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Saturday, September 16, 2017

This industry must be competitive and efficient

In the waning climate of upstream oil and gas investment, the gross split regulation is one of several policies of the Ministry of Energy and the polemic reaping mineral resources. because, the rule of contract for the upstream oil and gas investment with the scheme of production gross distribution is no longer apply the operating cost recovery mechanism.

Unlike the cost recovery regime, the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 08 of 2017 imposes all exploration risk to contractors of oil and gas cooperation contracts.

Not until eight months, the Ministry of Energy issued its revised regulation through Rule Number 52 of 2017. "The president is directing not to give too little, so we revised for a fair split," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan while receiving Tempo reporter Arif Zulkifli , Ayu Primasandi, Khairul Anam, Raymundus Rikang, and photographer Dhemas Reviyanto, last Thursday evening.

Why is this policy of gross split pulling away so strongly, as seen from the rejection?

Not really. Actually not refused. The direction of the President and Vice President, the government must be pro-investment. Well, if the procurement process follows the cost recovery model, it's long. Can be six months, can be nine months, can be a year. Why the procurement process investment a year?

Sometimes half a year is not finished and so on. This we encourage that the procurement process is done by investors themselves. But split it at the beginning. We divide, your fee (contractor) who bear. We then issued the first regulation, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 08 of 2017. Investors protest because the split is too small: "The government is not fair." Our name is we trade. 

If trading, yes, we count first, dong. Finally we review again. The President directs do not give too small. We give fair. Mr. Vice Minister of EMR (Arcandra Tahar) who leads all calculations, We call again Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA). All had negotiated, finally agreed. Split it as a whole, neither in net nor will be smaller than current.

Reasons for revision due to investor complaints?

Yes. But keep gross split with a better split. It means no harm or roughly equal to what they get now. The important members of the IPA and contractor cooperation contract (KKKS) oil and gas alone. If suppliers under KKKS, Jeez, we are too far to think about that.

If we see, this gross split scheme applies to when? Forward. Not the current contract. Which now, we will not bother. When it is up, appoint a new contractor, using a gross split. If the extension has been exhausted, may not use gross split? May choose, gross split or cost recovery. Later to negotiate.

To what extent is the investor involved and heard his input during rule-making?

We involve all. We listen to all.

All this means KKKS and IPA?

Yes. All we invite. Because of which
it is important that the business actor. We listen to as many entries as possible. Then we offer that number. Bargaining is okay, you know. Perhaps investors want.

So do offer the little ones you used to accept, right?

Well, this trust is given by the state to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to be undertaken. Yes, lived as well as possible, dong. For example, you sell mobile phones, the price is Rp 5 million, yes I bargained Rp 3 million. Probably would. Apparently can not, yes already, Rp 3.5 million. Kan, that's it. If "the price is Rp 5 million, so I paid" will arise in question.

In addition to prolonged procurement issues, the over cost claims of cost recovery that have always been the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency and contractors whose lives from cost recovery are the reasons gross splits are made?

Yes, that's what I want to avoid. Everything you say is a signal reported by the Head of SKK Migas (Amien Sunaryadi) to me. Yes, we have gross split, so there are no more problems.

BPK had time to express an opinion as well?

No. But Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia supports gross split. Because these findings create dizziness every year. Dizzy examiner, we are dizzy. Gross split it's tax schemes and royalty. So the business risk is borne by the contractor himself. If you can save big, yes, big profits. If you can not save big, yes, fortunately small. That is all.

What about contractors who are not ready with the gross split and are still protesting?

Yes, it must be ready. Times have changed, why all the people who bear the consequences? Cost recovery is the people who bear, consequently you know.

What about the threat of not investing again in the country?

Well, yes it's okay. Many investors are willing.

The investor's interest is reflected in the auction of oil and gas working area, sir?

Oh yes. Many will. Look, if the auction of WK (working area) of new oil and gas exploration alias is different. This exploration is a big risk. Because if he can not afford anything, cost is lost, the investor who bears all. Well, this depends on the price of oil. If now the price of oil around US $ 50 per barrel, investment interest must be very low. Try if US $ 100 per barrel, want to use any system must be lived.

Initially we suspect the auction of the work area will retreat one of them because of the gross split policy?

No. This is waiting for the rules of taxation as well. Well, in your regulatory affairs run fast, while other institutions do not. For example the tax policy for gross split is not immediately published.

How to coordinate and communicate with other ministries?

We communicate well. I chatted with Mrs. Finance. There is also Deputy Minister of Finance Mardiasmo. He is Vice Chairman of Supervisory Committee of SKK Migas. I have told the Director General of Taxes as well. They process as well.

The gross split scheme to encourage investment is one thing. Another thing, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also likes to issue rules that cause uncertainty for investors because of its short life. How is your explanation?

These revisions are not really changing the old rules. But because it was not organized so we think it needs to be regulated to encourage justice and encourage investment acceleration. This is the President's directive. If it is not suitable and a lot of input which is true, the President says we have to adjust. Yes ready. It's okay, we have no problem.

