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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Saka Energi Participates in Auction of Two Blocks of Oil and Gas

PT Saka Energi Indonesia took the auction document of oil and gas block offered by the government. There are two blocks of interest to the subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), from 15 oil and gas blocks auctioned by the government since last May.

Both blocks are Pekawai Block and West Yamdena-Papua Block. Both have indeed conducted a joint study between Saka Energy and the government. That way, Saka Energy has a great chance of winning in an oil and gas block auction by 2017.

    Nevertheless, Saka Energi has not made a bid for the Bloc of the Pekawan and the West Yamdena Block. President Director Saka Tumbur Parlindungan, jokingly said, it was just about to bid ahead of the government's proposed deadline.

"Not yet, when the auction is closed," he said on Friday; (29/9). What is certain according to Tumbur, it is indeed interested in both oil and gas blocks.

In addition to targeting new oil and gas blocks in this year's auction of working areas, Tumbur also revealed that Saka Energy hopes to join the termination blocks. One of them participated in the termination block that was handed over by the government to Pertamina.

"If Pertamina does not want 100%, given to us alone," he said.

One of Saka Energi's block of terminations is the Sanga-Sanga Block. Currently Saka has about 37% participating interest (PI) in the Sanga-Sanga block. Saka is also a joint operator with ENI Indonesia which also has a 37% participating interest (Pl).

"The government has given Pertamina for the next management," he said.

But decisions regarding these termination blocks will still be left to the government. Until now, Saka Energi has not yet held talks with Pertamina related to the Sanga-Sanga Block. The SOE has not yet signed the block contract.

While hoping to get an assignment from the government, Saka continues to develop the blocks he operates, one of which is Ujung Pangkah Block, East Java. Recently Saka has proposed a plan of development (POD) Ujung Pangkah Block to the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas).

"Drilling last year," said Tumbur, Production of 10,000 barrels per day.


Saka Energi Ikut Lelang Dua Blok Migas

PT Saka Energi Indonesia ikut mengambil dokumen lelang blok minyak dan gas yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah. Ada dua blok yang menarik hati anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) itu, dari 15 blok migas yang dilelang pemerintah sejak bulan Mei lalu.

Kedua blok tersebut adalah Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena-Papua. Keduanya memang telah dilakukan studi bersama antara Saka Energi dan pemerintah. Dengan begitu, Saka Energi memiliki peluang besar menang dalam lelang blok migas tahun 2017.

    Biarpun begitu, Saka Energi ternyata belum mengajukan penawaran untuk Blok Pekawan dan Blok West Yamdena. Direktur Utama Saka Tumbur Parlindungan, sambil bercanda mengatakan, pihaknya baru saja akan mengajukan penawaran menjelang batas akhir pengajuan penawaran yang ditetapkan pemerintah. 

"Belum, nanti saja kalau lelang sudah ditutup," katanya, pada Jumat; (29/9). Yang pasti menurut Tumbur, pihaknya memang berminat pada kedua blok migas tersebut.

Selain mengincar blok-blok migas baru dalam lelang wilayah kerja tahun ini, Tumbur juga mengungkapkan, Saka Energi berharap bisa ikut masuk ke blok-blok terminasi. Salah satunya ikut dalam blok terminasi yang diserahkan pemerintah ke Pertamina.

"Kalau Pertamina tidak mau 100%, diberikan kepada kami saja," ujarnya.

Salah satu blok terminasi yang diincar Saka Energi adalah Blok Sanga-Sanga. Saat ini Saka memiliki sekitar 37% participating interest (PI) di blok Sanga-Sanga. Saka juga menjadi operator bersama dengan ENI Indonesia yang juga memiliki hak partisipasi (Pl) sekitar 37%. 

"Pemerintah memberi Pertamina untuk pengelolaan selanjutnya. Katanya mau mencari mitra, kami mau. Saka sudah ada disitu," katanya.

Namun keputusan terkait blok-blok terminasi ini akan tetap diserahkan kepada pemerintah. Hingga saat ini Saka Energi belum melakukan pembicaraan dengan Pertamina terkait Blok Sanga-Sanga. BUMN itu belum menandatangani kontrak blok tersebut.

Sembari berharap mendapat penugasan dari pemerintah, Saka terus mengembangkan blok-blok yang ia operasikan, salah satunya Blok Ujung Pangkah, Jawa Timur. Baru-baru ini Saka telah mengajukan plan of development (POD) Blok Ujung Pangkah ke Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). 

"Pengeboran tahun lalu," kata  Tumbur, Produksinya 10.000 barel per hari.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, October 2, 2017

Oil and Gas Production Target Confirmed Missed

The achievement of upstream oil and gas activities this year is estimated to still miss the target. The trend has continued since 2012. Vice Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Sukandar said the decline in exploration activities was driven by the decline in world oil prices that have not improved significantly.

