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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pertamina Supplying LNG Needs Bangladesh

Indonesia and Bangladesh to cooperate on the sale of natural liquefied natural gas (LNG). Later PT Pertamina will supply LNG for the needs of two units of Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) with a capacity of 1,000 mmscfd through Petrobangla. The LNG will be used for power plants in the country.

ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said that this cooperation is the first time for Pertamina to supply LNG to other countries. Although this cooperation was opened through intergovernmental cooperation, LNG trading still considers the scale of business.

"Business cooperation based on commercial value in accordance with good relations between the two countries," said Jonan after signing a cooperation with Minister of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh in the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Friday (15/9).

Gas Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani said that Pertamina's initiative of cooperation is intended to develop the gas infrastructure business or LNG to South and Southeast Asia market such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Philippines and Myanmar.

"Pertamina has submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) or an integrated proposal of LNG to power to the Minister of Energy Bangladesh August 31, 2017, "he said.

Pertamina, has also initiated to form a consortium with international partners and local Bangladeshi partners.

"The consortium is currently preparing an unsolited electricity solution proposal which is an integrated project from starting LNG supply to supplying electricity to the Government of Bangladesh," Yenni said.

Yenni said the consideration of expanding the business to Bangladesh is to develop new markets outside of Pertamina's traditional markets namely Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Nasrul Hamid Minister of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh declared cooperation with Indonesia through Pertamina is very important, because Bangladesh needs supply of LNG. Because their LNG reserves are running low due to the drop in LNG production. Bangladesh is currently building two FSRU facilities. The purchase of gas from Pertamina is needed to supply the FSRU requirement when completed in 2018.

"We are currently finalizing the construction of two FSRU infrastructure with a capacity of 1,000 mmscfd," he said.

Most of the LNG supply from Pertamina will be used to meet the needs of power plants in Bangladesh.

"We are building a 24,000 MW power plant in 2021 and 40,000 MW by 2031," explained Nasrul Hamid.


Pertamina Memasok Kebutuhan LNG Bangladesh

Indonesia dan Bangladesh bekerjasama jual-beli gas alam cair atau liquefied natural gas (LNG). Nantinya PT Pertamina akan memasok LNG untuk kebutuhan dua unit Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) berkapasitas 1.000 mmscfd melalui Petrobangla. LNG itu akan digunakan untuk pembangkit listrik di negara itu.

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyebut, kerjasama ini merupakan kali pertama bagi Pertamina untuk memasok LNG ke negara lain. Meskipun kerjasama ini dibuka melalui kerjasama antar pemerintahan, jual beli LNG tetap mempertimbangkan tingkat skala bisnis.

"Kerjasama bisnis berdasarkan nilai komersial sesuai dengan hubungan baik antara kedua negara," kata Jonan usai meneken kerjasama dengan Menteri Power, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Jumat (15/9).

Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani bilang, inisiasi kerjasama sebenarnya dilakukan Pertamina yang berkeinginan mengembangkan bisnis infrastruktur gas atau LNG ke pasar Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara antara lain Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Filipina, dan Myanmar. 

"Pertamina telah menyampaikan expression of interest (EOI) atau proposal integrated LNG to power kepada Menteri Energi Bangladesh 31 Agustus 2017," ujarnya.

Pertamina, juga telah berinisiatif membentuk konsorsium dengan mitra internasional dan mitra lokal Bangladesh. 

"Konsorsium saat ini sedang menyiapkan proposal unsolited electricity solution yang merupakan proyek terintegrasi dari mulai pasokan LNG sampai dengan penyediaan listrik ke Pemerintah Bangladesh," kata Yenni.

Yenni bilang, pertimbangan melakukan ekspansi bisnis ke Bangladesh adalah untuk mengembangkan pasar baru di luar pasar tradisional Pertamina yaitu Jepang, Korea Selatan, dan Taiwan.

Nasrul Hamid Menteri Power, Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh menyatakan kerjasama dengan Indonesia melalui Pertamina sangat penting, karena Bangladesh butuh pasokan LNG. Karena cadangan LNG mereka menipis seiring dengan anjloknya produksi LNG. Bangladesh saat ini sedang membangun dua fasilitas FSRU. Pembelian gas dari Pertamina dibutuhkan untuk memasok kebutuhan FSRU tersebut saat rampung pada 2018 mendatang. 

"Saat ini kami sedang finalisasi pembangunan infrastruktur dua FSRU berkapasitas 1.000 mmscfd," ungkapnya.

     Sebagian besar pasokan LNG dari Pertamina akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit listrik di Bangladesh. 

"Kami sedang membangun  pembangkit listrik 24.000 MW pada 2021 dan 40.000 MW di tahun 2031," terang Nasrul Hamid.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 16, 2017

PT Pertamina Ready to Meet Bangladesh's LNG Needs

PT Pertamina will export liquefied natural gas or liquified natural gas to Bangladesh via Petrobangla as a follow up to energy cooperation between the two countries. ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said that despite being a part of the cooperation between the two countries, the export-import activities of liquified natural gas (LNG) are still paying attention to the economy from the business side.

"Of course business cooperation based on commercial value in accordance with good relations between the two countries," he said at the signing ceremony of memorandum of understanding (MOU) cooperation in the field of energy Indonesia-Bangladesh in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Friday (15/9).

On the same occasion, Minister of State Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid stated, cooperation with Indonesia through Pertamina is very important. The reason, Bangladesh is in need of additional LNG from abroad. Later, most of the LNG supply will be used for power plants in Bangladesh.

"We are building a 24,000 MW power plant in 2021 and 40,000 MW by 2031," he said.

He explained that the country will suffer a gas deficit in 2018 of about 1 million tons per year and will increase to about 11 million tons per year by 2030. In fact, it is being intensively in the development of industrial sectors that require enormous electricity supply.

