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Friday, May 26, 2017

Oil and Gas Investment Shrink

Without Exploration, Production Can Be Out

Investment in the oil and gas sector continues to decline. Marjolijn Elisabeth Wajong, Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) said that upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia in 2016 decreased 27 percent compared to the previous year.

Marjolijn said the total investment decreased from USD 15.34 billion to USD 11.15 billion. The decline in investment in oil and gas sector is correlated with the depletion of oil and gas reserves. The decline in world crude oil prices that occurred since mid-2014 resulted in oil and gas contractors to make efficiency. Including reducing investment spending.

As a result, national oil and gas reserves decline due to the lack of exploration activities. Marjolijn details that oil and gas exploration areas since 2012-2016 decreased. In 2012, there are 233 exploration areas. Then, in 2013 there are 238 Regions, 2014 there are 235 Regions, 2015 there are 228 regions, and 2016 there are only 199 exploration areas. In 2016, there are 199 exploration areas with details of 110 working areas (WK) of active oil and gas 52 WK conventional, and 37 WK termination process.

The lack of exploration areas made the discovery of new oil and gas reserves in Indonesia also shrink. Marjolijn explained that the amount of proven oil reserves continues to decline from 3.7 billion barrels in 2013 to 3.3 billion barrels today.

Marjolijn continued, if there is no continuous additional new reserves, Indonesia's oil production will run out soon. In fact, the potential for oil and gas is still high. However, exploration activities are needed to make them as proven reserves. If the investment climate is not improved, the oil and gas potentials will not be touched.

IPA assumes that it is necessary to improve regulations and policies so that the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia will be more attractive. There have been efforts from the government such as revising Government Regulation Nornor 79 Year 2010, simplification of licensing, and so forth. We were very much involved last year in the revision of PP 79 / 2010. I hear that now it is in the hands of the president. So, we'll see.

On the other hand, upstream oil and gas sector actually has multiple effects for national economic growth. Tumbur Parlindungan's Treasury of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) said the double effect is starting from the utilization of local products to transactions through national banks.


Investasi Migas Menyusut

Tanpa Eksplorasi, Produksi Bisa Habis

Investasi di sektor  migas terus menurun. Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Elisabeth Wajong menuturkan, investasi sektor hulu minyak dan gas Indonesia pada 2016 menurun 27 persen jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya.

Marjolijn menyatakan, jumlah investasi menurun dari USD 15,34 miliar menjadi USD 11,15 miliar Menurunnya investasi di sektor migas itu berkorelasi dengan susutnya cadangan migas. Turunnya harga minyak mentah dunia yang terjadi sejak pertengahan 2014 mengakibatkan kontraktor migas melakukan efisiensi. Termasuk mengurangi belanja investasi.

Akibatnya, cadangan migas nasional menurun karena minimnya kegiatan eksplorasi. Marjolijn memerinci, wilayah eksplorasi migas sejak 2012-2016 menurun. Pada 2012, terdapat 233 wilayah eksplorasi. Kemudian, pada 2013 ada 238 Wilayah, 2014 ada 235 Wilayah, 2015 ada 228 wilayah, dan 2016 hanya ada 199 Wilayah eksplorasi. Pada 2016, ada 199 wilayah eksplorasi dengan perincian 110 wilayah kerja (WK) migas aktif 52 WK konvensional, dan 37 WK proses terminasi.

Minimnya wilayah eksplorasi membuat penemuan cadangan migas baru di Indonesia juga menyusut. Marjolijn menjelaskan, jumlah cadangan minyak terbukti terus merosot dari 3,7 miliar barel pada 2013 menjadi 3,3 miliar barel saat ini. 

    Marjolijn melanjutkan, jika terus-menerus tidak ada tambahan cadangan baru, produksi minyak Indonesia segera habis. Padahal, potensi migas masih banyak. Namun, diperlukan kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menjadikannya sebagai cadangan terbukti.  Kalau iklim investasi tidak diperbaiki, potensi-potensi migas itu tidak akan tersentuh.

IPA beranggapan, diperlukan perbaikan regulasi-regulasi dan kebijakan agar sektor hulu migas Indonesia kembali atraktif. Memang sudah ada upaya dari pemerintah seperti merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nornor 79 Tahun 2010, penyederhanaan perizinan, dan sebagainya. Kami tahun lalu banyak sekali terlibat di dalam revisi PP 79 / 2010. Saya dengar sekarang berada di tangan presiden. Jadi, kami lihat saja.

Di sisi Iain, sektor hulu migas sebenarnya memiliki efek berganda bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Treasury of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengungkapkan, efek berganda tersebut terhitung mulai pemanfaatan produk lokal hingga transaksi melalui perbankan nasional.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, May, 11, 2017

It is time for the Government to Polish Upstream Oil and Gas

The government will face challenges in attracting upstream oil and gas investment as there is competition among the black liquor producing countries to attract investors.

On the other hand, interest in oil and gas investment at the moment, when oil prices are still low, tends to dim. The contractors of cooperation contract (KKKS) Iebih focus on production activities and reduce the exploration or search for new sources of oil and gas reserves. This will cause the oil and gas reserves continue to decrease so threatening to the production going forward.

President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) 
Christina Verchere

President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere said the weakening of oil prices makes companies have to reorganize the business plan. According to him, all oil companies both global and national will look back at investment opportunities.

Oil and gas companies, adjusting to several indicators such as subsurface quality, adequacy of return on capital, and investment sustainability are considered as the upstream sector requires a long payback period.

Her explained, the challenges facing the company more difficult. Her mentioned, some companies release assets. Meanwhile, in terms of competition, he considered, Indonesia should show its ability to be superior to other countries so that it can be an investment destination.

"Indonesia must be able to compete regionally and globally to get funding," her said in a press conference on the Convention and Exhibition of IPA 2017, Wednesday (11/5).

On the same occasion, IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong said that currently there is a decrease in upstream oil and gas investment which is a negative signal.