"In fact, the future of upstream oil and gas industry is determined by exploration, and the activities to find the new reserves are the hope of increasing oil and gas production in the future," said Sukandar.

Based on data from SKK Migas, seismic surveys until the end of the second quarter only reached 22 percent of the target. In the workplan & budget (WP & B) this year, oil and gas production is targeted to miss 45 seismic survey activities to be conducted. However, it is estimated that there are only 11 seismic survey activities until the end of the year.

Currently, there are even only 10 seismic survey activities. For non-seismic surveys, it is estimated that there are only 12 activities from the target of 16 activities. Currently, only realized 11 non-seismic exploration activities. Drilling activities were only realized 29 percent of the target of 138 drilling activities this year. Nevertheless, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar rate, achievement for drilling activities is quite satisfactory.

"There have been 43 drilling activities with outlook of 44 activities. This increase compared to last year which only reached 30s drilling activities, "he explained.

The government has improved the rules to increase exploration activities in upstream oil and gas. He also will consider the process of land acquisition permit for oil and gas exploration can be done SKK Migas. Meanwhile, payment of land acquisition will be borne by KKKS.

     Meanwhile, payment of land acquisition will be borne by KKKS. Deputy Planning of Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas) Jaffee Arizon Suardin admitted oil and gas exploration activities this year will not be achieved. This year, exploration activities have spent Rp 11.6 trillion.


Target Produksi Migas Dipastikan Meleset

Capaian kegiatan hulu migas tahun ini diperkirakan masih meleset dari target. Tren itu berlanjut dan berlangsung sejak 2012. Wakil Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Sukandar menyatakan, penurunan aktivitas eksplorasi tersebut didorong penurunan harga minyak dunia yang belum membaik secara signifikan.

"Padahal, masa depan industri hulu migas ditentukan eksplorasi. Kegiatan untuk menemukan cadangan baru itu menjadi harapan peningkatan produksi minyak dan gas pada masa mendatang, ujar Sukandar.

Berdasar data SKK Migas, survei seismik hingga akhir kuartal kedua baru mencapai angka 22 persen dari target. Dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (workplan & budget/ WP&B) tahun ini, ditargetkan produksi Migas dipastikan meleset terdapat 45 kegiatan survei seismik yang akan dilakukan. Namun, diperkirakan hanya ada 11 kegiatan survei seismik hingga akhir tahun.

Saat ini, bahkan hanya ada 10 kegiatan survei seismik. Untuk survei non-seismik, diperkirakan hanya ada 12 kegiatan dari target 16 kegiatan. Saat ini, eksplorasi non-seismik yang terealisasi hanya mencapai 11 kegiatan. Kegiatan pengeboran pun baru terealisasi 29 persen dari target 138 kegiatan pengeboran pada tahun ini. Meski demikian, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar menilai, capaian untuk kegiatan pengeboran cukup memuaskan.

”Sudah tercapai 43 kegiatan pengeboran dengan outlook sebanyak 44 kegiatan. Ini meningkat dibandingkan tahun lalu yang hanya mencapai 30-an kegiatan pengeboran," paparnya.

Pemerintah telah melakukan perbaikan aturan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi di hulu migas. Dia juga akan mempertimbangkan proses izin pengadaan lahan untuk ekplorasi migas dapat dilakukan SKK Migas. Sementara itu, pembayaran pembebasan lahan tetap ditanggung KKKS. 

     Deputi Perencanaan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Jaffee Arizon Suardin mengakui kegiatan eksplorasi migas tahun ini tidak akan tercapai. Pada tahun ini, kegiatan eksplorasi telah menghabiskan dana senilai Rp 11,6 triliun.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Monday, October 2, 2017

Pertamina Apply ACS Technology

PT Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan is working with PT Yokogawa Indonesia to implement Advance Control System technology starting in November. Advance Control System is an environmentally friendly technology that will be applied in the process of oil refining at existing refineries. 

    The technology allows the refining process to be more accurate and efficient. The implementation of this technology is the result of cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and Japan through the Joint Crediting Mechanism Scheme which has been going on for 3.5 years.

The cooperation is in demand by many state-owned and private companies, due to funding incentives in the form of grants, the transfer of technology, and the development of capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The application of ACS to the existing oil refinery in PT Pertamina Refinery Unit (RU) V Balikpapan is one of 27 projects with the application of similar technology in Indonesia.

"The application of ACS can save energy with sophisticated control equipment that can control the energy consumption of the refinery. This technology is targeted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 3,400 tons of CO2 throughout the year, "said the General Manager of PT Yokogawa Indonesia Nanang Dwi Suprapto, Sunday (1/10).

ACS technology was developed by Yokogawa Electric Corporation Japan. The joint crediting mechanism scheme has been applied to 17 countries spread across Asia, America, and Africa. The cooperation scheme encourages Japanese private organizations to work with Indonesia on greenhouse gas emission reduction activities.

