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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Case of PGN Entry Extension Examination

The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) affirmed that the proceedings of the alleged monopoly case in determining the price of industrial gas in the Medan area are still continuing and are currently entering the extension stage of further investigation. 

     Case involving PT Perusahaan Gas Nusantara Tbk. (PGN) is registered with register 09 / KPPU-L / 2016 concerning Alleged Violation of Article 17 of Law Number 5 Year 1999 related to Monopoly Practices in Determining Industrial Gas Price in Medan Area.

"The evidentiary process continues in the trial. The presence or absence of a monopoly in gas distribution in North Sumatra is still being tested in court. The decision will be decided by the Commission Council, "KPPU Commissioner Saidah Sakwan said in a press statement on Sunday (10/9).

Saidah said the alleged trial of gas monopoly case conducted by PT PGN until now is in the extension stage of further investigation. Position of PGN as BUMN has also become a weighing side in solving this case.

This alleged gas monopoly case began to emerge after a complaint from businessmen about the problem of industrial gas distribution in North Sumatra. The issue of gas distribution concerns the increasingly minimal supply or still far from the user needs, as well as the problem of high gas prices.

"If this distribution is a government assignment, there must be a regulatory basis [monopoly by law]. But, even so, if the holder of this mandate does a monopoly practice it can still be subject to violations of Law no. 5/1999, "added Saidah.

Based on preliminary investigation investigations, there have been several indications of alleged monopolistic practices in industrial gas distribution in North Sumatra. Such indications are that the company controls 100% of the market share of gas users so it is possible to take advantage of its dominant position.

The state-owned company can also set unilaterally the selling price of gas even without the customer's consent, as well as clauses in the unbalanced contract of sale and purchase of gas (PJBG), burdening consumers.

These findings are being tested by the panel of commissions in the trial process at the stage of extension of follow-up examination which will end on October 5, 2017 to prove the existence or absence of monopolistic practices.

"The Commission Assembly in the examination and decision-making independent and can not be intervened by any party including members of other commissions outside the assembly," he added.

Previously, lawyer of PT PGN Yahdi Salampessy said gas purchase price was determined by the regulator and can not be determined by the company itself. Moreover, the company gets gas supply from several parties, one of them is PT Pertamina EP.

"The gas sales topology is not like a retail product. The price sold to consumers is already one price [in an area], although the supply comes from several parties, "he said.

PGN claims it is inappropriate that the company violated Article 17 of Law no. 5 of 1999 in determining the price of industrial gas in Medan area and considered not in accordance with the facts and rules that apply.

According to Yahdi, as a resource that controls the livelihood of many people, the price of natural gas fuel based on the provisions of legislation is not submitted to the mechanism of fair and reasonable business competition. It is based on Article 33 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution.

PGN also admitted to always comply with Government Regulation no. 30 of 2009 and Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) no. 21 of 2008 concerning Guidelines on the Pricing of Selling of Fuel Oil and Gas.

"With regard to the existing guidelines, we can not be said to commit unfair business competition because in Law No. 5/1999 it is explained that what we do is excluded in the provisions of the law," he said.

Article 50 letter (a) of Law no. S / 1999 states, which is exempted from the provisions is an act and or agreement that aims to implement the applicable legislation.

As an illustration, the structure of gas selling price in Medan is influenced by several components. First, the upstream gas price component in which the Medan gas supply source is taken from Bontang refinery which is then regasified through PT Pertamina's facilities in Arun, Aceh.

Once classified, the gas is channeled through the transmission pipeline Arun-Belawan owned by Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) along the 350 km. Apart from Bontang, gas supply to Medan is also obtained from the production of Pertamina EP which is transported through the gas pipeline of the Milk-Wampu gas pipeline run by Pertagas.


Kasus PGN Masuk Perpanjangan Pemeriksaan

Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) menegaskan proses persidangan perkara dugaan monopoli dalam penentuan harga gas industri di area Medan masih berlanjut dan saat ini masuk tahap perpanjangan pemeriksaan lanjutan. 

     Perkara yang melibatkan PT Perusahaan Gas Nusantara Tbk. (PGN) itu terdaftar dengan register 09/KPPU-L/2016 tentang Dugaan Pelanggaran Pasal 17 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1999 terkait Praktek Monopoli dalam Penentuan Harga Gas lndustri di Area Medan.

“Proses pembuktiannya terus berjalan di dalam persidangan. Ada tidaknya monopoli dalam distribusi gas di Sumatra Utara ini masih diuji di persidangan. Keputusannya nanti akan ditetapkan oleh Majelis Komisi,” kata Komisioner KPPU Saidah Sakwan, dalam keterangan pers, Minggu (10/9).