From data from SKK Migas, oil and gas investment in 2016 fell 27% to US $ 11.1 billion compared to the previous year of US $ 15.3 billion. In fact, oil and gas investment in 2016 is more for production activities and leaving a small portion for exploration.

The realization of investment for the search for new sources of oil and gas reserves (exploration) continues to shrink since 2012 only US $ 1.3 billion and then slightly increased to US $ 1.4 billion in 2013. Then, the realization of investment for exploration activities in 2014 US $ 1.1 billion, down To US $ 0.5 billion in 2015 and lower by 2016 to only US $ 0.1 billion.


The low investment in exploration activities will have an impact on future oil and gas reserves. In fact, he mentioned that the current condition of oil and gas in a crisis position because it has not been found the source of oil and gas reserves large enough for 15 years. On the other hand, the existing oil and gas reserves continue to fall because production activities continue to be done.

Oil reserves per 2016 is only 3.50 billion barrels or the lowest since 2012. In fact, oil reserves in 2012 reached 3.74 billion barrels. Then, oil and gas reserves in 2013 amounted to 3.69 billion barrels, which gradually decreased to 3.62 billion barrels in 2014 and to 3.60 billion barrels in 2015.

"So we are already in crisis, not in good condition. In fact, opportunities in oil and gas are still many, ".

Her said the upstream oil and gas sector is now contributing little to economic growth due to low oil prices. However, upstream oil and gas investment provides a large multiplier effect. The oil and gas sector has generated gross domestic product (GDP) in 2016 with US $ 23.7 billion of 3.3%.

From a Boston Consulting Group study related to the multiplier effect of upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia, the accumulated direct impact of US $ 40 billion with accumulated impacts of up to US $ 80 billion. Meanwhile, an additional average of 1.2% economic growth per year can be achieved through the addition of 40,000 to 50,000 new jobs.

The estimate is based on assumptions of oil prices of US $ 50 per barrel from 2016 to 2025 and gas at US $ 15 per barrel of oil equivalent. Another assumption is that there is an additional production of 20% through advanced dredging activities or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and an empty gas project of 25%.

This is achieved when oil and gas production in 2015 of 1.9 million barrels of oil equivalent per day is maintained so that by 2025 the national oil and gas production is still at 1.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Earlier, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Research of Southeast Asia WoodMackenzie Andrew Harwood said, Indonesia's oil and gas reserves will continue to decline in line with the lack of new sources of oil and gas. He predicts that Indonesia's oil reserves will be exhausted within 8 years and gas in the next 10 years.

The reason, he mentioned that the opportunity to repeat major findings such as the project Tangguh Train 3, Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), and Field Eternal Masela very small. On the other hand, the oil and gas reserves found are getting smaller.

From WoodMac data, the cost of finding a new source of oil and gas reserves per barrel of US $ 4 with an average yield size of 17.6 million barrels of oil equivalent.

And the 2017 Ernst & Young (EY) report, a country that relies on revenue and oil and gas sectors will be more difficult due to the impact of lower oil prices. Because the price of oil to make the government budget corrected.

In addition, governments in some countries are taking steps to reduce fuel and energy subsidies, reduce government salaries, maximize oil production volumes to consider partial privatization of national oil companies to adjust to lower oil prices.

Recorded, countries that are currently reducing the budget deficit, raise investment or attract new investments ranging from Africa, South America, Middle East as well as Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, the competing countries are attracting upstream oil and gas investment, namely Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Egypt, Tanzania, Angola, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.


Saatnya Pemerintah Memoles Hulu Migas

Pemerintah akan menghadapi tantangan dalam menarik investasi Hulu minyak dan gas bumi karena ada persaingan antar negara penghasil cairan hitam itu untuk menarik investor.

Di sisi lain, minat investasi minyak dan gas bumi pada saat ini, ketika harga minyak masih rendah, cenderung redup. Para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) Iebih fokus melakukan kegiatan produksi dan mengurangi eksplorasi atau pencarian sumber cadangan migas yang baru. Hal itu akan menyebabkan cadangan migas terus berkurang sehingga mengancam ke berlangsung produksi ke depan.

Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) 
Christina Verchere 

Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere mengatakan, pelemahan harga minyak membuat perusahaan harus menyusun ulang rencana bisnis. Menurutnya, seluruh perusahaan minyak baik global maupun nasional akan melihat kembali peluang-peluang investasi.

Perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi, menyesuaikannya dengan beberapa indikator seperti kualitas bawah permukaan, kecukupan pengembalian modal, dan jaminan keberlangsungan investasi menjadi pertimbangan karena sektor hulu membutuhkan masa pengembalian yang panjang.

Dia menjelaskan, tantangan yang dihadapi perusahaan semakin sulit. Dia menyebut, beberapa perusahaan melepas aset. Sementara itu, dalam hal kompetisi, dia menilai, Indonesia harus menunjukkan kemampuannya agar Iebih unggul dari negara lainnya sehingga bisa menjadi tujuan investasi.

"Indonesia harus bisa bersaing secara regional dan global untuk mendapatkan pendanaan,” ujarnya dalam jumpa pers tentang Konvensi dan Pameran IPA 2017, Rabu (11/5).

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, saat ini terdapat penurunan investasi hulu migas yang menjadi sinyal negatif.

Dari data SKK Migas, investasi migas pada 2016 turun 27% menjadi US$11,1 miliar dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya US$15,3 miliar. Bahkan, investasi migas pada 2016 lebih banyak untuk kegiatan produksi dan menyisakan sebagian kecil untuk eksplorasi.

Realisasi investasi untuk kegiatan pencarian sumber cadangan migas baru (eksplorasi) terus menyusut sejak 2012 hanya US$1,3 miliar kemudian sedikit naik menjadi US$1,4 miliar pada 2013. Kemudian, realisasi investasi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi pada 2014 US$1,1 miliar, turun menjadi US$0,5 miliar pada 2015 dan semakin rendah pada 2016 hanya US$ 0,1 miliar.