There are seven ministries involved in the cooperation, including the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the National Development Planning Agency, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and others. Nanang said Indonesia is one of the pioneer countries in implementing the scheme. Japan provides assistance in the form of technology, investment, and subsidies through the scheme of cooperation.

"Participants of the joint crediting mechanism project consist of at least two parties, namely Indonesian and Japanese companies. This greenhouse gas emission reduction activity will be validated and verified by third parties with ISO 14065 standards, "he said.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, October 2, 2017

Saka Energy Spends Two Blocks of Oil and Gas

Saka Energi Indonesia is interested in auction two blocks of oil and gas, namely Block Pekawai and West Yamdena Block. President Director of PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan awaits the auction of new blocs and government bids related to the block that will expire his contract. According to him, there are two areas of interest in the auction of the oil and gas block because it has conducted a study on the two blocks, namely Pekawai Block and West Yamdena-Papua Block.

Bidders who have conducted a joint study and following direct offers are more likely to get an offer. As is known, currently the government opens opportunities for investors to choose new oil and gas blocks that will be managed with a gross split contract.

This year, the government offers 15 working areas consisting of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and five non-conventional oil and gas blocks by the end of November 2017. Meanwhile, seven conventional oil and gas blocks are offered through direct offerings namely Andaman I, Offshore Aceh; Andaman II, Offshore Aceh; South Tuna, Offshore Natuna; Merak Lampung, Offshore and Mainland Banten-Lampung; Pekawai, Offshore East Kalimantan; West Yamdena, Offshore and Mainland Maluku; and Kasuri III, West Papua Mainland.

Oil and Gas Working Area

Meanwhile, two conventional oil and gas blocks are offered through regular auctions namely, Block Tongkol, Offshore Natuna; East Tanimbar, Offshore Maluku and Mamberamo, Mainland and Offshore Papua. For non-conventional oil and gas blocks offered through direct offer of MNK Jambi I, Onshore Jambi (Shale Hydrocarbon); MNK Jambi II, Onshore Jambi & South Sumatra (Shale Hydrocarbon); GMB West Air Komering, Onshore South Sumatra (Coal Bed Methane / CBM) Later, non-conventional oil and gas blocks offered through regular auctions include GMB Raja, Onshore South Sumatra (CBM) and GMB Bungamas, Onshore South Sumatra (CBM).

Map of US Property Other Country

Saka has conducted joint study since mid 2016. For Pekawai Block, it has a total area of ​​8,157.15 square kilometers (km2) covering land area and offshore of East Kalimantan. Potential reserves in Block Pekawai amount 500 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe).

Meanwhile, the West Yamdena Block has an area of ​​8,209.96 km covering land and offshore areas of Maluku. The minimum commitment that must be offered by investors is Geology & Geophysics study, 2D seismic survey covering 1,000 km. 

2D & 3D seismic survey

     From the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 19 documents that have been accessed related to 10 areas of conventional oil and gas work. For direct offers, there are seven oil and gas blocks that have been accessed, namely Andaman I, South Tuna, Merak Lampung, West Yamdena and Kasuri III with each accessory, Pekawai two users and Andaman II six accessors.

On the other hand, for regular auctions, there are six accesses with one accessing block, one Mamberamo Block and East Tanimbar Block with three users. In addition to the new block, Saka also eyeing the block runs out of contract. According to Tumbur, if there is still a block that will exhaust the remaining contract, it would manage the work area on its new contract.


Saka Energi Incar Dua Blok Migas

Saka Energi Indonesia meminati lelang dua blok migas, yakni Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena. Presiden Direktur PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan menanti lelang blok baru dan tawaran pemerintah terkait blok yang akan habis masa kontraknya. Menurutnya, terdapat dua wilayah kerja yang diminati dalam lelang blok migas karena telah melakukan studi di dua blok tersebut yakni Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena-Papua.

Peserta lelang yang sudah melakukan joint study dan mengikuti penawaran langsung, berpeluang lebih besar untuk mendapat penawaran. Seperti diketahui, saat ini pemerintah membuka peluang bagi investor untuk memilih blok migas baru yang nantinya dikelola dengan kontrak gross split.

Tahun ini, pemerintah menawarkan 15 wilayah kerja yang terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan lima blok migas non-konvensional hingga akhir November 2017. Adapun, tujuh blok migas konvensional yang ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung yakni, Andaman I, Lepas Pantai Aceh; Andaman II, Lepas Pantai Aceh; South Tuna, Lepas Pantai Natuna; Merak Lampung, Lepas Pantai dan Daratan Banten-Lampung; Pekawai, Lepas Pantai Kalimantan Timur; West Yamdena, Lepas Pantai dan Daratan Maluku; serta Kasuri III, Daratan Papua Barat.