Actually how the process, because it quickly issued a regulation, then suddenly revised again?

We involve all, there is always forum discussion group. One example is the change in the company's obligation rules to get approval from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, his age is even only 20 days.

How is your explanation?

Oh, that's my revision. When created, we also see the market. How to react. Because what we do not allow is that if the private sector is trading with the government, with the state, at the same time the private sector is in conflict with the state. We want a test, the noisy one. Finally I revised.

The point is this outgoing regulation is sometimes just a market test?

Yes. You see, this industry can still be much more efficient. That's it. If you do not want to follow the efficiency in accordance with the development of the Age, this industry I think more and more small.

Including policies limiting the distribution and distribution margin of natural gas?

I do not limit margins. I encourage this industry to be efficient. Now like this, can anyone determine the price of coal? There is no. Can anyone determine the selling price of copper or tin or bauxite or gold or crude oil? There is no.

 Business people like this, if you can not determine the price because it is a global price or competitive price, what should I manage? The costs are getting more efficient. 

So the concept of gross split is to be efficient. If All wants the country, yes, all do not want to be efficient. This industry must be competitive, it must be efficient. President's direction, we as a nation must be competitive in order to compete in the global market.


Industri ini harus kompetitif dan efisien

Di saat lesunya iklim investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi, peraturan gross split menjadi satu dari sekian kebijakan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yang menuai polemik. Gara-garanya, aturan kontrak bagi hasil investasi hulu migas dengan skema pembagian gross produksi ini tidak lagi menerapkan mekanisme pengembalian biaya operasi. 

Berbeda dengan rezim cost recovery, Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 ini membebankan seluruh risiko eksplorasi kepada kontraktor kontrak kerja sama migas.

Tidak sampai delapan bulan, Kementerian Energi mengeluarkan aturan revisinya lewat Peraturan Nomor 52 Tahun 2017. ”Presiden mengarahkan jangan memberi yang terlalu kecil, jadi kami revisi untuk split yang fair,” kata Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan saat menerima wartawan Tempo Arif Zulkifli, Ayu Primasandi, Khairul Anam, Raymundus Rikang, dan fotografer Dhemas Reviyanto, Kamis petang pekan lalu.

Mengapa kebijakan gross split ini tarik-ulurnya sangat terasa, terlihat dari masih adanya penolakan?

Tidak juga. Sebenarnya tidak menolak. Arahan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, pemerintah harus pro-investasi. Nah, kalau proses pengadaan mengikuti model cost recovery, itu lama. Bisa enam bulan, bisa sembilan bulan, bisa setahun. Mengapa investasi proses pengadaannya setahun?

Kadang sampai setahun setengah tidak selesai dan sebagainya. Ini kami dorong agar proses pengadaannya dilakukan investor sendiri. Tapi split-nya di awal. Kami bagi, ongkosnya anda (kontraktor) yang menanggung. Kami lalu menerbitkan peraturan yang pertama, Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 itu. 

Investor memprotes karena split terlalu kecil: ”Pemerintah tidak fair ini.” Namanya saja kami berdagang. Kalau berdagang, ya, kita hitung-hitungan dulu, dong. Akhirnya kami review lagi. Presiden mengarahkan jangan memberi yang terlalu kecil. Kami beri yang fair. Pak Wakil Menteri ESDM (Arcandra Tahar) yang memimpin semua perhitungan, Kami panggil lagi Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA). Semua sudah berunding, akhirnya sepakat. Split-nya secara keseluruhan, secara netto pun tidak akan lebih kecil dari yang sekarang.

Alasan revisi karena ada keluhan investor?

Iya. Tapi tetap gross split dengan split yang lebih baik. Maksudnya tidak merugikan atau kurang-lebih sama dengan yang mereka dapatkan sekarang. Yang penting anggota IPA dan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) migas saja. Kalau supplier di bawah KKKS, Astaga, terlalu jauh kami memikirkan soal itu. 

Kalau kami lihat, skema gross split ini berlaku untuk kapan? Ke depan. Bukan kontrak yang sekarang. Yang sekarang, kami tidak akan mengganggu. Kalau sudah habis, tunjuk kontraktor baru, menggunakan gross split. Kalau sudah habis perpanjangan, bolehkah tidak memakai gross split? Boleh memilih, gross split atau cost recovery. Nanti berunding. 

Sejauh mana investor dilibatkan dan didengar masukannya saat pembuatan aturan?

Kami melibatkan semua. Kami mendengarkan semua. 

Semua ini maksudnya KKKS dan IPA? 

Iya. Semua kami undang. Karena yang penting itu pelaku usaha. Kami dengarkan sebanyak mungkin masukan. Lalu kami menawarkan angka sekian. Berunding boleh saja, lho. Barangkali investor mau. 

Jadi memang menawarkan yang kecil dulu barangkali mau menerima, ya?