Saidah mengatakan sidang perkara dugaan monopoli gas yang dilakukan PT PGN sampai kini dalam tahap perpanjangan pemeriksaan lanjutan. Posisi PGN selaku BUMN juga telah menjadi penimbangan pihaknya dalam menyelesaikan perkara ini.

Perkara dugaan monopoli gas ini mulai muncul setelah ada keluhan dari kalangan pengusaha mengenai permasalahan pendistribusian gas industri di Sumatra Utara. Persoalan distribusi gas ini menyangkut pasokan yang semakin minim atau masih jauh dari yang dibutuhkan pengguna, serta masalah tingginya harga jual gas.

“Kalau distribusi ini merupakan penugasan pemerintah, tentu harus ada basis regulasinya [monopoly by law]. Tapi, walaupun demikian, jika pemegang mandat ini melakukan praktik monopoli tetap saja bisa terkena pelanggaran UU No. 5/ 1999,” tambah Saidah.

Berdasarkan penyelidikan awal investigator, telah ditemukan sejumlah indikasi terjadinya dugaan praktik monopoli dalam pendistribusian gas industri di Sumatra Utara. Indikasi tersebut di antaranya, perseroan menguasai 100% pangsa pasar pengguna gas sehingga sangat mungkin untuk memanfaatkan posisi dominannya.

Perusahaan pelat merah ini juga dapat menetapkan harga jual gas secara sepihak meskipun tanpa persetujuan pelanggan, serta adanya klausul dalam kontrak perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) yang tidak seimbang sehingga memberatkan konsumen. 

Temuan-temuan inilah yang sedang diuji oleh majelis komisi dalam proses persidangan di tahap perpanjangan pemeriksaan lanjutan yang akan berakhir pada 5 Oktober 2017 untuk membuktikan ada atau tidaknya praktik monopoli.

“Majelis Komisi dalam pemeriksaan dan pengambilan putusan independen dan tidak dapat diintervensi oleh pihak manapun termasuk anggota komisi lainnya di luar majelis,” tambahnya.

Sebelumnya, kuasa hukum PT PGN Yahdi Salampessy mengatakan harga jual beli gas sudah ditentukan oleh regulator serta tidak bisa ditentukan sendiri oleh perusahaan. Terlebih lagi perseroan mendapatkan pasokan gas dari beberapa pihak, salah satunya PT Pertamina EP.

“Topologi penjualan gas itu bukan seperti produk eceran. Harga yang dijual ke konsumen memang sudah satu harga [di suatu wilayah], walaupun pasokannya berasal dari beberapa pihak,” tuturnya.

PGN mengklaim tidak tepat bahwa perusahaan melanggar Pasal 17 UU No. 5 tahun 1999 dalam penentuan harga gas industri di area Medan dan dinilai tidak sesuai dengan fakta dan aturan yang berlaku.

Menurut Yahdi, sebagai sumber daya yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak, maka harga bahan bakar gas bumi berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan tidak diserahkan pada mekanisme persaingan usaha yang sehat dan wajar. Hal itu berdasarkan Pasal 33 ayat (2) UUD 1945.

PGN juga mengaku selalu patuh dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 30 Tahun 2009 dan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Harga Jual bahan Bakar Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

"Terhadap pedoman yang ada, kami tidak bisa dikatakan melakukan pelanggaran persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat. Karena dalam Undang-Undang No.5/1999 sudah diterangkan, apa yang kami lakukan dikecualikan dalam ketentuan perundangan tersebut,” katanya.

Pasal 50 huruf (a) UU No. S/1999 menyebutkan, yang dikecualikan dari ketentuan adalah perbuatan dan atau perjanjian yang bertujuan melaksanakan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Sebagai gambaran, struktur pembentukkan harga jual gas di Medan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa komponen. Pertama, komponen harga gas hulu (upstream) di mana sumber pasokan gas Medan diambil dari kilang Bontang yang kemudian diregasifikan melalui fasilitas milik PT Pertamina di Arun, Aceh.

Setelah diregasifikasi, gas tersebut disalurkan melalui pipa transmisi Arun-Belawan milik PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) sepanjang 350 km. Selain dari Bontang, pasokan gas ke Medan juga diperoleh dari produksi Pertamina EP yang diangkut melalui pipa transmisi gas bumi Pangkaian Susu-Wampu yang dikelola Pertagas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-11, Monday, Sept 11, 2017

Gross Split

Oil and gas investment in recent years has not been enthusiastic. Based on data from SKK Migas, investment realization in the first half of 2015 was only US $ 7.74 billion and in the first half of 2016 US $ 5.65 billion.

