turut hadir. Menurut Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, selain syukuran, acara tersebut juga untuk menjaga hubungan baik dan silaturahim positif dengan masyarakat setempat. Kita juga memberikan santunan kepada 150 anak yatim yang tinggal di sekitar daerah operasi CPP, serta agenda dan kegiatan pelatihan keamanan & pengamanan bagi masyarakat sekitar.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Saturday, May, 6, 2017

Oil, gas lobby group renews call to salvage industry

Over the past three years, investment in the upstream oil and gas sector has plunged to almost half of the usual figure of more than US$20 billion, and the industry has seen some 50,000 layoffs as well as a persistent decline in oil production.

While the blame partly lies with low oil prices, some of the factors may stem from inherent problems that have reduced the appetite of foreign oil and gas investors for new projects in Indonesia.

From policy changes that have severely impacted Japan’s $19 billion investment in the gas-rich Masela Block in Maluku to the replacement of decades-long production-sharing contracts (PSC) for a new scheme that is deemed unattractive, the oil and gas industry has faded into the twilight.

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), which groups major local and foreign oil and gas companies, has called on the government to take the issues in the industry seriously after seeing no progress in the past three years in the attempts to increase global investor confidence in Indonesia.

“With fewer than two years left [for the administration, there’s not much to be done other than try to improve confidence as soon as possible by creating investment-friendly policies,” IPA executive Marjolijn Wajong of Santos Ltd., said recently.

“In almost all discussions with the government, there is no narrative to ensure the policy will make Indonesia more competitive,” she said.

The 2016 Policy Perception Index survey released by Canadian think tank the Fraser Institute positioned Indonesia at 79th out of 96 jurisdictions with a reserve replacement ratio (RRR) of 51 percent, indicating the country’s poor investment climate in the oil and gas sector.

The RRR measures the amount of proven reserves that a company adds to its reserves to replace those produced. The industry has been particularly worried recently by the governments' insistence on oil and gas contractors adopting the so-called gross split scheme to replace the PSC regime, which is widely believed to be less attractive.

The gross-split sliding scale was introduced earlier this year and ended the government’s need to reimburse investors’ exploitation activities and therefore exempt investors from long negotiations on the value of their activities with the Upstream and Oil Gas Regulatory Special Task Force. 

However, the gross split is deemed unattractive as companies risk losing a lot of money for exploration in Indonesian areas that are mostly considered as frontier with difficult terrain and where most of the reserves are in deep water. 

“It’s not that we oppose the scheme. It’s a matter of how to make it competitive and attractive for investors. If the ‘carrot’ is not attractive, will the ‘rabbit’ want to seek it out?” another IPA executive Sammy Hamzah of
Ephindo Energy Pte Ltd. said. 

The success rate of the gross split scheme will be determined in the upcoming announcement of winners for the auction of 14 unconventional and conventional blocks on offer. The announcement itself has been delayed from March.

In 2015, a year after Jokowi took office, there was no winner from the auction of 11 oil and gas blocks. Last year was little different with only one winner determined for 17 conventional and unconventional blocks offered. In comparison, during the 2012-2014 period, there were 89 winners from the auction of a total 50 blocks.

IPA executive Ignatius Tenny Wibowo of Santos Sampang Pty Ltd. said the downward trend might have occurred because there had been no long-term solutions, particularly in terms of regulations.

He quoted Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan who once said that Indonesia could rely on imports if the cost of oil lifting the colloquial term for ready-to-sell production was too high.

“That’s easier to say than to face the reality,” Tenny said. “Just imagine, what if suddenly the oil price reaches $200a barrel? What will be the impact for us?” Since taking office in late 2014, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has pledged to make the business environment in Indonesia more competitive in order to attract foreign investors.

Red tape has been cut in a deregulation drive, but the oil and gas industry has been largely left: out. However, the President’s main priority for the industry has been to boost efficiency and transparency by launching crackdowns on the so-called “oil and gas mafia", overhauling personnel in the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry as well as cutting brokerage activities in state oil and gas company PT Pertamina.

