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Monday, September 25, 2017

Gas Supplied from Crickets

PT Rekayasa Industri opens the option to deliver gas supply from Jangkrik Field to gas transmission line of Cirebon-Semarang segment. The Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline is part of the Trans-Java gas pipeline project.

The Trans-Java project consists of three main projects. First, western Java with an investment of US $ 300 million through Cirebon-Kandang Haur Timur along 84 km and Tegal Gede (Cikarang) -Magara Tawar 50 km. Secondly, North Java worth US $ 400 million with Cirebon-Semarang along 235 km. Third, East Java worth US $ 360 million through Semarang-Gresik along 271 km and East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) -Grati along 22.1 km with an investment of US $ 58 million.

Industrial Engineering (Rekind) stated that it will continue the pipeline construction process which the winning bidder has announced since 2006. The gas supply to be channeled to the pipeline comes from the Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block in Makassar Strait in the form of LNG / LNG.

Assuming a 33-month physical construction, the gas pipeline is targeted to start delivering gas by 2020. Previously, the pipeline construction was constrained due to the uncertainty of gas buyers and gas supply sources. As a result, after 11 years, the project was canceled.

However, Rekind has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on September 20, 2017 with PT Sarana Pembangunan Central Java in cooperation of gas distribution of the segment to be built. BUMD will be the coordinator to ensure buyers from the industrial sector in West Java and Central Java.

The pipeline, which is planned to be built with a capacity of 250 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) up to 300 MMscfd, will operate in partnership with PT Pertamina Gas. Acting President Director Rekind Jakub Utama said that the projected increase in gas utilization as fuel also needs the industry to become the main driver for the company to continue the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project. Rekind requested the support of the government, SOEs, enterprises, and industry players in order that the project can run on target.

"By looking at the high utilization opportunities of gas fuel, we expect support from all stakeholders in Central Java and West Java to participate in contributing," he said on Sunday (24/9).

Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency Fanshurullah Asa said Rekind's presentation on September 18, there are several gas supply options that are channeled to the pipeline, namely from Coridor Block (ConocoPhillips Grissik Limited) in South Sumatra or Jangkrik Field (Eni Muara Bakau BV) .

"The options are from Cricket Field or from ConocoPhillips via SSWJ [South Sumatra-West Java] pipeline".


Gas Dipasok dari Jangkrik

PT Rekayasa lndustri membuka opsi untuk mengalirkan pasokan gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik pada pipa gas transmisi ruas Cirebon-Semarang. Pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang merupakan bagian dari proyek integrasi pipa gas Trans-Jawa.

Proyek Trans-Jawa terdiri dari tiga proyek utama. Pertama, Jawa bagian barat dengan investasi US$ 300 juta melalui jalur Cirebon-Kandang Haur Timur sepanjang 84 km dan Tegal Gede (Cikarang)-Muara Tawar 50 km. Kedua, Jawa bagian utara senilai US$400 juta dengan jalur Cirebon-Semarang sepanjang 235 km. Ketiga, Jawa bagian timur senilai US$ 360 juta melalui Semarang-Gresik sepanjang 271 km dan East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP)-Grati sepanjang 22,1 km dengan nilai investasi US$ 58 juta.

Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) menyatakan bahwa pihaknya akan melanjutkan proses pembangunan pipa yang pemenang lelangnya sudah diumumkan sejak 2006 tersebut. Pasokan gas yang akan dialirkan pada ruas pipa itu berasal dari Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau di Selat Makassar berupa gas alam cair/LNG. 

Dengan asumsi pengerjaan fisik selama 33 bulan, pipa gas tersebut ditargetkan mulai mengalirkan gas pada 2020. Sebelumnya, pembangunan ruas pipa itu terkendala karena belum adanya kepastian pembeli gas dan sumber pasokan gas. Alhasil, selang 11 tahun, proyek batal diselesaikan.

Namun, Rekind telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman (memorandum of understanding/MoU) pada 20 September 2017 dengan PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah dalam kerja sama pendistribusian gas dari ruas yang akan dibangun. BUMD akan menjadi koordinator untuk memastikan pembeli dari sektor industri di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah.

Pipa yang rencananya dibangun dengan kapasitas 250 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) hingga 300 MMscfd itu pengoperasiannya akan bermitra dengan PT Pertamina Gas. Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama Rekind Jakub Utama mengatakan bahwa proyeksi naiknya pemanfaatan gas sebagai bahan bakar juga kebutuhan industri menjadi pendorong utama bagi perseroan untuk melanjutkan proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang. Rekind meminta dukungan pemerintah, BUMN, BUMD, dan pelaku industri agar proyek bisa berjalan sesuai target.

“Dengan melihat peluang pemanfaatan bahan bakar gas yang tinggi, kami mengharapkan dukungan dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat untuk turut serta memberikan kontribusi,” katanya, Minggu (24/9).

Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi Fanshurullah Asa mengatakan presentasi Rekind pada 18 September, ada beberapa opsi pasokan gas yang dialirkan pada ruas pipa tersebut, yakni dari Blok Coridor (ConocoPhillips Grissik Limited) di Sumatra Selatan atau Lapangan Jangkrik (Eni Muara Bakau BV).

“Opsinya ada dari Lapangan Jangkrik atau dari ConocoPhillips melalui pipa SSWJ [South Sumatra-West Java]".

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Monday, Sept 25, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Government to auction East Kalimantan block Soon

The government plans to auction off the East Kalimantan oil and gas block immediately after state-owned firm Pertamina refused to take it over from its current operator next year.

The local unit of United States energy giant Chevron Corp. is operating the block until October 2018 and has decided not to extend its contract. The government has offered the block, one of the country’s top 10 oil producers, to state-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina, in addition to another seven blocks.

However, Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arcandra Tahar confirmed that Pertamina. had refused to run the East Kalimantan block following a thorough review of all eight on offer.

“Based on my understanding, it [Pertamina] is planning to return [the East Kalimantan block] and [therefore] it will be put up for auction as soon as possible. There is no more time and it must be auctioned off immediately,” he told reporters on Friday.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry previously assigned Pertamina to take over eight blocks - consisting of East Kalimantan, Attaka, North Sumatra oifshore, Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Southeast Sumatra, Tengah and Tuban once their existing product sharing contracts (PSC) expire in 2018.

The East Kalimantan block produced 18,200 barrels of oil per day (bopd) in the first half of the year, according to data from the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKKMigas).

Like the Offshore Northwest Java block Pertamina recently acquired, the government expects the firm to operate the eight fields using the newly introduced gross split scheme.

In response to mounting complaints from business players over its economic infeasibility the scheme, passed early this year, was recently revised to provide better incentives for contractors.

However, the profit split between contractors and the government still depends on a few variables, including global oil prices and the stage of production. While the government touted this new scheme as a win-win solution for all stakeholders, Pertamina’s subsidiary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) has been visibly struggling wlth the absence of reimbursement from the government for exploration activities, which was covered by the previous cost-recovery scheme.

After longdrawn negotiations with the government, PHE’s portion was finally raised to 73.5 percent and 81 percent for the oil and gas fields, respectively, from an initial 57.5 percent and 62.5 percent. Pertamina’s refusal to take over the East Kalimantan block may not bode well for the governments already grim auction of oil and gas blocks.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry recently planned to extend the deadline of this year’s auction to November for the second time. The ministry’s oil and gas director general Ego Syahrial attributed the extension to the revision of the ministerial decree regulating the gross-split scheme.

In response to Arcandra’s statement, Pertamina upstream director Syamsu Alam said that the firm would focus on the seven other blocks. However, Pertamina spokesman Adiatma Sarditjo said Pertamina was still discussing the issue internally and had yet to communicate its stance formally to the government. He declined to elaborate further.

Experts have speculated that Pertamina’s lack of interest was a result of the commercial inviability ofthe block’s operation under the gross-split scheme. ReforMiner Institute founder Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that while the East Kalimantan block’s economic feasibility was relative compared to other blocks in Pertamina’s business portfolio, the gross-split scheme would perhaps not cover certain costs.

“There is a possibility that there is a large cost component or obligation that is not economically feasible under the gross-split scheme, even with the additional split [in the new revision],” he told The Jakarta Post on Friday.

The latest ReforMiner Institute’s report concludes that the lack of clarity on taxation under the scheme remains a major hindrance to investors who are looking to grab a slice ofthe upstream pie.

 Jakarta Post, Page-13, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Operation Jambaran-Tiung Biru is Positive

The gas price agreement between Pertamina and PLN in Jambaran-Tiung Biru is considered very positive and high strategic value. Because many economic impacts are generated, ranging from labor to industry.

"Very strategic and positive. Many mulitiplier effects of economic sector that can be driven, "said Executive Director of ReforMiner Institue Komaidi Notonegoro in Jakarta, Friday (22/9).

According to Komaidi, the resulting economic impact is remarkable. Including, among others, that the gas supply from Jambaran-Tiung Biru is vital to meet gas demand in Indonesia, especially electricity and industry in Java.

"Do not forget, the industries in East Java will continue to grow. Not to mention the interconnected electricity, so the results of power plants in East Java can be for Central Java and Bali. Electricity will also drive other sectors. In the agricultural sector, for example, it will add value to the fertilizer and petrochemical industry, "he said.

Komaidi also believes that Jambaran - Tiung Biru can accelerate the utilization of gas pipeline Gresik-Semarang, so that the utilization of gas can be expanded. Thus, the projects that were delayed and the economy in doubt, will all go back one by one.

Special sector of industry, Jambaran-Tiung Biru become the solution of gas supply needs. It is true that the current LNG is abundant, because oil refineries in some countries, such as Qatar, Australia, and Papua New Guinea are many. But Komaidi reminded that industry should not think too micro and short term.

"This large gas only lasts until 2018. In fact, the industry must think until 2025-2030. That is, the industry also needs gas supply from Jambaran-Tiung Biru, "he said.

Equally important, is the incredible employment absorption. Due to the ever-increasing growth, the industry is also increasingly in need of a lot of manpower. Not directly related, but also supporting industries, such as pipes to food.

Not just primary industry. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) were also believed to be positively affected by the operation of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru field. Therefore, the Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Indonesia, Erik Hidayat, sees that the project is very positive for the community, not least the small entrepreneurs, which in fact is a big contribution in the national economy.

"A must. Because of its effect to lower society. There are 56 million micro businesses, with 60 percent of them culinary, including stalls, bakers, and street food. They have to be positively affected by the cooperation between PLN and Pertamina, "Erik said. 

    If that happens, he said, it is expected to strengthen the competitiveness of MSMEs, which will ultimately positively affect the regional and national economy.

In addition, he said, is expected to also support 221 ministries that have been their respective programs in the development of SMEs.

"We all help a lot. It is an obligation for all institutions and even state-owned enterprises to advance MSMEs, "said Erik.


Pengoperasian Jambaran-Tiung Biru Dinilai Positif  

Kesepakatan harga gas antara Pertamina dan PLN di Jambaran-Tiung Biru dinilai sangat positif dan bernilai strategis tinggi. Pasalnya banyak dampak ekonomi dihasilkan, mulai sektor tenaga kerja hingga industri. 

“Sangat strategis dan positif. Banyak mulitiplier effect sektor ekonomi yang bisa digerakkan," kata Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institue Komaidi Notonegoro di Jakarta, Jumat (22/ 9).