Lack of oil and gas investment continues until the first half of this year which only realized US $ 4.80 billion or 21.62% of target US$ 22.20 billion. Even the government projects the realization of investment until the end of this year only about US $ 13 billion or not far from the realization in 2016 (US $ 12.74 billion.

This year's auction of oil and gas working area expected to lift drilling investment is also quiet. There are 10 oil and gas blocks offered to contractors this year. Many people judge it because of low prices crude oil. In fact, the decline in oil prices are also followed by efficiency of operating costs such as increasingly competitive rates of oil and gas supporting services. Moreover, all countries in the world including Indonesia still need oil and gas.

So, it does not mean that oil and gas investment will decrease due to low oil prices alone, but many other factors such as legal certainty in business, fiscal incentives and disincentives. Gross profit sharing schemes (gross split), for example, become disincentives for contracting contractors.

Luckily, the government finally softened. After getting a negative response, the ESDM Ministry revised the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017 on the Gross Split Revenue Contract.

Since regulation gross split was published on January 13, 2017, oil and gas contractors continue to speak loudly. In July 2017, Minister of ESDM Ignasius Jonan finally issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 52/2017 as revised Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 8/2017.

Besides pressure and market, President Joko Widodo also reminded the minister to be careful in issuing new regulations. The regulations that narrow the investor space will not support government efforts to spur investment.

The new regulation shows there is an additional space for oil and gas production to contractors. However, again there is no certainty about the tax for gross split. The new government regulates taxation for profit-sharing schemes with cost recovery returns regulated by Government Regulation no. 27/2017 on Recoverable Operating Costs and Government Regulation on Oil and Gas Upstream 


But there is no detail about taxation in oil and gas contract using gross split scheme. Revision of the gross split scheme has provided fresh air for oil and gas investment in the country. Gross split sharing contract is a scheme with a gross profit share without any operating cost recovery mechanism.

The basic basis of gross split distribution for oil is 57% (government) and 43% (contractor), for gas 52%: 48%. Currently, there is still a block of oil and gas using the gross split scheme, Offshore North West Java Block (ONWJ) signed on January 18, 2017. There will be eight other oil and gas blocks that will be managed by PT Pertamina with a gross split scheme.

In the new rules, there are some important points. First, the space for the addition of the contractor's share through ministerial discretion is not restricted as in the previous regulation maximum of 5%.

Second, the percentage increase of some profit-sharing variables for the contractor as in the development phase in the plan of development (PoD) II of 3% and if no POD split remains 0%, in contrast to the previous regulation which is reduced to 0.5 % for contractors.

Thirdly, the profit-sharing variable related to oil and gas prices uses the formula. Furthermore, it should be immediately ascertained about the regulation of taxation in the form of government regulations. It is also necessary to ensure the points in the revision of Law no. 22/2001 on Oil and Gas. Do not let the revision even create more uncertainty for the contractor.

In Indonesia

Gross Split

Investasi migas dalam beberapa tahun terakhir belum bergairah. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, realisasi investasi pada semester I/2015 hanya US$ 7,74 miliar dan pada semester I/2016 sebesar US$ 5,65 miliar.

Sepinya investasi migas berlanjut hingga paruh pertama tahun ini yang hanya terealisasi US$ 4,80 miliar atau 21,62% dari target US$ 22,20 miliar. Bahkan pemerintah memproyeksikan realisasi investasi hingga akhir tahun ini hanya sekitar US$ 13 miliar atau tidak jauh dari realisasi pada 2016 (US$ 12,74 miliar).

Lelang wilayah kerja migas pada tahun ini yang diharapkan dapat mengangkat investasi pengeboran juga sepi peminat. Ada 10 blok migas yang ditawarkan kepada kontraktor pada tahun ini. Banyak kalangan menilai hal itu disebabkan rendahnya harga minyak mentah. Padahal, penurunan harga minyak juga diikuti efisiensi biaya operasi seperti tarif jasa penunjang migas yang semakin kompetitif. Apalagi seluruh negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia masih membutuhkan migas.

Jadi, bukan berarti investasi migas akan turun karena rendahnya harga minyak semata, melainkan banyak faktor lain seperti kepastian hukum dalam berusaha, insentif dan disinsentif fiskal. Faktor skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) misalnya, menjadi disinsentif bagi para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama.

Beruntung, pemerintah akhirnya melunak. Setelah mendapatkan respons negatif, Kementerian ESDM merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split.

Sejak regulasi gross split terbit pada 13 Januari 2017, kontraktor migas terus bersuara keras. Pada Juli 2017, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan akhirnya menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 52/2017 sebagai revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 8/2017.

Selain tekanan dan pasar, Presiden Joko Widodo pun sempat mengingatkan agar menteri berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan regulasi baru. Regulasi yang mempersempit ruang investor tidak akan mendukung upaya pemerintah untuk memacu investasi.