Sementara itu, dua blok migas konvensional yang ditawarkan melalui lelang regular yaitu, Block Tongkol, Lepas Pantai Natuna; East Tanimbar, Lepas Pantai Maluku dan Mamberamo, Daratan dan Lepas Pantai Papua. Untuk blok migas non-konvensional yang ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung yaitu MNK Jambi I, Onshore Jambi (Shale Hydrocarbon); MNK Jambi II, Onshore Jambi & Sumatra Selatan (Shale Hydrocarbon); GMB West Air Komering, Onshore Sumatra Selatan (Coal Bed Methane/CBM) Kemudian, blok migas non-konvensional yang ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler di antaranya GMB Raja, Onshore Sumatra Selatan (CBM) dan GMB Bungamas, Onshore Sumatera Selatan (CBM).

Saka telah melakukan studi bersama (joint study) sejak medio 2016. Untuk Blok Pekawai, memiliki total wilayah 8.157,15 kilometer persegi (km2) yang mencakup wilayah darat dan lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Potensi cadangan di Blok Pekawai sebesar 500.000 juta barel setara minyak (million barrel oil equivalent/ MMboe).

Sementara itu, Blok West Yamdena memiliki luas wilayah 8.209,96 km mencakup wilayah darat dan lepas pantai Maluku. Minimal komitmen pasti yang harus ditawarkan investor yakni studi Geologi & Geofisika, survei seismik 2D seluas 1.000 km. 

     Dari data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, terdapat 19 dokumen yang sudah diakses yakni terkait 10 wilayah kerja migas konvensional. Untuk penawaran langsung, terdapat tujuh blok migas yang telah diakses yakni Andaman I, South Tuna, Merak Lampung, West Yamdena dan Kasuri III dengan masing-masing satu pengakses, Pekawai dua pengakses dan Andaman II enam pengakses.

  Di sisi lain, untuk lelang reguler, terdapat enam pengakses dengan Blok Tongkol satu pengakses, Blok Mamberamo dua pengakses serta Blok East Tanimbar dengan tiga pengakses. Selain blok baru, Saka juga mengincar blok habis kontrak. Menurut Tumbur, bila masih ada blok yang akan habis kontrak yang tersisa, pihaknya mau mengelola wilayah kerja tersebut pada kontrak barunya. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, October 2, 2017

February 2018, Petronas Adds Production from Two Additional Wells

Next year, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) targets production to increase with the operation of two additional wells in the Ketapang oil and gas field in Ketapang block, Gresik. Malaysian companies playing in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia are expecting the two wells to boost Petronas production in Ketapang Field to 50 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMsFD). This was revealed by Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan.

"We hope with the addition of two wells in February 2018 the production can be boosted to an optimum yield of 20,000 barrels per day (bpd), and gas production up to 50 mmsfd," said Andiono.

He said that at present from the oil and gas field on the north coast of Madura Island, Petronas's operations are capable of producing 37 mmsfd, and oil production is at 15,000 bph with five wells. He explained, two new wells which is prepared is the result of 2012 exploration, out of a total of nine existing well structures.

"Our target in February 2018 is that it maximizes gas production up to 50 mmsfd and oil production up to 20,000 bph, "he said.

Petronas Block

Meanwhile, the production of Petronas Bukit Tua field is flowed to PT PLN to support electricity supply in East Java through PT Petrogas Jatim Utama (PJU), BUMD owned by East Java Provincial Government. Petronas previously, in cooperation contract with PT PJU maximize gas supply up to 50 mmsfd, but now still about 37 mmsfd.

The oil and gas field of Bukit Tua Working Area (Ketapang) is located on the North Coast of Madura Island, East Java, and the cultivation of the field is evidence of Petronas to support upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia.

Previously, WK Ketapang was officially signed as a "Production Sharing Contract (PSC)" contract between Petronas and the Government of Indonesia through the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) on June 11, 1998.


Februari 2018, Petronas Tambah Produksi dari Dua Sumur Tambahan

Tahun depan, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) menargetkan produksi akan bertambah dengan dioperasikannya dua sumur tambahan di lapangan minyak dan gas Bukit Tua blok Ketapang, Gresik. Perusahaan asal Malaysia yang bermain di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di Indonesia itu mengharapkan dua sumur itu bisa mendorong produksi Petronas di Lapangan Ketapang mencapai 50 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMsFD). Hal itu diungkapkan Senior Manager Corporate Affairs and Administrative PC Muriah, Andiono Setiawan. 

“Kami harap dengan tambahan dua sumur pada Februari 2018 produksi dapat digenjot hingga hasil optimum 20.000 barel per hari (bph), dan produksi gas hingga 50 mmsfd,” kata Andiono.

Ia mengatakan, saat ini dari lapangan migas di pantai utara Pulau Madura itu kegiatan operasi Petronas mampu memproduksi 37 mmsfd, dan produksi minyak berkisar di angka 15.000 bph dengan ekpslorasi sebanyak lima sumur. Ia menjelaskan, dua sumur baru yang disiapkan merupakan hasil eksplorasi tahun 2012, dari total sembilan struktur sumur yang ada. 