Menurut Komaidi, dampak ekonomi yang dihasilkan memang luar biasa. Termasuk di antaranya, bahwa pasokan gas dari Jambaran-Tiung Biru sangat vital untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas di Indonesia, khususnya listrik dan industri di Jawa.

“Jangan lupa, industri di Jawa Timur akan terus bertumbuh. Belum lagi listrik yang interkoneksi, sehingga hasil pembangkit di Jatim bisa untuk Jawa Tengah dan Bali. Listrik juga akan menggerakkan sektor-sektor lain, Di sektor pertanian, misalnya, akan memberi nilai tambah industri pupuk dan petrokimia,” kata dia.

Komaidi juga meyakini, Jambaran - Tiung Biru bisa mempercepat utilisasi pipa gas Gresik-Semarang, sehingga pemanfaatan gas bisa diperluas. Dengan demikian, proyek-proyek yang sempat tertunda dan keekonomiannya diragukan, semua akan kembali berjalan satu per satu.

Khusus sektor industri, Jambaran-Tiung Biru menjadi solusi pemenuhan kebutuhan pasokan gas. Benar bahwa saat ini LNG sedang melimpah, karena kilang minyak di beberapa negara, seperti Qatar, Australia, dan Papua Nugini sedang banyak. Tetapi Komaidi mengingatkan, bahwa industri tidak boleh berpikir terlalu mikro dan jangka pendek.

“Gas yang sedang banyak ini hanya bertahan hingga 2018. Padahal, industri harus berpikir hingga 2025-2030. Artinya, industri pun membutuhkan pasokan gas dari Jambaran-Tiung Biru,” kata dia.

Tidak kalah penting, adalah penyerapan tenaga kerja yang sangat luar biasa. Karena dengan pertumbuhan yang terus meningkat, industri juga semakin membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja. Tidak yang terkait langsung, namun juga industri penunjang, seperti pipa hingga makanan.

Tidak hanya industri primer. Usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) pun, diyakini bisa terimbas positif operasional lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru. Untuk itu Wakil Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) Indonesia, Erik Hidayat, melihat bahwa proyek itu sangat positif bagi masyarakat, tidak terkecuali pengusaha kecil, yang notabene kontribusi besar dalam perekonomian nasional.

“Harus dong. Karena efeknya ke masyarakat bawah. Terdapat 56 juta mikro bisnis, dengan 60 persen di antaranya adalah kuliner, termasuk warung, tukang kue, dan makanan kaki lima. Mereka harus terkena dampak positif kerja sama antara PLN dan Pertamina itu,” kata Erik. 

    Jika itu terjadi, kata dia, diharapkan bisa memperkuat daya saing UMKM, yang pada akhirnya akan berimbas positif bagi perekonomian daerah dan nasional. 

Selain itu, kata dia, diharapkan pula bisa mendukung 221 kementerian yang selama ini memiliki program masing-masing dalam pengembangan UMKM. 

“Kita semua banyak membantu. Sudah kewajiban bagi semua lembaga bahkan BUMN untuk memajukan UMKM,” kata Erik.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Arfura Waters Have Potential Oil and Gas

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed the potential of oil and gas in Arafura Waters, Papua. This is a temporary result of the Center for Marine Geology Research and Development (P3GL) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Research and Development Agency. The study used a research vessel Geomarin III in Arafura Waters from 21 August to 20 September.

Head of P3GL Ediar Usman said the Geomarin ship belonging to the ESDM Ministry is equipped with 2D seismic equipment, marine gravity meter and geomagnet. He mentioned that there is no research vessel in Indonesia equipped with similar equipment. The tools to determine the model and dimensions of oil and gas basin. Delineation of basins with gravity meter method combined with geomagnet can determine the level of prospect of a basin of oil and gas.

"The output of survey activities will be presented in complete reporting with seismic maps and atlas recordings," Ediar said after the Openship and Business Partner Meeting of Geomarin III Research Vessel at Tenau Port, Kupang, Friday (22/9).

The event was attended by Secretary General of the National Energy Council (DEN) Saleh Abdurrahman, two DEN members Syamsir Abduh and Pudji Utoro, as well as businessmen.

Ediar describes the length of the survey path in the Arafura Sea that is 1,300 kilometers (km), gravity meter and geomagnet 1,700 km. Seawater sampling with gravity corer at 28 points with a maximum length of sample of 2.6 meters. Based on research results, Arafura waters at the beginning of Quaternary is a swamp area.

This is indicated by a sample of seabed that contains organic carbon elements. The interpretation of the gravity meter and geomagnet shows evidence of a dense Akimegah basin that is thickening inland to Papua in the north.


Perairan Arfura Miliki Potensi Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengungkapkan adanya potensi minyak dan gas bumi di Perairan Arafura, Papua. Hal ini merupakan hasil sementara dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan (P3GL) Badan Litbang Kementerian ESDM. Penelitian itu menggunakan kapal riset Geomarin III di Perairan Arafura sejak 21 Agustus hingga 20 September.

Kepala P3GL Ediar Usman mengatakan, kapal Geomarin milik Kementerian ESDM itu dilengkapi peralatan seismik 2D, marin gravity meter dan geomagnet. Dia menyebut belum ada kapal riset di Indonesia yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan sejenis. Alat-alat tersebut untuk menentukan model dan dimensi cekungan migas. Deleniasi cekungan dengan metode gravity meter yang dikombinasikan dengan geomagnet dapat menentukan tingkat keprospekan suatu cekungan migas.

“Output kegiatan survei akan disajikan dalam pelaporan lengkap dengan peta dan atlas rekaman seismik,” kata Ediar usai acara Openship dan Temu Mitra Bisnis Kapal Riset Geomarin III di Pelabuhan Tenau, Kupang, Jumat (22/ 9).