Begini, amanah ini diberikan negara kepada Kementerian ESDM untuk dijalani. Ya, dijalani sebaik-baiknya, dong. Misalnya, Anda menjual handphone, harganya Rp 5 juta, ya saya tawar Rp 3 juta. Barangkali mau. Ternyata tidak bisa, ya sudah, Rp 3,5 juta. Kan, begitu. Kalau ”harganya Rp 5 juta, ya sudah saya bayar” nanti malah timbul pertanyaan.

Selain soal pengadaan yang terlalu lama, soal kelebihan klaim cost recovery yang selalu menjadi temuan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dan kontraktor yang hidupnya dari cost recovery menjadi alasan gross split dibuat?

Ya, itu yang hendak saya hindari. Semua yang Anda katakan itu adalah sinyalemen yang dilaporkan oleh Kepala SKK Migas (Amien Sunaryadi) ke saya. Ya sudah, kami tempuh gross split saja, jadi tidak ada masalah-masalah itu lagi.

BPK sempat menyampaikan pendapat juga?

Tidak. Tapi Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan mendukung soal gross split. Karena temuan-temuan ini membuat pusing setiap tahun. Pemeriksa pusing, kami pusing. Gross split itu skema pajak dan royalti. Jadi risiko bisnisnya ditanggung oleh kontraktor sendiri. Kalau Anda bisa hemat besar, ya, untung besar. Kalau tidak bisa hemat besar, ya, untungnya kecil. Itu saja.

Bagaimana dengan kontraktor yang tidak siap dengan gross split dan masih memprotes?

Ya, harus siap. Zaman sudah berubah, kenapa rakyat semua yang menanggung akibatnya? Cost recovery itu rakyat yang menanggung, akibatnya lho.

Bagaimana dengan ancaman untuk tidak berinvestasi lagi di Tanah Air?

Lho, ya tidak apa-apa. Banyak investor yang mau.

Minat investor itu tercermin dalam lelang wilayah kerja migas ya, Pak?

Oh, iya. Banyak yang mau. Begini, kalau lelang WK (wilayah kerja) migas baru alias eksplorasi ini berbeda. Eksplorasi ini risiko besar. Karena kalau dia tidak dapat apa-apa, cost hilang, investor yang menanggung semua. Nah, ini tergantung harga minyak. Kalau sekarang harga minyak sekitar US$ 50 per barel, minat investasinya pasti sangat rendah. Coba kalau US$ 100 per barel, mau mengunakan sistem apa pun pasti dijalani. 

Semula kami menduga lelang wilayah kerja mundur terus salah satunya karena kebijakan gross split?

Tidak. Ini sedang menunggu aturan perpajakannya juga. Nah, dalam urusan regulasi Anda berlari cepat, sementara institusi Iain tidak. Contohnya kebijakan pajak untuk gross split tidak segera terbit. 

Bagaimana koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan kementerian lain?

Kami berkomunikasi baik. Saya ngobrol dengan Bu Menteri Keuanganjuga. Ada juga Wakil Menteri Keuangan Mardiasmo. Beliau itu Wakil Ketua Komite Pengawas SKK Migas. Sudah saya sampaikan kepada Dirjen Pajak juga. Mereka memproses juga. 

Skema gross split untuk mendorong investasi itu satu hal. Hal lain, Kementerian ESDM juga gemar mengeluarkan aturan yang menimbulkan ketidakpastian bagi investor karena umurnya singkat. Bagaimana penjelasan Anda?

Berbagai revisi ini sebenarnya bukan mengubah peraturan yang lama. Tapi karena dulunya tidak diatur sehingga kami berpikir perlu diatur supaya mendorong keadilan dan mendorong percepatan investasi. Ini arahan Presiden. Kalau memang tidak cocok dan banyak masukan yang memang masuk akai, Presiden bilang kami harus menyesuaikan. Ya, siap. Tidak apa-apa, kami tidak ada masalah.

Sebetulnya bagaimana prosesnya, karena cepat sekali mengeluarkan regulasi, lalu tiba-tiba direvisi lagi?

Kami melibatkan semua, selalu ada forum group discussion. Salah satu contohnya perubahan aturan kewajiban perseroan mendapat persetujuan dari Menteri ESDM, umurnya bahkan hanya 20 hari. 

Bagaimana penjelasan Anda?

Oh, itu sudah saya revisi. Sewaktu dibuat, kami juga melihat pasar. Bagaimana reaksinya. Karena yang tidak kami izinkan adalah jika swasta itu berdagang dengan pemerintah, dengan negara, di saat yang bersamaan swasta bertentangan dengan negara. Kami mau tes, yang ribut siapa. Akhirnya saya revisi. 

Maksudnya regulasi yang keluar ini kadang-kadang sifatnya hanya tes pasar?

Iya. Begini lho, industri ini masih bisa jauh lebih efisien. Itu saja sebenarnya. Kalau tidak mau mengikuti efisiensi sesuai dengan perkembangan Zaman, industri ini saya kira makin lama makin kecil. 