Regulasi baru itu menunjukkan ada ruang penambahan bagi hasil produksi migas bagi kontraktor. Namun, lagi-lagi belum ada kepastian soal pajak untuk gross split. Pemerintah baru mengatur perpajakan untuk skema bagi hasil dengan pengembalian biaya operasi (cost recovery) yang diatur  Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27/2017 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Peraturan Pemerintah di Bidang Usaha Hulu Migas.

Namun belum ada detail soal perpajakan dalam kontrak migas yang menggunakan skema gross split. Revisi skema gross split telah memberikan angin segar bagi investasi migas di Tanah Air. Kontrak bagi hasil gross split merupakan skema dengan bagi hasil produksi kotor tanpa ada mekanisme pengembalian biaya operasi.

Basis dasar pembagian gross split untuk minyak 57% (pemerintah) dan 43% (kontraktor), untuk gas 52%:48%. Saat ini, masih satu blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split, yaitu Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) yang diteken pada 18 Januari 2017. 

     Akan ada delapan blok migas lainnya yang akan dikelola PT Pertamina dengan skema gross split.

Dalam peraturan barunya, terdapat beberapa poin penting. Pertama, ruang penambahan bagi hasil kontraktor melalui diskresi menteri tidak dibatasi seperti pada peraturan sebelumnya maksimum 5%.

Kedua, kenaikan persentase beberapa variabel bagi hasil bagi kontraktor seperti pada fase pengembangan dalam rencana pengembangan lapangan (plan of development/PoD) II sebesar 3% dan bila tidak ada POD split tetap 0%, berbeda dengan peraturan sebelumnya yang justru menjadi pengurang 0,5% bagi kontraktor.

Ketiga, variabel bagi hasil terkait dengan harga migas menggunakan formula. Selanjutnya harus segera dipastikan soal regulasi perpajakan dalam bentuk peraturan pemerintah. Perlu dipastikan pula poin-poin dalam revisi Undang-Undang No. 22/2001 tentang Migas. Jangan sampai revisi malah membuat ketidakpastian lagi bagi kontraktor.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-6, Monday, Sept 11, 2017

Pertamina May not Export Gasoil Soon

Despite securing the government’s approval to export gasoil, state-owned energy giant Pertamina is in no rush to ship the fuel overseas as it may have to wait for the completion of its new refinery projects.

The government recently permitted the firm to sell gasoil, the term used for diesel in many markets in Asia, on the international market under the condition the latter met domestic demand first and had an excess supply

Pertamina will likely begin overseas shipment of the oil in 2025 after its refineries are ready especially because of the surging demand in the domestic market. It plans to expand the capacity of four of its existing refineries as wellfas build two new facilities in a bid to boost its refined oil production capacity to 2 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2025.

At present, Indonesian refineries, including those run by Pertamina, are only capable of producing around 830,000 bpd, a little over half the current fuel demand.

According to an estimate by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, Pertamina’s Solar production will reach 916,000 bpd when all refinery projects arc finished in 2025, while domestic demand will only reach 620,000 bpd in 2024.

"As long as the domestic market can absorb our production, there is no urgency for us to export the gasoil,” Pertamina senior vice president for integrated supply chain Toto Nugroho told The Jakarta Post on Friday “We will only use the export option when our capacity is no longer still efficient.”

In fact, the sales of Pertamina’s gasoil products, namely the subsidized Solar and the non-subsidized Dexlite and Pertamina Dex, have followed an upward trend lately

The- company’s Solar sales rose by 13.65 percent year-on-year (yoy) to 10.8 million kiloliters (KL) in 2016. It also managed to sell 115,938 KL of Dexlite, introduced to the market in mid-April 2016, and 140,462 KL of Pertamina Dex, up 79.23 percent yoy This year, 

total sales of the subsidized diesel from all distributors, including Pertamina, will increased by 12.75 percent to 15.5 million KL, according to the government’s estimate.

From January to July the firm’s refineries produced 90 million barrels of gasoil, or 53.25 percent ofthe full-year target. At the same time, it also generated 7.3 million barrels of diesel, Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) and Industry Fuel Oil (IFO), representing 34.9 percent of the 2017 target.

Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) fuel director Hendry. Ahmad predicted the local demand for diesel would remain high in the near future.

Pertamina might only' see a slight surplus in its gasoil supply if the government could effectively realize its 20 percent biodiesel blending (B20) policy he added.

“Pertamina will have an excess supply if it completes all its refinery projects, resulting in a significant jump in production that may surpass domestic demand,” Hendry further said.