Another concern in the industry is a policy to force Pertamina to take over expired concession areas, with analysts indicating that the company will be biting off more than it can chew and the policy being perceived as an attempt at “nationalization”.

As many as 23 cooperation contracts will expire within the next five years, with Pertamina projected to take them all over. The IPA hopes to raise the issue in its upcoming 415' convention and exhibition, one of the biggest energy get-togethers in Southeast Asia, which will take place on May 17 and 19 at the Jakarta Convention Center. 

The annual convention, where all stakeholders and policy makers gather to.discuss challenges as well as opportunities, has never been attended by Jokowi, which many industry players regard as a sign of the President’s lack of interest in the sector at a time when domestic oil output is on a steady decline and the country which used to be an oil exporter, heavily reliant on imports for its energy security for the next decade.

“The potential for Indonesian oil and gas is still there, but it has to compete for global capital, which it is unable to do at the moment,” said IPA executive Michael Putra of Shell Upstream Indonesia Services.

“Yes, the oil price decline is a factor in it. But other countries like Mexico manage to get investment. So it’s not just about the oil price. Indonesia has an inherent problem to make it more competitive.”

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Friday, May, 5, 2017

The average price of ICP in April was US $ 49.56 Per Barrel

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that Indonesia's crude oil / ICP price in April 2017 was US $ 49.56 per barrel, up US $ 0.85 compared to March 2017 of US $ 48.71 per barrel.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta, the rise in ICP is in line with the development of major crude oil prices in the international market. Recorded, Brent oil price (ICE) rose US $ 1.28 per barrel from US $ 52.54 to US $ 53.82 per barrel. Then, the type of WTI (Nymex) rose US $ 1.45 from US $ 49.67 to US $ 51.12 per barrel. While the OPEC basket (basket) rose US $ 1.15 from US $ 50.32 to US $ 51.47 per barrel.

The Oil Price Team of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources added that the major crude price increase in the international market was due, among others, based on the April 2017 International Energy Agency (IEA) publication, a decline in world oil production by OPEC and non-OPEC countries by 755 thousand barrels Per day in March to 95.98 million barrels per day.

Another factor, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) publication, the inventory of commercial crude and US distillate stocks on April 21, 2017 is lower than March 31, 2017. The details, for US commercial crude oil inventories fell by 6.8 million barrels to 528.7 million US barrels and distillates fell 1.5 million barrels to 158.2 million barrels. The increase in "crude" prices is also due to an increased geopolitical risk between the US and Syria.

Furthermore, OPEC also revised the world oil demand in 2017 to 96.32 million barrels per day or an increase of 1.27 million barrels per day compared to 2016. Another factor is the decline in world crude oil supply by 0.23 million barrels in March 2017 to 95, 82 million barrels, and the commercial inventories of OECD countries in February 2017 fell 28.3 million barrels to 2,987 million barrels.


Harga ICP April Rata-rata US$ 49,56 Per Barel

Kementerian ESDM mencatat harga minyak mentah Indonesia/ICP pada April 2017 sebesar US$ 49,56 per barel atau naik US$ 0,85 dibandingkan Maret 2017 sebesar US$ 48,71 per barel.

Berdasarkan data Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM di Jakarta, kenaikan ICP tersebut seiring perkembangan harga minyak mentah utama di pasar internasional.  Tercatat, harga minyak jenis Brent (ICE) naik US$ 1,28 per barel dari US$ 52,54 menjadi US$ 53,82 per barel. Lalu, jenis WTI (Nymex) naik US$ 1,45 dari US$ 49,67 menjadi US$ 51,12 per barel. Sedangkan keranjang (basket) OPEC naik US$ 1,15 dari US$ 50,32 menjadi US$ 51,47 per barel.