"We see a good opportunity to use LNG into electricity, let alone the price can compete with coal. In addition, gas is better for the environment than coal, "he said.

Meanwhile, Pertamina Gas Director Yenni Andayani said it would not only supply gas from Bangladesh through Petrobangla, but also prepare various supporting infrastructure to convert gas into electricity.

"The inter-ministerial signing offered us LNG to power cooperation," he said. Later, Pertamina will submit the task of developing the infrastructure to the subsidiary of the state-owned company.

"Who will do the undetermined work is still very open," he said.

President Director of Petrobangla Abul Mansur Md Faizullah explained there is no certainty how much LNG needed from Pertamina. However, Petrobangla hopes to get a supply of 1 million tons per year at the beginning stage. The gas requirement in Bangladesh is expected to increase to around 7 million tons per year by 2018.

He expects the supply from Pertamina to start next year, to coincide with the completion of two FSRU facilities in April and October 2018.


PT Pertamina Siap Penuhi Kebutuhan LNG Bangladesh

PT Pertamina akan mengekspor gas alam cair atau liquified natural gas ke Bangladesh lewat Petrobangla sebagai tindak lanjut atas kerja sama di bidang energi antar kedua negara. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan meskipun menjadi bagian kerja sama pemerintah kedua negara kegiatan ekspor-impor liquified natural gas (LNG) tersebut tetap memperhatikan keekonomian dari sisi bisnis.

“Tentu kerja sama bisnis berdasarkan nilai komersial sesuai dengan hubungan baik antara kedua negara," ujarnya dalam acara penandatanganan nota kesepahaman bersama (memorandum of understanding/MOU) kerja sama di bidang energi Indonesia-Bangladesh di Kementerian ESDM, Jumat (15/9).

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Negara Listrik, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid menyatakan, kerja sama dengan Indonesia melalui Pertamina sangat penting. Alasannya, Bangladesh sedang membutuhkan tambahan LNG dari luar negeri. Nantinya, sebagian besar pasokan LNG tersebut akan dipakai untuk pembangkit listrik di Bangladesh. 

“Kami sedang membangun pembangkit listrik dengan kapasitas 24.000 MW pada 2021 dan 40.000 MW di tahun 2031,” tuturnya.

Dia menjelaskan, negaranya akan mengalami defisit gas pada 2018 sekitar 1 juta ton per tahun dan akan meningkat menjadi sekitar 11 juta ton per tahun pada 2030. Padahal, pihaknya sedang gencar dalam pengembangan sektor industri yang membutuhkan pasokan listrik sangat besar.

“Kami melihat peluang bagus menggunakan LNG menjadi listrik, apalagi harganya bisa bersaing dengan batu bara. Selain itu, gas lebih bagus dampaknya bagi lingkungan daripada batu bara,” tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani menyatakan pihaknya tidak hanya akan memasok kebutuhan gas dari Bangladesh melalui Petrobangla, tetapi juga menyiapkan berbagai infrastruktur pendukung untuk mengubah gas menjadi tenaga listrik.

“Penandatanganan antar menteri tadi menawarkan kami kerja sama LNG to power,” ujarnya. Nantinya, Pertamina akan menyerahkan tugas pengembangan infrastruktur tersebut kepada anak usaha perusahaan BUMN itu. 

“Siapa yang akan mengerjakan belum ditentukan masih sangat terbuka,” tuturnya.

Direktur Utama Petrobangla Abul Mansur Md Faizullah menjelaskan belum ada kepastian berapa LNG yang dibutuhkan dari Pertamina. Namun, Petrobangla berharap bisa mendapatkan pasokan sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun pada tahap permulaan. Kebutuhan gas di Bangladesh diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi sekitar 7 juta ton per tahun pada 2018.

     Dia mengharapkan pasokan dari Pertamina bisa mulai diperoleh tahun depan, bertepatan dengan selesainya dua fasilitas FSRU pada April dan Oktober 2018.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 16, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Downstream Sector of Oil and Gas Is Still Tantalizing

The downstream sector of oil and gas in Indonesia is still attractive to investors despite its low investment realization with an average of US $ 1.73 billion per year. Meanwhile, the total realization of oil and gas investment reached US $ 18.18 billion per year. Based on data from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, oil and gas investment in 2015 of US $ 17.95 billion consists of US $ 15.34 billion (upstream) and US $ 2.64 billion (downstream). Investments in 2016 fell to US $ 12.73 billion consisting of US $ 11.58 billion (upstream) and US $ 1.15 billion (downstream).

Then the realization of oil and gas investment in the first half of 2017 / US $ 3.43 billion consists of US $ 2.65 billion (upstream) and US $ 774.45 million (downstream). In fact, the government says Indonesia needs investment of up to US $ 30 billion to 2025 just to build gas infrastructure in midtsream and downstream This investment is needed to build gas pipeline along 27,273 kilometers, refineries and regasification facilities of liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed natural gas (CNG) compression and regasification facilities, and SPBG.

Group Chief Economist BP Spencer Dale said that although the downstream investment realization in Indonesia has yet to show any significant contribution, this sector is still attractive to investors. The reason, the current trend of energy business globally changes. From the BP Statistical Review 2017, he calls the distribution of profits shifting from upstream to middle and downstream businesses.

According to him, the trend occurs because technology encourages increased supply of oil and natural gas. Thus, companies that have business lines in the field of production are beginning to look for ways to market and
opening access to buyers. Along with these trends, business actors who usually play in the upstream sector are now beginning to make the downstream sector as an investment field.

There will be many investment opportunities created in the midstream and downstream. This will happen in 10-15 years, "he said after presenting BP Statistical Review 2017 in Jakarta, Thursday (14/9).