“Target kami Februari 2018 memang itu yakni memaksimalkan produksi gas sampai 50 mmsfd dan produksi minyak hingga 20.000 bph,” katanya.

Sementara itu, hasil produksi lapangan Bukit Tua Petronas dialirkan ke PT PLN untuk mendukung penyediaan listrik di Jawa Timur melalui PT Petrogas Jatim Utama (PJU), BUMD milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jatim. Petronas sebelumnya, dalam kontrak kerja sama dengan PT PJU memaksimalkan suplai gas hingga 50 mmsfd, namun kini masih sekitar 37 mmsfd.

Lapangan migas Bukit Tua Wilayah Kerja (WK) ,Ketapang berada di Pantai Utara Pulau Madura, Jawa Timur, dan penggarapan lapangan itu menjadi bukti Petronas untuk mendukung investasi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, WK Ketapang resmi ditandatangani sebagai kontrak “Production Sharing Contract (PSC) antara Petronas dengan Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) pada 11 Juni 1998. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

Industry Ministry requests product-based gas price

The lndustry Ministry has high hopes that gas prices for the industrial sector will be calculated based on commodity value rather than the often-used crude oil price.

Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said that he had asked the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry to use such a calculation to help cut down prices in the downstream sector.

“We want to develop a gas based industry, however, we have a lot to work on, especially since the Energy and Mineral Resources [Ministry] tends to focus too much on global oil prices when setting the gas prices. We want it to be commodity-based,” he said recently.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo ordered his Cabinet to cut enduser gas prices to below US$ 6 per million British thermal units (mmbtu) in seven industrial sectors to develop the downstream sector and create a significant multiplier effect in the economy. However, only state-owned petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries were privy to the price cut that started on Jan. 1, following the issuance of a ministerial decree from the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry late last year.

The gas prices in four different industries - oleo chemical, glass, ceramics and rubber gloves remains in limbo, as the ministerial decree only allows gas price cuts for state-owned companies in the petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries. The Industiy Ministry revealed earlier this year that 86 firms from the petrochemical, fertilizer, steel, glass and ceramics sectors were being evaluated
to see whether they could receive gas supplies at a low cost.

Of the 86 firms, eight are from the petrochemical, steel and fertilizer sectors, while the remaining 78 are from the ceramics and glass sectors. At around $ 9 per mmbtu at its plant gate, Indonesia’s gas price is considered much higher than most ofits Southeast Asian neighbors. Gas in Malaysia and Singapore is said to hover at around $ 4 per mmbtu.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry identified the midstream sector as the source of high gas prices at the plant gate. However, even by cutting down costs in the midstream, it may be difficult to set a price that suits both the upstream gas producers and the downstream providers.

“Gas prices really depend on several things, including location and the gas source itself. So not all cases are apples to apples,” Energy and Mineral Resources deputy minister Arcandra Tahar said. The lack of agreement on how to calculate gas prices has spurred hesitation from investors who are interested in developing industries near the planned Masela gas block in Maluku, Airlangga said.

The potential investors, which include state-owned firm PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Kaltim Methanol Industry and PT Elsoro Multi Pratama, have asked for a gas price of $3 per mmbtu. ReforMiner Institute founder Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that the easiest way to cut down on gas prices would be by decreasing state revenues from the upstream sector and also by cutting down the toll fee in the midstream. 

However, Wood Mackenzie senior analyst for gas and power, Edi Saputra, was not so sure about the Industry Ministry’s suggestion to align gas prices with the end-product, arguing it would expose the gas industry to complicated risks.

“Gas, like oil, is a commodity on its own and has its own fundamental supply and demand dynamics,” he said.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

Pertamina, PGN join hands to supply LNG in central Republic of Indonesia

State-owned energy companies PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) and Pertamina are set to join forces to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) to various power plants operated by state electricity firm PLN in the central part of Indonesia. In 2015, PLN started the auction process for the development of LNG infrastructures and the procurement of 230 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of LNG for its 32 gas-fueled power plants in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) islands. 

Those facilities were expected to have a total capacity of 2,800 megawatts (MW). However, PLN eventually delayed the tender following its decision to make several adjustments such as excluding power plants in Bali, Gorontalo and Pontianak to make the project more efficient. As a result, the total supply of LNG sought by PLN was reduced to 200 MMSCFD.

PLN has awarded the tender to PGN and Pertamina, which will establish a consortium to develop various LNG infrastructures, including storage and regasification facilities, under the build-operate-transfer (BOT) scheme and procure small-to-medium carriers to transport the LNG.

“PGN and Pertamina have discussed the investment needed for the project. Now we just have to wait for the evaluation from PLN,” PGN president director Jobi Triananda Hasjim said recently without disclosing the investment figure.

“We are still considering whether to buy new LNG carriers or utilize the existing ones because the investment needed for such facilities is not cheap. It is also possible for- us to team up with private investors to procure the carriers.” 