Rendahnya investasi kegiatan eksplorasi akan berdampak pada cadangan migas ke depan. Bahkan, dia menyebut bahwa kondisi migas saat ini dalam posisi krisis karena belum lagi ditemukan sumber cadangan migas yang cukup besar selama 15 tahun. Di sisi lain, cadangan migas yang ada terus turun karena kegiatan produksi terus dilakukan.

Cadangan minyak per 2016 hanya 3,50 miliar barel atau terendah sejak 2012. Padahal, cadangan minyak pada 2012 mencapai 3,74 miliar barel. Kemudian, cadangan migas pada 2013 sebesar 3,69 miliar barel yang berangsur menurun menjadi 3,62 miliar barel pada 2014 dan menjadi 3,60 miliar barel pada 2015.

“Jadi kita ini sudah krisis, dalam kondisi tidak baik. Padahal, peluang di migas ini masih banyak,”.

Dia menuturkan, sektor hulu migas kini memberikan kontribusi yang kecil bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi sehubungan dengan rendahnya harga minyak. Namun, investasi hulu migas memberikan efek berganda yang besar, Sektor migas menyubang pendapatan domestik bruto (PDB) 2016 dengan capaian US$23,7 miliar 3,3%.

Dari kajian yang dilakukan Boston Consulting Group terkait efek berganda investasi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia, akumulasi dampak langsung sebesar US$ 40 miliar dengan akumulasi dampak ikutannya mencapai US$ 80 miliar. Adapun, rata-rata tambahan pertumbuhan ekonomi 1,2 % per tahun bisa dicapai melalui penambahan 40.000 hingga 50.000 pekerjaan baru. 

Perkiraan tersebut dibuat berdasarkan asumsi harga minyak US$50 per barel dari 2016 hingga 2025 dan gas sebesar US$15 per barel setara minyak. Asumsi lainnya yakni terdapat tambahan produksi sebesar 20% melalui kegiatan pengurasan tingkat lanjut atau enhanced oil recovery (EOR) dan proyek gas kosong sebesar 25%.

Hal itu diperoleh bila produksi migas pada 2015 yakni 1,9 juta barel setara minyak per hari dijaga sehingga pada 2025 produksi migas nasional masih sebesar 1,6 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Sebelumnya, Direktur Riset Hulu Migas Asia Tenggara WoodMackenzie Andrew Harwood mengatakan, cadangan minyak dan gas Indonesia akan terus menurun seiring dengan tak bertambahnya sumber-sumber migas yang baru. Dia memprediksi, cadangan minyak Indonesia akan habis dalam kurun waktu 8 tahun dan gas pada 10 tahun ke depan.

Pasalnya, dia menyebutkan bahwa peluang untuk mengulang temuan besar seperti pada proyek Tangguh Train 3, Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), dan Lapangan Abadi, Masela sangat kecil. Di sisi lain, cadangan migas yang ditemukan semakin kecil.

Dari data WoodMac, biaya pencarian sumber cadangan migas baru per barel sebesar US$4 dengan ukuran temuan rata-rata sebesar 17,6 juta barel setara minyak.

Dan laporan Ernst &Young (EY) 2017, negara yang bergantung pada pendapatan dan sektor migas akan semakin sulit karena terdampak rendahnya harga minyak. Pasalnya, harga minyak membuat anggaran pemerintah terkoreksi.

Selain itu, pemerintah di beberapa negara mengambil langkah mengurangi subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan energi, mengurangi gaji pegawai pemerintah, memaksimalkan volume produksi migas hingga mempertimbangkan privatisasi secara parsial pada perusahaan minyak nasional untuk bisa menyesuaikan rendahnya harga minyak.

Tercatat, negara-negara yang kini sedang mengurangi defisit anggaran, menaikkan investasi atau menarik investasi baru mulai dari Afrika, Amerika Selatan, Timur Tengah juga Asia Tenggara. Adapun, negara yang sedang berkompetisi menarik investasi hulu migas yakni Meksiko, Brasil, Nigeria, Mesir, Tanzania, Angola, Kuwait, Uni Emirat Arab, Iran, Oman, Rusia, Arab Saudi, dan Indonesia. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, May, 12, 2017

Oil, gas players urge govt to review gross-split scheme

The oil and gas industry has urged the government to review its newly launched gross-split sliding scale scheme to create a more friendly investment climate amid uncertainties surrounding the upstream oil and gas sector. Under the new scheme, the government will be released from its duty to reimburse exploitation costs to contractors during the length of their contracts, forcing companies to carry the burden of these costs themselves.

Many investors have voiced concerns over the new scheme, which they say will make their operations economically unfeasible and eventually make Indonesia’s investment climate less interesting. “Investors will easily decide, whether they want to invest their money here or somewhere else.

That’s why this country has to make itself more competitive,” Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) executive director Marjolijn Wajong said during a discussion on Tuesday.

Canadian think tank the Fraser Institute recently released its 2016 Policy Perception -Index, which shows Indonesia sitting at 79"‘ place, out of 96 jurisdictions, with a reserve-replacement-ratio (RRR) of 51 percent. 

The ratio means Indonesia is a country with a poor investment climate in the oil and gas sector. “Don’t be shy about changing. The new scheme is not wrong, it’s just that we need to keep innovating [...] so that the investment climate can be more friendly” Marjolijn went on.

By using the gross-split, the profit split between the government and contractors will “slide” up and down. The split will depend on a block’s variables, including the status of the field, location, reservoir depth, reservoir type, amount of carbon dioxide, use of local industrial content and stage of production.

The scheme also includes a progressive split that takes global oil prices into account. These variables will be added to or subtracted from the base calculation, which the new regulation has set at a minimum of 43 percent for companies in oil projects and at least 48 percent in gas projects.

“There has been no new exploration in the past 15 years and many of our unproven oil and gas fields are located in the eastern part, leading to high investment costs,” Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) economist Berly Martawardaya said.

“The question is, is the split for such offshore and remote fields enough to attract investors?" Berly said it was important to evaluate the gross-split scheme, especially after it was implemented for the first time in January on the Offshore Northwest Java (ONWJ) oil and gas field operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of stateovsmed energy giant Pertamina.