Indonesia is supported by stable economic growth, high population and high growth of energy consumption. From BP Statistical Review 2017 data, Indonesia's fuel consumption volume in 2016 amounted to 1.61 million barrels per day (bpd) or grew 1.4% from 1.59 million bpd last year. For gas, natural gas consumption in Indonesia in 2016 fell 7% with volume 37.7 billion cubic meters and previous year 40.4 billion cubic meters.

As a oil and gas company, BP has also started to explore the midstream and downstream businesses in Indonesia. One of them, BP is expanding the LNG plant complex by adding Train-3. Not only that, BP also expanded its business to retail.


BP Statistical Review 2017 data recorded growth in energy consumption in Indonesia of 5.9% throughout 2016 or lower and economic growth in the second half / 2016 of 5.18% according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. The amount of energy consumption to drive the economy, according to him, is quite large.

This indicates the application of energy efficiency is still lacking. According to him, conditions will be better if the government can reverse the situation when greater economic growth and growth in energy consumption. Thus, the economy can grow with more efficient energy consumption.

"The economy can grow using lower energy consumption growth, it's good because it means you can be more economically efficient."

From the data indicate the downstream governance policy factors, one of which for natural gas affects the decline of investment. For example, at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. which carried out infrastructure development in the period 2001-2008 with a compounded 8% compounded growth rate in 2009-2015 to 3%.


Sektor Hilir Migas Masih Menggiurkan

Sektor hilir minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia masih menarik bagi investor kendati realisasi investasinya masih rendah dengan rata-rata US$ 1,73 miliar per tahun. Sementara itu, rerata total realisasi investasi migas mencapai US$ 18,18 miliar per tahun. Berdasarkan data Kementenan ESDM, investasi migas pada 2015 sebesar US$ 17,95 miliar terdiri atas US$ 15,34 miliar (hulu) dan US$ 2,64 miliar (hilir). Investasi pada 2016 turun menjadi US$ 12,73 miliar terdiri atas US$ 11,58 miliar (hulu) dan US$ 1,15 miliar (hilir).

Kemudian realisasi investasi migas pada semester I/2017 US$ 3,43 miliar terdiri atas US$ 2,65 miliar (hulu) dan US$ 774,45 juta (hilir). Padahal, pemerintah menyebut Indonesia membutuhkan investasi hingga US$ 30 miliar sampai 2025 hanya untuk membangun infrastruktur gas di midtsream dan hilir Investasi ini dibutuhkan untuk membangun pipa gas sepanjang 27.273 kilometer, kilang dan fasilitas regasifikasi gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG), fasilitas kompresi dan regasifikasi gas terkompresi (compressed natural gas/CNG), serta SPBG.

Group Chief Economist BP Spencer Dale mengatakan, kendati saat ini realisasi investasi sektor hilir di Indonesia belum menunjukkan kontribusi signifikan, sektor ini masih menarik bagi para penanam modal. Alasannya, saat ini tren bisnis energi secara global mengalami perubahan. Dari BP Statistical Review 2017, dia menyebut distribusi keuntungan bergeser dari bisnis hulu ke tingkat menengah dan hilir.

Menurutnya, kecenderungan tersebut terjadi karena teknologi mendorong meningkatnya pasokan minyak dan gas bumi. Dengan demikian, perusahaan yang memiliki lini bisnis di bidang produksi mulai mencari cara untuk memasarkan dan membuka akses kepada pembeli. Bersamaan dengan tren tersebut, pelaku usaha yang biasanya bermain di sektor hulu kini mulai menjadikan sektor hilir sebagai ladang investasi.

Akan ada banyak kesempatan investasi tercipta di midstream dan downstream. Ini akan terjadi dalam 10-15 tahun,” ujarnya usai memaparkan BP Statistical Review 2017 di Jakarta, Kamis (14/9).

Indonesia didukung dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup stabil, tingginya jumlah penduduk dan tingginya pertumbuhan konsumsi energi. Dari data BP Statistical Review 2017, volume konsumsi BBM Indonesia pada 2016 sebesar 1,61 juta barel per hari (bph) atau tumbuh 1,4% dari tahun sebelumnya 1,59 juta bph. Untuk gas, konsumsi gas alam di Indonesia pada 2016 turun 7% dengan volume 37,7 miliar kubik meter dan tahun sebelumnya 40,4 miliar kubik meter.

Sebagai perusahaan migas, BP juga sudah mulai merambah bisnis midstream dan hilir di Indonesia. Salah satunya, BP mempeluas kompleks kilang LNG dengan menambah Train-3. Tak hanya itu, BP juga memperluas bisnisnya ke ritel.


Data BP Statistical Review 2017 mencatat pertumbuhan konsumsi energi di Indonesia sebesar 5,9% sepanjang 2016 atau lebih rendah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada semester II/2016 sebesar 5,18% menurut Badan Pusat Statistik. Besarnya konsumsi energi untuk menggerakkan perekonomian, menurutnya, tergolong besar.

Hal ini menunjukkan penerapan efisiensi energi masih kurang. Menurutnya, kondisi akan lebih baik bila pemerintah bisa membalik keadaan ketika pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih besar dan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi. Dengan demikian, perekonomian bisa tumbuh dengan konsumsi energi yang lebih efisien.

“Perekonomian bisa tumbuh menggunakan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah, hal itu baik karena itu berarti Anda bisa menjadi lebih efisien secara ekonomi."

Dari data menunjukkan faktor kebijakan tata kelola sektor hilir, salah satunya untuk gas alam memengaruhi turunnya investasi. Sebagai contoh, pada PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. yang melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur pada periode 2001-2008 dengan laju pertumbuhan majemuk 8% tereduksi pada 2009-2015 menjadi 3%.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Friday, Sept 15, 2017

There are Seven Expired Contract Blocks Use Gross Split

PT Pertamina has calculated that oil and gas blocks terminated in 2018 are economically viable using a gross split scheme. Of the eight termination blocks, only one block is considered less economical, the East Kalimantan Block.