Dalam acara tersebut dihadiri juga oleh Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN) Saleh Abdurrahman, dua anggota DEN yakni Syamsir Abduh dan Pudji Utoro, serta pelaku bisnis.

Ediar menerangkan panjang lintasan survei di Laut Arafura yakni seismik 1.300 kilometer (km), gravity meter dan geomagnet masing-masing 1.700 km. Pengambilan sampel dasar laut dengan gravity corer di 28 titik dengan panjang maksimal sampel 2,6 meter. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, perairan Arafura pada awal Kuarter merupakan daerah rawa. 

Ini ditunjukkan oleh sampel dasar laut yang mengandung unsur organic carbon. Penafsiran gravity meter dan geomagnet menunjukkan bukti adanya cekungan Akimegah yang menebal ke arah daratan Papua di sebelah utara.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Government Immediately Re-Auction East Kalimantan Block

The government declared to immediately auction East Kalimantan Block in the near future. Blocks offshore East Kalimantan are auctioned, after PT Pertamina decided not to continue its management and return to the government.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said Pertamina had declared it would return East Kalimantan Block to the government. Once returned, it will immediately auction block whose contract expires on October 24, 2018.

"As soon as [auctioned], there is no time for us not to auction off as soon as possible" he said in Jakarta, Friday (22/9)

He said that although Pertamina did not continue to sign the contract, it does not mean the East Kalimantan Block is not attractive. A number of oil and gas companies are said to be interested in working on the block whose contract was first signed on January 11, 1991. Unfortunately, he is reluctant to detail the company of this company.

"There are some interested, but it certainly depends on how detailed it will be. This is waiting for us. So soon we will auction, "said Arcandra.

Currently, East Kalimantan Block is operated by Chevron Indonesia Company which also holds 100% participation right. Chevron Indonesia, since 2016, has expressed no interest in continuing its contract and will be returned to the country. However, the company from the United States still has the obligation to continue operations in East Kalimantan Block until next year.

"There [Chevron] keep working, still until next year," said Arcandra.

Previously, Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that his side did not manage East Kalimantan Block because the company wanted to focus on working on another termination block. Until now, Pertamina has signed the Mahakam Block contract, replacing Total E & P Indonesie as operator starting January 1, 2018. In addition, the company is still discussing the contract of seven termination blocks, Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, North Sumatera Offshore, Central, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatra (SES), and Attaka.

"We have decided not to continue. Consideration, we will focus on handling Mahakam and other termination blocks, right enough, "he said.

Moreover, the possibility of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) does not approve the extension of time to evaluate the East Kalimantan Block. Previously, the company has requested an extension of time to study the block offshore of East Kalimantan due to the considerable abandonment and site restoration (ASR) burden.

Based on data from Pertamina, East Kalimantan Block has an area of ​​6,177 square kilometers. In 2015, oil and gas reserves were recorded at 213 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe). While the oil and gas production of this block is 36.5 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day / kboepd). ASR Efficiency, As ASR loads, Arcandra continues, it is looking for ways to cut costs. Because, during the initial production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery, ASR burden borne by the state through reimbursement of investment costs (cost recovery).

"We need to find the right technology that can be efficient, so that high ASR costs can be suppressed," he explained.

During a visit to various oil and gas companies in Europe, he admitted also with the aim of seeing efficient ASR technology. Meanwhile, for the new regulation of ASR itself, it is still being processed. However, Arcandra did not reveal when this rule was launched. "Ministerial Regulation is being drafted," he said.

Nature had mentioned, the East Kalimantan Block's economy became difficult because of the considerable ASR burden. Because, embracing the PSC for gross split, ASR's burden becomes the responsibility of the investor completely. This is in contrast to cost recovery contracts, in which ASR is shared with the government. "

The same thing was also expressed by the Executive Director of IPA Marjolijn Wajong. According to him, oil and gas contracts signed before 1990 did not require ASR allowance. In fact, if counting the number of wells drilled for decades, the required ASR funds would be quite large. Collecting these funds to one of the companies, either contracted out or taking over the management, will be a heavy burden.

For the contractor who took over running the block out of this contract, the ASR charge is said to be able to trim the economics of the block. Meanwhile, if billed to the old contractor, no funds can be deposited considering there is no provision of funds since the beginning of the contract. The implementation of billing also has the potential for dispute between the government and the contractor.


Pemerintah Segera Lelang Ulang Blok East Kalimantan

Pemerintah menyatakan segera melelang Blok East Kalimantan dalam waktu dekat. Blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur ini dilelang, setelah PT Pertamina memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan pengelolaannya dan mengembalikan ke pemerintah.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, Pertamina telah menyatakan akan mengembalikan Blok East Kalimantan kepada pemerintah. Begitu dikembalikan, pihaknya bakal langsung melelang blok yang kontraknya berakhir pada 24 Oktober 2018 tersebut. 

“Secepatnya [dilelang], tidak ada waktu bagi kita untuk tidak melelang secepatnya" kata dia di Jakarta, Jumat (22/9)

Dikatakannya, meski Pertamina tidak melanjutkan hingga menandatangani kontrak, bukan berarti Blok East Kalimantan tidak menarik. Sejumlah perusahaan migas disebutnya tertarik untuk menggarap blok yang kontraknya pertama kali diteken pada 11 Januari 1991 tersebut. Sayangnya, dia enggan merinci perusahaan perusahaan ini.

“Ada beberapa tertarik, tetapi ini tentu tergantung nanti bagaimana detailnya. Ini sedang kami tunggu. Makanya secepatnya akan kami lelang,” tutur Arcandra.