Previously in March, PHE president director R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi said that his side would finish the evaluation of the gross-split scheme and give it to the government before the end of the first half of this year. Gunung said it was hard for the company to bear by itself value-added tax (PPN) and property tax (PBB), which were included in the previous cost recovery scheme. 

Moreover, exploration activities have yet to be included within the variable split, creating greater reluctance among investors to explore new fields as a result of the high cost of exploration and uncertain results.

Data from the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) show investment in exploration activities gradually declined to US$800 million in 2016 from $1.3 billion in 2012.

SKK Migas also named no suitable winners dluring the auction of 11 oil and gas blocks in 2015 and chose only one winner for 17 blocks offered last year. During the 2012 to 2014 period, there were 89 winners in the auction of a total of 50 blocks. 

Such a negative trend was also triggered by the free fall in global oil price to below $50 a barrel at present from more than $100 a barrel in 2013, forcing oil and gas companies to tighten their belts.

“The oil price has fallen to less than half, but production costs remain the same ,as it is impossible to cut costs by half when the operation has started,” said Iwan Chandra, president director of PT GE Oil & Gas Indonesia, a local subsidiary of the global technology and services provider GE Oil & Gas.

Iwan said many companies had to face unforeseen challenges, such as unplanned shutdowns within their operations. An unplanned shutdown at an offshore field could cost a company about $3 million and about $150 million if it occurs at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

Strengthen National Energy, HCML Start Up Field BD

The Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) started BD field start up activity on Saturday (6/5). This commissioning or startup activity is expected to take 1 to 2 weeks.

After the start up period, initial production of BD field will be channeled to PGN of 20-30 MMSCFD and is planned to increase gradually to strengthen national energy availability. "In addition to gas, BD field also produces condensate and liquid sulfur," said Senior Manager Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu.

"The startup process is run to see the readiness of the entire facility already installed,". On the other hand, Senior Manager Legal, HR & Business Support; HCML Wahyudin Sunarya added that HCML is a KKKS under the supervision and control of SKK Migas, which operates Madura Strait working area in East Java.

BD Field is part of the Husky Madura Strait Block, located off the coast of Madura Strait, East Java, 65 kilometers east of Surabaya and 16 kilometers south of Madura Island. The Madura-BD gas wells are located around the Mandangin Islands area, off the coast of the Madura Strait. The field is an old field and is expected to produce 442 BCF (Billion Cubic Feet) natural gas and 18.7 MMBL condesate for 13 years.

In BD Field development, HCML uses offshore platform PT PAL production centered in Surabaya. The offshore platform has been installed in a 55 meter sea depth. The offshore rig construction project was acquired by PT PAL after they won a special tender for Madura BD's "Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation / EPCI" project.

The use of PT PAL's offshore production platform is a form of HCML commitment in supporting SKK Migas business to continuously increase the percentage of Domestic Component (Domestic Component Level) and support the strengthening of national industry in its operations.

"This is in line with the spirit of SKK Migas to encourage upstream oil and gas industry as a driver of the national economy and improving people's welfare," said Wahyudin.


Perkuat Energi Nasional, HCML Start Up Lapangan BD

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) mulai melakukan kegiatan start up lapangan BD, Sabtu (6/5). Kegiatan commisioning atau start up ini diperkirakan akan memakan Waktu 1 hingga 2 minggu.

Setelah melewati masa start up, produksi awal lapangan BD akan disalurkan ke PGN sebesar 20-30 MMSCFD dan direncanakan akan terus meningkat secara bertahap untuk memperkuat ketersediaan energi nasional. “Selain gas, lapangan BD juga memproduksi kondensat dan sulfur cair,” kata Senior Manager Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu.

“Proses start up ini dijalankan untuk melihat kesiapan keseluruhan fasilitas yang sudah terpasang,”. Pada bagian lain, Senior Manager Legal, HR & Business Support' HCML Wahyudin Sunarya menambahkan, HCML merupakan KKKS di bawah pengawasan dan pengendalian SKK Migas, yang mengoperasikan wilayah kerja Madura Strait di wilayah Jawa Timur. 

Lapangan BD merupakan bagian dari Blok Husky Madura Strait, terletak di lepas pantai Selat Madura, Jawa Timur, 65 kilometer sebelah timur Surabaya dan 16 kilometer sebelah selatan Pulau Madura. Sumur-sumur gas Madura-BD sendiri berada di sekitar areal Kepulauan Mandangin, lepas pantai Selat Madura. Lapangan tersebut merupakan lapangan lama dan diharapkan akan menghasilkan 442 BCF (Billion Cubic Feet) gas bumi dan 18,7 MMBL kondesat selama 13 tahun.

Dalam pengembangan Lapangan BD, HCML menggunakan anjungan lepas pantai (offshore platform) produksi PT PAL yang berpusat di Surabaya. Anjungan lepas pantai itu telah terpasang di kedalaman laut 55 meter. Proyek pembangunan anjungan lepas pantai ini diperoleh PT PAL setelah mereka memenangkan tender khusus proyek lepas pantai “Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation/ EPCI” Madura BD. 

Penggunaan anjungan lepas pantai produksi PT PAL merupakan Wujud komitmen HCML dalam mendukung usaha SKK Migas untuk terus meningkatkan-persentase TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri) dan mendukung perkuatan industri nasional dalam kegiatan operasinya.

“Hal ini seiring dengan semangat SKK Migas mendorong industri hulu migas sebagai penggerak perekonomian nasional dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat,” kata Wahyudin. 

Surabaya Pagi, Page-10, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

Oil and Gas Investment in Quarter I-2017 Down

Employers questioned the role of the state in boosting upstream oil and gas investment

Oil and gas investment up until the first quarter of 2017 was still sluggish. The main problem is that oil prices are still moving below US $ 50 per barrel. Coupled with the many new regulations of the government in the upstream sector of oil and gas.

