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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Iranian Oil Does Not Match Specifications

The fate of Iran's crude oil procurement plan for the Cilacap Refinery has the potential to fail, after the results of the processing trials say the oil is inconsistent with the refinery's specifications. PT Pertamina has completed the process of testing crude oil processing from Iran at Cilacap Refinery. Based on the test results, Cilacap refinery is only able to process 10% of Iranian oil from the total processing capacity of the refinery.

The processing capacity of the oil refinery located in Cilacap, Central Java is 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). That is, oil from Iran that can be processed in Cilacap refinery maximum of only 30.000 bpd.

Meanwhile, about 90% of other oils still have to be supplied from Saudi Arabia or Arabian light crude (ALC). Processing Director of PT Pertamina Toharso said the Iranian light crude (ILC) has 1.5% sulfur content, so it can only be processed at the Cilacap Refinery as much as 10% of the refinery's processing capacity. Iranian oil has been tested at Refinery Cilacap refinery, Iran oil Only can be used 10% of capacity of Refinery Cilacap.

He explains the specifications of crude oil that can be processed in Cilacap Refinery with a maximum of 0.2% sulfur. The sulfur content will affect the refinery machine, which is corrosive so that the engine layer will be eroded.

     Pertamina Budi Santoso Syarif, Vice President of Refining Technology, said the Cilacap refinery uses oil from Saudi Arabia.


In 2016, Pertamina and an oil and gas company from Iran, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) have agreed on oil import cooperation. Pertamina agreed to import oil from Iran 1 million barrels for the testing process. Oil import contracts from Iran in the long run will be signed by Pertamina and NIOC if the trial process states that the oil is in accordance with the specification of Cilacap Refinery.

Until now, the government and Pertamina have not decided the next stage related to the oil supply and Iran post-trial. The results of this trial are submitted to ISC [Integrated Supply Chain] Pertamina, then those who make decisions. This trial hired an independent consultant.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the People's Legislative Assembly, Satya W Yudha, said that although it was done to build good bilateral relations between Indonesia and Iran, it must be seen that the benefits to the country. It should be considered to decide whether Iranian oil procurement continues or not.


Minyak Iran Tidak Sesuai Spesifikasi 

Nasib rencana pengadaan minyak mentah dari Iran untuk Kilang Cilacap berpotensi gagal, setelah hasil uji coba pengolahan menyatakan minyak tersebut tak sesuai dengan spesifikasi kilang itu. PT Pertamina telah menyelesaikan proses uji coba pengolahan minyak mentah dari Iran di Kilang Cilacap. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba itu, Kilang Cilacap hanya mampu mengolah 10% minyak Iran dari total kapasitas kilang pengolahan tersebut.

Kapasitas pengolahan kilang minyak yang berlokasi di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah itu sebesar 300.000 barel per hari (bph). Artinya, minyak dari Iran yang dapat diolah di Kilang Cilacap maksimal hanya 30.000 bph.

Adapun, sekitar 90% minyak lainnya masih tetap harus dipasok dari Arab Saudi atau Arabian light crude (ALC). Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, Iranian light crude (ILC) memiliki kandungan sulfur 1,5%, sehingga hanya bisa diolah di Kilang Cilacap sebanyak 10% dari kapasitas pengolahan kilang tersebut. Minyak Iran sudah diuji coba di kilang Kilang Cilacap, Minyak Iran Hanya bisa dipakai 10% dari kapasitas Kilang Cilacap.

Dia menjelaskan spesifikasi minyak mentah yang dapat diolah di Kilang Cilacap maksimal mengandung sulfur 0,2%. Kandungan sulfur tersebut akan berpengaruh pada mesin kilang, yaitu bersifat korosif sehingga lapisan mesin akan terkikis.

Vice President Refining Technology Pertamina Budi Santoso Syarif mengatakan, selama ini Kilang Cilacap menggunakan minyak dari Arab Saudi.


Pada 2016, Pertamina dan perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi dari Iran, yaitu National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) telah menyepakati kerja sama impor minyak. Pertamina sepakat mengimpor minyak dari Iran 1 juta barel untuk proses uji coba. Kontrak impor minyak dari Iran dalam jangka panjang akan diteken Pertamina dan NIOC jika proses uji coba menyatakan minyak tersebut sesuai dengan spesifikasi Kilang Cilacap. 

Hingga saat ini, pemerintah dan Pertamina belum memutuskan tahap selanjutnya terkait dengan pasokan minyak dan Iran pascauji coba tersebut. Hasil uji coba ini diserahkan ke ISC [Integrated Supply Chain] Pertamina, selanjutnya mereka yang mengambil keputusan. Uji coba ini menyewa konsultan independen.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Dewan Peiwakilan Rakyat Satya W Yudha mengatakan, kendati hal tersebut dilakukan untuk membangun hubungan bilateral yang baik antara Indonesia-Iran, harus dilihat manfaatnya bagi Tanah Air. Hal itu harus dipertimbangkan untuk memutuskan apakah pengadaan minyak asal Iran dilanjutkan atau tidak. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Tuesday, May, 9, 2017

Budget of gas network rises to Rp 1.3 T

The government increased the budget for the construction of natural gas network for households to about Rp 1.3 trillion this year, up 18% from the previous year Rp 1.1 trillion. The government also ensures the availability of gas supply for the gas network, through the optimization of gas absorption in the country.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Jonan said, according to President Joko Widodo, the government budget will be used to build infrastructure that has direct benefits to the community, including household gas network. This is done so that more people can obtain gas supplies, especially for household needs.

He explained, initially, with funds amounting to Rp 1.14 trillion, the gas network is built only as many as 58,809 household connections. In details, 6,301 connections were built in Musi Banyuasin, 5,000 connections in Mojokerto District, 10,321 connections in Bandar Lampung, 7,426 connections in DKI Jakarta, 4,785 connections in Muara Enim, 5,375 connections in Pali, 3,270 connections in Pekanbaru, 8,000 connections in Bontang, 4,500 connections df Samarinda, and 5.101 connections in Mojokerto City.