Saat ini, Blok East Kalimantan dioperatori oleh Chevron Indonesia Company yang sekaligus memegang hak partisipasi 100%. Chevron Indonesia, sejak 2016 lalu, telah menyatakan tidak berminat melanjutkan kontraknya dan bakal dikembalikan ke negara. Namun, perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat ini masih memiliki kewajiban melanjutkan operasi di Blok East Kalimantan sampai tahun depan. 

“Di sana [Chevron] tetap bekerja kan, masih sampai tahun depan,” ujar Arcandra.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya tidak lanjut mengelola Blok East Kalimantan lantaran perseroan ingin fokus menggarap blok terminasi lain. Hingga kini, Pertamina telah meneken kontrak Blok Mahakam, menggantikan Total E&P Indonesie sebagai operator mulai 1 Januari 2018. Selain itu, perseroan juga masih membahas kontrak tujuh blok terminasi, yakni Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, North Sumatera Offshore, Tengah, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatera (SES), dan Attaka.

“Sudah kami putuskan untuk tidak kami lanjutkan. Pertimbangannya, kami akan fokus menangani Mahakam dan blok terminasi lain, kan cukup banyak,” kata dia. 

Apalagi, kemungkinan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tidak menyetujui perpanjangan waktu untuk mengevaluasi Blok East Kalimantan. Sebelumnya, perseroan telah meminta perpanjangan waktu untuk mengkaji blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur itu lantaran beban dana pascatambang (abandonment and site restoration/ASR) yang cukup besar.

Berdasarkan data Pertamina, Blok East Kalimantan memiliki luas area 6.177 kilometer persegi. Pada 2015 lalu, cadangan migas ini tercatat sebesar 213 juta barel setara minyak (million barrel oil equivalent/MMboe). Sementara produksi migas blok ini yakni sebesar 36,5 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day/ kboepd). Efisiensi ASR, Terkait beban ASR, Arcandra melanjutkan, pihaknya sedang mencari cara untuk memangkas biayanya. Pasalnya, pada masa awal kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) cost recovery, beban ASR ditanggung negara melalui penggantian biaya investasi (cost recovery).

“Kita harus cari teknologi yang pas yang bisa efisien, supaya biaya ASR yang tinggi ini bisa ditekan,” jelasnya.

Dalam kunjungan ke berbagai perusahaan migas di Eropa lalu, dirinya mengaku juga dengan tujuan melihat teknologi ASR yang efisien. Sementara itu, untuk regulasi baru soal ASR sendiri, dikatakannya masih diproses. Namun, Arcandra tidak membeberkan kapan peraturan ini diluncurkan. “Peraturan Menteri sedang disusun,” kata dia.

Alam sempat menyebutkan, keekonomian Blok East Kalimantan menjadi sulit lantaran beban ASR yang cukup besar. Pasalnya, menganut PSC bagi hasil kotor (gross split), beban ASR menjadi tanggung jawab investor sepenuhnya. Hal ini berbeda dengan kontrak cost recovery, di mana ASR ditanggung bersama dengan pemerintah. "

Hal yang sama juga sempat diungkapkan Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong. Menurutnya, kontrak migas yang diteken sebelum 1990 memang tidak mewajibkan penyisihan ASR. Padahal, jika menghitung jumlah sumur yang dibor selama berpuluh-puluh tahun, dana ASR yang diperlukan bakal cukup besar. Penagihan dana ini kepada salah satu perusahaan, baik yang kontraknya habis ataupun yang mengambil alih pengelolaannya, akan menjadi beban berat.

Bagi kontraktor yang mengambil alih kelola blok habis kontrak ini, pembebanan ASR disebutnya dapat memangkas keekonomian blok tersebut. Sementara jika ditagihkan kepada kontraktor lama, tidak ada dana yang dapat disetor mengingat memang tidak ada penyisihan dana sejak awal kontrak. Pelaksaan penagihan juga berpotensi terjadinya dispute antara pemerintah dan kontraktor.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Ministry of ESDM Ready to Auction East Kalimantan Block

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will soon auction East Kalimantan oil and gas blocks. This step swings after PT Pertamina declares it will restore the block operations. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said the East Kalimantan block will be auctioned immediately after Pertamina officially returns the block to the government.
"Immediately, there is no time we do not auction off as soon as possible," said Arcandara on Friday (22/9).

Arcandra added, there are currently some oil and gas companies interested to manage the East Kalimantan block. Unfortunately, Arcandra can not say more details related to the auction process. Although it will conduct an auction as soon as possible, Arcandra insists the operational activities of the East Kalimantan block will continue until the contract expires next year.

"Keep working, because still until next year," he added.

Previously, Pertamina said that the continuation of the management of the East Kalimantan block could be detrimental, because the funding expenditure is greater than the needs of other oil and gas blocks. Understandably, in managing the block Pertamina must use a gross split scheme that is claimed by many mining companies in terms of cost greater than cost recovery.

The problem is, this company still has to bear the cost of mine closure or post mining alias abandonment and site restoration (ASR). This condition causes Pertamina not interested in managing the former East Kalimantan block managed by Chevron.

"In the new regulations have to bear a considerable ASR cost," said Syamsu Alam, Upstream Director of Pertamina.

In managing the East Kalimantan block, Pertamina is required to bear all post-mining costs in the block. Apparently, the previous block manager, Chevron Indonesia, did not reserve the post-mining funds in the block. The previous government does not require contractors of cooperation contracts (KKKS) to prepare funds post-mining.

Well, this obligation only begins after the KKKS sign a new contract in which there is a clause regarding to bear the cost of mine closure. Pertamina has counted oil and gas blocks terminated in 2018 using a gross split scheme. Of the eight termination blocks, only East Kalimantan blocks are considered less economical. Meanwhile, in relation to the Ministerial Regulation on ASR, it is still being drafted by the government.