Termasuk kebijakan membatasi margin distribusi dan niaga gas bumi?

Saya tidak membatasi margin. Saya mendorong agar industri ini bisa efisien. Sekarang begini, adakah yang bisa menentukan harga batu bara?  Tidak ada. Adakah yang bisa menentukan harga jual tembaga atau timah atau bauksit atau emas atau minyak mentah? Tidak ada. 

Orang bisnis itu begini, kalau tidak bisa menentukan harga karena itu global price atau competitive price, apa yang harus saya kelola? Biaya yang makin lama makin efisien. 

Makanya konsep gross split itu agar efisien. Kalau Semua maunya ditanggung negara, ya, semua tidak mau efisien. Industri ini harus kompetitif, harus efisien. Arahan Presiden, kita sebagai bangsa harus kompetitif supaya bisa bersaing di pasar global.

Majalah Tempo, Page 82-83, Sept 17, 2017


MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES can be said to be very productive in the last six months. Dozens of ministerial regulations issued during the first half of 2017. The new rules are expected to encourage investment in the oil and gas sector, electricity, renewable energy, and mining. Unfortunately, the Plan did not work. Investors are feeling the unpredictability of the Ministry of Energy's revision of the rules.

Regulation was published on January 11, 2017 (2.5 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 05 of 2017 on Increase of Added Value through Processing and Purification Activities Minerals in the Interior
Revised on March 30, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 28 of 2017 on Amendment of Ministerial Regulation No. 05 of 2017

Regulation issued on January 11, 2017 (4 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 06 of 2017 on Procedures and Requirements on the Implementation of Implementation of Sales Implementation of Minerals Overseas Processing and Earthing Results
Revised May 15, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 35 of 2017 on Amendment to Rule Number 06 of 2017

Regulation issued January 11, 2017 (6 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 07 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Determining the Standard Price of Metals and Coal Minerals Sales
Revised July 17, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 44 of 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 07 of 2017

Regulation issued on January 13, 2017 (7 months old)
Rule Number 08 of 2017 on Gross Split Revenue Contracts
Revised August 29, 2017
Ministerial Regulation Number 52 Year 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 08 Year 2017 on the Gross Split Revenue Contract

Regulation was published on January 19, 2017 (6 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 10 of 2017 on Principles of Power Sale Agreement
Revised August 17, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 49 of 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 10 of 2017

Regulation was published on January 27, 2016 (5.5 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2017 on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Provision of Electricity
Revised July 14, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 43 of 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 12 Year 2017

Regulation was published on January 27, 2017 (6 months old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 11 of 2017 on Utilization of Gas for Power Plant
Revised July 21, 2016
Ministerial Regulation Number 45 Year 2017 on Utilization of Gas for Electricity

Regulation was published on March 29, 2017 (4.3 months old)
Ministerial Regulation Number 26 Year 2017 on Investment Cost Revocation Mechanism on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities
Revised August 2, 2016
Ministerial Regulation No. 47 of 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 26 of 2017

Regulation issued on July 14, 2017 (20 days old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 42 of 2017 concerning Control of Enterprises on Business Activities in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector
Revised August 3, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 48 of 2017 on Control of Enterprises in the Energy and Mineral Sectors

Regulation issued on July 14, 2017 (25 days old)
Ministerial Regulation No. 43 of 2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 12 of 2017
Revised Date August 8, 2017
Ministerial Regulation No. 50 of 2017 on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Provision of Electric Power



KEMENTERIAN Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral bisa Dibilang sangat produktif enam bulan terakhir. Belasan peraturan menteri terbit sepanjang semester pertama 2017 ini. Berbagai aturan baru itu diharapkan bisa mendorong investasi di sektor minyak dan gas, Iistrik, energi baru terbarukan, serta tambang. Sayangnya, Rencana tidak berhasil. Para investor malah merasa dilanda ketidakpastian gara-gara Kementerian Energi gemar merevisi berbagai aturan tadi.

Regulasi terbit tanggal 11 Januari 2017 (berumur 2,5 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 05 Tahun 2017 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral di Dalam Negeri
Direvisi tanggal 30 Maret 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 28 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Nomor 05 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit tanggal 11 Januari 2017 (berumur 4 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 06 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Pemberian Rekomendasi Pelaksanaan Penjualan Mineral ke Luar Negeri Hasil Pengolahan dan Pemumian
Direvisi tanggal 15 Mei 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 35 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Nomor 06 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit 11 Januari 2017 (berumur 6 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 07 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan Harga Patokan Penjualan Mineral Logam dan Batu Bara
Direvisi Tanggal 17 Juli 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 44 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 07 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit tanggal 13 Januari 2017 (berumur 7 bulan)
Peraturan Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split
Direvisi tanggal 29 Agustus 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 52 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 08 Tahun
2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split