Jobi said central and east Indonesia were interesting markets for PGN because, as of today, people in those regions still relied heavily on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) that was more expensive compared to LNG. However, PGN can only penetrate those markets if there is an “anchor buyer” like PLN that will ensure a long-term massive demand for LNG.

That is why PGN has submitted a number of tender bids for contracts with PLN, including for the development of LNG infrastructure in Bangka Belitung, Pontianak and Nias to supply LNG to six power plants in those three regions with capacities ranging from 25 MW to 100 MW each.

“For instance, when we are able to supply LNG to Pontianak [in West Kalimantan, the demand for industrial gas in the region will also increase, so will the demand for gas from commercial and household sectors,” Jobi said. Pertamina also signed on Thursday a gas sales agreement with PLN to supply LNG for the latter’s gas-fueled power plants in Sambera, East Kalimantan, with a capacity of 2 X 20 MW.

    The agreement will pave the way for Pertamina to supply 7.9 MMSCFD of LNG within five years starting from April 2018.  Therefore, the firm will prepare the regasification facilities and at least 20 ISO shipping containers to transport the LNG.

“This kind of LNG transportation system will help us penetrate remote areas that have yet to be reached by pipelines, as well as support the governments 35,000 MW electricity program,” Pertamina gas director Yenni Andayani said.

Furthermore, when the industrial and commercial markets as well as the infrastructure have been developed in remote regions, it will be easier for PGN and Pertamina to build more city gas networks as mandated by the government.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

Oil and gas exploration realization is still low

The realization of oil and gas exploration activities in the country to date is still low so the target of this year is projected will not be achieved. Deputy Planning of Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas) Jaffee Arizon Suardin said that from the data recorded, the realization of seismic survey only reached 22%.

The target of seismic survey in workplan and budget (WP & B) 2017 is 45 activities, but it is estimated that until the end of the year it will only increase to 11 activities. Meanwhile, for non seismic survey activities, the achievement was 69% with 11 non seismic survey activities from the target of 16 activities.

In the next three months, SKK Migas projects an additional seismic survey activity. For drilling activities, the current achievement of 29% with the realization of 40 drilling activities, from the target of 138 activities. By the end of 2017, drilling is projected to turn into 44 activities. With the prognosis of 2017 exploration activities, it was forced to move the activities that should be realized in this year to next year.

"Not achieved. Inevitably there are many activities that we move to 2018 2017, "he said in a presentation at the Office of SKK Migas, Friday (29/9). He acknowledged that investment trends in the exploration work area have declined since 2012. The highest realization ever recorded was in 2011 with Rp 18.3 trillion spent on exploration work areas.

However, the achievement of the downward trend, ie Rp 12.3 trillion in 2012, Rp13, 2 trillion in 2013 and Rp 12.9 trillion in 2014. In 2015 amounted to Rp 6.3 trillion, 2016 Rp 4.2 trillion and targeted in 2017 Rp 11.6 trillion. Nevertheless, the portion of exploration activities contributed the highest contribution of only about 10% compared with exploitation activities. 

    He hopes that in the next few years exploration activities can increase. Because, at present, only 60% of oil production is replaced, while gas production has been replaced by 100%. In fact, there is still the potential to get a new source of reserves even in the production work area.

Not yet developed

SKK Migas has conducted mapping of 13 areas of oil and gas exploitation work that still have undeveloped potential. Noted there is a sleeping area of ​​25% of the total area of ​​the WK. Meanwhile, in 25 working areas that will expire contract until 2021, only 15% and the work areas that have been produced. To increase exploration activities, he said, the government is trying to solve problems inhibiting investment.

For example, he mentioned incentives in Government Regulation no. 27/2017 on Recoverable Oil and Gas Operating Costs for existing contractors, revised gross split contracts, namely Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 52/2017 on Gross Split Contracts.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said that the success rate of searching for new reserves in Indonesia is low. Of the exploration activities conducted only 20% or even less of which are likely to indicate the existence of hydrocarbons. 

    He mentioned that the success rate could be raised one of them with the use of more data. For example, he mentions the fund base per basin so that it can get a more comprehensive and accurate picture.

"Success ratios generally for exploration may be below 20%. Someone said 15%. If they drilled five or 10 wells, if successful maybe only two wells, "he said.


Realisasi Eksplorasi Migas Masih Rendah

Realisasi kegiatan eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi di Tanah Air hingga saat ini masih rendah sehingga target tahun ini diproyeksikan tidak akan tercapai. Deputi Perencanaan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Jaffee Arizon Suardin mengatakan bahwa dari data yang tercatat, realisasi survei seismik baru mencapai 22%. 

Target survei seismik dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (work plan & budget/WP&B) 2017 sebanyak 45 kegiatan, tetapi diperkirakan hingga akhir tahun hanya akan bertambah menjadi 11 kegiatan. Sementara itu, untuk kegiatan non survei seismik, capaiannya 69% dengan 11 kegiatan survei non seismik dari target 16 kegiatan. 