Pertamina and petroleum and chemical distributor PT AKR Corporindo distribucy the blended fuel under the public service obligation (PSO) program. Despite the policy, however, domestic biofuel consumption only reached 1.67 million KI. in the Hrst half of this year, accounting for a mere 36.3. percent of the whole year target. Overall nationwide consumption stood at 3.65 million KL last year.

A further drop in domestic gas oil demand is expected when the government extends its biodiesel blending policy to 30 percent (B30) starting from 2020. ln the meantime, it 'is trying to encourage other retailers to buy gasoil from Pertamina instead of importing it themselves, a move that will help the company relieve its surplus.

“They [other retailers] should prioritize domestic supply [from Pertamina],” Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry oil and gas director general Ego Syahrial said.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

Kotabaru Complete Revenue Sharing Requirement for Sebuku Block

Kotabaru District Government, together with the Government of South Kalimantan Province, is ready to fix the Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD), as a requirement to obtain profit sharing from oil and gas management in Sebuku Block.

Kotabaru Regional Secretariat Assistant Hariansyah, in Kotabaru, Friday (8/9), said the South Kalimantan Provincial Government has received a visit from the West Sulawesi Provincial Government, one of which is to follow up on oil and gas management issues in the Sebuku Block.

"In the meeting there are two things that will be done by the Government of Kotabaru and the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan, as well as the Provincial Government of West Sulawesi," he said.

The first was to reform the BUMDs that were formed together, forming an integrated team of two provinces, South Kalimantan Province and West Sulawesi. Hopefully, if all that has been done, Kotabaru in this case the South Kalimantan Provincial Government can get funding for the results of oil and gas management in Sebuku Block.

Previously, DPRD Kotabaru questioned the progress of renegotiation as an effort to obtain DBH for oil and gas exploitation in Larilarian Island, Sebuku Block. Kotabaru DPRD chairman Hj Alfisah admitted that his party (legislature) has made various efforts in accordance with its authority, both lobbying provinces and ministries to encourage the right to share the proceeds.

"The legislature has done its utmost to encourage the business to get the revenue from exploitation on the island of Lari-larian, both to the provinces and ministries," said Altisah.

But in this case authority remains in the executive, therefore the board questioned the extent to which local government efforts in its business both from renegotiation of coordination with the central government.

The issue of Larilarian Kotabaru Island that entered Sebuku Block area some time ago had been fussed between the South Kalimantan Provincial Government with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and the West Sulawesi Provincial Government (Sulbar), but the central government declared the Sebuku Block oil exploration site over 12 miles sea ​​from the coastline of Lari-larian Island.

Based on the prevailing laws and regulations, both Kotabaru and South Kalimantan provincial governments can not claim to own the oil and gas resources. However, on the recommendation of the central government, the company that worked on the oil and gas resources of the Sebuku Block gave the South Kalimantan Provincial Government the opportunity to participate by investing 10 percent (Rp 500 billion) of the total capital.

While in the Blok Migas Sebuku (Ruby Field), the exploration activities by Mubadala Petroleum to work on Natural Resources off the coast of Larilarian Kotabaru Island.


Kotabaru Lengkapi Persyaratan Bagi Hasil Migas Blok Sebuku

Pemerintah Kabupaten Kotabaru, bersama Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, siap membenahi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD), sebagai persyaratan memperoleh dana bagi hasil dari pengelolaan minyak dan gas di Blok Sebuku.

Asisten Tata Praja Sekretariat Daerah Kotabaru Hariansyah, di Kotabaru, Jumat (8/ 9), mengatakan Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan telah menerima kunjungan Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, salah satunya menindaklanjuti masalah pengelolaan migas di Blok Sebuku.

“Dalam pertemuan tersebut ada dua hal yang akan dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Kotabaru dan, Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, serta Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat,” katanya.

Pertama melakukan pembenahan BUMD yang dibentuk bersama-sama, membentuk tim terpadu dari dua provinsi, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat. Mudah-mudahan, apabila semua itu sudah dilaksanakan, Kotabaru dalam hal ini Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan bisa mendapatkan dana bagi hasil dari pengelolaan Migas di Blok Sebuku.

Sebelumnya, DPRD Kotabaru mempertanyakan progres renegosiasi sebagai upaya mendapatkan Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) atas eksploitasi migas di Pulau Larilarian, Blok Sebuku. Ketua DPRD Kotabaru, Hj Alfisah, mengaku pihaknya (legislatif) telah melakukan berbagai upaya sesuai dengan kewenanganannya, baik melobi ke provinsi dan kementerian untuk mendorong agar mendapatkan hak atas bagi hasil tersebut.

“Legislatif sudah berusaha maksimal dalam mendorong usaha mendapatkan bagi hasil dari eksploitasi di Pulau Lari-larian, baik ke provinsi dan kementerian,” kata Altisah.