Regulasi terbit tanggal19 Januari 2017 (berumur 6 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 10 Tahun 2017 tentang Pokok-pokok dalam Perjanjian Jual-Beli Tenaga Listrik
Direvisi tanggal 17 Agustus 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 49 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 10 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit tanggal 27 Januari 2016 (berumur 5,5 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 12 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Sumber Energi Terbarukan untuk Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik
Direvisi tanggal 14 Juli  2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 12 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit tanggal 27 Januari 2017 (berumur 6 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Gas untuk Pembangkit Listrik
Direvisi tanggal 21 Juli 2016
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 45 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Gas untuk Tenaga Listrik

Regulasi terbit tanggal 29 Maret 2017 (berumur 4,3 bulan)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 26 Tahun 2017 tentang Mekanisme Pengembalian Biaya lnvestasi pada Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi 
Direvisi  tanggal 2 Agustus 2016
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 47 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
Nomor 26 Tahun 2017

Regulasi terbit tanggal 14 Juli 2017 (berumur 20 hari)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 42 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengawasan Pengusahaan pada Kegiatan Usaha di Sektor Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
Direvisi Tanggal 3 Agustus 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 48 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengawasan Pengusahaan di Sektor Energi dan Mineral

Regulasi terbit tanggal 14 Juli 2017 (berumur 25 hari)
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 12 Tahun 2017
Direvisi Tanggal 8 Agustus 2017
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 50 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Sumber Energi Terbarukan untuk Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

Majalah Tempo, Page 80-81, Sept 17, 2017


The Ministry of Energy finally revised the rules on gross splits. Oil and gas contractors protested through many doors, including asking for help from the Bimasena Forum.

     In contrast to previous meetings, Friday's forum last week looked relaxed. Interspersed with laughter, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar discloses the core changes of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 08 of 2017 on Gross Split Distribution Contract.

"We got a lot of positive and negative feedback," said Arcandra to open the socialization of the revised rule at the Ministry's office
Energy, last Friday.

Arcandra mixes Indonesian with English. Some invited guests are the bosses of foreign oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. One of them is Christina Verchere, Regional President of Asia-Pacific British Petroleum who is also the President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).

The exacerbation of tension between Arcandra and representatives of oil and gas companies was not apparent at the meeting. In fact, since Ministerial Regulation No. 08 of 2017 came out earlier this year, a number of oil and gas companies incorporated in the IPA not yet comfortable with the regulation.

When opening the IPA Convention and Exhibition in May, for example, Christina Verchere said oil and gas contractors have not yet gained the knowledge of profit sharing for contractors in the new scheme. Without a favorable share, IPA considers contractors difficult to expand exploration and drilling, especially for new wells.

In the new scheme, the percentage of profit sharing that contracted 43 percent for petroleum and 48 percent for natural gas. The contractor may obtain additional revenue sharing from variable and progressive components. But the government no longer has the responsibility to reimburse the contractor's operating costs in the previous cost recovery scheme. This clause forces the smart contractor to manage the operating costs.

The peak of the debate between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the upstream oil and gas industry occurred on Friday afternoon, August 11 last. An official at the Energy Ministry said Arcandra had the hassle of serving the oil company's representatives of gross split in a meeting initiated by Forum Bimasena at Bimasena Building, Dharmawangsa Street, South Jakarta. New Order Energy Minister, Subroto, was the founder of the association.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasiusjonan said, a few days before the meeting at Graha Bimasena, Subroto met him. Subroto has a letter. The issue: invites the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to discuss the rules of gross split.

"At that time I said, Okay, Mr. Arcandra will come '," said Jonan, last Thursday, at his office in Jakarta.

Former Pertamina President Director Ari Soemarno said the letter that Subroto brought contained the Bimasena Forum's concerns over the gross split rule. According to Ari, many oil and gas companies joined in IPA complained to the association.

"Mr. Arcandra is the ultimate presentation," Ari said at his office in Jakarta last Wednesday. Ari participated in the meeting.

IPA Executive Director Marjolijn Wajong acknowledged his association asking for help from the Bimasena Forum to discuss gross split rules with the Ministry of Energy. According to him, IPA and Forum Bimasena often help each other in many issues.

"If our level, meet not with the President, but with him in the Forum Birnasena," said Marjolijn in the office
Ministry of Energy, last Friday.

An Energy Ministry official who knew the meeting at Graha Bimasena said Ari was among the angry at Arcandra Tahar. He criticized government policies that shifted from the cost recovery regime to the gross split. Asked for confirmation about this, Jonan replied diplomatically, "Mr. Arcandra just said a lot of protesting at the time."

The official also said there was a group that wanted to maintain a cost recovery scheme. In fact, according to Jonan, one of the main reasons the government implemented the gross split scheme is that there are many holes or loopholes in the previous regime. Based on the ministry's findings, about 70 percent of contractors actually rely on the cost recovery cost of the government every year. Over the past two years, the government has spent more cost recovery than non-tax state revenues from the oil and gas sector.

"That's what I want to avoid," he said. "Yes, use the gross split."