Parulian Sihotang, Deputy for Finance and Monetization of SKK Migas, said that based on the data on oil and gas investment budget, the Contractor of Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) in accordance with the work program and budget (WP & B) in 2017 of US $ 12.87 billion.

However, based on 2017 outlook data or the realization of only US $ 11.06 billion. Until the first quarter of 2017 oil and gas investment reached US $ 2.57 billion or 4% lower than the realization of investment in the first quarter of 2016 about US $ 2.68 billion. "The achievement of the current investment target of 2017 is still very dependent on the condition of the oil and gas industry sepaniang year 2017," said Parulian

However, considering the condition of upstream oil and gas business, Parulian said that the possibility of this year will undergo changes in the implementation of activities, as activity decreases. "The change in the implementation of these activities will be contained in the revision of WP & B 2017," he said

He has not been willing to state clearly whether such changes will lead to a decrease in investment value in upstream oil and gas or not. Because SKK Migas still see the situation and condition of upstream oil and gas sector in the future. "Lets wait and" see, ".

This year's investment will indeed be adjusted to the upstream oil and gas activities plan. Such as two dimensional seismic survey (2D) targeted to reach 25 activities or along 10,247 km. Then three-dimensional seismic survey (3D) as much as 14 activities or along 6,566 km2.

Non-seismic survey activities consist of eight activities. Among others are the exploration drilling of 134 wells, exploration well re-entry program for four activities, drilling and development, reforestation program 907 well maintenance and well closing program of 186 activities.

However, the realization of upstream oil and gas activities until the first quarter of 2017 is still far from the target. For a new 2D seismic survey a single activity with a length of 2,815 km. Even the 8D survey has not even had any activity at all.

While non-seismic survey activity there are two activities. Then drill exploration of five wells, re-entry well exploration of one activity, drilling of development wells, re-program work 1.19 activities, 4,350 wells and well closing 4 activities.

Indonesia is not interested in Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong states, oil and gas fields are currently experiencing a decrease in natural production, plus oil prices are down. So that the allocation of capital expenditure of entrepreneurs is reduced worldwide. As a result, investment into oil and gas becomes less. "The question is, is Indonesia able to compete enough to attract investment?" Her Said.

Wajong revealed, in the next five years there will be 20 oil and gas blocks that are out of contract. Although there must be managing again, either renewed or there is a new operator. "But in this transitional period makes people reluctant to invest, so production can go down again, then what can be given to raise the industry by the state?" Her Said.

Wajong is optimistic that oil and gas industry opportunities are still high although some exploration results are not encouraging, but that does not mean it is bad. "Just got to explore again Now to the difficult, frontier, eastern region, with more expensive investment," Her Said

Energy observer Komaidi Notonegoro said the licensing problem is still complained about business actors and the application of gross split is still questionable in several aspects. "The possibility will still halt the realization of upstream oil and gas investment," he said

Interestingly, when the world's oil and gas investment is sluggish, other producer countries provide better fiscal incentives than Indonesia. "Naturally, then they reallocate some of their investment to other, more investment-friendly places.


Investasi Sektor Migas Kuartal I-2017 Merosot

Pengusaha mempertanyakan peran negara dalam mendongkrak investasi hulu migas

Pencapain investasi minyak dan gas hingga kuartal I-2017 masih lesu. Masalah utamanya, harga minyak yang masih bergerak di bawah US$ 50 per barel. Ditambah banyaknya peraturan-peraturan baru pemerintah di sektor hulu migas. 

Parulian Sihotang, Deputi Keuangan dan Monetisasi SKK Migas, mengatakan, berdasarkan data anggaran investasi migas, untuk Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) sesuai dengan work program and budget (WP&B) tahun 2017 sebesar US$ 12,87 miliar.

Namun berdasarkan data outlook 2017 atau realisasinya hanya US$ 11,06 miiiar. Hingga kuartal I-2017 investasi migas mencapai US$ 2,57 miliar atau lebih rendah 4% dibandingkan realisasi investasi pada kuartal I-2016 sekitar US$ 2,68 miliar. "Tercapai tidaknya target investasi tahun 2017 saat ini masih sangat tergantung kondisi industri migas sepaniang tahun 2017," kata Parulian 

Namun melihat kondisi bisnis hulu migas, Parulian berujar kemungkinan sepanjang tahun ini akan mengalami perubahan pelaksanaan kegiatan, karena aktivitas menurun. “Adapun perubahan pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut akan tertuang pada revisi WP&B 2017 ," katanya

Ia belum bersedia menyebutkan secara tegas, apakah perubahan tersebut akan mengarah pada penurunan nilai investasi di hulu migas atau tidak. Pasalnya SKK Migas masih melihat situasi dan kondisi sektor hulu migas ke depannya. "Lets wait and” see,".

Investasi pada tahun ini memang akan disesuaikan dengan rencana kegiatan hulu migas. Seperti survei seismik dua dimensi (2D) yang ditargekan mencapai 25 kegiatan atau sepanjang 10.247 km. Lalu survei seismik tiga dimensi (3D) sebanyak 14 kegiatan atau sepanjang 6.566 km2.

Sedangkan kegiatan survei non seismik terdiri dari delapan kegiatan. Antara lain pengeboran eksplorasi 134 sumur, program re-entry sumur eksplorasi sebanyak empat kegiatan, pengeboran dan pengembangan, program kerja ulang 907 perawatan sumur serta program penutupan sumur sebanyak 186 kegiatan.

Namun realisasi kegiatan hulu migas hingga kuartal I-2017 masih jauh dari target. Untuk survei seismik 2D baru satu kegiatan dengan panjang 2.815 km. Bahkan survei 8D bahkan belum ada kegiatan sama sekali. 

Sedangkan kegiatan survei non-seismik terdapat dua kegiatan. Lalu pengeboran eksplorasi lima sumur, re-entry sumur eksplorasi satu kegiatan, pengeboran sumur pengembangan, program kerja ulang 1.19 kegiatan, perawatan 4.350 sumur dan penutupan sumur 4 kegiatan.