"We have to find the right technology, to be efficient, so that this high ASR can be suppressed," said Arcandra.


Kementerian ESDM Siap Lelang Blok East Kalimantan

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera melelang blok minyak dan gas (migas) East Kalimantan. Ayunan langkah ini setelah PT Pertamina menyatakan akan mengembalikan operasional blok tersebut. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, blok East Kalimantan akan langsung dilelang setelah Pertamina secara resmi mengembalikan blok tersebut ke pemerintah. 

"Secepatnya, tidak ada waktu kita tidak melelang secepatnya," kata Arcandara pada Jumat (22/9).

Arcandra menambahkan, saat ini sudah ada beberapa perusahaan migas yang tertarik untuk mengelola blok East Kalimantan tersebut. Namun sayang, Arcandra belum dapat mengatakan lebih mendetail terkait proses lelang itu. Walaupun akan melakukan Ielang secepatnya, Arcandra menegaskan kegiatan operasional dari blok East Kalimantan akan tetap berjalan hingga kontrak berakhir pada tahun depan. 

"Tetap bekerja, karena masih sampai tahun depan," imbuhnya.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina menilai, kelanjutan pengelolaan blok East Kalimantan bisa merugikan, karena pengeluaran dananya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan dana blok migas lain. Maklum, dalam mengelola blok tersebut Pertamina harus memakai skema gross split yang diklaim oleh banyak perusahaan tambang dari sisi biaya lebih besar daripada cost recovery. 

Persoalannya, perusahaan ini masih harus menanggung biaya penutupan tambang atau pasca tambang alias abandonment and site restoration (ASR). Kondisi inilah yang menyebabkan Pertamina tidak tertarik mengelola blok East Kalimantan bekas dikelola Chevron. 

"Dalam peraturan baru harus menanggung biaya ASR yang cukup besar," kata Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina.

Dalam mengelola blok East Kalimantan, Pertamina wajib menanggung seluruh biaya pasca tambang di blok tersebut. Rupanya, pengelola blok sebelumnya, Chevron Indonesia, tidak mencadangkan dana pasca tambang di blok itu. Pemerintah sebelumnya memang tidak mewajibkan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) menyiapkan dana pasca tambang. 

Nah, kewajiban ini baru mulai setelah KKKS meneken kontrak baru yang di dalamnya ada klausul soal menanggung biaya penutupan tambang. Pertamina telah berhitung blok-blok migas yang terminasi pada tahun 2018 dengan menggunakan skema gross split. Dari delapan blok terminasi, hanya blok East Kalimantan yang dinilai kurang ekonomis. Sementara itu, terkait dengan Peraturan Menteri tentang ASR, saat ini masih disusun oleh pemerintah. 

"Kami harus cari teknologi yang pas, agar efisien, supaya ASR yang tinggi ini bisa ditekan," jelas Arcandra.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Deputy Minister of EMR Officially BD HCML Field

Contractor of the Sarna Work Contract (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Wednesday (20/9), officially operates the BD field. Vice Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar marked the inauguration by splitting the pitcher at the Karapan Fleet Sterling III Floating Production Storage (FPSO), which is off the coast of Sampang, Madura.

This activity was attended by Sampang Regent Fadillah Budiono, Head of Sampang DPRD KH Imam Ubaidillah, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar, Assistant of Operations of Main Military Commander of Army IV, Colonel Aris Hariadi W, General Manager HCML Huang Chunlin, Upstream Directorate of Directorate General Oil and Gas Ministry ESDM Mr. Tunggal, and other officials. On that occasion, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar in his speech appreciated HCML and all related parties on the completion of this project.

"The production of this project also contributes to the increase of national oil and gas production," he said.

The peak production of BD's field is 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7,000 barrels of condensate per day. Gas distribution to PT PGN started on 26 Ju1i 2017. The gas by PGN is utilized to support industrial activities in East Java. Currently gas absorption ranges from 30-40 MMSCFD and condensate at 3,000 barrels per day.

"Production will increase gradually. It is expected that early 2018 peak production is achieved," said Arcandra.

Based on recent developments, BD field gas buyers are PT Inti Alasindo Energy of 40 MMSCfD and PT PGN of 60 MMSCFD. For PT Inti Alasindo Energy cooperates with Pertagas as a transporter to distribute BD field gas to end users.

"Hopefully with this gas distribution to domestic buyers indirectly can help lift the regional economy," said Arcandra.

The Government is committed to create a conducive investment climate. One of them revised the ESDM ministerial regulation on gross split, to replace the current cost recovery scheme. Hopefully, this new policy scheme could be more efficient for upstream oil and gas business in Indonesia. The realization of upstream oil and gas projects can also be faster.

"The support of all parties, including the local government is very important," he said.

He said the local government is expected to help speed up the permits issued and not issue regulations that do not have added value to the upstream oil and gas industry.


Wakil Menteri ESDM Resmikan Lapangan BD HCML

Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sarna (KKKS) Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML), Rabu (20/9), resmi mengoperasikan lapangan BD. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menandai peresmian dengan memecah kendi di Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Karapan Armada Sterling III, yang berada di lepas Pantai Kabupaten Sampang, Madura.

Kegiatan ini dihadiri Bupati Sampang Fadillah Budiono, Ketua DPRD Sampang KH Imam Ubaidillah, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar, Asisten Operasi Komandan Pangakalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut IV, Kolonel Laut Aris Hariadi W, General Manager HCML Huang Chunlin, Direktur Hulu Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan gas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal, dan pejabat lainnya. Dalam kesempatan itu, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar dalam sambutannya mengapresiasi HCML dan seluruh pihak terkait atas selesainya proyek ini. 