Tim Harga Minyak Kementerian ESDM menambahkan peningkatan harga “crude” utama di pasar internasional itu disebabkan antara lain, berdasarkan publikasi International Energy Agency (IEA) edisi April 2017, terdapat penurunan produksi minyak dunia oleh negara-negara OPEC dan non-OPEC sebesar 755 ribu barel per hari pada bulan Maret menjadi 95,98 juta barel per hari.

Faktor lainnya, berdasarkan publikasi Energy Information Administration (EIA) , persediaan minyak mentah komersial dan stok distilat AS pada 21 April 2017 lebih rendah dibandingkan 31 Maret 2017. Rinciannya, untuk persediaan minyak mentah komersial AS turun 6,8 juta barel menjadi 528,7 juta barel dan distilat AS turun 1,5 juta barel menjadi 158,2 juta barel. Peningkatan harga “crude” juga akibat peningkatan risiko geopolitik antara AS dan Suriah.

Selanjutnya, OPEC juga merevisi permintaan minyak dunia pada 2017 menjadi 96,32 juta barel per hari atau meningkat sebesar 1,27 juta barel per hari dibandingkan 2016. Faktor lainnya penurunan suplai minyak mentah dunia sebesar 0,23 juta barel pada Maret 2017 menjadi 95,82 juta barel ,dan persediaan komersial negara-negara OECD pada Februari 2017 turun 28,3 juta barel menjadi 2.987 juta barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May, 5, 2017

PLN Gas Procurement Auction for Generating 200 MMSCFD

PT PLN targets auction of LNG gas procurement for power plants in central Indonesia, completed later this year. PLN requires contractors to supply and prepare gas infrastructure with a total volume of 200 million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd.

Director of Procurement PLN Supangkat Iwan Santosa said the gas procurement auction is now underway. It is still waiting for the bid proposal from the auction participants. The auction is due to be completed this year.

Based on the record, the auction of supply procurement and gas infrastructure for Central Indonesia has been started by PLN since last year. PLN targeted the auction last year. So that gas supply can be realized starting 2019.

Iwan admitted, the auction was delayed due to changes in the project. Initially, PLN sought 230 mmscfd of gas supply for several clusters in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. There were 8 power plants with 50 mmscfd, Sulawesi 14 power plants with 120 mmscfd and Nusa Tenggara 10 power plants where the gas requirement amounted to 60 mmscfd.

However, it later separated gas supplies for Bali, Gorontalo, and Pontianak from this project. Thus, the required gas supply is not as big as the original plan. Reduced approximately 30 mmscfd.

In addition, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as a funder requests for changes to make the project more effective and efficient. Among them, ADB requested that the period of built-operate-transfer (BOT) schemes be changed to 10 years. Then also direct storage and regasification facilities diverted, BOT PLN.

As is known, in this auction, potential investors should be able to guarantee gas supply while providing infrastructure and transportation. This scheme was taken because to supply Central Indonesia with small and dispersed generators, the required gas supply must be entirely in the form of LNG.

Later, investors have to build LNG Hub to accommodate LNG on a medium scale, providing ships that will distribute it to PLN plants, including building regasification facilities near power stations. This method makes LNG project becomes more economical because the volume is not too small.

For its infrastructure, PLN will use a built-operate-transfer (BOT) scheme in which after a certain period will belong to the company. While the gas supply contract remains the same as the usual contract. PLN will not limit the LNG to be domestic, which is important the price offered is competitive.

Meanwhile, despite a change of auction schedule, Head of Oil and Gas Division of PLN Chairani confirmed that the project completion target has not changed, it is targeted to be completed by 2019.

So far, PLN has set 11 consortiums of companies that have passed prequalification. The 11 participants who passed the prequalification were PT Pertamina, Osaka Gas Co Ltd, PT Medco Energi International Tbk, Natural Gas Fenosa SDG SA, Marubeni Corporation, and Socar Petroleum SA consortium, PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia, PT PP Tbk and Pl Toba Prosperous.