The application of gross split also refers to the annual findings of the Supreme Audit Board. In the BPI investigative audit (in fiscal year 2015, for example, there was an indication of a "mark-up" of claims of operating costs by contractors amounting to US $ 290.34 million or equivalent to Rp 3.9 trillion.Before 2014, according to BPK, up "is still below Rp 1 trillion and consistently above Rp 3 trillion.

"Cost recovery is the people who bear," said Jonan. "These findings make a headache every year."

Ari Soemarno denied if called as one of the actors who want to return the regime of oil and gas sharing contracts to the cost recovery scheme.

"At first I did not want to talk, but forced friends," said Ari. "I just say: Why is the result of the consultant and contractor count different from the government?" But he acknowledged, in addition to the IPA, many small contractors are complaining soa ross split.

Ten days after the meeting at Graha Bimasena, it was the Energy Ministry's turn to invite IPA. Most of the oil and gas contractor bosses came. One of them is Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, a subsidiary of Pertamina, which takes care of the company's upstream business. Mount Sardjono Hadi. During the meeting, said Gunung, the Ministry of Energy revealed a revised plan of gross split.

The new regulation was officially revised and signed by Minister Ignatius Jonan on Tuesday two weeks ago. Ten days later, it was Vice Minister Arcandra Tahar's turn to socialize it. Fundamental changes occur in additional revenue-sharing variable and progressive as well as the Energy Minister's discretion to increase profit sharing for contractors. The basis of the percentage of fixed profit sharing.

Previously, for production of less than 1 million barrels of oil equivalent, the contractor would only get a 5 percent revenue share. Now an additional share for contractors whose production is less than 30 million barrels of oil equivalent to 10 percent. While the previous contractor had received only 2 percent for new frontiers offshore and inland, it is now additionally for the remote field on the mainland getting an additional 4 percent.

"But not all inputs can be accommodated," said Arcandra.

For the discretionary clause, the minister can add the split without limitation until the contractor gets the economic value, which was previously a maximum of 5 percent. The Energy Ministry first gathers oil and gas contractors to discuss the gross split scheme in mid-December 2016.

In the meeting in Bali, according to Mount Sarjono Hadi, gross split became one of the four issues discussed by the Ministry.

"We were given two weeks to give input," said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

A month after that, the gross split rule was issued. A week after the publication rules, Pertamina signed a contract for the gross split for Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) field which is valid until 18th of 2037. ONWJ and Pertamina were listed as the first field and contractor to use the revenue-sharing scheme.

"Incidentally the gross split scheme for ONWJ is good for us," said Gunung Sarjono.

Total profit sharing received by Pertamina after taking into account several variables and progressive items of 73.5 percent for oil and 81 percent for natural gas. Gunung Sarjono admits, unlike most private and foreign contractors, Pertamina's position is somewhat unique in the gross split scheme.

"We were playing on two legs," said Mount. "As a corporation, we make a profit. But, as SOEs, we also have to support government programs. "

Therefore, according to Gunung, when the contractors who are members of IPA rollicking protest gross split, Pertamina take the opposite path. Ministry of Energy is open with inputs. According to Mount, a few days after the Ministry of Energy summoned all contractors on Aug. 21 to present its revised gross split plan, Arcandra Tahar immediately phoned.

"Nung, it's okay the revision," said Mount same the phrase Arcandra at the end of the phone, late August.

Minister Jonan acknowledged there was an element of negotiation in issuing the gross split rule.

"If I give a big direct share to the contractor, blame again," he said.

According to jonan, the contractor's complaint about the small-scaled profit sharing in the gross split scheme also reached the President's ear Joko Widodo. "The President has directed not to be too small."

The ministry then recalculates the fair share of results for the contractor or the government.

"Mr. Vice Minister who leads all the calculations," said Jonan. "After the revision, the contractor's share will not be less than the revenue share they receive now."

Jonan acknowledged the revision of the gross split rule which is now published into Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 52 of 2017 was one of them due to complaints Forum Bimasena.



Kementerian Energi akhirnya merevisi aturan mengenai gross split. Kontraktor minyak dan gas memprotes melalui banyak pintu, termasuk meminta bantuan Forum Bimasena. 

    Berbeda dengan pertemuan sebelumnya, forum Jumat pekan lalu itu terlihat santai. Diselingi gelak tawa, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar membeberkan inti perubahan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 tentang Kontrak Bagi Hasil Gross Split. 

”Kami mendapat banyak masukan positif dan negatif,” kata Arcandra membuka sosialisasi revisi aturan tersebut di kantor Kementerian
Energi, Jumat pekan lalu.

Arcandra mencampur bahasa Indonesia dengan Inggris. Sebagian tamu undangan adalah bos perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi luar negeri yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Salah satunya Christina Verchere, Regional President Asia-Pacific British Petroleum yang juga Presiden Asosiasi Minyak Bumi Indonesia (IPA).