Namun dalam hal ini kewenangan tetap berada di eksekutif, oleh sebab itu dewan mempertanyakan sejauh mana usaha pemerintah daerah dalam usahanya baik dari perundingan ulang koordinasi dengan pemerintah pusat.

Persoalan Pulau Larilarian Kotabaru yang masuk kawasan Blok Sebuku itu beberapa waktu lalu sempat diributkan antara Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dengan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) dan Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (Sulbar), tetapi pemerintah pusat menyatakan tempat eksploitasi migas Blok Sebuku itu di atas 12 mil laut dari garis pantai Pulau Lari-

Berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, baik Pemerintah kabupaten Kotabaru maupun Pemerintah provinsi Kalimantan selatan tidak bisa mengklaim sebagai pemilik sumber daya tambang migas tersebut. Namun atas rekomendasi pemerintah pusat, perusahaan yang menggarap sumber daya migas Blok Sebuku tersebut memberi kesempatan kepada Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan untuk itu berpartisipasi dengan cara turut berinvestasi sebesar 10 persen (Rp 500 miliar) dari total modal.

Sementara di Blok Migas Sebuku (Lapangan Ruby) itu, kegiatan eksplorasi oleh Mubadala Petroleum untuk menggarap Sumber Daya Alam di lepas pantai Pulau Larilarian Kotabaru tersebut. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

PGN Insists Uninvolved Gas Pickup Practices in Medan

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) ensures that it works in accordance with the regulations issued by the government. Meanwhile, related to gas prices in Medan, all set by the Ministry of ESDM through Ministerial decree.

"We are not involved in the practice of monopoly or gas brokering in Medan, and the KPPU has not found strong evidence," said Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir in the Workshop of Industry Journalists (Forwin) in Cisarua-Buitenzorg recently.

Adi said it also continues to provide explanations to the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) related to the alleged PGN monopoly in determining the price of gas in the Territory of Medan, North Sumatra.

As is known, KPPU is in the process of examining the practice of brokering the high selling price of industrial gas in Medan and PGN including one of the examined institutions. The price of gas in North Sumatra has reached US $ 12 / Mmbtu and many industry players in Medan complained.

PGN only requested a US $ 1.35 / Mmbtu tariff for pipeline management of 600 km, the remaining US $ 11 is a cost component from upstream such as distribution. Adi confirmed, it has followed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources decree No. 19 of 2009 and the component price is very transparent.

"The gas price from PGN is very transparent and it is not possible to engage in fraudulent practices," he said.

Based on the latest information obtained by PGN, KPPU has started checking gas traders without infrastructure. KPPU continues to seek information and reports about traders.


PGN Tegaskan Tidak Terlibat Praktik Percaloan Gas di Medan

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) memastikan bahwa pihaknya bekerja sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah. Sementara itu terkait harga gas di Medan, semuanya ditetapkan Kementerian ESDM melalui keputusan Menteri.

“Kami tidak terlibat praktik monopoli atau percaloan gas di Medan, dan KPPU juga belum menemukan bukti yang kuat,” kata Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir dalam acara Workshop Wartawan Perindustrian (Forwin) di Cisarua-Buitenzorg, belum lama ini.

Adi mengatakan, pihaknya juga terus memberikan penjelasan kepada Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) terkait dugaan monopoli PGN dalam penetapan harga gas di Wilayah Medan, Sumatera Utara tersebut.

Seperti diketahui, KPPU sedang dalam proses pemeriksaan praktik percaloan tingginya harga jual gas industri di Wilayah Medan dan PGN termasuk salah satu lembaga yang diperiksa. Harga gas di Sumatera Utara pernah mencapai US$ 12/Mmbtu dan pelaku industri di Medan banyak yang mengeluh.

PGN hanya meminta tarif US$ 1,35/Mmbtu untuk pengelolaan pipa sepanjang 600 Km, sisanya US$ 11 merupakan komponen biaya dari hulu seperti distribusi. Adi menegaskan, pihaknya sudah mengikuti keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 tahun 2009 dan komponen harganya sangat transparan. 

“Harga gas dari PGN sangat transparan dan tidak mungkin terlibat praktik curang,” ujar dia.

Berdasarkan informasi terbaru yang didapat PGN, KPPU sudah mulai memeriksa trader gas tanpa infrastruktur. KPPU terus mencari keterangan dan laporan tentang trader.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

Until August, Oil and Gas Revenue US $ 8.2 Billion

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan asked the House of Representatives Commission VII to appreciate the government's performance and the Oil and Gas Regulation on oil and gas revenues which reached US $ 18.23 billion until August 2017. 