It is hoped that with the revised gross split rule, the economic level of the block termination can be even better. President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono, Hadi said that with the new gross split scheme, there will be additional revenue sharing between 6% to 7%.

In the simulation conducted by Pertamina, oil and gas shares obtained by contractors and net present value become better than before. Even Gunung Sarjono states, Pertamina calculation also has included elements of return on investment to be paid to the previous contractor. Unfortunately, Gunung Sardjono has not been able to mention the exact number of returns on investments in the termination blocks.

"Still waiting from SKK Migas about the final figures," said Gunung on Thursday (14/9).

In addition to return on investment; Mount also states, the calculation of the economic field has also included the cost of asset lease. The rental of this asset is paid by Pertamina to the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance.

 "Asset Lease has been issued by them to us, the calculation to be between 3% 5% multiplied fair value is discounted 70%" explained Gunung Sardjono.


Ada Tujuh Blok Terminasi Layak Pakai Gross Split

PT Pertamina telah berhitung, blok-blok migas yang terminasi pada tahun 2018 sudah cukup ekonomis dengan menggunakan skema gross split. Dari delapan blok terminasi, hanya satu blok yang dianggap kurang ekonomis, yaitu Blok East Kalimantan. 

Diharapkan, dengan revisi aturan gross split, tingkat keekonomian blok terminasi bisa lebih baik lagi. Direktur Utama Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi megatakan dengan skema gross split yang baru akan ada tambahan bagi hasil antara 6% sampai 7%.

Dalam simulasi yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina, bagian migas yang didapatkan oleh kontraktor dan net present value menjadi lebih bagus dibandingkan sebelumnya. Bahkan Gunung menyatakan, perhitungan Pertamina juga sudah memasukan unsur pengembalian investasi yang akan dibayarkan kepada kontraktor sebelumnya. Sayangnya, Gunung Sardjono belum bisa menyebut angka pasti jumlah pengembalian investasi di blok-blok terminasi tersebut.

"Masih menunggu dari SKK Migas soal angka finalnya," kata Gunung pada Kamis (14/9).

Selain pengembalian investasi; Gunung Sarjono juga menyatakan, perhitungan keekonomian lapangan sudah memasukan juga biaya sewa aset. Sewa aset ini dibayarkan Pertamina ke Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara (DJKN) Kementerian Keuangan.

 "Sewa Aset itu sudah dikeluarkan oleh mereka kepada kami, hitungannya menjadi antara 3%5% dikalikan fair value yang didiskon 70%" jelas Gunung Sardjono.

Kontan, Page-18, Friday, Sept 15, 2017

Electric Car Has Not Become Oil Threat

The awareness of exploiting non-fossil energy is growing. Automotive manufacturers increasingly aggressively develop electric cars. Nevertheless, the use of fuel oil (BBM) will continue to grow, although electric cars will be present. Even the use of fuel still accounts grow up to 20 years ahead in developing countries like Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the government is drafting a Presidential Regulation on electric cars: the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is also aggressively socializing the presence of electric cars. While from the side of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) provides support by moving quickly to build a charging infrastructure or charging station.

BP Group Chief Economist Spencer Dale said that currently world oil consumption reached 95 million barrels, only 20% or about 20 million used for cars.

"If tomorrow the whole world is full of electric cars, oil consumption is likely to remain," Dale said at the ESDM Ministry on Thursday (14/9).

Dale says, now in the world there are 1 billion cars and only 2 million which is an electric car. And the number of electric cars is likely to increase to 2 billion in the next 20 years. The growth in the number of electric cars comes from developing countries, due to increased welfare and government support.

"There is currently considerable subsidies for electric cars in many countries," Dale said.

The rise of electric cars is also due to social behavior. That is, people still buy electric cars though more expensive, because they care about the environment. There are also those who like new technology or so people think they are good people.

"Others, buying a car is an important investment after the house," he added.

With these various factors, there will be about 10 million electric cars by 2035. This growth is quite high. Even so, Dale believes, oil consumption is only about 1.5 barrels per day or only 1%.

"The impact on oil demand is not great," said Dale.

Especially in Indonesia, last year there has been an increase in energy consumption in Indonesia by 5.9%. And growth in energy consumption in Indonesia continues to increase, especially seeing the statistics of Indonesia's economic growth is predicted to remain at the rate of 5% in 5 years to 10 years.

However, energy consumption in member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) such as Australia, Germany, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States tend to fall.

"Oil demand from OECD countries declined in the last 10 years and will continue to decline in the future," said Dale.

    Fahmi Radhi Energy Observer of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) said that the government must develop renewable energy, including electric cars.


Mobil Listrik Belum Menjadi Ancaman Minyak

Kesadaran memanfaatkan energi non-fosil kian membesar. Pabrikan otomotif semakin gencar mengembangkan mobil listrik. Kendati begitu, penggunaan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) akan terus tumbuh, meskipun mobil listrik akan hadir. Bahkan penggunaan BBM masih akun tumbuh hingga 20 tahun ke depan di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia.

Di Indonesia, pemerintah sedang menyusun Peraturan Presiden tentang mobil listrik: Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) juga gencar melakukan sosialisasi kehadiran mobil listrik. Sementara dari sisi PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) memberikan dukungan dengan bergerak cepat membangun infrastruktur pengisian listrik atau charging station.

Kepala Ekonom BP Group Spencer Dale menyebutkan, saat ini konsumsi minyak masyarakat di dunia mencapai 95 juta barel, hanya 20% atau sekitar 20 juta yang digunakan untuk mobil. 