However, now we are also reallocating from the construction of tank heap. It was an assignment to PT Pertamina only, without any government funds. The budget is around Rp 190 billion, which can be used to add 19 thousand gas network connections this year. The calculation is based on the assumption that the cost per household connection is around Rp 10 million. Thus, the number of gas networks built in 2017 can reach 78 thousand household connections.

According to Jonan, it has not set where will be built gas network of additional budget of Rp 190 billion. He added that his side will pay attention to the regional proposal.

Later will be seen the readiness of the region and which areas are necessary. Heads of regions may submit (proposed gas network construction). Not only ensuring the availability of funds, it also ensures gas supply for the gas network. The government has determined that gas supply is prioritized to meet the needs of power plants and simple households. If it can not be gas, the blame is only one, namely the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. This is because the authority of the allocation is in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.


Based on the road map of infrastructure of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the gas network to be built continues to grow in the future. Targeted, by 2019, there will be 509,592 households that have enjoyed direct gas through pipelines. Meanwhile, in 2009-2016, the gas network has been built as many as 189 thousand household connections. Jonan explained, the gas network becomes a priority program because it has significant benefits for the community.
The use of gas networks can make people cut household expenses. "One house is about Rp 15 thousand to Rp 20 thousand per month This is significant. Currently, the gas tariff for Households is around Rp 2,2005,000 per cubic meter. This is cheaper than LPG / LPG gas price of around Rp 10 thousand per cubic meter. Households usually use 10-50 cubic meters of gas per month.

Not only that, gas network development also cut LPG subsidy. With the existing gas network, LPG subsidies can be saved at Rp 141 billion per year. In addition, the gas network reduces the amount of LPG imported by 20 thousand tons per year. Currently, from the national LPG requirement of 6.5 million tons per year, as many as 4 million tons must be imported from other countries.

Seeing the benefits of the gas network, Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII Syaikhul Islam Ali encouraged more massive development. In addition to diversification, the gas network also provides cheap energy for the community. Counts using LPG and gas network is very far away. We encourage the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to build as many gas networks as possible.

PGN Ready

President Director of PT PGN Tbk Joko Triananda Hasjim stated that his side is ready to carry out the task of developing gas network. The construction of the gas network is assigned to PGN and PT Pertamina. We are ready if assigned to build gas network.

He explained that his side has just completed the construction of a gas network of 24 thousand household connections in Surabaya, which is an assignment from the government. Construction of this gas network takes 10 months, ranging from the engineering stage (engineering) to commissioning.

Gas supply comes from PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore of 0.6 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Until 2015, it has operated 43 thousand household connections in 11 cities with APBN cost. While with its own funds, PGN build about 100 thousand connections.

The construction of this gas network is appreciated by the Mayor of Tri Rismaharini. We appreciate the efforts of the Ministry of ESDM and PGN that have built 24,000 household connections in Surabaya. Residents are very helpful with this gas, because it can save expenses, in addition to practical, there is any time, clean, and safe, her said

Surabaya is one of the cities that became the pilot of gas development for the national household, because the availability of gas resources around the East Java area and the gas pipeline is quite good. In addition, the support of the local government is huge.

Gas Import

While, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Wiratmaja Puja previously stated that the unfair gas infrastructure has been one of the causes of domestic gas production to be exported more. On the other hand, based on the gas balance, Indonesia will import gas by 2019. Imports need to be done, one of which is because the government is increasingly aggressive in building gas network.

On the other hand, production is already bound by export contract. In addition, according to Indonesia's gas balance 2014-2030, production is expected to decline. Approximately in 2019, Indonesia began to import. As the need to rise and infrastructure begin to build, we need additional gas.

Nevertheless, gas imports could also retreat due to delays in operating schedules of gas-fired power plants in the 35,000 MW program. 35,000 MW program if all realized, we call potential demand. We're verifying again. Because there is contracted demand, committed demand, and potential demand.

Based on ministry data, by 2019, Indonesia needs to import gas up to 1,672 MMSCFD. Although the need for gas imports is in sight, the ESDM Ministry does not want to arbitrarily decide. We want gas produced domestically absorbed first. Moreover, today, the government is increasingly aggressive to build gas network. In addition, various facilities such as FSRU will be built.

He explained that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will recalculate Indonesia's gas demand by 2019, as potential demand in the gas balance drops due to the resignation of the 35,000 MW power plant development program. It also takes into account the decline in domestic gas production.

If committed demand and potential demand are not realized as expected or only a few are realized, then gas imports will not start in 2019. In addition, domestic gas production should be taken into account. It could be that domestic gas production is not declining as fast as predicted.

If the decline can be minimized, gas imports can also be suppressed. Based on the 2016-2035 Indonesia Green Gas Balance launched by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in 2019, the total gas supply from domestic is 7,651 MMSCFD. While the demand for gas reaches 9,323 MMSCFD, so it must import as much as 1,672 MMSCFD.

Gas demand in 2019 amounted to 9,323 MMSCFD was calculated based on contracted demand or already under contract of sale and purchase of gas amounting to 5,598 MMSCFD, committed demand (still commitments, not yet contracts) of 2,289 MMSCFD, and potential demand (potential demand but not yet realized) 1,436 MMSCFD. The potential for this demand also depends on the rate of economic growth, industry growth, and other assumptions.

Gas subsidy location in Surabaya is cut by Rp 18 billion.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan promised additional gas network connections for households through APBN funds by 2017. The gas network funds will be taken from the allocation of the construction of a tank of approximately 190 billion.

Parties attending the inauguration were Surabaya Mayor Tri Risrnaharini, Vice Chairman of House Commission VII Syaikhul Islam Ali, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja, and President Director of PT PGN Tbk Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

According to Johan, with the assumption that the connection cost is around Rp 10 million per household, from Rp 190 billion, additional 19 thousand connections are available for some regions in Indonesia. Additional will be prioritized on the needs and availability of its network.

Previously, the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini asked the government to allocate additional gas network in Surabaya. Last year, we got 24 thousand connections. This year, there is no allocation. We ask the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan to work on it.

According to him, residents of Surabaya feel the benefits after using gas, which is cheap, practical, there is any time, clean, and safe. The savings gained have improved the welfare of the people.