The other participants included the consortium of PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Tokyo Gas Co Ltd and Mitsui Co Ltd, a consortium of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara and International Power Ltd, a consortium of Itochu Corporation and PT Energasindo Heksa Karya, a consortium of Shell Gas & Power Development BV and PT Energi Dian Kemala, and a consortium of Mitsubishi Corporation, Brunei National Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd and Diamond Gas International Pte Ltd.


PLN Lelang Pengadaan Gas untuk Pembangkit 200 MMSCFD

PT PLN menargetkan Ielang pengadaan gas alam cair/LNG untuk pembangkit di Indonesia bagian tengah, selesai akhir tahun ini. PLN membutuhkan kontraktor yang akan memasok dan menyiapkan infrastruktur gas dengan total volume 200 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd.

Direktur Pengadaan PLN Supangkat Iwan Santosa mengatakan, lelang pengadaan gas tersebut kini sedang berlangsung. Pihaknya kini masih menunggu proposal penawaran dari para peserta lelang. Sedianya lelang akan diselesaikan tahun ini juga. 

Berdasarkan catatan, lelang pengadaan pasokan dan infrastruktur gas untuk Indonesia Tengah ini sudah dimulai PLN sejak tahun lalu. PLN sempat menargetkan lelang selesai tahun lalu. sehingga pasokan gas dapat direalisasikan mulai 2019.

Iwan mengakui, lelang tertunda karena ada perubahan dalam proyeknya. Awalnya, PLN mencari pasokan gas sebesar 230 mmscfd untuk beberapa kluster yang dalam wilayah Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan terdapat 8 unit pembangkit dengan kebutuhan 50 mmscfd, Sulawesi 14 unit pembangkit, dengan kebutuhan 120 mmscfd, dan Nusa Tenggara 10 unit pembangkit di mana kebutuhan gasnya sebesar 60 mmscfd.

Namun, pihaknya kemudian memisahkan pasokan gas untuk Bali, Gorontalo, dan Pontianak dari proyek ini. Sehingga, pasokan gas yang dibutuhkan tidak sebesar rencana awal. Berkurang kira-kira 30 mmscfd.

Selain itu, Asian Development Bank (ADB) sebagai penyandang dana meminta untuk dilakukan perubahan supaya proyek lebih efektif dan efisien. Diantaranya, ADB meminta jangka waktu skema built-operate-transfer (BOT) diubah menjadi 10 tahun. Kemudian juga fasilitas storage dan regasifikasi langsung dialihkan, BOT PLN.

Seperti diketahui, dalam lelang ini, calon investor harus bisa menjamin pasokan gas sekaligus menyediakan infrastruktur dan transportasinya. Skema ini diambil karena untuk memasok Indonesia Tengah yang pembangkitnya kecil-kecil dan tersebar, pasokan gas yang dibutuhkan seluruhnya harus dalam bentuk LNG.

Nantinya, investor harus membangun LNG Hub untuk menampung LNG dalam skala menengah, menyediakan kapal yang akan mendistribusikannya ke pembangkit-pembangkit PLN, termasuk membangun fasilitas regasifikasi di dekat pembangkit. Metode ini membuat proyek LNG menjadi lebih ekonomis karena volumenya tidak terlalu kecil.

Untuk infrastrukturnya, PLN akan menggunakan skema built-operate-transfer (BOT) di mana setelah periode tertentu akan menjadi milik perseroan. Sementara kontrak pasokan gas tetap seperti kontrak biasanya. PLN tidak akan membatasi LNG harus dalam negeri, yang penting harga yang ditawarkan cukup kompetitif. 

Sementara itu, meski terjadi perubahan jadwal lelang, Kepala Divisi BBM dan Gas PLN Chairani menegaskan target penyelesaian proyek tidak berubah, tetap ditargetkan selesai pada 2019.

Sejauh ini, PLN telah menetapkan 11 konsorsium perusahaan yang lolos prakualifikasi. Ke-11 peserta yang lolos prakualifikasi ini adalah PT Pertamina, Osaka Gas Co Ltd, PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, Gas Natural Fenosa SDG SA, Marubeni Corporation, dan konsorsium Socar Petroleum SA, PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia, PT PP Tbk, dan Pl Toba Sejahtera.