"Produksi proyek ini turut berkontribusi pada peningkatan produksi migas nasional," katanya.

Produksi puncak Iapangan BD sebesar 100 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan 7.000 barel kondensat per hari. Penyaluran gas ke PT PGN dimulai pada tanggal 26 Ju1i 2017. Gas tersebut oleh PGN dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung kegiatan industri di Jawa Timur.  Saat ini penyerapan gas berkisar 30-40 MMSCFD dan kondensat sebesar 3.000 barel per hari. 

"Produksi akan meningkat secara bertahap. Diharapkan awal 2018 produksi puncak tercapai," kata Arcandra.

Berdasarkan perkembangan terakhir, pembeli gas lapangan BD adalah PT Inti Alasindo Energy sebesar 40 MMSCfD dan PT PGN sebesar 60 MMSCFD. Untuk PT Inti Alasindo Energy bekerja sama dengan Pertagas sebagai transporter untuk menyalurkan gas lapangan BD kepada para end user.

"Semoga dengan disalurkannya gas ini ke pembeli domestik secara tidak langsung dapat membantu mengangkat perekonomian daerah," kata Arcandra.

Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk membuat iklim investasi yang kondusif. Salah satunya merevisi peraturan menteri ESDM mengenai gross split, untuk menggantikan skema cost recovery yang selama ini berjalan. Harapannya, skema kebijakan baru ini bisa lebih mengefisienkan bisnis hulu migas di Indonesia. Realisasi proyek hulu migas juga bisa lebih cepat. 

"Dukungan semua pihak, termasuk pemerintah daerah sangat penting," katanya.

Dia mengatakan, pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat membantu mempercepat izin yang dikeluarkan dan tidak mengeluarkan peraturan yang tidak memiliki nilai tambah untuk industri hulu migas.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Sept 23, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

HCML Still Waiting for Buyers

Madura Limited, Madura BD Field Operator, Madura Strait Block, is still waiting for potential buyers of natural gas from the field to increase peak production by 110 million cubic feet per day.

Currently, natural gas production from gas fields operated by Husky Energy and CNOOC Limited is only 40 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) and condensate 3,000 barrels per day (BPD). All gas production at present is 40 MMscfd sold to PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. BD field produces its first gas since July 26, 2017.

General Manager of Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) Huang Chunlin said that the gas field production located in Madura Strait can be raised up to 110 MMscfd and 7,000 BPD condensate in January 2018.

According to him, HCML is still negotiating price and gas supply with PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Inti Alasindo Energy which will cooperate with PT Pertamina Gas as gas to the consumer.

"We are still waiting for other gas buyers to raise the peak production, which is 110 MMscfd. The possibility of peak production will be achieved in January 2018, "he said while assisting the Vice Minister of EMR in Arcandra Tahar inaugurated the first gas field production BD, Wednesday (20/9).

BD Field is located off the coast of Madura Strait, about 52 km east of Pasuruan (East Java) and 16 km south of Sampang Regency, Madura Island. The field has gas reserves of 442 billion cubic feet (BCF) and condensate of 18.7 million barrels. Huang added that to achieve the project's economic level, gas and condensate production from BD Field will be done for 14 years.

BD field has four wells. Gas and condensate production is channeled to the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) of Karapan Armada Sterling III owned by PT Amtada Gema Nusantara. The gas from the FPSO is channeled through a 52 km subsea gas pipeline to a gas metering station (GMS) located in Pasuruan which is then delivered to PGN.

According to him, the price of gas sold by HCML to PGN is the US $ 7 per million British thermal units (MMBtu). FPSO Karapan Armada Sterling III was imported by PT Armada Gema Nusantara (Malaysia FPSO provider, Bumi Armada Bhd.) In January 2017. Armada Gema Nusantara ordered the FPSO from Keppel Oil, a Singaporean oil and gas company, then Fleet Gema Nusantara rented the FPSO to HCML.


Huang added BD field development investment reached the US $ 300 million used for construction and drilling. The investment fund is outside the cost of leasing the FPSO from Armada Gema.

In addition to Arcandra Tahar, the inauguration of BD Field gas production was also attended by Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar and Sampang Regent Fadillah Budiono. Husky Energy, the Canadian oil and gas company, holds a 40% stake in Madura BD Field.

Meanwhile, China's oil and gas company CNOOC Limited holds a 40% stake. The remaining 20% ​​is owned by Samudra Energy Limited, an Indonesian oil, and gas company established by Patrick Sugito Walujo, son-in-law of T.P Rachmat.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said that the production of BD's field through a long process. Since the BD Fields BD production contract was signed in 1982, the new oil and gas well-produced commercial gas in July 2017, takes 35 years.

"In the 1970s, it only took 5 years to reach the production stage, now it takes an average of 15 years to reach the production stage," he said.

He explained that the length of time in the development of oil and gas blocks to reach the oil and gas production will affect the efficiency of the project. The longer the time it takes, the project will not be efficient. Therefore, the government is currently using a gross split contract scheme to replace the profit-sharing contracts for returned operating costs.

"Through gross split, the procurement process is faster so the project will be efficient and reduce costs."

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-28, Friday, Sept 22, 2017

Pertamina Does Not Continue Evaluating East Kalimantan Block

PT Pertamina will not continue the evaluation of the East Kalimantan Block because it will focus on the management of other termination blocks. Thus, the block off the coast of East Kalimantan will be offered to other oil and gas companies.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said the decision on the East Kalimantan Block was taken because the company wanted to focus on working on another termination block. Until now, Pertamina has signed the Mahakam block contract, replacing Total E & P Indonesie as operator starting January 1, 2018.

Mahakam block

In addition, the company also discusses contracts for seven termination blocks, namely Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, North Sumatra Offshore, Central, Sanga-Sanga, South East Surnatera (SES), and Attaka.