Jonan said the utilization of gas networks would save 36 percent of household expenses compared to 3 kilograms of LPG. On average, each household only needs to spend around Rp 36 thousand per month. The expenses for LPG 3 kilograms around Rp 52- 57 thousand per month. Will save state subsidy allocation Rp 18 billion per year.

As a gas network operator in Surabaya, the Ministry commissioned PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. PGN Jobi President Director Triananda Hasjim said the gas supply in Surabaya comes from PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) West Madura Offshore with an allocation of 0.6 mmscfd.

The total length of pipes built to deliver gas to 24,000 households is over 196 kilometers, covering eastern, central, and southern parts of Surabaya.

In addition, after the completion of the Surabaya project, this year PGN re-assigned 26 thousand connections. The location is spread in Musi Banyuasin Regency, Bandar Lampung City, DKI Jakarta, and Mojokerto City. Currently, PGN has distributed natural gas in 10 cities in 12 provinces through infrastructure consisting of 7,278 km of pipeline network, 2 units of FSRU and 10 CNG / SPBG stations.

Earlier, Director of Oil and Gas Planning and Development at the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Alimuddin Baso, said the government will establish 17 locations in the city / regency that will be the location of the gas network construction next year. The gas network will be built to meet the target of 300 thousand gas In 2019.


Anggaran jaringan gas Naik Jadi Hp 1,3 T

Pemerintah meningkatkan anggaran untuk pembangunan jaringan gas bumi bagi rumah tangga menjadi sekitar Rp 1,3 triliun tahun ini, naik 18% dari tahun sebelumnya Rp 1,1 triliun. Pemerintah juga memastikan ketersediaan pasokan gas untuk jaringan gas tersebut, melalui optimalisasi penyerapan gas di dalam negeri.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, anggaran pemerintah akan digunakan untuk membangun infrastruktur yang memiliki manfaat langsung ke masyarakat, termasuk jaringan gas rumah tangga. Hal ini dilakukan agar lebih banyak masyarakat bisa memperoleh pasokan gas, khususnya untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga.

Ia memaparkan, awalnya, dengan dana sebesar Rp 1,14 triliun, jaringan gas yang dibangun hanya sebanyak 58.809 sambungan rumah tangga. Rinciannya, sebanyak 6.301 sambungan dibangun di Musi Banyuasin, 5.000 sambungan di Kabupaten Mojokerto, 10.321 sambungan di Bandar Lampung, 7.426 sambungan di DKI Jakarta,,4.785 sambungan di Muara Enim, 5.375 sambungan di Pali, 3.270 sambungan di Pekanbaru, 8.000 sambungan di Bontang, 4.500 sambungan df Samarinda, dan 5.101 sambungan di Kota Mojokerto.

Namun, kini kami juga ada realokasi dari pembangunan tangki timbun. Itu penugasan ke PT Pertamina saja, tanpa ada dana pemerintah. Anggarannya sekitar Rp 190 miliar, yang bisa dipakai untuk menambah 19 ribu sambungan jaringan gas tahun ini. Hitungan itu dengan asumsi kebutuhan biaya per sambungan rumah tangga sekitar Rp 10 juta. Dengan demikian, jumlah jaringan gas yang terbangun pada 2017 bisa mencapai 78 ribu sambungan rumah tangga.

Menurut Jonan, pihaknya belum menetapkan di mana saja akan dibangun jaringan gas dari tambahan anggaran Rp 190 miliar ini. Ia menambahkan, pihaknya akan memperhatikan usulan daerah.

Nanti akan dilihat kesiapan daerahnya dan daerah mana saja yang perlu. Kepala daerah bisa mengajukan (usulan pembangunan jaringan gas). Tidak hanya memastikan ketersediaan dana, pihaknya juga menjamin pasokan gas untuk jaringan gas. Pemerintah telah menetapkan bahwa pasokan gas diprioritaskan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik dan rumah tangga sederhana. Kalau sampai tidak dapat gas, yang disalahkan hanya satu, yaitu Menteri ESDM. Ini karena kewenangan alokasi di ada pada Menteri ESDM.


Berdasarkan peta jalan infrastruktur Kementerian ESDM, jaringan gas yang akan dibangun terus bertambah ke depan. Ditargetkan, pada 2019, bakal ada 509.592 rumah tangga yang telah menikmati gas bumi langsung melalui pipa. Sementara itu, pada 2009-2016, jaringan gas yang telah di bangun sebanyak 189 ribu sambungan rumah tangga. Jonan menjelaskan, jaringan gas menjadi program prioritas karena memiliki manfaat yang signifikan bagi masyarakat. 
Penggunaan jaringan gas mampu membuat masyarakat memangkas biaya rumah tangga. “Satu rumah kira-kira hemat Rp 15 ribu sampai Rp 20 ribu per bulan Ini signifikan. Saat ini, tarif gas untuk Rumah tangga berkisar Rp 2.2005.000 per meter kubik. Ini lebih murah dari harga gas minyak cair/LPG sekitar Rp 10 ribu per meter kubik. Rumah tangga biasanya menggunakan gas 10-50 meter kubik setiap bulannya.

Tidak hanya itu, pembangunan jaringan gas juga memangkas subsidi LPG. Dengan jaringan gas existing, subsidi LPG bisa dihemat sebesar Rp 141 miliar per tahun. Selain itu, adanya jaringan gas mengurangi jumlah LPG yang di impor sebesar 20 ribu ton per tahun. Saat ini, dari kebutuhan LPG nasional sebesar 6,5 juta ton per tahun, sebanyak 4 juta ton harus di impor dari negara Iain.

Melihat manfaat jaringan gas, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR RI Syaikhul Islam Ali mendorong agar pembangunannya lebih masif. Selain diversifikasi, jaringan gas juga menyediakan energi murah bagi masyarakat. Hitungan menggunakan LPG dan jaringan gas ini sangat jauh. Kami dorong Kementerian ESDM untuk sebanyak-banyaknya bangun jaringan gas.

PGN Siap

Direktur Utama PT PGN Tbk Jobi Triananda Hasjim menyatakan, pihaknya siap menjalankan tugas pembangunan jaringan gas. Pembangunan jaringan gas ini ditugaskan kepada PGN dan PT Pertamina. Kami siap kalau ditugaskan untuk membangun jaringan gas.