Bekas ketegangan antara Arcandra dan perwakilan perusahaan migas tidak tampak pada pertemuan itu. Padahal, sejak Peraturan Menteri Nomor 08 Tahun 2017 keluar pada awal tahun ini, sejumlah perusahaan migas yang tergabung dalam IPA belum sreg dengan peraturan tersebut.

Saat membuka IPA Convention and Exhibition pada Mei lalu, misalnya, Christina Verchere menyebutkan kontraktor migas belum mendapat kepasiian soal bagi hasil yang menguntungkan bagi kontraktor dalam skema baru itu. Tanpa bagian yang menguntungkan, IPA menilai kontraktor sulit memperluas eksplorasi dan pengeboran, terutama untuk sumur-sumur baru. 

Dalam skema baru itu, persentase bagi hasil yang dikantongi kontraktor sebesar 43 persen untuk minyak bumi dan 48 persen untuk gas bumi. Kontraktor bisa mendapat tambahan bagi hasil dari komponen variabel dan progresif. Namun pemerintah tidak lagi punya tanggungan untuk mengganti biaya operasi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor dalam skema cost recovery sebelumnya. Klausul inilah yang memaksa kontraktor pintar-pintar mengatur biaya operasi.

Puncak perdebatan antara Kementerian ESDM dan pelaku industri hulu migas terjadi pada Jumat siang, 11 Agustus lalu. Seorang pejabat di Kementerian Energi mengatakan Arcandra sempat kerepotan meladeni keberatan perwakilan perusahaan minyak soal gross split dalam sebuah pertemuan yang diprakarsai Forum Bimasena di Gedung Bimasena, Jalan Dharmawangsa, Jakarta Selatan. Menteri Energi era Orde Baru, Subroto, adalah pendiri perkumpulan tersebut.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasiusjonan mengatakan, beberapa hari sebelum pertemuan di Graha Bimasena, Subroto menemui dia. Subroto membawa seberkas surat. lsinya: mengajak Kementerian ESDM mendiskusikan aturan gross split.

”Waktu itu saya bilang, Oke, Pak Arcandra yang akan datang’,” ujar jonan, Kamis pekan lalu, di kantornya di Jakarta.

Mantan Direktur Utama Pertamina Ari Soemarno mengatakan surat yang dibawa Subroto itu berisi keprihatinan Forum Bimasena terhadap aturan gross split. Menurut Ari, banyak perusahaan migas yang tergabung dalam IPA mengadu ke perkumpulan itu. 

”Pak Arcandra yang akhirnya presentasi,” kata Ari di kantornya di Jakarta, Rabu pekan lalu. Ari ikut dalam pertemuan tersebut.

Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong mengakui asosiasinya meminta bantuan Forum Bimasena untuk membicarakan aturan gross split dengan Kementerian Energi. Menurut dia, IPA dan Forum Bimasena sering saling membantu dalam banyak isu. 

”Kalau level kami, bertemunya tidak dengan Presiden, tapi dengan beliau-beliau di Forum Birnasena,” ujar Marjolijn di kantor
Kementerian Energi, Jumat pekan lalu.

Seorang pejabat Kementerian Energi yang tahu pertemuan di Graha Bimasena itu mengatakan Ari termasuk salah satu yang marah-marah kepada Arcandra Tahar. Ia mengkritik kebijakan pemerintah yang beralih dari rezim cost recovery ke gross split. Dimintai konfirmasi soal ini, Jonan menjawab diplomatis, ”Pak Arcandra hanya bilang banyak yang memprotes saat itu.”

Pejabat tadi juga mengatakan ada kelompok yang ingin mempertahankan skema cost recovery. Padahal, menurut Jonan, salah satu alasan utama pemerintah menerapkan skema gross split adalah ada banyak lubang atau celah dalam rezim sebelumnya. Berdasarkan temuan Kementerian, sekitar 70 persen kontraktor justru menggantungkan hidupnya pada biaya cost recovery yang dikeluarkan pemerintah setiap tahun. Selama dua tahun terakhir, pemerintah mengeluarkan lebih banyak cost recovery dibanding pendapatan negara bukan pajak dari sektor migas. 

”Itu yang hendak saya hindari,” katanya. ”Ya sudah, pakai gross split saja.”

Penerapan gross split juga mengacu pada temuan tahunan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan. Dalam audit investigasi BPI( pada tahun anggaran 2015, misalnya, ada indikasi "mark-up" klaim biaya operasi oleh kontraktor sebesar US$ 290,34 juta atau setara dengan Rp 3,9 triliun. Sebelum 2014, menurut BPK, indikasi "mark-up" masih di bawah Rp 1 triliun. Setelah itu, konsisten di atas Rp 3 triliun. 

”Cost recovery itu rakyat yang menanggung,” ujar Jonan. ”Temuan-temuan ini membikin pusing tiap tahun.”

Ari Soemarno membantah jika disebut sebagai salah satu aktor yang ingin mengembalikan rezim kontrak bagi hasil migas ke skema cost recovery. 