Dalam tiga bulan ke depan, SKK Migas memproyeksikan ada satu tambahan kegiatan survei seismik. Untuk kegiatan pengeboran, capaian saat ini sebesar 29% dengan realisasi 40 kegiatan pengeboran, dari target 138 kegiatan. Pada akhir 2017, pengeboran diproyeksi berubah menjadi 44 kegiatan. Dengan prognosa kegiatan eksplorasi 2017, pihaknya terpaksa memindahkan kegiatan yang seharusnya terealisasi di tahun ini ke tahun depan. 

“Tidak tercapai. Mau tidak mau ada banyak kegiatan yang 2017 kita pindahkan ke 2018,” ujarnya dalam paparan di Kantor SKK Migas, Jumat (29/9). Dia mengakui tren investasi pada wilayah kerja eksplorasi menurun sejak 2012. Realisasi tertinggi yang pernah dicatatkan yakni pada 2011 dengan Rp 18,3 Triliun yang dibelanjakan untuk wilayah kerja eksplorasi. 

Namun, capaian kecenderungannya turun, yakni Rp 12,3 triliun pada 2012, Rp13,2 triliun di 2013 dan Rp 12,9 triliun pada 2014. Pada 2015 sebesar Rp 6,3 triliun, 2016 Rp 4,2 triliun dan pada 2017 ditargetkan tercapai Rp 11,6 triliun. Kendati demikian, porsi kegiatan eksplorasi kontribusi tertingginya hanya sekitar 10 % dibandingkan dengan kegiatan eksploitasi. 

    Dia berharap agar pada tahun-tahun rnendatang kegiatan eksplorasi bisa bertambah. Pasalnya, saat ini, baru 60% produksi minyak yang tergantikan, sedangkan produksi gas sudah tergantikan hingga 100%. Padahal, masih terdapat potensi untuk mendapat sumber cadangan baru bahkan pada wilayah kerja produksi. 

Belum dikembangkan 

SKK Migas telah melakukan pemetaan terhadap 13 Wilayah kerja migas eksploitasi yang masih memiliki potensi yang belum dikembangkan. Tercatat ada sleeping area seluas 25% dari total area WK tersebut. Sementara itu, pada 25 wilayah kerja yang akan habis masa kontraknya hingga 2021, hanya 15% dan wilayah kerja yang telah menghasilkan. Untuk meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi, dia menyebut, pemerintah berupaya menyelesaikan  masalah-masalah penghambat investasi. 

Sebagai contoh, dia menyebut insentif dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 27/2017 tentang Biaya Operasi Migas yang Dapat Dikembalikan untuk kontraktor yang sudah ada, revisi kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split), yaitu Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 52/2017 tentang Kontrak Gross Split. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan pencarian sumber cadangan baru di Indonesia memang tergolong rendah. Dari kegiatan eksplorasi yang dilakukan hanya 20% bahkan kurang di antaranya yang kemungkinan bisa menunjukkan adanya hidrokarbon. 

    Dia menyebut bahwa tingkat keberhasilan bisa dinaikkan salah satunya dengan penggunaan data yang lebih banyak. Sebagai contoh, dia menyebut basis dana per cekungan sehingga bisa mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif dan akurat. 

“Success ratio umumnya untuk eksplorasi mungkin di bawah 20%. Tadi ada yang mengatakan 15%. Kalau mereka ngebor lima atau 10 sumur, kalau sukses mungkin hanya dua sumur” katanya. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-19, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

PGN to Boost LNG Business in Eastern Indonesia

The state-owned gas company, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, is expanding its business. According to PGN President Director Trijianda Hasjim Jobi, PGN's traditional business is in the field of gas distribution and infrastructure. Currently PGN also develops other business such as LNG business.

This LNG business will be developed in Central and Eastern Indonesia. This is in line with the shift in gas demand from Western Indonesia Region such as Java to Central Indonesia Region and East Indonesia.

Masela Block

"Demand in the middle and east is everywhere, gas sources are not near, in the east there is only the Tangguh-Papua Block, Masela Block also still need development if the middle one is Bontang Refinery .This is what we try coupled with the capital only with LNG, so we have a subsidiary of PGN LNG Indonesia to see it All, "said Jobi, Thursday (28/9).

The expansion agenda is also in line with the expectations of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan. At the Mining and Energy Expo 2017 which took place on Tuesday (26/9), Jonan asked PGN to be more creative in developing its business.


PGN Akan Genjot Bisnis LNG di Indonesia Timur

Perusahaan gas milik pemerintah, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, sedang melebarkan bisnis. Menurut Direktur Utama PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim, bisnis tradisional PGN memang di bidang distribusi dan infrastruktur gas. Saat ini PGN juga mengembangkan bisnis lainnya seperti bisnis LNG. 