Ia menjelaskan, pihaknya baru saja menyelesaikan pembangunan jaringan gas 24 ribu sambungan rumah tangga di Surabaya, yang merupakan penugasan dari pemerintah. Pembangunan jaringan gas ini membutuhkan waktu 10 bulan, mulai dari tahap rekayasa (engineering) hingga commissioning.

Pasokan gas berasal dari PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore sebesar 0,6 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Sampai 2015, pihaknya sudah mengoperasikan 43 ribu sambungan rumah tangga di 11 kota dengan biaya APBN. Sedangkan dengan dana sendiri, PGN membangun sekitar 100 ribu sambungan.

Pembangunan jaringan gas ini diapresiasi Wali Kota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini. Kami mengapresiasi upaya Kementerian ESDM dan PGN yang sudah membangun 24.000 sambungan rumah tangga di Surabaya. Warga sangat terbantu dengan adanya gas ini, karena bisa menghemat pengeluaran, selain praktis, ada setiap saat, bersih, dan aman, her said

Surabaya merupakan salah satu kota yang menjadi percontohan pembangunan gas untuk rumah tangga nasional, karena ketersediaan sumber gas di sekitar wilayah Jatim banyak dan jaringan pipa gasnya cukup bagus. Selain itu, dukungan pemerintah daerah sangat besar. 

Impor Gas

Sementara itu, Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Wiratmaja Puja sebelumnya menyatakan, belum meratanya infrastruktur gas selama ini menjadi salah satu penyebab produksi gas dalam negeri lebih banyak diekspor. Di sisi lain, berdasarkan neraca gas, Indonesia akan mengimpor gas pada tahun 2019. Impor perlu dilakukan, salah satunya karena pemerintah makin agresif dalam membangun jaringan gas.

Di sisi lain, produksi sudah terikat dengan kontrak ekspor. Selain itu, menurut neraca gas Indonesia 2014-2030, produksi diperkirakan menurun. Kira-kira pada tahun 2019, Indonesia mulai mengimpor. Saat kebutuhan naik dan infrastruktur mulai di bangun, kami butuh gas tambahan.

Namun demikian,  impor gas juga bisa mundur akibat tertundanya jadwal operasi pembangkit-pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas di program 35.000 MW. Program 35.000 MW kalau terealisasi semua, kita sebut potential demand. Itu sedang kami veritikasi lagi. Karena ada contracted demand, committed demand, dan potential demand.

Berdasarkan data kementerian, pada 2019, Indonesia membutuhkan impor gas hingga 1.672 MMSCFD. Meski kebutuhan impor gas sudah di depan mata, Kementerian ESDM tidak mau sembarangan memutuskan. Kami ingin gas yang diproduksi terserap dalam negeri terlebih dulu. Apalagi, saat ini, pemerintah makin gencar membangun jaringan gas. Selain itu, berbagai fasilitas seperti FSRU akan dibangun.

Ia menjelaskan, Kementerian ESDM akan menghitung ulang kebutuhan gas Indonesia pada 2019, karena potential demand dalam neraca gas turun akibat mundurnya program pembangunan pembangkit listrik 35.000 MW Pihaknya juga memperhitungkan Iaju penurunan (decline) produksi gas di dalam negeri.

Jika committed demand dan potential demand tidak terealisasi sesuai perkiraan atau hanya sedikit yang terealisasi, maka impor gas tentunya belum akan dimulai pada 2019. Selain itu, harus diperhitungkan penurunan produksi gas di dalam negeri. Bisa jadi produksi gas di dalam negeri tidak merosot secepat yang diperkirakan. 

Kalau decline bisa diminimalkan, impor gas juga bisa ditekan. Berdasarkan Neraca Gas Bumi Indonesia Tahun 2016-2035 yang diluncurkan Kementerian ESDM, pada 2019, total pasokan gas dari dalam negeri sebesar 7.651 MMSCFD. Sedangkan permintaan gas mencapai 9.323 MMSCFD, sehingga harus impor sebanyak 1.672 MMSCFD.

Permintaan gas pada 2019 sebesar 9.323 MMSCFD itu diperhitungkan berdasarkan contracted demand atau yang sudah terikat kontrak jual beli gas sebesar 5.598 MMSCFD, committed demand (masih berupa komitmen, belum teken kontrak) sebesar 2.289 MMSCFD, dan potential demand (permintaan potensial namun belum terealisasi) 1.436 MMSCFD. Potensi permintaan ini juga tergantung pada tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi, pertumbuhan industri, dan asumsi-asumsi lainnya.

Lokasi subsidi gas di Surabaya terpangkas Rp 18 miliar. 

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan menjanjikan tambahan sambungan jaringan gas untuk rumah tangga melalui dana APBN pada 2017. Dana jaringan gas akan diambil dari alokasi pembangunan tangki timbun sekitar Rp 190 miliar.

Pihak yang hadir dalam peresmian antara lain Wali Kota Surabaya Tri Risrnaharini, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Syaikhul Islam Ali, Dirjen Migas Kementerian Energi I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja, dan Dirut PT PGN Tbk Jobi Triananda Hasjim.

Menurut Johan, dengan asumsi biaya penyambungan sekitar Rp 10 juta per satu rumah tangga, dari dana Rp 190 miliar diperoleh tambahan 19 ribu sambungan untuk sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia.  Tambahan akan diprioritaskan pada kebutuhan dan ketersediaan jaringannya.

Sebelumnya, Wali Kota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini meminta pemerintah mengalokasikan tambahan jaringan gas di Kota Surabaya. Tahun lalu, kami dapat 24 ribu sambungan. Tahun ini, tidak ada alokasi. Kami minta Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan bisa mengusahakannya.

Menurut dia, warga Surabaya merasakan manfaat setelah memakai gas, yakni murah, praktis, ada setiap saat, bersih, dan aman. Penghematan yang didapat telah meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga.