Selanjutnya peserta lain yang lolos yakni konsorsium PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Tokyo Gas Co Ltd, dan Mitsui Co Ltd, konsorsium PT Perusahaan Gas Negara dan International Power Ltd, konsorsium Itochu Corporation dan PT Energasindo Heksa Karya, konsorsium Shell Gas & Power Development BV dan PT Energi Dian Kemala, serta konsorsium Mitsubishi Corporation, Brunei National Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd, dan Diamond Gas International Pte Ltd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May, 5, 2017

PGN is Committed to Development of Gas Infrastructure

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) supports the Government's efforts in realizing national energy independence. With integrated natural gas management, PGN has the capability to develop infrastructure and deliver natural gas from upstream producers directly to domestic users.

PGN Director General and Human Resources Desima E Siahaan said the development of PGN's natural gas infrastructure is part of the company's commitment to strengthen national energy independence. The use of natural gas as an energy that is environmentally friendly, efficient and safe proves to be able to push the economy effectively.

In 2016, PGN's gas pipeline infrastructure grew over more than 252 km and currently reaches over 7,278 km or equivalent to 80% of national downstream natural gas pipelines. The development of the infrastructure is aimed at increasing the expansion of natural gas access and improving services to customers.

Of the natural gas infrastructure, PGN channeled natural gas directly to domestic customers reaching 168,973 customers, with more details and 165,392 household customers, 1,929 MSEE, commercial, hotel, hospital, restaurant, to restaurant customers, and 1,652 manufacturing customers Large-scale and power plants. Currently PGN has exist in 12 provinces to distribute natural gas for the community.

A number of projects that have been completed by PGN on time such as the Kalisogo-Waru gas pipeline project, East Java along 30 km. Then PGN also completed the project in the Jetis-Ploso segment in the Mojokerto area to Jombang along the 27 km. Also the Kejayan-Purwosari segment project in Pasuruan is 15 km long.

In addition to East Java, PGN also completed an 18.3 km gas pipeline infrastructure project in Batam. The gas pipeline project located in Batam's business district will channel natural gas to Nagoya, Lubuk Baja and Jodoh areas in Batam. PGN is currently working on Central Kalimantan's 125 km gas distribution pipeline project, marine pipelines and facilities for the 5km-long Riau archipelago, as well as several other gas infrastructure development networks in West Java and Surabaya.

In the near future PGN will also distribute natural gas to several flats in DKI Jakarta. PGN relies on the company's financing capability to build domestic gas infrastructure, thus not burdening the state budget.

At the time of the national economic recovery effort, during the period of January-December 2016, PGN distributed natural gas of 1,599 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSC FD), growing from 1.591 MMSCFD in the same period last year. With the distribution volume of gas distribution (natural gas trading) of 803 MMSC FD, up compared to the same period last year of 802 MMSCFD and the transmission volume (natural gas transportation) of 795 MMSCFD.


PGN Berkomitmen Dalam Pengembangan Infrastruktur Gas

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) mendukung upaya Pemerintah dalam mewujudkan kemandirian energi nasional. Dengan pengelolaan gas bumi terintegrasi, PGN memiliki kemampuan dalam mengembangkan infrastruktur serta menyalurkan gas bumi dari produsen hulu langsung ke pengguna domestik.

Direktur Umum dan SDM PGN Desima E Siahaan mengatakan, pengembangan infrastruktur gas bumi yang dilakukan PGN merupakan bagian dari komitmen perusahaan untuk memperkuat kemandirian energi nasional. Penggunaan gas bumi sebagai energi baik yang ramah lingkungan, efisien, dan aman terbukti mampu mendorong Perekonomian dengan efektif.