     In the Hearing Meeting at Commission VII in Jakarta on Thursday (7/9) night, Jonan explained that of the total revenue of US $ 18.23, by 45 percent or US $ 8.14 billion into state property. Meanwhile, oil and gas production revenues in 2016 amounted to US $ 24.89 billion and state portion of US $ 9.67 billion.

"For 2017, the figure is temporary until August total revenue of US $ 18.23 billion. This is what I ask for my appreciation to me because compared to US $ 24 billion in total '2016 full year' revenue, this is much higher, "he said.

Previously, one member of the commission VII Harry Poernomo, questioned the state revenue from oil and gas production 2016 only amounted to US $ 9.67 billion or 38 percent, while the cost of "cost recovery" of US $ 11.94 billion. According to him, the state is small in terms of total oil and gas revenues in 2016 of US $ 24.89 billion.

"We see this volume is very small. How can we work with 'cost' higher like this, "he said.

Jonan also explained from the absolute number, the cost returned to the contractor for oil and gas production activities (cost recovery) is greater than the state (government take). However, it does not signify the country's loss on oil and gas production 2016.

"This is not a loss because the total revenue of US $ 24.89 billion. 'Cost recovery' US $ 11.94 billion so netto approximately US $ 12.95 billion and then divided by two. 'Government take' US $ 9.67 billion, 'contractor take' US $ 3.28 billion, "he said.

He added that until August 2017, the state's share of oil and gas production ranged 45 percent or US $ 8.14 billion of total revenues of US $ 18.23 billion. The cost of "cost recovery" reached US $ 7.22 billion and the contractor portion was US $ 2.87 billion.


Hingga Agustus, Pendapatan Migas US$ 8,2 Miliar

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan meminta Komisi VII DPR RI untuk mengapresiasi kinerja pemerintah dan SKK Migas terhadap pendapatan produksi migas yang mencapai US$ 18,23 miliar hingga Agustus 2017. Dalam Rapat 

   Dengar Pendapat di Komisi VII di Jakarta, Kamis (7/9) malam, Jonan menjelaskan bahwa dari keseluruhan pendapatan sebesar US$ 18,23 tersebut, sebesar 45 persen atau US$ 8,14 miliar menjadi milik negara. Sementara itu, pendapatan produksi migas sepanjang 2016 sebesar US$ 24,89 miliar dan bagian negara US$ 9,67 miliar.

“Untuk 2017, angkanya ini sementara sampai Agustus total revenue US$ 18,23 miliar . Ini saya minta bapak apresiasi ke saya karena dibanding US$ 24 miliar total pendapatan ‘full year' 2016, ini sudah jauh lebih tinggi," katanya.

Sebelumnya, salah satu anggota komisi VII Harry Poernomo, mempertanyakan pendapatan negara dari produksi minyak dan gas bumi (migas) 2016 hanya sebesar US$ 9,67 miliar atau 38 persen, sedangkan biaya “cost recovery’ sebesar US$ 11,94 miliar. Menurut dia, bagian negara terbilang kecil jika dilihat dari total keseluruhan pendapatan migas 2016 sebesar US$ 24,89 miliar. 

“Kita lihat ini volumenya kecil sekali. Bagaimana bisa kita bekerja dengan ‘cost’ lebih tinggi seperti ini,” katanya.

Jonan pun menjelaskan dari angka absolut, biaya yang dikembalikan ke kontraktor atas kegiatan produksi migas (cost recovery) memang lebih besar daripada bagian negara (government take). Namun, hal tersebut tidak menandakan negara rugi terhadap hasil produksi migas 2016.

“Ini bukan rugi karena total revenue US$ 24,89 miliar. ‘Cost recovery’ US$ 11,94 miliar sehingga netto-nya kurang lebih US$ 12,95 miliar kemudian dibagi dua. ‘Government take’ US$ 9,67 miliar , ‘contractor take’ US$ 3,28 miliar,” katanya.

Ia menambahkan, hingga Agustus 2017, bagian negara dari produksi migas berkisar 45 persen atau US$ 8,14 miliar dari total pendapatan US$ 18,23 miliar.  Biaya “cost recovery” mencapai US$ 7.22 miliar dan bagian kontraktor US$ 2,87 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017

Saturday, September 9, 2017

SKK Migas Sure, Gross Split Pulls Investors

Indonesian Petroleum Association asks the rules of gross split taxation to be issued soon

The Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) believes that oil and gas sharing schemes using gross split will attract investors.

The scheme has been revised to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 52 of 2017. Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said it is projecting that many contractor cooperation contracts (KKKS) are using gross split starting this year until 2025.

There are currently 86 production sharing contracts already in the exploitation stage. In detail, 85 profit sharing contracts use cost recovery schemes and one contract using a gross split scheme. This year there will be 10 new contracts that will use the gross split scheme.