Jonan mengatakan pemanfaatan jaringan gas akan menghemat 36 persen pengeluaran rumah tangga dibanding tabung elpiji 3 kilogram. Rata-rata, tiap rumah tangga hanya perlu mengeluarkan sekitar Rp 36 ribu per bulan. Adapun pengeluaran untuk elpiji 3 kilogram sekitar Rp 52- 57 ribu per bulan. Akan menghemat alokasi subsidi negara Rp 18 miliar per tahun.

Sebagai operator jaringan gas di Surabaya, Kementerian menugaskan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim mengatakan pasokan gas di Surabaya berasal dari PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) West Madura Offshore dengan alokasi sebesar 0,6 mmscfd.

Panjang total pipa yang dibangun untuk mengalirkan gas ke 24 ribu rumah tangga tersebut mencapai lebih dari 196 kilometer, mencakup Surabaya bagian timur, tengah, dan selatan.

Selain itu, setelah proyek Surabaya selesai, tahun ini PGN kembali mendapat penugasan 26 ribu sambungan. Lokasinya tersebar di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Kota Bandar Lampung, DKI Jakarta, dan Kota Mojokerto. Saat ini PGN telah menyalurkan gas bumi di 10 kota di 12 provinsi melalui infrastruktur yang terdiri atas 7.278 km pipa jaringan, 2 unit FSRU, serta 10 stasiun CNG/SPBG.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Migas Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Alimuddin Baso, mengatakan pemerintah akan menetapkan 17 lokasi di kota/kabupaten yang akan menjadi lokasi pembangunan jaringan gas pada tahun depan pembangunan jaringan gas tersebut dilakukan untuk memenuhi target pembangunan 300 ribu sambungan gas pada 2019.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Monday, May, 8, 2017

Pertamina Guarantee City Gas Not Disturbed

Gundih Well Services

Petroleum and Gas Field Operators Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu ensures well maintenance activities will not disrupt the distribution of city gas. The assertion was conveyed when the management of Pertamina EP Asset 4 held a ceremony with residents around drilling at the Central Processing Plant (CPP) Gundih Block in Sumber Village, Kradenan District, Blora Regency, some time ago.

This activity was attended by representatives of residents in six villages around the site, namely Sumber Village, Wado, Pulo, Temulus, Sumberejo, and Curse. In addition to inviting residents, about 150 orphans, Head of sub-district, and also community leaders were present.

According to Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, in addition to gratitude, the event also maintains good relations and positive relationship with the local community. We also provide compensation to 150 orphans living around the CPP operations area as well as the security and security training and security agenda for the surrounding community.

In the event was attended by the General Manager of Pertamina Asset IV Didik Susilo. On this occasion, The operator plans to take care CPP Block Gundih. The plan to care for the well will be done for 20 days.

This is done so that maintenance activities based on risk inspection (RBI / Risk Base Inspection) for continuity of CPP operation can be maintained well. Nevertheless, the operator remains committed to fulfill the 50 MMSCED gas supply to Indonesia Power through PT SPE pipeline. Although it is in a state of shutdown, the supply of gas for the needs of this community we keep the continuity with the support of the PGN.

One of the community leaders of Sumber Village, Kyai Umar said, he is one of the beneficiaries who feel the channel of household gas. The gas channel is in line with the Blora District Government program as the City Gas program.

Gas produced from Gundih Block is distributed to Semarang for household needs and used for gas power plant (PLTG). During the use of this gas, it needs gas for cooking more efficient. We also appreciate this activity. In the activities carried out on the CPP page of Blok Gundih, Pertamina EP Asset IV Field Cepu also gave parcels to 50 village officers.


Pertamina Jamin City Gas Tidak Terganggu

Operator Lapangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP) Asset IV Field Cepu memastikan kegiatan perawatan sumur tidak akan mengganggu penyaluran city gas. Penegasan itu disampaikan saat manajemen Pertamina EP Asset 4 menggelar syukuran dengan warga sekitar pengeboran di Central Processing Plant (CPP) Blok Gundih di Desa Sumber, Kecamatan Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora, beberapa waktu lalu. 

Kegiatan ini dihadiri perwakilan warga yang ada di enam desa sekitar lokasi, yakni Desa Sumber, Wado, Pulo, Temulus, Sumberejo, dan Kutukan. Selain mengundang warga, sekitar 150 anak yatim piatu, muspika, dan juga tokoh masyarakat turut hadir.

Menurut Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset IV Cepu, Agus Amperianto, selain syukuran, acara tersebut juga menjaga hubungan baik dan silaturahmi positif dengan masyarakat setempat. Kita juga memberikan santunan kepada 150 anak yatim yang tinggal di sekitar daerah operasi CPP serta agenda dan kegiatan pelatihan keamanan dan pengamanan bagi masyarakat sekitar.

Dalam acara tersebut dihadiri langsung General Manager Pertamina Asset IV Didik Susilo. Dalam kesempatan ini, pihak operator berencana melakukan perawatan CPP Blok Gundih. Rencananya perawatan sumur itu akan dilakukan selama 20 hari. 

Hal itu dilakukan agar kegiatan pemeliharaan berdasarkan inspeksi risiko (RBI/ Risk Base Inspection) untuk kelangsungan operasi CPP dapat terjaga dengan baik. Meskipun demikian, pihak operator tetap komitmen memenuhi jumlah pasokan gas 50 MMSCED kepada Indonesia Power melalui pipa PT SPE. Meskipun sedang dalam keadaan shutdown , pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan masyarakat ini tetap kami jaga kelangsungannya dengan dukungan dari pihak PGN.

Salah seorang tokoh masyarakat Desa Sumber, Kyai Umar mengatakan, dia merupakan salah satu penerima manfaat yang merasakan saluran gas rumah tangga. Saluran gas rumah tangga itu sesuai dengan program Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora sebagai program City Gas.

Gas yang diproduksi dari Blok Gundih ini disalurkan hingga Semarang untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga maupun digunakan untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga gas (PLTG). Selama menggunakan gas ini, memang kebutuhan gas untuk memasak lebih irit. Kami juga mengapresiasi kegiatan ini. Dalam kegiatan yang dilakukan di halaman CPP Blok Gundih itu, pihak Pertamina EP Asset IV Field Cepu juga memberikan bingkisan kepada 50 perangkat desa.