"We have decided not to continue. Consideration, we will focus on handling Mahakam and other termination blocks, because quite a lot, "he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/9)

Moreover, the possibility of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) does not approve the extension of time to evaluate the East Kalimantan Block. Previously, the company has requested an extension of time to study the block offshore of East Kalimantan due to the considerable abandonment and site restoration (ASR) burden. For the continuation of the East Kalimantan Block management, he said, is the authority of the ESDM Ministry.

"Obviously the block will be offered to investors who are interested in managing," said Alam.

Currently, East Kalimantan Block is operated by Chevron Indonesia Company which also holds 100% participation right. The block's production sharing contract (PSC) was first signed on January 11, 1991 and will end on October 24, 2018. Chevron Indonesia, since 2016, has declared no interest in continuing its contract and will be returned to the country.

Based on data from Pertamina, East Kalimantan Block has an area of ​​6,177 square kilometers. In 2015, oil and gas reserves were recorded at 213 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe). While the oil and gas production of this block is 36.5 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day / kboepd).

Previously, Syamsu Alam mentioned, the ASR burden is quite large and fully borne by oil and gas companies in the gross split contract. The reason, embracing the contract of this scheme, means that the burden of ASR becomes the responsibility of the investor completely. This is in contrast to cost recovery contracts, where ASR is shared with the government.

The same thing was also expressed by the Executive Director of IPA Marjolijn Wajong. According to him, oil and gas contracts signed before 1990 did not require ASR allowance. In fact, if counting the number of wells drilled for decades, the required ASR funds will be substantial. Collecting these funds to one of the companies, either contracted out or taking over the management, will be a heavy burden.

For the contractor who took over running the block out of this contract, the ASR charge is said to be able to trim the economics of the block. Meanwhile, if billed to the old contractor, no funds can be deposited considering there is no provision of funds since the beginning of the contract. Coercion billing also has the potential for dispute between government and contractors.


Pertamina Tidak Lanjutkan Evaluasi Blok East Kalimantan

PT Pertamina tidak akan melanjutkan evaluasi Blok East Kalimantan lantaran bakal fokus pada pengelolaan blok terminasi lain. Dengan demikian, blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur itu bakal ditawarkan ke perusahaan migas lain.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, keputusan soal Blok East Kalimantan tersebut diambil lantaran perseroan ingin fokus menggarap blok terminasi lain. Hingga kini, Pertamina telah meneken kontrak Blok Mahakam, menggantikan Total E&P Indonesie sebagai operator mulai 1 Januari 2018. 

Selain itu, perseroan juga masih membahas kontrak tujuh blok terminasi, yakni Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, North Sumatera Offshore, Tengah, Sanga-Sanga, South East Sumatera (SES), dan Attaka.

“Sudah kami putuskan untuk tidak kami lanjutkan. Pertimbangannya, kami akan fokus menangani Mahakam dan blok terminasi lain, karena cukup banyak,” kata dia di Jakarta, Rabu (20/9)

Apalagi, kemungkinan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tidak menyetujui perpanjangan waktu untuk mengevaluasi Blok East Kalimantan. Sebelumnya, perseroan telah meminta perpanjangan waktu untuk mengkaji blok di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur itu lantaran beban dana pascatambang (abandonment and site restoration/ ASR) yang cukup besar. Untuk kelanjutan pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan, dikatakannya merupakan wewenang Kementerian ESDM.

“Tentunya blok tersebut akan ditawarkan kepada investor yang tertarik mengelola,” tutur Alam.

Saat ini, Blok East Kalimantan dioperatori oleh Chevron Indonesia Company yang sekaligus memegang hak partisipasi 100%. Kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) blok ini diteken pertama kali pada 11 Januari 1991 dan akan berakhir pada 24 Oktober 2018. Chevron Indonesia, sejak 2016 lalu, telah menyatakan tidak berminat melanjutkan kontraknya dan akan dikembalikan ke negara.

Berdasarkan data Pertamina, Blok East Kalimantan memiliki luas area 6.177 kilometer persegi. Pada 2015 lalu, cadangan migas ini tercatat sebesar 213 juta barel setara minyak (million barrel oil equivalent/MMboe). Sementara produksi migas blok ini yakni sebesar 36,5 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (kilo barrel oil equivalent per day/ kboepd).

Sebelumnya, Syamsu Alam menyebut, beban ASR yang cukup besar dan sepenuhnya ditanggung perusahaan migas dalam kontrak gross split. Pasalnya, menganut kontrak skema ini, berarti beban ASR menjadi tanggung jawab investor sepenuhnya. Hal ini berbeda dengan kontrak cost recovery, dimana ASR ditanggung bersama dengan pemerintah.

Hal yang sama juga sempat diungkapkan Direktur Eksekutif IPA Marjolijn Wajong. Menurutnya, kontrak migas yang diteken sebelum 1990 memang tidak mewajibkan penyisihan ASR. Padahal, jika menghitung jumlah sumur yang dibor selama berpuluh-puluh tahun, dana ASR yang diperlukan akan cukup besar. Penagihan dana ini kepada salah satu perusahaan, baik yang kontraknya habis ataupun yang mengambil alih pengelolaannya, akan menjadi beban berat.

Bagi kontraktor yang mengambil alih kelola blok habis kontrak ini, pembebanan ASR disebutnya dapat memangkas keekonomian blok tersebut. Sementara jika ditagihkan kepada kontraktor lama, tidak ada dana yang dapat disetor mengingat memang tidak ada penyisihan dana sejak awal kontrak. Pemaksaan penagihan juga berpotensi terjadinya dispute antara pemerintah dan kontraktor.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Sept 22, 2017