"Jika besok seluruh dunia penuh dengan mobil listrik, konsumsi minyak kemungkinan akan tetap," kata Dale di Kementerian ESDM, Kamis (14/9).

Dale menyebutkan, kini di dunia ada 1 miliar mobil dan hanya 2 juta yang merupakan mobil listrik. Dan jumlah mobil listrik kemungkinan meningkat hingga 2 miliar di 20 tahun ke depan. Pertumbuhan jumlah mobil listrik ini berasal dari negara berkembang, karena terjadi peningkatan kesejahteraan dan dukungan pemerintah.

"Saat ini ada subsidi yang cukup besar untuk mobil listrik di banyak negara" ujar Dale.

Maraknya mobil listrik juga karena adanya perilaku sosial. Yakni masyarakat tetap membeli mobil listrik meskipun lebih mahal, karena mereka peduli terhadap lingkungan. Ada juga mereka menyukai teknologi baru atau supaya orang berpikir mereka adalah orang yang baik. 

"Yang lain, membeli mobil adalah investasi penting setelah rumah," imbuhnya.

Dengan berbagai faktor tersebut, akan ada sekitar 10 juta mobil listrik pada tahun 2035. Ini pertumbuhan cukup tinggi. Biarpun begitu Dale yakin, konsumsi minyak hanya berkurang sekitar 1,5 barel per hari atau hanya 1%. 

"Dampak terhadap permintaan minyak tidak besar," tegas Dale.

Khusus di Indonesia, tahun lalu telah terjadi peningkatan konsumsi energi di Indonesia sebesar 5,9%. Dan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi di Indonesia terus meningkat terutama melihat statistik pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang diprediksi tetap berada di angka 5% dalam 5 tahun hingga 10 tahun mendatang.

Namun pemakaian energi di negara anggota Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) seperti Australia, Jerman, Prancis, Korea Selatan, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat cenderung turun. 

"Permintaan minyak dari negara OECD menurun dalam 10 tahun terakhir dan akan terus menurun ke depan," jelas Dale. 

     Fahmi Radhi Pengamat Energi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) bilang, pemerintah harus mengembangkan energi terbarukan, termasuk mobil listrik.

Kontan, Page-18, Friday, Sept 15, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Oil Market moving back into balance : IEA

There are signs the global oil market is returning to balance and stocks of oil products in industrialised nations could soon fall below their five-year average, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Wednesday

The IEA also said production by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cartel and its allies fell in August and compliance with their pact to cut supply to the markets increased.

OPEC and a number of other producers including Russia agreed last year on production cuts to ease a global supply glut, but prices have not risen much above US$ 50 per barrel as compliance has been a problem. But with oil demand perking up as Well as hurricanes and regular summer maintenance knocking out some production, the IEA said it has seen some of that glut disappear.

Within industrialised countries that are members of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) oil “product stocks are now only 35 mb above the live-year average," the IEA said in its monthly report. 

Industry and government oil products stocks stood at 1,796.3 million barrels in July in the 34 countries that make up the OECD . 

"Depending on the pace of recovery for the US refining industry post-(Hurricane) Harvey, very soon OECD product stocks could fall to, or even below, the five-year level,” added the IEA.

“Based on recent bets made by investors, expectations are that markets are tightening and that prices will rise, albeit very modestly.”

Looking at recent developments in the oil futures markets, the IEA called them “a sign that oil markets have started to rebalance.” 

On Tuesday OPEC, in its monthly report, also pointed to a decline in its production in August as a sign that supply and demand could be moving further toward balance. “

“It is clear that the rebalancing process is under way, supported by the high conformity levels of OPEC member countries and participating non-OPEC countries to the production adjustments” in the cooperation agreement, OPEC secretary general Sanusi Barkindo said in an speech in Oxford on Monday.

The IEA said OPEC crude production tell in August for the first time In five months, thanks to both cuts in production as well as a flare-up in turmoil in Libya disrupting output. Compliance with agreed production cuts among the 12 members bound by the pact rose to 82 percent from 75 percent in July.

The 10 non-OPEC producers that are part of the supply cut pact also cut production by 270,000 barrels per day in August from July, and their output is now 640,000 barrels per day their pledged level.

The IEA the impact of Hurricane Harvey, which  truck the United States Gulf Coast at the end of August where significant US refinery and export , Operations are concentrated on oil markets should he brief.

As far as Harvey is concerned, disruption to local oil markets in the US Gulf Coast is easing on a daily basis and its impact on global markets is likely to be relatively short-lived,” said the agency which advises the OECD on energy markets.

The IEA also raised its forecast for growth in global oil demand after thirst for crude “grew very strongly year-on-year” in the second quarter of this year.

lt now sees global oil demand increasing by 1.6 million barrels per day, to 97.7 mbd on average in 2017, thanks to brisk consumption in Europe and the US.

Oil prices rose after the report was published, with Brent crude adding 10 cents to $ 54.37 per barrel uround 08:20 GMT.

Jakarta Post, Page-21, Thursday, Sept 14, 2017

Cost Recovery Pressed

The government targets the cost recovery of upstream oil and gas business activities in 2018 to be reduced to US $ 1.39 billion with various efficiency and optimization efforts. The assumption of cost recovery in 2018 without any efficiency efforts is targeted at US $ 13.28 billion.

Secretary of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Activities (SKK Migas) Arief Handoko said that the target cost recovery in 2018 is an assumption of efficiency from the initial calculation of US $ 13.29 billion.

According to him, the adjustment of cost recovery figures in accordance with the proposal of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

In the proposal, an assumption was made based on 2017 performance and upstream oil and gas projects that will operate for the next 5 years. Initial assumption, cost recovery in 2019 reached US $ 1 2.49 billion, in 2020 of US $ 12.09 billion, in 2021 of US $ 12.44 billion and became US $ 12.18 billion in 2022. However, the government targeted the realization cost recovery is lower than that assumption through efficiency and optimization efforts.