Koran Sindo, Page-19, Monday, May, 8, 2017

ESDM Approves Additional Profit Sharing in ONWJ Block

Pertamina will get a larger share of the proceeds than before.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is currently discussing the required terms or terms and conditions of eight oil and gas blocks to be submitted to PT Pertamina. One of them is Offshore North West Java or ONWJ Block.

The discussion was held on Friday (5/5). On ONWJ Block, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, Director General of Oil and Natural Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said that the company approved an additional split in the block.

However, such revenue-sharing enhancements will not exceed the limits specified in the ESDM Minister Regulation concerning the rules of profit sharing or gross split. The regulation states that if there is a split increment with ministerial discretion, it will be 5%.

Despite the government's approval, Pertamina through PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ is still unable to sign the amendment of the block contract, because the business contract amendment requirements are still being discussed by the government. Of course, previously the gross split scheme for Pertamina Hulu Energi was 57.5% of oil and 62.5% of gas. While the government will get a share of 42.5% of oil and 37.5% of gas.

Pertamina itself is still listed as the majority shareholder of the ONWJ Block. While the discussion about the economic value of the block has entered the stage terms and conditions or terms and conditions. So, only the less terms and caution that is entering the final stage.

Pertamina succeeded

Meanwhile, until now, PT Pertamina is still not willing to commit much after the approval information of adding split in ONWJ Block. In fact, this is a positive news for the state-owned companies. We are recounting, "said R Gunung Sardjono Hadi, President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE).

Pertamina has already asked for additional revenue sharing in the block. You see, this oil and gas company claims, there is still an investment cost that has not been returned alias unrecovered cost of US $ 453 million from the three companies that manage the ONWJ Block when the block's contract expires. Whereas Pertamina has invested for long-term duration in the block.

In addition to Pertamina, the block was previously managed by two other companies. Namely PT Energi Mega Persda Tbk (ENRG) and Kufpec Indonesia. With the composition of ownership PHE ONWJ 58.28%, Energi Mega Persada as much as 36.72% and Kufpec 5%.

By the end of the contract on January 18, 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) changed its third stock composition. PHE ONWJ gets 73.5% shares, Energi Mega Persada 24% and Kufpec only 2.5%. On the deduction, when the contract expires there is no confirmation from Pertamina's partners to join the ONWJ Block.

As a result, PHE ONWJ holds 100% of ONWJ shares, and then it is given to the region as much as 10% through PT Migas Hulu Jabar, BUMD West Java Province in oil and gas sector. However, PT Energi Mega Persada expressed interest in returning to the oil and gas block. That's after knowing the existence of investment costs that have not been returned.

Block ONWJ actually still has quite good oil and gas production. This year, Pertamina targets production of ONWJ of 36,000 bopd and gas of 172 mmscfd. The target is higher than the actual production in 2016.


ESDM Setujui Tambahan Bagi Hasil di Blok ONWJ

Pertamina akan mendapat bagian hasil yang Iebih besar dari sebelumnya.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) saat ini sedang membahas syarat-syarat yang diperlukan atau terms and condition delapan blok minyak dan gas yang akan diserahkan ke PT Pertamina. Salah satunya adalah Blok Offshore North West Java atau ONWJ.

Pembahasan tersebut sudah digelar pada Jumat (5/5). Khusus soal Blok ONWJ, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, menyatakan, pihaknya menyetujui ada tambahan bagi hasil (split) di blok itu.

Namun, tambahan bagi hasil tersebut dipastikan tidak akan melebihi batas-batas yang sudah ditentukan dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang aturan bagi hasil tambang atau gross split. Aturan tersebut menyebutkan, bila terjadi lambahan split dengan diskresi menteri, paling besar mencapai 5% saja.

Meski sudah mendapat persetujuan pemerintah, Pertamina lewat PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ masih belum bisa meneken amandemen kontrak blok tersebut, Pasalnya, persyaratan bisnis amandemen kontrak tersebut masih dibahas pemerintah. Catatan saja, sebelumnya skema gross split untuk Pertamina Hulu Energi adalah 57,5% dari minyak dan 62,5% dari gas. Sementara pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagian 42,5% dari minyak dan 37,5% dari gas.

Pertamina sendiri masih tercatat sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas dari Blok ONWJ tersebut. Sedangkan pembahasan soal nilai keekonomian blok tersebut sudah masuk tahap terms and condition atau syarat dan kondisi. Jadi, hanya yang kurang terms and caution-nya yang sedang masuk tahap final.

Pertamina berhasil 

Sementara, hingga kini, PT Pertamina masih belum mau berkomitmen banyak setelah ada informasi persetujuan penambahan split di Blok ONWJ. Padahal, ini menjadi berita positif bagi perusahaan milik negara tersebut. Sedang kami hitung ulang," kata R Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). 

Pertamina memang sudah meminta tambahan bagi hasil di blok tersebut. Soalnya, perusahaan migas ini mengklaim, masih ada biaya investasi yang belum dikembalikan alias unrecovered cost sebesar US$ 453 juta dari ketiga perusahaan yang mengelola Blok ONWJ saat kontrak blok tersebut berakhir. Padahal Pertamina sudah berinvestasi untuk durasi jangka panjang di blok tersebut.

Selain Pertamina, blok tersebut sebelumnya dikelola oleh dua perusahaan yang lain. Yakni PT Energi Mega Persda Tbk (ENRG) dan Kufpec Indonesia. Dengan komposisi kepemilikan PHE ONWJ 58,28%, Energi Mega Persada sebanyak 36,72% dan Kufpec 5%.

Menjelang kontrak berakhir 18 Januari 2017, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengubah komposisi saham ketiganya. PHE ONWJ mendapat 73,5% saham, Energi Mega Persada 24% dan Kufpec hanya 2,5%. Atas pengurangan itu, saat kontrak berakhir tidak ada konfirmasi dari kedua mitra Pertamina itu untuk ikut kembali mengelola Blok ONWJ.

Alhasil, PHE ONWJ menggenggam 100% saham ONWJ, dan kemudian diberikan ke daerah sebanyak 10% melalui PT Migas Hulu Jabar, BUMD Provinsi Jawa Barat di sektor migas. Namun kemudian, PT Energi Mega Persada menyatakan minat tertarik kembali ke blok migas tersebut. Itu setelah mengetahui masih adanya biaya investasi yang belum dikembalikan.