Indonesia tidak diminati Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong menyatakan, lapangan-lapangan migas saat ini mengalami penurunan produksi secara alamiah, ditambah lagi harga minyak yang turun. Sehingga alokasi belanja modal pengusaha berkurang di seluruh dunia. Akibatnya investasi yang masuk ke migas menjadi lebih sedikit. “Pertanyaannya, apa Indonesia cukup bisa berkompetisi untuk menarik investasi?" Kata dia

Wajong membeberkan, dalam lima tahun mendatang akan ada 20 blok migas yang habis masa kontraknya. Meskipun pasti ada yang mengelola lagi, entah diperpanjang atau ada operator baru. “Tapi di masa transisi ini membuat orang enggan investasi, sehingga produksi bisa turun lagi, lalu apa yang bisa diberikan untuk menaikkan industri ini oleh negara?" Kata dia

Wajong optimistis, peluang industri migas masih banyak meskipun hasil eksplorasi beberapa tidak menggembirakan, namun bukan berarti itu jelek. "Hanya harus eksplorasi lagi. Sekarang ke daerah yang sulit, frontier, ke timur, dengan investasi lebih mahal,“ Kata dia 

Pengamat Energi Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, masalah perizinan masih dikeluhkan pelaku usaha dan penerapan gross split yang masih dipertanyakan dalam beberapa aspek. "Kemungkinan masih akan menahan laju realisasi investasi hulu migas," kata dia

Menariknya, di saat investasi migas dunia lesu, negara-negara produsen lain memberikan insentif fiskal lebih baik daripada Indonesia. "Wajar kalau kemudian mereka merealokasi sebagian investasinya ke tempat lain yang  lebih ramah investasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

GE Shoot the Masela Refinery

After participating in the Arun gas liquefaction project, Dongi Senoro, and Tangguh Train III, PT General Electric Indonesia is targeting the Masela Block LNG project. President Director of GE Oil & Gas Indonesia lwan Chandra said GE has been involved in three LNG plant projects. The Arun LNG plant is built with a capacity of 12.5 million tons per year (MTPA). Donggi Senoro 2.1 MTPA and Tangguh Train 111 3.8 MTPA.

Iwan mentioned that GE supplies turbines and compressors at Tangguh Train III. The physical construction process of the Tangguh Train Ill LNG plant is still running. The project is targeted to start producing LNG by 2020. After that, it is still targeting another LNG plant project in the Masela Block, Maluku which is still in the process of feasibility study.

GE is aggressively looking for projects because the decline in oil prices has affected the company's performance. Quoted from the GE report, I / 2017 quarterly revenue fell 9% from US $ 3.31 billion to US $ 3.00 billion in the same period last year.

PT InPex Masela Limited as the operator and the government is still discussing to determine the capacity of LNG plant that is 7.5 MTPA or 9.5 MTPA. Both options, depending on the readiness of buyers of gas pipelines. "Currently, [the prospect] is for LNG, it seems only to be in the Masela Lnpex because it can be big," he said after attending the Decoding the Oil & Gas Industry event on Tuesday (9/5).

In addition to large-scale LNG refinery projects, Iwan assessed, with merger activities with Baker Hughes targeted for completion in July 2017, the company's portfolio expanded. The reason, Baker Hughes is a service provider in the form of drilling services to the manufacture of oil and gas wells.

He said the construction of a small-scale LNG plant with a capacity below 50 million barrels per day (MMScfd) could be economical by setting up an appropriate business model. By providing liquefaction technology, regasification, storage, transportation to its power plant units using gas as electricity, the construction of small-scale LNG refineries can work. According to him, it is in accordance with the government's desire to utilize gas in areas far from the market.


GE Bidik Kilang Masela

Setelah turut terlibat dalam proyek kilang gas alam cair/LNG Arun, Dongi Senoro, dan Tangguh Train III, PT General Electric Indonesia mengincar proyek Kilang LNG Blok Masela. Presiden Direktur GE Oil & Gas Indonesia lwan Chandra mengatakan, GE telah terlibat pada tiga proyek kilang LNG. Kilang LNG Arun dibangun dengan kapasitas 12,5 juta ton per tahun (MTPA). Donggi Senoro 2,1 MTPA dan Tangguh Train 111 3,8 MTPA.

Iwan menyebut, GE menyuplai turbin dan kompresor di Tangguh Train III. Proses konstruksi fisik Kilang LNG Tangguh Train Ill masih berjalan. Proyek itu ditargetkan mulai menghasilkan LNG pada 2020. Setelah itu, pihaknya masih mengincar proyek kilang LNG lain yakni di Blok Masela, Maluku yang masih dalam proses studi kelayakan. 

GE gencar mencari proyek karena penurunan harga minyak telah mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan itu. Dikutip dari laporan GE, pendapatan kuartal I/2017 turun 9% dari US$3,31 miliar menjadi US$ 3,00 miliar pada periode yang sama tahun lalu. 

PT lnpex Masela Limited sebagai operator dan pemerintah masih melakukan diskusi untuk menetapkan kapasitas kilang LNG yakni 7,5 MTPA atau 9,5 MTPA. Kedua opsi tersebut, tergantung pada kesiapan pembeli gas pipa. “Kalau saat ini, [prospeknya] untuk LNG,  kelihatannya hanya untuk di lnpex Masela karena bisa besar," ujarnya usai menghadiri acara Decoding the Oil&Gas lndustry, Selasa (9/5).

Selain proyek kilang LNG skala besar, Iwan menilai, dengan kegiatan merger dengan Baker Hughes yang ditarget selesai Juli 2017, portofolio perusahaan semakin luas. Pasalnya, Baker Hughes merupakan penyedia layanan berupa jasa pengeboran hingga pembuatan sumur minyak dan gas bumi.