The government targets cost recovery in 2019 (US $ 10.82 billion), 2020 (US $ 10.28 billion), 2021 (US $ 9.76 billion), and in 2022 (US $ 9.28 billion).

Based on data from SKK Migas, cost recovery until August 2017 was realized US $ 7.22 billion. Meanwhile, the government's share of US $ 8.14 billion and contractor's share of US $ 2.87 billion. The government targets oil and gas revenues in 2018 of US $ 10.95 billion when cost recovery is assumed to be US $ 11.39 billion and contractor portion of US $ 3.9 billion resulting in gross revenue of US $ 26.25 billion with Indonesian crude oil price price / ICP] US $ 48 per barrel.

This figure is in accordance with Letter of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to the Minister of Finance in February 2017, namely the number of cost recovery optimization, "he said.


In the proposal on 14 February 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources made the assumption of oil and gas lifting made two versions, namely moderate and optimistic. Moderate assumptions in 2018, oil lifting of 771,000 barrels per day (bpd) and gas 1.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (barrel oil equivalent per day / boepd). Oil assumption in 2019 fell to 722,000 bpd and gas rose to 1.21 million boepd.

By 2020, the moderate oil lifting assumption touches 695,000 bpd and gas 1.19 million boepd. Oil lifting assumptions continue to fall in 2021 and 2022 with 651,000 bpd and 589,000 bpd respectively.

Unlike oil, in 2021 and 2022 the assumption of lifting gas actually rose to 1.23 million boepd and 1.25 million boepd. Meanwhile, the optimistic assumption in 2018, target lifting 815,000 bph. Then, the figure rose to 850,000 bpd in 2019 and again fell in 2020, 2021, and 2022 respectively 840,000 bp, 802,000 bpd, and 800,000 bpd.

In addition to performance factors in 2017, next year's cost recovery target calculates the additional cost of depreciation expense from the new project. Two projects that contribute to cost recovery next year include the Jangkrik Iapangan, which operates in mid-2017 and Block A, Aceh, operating in early 2018.

"The magnitude of cost recovery in 2018 takes into account the performance of 2017, coupled with the burden of depreciation costs incremented with onstreamnya [operations] of Jangkrik Field and Block A in Aceh," he said.

Earlier, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said the addition of cost recovery realization this year will happen at the end of the year so that it must keep its achievement not exceed the target of US $ 10.49 billion. With the largest composition, ie 48% comes from operating costs. It also seeks to make operating costs more efficient.

Nevertheless, he mentioned that there is a potential for additional cost recovery by the end of the year as capital expenditures usually grow by the end of the year.

By the end of this year, the biggest increase comes from the Mahakam Block (Total E & P Indonesie) in East Kalimantan which ends this year's contract of around US $ 900 million and Muara Bakau Block (Eni Muara Bakau BV) in East Kalimantan waters because the field is already in production.

"At the end of the year it will be approximately from Mahakam block because all Mahakam expenditure [expenditure] issued by Total will be charged at the end of the year according to PSC contract termination. The number is also large from Cricket Field because it has started onstream, then the field Cricket began to be entitled to charge depreciation this year, "said Amien.


Cost Recovery Ditekan

Pemerintah menargetkan pengembalian biaya operasi (cost recovery) kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi pada 2018 dapat ditekan menjadi US$1 1,39 miliar dengan berbagai upaya efisiensi dan optimalisasi. Asumsi cost recovery pada 2018 tanpa ada upaya efisiensi ditargetkan sebesar US$13,28 miliar.

Sekretaris Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Arief Handoko mengatakan bahwa target cost recovery pada 2018 tersebut merupakan asumsi efisiensi dari perhitungan awal sebesar US$13,29 miliar.

Menurutnya, penyesuaian angka cost recovery sesuai dengan usulan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan kepada Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

Dalam usulan itu telah ditetapkan asumsi yang dibuat berdasarkan kinerja 2017 dan proyek hulu migas yang akan beroperasi hingga 5 tahun ke depan. Asumsi awal, cost recovery pada 2019 mencapai US$1 2,49 miliar, pada 2020 sebesar US$ 12,09 miliar, pada 2021 sebesar US$ 12,44 miliar dan menjadi US$ 12,18 miliar pada 2022. Namun, pemerintah menargetkan realisasi cost recovery lebih rendah dari asumsi tersebut melalui berbagai upaya efisiensi dan optimalisasi.

Pemerintah menargetkan cost recovery pada 2019 (US$ 10,82 miliar), 2020 (US$ 10,28 miliar), 2021 (US$ 9,76 miliar), dan pada 2022 (US$ 9,28 miliar).

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, cost recovery hingga Agustus 2017 terealisasi US$ 7,22 miliar. Sementara itu, bagi hasil pemerintah sebesar US$ 8,14 miliar dan bagi hasil kontraktor sebesar US$ 2,87 miliar. Pemerintah menargetkan pendapatan migas pada 2018 sebesar US$ 10,95 miliar ketika cost recovery diasumsikan US$ 11 ,39 miliar dan bagian kontraktor US$ 3,9 miliar sehingga pendapatan kotor sebesar US$ 26,25 miliar dengan harga minyak mentah Indonesia [Indonesian crude price/ICP] US$48 per barel.

Angka ini sesuai dengan Surat Menteri ESDM ke Menteri Keuangan pada Februari 2017, yakni angka optimalisasi cost recovery,” ujarnya. 


Dalam usulan pada 14 Februari 2017 itu, Kementerian ESDM membuat asumsi lifting migas dibuat dua versi, yakni moderat dan optimistis. Asumsi moderat pada 2018, lifting minyak sebesar 771.000 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1,19 juta barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd). Asumsi minyak pada 2019 turun menjadi 722.000 bph dan gas justru naik menjadi 1,21 juta boepd.