Bisnis LNG ini akan Coba dikembangkan di Indonesia Tengah dan Indonesia Timur. Ini sejalan dengan pergeseran kebutuhan gas dari Wilayah Indonesia Barat seperti Jawa ke Wilayah Indonesia Tengah dan Indonesia Timur. 

"Demand di tengah dan timur itu ada di mana-mana, sumber gas tidak ada yang dekat. Di timur itu yang ada hanya Blok Tangguh-Papua, Blok Masela juga masih perlu pengembangan. kalau yang di tengah ada Kilang Bontang. Inilah yang kami coba rangkai. Modalnya hanya bisa dengan LNG, makanya kami punya anak perusahaan PGN LNG Indonesia untuk melihat itu Semua," jelas Jobi, Kamis (28/9). 

Agenda ekspansi itu juga sesuai dengan harapan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. Pada acara Pertambangan dan Energi Expo 2017 yang berlangsung Selasa (26/9), Jonan meminta PGN lebih kreatif dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya.

Kontan, Page-11, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017

Oil and Gas Exploration Activity in Indonesia Continues to Drop

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Activities (SKK Migas) continues to oversee the commitment of Oil and Gas Contractors Contractors (KKKS) to keep exploring. Because, without exploration, Indonesia will not find new oil reserves. Sukandar Deputy Head of SKK Migas stated that the step of SKK Migas is done so that in the future Indonesia has new reserves.

Because, upstream oil and gas business is determined from exploration activities. Indeed oil and gas exploration activities such as stalled since the price of crude oil fell in 2014 ago. SKK Migas notes since 2011, investment in exploration activities in the Working Areas (WK) exploitation and exploration continues to decline. In 2014, the total exploration cost reached Rp 31.01 trillion. But in the second semester-2017 new Rp 11.6 trillion.

Sukandar suspect, the downward trend in oil and gas exploration investment is also due to the world's crude oil prices are not enthusiastic. In addition, SKK Migas notes the failure of deep sea exploration in eastern Indonesia in the period 2006-2012. Other causes still have rules that are considered to inhibit investment, and non technical constraints such as licensing, social conditions, as well as financial problems contractors.

Deputy of SKK Migas Planning, Jaffee Arizon Suardin added that oil and gas investment also continues to decline. For example, in 2012, 2D seismic realization was recorded along 11,739 km. By 2016, the number decreased to 5,421 km. The realization of 3D survey in 2012 covering an area of ​​2683 km2. In 2016, it rose to 7,386 km2. 

    While exploration drilling, in 2012 as many as 96 wells. This amount is down to 34 wells by 2016. The government has been working to improve the rules in order to improve exploration. As regulation of Government Regulation (PP) No.27 of 2017, gross split incentive. Duty free exemption and tax incentives.


Aktivitas Eksplorasi Migas di Indonesia Terus Melorot

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) terus berupaya mengawasi komitmen Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) migas agar tetap melakukan eksplorasi. Sebab, tanpa eksplorasi, Indonesia tidak akan menemukan cadangan minyak baru. Sukandar Wakil Kepala SKK Migas menyatakan, Iangkah SKK Migas dilakukan agar di masa Indonesia memiliki cadangan baru. 

Karena, bisnis hulu migas ditentukan dari kegiatan eksplorasi. Memang kegiatan eksplorasi migas seperti terhenti semenjak harga minyak mentah turun tahun 2014 lalu.  SKK Migas mencatat sejak tahun 2011, investasi kegiatan eksplorasi di Wilayah kerja (WK) eksploitasi maupun eksplorasi terus menurun. Pada 2014, total biaya eksplorasi mencapai Rp 31,01 triliun. Tapi masuk semester II-2017 baru Rp 11,6 triliun. 

Sukandar menduga, tren penurunan investasi eksplorasi migas juga akibat harga minyak mentah dunia tidak bergairah. Selain itu, SKK Migas mencatat gagalnya eksplorasi di laut dalam di wilayah Timur Indonesia pada periode 2006-2012. Penyebab lain masih ada aturan yang dianggap menghambat investasi, dan kendala non teknis seperti perizinan, kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan, maupun masalah keuangan kontraktor. 

Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas, Jaffee Arizon Suardin menambahkan, investasi migas juga terus menurun. Misalnya, pada 2012, realisasi seismik 2D tercatat sepanjang 11.739 km. Pada tahun 2016, jumlahnya turun menjadi 5.421 km. Adapun realisasi survei 3D pada 2012 seluas 2.683 km2. Pada 2016, naik menjadi 7.386 km2.  

     Sedangkan pengeboran eksplorasi, pada 2012 sebanyak 96 sumur. Jumlah ini turun menjadi 34 sumur pada 2016. Pemerintah sudah berupaya memperbaiki aturan agar bisa meningkatkan eksplorasi.  Seperti penertiban Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.27 Tahun 2017, insentif gross split. Pembebasan bebas bea masuk dan insentif pajak.  

Kontan, Page-11, Saturday, Sept 30, 2017