Pada tahun 2016, infrastruktur pipa gas PGN Bertambah sepanjang lebih dari 252 km dan saat ini mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km atau setara dengan 80% pipa gas bumi hilir nasional. Pengembangan infrastruktur tersebut ditujukan untuk meningkatkan perluasan aksesabilitas gas bumi serta peningkatan layanan kepada pelanggan. 

Dari infrastruktur gas bumi tersebut, PGN menyalurkan gas bumi secara langsung ke pelanggan domestik mencapai 168.973 pelanggan, dengan rincian lebih dan 165.392 pelanggan rumah tangga, 1.929 pelanggan sektor UMKM, komersial, hotel, rumah sakit, restoran, hingga rumah makan, serta 1.652 industri manufaktur berskala besar dan pembangkit listrik. Saat ini PGN telah hadir di 12 provinsi untuk menyalurkan gas bumi bagi masyarakat.

Sejumlah proyek yang telah diselesaikan PGN dengan tepat waktu seperti proyek pipa gas Kalisogo-Waru, Jawa Timur sepanjang 30 km. Kemudian PGN juga menyelesaikan proyek di ruas Jetis-Ploso di wilayah Mojokerto sampai Jombang sepanjang 27 km. Juga proyek ruas Kejayan-Purwosari di Pasuruan sepanjang 15 km. 

Selain di Jawa Timur, PGN juga menyelesaikan proyek infrastruktur pipa gas bumi sepanjang 18,3 km di Batam. Proyek pipa gas yang berada di kawasan bisnis Batam ini akan menyalurkan gas bumi ke wilayah Nagoya, Lubuk Baja, dan Jodoh di Batam. PGN saat ini juga sedang mengerjakan proyek pipa distribusi gas Sumatera Tengah sepanjang 123 km, pipa laut dan fasilitasnya untuk kepulauan Riau sepanjang 5 km, serta beberapa pengembangan jaringan infrastruktur gas lainnya seperti di Jawa Barat dan Surabaya. 

Dalam waktu dekat PGN juga akan menyalurkan gas bumi ke beberapa rumah susun di DKI Jakarta. PGN mengandalkan kemampuan pendanaan perusahaan untuk membangun infrastruktur gas dalam negeri, sehingga tidak membebani APBN.

Di saat upaya pemulihan perekonomian nasional, selama periode Januari-Desember 2016, PGN menyalurkan gas bumi sebesar 1.599 million standard cubic feet per day/MMSC FD), bertumbuh dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 1.591 MMSCFD. Dengan perincian volume gas distribusi (niaga gas bumi) sebesar 803 MMSC FD, naik dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 802 MMSCFD dan volume transmisi (pengangkutan gas bumi) sebesar 795 MMSCFD.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May, 5, 2017

PGN Focused Strengthening of Natural Gas Infrastructure

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk remains focused on strengthening the natural gas infrastructure. So far, the natural gas pipeline infrastructure has been constructed along 7,278 kilometers across Indonesia, equivalent to 80 percent of national gas pipelines. The Company hopes to benefit from the government's policy of lowering the price of gas for industry.

With the gas infrastructure, PGN currently has 168,973 customers. The number of such subscribers consists of 165,392 household customers, 1,929 micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) customers, hotels, hospitals, restaurants and restaurants and 1,652 large-scale industries, including power generation.

The gas that has been distributed in 2016 as much as 1.6 billion standard cubic feet per day. "This year, the gas pipeline infrastructure project that is scheduled to be completed is a gas pipeline project in central Sumatra along 123 kilometers and in Riau Islands as long as 5 kilometers," said PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya in a press conference after the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM ).

Meanwhile, related to government policy to lower gas price for industry, Finance Director of PGN Nusantara Suryono added. Cheaper gas prices are believed to increase consumption by consumers from the industrial sector.

Thus, the gas sales volume from PGN is projected to increase in the future. "Especially in the region of North Sumatra, the selling price of gas has been lowered from the original 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU to 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU. We expect compensation in the form of increased gas sales volume of the company, "said Nusantara.