Blok ONWJ sebenarnya masih memiliki produksi migas cukup baik. Tahun ini, Pertamina menargetkan produksi ONWJ sebesar 36.000 bopd dan gas sebesar 172 mmscfd. Target tersebut naik jika dibandingkan realisasi produksi pada tahun 2016 lalu.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, May, 8, 2017

Pertamina EP Adds Depth of Drilling at Old Wells

Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP), 4 Field Cepu assets began to drill oil and gas resources at the old wells of Dutch heritage located in Banyuurip Village, Senori Sub-district, Tuban Regency.

Field Manager (FM) Pertamina EP assets 4, Agus Amperianto explained, Pertamina will explore the potential of oil and gas resources in KWK 24. The plan, the exploration process is done by adding the depth of the old well at the KWK 24 to 1,500 meters. Meanwhile, the production target can reach 150 BOPD. It's okay, this week's week will be done.

In drilling the well at KWK 24 well, Pertamina EP will use D-1000/52 rig. The tool is the former of Pecuk Field, Lamongan, operated by Pertamina Driling.


Pertamina EP Tambah Kedalaman Pengeboran di Sumur Tua

Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP), aset 4 Field Cepu mulai melakukan pengeboran sumber Migas di sumur tua peninggalan Belanda yang terletak di Desa Banyuurip, Kecamatan Senori, Kabupaten Tuban.

Field Manajer (FM) Pertamina EP aset 4, Agus Amperianto menjelaskan, Pertamina akan menggali potensi sumber Migas di KWK 24. Rencananya, proses eksplorasi dilakukan dengan cara menambah kedalaman sumur tua di titik KWK 24 hingga 1.500 meter. Sedangkan, target produksi bisa mencapai 150 BOPD. lnsyaallah, minggu minggu ini akan dilakukan pengerjaannya.

Dalam pengeboran sumur di sumur KWK 24, Pertamina EP akan menggunakan rig D-1000/52. Alat tersebut merupakan eks dari Lapangan Pecuk, Lamongan, yang dioperasikan oleh Pertamina Driling.

Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Monday, May, 8, 2017

PHE Proposal of Additional Profit Sharing 4.7%

ONWJ Block Contract

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java expects to obtain additional profit sharing after the new contract with a gross profit sharing scheme signed on 18 January 2017. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Operates the ONWJ Block.

PHE ONWJ's President Director, Gunung Sardjono Hadi, hopes that additional revenue sharing (split) will be obtained so that activities will be in accordance with the economic scale. Because the change in the contract of cooperation from the cost recovery scheme (cost recovery) to the gross split makes the company lost profit sharing and there is an un-presented cost of about US $ 450 million.

In the gross split contract, PHE UNWJ obtained 57.5% and 42.5% oil revenue sharing for the state, while for gas the company obtained 62.5% and 37.5% of the government. According to him, PHE ONWJ has calculated an additional profit sharing of about 4.7%. It is assumed that the cost of the previous contract has not been depreciated to be the burden of the operator with the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 26/2017 concerning Return of Investment of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.

Considering that PHE ONWJ is the same operator in both new and old contracts using production cost contract (PSC) cost recovery. Meanwhile, pursuant to ESDM Government Regulation no. 8/2017 on Gross Split Contracts, if the cost recovery contract used previously there is still an undepressed fee, the government will convert the cost in the form of additional split for the contractor on the gross split contract. This is true if the contractor proposes a change of contract from PSC cost recovery to gross split.

On the other hand, in relation to the field economy, the government provides an additional revenue-sharing space of up to 5% if the oil and gas field can not be developed due to its low economy. "We are recalculating after last Friday [5/5] discussion with ESDM and SKK Migas," he said.

In terms of operation, with no validity of Working Procedures Guidelines (PTK) SKK Migas. 007, he has simulated that there is an efficiency room of 10% to 15%.

By the end of 2016, according to Gunung Sardjono, PHE ONWJ production reached oil production levels of 20,851 barrels per day (bpd) and gas production of 98 million cubic feet per day (MMsCfd). Recorded, daily average production of 35,000-38,000 bpd of oil and gas 130 MMscfd to 150 MMscfd.

In the ONWJ Block share-sharing contract, the final split scheme is set for the government's 47.5% oil and 52.5% of the contractor's share. For gas, 37.5% of the government and 62.5% of contractors.

Kontrak Blok ONWJ

PHE Usul Tambahan Bagi Hasil 4,7%

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java mengharapkan agar dapat memperoleh tambahan bagi hasil setelah kontrak baru dengan skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split diteken pada 18 Januari 2017. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) merupakan anak perusahaan PT Pertamina yang mengoperasikan Blok ONWJ.

Presiden Direktur PHE ONWJ Gunung Sardjono Hadi berharap agar tambahan bagi hasil (split) segera diperoleh agar kegiatan sesuai dengan skala ekonomi. Pasalnya, perubahan kontrak kerja sama dari skema biaya operasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery) ke gross split membuat perseroan kehilangan bagi hasil dan terdapat biaya yang belum terdepresiasi sekitar US$450 juta. 

Pada kontrak gross split, PHE UNWJ mendapatkan bagi hasil minyak 57,5 % dan 42,5% untuk negara, sedangkan untuk gas perseroan memperoleh 62,5 % dan 37,5% bagian pemerintah. Menurutnya, PHE ONWJ telah menghitung tambahan bagi hasil yang sekitar 4,7%. Hal itu dengan asumsi biaya yang belum terdepresiasi pada kontrak sebelumnya menjadi beban operator dengan berlakunya Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 26/2017 tentang Pengembalian Investasi Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Mengingat PHE ONWJ merupakan operator yang sama baik pada kontrak baru maupun kontrak lama yang menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil produksi (production sharing contract/ PSC) cost recovery. Sementara itu, berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Gross Split, jika pada kontrak cost recovery yang digunakan sebelumnya masih terdapat biaya yang belum terdepresiasi, pemerintah akan mengonversi biaya tersebut berupa tambahan split bagi kontraktor pada kontrak gross split. Hal itu berlaku bila kontraktor mengusulkan sendiri perubahan kontrak dari PSC cost recovery menjadi gross split.