"We hope that this year there will be more new contracts using gross split, five to ten new gross split contracts and by 2025 this will be more new gross split contracts," Amien said Friday (8/9).

Until 2025, Amien projected, there will be 33 cost recovery contracts that turn into gross split. The remaining 53 production sharing contract contracts will still use the cost recovery scheme.

Amien appealed, KKKS want to change their contract to be gross split.

"At the IPA Convention & Exhibition some time ago I once said that if something is uneconomic or unexpected, I'm sure the minister will change the policy and it happens," he said.

Thus, the contractor must trust with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the government. On the other hand, the government is in an effort to make cost efficiency. That is why there is a change in cost recovery scheme to be gross split.

"I believe that gross splits can bring efficiency to governments and contractors," he said.

Understandably, the amount of cost recovery that must be paid by the government since 2012 and then peaked. It is also always a debate between the government and politicians in parliament.

"The element of cost recovery is always a question of many parties including politicians in parliament and it is difficult to convince them, so with gross split, we do not need to convince Commission VII," said Amien.

Meanwhile, President Director of Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere said it welcomed the government's efforts to revise the gross split. However, IPA still has two requests, namely the tax mechanism and the implementation of the gross split scheme. IPA also requested that the Government of Indonesia not create a product of uncertainty after doing a good job in the revision of gross split. According to Christina, gross splits and taxes could have an impact on investors' economics.

"We are also asking EMR to focus on the implementation of the gross split process." There is still much work to be done, "explained Christina


SKK Migas Yakin, Gross Split Menarik Investor

Indonesian Petroleum Association minta aturan perpajakan gross split segera terbit

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) yakin, skema bagi hasil minyak dan gas dengan memakai gross split akan menarik para investor.

Skema tersebut telah direvisi menjadi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 52 Tahun 2017. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi menyatakan, pihaknya memproyeksi, banyak kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang menggunakan gross split mulai tahun ini hingga tahun 2025 mendatang. 

Saat ini terdapat 86 kontrak bagi hasil yang sudah dalam tahapan eksploitasi. Rinciannya, sebanyak 85 kontrak bagi hasil menggunakan skema cost recovery dan satu kontrak menggunakan skema gross split. Tahun ini akan ada 10 kontrak baru yang akan menggunakan skema gross split. 

"Kami berharap, tahun ini akan ada lebih banyak kontrak baru menggunakan gross split, lima sampai sepuluh kontrak baru gross split dan hingga tahun 2025 ini akan lebih banyak kontrak baru gross split," kata Amien, Jumat (8/9).

     Hingga tahun 2025, Amien memproyeksi, akan ada 33 kontrak cost recovery yang berubah menjadi gross split. Sisanya sebanyak 53 kontrak production sharing contract akan tetap menggunakan skema cost recovery.

    Amien menghimbau, KKKS mau mengubah kontrak mereka menjadi gross split. 

"Saat IPA Convention & Exhibition beberapa vvaktu lalu saya pernah mengatakan, jika ada yang tidak ekonomis atau tidak sesuai ekspektasi, saya yakin menteri akan mengubah kebijakan dan ini terjadi," ujarnya. 

Jadi, kontraktor harus percaya dengan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan pemerintah. Di sisi lain, pemerintah sedang dalam upaya melakukan efisiensi biaya. Itu sebabnya ada perubahan skema cost recovery menjadi gross split. 

"Saya yakin gross split bisa mendatangkan efisiensi bagi pemerintah dan kontraktor" kata dia.

Maklum, jumlah cost recovery yang harus dibayarkan pemerintah sejak tahun 2012 lalu semakin memuncak. Hal ini pula yang selalu menjadi perdebatan antara pemerintah dan politisi di parlemen.

"Elemen cost recovery selalu menjadi pertanyaan banyak pihak termasuk politisi di parlemen dan sulit meyakinkan mereka. Jadi dengan gross split, kami tidak butuh meyakinkan komisi VII," tegas Amien.

Sementara itu, Presiden Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Christina Verchere mengatakan, pihaknya menyambut positif upaya pemerintah merevisi gross split. Namun IPA masih memiliki dua permintaan, yaitu soal mekanisme pajak dan implementasi skema gross split. 

     IPA juga meminta agar Pemerintah Indonesia tidak menciptakan produk ketidakpastian setelah melakukan pekerjaan yang baik dalam revisi gross split. Menurut Christina, gross split dan pajak bisa berdampak pada keekonomian investor. 

"Kami juga meminta ESDM fokus dalam implementasi proses gross split. Masih banyak yang perlu dikerjakan," jelas Christina

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 9, 2017