PGN Director General and Human Resources Desima E Siahaan added that the company is committed to continue developing the natural gas infrastructure in order to strengthen national energy independence. Utilization of natural gas is still encouraged for household consumption, power generation, or industry in small, medium and large scale.

Throughout 2016, PGN posted net income of 2.9 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp 38.6 trillion with an average exchange rate in 2016 of Rp 13,808 per US dollar.

Meanwhile, the company's net profit reached 304 million US dollars or Rp 4.04 trillion. With these achievements, PGN distributes dividends to the government and shareholders of Rp 1.82 trillion or Bp 75.18 per share.

This year, PGN's capital expenditure and its subsidiaries are allocated 500 million US dollars. At the AGMS, the company announced the replacement of the position of president director Hendi Prio Santoso, who was the primary director replaced by Jobi Triananda Hasjim. The main commissioner in the office of Fajar Harry Sampurno


PGN Fokus Penguatan Infrastruktur Gas Bumi

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk tetap fokus pada penguatan infrastruktur gas bumi. Sejauh ini, infrastruktur pipa gas bumi telah terbangun sepanjang 7.278 kilometer di seluruh Indonesia atau setara dengan 80 persen sambungan pipa gas nasional. Perseroan berharap mendapat manfaat atas kebijakan pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri. 

Dengan infrastruktur gas tersebut, saat ini PGN memiliki 168.973 pelanggan. Jumlah pelanggan sebanyak itu terdiri dari 165.392 pelanggan rumah tangga, 1.929 pelanggan sektor usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM), hotel, rumah sakit, restoran, dan rumah makan serta 1.652 industri berskala besar, termasuk pembangkit listrik. 

Adapun gas yang sudah disalurkan pada 2016 sebanyak 1,6 miliar standar kaki kubik per hari. ”Tahun ini, proyek infrastruktur pipa gas bumi yang dijadwalkan bisa rampung adalah proyek pipa gas di Sumatera bagian tengah sepanjang 123 kilometer dan di Kepulauan Riau sepanjang 5 kilometer,” kata Direktur Komersial PGN Danny Praditya dalam konferensi pers seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST).

Sementara itu, terkait kebijakan pemerintah menurunkan harga gas untuk industri, Direktur Keuangan PGN Nusantara Suryono menambahkan. harga gas yang lebih murah diyakini akan menaikkan konsumsi oleh konsumen dari sektor industri.

Dengan demikian, volume penjualan gas dari PGN diproyeksikan meningkat pada masa mendatang. ”Khusus di wilayah Sumatera Utara, harga jual gas sudah diturunkan dari semula 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU menjadi 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU. Kami berharap ada kompensasi berupa peningkatan volume penjualan gas perseroan,” kata Nusantara. 

Direktur Umum dan Sumber Daya Manusia PGN Desima E Siahaan menambahkan, perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan infrastruktur gas bumi dalam rangka memperkuat kemandirian energi nasional. Pemanfaatan gas bumi tetap didorong untuk konsumsi rumah tangga, pembangkit listrik, ataupun industri dalam skala kecil, menengah, dan besar.

Sepanjang 2016, PGN membukukan pendapatan bersih sebesar 2,9 miliar dollar AS atau setara dengan Rp 38,6 triliun dengan nilai tukar rata-rata pada 2016 sebesar Rp 13.808 per dollar AS.

Sementara laba bersih perseroan mencapai 304 juta dollar AS atau Rp 4,04 triliun. Dengan capaian tersebut, PGN membagikan dividen kepada pemerintah dan pemegang saham sebesar Rp 1,82 triliun atau Bp 75,18 per lembar saham.

Tahun ini, belanja modal PGN berikut anak perusahaannya dialokasikan 500 juta dollar AS. Dalam RUPST itu, perseroan mengumumkan pergantian kursi jabatan direktur utama  Hendi Prio Santoso yang semula menjabat direktur utama digantikan Jobi Triananda Hasjim. Adapun komisaris utama di jabat Fajar Harry Sampurno

Kompas, Page-20, Friday, May, 5, 2017