Di sisi lain, terkait dengan keekonomian lapangan, pemerintah memberi ruang tambahan bagi hasil hingga 5% bila lapangan migas tidak bisa dikembangkan karena ke-ekonomiannya yang rendah. “Sedang kami hitung ulang setelah Jumat kemarin [5/5] diskusi dengan ESDM dan SKK Migas,” ujarnya.

Dari segi operasi, dengan tidak berlakunya Pedoman Tata Kerja (PTK) SKK Migas No. 007, dia telah melakukan simulasi bahwa terdapat ruang efisiensi sebesar 10% hingga 15%.

Hingga akhir 2016, menurut Gunung Sardjono, produksi PHE ONWJ mencapai tingkat produksi minyak 20.851 barel per hari (bph) dan produksi gas sebesar 98 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMsCfd). Tercatat, produksi rata-rata harian sebesar 35.000-38.000 bph minyak dan gas 130 MMscfd hingga 150 MMscfd.

Dalam kontrak bagi hasil gross split Blok ONWJ, skema final split yang ditetapkan adalah untuk minyak 47.5% bagian pemerintah dan 52,5% bagian kontraktor. Untuk gas, 37,5% bagian pemerintah dan 62,5% bagian kontraktor.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, May, 8, 2017

Government Stop Cooperation with PTTEP

Deputy of Maritime Sovereignty Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for the Ministry of Marine Affairs, Arif Havas Oegroseno, said the government is moratorium or suspend business cooperation with Thailand's Petroleum Authority of Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP).

This action is the result of pollution by PTTEP at Montara oil field, Timor Sea "We sent a letter to the relevant agencies not to cooperate with PTTEP" said Havas

According to Havas, the moratorium runs until there is legal certainty. He admitted that he has sent letters, among others, to PT Pertamina not to cooperate with PTTEP According to him, evidence of pollution in the Timor Sea due to oil spills in Montara already exist, ie a sample of spreading damage and satellite photos. But PTTEP argued that the oil spill did not reach the territory of Indonesia.

The government also sued PTTEP to the Central Jakarta District Court on May 3rd. Havas said the lawsuit was also filed with PTTEP Australasia and PTT Public Company Limited. Indonesia asked the company to pay compensation of Rp 27.4 trillion.

The details, Rp 23 trillion as compensation for environmental damage and damages for environmental damage Rp 4.4 trillion. According to Havas, the oil spill destroys 1,200 hectares of mangroves, 1,400 hectares of seagrass and 1,400 hectares of coral reefs, so that in addition to damages compensation, restitution restitution is required.

The government is now seeking confiscation of the three companies, Oil leak at The Montara Well Head Platform, West Atlas Block of Timor Sea; Australia, took place on August 21, 2009.

Leakage at the mouth of the well resulted in the spill of oil and hydrocarbon gas into the sea From Australia's waters, the spill then reached Indonesia, precisely to East Nusa Tenggara In early March, 13 thousand of the victims of this pollution demanded the government cooperate with Australia to get their rights.

We do not need Australian assistance, "said Montana Victim Advocacy Team Leader Ferdi Tanoni, in Kupang. He said what Montara victims wanted was a form of moral responsibility for Australia in accordance with the agreement built with the Indonesian government and the victims.


Pemerintah Hentikan Kerja Sama dengan PTTEP

Deputi Koordinasi Kedaulatan Maritim Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman, Arif Havas Oegroseno, mengatakan pemerintah melakukan moratorium atau menghentikan sementara kerja sama bisnis dengan perusahaan minyak asal Thailand, Petroleum Authority of Thailand Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP).

Tindakan ini merupakan akibat dari pencemaran yang dilakukan PTTEP di lapangan minyak Montara, Laut Timor “Kami mengirim Surat kepada instansi terkait untuk tidak bekerja sama dengan PTTEP” kata Havas

Menurut Havas, moratorium berjalan sampai ada kepastian hukum. Dia mengaku sudah merigirimkan Surat, antara lain, kepada PT Pertamina agar tidak bekerja sama dengan PTTEP Menurut dia, bukti-bukti pencemaran di Laut Timor akibat tumpahan minyak di Montara sudah ada, yaitu berupa sampel penyebaran kerusakan dan foto satelit.  Namun pihak PTTEP beralasan tumpahan minyak tidak sampai ke wilayah Indonesia.

Pemerintah juga menggugat PTTEP ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat pada 3 Mei lalu. Havas mengatakan gugatan juga diajukan kepada PTTEP Australasia dan PTT Public Company Limited. Indonesia meminta perusahaan itu membayar ganti rugi Rp 27,4 triliun.

Perinciannya, Rp 23 triliun sebagai ganti rugi kerusakan lingkungan dan ada ganti rugi pemulihan kerusakan lingkungan Rp 4,4 triliun. Menurut Havas, tumpahan minyak itu merusak 1.200 hektare lahan bakau, padang lamun seluas 1.400 hektare, dan terumbu karang 700 hektare, Sehingga selain ganti rugi kerusakan, dibutuhkan ganti rugi restorasi.

Kini pemerintah meminta sita jaminan kepada tiga perusahaan itu, Kebocoran minyak di The Montara Well Head Platform, Blok West Atlas Laut Timor; Australia, terjadi pada 21 Agustus 2009.

Kebocoran pada mulut sumur mengakibatkan tumpahnya minyak dan gas hidrokarbon ke laut Dari perairan Australia, tumpahan itu kemudian sampai ke Indonesia, tepatnya ke Nusa Tenggara Timur Awal Maret lalu, 13 ribu korban pencemaran ini menuntut pemerintah bekerja sama dengan Australia untuk mendapatkan hak-hak mereka. 

Kami tidak butuh bantuan Australia, kata Ketua Tim Advokasi Korban Montara, Ferdi Tanoni, di Kupang. Dia mengatakan hal yang diinginkan korban Montara adalah bentuk pertanggungjawaban moral Australia sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang dibangun bersama pemerintah Indonesia serta para korban.

Koran Tempo, Page-6, Saturday, May, 6, 2017