Dia menyebut pembangunan kilang LNG skala kecil dengan kapasitas di bawah 50 juta barel kubik per hari (MMScfd) bisa ekonomis dengan menyiapkan model bisnis yang sesuai. Caranya, dengan menyediakan teknologi pencairan, regasifikasi, penyimpanan, transportasi hingga unit pembangkit listriknya yang menggunakan gas sebagai tenaga listrik, pembangunan kilang LNG skala kecil bisa berjalan. Menurutnya, hal itu sesuai dengan keinginan pemerintah untuk memanfaatkan gas di wilayah yang jauh dari pasar.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

Block ONWJ Referred to as Contractor's Reference

Contract contractors are still awaiting the results of the implementation of the gross split-sharing scheme in the Offshore North West Java Block as a basis for returning the decision regarding the new scheme.

In the cost recovery scheme, all oil and gas production costs will be replaced by the state through the APBN. Meanwhile, the contractor's gross scheme hagi scheme covers the production cost so that it will not be replaced by the government.

The Offshore North West Java block operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ has implemented a gross profit sharing scheme since the beginning of this year. Head of the Indonesian Association of Petroleum Engineering Experts (IATMI), Tutuka Anadji, said that business actors will wait for the performance of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ after implementing the gross profit sharing scheme in the offshore oil block.

ONWJ Block will become a reference for contractor in the implementation of gross profit sharing scheme in oil and gas working area already in production. Oil and gas production activities in ONWJ Block will be an important lesson for contractor contractors to make decisions regarding the gross profit sharing scheme.

"It will wait this year for lessons that can be learned for both contractor and government contractors to make more definite decisions," he said.

He explained that there are six indicators that will be the concern of oil and gas contractors in the scheme of the implementation of gross profit sharing. First, the process of sharing discovery. Second, the composition of the results obtained. Third, the application of the level of domestic content. Fourth, the frequency of drilling and exploration activities. Fifth, the volume of oil and gas reserves. Sixth, oil and gas production volume.

Tutuka said the six indicators will be used to assess the successful implementation of the gross profit sharing scheme in ONWJ Block. He added that the implementation of the gross profit sharing scheme in the oil and gas working area that is still exploration phase will be seen from the enthusiasm of business actors when the government auction off new working area. In 2016. 14 oil and gas working areas offered through open auctions are not requested by contractors of cooperation contracts.


Meanwhile, Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said businessmen wanted proof of how much efficiency can be obtained by business actors. According to him, the government needs to show evidence of efficiency in applying the gross product hagi scheme if it wants to get positive response from business actors. "The point has not ketemunya how much efficiency? Immediately demonstrated the efficiency that can be achieved. "Her Said.

Director of Operation Medco Energi Ronald Gunawan said earlier that his side has done a simulation and get the conclusion that the gross profit sharing scheme is not economical if applied to work areas that require large investment. On the other hand, on small investment schemes, the gross profit sharing scheme is more attractive than the implementation of production cost contract (PSC) cost recovery.

"We see that the PSC-PSC is oil and the investment profile is not too high," he said, adding that the simulation of the gross split scheme has not included the time-saving assumption with the non-performance of the Work Order Guidelines ) No. 007 in the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas).

But he says even if efficiency has to be done, it is no longer realistic to make oil and gas economic activities. He considered the need for further discussion to be able to explain in detail.

"Not counting the time savings component. However, we make the plot and it's big enough can not be opened here. So. If there is efficiency, not realislis again, "he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, so far it has not heard the complaints directly from the business actors that the gloss split is no more attractive than the revenue sharing scheme returned.

He considered, contractors should be able to enter the component of time efficiency of 2-3 years before making a conclusion that the application of gross split does not make the field more attractive field. The reason, he mentioned that the efficiency of time obtained from the calculation of operations in 10 fields.

From the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the data of development time of cooperation area using gross split is faster. In the Tangguh field simulation, Papua (BP) duration of 105 months was cut to 83 months in Banyu Urip Field (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited) from 152 months to 120 months; The Jambaran-Tiung Biru field (Pertamina EP Cepu) 86 months to 73 months; Field of crickets (ENI) 84 months to 71 months and Bangka Field (Chevron) from 106 months to 83 months.

Development time savings were also seen in the simulation in the Donggi field (Pertamina EP) from 104 months to 91 months. The Matindok field (Pertamina EP) dad 88 months to 73 months, Senoro field (JOB Medco Tomori) when using PSC cost recovery takes 130 months and becomes 116 months when using gross split. However, if still not attractive, there is still an additional 5% share that the contractor can obtain through the discretion of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan.


Blok ONWJ Dijadikan Acuan Kontraktor

Kontraktor kontrak kerjasama masih menunggu hasil penerapan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split di Blok Offshore North West Java sebagai dasar pengembalian keputusan terkait skema baru tersebut.

Pada skema cost recovery, seluruh biaya produksi minyak dan gas bumi akan diganti oleh negara melalui APBN. Sementara itu skema hagi hasil kotor bagian kontraktor sudah mencakup biaya produksi sehingga tidak akan diganti lagi oleh pemerintah.

Blok Offshore North West Java yang dioperatori oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ telah menerapkan skema bagi hasil kotor sejak awal tahun ini. Kepala Ikatan Ahli Teknik Minyak Indonesia (IATMI) Tutuka Anadji mengatakan, pelaku usaha akan menunggu kinerja l tahun PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ selelah menerapkan skema bagi hasil kotor di blok minyak lepas pantai lersebut.

Blok ONWJ akan menjadi acuan bagi kontraktor dalam penerapan skema bagi hasil kotor di wilayah kerja migas yang sudah berproduksi. Kegiatan produksi migas di Blok ONWJ, akan menjadi pelajaran penting bagi kontraktor kontrak kerja sama untuk mengambil keputusan terkait skema bagi hasil kotor.

“Akan menunggu pada tahun ini untuk pelajaran yang bisa dipelajari baik bagi kontraktor kontrak kerja sama maupun pemerintah untuk mengambil keputusan lebih pasti," katanya.