Pada 2020, asumsi moderat lifting minyak menyentuh 695.000 bph dan gas 1,19 juta boepd. Asumsi lifting minyak terus turun pada 2021 dan 2022 dengan angka 651.000 bph dan 589.000 bph secara berturut-turut.

Berbeda dengan minyak, pada 2021 dan 2022 asumsi lifting gas justru naik menjadi 1,23 juta boepd dan 1,25 juta boepd. Sementara itu, asumsi optimistis pada 2018, target lifting 815.000 bph. Kemudian, angkanya naik menjadi 850.000 bph pada 2019 dan kembali turun pada 2020, 2021, dan 2022 berturut-turut 840.000 bph, 802.000 bph, dan 800.000 bph.

Selain faktor kinerja pada 2017, target cost recovery tahun depan menghitung penambahan beban biaya depresiasi dari proyek baru. Dua proyek yang berkontribusi menambah cost recovery pada tahun depan, yakni Iapangan Jangkrik yang beroperasi pada medio 2017 dan Blok A, Aceh yang beroperasi awal 2018.

“Besaran cost recovery pada 2018 memperhitungkan performance 2017, ditambah adanya beban biaya depresiasi yang bertambah dengan onstreamnya [beroperasinya] Lapangan Jangkrik dan Blok A di Aceh,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan penambahan realisasi cost recovery pada tahun ini akan terjadi pada akhir tahun sehingga pihaknya harus menjaga agar pencapaiannya tidak melampaui target US$ 10,49 miliar. Dengan komposisi terbesar, yakni 48% berasal dari biaya operasi. Pihaknya pun berupaya agar biaya operasi bisa lebih efisien.

Kendati demikian, dia menyebut terdapat potensi penambahan cost recovery pada akhir tahun karena biasanya belanja modal benambah menjelang penghujung tahun.

Pada akhir tahun ini, penambahan terbesar berasal dari Blok Mahakam (Total E&P Indonesie) di Kalimantan Timur yang berakhir kontraknya tahun ini sekitar US$ 900 juta dan Blok Muara Bakau (Eni Muara Bakau BV) di perairan Kalimantan Timur karena lapangannya sudah berproduksi.

Mahakam Block-East Kalimantan

“Pada akhir tahun nanti kira-kira dari Blok Mahakam karena memang semua expenditure [belanja] Mahakam yang dikeluarkan Total akan dibebankan pada akhir tahun sesuai berakhirnya kontrak PSC. Yang jumlahnya cukup besar juga dari Lapangan Jangkrik karena sudah mulai onstream, maka lapangan Jangkrik mulai berhak untuk membebankan depresiasi tahun ini,” kata Amien. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Thursday, Sept 14, 2017

Domestic Gas Consumption Continues to Rise

Utilization of natural gas to meet domestic demand continues to increase since 2013. Rising demand for domestic gas and the decline in the commitment of export gas distribution to cause the increase in gas utilization in Indonesia. Since 2013-2015, domestic gas utilization growth is 9%.

From the data of SKK Migas as of June 2017, the trend of gas exports is now lower compared to 2010 and 2011. In 2010, the export proportion is still 4.336 billion British. thermal unit per day (BBtud) and domestic 3,379 BBtud. In 2011, although the total volume of distribution is smaller, the export share is still dominant, which is 4,078 BBtud and domestic 3,276 BBtud. In 2012, the export and domestic exports are narrowed by 81 Bbtud with export details of 3,631 BBtud and domestic 3,550 BBtud.

The share of gas utilization for domestic needs is greater than that of export starting in 2013, namely domestic 3,703 BBtud and export 3,402 BBtud.

Head of Program and Communications Division SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher said that the increasing trend of domestic gas utilization is influenced by the development of gas infrastructure and new gas field.

"Some things that increase domestic usage include the building of new gas infrastructure facilities such as regasification terminal Nusantara Regas, onstream of several new gas fields," he said.

From the consumer side, pipe gas users are dominated by industrial sector and electricity.

"The largest domestic gas pipeline users are industrial consumers, followed by electricity, especially PLN and its subsidiaries."

Meanwhile, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi considered that information technology has changed the pattern of working relationships and changes in business paradigm significant. Slowly start more and more companies that stood and established with based on information technology as a platform in business development.

He explained that the challenges in the application of technology are not only relevant for profit-oriented organizations. However, it also applies to SKK Migas and or upstream oil and gas industry in general.

"The technology is also used to improve the efficiency of time and cost, which in turn will affect how much revenue for the country," he said when opening the Indonesia HR Summit 2017 in Yogyakarta earlier this week.

He added, efficiency and effectiveness in the digital era is a process that continues to be studied and conducted studies.

"By maximizing the role of information technology is expected to optimize performance both in SKK Migas and in terms of supervision and control activities to contractors cooperation contracts."

The independent statistics agency in the United States, Statista, reveals the most publicly valuable shift of the company in the period 2006 and 2016. In 2006 of six world-class companies there were three major oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil at number 1, and BP and Royal Dutch Shell at ranks 5 and 6. Meanwhile, General Electric, Microsoft, and Citigroup are ranked 2 to 4.


Konsumsi Gas Domestik Terus Naik

Pemanfaatan gas bumi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri terus naik sejak 2013. Naiknya permintaan gas dalam negeri dan menurunnya komitmen penyaluran gas ekspor menjadi penyebab naiknya pemanfaatan gas di Indonesia. Sejak 2013-2015, pertumbuhan pemanfaatan gas domestik sebesar 9%.