”Tadinya saua tidak mau bicara, tapi dipaksa teman,” tutur Ari . ”Saya hanya bilang: Mengapa Hasil hitungan konsultan dan kontraktor beda dengan pemerintah?” Tapi dia mengakui, selain IPA, banyak kontraktor kecil yang mengeluh soa ross split.

Sepuluh hari seusai pertemuan di Graha Bimasena, giliran Kementerian Energi mengundang IPA. Sebagian besar bos kontraktor migas datang. Salah satunya Direktur PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, anak usaha Pertamina yang mengurus bisnis hulu perseroan-R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi.  Dalam pertemuan itu, kata Gunung, Kementerian Energi mengungkapkan rencana revisi aturan gross split.

Peraturan baru resmi direvisi dan diteken Menteri Ignasius Jonan pada Selasa dua pekan lalu. Sepuluh hari kemudian, giliran Wakil Menteri Arcandra Tahar yang mensosialisasinya. Perubahan mendasar terjadi pada tambahan bagi hasil variabel dan progresif serta diskresi Menteri Energi untuk menambah bagi hasil buat kontraktor.  Adapun dasar persentase bagi hasil tetap.

Sebelumnya, untuk produksi kurang dari 1 juta barel ekuivalen minyak, kontraktor hanya mendapat tambahan bagi hasil 5 persen. Kini tambahan bagi hasil kontraktor yang produksinya kurang dari 30 juta barel ekuivalen minyak menjadi 10 persen. Sementara sebelumnya kontraktor hanya mendapat tambahan 2 persen untuk lapangan baru (new frontier) di lepas pantai dan daratan, kini tambahan untuk lapangan terpencil di daratan memperoleh tambahan 4 persen. 

”Tapi tidak semua masukan bisa diakomodasi,” ucap Arcandra. 

Untuk klausul diskresi, menteri bisa menambah split tanpa batasan sampai kontraktor mendapat nilai keekonomian, yang sebelumnya maksimal 5 persen. Kementerian Energi pertama kali mengumpulkan kontraktor migas untuk membahas skema gross split pada pertengahan Desember 2016. 

Dalam pertemuan di Bali itu, menurut Gunung Sarjono Hadi, gross split menjadi salah satu bahasan dari empat isu yang dibawa Kementerian. 

”Kami diberi waktu dua minggu untuk memberi masukan,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi. 

Sebulan setelah itu, aturan gross split diterbitkan. Sepekan setelah aturan terbit, Pertamina menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil gross split untuk lapangan Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) yang berlaku sampai 18]anuari 2037. ONWJ dan Pertamina tercatat sebagai lapangan dan kontraktor pertama yang menggunakan skema bagi hasil itu. 

”Kebetulan skema gross split untuk ONWJ bagus buat kami,” ujar Gunung Sarjono.

Total bagi hasil yang diterima Pertamina setelah memperhitungkan beberapa variabel dan item progresif sebesar 73,5 persen untuk minyak dan 81 persen untuk gas bumi. Gunung Sarjono mengakui, berbeda dengan sebagian besar kontraktor swasta dan asing,
posisi Pertamina agak unik dalam skema gross split. 

”Kami itu bermain di dua kaki,” kata Gunung. ”Sebagai korporasi, kami mencari untung. Tapi, sebagai BUMN, kami juga harus mendukung program pemerintah.” 

Oleh karena itu menurut Gunung, ketika kontraktor yang tergabung dalam IPA beramai-ramai memprotes gross split, Pertamina mengambil jalan berlawanan. Kementerian Energi terbuka dengan berbagai masukan. Menurut Gunung, beberapa hari setelah Kementerian Energi memanggil semua kontraktor pada 21 Agustus lalu untuk memaparkan rencana revisi gross split, Arcandra Tahar langsung meneleponnya.

”Nung, sudah beres ya revisinya,” ujar Gunung menirukan kalimat Arcandra di ujung telepon, akhir Agustus lalu.

Menteri Jonan mengakui ada unsur negosiasi dalam penerbitan aturan gross split.

”Kalau saya beri bagi hasil langsung besar ke kontraktor, disalahkan lagi,” katanya. 

Menurut jonan, keluhan kontraktor soal bagi hasil yang dinilai kecil dalam skema gross split ini juga sampai ke telinga Presiden
Joko Widodo. ”Presiden mengarahkan jangan diberi terlalu kecil.”

Kementerian kemudian menghitung ulang bagi hasil yang dirasa adil bagi kontraktor ataupun pemerintah. 

”Pak Wakil Menteri yang memimpin semua perhitungan,” ujar Jonan. ”Setelah revisi, bagian kontraktor tidak akan lebih kecil dari bagi hasil yang mereka terima sekarang.” 

Jonan mengakui revisi aturan gross split yang kini terbit menjadi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 52 Tahun 2017 itu salah satunya karena keluhan Forum Bimasena.

Majalah Tempo, Page 76-78, Sept 17, 2017