Dia menjelaskan, ada enam indikator yang akan menjadi perhatian kontraktor migas dalam skema penerapan bagi hasil kotor. Pertama, proses penemuan bagi hasil. Kedua, komposisi bagi hasil yang diperoleh. Ketiga, penerapan tingkat kandungan dalam negeri. Keempat, frekuensi kegiatan pengeboran dan eksplorasi. Kelima, volume cadangan migas. Keenam, volume produksi migas.

Tutuka menuturkan enam indikator tersebut akan digunakan untuk menilai keberhasilan penerapan skema bagi hasil kotor di Blok ONWJ. Dia menambahkan penerapan skema bagi hasil kotor di wilayah kerja migas yang masih tahap eksplorasi akan terlihat dari antusiasme pelaku usaha ketika pemerintah melelang wilayah kerja baru. Pada 2016. 14 wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan melalui lelang terbuka tidak dimintai kontraktor kontrak kerja sama. 


Sementara itu, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, pelaku usaha menginginkan bukti berapa efisiensi yang bisa di dapatkan oleh pelaku usaha. Menurutnya, pemerintah perlu menunjukkan bukti efisiensi penerapan skema hagi hasil kotor jika ingin mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari pelaku usaha. “Titik belum ketemunya seberapa besar efisiensinya? Secepatnya diperlihatkan efisiensi yang bisa dicapai." Her Said.

Direktur Operasi Medco Energi Ronald Gunawan sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah melakukan simulasi dan mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa skema bagi hasil kotor tidak ekonomis jika diterapkan pada wilayah kerja yang membutuhkan investasi besar. Sebaliknya pada Iapangan yang membutuhkan investasi kecil, skema bagi hasil kotor justru lebih menarik dari penerapan production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery.

"Kita lihat PSC-PSC yang memang oil dan juga investment profile tidak terlalu tinggi ilu [skema bagi hasil kotor] oke,” katanya. Dia mengakui, simulasi skema gross split yang dilakukan belum memasukkan asumsi penghematan waktu dengan tidak berlakunya Pedoman Tata Kerja (PTK) No. 007 di Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

Namun dia menuturkan kalaupun efisiensi harus dilakukan, hal itu tak lagi realistis untuk membuat kegiatan migas ekonomis. Dia menilai perlu diskusi lebih lanjut untuk bisa menjelaskan secara detail.

“Belum [hitung komponen penghematan waktunya. Namun, kita buat plotnya dan itu cukup besar tidak bisa dibuka di sini. Jadi. kalau pun ada efisiensi, tidak realislis lagi," katanya.

Sementara itu, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, selama ini pihaknya belum mendengar keluhan secara langsung dari pelaku usaha bahwa gloss split tidak lebih menarik dari skema bagi hasil biaya operasional yang dikembalikan.

Dia menilai, seharusnya kontraktor bisa memasukkan komponen efisiensi waktu sebesar 2-3 tahun itu sebelum membuat kesimpulan bahwa penerapan gross split tidak membuat keenomian lapangan lebih menarik. Pasalnya, dia menyebut bahwa efisiensi waktu diperoleh dari hasil perhitungan operasi di 10 lapangan.

Dari data Kementerian ESDM, data waktu pengembangan wilayah kerja sama menggunakan gross split justru lebih cepat. Pada simulasi di lapangan Tangguh, Papua (BP) durasi 105 bulan terpangkas menjadi 83 bulan di Lapangan Banyu Urip (ExxonMobil Cepu Limited) dari 152 bulan menjadi 120 bulan; lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru (Pertamina EP Cepu) 86 bulan menjadi 73 bulan; lapangan Jangkrik (ENI) 84 bulan menjadi 71 bulan dan Lapangan Bangka (Chevron) dari 106 bulan menjadi 83 bulan.

Penghematan waktu pengembangan juga terlihat pada simulasi di lapangan Donggi (Pertamina EP) dari 104 bulan menjadi 91 bulan. Lapangan Matindok (Pertamina EP) dad 88 bulan menjadi 73 bulan, lapangan Senoro (JOB Medco Tomori) saat menggunakan PSC cost recovery membutuhkan waktu 130 bulan dan menjadi 116 bulan ketika menggunakan gross split. Namun, bila masih belum menarik, masih terdapat tambahan bagi hasil 5% yang bisa diperoleh kontraktor melalui diskresi Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017

KKKS-HCML Perform Start Up Field BD

The Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) started doing BD field start up activities. These activities are to strengthen national energy availability. Senior Manager of Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu convey start up activities that started since a week ago, will be channeled to PGN of 20-30 MMSCFD. BD field, in addition to producing condensate and liquid sulfur also strengthens national energy availability.

"The start-up process is run to see the overall readiness of the facilities already installed, which is expected to take 1-2 weeks to start up the BD field to strengthen national energy availability," said Jonny Pasaribu.

Senior Manager of Legal, HR & Business Support HCML, Wahyudin Sunarya added, HCML is a KKKS under the supervision and control of SKK Migas, which operates Madura Strait working area in East Java Region.


KKKS-HCML Lakukan Start Up Lapangan BD

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) mulai melakukan kegiatan start up lapangan BD. Kegiatan tersebut untuk memperkuat ketersediaan energi nasional. 

    Senior Manager Development HCML, Jonny Pasaribu menyampaikan kegiatan start up yang dimulai sejak sepekan lalu, nantinya disalurkan ke PGN sebesar 20-30 MMSCFD. Lapangan BD, selain memproduksi kondensat dan sulfur cair juga memperkuat ketersediaan energi nasional.

"Proses start up ini dijalankan untuk melihat kesiapan keseluruhan fasilitas yang sudah terpasang. Diperkirakan akan membutuhkan waktu 1-2 minggu ke depan. Start up lapangan BD itu untuk memperkuat ketersediaan energi nasional," ujar Jonny Pasaribu.

Senior Manager Legal, HR & Business Support HCML, Wahyudin Sunarya menambahkan, HCML merupakan KKKS di bawah pengawasan dan pengendalian SKK Migas, yang mengoperasikan wilayah kerja Madura Strait di Wilayah Jawa Timur.

Bhirawa, Page-12, Wednesday, May, 10, 2017