Dari data SKK Migas per Juni 2017, tren ekspor gas kini lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan 2010 dan 2011. Pada 2010, proporsi ekspor masih 4.336 billion British. thermal unit per day (BBtud) dan domestik sebesar 3.379 BBtud. Pada 2011, kendati volume total penyalurannya lebih kecil, bagian ekspor masih dominan , yaitu 4.078 BBtud dan domestik 3.276 BBtud. Pada 2012, selisih porsi ekspor dan domestik semakin tipis, yakni hanya sebesar 81 Bbtud dengan rincian ekspor sebesar 3.631 BBtud dan domestik 3.550 BBtud.

Porsi pemanfaatan gas untuk kebutuhan domestik lebih besar dibandingkan ekspor mulai terjadi pada 2013, yaitu domestik 3.703 BBtud dan ekspor 3.402 BBtud.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan bahwa tren peningkatan pemanfaatan gas domestik dipengaruhi oleh terbangunnya infrastruktur gas dan lapangan gas baru. 

“Beberapa hal yang meningkatkan pemakaian domestik antara lain terbangunnya fasilitas infrastruktur gas baru seperti terminal regasifikasi Nusantara Regas, onstream-nya beberapa lapangan gas baru,” ujarnya.

Dari sisi konsumen, pemakai gas pipa didominasi sektor industri dan ketenagalistrikan.

“Pemakai gas pipa domestik terbesar adalah konsumen industri yang kemudian diikuti oleh kelistrikan terutama PLN dan anak perusahaannya.”

Sementara itu, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi menilai bahwa teknologi informasi telah mengubah pola hubungan kerja dan perubahan paradigma bisnis yang signifikan. Secara perlahan mulai hanyak perusahaan yang berdiri dan didirikan dengan berbasiskan teknologi informasi sebagai platform dalam pengembangan bisnis.

Dia menjelaskan bahwa tantangan dalam penerapan teknologi tidak hanya relevan bagi organisasi yang berorientasi profit. Namun, juga berlaku bagi SKK Migas dan atau industri hulu migas pada umumnya.

“Teknologi juga digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi waktu dan biaya, yang pada akhirnya akan memengaruhi seberapa besar penerimaan bagi negara,” katanya saat membuka Indonesia HR Summit 2017 di Yogyakarta awal pekan ini.

Dia menambahkan, efisiensi dan efektivitas di era digital merupakan suatu proses yang terus dipelajari dan dilakukan kajian. 

“Dengan memaksimalkan peran teknologi informasi diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja baik di SKK Migas maupun dalam hal kegiatan pengawasan dan pengendalian kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama.”

Lembaga survei independen di Amerika Serikat, Statista, mengungkap adanya pergeseran perusahaan yang paling bernilai secara publik dalam periode 2006 dan 2016. Pada 2006 dari enam perusahaan kelas dunia terdapat tiga perusahaan migas besar, yakni ExxonMobil pada peringkat 1, serta BP dan Royal Dutch Shell di peringkat 5 dan 6. Sementara itu, General Electric, Microsoft, dan Citigroup berada di peringkat 2 hingga 4.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Thursday, Sept 14, 2017

Oil and Gas BPH Charges Industrial Engineering Commitment

Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency. (BPH Migas) noted that there are still two pipagas projects that have not been built yet. Both projects are the Cirebon -Semarang pipeline project assigned to PT Rekayasa Industri and the Kalija II gas pipeline project assigned to PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk.

Specifically for the Cirebon - Semarang gas pipeline project, Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa said it would meet with Industrial Engineering to discuss the completion of the project

"Industrial Engineering sent a letter to BPH Migas on September 18, 2017 and requested time for presentation of the progress of the Cirebon-Semarang pipeline builder," he said.

Previously, BPH Migas had summoned the Engineering Industry on July 6, 2017 to present the development of the 255 kilometer-long Cirebon-Semarang transmission pipeline with an investment of US $ 400 million.

As a result, Industrial Engineering has not yet realized the construction of Cirebon - Semarang transmission pipeline, due to gas supply constraints and buyers. The project stopped for almost 11 years.

Head of Marketing and Product Development Division of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Adi Munandir revealed that Indonesia has not yet masterplan gas infrastructure development. Though the master plan is needed to implement the planning, ranging from gas production, gas development, to the industry to be built.


BPH migas Menagih Komitmen Rekayasa Industri

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas. (BPH Migas) mencatat, masih ada dua proyek pipagas yang hingga saat ini belum juga dibangun. Kedua proyek tersebut adalah proyek pipa Cirebon -Semarang yang ditugaskan kepada PT Rekayasa Industri dan proyek pipa gas Kalija II yang ditugaskan kepada PT Bakrie Brothers Tbk. 

Khusus proyek pipa gas ruas Cirebon - Semarang, Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa mengatakan, pihaknya akan bertemu dengan Rekayasa Industri untuk membahas penyelesaian proyek   

"Rekayasa Industri mengirim Surat ke BPH Migas tanggal 18 September 2017 dan meminta waktu untuk presentasi progres pembangun pipa Cirebon-Semarang," katanya.

Sebelumnya, BPH Migas telah memanggil Rekayasa Industri pada 6 Juli 2017 lalu untuk mempresentasikan perkembangan pembangunan ruas pipa transmisi Cirebon-Semarang sepanjang 255 kilometer dengan nilai investasi US$ 400 juta.

Hasilnya, Rekayasa Industri sampai saat ini belum juga merealisasikan pembangunan pipa mas transmisi Cirebon - Semarang, karena kendala pasokan gas dan pembeli. Proyek ini berhenti selama hampir 11 tahun.

Head of Marketing and Product Development Division PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Adi Munandir mengungkapkan, Indonesia hingga saat ini belum juga memiliki masterplan pembangunan infrastruktur gas. Padahal masterplan diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan perencanaan, mulai dari produksi gas, pengembangan gas, hingga industri yang akan dibangun.

Kontan, Page-18, Thursday, Sept 14, 2017